The Sum of All Fears (2002) - full transcript

When the president of Russia suddenly dies, a man whose politics are virtually unknown succeeds him. The change in political leaders sparks paranoia among American CIA officials, so CIA director Bill Cabot recruits a young analyst to supply insight and advice on the situation. Then the unthinkable happens: a nuclear bomb explodes in a U.S. city, and America is quick to blame the Russians.

One hundred percent, sir.

Submarine launched...

12 to 15 megatons, and they went

to strike status 15 minutes prior.

CINC-LANT reports the Roosevelt

splashed six incoming cruise missiles.

The Russians are moving

west through Poland.

If they head for Germany,

the Berlin Brigade is outnumbered.

We've got another launch

from Alyesk, Central Russia.

I don't believe it.

What the hell's in Alyesk?

SS-18 ICBMs. Probable targets--

New York, Washington, here.

- How good is this ceiling?

- Anything but a direct hit.

Satellites confirm birds

in the air-- multiple launches.

- First impact estimated 25 minutes.

- How do we know that's accurate?

It's accurate.

Sir, I advise we go to DEFCON-1.

- Get President Zorkin on the hot line.

- Zorkin is missing.

We have reports of a coup in Moscow.

General Bulgakov

is calling the shots now.

Who the hell is Bulgakov?

The asshole who wanted

to use nukes in Chechnya.

Sir, DEFCON-1,

we're out of time.

Do it.

Mr. President.

After you give the order, the launch

sequence takes a minute to process.

Before the order can be taken,

an I.D. check must be performed.

My I.D. number is fifth

from the top.

- Sir, it's your wife on 2104.

- Thank you.

Under the two-man rule...

the order must be confirmed

by someone on the approved list.

Gene Revell,

National Security Advisor.

- Second from the top.

- Is it black-tie?

Okay, I'm on my way.

Can we...

finish this up some other time?

We gotta update

these fire drills, Billy.

If the shit ever hits the fan,

I'm not goin' underground.

The place is a goddamn tomb.

We have to choose someone to face

off against besides the Russians.

Really? Let's see. Who else has

27,000 nukes for us to worry about?

It's the guy with one

I'm worried about.

Speaking of Russia, I have

to send some folks over there...

inspect their nuclear

decommissioning facility.

- Place called ''Armazaz.''

- Arzamas.

Yeah. Whatever. Someone from

your staff should be on the trip.

I'll go.

Billy, send staff.

I wanna go.


And don't underestimate

Zorkin, pal.

Between his economy,

crime, Chechnya--

- His liver.

- What's left of it.

How is he?

He's scheduled a press conference

for this afternoon...

so at least we know

he can sit up.

- Why not negotiate?

- The interview is over.

Only criminals and their friends

in the West wish it to be separate.

But, Mr. President,

if you will kindly come back...

we do have a few more questions

we would like to ask you.

You see what I see?

- His jacket.

- He used to button it all the way.

He's gettin' fat!

I know how he feels.

Wow. Look at that.

Maybe it's not the same jacket.

No-- Yeah. Shiny sleeves. He wore it

last time he got out of the hospital.

- He's definitely off the diet.

- He's also off the wagon.

You hear how he slurred?

That must be why Chelinski's hanging

around, to keep him off the sauce.

Where's Chelinski?

Next to-- What's her name?

The chick with the brown hair.

- Elena Rishkov.

- No, that is not Chelinski.

Busted. It's Chelinski.

You're thinking Cherpitski.

That ain't Cherpitski, either.

- I know. It's Chelinski.

- No, it's not. Trust me.

He's next to Elena Rishkov. He was

banging her at the Geneva Summit.

Chelinski was not at Geneva.

Cherpitski was at Geneva.

What are you saying? Cherpitski

was banging Elena Rishkov?

I say Zorkin's putting on weight.

Why reduce everything to sex?

I agree. Write it up.

And if he is putting on weight...

that might have health consequences

so get it in the afternoon brief.

And somebody find out who is banging

Elena Rishkov. This is good.

What shall we make of Chechnya...

asking the West for protection?

She is like a beautiful virgin...

escaping the clutches

of a lecherous bear...

and running to Bill Clinton

to save her maidenhood.

A poet once wrote:

''Meet the new boss,

same as the old boss.''

He could have been writing of us,

of Europe in the 21st century.

Over 50 years

of America and Russia...

imposing their will on the European

community-- East and West.

And we are still treated

like children...

but without the toys

or the good-night chocolates.

Each day we lose a little bit

more of our separate...

sovereign ability to determine

our own futures.

And each day the world comes closer

to that terrible moment...

when the beating

of a butterfly's wings...

unleashes a hurricane...

God himself cannot stop.

So what is it?

Are you blind?

It's a bomb.

Where's the fuse?

It's warm.

So am I. Come on.

I don't have all night.

It's a dud.

Let's get it on the truck.

But how can we sell it now?

There's always someone

who'll buy this crap.

I cannot stand all these questions

about my health.

I am to be described as

"robust" and "healthy".

Was that yours or mine?

It must be yours.

Mine's just for show.

- It's not the hospital.

- Cool.

- Good. Hi.

- You're still here?

I think to be accurate

and everything...

it's actually you are still here.

Oh. Right.

Not that I'm complaining.


I know this is new

and all, but--

I have something I have to say

or I'm gonna explode.

I don't want you to be scared.


You're in love with me.

I'm a medical professional.

I can read the symptoms.

You're definitely

in love with me.

And that scares you.

Not even a little.

But I think it scares you.

No. Not even a little.

And, for the record,

you're the one who brought it up.

Forget it.

- I'm gonna get it.

- No, wait. It'll stop.

I don't know who this is.


-Just go about your business.

- The timing sucks.

Do what you have to do.

I totally understand.

