The Sound of Silence (2019) - full transcript
A successful "house tuner" in New York City, who calibrates the sound in people's homes in order to adjust their moods, meets a client with a problem he can't solve.
thirty thirty-five, forty
forty-one, forty-two.
Parkinson, make it 42.
The noise in Times Square
deprives us
of 42 percent of our hearing.
Stop the phonograph player.
What are you listening to?
I'm not listening to anything.
These are for hearing nothing.
So, how much longer
is this gonna take, man?
Look, I thought
I was paying you to soundproof
my apartment or something.
It's a B-flat.
- What is?
- Your heating unit.
That's a shitty radiator.
You do hear
the noise though, right?
Your problem
is your heating unit.
When paired
with the low tones produced
by your kitchen appliances,
the note emitted
from your radiator
is contributing
to your... anxiety.
- Really?
- Mm-hm.
Call this number
next Tuesday afternoon
if you have any other issues.
Hello, you've reached
the answering machine
of Peter Lucian.
If I've given you my number,
you've dialed it correctly
but at the wrong time.
Please briefly describe
your situation
and leave a telephone number.
Hey, Peter. This is
Brian Mosden, down in Tribeca.
You know, I was
a little skeptical at first
uh, but I honestly haven't
slept this well in months.
Thank you for whatever you did
to my blender.
Hi. I got your number
from my friend Alex.
I'm looking to set up
an appointment for..
Well, whatever you did for Alex.
He and his girlfriend
are getting along
great right now.
My number is 6-4-6-2-4-0-0-0-8.
The radiator is contributing
to your anxiety.
You do hear
the noise though, right?
It's a B-flat.
- What is?
- Your heating unit.
Field test. Central Park.
G Major.
You're punctual.
I'm actually early.
- I guess you're Peter?
- I am.
I'm Ellen.
Do you wanna go inside?
Actually, I would prefer
to ask you some questions
outside the apartment first
before we enter.
Oh. Okay.
You wanna have a seat?
Uh, it's helpful for me
if I record this
if you don't mind.
Sure, that's fine.
This is a lot more formal
than I expected.
I... I've found
that when clients talk
about their homes
when inside them
they, they tend to speak less
directly about the issue.
Right, it can be difficult
to talk about
a relationship problem,
in this case, your apartment
with the, the partner present.
Never thought about it that way.
So, to begin..
You describe to me your person.
My person?
Oh, like, um, say my name
introduce myself,
like that kinda thing?
As you wish.
Um, well,
my name is Ellen Chasen.
- I am from Ohio.
- Mm-hm.
But now I live in New York.
Perhaps, uh, you could describe
your issue to me now.
I, um, I am always tired.
Exhausted, actually.
By the time I get
to the office in the morning
I'm tired again.
And where do you work?
Um, I work at a non-profit
um, for low-income families.
It's in Midtown.
- And do you walk to work?
- Yeah.
I get to help people every day
so, watching them
they, they get
to start their lives over
I get to see that.
- It's nice.
- No, no.
I, I asked,
"Do you walk to work?"
Oh, uh, sorry.
Um... no.
It would be, like, 40 blocks.
I'll need an extended period
of time in each room.
Specifically, kitchen,
bathroom, bedroom.
- Yeah, it's no problem.
- Mm-hm.
Can I get you some water
or anything?
I need it just like this.
No additional sounds.
- No additional appliances.
- Oh.
No, thank you.
Faucet and blender.
Three hundred and ninety.
We're right around the corner.
Hi, yeah, sorry,
I... I can't talk
'cause I have, uh,
company right now.
Do you have
a man over there with you?
No, that's not why.
Yeah. Okay, I'll see you later.
Okay. Bye.
So, at this point, I'll need
to go into your bedroom
if that's alright
with you, Ellen. Yeah?
I typically save
this visit for last
since it is the most personal,
but hopefully, you feel
a little more comfortable
with me by now?
Of course. By all means.
Can I watch?
Mind if I lie down?
Is that typical?
You mentioned over the phone
that you're having trouble
sleeping at night.
- Is that right?
- Yes.
It helps me if I recreate
your morning routine
as closely as possible.
