Tiger Claws II (1996) - full transcript
The cops Tarek Richards (Jalal Merhi) and Linda Masterson (Cynthia Rothrock) in New York on investigating mysterious murders of martial arts masters, whose bodies have wounds similar to scratches tiger. The evidence seems to lead to Chong (Bolo Yeung), a serial killer on the loose who is thus arrested. Chong, however, is escape done by men of his brother, a wealthy crime lord of San Francisco's Chinatown. Cops Richards and Masterson chase him but are captured by two criminals and their followers. The Masterson is locked in a cell, while Richards is forced to participate in a strange martial arts tournament held in the underground city. The four finalists should, with their mystical powers, open a time portal of the Chinese New Year.
(Ominous instrumental music)
(Tiger growl)
(Ominous instrumental music)
(Aggressive yell) (Growl)
(Ominous instrumental music)
[Man] Ah!
Ah! (Growl)
You're late.
So what?
Whose the gorilla?
I wouldn't get too close if I were you.
He just spent nine months
undergoing a psych evaluation.
Tomorrow at trial, he's
gonna plead insanity.
He's not crazy.
Hey, scumbag, that bother you?
What are you, deaf?
Oh, so I've gotta teach
you some manners, huh?
Give me the keys.
Fred, I don't think we should —...
Give me the keys.
Hear me?
Don't ignore me when I'm talking to you.
You look at me, or I'm
gonna smash your face.
(Cell door closing)
(Sirens wailing)
(Dramatic instrumental music)
Your weapons will be
delivered as promised.
I see no reason to negotiate any further.
Time to, as they say, put up or shut up.
(Metal clanging)
(Guns firing)
Don't move.
Drop it.
We've been set up.
(Gun cocking)
(Gun firing)
Stevie, Stevie.
My own people, Steve, huh?
Victor, I didn't know
she was a cop, man.
I didn't know.
We go way back, huh.
We've know each other since we were kids.
Listen, Stevie, listen...
(Intense instrumental music)
I'm okay.
I'll get them.
[Tarek] Victor!
Waste him.
(Guns firing)
Drop it.
I got him!
(Gun firing)
(Tires screeching)
(Gun firing)
(Loud explosion)
(Loud explosion)
(Sirens wailing)
Hands up!
Keep 'em up.
My partners been shot.
Call an ambulance! Now!
Was that your partner, Richards?
If I knew that, I would
have shot her in the head.
Get out of the car.
Let's go.
(Automatic gun firing)
(Gun firing)
I'm actually glad you guys
were late for our meeting.
Thank you for the help.
Don't thank us.
Thank dai lo fu.
This should change my mood.
You guys must think I'm
as dumb as you look.
You know, I like to think of myself
as having a pretty good sense of humor,
but right now, I'm not in
the mood for stupid games.
Now, where's the rest of my cash?
Where are the weapons?
Don't you worry about your weapons.
You'll get them delivered
when I get paid in full.
You'll get the rest
when we get the weapons.
That was not the deal.
Deals change.
(Speaking in Chinese)
Enough with this Chinese bullshit.
Come here.
I tell you how it's going to
be, not the other way around.
Do you understand that?
Now, I would like to go and see
your dai lo fu face to face.
Dai lo fu's in San Francisco.
Oh, isn't that convenient.
That happens to be where
your weapons are coming in.
Let's take a little trip.
Let's go see dai lo fu.
[Patch] Before we go, we
have to pick someone up.
(Dramatic instrumental music)
Thanks for the ride, Harry.
How about dinner?
I told you, I don't date partners.
What does dinner have to do with dating?
It's just as well. You'd
probably be in body bag, anyway.
What's that suppose to mean?
You didn't hear?
Your ex boyfriend's new partner
just got killed in a shoot out.
Is tarek okay?
You're gonna have to call down
to the station to check it out.
See ya.
Yah! (Telephone ringing)
Hi tarek, it's Linda.
How are you?
[Tarek] It's nice to hear your voice.
I heard about your new
partner, I'm really sorry.
So am I.
She deserved better.
Is there anything I can do?
[Tarek] I'm not sure.
Well, I'll tell you what.
I'll fax you my new address
and I think you should come
to San Francisco and visit.
You'd really like it.
Yeah, maybe someday.
You take care of yourself.
Okay, you too.
(Intense instrumental music)
Judgment day.
Richards, the trial
starts in 10 minutes.
If you're not there, the
captain is going to have a fit.
