The Spider (1958) - full transcript

When a man doesn't come home one night his daughter and her boyfriend go out searching and encounter a giant spider in a cave near the man's wrecked car. Coming back with the Sheriff, the spider is seemingly killed by DDT spraying, and the body then hauled for storage in the high school gymnasium. However, a loud dose of rock music by a teenage garage band revives the arachnid and sends it rampaging through the town.



Hey, Carol, wait.

Hi, Mike.

Hey, wake up.
This is Mike, remember?

The boy
with the golden heart

and the memory
of an elephant.

Look, I remembered, see?

Happy birthday, Carol.


Well, aren't you going
to open it?

Not now.

What's wrong?

It's dad.

He didn't come
home last night.

So what? You know
it doesn't mean a thing.

I mean, you know
how he is.

What do you mean
I "know how he is"?

Nothing. I...

Now, where didn't he come
home from last night?

Well, he went to
Springdale yesterday

to buy me a present.

He said
he'd be back

before dinner
last night,

but he still hasn't
come back yet.

Well, that doesn't
mean a thing, Carol.

I mean, it isn't
the first time.

You're mean, Mike.

And I don't want

your silly present
either. Here!

The electrons jump from
one electrode to the other

because of the difference
in the electrical potential

between the 2 poles.

This one is
the negative pole,

from which
electricity flows

to the positive pole.

We call
the positive pole what?


The negative pole?



If the voltage
applied to these electrodes

is increased
to a greater amplitude,

the electrical arc,
in turn, will be greater.

The larger the arc becomes,
the more dangerous it is

to anything that may be
placed in its path.

And one thing
to remember is

that the flow
of electrons is always

from the negative
to the positive.

The reason for this
is that the positive pole

has higher
electrical potential.

Now, in a simple
voltaic cell,

the positive electrode
is made of copper.

The negative, of zinc.

A similar experiment to
the one we conducted here

was recently carried out
at Wisconsin Tech

using a voltage many
thousands of times greater,

which produced a spark
closely simulating

actual lightning.

It isn't the voltage
that creates the hazard.

It's the amount
of current flow.

If a man were to come
in contact with

a high voltage without
a direct path to ground,

it's probable that
he wouldn't be harmed.

However, if the circuit's
complete at the ground,

the current will
flow unhampered

and cause him
to be electrocuted.

Now, for our
next experiments...

If Mike, Carol,
and Joe

have finished
their business.

I can't blame people
for what they think.

Even mother says
he must have run

into some of his
old cronies

and stayed in town.

He had his paycheck
with him.

I know it isn't true.

Not this time.

He promised
he'd be back.

I know something's
happened to him.

Sure it did.

Maybe he ran
out of gas.

He'd never meet
anybody on this road.

Hold everything.
What do you call that?

Rubbery stuff.
I don't get it.

Stuck to the tree
up there and...

It's pitched
across the highway

just between 2 trees.

Who would do
a thing like that?

I don't know.

I don't even know
what this stuff is.

You know, it looks like

there's been an accident
around here or something.

That figures.

A guy driving
along last night

hits this thing stretched
across the highway


Cracks it up.

See the glass?

Wouldn't do too good
for Joe's tires, would it?

You know, maybe
that's what happened

to your old man.

Where is he now?

Oh, I wouldn't
worry about that, Carol.

He's probably hanging
around some garage

waiting for a busted
fender to get fixed.

"To Carol
with love, dad."

Ok, so he dropped it
when the accident happened.

What of it?

If he was all right,

he wouldn't leave
it laying here.

And if he was
in a garage,

he'd call mother
and let her know.

What's that
down there?

Just an old
pickup truck.

That's what dad
was driving.

It's dad's!

Good thing he got
out of it in time.

What if he didn't?



Now, what good
will that do?

Well, if he's hurt,

he could still be
around somewhere.

That's right.
He could be,

but he isn't.

Unless he went
in the cave.

Oh, he wouldn't
go in there.

I never believed those
stories about the cave.

Maybe he doesn't either.

You know, it got
pretty cold last night.

Suppose he couldn't
walk far

and wanted to,
well, keep warm

until help came.

Come on, let's go
take a look.

Find anything, Mike?


Do you really think
he could be in there?

