The Valachi Papers (1972) - full transcript

When Joe Valachi (Charles Bronson) has a price put on his head by Don Vito Genovese (Lino Ventura), he must take desperate steps to protect himself while in prison. An unsuccessful attempt to slit his throat puts him over the edge to break the sacred code of silence.

You're out of bounds, Johnny.

Go fetch your ball,


Hey, I just got in yesterday.

I didn't expect no brass band

or anything like that,

but at least a come va.

What makes you think you

got the right, you son of a...


What'd you say?

You act like

this is a morgue.

I guess

I'll go talk to Don Vito.

What makes you think

he'll talk to you?


report to the warden's office.

28648, report to

the warden's office.

Hey, everybody out, quick.

I'll kill this guinea bastard,

so help me, God.

Open up! Open up!

Get me out of here.

I want solitary.

First, you let go

of that man, Valachi.

Like hell.

I want a promise of solitary,

or this knife goes

right through his neck.


Look, I can't stop him

going in the hole if he wants it.


You got your promise, buddy.

Come on, come on!

You don't like our cooking?

Maybe you think it's poisoned.

Listen, I want a meeting

with Vito Genovese.

If Mr. Genovese

wants to see you,

he'll let you know.

All right, then.

I want to talk to a lawyer.

Sure, why not?

Tomorrow, after exercise.

You telling me it's easier

to talk to my lawyer

than it is to Don Vito?

36849, you have a visitor.

36849, you have a visitor.

Valachi, drop that pipe!

Valachi! Drop that pipe!


At least I got Salerto.

Joseph Saupp, you mean.

You hit the wrong guy, Valachi.

Saupp's a check forger

from Alabama.

No connection whatsoever

with your people.

I'm telling you,

Salerto tried to kill me.

A dope charge

and now a homicide.

You bulls don't give me protection,

there's gonna be more.

You let an animal

talk like that?

No wonder we've got trouble

in our prisons.

- Who the hell you calling an animal?

- You got a better word for it?

Father an alcoholic,

two brothers in insane asylums,

two others killed

in a gunfight with the police.

Screw you!

I don't need nobody else

climbing on my back,

and you leave my family

out of it, you hear me?

I hear.

You got me real scared.

Who the hell are you?

Ryan, federal board.

Oh, big deal.

I seen you someplace?

I know you?

I know you.

So, you want to dance?

Want to talk.

I ain't a talker.

Like to bet?

Did you hear what happened

to your friend Tony Bender?

- Who?

- Tony Bender.

He's an underboss of

Vito Genovese, that's who.

He's disappeared.

You call lost and found yet?

Word is out... rat.

Vito, what happened?

Vinny was there at the dockside.

Joe Valachi, Tony Bender.

Salerto caught a slug.

He was dropped,

but I hear he's doing fine.

The only two that got away

were Tony Bender

and Joe Valachi, capisce?

They're rats.

An open contract.

No price. Anybody sees them,

they can have them.

Vito Genovese.

Nice voice.

Mickey Mouse.

Want to hear the punch line?

Genovese thinks

you set them up to get busted.


I'm the only guy can

save your life now, Valachi,

but I'm gonna want to know

about Genovese, his drug operation.

Why don't you ask

your friend?

He knows a model prisoner

when he sees one.


Warden, looks like we got ourselves

another shortsighted,

mobbed-up punk.

I told you.

Take him back to the can

and not solitary anymore.

If he meets up with

a knife on the way,

send him a dozen roses

with my compliments.

You want to tell me something?


Screw you.

Come on, Valachi.

Where you taking me?

You been asking enough.

This time he's ready to see you.


Mr. Genovese.

Mr. Valachi.

Don Vitone.

What did they ask you,


Ah, the usual stuff.

Who do I work for?

Where's Tony Bender?

Of course, you didn't talk?

How can you ask me that,

Don Vito?

May God strike me dead.

That Tony, guys like him,

they can't take the time.

Between ourself, Joseph,

I think he talked.

What do you mean?

What does it matter?

He disappeared.

Hell, Tony was a sick guy.

To have to take orders

from a sick guy like that, Joseph,

can be a very bad experience.

So who gives him

the orders, huh?


Bender promised me

a deal for five years.

I pulled 15.


they're gonna give me life.

Bender was wrong.

All I know is he tells me

about some narcotics job

and suddenly there's cops

all over the place.

Vinny's arrested,

Frank's arrested, Salerto.

Then I find out you're arrested.

I figure, what the hell

is this world coming to?

That's what I'm asking you, Joe.

All this time,

I don't know anything.


After my 30 days

in quarantine,

I enter the population,

and he tries to take me.

I say I gotta see you.

Once I see the right man,

maybe I'll know what the hell's

going on around here,

and 'cause you're the only one

who could put a stop to them.


sometimes I have

a barrel of apples...

and one of these apples stinks,

so it has to be removed,

or it stinks up the rest of the apples.


If I've done something wrong,

Don Vito,

show it to me

and leave me the pills.

I'll take them in front of you.

Who said you did anything wrong?

Joe, how many kids you got?


How many you got?


That's a good thing to know.

You just made up my mind,

Don Vito Genovese.

$20,000 for Joe Valachi.

Pass the word.

All that for my protection, huh?

Hell, no.

It's for mine.

All right, you guys,

keep moving.

Come on,

don't stand around.

Break it up.

- Geez...

- You know the rules.

I ain't stood like this

and looked out a window in months.

That's very expensive, Valachi.

It'll cost you all you know.

For a start, take a look

through these mug shots.

What the hell's

the hurry?

I want this over.

The sooner the better.

Place and date of birth.

Place and date of birth.

Born in New York.

September 22, 1903.


I went till the seventh grade.

After seventh grade?

Hey, what the hell is this,

some who's who kinda bullshit?

I thought we were

gonna get Genovese.

Talk, Valachi.

After the seventh grade,

I worked on a sandboat...

for one of your potato friends.

The O'Brien Brothers.

30 South Street.

So far you're batting

a thousand, wop.

You ever finish school?

Yeah, didn't you?


Sing Sing.

My name's Tony Bender.

That's my bed.

Those are my things.

Be polite.

Introduce yourself.

My name is Joe Valachi.

- You happen to know Joe the Boss?

- Joe the what?

You've never heard

of Joe Masseria?

Don't lie to me, Valachi.

I hate a liar.

I never saw him before.


The Gap looks after you.

Tony Bender's a strong-arm

for Mr. Maranzano.

We gotta be careful

you're not a Masseria man.

I don't know what the hell

all this crazy war talk is about.

In my gang, the gang I got,

everybody's pals.

Joe the Boss has been

moving in on Maranzano.

A nice pal.

Some Mustache Pete

from the old country.

Some time I'm gonna tell

you about my outfit.

Very big, huh?

You got a lot of men working for you.


I got seven guys.

They call us the minutemen

because it only takes us

a minute to pull a job,

and it takes the cops two minutes,

maybe more, to show.

And what do you do?

You go out and throw

milk cans at windows?

Bender's boss has

400 guys in his gang,

most of them torpedoes.

Now, that Mustache Pete

you were talking about,

let's see, he's got 600.

As the paper says,

there's a war on.

Guys from Sicily,

guys from Naples.

Anytime you want to mob up,

ask for The Gap.

Paradise Restaurant.

Times change, Joey, and awful fast.

The Gap was sure right.

Times were changing.

