The Witch (1966) - full transcript

A historian goes to a castle library to translate some ancient erotic literature. While there he discovers what he believes to be supernatural forces at work.


Sergio, you'd better hurry

if you want to take me to the office now.


- Yes, Sergio?

She's there again.

- Who, dear?

That old lady.

Who is she?

I don't know, but for the last

several days I keep running into her.

I'm sure it's a coincidence.

No, no, she's following me.

Why should she be following you?

Who on earth know?

Come on Sergio get dressed, it's late.

Do you mind making the bed?

- Who? Me?

Yes, the maid's not coming in today.

Ah, nice way to make up the bed.

Come on, get up, I'll do it myself.

What is it?

Has the old lady put you in a bad mood?


Ah, she's disappeared.

There she is.

Well, why not go over to her

and ask her what she wants?

What for?

Sergio, why don't we get married someday?

I'll think about it.

I'm launching the idea,

do try to think about it. Bye.

Who are you living with at the

present time? With Dorothy?

No, I'm alone.

Would you like to put me up for a few weeks?

You know how I hate hotels, eh?

And Martha?

She kicked me out.

What, you're joking.

- No it's true, really.

She got tired of me and

tossed me out on my ear.

I've got my things in the car.

Excuse me, be right back.

Who's that lady? Do you know?

- No.

What does she want?

- She was looking for a news stand.

Who's that woman you

were talking to just now?

The one in the white coat?

- Yes, peculiar character isn't she?

If you ask me she's

a pain in the behind.

Why, what did she want?

She messed up the news stand

looking for an ad, bought nothing.

What was the ad?

Something in the want ad

column on the last page.

Lorna, may I leave you for an hour?

Even two if you wish.

No, one's enough.

Have a little something bothering me.

See you later.

Get lunch ready in the meantime.

I will.

Hey! Anybody here?

To your left, one more flight.

Am I wrong or haven't

I seen you somewhere before?

Come on up, Mr. Logan.

You know my name?

Well, here we are, face to face.



Will you come in?

My name's Consuelo Lorente.

I consider sunlight the worst enemy

of old things. Will you please sit down?

I prefer to stand.

Will you have a drink?

- No thanks.

Nice quiet place you have here.

You live alone?

I'm a widow.

And you haven't found any consolation yet?

Why do you use that tone?

Why have you been following me?

I remember the first time I saw you

was in a restaurant near the Pantheon.

Ever since then everywhere I go,

everywhere I look I seem to see you.

Isn't it just coincidence?

Tell me, this advertisement

is a coincidence as well?

"Wanted for cataloging

manuscripts in a private library,"

"a young graduate from

the University of Salamanca,"

"knowledge of Spanish, English and Arabic."

"A bachelor with no family attachments,

born in Rome of English parents."

How many people have answered that?

So far you're the only one.

I guarantee nobody else will.

'Cause this advertisement describes me.

It's true I did follow you.

My first impression was that

you were the man I wanted,

but I needed more information.

To know you better.

Am I, your type?

Your profile is of no importance,

and it does not have to be pleasing to me.

You're here to work.

- What at?

It's written in the advertisement.

Nothing else?

If you have no intention of accepting,

why did you come?

Legitimate curiosity I should think,

since I was the subject

of such ardent attention.

You'll be handsomely paid.

How much?

- 300,000 lire a month.

That's rather a low offer.

I might raise it a bit,

and besides you'll have the

best room in the Palazzo.

You mean I'm supposed to live here?

Oh course, it's better for work.

Well let's say,

400,000 a month.

Plus room and board of course.

For this kind of a job twice

as much wouldn't be enough,

even three times as much.

Young man, what are you driving at?

Look, there aren't any manuscripts,

and there isn't any

library to be put in order.

The only thing which needs

putting in order is you!

And that isn't quite my line.

You're quite vain, aren't you?

Vainer than I had imagined.

If a woman interests herself

in you it's only because she wants

to devour you?

That's usually the case as you should

know if you've been following me.

So far I've seen you mainly

devoured by young animals.

And I don't intend to change.

Ah, I'm sorry to squelch your vanity,

I don't want a lover but only someone

to take care of those manuscripts,

because the library exists.

Come, I'll show it to you.

If you're looking for a librarian,

you'd better get another man for the job.

Sooner or later someone will show up

with the same qualifications as in that ad.

I won't insist,

but come and look at the library

so that after leaving you

may think anything of me,

but not that I'm a liar.

Your newly acquired friend won't run away.

I'm only asking for a few minutes.

This lift was put in by my husband,

in his last years, he was getting old.

He was most extraordinary,

and his manuscripts

are the only precious

things I have left of him.

They're the memoirs of

our life, of mine and his.

You see what state it's in?

It needs putting in order.

Why have you just decided now?

You think you're the first?

It's a torment.

There are few who are fit to do this work,

much less the one I have now.

You've already got a librarian?

- A brainless, good for nothing.

Foolish and without will, who's only

succeeded in making me loathe him.

Why don't you give him the sack?

Ah, it's not easy making him leave.

It's difficult.

My main hope was that you

would enable me to get rid of him.

