The Woman on Pier 13 (1949) - full transcript
Brad Collins, former stevedore, is rising fast in a shipping company when local communist agitators use his former Party affiliation to extort his help in stirring up trouble. When Brad resists, communist femme fatale Christine works through his brother-in-law Don. But Brad's new wife Nan sees that her husband and brother are under pressure; when she investigates on her own, party boss Vanning takes ruthless action.
Isn't this lovely?
- Yeah.
You know, they've really
done this quite well.
Well, if you like it I like it.
Ming who?
- Ming dynasty. Chinese.
Of course it isn't real.
- Honey. Don't start educating me again.
I told you the first time we battled,
you came along too late to change me.
I wouldn't want to try but ..
- But what?
On Monday I'm hired to
redecorate the offices ..
Of the executive vice-president of
the Cornwall Shipping Company.
On Tuesday I show you my sketches.
I know. Magenta drapes
and chartreuse walls.
A big fight.
- Still fighting Wednesday.
Thursday, you take me out to dinner.
On Friday, out of a clear blue
sky you say let's get married.
Honey, this is Tuesday.
The first girl I ever
stole from a nice guy.
Well, somebody wins and somebody loses.
You're a very ruthless character.
That is the secret of my success.
But Brad, you know
absolutely nothing about me.
What I'm really like or ..
- It's time I found out.
But Brad ..
- Honey, you talk too much.
Two champagne cocktails please.
Use the imported.
It used to be two Ward 8s
if you could afford it.
That was back in old Jersey City before
we knew about the finer things in life.
Bring the lady a Ward 8.
- A Ward 8, sir?
And 3 fingers of bourbon
with beer for a chaser.
Use the imported beer.
How is the new Mrs Collins?
- She's fine.
Incidentally, as if you didn't
know she joins me in a minute.
Then I really ought to run along.
- Quit kidding, Christine.
Dynamite couldn't blow
you out of that chair.
How right you are. I saw the pictures
in the paper. She is quite pretty.
In her way, you mean.
- In her way.
Which I happen to like.
- I am sure you do.
You always knew what you
wanted and always went after it.
Always got it.
You know what I'd like to do right now?
But you couldn't do that in front of
your wife. She wouldn't understand.
Nan, this is Christine.
Christine Norman.
I'm still single.
Odd, isn't it?
The photographer?
- How nice of you to know.
You see, I've become famous
too in my own small way.
I imagine you are too busy to read
the more popular magazines.
Ward 8, madam.
What in the world is that?
The favorite tipple among the
lower classes of Jersey City.
In the good old days I used to
think your husband invented it.
Well, here is to three
very happy people.
You know Nan, after all these years
your husband has changed very little.
I hope he never changes.
Charming. A real life romance.
They do happen.
Well, I am sorry I can't stay and talk
but we'll meet again I am sure.
I have just been transferred
to San Francisco.
The magazine has opened
a branch office there.
That's great.
I knew you would think so.
She's charming Brad, isn't she.
We must get together. Very soon.
I'll tell you a secret.
I can live the rest of
my life without her.
That makes two of us.
How good were the good old days?
Not so good, honey, Let's forget them.
I will if you will.
- A good deal.
As far as you and I are concerned.
Life began last Monday.
"Born, Ann Lowry. Chicago, Illinois."
"Father, Fred Lowry.
Architectural draughtsman."
"Mother's maiden name not known.
Both parents deceased."
"At time of parent's death, subject .."
- When did she come to California?
"In June 1945 the subject moved
to California with a brother Don."
"Reason, not known."
"While brother attended university she
was employed by Maston & Company."
"Opened her own establishment
January 1947."
Hello. I have a wedding
gift for a Mr and Mrs Collins.
Did they return from their honeymoon?
Why, yes. They just got in.
Who is calling?
Me? I am the beautiful
bride's brother. Don Lowry.
Don Lowry?
My name wouldn't mean a
thing to you. We've never met.
We should. That voice has
to have a beautiful face.
You sound like a blonde.
But I'll settle for a brunette.
But you would rather have a blonde?
What do you do Mr Lowry
besides talk on telephones?
Oh, I see.
It sounds very interesting.
Maybe we will meet sometime.
Until then I prefer to
keep us both in suspense.
I loved talking to you, Mr Lowry.
I thought you said this was complete.
He says he's been working as a
stevedore for the last two weeks.
His brother-in-law got him a job.
I hope this file is more complete.
Jersey said they photographed
everything in the records.
Well, we'll see.
Did the phone ring?
Somebody with more loot for the bride.
Who was it?
- That I would like to know.
Hey, do you think Brad will
let you do this place over?
I doubt it.
He said I came along
too late to change him.
You know, I am sort-of glad.
Ming. And it is real this time.
From, no less than
Mr and Mrs J Francis Cornwall.
If the boss likes it I
like it. We'll keep it.
In the closet out of my site. Only to be
brought out when the Cornwalls visit.
The Sally Jay in from Shanghai.
Two days overdue.
How can you tell what
ship it is from here?
How can you swing a
cargo hook from here?
Not me, boss. I'm taking
the day off. Special event.
You and Nan.
- You get over there.
Okay. I'm gone.
Look, already.
Blisters on top of blisters.
Pretty soon it will be
callouses on top of callouses.
And then you'll be a man, my son.
You know, he is right.
You've done more to make a man of him in
two weeks than I've done in all my life.
You are quite a man yourself.
You just keep thinking that, honey.
You made a handsome couple.
There is one thing you
have to understand.
We are not in here asking
any favors, Mr Cornwall.
We're trying to get sense back into a
fouled-up situation while we have time.
The owners can go right on being tough.
So can the union until
the contract runs out.
Then there will be another
waterfront tie-up.
The union has nothing to gain from
a tie-up. Neither have the owners.