One week out of Sing Sing,

I got a tip on a silk factory

in Brooklyn,

so I pick up a couple Irish guys

to fill in part of my gang

that's been arrested,

and away we go.

All right, lady, let's have

your dough and your watch.

What the hell's

the matter with you?

I take you

out on a job,

and you act like

a couple of kids?

Stupid bastard,

son of a bitch!

You know,

the police had radios?

Cut my time

in less than a minute.

You haven't been out a week

and already in trouble?

- I'm on the run.

- I got eyes.

Come on.

What's all this?

I met that guy in Sing Sing.

Who is he?

A friend of Gap's.

Who is he?

A friend of Gap's.

They met him in Sing Sing.

Why he's wet?

Mr. Maranzano wants

to know why he's wet.

I don't know why he's wet.

Why's he wet, Gap?

I don't know.

He don't know why he's wet.



You gentlemen

are looking for something?

Sorry to disturb you,

Mr. Maranzano,

but did you see a man come

in here dripping wet?

He had horns.

Like this?


This wet man, what he do?

He tried to rob

a silk shop.

We chased him

a couple blocks.

Racked up one

of our cars.

Ditched his in the river

and got away.

I sincerely regret I have

not met with such a man.

Well, if you do...

What do you think?

I give him a job.

Good night, Officer.

Good night, sir.

The first contract I worked on

was to hit a guy named

Steve Ferrigno.

He was one of the lieutenants

who worked for Joe the Boss.

Ferrigno? We were on to him

for at least five killings.

Bendergot me to rent an apartment

same place where Ferrigno lived,

on Pelham Parkway.

One month's rent

with a different name.

There's Ferrigno's apartment.

Right across the courtyard.

First floor opposite.

Well, he could...

Like I said, I got a tip-off

he moved in there last week.

Make some coffee,

will you, Gap?

Sure, I'll make coffee,

spaghetti, meatballs, anything.

You expected a little music or what?

You look musical.

You think so, huh?

Oh, uh, Buster,

why don't you go take a look

and see if the view's right from there?

That's no problem.

Buster from Chicago.

Go easy with him.

To date, nine killings.

Oh, yeah?

Still looks musical to me.

Okay, Tony, this one's

gonna be easy.

Hey, none of my business,

but I rent this apartment.

If he shoots him from there,

they trace it to me.

Now, everybody's seen me.

The neighbors, the doorman.


We'll use this place as a stakeout,

and we'll hit him from somewhere else.

Staircase, window,

corridor, anyplace.


Come on, Joe.

You go upstairs,

the corridor outside

Ferrigno's apartment.

And give us the sign

when they come in.

Oh, uh, you got

those pictures?


Here's a little homework

to memorize.

Joe Masseria and family.

I never knew anybody

could have such an organization.

Masseria's outfit

went as far west as Chicago

with Capone.

And how in hell

Maranzano ever expected

to destroy Joe the Boss,

that was beyond me.

Hold it!

What floor

you want?

Punch yours.

Holy smokes, holy smokes,

guess what.

What's wrong?

I just saw that guy Masseria

and these other two.

These other two.

Luciano and Genovese.

Oh, it's not possible.

- Yeah.

- No, impossible.

- They got on the elevator with me.

- No, impossible.

I pretended I was going

to the third floor.

They went up to the sixth.

Come and take a look.

They pretended

to go to the sixth.

Full house.

Must be having a meet.

Easy aces. What the hell?

Why don't we cross over that side

and take Ferrigno in the back?

Hey, Mr. Bender, if you ask me,

why don't you take 'em all?

You and I can

hit 'em from the top.

And, Gap, you can take them

from the downstairs.

But they're all up there

in that one room.

All you have to do

is spray the place.

You want to be the boss?

Okay, I make a call

to Mr. Maranzano.

Keep him quiet, Gap.

I'm getting restless.

Boy, oh, boy,

you ought to think it over,

Mr. Bender.

You're only the wheel man, capisce?

When I give the word,

you bring the Packard out to the front.

Until then, I don't want to hear

another word outta you.


Okay, Joe.

Have the engine running,

doors open.

Hold it a minute.

You run up and tell the boss

the coast is clear.



What's the matter?

Uh, nothing.


bothering this guy.

Why do you talk?

Let him drive, Tony, huh?

I want to know why

he said "boy" like that.

Joey, why do you

say "boy" like that?

Because we really

had a chance to hit.

Hit everybody!

Luciano, Genovese,

Joe the Boss!

What the hell is wrong

with you, Bender, eh?

Only the new guy,

he has the thought.

Why you didn't listen?

You said hit Ferrigno,

so we hit Ferrigno.

I believe in iniziativa.

- "Initiative."

- Initiative.

What organization,

it means anything

without its people

have initiative, eh?


he's a good driver?

Of course he is.

You said get the best.

I get the best.

You got a suit and tie?

Sure, Mr. Maranzano.

Go away.

Come back two hours.

- Yes, sir.

- Hey!

I swear by this man

Tony Bender.

You understand?

He was right to do

the wrong thing.

He was thinking what's good

for the organization...

but you were

a little more right, eh?

From this day on, Joe Valachi,

you live by the knife and the gun.

You die by the knife and the gun.

Throw a finger from one to five.

Well, Joe,

Gaetano Reina,

he's now your goombah.

He is responsible for you.

You have a problem,

you see him.

With what finger you shoot?

Give me your hand.

With the spilling

of the blood, Joe Valachi,

we are now one family.

Now, repeat after me

in the language of our fathers

or otherwise in English.

This is the way I will die...

...if I betray the secret

of La Cosa Nostra.

I will burn like

the fires of hell...

...if my tongue speaks

like Judas.

This being a time of war,

I make it short.

Two things the most important

to remember.

First, to betray secret of Cosa Nostra

means death without trial.

Second, to violate

any member's wife, the same.

And never use violence

with anyone in the family.

We help you.

Because of this,

now you are family.

Your job is to be a personal driver

for my underboss Gaetano Reina.

He is a fine man

worthy of respect.

We are here together

because Joe Masseria

has sentenced us to die.

So now, whether from

Castellammare or not,

we are all one today.

What happened at Pelham Parkway

has got them confused.

They don't know how

we discovered their meet,

so now we concentrate

to get their main bosses,

Luciano, Genovese,

but the most important...

Joe Masseria himself.

He say he will make no deal with us.

So until we kill him once and for all,

the war, it goes on and on forever.

Geez, Bender, you missed one.

The same afternoon,

we hit Dino Roselli

and Peter "Brown Eyes" Ellioni.

Next day, we took, uh, Charlie Ansaldo.

He had a nice car.

It's a shame we had to spoil it.

That's Frankie Baretta.

"The Enforcer," they called him.

Nice day's work.

Sometimes it was

straightforward and easy, no sweat.

You let Masseria come in

and take over our machines.

Mr. Maranzano won't like that.

I didn't want

no trouble.

You know the number

you have to call.

We're ready to service

our machines day and night...

unless you want to change

your supplier, huh?

Okay, Joe,

put back

the Maranzano stickers.

Like that, my dear friend?

You can sleep better nights.

That right, Charlie?

Tell me, who came calling?

Who was it left his card?

You don't have to talk.

You only have to deny

it was Carlo Torrio.


Carlo Torrio is a nice boy.

Doesn't look so nice there.

And with him,

Johnny "Golf Bag" Ponti,

Sam Petrelli.

But these were our boys

who were getting it, also,

Johnny Buono, Pete Gianola...

but somehow we managed

business as usual.

