The Secret (2006) - full transcript

The Secret is a feature length movie presentation which reveals The Great Secret of the universe. It has been passed throughout the ages, traveling through centuries... This is The Secret to everything - the secret to unlimited joy, health, money, relationships, love, youth: everything you have ever wanted. All the resources you will ever need to understand and live The Secret. The world's leading scientists, authors, and philosophers will reveal The Secret that utterly transformed the lives of every person who ever knew it... Plato, Newton, Carnegie, Beethoven, Shakespeare, Einstein.

But I looked at that house and I started
to cry because I was just blown away

"Why you crying?"

"Honey, I finally understand how
the Law of Attraction works.

I finally understand the power
of visualisation.

I finally understand

everything that I've read,
everything that I've worked with.

My whole life,

the way I've built companies.

It worked for my home as well,

and I bought our dream home

and didn't even know it."

Decide what you want,

believe you can have it,

believe you deserve it,

and believe it' s possible for you.

And then close your eyes every day

for several minutes and visualize

having what you already want,

and feeling the feelings of
already having it.

Come out of that

and focus on what you're
grateful for already.

And really be, enjoy it, okay

And then go into your day and release it

to the Universe,

and trust that the Universe
will figure out how

to manifest.

You know, the Secret was definitely
a real transformation for me,

because I grew up in a family where
my dad was very negative,

thought that rich people were people that
had ripped everyone off

Thought that anyone that had money
must have deceived somebody.

So I grew up with a lot
of beliefs about money

that if you had it,
it made you bad,

you know, only evil people
have money

and you know, money
doesn't grow on trees.

That was a big one.

"Who do you think I am, Rockefeller?"

That was one of his favourite phrases.

So I grew up truly believing
that life was difficult,

that it was hard,

you had to struggle.

And it was only when I met
W. Clement Stone,

that I literally began to
shift my life.

When I was working with Stone

he said, "I want you to set a
goal that' s so big

that if you achieved it,
it would blow your mind.

And you would know it' s only
because of what I've taught you

that you would have
achieved this goal."

Well, at the time

I was making about eight
thousand dollars a year

and for some reason I wanted something
that was really measurable,

so I said,

"I want to make a hundred
thousand dollars in a year."

I had no idea how I could do that.

I saw no strategy, no possibility

but I just said,
"I'm going to declare that,

I'm going to believe it,

I'm going to act as if it' s true,

and release it."

And so I did that.

And one of the things he
taught me was every day

to close your eyes and
visualize the goals

as if it's already achieved.

And I had actually made a
hundred thousand dollar bill

that I'd put on the ceiling.

So the first thing I'd see
when I woke up...

I'd look up and there it was

and it would remind me
that this was my intention.

And then I would close my
eyes and visualize

having this hundred thousand dollar

a year lifestyle.

And interestingly enough,

nothing major happened for
about thirty days.

You know, I didn't have any
great breakthrough ideas,

no-one was offering
me more money.

And all of a sudden
I was in the shower,

it was about four weeks into it,

and I had a hundred
thousand dollar idea.

It just came right into my head.

I had a book I had written,

and I said if I can sell four hundred
thousand copies of my book

at a quarter each,

that'd be a hundred thousand dollars.

Now, the book was there,

but I?d never had this thought

And one of the secrets, I think, is

Now I didn't know how to do that,

I didn't know how I was going to sell
four hundred thousand copies,

we'd never done that.

And then I saw the National
Enquirer at the supermarket.

I had seen that millions of times,
and it was just background.

And all of a sudden it jumped
out at me as foreground.

And I thought, "Wow, if readers
knew about my book, certainly

four hundred thousand people
would go out and buy it.'

And about six weeks later I gave
a talk at Hunter College in New York

to six hundred teachers, and
this lady comes up at the end

and she says, - "That was a great talk,
I want to interview you.

Let me give you my card."

And I said, "Who do you write for?"

"I'm a freelancer,

but I sell most of my stuff
to the National Enquirer."

You know, and I had this
little theme from

the Twilight Zone went
off in my head.

"Dern-ner ner ner..."

Like, whoah, this stuff?s really working.

So that article came out

and our book sales
started to take off

But the point I want
to make is that

I was attracting into my life

all these different events
including this person.

And to make a long story short,

I did not make a hundred
thousand dollars that year.

We made ninety-two thousand

three hundred and twenty-seven dollars.

But you think we were like
depressed and going,

"This doesn't work"?

No, we were going,
"Whoa, this is amazing!"

