The Song Is Ended (1930) - full transcript
The Song is Over
Ladies and Gentlemen,
may I ask for your
kind attention, please!
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I raise my glass!
You will say that's not unusual,
because I raise it every day,
and rather often, too,
but when I raise it now,
then I raise it not without...
feeling uplifted.
Because once again we are celebrating
our dear, venerated Tilla Morland.
We are celebrating her victory today,
her triumph, her success.
Because what would the theatre be
without her art, without her charm,
in a word, without Tilla Morland?
Because today's premiere
was a landmark...
...was a landmark on the road
of her stage successes.
I raise my glass in the hope
that I'll soon raise it again on
such a landmark... such an occasion.
Cheers, Tilla!
Normally those three birds
always sit with us at the bar.
But when the Morland is here,
they are carousing over there.
Who are those gentlemen?
They are the Morland's "Three Magi".
Who is the one with
two pearls in his waistcoat.
The rich manufacturer's son Toenli.
Her future lover.
And the one with
one waistcoat pearl?
The music editor Teschner.
Her current one.
And the one without a pearl?
A baron. He's lost all his money.
Her former lover.
And now, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Tilla Morland will give you
the great pleasure
to perform for you once more the song
from the third act of today's show.
You're crazy, Baron.
I have no intention to sing.
Oh, Tilla my dear, please sing.
Look, the crowd is eager for it.
Sit down and be quiet!
I won't sing.
You have to sing.
If you won't sing, I'll sing,
because singing there must be!
# Adieu, my little Guards officer...
He doesn't sing beautifully.
- But loud.
# Farewell, my little Guards officer...
Madame, I beg you to sing,
otherwise he'll never stop.
Tilla, I fear you'll have
to bail us out.
# And one day, with much ado,
# an ensign entered the Guards
# an ensign young,
imprudent, and slender,
# on his cap the golden cockade.
# And the mother stood before her son,
# and she took his hands,
# and she gave him a small locket
# and said to her boy:
# Adieu, my little Guards officer, adieu,
# adieu, and don't forget me,
and don't forget me.
# Adieu, my little Guards officer, adieu,
# adieu, and may you be lucky,
and may you be lucky!
# Stand upright, bolt upright,
# and go laughing into the sunny day,
whatever may happen.
# If you have worries,
away with them, tralalalala,
# Let gloom belong to others!
# Adieu, my little Guards officer, adieu,
# adieu, and don't forget me,
and don't forget me.
# And one day,
at 9 o'clock in the morning,
# when he awoke from his dreams,
# the company was already
lined up on the yard,
# and they were waiting since
a quarter to 8.
# From blue eyes,
so deep and beautiful
# he met with a surprised glance.
# He said: Darling, I have to leave!
#And she replied, still half asleep:
# Adieu, my little Guards officer, adieu,
# adieu, and don't forget me,
and don't forget me.
# Adieu, my little Guards officer, adieu,
# adieu, and may you be lucky,
and may you be lucky!
# Stand upright, bolt upright,
# and go laughing into the sunny day,
whatever may happen.
# If you have worries,
away with them, tralalala,
# Let gloom belong to others!
# Adieu, my little Guards officer,
# adieu, adieu, and don't forget me,
and don't forget me.
# And one day,
everything was over,
# the armistice was announced at last,
# all the soldiers were sent home,
# to find themselves a new profession.
# The old Guardsmen stood tired and pale
# around their field-marshal,
# the last tattoo was sounded,
# and the field-marshal said quietly:
# Adieu, my little Guards officer, adieu,
# adieu, and don't forget me,
and don't forget me.
Waiter, the bill!
Pardon, Tilla, but...
You're powerless in a case like that.
Such a lout!
A lout? A barbarian!
A barbarian? He's a Barbarossa!
A thousand apologies, Madame!
This is terribly embarrassing.
Especially tonight,
after the premiere, it's appalling...
But my dear Director,
why get excited?
Please, take me home.
Oh, Tilla, you don't want to leave ...
Because of such an...anarchist!
Don't do this to us, little Tilla,
now that we're getting nice and comfy!
I want to go home.
I have too much self-respect
to let myself be insulted in public.
Madame, a thousand apologies.
I'm terribly embarrassed
by what has happened.
And we don't even know
who that man is!
A thousand kisses, with love
Your Ulli.
And you call yourselves my friends!
When for once I ask you for a favour,
you all fail utterly!
I really don't know
why you came here at all!
Have you found him? No!
So what do you want
this early in the morning?
We wanted to calm you down, Tilla.
Calm me down?
But I am quite calm!
Tilla, we tried everything.
Nobody knows who that guy was.
I walked through all the streets.
Suddenly I saw him,
but it wasn't him.
All night I made the rounds
of all the bars,
because I thought
I might find him there.
That's just another excuse
for drinking, Baron.
But Tilla. Speaking of drinking...
Perhaps we'll find out something now.
Hello, Tilla Morland speaking.
Hello? Tilla, is it you?
This is Emmy.
I just arrived at the theatre
for the rehearsal
and heard about
yesterday's incident.
How embarrassing!