Alright. There's hotheads on both sides.
Let them take charge and we all lose.
We're here to suggest
a different strategy.
If you people would afford a
small working committee.
We'll do the same. Meet.
Examine the demands, kick it about until
we get a compromise fair to both sides.
That way, at least there is a
chance we can still get together.
I'd say the chances are against it.
Well, it is a try anyhow.
We're offering to meet you halfway.
The next move is up to you.
Suppose I go before the Ship-owners
Association with your proposition.
You know the answer.
We've been through it all before.
Too many times.
Do you mind if I put in my
2-cents' worth, Mr Cornwall?
Go ahead.
There is so much at stake on both sides.
I think you should put it
before the association.
Or I wouldn't have asked Jim
and the boys to come up here.
You're new enough in labor
negotiations to be optimistic.
I'm afraid I am not.
Having been on both
sides of the fence ..
I think it is time the majority quit
letting the trouble-making minority ..
Start these brannigans where
nobody wins and everybody loses.
By the way, there is policy meeting
of the association this afternoon.
Which I wasn't planning to attend.
Well, it looks like I am
going to have to now.
Since my new vice-president has
more-or-less put me on the spot.
Well, you will hear from me, gentlemen.
That is all I can promise.
Thanks for coming in.
Thank you, Mr Cornwall.
- Thank you.
So long.
- Good day.
A good pitch, Brad. Came in just right.
Yeah. He still lays it on the line.
When I don't, you come and tell me.
- That I'll do.
How is the new bambino, Ed?
- The prettiest kid in California.
It must take after its mother.
You coming or staying?
I'll be along in a minute, Charlie.
- Okay. Be seeing you.
I'm glad you came in with
your proposition, Jim.
We came to the right
man with it. Got action.
We'll have no trouble.
- No reason why we should.
That is business. Now, about us?
I've known Nan three years.
You know her a week. She married you.
That's it.
She'd like it if you would
drop in and see us.
I'll do that.
After we get this contract squared away.
I hear Don is doing
fine down at the docks.
So he tells me.
So long, Jim.
- My best to Nan.
Mr Collins.
I wonder if I may have a few
minutes of your time, Mr Collins.
It's about an article I'm writing.
- I'm pretty busy right now.
Yes I know. But the article
is principally about you.
Come in.
My name is Vanning, Mr Collins.
My speciality is the
American success story.
Well, this office
certainly spells success.
And the man who wields this
power was once a stevedore.
Like those men working down there.
What a wonderful advertisement for our
American system of free enterprise.
I am a student of contrasts, Mr Collins.
They are what make this country of ours
so fabulous to the rest of the world.
On the one hand we have Bradley
Collins the great success story.
On the other, I have here a record of an
unsuccessful man named Frank Johnson.
Who is he?
He was typical of that lost generation
of the thirties, during the depression.
He left school ambitious, intelligent
and began hunting for a job.
Unfortunately, there
were no jobs to be had.
Why do you tell me about it?
I am coming to that, Mr Collins.
Embittered, violent by nature.
Frank Johnson joined the
Young Communist league.
And eventually became a
full-fledged member of the party.
Party card listed: "Frank J."
"Agitation and propaganda activities:"
"Strikes in New Jersey.
Prominent in strong-arm work."
Then suddenly: "broke all connection
with the party and disappeared."
"Reason: unknown."
Or it was unknown until now.
But now it is obvious, isn't it.
You decided you could
do better for yourself.
You used the party as long as it
served your purpose and then deserted.
You came to the west coast and
under the name of Bradley Collins ..
You have done better for yourself.
Look, Mr Vanning.
It's dangerous to call a man a
communist unless you can prove it.
Christine Norman can prove it.
She has a remarkable memory for faces.
She also saves photographs.
As women in love sometimes do.
Alright. How much do you want?
Oh, this isn't blackmail, Johnson.
- Then you're out of luck.
I might have done business with a
blackmailer but not with a party agent.
Not now or any other time.
Now get out and stay out.
Very well, Johnson. By the way, this
has been brought up to date for you.
Alright. Let him come up.
Tenth floor, sir. 10A.
Thank you.
Why, welcome stranger.
A long jump from Jersey.
- It wasn't so bad in Jersey.
It all depends on your point of view.
It seems I'm not the only one who's been
learning about the finer things in life.
As you see, I am still
the sentimental type.
I was wondering about that.
A salute to yesterday.
What about today?
A friend of yours brought that to me.
I thought I'd drop over and ask you why.
What for?
Just to stick a knife in
me after all these years?
That's kinda silly for
a smart girl like you.
So I walked out on you.
I figured you got as much as you gave.
While it lasted.
Did I?
We started off even.
We finished the same way.
Baby, you didn't sic your friend
on me just to pay off the past.
There is an old saying.
You can live today, you can't
change yesterday. And tomorrow ..
Who knows?
I got to remember that.
You know.
Put us side by side like this.
You still look pretty good.
I used to like Frank Johnson.
So you used to tell me.
What's the matter with
Brad Collins? Same guy.
A little bit older maybe.
But not too much.
Still the hairy-chested physical type.
Is that bad?
No. There was a time when it was fine.
Not so long ago.
Not so long ago at that.
I wondered if this was
party or personal?
Now I know.
You thought you could
yank me back into the party.
And if you did you might be able to yank
my back to yourself. Part-time anyway.
Well, it's not dice, baby.
I got no use for you.
I graduated from you a long time ago.
At the same time I graduated from this.
You can paste that in your scrapbook.
Among your many souvenirs.
This is very interesting to
me Brad, and I hope to you.
Very ornamental but quite useless.
Incidentally, I've about decided to
become ornamental and useless myself.
[ Telephone ]
Excuse me, Mr Cornwall.
Is this Collins?
Well, Vanning wants you.
We got a car down here waiting.
Look, I've got guests.
