The Sun Is Also a Star (2019) - full transcript

A hopeless romantic ambivalent about his future in medical school falls for a hard-luck young woman who doesn't believe in love.

Carl Sagan once said

that human beings

are like butterflies

who flutter for a day

and think it's forever.

13.8 billion years ago,

the Big Bang

created the stars,

the planets, the galaxies.

Observable fact,

rational thought,

pure science.


The Big Bang also led

to my home.

New York.

A city filled with





The choice we make.

The path we choose.

I always believed

it would take a lifetime

to understand the human heart.

In the end, all it took

was a single day.


I gotta run.

Accept destiny.

Okay, um,

I have my appointment

at the immigration office

at 8:00.

Don't put yourself

through that, baby girl.

Give it up.

We've been through lawyers.


We've tried for

too long, Natasha Kingsley.

We leave tomorrow.

We're going home.

But this... This is my home.

New York is my home.

I gotta run.

Have a good day at school.

♪ Come, come, my baby come

- Lester Barnes.

- Natasha Kingsley.

I... I set up

the InfoPass appointment

in order to retry

my parents' case.

Everything's in this file.

Do yourself a favor,

let me read it.


Okay, here we go.

Father's name?


Your brother?


- Younger?

- Peter's 11.

Was he born in the U.S.?

No. He was born in Jamaica.

- We moved when he was four.

- Any family members

that are U.S. citizens?

No. I've looked.

When are you all set to leave?





Your case is no longer

under USCIS jurisdiction.

What does that mean?

Your removal is final.


So, there's nothing

you can do?

You know,

I've been to Jamaica.

It's a beautiful place.

Everything there is irie.

You know,

you're gonna be okay.

Yeah. Forget it.

Hey, hey, hey.

You're going to Jamaica.

Some people are going

to Gaza in here.

Some people are going

to Syria, Afghanistan.

You're gonna be okay.

Everybody tells me

that I'm gonna be okay

and I'm tired of it.

'Cause I've been here

for nine years.

I'm supposed to be

going into senior year,

focusing on AP Chem,

and college and all of that.

But instead I am here.

And this is the last place

I wanted to be.

This is the last place,

'cause this is my home.

Okay. Okay. Okay.

I'm sorry, all right?

Maybe there's something.

Take this.

That's a friend of mine,

does some pro bono work.

Jeremy Martinez.

He's a lawyer.

Call him.

Hi, I'd like

to set an appointment

with Mr. Martinez

today, please.

My name is Natasha Kingsley.

What is this regarding?

My family is being

deported tomorrow

and we need his help.

I'm sorry, Mr. Martinez

is pretty booked today and...

Listen, listen. My family

- is leaving tomorrow...

- Mrs. Kingsley...

My family is leaving tomorrow.

Can you please help me out?

Can you? Please.

Just this one time.

I'm begging you.


All my parents

ever dreamed about

was to bring us here.

Listen, I can give you

15 minutes at noon,

which is his lunch.

But that is it.

Okay, that's all I need.

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Thank you.

My parents both

went to college

in Montego Bay.

They met accidentally

during a tropical storm.

He ducked into a clothing

store for shelter,

and she was

the store manager

wearing a name tag

and looking official.

She never thought she could

fall for such a romantic.

But he was always reaching

for the stars.

Even if he had to fight

to reach them.

Deus ex machina.


I wanna help save lives

and make the world

a better place.


Okay, Umma.

Today is so important, Daniel.

It's the ticket

to the rest of your life.

I know, Umma.

Lookin' like the one

percent, little brother.


is a very good school.

Very good.

- Good morning.

- Mmm.


I don't understand

what you're saying, Mom.


Man, Dartmouth.


Good luck

on your big interview. Huh?

It's all on you now,

Danny boy.

One percent of what?

Charlie forgot

deposit slip again.


It's okay, Umma.

I'll take it to him and Appa.

After your interview.

Then, straight to school.

- No friends.

- I won't.

Do not be late.

Yo, I can't tell

if I'm riffing too much

in this song or not.

The line, it's, uh...

Focus on the "we."



- Second one.

- Second one?

Yeah, how you punch

the "we"...

- Right afterwards.

- Yeah.

You're gonna be

the next big thing.