Oh, that was big of you.

Well, sometimes you guys

gave us a little help yourselves.

Only two cases?

That's all.

When do we get

some more?

Next week.

All right, break it up.

Screw you, mister.

This son of a bitch did

a hundred bucks' worth of damage.

Look here, mister,

break it up!

You can see yourself.

Okay, okay.

Clear the road.

Clear the road.

- Clear the road. Go on. Go on.

- Okay, okay.

Get 'em running!

Get 'em running!

Come on! Come on!



Come on!


I got so as

I knew every bank in the city.

Before, I could do the Bronx

with my eyes closed.

Now, it's like I am very capable

of Wall Street, too.

28. 128 napkins, 43 tablecloths.

And they say they

served only 73 dinners.

Some people ain't honest.

Chez Aldo.

Second time they gave us

the wrong count.

Someday we go beat them

on the head.

Hey, hey, hey, can't you see

this is private? Move! Move!

Next time, the right count,


Tomorrow when I call you,

have the counted money ready.


Very reasonable, Valachi.

What are you talking?

We were dealing straight,

and they wasn't.

I mean, for instance,

take the fish market.

This guy Tony, uh...

I forgot his last name.

He paid for protection.

Some of Masseria's honkies

start to lean on him pretty good.

He gives us a call...

Pack it up!

...and we deliver.

Just like the cavalry

and the Boy Scouts, Valachi.


Just like the cavalry

and the Boy Scouts.

You know, we hit

nearly 35 of Masseria's men

the first couple of months?

The Castellammarese War,

they called it...

and Joe the Boss was gonna get

every guy from Castellammare.

Any guy who was Sicilian, that is.

Must've been bad for business.

It was terrible.



Signoral Signoral..

Come on. Bring him in.

Put him on the couch.

My God! Papa!

Papa! Papa!

Put him there.

- Oh, God. Papa.

- Be silent!

Show dignity.

They hit us just when your husband

was gonna open the garage door.

You are my husband driver?

You are Joseph Valachi?

Yes, ma'am.


Remember this, Maria.

Always he lived with death.

Always he wait

for this to happen.

I have learned to wait with him.


We know who do it,

Donna Letizia.

Don Salvatore, I have lost him.

Bring him back to me.

I cannot

bring back the dead,

only kill the living.

Daughter, my love for

your father was without end.

I don't stop until I find...

Too many good men

are dead.

These killings,

very bad...

for everything.

With all respect for the widow...

we did not seek this war.

Who sent you, Mr. Luciano?

Nobody sent him.

Is true, Mr. Luciano?

Like he said.

Salvatore, we are from

the same country...

and now we've...

come to kill each other

far from home.

It's our people who died,

the blood of our blood.

And with the cops on our tail...

it's hurting all the business.

So, even if Joe Masseria

doesn't want to talk about peace...

Mr. Maranzano...

we do.

While Joe Masseria live...

no peace.

Please believe me

when I tell you

I held your husband

in the highest respect.

My condolences.



They come in peace.

Look at that Anastasia.

He wants somebody

to start something.

He's nuts.

Charlie Lucky and Genovese

said they came for peace,

and one day at Scarpato's in Coney Island,

they set out to prove it.

How about a game of cards,

Mr. Masseria?

Yeah. We play Tresette.

Oh, I have to go

to the john.

Vito, there's a deck

in the car.

Why don't you

go get it?

Don't you think someone

should, uh, call the police?

So that's how

Joe the Boss died.

We never knew for sure.

Is that so?

Well, don't expect me

to do no more talking.

Anyhow, I'm tired

and I'm gonna get some rest.

- Sit down.

- What the hell...

We got a lot more talking to do.

I ain't gonna eat that.

So starve.

- I don't eat poison.

- You don't?

You taste.

How do I know you ain't eating

only the good part?

I want to do

my own cooking, Ryan.


If you keep on talking.

And I want a hot plate

and I want a refrigerator,

and like I said,

I'm not talking anymore.

My rules, Valachi.

You want to starve here or go back

to where you came, be my guest.

What happened after

Masseria's death?

What the hell's that got to do

with Genovese?

- Ryan, I want to get Genovese.

- My rules!

All right.

We got organized.

- Organized?

- Yeah.

In the borgates.


Big deal.

You know Italian.

That make you

an honorary wop?

One territory for each family.

That's right,

and all the families were responsible

to the capo dei capi.

The boss of all the bosses.

And it is with humility

I accept this title.

But as a father,

I'm also obliged to remind you

that all of us here

are in a foreign country,

and if we don't help

each other like brothers,

nobody will.

While we were killing,

others outside

were making their moves.

The Irishmen,

they own the politician,

the Jews like Lepke, Shapiro,

they tie up the garment center

and the unions,

and the Dutchmen,

they beat us at the numbers.

So what we do?

We sit still?

We hit them.

We hit them!

You're right, Anastasia,

but first we prepare ourselves.

From now on,

we divide to form new families.

Each borgata

will have capo, a boss,

sotto capo, underboss,

and then comes lieutenant.

Under them...

It's a nice setup,

like an army.

Yeah, except their own guy

is on the top.

In each city will be one family.

I already spoke with our friend

John Gianola in St. Louis.

Capone will be in.

Sam Garolla in New Orleans,

and Pirelli in Detroit.

Only here, in New York,

will be different.

Because we are so many,

we'll be five families.

Charlie Luciano will head one...

Tom Gagliano another...

and the others

will be under Joe Profaci,

Joe Buona, and Vince Mangano.

Think of it that we will provide

service for the public.

Everything what the public wants,

women, the best,

to gamble, the horse, the numbers,

everything what the public wants

and we give them a fair deal.

Everything except...

la droga.

The drug, it can destroy all,

all what progress we make.


Afterwards, we go and get laid.

And remember, what happened

in the past is finished.

If your own brother

was killed in this war,

you don't look to find out

who did it to get even.

You do,

you pay with your life.

From now,

it's forgive, forget for my family.

You soldiers want

to see my sotto capo...

you see Tony Bender.

Now I pick for my bodyguard,

The Gap.

There goes my spare time.

And for my driver, I pick Joe Valachi.

- Congratulations, Joe.

- Thanks.

- You have question?

- Very good. Very good.

Hey, didn't we meet

somewhere before?

Vito Genovese.

I don't remember,

but nice to meet you.


With the help of God,

let us bring success to ourselves

and to this thing of ours,

great honor.

Forever, Cosa Nostra!

"From the captured spoils,

he distribute one

to each of the soldier

of the Army."

It's from Julius Caesar.

That's the way you learn

the real command.

Everything I learn,

I learn from Caesar.

No kidding?

You remember what Caesar say

when he destroy the tyrant Pharnaces?

Oh, can't say I do,

Mr. Maranzano.

Uh, it slips me.

He say,

"Veni, vidi, vici."

"I came, I saw,

I conquered."

"I came, I saw,

I conquered."

Oh, that's terrific.


Never know when a line

like that might come in handy.

Do you...

You mean you read

all these books,

Mr. Maranzano?

Yes, when I was studying

to be a priest.

Oh, yeah. I heard that

someplace, Mr. Maranzano.

What kind of language

is this?

Oh, it's Lucretius.

Is in Greek.

Greek? You speak Greek?

I speak seven language.

Uh, Mr. Maranzano,

who are all those guys?

Oh, this is Caesar

as the high priest of Jupiter.