I can't leave now.
No. It's impossible.
Can I get you a brandy?
Just as small one. Doctor's orders.
Also, Mrs Cornwalls'.
She is what you needed, Brad.
From now on, you're all set.
I've been lucky so far.
- Oh, it isn't a question of luck.
A man decides what he wants in
his life, he goes after it, and gets it.
You can't call that luck.
Which leads right in to what
I want to talk to you about.
The owners have decided to give
the small-committee strategy a try.
Principally because of your strong
recommendation. - Good.
As a matter of fact they've decided to
dump the whole thing right in your lap.
Now wait a minute.
- Oh, there'll be a committee.
But you'll be the chairman.
One thing they are sure of.
The union leaders talk your language.
And you talk theirs.
You came up the hard way.
They respect you.
Well, so do the owners.
So it's your baby.
Just don't forget we
have to pay dividends.
We're just an orphanage, you know.
I think Jim Travis will leave
a couple of bucks for them.
I hope so. I'm one of the orphans.
Thank you.
- I'll get it.
- Yes.
I guess you don't hear
so good on the phone.
I'll say it for you again,
real slow and plain.
Vanning wants you.
You wouldn't want us to start a
commotion in front of your guests.
Better put a shawl on. That monkey suit
is kinda fancy for where we're going.
Alright. Be with you in a minute.
- Make it a short minute.
What is it?
There is a foul-up down at the docks.
One of our ships.
- Sounds serious.
I'll know when I get there.
I don't want to break up the party.
I'll bunk out and get
back as quick as I can.
Someone made a mistake.
The mistake was yours in being
seen coming out of the FBI office.
I told you I don't even
know where the office is.
I may have just passed there when ..
Can you account for Drobnik being picked
up the next day? You're his one contact.
Maybe they trailed him from L.A.
- Maybe.
Maybe he got drunk and talked too much?
I tell you I don't know a thing about ..
Strange, how a man turns against friends
and believes he can get away with it.
Take him out.
Mr Vanning, I tell you it's a mistake.
I've always been absolutely loyal.
I never said anything to anyone.
- Alright, Johnson.
I came here to get something settled.
- You came because you were sent for.
To let you square
yourself with the party.
I'm out of the party.
I've been out for years.
The party decides who is out and when.
Beginning immediately, you'll deposit
two fifths of your salary in this bank.
To the account to the account
of Mankind Incorporated.
It's listed as a charity so part of your
contribution will be tax deductible.
Incidentally Johnson, we know
the exact amount of your income.
I'll bet you do.
Just like the good old days.
No. Not exactly.
You see Frank Johnson
could attend meetings ..
Pass out handbills and
take part in street brawls.
But Bradley Collins can't.
Your present position qualifies you for
much more important work in the party.
Now, look.
You'll be notified when I have orders.
Are you finished?
- Yes.
Let me tell you something.
I quit taking orders a long time ago.
If you crowd me too hard
I'll kick the whole thing over.
And if I have to start punching
I'll start at the top. Is that clear?
Yeah, quite clear.
You can go back to your
dinner guests now, Johnson.
I'm to show you the way out.
Have you got a match?
Let me go. Look, if you'd only give me
a chance to explain this thing to you.
This is all a misunderstanding.
Like I told them.
Wait. Wait.
Let me go. Please let me go.
Alright, Ralston. Take it easy.
I can't take it easy. I ask you to free
me and let me say something about this.
To let you know that I'm right.
- Shut up.
Oh God!
Don't. Please don't.
Don't .. no!
No .. no!
Tell Vanning I saw what
he wanted me to see.
Now I'll find my own way out.
Hello, Johnson.
If you're trying to call the
police, better wait a minute.
There are several things you don't
know that are very important to you.
Of course the police may try to protect
you in exchange for information.
Only in that case I'd be forced to turn
your party record in to your employers.
I got news for you.
I'm going to tell Cornwall myself.
I'm not the first sucker to get mixed up
in the party and get smart and get out.
And I probably won't be the last.
And I know Cornwall better than you do.
If I'm on the level there is a
50/50 chance he'll give me a break.
And that's fifty percent better odds
than I can get from the dear old party.
So if you want to have a showdown,
come on. We'll go to the police.
I'll take it from there.
And you can do the same.
No, Johnson. You may have the courage to
risk losing everything you've achieved.
But you ain't so foolish to get yourself
sent to the electric chair for murder.
That shop steward who was killed in a
street fight during the wildcat walkout.
That case was never cleared up.
You remember that very well, don't you?
I have here a party report in Photostat.
It is in your handwriting.
It explains in detail how you
carried out your assignment.
The original of this is on file at
party headquarters in New Jersey.
We can have it sent out here
to the police if necessary.
However, that is for you to decide.
I hope it won't be necessary.
Goodnight, Johnson.
We'll make it 8:15.
I'm a working girl.
It takes time to get out of my overalls
and into something fresh and feminine.
You would, would you?
We'll discuss it later.
See you then.
In the lobby.
Goodbye, darling.
Do you mind?
- How did you meet him?
Talked to him on the phone by accident.
He liked my voice so
I talked to him again.
Not by accident?
- I told him I liked his voice.
- Call it a whim.
No. Call it what it is.
You're trying to annoy Johnson just for
the emotional satisfaction it gives you.
And emotion is something you are
not built to understand or appreciate.
You have been given important
responsibilities in the party.
They are not to be endangered
by personal entanglements.
The bureau contact in Detroit
had very different ideas.
Yes. That is why he was replaced.
I wish.
I wish.
You wish what, honey?
Woman's stuff. You wouldn't understand.
Brad, are you really as happy as I am?
Well, they do say the
first month is the toughest.
But you have seemed so worried lately.
Just things going wrong at the office.
I wonder what's happened to Don.