That's a bit much, isn't it?

If you were to come here,

he wouldn't behave like he was master.

Well, what else does he do?

Apart from not cleaning up the library?

The most important thing

would be that of transcribing

and arranging the parts my husband

had barely sketched in the memoirs.

I wouldn't be able to do that.

You're the right man for it,

which is why I picked you.

What do you think? You'll have to work on

some boring maudlin and sugar-coated story?

Read a page.

Just read at random.

You've been assuming the wrong

things since you've entered my house.

Read it, and you'll see.

You read it, if it's so important to you.

"Here we were both at

Pamplona during the fiesta."

"When the bulls are allowed

the freedom of the streets"

"and the youngsters go after

them completely fearless."

Ever see it?

Most exciting.

"Well then, I closed the back

door that lead to the patio"

"and saw Consuelo in the arms of Louis"

"who was still excited over

his victory in the arena."

"She looked radiant, and her

lips each time they withdrew"

"from the mouth of Louis whispered

sweet tender words, soft and indistinct."

"At my entrance, she turned

and her eyes looked straight into mine."

"It was like a melting embrace."

See, how colorful the style is?

"She smiled and blew me a

kiss by which she meant"

"that even in the arms

of another she was mine"

"and mine only forever."

"Infidelity had become a state of grace

in which we felt a more perfect union."

"At that moment, Able appeared behind me."

And what did Able do?

Read it and find out.

Is all the rest in this colorful style?

My husband and I were never

afraid of what was prohibited.

Now, don't tell me this doesn't

interest you and you prefer what is banal.

Common little adventures.

I believe you don't but that's your affair.

I only wanted you to know that these pages

contain the tenderest expression of feeling

that man could dedicate

to the woman he loves.

Are all the manuscripts about you?

They begin with our encounter in Mexico.

I was 16. The world was mine.

Like all things beauty fades

but I don't regret anything.

I face the sunset with serenity.

Well, seeing that we're being confidential,

I must confess that eroticism interests me.

but not in an archaeological sense.

I oughta go.


What's the matter?

Doctor Romani, please.

It's Sergio Logan.

Marco? Look there's a woman sick here,

can you come over right away?

I think she might've poisoned herself.

I don't know, she took some

sort of a potion and collapsed.

To hell with the police, you come over.

It's a palace on the Largo Del Moro.

Yes, I'll wait for you. Hurry.

Madame Lorente, what have you done?

What was in this?

Go away.

I'm better. Go away.

I'm better. Can't you see I'm better?

I'll try and get somebody.

- Don't call anybody!

I'm better.

I'm all right.

Good evening.

You want to know who I am?

My name is Aura, I'm her daughter.

Signora Lorente?

Your mother's not feeling well.

Just a moment ago.

It's nothing serious.

- She drank something and fainted.

It often happens.

- I've already called a doctor.

A friend of mine.

This is the cup she drank from.

For some time I've suspected

my mother takes drugs.

It's only an impression but

I understand her.

It must be difficult to grow old

when you've been a famous beauty.

Will you help me bring her to her bedroom?

Her room's here.

She'll come out of it before long.

She's the dearest, sweetest

person in the world.

How fresh her skin remains.

30 years ago, you'd have fallen

madly in love with my mother.

I prefer to run the risk with her daughter.

Risk is easy to talk about.

Can you truly love?

Do you want me to prove it?

Come, we'll let her rest.

What will you do now? Go away?

Actually, I was looking

for an excuse to stay.

Perhaps I can wait for my friend

the doctor to arrive. Meanwhile...

I might show you the rest of

the house if that would interest you.

Anything else interesting apart from you?

How about the chapel?

Great people have celebrated mass here,

even a cardinal who later became Pope.

And your father? - He was the Mexican

ambassador to Rome for many years.

He always lived here with my mother.

It's a pity to let it go

to rack and ruin like this.

It costs too much to have it repaired.

We're not very rich.

- Perhaps you waste too much money.

Librarians, following people.

When my mother needed money,

she sold some antiques.

My mother has spent a fortune

going to clinics all over Europe,

especially in Switzerland.

The Swiss are specialists.

In squeezing money out of you?

No, in combating old age.

My mother won't surrender to time.

That's funny, she told me

exactly the opposite before.

She's a liar!

Lying like all old people do!

Have you ever stopped to think how

interesting it must be to be a confessor?

To rifle through the souls

of so many people.

God only knows the things

this grate has heard.

You've the same pretty way of

leaning your head on one shoulder.


- Your mother and you.

Your movements are more

similar than your looks.

We've absolutely nothing in common.


What else would you like to see now?

Your room.

Perhaps later.

Did you really believe my mother

wanted to seduce you before?

How did you know that?

You were spying on us.

Do you like forbidden things?

Very much. I'm curious.

Come, I'll have you see the garden.

Did you like that scene with your mother?

- Amusing enough.

Especially when your face

was filled with terror.

You also know why I'm here?

- Because of the ad which you turned down.

Were you sorry?

- Yes.

Can you give me any better reason

than your mother did why I should stay?


- What are they?

Good food.