I... I don't know.

Wait a minute!

Maybe I better go
in. You wait here.

Oh, be careful.


You won't go
very far, will you?

People have gone in there
and never come out again.



I thought I told you
to stay outside.

Now, what's the idea
of following me?


I'm scared
of being alone.

Do you see
any sign of him?

Well, now,
he wouldn't be

right here in the open

if he wanted
to keep warm.

I'm going to go
a little further in.

I'm going with you.


It's no use.

He doesn't seem
to be in here either.

Oh, let's not give
up yet, please, Mike.

Who said anything
about giving up?

We're just
getting started.

This cave is supposed
to go way back

into that mountain








How will we ever find
him in a place this big?

Mike? Lets go
this way.







Oh, Mike!

Mike, I think
we better go back.

I think
you're right.

But I... I can't
go without...

All right.

We might as well look a
little further, I guess.

Mike, I can't see.


Are you ok, Carol?

I think so.

What is this
thing we fell in?

I don't know.

It's sticky, though.

How do we get loose?

I know. I can't.

It's just
like glue!

You know...

It's like
that ropey stuff

we found up
on the road.

What's that noise?

I don't know.

It's a regular
net we're on.

You know that?

There it is again.

Mike! What is it?



Come here!

Hurry, please!

I can't say for sure
without having it analyzed.

But, it does look like

a large piece
of natural silk.

What did
we tell you?

But that doesn't
necessarily prove

there's a giant spider.

That part's pretty
hard to swallow.

But we saw it!

Believe me, my son
is not in the habit

of lying,
Mrs. Kingman.

That isn't
what Helen meant.

Whether we believe
their story, or not.

The man to see about it
is the sheriff.

Yeah, sure, see
the sheriff.

We did.

He didn't
believe them.

Sheriff's office.

Oh, yes, Mr. Kingman.

What can I do for you?

Oh, don't go yet.

It's only
a high school teacher.

Well, you know
these teenagers

as well as I do,
Mr. Kingman.

Yeah, what will
they pull next, huh?

Ha ha ha! Spiders!

I told them
to bring me one

and I'd believe it.

I can't say
I blame you, sheriff.

Naturally, I didn't call
you up to get you

to investigate
abnormal insect life.

But, Flynn's still
missing, I believe.

The youngsters found
traces of him out there.

You may be doing
yourself a favor

if you looked into that.

You took the words right
out of my mouth, Mr. Kingman.

The fact
of the matter is,

I've got my deputy
Sanders out rounding up

a search party
right now.

Get half a dozen men.

Spencer, Haskell,
maybe old Jake.

Anyone else
that isn't busy.

Bring them here
and I'll swear them in.

Yeah, well, I'll need
those 2 kids with us

to point things out.

And, uh, if you want to come
along, too, that's fine.

Oh, don't you worry.
We'll bring rifles,

in case we run
into that spider!

Anything else
on your mind?

Well, speaking
of spiders,

are you sure rifles
are just the thing?

Insects have
a pretty simple

nervous system,

You could plug holes
in one all day

and never hit
a vital spot.

If you want to be
on the safe side,

call the pest control
people in Springdale.

Have them send out all
the DDT they can find.


Ha ha ha!
A giant spider!

What next?

Well, bring your
bug juice and let's go.

Say, what are
we using it on?

Does it make
any difference?

Well, I've got
to mix the DDT

according to what
you want killed.

What do I tell him,

Uh, spiders?

A 2 to 4% solution
is the usual dose.

Make it 50.

Which way, kids?

Straight ahead.

Some place.

Make a nice elk's hall,
you know that?

You think we'll find

that girl's pa
in here alive?

We might.

Spiders have a habit

of stunning their prey
with venom

and storing them
in a silk bag

until they're ready
to feed on them.

And they eat them up,
I suppose.

Not quite.

They drain the liquid
from their bodies,

leaving only
the skin and bones.

Man, what a mind
you've got.

All right,
let's look for Flynn.

And don't lose sight
of the man next to you.

No sense in anyone
getting lost.

Just a minute!

This is
a waste of time!

You know something?

I haven't seen
a spider yet.

And I don't
think we will.

You will if
he's still there!

It'd be just our luck,

if he'd moved
into the next county.