Would you say
you're a side sleeper?
- No.
- No.
I'll have to review
my materials to be certain
but I think your problem
is in the kitchen.
Do you eat bagels every morning?
Uh... uh, no.
S... sometimes,
but usually toast.
- Mm-hm.
- With some fruit.
Okay. I think you need
a new toaster.
That should do it.
I noticed your toaster
produces an E-flat.
And your refrigerator
hums at a clear G.
Now, the foundation note
is a subtle but convincing C
throughout the entire apartment.
You hear that? Hm?
That mechanical sound?
Or, uh, perhaps
it's... it's wind patterns
on the East Side.
It's remarkably consistent.
Well... anyway
a new toaster should
solve your problems.
You really think
it's that simple?
Technically, your refrigerator
is a perfect fifth.
And the minor third created
by your toaster
combined with the tonic
from your neighborhood
and, uh, you've got
a depression.
So, I'll have a new model
sent over. Soon.
But we should talk
in the next few days.
Yes, of course.
He loves this old shit.
- I think it's nice.
- It is nice.
Everything in here
is really nice.
Maybe I should just
move to Brooklyn.
- Wanna swap apartments?
- Don't yell.
- Cleo's still napping.
- Sorry.
I know, it's nice, it's great.
But sometimes it's a little
weird living there.
Apartment's a little big.
And I still get Patrick's mail.
I hate that.
Anyway, it's cheap.
So, why should I leave?
Here's to rent-stabilized
- Shit!
- Oh, here, let me get you a...
- No, it's okay.
- Let me get you a...
I'll... I'll... I'll grab
a towel.
There's some towels
on the counter there.
Why is everything unplugged?
- Oh.
- Yeah.
- That's Landon's latest phobia.
- Phobia?
He's afraid the apartment
will catch fire
when we're not at home.
Or when we're asleep.
Or when we're eating dinner.
- Or when we're having sex.
- Okay.
It's not a phobia,
it's a safeguard.
So, you just leave it
all unplugged?
Spontaneous electrical fires
are way more common
than you think, okay?
Especially in cities.
I read about them all the time.
It's his OCD.
So, where are you
reading about this?
The internet.
So, how'd it go
with that house tuner
we set you up with anyway?
- And Landon loves that guy.
- I love that guy.
Yeah, it was, um,
it was a little weird.
- Weird how?
- Why? Is he a creep?
No, no, no, no.
Not creepy at all. At all.
Although, he did lay on my bed.
- That sounds creepy.
- But not in a creepy way.
Not.. He's not a creep.
He was actually very polite,
and very professional.
He told me that, um,
I need to get a new toaster.
- What?
- Why is that so funny?
Maybe that... maybe that's
It sounds ridiculous,
but he was talking to me about
the tonic of my neighborhood
and how my refrigerator
is contributing
to this oppressive chord.
- Yeah.
- What?
Yeah, that's his thing. Right?
Here, look. This is
from "Talk Of The Town."
"According to Peter Lucian,
the silence is full of sound
"as his practice offers
"for depression,
anxiety, fatigue
"all of which are triggered
by the sonic details
"of our homes, he explains.
"After an impromptu tour
of the converted.
Cold War-era fallout shelter
he calls home.."
This guy's so fucking cool.
"Lucian points out
the meticulous labels
"attached to each appliance
bearing notes
and musical chords."
Weird, but kind of sexy.
- Is he single?
- Are you serious?
Only you would find that sexy,
by the way.
So, what do you think?
You gonna give it a whirl?
I'm fine. Really.
I mean, I think all this therapy
is just too much.
- It's not for me.
- Really?
I just need to find a
way to get some rest.
When Landon was training
for his marathon last fall
he found a great acupuncture
place in Greenpoint.
That was for my IT band.
Yeah. That's what I'm saying.
So, maybe it's worth taking
a look at.
But that's..
Those are different things.
Yeah, but acupuncture.
Do you think it's a problem?
I'll see what I can do.
Uh, go on. Robert is waiting
for you in the study.
My data is supported. Maybe
they just can't comprehend it.
It's all good feedback, Peter.
I encourage my students
to ask tough questions
in the critique sessions.