And so my wife said to me

"Wow, if it works for a hundred thousand,

do you think it'd work
for a million?"

And I said, "I don't know,
I think so. Let' s try it."

And my publisher actually wrote me a check,

it was a royalty check,

for our first Chicken Soup
for the Soul book.

He actually put a smiley
face in the signature

cause it was the first million dollar
check he'd ever written.

And so I know from my own experience,

because I wanted to test it,

does this Secret really work?
And we put it to the test.

It absolutely worked.

And now I live my life from that,
every single day.

Well, I can just imagine what a lot of people

that are watching this are thinking.

And that is, how can I attract
more money into my life?

How can I get more of the green stuff?

How can I get more of
wealth and prosperity?

How can I, when I love my job,

deal with the credit card
debt that I have

and the realization that maybe there?s
a ceiling on the money that can come in,

"cause it's coming to me through my job?

How can I bring in more?

Intend it!

This goes back to one of the things we've
been talking about throughout the whole

Your job is to declare

what you would like to have from
the catalogue of the universe.

Well, if cash is one of them,

say how much you would like to have.

I would like to have

twenty-five thousand dollars,
unexpected income,

within the next thirty days,

or whatever it happens to be.

It should be believable for you.

Most people have a goal
of getting out of debt

That?ll keep you in debt forever.

Whatever you're thinking about
you will attract.

You say, but it's get out of debt.

I don't care if it' s
get out or get in,

if you're thinking debt
you're attracting debt.

Set up an automatic
debt repayment program

and then start to focus on prosperity.

So many times people say to me,

"Well I'd like to double my
income in the next year".

But then you look at their actions
and they're not doing the things

that are going to make
that happen and,

you know, they'll turn right
around and they'll go,

"Well I can't afford that".

Ok, guess what,
"Your wish is my command".

As you are fussing about
not having enough money,

as you are talking to your friend
about not having enough money,

as you are feeling unhappy
about not having enough money,

you are actually activating
within yourself,

or continuing the activation
of a thought,

that is very different from
the desire that you have launched.

What it just comes down to is,

you just can't want more money
and focus upon not enough.

When I first understood
The Secret

I was getting bills,

every day I would get a bunch
of bills in the mail.

And I thought how do I turn this around?

The Law of Attraction states,

that what you focus on
you will get.

So I got a bank statement,

I whited-out the total,

and I put a new total in there.

I put exactly how much I
wanted to see in the bank.

What if I just visualized checks
coming in the mail?

So I just visualized,

a bunch of checks coming in the mail.

Within just one month,
things started to change.

And it's amazing.

Today I just get checks in the mail.

I get a few bills, but I get
more checks than bills.

I grew up on you have to
work hard for money,

you have to work hard for money.

And so I replaced that with,

money comes easily and frequently.

Now in the beginning it feels
like a lie, right.

There was a part of your
brain that will say,

"Oh you liar, it's hard."

So, you have to know this
little tennis match

that will go on for a while.

When it comes to creating wealth,
wealth is a mindset.

It's all about how you think.

I'd say 80% of my coaching that
I do one on one with folks,

is about their psychology
and the way they think

I know when people are listening they say

"Oh, well you can do it, I can't."

Every person has the capability
to change the way

their inner relationship
and conversation with money.

I find so many people who

maybe make a tremendous amount
of money,

but their relationships stink.

That's a technical term,
by the way.

And that's not wealth,
it really isn't.

You know, you can go after the
money and you might get rich,

but it doesn't guarantee
you'll be wealthy.

I'm not suggesting that money
isn't a part of wealth,

it absolutely is,

but it's only a part.

And then I meet a lot of
people who are,

quote unquote, "spiritual',

but they're sick and broke
all the time.

That's not wealth either.

Life is meant to be abundant.
In all areas.

Many people in Western culture
are striving for success,

they want to have the home,
they want their business to work,

they want all of these things.

But what I found in my research
is that having those things

certainly doesn't guarantee
what we really want,

which is happiness.

And that's when all those
outer things come.

They don't come from going after
them first to get happiness.

It's backwards.

You go for the sense of inner joy,

of inner peace,

of inner vision, first,

and then all the other things
from the outside appear.

The Secret means for me
actually that

we are creators of our universe.

And that every wish of what
we want to create

will manifest in our lives.

Therefore it's very important
what you wish,

what your thoughts are,
what your feelings are,

because it will manifest.

Now, one day I went into somebody' s home

and he was an art director,
a very famous film producer.

