Thirumanam (2019) - full transcript

Very much concerned about his family's financial status, Arivudainambi is unhappy with the way his sister's wedding to a wealthy man is being done. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Friends and folks,
you're listening to Hello FM.

This is Mahesh chatting with you
on the show 'Taaru Maaru Darbar'.

We have so many facilities now
to sing and listen to songs.

There are many platforms for those
who love to sing.

You can sing any music composer's
composition in your own voice.

In olden days, if we wanted
to listen to songs,

we did not have too many options.

We had to wait for Oliyum Oliyum
program weekly once on TV.

But now, we have options like MP3
player, mobile, Ipod and many more.

Beyond all that,
now each of us can even sing.

Earlier, we called
people a bathroom

singer but now it's
cellphone singer.

You may try too.

Before I continue our conversation
on Taaru Maaru Darbar,

let's take a short break.

'Hello FM 106.4.'

Your program is nice.

I watched the movie 96 yesterday.

I loved it.

But reminds me of 'Autograph'.

'Autograph' and '96'
are two different stories.

Vijay Sethupati's character
in this one is unmatchable.

But I cannot digest one thing.
How can one

stay unmarried in the memory
of his childhood sweetheart?

How is that possible?

Why is it not possible?
If love is true,

it is of course possible
to not marry anyone else.

In any era.

Can you do that?

Why not? If it so happens that
I cannot have you, I'll do it too.

Because I love you.

It sounds nice.

But in reality,
it cannot come true.

I cannot prove it.

- That's because,

you will be mine.
I won't miss you come what may.

Love you.

Me too...

No, that word itself scares me.
Love you too.

These are the bride and groom.

They are in love.

The story of this film is,

how are they going to
get married.

the girl's elder brother.

Additional inspector
at the Income Tax office.

He is 100% strict at home,

and at work, he is 90%
straightforward and honest

while 10% proud.

Has the driver come?
- 'Yes, sir.'

Did the car go to the airport?
- 'Yes, sir.'

He would've gone wearing
a sarong and without brushing

his teeth as it is
an early morning flight.

'No, sir. He has worn trousers.'
- So, he dressed up decently? Good.

Everything should be ready by
10:00 AM for him.

When I told him I have grown
old and need a helping hand,

he said one needs to be active
at old age

and fired the domestic help we had.



She is impossible.

She starts practising in
the morning and makes some excuse

to not help me.

Boys keep frequenting here.

You've learnt dance since
your childhood.

Do it every morning
so that your body remains fit.

Is breakfast ready, mom?
- Yes, it is.


Have it.

Even if I tell you that I will have
it, you give it to me every day.

Ten tablets remain
by the month end.

That is why, I have made
this my duty.

Why would I have bothered
if you had it on time?

You forgot, didn't you?

Come, let's have breakfast.

Did Athira eat?

She has gone for a bath, son.

- I'm coming, son.

Come, I'm getting late.

What's that sound?

The people staying upstairs
are doing something.

They're our house owners.
We cannot tell them anything.

You have your breakfast
or you will be late.

Uncle, did you have?

You carry on, I don't work in a
Government office to go on time.

What chutney is it today?

You mean, you don't go to
your travels office on time, right?

Sister, I have no energy to argue
with him. I'm going upstairs.

Call me once he leaves. Okay?
- You didn't answer my question.

I am not coming this side.

He is no less than Hitler.

Do we have a military camp here?

'Manonmani, the groom's
elder sister.'

'Her brother is her life,
who means the world to her.'

'A Zamindar family!
So, they maintain that attitude.'

'She calls the shot in this family.'




He is performing his prayers
putting on his earphone.

He takes an hour for prayer,
every morning.






He comes late every day.

'The number you have dialled
is busy on another call.'

'Please call again later...'


- She hasn't come here, madam.



Where did she go?




Who are you talking to on phone
without bothering to close the tap?

I was talking to
our driver Saravana, madam.

I see!

Was he chatting
with you since so long?

I called him so many times.

Without taking my call, what
important was he talking with you?

Should I pay you salary
so that you sit and chitchat?

Uncle! Uncle...

Come here.
- What is it?

Listen to her.
- Why are you screaming?

Ask her.
- What did you do?

You nod for everything.
Tell me what you did now.

I was talking to our driver,
Saravana over the phone. - Is it?

Go there and talk.


Where do I get time to talk?

I'm getting late.
- Let him come.

'Both of them are standing
right outside the door.'

'I need put up an act.'

Hello, madam.
- Hello, sir.

He was cycling normally till the
gate and now, he is panting.

Why are you late?

My bike had a flat tire
on the way.


You come by a bicycle everyday.
You don't have a bike.

Someone who passed by on a bike
that had a flat tire.

So what?

How could I have ignored him
and come after seeing that?

I dropped him at a garage, got
the flat tire fixed and then came.

I called you,
why didn't you answer?

I was calling the garage guy, madam.
- That's a lie! A lie!

He speaks nothing but lies.

'She catches me even if
I put up a brilliant act.'

Angamma has told us everything.

Should we pay you both

so that you can chitchat over
phone and watch youtube videos?

Uncle, they will never mend
their ways.

Find someone else
as soon as possible.

Now, come and start the car.
I need to go to the bank.

Come on.


Aren't you going to the bank?
- Yes, I am.

The bank is in the North direction.
Don't go that side today.

So then how should I go?

If you go towards West, turn to
East and turn right, it's South.

Go from that side and you'll
still reach the bank.

I'll reach Salem if I take such
a long route. Pay me for fuel.

What?! You filled fuel yesterday.
Why do you need money again? - Sir,

come and push the car if it
stops on the way. I will leave.

Evil is ruling
your tongue and mind.

Uncle, you go inside.
- And you, start the car.

Are all the files and records
in this? - Yes, sir.

Keep this total handy.
- Okay, sir.

How many files have you
covered in all? - Here...

Here are the details of
the company that you asked for.

If you check this, you'll know
who is original and who is fake.

Full details?
- Yes.

Okay, sir.

I have all the details.

The action plan is ready too.

We'll wait just because
you are saying so.

We need 64 people.

So, inform them all.
- Okay, sir.

But share the information of
where and what time we'll be going

just one hour prior we go.

I'm saying this for your good,

Slow down, it will be good for you.

- Okay, sir.

Yes, sir?

Are the details and files ready?

Everything is ready, sir.
Operation is ready too.

File all the details and keep it
on my table, I'll inform you.

Inform the team members
that the operation is postponed.


We'll talk later. Firstly,
get me the files first.

Okay, sir.

'Hello FM.'


- Hello.

It's been so long since
you played an Ad.

Why didn't you take my call?

Is Hello FM paying me
to talk to you over the phone?

Well, why haven't you played
the song I asked for as yet?

This radio station is not
being run by your brother.

If my boss learns that I play your
favorite songs, I'll be done for!

Okay, you get back to work.

Hey, hello...

What is it? Make it fast.
I have work.


What work do you do?

Do you think this is fair?
We've been dating since 6 months.

But we haven't met even once.

Why do you want to meet in person?

We get along well on phone.

Hello, don't be so practical.

I need to meet you.

Sir, here's the menu card.

Thank you.


Which flavor would you
like to have?

Mango flavor. What about you?

That's my favorite too.

- Yes, sir?

Two mango ice-cream,
single scoop.

Do you really like that flavor

or you said it only to
impress me?

You should have been a lawyer.

I really like that flavor.


Which juice do you like?

- Yes.



Yes, I love Sapota juice.

- Yes.

I don't like it at all.

Don't you like it?
- No.

I don't like it from now on.

- Of course.

I love to wear Churidar.

I'd like it if you don't wear one.
- What did you say?


I cannot come for outings
with you.

I won't come.

For a movie, or to a temple,
I will never come anywhere.

No calls, no messages
after 8:00 PM.

I have a mom and an elder brother.

What they say is the final word.

If they turn you down,
I will definitely say no to you.

Is that okay?
- Okay.


I will take that.


So then?


Isn't there anything more?

Nothing more. Why haven't you
gone for work yet?

I have taken an hour's
relaxation today.

- Yes.

What important work do you have?

Well... Actually... - Okay, move.
I am getting late for work.


Did brother tell you anything?

About what? Your love song?


I have no idea. You better
talk to your brother directly.

He talks politely only with you.

So, you speak to him.



Is it? I have never seen it.

Why are you doing all
these chores today?

What use is it of?
You are making me beg.

You don't behave like a brother,
but like a villain.

Am I behaving like a villain?

Do I look like one?

Yes, you do.

Mom... Listen...

A small mouse has been

running around the house
since morning. Ask the reason.

Tell him, it wants to know
the reply of the big rat!


What reply

is she expecting? Ask her that.

He didn't understand
the meaning of my song.

I am not able to arrive
at a decision.

I need to tell him my answer.

Ask him if it's okay or no.

Is this what she has taken
an hour's permission for?

I cannot give an immediate reply.
I will take some time.

Because... Mom...


No matter who he is, but he will
have to wait if he wants my sister.

Tell her.

Please spare me.

I don't want to be sandwiched
between the two of you.

Don't let me beg you,
I will throw away!

Throw away whom?
Your elder brother?

No, him!

You don't have to refuse him.

Give me a week's time.

Let me enquire about him

and then I will tell you my reply.

- Okay.

- Yes?

Did he show you the girl's

Yes, I saw her photo.
She is as elegant as a Goddess.

Okay, that's enough.

Don't praise her too much.

Are they a match to our
family's standards?

What's their family background?

What does her dad and mom do
for a living?

How many siblings does she have?
Enquire all these details. - Okay.

Else, my brother might end
up taking their responsibility.