I think they're maybe caught up
a little bit in your..
In your lack of formalities.
But I'm close, though.
And you understand
the significance.
Listen, I've read it.
Don't rush yourself.
This work takes time. Years.
Well, it's been years.
This is a universal law
that I've discovered
and the scientific community
needs to know about it.
You know, there's a trap
in science
that I talk
to my students about.
One always sees exactly
what one's looking for
not because it's there
but because one desperately
wants to believe
that it's there.
Are you saying my research
is faulty?
I'm just cautioning you not
to make it too personal
perhaps even obsessive.
One must be obsessive
in this field of ours
but we have to be careful
of too much, um
faith... in our own ideas.
Excuse me. Sorry to interrupt.
Peter, this is Samuel Diaz,
my TA.
I'm advising him on his thesis.
So, are you still thinking
of leaving academia?
- Formally, yes.
- Mm-hm.
Uh, I need to get
my student loans paid off.
I thought your research
was really fascinating.
- Me?
- Yes.
Thank you.
They pick everything apart.
Anyone without a Ph.D.
gets run through the gauntlet.
I could, if you'd like
uh, refer you
to some standard guidelines
for formatting and publishing.
Or perhaps Peter could be
a person to talk to
about that lab position
that, uh, you're after.
"Welcome back
to "The New American Journal
of Sound Radio Hour."
I'm your host,
Dr. Elizabeth Brookings.
On today's show, we're
discussing the feature story
from our latest issue
about new findings concerning
the "Windsor Hum."
And how does this all relate
to the apartment tunings
you conduct?
Are you familiar with
the concept of a macro-scope?
You mean a very big microscope?
Um, it's a way of seeing things
that are larger
so, in this case,
it's a way of seeing patterns.
Once the predominant harmonies
are determined..
They're translated here.
So, all of this, in a sense,
is a macro-scope.
I know the solution
to a client's issues
before I even arrive.
And it always works?
D, F, A.
D minor.
- That's amazing.
- You read music?
I took piano lessons
when I was a kid.
- You did?
- Uh-huh.
How's your pitch? Sam?
How's your pitch?
Uh, my graduate work was
on, uh, cochlear neurons
in mice.
I love the ear.
You've reached the answering
machine of Peter Lucian.
If I've given you my number,
you've dialed it correctly
but at the wrong time.
Please briefly describe
your situation
and leave a telephone number.
Hey, Peter.
Uh, it's Ellen Chasen.
I know, I know we didn't have
a call scheduled.
I'm not sure how this works.
I guess, maybe you call me back,
or, um,
thank you for, for coming over.
Uh, God, this, this probably
sounds so strange.
I don't want you to think
that I'm calling you
because I'm crazy
or lonely, or..
I got the toaster.
Um, and I... I'm just wondering
if there's anything else
I could be doing, you know?
And when I can expect
the prescription to work, or..
I'll see a change.
Okay, thanks. Bye.
Anyway, a new toaster
should solve your problems.
You really think
it's that simple?
Your refrigerator hums
in a clear G.
Now, the foundation of..
Have you remodeled recently?
Put in any major changes?
Uh, no, just minor stuff.
I mean, no, uh,
new coats of paint
or, um, redecorating
or anything like that
if that's what you mean.
That's what I mean.
How would you describe
your place?
My place?
Yeah, your apartment.
Perhaps we should go
upstairs now.
Field test recordings.
Financial District.
D minor.
Confident. Reckless.
Carnegie Hall.
E minor. Calm, precise.
Lower East Side.
A-flat. Dissonant.
Grand Central Station. Off peak.
B minor.
Gentle, patient.
Welcome to Sensory Holdings.
Please select an atmosphere
while you wait.
Desert air.
Oops. He-he!
And you must be the house tuner.
- Peter.
- Har... Harold Carlyle.
Uh, we're really glad you
finally accepted our invitation.
Your assistant mentioned
potential for financing
my research.
Of course, of course.
The... the recent
"New Yorker" article
really piqued my interest.
So, uh, my assistant pulled
for our meeting.
And it turns out,
we've actually used
some of your designs.
How do you mean?