A new girl. He is probably briefing
her before she meets the old folks.
Who is she?
- He didn't say.
But she must be somebody very special.
He had his haircut two days
early just for her benefit.
I wish you would tell me what
has been bothering you so much.
Maybe I couldn't help, but I have tried.
Look, we came out to try
and have a good time.
And it looks as if we
should have stayed home.
Hi Nan, Brad.
You know Chris.
- Hello.
She said she met you on your honeymoon.
So nice seeing you both again.
- Yeah. Quite a coincidence.
What will you have?
- Two Ward 8s.
Are you sure?
- Sure I'm sure.
Two Ward 8s. Three fingers of
bourbon. Beer on the side.
How charming. First anniversary.
A whole month.
He is the steadfast type after all.
Nan, you know I like
the man in your life.
Do you know, so do I.
Come on, Don. Dance with me.
Excuse me.
A cigarette?
I feel less like a kid every year.
Oh Don, she is much too experienced.
That I alike. Look, Nan.
You are enjoying your life.
How about letting me enjoy mine, huh?
Amazing how much he
reminds me of Frank Johnson.
When Frank Johnson was young.
Look, Christine.
Lay off him. Let him alone.
He's just a kid.
This is wonderful.
Now you're asking favors.
I suppose he is too
pure and good for me?
Yes, he is.
Why don't you tell him so?
Why don't you tell him
about my first love affair?
That you graduated from.
But no, you won't say a word.
Not a word. You don't dare.
And you know something,
Mr Collins? You bore me.
But your brother-in-law doesn't.
Odd isn't it.
Your family wouldn't approve of this.
I like it.
It might even get to be a habit.
I'd like that.
Only, I wish you hadn't invited all
those people up to your apartment.
What people?
You told Brad and Nan a bunch
was dropping in after the theater.
They are.
But tomorrow night.
You wait out here.
Excuse me, darling. Evelyn, will
you take care of him for a while?
I am glad to, darling.
How about a refill?
- What a noble suggestion.
Couldn't this have waited?
- If it could I wouldn't be here.
Do you like to dance, don't you.
Does it show on me?
No. Christine told me all about you.
What's going to happen
down there? Another strike?
I wouldn't call it a strike.
The boys can't work without a contact.
The effect is the same, young man.
A lot of people out of work.
It is too bad the owners are so
determined to create another tie-up.
Why is that boy here?
"One party member should be able to
indoctrinate 1,000 non-party members."
That depends on the purpose
of the indoctrination.
I suggest that you stop
seeing him after tonight.
Is that an order?
Whether or not the
waterfront is tied up again.
You won't go hungry.
You will still have a place to sleep.
- Yes, I guess so.
And you are hardly in a position
to speak for the average worker.
Whose side are you on, Mr Lowry?
Why do I have to be on any side?
The way I figure it we all try to
get along the best we know how.
He's the finest specimen of the rugged
American individualist as I ever saw.
Wait a minute.
You have a right to your own
opinions, Mr Lowry. But tell me.
Have you closed your mind to facts?
I don't know what you are driving at.
You are probably
convinced, are you not ..
That labor disputes,
anti-labor legislation, strikes ..
Men out of work are necessary evils,
even in this greatest of democracies.
I never thought much about
it one way or the other.
Don't you think it is time
you did think about it?
How close is young Lowry
to his brother-in-law?
Very close. Why?
I've changed my mind about him.
Continue with your indoctrination.
I'll accept your guarantee they are
to be ready when and if needed.
What an interesting assignment.
Call Charlie Dover for 11 o'clock, and
right after I want to see frank Johnson.
The waterfront cells are to
be alerted for eleven o'clock.
The theory of a scientifically organised
state is that there would be no strikes.
No man is required to
employ representatives ..
To defend his interests
against capitalistic employers.
Man is the state.
The state is man.
- No union?
Unions as such, are not needed.
No. Just somebody upstairs
says: that's it, boys.
Take it or leave it and that's that.
I like it better in a democracy.
A discussion of democracy ..
- End of discussion.
How about some fresh air, darling?
Excuse me.
- Of course.
Typical of the follower-group.
Ideologically uninformed but
emotionally very receptive.
Are you sorry you came to my party?
No. Not as far as you're concerned.
Some of my guests bother
you, don't they darling?
They make me feel kind-of dumb.
Like they are saying something
they are not saying or ..
Oh, I don't know.
Are they all friends of yours?
More or less.
Do you agree with them?
- More or less.
They get me all mixed up.
Maybe I'd better stay in my own league.
Don't even say that, darling.
These people are new to
you and so are their ideas.
But then, so am I.
Just keep an open mind. You'll be
surprised how much you will learn.
Is that a promise?
What do you think?
I'm going to be very proud of you, Don.
Those are the orders I received tonight.
To be carried out without fail.
The waterfront is to be shut down
from May 18th for at least sixty days.
Therefore no new contract can be signed
between the union and the owners.
Collins and Travis can close
a deal on their own right now.
I'll take care of Collins.
Travis is your assignment.
But the union is solid behind them.
Of course it is.
If it wasn't I wouldn't need you.
Have your key cells make demands
that are bound to be refused.
Start a whispering campaign.
Accuse the owners of bad faith.
Accuse Jim Travis of
being a company stooge.
You know the techniques.
Use them. Here is a list of names.
I'll tell you when and how
you can use these people.
Collins' brother-in-law.
I'm told he'll be ready when we
need him. That's all for now.
I'll see Johnson now.
Johnson, you see to it that no accord is
found between your people and the union.
Wait a minute.
There must be a complete tie-up
of the waterfront by May 18th.
Therefore beginning
immediately, in public ..
You will accuse Travis and the
union of sabotaging negotiations.
In private you will inform
Cornwall and the other owners ..
That you recommend a reduction,
not an increase in wages.