This is Caesar

as a Roman counselor.

This is Caesar as a dictator

and architect of the Roman empire.

Which remind me, boys,

tomorrow I have a meeting

with Genovese and Luciano.

I want you both to be there, huh?

In case.

Maybe we don't make arrangement, eh?

They betray their own boss.

If you was a boss, you trust them?

Why didn't you break up

the family at the meet?

It would start another war.

I don't know yet who's on their side.

But tomorrow, I find out.

You no tell anyone, yes?


I no like guns in my office,

but tomorrow...

And tomorrow, Tony Bender,

he pick me up at half past 1:00.

You meet me in the office

a little before 2:00, huh?

Yes, sir.

And here, read this book.

Roman Civil War in English.

- Thanks, Mr. Maranzano.

- Ahem.

Ahem. Don't I get a book?

Some men are born to read,

some not.


You found me out,

Mr. Maranzano.

Some things are hard

to find out, but some not.

Good night.

- Good night.

- Night, Mr. Maranzano.

Bet you can get five bucks

for that book, the leather alone.

What the hell's

the matter with you?

It's a present from him.

I don't read so good,

but I'm gonna try.

For him? Tell me all about it

when you finish, please.

You got a cock for a brain.

So I'm a genius.

What can I do?

Open up! Open up!

It's the police.

Yeah, yeah.

It's about time.

You're late.

Veni, vidi, vici, kiddo.

Jane, Mary-Lou, meet Joe.

- Hi, Joe. Greetings.

- Hi, Joe.

Wait, wait, wait!

We're supposed to be

in Maranzano's office at 2:00.

Don't worry.

The meeting's called off.


make breakfast on him.

Boy, am I hungry.

I don't believe you.

I don't believe you.

Relax. Tony Bender will tell you.

You better get rid

of that chewing gum.

Lay off, Jane.

Baby, I'm ticklish.

Hello, Tony? One second.

Tony? Hi.

The meeting's canceled.

Yeah, I'll let you know

when the old man needs you.

- Have a swell time.

- Yeah, okay.

- Take it off, Jane.

- Hey, you're right.

Okay, Mr. Maranzano.


...remember, you

and the Mad Dog,

you wait at

the drugstore telephone.

I give the order.

You hit, no miss.

Or we go back

on the mattress again, eh?

I hope you don't

decide to call it off.

Genovese's boys

took my brother.

Valachi, The Gap,

they're late.

On their way over.

I just got through

talking to them.

I don't like they're late.

When they come in,

send them in.

Yes, sir.

Well, what've we got here?

Mad Dog Coll and

Steff Salerto out for a walk?

There's a law against that?


Try me.

I'll cover him.

Where's Maranzano?

Sit down.

That's what I ask.

What do you want?

You got a warrant?

Let me see.

You're not cops.

Come on!


I said no guns!

Come on.

Help me, Judas.

Make the cross.

I no want sins

on my children.

So who really

killed Maranzano?

I guess you could say

it was Luciano and Genovese.

They hired the Bugsy Siegel boys

to pose like cops.


when those phony cops

stopped Salerto and Mad Dog Coll,

they were on their way to do

the same thing to Luciano and Vito.


A matter of timing,

I guess.

We always called him

Lucky Luciano.

Yeah, yeah. Go on.

First, I eat something.

Okay, Valachi, you have

your new toys I promised you.

I'm in a hurry,

so let me remind you,

maybe you're 99% safe.

That doesn't mean

your wife is,

or your kid,

what's his name?

You son of a bitch.

Magician, Valachi.

You start talking or I'll pull

some more rabbits out of the hat,

like these letters from home maybe.

You hold back letters

from my wife?

Well, it's nice

to know you care.

Do you care about

their safety as well?

I want a guarantee

they'll be safe.

That's up to you, Valachi.

Now, I was asking you...

All right.

After Maranzano,

there was no more capo dei capi...

just Luciano,

the Mangano boys,

Profaci, Venuto, Calliato.

The underbosses

were Genovese, Anastasia,

Charlie Calesi,

and the three Franco boys.

The lieutenants were

Johnny Gardena, Tony Bender,

Mick Moretti,

and Joe Adonis,

you heard of him.

Good. okay.

Now, after Maranzano's murder,

which family did you go with?

What kinda dummy are you?

After the murder, I ran.

- Mrs. Reina?

- Yes?

You remember me?

I'm Joe Valachi.

Yes, I know.

They shot Mr. Maranzano,

and your husband was

my goombah, so I...

Come on. Come in.

Be careful, Mrs. Reina.

These steps are pretty steep.

Let me help you, Mrs. Reina.


Thank you.

Hey, this is terrific.

Eh, it will do for the moment.

Just until things

quiet down.

We will bring you food.

Oh, you don't have to

do that, Mrs. Reina.

I can always sneak out

and get something to eat.

Ah, even the windows have eyes.

Hey, yeah.

And Joe Profaci is my brother.

Joe Profaci is your brother?

Mmm, and he always eat here.

I see what you mean.

Thanks, Mrs. Reina.

My husband would do the same.

He was a good man.

Those pictures

really told me a lot about Maria.

You know, I never knew a kid

could do all those things.

I mean,

have all those hobbies.

When I was a kid,

I was just Joe Cargo.

- Cargo?

- Yeah,

'cause I used to make these carts

out of soapboxes.

"Cargo," get it?

You know,

I hardly knew my father.

Only saw him

when we went on trips.

But I did have a lot

of respect for him.

Oh, me, too.

Everybody had respect

for your father.

Even the men that killed him?

Oh, sure, they had respect.

You really are a good soldier,

aren't you, Joe?

Yeah, I try to be.

Maybe it's a feeling you don't

understand that I have for these guys.

It's like we're all pieces

of one another.

They make me feel like I belong.

Before now, you might

say I was a nothing.



- Maria.

- Oh, God.

Go to your room.

Mama, I'm not a child.

Sit. Finish. Sit down.

Maria is no toy, Mr. Valachi.

I wasn't playing with her,

Mrs. Reina.

Come on.


Good evening,

Mrs. Reina.

I'm looking

for Joe Valachi.

I don't know anybody called...

He's the guy who's been living

in your attic, Mrs. Reina.

Mr. Joe Valachi.

What the hell

do you want, Gap?

You, Joey.

Put the gun down.

It's okay. You're back

in the driver's seat.

Who says?

Come with me.

I'll show you.


The proof is I could have shot you

in the back a week ago

being a big man on campus, okay?




No, no.



Charlie, this is Joe Valachi.

Ask him what he wants.

- Right now I'd like...

- Uh, we talked it over.

He and The Gap want

to go partners

on the numbers

and the slot machines.

Give him

20 machines.

But for the numbers,

they need the bankroll.


Hand them 10 Gs.

Mr. Luciano is giving you

20 machines, his own labels.

That means

no police interference

and the credit for a month.

You plant them,

pay us 50%,

and they are yours.

Any problem,

talk with Tony Bender.

He's your lieutenant.

That's pretty good.

I already got a few places

picked out in East Harlem.

Thanks, Mr...

Mr. Genovese.

- Bye, Charlie.

- Oh, wait a minute.

I got a call from Joe Profaci,

brother of

Gaetano Reina's widow.

According to him, Valachi

has been seeing the daughter,

and he's not stated

his intention.

- Can I talk?

- Yeah.

I gotta be straight.

I don't know nothing

about my intentions,

but I sure would like

to marry that girl.

