The Six Million Dollar Man (1973) - full transcript

Colonel Steve Austin, astronaut and test pilot, is badly injured when he crashes while testing an experimental aircraft. A covert government agency (OSI) is willing to pay for special prosthetics to replace the eye, arm and both legs he lost in the crash. Highly advanced technology (Bionics) built into them will make him faster, stronger and better than normal. In return they want him to become a covert agent for the OSI. It will cost $6,000,000 to rebuild Steve Austin.

He's not in his trailer, sir.

Well, where in blazes is he?

It's almost 0700.

I'm sure there must be

some explanation, General.

Hang that.

If Austin isn't here in two minutes,

I'm gonna pull the plug.

Where does he come off

keeping us all waiting?


What's going on here?

Where does he think he is?

Hiya, Charlie.

How's it going?

Fine. Beautiful, Steve.

Think I got time for a shave?

I think so.

Hiya, Gus.

Hi, Steve.

How's the family?

Just great.

How we looking?

Real good.


Mr. Austin.

Yes, sir?

Have you any idea what time it is?

About 5 to 7?

Excuse me, General.

Hey, Steve.

You got a positive genius

for antagonizing the wrong people.

I know. It's the story of my life.

Where have you been?

I felt like taking a walk.


You know, Doc...

Out there,

just before the sun comes up...

it's just like being up there

on the moon again.

Kind of relaxes me.


I'll be right with you.


Well, unless you've got something,

I don't have anything else.

Everything's fine in here.

Okay. Good luck, Steve.

Thank you.

Good luck, Steve!

Have a good day.

Thank you.

This is AS-Of.

B-52 is ready for taxi.

It's hot in here.

Let's get this show on the road.

Okay, Cecil,

have you got the B-52 in sight?


Okay, just took to your Jeff.

Wait a minute, you took off on 2-2?

Okay, just took to your Jeff.

35 to 4-0 degrees.


One minute.

Someone's keying their microphone.

Okay. Stand by for system's okay, Steve.

Okay, you're cutting out.

Someone's keying your mic.

Let's get oft the test frequency.

Let's put in another 30 seconds,



And 008 hold is heading.

Alright. B-52 cameras are on.

Winds are okay, Steve.

Westerly at about 10 knots.

Coming on.

I'm indicating 004. How does that look?

Looks good, Steve.

All systems are okay here.

The winds are westerly at 10 knots.


This is NASA One

calling ten seconds now.

Ten seconds, Roger.

Zero, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Okay, Steve.

Check your dampers, old buddy.

Engine's on. Take her to 4-00.


Watch your alpha, Steve?


Okay, you're coming up on Theta.

Okay, on Theta.

Okay, you're on track

and you're on profile.

We've got your pitch pulse here.

Looks real good.


This is NASA One,

you're just a little inside of track...

but I'd hold it just like you are.

Looking real good.

- There's another pulse.

- And the pulse looks good here.

Starting my tum.

All of it?

In the past 18 months,

we have had three projects...

that cost too many lives,

too much money...


That is risky to the point

of threatening uncontrollable...

international confrontations.

We ran an analysis on the subject.

And as you can see, the conclusions

dictate a somewhat different approach.

The use of one single force...

especially equipped, as it were,

for such projects.

We estimate the cost to be

roughly six million dollars...

to establish the facilities...

and half a million to a million dollars a year

there after to sustain those facilities...

and maintain the operation.

That's for one prototype?

We have no need of more than one

till we work out the bugs.

Where do you get

the raw materials, Oliver?

Are you going to ask for volunteers?

No, no, accidents happen all the time.

We'll just start with scrap.

They're shut down now.


We have you at max altitude.

Trim looks good.

When you get a chance,

come about five degrees left.

Five left.

Feels real dizzy.

Okay, Steve.

The winds are down

to about five or six knots.

Keep it coming Jeff, Steve.

Okay. Going to lower gains.

Okay, looks good.

Come on Jeff, Steve.

Five more degrees.

You're on energy, Steve,

and you're heading right for the turn point.


Got you coming

through 17,000 feet now.

Okay. I got 19.

Correction. 20,000 feet.

I'm sorry.