Yes. This is Dr. Muller.

Muller. You paged me?


Stop. Yes, this is Jack Ryan.


Okay. I'll be there

in half an hour.

I gotta go. I have

an emergency at work.

I have to run. I'm sorry.

Cathy, how about dinner tonight?


- How about tomorrow night?

-Jack, I said yes to tonight.

I know.

What kind of emergency

does an historian have?

He died at 04 20 Zulu.

Eight and a half hours later,

they swore in a new president.

Everybody wants to know

who this new guy is.

- Who is he?

- Alexander Nemerov.

You're kidding me. I wrote

a paper about him a year ago.

- I know.

- Mary Pat, I said he could be next.

I said he could be next. I predicted

this. And nobody read it.

- They're reading it now.

- Who?

- Cabot.

- I've been here 14 months.

I don't think he knows

what I look--

Are you Ryan?

Yes, sir.

What is this? The Paper Chase?

Sir, my--

Come on. We're late.

You're about to breathe air that's

over your pay grade, so listen up.

You're gonna be asked

for analysis and advice.

Be sure you know what you're

talking about before you give it.

Don't be afraid to say

you don't know.

Choose your words carefully. Words

have a habit of becoming policy.

You, you. Give me your coat.

Come on.

You'll get it back.


So, Intelligence Committee?


I've watched these on C-SPAN.

Never actually been to one.

You've never watched one

of these on C-SPAN.

Our most important assessment comes

from a high source in the Kremlin.

In his opinion, Nemerov does not

owe his ascension to the military.

Everyone has opinions,

Mr. Cabot.

I respect that.

This morning my wife woke up

and said I was old, bald and ugly.

Is that a question, Mr. Chairman?

I told her appearances

aren't everything.

- Would you agree, Mr. Cabot?

- I certainly would, sir.

Now, this new fellow ''Nezmeroz''--

Is that his name?

Nemerov, sir.

Despite what your source says,

we hear ''Nezmeroz'' is a hard-liner.

Is he a hard-liner?


It's a bit too soon

to make that assessment, sir.

According to CNN...

your Mr. ''Nezmeroz''

is making promises...

to rebuild the Russian Empire.

That sounds pretty rash

from where I sit.

If I were sitting in Chechnya,

I'd be even more worried.

Sir, Nemerov's saying what he needs

to get the hard-liners off his back.

If we leave him alone, Russia will

stabilize. Push him, bets are off.

When I asked for your advice,

I didn't mean you should actually speak.

Yes, sir.

Mr. Cabot.

Mr. Chairman, some of our assets

in the Russian government...

who actually know Mr. Nemerov,

have not had a chance to report in.

I'd like to take

a couple of days...

and get more information for you

before characterizing him.

But I do maintain my opinion

that appearances can be deceiving.

You're saying I'm wrong?

Absolutely, Mr. Chairman.

I don't think you're ugly.

- I apologize for being out of line.

- Senators don't like surprises.

I give them a hint of what

I'm going to tell them...

then I give them a while

to get used to it.

Then I tell them.

I understand.


But I'm right about Nemerov.

Your girlfriend like

this stubborn streak in you?


Cathy Muller,

second-year surgical resident...

Baltimore Memorial Hospital.

Welcome to the CIA, sport.

Well, your intelligence is just

a little flawed in this matter.

I wouldn't call her

my girlfriend yet.

What exactly would you call her?

Great. Amazing.

She's just afraid to commit.

He's terrified of commitment.

The man is afraid of commitment

after three dates?

- Alert the media.

- I know, I know.

What does he do?

He was in the marines

before he hurt his back.

- Now he's an historian.

- Yawn.

No. He works for a think tank

across the river.

Double yawn.

All right, Rita.

Let's see what you have to say

after you meet him tonight.



- I have fat fingers.

- Cathy!

- Cute scale. One to ten.

- Oh, God! I don't know.


Ask them where they found this.

In the field, in the Golan.

There was a lot of fighting in 1973.

Did they witness it?

This one says he lost his son.

Does he remember?

Was there a plane shot down?

Yes. An Israeli jet, destroyed.

This is worthless.

But tell him...

I will give him $400

because of his son.

Thank-- Thank you.

You don't find this lying around.

-Absolutely not.

- How did you come by it?

I found her in the attic

of an old mansion in Glasgow.

All right.

Your trip to the attic actually

has got you a piece worth...

the best part of a thousand pounds,

even in this condition.

Had she been in better condition,

even more. Ajolly nice find.

Hello? Cathy.

So glad you called. I'm running

a little late. I'm sorry.

Can you come a half an hour later?

I can't make it.

I'm really sorry.

It was a last-minute work thing.

What's that noise?

I'm calling from a plane.

-This just came up. I tried to call.

-Where are you going?

- I can't tell you that.


You can't tell me

where you're going?

- Hold on one second. Yes, sir?

- What are you doing?

I had a date tonight,

so I had to call and cancel.

Don't be stupid.

Tell her where you're going.

In fact, tell her who you work for.

She'll be impressed.

In fact, tell her who you work for.

She'll be impressed.

I work for the CIA and the director

asked me at the last minute...

to come with him to Russia

to do a nuclear arms inspection.

- That is so lame.

- I swear.

We're making sure...

they're decommissioning

their nuclear arsenal.

Thanks. Thanks a lot.

Zdrastuyte, William Cabot.

President Nemerov.

Pleasure, sir.

May I present Mrs. Lathrop.

Mr. President.

- General Rand.

- Mr. President.

- And Dr. Ryan.

- Mr. President.

You must be the Dr. Ryan who's done

such interesting research on me.

You should not be surprised by this.

We know quite a bit.

For instance, we know

how wrong you were that...

I had many girlfriends in college.

I met my wife in my third year and

haven't looked at other women since.