Very fine.

A nice Italian girl,

and the good blood

doesn't go wasted.

Yeah, but the mother,

she thinks I'm a nobody.

Not now, she won't.

Now you're

one of the family.

Nice ring.

Very nice ring.

Paid for?

Yes, Donna Letizia,

paid for.

Cash or with the credit?




I always pay cash.

I got a receipt.

No need, no need.

Made by the hands

of my daughter, Maria.

My friend and I,

withering to the gracious ladies

of this house...

To the gracious ladies.

It's time

for me to speak.

I speak now for the future,

not for the past,

which has sometimes been,

uh, unhappy.

From today, Donna Letizia,

I wish to be your friend...

for friendship is everything.


Friendship is more than beauty,

more than talent,

more than government,

more than anything

except the family.

And perhaps, one day,

Donna Letizia,

you and your fine daughter

may have need of friendship,

need of a friend,

a friend rather than a lawyer,

who will lead you in circles

and take your money...

or the police,

who will end up only by offending

and upsetting you.

And if such a day

should come,

I trust that you will turn to me,

a friend of Joseph Valachi...

a member of your family,

and the man whose friends

can be counted among

those who have respect,

not only in this city,

in this country,

but beyond the seas.

Donna Letizia,

I await your answer.

Damn it, Mama! Say yes.


Mr. Genovese,

you'll never know

today what you just did.

I know anytime

you give an order, that's it,

but if ever there's

something special...

Maybe there is

something special.

I want you and Gap

to make a hit...

a special hit.

Ah, there's my ladies.

Ah, you eat now.

Nice, nice.

All right, my ladies,

Daddy's going to feed you.

Maybe you ought to leave,

Mr. Genovese.

The lights will go down

in two minutes.

Hold them.

Don Vito, we saw the doctor.

Ah, did you?

Yeah, it's bad news.

I don't think our friend's

gonna recover.

As a matter of fact,

he's gone already.

Natural causes, I hope.

Oh, yeah,

you might say that.

Shortage of breath.

Sit down, boys.

Vito, I don't think

you ought to stay.

No lights.

Mmm, relax.

Tonight I want

to see the show.

Uh, you know

her husband?


Oh, sure you do, Joey.

No, I don't.

The special hit.

I have no long speeches.

Just want to drink a toast

to Joseph and Maria.

Happiness, long life,

and male children.

Thanks. Thanks. Grazie.

Mama, thanks.

How about some nice gifts, folks, huh?

To set up this

tremendous couple, huh?

Thank you.


Why'd you do that?


what's going on?

Excuse me, please.

Excuse me.

The service is lousy.

People always bumping into me.

Behave yourself,


or we won't let you

out at night.

It's just I don't like

people crowding me.

Mrs. Valachi.

- Good luck.

- Thank you.

Good luck, Valachi.

Long life to the both of you.

Like I said, Joe,

you've showed

you sure got taste.

Thank you, Mr. Luciano.

Shall we cut

the cake, honey?

Sure. Sure, sure, sure.

This way, please.

Hold it.

Bene. Bene.

Hey, Joey, you remember

these friends of ours?

Hey, what's the matter with him?

He didn't recognize you

with your clothes on.


So Lucky Luciano became the boss.

Nah, he appointed a commission,

a kind of board of directors.

Was he a good leader?

Better than Maranzano?

I was doing okay,

so I guess he was good.

How okay?

I was pulling

2, 500 a week on the slots.

Oh, yeah, and this new DA,

he gets ahold of Luciano

and gives him 30 years

for running cathouses.

Can you believe it?

I figure that was a frame,

'cause Lucky wasn't a pimp.

So, after Maranzano,

there was Luciano? Then?


but before we knew it...

I give half an hour, tops.

The judge is now

getting you the warrant.

Benedetto, could you come here

a moment, please?

Ciao. Yes, Mr. Hewitt?

It's official.

We'll have the court order

in half an hour.

Hewitt. Hewitt.

It's the only name

I hear these days.

Hate that son of a bitch.

I'd like to have one shot,

so help me.

- I'd nail him myself...

- Donna, do you have my bags?

- Give me a minute, huh?

- We don't got a minute!

Calm down, Albert!

Valachi's driving me to the docks.

Then I'd better bring

the car around now.

What can the son of a bitch

get you for, Vito?

Everything's legitimate.


He figures somebody has

to be minding the store

now that Charlie Luck is gone,

and he figured me.

You ought to know, Albert,

even if they nail you

on a technicality,

they still nail you.



Where's his tickets, Tony?

In your coat pocket,

Vito, honey.

You just sew up the courts

and keep the politicians greased.

I'm seeing Naples and Marseille.

When I come back,

we'll have a whole network for drugs.

I want to walk across that border.

But we don't need

the drugs, Vito.

Even Charlie Lucky

taught me.

Don Vito,

you've got to get out of here.


I want a good report.

You make it nice and easy

when I return. Capisce?

Darling, anything you want,

you talk with Albert,

and you will get it.

Jesus, will you go already?

All right, all right,

all right.

Good report, huh?

Come on.

At least I don't have to see

any unemployment in Italy.

My good friend, Benito Mussolini,

he could talk some sense

into that Roosevelt.

Well, ciao, everybody.

Ciao, caro.

Well, I guess

that makes me the boss.

But Genovese stayed in Italy

till after the war,

so the drug thing

didn't get started till '46 or '47.

You tired?

I think I talked too much.

Too much, too much.

Well, then let me

go on for you.

In the war,

you were a loan shark.

You muscled in

on one of your customers.

Guy named Matty,

ran the Prospect Dress

and Negligee Company.

They set it up for you

so that, uh,

Local 25 didn't bother you,

long as you stayed in the Bronx.

So now you were

a legitimate businessman.

You bought into

the old Paradise Restaurant.

Did all your shy locking there,

peddled all your gas-ration stamps there.

Big profits.

You bought a new house in Yonkers...

on Shawnee Avenue.

The house cost 48 grand.

Later on, you added five rooms.

How much did that cost?

10 grand.

The awnings cost 2,500.

Then you went into horse races,

which is known in the trade

as the big fix.

I never threw a race!

'Cause that'd be crooked.

Son of a bitch.

Your information's so tight,

you go ask anybody.

My Knight's Duchess was one of

the best horses on the East Coast,

and I ran her fair!

Starring Margaret O'Brien.

Goddamn it, listen.

Salerto came to me

one day with orders

from Tony Bender

to throw a race.

You think I listen?

I wouldn't pull that horse!

Knowing you to be the sportsman's

sportsman, I wonder.

You want to hear

what I said or don't you?

All right, Valachi, what did you say?

You son of a bitch!

I don't pull a horse

for nobody!

Joe, you don't lay

a hand on a friend!

- Those are the rules!

- It ain't rules to throw a race.

You tell Bender he can go to hell.

You tell him.

There's gonna be a table, Joey.

There's gonna be a judgment.

And Anastasia's

gonna be the judge.

Send those bastards in,

and quick!

Now, everybody knows

that Anastasia, he's crazy.

With him, it's always,

"Killl Killl Killl...

Hit 'eml Hit 'eml"..

Boy, I didn't think I'd have

a chance at the judgment.

- The hell's wrong with you, Valachi?

- I'll tell you the way it was. Salerto...

Shut up!

You've been in this life

for last 20 years.

You should know better

than to hit another guy.

- I know that, but Salerto...