How terrible!
If that happened to me,
I'd die of shame.
Of course. My best friend
already knows about it. It's Emmy.
If she knows about it, the whole town
will hear it within five minutes.
I hope the newspapers
won't hear about it.
What? I?
How can you say such a thing!
But no, I won't breathe a word.
To no one, my word of honour.
Great word of honour!
Sure. Goodbye.
Goodbye, Tilla!
Get me the operator again.
Yes, 4576, please.
Yes, is that the 'Little Journal'?
I'd like to talk to Dr. Fischer
from the theatre column.
This is Emmy Stein from
the New Operetta Theatre.
Dr. Fischer? Yes?
Good morning!
Tell me, have you
already heard the news?
Do you know what happened
last night in the Carlton bar?
I'd only like to know
why that man left.
Perhaps he didn't like
your speech, Baron.
My speech? Why my speech?
Then he wouldn't have left
during the song.
Perhaps he didn't like the music.
- Very true.
But why the music of all things?
Listen to the publisher.
Of course he won't allow
a word spoken against his music.
Listen Tilla, no one ever left because
of music from my publishing house.
Nor because of my performance.
But nobody said that. In any case...
In any case you're innocent again.
Of course, only I am to blame.
But he never said that!
You'd better be quiet, Baron.
If you hadn't asked me to sing,
all this wouldn't have happened.
Of course, only I am to blame.
Of course you are, who else?
Of course, who else.
Well, Madame, sometimes a man
has to step outside for a moment.
You dare mention such a thing
to my face, you..
You suckling!
Do you want to step outside
as well, perhaps?
If only you had left,
no one would have kept you.
You may all leave now, all of you!
Tilla, please be sensible!
Because of such a bagatelle, Tilla.
What? You call that a bagatelle!
When someone insults me in public?
That is a bagatelle?
I've had enough of you!
I don't want to see you again!
Adieu, Gentlemen!
- Suckling!
Because of my music!
But there must have been
something he didn't like.
I don't want to see
any of you three again!
They behaved horridly.
And what will Madame do without
the three gentlemen?
Herr Teschner managed all affairs with
the theatre and the gramophone company.
Then someone else will
take care of them!
And Herr Toenli managed
all your financial affairs.
Invoices, taxes, fees...
I'll find someone else for that, too.
And whom will you find to shout at,
like the Baron?
I'll shout at someone else.
Yes, but whom?
I'll engage a private secretary.
He can take care of my affairs.
I'll pay him.
And I'll shout at him
as much as I like.
I don't need favours
from my friends anymore.
A private secretary?
He'll only steal your cigarettes
and drink your cognac.
Not a bad idea at all,
a private secretary...
Why didn't I think of this before!
I'll place an advertisement.
Private secretary wanted for lady artist
Interviews at the New Operetta
Theatre on the 21st at 11 a.m.
Good morning, Gentlemen.
I thank you, Gentlemen.
But I regret to inform you that the position
of private secretary has already been taken.
Perhaps another time.
You stay here!
# Guards officer, adieu, adieu.
# And don't forget me,
and don't forget me.
You apply for the position?
Yes, Madame.
What's your name?
- Ulrich Weidenau.
What are your qualifications?
Everything a secretary
has to be capable of, Madame.
You are... engaged.
Thank you, Madame.
You are the man I need.
Why, Madame?
Because you've managed to find someone
I've been searching for for the last three days.
I've been searching for the man
with the worst manners in the world.
Do you know whom I have in mind?
Yes, Madame.
And who is that man with
the worst manners in the world?
I am, Madame.
You! You and nobody else!
Would you like to explain to me now...
why you asked for the bill
in the middle of the song that night?
But one has to pay the bill
before leaving, Madame.
Yes, but why did you leave?
Didn't you like my voice,
my dress, my hairstyle?
I found your hairstyle adorable.
And my dress?
- Wonderful.
And my voice?
- Enchanting.
But what was the reason you left, then?
The song.
The song you were singing, Madame.
The song?
The song about
the little Guards officer.
You know, Madame,
the melody was very sweet.
But the lyrics...
Please try to imagine, someone really
was such a Guards officer once,
and went through the same troubles
as the one in your song.
And now all this becomes
the theme of a song...
performed in nightclubs,
for the amusement of others.
So, you once were such a...
Guards officer, yes.
And now everything is over.
It's even a good thing that it's over,
with the uniforms, the flags and so on.
We went bankrupt, so to speak.
But have you ever heard a song
about a bankrupt banker?
- So you see.
But everyone is singing about us.
And you know,
if you listen to something like that,
about the past, and the old days,
even if you haven't thought about it
hundreds of times,
it still hurts a little.
And that's why I left.
Are you still very angry with me,
Well, I must say this is the single reason
I'd never have thought of.
Perhaps you'd have been forever angry
with me because of to that little song.
What kind of songs should I sing then,
so that you don't run off again?
Funny ones, modern ones,
with syncopes for dancing.
For example something like this!
