The Secret Heart (1946) - full transcript

Brillant pianist Larry Addams allows his frustrated ambitions to ruin his life and commits suicide, leaving his wife, Lee, and two small children, Penny and Chase, under the stigma of disgrace. Lee takes over and devotes her life to paying off Larry's debts and raising her two step-children. Prior to her marriage, Lee had turned down the proposal of Chris Matthews, wealthy ship builder and college friend of Larry's, but he had remained as a true friend to both. On the night of the suicide, Lee and Chris had attended a dinner party together and, horrified and shocked at the death, Lee sends Chris away, and for ten years does everything possible for the children to make up for the loss of their father. Bewildered by some of the strange stories concerning her father, the grown-up Penny (June Allyson) questions Lee and her brother Chase. Later, Penny meets and falls in love with Chris, not realizing he is the man Lee gave up.

Man: Keep
the change, Matey.

Aye, aye, admiral.

Yes. I'll have Mrs. Addams
call you as soon as she gets in.



Hi, honey.

You're home.
I can't believe it.

I can't believe it

I believe it now,

Oh, chase.

Did you miss me?

We all have.

Ha ha ha! See?


Hiya, steamboat.

Hello, steamer, you
little, old scotchman.

How are you?
Heh heh heh.

Hey, where's Lee?

She's out. I hardly ever
see your mother anymore.

How is she?

Oh, chase, you'll be
so proud of her.

Lee's one of the biggest real
estate operators in New York now.

Well, find her, woman.
Get on the horn.

Let's have
a celebration.

I don't come home from the
Navy every day of the year.

Who's that?


What's she doing
home from school?

She didn't go back
after easter vacation.

Why not?

She's worse, chase,
much worse.

She hardly ever talks to
Lee or anybody anymore.

She shuts herself up in
there and plays the piano...

Hour after hour.

Well, there's nothing
new about that.

But now if anybody
walks in, she stops cold.

it's frightening.

I kind of hoped now that
she's grown up, she'd...

I'm going up
and see her.

Oh, no, chase.
I wouldn't...

Not while she's playing.

she's my sister.

I think maybe
I can handle her.



Oh, you're back!

It looks like it,
doesn't it?

To stay?

Yup. Take your
last look at my blues.

How are you, beautiful?

Oh, I'm all right.

How come you're
not in school?

Oh, well, uh...

I couldn't
go back to school.

Why not?

Oh, it's nothing.

It's about my heart.

What's the matter
with your heart?

Did somebody get it?

It's nothing,

Hey, come on now. Play
some more for me, will you?

I didn't know
you were so good.

Does, uh, Lee know
you're home?

No... Kay's downstairs
trying to find her now.

Kay doesn't know
where she is.


But I do.

for heavens' sakes, where?

She's with
Dr. Rossiger.

She's not sick, is she?

Oh, no. It's
not about herself.

It's about me.


Dr. Rossiger is
my psychiatrist.

Your psychiatrist?

Yes, mine. But that
doesn't keep our stepmother

from going to see
him behind my back.

"Our stepmother." Oh, penny,
are you still saying that?

Well, she is
our stepmother.

So what?

I'm sorry.

Let's call her.

Butterfield 8-1598.

Yes, lieutenant.

Mrs. Addams is
in with the doctor now,

but I'll see that
she gets your message.

Yes. Good-bye.

Come in.

Well, Mrs. Addams?

I was just thinking,
Dr. Rossiger,

if you hadn't become
a psychiatrist,

you'd have been a wonderful
prosecuting attorney.


You have a talent for phrasing
the most loathsome accusations

in such a way-


Well, you did
call me a liar.

Oh, no, no, no.

I- I just said you hadn't told me
the whole truth.

Now, if we're going to help penny,
we must be absolutely honest.

Uh, there are several important
facts that I know nothing about.

Penny is vague about them,
and you're evasive.

You have a farm
in new england,

haven't you?

What about it?

You've never even
mentioned it to me.

Penny has spoken of it
once in a while.

It evidently means
something to her,

but what does
it mean to you?

Well, it... it's
a lovely place.

Why don't you
ever go there?

Oh, I'm a busy
woman, doctor.

I haven't-i haven't
had the time.

Your children
have time.

Why haven't
you let them go?

We can't ever
go back to the farm.

I won't even
talk about it.

Mrs. Addams,
what are you afraid of?

I'm not
your patient, doctor.

Oh, yes you are
my patient, Mrs. Addams.

You became my patient the moment
you placed your stepdaughter

in my charge.

Now, how can you expect me
to understand penny

if I don't
understand you, too.

And how can I
understand you

if you don't
tell me everything?

Mrs. Addams, believe me,

I'm trying to be
your friend.

But if you choose to treat
me like an enemy, mmm...

Oh, I'm sorry.

Well. So, let's see,
what do we know?

We know that when
penny was 5 years old,

you married her father.

And we know
that 2 years later,

he... he died.

Well, now, those 2 years

those are the years
that I must know about.

I believe that penny told me
her first recollection of you

was coming down
a gangplank off a boat.

What boat was that,
Mrs. Addams,

and where had you been?

And where were you going?

Yes, I was on my way
back from england

to marry Larry Addams.

Christopher Matthews
was on the same boat.

Chris was an old friend
of Larry's.

I had heard
a lot about him.

Somehow, we'd never met.

Larry wired him
to look me up.


...with the ship,
so to speak.

You got a wire, too,
then, huh?

Well, let's meet
and have a drink.

...not feeling
very chipper.

Oh, no, no,
not a carnation.

Some other fellow might
be wearing a carnation.

I'll tell you,
I'll be wearing a Rose,

sort of, oh,
a salmon pink-mmm!

With large thorns. Yeah.

Stormy weather,
old boy.

Huh? My wife won't like that.


Oh, excuse me!

I didn't mean
to throw myself at you.

If you're really leola
waring, it's quite all right.

I am.

Uh, man with Rose
with thorns.

Uh-huh. Ah! Oh!

Hold it!

Look. Let's sit down
and go at this

a little
more gracefully.

Ahh! Oh! Ha ha!

Did I hurt you?

No! Ha ha ha!

Oh, I have an idea we're
going to be well-acquainted

this storm's over.

Well, I hope so.

I, uh, ordered for you.
Is that all right?

Fine, thank you.

You have to when
you can, you know.

Most of these glasses
are broken.


Excuse me.

You, uh,
see what I mean?


You-you won't
get seasick, will you?

No, you don't have
a thing to worry about.

You know, you've got
the nicest laugh.

Ha ha-ah! Excuse me!

Ha ha ha!

The next 5 days
went by so quickly.

And as we neared
the end of the voyage,

it seemed as though I had
known Chris Matthews

all my life.

New York's
in the morning.

You live right
in the city, don't you?


I live in Providence.

It's, uh, only an hour
by air from New York,

half a minute
by telephone.

Uh, do you like
to sail?


Oh, that's great.

Did I tell you that I
built the Valerie ii?

She's entered in the
Bermuda race next season,

and, well, some skippers
are superstitious

about having women
on board, but I'm not.

Uh... do you like
to fish?


You know, I've got a
little farm in Rhode Island

and about
a mile away,

there's a stream with
a granddaddy trout in it

that long,
and, well,

I - I thought that, uh,
together, we might, uh...


These liners travel
so fast.

That's why I like sails.

This is our last night.

We dock in the morning.

And I just
want you to know-

Chris... I'm in love
with Larry Addams.