Well, the Echo Decay Timer.
I understand, at least I heard
it was born
in the basement of the Met.
Well, I had a position
in the Preservation Department.
Was maintaining period
for musical performances
to be historically accurate,
I mean, we've significantly
upgraded the device
in the last decade,
but the EDT-1 was..
It was a cornerstone
for concert recording.
It was never intended
for that purpose, so..
Oh. Well, excuse me. I, um..
What was it for, then?
I was studying
harmonic resonance.
And the manufacturer
retained my patent
in exchange
for custom fabrication.
But I never wanted it
to be marketed for the public.
Well, it was
a revolutionary product.
"Tool." Of course.
I no longer engage
with outside fabricators.
Well, our clients
are Fortune 500 creatures.
You're more of a provider
for houses, right?
"Bespoke domesticity."
That's what friends
of mine call it.
But really, that's what
we're interested in.
The market is changing,
and we want
to cater our products
to our customer's private lives.
I... I'm offering you
an opportunity, Peter.
Uh... how is
Equilibrium delivered?
Well, it's wall colors,
fragrances, soundscapes.
And our technologies
allow our specialists
to survey
entire homes virtually.
Well, I mean, it's, uh,
currently just
a web chat,
but, honestly, you know..
The virtual component
isn't bulletproof
but the clients love it.
Our technologies, and our muscle
could give you a chance
to create an entire atmosphere.
Yes, I... imagine the ability
to influence like that.
I think that I've had
a very positive influence
on the lives of my clients.
We bought the matching set
when we moved in.
I thought you lived alone.
I do. I... I do, yeah.
This is a very long time ago.
Didn't think it mattered.
It shouldn't.
So, you've been
using this every morning?
Every morning.
You've got a problem here.
What do you mean?
Mm, your feelings continue?
Yes, my, um,
my feelings continue.
Perhaps I should visit
your work.
To understand what you're doing
that might be
conflicting with the results.
Does anyone have to be there?
Well, ideally it would be
in the morning.
But I could visit
in the afternoon
then try to replicate
a morning scenario.
It's just,
it's a very unusual thing
to have to explain.
You know, I... I... I like
to keep things
at my job kind of...
Discreet. I understand.
Um, maybe I could come by
next week?
What does red mean?
It's just an anomaly.
Does it affect the research?
Of course not.
Because I already notified
"The Journal"
to expect your submission.
Can I help you with that?
You know, I was actually
thinking that I could process
the tapes a lot faster
with the university servers.
Uh, our computers there
are very efficient.
Well, everything here
works just fine.
Yes, but it would
help speed up the workflow
and save me a lot of time
because obviously,
I'm still looking
for a full-time position
Beyond publishing,
I... I think there'll be
a lot of other applications.
You know, once people
understand the patterns
and, uh, the influences
you can do so much with this.
- How do you mean?
- I don't know.
Well, I... I..
Well, I guess, urban design,
home products.
This is about
universal constants
not commerce.
I... I'm sorry. I just..
- Stick out your tongue.
- My tongue? Really?
I can see things on your tongue
that can help me.
Do you exercise regularly?
You can go to the Blue Room now.
Uh, yeah, where should... where
should I change?
How long do I have
to keep these in for?
The feeling is deep
but the needles are not.
Okay, but..
Thirty, sometimes sixty minutes.
Please select an atmosphere
for your ride.
Ocean Breeze.
Budget surplus over 130K.
That's really great, you guys..
The bad news is,
we still have to tend
with the mayor's office.
I know, I know. It is bullshit..
Feel free to have a seat.
Ellen's just wrapping up.
Sorry. I'm a little late.
My meeting went long.
Is everything okay?
Honestly, I don't normally
work in offices.
There's just so much..
So, I think I got a good sense
of this space.
Um, well, you know, I..
I actually cleared my afternoon
so, maybe we can, uh,
go somewhere
and... and discuss this further?
Yeah, well,
I know some place close.
More hot water, Peter?
Ah, yes. Certainly.
Thank you, Albert.
Yes, thank you.
You've really constructed
a unique little world
for yourself
in the city, haven't you?
