Tiger Claws (1991) - full transcript

The police do not know what to do. They have to deal with a serial killer who aims at martial arts masters. One after another is killed in the same brutal way. This may be a chance for detective Linda Masterson to work on her first murder case. She gets the job and to her side an other martial arts specialist, Sgt. Tarek Richards. Now they need to find a tiger style master, because the killer obviously uses tiger style kung fu. Not a simple task, since tiger is a very ancient and rare style.

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(Tense, foreboding music)

(Car horns honk)

(Train rattles)

(Sirens wail)

(Police radio chatters)

(Jazz music)

(Man whistles)

(Ominous music)


I've lost them.

They can't be far.

Hey, baby.



Back off.

Leave me alone. — shut up.

Whores are all the same.

You're gonna get it like all the rest.


(Shambolic drum solo)

(Man grunting)

(Shambolic drums cont.)

Picked the wrong woman this time.

(Thug grunts) — you okay?

Yeah, where the hell you've been?

I didn't know where you were.

Yeah, it's about time you got here.

I'm sorry.

Forget it.

I'm just sick and tired of
dressing up like a whore

and working on these two—bit cases.

She's a cop.

(Moody keyboard music)

(Phone rings) (People chat)

[Dispatcher] 3960 white plains road.

Tarek, you know I can't
give you that much money

without the sergeant's approval.

I need the $25,000 or
my cover will be blown.

Why don't you take me out
for lunch, and then I'll see

if I can get the sergeant
to change his mind.

I'd love to.

But not today, maybe next week.

Oh, excuse me.

[Dispatcher] 47 George 10.

Dr. Matthews!

Hello, Linda. — hi.

Yesterday, they brought in
the body of a martial artist

by the name of hatanaka.

I've got the report right here.

Do you mind if I borrow it?


I'm hoping this will
help get me reassigned.

There's not much to it.

Looked like just another dead—end case.

Well, you never know.

Thanks, doc.

No problem.

(Foreboding music)

Right on time, just like I said.

Hey, look.

My friend tells me you're the man.

Hey, that's tarek.

What the hell is he doing here?

Let's see the product.

[Dealer] Not 'til I see some money.

You said this man was cool.

What are we gonna do now?

This is our bust.

Let's take it.

Wait a minute, tough guy.



Now let's have some cash.

Guns down now, all of you!

You're all under arrest.

Move, now!

Move, move.

Against the car, move.

Police! Stay where you are!

(Tense music)

Stay where you are!

(Guns fire)

See? Come on.

They're coming around. Go.


(Guns fire)

(Suspenseful music)

(Guns fire)

(Goon groans)


(Gun fires)

(Tense music)



Stop or I'll shoot!

(Gun fires)

(Car horn blares)

(Loud explosion)

Holy shit. — whoo—wee.

That was my car!

Damn it!

Tarek, it was my case!

You almost got us killed!

We needed him alive.

Do you realize what you've done?

I'll have you suspended

for interfering in this investigation!

I had everything under control
until you guys showed up.

Forget it, tarek.

Nice try, but not this time.

You're taking a fall on this one!

We'll see about that.

- Right.

Look at this mess.

(Gong rings)

(Shouts aggressively)





(Serene chime music)

What you've just seen is
martial arts at its best.

It takes years and years
of traditional training

to reach this condition.

In order to be the best, you
gotta train with the best,

and that's me, bill pickells.

I'll be doing seminars across the country,

in towns closest to you.

Check your local newspapers
and TV for the best dates.

'Til next week, this is bill pickells

saying keep on kicking.

And cut, Billy.

Excellent show, excellent show, bill.

That's a wrap.

Hey, didn't I tell you never

to shoot the left side of my face?

No, didn't I?

Well, jerk, you're out of here!

Billy, I have to show you something.

Here's that tape you asked for.

About time! Oh, by the way,

get those stupid plants off the stage!

I told you I don't want anything
in here taller than I am.

Billy, we have to know ——
— no later. Later!