- I'm on a diet.

Peace, tranquility and silence.

- I'm claustrophobic.

A lovely room facing south.

- My constellation's the north star.

But the room's next to mine.

- You keep the door locked?


My door doesn't even have a lock.

That's the first persuasive argument.

- There are others.

There's only one important thing:

Be like your mother in her

temperament when she was young.

I see my mother's made

a great impression on you.

My mother brought the seeds from Mexico.

She makes a kind of tea with it

and that's what she drank before.

Mother refuses to sell the

palace because of the greenhouse.

She's afraid the plants

won't grow anywhere else.

So long as I'm here I'll bring her a few.

You mind?

- No.

Damn little beast!

They got over the wall again.

Chase them away!

Hurry up you've got to

chase them out of here!

You just need a few stones.

They invade the garden, the greenhouse.

Why such a fuss over a few cats?

My mother and I don't know

what to do to get rid of them.

I'm an expert in plants too.

I grow herbs for cooking.

Why don't you invite me to lunch?

- You mean you'd stay?

Of course.

Over there are some yellow berries.

Will you go pick me a handful?

Yellow berries?




You got up?

But why didn't you stay in bed?

- I knew the doctor was coming.

Yes, I called him. What are you doing here?

I came to connect the electric current to

the bell or I wouldn't hear if anyone rang.

My daughter gave them to me.

She passed by a moment ago,

but tell me why was she so upset?

Perhaps she saw something disturbing.


There's a dead cat in the greenhouse,

somebody tortured it before killing it.

This neighborhood is full of the most

awful kind of hooligans,

and they sometimes climb over the wall

to steal or to chase those poor animals.

Please, give me your arm.

What's your opinion of my daughter?

She's rather different from other girls.

But why did you say you lived alone?

Because I'm jealous for Aura,

and I'm afraid some ordinary common

nobody might deprive me of her.

You see Aura grew up alone,

without ambition and without any vanity.

She has no conception of

the value of her own youth.

Her behavior is infantile

and disconcerting.

Instead of expecting the admiration of men,

it is she who admires them, quite openly,

and she always seems to be in love,

Lord knows with whom. Perhaps abstractedly.

And that is why, a chance

encounter with a common individual

might even be dangerous.

Which is why I want her to meet a man.

A man of importance.

Come and fix the cushions behind my back.

I'll wait for your doctor here.

What type is he?

Is he charming at least?

Very discreet. If you have

something to hide, he won't visit you.

You really believe what Aura told you?

No, don't worry, I'm not doing drugs.

My daughter thinks I'm afraid of dying.

In her imagination she sees me

seeking oblivion in an artificial paradise.

You don't believe me?

Fine, think that I take drugs.

And why not if it gives me pleasure?

So you got yourself invited to lunch?

So you know that as well?

There are no secrets

between my daughter and me.

You can find her up in the library.

- Really?

I should go into the library?

- Yes, she's there waiting for you.





Lorna? Sergio.

No I haven't disappeared.

Of course I am.

I think about you all the time. And you?

Well keep everything warm, including you.

I'll be home as soon as I can.

No, it's something very amusing.


That embalmed gentleman

is the author of the memoirs.

Your mother's husband,

your father in fact.

Excellent job, where was it done?

- In Mexico.

Very strange.

- Do you think my mother's strange

simply because she kept the body of

the man she loved more than any other?

I'm sure a lot of women would

do the same thing if they could.

I would.

Does your mother come here often?


Stays and looks at him for hours.

So you were brought up here

all alone with your mother

and instead of "Cinderella",

you were brought up on these.

Didn't your mother

forbid you to read them?

Why should she forbid me to?

Quite right, quite right.

Remaining here for lunch?

If you do…

I'll prepare a special menu,

something erotic.

I mean it seriously. This is a recipe book.

Let us see… Côte de la Maintenon?


Ah, here it is, how would you like

this pheasant a Leszczynska?

A pheasant stuffed with

white pepper and cloves.

Cloves too?

- Of course.

It's an appetizing recipe,

but who's this Leszczynska?

A Polish princess who married Louis XV.

An erotic woman?

I'd say. When she got married

she was 22 and he was 13.


Then I'll choose this recipe.

Pheasant a Leszczynska.

But I'm not 13.

My goodness, imagine the effect

that a dish of this kind must've had

on that poor little innocent child.

In any case, for your information,

I don't need it. - One never knows.

Ah yes, for a drink we'll prepare this one.

Pousse l'amour.

Why are you doing that?

Want to excite me?


Want to make love with me?

And without pousse l'amour, I assure you.

Do you want some music?

Music wouldn't be a bad idea.

Yes, I'll make love with you.


you mustn't embrace me at first.

You mustn't touch me.

No touching? How will we do it then?

Please, promise to do as I said.


Go on, touch me.

Yes, hold me! Tighter!

I've waited you for so long.

So long.

Who's that? Your mother?

- No.


You're back again.

I'm so happy.

How long since I've seen you, eh?

What day's today?


All this time I haven't seen you,

I've been here alone. With your mother.

All alone, you understand?

- Yes, of course.