I don't think
you'll be disappointed.

There's something
in here, all right.

You naturally
expect to find

a certain amount
of wildlife in a cave.

Rats, mice, bats,
and so on.

But you don't.

They've been
frightened out.


No wildlife, eh,

That's about as big
as they come, I'd say.

I wouldn't handle it,
if I were you.

It might have rabies.

There. It's buried.

Want to say a few words
over it, sheriff?


It's her father.

Uh, when you
get back to town,

make out
a coroner's report.

Just put down,
Jack Flynn as the name.

And the cause
of death, uh...

It was the spider.

Drained all the
liquid out of his body.

Uh, just put down
cause unknown.

And let the coroner
worry about the rest.

That's the trouble
with you eggheads.

You jump
to conclusions.

I know what I see
and I see a dead man.

But, uh, I don't
see any spider.

We can do
something about that.


Where was the web?

Right through there.

Wait a minute! You don't
know what you're doing.

You... you can't
just walk in there.

Why not?
Ha ha ha!

Find any giant spiders,

Oh, shut up!

Get that DDT
in here, quick!

Here, you better
put these on.

I suggest you spray
that whole cavern,

so it will get him
when it comes back.

Don't leave!

Help me!


You think
it'd be better

if I talked to your
mother first?

No thanks.
I can do it.

I really
believe you can.

The box
with the bracelet.

Are you sure
you had it?

It was in this pocket.

Maybe I dropped it
in there.

You can't
go back there now.

The place
is full of gas.

We'll come back some
other time. Together.


Hey, Haskell.

When you
get back to town,

tell old Warren to
get right out here

and board this
entrance up.

Right, sheriff.

Well, if you do,

I'd suggest you put
a big, wide door in it.

The whole world is gonna
want to come here

and take a look at that
thing down there.

Well, what's your idea?

That the town should
charge admission?

That isn't what
I was thinking of.

You know what we eggheads
are like, sheriff.

We wanna know why this,
how come that,

what about the other.

That's a matter of
scientific interest

to find out what made
that creature tick.

Well, it's too late now.

It's dead.
The spider is.

But not the principle
that caused it to grow.

That's still for us
to discover.

Well, why bother?

We have to put
an end to it.

Otherwise, there may be
more giant spiders

coming into the world.

They may even
be hatching

from their eggs
in some remote spot,

right now.

You realize
how easy it would be

for them to overcome
us humans?

Then instead of
being the hunters,

we'd become the hunted.

They'd be our masters.

They'd live on us.

What would you suggest
the sheriff's office

of River Falls
do about it,

Mr. Kingman?

Bring that spider
up into the daylight

where it can be
studied properly.

Well, if you want
to do it, go ahead.

But leave me out.

It's not my job,

I don't want
any part of it.

Ok, sheriff.

Ugly creature,
isn't it?

I can think of more
suitable subjects

for my camera club
to take pictures of.

What are you gonna
do with 'em,

send 'em to the papers?

No, just
the opposite.

One big advantage
of living in an isolated

mountain community
like River Falls

is not having
reporters crawling

all over the place.

Yet. I'm going to send
these photographs

along with a complete
report to Dr. Bergin

at the state u.


Would you get me
some close-ups, please?

Oh, sure.

Good ole bergin.

I had him for biology
my junior year.

You know, I know exactly
what he's going to say.

Gentlemen, this is
a perfect specimen.

Exquisite. Exquisite.

I can't quite appreciate
the humor in it myself.

I saw it when it
was still alive.

I expect the university
is going to want it

for experiment
and dissection.

Frankly, I'll feel
relieved when they come

and take it
off my hands.

I can't say
I blame you.

It is a little unhandy.

It took a house mover
from Riverdale

to get it here.

Cost me half my savings.

Besides wanting
my money back,

I'd like to get
the high school board

off my neck.

Suppose the university
doesn't go for it?

They'd better.

You think I'm going
to all this bother

merely because
I've come across

a scientific wonder?

Not a bit.

Somewhere in that
hideous carcass

are the genes that
control organic growth.

Man had better find
out what made this

creature so big,
and find out fast,

or we're all
going to be

in pretty
serious trouble.

Usually, if nature
produces a freak,

it dies immediately.