- You don't know shit!

A rule's a rule.

Taking a swing

at one of the family.

He said that Tony

wanted me to fix a race.

You told Valachi

to go fix himself?

I had 15 grand

on that race, Albert.

For 15 grand, you tell

your own soldier to fix himself?

Well, we all done it for less,

Albert, one time or another.

Not funny. You are gonna

pay Valachi 15 grand.

- I?

- And you owe Salerto an apology.

Sure. Hey, Salerto, I'm sorry.

- Ah, it's okay.

- But... But this is a sol...

Shut up, Tony. Shut up.

Lucky you're Vito's man.

I had a lieutenant talk back,

I'd have him hit.

Yes, Albert.

Now out. All of you!

Valachi, come.

I want to talk to you.

I got a message

from Don Vito.

Oh, from Italy?


He's been hearing

rumors about Donna.

I want you boys

to look after her,

starting this evening

at the club.

Story is that she's

been screwing around

and I'd like to see her put away,

but that's not my business,

so forget I ever said it.

You understand?

You understand?

Nobody ever knew

why Anastasia was

in such a good mood that day.

But one thing

he was right about, though,

it was that girl of Genovese's.

She was trouble.


Good evening, Donna.

I'm an agent for Phil Spitalny

and His All-Girl Orchestra.

We're looking for a cymbal player.

Get the hell out.


I'm your new bodyguard,

and I promised Don Vito

I wouldn't bite off more than I could.

I gotta ask you a question.

How can you do it?

I mean, physically...

with another dame, huh?

I follow the bouncing ball.

Boy, oh, boy.

I'll be out in the car.

Uh, I mean,

looking at it my way,

I can only think of me

in the middle.

Come back

tomorrow, honey.

We'll put on a show.


Get your hands off me!

Next time, pick on

somebody my own size.

Call Eddie.

Tell him to throw

these bums out.


Baby, you don't have

to worry about The Gap.

For one thing, I...

I wouldn't know how to

explain it to Don Vito.

For another,

he'd have you killed.

All of a sudden,

the son of a bitch

sends me

a goddamn watchdog.

Oh, you know how

it is, honey...

when you have

a bitch in heat.


Everything okay, folks?


It's all Emily Post,

you schmuck.

Ain't that right,

little flower?

That's right.



Boy, oh, boy.

That all you can say?

I can say a lot worse.

As far as I was concerned,

that girl was a black widow,

you know what I mean?

Gap became so far gone,

he didn't even care

whether he was seen

in public with her or not.

Where's Gap?

Where's Romeo?

Mr. Romeo.

Excuse me.

Everything seemed to be going great.

Everybody was into

legitimate rackets, politics, unions.

Anastasia, he was happy

playing the boss.

None of us ever thought Genovese

would come back from Italy.

But, uh, you guessed.

- Hello, darling.

- Ciao, honey.

- Go wait in the car.

- Okay.

Hello, Bender.

You look pretty good and fat.

Trying to look our best

for you, Don Vito.

What are you doing

with our friends?

Lots of things.

Name five.

Well, uh...

Who do we get to make

drug connections?

Geez, Don Vito,

Albert's kind of told us

to lay off drugs.

- Hello, Valachi.

- Don Vito.

How's business?

I got a restaurant, some horses.

Ah. How many horses

he got, Tony?

I don't know.

You should.

You're his lieutenant.

How about you, Gap?

What have you been up to?

Oh, you know,

couple of numbers.

That's what I've been hearing.

We shall have to lose

a lot of weight around here.

Don't like it.

A shame Anastasia,

he didn't come to meet me.

All right.

A lot of time to make up,

but I'm in no hurry,

even if it takes years.

We got to get back like it was.

You are a good friend of The Gap's,

aren't you, Joe?


Know where he is?

Geez, Don Vito.

When you see him,

give me a call.

Sure. Sure.

You're involved in this thing,

too, Joseph.

Get out of here with respect.

I want to hear that you saw him.

Shall I hit the lights,

Mr. Valachi?

No, I'll take care of that.

You lock the back door on the way out.

- Good night, Mr. Valachi.

- Good night.


Joey, please let me in.

Joey, it's The Gap. Please.

Please let me in, Joey.

Joey, please.

You must be crazy.

They got to know you'd come here.

Lock the door.

That goddamn broad

told everything.

Yeah. What the hell

did you expect from her?

Now Vito has an open

contract on you.

I had a shoot-out with Bender.

Can you believe it?

With Bender!

Holy hell, Gap. Holy hell...

Oh, it was crazy.

Like 30 years ago

had never happened.

You know I'm supposed

to hit you?

Do me...

Do us a favor.

Leave the country.

Right on Pelham Parkway.

Remember once

when we hit Masseria's boys?

It's bad for me.

It's bad for my wife and my kid.

You just can't believe it, Joe.

Jesus. I get off the L,

and there they are.

Have one from me.

Hey, goddamn, Tony.

I don't want shooting here.

You can only help

the guy just so much.

Then you're out of line.

Look, Bender,

we've been together for...

Christ, how many years?

20, 30?

At least give me a choice.

What choice?

Dead is dead.

The way you're going to hit me.

Want to shoot me?

Get it over with.

Oh, shooting's terrific.

You always loved playing

with guns, eh, Tony?

Not having any friends at all.

Yeah, I'd just as soon

shoot you, Gap.

If it were up to me, I'd say,

"Okay, whatever you want."

But Don Vito wants a present

for a girlfriend of his.

Shoot me!

Come on, Salerto, shoot me!

No! No!

Cut it off.

Jesus, no!

You'd better apologize

to Don Vito.


No! No!


You can't leave him like that.

There's his gun.

Use it.

Jesus Christ, Gap.

Christ, Gap. I'm gonna

take you to the hospital.

- Let's go.

- No...

- Yeah.

- No way.

- Come on.

- Leave me alone.

They're gonna fix you up.

Come on.

The gun.

The gun, please.

They'll fix you up.

Come on, Gap.

The gun.

Joey, the gun.

Oh, hell, Gap.

I told you about that broad.

- You should have stayed away.

- Jesus. Anything else?

The gun, please.

The gun.

Joey, shoot me, please.

Oh, God.

Joey, please shoot me.

Holy hell, Gap.

- Holy hell.

- Joey...

Joey, please.

Ah, it's gonna be okay.

It's gonna be fine.

How long has he had the fever?

And what about the doctor?

He said he'd be back

in the morning.

I wanna sleep.

Yeah, that's right.

You sleep, boy.

Go ahead. Sleep.

Me and your mommy are

gonna be right here all the time.

You go ahead and sleep.

I'll leave this here.

You and the boy

get out of here, go away.

Just for a short time.

Take the boy

and go someplace.

It'll be good.

They're closing in

on you again, Joe?

You don't tell me I'm wrong.


I don't know who the hell's side

I'm on anymore.

It used to be so good...

the feeling,

everybody working together,

belonging together.

Oh, Joe, once and for all,

get out of it.

Would your mother

ever say that to your father?

My father was a lieutenant.

Like you said yourself, Joe,

things were different

in those days.


every time you try to build

something, they take from it,

some kind of self-respect when somebody's

telling you how to live your life.

I'm not gonna bother

explaining it to you

because you don't know

anything about it.

I try not to.

What the hell's that

supposed to mean?

Joe, there are days you come in

and there are nights...

I know your hands

have been covered with blood.

