Tiger Claws III (2000) - full transcript

When a psychotic martial artist called Stryker resurrects the long-dead spirits of three ancient Chinese master assassins in an effort to take over the New York underworld, it's up to supercops Tarek Richards and Linda Masterson to stop him. However, it's not so easy to battle the undead, and though Richards apparently holds within him the key to defeating these "Masters", he will need the guidance of Stryker's former master to aid him... let the battle begin.

(Suspenseful music)

(Police radio chatter)

I thought you said we

were going out for a steak.


Yes, you did.

I said, "I'm going for a stakeout.

Would you like to come?"

Well, if you said that, then

why am I dressed like this?

I'm not complaining.

Little Benny said someone's

gonna break into that place.

We'll give it 15 more

minutes. If nothing happens,

you got your steak.

Okay. You have 15 minutes.

(Suspenseful music)


Little Benny was right.

What do you want to do?

Wait 'til he gets in, and then we go.

(Ominous music)

Come on.

(Tense music)

(Door creaks)

(Door slams)

(Ominous music)

(Gunfire blasts)

(Alarm blaring)


(Gun fires)

(Thief grunting)


[Tarek] Don't be shy. Show us your face.

Drop your guns!

(Door slams)

I'm going to go get some milk, okay?

Okay. — okay.

(Door chimes)

(Ominous music)

Put the money in the bag.

Cash! Now!

— don't shoot! Don't shoot!

[Robber] Come on! Hurry up!

Hurry up!

Don't move! Don't move!

Y'all gimme your money!

I don't want any trouble.

Gimme your money!


Hurry up! — don't shoot.

Yeah, that's right.

The rest of it! The rest of it!

There's no more.

What do you mean there's no more?

(Robber groaning)


Old man!

That wasn't very nice,

what you did to my friend.

Now, pick him up and apologize.


(Robber groans)

Now say you're sorry, or

I'll put a bullet in your head.

(Old man shouting)


I'm okay.

Let's go.

(Door chimes)

(Police radio chatter)

[Linda] So, you still owe me a dinner.


(Knock at door)

Detective Richards and Masterson?

From the warehouse situation?

That's right.

Well, I'm Malcolm Goodman.

They notified me and

told me what happened.

I wanted to come down here

and personally thank you.

You're the owner?

Not exactly.

You see, the pieces the

culprit was attempting to steal

are on loan to us from

some fellow in Hong Kong.

I mean, we hoped to buy

them for our own museum.

Who's "we"?

Oh, myself and...

Other antique collectors.

Well, what exactly

was he trying to steal?

Why don't you come to our

fundraiser and find out?

I'm sure you're gonna

find it very intriguing.

- $500 a ticket?


Complimentary, of course.

Really, I hope you'll attend.

_ no __ — we'd be delighted.

Wonderful! That's fantastic.

Then I'll see you then.

— we'll see you there.


"We'll be delighted"?

That's right.

Looks like I'm gonna get

my dinner, after all.

(Sinister music)

(Linda grunts)

Of all places to hold a fundraiser,

Malcolm has to pick the same theater

that Chong murdered all those people in.

If you're uncomfortable,

we could skip it. Come on.

Oh no, you don't get

out of a date that easy.


(Mellow R&B music)

(Crowd chattering)

Thank you.

Why didn't you wear your dress?

From now on, when I go out

with you, I'm wearing pants.

See anyone that looks suspicious?

[Tarek] They all do.

Oh! I am so happy you both could attend.

Really, I mean, I feel so much safer

having both of you here.

I'm sure everything's

gonna be just fine.

Now if you'll excuse me,

I'm waiting on one more very

important guest to arrive,

and then we can begin.

Be nice.

Ah, Mr. Stryker. So glad you're here.

Who's he?

I was getting just a little worried,

your being a little bit late,

but I feel much better now.

Looks like a magician.

[Malcolm] If you'd

like to come this way...

I can handle it from here.

Tonight, we come together

to rediscover a time

before there were any guns.

A time when people lived and died

based on their ability

to kill or be killed.

A time in history when being a master —...

I see visions of Chong.

This place gives me the creeps.

Tonight, we're gonna focus

on three of the masters.

But even in their days,

they were still called assassins.

Some say they committed suicide.

Others say that god intervened.

Yet others say that they

were hired by Satan.

But only one fact remains for sure:

That these were their uniforms.

(Foreboding music)

And these are my gift to the new year.

I recently received a phone call

from a gentleman named

Mr. Stryker godunov.