(Door closes) — asshole.

Yeah, in this segment of the show,

I'm gonna teach you just a little bit

of street self defense.

How to protect yourself
out there in the jungle,

because that's exactly
what the streets are.

It's a jungle. There's a
predator and there is the prey.

Yeah, I'm just watching it now.

Excellent, excellent.

What else? I did it.

(Knocking) Enter.

Okay, just hold on for a minute.

Billy, what do you think about this

for tomorrow night's show?

Yeah, it looks good, I like that.

Do you want to try it on?

I'll try it on later.


Fine. — Hawaii?

Are you out of your mind?

I'm doing a show here.

No way, we got to work something on that.

All of a sudden, he's the
prey and you're the predator.

Come on!

Down here on the beach.

(Knocking) Yeah, enter.

Hey listen, let me call you back, eh?


Anyway. (Thudding)

Remember, you must have
confidence in yourself.

You must know what you can
do and be prepared to do it.

Don't let these people

push you around.

I don't let them push me around.

I'm a fifth Dan black
belt, I'm a champion,

and I'm still pretty, because
I know how to defend myself

out there in the streets.

And I'm here to teach you
guys how to defend yourselves

out there in the streets, so
that you can be like I am.

Now, we're running out
of a little bit of time,

so until next week,

remember: You follow my ways,

no one will push you around.

Until then, you keep on kicking.

This is bill pickells
saying see you all then.

(Static hisses)

We are talking to detective Henderson

at the cba television studios,

where bill pickells, a renowned
martial artist and TV host

was brutally murdered
just a few hours ago.

Tell me, detective, is
this an isolated murder,

or is it connected with the
other martial arts murder

that occurred just four days ago?

[Henderson] Well, all I
can say is that both victims

were martial art champions.

[Reporter] Are there any suspects?

[Henderson] Serial killers
are generally hard to find,

but we have some strong leads,

and I predict we'll have this death dealer

in custody very soon.

Well, it's confirmed.

Another serial killer
known as the death dealer

is stalking the streets of New York.

Is there anything else
you didn't tell them,

or jeez, do I have to wait
until the follow up at 11?

I thought I ——
— no, you didn't think!

The media are having a field day

over this little death dealer comment.

And the commissioner is
all over my ass about it!


Excuse me, sergeant?

[Reeves] What do you want, Masterson?

It's regarding the death dealer murders.

I've taken the Liberty of
doing a little investigating

on my own, and I have a
theory about the killer.

Oh, give me a break.

Right now, I'll take anything I can get.

Well, as you know, both victims
suffered similar injuries.

Now, the unique thing about these injuries

is that there was virtually
no external damage,

yet the internal organs were crushed.

Forensic confirms that the
only external damage found

was the markings on the face.


Go on.

To have such precision,

and to be able to inflict
this amount of damage,

it leads me to believe that this killer

is a highly trained martial artist.

Oh, come off it.

Martial arts is a bunch of crap.

I've been in enough scraps, I should know.

I disagree.

Come here, I'll show you.

I can't believe you're
listening to this.

I have 15 years of
martial art experience,

detective Henderson.

I expect you to pay attention
and keep your head up.

Now, the killer attacked
with premeditated techniques,

each resulting in life—threatening blows

here, here and here.

(Henderson coughs)

Now, each victim was finally taken out

with some sort of clawing to the head.

Even if he is a martial
artist, how does that help?

He's right.

There must be 10,000 martial
artists in New York alone.

This could turn into some
kind of a wild goose chase.

Well, I don't know what form
of martial arts he's using,

but if we could talk to an expert,

and we could find out what
particular style it is,

it'll help us track him down a bit easier.

We? What's this "we" business?

Don't get any ideas.

What's your problem?

She just walks in here,
starts shooting off her mouth,

and then expects to become my partner?

I don't like it. I
refuse to work with her.

You refuse? — absolutely.

Then it's settled.

She's out? — you're out!

Give her the file and
get out of my office!

You're not serious?

You heard me, move.