It will be good if she is
the only daughter.

I want these details in a week.

Enquire in different places.
- Sure.

The astral chart,

their names, their horoscopes,

their birth time,
everything is a perfect match.

As per Numerology,
he is number 3 while she is 7.

7 is a perfect match for 3.
They get along very well.

People who match horoscopes,

also end up in a divorce
these days, Mr Arivu.

You won't believe,

in the last year,
only in the city of Coimbatore,

1750 people had applied
for a divorce.

Women apply for a divorce stating
that her husband has bad breath.

But basically, there are 3 reasons.

First is financial issues.

Secondly, difference of opinion.

Could be taste difference
or decision making abilities.

But one of the main reason
is sexual problems.

Either too much interest
in sex or no interest.

Actually, in today's lifestyle

the concept called marriage
has become outdated.

It's irrelevant.

Everyone definitely needs
his own space.

Within that space,

no one other than the ones
they allow can enter.

What happens because of that is,
we share our frustration, depression

and all our problems with
a stranger, a complete outsider

letting the one enter our life.

We lived in joint families
in olden times.

We never found these problems
to be big enough in that lifestyle.

Because, we had elderly people
in our family

to guide those who had
any misunderstanding or problem.

See, before this cell-phone,

if a husband had a fight
and then went to office,

he had eight hours to realize.

In that time, he thought of
old sentiments, thoughts,

attachments and thus,
the problem was solved naturally.

But now, if there is a fight,
we tend to react the next minute.

We call immediately,
scream or use abusive language.

The words stay on our mind.

The girl thinks, I am earning
and why should I be looked down.

Man thinks, he is a man and so,
he can live anyhow.

This is the thought process now.

I have a personal assignment.

I've found a groom for my sister.
- That's great news.

I want to know some details
about the boy.

We'll find out.
- So...

Here is his number.

The call history of
this number,

every detail about him like his
character, lifestyle, friend circle,

I want everything in a week.

Sure, I will do that.
- Okay?

You keep this.
- Okay, sir.

His name is Mahesh. He is a RJ
in Hello FM.

He does a program called
'Taaru Maaru Darbar' every evening.

Listen to it for a couple of days.

On the third day, send him
a whatsapp message saying Hi.

Appreciate his program.

If he replies, you reply

Continue this for one week
and submit the chart history.

- Okay.

Keep a beautiful photo
of yours as your dsplay picture.

Sir, why that? I might
end up in some trouble.

Why? Are you afraid that
he might hit on you?

Sir, why are you making fun of me?

If that can clear a doubt,
simply go ahead.

Sami, stay quiet.

You need not be scared.
- Okay, sir.

Let us change the board of
Income Tax office that's outside

to Investigation Bureau. What say?

Criminal officer!

Dad, he is not liking
the job he has in hand.

He wants to start
his own business, dad.

It's only been six months
since you got married.

Let him continue the job.

Post two years, we'll see
what business he can start.

No, dad. His parents have
denied to invest money.

They're also against the idea
of selling any property.

So, he told me to ask
if you could help.

I tried to explain several times,
but he doesn't understand.

We are facing problems everyday,
because of this.

Dad, please do something.

Give me some time.
Let me think, dear.

- Sir?

Arivu would be inside,
call him. - Sure, sir.

I wonder what should
we rely upon,

before we get our
daughter married.

A girl's father is always worried
all his life.

Our duties don't end even
after getting them married off.

It goes on throughout our life.

In olden times,

we used to run a background
check on a boy's family,

his character, income and status.

agreed after
assuring everything.

But there is no such chance now.

The girl and boy meet on
Facebook, Whatsapp or Twitter

and get to know each other.

Where's the scope for a girl's
parent to know her safety?


Within six months of marriage,

my daughter has problems
in her marriage.

At least you get your sister
married after checking everything.

Don't make haste,
and take your own time.

That's because, a marriage
happens only once in a lifetime.

Give us some discount.
- Sure, we'll work on it.

- The actual price of it is 49000.

Please think about it.
- Excuse me.

Is anybody here?

Give me a minute, madam.

Okay, madam. You may discuss
at home and decide.

I'll help you.
- Okay.

Yes, madam?

Sorry, that customer walked in first
and so, I gave them preference.

Will you take care of only
them because they came first?

I don't understand this.

Aren't there no other good
staff in this showroom?

Who is your boss? Call him.

- I need to speak with him.

Madam, I am here now.
- Please...

There's no other customer
other than you.

Tell me what you want
and I'll guide you.

Why call the boss?

That sofa is very nice.
What is its cost?

Sofa... Give me a minute.

Price... Well...

This wall piece is beautiful.
How much would it cost?

Wall... Just a minute, madam.

What is the price of this TV?

That cot is so beautiful.
How much is it for?

Cot? Let me check its price.

You have to check the price?

Listen, that dining table
and chair is very nice.

Will you at least tell me its price?
- Dining table...

Okay, come here.
- Madam...

I really like this sofa.
Just tell me its price.

The price of the sofa?
- What's this?

I asked you the rate of so many
items so far, you know not one.

Madam, you're asking
me the price of

something else
before I check one.

You point at yet another item
before I check its price.

How can I tell you? You see
everything with some patience.

Ask me one by one.
I will tell you.

You are trying to put me down?

No, madam.

You did not know the price of
a single item I asked so far.

Is this how you work?

They are paying such people.

What a waste!

Useless girl!

You come to work just because
you get bored at home.

I fail to understand how people
entrust such a big showroom on you.

Excuse me, madam.

'What a waste!'

'Useless girl!'

'I wonder how they entrust such
a big showroom on people like you.'

Sorry, madam.
I had to go to the washroom.

The sofa is for 22000,
the cot for 90500.

These chairs and table,
for 20000.

Tell me what you want.


I came to know the rates.

I will buy them later.

Will you?
- Yes.

Will you come again to buy?
- Yes.

Of course, you will buy, madam.

What did you say now?

You think we come here
only because we get bored at home?

It is you who have no work
at home and so,

loiter around all the malls for
window shopping and pick up a fight.

Mind your words, madam.

What do you think of us?

It is okay if you buy something.

Why put up a scene
only to check the rates?

Please go, madam.
Let me breathe some fresh air.


'Basically, there are
three reasons.'

'First is financial issues.'

My elder sister
is a fashion designer.

She runs a boutique, sir.

Our family is known as
the family of Landlords.

Sister's income,

uncle's income from the coir factory
and then near Anamalai,

we have an agricultural land
of 30 acres, sir... - Have juice.

Thank you, sir.

'Difference of opinion, '

'taste difference or decision
making abilities...'

How many years have you
been knowing Athira for?

Seven months.

What more do you know about her?

Her family is her first priority.

She is a well mannered girl.

She doesn't like if somebody
lies or boasts.


Is that all you know

in these seven months?

'Nobody is willing to sacrifice
anything for anyone.'

Do you get angry, Mahesh?

Very rarely, sir.

My sister is very short tempered.

She behaves like a demoness
in a fit of rage.

She thinks twice before
giving up on something.

She thinks what she says
is always right.

And then, our family is not
a rich family like yours.

You're too straight
and lead a planned life.

You have worked hard to succeed.

Athira considers her mom and
brother's word to be the final one.

You are still living
in a rented house.

Athira has told me everything, sir.

You both have discussed everything
before informing your families.

Let me repeat myself.

Make a list of
what differences

you have or what problems
do you have.

Think seriously if you both
will get along

and then arrive
at a final decision.

Come in, brother.

Did you finish testing the groom?

I heard it took an hour.

What such discussion did
you have with him?

I never discussed anything.

Didn't you?
- No.


Please come inside, I'll tell you.

He told me everything
that you spoke with him.

What did you tell him?
My ears are torn.

She has been irritating me
for the last half an hour.

- Me.

That you spoke ill of her
and blamed her.

What is mom saying?

Let me go.
- Now, listen.

You and your brother speak to
each other directly and spare me.

Love is really such a nuisance.

What? Is it love?

Love is a nuisance, I say!

Mom, I didn't drink water.

You won't get water.
- Hey!

Did you tell him I'm short tempered?

He really got on my nerve.

He says, he wants to see
how I behave like a demoness.

Am I stubborn?

He tells me to give him a list of
things I'm obstinate about,

so that he can stay silent.

You told him everything wrong.

I don't mind, I escaped.

This is his call history.

He has been using the same
phone number for 13 years.

A person who does not change
his phone number frequently

and uses the same number
for thirteen long years,

it means he is a
person who doesn't

get into any trouble
and is happy.

That is, he has no love affairs
or any connection with girls.

You asked me where does he
spend his leisure time.

It's the library and music world.

He has no habit of drinking
or smoking.

Very good.
You have done a great job.

What is your report? Show it to me.

Hi... Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Is that all?

Sir, he did not reply after that.

He blocked my number, sir.

- He blocked me, sir.

Did he block you?

I can tuck the shirt inside.

But how do I tuck my tummy in?



Why are you all decked up today?

They're coming to see the groom,
madam. - See whom?

Mr Mahesh.

So then why have you
dressed up?

Park the car aside.
Their car will be here any minute.

They'll park right here.

'They can't see a driver
look handsome.'

We need not talk over there.
Let uncle do the talking.

Uncle, ask mom if you have
any doubt.

I am not going to
say anything today.

Neither will you.

Uncle, everything is ready.

Please call them up and enquire
where have they reached.

Why, dear?
- That's enough.

Are you planning to take him to
where they are? - Uncle...

Be straight while you talk to them.

Don't agree to anything we
have to regret later about.

Speak only about things
we can actually fulfill.

This is just the first meeting.
Why are you nervous?