What's happening?

Don't you see that man attacked me?

That's what's happening!

And you… did you resist him?

- Naturally.

You beat him, scratched him, you bit him?

- Yes. - You did?

Do you confirm this version of the facts?


You confirm it?

- In writing if necessary.

Then… there should

be signs of bites and scratches.

But there's nothing.

Look at him, quite handsome and tall.

And likes other men's women, eh?

Who is he?

- I've never seen him before.

Who is he? - It's nothing to do with her,

it was her mother.

She put an advertisement in

the papers asking for a new librarian.

Yes, to put a little order in this library.

To work in this library?

Am I wrong or am I addressing the late

incumbent of the job, recently sacked?


I haven't been sacked by anyone.

And no one's going to.

Who asked him to come here?

- It wasn't me.

It's got nothing to do with her.

- You, shut up!

I don't understand,

why did you had him come here?

I'm no good. You wanna replace me?

No one wants to replace you,

you know you're the only one I want.

But it's not true you didn't tell him

to come.There he is in flesh and blood.

Look at him!

After all I've done for you.

For Consuelo.

- Shut up.

Do you know what I've done for them?

You don't know.

I've counted spiders on the walls, moths

in the furniture, threads in the carpets.

For many years.

A shame you couldn't have tidied up some

but calm down, I didn't accept the job.

But he didn't refuse it.

The truth is I didn't want him.

Is your mother of the same opinion?

- She doesn't want him anymore.

It's true she had him come here.

Her impression was a good one,

but when she got to know him

better she changed her mind.

But you were lying on the bed together.

I must beg your pardon,

I'm sexually very aggressive.

I can't resist a woman.

- Now wait a minute.

So you don't want him?

- No.

My mother had seen him on the street

and spoke to me about him.

I was glad to have him here,

but he's worth nothing.

Nothing compared to you.

My mother's already told him to go.

And now I'm telling him.

- Hear what she said?

You're the one who's going.

- We won't quarrel anymore will we?

No, my love, never again.

- Promise?

But you mustn't go away again.

You mustn't leave me alone

for such a long time.

I almost go mad when I'm alone,

and besides you always leave so suddenly,

without saying a word.

I get up in the morning and you're gone.

Why do you do it?

We've always been so happy together.

Yes, my love?

What's the ending of the comedy?

Good ending.

Now you can see the signs.

One moment. I'd like to speak to you.

What's your name?

- Logan.

Listen Mr. Logan, will you tell me

whether it was Signora, the old woman,

who told you to go away or whether

it was you who wouldn't accept the job?

What's the difference?

Big difference to me.

Please answer.

It was the Signora.

Yes she changed her mind.

You say it to put me at ease?

- For God's sake!

Yes, I know you think I'm crazy,

but it's wrong not to tell me the truth.

Very wrong. Believe me.


Thanks. Did the old woman

have anything to say about me?

Nothing good if you wanna know the truth.

She hates me huh?

But she doesn't how I hate her.

She's really quite loathsome

when you first meet her isn't she?

So why don't you take the girl,

leave the old lady to look after her books?

Not that simple.

I've been wondering how one with such a

fine girl like Aura on his hands has such…

a dissatisfied air about him.

Oh, so you wonder? Why?

I've got an idea about the old lady,

and I hope it's not true for your sake.

No, go on, continue.

Go on and amuse yourself. Go on.


Well, granted that

Aura's a marvelous girl but

if in order to have her

this were the price,

I don't think I'd pay it.

I don't understand what

you're talking about.

You've been told to go.

There's the door, beat it.

10 minutes ago, I envied you but now…


- I'm going.

Your friend the doctor

left about a minute ago.

I explained that it was a misunderstanding.

Marco! Wait!

Too many misunderstandings

today Madame Lorente,

and the best thing to do is

to call it quits. Goodbye.

Aren't you going to say goodbye to Aura?

We're sorry to see you leave.

We hoped we'd found a friend in you.

A moment ago I lied to you about that poor

kitten you found dead in the greenhouse.

It was Fabrizio. A deed like that can

give you an idea what kind of man he is.

You can imagine our lives, Mr. Logan.

Two women alone living

with that kind of a man.

There's nothing to stop you calling the

police and kicking him out of the house.

He'd come back. Yes, he'd come

back for vengeance and I'm afraid.

I don't think Fabrizio's

as unpopular as you say.

And besides, your ad didn't say

you were looking for a bodyguard.

Mr. Logan, would you do me a last favor?

Would you finish lining Aura's eyes?

Her hand trembles today.

I was mistaken.

You're not what I thought you were.

It's better to go away then.

The Signora, what the devil's her name,

told me you'd already gone.

Did she?

She stopped me in the hall with a smile and

gave me 50,000 lire in an envelope. Not bad!

Then buy me dinner, eh?

- I couldn't accept it.

She didn't want to be examined.

Said she was feeling fine.

But when I called you she looked half dead.

But who is she?

- I don't know, I just met her.

What do you think? Crazy?

I don't think so.

In these cases, I rarely make a mistake.

My opinion is she takes drugs.

- Yeah, that's what her daughter thinks.