I don't believe it.

I know I should have
told you in the beginning,

but it seemed
such a lot to tell,

and it wasn't only my
secret. It was Larry's, too.

Months ago, he asked me to marry him.

I wanted to terribly, but my aunt...

Well, Larry was
drinking then.

She took me back
to england with her.

You see, she lives there,
and she's sort of my guardian.

But she promised that if
I still felt the same way

after a few months
in england,

I could
come back and...

And... you think
you still feel the same?

I know I do.

But aren't you
taking on an awful lot?

A widower
and 2 young children?

I worship
the children and-

oh, Lee, are you sure?

Tomorrow, when I see
Larry, I'll be sure.

Won't I?

You'll have to
answer that yourself.

I'll never forget
the look on Chris' face

the day I was married.

And I remember the glimpse
I caught of penny.

She looked sad
and resentful.

All that summer
at Larry's farm,

I did what I could
to win her confidence.

I remember one day,
I had planned a picnic.

Well, here we are.

Everything ready?

We got the ice cream, Mrs. Stover.

Well, that's
just fine.

We got
the ice cream.

And I've got fried
chicken and sandwiches

and fruit
and cookies.

That's wonderful.

It's a mighty fine day
for a picnic.

Is Mr. Addams ready?

I'll go
get daddy.

Uh, no, penny.

Uh, I think you
better go inside.

But I want to.

No, no. Darling, you
stay here with chase

and watch
the ice cream, hmm?

Somebody might
take it away.

Sure. We'll watch the ice cream.

We'll watch
the ice cream.

Darling, if I were
the usual wife,

I'd say, isn't it a little
early on a Saturday morning

for this,
Mr. Addams?

If you were
the usual wife,

you wouldn't be Mrs.
Addams, Mrs. Addams.

I've been
looking for you.

What for?


Oh, you're a lazy thing.

Look at that. Pajamas in
the parlor, no breakfast,

and the children
expecting us

to go on a picnic
at banning's point.

I'm on my honeymoon.
Where are you?


Then keep your mind
on it, darling.

Now. May I sell you on the
idea of banning's point?


Oh... I'm afraid Mr.
Addams has lost his youth.

Larry, I hate to break a
promise to the children.

I didn't promise.

But I did.

Did you marry me
or my children?

All of you.

I'm glad you love
my kids, Lee,

but, please, dear, keep
most of your love for me.

All right, dear.

I'll take the children on the picnic.

I'll say
you're not well.

Oh, but please, don't
drink anymore now, hmm?

Eat something

Never tell Mr. Addams what to do
and what not to do, Mrs. Addams.

Larry, please.


You promised to bring daddy
to the picnic. You promised!

Why do you
keep him here?

Daddy isn't feeling well, darling.

He can't go with us this morning.

What do you mean
I can't go?

Of course daddy's going,

He just overslept.

That was only
the beginning.

And one night,
a year later,

when we were going to a dinner
party with Chris Matthews...

you're not dressed!

I know it.

But, darling,
it's late now,

and here you sit playing
the piano as though-

I didn't know
my playing annoyed you.

I won't bother you
with it again.

Larry, don't. I only
meant it's time to leave.

I'm not going.

Daddy and I were
playing a duet.

Apparently, we were
committing a crime, penny.

Lee doesn't like our music.

Penny, you should have
been in bed ages ago.

Now you've made
daddy cry.

Oh, daddy's tired,
that's all.

Now... the sooner
you get to bed,

the sooner
tomorrow will come

and then another
piano lesson.

Say good night
to daddy.

Good night, daddy.

Good night,

Good night, penny.

Good night.

Larry, what is it?

What is what?
I'm not going.

That's simple
to understand, isn't it?

But it's bill
and Nancy's anniversary.

They especially
wanted us.

They're friends!

I see bill every day
at the bank.

I'm very friendly.
Isn't that enough?

He bores me.
His friends bore me.

I'm not going.

What'll I tell them?

Tell them...
Larry's drunk.

Oh, I forgot.
You don't like my music.

I love your music.


Oh, darling, tell me.
What's wrong?

Why is it you think
something's wrong?

Why do you keep nagging,
nagging, nagging?

Oh, you poor darling. You had a
bad day at the bank, didn't you?

I'll tell you what.

I'll cook dinner,
just the 2 of us, hmm?

There's loads of things
in the ice box.

What do you say?

So kind, so brave,
so long-suffering.

Why don't you
let me alone?

No, Larry, don't.

I'm tired, I tell you.

I'm getting tired of
your watching, spying,

counting my drinks...

Tired of you, Lee.

Go on. Go to your dinner.

Get out!

I have every intention
of getting out.

I'm going to that party, and
I'll have the time of my life.

From now on, you won't be
bothered by my suffering

or my bravery
or-or my spying.

I'm going to have fun.

If I can't have it with you,
I'll have it without you.

Hello there.

Larry's not going
with us, Chris.

Do you mind taking me?

No, no, of course not.

Go on. Take her.

You can both discuss me
behind my back.

Tell her how sorry
you are for her.

Oh, shut up, Larry.

Get out, both of you.

Get out and let me alone!

Chris, take me back.

I have a feeling that i-

now, now, Lee.

Better let him
sleep it off.

In the morning, if he
remembers it, he'll feel sorry.

If he's
forgotten it,

well, you'll
forget it, too. Huh?

Maybe you're right.

: Frankly, it's beyond me
why George bothered to marry her,

unless, of course,
he needs her money.

Is it true she's filthy
rich? - Filthy.

Of course, Louise and Fred
were supposed to be just good friends.

But it does seem odd
that they got married

so soon after Walter's
death, doesn't it?

Wait till the case
of darley vs. Darley comes up.

Honey, that's really
going to be a stink.

Can't keep
a cat in a bird sanctuary.

And I don't care
if it's siamese or Swedish.


Oh, and what about
Hazel, remember? Oh, yes.

"Oh, my dear, whosit's wife can't have
been seen with so-and-so's husband,

"because so-and-so's husband
was last seen in kokomo

with whatsisname's ex-wife-"

"... who promises
to tell everything."

Gosh, how those vultures
eat up scandal.

What's this?


Now, Christopher...

Now, leola.
Come on.

* each time
I say your name *

* you came and fanned
the flame *

* and it will burn *

* we'll re-begin love's charms *

* when I am in your arms *

* no one will do *

* no one till you *

* return *

There you are.

I am very thirsty.

Just a little.

Just a little.
There you are.

Thank you.

Are you going to eat
that sausage?

Why? Do you want it?


Well, if I'd have known,

I'd have had it
wrapped as a gift.

Ha ha ha!
I love gifts!

You know, I almost
got you one the other day.


Well, there was a sort
of a-a fluffy thing,

a- a negligee,
I guess you'd call it.

I saw it on a dummy in a
store window in Providence,

and it looked
exactly like you.

The dummy?

Yes. No, no,
the-the negligee.

Anyway, I was
tempted to buy it.

Well, why didn't you?

Well, it was one
of those women's stores,

and I've never been in a
place like that in my life.

Ho ho ho!

Oh, Chris, look.

Huh. Well, what about it?

It's time
to go home.

Have you forgotten
that awful party?

All forgotten.

Had fun?

Ah, yes.

Then it's time
to go home.

I wonder what's happened.

Something up
at the point.

Let's see.

You wait here.
I'll see what it is.

Hello, sheriff.

Hello, Mr. Matthews.

What-what happened?