Let us go, meet them
and talk. Things will follow.

Uncle, we'll book
a big banquet hall,

organize for a grand orchestra,
and wedding procession. - Sure.

After all, there's a wedding
in the family after so many years.

People should speak about
the wedding celebration. - Okay.

We need to book everything
that's the best.

You don't worry, dear.
We'll do it.

For my brother's wedding,

I want everything to be the best.

Please come in.

Come in, have a seat.
- Come.

Come in, madam.
- Sure.

No one has come.
- Stay quiet.

Hello, sir.
- Hello.

You are?- I'm a masters
graduate and a driver here.

They've hired a Masters graduate
as a driver!


Looking at this big
house, I guess

they might ask for
50 soverign gold.

It's not that. I told you,
they're a landlord family.

That's why, the house is huge.

Looks like, they have
recently rennovated.

His sister is a costume designer.

She owns a boutique and so,
the house is neat and clean.

What does it mean?


I won't ask you.
- You tell me what it means.

Boutique is a place where one
sells dresses

designed and stitched by oneself.

You mean, she is a tailor
by profession?

Why don't you call her a tailor
then? You both confused me.

It is not a tailor shop,
but a boutique.

Whatever it is, I just want
the groom to be good. Right?

Is everything okay?
- Yes, it is.

We must wait...
- You do the talking. - Okay.

- Hello, madam. - Hello.

Hello, madam.
- Hello.

Please have a seat. Please...

Have a seat, madam.

Why is she addressing you
as madam with such respect?

How are you?

I am good. - It's ruined.
This wedding won't happen.

Don't say that.

How are you doing?
- No, uncle.

She came to my shop one day
and I shouted at her.

She must be someone else.

Today is an auspicious day.

It's better to discuss and finalize
everything today. Go ahead.

What's there to discuss, uncle?
This is just a formal meet.

We like the girl.

More than our liking, my brother
likes her.

I'm happy.
- So are we.

So shall we finalize the proposal?

If they are okay with
my brother and our family,

let us finalize an auspicious
date to fix the wedding date.

So that we can begin
the preparations. Is that okay?

Make necessary arrangements.

What do you have to say, Arivu?
What about you, sister?

What we came for is done,
without any hassles.

Sister, you're the oldest here.
Exchange the token tray.


Shall I say something?

What is it? - Our daughter will
keep smiling in this house.

How can you be sure?
- Look at the old man.

The bride and family are here with
a wedding proposal for Mr Mahesh.


If the girl doesn't like him,
I have some scope too.

If it works out,

my life will be settled.

That is why, I came prepared.

Do you come to work
with a plan?

You just want to woo any girl
from a well to do family.

Don't you maids flirt with
the owner of the house you work at?

- So we can do this too.

Maintaining 30 acres of land,
taking care of coir factory,

sending the coirs that are ready
to the wholesalers promptly.

By God's grace, we are leading
a good life with enough money.

What is your monthly revenue
on an average?

It should be around ten to twelve
hundred thousands.

You mean, you earn more than
ten millions in a year?

By Lord Shiva's grace, we do so.

Hope you file your income
tax on time.

What's that?

Income tax. Tax on your income.

Income tax... We've never
attempted anything of that sort.

Oh, no. Don't you ever pay
tax on your revenue?


Sir, you're fooling
the Government. File your papers.

Hold on.

Don't make haste.

What are you talking?
- It's just a formality.

Stay quiet for a while.

Why all this now?

Yes, Mr Narsimhachari.

Yes, I have come out
for some work.

I'll send you an address
on your number.

Yes, that's right.

A person here earns more than
ten million rupees yearly.

He has never filed his
income tax returns.

Yes, he earns a revenue
from three different sources.

Yes, I will send you the details.

You send them a notice.

Thank you.

What's this? You
came with a wedding

proposal and are
sending a notice?

Sir, both are two different things.

Filing income tax returns
is good for you.

Sir, you don't get worked up.

He is working in the income
tax department.

Tomorrow, our families will be one.

He is saying that for your good.

I see.

You don't worry, he will do
all the necessary formalities.

You won't have to pay any fine
as you fear.

What did your sister say?

She is all praises for you and says,
you're the perfect choice.

What magic did you do?

That's how it is. My mom is
also all praises for you.

She says, you're too soft
and very silent.

I cannot bear it.

You won your mother-in-law's
heart right in the first meeting.

But I wonder how to appease
your brother.

Okay, hope sister did not take
the income tax matter seriously.

She was a bit worried first
and then, she realized

it is good for us
to pay the tax.

But my uncle is petrified.


When are they going to
fix the date?

Wait for some days.

Iyer, Mahesh's star is 'Chathayam'
and his sign is Aquarius.

The girl's star is Swati
and sign is Libra.

I have checked their astral charts
and find them to be a match.

You know it already.


Please stay quiet.

Let him check and tell us.

Why would only he advice?

We must check what we know.

It's about the life of our children.

You checked my chart too,
saying this.

What happened later?

Forget about it.

What has to happen will happen.

Praise Lord Shiva.

Oh, no!

Couldn't the crow sit elsewhere?

That too, outside
the astrologer's house.

It won't let me rest.

He is dancing inside a ball!

Let me listen to some other song.

Yes, he is the boss!


You wretched crow!


Where is it sitting?

So many cars are here, why is it
aiming at my car alone?

Hey, you crow!

Where are you?

Here comes my stone!

What's the sound? Looks like,
something broke.

Some bird's egg must have
fallen off a tree branch.

Uncle, a bird's egg won't make
this loud sound.

I wonder why did God give you
brain to investigate everything.

This is how he reacts

on hearing the slightest sound.

What will he do at the wedding?

There will be a band
and loud music.

Shall we cancel that?

That seems to be a good idea.

Isn't it?
- You be quiet.

How can we not have trumpets
and drums for a wedding?

I will put in some cotton into his
ears at that time.

I will take it out once
the marriage function is over.

Problem solved.

I'm glad no one saw it.

I'll better sit inside and pretend
to be sleeping.

There are seven auspicious
dates in the month of November.

4th is a Sunday, 5th is Monday.

9th is Friday
and 11th again is Sunday.

14th, Wednesday, 25 Sunday, 28
Wednesday... - 11?

Sunday will be convenient
for everyone, right?

Very good. Mom has said it.

Is November 11th, Sunday fine
with you?

Yes, of course.

That depends on your demand.

What all arrangements you want us
to make? What will be the expenses?

If the expenses are not too high,
I am fine with November.

Your sister who will be
coming into our family

but whatever you give her
is going to be only hers.

We won't ask for a share.

The jewelery you give her,
the clothes and other gifts,

are all going to be used by her.

It's just that we're a Zamin family

and so, if you do according
to our status,

it will be a pride for you
as well.


But we are not a Zamin family.

We're a family surviving
on a Government job and salary.

We will do whatever

best we can.

Okay, let them do
whatever they can.

The banquet hall, catering,
invitation and other expenses

will be shared fifty fifty
by both the families.

If there's no problem
with that, let's proceed.

- Okay.


Is that okay?
- Yes.

And you?

Thank God, no one noticed.

It's better I pretend unaware.


'For a crime free Tamil Nadu.'

Oh, no. A CCTV camera!

Everything would've got
recorded in it.

This Government is really
very unfair.

Let us all go to a temple together.
- Sure, why not?

- We'll go.

You don't worry about
anything. - Okay.

Okay, bye.
- Bye, sir.

Bye, madam.

- Okay.

Start the car.
- Bye.


The glass is broken. - What's this?
Isn't that your car, sir?

Yes, it is.
- What had happened?

A crow sat and the car glass broke.

A crow sat and it broke?
- Yes, sir.

It won't break even if a crow
fell on it.

Hey, tell us the truth without
beating around the bush.

Madam, a crow dirtied our car
glass and I cleaned it.

It went and sat on that tree branch
and tried to dirty their car too.

I threw a stone at it,
but my aim just missed.

The crow escaped in a fraction
of a secnd and the glass broke.

Surprising! Since how many years
have you been working?

For the past seven years, sir.
- Senseless!

Senseless! Sir, you please leave.

You come home,
I'll take care of you.

Sir, it happened by mistake,
please forgive him.

The girl's family is good.
Why do they have a problem then?

You brought your love
affair till marriage.

You say, you are in love since
7 months but have met only twice.


If we met often and spoke
to each other frequently,

there would be nothing left

to speak and laugh
after marriage.

So, there won't be anything left
to talk about, after marriage.

And life will go on.

In six months, life will
start getting boring.

That is why, we decided earlier.

That we wouldn't meet
or talk much.

Wow! Superb!
- Superb!

So, buddy...

The girl you have selected

is brilliant than you.

If that's not the case,
there will be fights.

Absolutely right.
All the best, man!

All the best!
- Congrats!

We should...



We need to leave before 10:30 AM.
Start the car. - There's no charge.

I need to buy a new phone,
the battery doesn't last.


I'm asking you to start the car
and you're busy charging your phone.

Is this what we have bought
a car worth millions for?

You charge it thrice in a day.
Whom do you speak with all day?

Start the car, take us
to Selva Mahal.

Should I go towards the North
or South? - What?

Drive on the road, I will guide
you with the route. Stop staring.

Make sure, there's a huge
car parking space. - Okay.

Won't there be at least two
to three hundred cars?


We need to also check
if there are separate dining halls.

We cannot make renowned people
sit with the rest of the crowd.

Okay, dear. I will take care.

Will there be a temple
inside the banquet hall?

A temple inside a banquet?

People either have the wedding

function in a temple
or in a banquet.

How can there be
a temple inside a banquet?