And she's done nothing to stop her?

- She seems to approve it.

Why don't you do something?

The old lady might well kick the bucket.

That's her business.

Is the daughter pretty at least?

She was my ideal girl.

Which is?

- A liar, corrupt.

And you've already had an affair?

- No.

Come now.

A man with your reputation?

Are you on the decline by chance?

Come on, Sergio, for consolation

I'll invite you to lunch.

No, another time.

I'll call you later.


Good morning.

- Good morning.

I'm looking for a pair of angels,

Signora Lorente told me you could help me.

Can I have a look around?

Please, help yourself.

You come from Signora Lorente?

- Isn't she your client?

Yes, she is indeed.

Or maybe you're her client?

She said you cleaned out her house.

Did she?

And what else did she say to you?

That you're trying to

take advantage of her.

She said that to you?

In other words that I'm a usurer?

No no, she didn't say that.

But she thinks it.

- Yes. - I know she thinks it!

Maybe she's not far wrong.

I mean to sell all the family possessions

and not get enough out of it to...

Tell me, enough to do what, Sir?

To live, I suppose.

Why, for years I've been buying

antiques from Signora Consuelo,

and you have no idea

where all that money goes.

Millions, my dear Sir, millions!

To her lovers?

Spent for renovating her face.

I see nothing wrong with a woman trying

to put off old age as long as she can.

You're talking nonsense.

She's already old. Much older than I am!

No, I don't think so.

You don't think so?

Because her face still looks

young but it's quite false.

Completely reconstructed.

How old is she anyway?

Well, she's at least

20 years older than I am.


It's not possible.

That's what you think. I was settled

here before she went to live there.

She was already old.

But she has a very young daughter.

What daughter?


To my knowledge, she has no children.

But who's that girl who lives with her?

- Never saw her.

Did you come here to buy?

Or to conduct an investigation?

Domine, non sum dignus.

Lord, give me strength.

Give me strength, so that…

God, give me strength.

Libera nos a malo.

- Amen.

What are… you doing?


must confess me.

Name of the Father,

the Son and the Holy Ghost.

I want you to confess me

and give me absolution.

How have you sinned?

I'm in a living hell.

And I love it.

I love the devil.

Oh, the old lady.

- It's not what you think.

I can imagine.

You can't imagine anything.

Explain yourself better.

All right.

At night, it's almost as if

there were someone near me.

A sinister doll.

It wants to touch me,

and I feel a horrible repulsion.

I know it's not anything real,

but only a mad dream.

You listening?

- Yes. And then?

I love that doll.

Give me absolution.

Well, I don't see how I can absolve you

if I don't understand what you mean.

I'm ashamed.

Then there's nothing I can do.

- You must absolve me. Come here!

You must give me absolution! You must!

- How can I console you?

I'm not a priest, Mr. Fabrizio!

Anyhow, I know who you are.

I know you.

You're Mr. Logan.

- See? You know how to reason.

Why did you come back here?

No, no, don't tell me.

I was sure you'd come back anyway.

Friend, what's the matter?

Why don't you tell me about it?


you and I must become friends.

We mustn't play their game,

because those two are trying to put us

one against the other, understand?

I believe you're an honest person.

- I've never been in prison.

Would you be capable of doing

everything possible to prevent a crime?

What crime?

A crime…

You wouldn't want to be an accomplice

to a crime, right? - No, I don't think so.

Then I advise you to

leave this place for good.

Look, let me give you

a bit of friendly advice.

You know what I think you oughta do?

I think you oughta leave here.

Really, go out in the fresh air.

Sit in a cafe, have a drink,

meet some new people.

Forget Aura.

Lots of other women in the world.

You don't believe me.

Oh, yes, I believe you,

but I think your passion for Aura is…

It upsets your nerves a bit.

She isn't a girl to take

too seriously you know.

I get the point now. You…

You want to confuse my ideas.

You want me to think that

Aura is attracted to you, huh?

No, I don't think that at all. Indeed, no.

You're a clever one but be careful.

That's exactly what happened to me

the first time. At first, it was a joke,

and then I couldn't do without her.

Only now, holding my own,

is a problem.

Which is why she goes

looking for other men like you.


let's make a pact we two,

but first you must promise to keep it.

Depends on what it is first of all.

If I can convince Aura… Huh?

Just once with you.

Will you leave forever, huh?

You're serious?

You mean she does whatever you say?

Like that?


Come for your bath.

- Aura, don't you see he came back again?

What for?

- I don't know, ask him.

Why did you come back?

I got the impression that maybe our

conversation had been interrupted.

Come on, give him a proper welcome.

Go on, kiss him.

Why should I give him a kiss?

Well I don't know, you slapped

him before and he's still here.

Be nice to him.

Thank you.

This is my little nook.

When I first came here

I didn't have a shirt on my back,

practically a pauper,

I'd even been in jail.

When I came out I was penniless.

The old lady gave me everything.

Remember when I first came here, Aura?

Remember, Aura?

Won't you offer us something to drink?

How wonderful you look

together at this moment.