Because it can't
adapt itself to life.

It's what we
ordinarily call

a bird spider.

But the wonder of it is,
it's perfect, Fraser.

Perfect in every detail.

Fraser, you hurt?

Are you sure
that thing is dead?

Sure, it's dead.

How come it kicked me?

It's just a muscular

Galvani's reaction,
it's called.

It often happens.

Not to me, it doesn't.

If it can do that
when it's dead,

I'd sure hate
to meet it

somewhere alive.

Heh heh heh.

Don't, Carol.

I can't help it,

I know.

I loved him, too.

I keep thinking
it was my fault.

How could it be?

It never would
have happened

if he hadn't gone
to get me that present.

Now, I've lost it.

You mustn't think
of it that way, Carol.

Why did I have to drop
it in that cave?

I wanted so much
to keep it, mother.

Forget about it
now, dear.

You have your
homework to get ready

for tomorrow.

Oh, and I forgot.

Mike called you twice

before you got
home from school

and said he would be
at his father's theater.

Oh, thanks, mother.

Hello, Mr. Simpson.

Can I talk to Mike?


You're wanted
on the phone.

Oh, ok, thanks.


Hi, Mike,
this is Carol.

You said you'd
take me out to the cave

to find the bracelet.

You don't mean
right now, do you?

If you can get away.

Please, Mike.

Carol, not today,

my dad just got in
a new picture

and I haven't
even seen it yet.

Something about
puppet people,

it sounds
pretty wild.


Ok, Carol, I think I can
borrow Joe's car again.

Only, don't come
by the house for me.

I don't want mother
to know I'm going out there.

All right, I'll be
down at the corner

in 15 minutes.

I'll be waiting.

I'll see ya, dad.
I got a date now.

Where will you be?

I said, where
will you be if I want you?


Hey, Joe.


Hey, um,

you remember that 5
bucks I loaned you?

Sure, it was
last Christmas,

and I paid it back.

All I mean is,
I'm your friend.

You know that,
don't you?

You want to borrow
5 bucks.

Oh, no, no.

Could Carol and
I use your wagon

for a couple of hours.


What's the big deal?

Well, what do you care?

Look, we're friends,
Joe. Just remember that.

Well, aren't you comin'
to the rehearsal?

Look, my mouth
is getting tired,

are we friends
or aren't we?

Ok, ok.

The car's
in the driveway,

you'll find
the keys in the...

Glove compartment,
where else?

Why do I have
so many friends?

Thanks, Joe.


Come on, Joe,
we got problems.

It's off-limits.
I told ya.

But we gotta get in,
the dance is tomorrow night.

Oh, the cats'll
have a blast

if we don't
swing solid.

Hey, let's get the janitor,
maybe he'll open the pad.

Not with Mr. 8-legs
still in there.

Well, they can't hang us
for trying, can they?


Hey, Hugo.


Who's callin'

Well, now, what's
the matter here?

We want in.

Gotta develop
our talents.

Ah, you'll have
to use the auditorium

till further notice.

Principal's orders.

No can do.

Drama class is there.

I can't help that.

Kingman was just
here checkin' up.

Told me particular
not to let nobody in.

Well, Kingman
didn't mean us.

He meant squares.

We're the coolest
zoologists in town.

No, siree.

The movin' people are
comin' here tonight

to move that thing
to the university.

You can rehearse all
you want to afterwards.

In the dead of night?

Hugo, we're only
little kids.

Mommy wouldn't let us.

Well, all right,
you monsters.

Now, I want you
to behave yourselves.

Don't muck
with that thing.

Dig that?

Or the first guy
who steps

on daddy long legs

is gonna hear from Hugo.



It's big, all right.

Hey, maybe
the drama class

is through
with the auditorium,

let's blow this place.
It gives me the creeps.

What is it, Superman?
Chickening out?

Well, certainly not.

Well, then let's
stop goofin' off, huh?

Now, guys, let's start
with the opening number

and don't go
to sleep on it.

Play with
everything you got.

Loud enough
to wake the dead, huh?

Play good and loud.


Hey, what goes
on here?

That's the drama class,
what else?

All right, either you
come in or get out.

But don't stand there
and scream.

We're rehearsin'.





