The Sisters (1969) - full transcript

Diana's marriage has ended in divorce, so she goes to stay for a while with her younger sister Martha, whom she hadn't seen in ages. However, Diana is actually there to try to rekindle the passionate incestuous relationship that she and her sister once had until Martha eventually decided to end it and leave Diana for good. Diana accepted this at the time, but then she got married and realized that she can never love anyone like she does Martha and that she will never be happy without her. Unfortunately for her, Martha is now married to an older rich man and enjoys her married life free of Diana, even though she does cheat on her husband occasionally with other men, but he doesn't seem to mind. Diana, mad with longing and lust for her sister, tries everything she can to convince her to come back to her, but Martha would rather die than to do that.

What are you afraid of? Rain?

Susan Strasberg

Massimo Girotti

Nathalie Delon

Giancarlo Giannini


Hundreds of thousands in comparison with
hundreds of millions of people,

achievable, taking into account
existing funds -

This miserable results!

Even despite the fact that this society,
as a whole, is deeply irrational.

Its performance is due
contradictions in the development of

human abilities
and their means of implementation.

His peace support
the enduring threat of war.

Its growth is based on the oppression of the real
development of human freedoms.

Roberto Malenotti

Diana for a long time?
I can not wait to call!


Diana, wake up!
I do not want to be alone

Get down! Do you like?

I also bought for you,
even more beautiful than that.

Come on, get down quick!

Your tickets please.

You do not know how much more to the border?
About two hours.

Well, I'm counting on you.

This is the most beautiful of the winter,
that were in these parts.


I can not believe
here today,

you said you were going
come tomorrow.

I knew I had that you were coming today

I would meet you at the station.
You really are

Well, of course! Here I am!
Or you thought I was dead?

I arrived too fast?

I felt minute.

You know you're trembling. ..

Like you

A beautiful thing.

I brought a lot of ridiculous,
useless things.

I know for some time, even
afraid that you can not come.

I'm so happy that you came.

I'm going to stay here
only a few days.

I needed to see you,
talk to you, Martha.

I need to be
next to you.

Do you still live alone?

Not quite alone, but

But I do not advertise.

There are things about which speak only in a circle
family, and you are all that I have.

I also have a lot
just tell you

I really never thought
how many have passed in the last two years,

and now I do not know where to start.

Start from where you want.

Well, I have a beautiful house,
decorations and costumes

Wait until she can not see them
You will not believe.

In my life, all in their places.

I have all that can only
wish any woman.

Not bad. Are you happy?

I do not know. Sometimes I'm not sure

I feel that I shall
a vicious circle.

But it's since long years

You are not forgotten

Why are you looking at me like that

This shamelessness. Here you can see everything!


You said you'd find him
beautiful, when I bought it.

I'm with you not going anywhere,
since you so dressed up.

Just look at yourself!
You look like

Give it to me.

This pin could be rusty!
And blood poisoning can shlopotat!

Do you want me to die?

I'll leave.
Why do not you lie down

We still have time before lunch.

It is already worn out. Old.

Yes, I guessed.

Alex returned.

Listen, why do you quickly b
does not change and does not go down?

He wants to death
to meet you.

Just do not linger!

Funny how deceptive
It is a fantasy.

You do not like,
how I imagined.

True? And what?

Perhaps somewhat younger,
than I thought.

Alex, this is my sister Diana.

Diana, this is Alex.

Well, that's all here.

For me it is a great joy.

For both of us.

After such a long wait.

Well, in that no one reproach you
but yourself, my dear.

He still has not forgiven you
I did not come to our wedding.

But I told you, Alex,
that she could not.

and the truth, I really could not
Now it does not matter.

I have so many relatives that I can
to borrow a couple of each of you.

Enough of nonsense!

Diana my mother and father,
and grandmother, and cousin,

and aunt, and all at once in one person.

Correctly. Then I am grateful to all of them.

You are very hospitable.

Let's drink.
I go and see, whether breakfast is ready.

I am very happy.


What you're finally here. ..

But such beauty

I did not expect.

Yes, but I did not mean beauty

It's clear.

There is much more.

Breakfast is ready.
I ask everyone to the table!