Listen, why didn't you offer him a glass

not the way you just offered me,

but as if you were… I don't know…

He means as if you were offering yourself.

Yes, precisely.

I've already put the salts in the bath.

- Perfect.

And I've laid out the fencing clothes.

Do you sleep in them?

Oh, no, it's purely for exercise,

because you've got to keep

in shape in this place.

Otherwise, you'll end up

embalmed like the one upstairs.

I think the time has come

for you to leave us alone.

I think the time has

come to take my bath.

Excuse me.

This time, I use my hands!

No, I'm afraid of him.

Come now, he's like a baby.

No he's not mad.

He pretends.

He's clever.

There's one thing I don't

understand about you two.

You seem to live here together and yet,

he told me he hadn't seen you for days.

No, no! Careful!

I think he's spying on us.

No, he's just playing with

the tub, with the water.

He brought you here on purpose.

On purpose to find out if,

if I'm tired of him.

I beg you.

With him around it's impossible.


I have done everything possible.

I really tried very hard to convince her,

but she was adamant and refuses.

Don't take it to heart.

So long.



Block, block!

Here. Here!

Keep your leg straight.

En garde.


Are you watching us?

I'm watching.

En garde.


You, bastard!

- No!

Stop being a hero, Mr. Logan.

It's quite out of place you know.

Look at him, he follows us like a

miserable beggar this Mr. Logan.

Well then, shall we give him the big prize?

Don't ask me to do something

which gives me no pleasure.

Aura, what should we do with him?

I don't care. Whatever you want.

Please, excuse me now.

- Yes, my dear, you can go.

Well, Mr. Logan, do you get the point?

Is everything clear to you now?

Yes, yes, clear as day.

You're a dangerous maniac.

You've turned that girl into a slave,

forcing her to live in constant terror.

Very interesting what

goes on inside old palaces.

Ah now you talk of morals

behaving like all those who are beaten.

No, you must see it's really quite simple:

Aura's happy with me.

No, no! To the contrary, she hates you

because she's frightened of you.

You even frightened me a minute ago.

- Me?

I mean you no harm,

I only wanted to frighten you.

I'm not even capable of harming a mouse.

I don't believe a word you say.

Anyway, I've made up my mind.

I shall take the job.

The job's mine!

You heard what Aura said a while ago.

We'll ask Madame Lorente.

What is it?

You looking for me, Mr. Logan?

- Good morning, Signora. How are you?

Aura is very satisfied with me,

I hope you are too.

What do you want?

- I've thought over your offer.

No, it's too late.

Tell him Signora, it's too late.

Too late for what?

- For the job, my job.

Tell him to go away.

Tell him he's not needed.

Tell him that we two,

we three, are happy like this.

Why don't you say something?

What are you planning to do?

Aura just said...

- Quiet! I'm the one who'll decide.

Is the pay satisfactory?

- Yes.

And you're willing to come and live

with us here? - I know all the terms.

Perfect. Agreed.

But first you must get rid

of this detestable person!

Come on, go downstairs.

I'll pack your bags and

bring them down to you.

Wait. Listen to what I have to tell you.

They'll trap you too! They'll tray you!


Stop him!

- Aura!


- Aura!

Aura! Save her!



See… he has stripped me… of everything…

My love.

You must get rid of the body right away.

Get rid of him?

Is she serious?

- Yes, Sergio.

Why hide it?

It was an accident,

I did it to defend you.

Why not tell anyone?

We don't want outsiders

breaking into our privacy.

I've got to prove my innocence,

I'm not a murderer!

If you think I'm testifying

for you, please forget it.

I repeat, we won't have strangers in here.

Imagine my husband's

memoirs fed to the press.

And the tie between Fabrizio

and Aura would be a public scandal. No!

Don't count on me.

And you?

No, Sergio.

But I did it for you.

It would mean giving me up.

You'd ruin everything.

Do what Consuelo says and we'll be happy.

I'll report it anyway.

And you must testify,

whether you want to or not!

Have no illusions that

we'll testify in your favor.

We'll testify instead that

you entered this house

and destroyed the love

between a man and a woman

who were happy together.

I'll be forced to say

that you tried to rape me,

and killed Fabrizio

because he wanted to stop you.

You two.


You wanted to get rid of him and,

I was the means, is that it?

Why don't you answer me?

I was just a tool, wasn't I?

If that were the case we'd both agree

it was necessary to bring in strangers.

That being the best way

perhaps to also get rid of you.

Don't you see that

we're concerned about you?

We don't want anyone to come

and take you away from here.

Oh, no!

I don't believe it.


I don't believe a single word.

Say what you will.

Poor guy.

I didn't even know him.

I hadn't the vaguest idea who he is.

I showed up here this morning,

and by evening I'd killed him.

By accident.

By sheer chance.

How can you say it was sheer chance?

I was near you, I looked into your eyes.

Can you swear you had no intention

of killing him at that moment?

I should've dropped

you right from the start.

Well I suppose you've

decided what to do now.

Yes, of course.

Your baggage trunk is too small,

put him in here, in my car.

Supposing they see me,

supposing they stop me?

We're both running the same risk.