And in every corner

he had this beautiful image of a woman,

a naked woman, dressed with a fabric,

kind of doing this, kind of saying

"I don't look at you, I don't see you",
you know

And I said,

"I think you have trouble in your romance."

"Are you clairvoyant or something?"

"No, but look. Seven places,
you have exactly that woman."

"But I love that kind of painting.
I painted it myself."

"That's even worse," I said,

"because you put all your creation
and creativity in it."

Now he's this gorgeous looking man,

he has all these actresses around him,

because that' s the work he does,

and he doesn't get romance.

I said, "What do you want?"

"Well, I want to date
three women a week."

"Okay, paint yourself with three women,

and hang it in every corner."

Six months later I see him in Europe,
and I said,

"How is your love life?"

"Great! They just call me,
they want to date me."

"Because that' s your wish."

"Now I have like three dates a week.

They're fighting over me."

"Good on you."

"But I really want to stabilize
a little bit.

I want marriage, I want romance."

"Well, paint it, okay."

So he painted a beautiful
romantic relationship,

and a year later he got married,
and he's very happy.

Because he put another wish out.

But he wished it in himself
for years,

but it did not happen

because his wish could not
manifest because the outer

level of himself, his house,

was just contradicting himself
all the time.

So if you know this knowledge,

you should start playing with it.

Inside relationships, it' s important

to first understand who' s
coming into the relationship.

And I don't mean about your partner,

I mean about you.

How can you ever expect anyone else
to enjoy your company,

if you don't enjoy your own company?

And so, again,

the law of attraction
or the Secret,

is about bringing that
into your life,

and you've got to get
really, really clear.

Here's the question I would
to ask you to consider;

do you treat yourself

the way you want other people
to treat you?

You become the solution for you.

Don't like,

"Now you owe me and you need
to give me more'.

Instead, give more to yourself.

Take time off to give to yourself,

in a sense to fill yourself up
to fullness,

to where now you can
overflow in giving.

I got into many relationships
expecting my partner

to show me my beauty.

I needed to see him showing
me my beauty,

because I didn't feel beautiful.

Because when I was growing
up my she-roes

were Charlie' s angels,

or the Bionic Woman,
Wonder Woman.

And though they were
wonderful women,

none of them looked like me.

It wasn't until I stopped,

and I fell in love with Lisa

- full lips, round hips, mocha skin, afro-

that the rest of the world
began to fall in love with Lisa.

There's something so
magnificent about you.

I have been studying me
for 44 years, mwa!

I wanna kiss myself!

Because you're gonna get
to love yourself.

I'm not talking about conceit.

I'm talking about a healthy
respect for yourself.

And as you love yourself,
you'll love others.

Sometimes people will say,

"Those people at work are
so negative," or

"The man that I live with
is so angry,"

or "My children are so
worrisome to me,"

and we say,

you must orient yourself

to the best part of those
people who surround you.

We encourage that you
get a notebook

and you make a list of
the positive aspects

of the people that you spend
a lot of time with.

There could be someone that you
have a terrible experience with,

a terrible relationship with,

and in the privacy of
your own mind,

and with quite a bit of
work we will admit,

as you focus upon the things
that you like most,

those people will become that,
mostly, to you.

And even though you can not
create in their reality,

If they are in a mood
or an attitude

that doesn't match

the mood or attitude that
you have about them,

they'll zig while you zag.

Law of attraction will not put
you in the same space together.

Your frequencies don't match up.

If you knew your potential
to feel good,

you would ask no one to be
different so that you can feel good.

You would free yourself

of all of that
cumbersome impossibility

of needing to control the world,

or control your mate,

or control your child.

For no-one else can
think for you.

No one else can do it.

It is only you.

Every bit of it you.

It's important to recognize
that our body

is really the product
of our thoughts.

We're beginning to understand
in medical science

the degree to which the nature
of thoughts and emotions

actually determines the physical
substance and structure

and function of our bodies.

We've known in the healing arts,

of a placebo affect.

A placebo is something that supposedly

has no impact and no
effect on the body,

like a sugar pill or something.

You tell the patient

that this is just as effective,

and what happens is the placebo
has the same effect

if not greater effect,

than sometimes the medication

that is supposed to be
designed for that effect.

So they found out that the
human mind is the biggest factor

in the healing arts.

More so than sometimes
the medication.

If somebody is in a situation
where they're sick,

and they have an alternative
to try to explore

what is in their mind creating it,

versus using medicine,

if it's an acute situation

that could really bring
death to them,

then obviously the medicine
is a wise thing to do,

while they explore what
the mind is about.