Thank you.

And as you table covered with Martha?

A little too perfect.

March abhors disorder.

Well, now it is so and not say
because I had just poured the wine.

Come on, come on, you never let me catch up
if you do not podnazhmete!

Or do you think that
you can not do it?

Do not be silly! And do not get smart!

We now show it. Come on!

Faster, come on!


Diane, I pray, stop. It hurts

I do not bear.

Hold stronger.

You're always like a little!


You Ride.

And I'm tired.

Door closed

No, let a little air out.
A couple of seconds will not bring harm.

It's pretty rare plants.

They seem to grow normally
Only surrounded by mystery.

For them need special lighting.

See Diana, these plants
shelter from the sun.

This is a very strange creatures.


Too much sun
rays are dangerous to their lives.

There are almost no ozone.

The air is humid, but clean.

It is a strange smell.

Yes, it is a special gas which
It kills insects and other parasites.

There are so hot,
I can not breathe.

And why all these photos?

He is now a flower is beautiful as ever.
But this will not last long.

And Alex wants to capture him so,

what he is at the moment.

Incredible! Do not you find

Here, everything is incredible.

I'm incredibly happy here.
Or do you think I should not be?

Do not ask. Why not?

Simply, I am somewhat surprised.

Some luck gets so easily.
How do you, for example.

Come on, let's see if you can
play as before.

We are constantly playing with Alex.

Nothing really outstanding,
but Alex a good athlete.

He's good at everything. Saw
it is controlled with the horses?


As you said, he's good in everything.

What does this mean?

Straight angel in the flesh.

Yes, he is.

Do not try to convince others
in its merits.

Most important of all, what do you think. ..

And what do you feel for him.

What do you mean

I just meant
I dont know.

In the end, I just
I saw him for the first time in my life.

Good. We come into the house.
I do not want to play.

but we still did not play.

In you suddenly woke up
a real passion for spirits.

Yes, it's all the gifts from the Alex.

You always enjoyed cologne.
Never spirits.

There are people who collect such,
but you seem to have gone astray in this.

Come listen to you
I'm so fixated on this.

No, but for these 2 years you've changed. If you are
do not you see here is not my fault.

You know Alex really
He takes care of me.

He does not forget even about the little things.

He chooses my clothes,
colors, fabrics, all.

And really gets
enjoy it.

He likes to say that
responsible for my image.

This perfume he created
specially for me.

I find their flavor
It is too sweet. And you ?

Well? I gave you the first cologne
at 16. He called for you.

It was awful.

You're right. And I made you a makeover.

As you said, no one
It does not make it so well.

Hey, that's enough.

And you're constantly forced me to do it.

You were the most beautiful.

Prettier all


No. So I did not go.

I mean, it looks like,

somehow not so.

I guess none of us
It is not the same as before.

Well, it looks like you're not used to it.

It's amazing how I could
leave as such for the people.

I look like a whore!

What? .. What happened?

You become a different person.

You look completely different!

You look so

I know, you're right.
That's not me at all.


Stop it, you're beautiful.

It is not necessary to deny her husband in
the performance of his desires.

Woman prepared for the role of the victim.

True? I'm so like me, Alex?

In this case, all is well.

Diane, can continue.
That to follow through.

If Alex likes me too.


Alex, you come to the second?
I want to talk to you.

Alex, tell me. You really
like my current view?



No, stay with me.

Sit down.

But that changed in me
I want you to tell me.


You're still sleeping
open the door

What are you doing to close
a key, silly?

You have over looked the part.
Even the suitcases unpacked.

You really grown lazy

Alex and go to the sea today.

In those days, like today, it really
rages. You'll have to come with us.

Can you wear. .. this


here. That's fine.

Come on, Diane.

You feel better as soon as we
to come.

Do you think


What are you doing over there
Are you afraid?

Diana? I'm cold.

And I'm scared.

It is pouring rain for three days.

Rivers is about to come out of the banks.

I'm not afraid anymore.

If you come out of the river and its banks,
then they will carry us together.

One you, one me.
Just like before.

You're so good.

No, do not shoot

So we resemble each other.