Steve, I got 18,500 now.

18,000 now. Thanks, Bill.

Okay, you're over

the turn point now.

About 18,000 feet.

Okay. I think we need

the connection right a little bit high.

Okay, Steve,

go ahead and check your SAS gains

and your air connects,

and you've got it from here.

Okay, I'll raise the gains.

I don't like that too well.

However, the gains are open.

She's really oscillating now.

Check your circuit breakers.

Hey, old buddy, right now, get out!

Don't take any chances, Steve.

No sweat.

Pull away out there.

Give him some room.

He's got a clear gap.

Rog. Okay, NASA One,

I'm gonna try to cut it short...

by angling off to the compass rose.


Take her any place you want.

280, 270 knots.

Get that chopper out of the way.

It's alright.

You're okay. You're clear.

Watch your gear.

This is NASA One.

Get that fire truck out there immediately.

8-9, get on your way!

Sorry, Mr. Spencer.

I didn't know you were here

until about three minutes ago.

Is he in a coma?


The accident was 36 hours ago.

He should be conscious by now.

No. We're keeping him unconscious.

This is a process called electro-sleep.

We got it from the Russians.

We generate an electric pulse directly

into his skull through those electrodes.

The pulse matches the alpha rhythm...

and the body, in effect,

resonates with the impulse.

As long as we keep the current going,

he'll sleep.

Won't feel any pain.

I'd like a report

of his condition, please.



This is Mr. Spencer of the

Office of Strategic Operations.

Will you brief him on

Steve's condition, please?


He lost his right arm

in the crash, Mr. Spencer.

Both legs are badly crushed.

We had to cut them off

and he's blind in one eye.

We're also concerned about injury

to the spinal column.

I mean, if some of the main

nerves were affected.

Well, he may not be able

to use his remaining arm.

And so on.

Just keep him alive.

I was told this is where

you take your breaks.

I can understand your feelings.

Do you?

Yes. He's a very close friend,

I understand.

You have a remarkable

opportunity, Doctor.

What do you mean?

We've been watching your work

very close for some time, now.

You claim that you

and your research team...

can take a man

in Steve Austin's condition...

replace the arm and both legs...

and possibly even the eye

and make him come out even better

possibly than he was before,

is that correct?

Theoretically it could work, yes.


I am prepared to give you all the money

you require to make that happen.

Are you serious?

That could cost millions.

Whatever it takes,

we want you to do it.

What's the problem, Doctor?

The problem is,

it's all on paper.

It should work.

But if it doesn't,

what do I tell him?

I haven't the faintest idea.

What would you tell anyone?

Steve Austin isn't anyone.

Of all the men I know...

he's the last I'd want to live

the way he is now.

Well, then, you're his only hope.

If you can't do it...

then nobody can.

One question.

Yes, of course.

Maybe this is

none of my business, but...

what happens after he's been

equipped with all these new parts?

We have work for him.

What kind of work?

Certain jobs where the use of...

ships, planes...


would be inappropriate.

And where the use of a so called

normal agent would be ineffective.

And that's where you come in, Doctor.

We feel that an agent...

as you propose, part machine,

part human...

would be the best compromise

this particular time.

He would work alone, course.

And to the extent that he is machinery...

he would be much more durable...

due to the fact that

you could replace the parts...

that perhaps might become damaged.

Suppose he doesn't want

to do that kind of work.

You don't really know

what kind of work we do, Doctor.

Espionage? Sabotage?


Don't make a decision for Mr. Austin...

based upon hearsay...

or upon your own,

personal prejudice, Doctor.

I know that man.

I am not altogether

unfamiliar with him, Doctor.

I've been through a rather

extensive file on him.

I suppose you have

a file on me, too.

Certainly. I wouldn't be sitting here

talking with you if they're weren't one.

Well, Mr. Spencer, you've...

given me the opportunity of my life.

I can't tell you how grateful I am.

You'll forgive me if my

anxiety is showing.

Yes, well, I'm sure

you'll work it out, Doctor.

We're transferring Steve Austin

to our Research Center in Colorado.

You'll forgive me if I've taken the liberty...

of making accommodations for you

and your staff on the same plane.