I was referring

to the first two years...


Where you received

highest honors in English.

I like him.

In that case, so do I.

Let me apologize for interjecting

myself in your inspection tour.

But there is a message I wish

for you to take to President Fowler.

You could just call him

on the phone.

I would like him to hear it from

you, his friend of many years...

who received it

personally from me...

saw my expression and the language

of my body as I spoke it.

I understand.

Chechnya is an internal affair.

What we do there should be

none of your concern.

I will relay the message,

but I don't think he will agree.

There are those in my country who

will use this issue to weaken me.

There are those in my country

who say your war in Chechnya...

is exactly your weakness.

Chechnya is a nation of criminals.

Every day brings another cowardly

attack on innocent Russian citizens.

It is none of your concern.

Stability is our concern.

Peace in Chechnya is our concern.

And, if I may speak frankly...

your control over your military

concerns us too.

For you to get

involved here, it's...

like sleeping

with another man's wife.

And what you are suggesting

is that afterward...

they can all live together

under the same roof.

But what really happens is...

the betrayed husband buys a gun.

That went well.

- Who's the guy with Nemerov?

- Anatoli Grushkov.

Old KGB?

Been lurking around since Brezhnev.

Plays all sides.

And nobody's had the guts

to get rid of him.

Is that because he knows

where the bodies are buried?

Probably because

he buried them himself.

And we were able to obtain a roster

of their scientists at Arzamas.

Who's who,

what their expertise is.

Arzamas-16 is home

to the All-Russian...

Scientific Research Institute

of Experimental Physics and...

is the birthplace

of our first atomic bomb.

Many of our greatest scientists

worked here and many still do.

Since 1995--

We tried so hard

to get in here over the years.

I sent three people.

They all died trying.

What does the T-shirt say?

''I am a bomb technician.

If you see me running...

try to catch up.''

Sir? I'm sorry.

Just one quick thing.

I'm sure it's nothing.

According to this, there are 17

senior scientists on duty today.

I only count 14.

Doctors Milinov, Orlov

and Spassky.

They don't seem to be here.

I will make inquiries.

Dr. Milinov is out sick.

Orlov is on vacation. Spassky,

I'm grieved to say, was killed...

driving his car to work

just this past week.

We move on, shall we?


Very impressive.

You almost seemed to have

that information memorized.

I assumed you would ask,

Dr. Ryan.

We touch down at Andrews at 2130.

Tell him to meet me there.

Sir, those three missing scientists?

Milinov's expertise

is detonators.

Spassky's expertise is the package,

the nuclear core itself.

And Orlov is a mathematician

whose expertise is the geometry...

of high explosives

inside a fission bomb.

Exact three men you would need

if you wanted to build a bomb.

- Grushkov would have us believe--

- Grushkov's a liar.

Milinov is not sick. Orlov hasn't

taken a vacation in years.

And Spassky, who's supposed to have

died driving a car, doesn't drive.

They have no idea

where these guys are.

I'm dying to ask you

how you know that.

Secure source inside the Kremlin.

Code name: Spinnaker.

He gives me stuff.

I give him stuff.

We keep the back channels open

in hopes of staving off disaster.

And speaking of disaster,

did you call your girlfriend yet?

No. I haven't figured out how

I'm gonna dig myself out of this.

Listen. Call her up

and invite her...

to the White House

Correspondents' Dinner Sunday night.

It's the hottest ticket in town.

She'll love it.

That sounds great.

How do I get in?

Trust me.

I'll see you at the car.

Still loving your desk job?

Yeah, I am.

How's your Russian?

It still works.


Three Russian nuclear scientists

are missing.

I need to know where they are.

I thought I wasn't

doing this anymore.

I just need information

this time,Johnny.

Your orders are on the plane.

Wheels up at 2330.

Have a nice flight.

Sunday night at 8:00

at the Hilton.

The tickets are under the name

of John Clark.

- You do have a tux?

- Yeah! Yes, sir.

My beautiful wife, Julie...

is from New Jersey--

15 electoral votes.

And is, as you know,

half Jewish...

so we'll take Florida's

25 electoral votes and divide by two.

- This is a nice hotel.

- Yeah, it's beautiful.

My friend Rita stayed here once.

She said it was real nice.

Maybe after dinner, we can--

- I don't know. We could get a room.

- I already did.

She reminds me that I have

publicly acknowledged...

- No, you didn't.

- Yes, I did.

I did, on a handful of occasions,

smoke marijuana.


54 electoral votes.

At approximately 0600, Moscow time,

the Russians launched...

a massive artillery strike against

Grozny, the capital of Chechnya.

The shells contained

an experimental chemical weapon...

known as the Novichok

binary nerve agent.

On those infrared sat photos, you

can see saturation took 20 minutes.

After which, every man,

woman and child...

inside a radius of 12 miles

was rendered helpless...

by symptoms approximating

acute, late-stage cerebral palsy.

How many dead?

Best guess, 80 percent.

Which means,

Nemerov just launched...

the most massive attack

in the history of chemical warfare.

Let's talk response.

-Worst thing we could do is nothing.

-I agree.

Let him get away with chemical

weapons, what's next? Biological?


Okay. Short of gassing the Kremlin,

what's our strongest response?

- We send in peacekeepers.

- Chechnya's not sovereign.

They requested recognition,

so we recognize them.

Not full diplomatic recognition.


Then we get the Chechens to request

emergency international assistance.

- And we send in peacekeepers.

- How do you get them in there?

- Fly them in from Turkey.

- Over Armenian airspace?

To screw Russia,

they won't complain.

Let's do it.

Nemerov can choke on it.


Dr. Ryan.

- Yes, sir?

- What do you think?