Now, Mr. Stryker proceeded

to describe for me

an ancient ceremony that was used

to communicate to the spirits.

I have invited Mr. Stryker here tonight

so he can show to all of you

this very special event.

Mr. Stryker.

(Audience applauds)

(Ominous music)

You see that design on his robe?

Yeah. What about it?

That's master Jin's insignia.

Oh, I remember him.

He's the one that used to do

those bizarre demonstrations

down in Chinatown.

What ever happened to him?

I don't know.

(Stryker chanting)

(Sinister music)

(Students shouting)

(Drum beating)

(Master gurgling)

(Ominous music)

(Stryker chanting)

That's the man from the warehouse.

Are you sure?

I'm gonna find out.

(Tiger roars)

(Thunder cracks)

Hands on your head!

(Thunder roars)

(Lightning crackles)

(Dramatic music)

(Speaking cantonese)

(Buen screams)

(Gunshot blasts)

(Crowd screaming)

(Lock clangs)

(Lightning crackles)

(Malcolm groans)

(Buen screams)

(Crowd screaming)

[Man] Let me out of here!

Let me out! Let me out!

(Buen growls)

(Sui screams)

(Man croaks)

(Buen growls)

(Spear clangs)

(Bones crack)

(Lightning crackles)

(Masters screaming)


(Suspenseful music)

(Crowd screaming)

(Somber music)




No! (Screams)

(Lightning crackling)

(Speaking cantonese)

(Linda groans)

(Ominous music)

(Electricity crackles)


Tarek? (Panting)




We don't have to come to

these parties anymore.

Linda, hang on, hon.

Hang on, baby.

(Linda gasps)


(Somber music)

(T arek screams)

(Brooding music)

Yeah, yeah, I'm on it. Yeah.

[Real] Richards! Let

me get this straight.

You were at a party and

no one knew who you were,

and you're telling me three Chinese guys

came outta nowhere and

started killing everyone.

I know it sounds weird,

but that's what happened.

Sounds like bullshit, tarek.

You can come up with something

more believable than that, tarek, come on.

I don't care if you believe me or not.

You don't care if people are dead?

And you don't give a shit, tarek?

Is that what you're telling me?

You think I give a shit

about your tiger claw shit?

Where you running to, tarek?

Hey, you're running, huh?

Come on, I'm gonna nail your ass!

I'm gonna nail your ass

to the ground, buddy.

Where you running to?

(Tense music)

(Thunder cracks)

(Eerie music)

[Tarek] Where the

hell did they come from?

(Sinister music)

(Muffled thumps)


The hell?


Master Jin.

Master Jin.

(Ominous music)

You really have to do

something about those clothes.

But we'll deal with that later.

(Speaking cantonese)

Right now, I want you to help

me finish a little business.

(Traditional Chinese music)

(Diners chattering)

(Sinister music)

Let's get a table.

(Bottle rattles)

Don't just sit there, do something.

That's it.

(Nose cracks)

(Man screams)

Oh my god!

Okay, let's get outta here.

(Buen growls)

Grab your jackets, let's go.

— I'm outta here.

(Diners clamoring)

(Traditional Chinese music)

(Speaking cantonese)

Get outta here! What the

hell do you think you're doing?


How ya doin'?

You don't remember me?

Well, let me refresh your memory.

The last time I came in here,

you and your friends said

you'd rearrange my face.

Well, I'm here.

I'm sorry.

Pardon me? — I'm sorry.

Take care of him.

(Ominous music)

(Police siren wailing)

(Phone dials)

(Line ringing)

(Thunder cracks)


Hey, you got my money

for those ranger tickets?

Not now, please. I'm busy.

Sir, there you are.

Three people in costume just busted up

a restaurant in Chinatown.

I guess they got hungry after 500 years.

(Ominous music)

They're inside?

Yeah, three of them. No response.

We're about to go in.

I'll go in.

No way.

Give tarek the gun.

Let's go.

Hmm? — huh?

(Buen grunts)

(Sui screams)

(Shotgun fires)

[Real] What's going on, tarek?

It's all yours.

Two, inside. Let's go.

— let's go, let's go.

Can somebody please tell me

what the hell's going on here?

We got four dead bodies

and not one Chinese master.

It's impossible.

Gimme the gun, tarek.

Search around.

You're not leaving my sight

until I get some answers from you.

You think I helped them escape?

Yeah, I think that,

tarek. That's what I think.