I've lived here
for over a decade
and I don't know
I still feel
like there's so much
that's unfamiliar to me.
Like, someone else built it up.
He was very organized
about things.
The matching nightstands.
He always had an idea
or an opinion
about everything.
It was nice, you know?
To not have to make choices
for myself.
It sounds silly, but..
I remember after he was gone..
The remote felt so odd
in my hand, like..
I didn't know what
any of the buttons were for.
Sorry, that's probably
way too personal.
It's fine.
What about you?
I'm very consumed with my work.
Actually, I'm, I'm publishing
a piece on human behavior..
How sound influences
the way that people connect
with each other.
Well, I mean, you obviously
have a, a calling.
You know, just to see you study
and observe,
the way that you do.
I'm a little envious, honestly.
Did you study science?
Music Theory.
So, I learned by dissection
how a piece of music works,
what are its parts.
You know Bach,
the composer Bach?
His ability to trick our ears
into believing
that we're hearing
multiple instruments
from a single violin.
Or Stravinsky... and his
designed to alienate an audience
or, or Beethoven,
this use of suspense
and... delayed gratification.
But all of these composers were
using neurological techniques
that scientists
hadn't even defined yet.
And once I understood that
and, um..
How their music functioned
um, I guess I just went on
from there.
To tuning people's apartments?
Yes. Yes, but no.
I.. It's, um..
It's the influence of sound.
The power it has
over people's lives..
Hm... they may not even know it,
you know.
Yeah, it's, um, so complex.
- I'm intrigued.
- Hm.
I have a very, very close friend
who's a neuroscientist
at Columbia.
And his students are reviewing
my findings next week
in a group session.
It's very informal.
And if you're interested
in learning more, um..
I don't know.
Battery Park City, F major.
So, how do you feel
in the morning?
Um... unmotivated..
I thought you lived alone.
I do. I... I do, yeah.
This was a... very long
time ago.
Didn't think it mattered.
It shouldn't.
Your feelings continue?
Yes, my, um,
my feelings continue.
Hello, you've reached
the answering machine
of Peter Lucian.
If I've given you my..
Can I help you?
No, he's not in right now.
But I can take a message.
Sensory Holdings, you said?
Uh, I... I'm Sam.
Yes, I work with him.
Are you Peter's colleague?
- Ellen.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Upper East Side.
C scale,
with an E flat toaster problem.
I'd like to think
I have better qualities
than that to describe me.
So, did Peter tune
your apartment?
We're working on it.
You mean it didn't work?
Well, Ellen's entire soundscape
points to a specific trigger
in her apartment.
Um, but... there is,
there is distraction.
So, I've had trouble locating
the specific trigger.
Well, that's interesting.
You make it sound
so complicated.
- It is complicated.
- No, no.
I think what your friend
is saying, Peter
is that you make it sound
too complicated.
But, however, knowing Peter, I'm
sure he could show you a diagram
on the whole G major theory.
- That's right.
- It's a pleasure to meet you.
- And you're welcome here. Yeah.
- Thank you so much.
He told me
you two were old friends.
She was, um, just interested
in seeing the group.
- Oh.
- And my discovery.
Oh, well, it'll be good to have
an outside perspective on this.
- Mm-hm.
- Listen.
we had to postpone your review
until the next session.
Um... I'm sorry.
In preparation
of Andrew's thesis defense
we're gonna be workshopping..
Alright, this is me.
Wish me luck.
- Should we, um..
- Yeah.
Before I forget, there's
something I wanted to give you.
It will help.
It's something
I've been working on.
So you just plug it
into an available outlet.
It emits a wash.
Uh, preferably one
that doesn't share a circuit
with a microwave
or a hair dryer.
- You want me to hold it?
- No, it's fine.
I'll just stick it in my purse.
So, I'm excited to hear more
about this G major theory.
And additional analysis
suggests that
uh, incorrect analysis
of interactions
are even more common.
Your honors from Columbia
are very impressive.
Thank you.
And your work with Peter Lucian
did you accompany him
on his house calls?
But we've been working
especially hard
on consolidating his data
on the city as a whole.
Samuel Diaz.
It's a pleasure to meet you
in person.