Detective Henderson? The file, please.

(Door slams)
I appreciate the opportunity

to work on this case, sergeant.

You won't be disappointed.

You're not flying solo yet.

What do you mean?

You did a terrific
job on that other case,

but I don't want you
working on this alone.

I know a detective in vice,

he's an expert in this martial arts stuff.

I want you two working together.

Who is it?

Tarek Richards.

(Foreboding music)

Justice is served.
(Police siren wails)

You're lucky it's only a suspension.

I would've preferred to see
you off the force completely.

It's not over yet.

He's suspended?

He's a good cop.

He just has a tendency
to do things his own way.

So I pulled a few strings.

We need him.

Commissioner knows he can't
afford to have a serial killer

like him on the loose.

It won't look good.

Here's his boat.

[Linda] He lives here?

Actually, his wife moved out
on him a couple of years ago.

He sold everything and moved here.

[Linda] Quite a nice
boat for a cop's salary.

[Reeves] He works in narcotics,

and the department wanted
him to keep the right cover,

so they leased him a car and a boat.

[Linda] Well, hell, I'm
obviously in the wrong division.

Hello, tarek, it's been a while.

What brings you here, Reeves?

This is detective Masterson.

Going somewhere?

I thought I'd take off
for a couple of weeks.

I've been suspended, you know.

Actually, that's why I'm here.

I need you back at homicide.

Forget it.

Get someone else.

Come on, tarek, give us a break.

That's why we came all the way down here.

Let me guess, it's
the death dealer, right?

The sergeant thought that you

could shed some light on this.

They're both martial art champions.

I know who they are.

He wrote a book about
karate, he was a TV star.

Well, I believe the killer

was using martial art techniques.

I want to know his style.

(Foreboding music)

Fu jow.

An old Chinese style, one of the first.

Some people call it tiger claw.

Come off it, tarek, how
do you know it's tiger?

I've studied it.

What could you tell us
about this tiger style?

You're going to have
to find out for yourself.

I thought you said that
this guy was an expert.

You want to know about tiger?

It's a style that takes you to the edge,

both physically and mentally,

and people who know it are the
most lethal martial artists.

Don't tell me we've got
another lunatic out of control.

On the contrary. He's not a lunatic,

and he's not out of control,

and that's what makes him so dangerous.

Don't ever underestimate him.

I want you on this case.

No thanks.

This is not a request,

I've made the necessary arrangements.

This could help you get reinstated.

You guys are too much!

If it will help clear me, I'll do it,

but you owe me a paid vacation.

Don't count on it.

I want you working with
detective Masterson.

I always work alone.

Hey, if you don't want to
do it, that's fine with me.

It's her investigation.

I've had to make a few concessions.

You're strictly an advisor.

Are you serious?

Remember, you're still under suspension,

you're not to carry a gun.

One bone—headed move and
it could mean your badge.

All right, leave me the files,

I'll see you tomorrow at 10.

Be there at eight.

(Tense music)

(Swords clang)

(Instructor grunts)

(Blades wooshing)

Any questions?

Is that traditional form?

It used to be.


traditional forms just don't
hold up in tournaments.

They don't have any flair.

Besides, my way is better.

So what about the historical
significance of each move?

Isn't that important?

Maybe back then,

but now, it's not what
you do, it's how you look.

(Swords clang)


(Foreboding music)


Sorry, we're closed.

You'll have to leave.

I said leave!

(Man shouts)

(Instructor groans in pain)

(Officers chatter)

Tarek, what are you doing here?

I thought you were suspended.

I'm only an advisor on this one.

Officially, I'm still suspended.

They brought me in to keep an eye on her.

First time in homicide.

What about the students?
(Camera shutters click)

I'm just about to talk to them.

Okay, check in on that.

Found something? — no, nothing.

No prints. It's like the guy's a ghost.

Is there anything missing?

A sword from the rack.

So that makes three things missing:

A sword, a black belt and a trophy.

He did that with a sword?


His hand.