Mr. President, conventional wisdom

would suggest that Nemerov...

is playing the traditional

Russian role--

be aggressive,

flex your muscles...

dare the world to stop you.

But Nemerov isn't conventional.

He walks like a hard-liner,

talks like a hard-liner.

Yes, but with all due respect,

I don't think he is one.

He gassed another country's capital.

With all due respect, you're wrong.

Why are we wasting our time?

What if he didn't order the attack?

What if Nemerov

didn't order the attack?

What if it was...

a rogue general

or a splinter military unit...

frustrated they couldn't get

their rebels out of the city?

Have you any reason to believe

he didn't order it or are you...

just floating this?

You don't know.

I don't think he did it, sir.

I would bet he didn't do it.

If I could ask senior staff

to remain behind, please.

Roger, we have to interrupt because

we're going back to Moscow...

where Russia's newly installed

president, Alexander Nemerov...

has just begun

to address the state.

Wejoin him in progress.

For ten years now,

we have contended--

Excuse me, sir?

Would you mind turning that up?


every nation has a right

to defend itself.

This terrorism must end.

The bombing of Chechnya

was my decision.

Nice goin', ace.

Who did it?

General Pildysh, General Mitkin.

Unhappy old Communists.


- Relieve them of command.

- I will shoot them myself.

Just disappear them.

Their execution would tell the world

I didn't have control.

These days, better to appear guilty

than impotent.

And how is our Russian friend

affected by this?

I am not affected.

I remain devoted

to our little plan.

At what you're charging us,

I am not surprised.

- And the American?

- Mr. Mason is a believer.

I put a little extra

in the escrow account for him.


Because he won't live

long enough to receive it.

Where is the package?

It left Haifa a week ago.

I'm told these things

can kill you.

But so much has changed.

Perhaps the new situation...

suggests we consider

a different approach?

Maybe try to bring Russia...

more into Europe,

more into our way of thinking.

We have discussed that,

Monsieur Monceau.

And with your concurrence,

rejected it.

Oh, perhaps we were hasty.

Perhaps our plan is--

Is what?

Well, not perfectly conceived.

Well, I respect the will

and judgment of my friends.

But in light of the week's events,

I am grown...

uncomfortable with this plan.

So I must beg your leave.


Herr Haft will help you out.

Your scarf, Monsieur.

Mason, would you watch it with that?

You're gonna kill someone.

Yo, what's up, Mason?

I always wanted to ask you.

Where'd you get that tat, man?

The navy.

Navy? I was in the navy.

Hospital ship, six years. You?

Eight months.

Oh. You wash out?

All right, brother.

You have a good one.

Yeah, brother.

You've got to realize

the Russian world is watching...

and they're gonna take the cue

from us and what we--

The unprecedented attack

on Chechnya...

signals a dangerous and troubling

shift in Russian policy.

It demands the toughest and most

unambiguous response from the West.

NA TO forces are on their way to

Chechnya to serve as peacekeepers...

and to provide desperately

needed humanitarian relief.

Victims of this monstrous--

I expected this.


What will you do?


We will do nothing.

These are four hours old. Russian

12th, 15th and 2nd tank regiments.

They haven't moved.

Why haven't they moved?

- Nemerov's too smart to move tanks.

- He speaks.

Jack, look. Nemerov's got,

like, what, 19,000 tanks?

- No way NATO can match that.

- That's why he won't move them.

It's a chess game.

He's thinking three moves ahead.

He knows he has

more tanks than we do.

NATO says the only way to stop them

is by using tactical nuclear weapons.

And there's no way he wants to risk

a nuclear war over this.

I also think he's

sending us a message.

He didn't bomb Grozny.

Excuse me.

I'm looking for Mrs Spassky.

At the end of the corridor.

I haven't seen Sasha since university.

And you were his teaching assistant?

Strange, I don't remember you.

When he heard I was in Arzamas,

he asked me to look in on you.

- He says he'll take me to the West.

- That would require a lot of money.

Just because the imbeciles here pay

him nothing doesn't mean others won't.

He has a secret job.

For the government?

For imbeciles with money.

Same nonsense, do this, don't do that.

They even told him

not to call his mother.

The pigs.

I could die any day

and he can't phone his mother.

But my Sasha, he called.

Just last night.

Clark got us her number.

NSA collected records of all calls

made to that number and traced it...

back to here, an abandoned Soviet

army base outside Cherkassy...

on the Kremenchug Reservoir.

What are three Russian atomic

scientists doing in Ukraine?

Fair guess,

they're building a bomb.

Nemerov has thousands of bombs.

Why does he need

to build a secret one?


Build one nobody knows about.

He could drive it to Chechnya

in the trunk of his Beemer.

No way to track it.

No way to trace it.

And he could set it off, sit back

and say, ''I didn't do it.''

With all due respect, sir,

I don't think that adds up.

It adds up. You just don't like

what it adds up to.

Ah, the warmth of plutonium decay.

It's completely corroded.

At least you're wearing gloves.

Anyone want to light up

an American cigarette?

You're crazy.

I'm going out.

The explosive blocks

must be replaced...

and machined to a thousandth

of a millimeter...

in a mathematically

determined configuration.

Do we have a bomb?

First, we must analyze the yield--


do we have a bomb?


Yes, we do.

This is a test.


Answer it.

- Answer it.

- You sure?




Yes, sir.

I have to go outside

for just a second.

Okay? I'll be right back.

I'll be right back.

One second.

I write reports.

I reviewed your military records.

You can take care of yourself.

Yes, sir, but

I'm not trained for that.

I'm asking you to be my eyes and

ears, not an operations officer.

I can't go.

So, this isn't sanctioned.

Give this to Clark, see what

he finds out, bring it home.

Yes, sir.

We never had this discussion.

What discussion?

Okay. Clark?