Well, ok, let's go.



Hey, what's got
into you kids?

Beat it,
it's alive.

Hello? Hello!


It's the spider!
The spider!



Anyone comes for me,

I'll be
at Sanders' funeral.

I'll get it.

Great guy,
Pete Sanders was.

You've got plenty
to live up to.

Sheriff's office,
Cagle speaking.


All right, Mr. Kingman.

I'll meet you
at the school.

You stay here
and answer the phone.


What is it, art?

It'd be a good idea
if you stayed inside

the house
for a while.

Oh, and I was just
going to take the baby

for his check-up and do
some shopping for dinner.

Stay in the house,

No matter what.

I'll be back
as soon as I can.

Maybe somebody
held up the bank.

I don't
see anything.

Where are they running?

Get inside!

Take cover!

This is sheriff Cagle

How's that call
to the capital coming?

Well, hurry it up!
We want action here.

Get off the streets!

Hello? Hello.

Sheriff Cagle,
River Falls.


Get off the streets!

Hello? Hello?

I've been cut off.

Ok, sister.

Well, that's that. The long
distance lines are down.

I've got my
motorcycle out back.

How long would it
take you

to get to
Springdale on it?

Maybe an hour,
maybe less.

Go ahead. And get
the governor on the phone.

Tell him we've got to have
troops from Fort Brown.

Also, flame throwers
and artillery.

Tell him we need... DDT?

No good. That stuff
just stunned it.

All right, Dave,
on your way.

Wait, Dave!

All right, Dave,
go ahead.

Yeah, it's still too soon
for the troops to be here.

I know. I thought they
might fly a few men in

with whirly birds.

I'll give them time.

Hey, isn't that Jake?

Wait a minute, Jake!

Where to, Jake?

I'm evacuating.

That darn monster run me
out of house and home!

Which way
was it heading?

Towards Maple Street.
I've had it!

Maple street? Helen!

I think that's
just right now.

Come on,
just a little bit.



Oh, darling!

You'll be
all right, Helen.

It's gone away. Help
should be here soon.

Now, take it easy.
Just take it easy.


Any news from
Springdale yet?

Not a word.


Kingman says
the spider's

headed south, along
the old Higgins road.

At least
the town's safe.

Mike, will you help
me look for it?

Yeah, ok.

This isn't
getting us anywhere.

Why don't I buy you
another bracelet?

It wouldn't be
the same at all.

Besides, I'm broke.

Well, when was
the last time

you remember having it?

Well, it was just before
I fell in the web.

I was up there,
and then I stumbled.

If I dropped it then,

it should be around
here somewhere.


Find it?

No, but there's an
opening down here.

Do you think it
could have

fallen through?

Hey, it looks like there's
another cave down there.

Maybe we can
get into it

through this opening
over here.

Come on.

Wow, there must
be hundreds

of these caves
down here.


Look for my bracelet.

Oh, I am looking.

Here it is!

I guess you're
happy now, huh?

Oh, I am, no kidding!

Good, then I guess
we can go home.

Let's see,
which way?

That way.

Ok, only this time,

let me keep this
thing for you

till we get out, ok?

Come on.

We've got enough spiders
around here.

Well, help ought to be
here soon now.

Sheriff Cagle
again, sister.

How soon before those
long distance lines

to Springdale are
gonna get fixed?

Another 2 hours,

Ok, sister,
keep working on it.

Open the door,
will you, Simpson?

It's Dave.

Where did you
find him?

At the corner of Maple
and Horton.

He never got to
Springdale for help.

That puts us right back
where we started.

And all we've got to
do is sit right here

and wait for that
thing to come back

and finish us
all off.

I was all in favor
of sealing off that cave

some time ago while
the monster was still in it.

Wasn't I, Kingman?

You can do it right now.

It went back
to the cave.

Yes, sir, I seen it!

The thing to do is
to get lumber out there

and board that
entrance up tight.

Boards won't
hold it.

Any better ideas?

You're the road

aren't you,
Mr. Haskell?

I am.

Do you have
enough dynamite

to blow up the
cave entrance?

I can blow up
half that hill

if you want me to.

Ok, Sam, go ahead
and get the stuff.

We'll meet you
at your place.