Uncle, think about it.

If we have a wedding,

the groom has to go
on a wedding procession

to some temple.

If the temple is very far,

to get the groom from there,
they will need a car

or a horse accompanied
with a band and lights,

which itself will cost
about 150,000.

Instead, if we have a temple
next to the banquet hall

or inside it,

all that money can be saved.

We'll ask them to build a temple
inside the banquet. Is that all?


What is it?

It will be great if you could
give me a salary hike.

Why should I increase your salary?

You've fixed Mr Mahesh's wedding.
I need to buy some new clothes.

There are a lot of expenses.

Will Mahesh get married
every month?

It will sound fair
if you ask me to

buy you a new dress
for his wedding.

This is just an excuse for you
to ask for a hike.

Listen to me.
- What?

You better quit the job
once he gets married.

You've said that
ten times at least

but you don't give
me any free time.

- I am trapped here.

Drivers these days are not good.

When are the owners good?

Uncle, the banquet is so big.

They're a rich family, now we
will have to shell out money too.

- Yes?

Look, there's a temple.

We'll save 150,000.

Everything is happening
as per your wish.

350,000 thousand is the rent
for the banquet alone.

Maintenance, cleaning,
decoration expenses,

including all that, it will go
to 650,000.

You will have to pay the entire
amount in advance while booking.

Uncle, if we pay the entire
amount in advance...

You talk to him directly.

You say that the decoration
will cost 200,000 rupees.

Suppose, we don't
like the decoration,

we can get someone from outside
and get it decorated, can't we?

No, sir.

We have a monopoly of
these things in this banquet.

We cannot allow you to bring
anyone from outside.

Excuse me, please.

- Yes, Sami?

'Where are you?' - At the banquet.
- 'Can you come immediately?'


'Mr Vijaykumar is in a problem.
Some men are here.' - Is it?

'I think it's something serious.'
- Okay.

I'll be there in ten minutes.

What is it? - An urgent matter
at my work place. I'll be back.

My office is close by.
Just half an hour.

I'll be back soon, until then
you please discuss everything.

You finalize things.

Come soon, Arivu.

Okay, uncle.


Arivu seems to be very calculative.

Only then can one live
peacefully in this society.

If one doesn't keep an account
of his expenses,

a family will be homeless

and my nephew knows that well.

You don't have an answer?

He is sitting right in front of me.

I'm talking to him.
I will call you back.

'He'll keep giving you
some excuses.'

'Don't come back without
recovering the money.'

'He hasn't paid six months' interest
or the principal amount yet.'

Sir, excuse me.
- 'Why are you quiet?'

Someone is here, he has taken
him aside.

Let me see what's going on.- 'Okay,
call back.' - Sir, what's it?

The expenses went overboard
at the banquet.

The money I was expecting
didn't come to me either.

I borrowed from them on interest.

I couldn't repay it yet.

When can you repay the amount?

It will at least take
three months.

I see.


I have the money that I saved
for my sister's wedding.

I'll give that for now and adjust.
- Arivu...

Sir, it's okay.
- No, Arivu...

- It's okay.

Sir, these people shouldn't come
here, it will ruin your reputation.

I'll speak to them.

Please be seated.


Who are you to interfere?
Let him speak.

Did you borrow the money?

Didn't he borrow it from us?
- Hey!

You carry on.

I am his colleague.

I owe him some money.

He can pay you only if I pay him.

And why do you sound as if
you're threatening?

Hope you know it is illegal
to lend money on interest.

Do you know where you are talking?
- Do you mean, you won't pay up?

You'll pay only if we trouble you?

Did we cause any trouble?

Looks like you're picking a fight.

What problem did we cause?- Do
you know who you are talking to?

You are talking with him,
without knowing his background.

This is wrong.

Give us one week's time.
I will pay you. - Arivu, please...

Give us a week.
- No, sir...

Just a week, sir. Please...
- Sir, you be seated.

One week!
- Okay. - I'll see you.


Come, let us go.
- You have only one week's time.

Why were you arguing with
that man? - Please go.

Who will answer our boss?

What if he asks us
what the problem is?


Please go.

Hello, uncle. - They're waiting
here. Will you speak with them?

Yes, sure.

- Hello.

When will you come?
- There is

a small problem here.

Do we need to book
such an expensive banquet?

Shall we have the wedding at some
temple or at the registered office?

Because we'll go there one evening
and vacate it the next afternoon.

Is it worth spending 600,000 rupees
for one day's celebration?

Isn't that too expensive?

In olden times,

for weddings, relatives, friends

and the groom's family came
with their families,

got together, had fun,
played games, enjoyed

all night chatting

and the wedding used to
be a grand affair.

But now a days,

no one attends a wedding
with family.

Even if they get their family,

they come for formality sake,

do the rituals, pose for a photo
and just leave.

And we have to spend 600,000
rupees for that.

Think over it, please.

I gave it a serious thought and
arrived at this decision... - Hello.

Yes, uncle?

Why did she hand you the phone
while I was still talking to her?

What did you tell her? Her face
has turned pale... We'll talk later.

He is asking if we can have
the wedding at some temple.

You may not have any relatives.

Or maybe, you don't want
to maintain any relationship.

But that's not the case with us.

We are

a very big family.

He just told me on phone
to have the wedding in some

temple or the registered office.
We cannot do that.

Uncle, let us go.

Let them decide on something
and then call us.

What you said is not wrong,
the way you said it is.

I'm always wrong.
- You should have gone personally

or sent uncle to talk about it.

Instead, you spoke all philosophies
over the phone.

They took it wrong.

You have coffee.

Things will be sorted if we
go ahead with the banquet.

That cannot be ignored.

Will the banquet owner give it
to us for free?

Or can we have the wedding
without informing anyone?

This is a practice that cannot
be changed now.

Uncle, did we book a banquet
in olden times?

They either had it in some temple

or in the biggest house
in the village.

One week back, all close relatives
and friends came home,

divided all the wedding related work

like preparing sweets, savories,

and had a gala time together.

No one even bothered to check
who slept where.

They played different games
sitting in different corners.

A marriage should be celebrated.

The wealthy people who do not know

what to do with all their money
book lavish banquets.

That's how the practice started.

Don't tell anything to her.
- You too.

Uncle, what's the matter?
Why does he look angry?

He isn't angry,
he is in a good mood.

Uncle, did you all book
a banquet?

We've seen two banquets.

We were discussing which one
of those to book.

Athira, take your coffee
and go inside.

You shouldn't interfere
while elders are talking.



Don't think too much.

We need to live with
the current trends.

Say okay for the banquet
and proceed with other arrangements.

How many days will you
take to deliver if I order now?

Once you approve the proof, we'll
deliver in three days from then.

Will you deliver in just 3 days?

- Superb!

When will you place the order?

I haven't found a girl yet.

Once I find one, I'll come
to play my order.

Do you know any girl?

Aren't you the driver who
came with them?

You continue your work if you
do not know any girl.

Even if I speak royally, they
still understand I am a driver.

I dress up so aptly.

Isn't that nice?
- This card is nice. - Look here.

Lord Murugan's picture is not
there on this one.

Oh, I...

Mister, can you show me a gold card

with Lord Ganesha's picture
in the front?

Get the LED card with Lord
Ganesha's picture on it.


We have so many Ganesha idols
at home. Why on the card? - Here.

I need to say something important.

We worship Lord Murugan.

So, we want Lord Murugan's
picture on the front side.

Show us the ones
with Lord Murugan's picture.

Get the signature card
with Murugan's picture on it.

Sir, here's Murugan.

Lord Muruga, bless us all.

He is all decked up...

Is that all?

So what? We can have
Lord Murugan in

the front and
Ganesh in the back.

Do you have a card with both
their pictures printed on it?

Yes, we do.
- Listen...

Lord Ganesha is the one worshipped
first and you'll keep in the back?


We'll decide about the God later.

First, tell me the price
of the card.

The one with Lord Ganesha's
picture is Rs 250.

One with Lord Muruga is Rs 370.

This card is for Rs 500
plus GST.

You mean, Lord Murugan is
costlier than Lord Ganesha.

And to add to it, they have
GST too.

Sir, how many cards will you need?

I think...

Won't we need around 2000 cards?
- That's right.


- Yes.

Singapatti Zamin to Singapore,
we have so many relatives.


Uncle, what about our family?
- How is this design?

In the last page...

They said 2000, we should not
go lesser than 1500.

Why do we need so many?
- Explain to him.

Say as your uncle says.

What will we do with 1500 cards?

- You are joining hands with him.

Okay, let me close it at 500.

We'll need 1500 cards.

Yes, we have relatives in
Natarasumootai to Norway.

We need to invite them all too.

I see.

Sir, give me a calculator please.

Get me a calculator.

2000 cards for you
and 1500 for us.

What is the practice you follow
in your family?

Will you send the card by post
or go and invite personally?

No, we need to go and invite

Zamin family, after all.
It's about our prestige.

I was wondering that too.

You will need 2000 cards
and we need 1500.

Total, we need 3500 cards.

One card costs Rs 270 on an average.

So, 3500 multiplied by 270

comes to 945,000 which is
the cost of only cards.

Besides this cost are the expenses
of distributing the cards.

You will spend on car, diesel,
traveling, food.

We'll incur the
same expenses too

which will total to
another 300,000.

So, only on invitation cards,

we'll be spending around
1.2 million rupees.

And when you give this

to someone,

he will take it from you,

take a look at it

and then say, 'Oh, the wedding is
in Selva Mahal banquet hall.'

'When is it? On 11th, Sunday.
Very good.'

'What time? Morning 7 to 9 AM.'