Larry Addams.

Larry Addams?!

There's been
- there's been some sort of an accident.

What is it?

It's bad, Lee.

But what?
Sheriff, what is it?

Mrs. Addams, we've been looking for you
ever since you left the mosbys at 10:00.

I'm sorry.
It's your husband-

we found his body
at the foot of the cliff.



Somehow, we managed to keep
the children from knowing the truth.

We let them believe their father
died of a heart attack.

Put the bag
in the car, darling.

Penny, darling,
it's time to go.

Hello, Mrs. Stover.
Is, uh-oh.

I'm glad
you came, Chris.

Is there
anything I can do?

Thanks. Mrs. Stover's staying on.

I've rented
the house.

But I don't even know
where you're going.

Y- y-you can't just go.

I'm going to New York to get a job.

I'm going to pay back every
cent that... Larry lost.

Lee, I know this is not
the time to say it,

but nothing has changed
for me since the taurania.

I think it is
the time to say it.

It was 2 years ago
on the taurania,

I fell in love
with you.

I didn't know it then,
but Larry must have known.


Not that I was
in love with you,

that I wasn't his,

Not completely.

If I had been, he would
have turned to me before...

But he didn't.

I was afraid you'd try
to blame yourself.

I'm not talking
of blame, Chris.

Lee, how can you make plans
when you're so confused?

I'm not confused.

I've never seen so
clearly in my whole life.

Believe me, I
- I'm not being hysterical.

I'm not being

I just know that if
I had been everything

a man has a right to
expect his wife to be,

those children would
still have their father.

Look, Lee...

I'm in this, too.

Now, there must be
something I can do.

Yes, there is.

Don't try
to see me, please.

Don't even write.

If you'll
promise me that,

then I know I can go
through with everything.

All right, Lee.


And that was the last time
you saw Christopher Matthews?



Larry's suicide,

the bank investigation
caused a horrible scandal.

I couldn't do
anything about that.

But all the cruel gossip
about Chris and me,

I thought-
I thought that if-

you thought that if you ran away
and let that child believe that lie,

that everything
would be all right.

Well, what would
you have had me do?

Tell the child her father
didn't die of a heart attack,

that he, that-

now, Mrs. Addams, let's not talk
about what you might have done.

Let's talk about what
you're going to do now.

What am I going to do?

You're going to
reopen the farm.

You're going up
there for the summer.

No! That's impossible!

The whole neighborhood

People would talk.

Not if you talk first.

Up at the farm,
little by little,

things will
come back to penny.

The house itself will
have memories for her.

Perhaps, she'll begin
to ask questions,

and you'll give her
the answers-true answers!

And then?

Then her heart trouble
will be cured.

But there's nothing
wrong with her heart.

All the specialists
have told-

ah, heart specialists
can't cure a neurosis.

Don't you understand?

Penny's in love with
the memory of her father.

She's in love with a ghost,

which means she's
on the brink of disaster.

If she isn't able to transfer
her attachment to someone real,

to someone living,
someone her own age,

she'll become
a permanently sick girl

without any hope
of having a normal life.

Well, Mrs. Addams?

What about the farm?

Oh, I don't know.

This is all
so new to me.

How'd you like to talk
it over with this fella?

It's chase!

He's home!

Oh, isn't
that wonderful?

How long since
you've seen him?

3 long years.

Ha ha ha! I bet he'd like
a summer in the country.

Mrs. Addams,
this affects him, too.

Why don't you take
them both back,

face this as a family?

If one limb
of a tree goes bad

and it isn't
treated properly,

the disease may
eventually reach the roots.

Thank you.

Oh, one more thing,
Mrs. Addams.

Let penny devote all the
time she wants to her music.

It's a wonderful outlet
and be grateful for it.

Hey, Lee, what do you
think you're doing?


Darning? Well, look, I don't
want to hurt your feelings,

but when you darn, you just
don't sew the hole together.

You don't?

Nah, it's one of the first
things you learn in the Navy.

Look. Here's
how you do it. See?

Oh, that's beautiful.

Nothin' to it.

Oh, dear. Somehow, I always felt
you wanted a mother who could darn.

I always wanted
exactly what I've got.

Thank you. Sir.

Heh! Uh, doing anything
special tomorrow, Lee?

No. Why?

I'd sort of like
to borrow the car

if you're not going
to use it.

Oh, sure.
Help yourself.

I have to go up
to Providence.

Why Providence?

No, I got to see
a guy about a job.

Oh, really, chase?
A good one?

It's with
a shipbuilding firm.

Well, that sounds

Lee, I won't take the job
if you don't like the idea.

Why shouldn't
I like it?

It's with
the horton shipyards.

Oh, I see.

Chris Matthews.

Yeah, that's right.
Chris Matthews.

Mm-hmm. He's, uh,
he's president

of the horton shipyards now, isn't he?

Yeah, a real big shot.

I ran into him just
before I shipped overseas.

I recognized him
right away, of course,

but he didn't know me
until I told him.

He was very nice.

Asked about you, too.

Anyway, he offered me
a job when I got out.

What do you think?

Why, take it.

Are you sure?

Chase, Chris Matthews was
your father's dearest friend.

I know.

The reason I haven't
seen him for 10 years...

Is my own.

Penny still thinks dad died
of a heart attack, doesn't she?

And you?

I was 11 years old.

I could read the papers.

that's strange.

You've never
mentioned it.

Why should I?

There might have been some
questions you wanted to ask.

I've never questioned you
from the first day I knew you.

Thanks, fella.

Funny kid.

Lee, maybe it would do her a lot
of good if she did know the truth.

That's what
Dr. Rossiger said.

Dr. Rossiger?
Oh, yes, the psychiatrist.

What's he want you to do?

Reopen the farm.

Open the farm?

Oh, no, Lee. You
wouldn't want to do that.

Why not?

Well, up there,
everybody knows.

People might talk.

Not if I talk first.

Am I interrupting

Heck, no. Come on in.
Stretch out.

We were
just gabbing.

But you both look
as though you-

what were you
gabbing about?

About spending the summer at the farm.

Going back
to the farm?

Would you like
that, penny?

Oh, more than anything
in the world.

But, Lee-

I, uh, was
just wondering.

Could Kay
come along, too?

Well, I don't see how
I could do without her.

Oh, wonderful!

If I get that job
in Providence

I could commute
every day.

I was thinking
of that.

Hey, beautiful,

want to take a ride
with me tomorrow?

A ride? Where to?

Got to go up
to Providence,

see a man about a job.

And I got a shipmate
I want you to meet.

Been bragging about you
to him for months.

Brandy Reynolds.

No, chase,
it's-it's so far.

I don't think so.

Why not?

Oh, why don't
you go, penny?

It might be fun.


I suppose you told him to ask me.

Nope. He thought it up all by himself.

You thought it would be good for me

to go out and meet
people. Isn't that it?

Look, kid, we don't mind
that chip on your shoulder,

but don't put
a halo around it.

You could even bring
Brandon down to the farm

if you like him.

He wouldn't like me.

Why not,
for crying out loud?

Boys don't, that's all.

Oh, what's the use of being
a raving, tearing beauty

if you want to spend
the rest of your life

locked up in a room
with a piano?

You don't understand.

Who says I don't?

Why don't you cut out this
phoney stuff about playing alone.

Please, i-

what's the idea?

I was playing
for my father.


Penny, darling, it's all
right for you to practice,

because your father would have liked you

to be good
at your music.