It's tiger claws, that's him alright.

Any ideas?

Well, none of the bodies
have been hidden in any way.

They were all left where
people could find them.

So, what does that mean?

Tiger claws is his signature.

I think he's trying to let the public know

who he is and what he's doing.

Why would he want that?

Maybe to drum up lost
respect for his style.

Now what do you make
of this missing sword?

Maybe a victory symbol.

But if he's taking things,

that means he has a place to keep it.

So he can admire it?

Or use it as an offering.

(Ominous music)

(Seagulls squawk)

They don't miss a thing.

I thought we should get an early start.

Reeves must be having a fit.

What's this?

Well, I've gathered this list

of all these kung fu
schools that teach tiger.

This is where we start.

Get real.

This guy is hardcore.

You wouldn't find him training

at your local franchise studio.

Yeah? You have a better idea?

Yes, follow me.

[Linda] Where are we going?

Where the real fighters train.

(Dramatic music)

(Pedestrians chatter)

[Linda] Where do we start?

I don't know, exactly.

You mean, you dragged me
all the way down to this place

and you don't know where to start?

At least I had a list.

Ah, calm down, we'll find it.

This place won't be advertised.

Well, if they don't advertise,
how do they make any money?

They don't.

They're not in it for the money.

This is not a sport for
every bozo with 50 bucks.

So, how are we supposed
to find this place?

Start asking people.

(Intense rock music)

Can I help you?

Hi. I'm tarek, this is Linda.

We'd like to ask you some questions.

In a moment.

Drunken style.

Traditional forms are
a rare thing these days.

I'm looking for a master
that teaches tiger.


[Tarek] I'd like to
ask him some questions,

nothing serious.

[Instructor] What about?

I would like to take lessons.

See ya.

Chin wa knows the system,

but he doesn't choose to teach anyone.

Never has.

[Tarek] Anyone else?

[Instructor] He's the only one.

Thanks for your time.

You're welcome.

Tomorrow, we start with my list.

He won't be there. (Men grunt)

Police! Leave him alone!

[Tarek] Hey! We're talking to you.

(Speaking Chinese)

Wait here.

Don't worry about me.

(Tense music)


Hey! — don't want any trouble.



(Man groans)

You okay?

Thanks for your help.

Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm all right.

We're looking for a
master that teaches tiger.

I know.

I'll tell you because you guys helped me.

His name is sifu chow.

Where can we find him?

There's a tournament at the
convention center tomorrow,

he will be there.

He has two scars on the
left side of his face,

that's all I can tell you.

[Announcer] This is the last call

for men's black belt sparring finals.

Competitors, make your way to the ring.

I want you to wait here
and see if he comes through.

I'll check out the inside.

Hey, I'm the one that's supposed

to be calling the shots, remember?

Okay, fine.

You sure you can recognize this guy?

He's got scars on the
side of his face, right?

How difficult could that be?

(Announcer issues instructions)

(People chatter)

(Tense music)

[Announcer] Once again,
spectators are asked

to not crowd the judges
during competition,

and please, no food or drink
in the competition area.

(Crowd applauds)




How's it going?

I didn't know you were in
town, why didn't you call?

Tried listening to your
answering machine lately?

So, what are you doing here?

I'm working.

[Man] John.

I've got to go.

Catch you later? — yeah.

Wish me some luck.
— you don't need it.

Red player, over here.

Face me.

Face each other.

Shake hands, gentlemen.



(White fighter shouts)

White, one point. Step back.



(Crowd cheers)


Red! One—one. Step back!



(Crowd groans)

Judges, call!

One warning, sir.

Step back.


(Crowd cheers)

White, one point. Step back.


(Crowd jeers)

Good fighters, aren't they?

[Referee] Two—one, red out. Hajime!


What's your style?

[Referee] Judges, go!

What's yours?

Red. — red.

Tiger. — one point, two—one.

Why would you think they were good?

Step back, please.


(Grunts) (Crowd cheers)

Judges, call!

One red, two, three, four.