No, it's not cold. Come on.
Though no rain.

I bet this
sun you have not yet seen.

There is a legend according to which,
Even in rainy weather,

there can still be a good tan.

Alex, let's do a couple of shots.

Alex excellent photographer.

Go to the edge,
there is better light.

I have an idea! Take off your coat.
Oh no! I beg!

Come on, Diane, there's not cold at all.

Send photo to one of those
elderly diplomats with whom you work.

A little to the right.

Not there!

Show me what you want.

Only livelier.

Do not move. Excellent.

And now here's hand then you can
sell this magazine Vogue.

Freeze that. Excellent.

Now try this.
Put your hand here.

Alex so well?
Slide close.

Even closer.

Like this.

Why do not I shoot you two?

but Diana cold.
I'm happy

Okay, now do something interesting.

Well, the part seems
that you are not familiar at all.

You can even think of something
I do not know cold, fever

Anything, as long as
It looks spontaneous.

Hey! So beautiful!

Freeze. Excellent. I want you
immortalize such.

Do you mind if we leave?

Look who's here.

When did you arrive?
We did not expect you before nine.

Dario, you try
destroy my house?

Diana, this is our cousin.

Well, actually, Alex

Hello! Well, Alex, you
It does not look!

You should say the time
from time to time at least a couple of words.

And I can think of
you me pyalites.

No, sorry. Just you
It exceeded all my expectations.

All friends of Martha usually
creepy scarecrow.

But they were sisters.
And it is true!

We just had to encounter.
And here it becomes terribly boring.

I appreciate it,
you are so kind.

Do you think Diana immediately
fall at your feet?

Oh no. And it is not in a hurry, though.

Hey, hey. And you do absolutely
It does not look like sisters.

Anyway, glad you
It is, in principle, under force.

The newcomer made guest
indelible impression on me.

But are you just arrived.

Oh yes.

Well, be obedient
boy, go and get dressed.

Hey, Barbara Bembridzh.
What do you have

How about scrambled eggs,
sausage or steak?

No no! I beg you.
Wait an hour or so.

We have guests. It is a simple
fantastic dinner.

If you make me wait
for an hour, I will lay hands on himself.

Lead me to his monumental kitchen.
Do you also pull up


Please, quiet!

We will play in a single game.

You will see the
hitherto unprecedented phenomenon.

A photograph of thought.

Right now, with the help of slides
I'll show you a photo of thought.

As strange as it seemed,
each slide reflects a certain idea.

Perfectly. You decided to show
We thought the slides?

I imagine your bewilderment.

But now I'll explain.

It is necessary to guess what kind of thought

this photo shows.
And now attention!

Concentrate You
see that these thoughts

not so easy to solve.

And I thought, he said,
that everything on science.

Once Dario said that,
I'm sure it is.

Silence. Let's see who
can guess the thought.

Well, number one.

In June 1968, 20 people
the party found

What they found in the night

What happened there?
Strip Poker ?!

Someone else will guess
Okay, then. Number two.

Watch carefully. It is thought one
men. Question: what is the mind of your ideas?

This evil, Dario?

No! I think I know! It -
flower! Well, of course! I'm sure!

You do not pay attention
that I said,

at the beginning.

These slides show the different, quite
some human feelings and relationships.

This is a very interesting idea. ..
What kind of relationship?

No more questions.

I want, at the sight of these slides, you
They say what ideas come to your mind.

Do you?
this is a woman.

So, what we have here
A? Your turn.

Maybe it's intercourse?
They are there four or five.

They express their
a protest against the war.

And why such a strange way?
Well, it's a classic.

And you're an expert in this form of protest.

what happens? War
What's going on ?!

And for Diana. Tell me what you see

Come on, make an attempt.
Two girls and a man

And what do they do?
Any ideas?

Give up? If you are organized this game
to laugh at me,

then you're a fool, Dario.

Lord, well, you can imagine and

Do not you see
It is obvious.

Do not you see that that hand?
That other women

This small work
Art key to everything.

All previously seen only toys for children.

If you guess right, you're hopeless.

Fire! There was firing a volley.

Well, who wants to try

I do not understand. This men
or women?