This is three days ago,

and it shows vehicles here...

guards here and here.

I oughta get one of those.

The infrared satellite, in position

34 hours ago, took this photograph.

It shows guards here and here.

I don't even have E-mail.

Two more at the checkpoint.

Between two and five in the

barracks, two with the package.

- Which we believe to be here.

- No problem.

Give me a couple of guys,

a box of tranquilizer darts.

If we're lucky,

we can be out in six minutes.

- Actually, there is a problem.

- What's that?

This is yesterday.

No guards visible at all.

And why is that a problem,

Mr. Ryan?

For two reasons.

Either we can't see 'em,

which is bad...

or, worse, they left,

and we're too late.

Suit up.

- What?

- You can't go dressed like that.

No, no. Besides, I'm an analyst.

I don't go on the,

you know, missions.

Relax, 00 7, it's not a mission.

It's just a recce.

Fine. Whatever you call it, I don't

do that. I just write reports.

Okay. So write a report about it.

Suit up!

Clark, no!

Cabot tells me you got my ticket

to the correspondents' dinner.

Have a good time?

Never been to one of those.

Was actually looking forward to it.

Clark, no.

- I'm not going in there.

- Goddamn right, you're not.

You'll stay and make sure nobody

steals my boat. Be right back.


Oh, God. Immigration

didn't call you guys, huh?

I'm sorry. You speak English?

I don't speak Ukrainian. You?

I know this doesn't look good.

I'm an American citizen. My papers--

Okay, no papers.

Please, just put the gun down.

All right?

The light.

Put the light down.

Okay, okay. Take it easy.

I'll put the light down.

Here we go.

I'm putting it down.

Shoot him, Ryan.

Shoot him.

Shoot him before he figures out

what I'm saying.

- Get their shoes.

- What?

Tell them

to take their shoes off.

- You speak Ukranian.

- Yeah.

You don't?

Whatever it is they were

spray-painting was big.

About the size of a fridge.

The imprint it left was deep,

so we know three things--

it was heavy...

something was radioactive...

and now it's gone.

- One of them spoke English?

- South African.

Okay, so the question is...

what's a South African

doing in the Ukraine...

with three Russian scientists

and a crate from Israel?

Tell Cabot

I'll call him from Haifa.

I have a feeling

you'd better hurry.

Most people believe

the 20th century was defined...

by the death struggle

of communism versus capitalism...

and that fascism

was but a hiccup.

Today we know better.

Communism was a fool's errand.

The followers of Marx,

gone from this earth.

But the followers of Hitler

abound and thrive.

Hitler, however,

had one great disadvantage.

He lived in a time

when fascism, like a virus--

like the AIDS virus--

needed a strong host

in order to spread.

Germany was that host.

But, strong as it was,

Germany could not prevail.

The world was too big.


the world has changed.

Global communications,

cable TV...

the Internet.

Today the world is smaller...

and a virus does not need

a strong host in order to spread.

This virus...

is airborne.

One more thing.

Let no man call us crazy.

They called Hitler crazy,

but Hitler wasn't crazy.

He was stupid.

You don't fight

Russia and America.

You get Russia and America

to fight each other...

and destroy each other.

So what'd you find?

Ukraine doesn't have a thriving

export economy, but it's on-line.

I pulled up every shipping manifest

for the past two weeks.

The only crate

the size of that imprint...

was picked up at Kiev International

ten days ago...

and flown to the Canary Islands.

I can't find Cabot. The Air Force

has a nuclear assessment team.

Call them and tell them--

It got put on a cargo freighter

headed for the East Coast.

- What?

- Baltimore, Jack.

It's coming here.

It's another spectacular view

from the Budweiser blimp...

as we count down to game time.

We'll have all the rest

of the pregame festivities...

as well as the arrival of the

nation's number-one football fan...

in just a moment.

Then conquer we must

For our cause it is just

And this be our motto

In God is our trust

And the star-spangled banner

Forever shall wave

O'er the land of the free

Then give me the duty officer!

And the home

Of the


Ladies and gentlemen...

the president

of the United States...

Robert Fowler.

Show time.


Fifteen-yard penalty.

First down.

That's the way!






Yeah? Cabot.

It's Ryan.


The bomb is in play!

Dillon's called the AFRA Tteam.

They're meeting me at the docks in

20 minutes to see if we can find it.

Docks? What docks?

- Baltimore.

- You're breaking up.

What did you say?

I'm losing you.

I'll call you back--



John! Reggie!

- Let's go! Let's go!

- Excuse me! Excuse me!

Let's go! Let's go!

Step back!

Go, go, go, go! Move! Move!

- What's going on?

- Sir, stay down.

The Russian scientists

have been working on a bomb.

Nuclear. It arrived

in Baltimore this morning.

- Get those people out of the stadium!

- We're on it! Stay down!

All we know is,

the president has been taken off--

- All set.

- Thanks,J.J.

Clearly something has happened

of tremendous proportion.

We have no word yet

or confirmation as to what...

but there is

an enormous cloud over--

Go, go, go!

Come with me!

Mr. President! Mr. President!

Are you all right?

He's stuck! He's stuck!

Get out of the way!

Mr. President,

are you all right?

Are you all right, Mr. President?

The marines will take you home, sir.

I need your help, Danny.

Alvarez, get me a stretcher!


You got the stretcher?

You got the stretcher?

- No, I don't want one.

- Okay.

Let's go, let's go!

Let's go!

Move it!

Move it, move it!

Go, go! Close the mouth!

Got 'em!

Mr President...

There's been a nuclear explosion in

America. You must come with us now.


We don't know who or how.

But it wasn't us.

After Grozny you hope it wasn't us.

We are drafting

a strong denial for you.

And a statement of sympathy.

And Yuri... order all military

on the alert.