(Siren wailing)
(Intense instrumental music)
(Woman screaming)
(Guns firing)
Dai lo fu sent us.
He needs you.
Sifu choy is dead.
I don't know.
[Radio] All units respond.
Precinct one, gunshots fired.
I'm on my way.
Lock all the exits.
Don't let Chong escape.
(Guns firing)
So, you're the famous death dealer.
Death dealer.
Who is he?
Mr. Chong, meet Victor.
He'll be traveling with
us to San Francisco.
We need to get rid of this Van.
[Radio] Richards,
we've just found a body.
I think you should have a look at it.
East side, Brooklyn bridge.
Tell them not to touch a
thing until I get there.
[Man] Haven't touched a thing.
Dai lo fu.
Sifu choy.
So, what do you think?
This guy was a fighter.
(Telephone ringing)
Hi, it's Linda.
I need your help.
[Tarek] What's up?
We've just found a victim
that has tiger claw markings.
Do you think it's a copy cat?
I think it's something bigger.
We just had the same thing here.
Did you hear of Chong's escape.
Linda, Linda, talk to me.
[Linda] Do you think it's Chong?
Probably not.
The victim's face was slashed
by a killer missing a finger.
Could you run a search
on two names for me?
Sifu choy and dai lo fu.
I'll check in to it.
I'll call you back.
[Tarek] All right.
(Intense instrumental music)
What's the problem?
Can you fix it?
I think I can fix it.
I need a screwdriver.
Hey, where are you going?
I left my gun inside.
(Knocking on truck)
Get rid of them.
Give them whatever they want.
How are you doing?
I'll have a belly buster and a large coke.
I'll have one of those
double deckers and a sprite.
I see you've got a
problem with your truck.
Ah, let's have a look.
That ought to do it.
Hey, I think we've got a problem here.
Yeah, look at this.
I don't see a problem here, gentlemen.
Do you?
(Guns firing)
Get in the truck.
Well, if we don't have any more screwups,
we'll be at the airport in an hour,
San Francisco by morning.
(Telephone ringing)
Good news.
Master choy lives here in San Francisco.
At least, he did.
But my Chinatown connection
says that he's missing.
Dai lo fu actually means "big tiger,"
but it's also the name of choy's student,
who now runs his business.
What business?
It's a martial arts school
that's now a restaurant.
I think I'll accept
your invitation after all.
See you tomorrow.
(Intense instrumental music)
Hi, tarek.
Hello, Linda.
(Intense instrumental music)
I would like to keep
the San Francisco police
out of this as long as possible.
It's a personal thing.
Well, the da feels that we
don't have enough evidence
to move in, anyway.
What about you?
I'm convinced.
And I just happen to have a few days off,
so I'd like to work with you.
It's a personal thing.
What did you find out?
We've had reports of some
known underground fighters
arriving in the city.
And the mysterious dai lo fu
is hosting a tournament on new years Eve.
We don't know.
Fighters don't even know that yet.
Let's find out.
(Intense instrumental music)
Why don't you sit down, have a drink.
I'll tell dai lo fu you're
here to speak with him.
She'll take care of you.
How are you this evening?
Very well, thank you.
Come this way, please.
Your waitress will be right with you.
Thank you.
(Intense instrumental music)
We can't go in right now.
Besides, if Chong sees us, he'll run.
He might not even be here yet.
Let's go up there.
You always do pick the classiest places.
Don't I?
I'd like a room.
Cash only.
How much?
Hundred bucks.
I hope you're worth it.
Well, lets find out, handsome.
Very nice.
It'll do.
I've missed you.
I've missed you, too.
To work.
(Camera shutter clicks)
I'm glad you're here.
(Ominous instrumental music)
My apologies for not being
able to speak with you sooner.
So much to prepare for.
It's good to see you again.
I was not surprised by sifu's death.
He was old and it was his time.
He asked if I ever saw you
again to give you this.
What does it mean?
We will cross paths again.
Not in this world.
Since our teacher's death,
you're the only family I have.
Master choy taught us we are
brothers of the black art.
Do you remember when we were young,
the ancient stories of the sacred tigers?
Not just stories.
Master choy's dying request was that
you and I reunite for this event.
You must agree to be part of this.
Tomorrow marks the turn of our century.
It's our only chance to prove the stories.
If we miss this chance,
it won't happen again for a hundred years.
I must have time to think.
Don't take too long.