We leave within the hour.

Sparine. 50 milligrams.


Help me strap him down, Jean.

This will reassure him.

Unconsciously anyway.

We wouldn't have to do this

if he were totally powerless.

I'm not gonna use the Sparine.

I prefer the paraldehyde in case

we have to knock him out again.

I know it's old-fashioned.

But it applies in this instance.

It's nondepressive as far as the

respiratory system is concerned.


I don't want you in here

when he comes to.

I don't want anybody here.

Come on. Out. Out.


Jean, thank you.


Can you hear me?



I'm gonna tell you, Steve.

I'm gonna tell you everything.



Beautiful, isn't it?

I imagine you're curious.

As to why I haven't

spoken to you since... that night.

How long has it been?

Four months.

I didn't have anything to say.

Apparently, in part due to you...

I'm going to stay alive.

We may as well begin

to deal with it as a fact.

How's it going?

You know, Doctor,

what this is, is impossible.

I mean, a man loses an eye.

Who can make him

a new eye to see out of?

Now, look here.

What will it look like

when it's in place?

Just like the other eye.

No difference.

And we'll match it perfectly.

I thought we were talking

about a glass eye.

Well, they used to think

that was impossible...

because the eye normally

rejects any foreign bodies.

But they've done a lot of operations...

on pilots who had pieces of broken

windshield in their eyes.

And they've discovered...

we make jet plane windshields...

out of a kind of plastic

that the eye does not reject..

I wanna show you something, Steve.

This is your arm.

That's it?

We're rather proud of it.

There's a manual that goes with it.

It has 840 pages. I'll give you a copy.

As you can see, it's not finished yet...

but I just wanted to

give you a sense of the...

the basic structure.

Look at it, Steve.

There's nothing else

like it in the whole world.

This is a nuclear powered

electrical generator...

that runs this motor.

This motor provides power...

for the manipulation of the arm

and hand and fingers.

It's infinitely more powerful

than your own arm.

This is your arm, Steve.

It'll be covered with skin that'll

match your skin in color and texture.

The number of hairs of your forearm.

The skin on the fingertips

will have your fingerprints on them.

Look at it, Steve.


This is not something alien.

This is your arm.


Tell you what we're gonna do.

We are going to put you back

on the operating table.

We're going to connect this arm

to you permanently.

It will take orders from your brain.

It will be alive to do

what you want it to do.

Now, Steve.

When we're through...

when we're through...

and you've finished learning

how to use this arm...

in the same way that a baby

has to learn how to grasp...

to put down, to pick up.

When all this is done...

you'll be able to hold

a woman in your arms...

and in no way will any

of her human senses...

be able to tell her

which arm you were given.

Not by sight, not by touch,

not by skin temperature, no way.

And we'll also give you two legs.

And you'll be able to walk up to her,

take her by the hand...

and if it's what you want...

you'll be able to dance with her.

Everything I told Steve Austin...

was designed to reassure him...

That in all respects,

he'd be a normal man again.

What I didn't tell him,

because I didn't feel he was ready for it...

was the extent to which

he'd be abnormal.

I didn't tell him that if

the operation was a success...

his physical powers

would be absolutely awesome.

In fact, virtually limitless.

That his new legs would enable him

to run at incredible speeds.

That his new arm with

it's nuclear power source...

would have the strength of a bulldozer.

That his new eye

would not only approximate...

but conceivably transcend

normal vision.

In short,

what I hadn't told Steve Austin...

was that if my theories prove correct...

he would be transformed into something

that had never before existed.


A reconstructed man capable

of inordinate, physical feats.

How did it go?


Not so alright.

Not from the tone of your voice.

If he comes through this...

I don't know.

I don't know how

he's gonna react.

We'll take care of his future.

You take care of his present.

What you don't understand,

Mr. Spencer.

Is that I've known this boy

for a very long time.

Do your job.

Dr. Frankenstein, I presume?

Is everything alright?

I'm fine.

Will you sit with me a minute?


May I touch you?

Now I have a choice again.

Two hands, both mine.

Right down to the fingerprints.

Which one do I touch you with?

What will the other one feel?