- I'm Harold.
- Very nice to meet you, Harold.
Uh, you know, we're big admirers
of Peter here.
We were actually just discussing
the new work
he and Sam are doing.
- Oh?
- Uh..
- Well, it's Peter's discovery.
- Mm-hm.
Uh, I assume he discussed the
urban sound patterns with you?
Um, have there been any updates?
Well, uh, yes, actually.
It's... it's,
it's very, very exciting.
My biggest client project
to date.
So, these beams... reach
true ground.
What's true ground?
Oh, it means they reach
all the way down to the earth.
It's a hard thing to come by
in New York City
but we designed these so they'd
make contact with bedrock.
And what's the point of that?
Well... grounding current
is really the only way
to achieve
true electrical silence.
That sounds like a total luxury
in this city.
Oh, well, the future tenant
is an electrophysiologist.
And he takes true ground
and silence very seriously.
- Sounds nice, true silence.
- Mm-hm.
And so expensive.
Well, I guess expense
is relative
to perceived value... right?
Please don't tell me
you're gonna make me
ground my apartment.
Look at all that.
You see the order?
In the city?
Well, yeah.
I mean, the grid, right?
And it... it's flawed at points
but there are all these
Light going from red to green.
Walk, don't walk.
Instructions, right?
But what I've found..
Is that there's something
deeper at work.
Um... an invisible system,
but powerful, nonetheless
sounds, that, in a sense
guide people through the city.
- Hm.
- Yeah?
I mean, they're not conscious
of it, but it's there.
And it's different
in all parts of the city.
In the Financial District,
it's the key of D minor.
And it's frenetic,
it's fast-paced..
And then, Lower East Side
is A flat
once you get,
um... below the dissonance.
And Central Park
is predominantly G major.
It's where I made
my first discovery.
It's the sound of nostalgia.
It's calm..
Idyllic, lyrical.
Field test 14,
Central Park, G major.
So, each part of the city
has a different chord?
Well, every part of the city
has its own instructive
It's impossible
to disconnect the sound
from the collective state
of mind. It a..
It affects the people.
You understand?
Oh, but I, I don't see
the world that way.
I mean, it.. That's so rigid.
I mean, if I'm Downtown
I'm not destined
to feel frenetic.
I can choose to react to that
and feel peaceful.
I can choose to protect myself.
It's not about seeing anything.
It's... it's about acknowledging
what already exists.
Like gravity, or light.
These are just universal laws.
- Right...
- And listen.
These are, these are rules
that define our world.
Why does it have to be
this permanent thing
that controls us?
Why... do people act the way
they do?
Why do people feel the way
they do?
- There's a reason.
- Because they're people.
They can. They choose to feel.
But... but there are rules
guiding their behavior
that they can't see.
There is an order here.
Now, it's complex
because we live in an old city.
And the patterns
are so complicated
but it's, it's been written
and rewritten
but it's there.
It's been there for years.
I... I don't feel like my life
is written by anything.
I feel like I make choices
all the time.
Uh-huh. Well, okay.
Your apartment, C minor.
It's a mundane key.
It's... it's the sound
of resignation.
Okay, well,
I don't feel that way.
And that resignation
causes your restlessness.
And there are unseen forces
that are governing your choices.
What about you?
You're the only person
who's not affected by any of it?
I'm not immune. No one is.
Okay, so then,
how do you trust yourself?
Because I can hear it.
Because you can hear it?
I'm gonna go.
Just.. It's late, so..
The program of the
Noise Abatement Commission
consists of a series
of noise measurements
to be made in different parts
of the city
at typical places..
And centers of popular interest.
Among these measurements
will be made tests of the
deafening effect of the noise.
I hold the receiver
against the microphone
instead of against my ear.
Now, I increase the intensity
of the test tone
until you can hear it.
How much longer
is he gonna be here?
I have to get up early for work.
I think he's almost done.
Hey, are you almost done?
It's almost midnight.
So, um..
That ringing..
Baby, come on.
Get him out of here.
I'm sorry, I just need to take
a few more readings
and I can handle the rest
in my office.
I just need one more minute.
One more minute.
You know what?