However they won't be able to identify him

if you do exactly as I've told you to do.

What did you do to your hand?

Did you cut it?

Was it the sharp stones on the rail bed?


I waited for you all the time.


You don't say.

You were worried about me?

Not about yourselves?

- That too.

Fortunately everything worked perfectly.

All according to your mother's plan!

Why don't you run and tell her!

Sergio, don't speak to me like that.

What do you expect me to do?

Jump with joy?

You ought to feel very glad to be with me.

What do you want from me?

You and your mother?

I've got rid of him for you!

What else do you want?

Now I want you.

Leave me alone! Don't worry, there

won't be any scandal, the story's over!

I didn't want you at such a high price.

I'm worth more, much more.

We'll be together.


And now you must forget everything.

We want to see you happy.

Be nice to her.

Now that you have our full confidence,

I must inform you that

Aura is not my daughter.

Then why do you stay here?

Don't ask me questions, please.


I'm cold.

You must've left a window open, Aura.

I don't think it's cold.

Aura, go and have a look.

I'm cold.

Hear that music?

It's the music of our country.



Why do you drink that

stuff if it's bad for you?

This… is for me.

This is all.

This is life.

Where have you sent Aura?

Look! Look!

Where have you sent Aura?

- Wait. Wait. Wait!

I asked where she is! Answer me!

There she is.

Don't you see her?

Stop that!


Do you want it to be here?

In his room?

There's always Consuelo's room.

No, I want it to be in

your room, in your bed.

This is my room and that's my bed.

You mustn't mind if

Fabrizio was here with me.

You should be thinking instead how happy

you and I will be here together.

As long as you wish.

Besides I don't want you to feel guilty.

It depends on you

whether I feel guilty or not.

And on you to make me forget.

Listen. Let's start over.

From now, just the two of us.

All right. It's a promise.

For me and for you.

Remember that!

Wait for me.

It wouldn't surprise me that

you listen at keyholes as well!

But now just take your

ugly face away from here!

Do you prefer the other one?

No, it's better like that.

Take me.


Aura? You there?

Aura's not here.

I've prepared your breakfast this morning.

Here it is all ready.

And I've prepared your bath.

Aura's not much good at

housekeeping you know.

Oh, I've brought your bags up.

Will this do for today?

Aura was feeling very happy when I saw her.

And you, are you happy?

Yes, I'm very happy, Signora.

But like all happy men, I fear something

may come along to disturb my bliss.

I'm worried about that too.

The first thing this morning,

I hastened to read the newspapers.

Nothing new.

All's well.

A lot of things happened yesterday,

and who knows what ideas pass

through your mind even regarding me.

But I ask nothing,

I only want to see you happy.

Does that reassure you?

Very much.

Start working in the library this

morning and take care of Aura.

I wanted to wake up

and find you beside me.

But I wasn't very tired,

which is why I got up so early.

Aura, today I'm gonna

take you away from here.

But this is my house.

- Oh, no.

Consuelo will stay here, you come with me.

This is where I live.

Why don't you want to?

Why? Is it only to stay close to her?

No don't start telling me what

I should or what I shouldn't do.

If you think you can, you're mistaken.

All right, lets talk about it later.

You've put me in a bad mood.

I'm sorry.

I'm beginning to miss Fabrizio.

If nothing else for my fencing practice.

I need a partner.

Why don't you try?

Come on, I'd like to see

what you're able to do.

If you're much better than him.

It's all yours.

Stop it!

You think you can scare me?

Now you listen to me. I accept you as

you are, that's the way I like you,

but don't mention Fabrizio again.

Do you really think he could come live

here for years without leaving a trace?

I've had enough of him!

Fabrizio is not so easily forgotten.

- I don't wanna hear his name again!

But he never asked me to leave Consuelo.

I'm sure he stayed here for me alone!

He was a poor crazy fool,

and he died like a fool!

Don't think you're so

much better than he was.

Besides which he's a man

there's nothing to be said against him.

Perhaps that annoys you however

that I'm able to compare him to you.

What were you dreaming?

You can treat me like him?

Well, you've got another thing coming!

And so you'll learn!

I'll take you outta here

whether you like it or not!

No, you're not taking me anywhere!

I've no intention of living with that

lunatic who's more dangerous than Fabrizio!

Then give me up!

- I won't and you know it!

The resign yourself

to stay with her without me!

What do you mean without you?

What do you mean?

I mean that often I'll go away,

and you'll stay with her.


I'm gonna lock you in, and you won't

leave until you tell me the truth!

Don't lock it.

- Why not?

I don't want you to.

- Why not?

Because, I feel sick. I feel sick.

- You're a liar!

And I won't let you out

until you tell me who you are!

I'm Aura.

- And who's Aura?

Your lover.

- And why are you a prisoner in this house?

I'm happy to live like this!

- No, you've got to tell me.

I've got a right to know,

I killed a man for you!


Let me go!

- You stay here?

Let go of me! No!


- I want to get out!

What's the matter?

- I hate you! I hate you!

I need to get out. I must get out!




What's the matter with you?

Signora! Signora Consuelo!