Man, I'm not the one

going to Dartmouth.

I'm not in yet.

Depends on today.

Yeah, you got this, dude.

Hope so.

Hope so.


MTA crushing it as always.

We got a train

delay at 68th Street.

We're gonna be moving shortly.

You might be panicking,

but don't.

Let me just

say a little something

for you.

So, I take my daughter

to school every morning.

Me and my friend, Levi,

we got overly

in a conversation...

We're taking the bus

next time.

...which almost made our kids

late for school.

We get down to the subway

and we miss the train.

Shut up, asshole.

And that

particular morning,

it just happened to be 9/11.

Had Levi made that train,

he would have been the one

that goes into Manhattan

because he worked

at the World Trade Center.

What I'm trying to say is,

don't panic because

of you being late.

You never know why

you were meant to be here

at this time.

Grand Central Station,

next stop,

ladies and gentlemen.

Always remember to open up

your heart to destiny.

That was quite a story.

Made me think,

"Wow, he needs a therapist."

Yo, I got some time

before work.

So, windows, yeah?

His legs are the same size

as the rest of his body.


Well, there's your future.

Right there.

What, that guy

dancing right there?

No, you can't dance that well.

Guy that's right there

in the middle.

He looks like everything

was going well in his life

and now, nope. Nothing.

That's too bad. Poor guy.

There's your role model.

- The monk?

- Yeah, the monk.

He looks happier

than everyone else.


I think we're missing


Something's going on.




It's just a cute girl, Daniel.

I mean, okay.

She's really cute, but...

No one ever does that.


Look up.

Everyone is so busy

looking straight ahead,

they don't bother to look up.

- Holy shit!

- What?

- Wait, where you going?

- Her jacket.

- Deus ex machina.

- So?

I wrote it this morning.

It's Latin for

"God from the machine."

I don't know what that means.

Open up your heart.

What? Sorry,

what are you talking about?

Daniel, where are you going?


Open up your heart

to destiny.

Excuse me.

I can't find her.

Yeah, I don't see her.

Wasn't meant to be.

But, hey, man, you tried.

I think I'm gonna

see her again.

I don't think so, man.

I'll text you

after my shift, okay?

All right. Wish me luck.

With the interview

or the girl?


Text me when you come back

to planet Earth, okay?

The next stop

is East Broadway.

Excuse me.

Excuse me. Sorry.

- You all right?

- Yeah, I'm okay.

What the hell?

Hey, he's okay.

Here, take my water.

I'm so sorry.

You okay?

Yeah. Yeah.

That was close.

Can I help you up?



Sorry about pulling you down.

Can I ask your name?


I'm Daniel.

You saved my life.

Thank you.

Do you want to sit down?

I normally don't wear a suit.

It's for my alumni interview

for Dartmouth.

No school today?

Uh, no. No school.

What's with the notebook?


Just poems.


Yeah, I just dabble

in it for fun.

Not a big deal, really.

What are they about?

Oh, no, no, no.

Wait, let me guess.


- Not all of them.

- But most of them?


Well, I don't believe in love.

It exists whether you

believe in it or not.

And that's a provable fact?

Yeah. How could thousands

of songs and poems

be about something

that doesn't exist?

Boy, please!

Words on paper.

What would convince you?

If you can't use the

scientific method on it,

then it's not real.

Anything in this world

that's a fact,

it's a fact because we can

either observe it,

measure it,

or experiment with it.

If you can't do

any of those things,

then it's legit,

deadass not real.

But you gotta admit

people are feeling something.


They're feeling hormones.

And we just call it love,

so that we have something

grand to live for.

Otherwise, life seems

really mundane

and just a random

series of events

that you have no control over

until you die.

Depressing, right?

You make it sound depressing.

Because it is.

So, no magic, no fate,

no "meant to be"?

What if I told you

I could get you,

to fall in love with me?


How is that humanly possible?

Just give me a day.

One day.


I can't. I don't have a day.

Do you have an hour?

An hour.

I'm not changing

my mind, though.

No. My appointment's at noon

and I'll be home

right after that.

Your mother is worried sick.

You have to come

pack your stuff.

Dad, this lawyer might

be able to help.

Stop being

such a stubborn child.