# If I could lie like Munchhausen,
# or if I could fly like Eckener,
# or if I could write poetry
like Roda Roda
# or if I were as flexible and
pliant as a bayadere,
# if I were as popular
with women as Liedtke,
# or if I could broadcast
like Alfred Braun:
# Yes, if the little word 'if' did not exist,
# dududu dududu
# I would already be a millionaire.
# dududu dududu
# Every day I could draw money,
# a thousand francs from the bank,
# and live like the Shah of Persia,
# all my life long.
# Yes, if the little word 'if'
did not exist
# diddledida dida
dada dada
# I would already be a millionaire.
# shshsh shshsh
# Then for you there would be
only one man, and no one else,
# Yes, if the little word 'if'
did not exist, yes, if.
For example something like this,
Bravo, bravo,
you're a perfect chansonnier!
What else can you do?
At your service: dancing,
singing, typing, stenography,
English and French, horse-riding,
chauffeuring, card tricks and ...
Well, you won't have much opportunity
for that with me.
That's regrettable, Ma...
So it's a deal! You'll stay with me.
What about the fee?
We won't need an arbitrator, Madame.
- We'll talk about it later.
Listen, the first thing
you have to do
is to arrange a tea party
this afternoon at my apartment.
I expect 15 guests
at 5 o'clock sharp.
All right, Madame, everything
will be arranged at 5 o'clock sharp.
The hazelnut cake is like a poem!
The sandwiches are fabulous today.
And the coffee?
- Like in Vienna at Dehmel's.
Yes, excellent.
- Wonderful.
I think everything today
is so... exquisite.
For the first time there is Bols!
I don't usually drink, but...
I'll have a swig of it.
Heavens, we are 13 at the table?
Well, I'm leaving at once.
- But why 13?
I've invited 14, haven't I?
Under no circumstances will I stay
here as the 13th, I'm leaving!
Stay, stay, we shall be 14 right now.
Where's Herr Weidenau?
In the kitchen, he shows the cook
how to prepare "ox-muzzle salad".
Please ask him to come.
- Yes, Madame.
Herr Weidenau?
- In the kitchen?
Ox-muzzle salad?
Who is that man?
An old acquaintance.
Keep on playing.
Today he won't bite.
Allow me to introduce...
Herr Weidenau, my private secretary.
What can I do for you, Madame?
I'd like you to have tea with us.
Because we are 13 at the table!
It would have been
a pleasure anyhow.
- Don't mention it, Miss.
Since when do you have
a private secretary?
Since today. Do you mind?
I just find it a little strange,
a single lady and a private secretary...
So you're jealous?
- That's ridiculous.
I only think that a lady secretary
would have been sufficient,
if you absolutely...
Speaking of 'if': won't you play
some dance music for us?
With pleasure, Madame.
Give us the song you
sang this morning, it was excellent.
- Yes.
As you like.
# Thousand words speak
of glamour and power,
# Thousand words whisper
of happiness and splendor.
# And if thousand words spoke
to you of the most beautiful things,
# And if thousand words could name you
everything that is nice,
# There is one word
that destroys all dreams.
# Have you heard that word before?
# Yes, if the little word 'if'
did not exist,
#dududu dududu
# I would already be a millionaire.
# dududu dudu
# Every day I could
draw money,
# a thousand francs from the bank,
# and live like the Shah of Persia
# my whole life long.
# Yes, if the little word 'if'
did not exist,
it shshshsh shsh
# I would already be a millionaire.
# Then for you there would be only one,
and no one else,
# Yes, if the little word 'if'
did not exist, yes, if.
Bravo, bravo!
Once again! A dance!
And ladies' choice!
Will you dance with me?
With pleasure, Madame.
I'm very satisfied with you.
- Thank you, Madame.
You make excellent coffee.
Yes, I learned it from
an aunt of mine, aunt Hanne.
And the hazelnut cake,
it was heavenly.
I learned that from
another aunt, aunt Lore.
And the rolls,
how sophisticated you made them!
I learned to make them
from aunt Hannelore.
And you're quite a dancer!
From which aunt did you learn that?
I think it must have
rather been a cousin?
I hope you'll always stay like this.
Besides, your job won't be too taxing.
I'm at your service, Madame.
- Yes?
I only ask for one thing.
What is it?
I'd like to have my evenings off,
between 8.15 and 10.15.
So don't you want to come
to the theatre to see me perform?
Allow me to have these two hours
for myself, Madame.
The other gentlemen always
come to the theatre.
But they're in love with you, Madame.
Of course you can dispose of your time
any way you like, Herr... Weidenau.
Has your private secretary again
not turned up to see the show?
How should I know
whether he has turned up or not?
I was only asking...
Say, since when do you buy
your perfume at Fleuron's?
At Fleuron's? I never buy anything there.
What makes you think so?
Well, I saw your private secretary
buy perfume there.
I thought it was for you.
No, it wasn't for me.
Well, then he must have bought it
for another lady, right?
What did you say?
I didn't said anything!
Too bad.
Say, Tilla, what's your private secretary
doing during your performances?
Don't ask silly questions!
How should I know what he's doing!
Ah, good evening, Sir.
- Good evening, Anna!