So you don't want to
negate medicine.

Every form of healing
has a place.

There is only a stream of well being
that flows, you know.

It is a stream of
pure positive energy.

And the Universe,
all that we know,

is abundant with only that.

This is a world that is
based upon wellbeing

and wellbeing dramatically abounds.

And when you are allowing
that stream to flow,

in its fullness,

you feel very, very good.

And when you are pinching it
off a bit,

you feel not so good.

There is only a stream of
goodness or wellbeing

which you are allowing or not.

And your magnificent emotions

are telling you
what the mix is.

How you're doing in your allowing

or your resisting of
this connection.

You know people who have
had terminal disease.

Stop and think of the
word "dis-ease'.

Hyphenate the word.

That's a body that' s
not at ease.

We've got a thousand different
diagnosis and disease out there.

They're just the weak link.

They're all the result of one thing.


And you put enough stress
on the chain

and you put enough stress
on the system

and one of the links breaks.

Our physiology creates disease
to give us feedback,

to let us know

we have an imbalanced perspective

and we're not loving,
and we're not grateful.

So the body signs and symptoms

Are not something terrible.

The question is frequently asked
is when a person has

manifested a disease
in the body temple,

or some kind of discomfort
in their life,

through the power of right thinking
can it be turned around?

And the answer is absolutely yes.

On November 23rd I was diagnosed
with breast cancer.

I truly believed in my heart,
with my strong faith,

that I was already healed.

During the day, all day long,

I would just say,
"Thank you for my healing."

On and on and on I went.

"Thank you for my healing."

I believed in my heart I was healed.

I saw myself as if cancer
was never in my body.

One of the things I did to heal myself
was to watch very funny movies.

That's all we would do is
just laugh, laugh, laugh.

We couldn't afford to put any
stress in my life,

because we knew stress was
one of the worst things

you can do while you're
trying to heal yourself.

From the time I was diagnosed,
which was November 23rd,

to the time I was healed, totally

was approximately three months.

And that's without
radiation or chemotherapy.

We come with a basic program.

It's called self-healing.

You get a wound,

it grows back together.

You get a bacterial infection,

the immune system comes and takes care
of those bacteria and heals it up.

The immune system is made
to heal itself.

Disease cannot live

in a body that' s in a healthy
emotional state.

Your body is casting off millions
of cells every second,

and it's creating millions
of new cells.

In fact literally, parts of our
body are replaced every day.

Other parts take a few months,
other parts a couple of years.

But within a few years

we have a brand new physical body.

If you have a dis-ease,
and you're focusing on it

and you're talking to
people about it,

you're going to create more dis-eased cells.

See yourself living in a
perfectly healthy body.

Let the doctor look
after the dis-ease.

Can you feel the difference between having
painful arthritis in your hips

and feeling fearful about it,

or having painful arthritis
in your hips

and feeling hopeful about it?

The difference between fearful and hopeful,

is the difference between recovery or not.

Happier thoughts lead to essentially
a happier biochemistry.

A happier, healthier body.

Negative thoughts, stress,
have been shown to

seriously degrade the body and
the functioning of the brain,

because it' s our thoughts and emotions
that are continuously reassembling,

reorganising, recreating, our body.

Remove physiological stress
from the body,

and the body does what it
was designed to do.

It heals itself.

I've seen kidneys regenerated,

I've seen cancer dissolved,

I've seen eyesight improve
and come back.

I always say that incurable means
curable from within.

You can change your life
and you can heal yourself.

Well, my story begins on
March the 10th 1981.

It really changed my whole life.
It was a day I'll never forget.

I crashed an airplane.

I ended up in the hospital
completely paralysed.

My spinal chord was crushed,

I broke the first and second
cervical vertebrae,

my swallowing reflex was destroyed,
I couldn't eat or drink,

my diaphragm was destroyed,
I couldn't breathe.

All I could do was blink my eyes.

The doctors, of course, said all my
life I'd be a vegetable.

All I'd do is blink my eyes
the rest of my life.

That's the picture they saw of me,
but it didn't matter what they thought.

The main thing was what I thought,

I pictured myself being a normal person
again, walking out of that hospital.

The only thing I had to work with
in the hospital was my mind,

and once you have your mind,

you can put things back
together again.

I was hooked to a respirator
and they said

I'd never breathe on my own again
because my diaphragm was destroyed.

But this little voice kept
saying to me,

"Breathe deep, breathe deep."

And finally I was
weaned from it.