Hey! It's Ryan!

-Jack, where are you?

- I don't know.

Somewhere outside Baltimore.

- Cabot got the president out.

- Where's the president now?

They're taking him airborne.

He's on NAOC.

- Why?

- They think it may be the Russians.

It wasn't the Russians.

I gotta talk to Cabot. Can you

patch me through to the plane?

Cabot's not aboard.

We don't know where he is.

Can you call back in an hour?

We don't have an hour!

Fowler will want to show how tough

he is. He's gonna hit back, now!

Listen to me.

We must prove it wasn't the Russians

before he's convinced it is.

- Can you get back to Langley?

- There's no time!

There must be

a command post on site.

The radiation assessment team--

where are they?

Stambler Tunnels,

south of the city.

Stambler Tunnels,

south of the city.

The prevailing winds are blowing

the fallout from east to north.

As long as you stay south,

you're okay.

- Mr. President, are you all right?

- How the hell do you think I am?

- How many casualties?

- We don't know.

Cabot said it was Russian.

How did it get in there?

We don't know. Radar didn't

pick it up, so it wasn't a missile.

How is Cabot?

Where is he?

I don't know.

- Well, what do you know?

- I don't know!

- All right.

- I don't know, for Christ's sake!

General, Prozain and Kondor

are not on board.

Mr. President, I recommend

that we move to DEFCON 2.

Where's our intelligence?

Russian air defenses have

moved to their highest level.

Maybe they're afraid of an attack. I

can't get this goddamned chair to open!

- Sir, DEFCON status?

- We're about to take off.

- We don't know who did it.

- We think Russia's at high alert.

- Excuse me. You think?

- Sir? DEFCON 2?

We're groping in the dark--

This is too much

goddamn bullshit!

Not enough fact.

The blast crater is about 100,

maybe 150 yards wide...

which suggests

a relatively low-yield device.

Quite a bit smaller than,

say, the Hiroshima bomb.

Maybe a quarter of a square mile

around the stadium is just gone.

Beyond that, buildings remain...

although heavily damaged

for another quarter mile or so.

The damage appears to taper off

further away from ground zero.

Herr Haft has left for America.

And now we are counting on you.

I assure you,

I will earn every pfennig.


You've heard of the bomb in the USA.

What you haven't heard

is that 15 minutes ago

an American ICBM hit Moscow.

We are to retaliate against an American

aircraft carrier in the North Sea.

Man your aircraft.

The ash isn't radioactive, and winds

are blowing the fallout to sea.

Jack Ryan, CIA.

Lorna Shiro. You need to wait

outside with everybody else.

I don't think so. I need to know

everything you know about the bomb.

Look, pal, we're collecting samples

and analyzing the debris...

so take a number, get in line,

and we'll have the report tomorrow.

Captain, I don't have time for this.

Where did this bomb come from?

I'll settle for where it didn't

come from, but I need to know now...

otherwise there may not

be a tomorrow.


Wesson, where are you?

About a quarter mile

from ground zero.

I think this is about

as far as we go.

Our feet are sizzling.

I'm getting rads here

nearly the limit of our gear.

Okay, cut the rover loose

and get the hell out of there.

Roger that.

The crate the bomb was shipped in--

somebody signed for it at the port.

Customs must have a database.

Get me a name.

- And where's Cabot?

- No one knows.

We're checking the hospitals.

- Have you tried Memorial?

- He wouldn't be there.

No, I mean, is it still--

It's Cathy's hospital.

As far as I know it's still there.

But the phones are down.

Can you keep checking for me?


They could've launched

a cruise missile.

DSP sats might've missed it.

- We don't know this is Russia.

- But we don't know it's not.

If they were sending us a message,

like ''Stay out of Chechnya''...

the whole point would be

for us to know it was them.

Except that they could inspire the

confusion we're going through now.

Mr. President, we're uplinked.

President Nemerov,

a short time ago...

there was a major nuclear event

on the Eastern Seaboard of the US.

Loss of life is severe.

- It was no accident.

- It was not an accident.

We don't yet know where

it came from, we don't--

We have not yet ascertained

the source of this weapon.

Rest assured--

But rest assured those responsible

will be dealt with most severely.

He's fishing.

Send our reply.

Whoa, that was a little fast.

''Please accept the deepest

sympathies of the Russian people.

If it was deliberate,

this is a crime without precedent.

What madman would do such a thing,

and for what purpose?

You must believe Russia had nothing

to do with this infamous act.''

It's canned.

They prepared that in advance.

President Nemerov, we have no reason

to suspect Russian involvement...

at this time.

...but we will protect ourselves

from further aggression.

He thinks we did this.

We must demonstrate

the strength of our weapons.

They have to understand that

attacking Russia would be suicide.

Increase the alert status.

TAO, EW. I'm picking up

intermittent radar bearing 020.


Now it's gone.

- There! It's a weak signal.

- Low on the horizon.


Inbound contact!

Multiples on the same bearing!

- Vampire! Vampire!

- Fast movers inbound!

I got seven, eight--

nine of them!

The missiles came

from Russian aircraft.

Grennel thinks he can save the ship,

but flight ops are definitely out.

I ordered no such attack.

You must not respond to this action...

''...until we investigate

all possibilities.''

Like you did in Chechnya?

Mr. President, who is in control

of your armed forces?

You dropped the bomb on Hiroshima.

You dropped the bomb on Nagasaki.

Do not lecture me on Chechnya.

Mr. President...

we are now at a de facto

state of war with the Russians.

John Clark

was in Haifa yesterday.

I don't know where he is today,

but he may have something. Find him.

Check out

that gadolinium reading.

Yeah, the mass fraction is huge.

Okay, connect me to Dillon.

I'll hold.

There it is.

- Savannah River.