I also say red.

Winner! (Crowd cheers)

I'm looking for a tiger
teacher, do you know any?

No, I don't.

I'll pay top dollar. — no!

(Foreboding music)

[Announcer] Let's
have a round of applause

for our grand champion,
third year in a row,

Mr. John Atkinson.

(Audience cheers raucously)

Ooh sah!

(Foreboding music)

[Announcer] Boys, 16,
before the bouts finish,

I'll ask you to come to the judge's table

to receive your awards.

Chow is right behind me.

I'm sure he's got something to do with it,

so follow him to the parking
lot and get his plate number.



Grand champion third year in a row.

You're lucky I stopped competing.

Hey, it still brings me luck.

(Engine starts) (Car horn honks)

(Foreboding music)

[Linda] What would chow be doing here?

[Tarek] This could be a school.

[Linda] It's an old movie theater.

It's perfect.

A good teacher takes on only
a small group of students.

They will find any available space

and use it as long as they can.

We're going in.
— no, we wait here.

I'm sure he knows
something, I'm going in.

When I ask you to stay
back, I expect you to listen.

Now, we wait here 'til someone comes out,

and we snap a few pictures.

That way, nobody sees us,
nobody gets suspicious.

(Police radio chatters)

(Car horns honk)

So, what got you into martial arts?

I was 15. I had a lot of energy,

so I thought this would be
a good place to channel it.

I'm surprised I stuck with it for so long.

Where did you study?

Scranton, Pennsylvania.

That's where I grew up.

Why did you leave?

I don't know.

I guess I just wanted to prove to myself

that I could make it in the big city.

Here they come.

(Foreboding music)

(Camera shutter clicks)

(John whistling cheerfully)

(Tense music)



(Emergency sirens wail)

Does this have anything
to do with the death dealer?

I'm sorry, I can't
answer that right now.

[Dispatcher] 38—16, 3—8—1 —6.

(Police radio chatters)

(Foreboding music)

I'm sorry.

[Dispatcher] 10—54, cardiac.

I know he was your friend,

but you can't afford
to do anything foolish.

If we started taking more
action and less photographs,

we might get some results.

Where are you going?


(Seagulls squawk)


Your neighbors told me
that I might find you here.

[Tarek] Find something?

[Linda] Not yet.

I just came by to see how you're doing.

I'm fine.

Why don't you take the day off?

You can meet me at reeve's
office at eight o'clock.

Are you sure you're alright?

I'm alright.


I'll see you later.

(Shouts angrily)

(Men grunt loudly)

(Rhythmic drum music)


(Tense music)

(Speaking Chinese)

You always treat visitors this way?

You're trespassing!

What do you want?

I want to train tiger.

Find somewhere else.

We don't take beginners.

I'm no beginner.

I've studied in China under sifu ho Chang.

(Ominous music)

Sifu ho Chang of canton?

That's right.

We trained together
for many years in China.

Unfortunately, after I
moved here, we lost touch.

It was only a year ago that
I learned of his death.

He was my teacher and my good friend.

I will make an exception,

only as my last respect to Chang.

You will start tomorrow.

(Men grunt loudly)

(Speaking Chinese)

(Foreboding music)

I don't know, I don't
know about this case.

It's just like all the others.

There were no fingerprints.

These are the pictures that we took

at the theater the other day.

Nice of you to drop in.

I've been busy. — doing what?

Did you tell him about the theater?

Yeah, I have some pictures
I want you to look at.

It's a tiger training
hall, pretty hardcore.

How do you know?

Because I went in.

I've been accepted to train with them.


I told you to stay back.

Did you know anything about this?


We decided that this was the best approach

to find the killer.

Tarek is still under
investigation, the commissioner —...

This is our best chance of catching him!

I don't like it.

You'll be on your own in
there, anything could happen.

He'll wear a wire.

A wire?

This way, I can record and
monitor him from the outside.


But you better not blow this, tarek.

I know your friend got killed.

If something comes up in there,

I don't want you jumping the gun.

