These Are the Rules (2014) - full transcript

After their son has been beaten up in the street, parents find their world of false security collapsing and have to re-examine their lives and question everything into what they believed.


Good morning.



Is that you?

OK, get some sleep.

'Morning. Did you sleep well?

Why wouldn't I?

Was I snoring?

I had to push you.
Didn't he eat anything?

He only just got back.
He's sleeping.

He only just got back? OK...


Are you OK?

Yeah, I'm fine.

OK, I was just checking.

Go back to sleep.

Where has he been all night?

I can't imagine where he'd get to
till this time.

He's never been this late before.

That's youngsters for you!

I know, I used to be young too.

But I'd still get in by ten.

Remember when you and I were dating.

He has responsibilities.


can you check this stove?

- It's working.
- I don't think so.

You just have to push harder here. See?

It takes me ten tries.

It's OK now.

It's heating up, isn't it?

You just...
Shit, now it's not working!

There, it's fine.


Hello, neighbor.

Got any spare change, pal?


So what's new?

Nothing good.

There might be today.

I doubt it!

Wait, motherfucker!

- I'm worn out.
- Shut the fuck up!

You got everything?


Do you have the receipt?
My Social security might cover it.

How much was it?

Sixty kuna. Is that a lot?

No, not really, but still...

Go and get changed.
Your jacket will smell of cooking.

I bought this juice for him.
It's full of iron.


Why did you buy peppers?

- Shouldn't I have?
- No.

They're not in season
so they're tasteless.

I'll get changed.

Well, shit, we've got peppers!

Yes, we've got peppers.

See if the dish towels are dry, Ivo.

- This one's dry.
- Good.

Call Tomica.
It'll be ready in five minutes.

Let me set the table first.

This oil's no good.

These old crumbs.

- Damn it!
- What happened?

It's OK.

Put something on it.

It's all right.

Stale oil.

Cut the bread
and pour his juice, please.

Let me see your hand.

- It's OK.
- Damn oil!

It needs ointment.


Here we go again.

Hang on...

I don't know.

Maybe we need a new stove.

This is fine. You just have to hold down
the red button.

There, it works.

You can call the young gentleman now.



Lunch is ready, chief.

What is it now?

Are you alive in there?

Are you still asleep?

What do you want?

Couldn't you at least say hello
when you get home?

I'm not hungry.

You have to eat.

When are your classes?

He's hiding away in there
like a vampire.

We're waiting for you!

Let me do it.
I'll slice it thinner.

He prefers his tomatoes sliced thin.

No, not like that. It'll burn.

Let me.

Can you hand me a plate?

- Why is your sweatshirt dirty?
- It's not.

- Look at the sleeve.
- Oh, that.


You just have to do it
nice and slowly.


Jesus Christ!

It's no big deal.

Oh, fuck!


It's all right, it doesn't even hurt.

Someone beat you up?

Who did it?

It's nothing.
We were just fooling around.

Leave it, Mom.
It doesn't hurt at all.

It's no big deal.

Let's eat.

OK, just give me a minute.

Let's sit down and eat.

Get cleaned up first.
How could you go to bed like that?

I can't wash bruises away!

- Does it hurt?
- No, not at all.

Let me see.

He'll need some stitches.

Stop being so dramatic!

I don't know...

Someone gave you a damn good beating.

It was a fight in a parking lot.
I fought back.

Good for you!

- Idiot!
- It's good he fought back.

I'm not so sure he did.

I did! Why is that so strange?

Sit down and eat.

I'm not hungry.

Do your teeth hurt?

No, I'm just not hungry.
Shit, I'm going to my room!

Well done!

It stinks in here.

Are we going to eat? It's getting cold.

Take him to a doctor.

For that?

He needs an x-ray.

No school today.

Can I at least get changed in peace?

- Are you going to eat?
- I'll wait.

Put that in the back.
I have to give it back to Pero.

Shit, the battery!
I should have gotten a new one.

Anyway, we're not in a hurry.

- Does it hurt?
- Not really.

Good, good.

What happened?

You were out with the guys, right?
Were you drinking?

No, we weren't.