Is Madame very angry
because I'm late?
Not at all, she's only afraid
that the soup might get cold.
Oh, I couldn't come earlier.
Come in.
But it would be so nice...
No, no, no, really not!
- But Tilla, dear...
I'll stay at home.
- But why?
I won't go out tonight.
We just would have dropped in
at the Carlton.
Yes, to have a bite.
- And a drink.
I've had some supper prepared
for me here, I'll stay at home.
I'd like to talk to you
about the new play.
Weidenau will take care of that.
I'd like to talk over
the bank affairs, Madame.
Weidenau has already
finished off that matter.
Yes, I think Weidenau has
finished us all off already.
Then all we can do is
wish you a good night.
Goodbye, until tomorrow!
- Goodbye, Madame!
Good night, my little one,
go for a stroll and have fun!
Madame, we'll go for a stroll,
but we won't have fun. Good night!
Good night, Baron dear.
Do I also have to leave, Tilla?
Yes, Baron dear.
Be a good boy and have a nice sleep.
I'm neither a good boy
nor will I have a nice sleep.
I don't sleep nicely anymore.
Why not, Baron dear?
As long as you're not happy,
I can't sleep.
But who says I'm not happy?
- My inner voice.
Tell your inner voice that it mustn't
talk so much, and go to sleep.
Good night.
I'm not hungry,
you needn't serve anything.
But Madame...
- You can go, I don't want anything.
I only wanted to say that...
- Go, and leave me alone!
"Why aren't you in the Carlton bar yet?"
Why am I not
in the Carlton bar, indeed?
I'll go there.
Well, what are you doing here?
Good evening, Madame!
Beg your pardon, I didn't think
you'd come home so soon.
But what do you want
with that old marionette theatre?
It was quite dusty and broken,
and so I wanted to repair it.
Now, in the middle of the night?
- Well, I rarely have the time by day.
So what do you want
to do with it?
I thought that if I'm to entertain you
or your guests again...
there should be some variation,
one can't sing all the time
like in a sound film.
But do you know
how to play with marionettes?
In Salzburg,
an old puppeteer taught me.
Excellent, you must show me!
With pleasure,
but I'm not sure if I'm still up to it.
Let's have a dress rehearsal!
With pleasure, but I'm...
Well, go ahead, go ahead!
For once I'll sit in the audience
and watch the others perform.
Seat no. 1, orchestra stalls, front row.
You're welcome, Madame,
just one moment.
Five minutes intermission,
then the show will start at once!
You win!
Well, we're ready, Madame.
This is the big spotlight,
it'll be placed here.
The play can begin.
Three strokes of the gong!
Enter the Prologue!
Ladies and Gentlemen
of the audience!
Today, a guest performance
of the Court Theatre of
Kickeritz-Potschen on the Potschen.
Tonight: "Prince Kuno
and the Postmaster's Daughter",
Great costume opera
in several acts and one tableau.
Main characters:
The Prince, a "Kn?del" tenor
(with nasal voice).
Lieschen, coloratura soprano.
The Minister, a whispering baritone.
The Postmaster,
a bass with a stammer.
Scene of the action:
a meadow with daisies.
The time: May.
We ask for
your kind attention!
The orchestra is assembled.
Before the curtain rises,
grand overture.
The curtain opens.
The meadow lies in the sunlight,
centre stage a linden tree
with hearts carved into its bark.
Cowbells chiming,
the prince enters singing.
# Here I am, it's the familiar spot.
# I have been away
for nine full moons.
# I love Lieschen,
the Postmaster's child,
# she's a child like children are,
# she means quite a lot to me,
# just like the yolk is to the egg
# or like the salt is to the radishes,
# for me that is, yes,
for me that is
# my Postmaster's Lieschen.
# My prince!
# So there you are,
honourable prince!
# You're the Imperial Count
of Peppermint.
# I knew you would be
drawn to this linden tree,
# by the yearning for
the Postmaster's child.
# But Prince, consider
your princely duties,
# A prince is not allowed to love,
# a prince must do without!
# All right then, I'll do without!
# So be it.
# I'll hurry to the capital
with lightning speed,
# There she comes,
how beautiful is her beloved face!
# She still has a lisp,
but only when she's speaking.
# I am Lieschen,
the Postmaster's child,
# I have a carefree mind,
like chaff in the wind.
# I am in love with a
rather distinguished gentleman,
# for nine months now
he's been away from me.
# I never did hear
his love whisperings,
# my Bruno, my Bruno,
# there he is, there he is,
there he is!
# I am struck by the moonshine,
I often groaned like a wood cock,
# So now you will never part from me?
# She doesn't suspect anything,
I must confess it all to her.
# Bruno, you're suddenly
so pale and green!
# Do you perhaps want an aspirin?
# Listen to the tidings:
I am not your Bruno!
# I am the hereditary prince,
I am Prince Kuno!
# You are the
hereditary prince of Titipo,
# then I'd be a princess!
# holladriho holladriho
# Oh Lieschen, a prince
who wants to be a real prince
# can never woo a commoner.
# You abandon me?
You would dare?