They have touch circuits built into it.

So that I can feel what I'm touching?

Something like that.

Something like that.

They're not gods, you know.

Tell that to them.

I didn't say you could touch me.

That's it, Steve.

Come on. Slow.

Okay, hold it. Now, hold it.

Give him his full weight.

See if he can carry it.

Now take your time.


Atta boy.

Now come on. Slowly.

Push it. Push it, come on.

Great, Steve.

That's it. Come on.



That's it, Steve.

Put your back into it.

Easy coming around.

Atta boy.

Good. Good.

Looks good.


That's good, Steve.

Hold it.

Want some help?


The thing is, Doc Why?


Why, what?

Come on. I may walk like

a two year old, but I'm not that naive.

Now you all have given me a gift,

and I thank you very much.

But now, what is the price tag?

We have given you something back

that you've lost and that is all.

How do you know what I've lost?

We've given you and eye for an eye,

haven't we? An arm for an arm.

My arm didn't come

packed in a wooden box!

What do you want?

I wanna know who's

paying the freight.

What's the difference?

The difference is when

the bill comes due.

What are you so suspicious of?

Look, I was a civilian member

of the space program for 12 years!

I know how much things cost.

Now why am I worth

a few million dollars?

And what do I have to do for it?

How can I communicate with you

when you suspect everything that I say?

When I was up there

on the moon, Doc...

I was a quarter of a million miles

away from the real world.

But I felt a lot closer to it then...

than I do now.

He's not even breathing hard.

Well, you see, his lungs are used

to handling oxygen for the blood supply...

for two arms and two legs.

Now, he'll only have

to take care of one.

Look! It's impossible.

20 years ago,

so was the four-minute mile.

The limits are here, Miss Manners. Here.

That arm, those legs of his

will do anything...

absolutely anything

his mind tells him to.

I think he's ready for us now.

I'm not quite sure, Oliver.

I think perhaps a few days off,

a little R and R as it were.

Don't you think so, Miss Manners?

Man flying.

We always try to imitate nature.

Do her one better.

Why is that?

I guess because it's there.

Yeah, because it's there.

You know, that's why I wanted

to go to the moon.

When I was a kid,

it really used to bug me.

No way to reach it.

We just couldn't

get there from here.

Finally, though.


Always finally.

They gave me a long lifeline.

You remember

you asked me about feeling?

Whether or not you could feel

or touch anything?

I was there the day they...

the day they worked out the built-in

vibratory sensors in the fingertips.

Afterwards, when we got to know you,

everything was personal.

But that day, you were in electro-sleep.

And everything was just technical.

We didn't connect it

to anything real or living.

I'm sorry.

It's warm.

It's alright. Nothing broken.

Help! Somebody! Help!

Help! Help!

Please! He's stuck! My little boy!

Help! He's right down there!

Please! Get him out of there!

Stay here. Please!

Help him!


He's in the front! Get him out of there!

He's a baby! He can't get out!

Get him out!

Get him out! Get him out!

Get him out!


My God!

Johnny. God.

Are you alright?


Thank God.

Thank God.

He'll be alright, ma'am.

I wanna thank you.

What are you?


I'm glad you could come.

How was Malta?

Hot. How is he?

He can't see us?

No, the mirror's on his side.

Any change

since you called me?

No. He just sits there.

He won't let us repair the arm.

He won't let us sedate him.

We've given him food

and he won't eat.

Just sits there.


No, he's just fighting us.

Fighting us?

You alright?

I'm fine. I just feel a little cold inside.

I got a report on what happened.

Is that a one-way mirror?

Yes. Yes, it is.

Who's watching me??

Rudy Wells.

We have a job for you.

I won't take it.

That's too bad.

The timing is very bad.

It won't be a long assignment.

A week, ten days at the most.


Well, let me tell you

what's involved.

I'm not interested.

It may be more important

than your rush to get the hell out of here.

I don't owe the OSO anything.

You had twelve years.

Twelve brilliant years.

One of six civilians

so trained and employed.

All courtesy,

all compliments of Uncle Sam.

And I paid my obligations

above and beyond the call of duty.

There is no end to obligations.

Look, I will not work

for the OSO, period!