I'm not finished with you, tarek.

(Real groans)

(Ominous music)

[Dispatcher] Attention all

units, attention all units.

Detective tarek Richards

is wanted for questioning

after assaulting a fellow officer

during a call in Chinatown.

The incident occurred following a report

of two men and one woman —...

[News anchor] —— dressed up

in Chinese warrior outfits.

Ann crenshaw, just who were

these costumed figures?

[Crenshaw] No one knows,

but they sure cleared out

this popular restaurant in a hurry.

Diners fled after a fight broke out,

and there are unconfirmed

reports of gunfire.

The restaurant has been sealed

off by New York's finest,

who aren't saying much right now,

except that these Chinese warriors

seem to have slipped off into the night.

[News anchor] I guess

we'll have to wait and see

if they show up again.

(Suspenseful music)

Tarek Richards.


(Man shouting)

(Eerie music)


Papa, I've been looking

everywhere for you.

Why are you all alone in the

forest? You're gonna freeze.

I want to be alone.

[Karen] What's going on?

A few years ago, I would

have handled those men easily.

Now, I'm afraid that time

has begun to take its course.

That boy in the store,

if it wasn't for your help,

he would've been killed.

You should feel good.

They were nothing.

If I had gone up against

a tougher opponent,

I would have lost.

And now with stryker turned against me...

A man just called. He

mentioned stryker's name.

What did he want?

He said he wanted to

meet with you in person.

Stryker is now our enemy.

We must trust no one.

(Orchestral techno music)

(Knocks on door)

Detective Richards. I called earlier.

Come on in.

(Traditional Chinese music)

Please have a seat.

Papa. (Speaking cantonese)

(Speaking cantonese)

(Speaking cantonese)

[Jin] Where's my slippers?

Check under the bed.


(Speaking cantonese)

(Speaking cantonese)

Master Jin.

I used to watch your

demonstrations in central park.

What can you tell me

about stryker godunov?

He sounds familiar.

Is he a student of yours?

I don't know. Maybe.

[Tarek] What do you mean, maybe?

I don't remember.

Did I mention this was police business?

Do you suspect me of some wrongdoing?

It's crossing my mind.

Do the three masters of

Shanghai ring a bell?


Why are they here?

They are fighting spirit

summoned into human form.

How do I get rid of them?

There's nothing that can be

done. They are too powerful.

Together, you and I,

we could find a way.


They are not my destiny.

Now, if you excuse me,

I have some other business to attend to.

Good bye, inspector.


Listen, you're right about stryker.

He was one of my father's

most loyal students.

What happened?

Stryker wanted to learn black tiger.

My father refused to teach him.

I guess he didn't really trust him.

Stryker got angry and left. We

haven't heard from him since.

Was your dad as good as they say?

He's better.

Your father is the only

one that could help me.

Tell you what.

I'll be here 'til midnight

if he changes his mind.

(Techno music)

It's five bucks for each of the guys.

(Bouncer grunts)

(Woman grunts)

(Glass crashes)

What are you having?

What do you want to drink?

If you want to stay in here,

you have to order something.

People around the corner

are refusing to order.

I'll handle it.

Gee, if I was 2,000 years

old, where the heck would I go?

(Techno music)


You order something, or

you have to move. Understand?

All right, let's go.

Hey, what are you doing?

Let's get out of here!

— let's get out of here!

(Bouncer screaming)

(Arm cracks)

(Neck cracks)

(Drunk snoring)

(Somber acoustic guitar music)

She's beautiful.


Why are you paying for his drinks?

His girl died, and

since he doesn't drink,

I'm drinkin' for him.

Isn't that thoughtful?

Now, why don't you buy a few

drinks for me and my friends?

I don't think so.

Take care of yourself.

Hey, don't worry about it, man.

You'll shake it off, you're all right.

A few Chinese people come in here

in funny—iookin' outfits?

Oh, yeah.

Did they do that?

[Bouncer] Yeah.

Excellent. You see where they went?

That way. — down the alley.

(Ominous music)

(Switchblade clicks)

I thought I smelled trouble.

Haha. Now, let's have the wallet.


(Suspenseful music)

Where the hell did you come from?

What's the difference? I'm here.


You said you need my help.

Maybe I changed my mind.

I know how to defeat the three masters.

I'm listening. — not here.

I need something to eat first.


Get in.


Turn around! — hey! Whoa, whoa!

Don't move, 'cause I'm one

crazy pig with an itchy finger!