# What will my father,
the Postmaster, say?
# My P-p-p-prince,
I heard e-e-e-everything,
# will you allow me three words now?
# Perhaps you would like to sing,
it's more comfortable.
# St-st-stammering is more pleasant
when you are singing.
# Listen to my confession,
trust me blindly:
# Lieschen isn't my child!
# She's not your child?
What do you say there, man?
# Just listen to me
quietly for a moment.
# It was about 18 years ago,
on the 31st February to be precise,
# I was sitting in my
po-po-postmaster's office.
# Gypsies came down the road,
carrying the brats they had robbed:
# a new-born child in napkins.
# I caught the rascals, all nine of them,
and bust in their heads.
# The last one confessed to me
with his skull cracking
# that the child had been stolen
from the prince's palace.
# You, girl, you are that child
in napkins.
# How? What?
You are the princess Karafindel?
# Then everything isn't so bad.
# We will get married legally.
# My work is done,
# now I can die.
# The postmaster will not leave
a single heir behind.
# And when one day I shall lie
under rose hedges,
# then the whole world...
# won't wake me anymore.
Bravo, bravo,
that was marvelous!
Really excellent!
You really liked the show, Madame?
But tell me, why must the postmaster's
daughter become a princess at the end?
Every good postmaster's daughter
becomes a princess at the end...
so that she may get her prince.
Must they always get
each other in the end?
They don't have to, no,
but the audience prefers it.
And it's much nicer...
when two in love get each other
in the end, isn't it, Madame?
Well... if you think so,
you Prince Kuno...
Is there a postmaster's daughter
somewhere that you're in love with?
And a linden tree with
hearts carved into its bark?
I just wanted to tell you...
I don't like gentlemen
wearing such collars.
In the future, wear shirts
cut in the modern fashion,
with the collar attached.
Collar and shirt in one piece,
Herr Weidenau.
Yes, of course, Madame, if you wish...
Yes, it is my wish!
By the way, it's quite late...
- I'm leaving, Madame.
So, goodbye.
Tomorrow, 11 o'clock sharp!
Good night.
- Good night.
She's cancelled her performance.
She said she needs a few nights off.
To repose.
In the old days, she used
to perform 200 times in a row.
That was her repose.
That was in the old days.
Well, let's go to the golf course.
Well then, let's start.
All right, let's play golf.
The dressmaker told me
that Tilla hasn't ordered
a new gown for eight days.
I'm telling you she's ill,
she's really ill.
Poor Tilla!
Well then, let's go to the golf course.
Well then, let's start.
All right, let's play golf.
What is it?
It's 11 o'clock.
Who is it?
It's me, Weidenau.
Good morning, Madame.
What do you want so early?
I was to wake you at 11.
Were you? You always come
at such inconvenient hours.
Don't disturb me.
Because I'm not...
I still have a...
I beg your pardon, Madame...
I didn't realize, of course.
I didn't realize, of course.
Pardon! Madame!
Tell Herr Weidenau to come here.
Farewell, darling, farewell...
Let go of my hand.
Let go, my...
What did you say?
What was it?
But let go of me!
But let go of me!
Excuse me.
I didn't know you were here already.
Don't mention it, Madame.
why have I called you?
Ah yes...
I want to dictate a letter.
Take it down in shorthand.
Very well, Madame.
Let me take it.
Perhaps it's a private call.
Shipping offices Peschke?
I'd like to speak to
Herr Peschke himself.
This is Jellinek.
Yes, darling!
It's me.
One moment please.
I'm not alone.
Please wait outside.
Very well.
But you're only gone for five minutes
and already you long for me!
You sweet boy!
couldn't you give me
your 'phone address'?
If I'm happy?
And how!
You! You!
Yes, Madame?
You Herr Private Secretary!
Yes please, Madame?
What can I do for you?
Yes I do!
What is it, Madame?
What is it you wish, Madame?
Madame here, Madame there...
This is getting on my nerves!
Yes, but how should I
address you, Madame?
You shouldn't address me at all!
You should leave me alone!
And not torture me!
Good gracious!
But you're totally beside yourself!
What is it? Dearest...
You see.
That way you said it nicely.
And you must always say
"Madame" to me that way.
Good morning!
But that's sweet of you, Baron dear...
that you've come to see me.
I hope I'm not disturbing you.
Not at all, Baron.
Not at all.
Ah, Baron, how are you?
- Thank you.
What are the others doing?
But you're all totally neglecting me!
Listen to me,
I want to go out tonight.
Dancing, singing, being gay...
drinking champagne,
being among other people,
listening to music...
So you're really in love, huh?
I? In love?
But you must be mad, Baron!
With whom should I be in love?
With the little Guards officer.
I swear, I'm not in love,
really I'm not.
Is that so?
Well, if you swear...
then your infatuation must
be overwhelming, my dear child.
And if I were in love?
What if?
Then you'd be very foolish.
Because your little Guards officer
has another woman.
I've observed him a bit,
spied on him a little.
Feldstra?e 18,
3rd floor, left.
What does it mean?
It means there's another lady.
What kind of a lady?