And in the fight,
did you really hit back?

I don't know.
I fought the same as they did.

It's good if you fought back.
That's what you should do.

But if they're scumbags
with knives or metal bars, then run.

If you say so.

And if they're stronger than you.

Turn here.
The main road is gridlocked.

Good afternoon.

Excuse me, but my son's been hurt.

Can you see him right away
or do we have to wait?

Leave your social security card here.
I'll call you.

He might need an x-ray.
He's here with me.

Just wait. We'll call you.

If they ask, just say you fell.
Don't complicate things.

- How could I fall like this?
- I know you didn't.

But we don't want the police involved.

- We're not criminals.
- OK.


Take a seat.

What's this, then?

I fell down.

If you were in a fight,
you have to report it.

- What do your parents say?
- Nothing.


Sit down.

That's fine. Send him for an x-ray.

It hurts, right?

Off you go.

Is that it?

What else do you want?

No, nothing.

- Everything OK?
- It's all here.


Nothing serious, a small concussion.

Here's the x-ray.

Where is he?

Getting changed.
They went out, got drunk...

As long as that's all.

I'll warm up the steaks.

Drink some water.

Drink some water.

Too much pepper.

I put the same amount as usual.

- You didn't.
- So it's my fault again?

I didn't say that.
But it annoys me when you play stupid.

I won't put any pepper next time!

I'm going to my room.

- You haven't eaten anything.
- I'm not hungry, Mom.

I'll warm it up later.


- He didn't eat anything.
- Leave him.

I can't work out
why they dance barefoot.

It makes no sense.

- Does it hurt, sweetie?
- It's fine.

There's a good series on next.

Right after this.

Have you told anyone at school
what happened?

I will.

Call your grandma, please.

Yeah, sure.

- I'm going to my room.
- What do you do in there?

Read and sleep.

Can you tell us who you were fighting?

I have no idea,
if you really want to know.

Then why fight?

No reason.
We got in a fight, what the fuck?

Hey, is that any way
to talk to your mother?

Do they know you?

I don't know them, they don't know me.
End of story.

Come here. Come on...


It starts at 10:30.

Right after the commercials.

Put it back in the jar.

Don't waste food.


- We don't waste food.
- I'm doing it.

- Are you taking a shower?
- No.

I will, then.

Did he go to sleep?

He's in the shower.
Can't you hear?

He's filling the tub.

Good sausage.

Don't you think
you should wash your hair?


- When did you wash it fast?
- Three days ago.

You're lying.
Do you want me to wash it?

No, I don't.
Leave me alone.

- I'm going for a shower.
- Yeah, go.


Tomica, what are you doing?


- What's wrong?
- I don't know. He'd fallen.


Go and call an ambulance!

Don't move him!
If it's the spine...

- Isn't it 94 anymore?
- It's 112, then they connect you.

- Isn't there a direct line?
- No.

Why the fuck is there no direct line?


An emergency.


Our son fell in the bathroom.
He's unconscious.

Yes, you should come.
You should come.

We're at Zinke Kunca 2A.

But hurry, please. Be quick!

They're coming.

Bring me his pants.
No, the whole tracksuit.

He can't go like this.

- What shall I do?
- Just drive.

What exactly did he say?

Sorry, it's me again.

Tomica Jozic,
brought in half an hour ago.

I can't tell you anything.

He doesn't know anything.

Excuse me. Tomica Jozic.

Can't you see I'm in a hurry?

They must be examining him.

The woman said...

- It's different every fucking time!
- Stop swearing.

- Mr. and Mrs. Jozic?
- Yes.

- You brought this.
- Did it help?

- It's all explained here.
- What?

He's in intensive care,
in an induced coma.

An induced coma?

Yes, while his body recovers.
It's a normal procedure.

What do you mean?
No one said anything about that.

He'll awake from the coma
when he recovers. He's stable now.

Stable? So that's good?

Wait... Where is he, please?

I don't know.
I only just came on duty.


Don't get all upset.
They have their procedures.

It's all explained there.

Excuse me. Can my wife and I
see our son, just briefly?

The doctor isn't here right now.

But we can see our own child?

You'll have to wait.