But you can't just shut away your talent

inside of you
like that.

My father gave me
whatever talent I have.

It's my only way
of saying thank you.

Oh, fine talk. She just
isn't making any sense.

Let's forget it
for now, chase.

Now what about this
trip to Providence, hmm?

Yeah, what do
you say, beautiful?

Want to come along?

You'll meet
Chris Matthews, too.


A very fine fella.
Going to give me a job.

You remember him,
don't you?

He was your father's dearest friend.

Oh. All right, chase.

I'll go.

That-a girl!

Hello, Mr. Wiggins.

Mr. Matthews would like you to
come up to his office, please.

Yes, sir?

Uh, I beg your pardon, but
I'm looking for chase Addams.

My name is Reynolds.
Brandon Reynolds.

He's in
with Mr. Matthews.

Won't you be seated?

Oh. All right. Thanks.

Say, I know you!

penny Addams.

I'm Brandon Reynolds.

Yes. How do you do?

Hey, you ought to get
yourself a new picture taken.

I beg your pardon?

Oh, I mean the one that
chase carries around with him

is downright libel.

Why, you're-
you're beautiful!

Oh, well, really, it's
quite an old picture.

Oh, really?


Hi, Brandy.

Oh, hi, chase.

Hey, I got the job.

Swell. Oh, that's wonderful.

Well, I see you two
have met already.

Oh, yes.

Come on in. I want you
to meet Chris. Come on.

this is penny.

Well, well,
hello, penny.

How do you do,
Mr. Matthews?

And this is a friend of
mine, Brandon Reynolds.

How are you?

thank you, sir.

What do you mean, Mr. Matthews?

You used to
call me Chris.

Not-not uncle Chris, mind you,

but just
plain Chris.

Oh. How do you do, Chris?

Heh heh.
Remember me?

Well, I think so.

Of course I do.

I'm afraid I wouldn't recognize you.

Not now. You've
grown so much.

Sit down there,

This is quite a place you've
got here, Mr. Matthews.

We do a little bit
of work now and then.

Hey, Chris.

That's the Valerie ii, isn't it?

Yeah. She's just been
honorably discharged

from the Navy, too, chase.

Oh. Penny, are we
neglecting you?

Oh, no.


Mr. Wiggins is here.

Have him come in,
will you, please?

Brandon, chase is going to
have a look around the yard.

Would you care
to go along?

Oh, yes, sir.
How about you, penny?

You like boats,

Oh, I'm crazy
about boats.

You are?

Why, of course I am.

Sent for me, boss?

Oh, wiggins, would you
show my young friends,

around the yard?

Mr. Chase Addams here
is going to work with us.

How are you,
Mr. Wiggins?

Pleased to meet you,
Mr. Addams.

My sister,
miss Addams

and Mr. Reynolds.

How do you do? How do
you do, Mr. Wiggins?

Chris, I don't know
how to thank you.

I'll see you
in a couple of weeks.

Why don't you all stay
and have dinner with me?

Oh, I think that would
be a wonderful idea.

Don't you, chase?

Well, yes.

Here's something
that will interest you,

this tennis cup.

It took your daddy
and me 3 years

to lift the mortgage
on that one.

Oh, uh, there's
your daddy and me

when they presented us
with that cup.

Did you always know
my father, Chris?

When you were
little boys, I mean.

I didn't come to Providence
until I was 14.

There you are.

Thank you.

When you got
to Harvard,

you saw him all the time, didn't you?

The lot of my time at Harvard
was spent waiting on tables.

Here, Brandy.
- Oh, thank you.

How's it going?

He's licking
the tar out of me.

But after you made a success in
business, did you then decide-

it's very obvious,

that you weren't brought
up in a pool hall.

Oh, excuse me.

Did I do something
I shouldn't?

You certainly
did not.

You stick around,
and maybe I'll win.

Well, I'll put
this back.

Here you are,

Thanks, Chris.

Say, I'm afraid we're going
to have to start thinking

about going
after this game.

Why don't
you wait awhile?

This storm
may let up.

It looks like it's
getting worse if anything.

Oh! I don't want
to go out in that.

I'm frightened.

Thunderstorms have
always frightened me.

Since when?

Always. Ever since
I can remember.

You know that, chase.

Oh, my heart's
just beating so fast.

Look, why don't you
all stay here tonight

and drive down
in the daylight?

But I told Lee
we'd be back tonight.

Oh, we could
phone her.

That's right, and I could
talk with her myself.

Oh, but we couldn't put you
through all that trouble, Chris.

Oh, it's no trouble.

I've got
guest toothbrushes-

anything you need.

Oh, uh, how about you,

Oh, thanks, sir, but I've
got to get back to the base.

Uh, what's
the-the number?

Murray hill 5-6097.

Hey, she's ok.

Told you so,
didn't I?

Yeah, but she's hardly
looked at me all evening long.

Can't a girl be subtle if she wants to?


Operator will
call us back.

That's nice
of you, Chris.

Nonsense! I don't like
storms myself.

And now, we, two, who are interested
in stimulating conversation

rather than low games,
will leave you.

Come along, penny.

You belong
in the drawing room.

I hope I have one.

Did my father
come here often?

Oh, no. I didn't have this house then.

At that time, I
- say, I've got something here

I think you'd be
interested in.

It's an album
of snapshots taken

around your grandfather's swimming pool.

I got my start
in life there

playing tennis at his place on sundays.

Good old Mr. Horton.

He owned the shipyard then, you know?

No, it's not here.

I guess it's out at
the farm at uxbridge.

Oh, we have a farm
at uxbridge, too.

Just 5 minutes
from my place.

We're going to be there this summer.


Maybe we'll see
each other then, huh?


Well, what do you know?
She's playing.

My gosh. Sounds like
she's played before.

Your shot, Brandy.


Your father used
to play that.

Yes, I know.

He was good,
wasn't he?

He was more
than good.

He had a feeling for
music that was... was rare.

Never should have
become a banker.

Why did he?

That was
your grandfather's wish.

Your grandfather was
a very practical man.

And, oh, well, I guess,
he didn't understand

that Larry probably
was a genius.

Am I at all
like my father?

Uh... very.

That'll be Lee.

Hello? Yes.

Hello? Hello!

Hello, Lee!

Oh... hello, Chris.

Yes, it has been
a long time.

Well, that's
very kind of you.

Won't they be
an awful lot of trouble?

No, of course
I don't mind.


The farm? Well,
next month, I hope.

It all depends on how
soon I can get it ready.

Yes, Chris. Of course
you can, anytime.


It'll be nice
to see you, too, Chris.

Thank you so much
for calling.

Good night.

Steamboat! Ha ha!

Well, it seems we're
going to the country.

Do you think
we can take it?

Ha ha ha!

what's the matter?

Oh, it's those geese

Poor little
city dog.

The wilds of Rhode Island
are too much for him.

Go on, Brandon.


You were saying
girls are funny.

Oh. Oh, yeah. Girls of
penny's age, for instance.

For instance?

Yeah. Now, they don't come right
out and say they like somebody.

They've got to act
as if he didn't exist.

They've got to pretend like they
like somebody else, don't they?

Well, I don't know.
You're telling me.

Oh, why do women
have to be complicated?

Hey, don't play
so rough. Ha ha ha!

I'm sorry. I... ha ha!

Now, you take penny,
for instance.

Yeah, for instance.

Yeah, yeah, yeah,
for instance.