And get home now.

Please, we have

to do something.

This is honestly

our last chance.

Come pack your stuff.

I'm gonna throw it

all in the trash.

Will you please just listen

to me for once?

- Hello?

- Is this Daniel Bae?

Yes, this is Daniel Bae.

My apologies, but Mr. Martinez

needs to reschedule

our interview.

- Reschedule?

- Tomorrow morning, 8:00.

Yeah! I think

I can make that work.

Okay. Wonderful.

Thank you so much.

Uh-huh. See you then.



What was that all about?

- Just parents being parents.

- Hmm.

Loosened your tie.


Uh, my interview

got postponed to tomorrow.

But back to love and science.

So, this study

had researchers put a bunch

of couples into a lab

and had them ask each other

a series

of intimate questions.

Sounds ridiculous.

At the end of the study,

they had to stare

into each other's eyes

for four minutes

without saying a word.

So, you think

you're gonna make me

fall in love by asking me

these questions?

Okay, so there

are 36 questions.

Okay, so we're doing this?

But nobody's got time

for all that.

So, how about I pick

ten randomly?

Okay, question number one.

What are the five

key ingredients

to falling in love?

This is so idiotic.



Uh... Mutual self-interest

and socioeconomic



Well, my ingredients are

friendship and chemistry.

Mmm. Of course they are.

My last three are some

sort of moral compass...

Common interests are a must.

And let's see,

the X factor.

What in the world

is the X factor?

Don't worry. We've got it.

You know what...

I hate to break this to you,

but taking this little quiz

isn't gonna make me change

my mind, Mr. Plaid Tie.

Did you just call me Pad Thai?

Plaid Tie.

Because not only

is that completely racist,

but also culturally


as my family is from Korea,

not Thailand.

Well, that is not what I said,

so you can stop waiting

for an apology.

Oh, I'm waiting for something,

but not for an apology.

Where are you going?

I told you I have a meeting.

Uh, we still have

27 minutes left.


So, you coming or what?

So, where do you see yourself

in five years?

Is that actually

one of the questions?

I might be improvising.

Well, I want to be

a data scientist.

What's that?

It's a scientist

who analyzes data.

We take large amounts

of information

and strategize on how

to apply it practically.

Like how?

Like traffic flow,

four-day work weeks

for big companies,

personal time

versus productivity.

All that jazz. Come on.

You're passionate

about it, though, right?

Yeah, well,

I'm passionate

about walking on the moon.

But I can't live

off of passion

any more than I can

live off of love.

It's a long life to spend

doing something

you're not really into.

It's a long life

to spend chasing dreams.

You should really kick it

with my dad sometime.

Am I reminding you

of a 50-year-old Korean man?

Without the accent.

So, he's not crazy

about you pursuing poetry?

Oh, no. I'm first-generation.


It means it doesn't matter

what I want.

According to my parents,

I'm meant to be a doctor.

Oh. You know, at least when

you're a doctor making bank,

you can thank them

for not letting you

be a starving artist.

It's hard to be passionate

when you're hungry.

This is me.

You're kidding.

This is where my interview

was supposed to be.

Come on. Honestly?

I'm serious.

What are you doing here?



But you gotta admit,

this definitely

proves my point.

Fate is real.

Wait, I think

you mean coincidences,

'cause they can happen

without meaning.



I'll wait here for you

and then we'll finish

the questions.

Daniel, I should really

go home right after this.

Today is a big day.

So, I think this is where

we say goodbye.


Am I gonna see you again?

The odds aren't in your favor.

I'm guessing 1 in 8 million.

I really think

I could have changed your mind

if I had the whole day.

Too bad you couldn't prove

your hypothesis.

It was nice to save your life,


Nice meeting you, Daniel.

You know, good luck

with everything.

Honestly, I hope

the interview goes well.

Figure all that out.


Thanks again.

You know,

I'm gonna prove my hypothesis!

Love is real.

This isn't the last time

I'm gonna see you.

If I gotta hit up

all the boroughs,

we're gonna see

each other again.

You can't stop

what's meant to be.

The Theory of Multiverse

was set forth originally

by Hugh Everett

in quantum mechanics.

It posited that every version

of our past and future

histories exists,

just in an alternate universe.