Don't move! — hold on, hold on!

Hold on.

They're not Chinese.

(Man groans)

These Chinese guys are kinda clever.

(Suspenseful music)

(Sui humming)

(Smooth jazz music)

Can I get you anything else?

— mm—hmm.

No, thank you. Three

meals is enough for him.

I should've given up my

wallet when I had the chance.

The three masters will continue killing.

Why? — it's what they do best.

Have you seen the crystal they wear?


The crystal is what

allows them to exist.

It absorbs the surrounding qi

and concentrates it into matter,

matter being the masters.

Destroy the crystal,

and you can destroy the masters.

Simple enough. — no.

The crystal is protected.

Sheer force cannot destroy it.

You mean like a bullet?


Then how?

The crystal is concentrated energy.

It can only be defeated

by a concentrated energy of equal power.

Where can I find that equal?

Right now, it does not exist.

But we can create it.


I only know of once source

that contains such energy.

It may prove to be their equal.

There's the power

that comes from the

ancient art of black tiger.

And you know that art? — mm—hmm.

So, you can do it? — no.

Only we can do it. Together.

You can defeat them if

you are willing to learn.

Black tiger?

It's your only chance to defeat them.

Even if I do learn the art,

what are the odds that I will succeed?

The odds have nothing to do with it.

Only you can determine

if you succeed or fail.

Bring these guys back

from the spirit world,

they go clubbin', they

don't even invite me?


Wow! You guys look great!

And you...

Are so hot... (Screams)

Okay! Hey! Jesus...

(Speaking cantonese)

While I was walking around

looking for you guys,

I came up with a plan.

(Pensive music)

[Jin] Go to the cutoff and turn right.

[Tarek] Where are we going, exactly?

[Jin] I don't know, I

just know how to get there.

(Suspenseful music)


(Speaking cantonese)

(Eerie music)

(Jin shouting)

[Jin] You try it.

Cannot be done.

You and the energy

around you are connected,

like my hand on the water.

One hand can sense the

movement of the other.

I also can sense you're moving.

This is your place. You will stay here.

First class all the way.

(Ominous music)


What's in this room? — no.

When you are ready.

(Ominous music)

(T arek grunting)

(Jin shouting)

As you strike, let the

energy from yourself

flow beyond the tip of the staff.

Let the qi flow beyond yourself.

(T arek grunting)

(Speaking cantonese)

(Tense music)

(Jin shouting)

(Suspenseful music)

(Pensive music) (Surf crashing)

Do you ever think about

running away from life

and living on an exotic island?


You hear the sound of the ocean?

[Tarek] Yeah.

I love that sound.

You know, when I was little,

my parents always used

to take me to the ocean,

and I would just sit there for hours

and just gaze out into the waves.

Did you ever do that?

Well, you should. It's very soothing.

You know, tarek,

if anything should ever happen to me...

Nothing's gonna happen to you.

(Brooding music)

Open up.

I think you've come to the wrong place.

Ah, I hear you make

great egg rolls here.

Well, why don't you

just go some place else?

(Laughing) Oh, with

your little peashooter.

Don't blow your dick off.

Take the door down.

(Lightning crackles)

(Sui screams)

(Gamblers murmoring)

What are you doing here?

You're not a gambler.

What I want is the owner

of this establishment

and any other illegal operations, Mr. Lau.

I don't know who you're talking about.

I'm sure you'll remember.

You tell Mr. Sing that there

are two ways we can do this.

Both ways I win, one

way he gets very hurt.

Sonny, you are late.

Honey, I'm home.

What the hell is this?

(Guns cock)

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

You don't wanna do that.

And who are you?

Stryker godunov.

And these three impeccably

dressed individuals

are my associates.

How dare you come in here uninvited.

Take it easy, Mr. Lau.

I came here to give you

a chance to join me.

Your organization...

And mine.

What organization?

[Stryker] Us.

Just you four?

We're a small company,

but very efficient.

Well, let me tell you a

bit about my organization.

(Speaking cantonese)

(Gunfire roars) (Tense music)

(Sui screams)

(Bones crack)

(Suspenseful music)

(Sighs) Mergers can be so difficult.

[Lau] Go, go!

I told you, we're very efficient.

What exactly do you want?

Not much, just...


First the benefit,

then the restaurant and now the nightclub.

I don't know, man. Maybe

these Chinese dudes exist.

That's bullshit, don't

start believing in that.

The only guy we want here

is tarek. No one else.