Does Mr. Genovese

or Mr. Bender give you

some kind of magical power

so you don't feel anything?

I never hit nobody that never deserved.

Honest to God, Maria.

We only hit the guys

who cheat on the family.

What do you want me to do?

Do you want me to say,

"Hey, Vito,

I'm only going to hit

the following guys"?

You can't do that.

You see, if you believe in the family,

then you fight for it.

It's no different

than being in the Army.

Then why are they closing in

on you again, Joe?

Jesus, I don't know.

You don't?

Honest, I don't know.

That's why I want you

to take the boy

when he's feeling better

and you go to your cousin's.

And I'll call you after.


After what, Joe?

After what?

After it's over.

Son of a bitch.

Now I'm gonna tell you

why it was necessary

to hit Double-A.

Before I went away,

we had an organization,

a structure.

Everybody had a place.

Everybody had a position.

Everybody was responsible

to everybody.

And when I come back,

I learned that

nobody knows what

anybody else is doing

'cause nobody cares.

And when nobody cares,

that's how people get fat.

That's anarchy!


Anastasia commercialized

this thing of ours.

He brought in hundreds

'cause they were

willing to pay money

for the privilege of belonging.


Lot of nobodies.

But I can only tell you this,

I wouldn't pay a nickel

to join this outfit.

I look upon it, I look upon you

without respect.

Don Vito.

Shut up!


I want to see these people out.

Get rid of them.

Give them back their money.

They don't belong.


Anastasia was shot because

he made a second mistake.

I am talking about drugs.

With our influence in the unions,

in the courts, and with the cops,

we can walk right in and start to deal.

I got suppliers from China

to my street waiting for the word.

So, starting right now...

Get out! Get out!

Everybody out!

Quick! Police!

Police! Get moving!

Don Vito, come on! Hurry!


Don Vito, we gotta

get away. Come on.

- Hurry.

- Where is Valachi?


- Valachi!

- Come on!

What the hell's going on?

Somebody tipped the cops,

Don Vito.

I wanted to meet in Chicago,

but that goddamn Maggadino said,

"Upstate's cool."

It's cool, all right.

They disgust me.

They've got no dignity.

I am not gonna lose my self-respect

because of small-time yokels.

Hold it.

Where do you think you're going?

All right, let's get the hands up.

Come on, let's go.

Hands over your head!

Get 'em up.

All right, stop.

Stop right there.

Hold it. Hold it.

Hold it right there.

What's the problem,


Did you just come

from that house?

As a citizen of

the United States...

I am aware of my rights

under the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth,

and 14th Amendments

of the Constitution.

Unless you have

an arrest warrant,

I can sue you

for infringing on my rights.

Drive on, Joe.

What the hell did he say?

Jesus Christ.

No matter how hard they lean,

no matter how hard they squeeze,

you just took it like a dog.

When they made you kill your

best friend after they cut his balls off,

you just pointed that trigger

and called it an act of charity!

Oh, what the hell

do you know about it?

And what'd you ever have

that was any better?

Nothing, Valachi.

My parents traveled steerage

just like yours.

They went through poverty

just like yours.

I fought every day before,

during and after school.

Big deal.

Instead of being called a wop,

I was paddy, I was a mick.

The difference

between us, Valachi,

is that I stopped

spreading my legs.



And then you joined Hoover's team

and became Jack Armstrong,

all-American boy.

Screw you, Valachi.

I don't have a wife

who's going into hiding.

I don't have a son who

doesn't know who his father is.

I don't check the windows

before I leave my house.

If I ever had to kill

to save my own neck,

I'd make goddamn sure

I killed the right man.

Face the facts, Valachi,

you're one dumb guinea.

Shit. You were a snap to break.


I'm the guy that started squeezing you

from the other side.

Don't you remember?

After Appalachian,

we were picking everybody up.

We got over 100 guys,

nobody would talk.

I still don't get it.

What are you talking about?

We wanted to know about Vito

and the drug operation.

I figured we had

to start at the bottom.

And I'm the guy that

sent those two agents to visit you.


Uh, we notice you're

enlarging the restaurant.

It's illegal, huh?

You got a record.

You have to have a license.

License ain't in my name.

Then you won't care one way or the other

when it's revoked, will you, Joe?

First, you find some tax clause

to close my dress factory,

now you're hustling me

about the restaurant?

What have I ever done

to you guys?

Tell us about the Vito organization,

his drug network,

and we'll forget that license.

Yeah. Come on.

How much?

Everything you know.

I don't know

anything about Vito,

and I don't know anything

about any organization.

Okay, all you don't know,

what is it worth?

Five thousand.


- Shit.

- Apiece.

Tell them

we're closing this place down.

Give me a call when you've

thought it over. Come on, Di Savio.

My boys did a good job on you.

You thought they were

really on the take.

Wouldn't be the first time.

Some bunch, I'm telling you.

Putting the squeeze

on a respectable businessman.

Oh, sure.

Anyway, you didn't have the $30, 000,

so we guessed where you'd have to go.

Hey, Bender.

I'm in a bind. I need

30 grand by tomorrow.

Okay, if you do me a favor.

Sure, I'll do you a favor.

Meet me at the docks,

Monday at 3:00, capisce?

Tony, if you're gonna

connect with the shipment,

and that's where the money is,

then I'm gonna stick with you.


That's how you got

into the drug business, Joe.

I gotta thank

the FBI for that, huh?

No, I'll give you

credit for initiative.

I'd rather be

driving the car, Tony.

Shut up

and let me handle it.

The one with the red mark, that's it.

Okay, take it away!

It don't smell good.

Shut up.

Come on.

Let's go, let's go. Come on!

Mac, the one with the red stripe.

Put it in the car.

Hey, where's Tony?

Gee, I don't know.


Open up.

Come on. Open up there.

Hurry up.

It's the police.

What do you want?

We got a search warrant.

Search warrant for what?


Push it.

Uh, come on, come on.

Just lay off my stuff, guys.

I'm very neat.

He's the slob.

High grade.

- Donna?

- Yeah? What is it?

Somebody stashed that.

Who was up here?


Yesterday, Tony Bender

and Joe Valachi.


Joe Valachi.

It was all too pat.

Looked too easy.

Good thinking, Joe.

I guess it was you.

Sort of.

We had a tap on your line

all the time.

Wasn't too difficult to find

that the meeting was at the docks.

Son of a bitch.

You guys are twice

as crooked as we are.

...casualties or damage. New York City.

This morning, government agents

arrested Mafia kingpin Vito Genovese.

Reported to be directing the flow

of drugs on the eastern seaboard,

Genovese is being questioned

about the pre-dawn shoot-out

on Pier Two in Brooklyn.

Police officers state that

half a million dollars worth of heroin

was seized in Genovese's apartment,

and $2. 5 million worth

was found on the docks.

Arrested were Steff Salerto,

Vincent Maro, and Fred Vilac.

Our news. Tehran University

Geophysics Institute...

- Hello?

- Hey, Bender.

Call me at 6:00

at the old lady's.

...about 3 10 miles west of Tehran.

The quakes, one measuring five

on the Richter scale and the other four,

struck only a few minutes...

Hey, Maria.

Just talk. Say anything.

I want to hear your voice.

Why, hello, Helen. How are you?

I didn't know you were back.

We're all fine, honey.

Take care of yourself.

All I could do was drive around

until I got through to Bender.

My own line was tapped.

There was no telling

who they'd picked up.

All but Tony Bender.