'Okay, I'll be there.' Saying that,
he'll throw the card aside.

Just for this purpose,
we are spending such a bomb.

Communication has changed
a lot these days.

Everyone uses whatsapp.

Mahesh, you design and send
me an invite.

You send it through whtasapp
to your relatives.

And we'll send the same
to our relatives as well.

We'll save money on printing
cards and also on travelling.

We can sit at one
place and inform

everyone about the
wedding schedule.

Amazing idea!

You are all alone.
You need to care for your health.

When you go personally
to each house,

they will give you
tea, coffee and

cold drinks spoiling
your appetite.

And then you will fall ill
for the next ten days.

It's a good idea.

But we cannot invite everyone
on whatsapp.

Important people will need to be

given a personal invitation.

You have a point there.

For that, important...

For important people,

isn't this enough?

This is too old fashioned.

It looks so auspicious.

It's amazing.

'Yellow invitation
that signifies auspiciousness.'

'Manonmani made a long face
on seeing the card.'

'Many of us are similar too.'

'We make a long face and complain.'

'An invitation is a style
of information.'

'We forgot that but Arivu
remembers that.'

'He has kept that in mind.'

'Will Arivu's ideas be
accepted by everyone?'

'If this continues, will this
wedding take place?'

Is this design okay?

You seem to be very promopt.

Before your brother thinks of
some other plan, let us finalize it.

Because, he thinks too much.

But he is right too.

Printing invitation
is old fashioned.

Not just that, spending so much
money on it is useless.

It is after cutting trees
that paper is made.

So, the more paper we save,

we'll be saving the environment too.

You think like my brother.

Hey, this is the logic I used
to convince my sister.

Now, she is okay with
that yellow invitation.

Hey, wow!

That's awesome.

Ask the contractor to come.

Why are they delaying it?

Hello, sir.
- Come in, Mr Arivu. Hello.

How are you?
- I am good.

You wanted to meet in person.
What's the matter? Tell me.

My sister's wedding is fixed.

There's one million outstanding
of that place already.


When will we get money
from Lakshmi? - In ten days.

Transfer it to Mr Arivu's account
once we get that.

I will take care of
the other formalities.


You didn't go to work?

What's worrying you so much
that you're drinking during the day?

Nothing, sir.

If you don't tell me now, I will
bring it to Mr Vijaykumar's...


I am already depressed, sir.

Don't make it worse, sir. Leave.

I don't like my job.

How long can one continue with
a job one doesn't like?

I wish to start my own business.

My brother...

He is an industrialist, sir.

His wife's family

support him so much.

If I get that kind of support too,

I would succeed too.

You have no idea, sir.

If I go home,

my wife irritates me asking to
buy this, that, take her out.

I'm the son of rich parents,

but a useless husband.

That is why, I'm drinking...

How long will you continue
in this job?

Sir, how can I answer this?

I will work until I have the job.

What after that?

Because, you will definitely get
bored of this job.

Or maybe, someone talented
than you

comes as a competition,
then you will lose your job.

What will you do then?

I am asking you this question now

because after marriage,
my sister has to live with you.

Without a permanent source
of income or a permanent job,

she will have a problem too.
So, tell me.

Aren't you doing this job
only to kill time?

Yes, sir.

My dream and wish is different.

My wish has always been
to have an organic farm.

I love

organic farming.

I went to Chennai all the way for
attending 'Jallikattu' competition.

Only if agriculture exists
can we protect cows.

But no one talks about it.

People have forgotten.

People talk about it only
if there is a problem.

And then we forget about it.

No one finds a permanent
solution to it.

People look at every problem
as a news for one day

or maximum, one week.

I want to protect cows
and use them for farming.

This was my dream
when I was pursuing my studies.

That is the life I love to live.

I have a question troubling me, sir.

Do we work to live,

or we live to work?

Will I ever enjoy my life?

This is not just my doubt,

but many youngsters
have this question on their mind.


The diseases that haunt men are
mostly because of the food we eat.

Chemicals are mixed
in everything.

To worsen it, we have hybrid.

No matter how much we earn,

are we able to eat food
that is healthy?


Sir, to sell their products
fighting with competition,

to grow their business,

the efforts that
international companies put

is what we see in everything
as cross method hybrid.

This is the main reason
why agriculture doesn't work.

To get the society over it, we still
use the old farming practices.

Without using any fertilizers
available now,

we use natural cowdung and other
fertilizers for farming.

All this was done by our ancestors.

Look at them.

They all had a job abroad.

And they earned millions of rupees.

But they had no peace of mind.

They had no aim as to what they
were earning so much money for.

They just ran after money

One day, they thought over it.

Why lead a stressed life?

What do we need to live?

But we did nothing to cultivate it.

What will we do with a mere
salary? When they thought all this,

they resigned the next day
and joined me here.

Now, they're supporting me in this
organic farming and are with me.

The day every man grows

the food he needs,
our country will prosper, sir.

This is nice. How is it, madam?
- Very nice.

Try this pink saree.

It's beautiful.

Shall we buy this one?

How much does it cost?
- Rs 40000.


Madam, this is ladies section.
We'll decide and buy.

Ask your son to go upstairs.

Why don't ladies pay
the bill as well?

Why do you call gents then?

Okay, I will go upstairs.
Call me once you are done.


Buy what she likes the most.

Male domination is too much
in every household.

That's not domination, dear.

That's affection. There should be
a man in every family

to limit our affection.

Only then will the family prosper.

Wow! You are the heir of a Zamin
family, after all.

You look exactly like
my elder brother.

Will you wear this to work
regularly once you are married?

- How can I wear this to office?

So when will you use it again?

He will wear it
during monsoon while

sleeping so he
doesn't feel cold.

Should I wear this or not?
- Don't.

Does it look good?
- If there's an old sarong at home,

tear that and wear a small
piece of it for your wedding.

That is not what I meant.

We're spending so much money
to buy this dress.

When will he use this again?

Will he wear it for a friend's
marriage? No, he won't.

You will hang this in some
corner of a wardrobe.

Bugs will give birth to babies
inside it.

We have copied all this style
from the Western countries.

We have no brain of our own.

Who has no brains?

Who are you talking about?

Do you mean, the groom and
his family are fools?

- You stay quiet.

Do we look like fools
or nincompoops?

I didn't mean that.

What else did you mean?

What did you mean?

Mind your tongue.

Isn't this nice?
- Very nice.


Is your brother too stingy?


Do you love your brother

or my brother, the most?

Your brother, of course.

But only after marriage.

Now, I like my brother the most.

We had a driver who was
as lean as a pole.

He wore a stylish coat and suit
for his wedding.

What's wrong if my child
wants to wear that dress?

Please forgive me.

I won't utter a word more,
until the wedding. Okay?

You better keep your word.

What is it? - Modi coat,
3 shirts, 3 trousers.

What for?

You told me you'd buy new clothes
for me for his wedding.

I will slap you!

Keep these back
from wherever you took them.

I see.

So, no salary hike
and no clothes as well. Right?

Absolutely right. Go!

Why do you own a Honda City then?

You could've come on an elephant.

My child will wear that dress
for his wedding reception.

If you like it, you may click
a photo with him, else, leave.

What's wrong, uncle?

Isn't this wedding taking place
with everyone's consent? - Yes.

Looks like, we're having
a secret wedding.

Will you tell me what happened?

He tried this dress as he wished
to wear it for the reception.

But he...

He is asking if he's wear it
regularly to work.

And he is mocking that he'd wear
it to protect himself from cold.

If you want this wedding to
take place smoothly,

some people need to
talk a little less.

Say that again.

Sister, should I buy this or not?

Why will you not buy it?

If they cannot buy it for you,
I will buy it.

You will wear this for reception.

This is the trouble in marrying
someone with low standards.

Who has low standards?
- Brother, please...

What do you mean?
- Chuck it.

Don't, brother.

This isn't our culture.

This feels foreign.

Why spend Rs 30,000 - 40,000
on a one time wear?

He will never use it again.
Why waste money then?

People with sense
will agree.

Oh! Are you calling us
senseless then?

'Oh God! Here they
go again!'

Sir, you don't have to buy
clothes for the groom

if you can't afford it.


My brother will wear
this for the reception.

You buy it, dear.
I'll pay the bill.

Ask them to pack it.
I'll wait down.


Unnecessary comments!
She is insulting us.

Sorry, sir.
- You don't get tensed.

'Why is he acting strange?'

'Usually, he feels happy.'

'Very difficult to
follow him.'


What does this mean?

We are done
with shopping!

Shall we leave?

'You could have said
no to that dress.'

'You could have said no.'

'Hey, what is this?'

'You support your
brother all the time.'

'Think about it. Will you
ever wear it again?' - Dear!

This is not a birthday or
get together party.

It is a wedding!

Only if both the families
cooperate with each other

in consideration for
others happiness

it will be a
joyous wedding.

Our two families are

meeting for the first time.

It takes time to develop
an understanding.

Am I the one
causing trouble?

That dress made
no sense.

I feel bad to spend
on useless stuff.

Why do you look at
it as an expense?

Every penny you
spend on a

wedding is considered charity.

For instance, the amount
you pay to a decorator

does not feed his
family alone.

There are other people
working with him.

All their families

derive benefit too!

Be it printing of
invites or catering

a wedding provides
source of income

to thousands of people.

When they are
happy and content

our daughter
and son-in-law

will get all their blessings.

It's not just
an expense.

Look at the
greater good.

I felt like saying this.
So, I did.


Your logic works

perfectly for people living

in luxury.

It is charity.


there are lot of poor and middle
class families who assume

these standards to be
our culture and tradition

and take loans to fulfill
them. That's not chariy.