I couldn't get away with that
even if I was willing to try.
We'll tell you what to do.
How you do it is your problem.
You will insist to the owners that
now is the time for a showdown.
If necessary you'll refuse to submit to
the union any compromise they propose.
If I pulled anything like
that I'd lose my job.
It's up to you to keep your job.
Otherwise you'll cease to
have any value to the party.
And the party will cease to have
any reason for protecting you.
I know what you're thinking.
You're thinking you don't have to obey
my orders as I can't check up on you.
Well, I don't need to check up on you.
The party judges by results.
If the waterfront is still open on
May 18th you'll be held responsible.
And the following day you
will be under arrest for murder.
He could have killed you just as easily
but the party doesn't want you killed.
Go home Johnson and start your
assignment first thing in the morning.
Brad, it is so late.
I kept calling your office
but I couldn't get an answer.
I had to go to a meeting.
- Is everything alright?
Sure. Of course.
Go on back to bed, Nan.
Everything is not alright.
Brad, don't you want to talk
about it? It might help a little.
Talk about what?
I asked you to go back to bed.
Nan, I've got to think things over.
Brad, you are hurt.
Alright, I'm hurt. Somebody took
a shot at me down at the docks.
Now, that's my business
and I'll take care of it.
Please go back to bed.
But Brad ..
- You heard me. Go on.
Is that all you're taking?
I'll only be gone a couple of days.
You could be gone for a week.
Maybe much longer.
You keep forgetting I get paid to work
for a magazine. It's a valuable front.
They know how long a
Seattle assignment will take.
You have to convince
them you need more time.
Here, make these contacts and
give them these instructions.
Any messenger boy can take care of that.
I want you to take care of it.
You made a good start with young Lowry.
Now you must get out of his sight long
enough to get your emotions in check.
I'll worry about my private life.
You have no private life.
You began with young Lowry out of spite
although you pretended party motives.
Now you think you are falling in
love with him. That is ridiculous.
And you are beginning to
forget your position and mine.
That's dangerous.
I hope that while you're in
Seattle you come to your senses.
"Flight 671 for Portland and Seattle."
"Now loading at Gate 4."
I never felt like this before, Don.
But you are only going to
be gone for a couple of days.
There's my plane.
Don't take it.
- I have to.
No you don't. Quit your job.
- I can't quit.
Sure you can.
Quit and marry me.
Don, you really want to marry me?
It's a fine idea.
It would solve everything.
No questions, no doubts, just ..
You do love me, don't you.
It's you or no-one, Chris.
And I love you, Don.
"Miss Christine Norman."
"Miss Christine Norman."
"Flight 671 is being held for you."
"Please go to Gate 4 immediately."
I said marry.
Like you and Brad and
all the best people.
Why, sure it's Christine. And why not?
I can think of a lot of
good reasons why not.
And so could you if you would
stop and think for a minute.
No. I don't approve. Not at all.
We'll not discuss it tonight.
Some other time.
What was that all about?
It was Don and one of his wild ideas.
[ Buzzer ]
Why, Jim.
It's about time you came to see us.
Under the circumstances I figured
better not to bother you and Brad.
Something's come up. Pretty important.
I have to talk to Brad about it.
- Hello, Jim.
Sorry to barge in so late.
Well, come in.
Will you have a drink?
- Later maybe.
What's on your mind?
I just had a meeting with
the policy committee.
What's their policy now?
In spite of the hotheads, I'm authorised
to come here and have a talk with you.
Nothing to talk about.
- We think there is.
Brad. We ought to make another
try at getting together.
You bring your people back
for the talks. I'll bring mine.
I can't do it.
- Why not?
Because your demands are so far
out of line it'd be a waste of time.
Now wait a minute, Brad.
What if we both climb down off our
high horses and make a fresh start?
Why should you of all
people be against that?
You started this big get-together.
Now you're the guy that's throwing a
monkey wrench into the whole business.
Why the switch?
What's come over you?
I don't have to stand still for
cross-examination by you.
No. I guess you don't.
As far as I'm concerned any
further discussion is useless.
May I ask a question?
- What?
Why won't you reopen negotiations?
You don't want to put
a lot of men out of work.
Some of them your old friends.
- Nan, do you mind.
I'm sorry.
You were quite a guy. In those days.
Still quite a guy until just lately.
I'll ask you again.
What has come over you, Brad?
What is wrong with you?
There's nothing wrong with me.
How about a drink for the road?
No thanks.
One thing before I go.
I'll give it to you straight.
I walked in here with a fair
proposition. I am walking out.
Turned down for no good reason.
Alright. I want to put
this on the record.
If there is a waterfront tie-up.
You, not the union, will be responsible.
We tried.
You won't try.
I am sorry, Jim.
So am I, Nan.
It was good seeing you anyhow.
- Jim.
Have you seen much of Don lately?
I've heard a good deal
of him at meetings.
I am worried.
He called me up a while ago and calmly
informed me he is getting married.
That might be a good idea.
Depending on the girl of course.
This one is all wrong.
Who is she?
A photographer. Christine Norman.
I know her.
I know about her anyway.
Nan. I hadn't intended to say anything.
But since you brought it up.
I couldn't figure Don out.
Shooting his mouth off at the meetings.
Shouting the commie line word-for-word.
But it finally makes sense if she
has finally got her hooks into him.
Jim, if you don't mind Nan and I will
keep our family affairs in the family.
But Brad, I want to
hear about Christine.
So, what do you know?
It's pretty certain she
is a fellow traveller.
And I'd make a bet she
is a practising commie.
The trouble with you is you
got commies on the brain.
Anybody who doesn't agree
with you is a commie.
That's the old smear technique and it's
pretty dangerous if you can't prove it.
If I can prove what I suspect.
I'd have the scalps of a dozen
agitators in the union right now.
Tell you what you do.