I don't know, I'm just saying, man.

When I was growing up,

we had these Chinese next door neighbors.

We used to sit in the backyard

and we used to make little

plastic woks with plastic food.

And they would sit around

and tell us stories

that their dad would tell 'em

from when he was growing

up in Hong Kong, man.

Are you listening to me? I

don't wanna hear your stories.

Hey, I'm just saying, man,

we gotta check everything,

'cause if we don't

check every lead we get,

we don't know, man.

He could be innocent.

We might even be chasing

the wrong guy. I don't know.

Just shut up and listen

to me and do your job

and nevermind the yip—yap, capisce?

Real, you're wanted down the hall.

[Real] Who wants me?

Some guys brought in for petty theft.

They want to make a deal.

What's that got to do with me?

I don't know. Why don't

you go and find out?

Why don't you stop being

rude to her? She's pretty.

Well, let's talk to the pigeons, pal.

What's this I hear? Somebody

wants to cut a deal?

That's right.

— let me do the talking.

Forget it! You're the one

who got us into this mess.

What do you know?

We saw the guy that

you're looking for, tarek.

We saw him with this freaky—looking guy.

And how'd you meet these people?

We were hangin' out.

Oof! Go hang out at the dentist

with your foul—ass breath.

Get these punks outta here,

now. Get 'em outta here.

Move! — come on.

Get outta my face.

What's goin' on? What about our deal?

You got a deal. You got bad breath, too.

Now get outta here.

What do you think?

I'll see what I can dig up

about this master Jin guy.

Get on it, let's go.

(Suspenseful music)

(Wheel squeaking)

(T arek grunts)

(T arek grunting)

(Jin shouting)

(Speaking cantonese)

(Speaking cantonese)


(Funky music)

What's the matter, Mr. Lau?

You don't look like

you're having a good time.

You make a mockery of my empire.

Relax. Why don't you go get a massage?

Actually, I'd like to

kill you with my bare heads.

"What I'd like to do is

kill you with my bare..."

You better watch what

you say, you know that?

They're very sensitive.

Why do they protect you?

I don't know.

Guess they trust me.

That's it!

It's time to show everybody

what you're made of.

And stop eating! You'll get fat.

Nobody likes a chubby master.

The city is in chaos.

The police appear helpless

to do anything about it.

We now go live to the streets,

where nytv's own reporter is on the scene.

(Intense, hard rock techno music)

(Guns cocking)

(Reporters clamoring)

[Cop] Folks, back!

Stay back, stay back now!

Stay back! Get down!

(Guns fire)

(Crowd screams)

(Crowd screaming)

(Sui screams)

(Buen growls)

(Masters shout)

(Eerie music)

Can't you feel the qi

surrounding your body?

I'm starting to.

Keep searching.

(Eerie music)

(Wind howling)

(Ominous music)

(Crystal crunches)

(Speaking cantonese)

(Tense music)

Huh. Hmm.

(Buen growling)

Don't you guys ever smile?

What you need is to get laid.

Come to think of it, what

I need is to get laid.

(Electricity crackles)

Who is master Jin?

Master Jin? What's that old

fart got to do with anything?

They say he has a new pupil.

A man named tarek.

This man can destroy us.

(Speaking cantonese) Believe me.

(Electricity crackles)

He must be stopped.

So, take a few guys, go find

this guy tarek, and kill him.

And remember to use outside people.

We don't want this coming back to us.

I will go at once.

How will I find him?

Boy, it's lucky for you guys I'm around.

You'd be lost without me. All right.

First, go to his house,

and if he's not there,

he's got a farm up in the mountains.

He'll be there. If he

remembers how to find it.

Yes, sir.

Oh, god. I love this job.

And I'm good at it, too.

[Tarek] Linda?


(Ominous music)



(Thunder rumbles)

(T arek grunting)

(Suspenseful music)

(Footsteps running)

Where did he go?

(Henchman screams)

(Tense music)

(Henchman screams)

Up there.

(Henchman screams)

Go get him.

(Henchman screams)

(Henchman screams)

(Henchman groans)

I'm outta here.

(Engine revvs)

(Tires screech)

Who was that?

Sonny wu. One of Mr. Lau's goons.

Who knows about this place?


He joined with them.

Why would they take him in?

He's got three killing machines,

and they're likely working

out of lau's place.

Let's go, come on.

Is he dead?

No, not yet.

Not yet? What do you mean, not yet?

He's very good.

"He's very good." I'll show you good!