It's just foolishness.

No sacred text expects you to
borrow money to spend on charity.

Not at all.

A middle class family need about
Rs 2.5 million on a daughter's wedding.

They're compelled
to take loan.

First they run around
to get loan.

Later, they slog hard
to repay it.

Parents take about 10 years to
repay a daughter's wedding loan.

What if they have
2-3 daughters?

I'm sure you
remember that an

unplanned life will land
us on streets.

Sister, stop crying.

Don't rekindle
the past, dear.

Forget about the difficult past.
Don't keep harping on it.

'Let's focus on how we can
make this a happy wedding.'

'The dress is
the issue now.'


Yes? - The groom does
not want the dress.

He wants to go traditional.

Good! Problem solved.

We can proceed
to the next task.

It's this simple, dear.

Let the couple handle
issues like these.

They'll manage. We can't
micromanage everything.

Cancel this order
and clear the case.

Sir, we can't do so

as the Government
is involved in it.

There are lot of complaints
against this Company.

Their factory's effluence has
damaged agricultural lands.

So, our department along with
Government had sealed this place.

Now if we cancel this order,
the company can reopen.

Arivu, we are clearing it on
the basis of documents we have.

The company reopening
is not our headache.

Even if they have to be stopped,
let the other departments do it.

The company's owner
spoke to me.

My issues will get
sorted by clearing this file.

Please understand.

It's my duty
to obey you.

You are the signatory.

Mind you! There are
higher authorities, sir.

We've to cancel
this order.

Why should we?

What do you mean why?

What if your order is faulty?

I have personally
checked this order.

It can't go wrong.

It is faulty. We've to
cancel the order.

How do we go
about it? Tell me.

No! There is a
serious mistake here.

Excuse me, sir.


There are only few
good men like you. If you

sell out, there'll be no value
for honesty anymore.

A lot of poor lives
are dependent on truth.

Please don't betray them.

It is unfair to destroy

the lives of innocent

and honest people

for our selfish reasons, sir.

I also intend to
lead an honest life.

But the society forces me
to change my intention.

Fine, Narsimhachari.

You may leave.

The Kerala style food served at
Ramachandran's wedding was good.

Inquire about the caterers.

- Sir!

The bride's family is here.

Ask them to be seated
and serve water. - Sure.

He wants Kerala food.
- 'I don't care...'

They use coconut oil. We
can't eat. - 'About charges.'

Your aren't going to eat.
- 'Meet me in the evening.'

Why do you get excited.
- 'Okay? Our guests'

We've lot to discuss today. Be
quiet. - 'Shouldn't find fault.'

No wedding feast!
- 'I'll call later.'

Welcome, uncle.
Hello, sir. - Hi!


What will you have? - Nothing.
- 'I've spoken to him.'

It's fine, dear.

- Greetings!

Hello, madam.

We were inquiring
about caterers on phone.

So, I couldn't attend to
you immediately.

It's okay, sir.

Their food list
was impressive.


Greetings, madam.



Since the wedding is fixed
on an auspicious day,

most of the caterers
are booked.

Did you try for someone?

It is better if we
finalize caterers in advance.

Uncle, it is not like our
guests are starving.

Even if they did, they don't stay
for long at the wedding.

Some refuse to eat
even after requests.

People eat as per
their convenience.

Am I correct?

'She is speaking
our mind.' - So

we'll get parcel of

'Sambar' rice and curd rice

and distribute it
to our guests.


You've spoken our thoughts.

Give me a handshake!

Sit down.


We'll finalize the caterers.

All you have to do
is hire them.

You'll bear the expenses.

Don't get annoyed.

Let's discuss it.

You say it is our expense.
How can you decide then?

It is unfair.

I know what you will do.

So we're deciding it.

If you decide to serve
packs of variety rice

we'll lose our honor.

'Like the food parcel
determines one's honor.'

What is your idea?
Kindly tell us.

My nephew has an idea.
Hear him out.

Go on!

Hold on, uncle.
Earlier the family hosting

the wedding would
personally attend to guests

and serve them
what they need.

Our guests truly
relished the meal.

But that's gone out of practice now.
No one attends to their guests.

We hire a caterer and
give them the numbers.

In turn, he brings 15 people
make them wear gloves

and serve every
item mechanically!

Most of them lose
appetite on seeing

so much food at once
and tend to waste it.

At the end of the wedding,
there will be lot of leftovers.

It's a crime to waste food.

A lot of food got wasted
at our senior officer's

daughter's wedding.
We didn't know what to do.

We had to make a lot of calls.
Finally, only at 4 PM we could

send the leftovers
to an orphanage.

Why should we waste food?

But there is a way to
avoid wastage of food.

There are veg hotels and non-veg
hotels beside our wedding hall.

Uncle, what...

We can distribute
tokens to interested

guests, while they come to
greet the couple.

We can have four members
to exclusively attend to them.

We can settle the bill for food
consumed at the end of the day.

This is cost effective
and avoids food wastage.


Stop it.

We are inviting our family for
the wedding and not beggars.

Mind your words.

I am just sharing my idea with you.
It's not wrong to plan.

Not at all!
It's not wrong.

But I don't like your plan.

Nope! Let's save the trouble.

It's difficult to put up
a lifetime with you.

Uncle, let's resolve this now.

If they're being
difficult now, I

can't even imagine
after the wedding.

I have to look at these
faces for next 40 years.

You're being rude, madam.
Calm down.

Though we are at your house,
we have self respect.

I don't need your advice.

Generally, I have no faith in men.
Nor do I listen to them.

This wedding will happen
if you agree to our terms.

If not, just send the girl.

My brother loves her.
We're doing this for him.

So we need only your girl
and not your family.

Think about it and decide.

Dear, please wait.
You can't act in haste.

Uncle, don't convince me.

Our families don't match.
I am okay with the girl.

Ask them to get
married in a temple.

But I don't want
their family around.

If they agree, we can
have this wedding.

Else, just call it off.


'Our expectations
have come true.'

'So, you might have

'that an intelligent person
faces a lot of trouble.'

spoke the truth.'

'But the wedding
was called off.'

'Do you think luxury is
difficult than simplicity?'

'I don't need your advice.'

'Just send the girl.
We don't need your family.'

If I have to abandon my mom

and loving brother
to get married,

I don't need this wedding.

I am no good
to be auctioned.

We can't keep begging
all the time.

I decided to reject
the boy and

his family, as soon as they

wanted me to
abandon mine.

Ask him to marry a girl
who agrees to their terms.

'Mahesh, like I told
you earlier, '

'my mother and brother
mean the world to me.'

'I am not the kind who'll abandon
them to live with you.'

'It's not like we are
madly in love.'

'We met, talked to each other
and developed feelings.'

'So we informed our folks.
But it didn't work out.'

'So please! You carry
on with your life.'

'And I'll do the same.'

'All the best.
No hard feelings.'


The wedding has to happen
on the same date.

Please find if there's any

suitable bride in
our family, uncle.

We have to host a wedding

that sets a benchmark
for others.

Let's cut all ties
with their family.

This is not food for you to

fix or replace so
easily, dear.

This is life.

Please be patient.

Don't get annoyed.

I already have regrets that
you don't have a happy life.

We don't need a repeat
episode in our family.

No need, dear.

When you try to change
a 5000 year old tradition,

it's considered a grave sin.

Not many people
are forward thinking.

In fact, even I followed suit.

I took loan to host a grand
wedding. Now I can't repay.

I gave in to my wife's
and daughter's request.

I think it is the hopes and
dreams that keep us running.

You must be grateful, the groom's
side consented for love marriage

without making any conditions
specially in today's world.

What are you saying, sir?

What's the use of education
and experience then?

When 100 people say donkey
and horse are the same,

why are you being different?

Sure, sir. I'll talk to them.

I made the decision.

But I wanted to
run it through you. - Okay!

Thanks to my experience in this.


Our earth is subject to both
hot summer and torrential rains.

It changes as
per the weather

but is never broken.

You fell in love.

It didn't work out.

But it's not end of life.

It's all for good.

I feel so bad to
see you like this.

My friend in Bangalore

has a younger sister.

Quite modern. She has
studied in the US.

I've already spoken
to my friend.

See! She has even sent
her sister's photo.

Take a look!

What's the hurry, sister?

Give it some time.

Let's talk to
them now dear.

Then you can get married
at your convenience.

I am not interested, sister.

Please! Let me be alone.

I don't want to talk to
anyone. Try to understand.

So you don't want
any of us around?

You don't even want
to see us. Am I right?

'I didn't say so, sister.' - 'I
have raised you from childhood.'

'I know what is good
or bad for you.'

'When I say something'

'give it some thought.
You'll understand.'

Whereas you are

admant about marrying into
that miser family.

Uncle, shut the door.

The bride's brother does
not want to adjust.

When he is so calculative
to spend for

a wedding, how will
he treat you well?

Only after I considered
the pros and cons,

I called off your wedding.

We fell in love and
were almost to be

married. How can I
reject her now?

It's wrong, sister.

You don't seem to
understand my point, dear.

Look at me, dear. - How can you...
- Don't be upset, dear.

Calm down.

Uncle, how do I trust that
he'll take care of me?

Do you think your
brother will keep

quiet if you are
in trouble, dear?

Keep quiet!

You can't win by
prolonging an argument.

You got to be quiet
to have your way.

Uncle, are you instigating him
to stay quiet and have his way?

No, dear.
You're mistaken.

Stop it, uncle. - If the girl
agrees, will you get us married?

Answer me!
I'll bring her.

Look at how
he talks to me.

You fool, stay quiet.
- He doesn't get it.