(Camera shutter clicks)
Let me take over for a while.
Good luck.
Hello, Victor.
Take good care of my guest, here.
Anything he wants is on the house.
I'll have a scotch on the rocks, please.
And make it a double.
Why did you come to see me?
I thought we made a deal.
I give you the money,
you give me the guns.
Well, your boys changed the deal.
They only gave me half.
Perhaps they wanted to keep
the other half for themselves.
My people are loyal.
Well, maybe you're the one
trying to rip me off then.
How soon can I have my guns?
As soon as I get my $250,000.
Your money will be
here in a few minutes.
(Drums beating)
So, what's this?
And what are we celebrating?
I'm hosting a martial arts tournament
on Chinese new year.
This year is exceptionally special.
It's a centennial year.
(Drums beating)
(Audience applauding)
[Victor] It would appear we have a deal.
I'll have my two
disciples accompany you.
Just make sure you don't have
any further misunderstandings.
It's Victor.
(Camera shutter clicks)
I'm going after him.
I'll wait here for Chong.
(Intense instrumental music)
(Metal grinding)
Yeah, this is the one
for Tony. Right here.
Yeah, see, this one.
[Victor] Escobar.
Hey, Victor.
Good to see you.
Good to see you, too.
California life has
treated you well, my friend.
You're looking good, too.
These are our clients.
You took care of that
business we spoke of?
Perhaps we could show them a sample.
To your satisfaction?
Okay, let's go.
Load it.
You know, you boys really
need to learn how to relax.
Sit down.
We'll have a drink.
Live a little.
We're like a family around here.
A toast to new acquaintances
and old friends.
(Guns firing)
I'll take care of it.
(Guns firing)
Give it up.
Drop the gun.
(Gun firing)
(Sirens wailing)
His story checks out.
[Cop] So, what do you
want to do with him?
Let him know we don't
like New York cowboys.
Where's Masterson?
I work alone.
Hey, come on.
What do you think, we're stupid?
I don't particularly
care if you're a cop.
My advice to you is go back to your hotel,
pack your bags and make tracks.
No problem.
I know it's not a problem,
'cause we'll be checking in on you.
Count on it.
Hey, there you are.
I was looking for you.
We want to see your
spirit in fighting form.
Is it?
Perhaps a little workout
would be in order.
As a token of your appreciation
for my getting you out.
If you would be so kind as
to accompany these gentlemen,
I'm sure we'll know soon enough
if you're still in fighting form.
- |'|| try.
Leave me alone.
I told you I have no money.
Since dai lo fu took
over, Chinatown is hell.
What was once a respectable
place is now a disaster.
Think about what he's done.
The once beautiful fu jow school
is now a restaurant front for his mob.
All he thinks about is money and power
and now, he controls everything.
You better tell me how
much money do you have.
I told you, I have no money.
[Goon] You know what to do.
You've just made the
biggest mistake of your life.
Why have you come to see me again?
I want to discuss doing
some more business together.
Our business is over, my friend.
You should leave.
I've other pressing matters to deal with.
You're wrong.
Our business is over when I say it's over.
I see.
Perhaps we should talk.
Then talk.
I would like to enter your tournament.
I want to be a competitor like Chong.
You know I have the skill and the power
to win that tournament.
At which time I will gain
the confidence of your men,
and then I will train them
in using the weapons which
you purchased from me,
and you and I can become
an unstoppable force.
I am not looking for any
more competitors or partners.
I don't care what you're looking for.
I'm in whether you want me in or not.
You must first qualify.
No problem.
Tarek, I followed
Chong to this restaurant
and I saw him turn on dai
lo fu's men and save a cook.
I'm not surprised.
Chong is an honorable man,
but what connects him to dai
lo fu... that's a mystery.
Dai lo fu just bought a
truckload of weapons from Victor.
So, now what?
Tomorrow's Chinese new year.
I'm sure dai lo fu's up to something big.
I have to get in there.
Count me in.
I hope you slept well.
When I asked you to
accompany my men last night,
I wanted to see if your
spirit was in fighting form.
You demonstrated it is.
Unfortunately, my men
failed in their mission.
This must be dealt with.
Incompetence bears a heavy price.
(Maniacal laughter)
I don't trust Chong.
Why are we having this tournament, anyway?
Why not just have the
ceremony to open the passage?
Patch, I don't trust anyone.
The tournament is part of the tradition.
He's not stupid.
You should understand,
sifu's death is a chance for
both of us to become leaders.