The lady between 8.15 and 10.15.
Between 8.15 and 10.15?
Haven't you noticed
that your private secretary
is always absent
between 8.15 and 10.15?
He spends his time with this lady,
Feldstr. 18, 3rd floor, left.
Now I know what you mean!
The lady from Feldstr. 18,
3rd floor, left.
But of course!
You knew about her!
Of course I do. His English teacher,
he visits her daily.
But he speaks English fluently.
Or his French teacher...
But his French is
better than Poincar?'s!
Some teacher then, Chinese or
Bulgarian, how should I know!
Besides, between 8.15 and 10.15.
my private secretary can do whatever he wants,
wherever he wants,
and with whom he wants.
With whom he wants...
I wouldn't have thought that
she's that much in love with him.
"Jerome Toenli requests the pleasure
of your company at his home tonight"
# Once people had time for love,
# they were writing spring romances,
# but if today's boys and
girls are in love
# they don't talk a lot,
they dance
# love is a heavenly power
# that's what they used to say
in the earlier days
# we don't think much about heaven
# today's people just say:
# love is like a sound film
# with lots of changes
in the course of action,
# first an 'oh' and an 'ah',
then a big quarrel,
# and gradually one becomes weak again.
# Love is like a sound film
# the main characters are the two of us
# first a sweet caress,
then the inevitable
# a little song with greeting
and a kiss at the end.
# love is like a sound film
# with lots of changes
in the course of action
# first it's all 'attention',
then a big quarrel,
# but gradually one becomes weak again.
# Love is like a sound film
# the main characters are the two of us
# first a sweet caress,
then the inevitable,
# a little song with greeting
and a kiss at the end.
Good evening, Weidenau.
Good evening, Herr Teschner.
Well, did you bring Tilla with you?
No, I thought Madame was already here.
No, Tilla hasn't come yet.
That's strange.
Madame asked me to be here at 8.15.
And told me to be punctual.
She expressly asked me not to fetch her.
She'll just be a bit late.
This happens sometimes with
beautiful women. - That's possible.
In fact it's a great honour ...
to have the private secretary
join us between 8.15 and 10.15.
On other nights you're always invisible
at that hour, you...
As you can see, I can also be visible
at this hour.
I really don't know
where Madame might be...
Good evening.
Is Madame at home?
Who shall I say is...
Just tell her, I've come
because of Herr Weidenau.
Please come in.
One moment.
Madame will be here in a minute.
Please be seated.
- Thank you.
Herr Weidenau isn't in?
No, he's invited out tonight.
But on other nights
he's always here?
Yes, each night he has
supper with Madame.
Between 8.15 and 10.15.
I see.
And then he leaves?
Yes. But not for long.
At midnight he's back again.
What? He comes back?
At night?
- He does.
- And spends the night here?
But of course he does!
That's his bedroom.
And where does Madame sleep?
- Right next door.
Right next door?
She always waits for the gentleman's
return, else she can't fall asleep.
Is that so?
Good evening.
I've come...
...for my Ulli's shirts?
Yes I know.
Greetings, Madame.
Mrs. Schmidt has
recommended you to me.
Yes I know, come with me,
we'll see to it at once.
Because we have to alter
all the shirts.
Ulli has set his mind to it.
The boy's totally crazy these days.
Because he's in love, you know.
And probably somebody told him
that it's more elegant
if the collars are
attached to the shirt.
And that's why we
have to alter everything.
Let the boy have his will.
In my time, things like that weren't done.
If a gentlemen had taken a lady out
without wearing a starched collar...
she would have raised her eyebrows.
But what can one do?
The modern times...
Well, come here, Madame.
Listen to me carefully!
Look here, you cut off a strip
from the bottom, four fingers wide.
You won't notice it at the bottom...
And you'll sew that to the collar.
And try to do it nicely, will you...
so that my Ulli will be pleased.
Herr Waldenau is your son, Madame?
No way!
Ulli? My son?
What is he?
But he's my grandson!
- You're his...
- Grandmother. But of course.
And now that he's found a steady job
he's made me come from Vienna at once.
The poor guy.
Because he thought he'd
feel lonely in the strange city.
But I had hardly arrived...
when he fell in love.
And who do you think he's in love with?
With his lady employer.
He fell madly in love with her.
And with my Ulli that means something!
Because he used to ignore all women.
And what's most interesting,
he doesn't dare to tell her.
She doesn't know
anything about his love.
Did you ever hear such a thing!
She doesn't know!
But why doesn't he tell her?
But he's not going to tell her!
You don't know my Ulli!
He knows his duties,
he knows how to behave.
She's his boss,
he's the employee.
That's final. He puts professional
duties above everything.
So that's why?
Of course!
And I keep telling him,
you silly boy, I'm telling him,
if you love her, you can be
her employee a thousand times,
you simply have to tell her!
Of course!
- You see!
But you know, my Ulli,
he's a gentleman of the old school.
For him a woman
means either everything...
or just an adventure.
And for an adventure,
he has too much esteem for this woman.
Here are the shirts, dear lady.
12, 13, 14
That's it, 14 shirts.