Yes, there are two women.

They may or may not?

Well, not the slightest imagination!

Why do not we explore
the situation closely?

Let's just say this idea
It belongs to a woman

Standing here man,

It seems to be wavering.
Frozen in indecision.

And a woman who was
to pay him or something like that

She looks at him

She smiles at him

But it is not calling to him.

Old Song, Alex.

Sit down on the seat.

You have to do everything started.

The man lost in his own thoughts.

Motionless. Full of pain.

And now look at her.
It is the key to everything.

She knows that desire,
and knows that it must be so.

It seems that she is burning with passion,
but that her passion is something icy.

And she looks at him in amazement.

Offering her body,
like a challenge, as a test.

But he would not do it.

I do not understand. Why not?
What is the reason?

I do not whether it is one of those men,

It's not that.

Challenged him,

Her eyes suggest,.

Still vague idea

like blocking it.
Nailed to the spot.


The position of women is something hidden.


Alex, what a boring story.

Well, you have imagination, Alex.

Alex, you went through.
this is not true.

You just do not know Alex.

Why Alex like that? ..
I do not know.

Thank you for coming!
I apologize for the weather.


Goodnight! See you later.

Martha? It's you ?


Go on. Why did not you say something,
I had to say.

You heard the nonsense that
Alex piled about me, about us.

I noticed that it made
on your mark.

What does it all mean?

It was now too serious.
So what?

He indulged his own request
to talk to the audience.

And there was some cold. But
With him everything is fine

You, by the way, played very well.

surprisingly. You made
an impression on me.

Innocent as a child.

What progress!
Oh, stop it!

Your eyes were full
Marta, do not!

The fact that Alex told us, though.

From this perspective, our marriage

But that does not matter.

I am satisfied with everything.

I want you to understand, Diana,

I am absolutely happy.

There is a man. Another, Alex,

which gives me everything.

Makes me

I have nothing more is necessary.

You make an old man,
as I feel sad about his youth.

So in love that
almost not to be separated.

Diana chaste, as the moon.
Immaculate, Dario.

Many will know soon grow old

Come on, Rex, a good boy!
Come to me!

Oh you ! Oh you !

You look kind of bleak.

Where Marta, Alex?
She will be back soon?

Look, Diana, I want to
to tell you a story.

One day, walking in the field,

Zen master noticed a few students

screaming and waving his fists
each other because

kite flown away

Because he called them to him
and so he admonished:

My friends! You believe in your own
existence only when

Bran because of this snake?

You forget that people are not able to
fly after him.

With whom are you talking

You look like a different person.

No, really. Never before
I have not seen you so beautiful.

Thank you!

It should already be in the two hundredth time.

Really can not think of Alex
something new for the remission of sins?

I called to have someone
to the rescue.

You scared me! Dont know,
you're back.

Why do not you cut
glued pages?

You went to the other end of the park,
to have a quiet read

And I did not even open the book!

Do you want me to do it for you?

No, this book is so boring.
I do not want to read.

I wanted to be with you.


Without you I'm lost.

Even I do not want to know, what would I do, if
I could not return home, closer to you.

If I did not have
interlocutor in your face

I hope you're happy.

Do not tell me about it too often,
or else I imagine it in my head vtemyashit.

You go to the table?

B Why do not you alive
new makeover?

You're pale, and it worries me.

I may be pale, but I still
I never had it so good.

I know I know.

Do not forget, one of your error

And I completely lose my appetite
In general, I will not eat.

Oh, Martha, you're never
you do not learn, right?

You overcook it.
Shame, shame!

If there is no objection,
I would eat with gusto. Give me a minute!

Dario, you said, there is a
primitive early Christian church.

Well? Maybe we go there?

Well, I just thought you said

that you are not interested in antiquity.

Well, today things are different.

Some days I want to get out
out of the house and see more

I think today is such a day.

You see, Alex?

Primitive recaptures their rights.

Alex, why do not you come with us?
All together, the four of us?

Come on, has declined this invitation.
That's my challenge to you.

Do you think you have enough time
flirting with the two of us? Of course!

I do not flirt, and I do not want
be subject to harassment.