Uncle! Uncle!
- Come with me.

Try to explain.
- I'll talk to him. You come.

Come on, dear.

Uncle, what is this?

Ask him to think.
- Go! Go to your room.

'He doesn't get it.'
- Get in.

Why is he acting
like this?

Uncle, he doesn't seem
to understand.

What is the issue?

He has to go to Bangalore.
Am I right?

I'll convince him to go with us.

He'll be fine after he sees her.

He needs sometime to
get over it.

Please calm down.


What is the matter?

We're not going to get you married
as soon as you see the girl.

Let's do this to make
your sister happy.

A lot can change
in the meantime.

My dear!

What do you want?

I want you!

'Not a chance!'


We can't get married.

Hey, what are you saying?

My sister has chosen another
bride for me in Bangalore.

'She wants me
to meet this girl.'

Okay! Go ahead.
All the best.


Why do you cut
the call abruptly?

Listen! Do you want to
elope and get married?

'We don't need your
brother or my sister.'

Do you watch a
lot of movies?

Why? Haven't you heard of people
eloping outside films?

Films draw inspiration
from real life.

'The hero does similar
to a lot of people in real life.'

I'm ready to marry you
without the consent of our family.

Are you ready?

Not at all.

'I am not a fool.'

Your lifestyle is different
from ours.

'Let's end this right now.'

Please think straight.

Bye. Don't call me anymore.

Serve here.

I didn't expect
this unusual twist.

Dear, if everything goes
as expected,

God becomes a myth!

Uncle, you sound like
poet Kannadasan.

Get to the point.

You promised to
get her married and

called it off.
How is it fair?

Uncle, sister is refusing
now. What can I do?

Think about it, dear.

When they asked

her to abandon her family,

she sacrificed her
love for us.

Don't you think we should
compromise for her sake?

Okay. What do I do now?

You stay quiet, dear.
I'll handle the issues.

The person making
the point is more

valued than the content
or approach!

Do you think you
are Ambedkar, uncle?

Enough with sarcasm.

Nephews take uncle for granted
and sit on our heads.

Not really, uncle.

I'd slip off your head.

Focus on the road, dear.

They are disconnecting
the call, dear.

Try again.

Hello! -'Sir, we've come
home to meet you.'

I hope your trip to
Bangalore is comfortable.

Yes! All of us are in
a happy state.

So, we are taking a jolly ride.

'What is it?
Why do you keep calling?'

I guess you are a little tensed.
I'll wait for your return.

Let's discuss in person.

We'll be back tomorrow.
Let's discuss.


Why didn't you convey
the message, uncle?

Should I have conveyed?

I thought we'll discuss
after they return.

Do I call them again and

inform that we are okay
to do it their way?

No, uncle. Chuck it.
We'll discuss in person.

Come along.
- Sure, dear.

Bye, madam.
- Okay, sir.

You hold such a respectable post.

We didn't expect you
to act like this, Mr Vijaykumar.

The order you've canceled
relates to an ongoing public issue.

You have no black
marks so far.

It's quite shocking to
see you involved in this.

Sir, please.

I know it is a big mistake.

I just got my daughter
married in an affluent family.

If the news gets out,

her life will be spoiled, sir.

I am ready to serve
any punishment.

But please don't
publish the news, sir.


Sorry, Mr Vijaykumar. Procedure
is procedure.

We can't alter it for you.

'The Coimbatore district
Income Tax Inspector Mr

Vijaykumar has been arrested
on bribery charges.'

'Income Tax Inspector arrested
for bribery charges.'

'Income Tax Inspector
Vijaykumar arrested

for accepting 4
millions as bribe.'

Stay in the car, dear.
We'll come.

Dude, I am with boss.
Why do you keep calling?

I've come to Bangalore.
I'll return in two days.

Hey Angamma, boss is traveling.
Are you having fun?

Uncle, settle the bill.

Fine. I've got a Minister's
scandal video.

I am forwarding it.

Take a look and
give me feedback.

Praise Lord Siva!

Glory to Lord Siva!


Brother is missing.
- What?

He was sitting here.

Where is he?

They have gone to buy something.
The dubsmash Chitra

'has released a new video.'

Hey Saravana!
- 'You'll get famous.'

Hey, come here.

One minute, sir. I'll finish
this call. - Cut the call.

Where is my brother?

He was sitting
in the car, madam.

He is not here. - He might have
gone to answer a call.

'The number you are trying to
reach is switched off.'

'Please try after sometime.'

'The number you're calling
has been switched off.'

He has turned
his phone off.

The signal is weak too.

'The number you're calling
has been switched off.'


What is it, dear?

'I'm sorry. I don't want
anyone to sacrifice

their life for me. Nor
do I want to do it.'

What does he imply?


Gosh! Low balance.

Oh God!


Low balance. I'm going to recharge
my phone. Two minutes.

It's just an inquiry.
Don't worry.

Don't be scared.
We'll handle it.

Hello, sir.


We are here.

No! I don't know.

I don't know what is
happening, sir.

Yeah, right.

Yes. They are all here.

What happened? - They're going to
produce him at Court today.

Don't say anything.

Hey, stop crying.

He'll be fine.

Stop crying, dear.

Your greed has brought

shame to an honest man.

Who is responsible for it?

There's no point
in crying now.

Tell me.

Sorry, dear.

I've brought disgrace to you.

God bless!

Come on.

Every man who lives
in a hope that

all his dreams will come true

invariably lands in trouble.

It takes a lifetime
to recover from it.

We should blame

the basic education

the flaws in it,

lack of attention
from Government,

the Corporate concerns that

dumps our world
with things that

are not required
for a living.

What can a man do then?

It drives him to
become a machine,

a borrower, a drunkard.

Nobody can help him.

Praise Lord Siva.


Yes! Hello!

This is Arunachalam
speaking, dear.

Hello, uncle.
How are you?

Are you good?
How is sister?

We are all fine, dear.

Are you returning
home from work?

Yes, uncle.

Ask your uncle to call me
as soon as you reach home.

'Okay, uncle.'
- No! No!

Ask your brother to call me.

'Sure, uncle.'
- Done.

She sounds calm.

Absolutely no tension.
She sounded so relaxed.

So, I don't think she knows
anything about this.

She is a good girl, dear.

There is nothing
wrong with her.

I'm not concerned with
her conduct certificate.

Glory to Lord Siva.

Did you get any call?

None of his friends
or colleagues

seem to know either.

'Can't you track
using Whatsapp, dear?'


But we can't do it.

We'll need the
department's help.


filing a complaint
won't do good.

'True! If we file a police
complaint, it will go to media.'

'Not good for future.'

'Don't worry, dear.'

'He is doing all this
to scare his sister.'

'He'll return in two days.'

'Stop crying.'

'Be patient.'

'I watched the movie 96.'

'It reminded me of Autograph.'

'Autograph is different from 96.'

'How is it possible'

'to stay single for the sake
of your childhood love?'

'If it is true love'

'staying single is
certainly possible.'

She is crying, dear.

Fine. Come with me.

Let her get it off
her chest.

We'll leave.

His sister has not
eaten in last two days.


He is safe somewhere.

Half an hour ago, he has
recorded a song on duet app.

Can you text him?


Ask him to call me.
Tell him I want to talk.

Stop crying, dear.


I want you in my life.

I'm unable to accept
that you are not around.


Where are you?

I want to see you.

Also, my brother wants
to talk to you.

Can you call him?


I am more concerned
about Mano.

Her brother means
the world to her.

I know!

She talks about her
brother all the time.

She lives for her brother.

All of you might wonder

why Mano is still unmarried

and stays with us
despite being old.

You've been decent enough
to not ask about it.

I'll explain now.

Manonmani is my brother and

sister-in-law's first born.

Mahesh was born

ten years later.

We had a comfortable,

wealthy and

a happy life.

God blessed us with all good.

However, my brother and

sister-in-law died
in an accident.

The children were
very young.

So, I had the responsibility
of raising them.

Since my childhood,

I was inclined
towards devotion

and never got married.

Manonmani used to
hold her brother's

hand while she took
him to school.

She has not let
go off it yet.

I did find a suitable
groom for her.

She had only one

condition for the wedding.

She wanted her brother
to move in with her,

post wedding.

The groom's family
agreed to it

and the wedding took place.

Six months after
getting married,

she didn't like how her in-laws
treated her brother.

She spoke to her husband

and told him, her brother
meant the world to her.

If he treated him well,

she'd live with him.

Else, she'd leave.

When a question was
raised as to who was

important for her,
brother or husband,

she chose her brother.

And came back with him home.

No one from their family
came to convince her.

Neither did she ever go back there.

Fifteen years flied.

She never shed a tear for no
one from her husband's family

came to see her in fifteen years
but is crying for her brother now.


I cannot bear to see her pain.


Don't cry.

Don't cry.

Glory to Lord Shiva.

To each his own.
Maybe, that's right.


My nephew

is very calculative for every
little thing, isn't he?

This family gave away everything
it had without worrying about money.

My sister's husband

had a big factory in Tirupur.

He had enough wealth.

He had good revenue, a good
family, two children.

The family lived so happily.

In that family,

I joined as a driver
at a very young age.

I was a driver indeed,

but my boss looked after me
as his elder son.

The madam here treated
me as her own brother.

I never was selfish
to abandon this family

as it gave me all happiness.

He could not discriminate
between a good or bad man.

He gave away whatever anyone
came and asked for.

I've seen him closely.

I used to ask him why doesn't he
save for bad days.

He said, I have the strength
to work and earn.

So, why should I save? I will earn.

Fate! What more can I say!