You chase the commies in the union
and let Nan and me worry about Don.
Goodnight, Nan.
- Goodnight.
I'm sorry I popped off like that at Jim.
I must be nervous or something.
I understand.
Wouldn't it be awful if Jim were
right about Christine Norman.
Not a chance.
Wouldn't she be an
idiot to join the commies?
The highest paid woman in her racket.
Hey, is this stuff alright?
It ought to be. You bought it for me.
Jim is not the type to accuse
anyone without good reason.
Jim is the guy who
didn't get to marry you.
I'm the guy who did.
Honey, this is our home. This is us.
Let's let the rest of the world roll by.
For a little while anyway.
Do you realise this is our anniversary?
Three months ago tonight.
Brad, I have got to know.
Was Christine a communist
when you knew her?
Never ask a lady her politics.
Now, can we start thinking about us?
I guess we won't see you
guys for a while, huh?
Maybe not.
If you ask me it makes no sense.
When you guys and the boss
fight we guys get laid off.
I didn't ask you. Get it?
Hiya, Don.
I want to have a talk with you.
What's the matter? Sore because I said
things at the meeting you didn't like?
It's a free county in
case you hadn't heard.
It sure is.
- Well then, what about it?
My job, as far I see it, is to keep the
commie minority from running the union.
Why tell me?
I'm no commie and you know it.
- Of course you are not.
You think you are a good
union man, don't you, Don.
I know I am.
Then how'd you like to see the
commies take over the union ..
And then dump it in the ash-can
when they get through using it?
Are you really afraid of that?
- Yes. And you should be too.
Because if people like you don't
wake up they might get away with it.
How many commies do
we have in the union?
Only a few.
- Well, what can they do?
Plenty. They know how.
Just a select few.
But every one of them
is an active party agent.
Trained to recruit stooges.
Stooges who usually don't even
know they are being used.
Well-meaning liberals, the
underprivileged, the unemployed.
And love-sick kids like you.
You are not spouting your own ideas.
You're spouting hers. That Norman woman.
She's telling what to believe
and making you believe it.
Using you like she used
plenty of others before you.
What do I have to do?
Beat some sense into you?
If you have got guts enough, go ask her.
Unless you're afraid of
what you will find out.
Don, darling.
Why weren't you at the airport?
- I thought we could talk better here.
Is there something wrong?
That's what I want to find out.
Just don't lie to me.
I couldn't lie to you
if I wanted to, Don.
I am really in love with you.
Me or the commie party?
I've been told you are a commie agent.
Who told you that?
- Jim Travis.
What did he say?
I want you to tell me exactly.
He said you had been using me.
The way you've used plenty
of others before me.
Well, what about it?
I'm sorry it turned out this way.
It's one of the reasons I came back
sooner than I was supposed to.
I should have told you myself.
Then you really are ..
- I am a party member, yes.
I have been for years. Yes, Don.
Don, what have politics
got to do with you and me?
Plenty. Because you
made a sucker out of me.
You don't love me. You never did.
- Don, that's not true.
Stop lying. You've done enough of that.
- Listen to me, Don.
I love you.
Oh, I didn't at first.
I used you as part of my job.
I didn't want to fall in love with you.
I knew it was a mistake
and we'd both suffer.
But I love you Don, and that
is all that ought to matter.
A commie agent. Working for the party.
And what is wrong with that?
I said you had a lot to learn.
Let me tell you something. There are
a lot of very fine people in the party.
Name one.
I can do that, Don.
I guess it is time I did.
It may come as a shock to you.
Maybe that's what you need.
Here is another party member for you.
Maybe it is possible to be communist
and still be human beings too.
Even if you don't believe it.
Does it make any difference, Don?
Does it?
Answer me, Don.
What do you think now ..
You were told to wait in Seattle
until you heard from me.
You'd have been wiser
to have obeyed orders.
Mr Lowry, you'll forget you saw this.
- One of your commie pals?
You will also forget that Bradley
Collins is really Frank Johnson.
Otherwise he'll be in serious trouble.
- That will be just too bad, won't it.
Listen to me, young man.
- I've heard enough.
I said you had better listen to me.
You were warned.
If the ship owners, the union,
the newspapers or the public ..
Learn about Frank Johnson from him.
Johnson will cease to
be of any value to us.
And I will be held responsible.
I .. not you.
- He'll only go to Brad.
Brad will keep him quiet.
You think so, do you? Well, I don't.
And I'll act upon my
convictions, not yours.
What are you going to do?
- It's no longer any business of yours.
You will stay in this apartment.
You will not communicate with anybody.
Just squeeze it gentle, baby.
She how I mean?
You need practice, baby.
You need a lot of practice.
Take over until I return.
Keep your mitts out of
the till or I'll saw 'em off.
What's the deal this time?
But you must know where to reach him.
Don't you understand?
I have to talk to him.
Look, Christine. You can't call and say
Don's in danger and let it go at that.
What danger? What have
you gotten him mixed up in?
I'm afraid that is about it, Mr Collins.
A hit-and-run driver. Witnesses weren't
close enough to get the license number.
I'll have to ask you to come over
the Traffic Bureau, Mr Collins.
Do we have to do it tonight?
- Afraid so.
Alright. Be with you in a minute.
- Goodnight, Mrs Collins. Sure am sorry.
It wasn't an accident.
What else could it be?
Christine Norman knew
it was going to happen.
She was on the phone telling
me Don was in danger.
Look Nan, for all we know
Don and Christine had a row.
Maybe he was so worked up he didn't look
and walked right in front of this car.
I was wondering what you'd say.
I certainly don't think he was murdered.
Who'd have any reason for killing him?
The police can find out.
- The police?
They could force her to say
what she wouldn't tell me.
Nan, think a minute.
If you tell the police about her call ..