I asked nicely, but it was no use.

We only want to see him for a second.

He told me to wait.


Because they're the fucking rules!

Why do you have to curse?

It makes me feel better.


Can you hear me? It's Dad.


No reaction.

He can't hear us.

Just so you know
that your mom and I are here, son.

Excuse me.

We're looking
for the neurologist on duty.

Through there on the left.
The counter by the entrance.

Thank you.


Just a second.

I can't find him.

They just brought him in.
By ambulance.

Go to the main desk tomorrow.
Only the overnight neurologist is here.

So where do we go?

Go out the hallway, turn left,
it's the third door on the left.

It's Dr. Raos.

Dr. Raos. Thanks.

Stjepan Raos.

There's someone in there.

This is your son?


You see this swelling here?

That's the problem.

The aneurism ruptured twice.

The first time by a strong blow.
The second, from trauma or stress.

- This evening, right?
- Right.

- You see this swelling?
- Yes.

If it keeps swelling,
there's no room for the brain.

In which case we'll have to operate,
because the blood isn't circulating.

We induced a coma
so the swelling can subside.

Now it all depends
whether it stops swelling or not.

It's a very serious injury.

Why didn't they see this earlier?
They sent him home.

I can't answer that.

Doctor, about this swelling...

Will we know any more tomorrow?

It might be quite different.
His condition keeps changing.

I have to go now.
I have another emergency to see to.

Call tomorrow.

Can we take the x-rays?

- Thanks.
- Goodbye.

Give me that.

They beat him up real bad.


These are our phone numbers.

If there's any change, please call.

No problem, don't worry.

Thank you.

I left our numbers,
in case anything happens.

I just need some air.

Let's go.

- I'll put it in a folder.
- It won't fit.

Not that, just the diagnosis.

- Is that what they didn't see?
- What?

That there.

That's his brain.
That's not what they said.

It's obvious there's something.

I'll take these papers out...

This was their mistake.

- They just didn't see it.
- Why not, when I can?

I put the results in the folder.
The x-rays can go in the cabinet.

That's his phone.

Who's that?


No, it's not Tomica. It's his father.

Tomica is in hospital.
Nothing serious.


Because of his injury.

Who, Tea?

I think it'll be OK.
Call again tomorrow.

No, no, nothing serious.

Bye, then.

Here it is.
You can see it clearly.

That was some girl called Tea.
Asking how he's doing.

His girlfriend.

Why didn't I know he has a girlfriend?

She calls him every day.

I see.
She said she'll call again tomorrow.


And that she wants to see him.

I guess that's OK.

- What else?
- Nothing.

It's fully charged.

I should take it to him,
so it's by his side.

I gave the nurse our numbers
in case he wakes up.

No one's called.

The dishwasher.

I thought it was the phone.

I'll turn it off.

Do you have the referral?

Here you go.

This is for you, sir.


- I just need...
- Yes, madam?

My husband has passed away.
I brought this. Is there anything else?

No, that's all.

Thank you.

- Yes?
- I brought this referral for my son.

- OK.
- Thanks.

Why is it so busy?

I'll put his slippers here.

I think he moved his eye.

That's just a reflex. He's sleeping.

Excuse me.

I called.
They told me I could come in.

Of course.

Come in.

He can't hear us, can he?

I think he can.

No, he can't.
He's in an induced coma.

Until his body recovers.

What do you mean, he can hear us?

Do you have time for a coffee?

There's a little cafe nearby.

What would you like?


Water or Coca-Cola.
It doesn't matter.

I'll have coffee.

So, Tea.

You two are in the same class,
is that right?

Just a second, I have to find this.

I think you have to see this.

Someone from our class
put this on Internet, on Facebook.

But it was removed, so don't worry.

We were shocked when we saw it.

What is it?

You can't see much at first.

Come on!

Are you filming?

Get outta here!

They recorded it.

- And they erased it...?
- From Facebook.

- Are you ready to order?
- Just a second.

Two coffees and a Coke.

- Regular coffees?
- Espressos.

His friends recorded it?

The guy who hits him
is from our school.

Tomica wouldn't hand over some money.
I don't really know.