(Sonny groans)

How hard was that?


Now he'll be on the move,

we won't know where he is...

Not so easy, is it?

I'll get him.

(Suspenseful music)

(Jin snoring)

There he goes again. What's up with him?

Oh. He can't stay awake in a moving car.

That explains why he doesn't own a car.

(Police radio chatter)

(Jin groans)

Are we there yet?

No, not yet.

I'm cold.

[Tarek] Look in the back,

you'll find something.


(Jin snoring)

(Police radio chatter)

All right.

Look what I got you.


What is this shit?

Don't ask, just eat it, man.

(Real coughs)

Hot sauce. (Laughs)

(Real coughing)

Real? — what? Hello?

Hi, real? — no, it's Elliot.

Hi, Elliot. Where's real?

[Elliot] Real's here, he can hear you.

His mouth is fucked up.

You got it all over your face, man.

No, no, he doesn't...

Not like that, he just...

I thought you might like to know

tarek's car was spotted in

Chinatown a few minutes ago.

There's lau's place.

(Suspenseful music)

[Lau] Hey.



This protection collection

business is pretty good.

Here, why don't you go out

and buy yourself a tie?

(Ominous music)

(Arm cracks)

(Lau grunts)

You two can wait here.

The tiger spirit will guide you.

(Suspenseful music)

He's here! Buen, sui, come with me!

Wei, stay here!

(Speaking cantonese)

(Speaking cantonese)

(Suspenseful music)

(Henchman groans)

(Neck cracks)

Where do you think you're going?

[Tarek] To see Mr. Lau.

I'm worried.

Don't be.

[Henchman] Mojo, go see

if he's in the stairwell.

(Muffled gunshots)

(Muffled gunshots)

(Trigger clicks)

(Henchman screams)

(Tense music)

(T arek grunts)

(Suspenseful music)

Sifu? What are you doing here?

You have misused the

things I have taught you.

Oh, you taught me nothin'.

Nothing I can use!

[Karen] No, papa!

(Ominous music)

[Tarek] Well, we meet again.

(Buen growls)

(Electricity crackles)

(Buen growling)

(Tense music)

(Jin shouting)

(Wrist cracks)

(Sui shouting)

(Jin shouting)

(Ribs crack)

(Stryker screams)

(Sui shouting)

(Sui growling)

(Stryker groans)

(Masters screaming)

[Tarek] Go to hell.

(Stryker growls)

(Suspenseful music)

Look at this scrap.

[Elliot] Should I call for backup?

Watch and learn.

Open the damn door.

It's opening, I'm opening it.

I said open the damn

door! Stop touching!

You gonna open the door? I'm

gonna start shooting somebody.

Open the goddamn door!

— all right, let's go.


(Tense music)

(Stryker screams)

(Stryker groaning)

[Karen] Papa?

Are you okay?

I saw him shoot you.

(Laughing) No.

Where did you find that?

I was cold. (Laughs)

(Sui screams)

(Sui shouting)

(Stryker groaning)

(Police radio chatter)

(Sui shouting)

(T arek grunting)

(Electricity crackling)

(Ominous music)

(T arek grunts)

(Sinister music)

(Lightning crackles)

(T arek groans)

[Tarek] Aw, gee. Dead end.

(Jin voiceover)

(Speaking cantonese)

(T arek shouts)

(Lightning crackles)

(Sui shouting)

(Lightning crackling)

(Sui screams)

(Sui screaming)

I want your Jewel!

(Tense music)

Get up!

(Sui shouting)

(Sui screams)

(Electricity hums)

[Linda] Tarek?


What happened?

Lightning struck and you blacked out.

Nothing happened?

Come on, I'm gonna

take you to the hospital.

No, no, where's...


What is going on?

He's the man who broke

into your warehouse.

[Man] What? Now what?


Down! Down!

(Cuffs click)

(Suspenseful music)

(Tiger growls)

It all seemed so real.

And these three masters came to life?

They had the whole city hostage.

The whole city? — mm—hmm.

I'll drive. You've had

enough excitement for tonight.

And there was this master Jin character.

Yeah, and who was this Karen?

Nobody, darling.

No one, huh?

Are you sure?

— yeah, yeah, yeah.

We're owed a vacation, a couple of weeks.

What do you think? We'll

go to a warm place.

I'd love that.

Good, let's go.

(Engine revvs)

(Eerie music)

(Thunder cracks)

(Tiger growls)

(Thunder cracks)

(Haunting music)