Now, if she really
liked somebody,

she'd go out of her way to act
like she didn't, wouldn't she?


I mean, even if, uh, that
somebody liked her, too.

Or would she?

Oh, that's too
complicated for me.

Yeah. Well, of course, I was
only talking for instance.

Oh, sure.


Hey, Lee, penny drove all the
way over from Mrs. Stover's.

Well, good girl!

How do, Mrs. Addams? Hello, Mrs. Stover.

Sure seems like old times
having you back.

I'm so glad
to see you!

You look

You haven't
changed a bit.

Pshaw! You've changed a mite,
though. You're better looking.

Did you get
my rat cheese?

I sure did.

Ooh! Come on,

Time for
a cold drink.

Will you make us one of your
fruit punches chase told me about?

I sure will if you've got the fixings.

Oh, we've got

Come on, Mrs. Stover. I'm going
to carry you across the threshold.

Oh, don't you dare! They
only do that to brides!

You're better than a bride.
You can cook.

Oh, penny, penny, would you
like to take a walk or something?

Oh, no, thank you, Brandy.
I don't feel very well.

I- I think...
Not just now.


Hello, operator?
I'd like the phone number

for Christopher Matthews'
farm, please.

about me

or a couple of other guys?

Mind your own business.

Oh, the conceit
of the man.

My gosh!

Well, I didn't know we were
so dressy at the old homestead.

Oh, I had to change
my clothes anyway.

It's lovely, penny.

It's a knockout!

Boy, it's easy to see why they
call you beautiful, beautiful.

Oh, well, it's not new.

I've just never
worn it before.

Well, aren't you all going
to change pretty soon?


Why, this is my favorite sweater.

But, Lee, the pants-

now, look, we're
on a vacation.

I'll be clean
by dinnertime.

Beyond that, I promise nothing.

Chris Matthews
is coming over.


Yes, he phoned.

I- I was just walking
through the hall

and the phone rang,
and it was Chris,

and he said could
he come over,

and I said,
well, yes, of course,

and I asked him if he'd
like to stay for dinner.

But we're
hardly settled.

You'd better tell
Mrs. Stover right away.

All right.

I don't even know what we have.

Oh, he said
he'd take potluck.

Gosh, I'm a mess.

Yeah, me, too.

Better scrub some
of this paint off.

Come on, kids. Leave us
Don our festive raiment.

Be it black tie
or tails?

I don't think
that's a bit funny.

Well... all right.

Let's take a bath.

Lee, it's 5:30.

Thanks, darling.

It's him.

Yes, she plays just
like him, Mrs. Stover.

Took a might of doin'
comin' back, Mrs. Addams.

Oh. I always meant
to come back sometime.

Took a might of doin'.

Hello there.


Remember me?

Oh, hello, Chris!

For heavens' sakes,
just look at me!

No, I mean don't.

We were painting the
pumphouse this afternoon,

and I didn't know
it was this late.

Hello, Chris.

Oh, hello, penny.


Oh, yes, darling.

You entertain Chris
while I clean up.

Will you stay
for dinner?

Why, I believe
I was invited.

Oh, of course!

Uh, tell Mrs. Stover.

I did when you
told me to before.

Oh, of course you did, darling.

Well, good
- I'll be right back.

Same old leola.

Ha ha ha! Leola?

Nobody ever
calls her that.

Huh? I do, Penelope.

Well, come on now.
Entertain me.

Oh. Well, uh...

Have you been
to the duck pond?

Not-not in years.

Oh, would you like
to see the ducks?

I'd love to.

Oh, well. Come on.

The pond's old, but the ducks are new.

Do you like
old things or new best?

Uh, old, I think.

Me, too.

Well, here we are.

Very lovely.

We call this
duck pond walk.

Well, that's short and
to the point, isn't it?

It always reminds me
of 2 nice walks at school.

One is through a cool ravine

with-with a brook
and tall birch trees.

That's where you walk
with your sweetheart.

Oh, yes.

And then, the other one
is-is through a formal garden

and at the end,
there's a summerhouse,

and the hill drops away,

and you look
over a lovely valley.

That's where you walk
with your father

when he comes
to visit you, you know.

I see.


Oh, penny!

I won't answer.

Why not?

Well, boys frighten me.

Oh, that's nonsense.

No, they frighten me.
Really they do.

That's because you
haven't met the right one.

How will I know
when I do?

Oh, as a matter of fact,
you'll fall in love.

How will I know?

You'll know.


Well, there are 3 things
you cannot hide:

Love, smoke, and a man
riding on a camel.

Remember that now?


Uh-huh. Smoke...

What's the third one?

Ha ha ha!

And a man riding
on a camel.

That's it.

Shall we see
if Lee's ready?


Do you mind
if I smoke my pipe?

Mm-mm. Oh, let me
fill it for you.


No, come on.

Don't pack it
too tight, will ya?


Excuse me.

No, no, no, no, no!
Don't pack it so-

now, will you
leave me alone?

I'm very good at this.

Yeah. I fixed chase's pipe once.

I washed them
all out with soap.

Oh, fine.

I hope
he fixed you.

Ha ha ha!

Not dancing,

Well, I'd like to dance.
How about it, Chris?


Oh, no, Chris doesn't want to dance.

Look how
comfortable he is.

Will I do?

Oh, of course, Brandy.

Ah, put him down.

Oh, yeah.

Done a swell job
with them, Lee.


He's a nice boy,
that Brandon.

Seems ok.

I think
he likes penny.

He was so funny
this afternoon.

Lee... there's so much
we have to talk about,

couldn't we, uh...

Let's watch
the kids, shall we?


Hey, wait a minute.
That was a gyp.

Hey, put on another
record, will you, chase?

Coming up.

Oh, no, Brandy.

I don't think
I'd better dance anymore.

Don't you feel
well, penny?

I'm all right.
Really, I am.

Would you like to dance, Mrs. Addams?

No, thank you,

Well, I could
put on a waltz.

What did you say?

I said I could
put on a waltz.

Chris, did you hear
what the man said?

A waltz!

Mrs. Addams-

that's what
he said, a waltz!

Do I look like
the waltz period?

I suppose you'd like me to wear
a lavender shawl and bifocals.

But, honest,
Mrs. Addams, I was-

you did say a waltz,
didn't you?

Did you ever hear of
the big apple? Sure.

* I can't give you
anything but love, baby *

* that's the only thing
I've plenty of, baby *

remember, Chris?

Oh, Lee,
that's great!

Come on! Do it!

Oh, come on, Chris.
Get in there.


Look at the man
go! Look at the man go!

that's fine!

That's it!

Come on, Chris!
Get going there!

I never saw anything
so silly in all my life.


Lee, you're just making
yourself ridiculous

and... and cheap.


Heh. Well, I didn't
realize it was that bad.

Gee, I thought you were just wonderful.

You bet she was.

Hey, let's have
an encore. Come on.

Oh, no, Chris.
The show's over.

Well, anyway, it's way past
a farmer's bedtime at that.

Can I drive you
home, Chris?

No, I believe
I'll walk.

I need
the exercise.

Good night, Kay.
- Good night.

Good night, chase.
Good night, Chris.

Brandon, good night. Good night, Chris.


I'll walk aways
with you.


Come on, kids.
Let's get a cool drink.


Don't think
too badly of penny.

Of course not.

All kids get
funny notions sometimes.

You know, parents can be awfully
embarrassing when you're only 17.

But she's never done anything
just like this before.

It's got me worried.