If you think we want to go
there without you, then it's not true.

No, I'm not going.

Ancient ruins my hurt
romantic soul.

I think I hear voices.

As if someone out there outraged
my intrusive presence.

Why, Alex? No you
not to impose.

I do not go away, Alex.
It is better to stay with you.

In addition, I believe that
three is a crowd. This excuse!

You have to go.

And the legend of this church
You know much better than Dario.

Not to mention the fact that
with them you will be more fun.

Dario, release these ladies
under your most tender care.

are you okay?
I'm fine. Do not chase it! A? Do not drive fast!

Oh, no, I do not
do not be afraid

This is nonsense! But the place
where we're going

I'm afraid
Not worth it! I look at both of them!

Be careful!

Stop! Do not leave me alone! I'm scared!
What are you afraid of?

The way something you'd better know me.

There is quite wet If you want to
to be alone, I can come back.

Indeed, Martha, what is it with you?

I would not dare to stay
Dario alone.

But, do not believe me!
Well, I do not blame you.

Once there was a pattern
of ornamental

demons that ran
all along the walls.

Though it may seem
paganism, but especially,

build all this was

a noble lady-neofitkoy not fully
understand the essence of newfound faith.

She had several husbands.

They are buried here.

Here are their tombs, and portraits in the niches.

If you be heard -That whose sighs,
you know, it was only howling spirits.

Cry of the rejected lover.

Let's move on.

That pious lady

Presumably, it should
to protect and look after us.

Sure, she had lovers and,

inquire when husbands
sick or have been traveling.

For lovers it was
not too favorable

and get rid of them

throwing the poor fellows in damp dungeon.

Diane, it's all foolishness.

Do not listen to him,
he invented.

No no! This is true.

Does it matter?

Or do you have something in common
my noble lady?

And so you, too, in a similar way
get rid of the lovers?

So this is how it is.

Martha lovers do not need to
afraid of being exposed.

For her, it does not matter.

And Alex is satisfied.

This is a special place.
Beneficial for lovers.

They say that if two people
stand in this place

and embrace each other,

unknown what caused

Magic descended on them,

and their love will last forever.

Her spirit has heard us!

She utters a curse!

It's a sign!
Well, it's a sign!

The sign that you're a fool.

Fool, obnoxious idiot!
I am going back home!

No! Wait a minute, Marta, we need
to hold a special ceremony.

This is extremely important!


Diana and I am the prince and princess, who
We must take an oath of love.

Here, Diana.

This ancient altar brings wonderful
happiness to all who truly loves.

I hope you're right.

Look, if we notice the guard,
he throw us out of here.

We in the church, it is blasphemy.

Well, what you experience

The church has long
It does not work.

Here it is possible to arrange an orgy,
and everyone will be up to the bulb.

The ritual, which we are,
make all lovers

when asked at the great lady, to their
love was strong and eternal.

Stop fooling already

The poor girl Martha boring.
And I have fun.

Better he had married for the right
Rights and at the appropriate moment,

and not play these silly games.

Just a shame.

And who is the man that I
suits, Martha? You know

I wish I knew.

It is not so easily find it.

Leave it to the lady.

You only need to swear to love.

I think she's ready.

I have a feeling that it
spying on us.

Well, I'll help you in your small
ceremony. No, it is

No, no! Why us
do not arrange a marriage for three?

I think we can used to play this game,
If there is no objection.


But I really love Diana.

Your lady knows it. And it is to you
extremely favorable.

She wishes you a good.

No worries.

We just read the prayer.

To bless our love.

Whenever a storm is about ready
break out, the air is electrified.

And these plants begin to swell.

Changes its shape.

Acquires monstrous, spectacular beauty.
Look here!

Bloody idiot want
I was blind!

I'm sorry, Alex.

I'm so tired and so worn out.

That even a trifle pisses me off.

You now was not fun?

God, no. It was terrible.

My part in all this
it was a stupid idea.

You should not have
make me go.

The bride wants to get away from me
our wedding night

Well, the truth, you can not
be so cruel.

After the lady promised
defend our love.

I'll go to bed Dario.

I know you're not upset.

You played well his party,
but not accustomed to the role to end.