There'll be a newspaper scandal linking
Don and Christine doing nobody any good.
Then call her.
I've never asked how close
you were in the past.
I don't want to know.
But you have got to make her tell how
she knew Don was going to be killed.
Call her.
Alright. I will.
- No, Nan.
Are you afraid to let me call her?
Is that it, Brad? Is that what's wrong?
Nan, listen.
- What are you protecting?
Don's reputation? Christine?
Or yourself?
Nan, I've had about enough of this.
- So have I.
I married you knowing
very little about you.
But I trusted you.
Lots of things have puzzled me.
But I have gone on trusting you.
Right now, I don't.
Don is dead.
I want to know who killed him and why.
And I am going to find out.
What kind of a man do you think I am?
You think I'd back away from a showdown
if Don's death wasn't just an accident?
You know me better than that.
[ Buzzer ]
I can't keep this cop waiting,
but I'll be back right away.
Then we'll figure this thing
out the best way we can.
Now, you go on upstairs.
And try to get some rest, won't you.
500, 600, 700, 800, 900. A thousand.
Is that all?
- Sure it's all.
I figure I'm entitled to a
bit extra. A nice neat job.
You'll take what you get.
- Okay.
J.T. Arnold. Storage Warehouse.
Miss Norman?
- No.
He is not in.
Nan, I've got to talk to ..
[ Doorbell ]
What do you want?
- I must know why you phoned about Don.
I don't care ..
- Why'd you say he's in danger?
Maybe I meant danger from me.
- Christine.
Do you care anything at all about Don?
- That's my business.
And let me tell you something.
You can't break it up so stop trying.
There is nothing left to break up now.
Don is dead.
He was killed by a hit-and-run
driver about two hours ago.
No they didn't.
Who didn't? Who wanted to kill him?
Who was it?
I don't know.
Of course you know.
The police think it was an accident
but you and I know it wasn't.
Who was it?
Alright. If you won't tell me
you'll have to tell the police.
[ Telephone ]
No. I don't want to talk to him.
And don't put through any more calls.
I think I will tell you
who drove the car.
The results might be
interesting for a lot of people.
It was likely Bailey.
- Bailey?
He runs a shooting gallery at the beach.
Does any killings on a piecework basis.
Only maybe you won't want to meet
him when I tell you something else.
Do you know who that was on the phone?
It was your husband.
The great Bradley Collins.
And do you know why Don was killed?
Because of your husband.
Because Don found out that the great
Bradley Collins is really Frank Johnson.
A member of the communist party
and working for the party right now.
You are lying.
He couldn't be.
- Oh no?
Charming, weren't we.
Young love among the lower classes.
Two young communists
out to save the world.
I was good enough for him then.
But I wasn't good enough for Don.
Alright, so Don is dead and that's that!
Now go on home to your husband. Go on!
Get out!
I am sorry Mr Collins but I cannot
ring Miss Norman's apartment.
No, sir. She gave positive orders
not to put through any calls.
I am sorry.
Excuse me. Are you Mrs Bradley Collins?
Yes. I am Mrs Collins.
Your husband is trying to get in touch
with you. He says it's very important.
Will you call a cab for me, please?
Don't you want to talk
to Mr Collins first?
Well, Alright.
"I, Christine Norman.
Member of the Communist Party .."
"Party card number 1179J."
And so forth and so on.
"Before I die I want to tell the
truth about the communist party."
So on and on and on and on.
Yes, of course. Suicide
would be an ideal solution.
But we'll have to change
some of the details.
Just a little.
We won't bring politics into it.
An emotional woman ill-balanced, falls
in love with a man younger in years.
Infinitely younger in experience.
He is accidentally killed.
She kills herself.
The case is closed.
[ Female scream! ]
Is Mrs Collins still up in
Miss Norman's apartment?
Are you Mr Collins?
- Is she up there?
Oh no. She left about 15 minutes ago.
She had me call a taxicab for her.
- Where did she go?
Where did she go?
She told the driver to take her to
Bailey's shooting gallery at the beach.
You need practice, baby.
You need lots of practice.
All you got to do is squeeze.
- Hey, take your hands off her.
What's the matter, kid?
Can't you stand a little competition?
How many shots are
in one of those things?
Why, six baby. Six.
Have six on the house.
Change please, Mr Bailey.
What's a beautiful dame
like that doing down here?
Maybe she heard about me.
- You ain't that good.
Oh no?
You need practice, baby.
You need lots of practice.
All you got to do is squeeze it gentle.
See how I mean?
Say, who do you want to kill?
Why, nobody.
- Who are you mad at?
Who said I was mad?
- Got to be mad at someone.
And it's got to be a guy. It always is.
You know all the answers
don't you, Mr Bailey.
You know, a good-looking baby like you
shouldn't wonder around down here alone.
That is a waste of talent.
Where to, baby?
Why, I was thinking of going home.
He might be there waiting for me.
So we take a little detour on the way.
Hey, Grip.
I know. If anybody wants you
you'll be in the usual place.
Your friend seems to
know some answers too.
It could be. Take over. Keep your mitts
out of that till or I'll stomp on 'em.
Very tough, aren't you.
- Only in business.
Can you break a C-note?
I can fracture it. How do you
want your change, in nickels?
Go on, go on.
It's time you told me about it.
- Told you what?
Look, baby.
High class merchandise don't have
to go round looking for a market.
You didn't have to come slumming
just to find yourself good company.
You are very clever aren't you.
I ain't dumb.
You and me didn't meet just by accident.
What are you looking for
that ain't for laughs?
I'm not sure I ought to trust you.
I've treated you okay so far haven't I?
Come on, baby.
Lay it on the well-known line.
Well, to be honest.
I have a friend.
She is married. She has a problem.
She has a problem, baby. So?
Her husband drinks a lot. He beats her.
He is just no good.