He had a reputation in
the Tirupur market.

A pride, an honor!

Some people did not like it.

They didn't defeat him
using money.

They backstabbed him...

Everything was over,
in just one night.

Orders were cancelled.

All the stock remained in warehouse.

The factory had to be shut.

He couldn't fire his employees.

Neither was he capable of
paying salary to them.

The suppliers harassed him.

He only wished to share
his happiness with others.

But in difficult times,
he isolated himself.

I couldn't see him sad
and depressed.

I tried to console him saying

we'd earn it all back.

But I failed to convince him.

One day, he just succumbed
to heart failure.

I am the one who performed
his final rites.

Glory to Lord Shiva.

Glory to Lord Shiva.

A family that had enough wealth

was left penniless.

Everything was destroyed overnight.

Small children,

my sister, the family
had fed me for years.

How could I have abandoned them?

I stayed back with them forever.

We sold that house.

With whatever money was left after
paying off debts, we came here.

I bought a car

and gave it on hire.

My nephew is very naive.

At such a young age,

he realized the worth of
money and debts.

He used to say, 'we shouldn't
live like my father.'

'We must plan and save so that
we can be free of debts.'

God gave me a happiness
amidst all these suferings.

Arivu became an officer.

Athira studied well.

I am happy with this.

What are you saying?


I worship you.
- No...

You're great.
- I am an ordinary man.

It's just for our happiness.

Elders say, God does everything
for a reason.

He has united kind hearts,
despite all the tests.

Definitely! You don't worry.

This wedding will definitely
take place.

That is all I want.
- It will.

Let us make the necessary
arrangements. - Sure, sir.


'I'm sorry.'

'I want you in my life.'

'I cannot accept a life
without you in it.'


'Where are you?'

'I want to see you.'

Mr Mahesh...

He is here to see you.


'I wish to have an organic farm.'

'I love'

'organic farming.'

I had already told you about this.

I love to do organic farming.

I want to have
a farm like this, sir.

Even this was started by
someone like me

who had this wish.

He quit his job abroad

and is farming here.



Please have
this buttermilk at least.

You are starving

since four days, madam.

You might faint.

The day we finalized Mr Mahesh's
wedding with that girl,

this family lost all peace.

I think the girl is unlucky.

Will you stop your advice?

Unlucky, is it?

For the mistakes elders make,

we blame a girl as unlucky
and make her the scapegoat.

How is the girl responsible
if her brother is a miser?

This is how we treat

a girl who comes into a family
and ruin her life.

Look at me, for instance.

Have I not been living here
for the past fifteen years?

I'm sitting idle here,
without a life.

Am I lucky?

Tell me. Won't you be talking
ill of me as well?

Any family that speaks ill of
a girl who comes into their family

the men in that family

must be worthless
and incapable of doing anything.

It's your foolishness.

How is a newly wed bride

responsible if you are not good?

You go inside.


She is talking about luck!

That girl...


Sir, please come inside.

You go ahead.


Sorry, sister. I made a mistake.

How could you leave me and go?

How could you?
- No! - Dear...

You left me, didn't you?
So, go back! - Don't hit him.

Who called you back?
Go away! - No, dear.

Why did he come now? Get out!
- Don't beat him, he made a mistake.

Hold on.

Why did you behave so
irresponsibly? Go, appease her.




Sister, listen to me.


Sister, listen...




I have got nothing to do with you.

You marry the girl you love.

I have understood my limits

in your life.

The day you abandoned me,

I understood that I mean
nothing to you.

No, sister.

Please don't say a word.
- Sister...




Why did you return now?

Did that man come and talk to you?

You listened to him,

but not me.

That's not true, sister.

I did not listen to anyone.
You got me wrong.

I have come for you.

You don't believe me, do you?

Listen to this.
- 'Mahesh, '

'do you know you've made
a grave mistake?' - Listen to it.

'It is not wrong to have
abandoned us and left.'

'Because we know you only
since eight months.'

'But your sister...
Think about her.'

'She has raised you
since the time you were born.'

'She is who made you
what you are today.'

'You have told me that she has
sacrificed her life for you.'

'How could you leave
that sister of yours?'

'Isn't that a grave sin?'

'Your sister means the world
to you...'

You are already obeying her.

After marriage...

- Well done!

You agreed for their marriage.
- Awesome.

You got it done.

Uncle, I did nothing.

It is you who planned this.

No, dear. Don't look at me
like this.

Why are you putting me
in trouble?

Didn't you call him inside?


The one who brought
Mahesh back home.

You mean, Arivu?

I forgot about him in the happiness
of seeing Mahesh back.

You've told him not to come
again, so he is standing outside.


Call him inside.

This is it.

I thought you'd call him inside,
but you're so thoughtful.

That's like my brother's daughter.

Mr Arivu...

She is calling you inside,
please come.

We are okay with everything.
Let us have the wedding. Come in.

After all that has happened,

let us not postpone
the wedding anymore.

I want my brother to get married.

Let the marriage
take place like you

want it to be.
Make arrangements.

Mr Groom...

Here's your watch. Wear it.

Show me your hand.


You don't have the habit of
wearing a sarong.

It might slip off.


Wear this belt.

Wear this ring.

Hey, where's your chain?

Will you get ready or not?

Try to understand.

It won't be good if I come.

Everyone will pull a long face.

And then it will become
a sad wedding.

I want some space too.

It will take some time.

You go, get married
and bring your girl home.

I can make out that you are
doing this purposely.

I'm doing everything for your good.

Your sister has no grudges.

Everything will go smooth.

If I am not coming
despite you insisting me so much,

don't you understand my pain?

I feel


My conscience is pricking me.

I might end up venting out

my frustration

and the marriage
shouldn't stop again...

I am not coming. You go ahead.

It will go well. Okay?

Hey, Angamma...

- I called you so many times.

Everyone is waiting for you.
Please come. Come on.

Sir, madam is here.
She is here.

She is here.

I thought so.

Come, dear.

You forgot to take something
very important and left it at home.

I came to give that to you.

I tried to reach you all.

But none of you attended my call.

We didn't forget it, dear.

We left it there so that you come.

Whose plan is this?

I am not the one who
made the plan, this time.

It's him.

You have raised your brother
with all your love.

How can he get married
without your presence?

We made the plan
only to bring you here.

That is why, we waited
till you came.

Suppose, you failed to come,
the marriage wouldn't have happened.

We respect your affection and love.

If anyone from our side

has made a mistake or hurt you,
we are sorry.

'We don't hail from a Zamin family.'

'We survive on a Government job.'

'If there is a temple near
the banquet or inside it, '

'we can save all this money.'

'Shall we have it in a temple
or the registrar's office?'

'Do we have to spend 600,000
rupees for one day's celebration?'

'Only to print
and distribute cards, '

'we'll be spending around
a million.'

'After the marriage, there is
buckets of leftover food.'

'There is nothing as foolish
as wasting food.'

'Those who are interested
in having lunch'

'can be given a token
when they greet the couple.'

'I love'

'organic farming.'

'No one understands
what and why you say something.'

'Sir, I am not refusing.'

'All that I have earned
or saved is for my sister.'

Hey, why are you sitting here?

Get up, go and sit
next to Mahesh.

Go, dear. Don't hesitate.

Hope you don't have a problem.

Why would I have a problem?

Uncle, you have a seat please.


Firstly, I apologize
to everyone here.

The wedding did not take
place as per your wish.

I organized it in a simple
manner just as per my accord.

So, you all must be upset with me.

Had the wedding been a grand
celebration as per your plan,

the money spent on this wedding
would be 3.5 million rupees.

In a single day, we would've
exhausted that entire money.

Now, I the 3.5 million rupees

is with me.

This is

the wedding gift I have
for my sister.

I have deposited the money
in her name in a bank.

Mahesh told me, he would love
to do organic farming.

I have registered a land of 25 acres
near Pollachi in his name

for a lease period of five years.

Here's the agreement for it.

If he works hard there, he can
own the land in five years.

If a man gets a job of his choice
and a loving family to support,

there won't be problems in his life.

It is such problems

that causes a divorce.

We spend all the money
and saving we have in the name of

customs, practices and tradition
in just one day

and struggle to run a family

which leads to problems
between a husband and wife.

That beginning is what distances
them both eventually.

They either lead a stressed life

or they part ways in a few
days after marriage.

No such reason

should ruin my sister's life.

I behaved so stingy to curb
all expenses as much as I could

with this good intention.

A husband's life is spent in
earning enough to fulfill

his wife's dreams.

A wife's life becomes meaningless

as she fails to understand
his love and concern.

Marriage is not being happy
for six months.

It is about being happy
for the rest of the life.

It is only after 50 years of age,

that a husband and wife
start loving each other truly.

Till then, understanding
between the two

is very important to survive.

They face many problems and
challenges till they reach that age.

Job, money, everything is important
to overcome those problems.

To show off your pride and wealth,

you take a loan and spend

but then you run around for finance
when there is a problem.

I have seen this very closely
and so, arrived at this decision.

Don't think your husband
will do everything for you.

Instead, understand what best
you can do with his income

and be a supportive wife.

Similarly, don't
get into the trap

of loan to fulfill
your wife's wish.

Instead, explain what real life is

to her and lead a hapy life
as a good husband to her.

Please come.



I misunderstood you.

Why do you...


Don't embarrass us by saying sorry.

Every new experience helps us to
improve ourselves. Take it that way.

Well said!

Golden rule explained
in very few words.

In the six months you spent
with me,

you have turned into
a learned man.

You are praising me.

I am speaking the truth.

- Yes, sir?

Can we have a group photo please?

Sure, why not?

How much will that cost?