This means that for every

choice you make,

an infinite number

of universes exist

where you made

a different choice.

In this way,

we get to live multiple lives.

I'm not quite sure which

universe I'm living in now.

Law offices

of Jeremy Martinez.

Perfect. Okay, thank you.

- Hi.

- Hi.

Uh, I'm Natasha Kingsley.

I was just about to call you.

I am so sorry,

but I have some bad news.

Mr. Martinez

was biking in to work

when he got clipped by a car.

But he was lucky.

Just a few bruises.

He'll be back around 4:30.

Can you come back then?

Law offices

of Jeremy Martinez.

Of course. Of course.

Um, I was supposed to help

my mother but I'll be here.

Great. I need you

to fill these out.

I already have my case files.

You still need

to fill these out.

You can take a seat

right over there.


How can I help you?

"Have you ever

been convicted of a crime?"

Hey, get back here!

"Are you willing

to offer allegiance

"to the United States

of America?"

I pledge allegiance

to the flag of

the United States of America

and to the Republic...

"Have you ever

been involved

"in anti-government


Protect kids not guns!

Protect kids not guns!

"What does America

mean to you?"

Flip your hair a little bit.

We've had a lot of cases

like yours recently.

I think Mr. Martinez

may be able

to help you reopen your case.


I can't make any promises,

especially these days.

But be back 4:30 sharp.

- Hey, Tash.

- Oh!

Hey. Doing nicknames now?

Yeah. How'd your thing go?

Uh... I have to come back

at 4:30.

I guess that just

gives you four hours

to just hang out with me or...

I mean,

I should still go home.

Okay, yeah, how long

does that take?

45, 50ish minutes?

One way?


That's like two hours.

Just to be home

then turn around?

Okay, you make

some fair points.



I have, uh, this thing uptown.

My parents.

- Your parents?

- Yeah.

I just gotta

drop something off.

It's not a big deal at all.

Do you wanna come?

- I'm sorry.

- For what?

I'm sorry this isn't exactly

the sexiest first date.

Never agreed it was a date.

Oh, it is. You'll see.

I wish I could just bottle

your confidence and sell it.

'Cause I'd make

a shit ton of money.

I'm not that confident.


This is it.

- This is your family's store?

- Mmm-hmm.

Your family,

the South Korean immigrants,

own a black hair care store?


My family

of South Korean immigrants

do own a black hair

care store.

Passion project?

It seems random, but it's not.

See, in the 60s,

wigs made from South Korean

hair were extremely popular.

Around that time,

the South Korean government

banned the export of hair,

making it difficult for anyone

other than Koreans

to make wigs.

Then the U.S. government

banned wigs

made from Chinese hair.

This gave Koreans full control

over the entire wig industry

and the wig business evolved

into the more general

black hair care business.

Which, South Koreans

currently control 60 to 80%.

Aisle one is shampoos,

conditioners, dyes,

a bunch of other things

that I don't understand.

Aisle three is weaves,

uh, wigs...


This place is huge.

Uh, can I get you anything?

I think I'm set on gel,

but thanks.

No. No!

Uh, I didn't mean a product.

Uh, my dad's got a fridge

in the back

with like soda and...

Mmm, got it. Okay.

Yeah. Thanks.

- A soda would be great.

- Mmm-hmm.


Why not?

Doesn't seem like your style.

You never know

what might work.



I think you'd look beautiful

with a giant, pink afro.

Well, not the whole

thing, just the ends.

- Cool.

- Yeah.

Your hair looks really soft.

You think it can take

all that dye?

Well, you're the black hair

care expert.

So, why don't you feel it

and tell me?


It's a one-time-only offer.

Aw! What's going on here?


Oh, God.

This is my older brother,


This is my friend, Natasha.

Friend? Oh!

I thought maybe

he just caught a shoplifter.

What did you just say?

Hey, we get a lot of those

in a store like this, right?

- I'm sure you understand.

- Wow.

What the hell is your problem?



- Tough guy in a suit now. Huh?

- Daniel, let's just go.

Don't touch me.

Let's go.




The money pouch.


Hey, want me to translate

for your friend, Danny?

Uh... Hi, Mr...

- Bae.