But say...
how much do you charge
for the alterations per shirt?
45 pfennigs, if it's not
too expensive, Madame?
45 pfennigs?
That's reasonable.
Yes, that's reasonable.
And I'll give you his drawers, too,
they need mending anyway.
One moment.
Here are the drawers.
And the next time you come
I'll give you his socks to darn.
That boy can make holes,
I'm telling you!
Once worn, and ruined already!
Westend 8588.
Is Madame still at home?
Good evening.
Excuse me, do you know
if Frau von Treuberg lives here?
Are you by the way the seamstress?
Yes, Frau Schmidt recommended me.
This is excellent!
Because I was about to
bring you the laundry anyway.
Everything's in here, drawers,
the young gentleman's shirts...
Now listen carefully.
You cut off a strip down here,
about four fingers width...
at the bottom you don't
notice it anyway...
and you stitch it to the collar seam.
But do it nicely, so that
my Ulli will be pleased.
But where to?
Yes... You don't know?
Thank you.
What's the hurry?
I was going to...
- Look for Tilla?
But don't be so impatient!
She'll be here any moment.
- But I...
Just wait here.
I'd like to speak to you
alone for a minute.
As you wish.
Sit down, dear Weidenau.
I'd like to talk to you
about Tilla's new part.
Thank you.
- You're welcome.
The choice of her new part is
very important to Tilla right now.
Why now?
Tilla is at the peak of her career.
An artist has to be
very careful at that moment.
And especially the two of us,
I as her publisher and
you as her... adviser,
must prevent her from
making mistakes, isn't that so?
Yes of course.
I've picked a very
interesting part for Tilla:
In the play, Tilla plays an artist who
hurries from success to success,
is adored by the public
and celebrated,
and one day she falls in love
with some poor devil.
Of course, passionate love
between the two...
till the man suddenly realizes
that it wouldn't be good for this woman
if that love lasted forever.
She's an artist, she needs luxury,
riches, success,
all sorts of things
the man can't offer her.
You understand that,
don't you, Herr Weidenau?
She's an artist like like...
like Tilla, and he
a poor devil like...
- Like me.
In short:
the young man realizes that
this affair will lead to nothing,
because such affairs
never lead to anything.
And since he realizes that
despite all his love
he would always only be
his wife's husband,
he leaves of his own accord,
While it doesn't hurt
too much yet.
This is the Show's central song,
the farewell song.
# Don't ask why I'm leaving,
# don't ask why,
# whatever may happen
# don't ask why.
# I can only tell you
# I love you.
# I wanted to give you
the most beautiful thing in life.
# Don't ask me that one question,
don't ask why,
# don't ask why I'm crying,
# don't ask why.
# We are parting,
# tomorrow another man will kiss you,
# then you won't ask anymore
# "Why?
# The song is over,
# the song you sang for me,
# at its last notes
# I was yearning for you.
# The song is over,
# the melody faded away,
# nothing remained of the music,
# only an echo of love.
# The roses I brought you
# are now a withered
flower bouquet.
# The song is over.
# Don't ask why I'm leaving,
# don't ask why,
# whatever may happen,
# don't ask why.
# I can only tell you
# I love you
# I wanted to give you
the most beautiful thing in life
# don't ask me that one question,
don't ask why
# don't ask why I'm crying,
# don't ask why.
# We are parting,
# tomorrow another man will kiss you,
# then you won't ask anymore
# "Why?"
How do you like the play?
Herr Weidenau?
I think it's...
that you're telling me this
right this moment.
Why? After all you're Tilla's...
- Private secretary!
But nothing else.
And for that reason,
I must ask you
not to tell me the plot of plays
I am supposed to take as example.
It's quite unnecessary.
The characters in your new play,
the lady artist and the young man,
bear no resemblance to...
Frau Tilla and...
the young man you're alluding to.
So you've understood me.
Yes I have.
But even without
your friendly admonition
I would have known my duty.
I'd like to...
I'm leaving.
What have you got to tell me?
I don't know what you mean, Madame.
Is that so? You really don't know?
Yes, the gramophone recordings,
that'll be the day after tomorrow.
The fashion drawings
have been ordered from Paris.
The pictures for the magazine
will be ready tomorrow. - And?
Apart from that, I really
don't know, Madame.
Is that so?
Apart from that, you have
nothing else to tell me?
I see.
Then I am going to
tell you something!
Or even better, take a letter!
- Very well, Madame.
Write: headline:
What I didn't know before,
I know now.
I know that you love me.
That you love ...
I know that your sense of duty
has kept you from showing me
your real feelings.
Your coldness no longer fools me.
Your reticence doesn't
drive me mad anymore.
I know that you love me.
And this makes me happy.
Did you write "happy"?
"Happy", comma.
Write: "very happy!"
Write: "incredibly happy!"
Write: "immeasurably happy!"
Did you write "immeasurably"?
Be wise at last,
and take me in your arms.
I cannot throw myself at you!
I am a woman.
Don't you see that you, the man,
must conquer me?
Write it down, write it all down!
I love you!
I love you!
Come now, and kiss me!