Oh, come on. Now, there's
nothing to worry about.

Perhaps, I should talk
to her doctor tomorrow.

I've got to go into town
anyway to see culligan.



But what about
your vacation?

Oh, I'll take it.

I- I can't pass up
the culligan deal.

It's important.

Oh, gosh, Lee.

It's good
to have you back.

That's your cue.


I said, "it's good
to have you back."

You're supposed to say,
"it's good to be back."

I'm not sure.

Oh, Lee!

Where are the cokes?

I'll be right there.

Couldn't you just
holler where they are?

Oh, Lee-

no, Chris, this
doesn't make sense.

You-you can't span 10
years in 2 short hours.

My job isn't done,
not by a long shot.

You saw that

I saw tonight that
penny has a problem,

but it's not yours

Don't be like


was a rooster,

crowed every morning
to make the sun come up.

At least,
he thought he did.

Then one morning,
he forgot to crow.

And believe it or not, the
sun came up all by itself,

a nice, big,
bright, warm sun.

And poor old chanticleer
was out of a job.

I'm not like that.

Yes, we all are,
more or less, sometimes.

Hey, Lee!

You want us
to die of thirst?

Did you look
in the ice box?

Ha ha ha!


Just a suggestion.

Anyway, tomorrow's
another day.

Please, Chris,
not tomorrow.

I'm so terribly

Perhaps, we shouldn't see each other.


Mrs. Addams,
I'm a neighbor.

I was born neighborly,

and I shall remain
neighborly to the end.

Good night, Lee.

Good night.



It's me! Penny!


What on earth are you doing
up here on banning's point?

Oh, I-I always come up
here when I'm in trouble.

troubling you?

I make people unhappy.

Like tonight,
I hurt people, and...

Then I'm unhappy, too.

That's why I-I like
to be alone so much.

That's why
I come up here.

But it's
a bad place, penny.

It's cold, and the wind
blows in from the sea, it's-

oh, no. It's beautiful!

My father used to bring us
out here on picnics.

And sometimes,
very early in the morning,

he'd get me out of bed,
and-and we'd come up here,

the two of us,
just to watch the sun rise.

Tell me, penny-uh, come on over
here and sit down for a minute.

You can't actually remember
your father, can you, penny?

Oh, it isn't
exactly remember.

You and other people think
about my father as-as gone,

but he isn't gone,
not for me.

I can still see him just
as he was that last night.

He and Lee were going out to
dinner, but... daddy didn't go.

He wasn't feeling
very well.

I could tell by the way
he was playing.

Lee sent me to bed,
but I couldn't go to sleep.

Something made me
get out of bed.


my little penny...

Love me always...

No matter
what happens,

no matter
what they tell you.

Keep on loving me

and playing for me.

As long as you live,

play for me, penny.

I'll always play for
you, daddy, only for you.

Of course you will,

Good night.

Good night, daddy.

Keep on playing, daddy,
until I go to sleep.

You see, they don't understand
when I say I'm playing for him.

But you understand,
don't you, Chris?

Of course I do.

Oh, about tonight,
when-when Lee was dancing,

I'm so ashamed
of the way I acted.

Now, you and I
are friends,

and friends don't have to
explain anything to each other.

I don't want to be
a problem, Chris.

I don't want
to make trouble.

Hey, now, now, wait a
minute. Wait a minute.

It's not as bad
as all that.

Here. Go on.
Blow on it.

Good, hard blow.
That's a girl.

There you are.

I'm all right now.

Fit as a fiddle again?

Fit as a fiddle.

Come on, then.

I'm going to walk you
home, you old night owl.

Oh, no, Chris.
I'm perfectly all right.

I like to walk at night.

Well... good night.

Good night, penny.


Oh, hello.

You've been
taking a walk, huh?

Yes. It's so beautiful.

Yes, it's one of the loveliest
nights I've ever seen.

The very loveliest.

I, um-would you like to sit
down and have a little chat?

Oh, no, thanks, Brandy.
I'd better go in.

It's getting late.

But, penny, there's something
I've been wanting to ask you.

I- I was wondering if you'd come
down to the base sometime

and play
for the men.

Oh, no.

No, Brandy,
i- I couldn't.

But they love
good music.

Honest they do.

And they're a very
appreciative audience.

Oh, you don't understand.

I- I just couldn't,
Brandy. I'm sorry.

Good night.

Is that you, penny?


And me.

I thought you'd
gone to bed, Brandy.

Well, I'm just going
now, thanks. Good night.

Good night.
Sleep tight.

Night, penny.

Good night, Brandy.

I'm sorry, Lee.

I guess I was
pretty silly.

I don't know what made
me do such a thing.

I- I guess-

let's forget it.


Where have you been?

Oh, I went
to banning's point.

Banning's point?

Uh-huh. I could see way down
the coast to the lighthouse.

And the dogwood along the road
was-was so pure in the moonlight,

i- I just ached all over.

Lee, what's it like
to be in love?

Well, I-I suppose
it's seeing the dogwood

in the moonlight
and aching all over.

It does show, doesn't it?


Love, I mean.

He said it would.

He said, there are
3 things you cannot hide:

Love, smoke, and a man
riding on a camel.

Ha ha ha!

Oh, Lee, he's so wonderful.

I keep thinking
about him all the time.

I guess I knew that-that
day in Providence.

Oh, darling,
how nice.

And has he told you
he likes you?


Well, he told me.

Oh, did he, Lee?

He's always been
so sweet about you.

When we were
painting together.


The summerhouse
this afternoon.


Oh, I know he'll tell you himself soon.

Remember, darling,
Brandon's been through a war.

He probably wants to be
sure of his future before-

but, Lee, it isn't-

you know, all those boys
have been through a lot.

They don't talk about
it, but it's there inside.

They're not very sure
of anything just now.

Don't you worry,

Brandon's stationed
at Newport.

We'll have him out for lots of weekends.

Lee, don't, please.

Well, sure. I know
it makes sense...

But I don't want
to be sensible.

I want to get
married now.

So do I, darling.

But how do you think
Lee will feel?

Lee? Look, Lee's never
been on the wrong side

of anything.

She's certainly not
going to start with you.

Well, thanks, fella!

Hey, Lee!

Oh, gosh, I-I didn't
know you were-


Oh, I wouldn't have
missed this for a million.

Kay, darling, I'm so glad it's you.

Oh, thanks, Lee.

Bring your face
over here.


Will you be
my bridesmaid, penny?

Oh, of course.

Oh, I don't think
we've got any champagne.

I never needed champagne
less in all my life.

Well, beautiful?
What do you say?

Oh, congratulations,

and all the happiness
in the world.

I'm-I'm terribly happy. Honestly, I am.

There's a double reason for celebrating!

I think there's an old
bottle of flat ginger ale

in the icebox.
Come on.

Lee, don't,
please, I...

Well, good night,

Good morning!

Hi, Lee.

Where are you

The city.


Lee, I didn't know we
were going in this morning.

I'm not even

You're fired...

For stealing
the boss' son.

She's not sore
at you.

She's sore at me for
stealing the boss' secretary.

Oh, why don't you put
some coffee in your sugar?

Why don't you drink your own coffee?

I had mine,
early this morning.

Hey, get the car.

I have to catch
the 8:42.

I'll even drive you to the station.

Mrs. Addams,

I'll be gone
when you get back,

so I just wanted to say,
thanks an awful lot.

Oh, we loved having
you, Brandon. Thanks.