- Mr. Bae, I'm Natasha.

You're a friend of Daniel's.

Would you like something

before you leave?

What, for free?

Not this aisle.

Come with me.


Relaxer for your hair.

Make your hair not so big.

Thank you, Mr. Bae,

but I like my hair big.

Oh, if you like big,

you should get yourself a man,

'cause little Danny here...

Yeah, 'cause my dick

is an inch long,

still twice as big as yours.

I gotta go.

You know, it could not

have gone any worse.

What a combo.

I mean, maybe I should have

gotten the relaxer

just to make him like me more.

I'm glad you find this funny.

Dude, tragedy is funny.

Sometimes you gotta laugh

to keep from crying.

Are we in a tragedy?

That's what life is.

You know,

we all die in the end.


I'm sorry.


you're not your dad.

And you're for sure

not your brother.

And they shouldn't be mad

at you because of me.

They should be mad

because you stole all

the good looks in the family.

Thank you.

I still have three hours.

So, where to?

I have one

of my favorite spots.


- Soccer.

- Really?

Yeah. All I hear is the ball,

like, thudding on the ground.

It doesn't even

make any sense.

'Cause soccer, isn't the ball

supposed to stay

on the ground?

Yeah, I mean,

unless you kick it.


Thank you

for bringing me here.

Makes you feel minuscule

and so important

at the same time.

Passionate about it,

you should be an astronomer.

No, but really, though.

But you love it.

Change is a constant

in the universe.

Stars, planets, even galaxies,

are always on the move.

Tugged this way and that.

By the powerful, ever-present

force of gravity.

At times, they even collide.

This may sound alarming,

but collisions

can actually be beneficial...

and sometimes beautiful.

- Okay.

- Next question.

Hmm. Okay.

Perfect timing.

- Where are we going?

- Noraebang.

- Uh, in here?

- Mmm-hmm. Korean karaoke.

No, I'm not doing it,

Daniel Bae.

I'm not doing it.

You know,

in Noraebang you don't

choose the song.

The song chooses you.

There goes that overly

dramatic poet again.

- Glad you recognize.

- Yeah.

Do you know what I recognize?

I recognize that

almost every poem I've read

is about three things.

Love, sex, and the stars.

Stars are important.

Didn't we just learn that

- at the planetarium?

- Sure, but...

I don't know. Why not more

poems about the sun?

The sun is also a star.

Just 'cause it's the most

important star

doesn't make it poetic.

The sun is a benevolent star.

A giver.

It's our greatest symbol

of hope.

That's worth writing about.


I'll only write poems about

the sun from now on.

Thank you.

And sex.

Gotta be ready in case

the song calls for it.

Good morning, everyone.

The star explosion

schematic view.

Today is not a coincidence.

It led me to you.

- I gotta go right now.

- What's wrong?

These dreams are

screwing up my entire life.

I can't do this.


Natasha, what's wrong?


Natasha! Just wait!


What just happened back there?

Just talk to me.

What are you so afraid of?


What are you so afraid of?

Of being late

to my appointment.

Or are you afraid of this?

I know this is real.

And I know you feel it, too.


Daniel, I know you think

that us meeting

is fate or destiny

or whatever,

but it can't be real,

because I'm probably

never gonna see you again.

What? Why not?

Because I wasn't born here.

Because my family

is being deported tomorrow.

You're leaving tomorrow?

Yeah. For good.

You're just making it harder,


But there's gotta be

something we can do.

Just wait, Natasha, just wait.

There's gotta be

something we can do.

I'm right here.

I'm not a dream. Okay?

I'm right here.


- Thank you for saving my life.

- Natasha.

- Natasha. Natasha!

- No. Leave me alone.

I don't even have your number!


Perfect timing, Miss Kingsley.

Follow me, please.

He's a little banged up

after the accident,

but extremely dedicated

to his cases.


Mr. Martinez,

this is Natasha Kingsley.

Thank you.

- Hi.

- Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you, too.

Thanks for squeezing me in.

- Sorry.

- No, it's okay. Please sit.

I've had a chance to

review your file and, uh,

what I'd like to do

is see the judge

who issued

this removal order, okay?

I went to school with him.

He's a good guy.