Why? Because you had

an experience this afternoon...

that made you feel a little like,

some kind of a Frankenstein monster?

And now you hold the OSO

responsible for those feelings...

simply because we gave you those two legs

and that arm and that eye to see out of?

That what you're talking about?

That's what you're feeling?

Well, let's cut through this nonsense.

We're pressed for time.

If the OSO were an artillery outfit...

we would very simply

pick up the telephone...

and call a foundry and have a cannon

designed and built for us.

We are not, however,

an artillery outfit.

We do need a different

kind of a weapon.

A weapon that is potentially

far more destructive than a cannon.

It must be mobile and self-propelled...

in the field, under any circumstances

over any terrain.

It must be able to reprogram

itself in the field...

on the basis of new information

and altered circumstances.

It must have superior strength,

stability, and utter dependability.

Those were our specifications.

And I'm the result.

You are the result.

One robot.

No, actually, we would've

preferred a robot.

A robot doesn't have

emotional needs and responses.

You do.

We have you because you are

the optimum compromise...

in the present state

of technology, Mr. Austin.

A cybernetic organism.

Part machine,

part human being.

The cyborg.

Yes, we've had to settle for that.

Mr. Austin. We didn't order you

into the lifting body you were testing.

We merely picked up the pieces

and unlike Humpty Dumpty...

put you back together again.

In some ways I think

even better than before.

If only these feelings of mine

wouldn't keep getting in the way, right?

Yeah, something like that.

You know, you're more

of a robot than I am.

You should've been me.

Yes, it would've been simpler.

Supposing I agree to take

your assignment, whatever it is...

how do you know I'll follow through?

I don't. Unfortunately,

I have no guarantees.

But I would've thought that a man

with your background...

with the kind of the life that you led

would lead you to want to be...

of further service to your country.

All I want is to be left alone.

One of the most powerful men in Israel

has been kidnapped by terrorists.

He is a vital link to any negotiated

settlement in the Mideast.

And you want me to spring him?


What if I trade places with him?

They'd never accept you.

The terrorists have

nothing to gain from peace.

Their coming to power

depends on a war.

I don't want to kill people.

No one's asking you to.

Come on.

That depends upon your ingenuity.


I'm not promising, but I'll listen.

Dr. Wells?

-Dr. Wells?

-I'm here.

We're gonna have to have Mr. Austin

repaired and modified.

If you could get things

rolling on it, please.


We're in a time bind, Doctor.

I'll arrange a briefing for you

and transportation.

I'll get Miss Manners in here.

I want her replaced.

I don't want

a permanent nurse again.

It gets too personal.

We'd better sort this out, Steve.

We're not talking about

a nurse assigned to a case.

We're talking about a man

and a woman and feelings.

I'm in love with you.

You're going to have to

deal with those feelings.

Getting the lady replaced

doesn't settle it that easily.

Think it over.

I'll be here waiting when you get back.

Well, Mr. Austin.

Glad to see you're looking so fit.

Thank you.

Shall we get on with the briefing?

This is Nudaylah, desert survival.

And Geraldton, Operational Tactics.

How do you do?

- Please sit down.

- All.

We have a touchy situation,

Mr. Austin.

Shall we begin?

Right. Dim the lights, please.

This is Ali Ibn Jabral Hagmud.

He is an Arab who chose

to remain in Israel.

Very rich, very powerful...

and committed to detent

between the Arabs and Israelis.

As you know, he's being held

hostage by a group of terrorists.

Why don't the Israelis get him out?

He's an Arab, Mr. Austin.

Should he die in the attempt,

the Arab world would blame Israel.

Then in effect, they're dammed if they do

and dammed if they don't.


Would you take over from here,

Mr. Geraldton, please?

Yes, thank you.

Saudi Arabia, of course.

Now this is where they are.

The Arabs call it

'Ar Rab Al Khali'...

which translates as

'The Empty Quarter'.

An appropriate description.

There's absolutely no habitation of any sort

and a great deal of sand, as you can see.

In fact, quite a desert.

This fly by was a calculated risk...

but we think it's worth it

in order to get the shots.