Simpson, you've
been sworn in.

Take care of
the office for me

till I get back.

And call
the coroner.

The rest of you
boys, come with us.

Sheriff's office,
Simpson speaking.

Oh, hello, Mr. Simpson.

This is Joe,
Mike's friend.

Remember me?

Oh, yes, Joe.
What's the trouble?

I... I better tell
the sheriff.

Well, he's
not here now.

Maybe you'd
better tell me.

What is it, Joe?

Well, it's about my heap.

Somebody mooched it off
of me today

to go for a ride,
and it isn't back yet.

After what that spider
did this afternoon,

well... well, I was just
wondering if...

well, it's a good idea
to check.

Now, what's
the boy's name?

Well, it was Mike
and Carol Flynn.

Did they get back yet?

No. At least
I haven't seen them.

Did they say where they
might be heading?

No, sir.

Thank you, Joe.
I'll look into it.


Mrs. Flynn, this is
Mike Simpson's father.

Didn't take us this long
to come in, did it?

Sure it did,
you just forget.

What time is it?

I don't know.

I haven't got
a watch.

I got a feeling
it's late.

It's still light.

Don't kid me,
that's luminous algae!

It grows on cave walls,
and it shines.

Don't you remember
Mr. Kingman

told our science class?

All right, but from
the next cavern,

you'll see
daylight outside.

You want to bet?

I don't see
any daylight.

I goofed.

Never been in this
cave before, either.

We're lost!

I know.

Well, let's hurry up

and find
our way out!

That's what I'm doing.

I figure if we just
go straight ahead,

we'll come
to the part we know.

Come on, let's go
this way.


Mike, we can't go
any further!

Dead end!

There's gotta be
another way out.

All I'm trying
to do is find it.

Mike, look!

There's something
written on the wall.

What did I tell you?

There have been people
through here before!

"George Weston,

lost April 9, 1902."


He must have
starved to death!

I'm getting awfully
worried, Mike.

Me, too, Carol.

Why did I ever have

to bring you
down here?

It's all my fault!

Forget it.

What do you

your mother's

Well, they wouldn't
tell her.

She's in the hospital
having a baby.

What about your dad?

Ah, he's pretty good,
I think he can take it.

My mother can't.

Not after what happened
to my father.

Don't make yourself
feel bad, Carol.

Don't you either, then.

You know, all of a sudden,
I feel hungry.

Me, too.

I just remembered! I've got
a candy bar with me.

All right, you men
make it snappy.

Let's get that gear
off that truck.

Carol always lets me know
when she isn't coming home.


But today, I don't know,
she just wasn't herself.

She attached too much
importance to that bracelet.

Oh, I hope she and Mike

haven't gone back
to that cave.

Carol, do you see,
this is the place

where we got lost!

Now I know the way,
it's through there.

But the spider, Mike!

If we stay here,
it'll find us.

Come on, let's run.

There's the hole
we fell through.

We haven't got far
to go now.

Climb through the web.

Come on!

I'm stuck!

Ok, give me your hand,
give me your hand.

Come on.

It's coming!

Phil, Pete, let's get
that extra dynamite

out of here.

Well, that'll
be the end

of our spider's
nest, eh, Kingman?

End of spider.

That's what you said
last time.

Well, this time
it's for sure.

It's gotta die.

No living organism
can survive for long

once its food supply
is cut off.

We'll be ready to blow
her up in a couple seconds.

Let her blow
when you're ready.

Step wide back,
all you men.

I don't want
anyone hurt.

Isn't that Joe's car
over there?

Well, yes, it is.

Please do something.

You sealed them up!

You're going to have
to open that cave

and get them out.

Now, don't
get excited.

We're going
to do everything

for them we can.

How do we go
about it, Haskell?

Open up the cave again?

That's easy
to say, sheriff,

but it's going
to take some doing.

We blew up tons
of earthen rock

over that opening.

Brought half
the hillside down.

we better start

clearing it away.

It'll take days.
Maybe a week, even.

There isn't
that much time.

If the spider

get them,

the bad air

Well, we better
get going.

The sooner
the better.

You've got a car.

Go into town
and get them

to send out
a bulldozer.

Wait, there
may be

a quicker way
than that.