And he'll be able to stop

the deportation?

Well, he might let me file

a motion to reopen the case

and then we can reverse this

voluntary removal. All right?

And then, at least you won't

have to leave tomorrow.

And I should have an answer

from the judge in the morning.

And then probably

we should meet again.

10 o'clock all right with you?

Okay, uh, well, then what?

Well, then I'll ask

for a new trial

and submit a petition

for permanent resident status.


How's that sound to you?

Like somebody finally cares.


you're back early.

You finished with

the interview already?

What happened?

You can tell me.

You can tell me anything.

Why the long face, man?

Shut up, Charlie.

So, how did your fancy college

interview go, Doctor Bae? Hmm?

We finally got a doctor

in the house?

Someone to be proud of?

Oh, come on, you really got

nothing to say to me?

No, Hyung. I don't.

Hey. I told you not

to call me that.

Oh, shit, you're right.

Someone might find out

you're actually Korean.

You think

that little black girl

made your balls grow? Huh?

Oh, no,

you're the little bitch

who can't think for himself

without their approval.

Yeah, that's what you are.

Well, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry not everybody can be

as badass or edgy as you.

Staying at home,

eating their food,

breaking Mom's heart.

Fuck you! You think

you're better than me?


- Just let me ask you...

- Yeah.

I'd do her, afro and all!


Get some ice for your lip.

Doctor Bae. Doctor Bae.

Doctor Bae.

- Doctor Bae.

- Doctor Bae.

- Are you okay?

- Yes.

Forget about Charlie.

The only thing that matters

is your interview.

And you go to good college,

you become doctor,

you be success.

What if I don't want

the same things

you and Umma want, Appa?

Daniel, it is about

the family name.

It's about honor

for all of us.

But what about what I need?

"I, I, I."

America is all about "I."

You do not throw away

your future.


If you do not go to college,

you're on your own!

"Yeah, Appa."

"Yeah, Appa."


When my mother, Min Soo,

fell in love with my father,

Dae Hyun,

she didn't expect

it would take them

from South Korea to America.

When my mom and dad learned

that they were going

to have a baby,

they struggled with what

to name it.

See, in America,

the family name

is called the last name.

My father said it showed

that Americans think

the individual

is more important

than the family.

But in Korea,

the family name came first

and told the entire history

of your ancestry.

When my brother was born

they picked an American name,

followed by a Korean

personal name,

followed by the family name.

Then a couple of years later,

they named me.

So, in the end,

they chose both.

Korean and American.

American and Korean.

That way, we would know

where we were from

and where we were going.

All right. Thank you.

Thank you.


Mmm. You look great.

Thanks. Your boy's not here.

Yeah, I know.

I need his number.

- You need his number?

- Mmm-hmm.

- From me?

- That's what I just said.

Danny's number? From me?

You gonna give it

to me or not?

What's your deal?

You have an Asian fetish

or something?

I just have something

really important

that I need to tell him.

You really like him, huh?

Yeah, I do.


Thank you.

Yeah, okay. You're welcome.

All right. Great. Great.

Yep, all right. Hey.

Don't break his heart.





How'd you get my...

Your brother gave me

your number.

My brother gave you my number?

I have it and it's me.

I have some good news.

Can you meet me?

Yeah. No, yeah.

Where are you?

- Lightning round.

- Okay.

What is your most

treasured memory?

- Oh. When we first got here...

- Mmm-hmm. dad took us to see

the fireworks at Coney Island.

We ate fried dough,

went on all the rides.

Just kind of magical.

Is that cheesy?

- He was different then.

- Your dad?


He's the reason we're here,

but it's not even his fault.

No, it's not his fault

that ICE does

these random raids.

And he was working

in the kitchen that day.

Nine years here, then boom.

Man, I'm sorry.

It's all sorts of complicated.

God, I love this city.

Don't fall.

I got him! I got him!

Day's sweetest moments

are at dawn.

Good morning.

I could get used

to waking up like this.

- Thank you.

- Hmm.

My bangs

are probably everywhere.

Any more questions?

Kiss me?

What time is it?

- Uh...

- You don't wanna

miss your interview.

- Oh, shit. It's 7:15.

- Hmm! Oh, we gotta go.

- Come on. Come on.