Come again next week,
if you can, hmm?

Thank you.

Lee, I wanted to talk
to you before you go.

Why, sure.

Well, not here.

Darling, I'll be home on the 6:30.

Could it keep
until then?

Yes, it can keep.


Well. Me, I'm going
to wash my hair.

Me, I guess
I'd better pack.

I'm going to work
in the garden.

Hmm! What is it, an apron or a tool kit?

You like it?

It's pretty.

Pretty, but if you fell overboard,

you'd never
come up.

Ha ha ha!

Well, I guess
I better go pack. I-

oh, do you have to go?

Yeah, leave's up at noon.

Oh, yeah. Uh-huh.

Uh, you don't mind my coming
back next weekend, do you?

Oh, of course not.

Uh, would you answer
a letter if I wrote?

Oh, of course I will.

Yeah, that-
that's swell.

Well, I'll...

Uh, I'll see
you later.


Um, do you like it?

Yeah... yeah.

The war is over.


Hi there!

Oh, hello, Chris!

Oh, I, uh, I was just
planting some asters.

That's quite a number
you're wearing there.

Oh. I like it.
It's practical

and yet, I think it's
feminine, too, don't you?


Oh, I look such a mess.
I'm so dirty.

Oh, but this garden
dirt doesn't count.

Oh, gardening
is good for me.


My psychiatrist
said so.

Well, he ought to know.
Tell me, is Lee up yet?

Oh. Lee went
to New York.


Oh. I was going over
to Providence myself,

and I thought I might
take her up the junction.

Oh. Well, she'll
be back on the 6:30.

Chase is going
to meet her.

6:30, huh?

Tell chase
not to bother.

I'll pick
her up myself.

Well, I'm sure she wouldn't
want you to trouble.

No trouble at all.
I'll be back

from Providence
about that time.

Do you really
have to leave?

Yep. Got to see
my baby.

Your what?

The Valerie ii.

Oh, how is she?

She floats, and
before you know it,

she'll be
as good as new.


I'll never forget
last night.

You were so nice.

it wasn't difficult.

You're pretty swell

Bye, penny.


May I help you, sir?

Yes. Please. I
- I'd like to get something for a lady.

Yes. Did you have
something special in mind?

Yes, I saw it
in the window, uh, uh...

It was a-a... negligee,
I think you call it.

Oh. Could you
describe it, sir?

Well, yes,
of course.

It was on a dummy,

and it looked
like a-a...

Well, it had, uh, it had
sort of a fluffy stuff

up around the neck,
you know?

And it came way down and
out onto the floor, you know.

And then, sort of like open grill
work under the arms and here.

Oh. Uh, did it have
dolman sleeves?

Dolman sleeves?


Uh, well, that-
that I-I wouldn't know.

When did you see this
in the window?

About 10 years ago.

Oh. Well, perhaps I can
show you something similar.

Thank you.

About 14?

Uh, dollars?

No, size.

Oh. I hadn't thought
of the size.

Uh, she'd be
about your size.

All right. I'll be
back in a moment.

Thank you.

Is there something I
could show you, sir?

The young lady is taking
care of me. Thank you.

Say, that's kind
of cute, isn't it?


Is it gold?

Would that be suitable
for a junior miss?

Yes, very. When you spin
it, it spells "I love you."

Well, what do you know?

"I love you."
That's cute, isn't it?

You haven't got one
of those that spells

"I love your mother,"
have you?

Ha ha ha! No!

Watch your step,
Mrs. Addams.

Thank you, Joe.

Red cap, lady?
Why, Chris!

Right this way.

What are you doing here? Meeting you.


I'm kidnapping you
for dinner.

Oh, no. I can't.

If you knew how much
work I have to do,

I've got to go home.

I have to put in
a call to New York.

I have got the nicest
telephone at my farm.

At your-no,
honestly, I can't.

Do you want to walk?


All right.
Then, get in.

But, Chris-

stop arguing.
In you go and sit down.

A fella comes around, goes out of his
way to pick you up and take you home...


You're just taking
advantage of me

because I'm tired.

I am trying
to love my neighbor.

Is that wrong?

How do you do,
Mrs. Addams?

How are you, William?

Just fine,
thank you.

I'm glad
to see you again.

Thank you.
I'm glad to see you.

Good evening, William.

Good evening,
Mr. Matthews.

Is the champagne
on ice?

Yes, sir.

It's different!

You've done
something to it.

Well, I've-

oh, of course. You added a dining room.

Like it?

Oh, William,

I'll need this.
Thank you.

And the chintz
is new.

No, no. That's just
been cleaned. That's all.

Chris, it's lovely.

I didn't get much good out
of this place during the war.

I didn't dare come
down here. No telephone.

No telephone?

No, but there's one
now, darling,

right over there
on the desk.

Don't be alarmed.
Oh, you!

Now don't talk
all night, what?

I'm sorry
I have to do this.

Operator? Operator,
I want New York.

Rhinelander 6200.

Yes, rhi-
rhinelander 6200.

I promised faithfully I'd do this

as soon as I got here. Ok.

Thank you.

Hmm? Oh, the number.

28. Uxbridge 28.

Uxbridge 28.

Thank you, William.
I'll take care of this.

Yes, sir.

Oh, William, did you get that
little present over to miss penny?

Yes, sir. I gave it
to Mrs. Stover.

Ah. Thank you
very much.

Hello? Hello.
Is Mr. Culligan there?

Mrs. Addams.
I'll hold on.



Hello, Mr. Culligan?

I worked out the details
coming up on the train.

You will have more
than 16,000 square feet.

Mm-hmm. But I've got it
right here in front of me.

That's right.

Yes. Material shoots can be
installed as per of the orig-

don't talk
with your mouth full.

I said, material shoots will be
installed as per the original plans.

Yes. Oh, yes, I'll get
you in by September.

Of course. Caviar.

Now, go away.
This is important.

More important than
caviar? Can't imagine.

Yes. Yes, that's right.

3 successive options and
5- year renewal. Mm- hmm.

If I were making a deal
with you, my pretty one,

I wouldn't quibble
over an option.

I'm not marrying the man. I'm
renting him a factory building.

Just a minute. Is that your
business face? I love it.

Yes, Mr. Culligan.

Yes, I'll draw up
the papers right now.

Thank you. Good-bye.


It's quite a business world you're
working up for yourself, isn't it?

No! Don't touch

Is that culligan?

That's culligan.

May he rest in peace
for 5 years with options.

Uh, that's a cocktail.

I have to call
the house first.

Very busy, aren't we?

Uxbridge 14, please.

I'll give you
one minute.

You know, you can
be pretty obnoxious.

At times.

Hello? Kay?

What's the matter
with your voice?

I'm being strangled
to death, that's all.

Ha ha ha! By your former secretary!

Where? Where are you?

Oh, swell.

Yeah, sure.

Yeah, I'll tell
Mrs. Stover.

See you later. Bye.

Now, young lady,

now, what?

What is it with you?

Ha ha ha!

For heavens' sake!
What goes on here?

Oh, Mrs. Stover,
Mrs. Addams just called.

She said she wouldn't
be home for dinner.

Oh. Chase, as long as
you're going upstairs

to straighten up
for dinner anyway,

you might give this
to penny.

William brought it over.

Yes, ma'am.

See you later, Kay.

All right.



Package for you. Catch.

Thank you.




Chase, look what
Chris sent me.

Say, that's
pretty sharp.

Well, it's beautiful.