- Hey, Tony.

- Where are you?

- In the country.

- Where?

Outside Hartford.

What's your number?

I'll call you back.

It's, uh...


Boy, there'd

been so many new guys

in the family coming and going,

could've been anyone squealing.

All I thought about

was trying to keep cool,

keep from getting burned.

Somebody set us up.

Don Vito says, if he's arrested,

wants everybody with him.

What kind of crazy order is that?

Don't worry.

You'll get off light.

It's already arranged.

Oh, no, Tony, I'm not taking

the rap for somebody else.

Therefore, this court

sentences Joseph Valachi

to the federal penitentiary,

there to serve

not less than 15 years

from this day forth.

You get me an appeal.

I think I can stand for five,

but if that 15 sticks,

I'm not going into the can alone.

You tell Bender that.

What do you have to do

before you fight back?

Told you everything

I had to say.

Your books are up-to-date.

That's not enough, Joe.

Think about Appalachian for a minute.

Think about all those heroes

running through the woods.

I thought about that a lot.

Stand up, for God's sake.

Joe, listen, there's

a Senate hearing commission.

They can make a law.

That law will cut them down, prohibit

their activities once and for all,

but you'll have to speak, Joe.

You have to tell them

what you told me.

What's in it for you?

The same thing that's in it for you,

a kind of a peace.

You want to stay in hell,

that's your business.

I'm offering you a way out

the other side.


Suppose I talk to this,

uh, commission.

Then what?

The law goes on the books,

and I guarantee it'll be enforced.

Yeah, and I'm still in solitary

confinement the rest of my life.

At least you won't go in there blind.

What about Maria?

My kid, huh?

Wherever she wants to go,

I give you my personal guarantee

that she will get there safely

with a new name, a new passport,

enough money for the rest of her life.

You think it'll really happen?

What do you think

I've been after, Valachi?

Christ, everything you say

has tremendous implications

for the Justice Department,

for the country itself.

You can make a break, Joe,

not only for everybody else,

but for yourself.

You can get out of it.

- When do I take the bat?

- Tomorrow.

Okay, Ryan, looks

like you're on.

See you later.

When did you become a member

of this organization?



What's the name of it?

Cosa Nostra.

In Italian.

Cosa Nostra, in Italian.

I think that it's

an important question

that there is

no particular pattern

which would make you feel

the crime is in

any way a problem

associated with those

of Italian extraction.


I'm not talking about Italians.

I'm talking about the Mob.


He gave me this piece of paper.

I was to burn it.

Demonstrate what you did.

In other words,

I took this piece of paper.

And it's burning.

It's lighted in your hand.

And that was symbolic of the fate

that was to befall you

if you betrayed the organization?

Senator, what I'm telling you,

what I'm exposing to you,

to the press and to everybody,

this is the promise I'm breaking.

Even if I talked,

it... it's...

I shouldn't

tell you this.

Hey, Ryan, this

thing's fabulous.

They're trying to make

a monkey out of him.

I hope they nail

his ass 10 times over.

They're after headlines,

for God's sake.

They're after votes.

So, Genovese was your godfather?


Godfather is different.

When you, uh...

When you go to the church,

you baptize a baby.

This is a godfather.

The sworn testimony

you have just heard

came from the lips

of Joseph Valachi,

lips that were supposedly sealed

more than 33 years ago

when he joined the Cosa Nostra.

But today, before a nationally

televised Senate hearing,

the 60-year-old convicted burglar,

dope peddler and murderer

talked in such a way

that he seemed to draw

the sympathy of the crowd

and the crime committee.

Valachi said he was talking

because he wanted to,

but it's possible that he is talking

to protect himself from his

syndicate boss, Vito Genovese,

who had ordered him

killed as an informer.

But how safe do you feel?

How do I feel now? Right now?

How safe do you feel?

- Now, at this moment?

- Yes?

I feel... fine.

How would you feel

if you were back in prison?

I would have to protect myself

against them, Senator.

I would have to kill

or be killed.

Now, would it be fair to say

that if you went back to prison,

that you would be a dead man?

If they got to me,

I wouldn't be

in prison five minutes.


Now, here

we show you the Genovese family,

broken down into its various units,

demonstrating the wide range...

Listen carefully.

$100,000 for Joe Valachi.

Hold it.

You were fine.

No fault of yours.

Oh, from your wife.

- Room's clear, sir.

- Cheer you up.


which would make you feel

that crime is in any way

a problem associated with

those of Italian extraction.


I'm not talking about Italians.

I'm talking about the Mob.


In other words,

I took this piece of paper.

And it's burning.

It's lighted in your hand.

And that was symbolic

of the fate that was to befall you

if you betrayed the organization?


what I'm telling you,

what I'm exposing to you,

to the press

and to everybody...

Didn't have time to see it all.

You were lucky.

It was kind of ridiculous.

Like a bad comic strip.

That's what it was.

I'll see you.

Guard! Guard!

Help! Get in here!

Take the weight

off his legs.

Get the chair up.

- I got his legs. Got him.

- Cut him down. Cut him down.

You have him?

Slowly. That's it.


- Steady now.

- Put him on the table there.

Put him on the table.

Where's the doctor?

- All right. Right here.

- Get the doctor!

Okay, boys.

Thanks a lot.


Come on, buddy.

Open up.

- Joe?

- Okay, I'll take care of him.

- Come on, buddy.

- Move over.

We gave him some

letters from his wife,

but he just tore 'em up.


You knew he was in a depressed state.

Why wasn't he given sedation?

Look, Mr. Ryan,

I can't have a doctor,

a psychiatrist, and 24 guards

watching your canary

for the rest of his life.

I know you can't. I'm sorry.

Wait a minute.

He'll be all right.

He's as strong as a bull.

As soon as he feels better,

take him down to the infirmary.

- All right, Doctor. I will. Thank you.

- Thank you.

Come on, Joe.

Let me give you a hand.

Take it easy.

Get over on the bed.

Come on. Let me help.

Come on. I'll help you.


Joe, I was just...

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- You were just following orders.

- Joe, I don't make the laws.

Christ, don't look to me

for any more alternatives.

You got burned, Ryan.

You wanted a law,

but they wanted a gangster story.

I thought maybe

you had something better.

I admit I've been had all along.

Yeah, well, you

weren't the only one.

I've been taken, too.

Believe me, Joe. I'm sorry.

Oh, hell. It's like you said.

I'm gonna spend the rest

of my days in prison,

but I don't go in blind.

Anytime you want to come visit,

we'll crawl together.

Well, at least you get

Genovese on the run.

I hear he's got

$100,000 out for you.

Anybody else,

it would be a million.

Genovese, he's a cheap guy.

Joe, you son of a bitch,

you know what

you almost just did?


No, no. You almost took

your own contract.

If you had committed suicide,

that bastard wouldn't have

had to shell out a nickel.

Hey, Ryan, you scored 100%.

Listen, Joe. I'm gonna keep

you alive just to spite that punk.

Yeah, and that's not

a bad reason to live.

Sheer goddamn spite.

Joe, let's get you

to the infirmary.

I'm okay.

I say you're not.


Now, the first thing we do

is get you back in shape.

I'll have you moved, Joe.

Somewhere in the country.

I'll handpick the guards myself, Joe.

Make sure none of those Cosa Nostra

bastards ever gets at you again.

That's gotta be

the one thing I do, Joe,

make sure you live long after

Genovese's dead and gone.