- Yeah.

Yeah, it's interview time.

Come on.

You got everything?

Come on, come on.

Yeah. Careful.



I don't know.

You're going in there,

you're gonna kill

this interview

and I'll wait here for you

until my appointment.

You're good.

Are you okay?

- What if I have to leave?

- You're not leaving.

- How do you know that?

- Because I know.

The universe wants us

to be together.

You're not leaving, Natasha.

Don't you see? That's what

this whole thing is.

Even your jacket,

deus ex machina.

It's fate.

So you have nothing

to worry about.


Come on. You're gonna be late.

Go, go, go.

I don't want to go.


You promise

you're gonna be here?

I'll be here.

We'll finish the questions

when you get back.

- Go to your interview.

- I'm going. I'm going.

Hi, Mommy!

No, I...

I'm so sorry.

I should have reached out.

I'm safe, though.

No, no, no.

I graduated a long time ago.

Class of '92.

Are you a Queens boy?

- Yep.

- Yeah, me, too.

Your mother's name is Min Soo?


- Pretty, pretty.

- Thank you.

Yeah. Soccer team.


Must be fast.

Asian Culture Club

vice president?

Mmm-hmm. Yes, sir.

Excellent interpersonal

customer service skills.

What's that?

Yes, sir. My, uh, father owns

a black hair care store.

I work there part-time.

Any community service,

that type of stuff?

Mmm-hmm. I volunteer

at the children's hospital

in the Bronx twice a month.

It's rewarding.

I write poems

with the patients.

Takes their mind off

of being sick.

Oh, so you like to write, huh?

I do. I do. As a hobby.

Yeah, yeah.

No, I feel like doctors

should all be well-rounded,

but, you know, it's rare.

So, um...

So when did you first know

you wanted to be a doctor?

Never. Is that an okay answer?

Yeah, I guess. If it's honest.

It is.

All right. Well,

let's go with that then.

My parents want me

to be a doctor.

I never wanted that.

I just...

I want to be a poet.

So why the hell

do you wanna go to Dartmouth?

Uh, my parents are immigrants.

All they want is to give me

and my brother a better life.

It's all they ever wanted.

But what about what you want?

Doesn't that count

for something?

I don't know.

Okay. There's still

a chance, Mom.

Will you please just listen

to me for once?

All I'm saying is I'm here.

I have this appointment.

Give me an hour.

- Miss Kingsley, you're early.

- Hi. Is he in there?

- Yes, he is, but...

- Okay, great.

- I'll be home in an hour.

- Hey, excuse me.

I'm hanging up now.

Goodbye, Mom.

Your appointment's

not until 10.

Miss Kingsley you can't go

in there. He's in a meeting!

So sorry for the interruption.

Excuse me.

We're having a meeting here.

- Tash?

- Daniel?


What's going on here?

This is...

Oh, my God. I'm so sorry.

I didn't mean to interrupt.

You're fine. It's fine.

We were just finishing up.

No, we're not. We're just

getting started right now.

Can you tell me

what happened with the judge?

I don't think you wanna

be talking about this

in front of Mr. Bae

right here.

You can say anything

in front of him. Just tell me.

Can my family stay?

No. I'm sorry.

So you're saying

I have to leave today?

Natasha, if there was anything

I could have done,

I'm telling you,

I would have done it.

You said you could fix it.

I promised to try and I did.

I really did.

Oh, your promises

don't mean shit!


the current political climate,

and the way they keep

changing policies...

- I mean, I did all I could.

- You know what's so messed up?

I'm so sorry, Tash.

I'm so sorry.

You said this wasn't

gonna happen!

You promised me

- this wasn't gonna happen.

- So sorry. Natasha!

Hey! You didn't finish

your interview.

Natasha only has

a few hours left.

I'm not wasting

another second.

Don't you want

the recommendation?

Not more than I want the girl.

Natasha! Natasha!

Natasha, come on.

Natasha, please.

- Wait, wait, wait. Just wait.

- I can't wait!

- Wait.

- I can't wait.

I have to go home.

I have to pack.

I have so much to do.

I can help. I can help.

No, my parents are there.

Go back to your interview.

- Go back.

- I don't care.

I don't care about Dartmouth.