Come here. Hold it.

Look. When you spin it,
it says "I love you."

What do you know?

Oh, I think he's the most wonderful,
dearest person in all the world.

He's a guy, all right.

Lee's having dinner
with him.

Isn't this adorable?

What did you say?

I said, Lee's having dinner
with him over at his farm.

But why?

Well, I guess he must
have asked her.

Say, wouldn't it be
a great idea?


Lee and Chris.


What's the matter?

Lee and Chris...

Oh, no.

Why not?

Say, I'll bet that's why
he never got married.

I'll bet he's been in love
with her all these years.

He's not in love
with her.

He couldn't be.

Last night, the way
she was dancing,

making such a fool
of herself...

Are you crazy?

You were the one that was
out of line last night,

and she didn't even
get sore at you.

I thought
she was wonderful.

Everything about Lee
is wonderful.

All you ever think
about is Lee, Lee, Lee!

Why shouldn't I?

She spent her life
thinking about me and you.

And I've got to be grateful
for it all the rest of my life,

go down
on my knees and-

yes, and be glad
to do it.

Why? She's never been a
mother like other girls have.

She never came to school, to anything.

All she's interested
in is real estate.

All she does
is work!

All she cares
about is money!

What does she do
with it anyway?

You really want to know?

She pays
our father's debts.

What debts?

Well, when dad died,
there wasn't any money.

No, penny. It wasn't
a heart attack.

What do you mean?

He killed himself.

He jumped
from banning's point.

I don't believe you.

You think I'd make up
a thing like that?

I don't believe you.

It-it could still
have been his heart.

He-he fell.
It was an accident.

It was no accident, penny.

He left a note.

You don't leave a note
before an accident.

That's why Lee took us away, to
keep us out of all the scandal.

That's why we've
never come back.

It's why she's worked so hard
to clear everything up for us,

so we could face people
without feeling...

Without feeling-
well, just face people.

Oh, I'm sorry, penny.

But you were bound
to hear this sometime,

and it's better
that you know it.

Lee took us away to keep
us out of the scandal.

That was good of her,
chase, wasn't it?

You're darn right
it was.

Yes, it is better
that I know about it,

much better.

Would you like-

honestly, Chris, I
couldn't eat another thing.

I didn't say
anything about food.

All you women ever think
of is food, food, food.

Oh, ho ho ho!

Mrs. Addams, I have
performed a deed,

a deed
of consummate heroism.

10 years in the doing,
I might add.

Oh, no, be careful.
Don't break it.


Well, don't
just sit there,

aren't you going
to open it?

Of course, I might have
gone to the malay peninsula

and brought you back
a bengal tiger,

but believe me, this took
far more courage.

Oh, Chris!

It's just beautiful.

Do you like it?

Oh, I love it!

You're not going to put
it on over that, are you?

I certainly am.

Oh, I see.

There's a mirror over
there if you want it.

Oh, no. That's one
thing about a negligee,

you can't
put it on wrong.

I better help you if you
want to tie this all up.

Hold your chin up
out of the way.

How did you know
my size?

Well, I'll tell you-

oh, I know. I know.

Yes, I remember. I look like the dummy.

Nah, that was
10 years ago

that you looked
like the dummy.

There you are.

Yeah. Yes, I have
got good taste,

and... I don't mean
the negligee.

Lee, I'm not going to pretend that
I've carried a torch for 10 years.

It was tough going at first, but... I

managed to forget you
for long months on end.

And then i-well, I thought I'd
learned to live without you.

But I knew yesterday when
I dropped in at the farm

and saw you standing there
all covered with paint,

that I was right back
where I started.

Oh, Chris.

Lee, last night you said
you had a job to do.

All of a sudden,
that job is finished.

I'm asking you
to take on another one.

It's not as simple
as all that.

You can't launch a couple
of kids as you would a boat.

Penny's still
a child.

Brandon is still
in the Navy.

I- I've got
to make sure.

Darling, exactly what do you
think you can do alone for penny

that we can't do
better together?

I don't know.

Oh, darling,
darling, darling.

And only yesterday, I said
you couldn't span 10 years

in 2 short hours.

And only yesterday,
I knew you were wrong.

How did you know?

There are 3 things
you cannot hide:

Love, smoke, and-

a man riding
on a camel!

Oh, Lee!


What's the matter?

You said that
to penny.

Why, yes, as a matter
of fact, I believe I did.

Oh! Chris! It's not
Brandon at all!

It's you. She's
in love with you.

Penny?! What are you
talking about?

Oh, Chris!

What on earth-

come in, chase.

I'm sorry to bust in on you like
this, Chris, but have you seen penny?

No, why?

Well, she didn't
show up for dinner.

I've been out looking
for her for over an hour.

What happened?

Well, we-we had
a little row,

and I said some things.

I had to, Lee.

I told her about dad.

What did you
tell her?

I told her
about banning's point.

Oh, no, chase!
You didn't.

Well, she seemed
to take it fine,

so I went on down and started
to have dinner with Kay.

When she didn't
come down,

I went back up,
and she was gone.

I thought
she might have-

penny! Penny!


This is penny's.

I gave it to her.

Then she has
been here!

Yeah. Let's look
around back, chase.


Banning's point.



No. Don't you come
any closer.

It's too late.

It's too late
to do anything now.

You killed my father.

You don't know
what you're saying.

How could he go on living when
he knew about you and Chris?


You took us away
from the scandal,

but you had to come back,
didn't you, Lee?

Back to the scandal,
back to Chris.

That's not true!


No, don't be
frightened, Lee.

Everything's all right.

You can have Chris,
but you'll never be happy.

He'll hate you as I do.

'Cause I'm going to do
what my father did.

Oh, penny,
listen to me!

Your father didn't kill
himself because of Chris and me!

He killed himself
because he was a thief!

He-he stole
the bank's money.

He was faced with
disgrace and jail!

Do you hear me?

do you hear me?


Oh, penny.
Oh, penny.

If she'd only
say something.

It's like-
it's like shock.


Did you get
Dr. Rossiger?

Still no answer.

If she'd only
say something.

If she'd only cry.

It's almost 2:00.

I thought maybe a little
coffee might keep you going.

Oh, that's very nice, Mrs. Stover.

She ain't spoke?

Poor soul.

Does Lee
take it black?


I'm going to take this in to her.


Perhaps, if you tried
to sleep, darling...

Perhaps, in the morning,
we could...

I can understand your not
wanting to talk, penny,

but if only I knew
that you could hear me.

Don't you see that I had
to say what I said up there

on the point tonight.

I know it was cruel.

It was brutal, but you
were so close-so clo-

The facts were brutal,

But sometimes, the reasons people
do things are much more important

than the very things
they do.

Your father
wasn't a thief.

He was a man
who only wanted music,

and they wouldn't
let him have it.

They broke his heart,

And one day,
he-he made a mistake.

Then he got frightened,

frightened of what it would do
to you and to chase and to me.

He loved you more than
anything in this world, penny.

He wanted to make it
possible for you

to go on
and be a great musician.

You will be a great
musician, my darling,

when you've learned
to play for everybody.

I want you to play for
me and chase and Chris.

I want you to play for
Brandon and the boys.

And then, I want you to
go back to school next fall

and graduate
with your class

and go to dances and-

and when I come
to visit you,

will you take
that walk with me,

the one that girls take
with their fathers?

Oh, Lee!

Oh, I'm so ashamed!

Penny! Penny!