Choose your role easier.

I pray princess stay

I can sing another song
if only she agreed.

It is not fair
with respect to the princess,

she needs to go home.

Pray let me hug her.

But only once.

Then we had to part.

You live a hopeless dream.

Be a friend, not a lover.

Will you do that for me?


You blew it.


And it's you .

Dario, could you
turn off the switch?

What is it?

Air conditioning?

No, not this one. Other.

You leave it

It is not air conditioned.

It mixes the air.

Absorbs oxygen,
secreted by plants,

sprays and special gas.

Just a couple of minutes here
will have nothing to breathe.

Such an atmosphere is needed
for these plants.

You see how they perfect?

They are ideal.

But I have no wish to die
then by suffocation.

I bet Hit
here trapped rat,

it is used and the minutes did not survive.

Something like that.
We'd better get out of here.

It appears and you
a bad day

Welcome to our
small club, Dario.

I do not understand.

Soon you will understand I think.

In a manner,

we play a game of chess.

I know you're trying
win a victory.

As I.

Only the party is not limited to
Only two players

you and Diana.

Diana came here for Martha.

I was sure from the beginning.

And Martha knows it too.

So what are you afraid of?

I do not know, I was hoping you
help me figure it out.

I do not understand what you mean .

I do not blame you.

Well, if so, explaining nothing


Perhaps there is nothing to explain.

What do you mean?

Nothing, nothing. Let's go home.

We have so much to say to each other.

With that parted
no more than one minute.

Then what are we talking

About me

And for you, too
It is very important.

Why did you come here, Diana?
And what are you waiting for?

I thought I could overcome
this dependence on you,

if I see you here
really happy.

But you're not happy.

And I'm not free.

Should you take a look at truth
in the face and you'll understand

that your life is meaningless.

This is true.

But why? Why not be
honest to the end?

We both have always tried both. ..
What's going on with you?

If If I'm such

it's your fault.

Day after day, you did everything
that I became so.

Why have you returned Diana?

I had to. It was
it is important for both of us.

But now I see that your life
so empty as mine.

and I know it's wrong.

You know.

You're trying to fool you.

But why are you hiding the truth?

Just looking at you
You do not know what I feel.

The purest love
what I just saw,


That's what I can not stand it.

Do not say never
to me like that, Diana.

I can not do nothing with him. ..

You were a part of me
from the your birth.

Oh, Martha, what went wrong?

It's horrible
For both of us.

If you are not with me,
I was so scared.

When you're far away

I'm ready to kill, just to
be with you next.

I can not help you, Diane.

I can not live without you.

And I hate you.

And I feel guilty for what I hate.

You know it better than me.

All I know is,
you had to leave.


I can not

I can not leave you, leaving
to live the old life.

We were alone,
When Alex and Dario leave.

All alone in the house till Tuesday.

Only we, more than anybody.

I know it.

And I'm afraid.

What? Are you afraid of me?

If you are afraid of me, so
are you afraid of the truth.

And if so, you will never have
the courage to look her in the face.


we need to understand that we have to!

No, I do not want to understand anything

Nothing, I do not want you to understand

What do you think

you simply return
And once you start to boss everyone

Will not work!

I'm not going to spend
this time on you!

And if you do not like something,
you can get out!

Why are you angry?

I'm going to spend
three days with it.

Because I like it,
and of you is sick!

He gives me everything!

Not asking for anything in return!

He does not like you, Diana!
Like you, no more!

Why do not you take a look
what you become

This person is a bitch,

which is just another
Bitch and appreciate.

March I really did not want to

If I made you suffer
it did not want to.

Oh no.


You no longer have authority over me.

I'm not going to you
indulge and obey.

Only one thing bothers me:

The idea that you
touch me!

I can not stand it!

I do not want you to even
He approached me,

I touched my hand
or head to anything!

Do not touch me,
When you pass by!

Never again!

You see even the dogs manage to win
Our love of the Immaculate Virgin.

Everyone, not just me.

Hope dies last.
Do not be upset.

Sorry to get stuck
in your conversation, but

We need to go back to Tuesday.

Either way, your house.

Alex, come back as soon as possible!