But he has a lot of insurance.
One of them.
Who sent you to me?
Shall we say a former client of yours.
- Who?
I'll have to know you a lot
better before I tell you that.
Well drink up, baby.
This stuff comes from a pump.
Two more of the same.
- Doubles.
That's the baby.
Now, let you and me get to know
each other a whole lot better.
Where's Bailey?
- He's gone for the night.
Was there a woman with him?
- Can't say.
Was there a woman with him?
Was there a woman with him?
- Sure. Always is.
Where'd they go?
- Hard to say.
That Bailey sure gets around.
He sure gets the women too.
This one is my wife.
Now, where did he take her?
- Let go, Let go of me!
Let go of me. How should I know?
He has hang-outs all over town.
This is Grip down at the beach.
Where did Bailey take Mrs Collins?
I see. Now, listen to me.
And listen carefully.
Yes, Mr Vanning.
If I don't know I can't tell you, can I.
Looking for somebody, Mr Collins?
Yeah. Your pal Bailey.
Well, I could probably take you to him
only I'd lose money closing up early.
What's it worth to you?
You sure want him bad, don't you.
Okay, come on.
I like the way you dance.
- Ain't enough. You got to like me.
Well, after all I have
to get used to you.
That ain't hard.
This guy with the life insurance.
He ain't married to no friend
of yours. He's married to you.
You're the little girl who
wants to be a rich widow.
Now wouldn't I be a
sucker to say yes to that?
Well, I'm no sucker, baby.
How about cutting in, Mack?
Yeah? How about it?
See how I mean, baby?
Very neat but not very smart.
Insurance companies don't pay
off on the strong-arm stuff.
Just accidents. Only if
they are accidental enough.
You couldn't make it look good.
Oh no? For a thousand bucks and a pretty
smile, you and me could be in business.
But there would have to be a plan.
A special way.
Maybe there is, baby. Maybe there is.
You talk like you had done
some of these jobs before.
Maybe I have, baby. Maybe I have.
Show me your clippings.
- Prove it to me.
Now listen, baby.
I ain't saying it's happened, see.
Only saying it could have.
Take for instance, if you're real
smart you get him with an accident.
What does he do?
Steals an old jalopy.
Stakes it out in a certain place.
And waits for a certain
guy to come along.
Steps on the gas. Wham!
The funny thing, this certain guy is
taken down as dead "by accident".
This friend runs the old jalopy
off the dock into the bay.
No evidence.
No nothing.
Want something?
Get him over here in a hurry.
- Okay.
Funny he ain't around here no place.
I tell you though Mr Collins, there's a
place by the dock he hands around.
Just take a minute to go ..
I've had enough of you leading
me around by the nose.
Where are they?
How could I have known who she was?
I never saw the dame before.
- You are a fool.
The only chance you got is to do exactly
as I told you and to do it in a hurry.
Let's move, baby.
- Why?
An old pal I know told me of a new place
just opened. Hotter than a firecracker.
You wouldn't want to miss it.
- I think I ought to go home.
No need to go home. You want to see the
sights. And we got business to wind up.
Where is the telephone?
- Over there.
Yes dear. Here I am stuck at the office.
We are taking an inventory.
No. I can't say when
I'm going to be home.
Because I don't know when.
Hurry up, please.
- Now, honey.
I'd much rather be home
with my dear little wifey.
Ah, shut up!
And the same to you.
You're wasting your time, Mack.
The old battle ax will call you a
liar even if you tell her the truth.
"JD Arnold. Storage Warehouse."
This is Mr Arnold.
That shipment we discussed.
It is on the way over.
It should be delivered in
the next few minutes.
If you don't think this is
a real gun, Mr Arnold ..
Yell and find out.
But you are a businessman. You
know better than betting on long-shots.
Now walk on out slow.
Go on.
Tell them Vanning
sent you to bring me in.
It is alright. Mr Vanning
sent me to bring him in.
You took a taxicab from Christine
Norman's apartment at 10:23.
What time was it when you met Bailey?
What time was it?
- 10:40. - Sure?
I checked my watch just
before she showed up.
Then you must have
gone direct to the beach.
There wouldn't have been
time for you to stop anywhere.
For example, to telephone the police.
Close the doors.
Fourth floor.
Could she have phoned
anybody after you met?
I was with her every minute.
- You sure?
Sure. She was so busy working on me she
wouldn't have left me if I asked her to.
Why don't you come to the point?
- We have come to the point.
It is not that you know who
killed your brother, but why.
Because he found out your
husband is a communist.
Taking party orders on the
waterfront negotiations.
I had to be sure you didn't pass on
that information to anybody else.
Christine Norman committed
suicide just after you left her.
In grief for your brother's death.
You are going to do the same thing.
Mrs Collins is the only
witness against you, Bailey.
Alright, Bailey. Take her out.
Get your hand off her, Bailey.
There's the phone, Nan. Call the police.
If you call the police your husband
will be arrested for murder.
Johnson, you've got nothing to
gain and everything to lose.
I lost everything the day you walked
in on me with that party card.
The trouble with men like you is you're
too emotional to be good party members.
You all want to be martyrs.
Hold it. He can't get out that way.
You take that side.
You cover over there.
I know it doesn't do any good
now to tell you that I am sorry.
I joined the party years ago.
I was a kid out of a job.
I wanted to get even with somebody.
I found out it was no good. I quit.
I thought I had quit.
But you can't quit.
They won't let you.
Why didn't you come to
me and tell me, Brad?
I didn't want you to know.
Who the great Bradley
Collins really was.
Stay here.
You need to end the tie-up.
Is in Vanning's office.
Don't try to talk anymore.
Nan ..
Made a mistake, Jim.
Brad, I love you.
I'll always love you.
Jim is the right man for you.
He always was.
l told you. You came along ..
Too late for me.