They were at a loss for
an explanation.

See I could not afford to allow

anything to come into my mind
that would distract me

from my goal and
from my vision.

Well I'd set the goal to walk out
of the hospital on Christmas.

That was my goal.

Eight months later I walked out
of the hospital on my own two feet.

They said it couldn't be done.

That's a day I will never forget.

For people that are sitting out there
right now watching this program,

that are hurting

if I wanted to sum up my life

and sum up for people what
they can do in life,

I would sum it up this way
in six words;

"Man becomes what he thinks about.'

We notice there are so
many people who are

living life in a very
conditional way.

They look out and they see things
that are wonderful,

and they say, "Yes, we want more of
those, we would vote for that,

we would support that with our
time and energy and money".

But then they look out and they
see things that they do not want.

Terrible things, that they
do not want to live.

And that they do not want
to see others live,

and they say, "We've got to do something
about getting rid of those things".

But they don't realise

that as they push against
the unwanted,

they add power to it.

In this world there is
a war against poverty,

and a war against cancer,

and a war against teenage pregnancy,

and a war against terrorism,

and a war against violence

and a war against terrorism.

Did we mention that there' s
a war against terrorism?

And all of this pushing against

is only adding to,

because you can't say, "no" and make
it go away, when you shout, "no!"

Law of Attraction is lining that up.

The reason that what
you resist persists,

is because if you're resisting something,

you're saying, "no I don't
want this thing,

because it makes me feel
this way,

the way I'm feeling right now",

so you're just putting out this
really strong emotion of,

"Wow I really don't like this feeling," and it's

it just comes racing towards you.

You know the anti-war movement
creates more war.

The anti-drug movement has actually
created more drugs.

Because we're focussing on
what we don't want; drugs.

People will say, "Well shouldn't I focus upon
that? That is true,"

and we say,

that is like saying, because someone
gave their attention

to something they did not want,

long enough that now it
is manifested,

I should do it too.

And we say, we don't really
understand that reasoning.

Mother Theresa was brilliant;
she said,

"I will never attend an anti-war rally.

If you have a peace rally, invite me."

You know, she knew.
She understood the secret.

I mean look what she manifested
in the world.

So if you're anti-war,
be pro-peace.

If you're anti-hunger,

be pro-people having more
than enough to eat.

If you are anti-a particular politician,

be pro-his opponent.

Often elections are tipped in
the favour of the person

that the people are really against

because he's getting all the
energy and all the focus.

You want to focus on

what you want, not what
you don't want.

It's ok to notice what
you don't want,

because that gives you contrast to say,

"well this is what I do want".

But the fact is,

the more you talk about
what you don't want,

or talk about how bad it is,

read about all of that all the time

and then say how terrible it is,

well you're creating more of that.

You know, so many times
people say to me,

"Well James, I have to be informed".

Maybe you have to be informed.

But you don't have
to be inundated.

Learn to become still,

and to take your attention away
from what you don't want,

and all the emotional charge
around it,

and place the attention on
what you wish to experience.

I always say when the voice and the vision

on the inside,

become more profound,

and more clear and loud,

than the opinions on the outside,

you've mastered your life.

You're not here to try to get the world
to be just like you want it to be.

You are here to create the world
around you that you choose,

while you allow the world
as others choose it to be

to exist also.

One of the questions I get
asked all the time

and its probably on somebody's mind
right now if its not on yours,

and that's the idea that if well,
"If everyone uses The Secret,

and they all treat the universe
like a catalogue,

aren't we going to run
out of stuff?

Won't everyone just make a run for it and
bust the bank?"

What's so beautiful about the
teaching of the great secret

is that there' s more than enough
to go around for everyone.

There is a lie

that acts like a virus within
the mind of humanity.

And that lie is,

there's not enough good to go around.

There's lack and there' s limitation
and there' s just not enough.

That lie,

has people living in fear,
greed, stinginess,

and those thoughts of fear,
greed, stinginess and lack,

become their experience.

So the world has taken
a nightmare pill.

Now the truth is,

there's more than enough
good to go around.

There's more than enough
creative ideas,

there's more than enough power,

there's more than enough love,

there's more than enough joy.

All of this begins to come
through a mind

that is aware of its
own infinite nature.

Every great teacher who has
ever walked the planet

has told us that life
was meant to be abundant.

And so, just when we think
that resources are dwindling,

we find new resources to
achieve the same things.

So even though we say we have lack,

it's because we don't open up our vision
and see all of what is around us.

You know when everyone starts
to live from their heart,

and go for what they want.