- Oh, yeah.

-''Oh, yeah'' what?

-Always had that gadolinium problem.

Hanford does it another way.

They always generate

too much promethium.

Hold on. Can you

translate that into English?

This plutonium came from

the DOE plant at Savannah River...

February of'68,

from ''K'' reactor.

You can even tell

which part of''K'' reactor.

Wait, this is our plutonium?

Made in the USA.

You gotta find Cabot.

Are you advocating

we launch a first strike?

It is not a first strike!

There's already been a first strike,

and a second!

- Don't you get it?

- No, I don't!

I don't understand why we have

to nuke them! It's not reasonable!

Sidney, goddamn it!

They practically sank

an aircraft carrier!

Their missile silos are hot.

We're getting nothing

but bullshit from Nemerov.

And let's not forget

how this thing started.

They tried to kill me!


So don't fucking tell me

to be reasonable.




The president.

The president's fine.

He's fine.

The bomb.

The plutonium was--

- Wife.

- What?


Your wife.

I'm sure she's fine.

She's in DC.

The blast radius wasn't that--

wasn't that wide.


Sir, now listen to me.

The plutonium was ours.

John Clark's in Haifa right now

trying to find the arms dealer.

I can't get a hold of him...

and I don't know what to do.


She works in Baltimore, so...

I don't know.






Yeah,Jack, just got in. We found

the receiver address for the crate.

Yeah, Port of Baltimore.

Can you get to the docks?


Find the Trans-Con warehouse.

The name on the manifest is Mason.

Sorry, I need this truck.

Come on.


Come on!

- We've come up with an alternative.

- We'll counterforce.

A conventional attack

on the Russian air base...

where the carrier attack


It's what we're looking for--

a measured response.

None nuclear.

- Is it strong enough?

- Smart bombs and F-16s.

Pretty goddamn strong.

Can't afford for them

to see us as weak.

They've gotta know we have the guts

to take it to the next level.

I think they'll

get that message.

Hit 'em.

Eagle's Nest, this is Eagle One.

We have target acquired.

Target is lit.


To make no response

is to invite a greater attack.

American submarines from Norfolk

and Kings Bay are putting to sea.

They carry Trident D3 missiles.

A first strike weapon.

Fowler is not so insane

as to launch a first strike.

Perhaps he doesn't think

it's the first strike.

Once their Stealth bombers go up,

we will have no choice.

That will be the sign.

How do we convince him

not to launch his bombers?

- Maybe we should...

- Bring our missiles to highest alert.

They'd be crazy to attack then.

Everyone, can I have your attention?

The generator has gone out.

I don't want anyone to move because

there's broken glass everywhere.

We'll get back to you--

Good. Okay, stay where you are.

We're going to get you one by one.

Sir, can you hear me?

Can you feel

your arms and legs?

We're gonna take care of you.

What do you got?

What do we do with the ones

we know won't make it?

Whatever we can.


Bill Cabot died.

I'm really sorry.

This can't be happening.

Sir, you have a call

from Langley.

Thank you.

- Becker.

- This is Jack Ryan, Russian desk.

Oh, great.

The Nemerov apologist.

Sir, this bomb was not Nemerov.

I know this guy.

That's what you said

after Grozny, Mr. Ryan.

- Put it in your report.

- The plutonium came from--

Seems unusual to find radiation

poisoning all the way out here.

I have never myself

seen such a thing.

That is why we published the case

on the Internet-- to seek help.

How did he say it happened?

He will not talk about it.

Was anyone else exposed to

the materials that made you sick?

Mr. Ghazi, I'm not the police.

I'm a physician. Anything you

say to me stays between us.

My friend and I...

find bomb.

We sell...

to man who buys such things.

Was it this man?

Other people may have come

in contact with that bomb.

I am...

going to die...



His name...

is Olson.

He lives in Damascus.

Oh, yeah.

We're getting it all.

A nuclear strike on Colorado Springs

would take out NORAD.

It would limit their ability

to launch a counter-attack.

How many people live

in Colorado Springs?

Three or four hundred thousand.

Mr President, to use nuclear weapons

against the Americans...

...would be to cross a threshold.

They think we already have. Should

we now wait for them to annihilate us?

I cannot stop what I did not start.

Mr. President, we need you

to initiate SNAPCOUNT.

What happens then?

We prepare to take out

their land-based missiles...

with a massive nuclear strike...

find and kill their subs...

knock out whatever planes

they have on the ground...

and mobilize to destroy the ones

they already have in the air.

What are our chances?


Odds are...

we leave Nemerov

in a pretty pickle.

He'll be left with, at best,

a few hundred nukes--

the ones we can't find.

Mostly the smaller, more mobile,

less-accurate kind.

All he can do with those

is target our cities.

But he knows

to an absolute certainty...

that we will respond

against his cities.

I spent my entire adult life

wanting to be president.

This is my presidency.

Sir, I believe

he'll keep his 300 nukes.

It's still a credible deterrent

against some future aggressor.

He'll push back from the table

and call it a night.

I'm giving the order


Maximum readiness.

Jack, we're in Olson's files.

He shows wire payments of $45

million from someone named Dressler.

Dillon, run Dressler.

Find out who he is.

-Jack, I want you out of there.

- I'm at the docks. Somebody's here.

- Try to find the name ''Dressler.''

- No!Jack, get out of there.

Dillon, call the Baltimore PD,

give them the address. Hurry.

-Jack, wait for the cops.

- I'll call you back.


Who's Dressler? Huh?

Where is he, goddamn it?

Where is Dressler?


Get your hands up!

- Where's Dressler?

- Are you Jack Ryan?

- Where's Dressler? Tell me!

- Let him go.

- Let him go.

- Where's Dressler?

Where is he?

Langley said you might

need some help.