Do you want it for the police?

Yes, on Tomica's phone.

I'll send it.


- Will I get it?
- Yes.

It'll go up to the satellite
and then back to earth.

Good afternoon.

We'd like to report an attack.

- What kind of attack?
- They...

- Send them to Matija.
- I'll show you.

The door up the stairs on the left.


We're looking for Mr. Matija.

That's me. How can I help?

We've come to report an attack.

On our son.

OK, have a seat, please.

My wife. The name is Jozic.

Pleased to meet you.

- When was it?
- Last night.

He was attacked in the street
on his way home.

- How old is he?
- Seventeen.

I have a video...

So he's a minor.
Who attacked him?

I don't know. Some hooligans.

We have a video of it.
His friend gave us this.

Let me see.

- Just press.
- Yes, yes.

That's the station.

Where's your son now?

In a coma, in hospital.

We'll file a report.

Write down your personal details,

and everything you know
about the attack.

Do you know the reason for it?

No. We don't know who they are.

The guy who hits him
is from his school.

We don't know about the others.

They attacked him for no reason.

Did you call
your neighborhood police officer?


This is our new program.

Your neighborhood police officer

is the person you can always talk to

if you notice anything suspicious
in your area.

Then we can react and prevent crime.

What about that?

I'll give it back to you.

- You don't need it?
- No.

It's no evidence. It was filmed
by someone involved, and...

Write down your personal details

and everything you know
about the attack. We'll call you.

So this video is no good as evidence?

No, I'm afraid not.

OK, thanks.

If you remember anything else,
feel free to call me.




We've filled in the form.
Do we get a receipt.

If you want.

Just bring me a 20-kuna fiscal stamp.

Give me 20 kuna for a stamp.

I only have a 50.

There's a news stand
across the street.

Now what?

Just to air it out a bit.

Are these his drawings?


I didn't know he was that good.

No, put it back where it was.

I want to see.

What are you looking for?


- Nothing.
- What do you mean, nothing?

Please don't cry.

Is this a rerun?

You don't have to watch it.

- Is it annoying you?
- No.

Don't break it.

- It won't fit.
- You have to take this out first.

Then you can put the cups in.

OK, I see now.

- Why are you so annoyed?
- I'm not.

I can't understand
why someone would film that.

On their phone.

It's just insane.

They beat him half to death.

Why hasn't the school reacted?
What kind of school is that?

We have to talk to him.

We have to know where he's going,
when he's coming home...

- I'll do this.
- That's the phone.


No, we're not interested.

We're not interested. Goodbye.

Who was that?

Nobody. Just offering Internet
at half-price.

We already have it.

And, please, from now on,
no staying out after eleven.

Maybe sometimes until midnight.

Pass me the other one.
This scratches the Teflon.

- The phone again.
- I'll get it.


Good afternoon.


He's stopped breathing.

He can't have.

- Who is it?
- The nurse you gave the number to.


Must be a mistake.
I'll call her.

Give me the phone. It's a mistake.
How would she know?

We'll go to the hospital.

- Should I get changed?
- Yes, OK.

How can she know?
She's not a doctor.

I can't do it.


Madam! Sir!
You can't go in there!

We got a call about our son.


Tomica, sweetheart.

Why the call?

There's no change.

- You can't stay here.
- Why?

- Where's the doctor?
- In surgery.

Wait for him in his office.

Someone called
and said something's wrong,

but all the instruments
are still working.

What's going on?

Please come out of here first.
You'll be told everything.

Madam, please!

They're so disorganized.

Why didn't you call the doctor?

How could I?
He didn't give me his number.

Did the nurse say anything?

No, just...

Good afternoon.

Maja and Ivo Jozic?

The doctor can't come, he's in surgery.

your son has passed away.

He had a cerebral hemorrhage.
We did all we could.

He didn't suffer.
He was comatose the whole time.

What happened to him?

I'm very sorry.

But he's still connected...

What are you saying?

The instruments go on working
for an hour.

They're the regulations.

He can't be dead.
We just saw him.

What are we supposed to do now?

It was a very serious injury.
It was swelling.