Go away!

Go away!

Aura, come out!

Come forward!

Why did you want it this way?

I suppose it had to happen sometime.

You're learning about it but

I'd have found a way to…

to prepare you for it like

I did with the others.

No, don't look at me that way,

your eyes must see in me only Aura!

It was she alone you held in your arms.

Give me time now.

To make her return.

I'll be always able…

…to perform the miracle.

For you.


Aura! Aura! Aura!











No! Go away! Go away!

Sergio. Sergio! I'm here.

Sergio! Come.

I've returned.

What did I see?

Nothing. Don't worry,

only something you imagined.

You must never lock Aura in.

Don't ever do it again.

I must be free to go away.

And return whenever she wants to.

Sergio, you're upset.

Your clothes are all dirty and wet.

Come on.

Come let's go back in.

You mustn't hate her.

Remember if you're able

to see me and touch me,

it's because she wishes it.

Embrace me.


Oh, God! God! God!

What is this litany?

Get up, you're ridiculous.

Why don't you leave, huh?

Go and look for another job?

I like it here.

I owe you three months back salary which

I don't think I'll be able to pay you.

It doesn't matter.

You remember the last page

written by your husband?

Which one? Why is that

manuscript not on the shelf?

Listen… how he ends… his diary.

"Consuelo insists on raising

those plants in the greenhouse."

"I told her to resign herself to old age."

"And not to tempt God."

"One morning I found her

grasping her pillow and raving."

"She shouted,

"Yes I've done it, I've succeeded.""

"I've reincarnated her."

"I can give her life."

Do you know remember his last words?

Do you?

His last words were these,

"Who are you, Consuelo?"

"What have you turned into?

You frighten me. What should I do?"

What did he do?

Killed himself.

I'm not afraid. Of anything.

I'm going to stay here always.

You'll see.

You'll see one of these days.

You'll get tired, one of these days.

You'll leave on your own.

No, don't count on it.

- But I do count on it.

And how I count on it. Help me!


Why do you say that? What do you

have against me? What have I done?

If you could only see how you've changed!

Take this statuette to

the antiques dealer.

When does our Aura come back?

- Did you hear me?

I said take this statuette

down to the antiques dealer!


Yes, they haven't anyone to come and

get it and the money's needed right away.

Come on, try to be useful once in a while.

Hurry up.

Come on.

Get going!

When is Aura coming back?

I don't know.

You've been saying that for months now.

- If Aura is not here,

maybe she's not happy with you.

- Please, I beg you.

Please make her come back just once.

I must speak to her.

But she doesn't want to see you.

You've no more to say to each other.

Drink it!

Drink it!

No, let me go!

- Drink it!

Let go of me! No! No!

- Drink it! - No!

Drink it!

- You've become unsupportable!

But by acting this way you'll

make the situation worse!

I hate you!

You're an obscene putrid hag!

I warn you, you be careful!

But why?

Do you want to make me angry?

What have you to gain when you well know

that only I am able to bring Aura back.



We'll see.

But first you must take

the statue to the antique woman.

My price has all ready

been agreed to by telephone.


Where are you going?

Just wait a minute.

But who is he?

- Someone I knew.



Wait for me.

Sergio? Where are you running to?

What's wrong with you?

What do you want?

Who told you I was here?

No one. I was going to the antique

dealer with my friend, the decorator.

I'm fine. Very fine. Bye!

That girl there… that girl…

Wasn't she your girlfriend?

Or am I wrong?

I don't have friends anymore.

What a pity!

Why don't you go back to her. Huh?

Seems like she still wants you.

- Why are you going out?

I'd like to enjoy a bit of sun.

- You'll be back soon?

I don't know.

No, Sergio, don't close it!

Yes, so much.

I didn't want to.

He's the one to blame.


came here to answer

an ad in the newspaper, right?

Of course. I came here for work.

You know nothing about it, right?

No. I swear to you.

It's not my fault.

The job is yours. Yours!

Tell him to go away!

No, it's me who's going.

Let's face it.

I'm absolutely worthless here

with all this disorder, confusion.

I'm going.

Sergio, don't go!

Sergio, I don't want another.

It's she who wants him.

The same words.

The same thing you told Fabrizio.

Yes, the words are the same.

Things seem the same

as before but they're not.

I've changed. Can't you tell?

I don't wanna die.

I wanna live.

I wanna live!

Even without me?

What is life if we have to be separated?

Sergio, aren't you glad to see

me again after my absence?

We were very happy together the two of us.

Don't listen to Consuelo.

I'm not tired of you.

Remain here.

Don't push me in the arms of someone else.

Send him away even if

Consuelo is against it.

Send him away!

Do we always have to do what she wants?

Yes, you're right.

We don't have to.

Do you love me?

Yes, I swear it.




Are you leaving me?

- No!

Wait. Wait.


No! Why?

Why? No! Let go of me!

Let go! No!


No, let me go! No!

No! Let go of me!

Let me go, no!

Let me go!

No, let go of me! Let go of me!

What are you doing?


I'm afraid… I'm afraid…




No, stop! Stop!


Aura! Aura!