And brought back to Dario.

Do not lose sight of him.

So do not you care?

Follow the road.

Oh, this can not worry.
Hey! I'm talking to you.

When we get back, we must be serious
talk. Good? Till!

Alex, why do you want,
so I went with you?

It does not matter. I sometimes forget that you are very
Difficult person.

What is going to keep him occupied
Dario is away?

I have nothing to entertain you.

Read to your thoughts.

I think one of us is a big fool.

You or me?

Well, it does not matter.

In any case, I find

I find that quite
with us all.

And we have no choice?


I want to be alone.

That's what we've tried.

Nothing happened.

I do not do not care whether you
unhappy before I left.

After him indefinitely.

I do not spit

Just me I needed

I had to escape from the city.

I had to run away from you.

I remember
I remember what

foolish promise we
We gave each other.

Never be alone

Never throw each other

never to leave each other

I made it. I ran away.

And now I can not.

I can not go back.

This must end.

You have to forget about it

and did not ask.


What do you want to prove
saying all this?

You're ashamed of something in himself

You become someone whom I do not know.

Yes, now I have another.

Praise be to God, I'm different.

I want too

I want you to say something. ..

About your conjectures
that we had.

With all my heart

I hated you.

And still I hate.

No, you do not want to say it.

If not for Alex

You would have to leave.

is not it?

Yes, I live with you

I would hand over imposed.

Then take it.

Diane, I am ashamed today.

In fact, I did not want
I say what I said.

Why do not you make me
company, while I take a bath?

I could read your magazine ..

a drink or something,
pobudesh is with me.

Talk to me.

Diane, can not get to me

a bottle of oil
tubs from the cabinet?

I think I'm there poured no less than seven different
oil grades.

You all right spark.

I'm glad you're happy.

I'm really happy.

It seems to me like
I am dancing. Do you know why?

Yes I know. Of course.

Oh, the water is so hot!

I have a feeling that you

I am a little jealous. I'm right?
Why do not you admit it

Maybe the truth is that I
content with small but

little better than nothing.

How about you.

Come on, Diana, what are you waiting

Come on.

Do you want that I bathed you,
as before, when you were little?

But I'm not a little.

But, if you really want. ..

You said that I cause you disgust.
But this is not the case, right?

Do not lather my back?

Oh sure.

Can I

So good?


I feel like Cleopatra,
Host milk bath!

what's the matter? you feel bad?

No, nothing. I'm very well.

I have a fantastic feeling!

You know you're doing massage
better than geisha.

Is this something
Eastern, luxurious

You know, I feel like it gets
deep in my pores.

Like a haunting me.
I feel

and new fresh, until
the depths of his being.

I feel some tingling

Blood so pulsing in my veins

As if they are about ready to burst.

I feel so cold.

drowsiness. ..


Diana? Oh, God, help me

Please, stop it.

help me

You need to make this.

I'm blazing inside.

I think you should call a doctor.
I have caused.

Do you want me to do a recall?

Oh, do not rush.

Not necessary

Just have pity on me.

Stay with me.

I beg. Please, have pity on me.

Do not worry you so.

I am good.

Just tub was too hot.

I should be more careful.

I like everything inside is broken.

I want to sleep.

You have already prepared an injection?

You should wait for the doctor.

I need it right now. I feel bad.

He's waiting in the woods. You must
go and tell him.

If I do not come,
he did not understand why.

I do not want anyone to know.
I do not want anyone to know.

She's not coming.

According to Ms. lui hundred at-mo-gi



I'm so afraid.

Marta, now I'm with you.

What the doctor said?

Doctor? He did not say anything.

Fever will soon pass.

He will not come. Will not come.

It should come today

Tomorrow will be too late.

No, wait.

Do not. Stay here.

Stay with me.

I'm afraid.

I was always afraid.

But not close to you.

with you


Marta, where are you?


What's the matter?
I woke you up?

I can not stand hypocrisy.

So look

I had to go back
after an argument with Alex.

He told me that

I was even ashamed to say.

This is absurd.

And what I said to Alex.

I feel like a fool.


Diane, I

a fool



that's all


Subtitles leoferre24