Remember the chi kung prayers.
The key to unlock the
sacred tiger passage.
We will be able to bring
modern medicine and knowledge
back to help our ancestors.
We will be their heroes and protectors.
Hey, that doesn't go there.
That goes in aisle 20.
Hey, you shouldn't be in here.
I welcome you all to this evening,
which will be for all of us
the most important event in our lives.
Tonight marks the beginning
of Chinese new year,
the key to the future and the past.
Tonight, we will once again be
able to control our destiny.
To prove to our ancestors that
we are worthy to meet them,
we must first prove our skills.
So, we have invited some
of the greatest fighters
to join in our tournament.
Let us begin.
Not yet.
Richards, what a surprise.
Still the strong, silent type, huh?
Boy, you sure had me fooled with that.
Looks like a real screamer.
I should kill you right here and now.
A friend of mine from the east coast.
Honor us by joining our ceremony.
You've got to be kidding.
If I win, you'll let her go?
Of course.
Take her away.
The tournament will be
concluded at the fu jow temple.
The four finalists will join me
in the opening of the passage.
Good luck.
If it's games you want, I'll play.
Have fun.
(Maniacal laughter)
(Ominous instrumental music)
Make a wish.
Sounds deep.
You are dai lo fu's
prisoner, aren't you?
He's going to kill you.
I don't think so.
Dai lo fu is not a
person to be taken lightly.
Well, neither am I.
There's no way out.
Or do you think I like it here?
Who are you?
An old man who made a mistake.
Allow me to explain.
Many, many years ago, the grand
masters of the fu jow temple
created a time corridor
so that the worthy martial
arts students of the future
can return to the ancient
temple for their final grading.
Until this century,
students would return to
the temple every 10 years,
but then, the chain was broken.
The passage can only be
reopened on the first full moon
of the centennial new year.
That moon is tonight.
Well, if I were to believe
in this ancient, secret passageway,
why does dai lo fu need Chong
to bring Victor's weapons into the past?
Dai lo fu is the north
wind and Chong is the south.
Both are needed to open the corridor.
How do you know all this?
Both were my students.
Dai lo fu has betrayed me
and Chong has disappeared.
You're master choy?
Chong is here, and he's
helping dai lo fu out
because he thinks you're dead.
Now we'll determine who
will be the four finalists.
(Intense instrumental music)
(Bell clanging)
Hi. — how are you doing?
How's the family?
They're good?
Your wife's okay now, right?
Last night, there was a guy
here with dark hair like mine.
And a lady with blonde
hair, very beautiful.
I need you to tell me where they went.
I didn't see anybody like that.
You didn't see anybody?
Hey, if we want to,
we can tear apart this
place, room by room.
I told you.
Nobody here.
[Cop a] You know, honesty's always been
a part of our relationship.
I don't understand this.
[Cop b] Hey, don't bullshit us.
Let me help you remember.
Ah, you remembering?
Now, I remember.
Goddamn. This is unbelievable.
Yeah, what?
What are we looking for?
We're looking for anything
that can get us ahead of tarek Richards.
I mean, he's out of his
jurisdiction, right?
We get ahead of Richards, we bust Chong.
We bust Chong, we're
ahead of the game, buddy.
I'm pretty good at this.
Now, let's get out of here.
It's useless.
I have an idea.
Give me your hands.
Now try.
The four of you have reached our finals.
Let us proceed with the
opening of the passage.
(Dramatic instrumental music)
Open the passage.
Dai lo fu.
You have betrayed all
that I have taught you.
If you remember my teachings,
then you understand why the
tigers will not accept you.
You are not a true master.
To be a true master, you
have to become selfless.
Dai lo fu, you have failed.
(Gun firing)
[Tarek] It's over, Victor.
Get in there and help your boss.
Don't worry about me.
I never have.
You should have known better.
Come on.
Chong isn't here.
Spread the word.
Find him and kill him.
(G rowl)
(G rowl)
Big man with a little stick.
(Laughing menacingly)
(G rowl)
You're nothing, Richards.
You're just a public servant
who bit off more than he could chew.
Bite this.
Take me back home.
I would like to die in the old land.
What about Chong?
Let's go get him.
Let him go.
He's paid his dues.
What just happened there?
I don't know, but we have
nothing else to do here.
(Sirens wailing)
You have a lot of cleaning up to do.
(Gong clanging)
We have been expecting you.
(Brooding instrumental music)