Don't you ever pull a
stunt like that again.

I know that you're upset
about your friend John, tarek,

but if we're going to make
this investigation work,

we have to work together.

Okay, you're right.

Next time, I'll ask you first.


Now, can we go and
have something to eat?

As long as it's Italian.

I was thinking Chinese.

Okay, Italian.

I know a place with
the best pasta in town.

So, what do you think?

Well, actually, it's not bad.

Thanks for helping me
out in reeve's office.

You didn't give me much choice.

(Ship horn blows)

It's really pretty out here.

Something the matter?

I was thinking back when I
used to train tiger regularly.

It was crazy back then.

The training would overpower you.

Is that when your wife left you?


Then I came here to forget.

Now you're gonna start
training in tiger again?

I have to.

What makes you think that
you can handle it this time?

He killed my friend.

Well, I think it's a
little bit more than that.

I think that you want to prove to yourself

that you can master this tiger.

I'm just like you, I
have something to prove.

(Foreboding music)

(Car horns honk)

Testing, testing.

I checked these photos for priors.

James wong, two assault
charges, one theft.

We've met.

Wish me luck.

(Foreboding music)

By the way, I like your perfume.

(Gong sounds)

(Speaking Chinese)

Take the center.

(Speaking Chinese)

I have granted you a
chance to train with us.

Now, it's up to you to prove
you're worthy of this honor.

Defend yourself.

(Gong sounds)



(Gong sounds)

(Grunting) (Thudding)

Your teacher would be proud.

Tomorrow, you will begin your training.


What happened?

I went high when I should've gone low.

What about James?

Do you think it's him?

He's certainly got the
capability, but they all do.

It's too soon to tell.

Well, I couldn't understand half

of what was going on in there.

I'm gonna have to get that translated.

Good, just get me home.

(Car horn honks)

Kalpot blossom, chai
tai pin, tong sum fa.

Is this some secret Chinese medicine?

No, Chinese tea.

Try it.

Go ahead, try.

It's kung fu tea.

Mmm, it's good.

One cup of it and you're
ready to take on anybody.

Do you drink this stuff regularly?

Only when I train.

Have you heard the latest news?

Apparently, there's dozens
of small groups of vigilantes

roaming the streets at night
in search of the death dealer.

Are you serious?

It's getting out of hand.

They think it's some kind of a game.

They've never looked death in the eye.

(Car horn honks)

(Men grunt)

I was wondering if you'd come back.

Wouldn't miss it.

Tonight will be different.

(Ominous music)

You can count on it.


(Tense drum music)

(Instructor shouts)

(Gong sounds) (Man groans)

(Men grunt)

(Man growls)

(Pans sizzle)


(Tense music)


You know his pattern, so
you can predict his moves.

I don't see any other competition.


(Shouts angrily)


Class is dismissed.

(Gong sounds)

Take it easy, delo.

You've got some nasty feet.

Yeah, well, he asked for it.

What's his problem?
— you're an outsider.

Is that what he said?

No, you just are.

What do you know about him?

Like what?

What's he do?

Does he have any friends,
does he hate the world?

This is Chong, he's the one
that paints all this stuff.

Nice artwork.

Your kung fu is good.

[Tarek] Where are you from?

[Chong] Canton.

[Tarek] Don't you train?

[Chong] I trained for many years.

Now I paint.

[Ming] He's just visiting.

Come on, tarek.

[Tarek] Do you know about
any other tiger clubs?

[Ming] Yeah, but it's
sort of a secret spot.

Chong and I are going there now.

Could you take me with you?

Yeah, I guess that would be okay.

[Tarek] Good, let's go.

(Engine sputters)

Headquarters, this
is detective Masterson.

[Dispatcher] Go ahead, detective.

Requesting a tow truck
at 5th and Lexington.

[Dispatcher] It's on its way.

(Mid—tempo pop music)

(Patrons applaud)

(Man whistles)

When I asked if there
were any other tiger clubs,

this isn't what I meant.