And to whom shall I
address this letter, Madame?
To whom?
Jerome Toenli.
# Don't ask why I'm leaving,
# don't ask why,
# whatever may happen,
# don't ask why.
# I can tell you now
# I love you
# I wanted to give you
the most beautiful thing in life
# We are parting,
# tomorrow another man will kiss you,
# then you won't ask anymore:
# "Why?"
# Love is like a sound film
# with lots of changes
in the course of action,
# first an 'ooh' and an 'ah',
then a big quarrel,
# and gradually one becomes weak again.
# Love is like a sound film...
# Adieu my little Guards officer,
#adieu, adieu...
# ...the main characters
are the two of us,
# first a sweet caress,
then the inevitable,
# a little song with greeting
and a kiss at the
# Adieu!
# - And don't forget me,
# and don't forget me.
# Adieu my little Guard's officer...
I am to deliver this to you at once.
Beloved! What I didn't know before,
I know now.
I know that you love me.
That you love me?
Listen, listen.
She loves me!
- So what?
She loves me!
Listen, she loves me!
Ah, she's gone.
Listen, she loves me!
Baron, she loves me!
She loves me! She loves me!
She loves me!
I must speak to Madame at once!
But she's still asleep.
- I must see her!
Herr Weidenau!
Herr Weidenau!
She cannot live without me.
She loves me!
She loves me.
I've got it in writing from her.
I've got it in black and white.
Where's my black on white?
Ah, here it is.
You love me...
your coldness
I see, "your coldness doesn't fool me".
Here: "take me in your arms at last".
In your arms!
"You, you, the man, with whom..."
with "you, the man" she meant me.
Herr Weidenau,
I swear it: if I had known
that she loves me that much
I'd have said "yes" at once.
Yes, yes and...
Yes Yes yes.
Please read.
"Conquer me"...
You're an enviable man now.
You're getting a woman many other men
have tried to woo in vain.
But she's getting me in return.
I'd like to ask you for something.
- Already granted!
Make Tilla happy.
As happy as she deserves.
You must put her on a pedestal
and read each of her
wishes from her lips,
and take care of her,
wrap a scarf around
her neck each evening,
and drive her home
after the show in a closed car,
so that she doesn't catch cold,
and prevent her from reading
detective novels in bed at night,
or she'll have bad dreams.
You must be good to her,
you must care for her,
you must put her on a pedestal,
You must never let her
go out alone in the evening
and never let her dance
with another man.
Believe me, I know what it means
when a woman dances
with another man.
Listen to me, only you
are to dance with her!
But I can't dance at all!
You can't dance either?
Come on, I'll teach you.
Come on.
- Bravo!
Is this all right, Herr Weidenau?
- Beautiful.
Please, don't let me disturb you!
I only wanted to...
- I beg your pardon, it's my fault.
I only showed Herr Toenli
a few dancing steps
I see.
Dancing steps.
Would you please leave me
alone with Herr Toenli?
Of course, Madame.
Herr Weidenau,
Herr Weidenau, stay here.
Herr Weidenau!
Herr Weidenau!
Herr Weidenau!
He's gone.
Well, now we're engaged.
Give me a kiss.
I take the liberty.
But yes, I'm telling you, engaged!
Really engaged!
Of course. they'll leave tonight
to visit his parents.
Yes, I have to make another call.
Operator, another call, quick.
Yes, 4576.
Yes, "Little Journal"?
Dr. Fischer? Yes.
Herr Doctor, just imagine,
Tilla got engaged to be married.
What? With whom?
With Toenli!
Just imagine her luck, he has heaps
of money and on top of it, he's an idiot.
Yes, that's right. Good-bye
Operator, another call.
Be quick about it,
I've already told you...
The porters will be here any moment
Herr Toenli will be here
with his car in a few minutes
Where is Madame?
She's changing.
So that would be all.
After Madame has left,
and should you feel a longing
for our phone number:
I'm always available.
It's all right.
# Stand upright, bolt upright,
go out laughing into the sunny day.
# whatever may happen.
# Adieu,
# adieu
# my little Guards officer.
May I take leave now, Madame?
Is it really for the better
that it has turned out like this?
I think so, Madame.
For both of us?
I would surely have been
a disappointment for you later.
And all this because of a few more
dresses the other man can give me.
Yes, Madame!
You have a very low opinion of my love.
You're a woman.
An artist.
You need luxury, riches,
the theatre, successes.
You wouldn't feel at ease
in another world.
What about you?
I'd surely have become very unhappy
if I hadn't been able to give you all this.
Well then, adieu.
My little...
Guards officer.
Cheers, Baron.
Good evening.
Good evening.
- Good evening.
Is she gone?
Did she say anything?
She sends everyone her best wishes.
Thank you.
Who are those gentlemen?
Those three?
Tilla Morland's former lovers.
# Don't ask me that one question,
# don't ask why,
# don't ask why I'm crying,
# don't ask why.
# We are parting,
# Tomorrow another man will kiss you,
# then you won't ask anymore.
The End
(Engl. subtitles: serdar202 & Tommaso @KG)