The doctor did everything.
We tried to revive him for an hour.

If there was any way...

Do you need some papers or...?

But the machine is still on.
He can't be dead.

You heard what she said.

Come on.

Come on, Maja.

The body will stay here.

When you fetch him for the funeral,
ask the nurse upstairs.

She'll arrange it for you.

Leave his funeral clothes at the desk.

All right.

You can get the certificate
at the main desk.

What's he wearing?

They're not his pajamas.

I don't understand.

Excuse me, is it your turn or mine?

- I'm just handing this in.
- OK, then.

I've come for a certificate.

- Name?
- Mladinic.

The certificate for Mladinic.

There you go.
And you, sir?

My son died.

OK, would you please wait a second?

Feeling better?

Vlado and Milica are coming.

OK, I just need to fix myself up.

What should I do?
Slice some cheese?

Wait for me.
We'll do it together.

OK, hurry up.


Jesus Christ, Ivo!

- How is she coping?
- OK.

Did you call the police?

Yes, we've done everything we can.

Come in.

I don't know what to say, Ivo.

There's nothing to be said.

Enough already.

They couldn't save him.

The swelling...

was pressing on his brain.

The pressure was too much.

By the time they opened up his skull,

it was too late.

Who was the surgeon?

Dr... Maja?

- Raos.
- Dr. Raos.

- Raos?
- A good doctor.

I think I've heard about him.

You know, when my sister was...

- A younger guy?
- Thirty-something.

Ivo, take this.

- No.
- Please take it.

Maja, please. You'll need it.

Ivo, let's not argue about it.

Take it.

There'll be unexpected expenses.

Thank you.

I don't even know
how much a plot in the cemetery is.

What do the police say?

I mean, it was...

What do they say, what do they say?

We reported it...

And they're making some report.

Minors, you see?

They deal with minors differently.

It's a different procedure.


Have some, please.

Call at nine-thirty.

Well, thanks.

I'll let you know.

Call me if you need anything.
If you don't have any black clothes.

Do you want some tea?

I can't.

I'll clear the table.

The stove's not working again.

- You just have to turn it here.
- How?

It's easy.

What do you mean, "easy"?

OK, we'll get a new one.

- I don't want a new stove.
- We need one.

We don't need a new stove, Ivo.

I want my son back.

Please, Maja, don't.

Why my Tomica?

- What did he do?
- Please.

- What did he do to anyone?
- I don't know.

And where's that guy?

I want to see him.

Kicking him like that.

You're talking to me as if I...


Good evening.

It's Ivo.

Ivo Jozic.

Yes, Tomica's father.

How are you?

We're OK.

Look, I want to know who that guy is.

The one who beat him up.

The one in the recording
that you passed on to us.

OK, if you don't know.



He goes to the same school?


Thanks a lot.


I've found some sleeping pills.

How many?

I've had two.
Do you want some?

No, and you shouldn't.

I won't take anymore.

You shouldn't take them at all.

- Fine.
- It's not fine!

What are you thinking?

- A grand and a half?
- Yeah.

- Is it new?
- Yeah, it's new.

Ask Martina.
She'll have e notes

do you have the physics notes?

I need them.

How are you doing in physics?

I got an E.

There'll be another exam.

Two written exams
every semester, right?

That's the rule, yeah?

Fucked if I know.

No idea.


- Are you Matic?
- Why?

Are you Matic?


So you're Matic!

You motherfucker!


What are you looking at,
you motherfucker?

Turn your head!

Look away!

What happened?


What's that?


- On your hand.
- I hurt it.

- How?
- It's nothing.

Where have you been, Ivo?

The school.

What school?


He's alive.

Ivo, please.

I'm telling you...

I didn't kill him.

I just had to see him.

What were you trying to do, Ivo?

I don't know.

- Does it hurt?
- No.

Where's your jacket?

In the bathroom.
It needs washing.

I'll do it.

Go and lie down.

I didn't use any detergent.

Just water.

Go and change.

Shall we make lunch?


The peppers?

- Come and slice the onions.
- Be right there.

Subtitles ripped by gooz
karagarga, 2020

L.V.T. Paris