Don't worry about it,
we can figure it out from here.
Mr. Jajinsky.
Um, I couldn't access
your apartment.
FOR OUR 4:00 p.m. appointment.
Please call me to reschedule
at your earliest convenience.
If Sam showed Sensory my work
then they have all of it.
- He wouldn't do that, Peter.
- Oh, fuck!
And you can't fault him
for taking a formal job.
It's a good opportunity.
They're my competition.
It's theft.
I wouldn't paint it so starkly.
I mean..
They're marketers.
You're a explorer.
Look, they can't take credit
for my discovery
if I publish it first.
We put so much emphasis on sound
and thus, overlook the value
of those moments
in between the noise.
And let this remind us
that silence is not empty
but immeasurably full.
Enjoy your evening.
- Dr. Brookings.
- Hello.
It's Peter Lucian.
Hi, nice to meet you.
Thank you so much for your talk.
It was fascinating. And for your
contributions to the field.
You know, I've been reading
"The New American"
for just about as long
as you've had the editorship.
That's very kind. Um, thank you
so much for coming tonight.
I'm sorry, but I really must go.
Uh, please enjoy your evening.
Well, actually, um
I recently submitted a piece
for "The Journal."
I know these things take time
but I just thought I would
inquire since I'm here.
What did you say your name was?
Peter Lucian.
Um... I made a discovery
identifying sound patterns
in the city.
And your work... was
just a huge inspiration for me.
I, uh..
I honestly didn't think
we'd have a chance to talk.
Oh. Thank you.
No, I didn't think
you were serious, Mr. Lucian.
I must say, your methods
are, um, most unusual.
H... have you seriously
been researching these...
Sound patterns. Yes.
They are principles
that steer our behavior.
I mean,
it's... it's... it's verified.
It's based off of
multiple field recordings.
Oh, I'm sure you believe
in this.
Perhaps you could submit it
for peer review.
Yes, yes.
Uh, I'll tell you what.
Um, we will, uh, give it
a closer look
and we'll send you a proper,
uh, response letter.
- Alright. Alright.
- Okay? Alright? Alright.
Pleasure meeting you.
- It's nice to meet you.
- Take care.
Tuning your world
so you can live
and work in harmony.
New York is a symphony
of sounds.
And our experts have identified
the musical keys to the city.
Introducing Urban Equilibrium.
A bespoke service designed
to balance your sonic expe..
Oh, no.
Tuning your world,
so you can live
and work in harmony.
New York is a symphony
of sound..
Have you remodeled recently?
Did any major changes?
No, just minor stuff.
I mean, no, um,
new coats of paint
or, um, redecorating
or anything like that
if that's what you mean.
Something has happened..
That you're avoiding.
What is it?
No, just minor stuff.
I mean, no, um,
new coats of paint
or, um, redecorating
or anything like that
if that's what you mean.
That's what I mean.
How do you feel in the morning?
How does this change
make you feel?
Irritated. Heavy.
So cliche.
And do you walk to work?
Yeah, I get to help people
every day, so, watching them..
They... they get to start their
lives over, I get to see that.
It's nice.
Do you know what it is?
Yeah, pretty much, I..
Once it's there, it's there.
You know, I can't shake it.
I don't feel like my life
is written by anything.
I feel like I make choices
all the time.
What about you?
How do you trust yourself?
What about you? How would you
describe your place?
- My place?
- Yeah, your apartment.
Jesus, watch where you're going.
but at the wrong time.
Please briefly describe
your situation
and leave a telephone number.
Hey... Peter. It's me.
Remember me?
Um... look,
I... I just wanted to call you
and say sorry
for the way things ended.
I've had some good weeks
and I just wanted to tell you
that... you were right.
You were right about this place.
I needed to change something.
I just needed to get rid
of some old things..
Stop surrounding myself
with the past.
I just decided to... be easy
about it.
You could do that, too, Peter.
If you want.
I know it's your work to, uh
help people solve their problems
but the way that you see
the world around you..
I think that you miss out
on connecting yourself.
Actually... I'm so tired
of people telling me
what they think
I should be doing, so..
You do what you want.
I called you.
I listened.