I gotta get to the Pentagon.

I think I can

help you with that.

Mr President.

Their Stealth bombers

have left Aviano.

That is the sign.

Shoot them down.

God protect us.

The Russians

are scrambling their fighters.

We are out of time.

- He has a heart condition.

- Get a doctor.

- Mr. President.

- David, where's your nitro?

- I said get a doctor in here!

- Mr. President.

- Take him to my quarters.

- Bring him the launch codes.

Okay, Dressler's an Austrian

manufacturer, a billionaire.

His father was executed

at Nuremberg.

Five years ago he bought himself

a seat in parliament.

Then he got himself booted out for

saying nice things about the Nazis.

Get me the president.

- I can't.

- Come on! Get me through!

They're into SNAPCOUNT.

There's no way in.


- I can do that for you.

- No, it's fine.

- Got some dirt on the card.

- May I see that card, sir?

We're on a high alert.

Put the card down, please.

- Back off.

- I am ordering you--

- Hold on.

- Take a step back, now!

I am ordering you to take

a step back immediately, sir.

General, there's a Dr. Ryan

from the CIA.

He wants to enter NMCC.

He's unescorted, sir.

- What's he want?

- You, sir.

Sir, my name is Jack Ryan.

I have an urgent message

from Director Cabot...

that I need to transmit

over the hot line immediately.

- What's your authorization?

- I don't have an authorization.

- Then where's Cabot?

- Cabot's dead, sir.

I just need to get

this information sent. Please.

Not without authorization.

Get him out of here.

Wait a minute! General!

The president's basing his decisions

on some really bad information...

and if you shut me out...

your family and my family

and 25 million other families...

will be dead in 30 minutes!

My orders are to get

the right information...

to the people

who make the decisions.

I just need to send

some information.

What makes you think the president

will even listen to you?

He doesn't have to.

How close are the bombers?

They're slipping in and out of radar

over Poland.

Activate the missile regiments.

You have about a minute for

the launch sequence to process...

after you give the order.

Before the order can be taken,

an ID check must be performed.

Mine is the--

My number is the...

third number down

from the top.

Your order, sir?


I'm sorry, sir?

I give the order to strike.

Under the two-man rule, the order

to strike must now be confirmed.

Bob, for the love of God--

Just do it.

Sidney Owens, Secretary of State.

It's the fourth number down.

The order to strike has now been

confirmed by the two-man rule.

NMCC, this is Lasseter.

The strike order has been confirmed.

-Start the sequence.

-We've got activity on the hot line.

- They've had their chance.

- Somebody's talking to the Kremlin.

As you can imagine...

there has been

much confusion here...

and fear.

But we know the weapon

was not Russian.

''We know the weapon was not Russian.

Repeat. The weapon was not Russian.''

What the hell is going on?

Type exactly what I say.

Who are we talking to?

Ryan. I met you in Moscow

with Bill Cabot.

He died today in Baltimore.

Cut him off.

- We can't.

- Launch sequence has begun.

Two months ago,

a neo-fascist named Dressler...

bought an A-bomb

on the black market.

- Cut him off.

- You can't. That's the whole idea.

Then get somebody to stop him.

He paid three disaffected

Russian scientists...

''to make the bomb active.

He shipped it to the US,

where a man named Mason...''

was hired to deliver the bomb

to the target...

and set our countries

on a collision course.

This is madness. He is CIA.

We cannot hang our fate

on the word of their spy.

What is the harm of listening

a bit more?

What are you asking of me?

Back down.

What guarantee do I have that

President Fowler will follow suit?


You see? He is wasting time.

We must launch now.

We have only moments.

Sir, I know you.

I know you had nothing to do

with the Baltimore bomb...

and you sure as hell

know you didn't.

But you're still about to launch

a nuclear strike against us.

- Yes, sir.

- It's no longer about Baltimore.

- Now it's about our fears.

- That's all, Dr. Ryan.

- Move away.

- Fear of being weak, of mistakes.

Fear of the other guy that built

these bombs in the first place!

It stopped.

They cut him off.

They are going to strike.

Prepare the launch orders now.

Thirty seconds to launch.

Oh, my God.

Mr. President.

We will maintain our defensive alert

for the moment...

but our offensive forces

are withdrawn.

''If you match our move, I propose

a phased mutual stand-down...

over the next five hours.''

Stop the launch sequence.

Lasseter here.

Flash override.

Stop the sequence.

Stop the sequence.

Order the planes to stand down.

Take us to DEFCON 3.

And would somebody ask Mr. Ryan

if I can use the phone now?

You're still here.

There is no more fitting memorial...

for those who perished

in this tragedy...

than the steps

we have taken this week...

toward a multinational campaign...

to root out and eliminate

weapons of mass destruction.

We embark upon this course...

because we have finally learned,

at far too great a cost...

that if the most powerful weapons

ever created are unleashed...

they will be fired not in anger,

but in fear.

Dr. Ryan.

Mr. Grushkov.

It is a lovely day.


- Oh, I'm sorry. This is--

- Dr. Muller.

How do you do?

Nice to meet you.

Why am I not surprised

that you know her name?

Our friend William

thought I was a spy.

Of course,

he could never prove it.

He never told me

you were friends.

Perhaps he didn't know you

well enough.

Cabot did tell me

he had a source in Russia.

To keep the back channels open?

In hopes of

staving off disaster.

President Kennedy said,

''Our most basic common link...

is that we all inhabit

this small planet.

We all breathe the same air.

We all cherish...

our children's future.

And we are all mortal. ''

I will miss...

so very much

talking to William.

Me too.


from time to time...

you and I can talk.

I'd like that.

What is this?

A modest gift...

for your engagement.

He just asked me this morning.

We haven't told anybody about--

How did you...

How could you possibly know?