I hope you're not complaining.

Besides, I bet she could
give you a lesson or two.

You like that?



Hey, how about that tow truck?

(Patrons applaud)

Compliments of Mr. Sing.

Who's Mr. Sing?

The owner.

He likes to treat us regulars
every once in a while.

Sing makes good money.

On you guys alone, I bet.

(Group chuckles)

Well, to the power of the tiger.

(Glasses clink)

(Tense music)

(Speaking in Chinese)
(Woman screams)


(Speaking Chinese)


I said, get down!

Possible robbery at the tiger's den.



(Speaking Chinese)

Show yourself.

You have five seconds.

(Suspenseful music)

Yi... er... sén... s'|...

(Gun fires) (Man shouts)

(Guns fire) (Patrons scream)

(Shouts in pain)

(T arek growls)

(Woman screams)

(Engine sputters)

(T arek shouts)


(Speaking Chinese)

Come quickly.

Come, come.

(Police sirens wail)

Do you realize what
happened to me tonight?

I didn't know if you were dead,

I didn't know if you were shot.

My car breaks down.

What the hell happened?

The punks we fought in
the alley, they showed up.

Did they blow your cover?

No, they never had a chance.

Are you okay?

What happened?

I lost control.

If Chong didn't stop me,
I would've killed someone.

Yeah, or they would've killed you.

No, the point is,

I don't like where this
training's taking me.

Tarek, don't let this get to you.

We're almost finished.

What about James?

He came at me with the same pattern.

But I need more time.

There's no more time.

We have to get this guy James now.

We're not ready.

Please, let it go.

(Pedestrian chatter)

(Tires squeal)

The suspect works here.

Go around the back in case he runs out.

I hope he does.

Don't screw around, king.

This guy is dangerous.

(Car horn honks)

(Police radio chatters)

(Heavy rock music)

Hey babe, how about chilling with me?

Babe. (Shouts in pain)


[Linda] Wong! Hold it!

Show's over, buddy.



Hands in the air! Now!

Drop the gun or I'll waste him.

Do it now!

Do it!

Empty it.

(Suspenseful music)



(Police sirens wail)

[Reporter] Have you
captured the death dealer?

Yes, we have a suspect in custody.

Well, when are we gonna get a picture?

We hope to have this
investigation resolved momentarily.

I can't say much more than that right now.

I'll have an official statement shortly.

How did it go?
(Reporters chatter)

He put up a fight.

He claims he ran because of
the cocaine we found on him.

How about today?
— let's get on with it.

The commissioner wants me to
pass on his congratulations.

With the upcoming election,

this is exactly what the
commissioner wanted to hear.

Let's stick with the original plan.

I want Masterson to
handle the interrogation.

You mind telling me what
the fuck I'm doing here?

I told you, you're being
held on suspicion of murder.

Yeah, right.

Now, what were you doing
on the 6th of this month,

between 10 and 11 pm?

Answer the question.

Kiss my yellow ass.

Don't make this difficult, James.

Fuck you, I want a lawyer.

You'll get one. Now answer the question!

I don't remember.


[Linda] I can wait until you remember.

You're wasting your time, bitch.

(Foreboding music)

What the fuck is he doing here?

Listen, you puke, I want
from you a straight answer now.

Where were you that night?

I was working at the pool hall.

Wrong answer!

I talked to the owner of the club.

He said you didn't sign in that night.

Back off, man!

It's the truth, I was
covering for a friend,

that's why I didn't sign in.

I got at least 20 witnesses.

I did what I could, but some
things are out of my hands.

The commissioner requested

that you two be taken off the case.


[Reeves] I'm sorry, there
was nothing I could do.

Come on, sergeant, you can't do that.

The decision is final.

Why don't you go home
now for a couple of days

and rest until I can find some
place I can re—assign you?

Your suspension is still on,

pending the outcome of the investigation.


Detectives Roberts and Vince
will be handling your case.

It shouldn't take too long, sergeant.

We'll have this wrapped up in no time.