Now their aircraft is the DC-3...

that you will use in your escape.

There it is in close shot.

Now notice, please,

these two half trucks.

They are manned by

30 caliber machine guns.

Nearby is an reinforced emplacement.

There it is.

That has a 50 caliber machine gun...

and is about 30 yards

from this block house...

Where we believe

Al Hagmud is kept.

That's a distance

of about 250 yards...

from the plane

which is on the runway.

But to make it,

you would have to put out this tank.

The cannon is a 105 millimeter.

Now as you can see,

they have been fully prepared for this.

We cannot storm them,

because if we do...

they'll simply kill Al Hagmud

straight away. Lights please.

The problem then is to get him out.

And that, Mr. Austin,

is where you come in.

We'll fly you in as close as we can

without alerting them, of course...

and drop you by parachute.

But you will have

some traveling to do.

And time is an

important factor here.

A normal man, of course, could not

be expected to survive the ordeal.

In fact, there's no guarantee

that even you...

If we fly you in by air-foil parachute,

you'd have a four to one glide ratio.

By then, you might pick up

30 or 40 miles in gliding down.

What about the winds?

They are unpredictable.

But 30 or 40 miles

is a serious distance.

If he thinks so, I'm for it.

Alright, then you'll go in

and fly him out safely in the DC-3.

Come here.

Where's Al Hagmud?

Who are you?

What are you doing here?

Never mind. I'm here to get him out.

Then your intelligence

is a bit dated.

Al Hagmud been dead five weeks.

He was shot trying to escape.

Do not move!

You lied.

How did you find out?

What's the difference

how I found out? I know.

And what I don't know is how you could

possibly send a man to his death...

For no reason whatsoever.

I had my reasons.

None that could justify

what you've done. None!

Dr. Wells, listen to me carefully.

You're very good at what you do.

But you have no idea at all

about what I do.

Steve Austin is a risk.

He was from the very beginning.

Why don't you just let him die?

Because he's all I had.

So we spent millions on him.

Literally rebuilt him from scrap.

But with all your technology...

what I couldn't rebuild

into him was attitude.

Yes. We trained him,

we taught him, we tested him...

but how do you test a man to find out

if he has the need, the will to survive?

Are you telling me for the sake of a test

you risked an extraordinary man's life?

- Is that what you're telling me?

- Please, please, Wells.

Don't be sentimental. I can always have

another cyborg built if this one fails.

But if he should survive,

which appears to be doubtful...

then I know that I have my man.

On the contrary. If he survives,

you've lost your man.

Doesn't your file tell you they'll hold you

in contempt for what you've done?

I am not concerned about feelings.

His, yours or mine.

Before I risk World War III on a man...

I must know, beyond a doubt,

that he is utterly, totally reliable.

There was no other way.

Boy, you guys really

play for keeps, don't you?

Yes, Dr. Wells.

Of course we play for keeps.

Why didn't they kill you, too?

I am Israeli.

They can use me as bait

for prisoner trade.

But you, my friend...

understand me well ...

They will question you.

And if they determine

you have no use to them...

they will shoot you.

Are you?

Of use to them? No.


Here. Take a card.

Too bad. It's a great trick.

You fly that little

number out there?

Yes, why?

I'm going out of here.

You coming?

Of course.

But I must warn you...

it is not easy going in broad daylight

dragging a cement wall behind you.

How are you able to do that?


Still, how can we get out of this building?

That door is two inches thick.

Never mind, just stay here.

When the shooting starts,

run for the plane, start it up.

I'll follow.


I was in the desert today.

I didn't want to die.

I wanted to make it back.

Well, congratulations, Steve.

Fooled you.

Did you?

I made it back.

Well, I was always hoping you would.

Bend down here a minute, Spencer,

I wanna tell you something.



Well, I haven't been called

that since grammar school.

Steve, we're gonna put you back into

electro-sleep to get you through the pain.

You'll be healing while

you sleep, okay?

You're the doctor.

Dr. Wells?

Is it possible to keep him

asleep indefinitely?

Now what are you going to do?

Keep him under

between assignments...

and wake him up

only when you need him?

Over my dead body.

It was just an idea.

Not a bad one at that?