The Seen and Unseen (2017) - full transcript

A young girl seeks out imaginative ways to cope with the death of her twin brother.

Sir, you need to take care of the administration outside.

Ok, thank you. /
Thank you.

Tantri, come here.

Tantri, wait inside.

Fine, stay here.
I have to take care of the paperwork first.

Come here for a while.
Come here, dear.

What flowers should we put on this crown?

Is it going to stick? /
I don't know.

Try this. /
No, no.

Just put it on.

Where? /
Wear it behind your ear.

Hush. You missed it. You missed it.

Let it be. /
Just put this on.

Here you go. /
Where did you get the egg?

From there. /
From where?

From the offerings for God, where else could it be?

Mom will get angry if she knows you took it from there.

If she finds out, you'll have to responsible to it. /
No worries.



Come here. Just for awhile. /
No. I don't want to!


Just be patient.

I went home yesterday

to get some food and clothes.

Tantri is outside now.

She doesn't want to come in. She's afraid of hospital.

We will stay here tonight.

Tantri. /
Yes, Mom.

I need to see the doctor first
Just wait here.

He must be missing Tantra a lot.

Just keep him here, or else your mother will be angry.

Is Tantra your older brother?

Your younger brother?

He's my younger twin brother.

Oh, you're "buncing" boy-girl twins.

People say that "buncing" twins are a symbol of balance.

You're lucky to have him, and so does he.

You two complete each other.

You must take care of each other.

Is it good?

This is a tale of a cuculus bird...

...many mountains, ravines, and forests.

Oh dear God... says the grieving bird.

Knowing the end will come to her soon,
after she gave birth to the child,

the bird is broodingly gazing up at the moon.

Then she remembers the story about the moon goddess
who is eaten by Kala Rawu, the evil giant.

The smell of sadness...

Feels faint...
It is a sign...

The threatening danger...

Help... Help...

And here is the evil giant.

Help... Help...

Help... Help...

Help... Help...

There goes the moon, eaten by the evil giant.

Then what happens to the moon?

Tell me, quick.

The moon goddess, the moon goddess...

What happens to her?

If you come tomorrow, please bring me
some paddy seeds from our home.

Paddy? How could I bring it here?/
Just use anything and bring it to me.

It grows bigger, bigger, unreachable.

How was it?
What did the doctor say?

Tell me.

These are the rontgen and lab diagnosis.

I don't understand.

Tantra has a bump inside his head, and it is getting bigger./
What kind of bump?

It's pressuring his brain,
and affecting his nervous system.

Nervous system? I don't get it.
What did the doctor exactly say?

He can't feel anything.

His senses are already affected.

They are not functioning anymore.
He lost his eyesight.

He's blind?/
He can't hear as well.

Our child...

So the bump is the one causing it?
Are his feet affected too?

Yes it is. He's too sick.

What should we do?
How can we help him?

Should we take him to another hospital?
Please tell me what to do.

Just keep praying, and wish him well.

Eat your dinner, Tantri.

I've told you, I don't like the yolk.
Just give me the egg white.

Just eat it.

The moon finally came.

The beautiful gold flower...
Stacked and dangled...

The beautiful gold flower...
Stacked and dangled...

The golden flower holds up the sky...

Fall to the east... Fall to the west...

Dancing with the wind...

The beautiful gold flower...
Stacked and dangled...

The beautiful gold flower...
Stacked and dangled...

The golden flower holding up the sky...

Fall to the east... Fall to the west...

Dancing with the wind...

The beautiful gold flower...
Stacked and dangled...

The beautiful gold flower...
Stacked and dangled...

Tantri help me. Let's make offerings for God.

Tomorow we will present these to our ancestors.

Put the eggs properly. Don't let it be stolen by cat.

Don't make the ancestors angry.

Ok, Grandma.

Done. Pick it up, Tantri.

Hold this.

wait, set the paddy upright. /
It is already straight.

Hold the infusion higher./


Can't sleep?

Me neither.

Two days ago, the moon shone so bright.

But yesterday's moon was not that bright./
Yes, it is.

I feel like I am the moon.
So bright.

But after a while, the brightness is fading away.

I don't see you fading.
You shine brightly just like the full moon.

What's with your hand?

Which one? /
You played it wrong.

I don't know. I can't feel it anymore.

So when you hold something, you can't feel it anymore?

How about something hot?

I can't

How if it's cold? /
Just the same.

I feel the same way for everything.
I can't even feel my legs.

We have to divide into five groups.

A different group for each day.
We will have rules and penalties.

Yes, agree.

It's for the water to flow the best in the paddy fields,
so we won't face any problem.

Yes, agree.

Then we have to start planting.
After that, the distribution of water would be clearer.

Yes, the water has been divided into partitions. /
The water has to be controlled as well.

So there would be no fight in
the paddy fields over water supply.

How about the seeding. /
Let's discuss it now.

Should we look for it ourselves? /
We could ask money to the village treasurer.

Put it in the middle.

Now there are two types: Gelis and Serang,
Which one should we agree on?

I think the Gelis seed is better. /
Ok then, we will use the Gelis seed.

About the pest in the fields.

Please give good attention to it.

Let's eat first. /
Now is the season of rat pest. How could we handle it?

Yes, now is the season. /
Please, eat.

If you find any symptom in the fields,
spread the news directly.

If only...

...I could replace you.

I'm willing to feel the pain.

I'm willing to be sick.

Lately I saw you keep waking up at night.

Why is it? Nightmare?

I couldn't sleep.

Couldn't sleep?
Then what did you do?

I played with Tantra.


I know you must be missing your brother.

I miss him too.

Your father misses him too.

But now he needs some rest.
It's important for his health Ok?

Tantra said he misses you too.

Where is the doctor?

Doctor, what's happening to him?

Continue your journey, my child...

I'm willing to let you go...

Your eyes look distant, my child...

My beloved... My baby...

I place you on top of my crown...

Like the fireflies chasing the light...

My love for you, dear...

The smell of your body...

Will be forever in my memories.

Continue your journey, my child...

I'm willing to let you go...

Your eyes look distant, my child...

My beloved... My baby...

Like the fireflies chasing the light...

Fried egg?



You haven't answered my question.

What happens to the moon after
it becomes a fullmoon?

Oh the love of my soul...

Although after seven reincarnations...

Please meet my soul...

Together roaming through life...

Oh my longing...

If we composed...

It soothes the heart...

Powdered with the essence of jasmine...

Adorned with Asana flower...

Oh... the love of my soul.