It doesn't matter to me

the way that you do.

You met me yesterday!

- Get over it! Get over it.

- I don't wanna get over it.

But you should!

- But you should.

- I'm not gonna get over it.

No, no. Here's what

we're not gonna do.

We're not gonna act like this

isn't the worst thing

on earth, 'cause it is.


But I'm coming home with you.

I'm gonna see where you eat,

where you sleep,

where you live

and I wish I could have

done it sooner,

but now is better than never.

Are you okay with that?

I just don't wanna go.

I just don't wanna go.

I don't wanna go.

I don't wanna go.

I don't wanna...

It's okay.

I look homeless.

You don't have to be nervous.

I'm meeting your parents.

Well, I mean,

the good thing is,

you can screw up all you want.

Never gonna see 'em again.

Pass me that one there.

Lord, Natasha!

Peter, go turn

that damn music off.

We didn't know

when you'd come home.

Uh, mommy, this is Daniel.

Sorry to meet you under these

circumstances, Mrs. Kingsley.


Dad, I'm sorry

that I stayed out.

He's the reason why

you not come home last night?

- Mr. Kingsley, it's my fault.

- Not a word, boy.

We've been up all night.

Thinking about you,

worried about you.

And you've come home

with this stranger.

Daniel's not a stranger.

He's my guest.

Your guest?

When you have your own home,

you can have a guest.

But this here's my home.

What makes this your home?

A home is a place

you fight for.

You don't even wanna stay.

It's not simple, 'Tasha.

What is it?

I just wanted to give you all

so much more than this.

I love you.

But we are leaving.


- Thank you, sir.

- Here's your bag.

I don't know how

to say goodbye.

Then don't.

We still have one more

test to go.

The stare.

Four minutes.

No talking.


I'm not sure if we're supposed

to hold hands

during this part,

but the hell with it.

It's all right.

I'm right here.

Carl Sagan once said

that human beings

are like butterflies

who flutter for a day

and think it's forever.

Compared to the lifespan

of the universe,

our lives begin and end

in a single day.

I've come to understand it

this way.

The stars aren't just

balls of gas

burning billions

of miles away.

They are also a reminder

of the brief time

we share on this planet.

At first, Daniel and I

stayed in touch.

But time and distance

are the heart's

natural enemies.

May each day be today.

Everyone we meet...

...everyone we love...

how we got here...

what path we choose...

and who we choose

to remember.

They are all

a part of our story.

But we cannot allow the story

to be written for us.

Because we don't have forever.


all we have is a single day.

I'm Daniel.

You saved my life.

Thank you.

I love you, Daniel Bae.

I guess the experiment worked.


Sorry I'm late.

No, just...

Thank you for coming.


So you found your way back

to New York City, huh?

Wasn't easy. As you know.

But my student visa finally

came through for grad school.

So what are you studying?


Um, I'm actually flying

to San Francisco tomorrow

to start my PhD at Berkeley.

Thank you.

Dr. Natasha Kingsley.

Look at you.

Thanks. But I need

to ask you a question.

Yeah, sure.

So, the day

my family got deported,

there was a boy, Daniel Bae,

who came to your office

to interview for Dartmouth.


I haven't been able

to find him anywhere.

I mean,

he's not online anymore.

It's literally

like he's vanished.

And I was wondering

if you have

any way of contacting him.

No. No.

When he ran out of my office,

that was the last time

I ever saw him.

I'm sorry.

I'll tell you something.

You know why I remember

that day?

- Hmm.

- Well, because I had

a million things

to do that morning,

and I had

this accident, right?

And I actually tried

to convince the EMTs

not to take me

to the hospital.

But I was glad they did.


Well, because...

my doctor became my wife.


Oh, my God!

I know, I know, I know.

So, you know,

sometimes you can't

control everything...

I don't know. I don't know.

Maybe just being open to fate,

maybe that's a choice.



Good luck with everything.

I mean that.

- Thank you.

- Okay.

That's it for me.

We've got some more talent

coming out, so just sit tight.

This is a poem

I wrote about the sun.




I like your glasses.

I like the hair.

I leave tomorrow.

I only need a day.

Mmm. Well...

I don't really have a day.

Give me an hour.