Yeah, right.

(Car horns honk) (Tires screech)

(Police sirens wail)

Hey, hey, wait a minute.

You really screwed yourself
this time, didn't you?

I knew it was just a matter of time.

You're a dangerous person.

And you? Have a lot of guts
working with a guy like this.

You're lucky he didn't get you killed.

What a waste of talent that would be.

Come on, big man, do it! I dare you!

Tarek, leave him
alone, he's not worth it!

Come on, let's go.

You're finished!

You'll never work again, asshole.


(Drum beats rhythmically)

Chong, where have you been?

How come you never train?

What you say?

You need to practice
if you want to be good.

You need guidance.

You don't know what you say.

I know exactly what I'm saying.

Let's train.


We train.

(Foreboding music)


(Speaking cantonese)

(Speaking cantonese)

(Speaking cantonese)

(Speaking cantonese)

(Speaking cantonese)




(Door closes)




(Tense music)







What's the use? We're off the case.

Think positive. We must
have missed something.

Yeah, you're right.

Maybe there's something
in the translations.

Anything there?

Wait a minute.

Look, according to this,
your cover was blown.


By one of the punks
you were with in the bar.

I was with ming and Chong.


(Foreboding music)

(Water sizzles)

(Car horns honk)

You take the back, I'll take the front.

Be careful.

(Foreboding music)

(Door opens)

(Cat yowls)

(Suspenseful music)


Hold it right there.

You go that way, I'll meet you in front.

(Car horns honk)

Hey, that was tarek.
What's he doing here?

Come on, let's find out.

(Foreboding music)

Holy smokes!

You thinking what I'm thinking?


(Tires screech)

(Seagulls squawk)

[Linda] Look, we just
spent the whole night

searching through Chinatown
and we couldn't find him.

What makes you think that
Chong would come here?

Just a hunch.

There's tarek.

We got him now.

We have to get him.

No, we should call it in,
let someone else take him down.

This way, we stay clean,
we get the credit.

The commissioner will have to like it.

No way, he's mine.

Hold it right there.

What are you doing here?

We're taking tarek in for questioning.

Are you out of your mind?

Shut up!

You'll be tagging cars
the rest of your life.

[Linda] But we know who the killer is!

Yeah, well so do we.

I just want to see
the commissioner's face

when he hears how brilliant you were.

Listen, lady, you don't know what —...


(Roberts shouts)

(Water splashes)

(T arek groans)


Uncuff me, you idiot.

(Chong shouts)


Get these damn cuffs off!

Forget it.

(T arek shouts)

[Roberts] Help!

I'm gonna get him.

[Roberts] Help me!

I can't swim.

[Linda] Call for help!

[Roberts] Somebody get me out!

Get me out of here!


Here, grab on!

Help, I can't swim!
— grab it, grab it!


Pull me up, pull me up.

(Tense music)

What the hell do you
think you're doing here?

Get out of here.

Get out of here!

(Chong growls)

(Chong chuckles)

(Chong laughs loudly)

(Chong shouts)

(Suspenseful music)

(Chong shouts)


(Roberts coughs)

[Vince] Help's on the way!

Stay with him!

It's all right, it's okay. All right.


(Tense music)

Me and you, we are the same.

We're not the same.


(Suspenseful music)

(Chong shouts)

(Seagulls squawk)




(Suspenseful music)


(T arek shouts)

(Police radio chatters)

[Reeves] What the hell happened here?

Well, it all started
when the sunshine boys

came to arrest tarek.

[Reeves] Is that true?

We had a minor miscalculation.

Explain that to the commissioner.

It was his idea, sir.
— be quiet!

[Roberts] I can explain
everything, sergeant.

[Reeves] I'll deal with you guys later.

(Foreboding music)

(Moody keyboard music)


Cheers. — cheers.

Too bad about Roberts and
Vince getting suspended, huh?

Broke my heart.

Ah, two weeks of vacation.

It's gonna be hard to go back.

Come over here, tiger.