See that
flat shelf

a little higher
up the mountain?

Suppose we dug
straight down

from there?

How 'bout it,

Looks good to me.

Let's get those ropes,
picks and shovels

out of that truck. Here's
where we go to work.

You don't want
to look at it

like that,
Mrs. Flynn.

You've got
to remember

that cave
is a big place

and those kids have
a lot of sense.

They'll find places

where the spider
can't get at them.

If we do
dig our way in,

what's to keep it
from getting at us?

I don't know.

What do you say,

We gotta have
some kind

of an effective
weapon against it,

that's obvious.

That power line
across the hills...

if we could
bring a cable

over from there...

What for?

Let's see
if we can

the beast.

Know where we can find
a quarter mile

of insulated copper cable
this side of Springdale?

The pipe is
probably express...

seems to me
I saw a lot

of that stuff
in there.

You wanna go for it
in the truck, Simpson?


I'm sure you wouldn't
waste any time

getting it back.

How's it coming?

Not bad, but we
have plenty to go.




Where is it?

Let's go.
Can you make it?

I'll be all right.

We struck granite.

Come on up and let
me get down there.

This the place
we came in?

I'm sure it was.

Where's the opening?

What do we do?

What was that?

Sounds like

I bet they know
we're in here!

I bet they're trying
to get us out!


Help! Help!



They can't hear us.

Maybe if
we get closer

to where
they're working.

Help! Help!

Help! We're down here!





Help, we're down here!

Mike, Carol,
we hear you!

We're coming!

It's Kingman,
they heard us!

This is the power line
foreman, Kingman.

He's going to help us
when the cable gets here.

I thought you'd
be the one

to brief him
on what we're doing.

Well, my idea is
to tie into

that power line,

take a couple

into the cave,
get the spider

between them, and
turn on the juice.

We want to create
an electric arc, you see,

so it jumps
through its body

like a bolt
of lightning.

Think it'll work?

It could.
How about electrodes?

bringing them.

Have you got tools
and rubber gloves?

In my Jeep.

All we need is the cable
and I'm ready to go.

That could be Simpson now.

Ledge. If we can get out
far enough on it,

the spider can't
follow us.

Don't be scared,
just hold on to me.


Yeah, what?

There's nothing
to walk on over here.


We can't get back!

Give me that thing.

Does that sound hollow,
or am I crazy?

We broke through.
Do you hear me?

We broke through!

How are they doing
down there?

Is Carol all right?

We're going down
there for now,

Mrs. Flynn.
It may take

a little while
before we find them,

but we'll
send up news

as fast as we can.

As soon as I get
down there,

pass along the cable
and electrodes.

Keep it coming.

See that I have
plenty of slack.

No telling how much
I'll need

once I'm below.

Well, don't go down yet.
Wait for the equipment.

You wait
for the equipment.

See you below.

The rest of you men
follow that equipment.





Hey, Carol,
it's them!

They're coming
for us.

What did I tell you?

Hey, we're in here!




Why don't we split up?

All right,
you men stay here.

better go armed.

Yeah. Let's have
my rifle.



Carol, look!

Sheriff, this way!

Catch, Mike!

I got it. Now what?

There's a rubber glove.
Put it on.

Here we go. Tell him
to hook us up.




Out of the way!

Tell him to turn off
the juice.

Hold it!

Hold it!

Hold it!

Let's get the kids
off the ledge.

Oh, sheriff, where's Carol?
Where is she?

She's all right,
Mrs. Flynn.

We had a little trouble
getting the kids off

a narrow ledge
they were trapped on.

Excuse me.

Oh, Carol!

I'm awfully sorry.

I didn't mean to scare
you this way.

Honestly, I couldn't
help it.

Mike, you're all right?

I'm ok.

Guess I was a lot
of trouble to you,

wasn't I, dad?

Come on, son.

Go on up.

That's all right.

Everything's out of
the cavern, I checked.

Thanks, Jake.

Good night, sheriff.

Good night, Haskell.
Thanks for everything.

Sure took you long
enough down there.

I was checking up.

Anything left behind?

Nothing but a dead spider.

Well, this time
he's going to stay dead.

Dead and buried.

Let's say at least until
some egghead comes along

and digs it up again.

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