They don't go for the same things.

That's the beauty of this...

We don't want BMWs.

We don't all want the same person.

We don't all want
the same experiences.

We don't all want
the same clothing.

We don't all want the...

fill in the blank.

There's enough for everyone.

If you believe it,

if you can see it,
if you act from it.

It'll show up for you.

That's the truth.

So let the variety of
your reality thrill you,

as you get to choose from among it,

those things that you're wanting.

And when you see something that
you want in your experience,

think about it.

Find the feeling place of it.

Get inside of it.

Talk about it and write it down.
Write a script about it.

Make it your reality
by becoming a match to it.

And when you see those things that
you are not wanting in your experience,

do not talk about them.

Don not write about them.

Don't join groups that
worry about them.

Don't push against them.

Do your best to ignore them.

Remove your attention from the
things that you do not want,

while you give your undivided attention

to the things that you do want.

Most of the leaders in the past
missed the great part of the Secret,

which is empowering and
sharing with others.

This is the best time to have
ever been alive in history.

It's the first time we've
ever had the power

to gain knowledge at our fingertips.

When we look around us,
even at our own bodies,

what we see is the tip
of the iceberg.

Think of this for a moment.

Take your hand and look at it.

Now your hand looks solid,
but it's really not.

If you put it under a
proper microscope,

you'd see a mass of energy vibrating.

Everything is made up of
the exact same thing,

whether it' s your hand,
whether it' s the ocean,

or whether it' s a star.

Everything is energy,

and let me help you understand
that just a little bit.

There's the Universe,
of course,

and our galaxy
and our planet

and then individuals,

and then inside of this body
are organ systems

and then there' s cells

and then there' s molecules

and then there' s atoms,

and then there is energy.

So there are a lot of levels
to talk about something on.

I don't care what city
you're living in,

you've got enough power
in your body, potential power,

to illuminate the whole city
for nearly a week.

Most people define themselves
by this finite body,

but you're not a finite body.

I mean, even under a microscope
you're an energy field.

What we know about energy is this.

You go to a quantum physicist and you say

"What creates the world?"

And he or she will say,


Well describe energy.

Okay, it can never be
created or destroyed,

it always was, always has been,

everything that ever existed always exists,

it's moving into form,
through form and out of form.

Okay great.

You go to a theologian and
you ask the question,

"What created the Universe?"

And he or she will say, "God".

Okay, describe God.

Always was and always has been,

never can be created or destroyed,

all that ever was, always will be,

always moving into form,
through form and out of form.

You see, it' s the same description,
just different terminology.

And so, if you think you're this
meat suit running around,

think again.

You're a spiritual being,

you're an energy field, operating
in a larger energy field.

We're all connected.

We just don't see it.

There isn't an out there
and an in here.

Everything in the universe is connected;
it is just one energy field.

You are extensions of
Source energy.

You are here in these magnificent bodies,

but your bodies have
distracted you for the most part

from who you really are.

You are Source energy...

You are eternal beings,

you are God force.

You are that which
you call God.

Scripturally we could say that we are
the image and the likeness of God.

We could say we are another way

that the Universe is
becoming conscious of itself.

We could say that we are

the infinite field of
unfolding possibility.

All of that would be true.

Every great tradition
has told you,

that you were created in the image
and the likeness of the creative source.

That means that you have
God potential and power

to create your world,
and you are, you are.

And maybe you've created
things to this point

that are wonderful
and worthy of you,

and maybe you haven't.

The question I'd ask
you to consider is,

do the results you have in your life,
are they what you really want,

and are they worthy of you?

If they're not worthy or you,
then when would now,

be the right time to change those,

because you have the
power to do that.

You know, a lot of people feel
like they're victims in life,

and they'll often point
to past events,

perhaps growing up with
an abusive parent or

in a dysfunctional family.

And I would add as a
parenthesis here,

that most psychologists believe that
about 85% of families are dysfunctional,

so it's like, all of a sudden
you're not so unique.

My parents were alcoholics.

My dad abused me, my mother
divorced him when I was six.

From the age of thirteen to eighteen
I was involved in street gangs.

I had a, severe motorcycle accident.

I was homeless at one point
in Dallas.

I lived in poverty for
fifteen years in Houston.

When I was a child I had
learning difficulties

and I was considered
learning disabled

and I was told I would never
read write or communicate,

never amount to anything,
not go very far in life.

I mean, that' s almost everybody' s
story in some form or not.

So that's just called,
"so what".

The real "what" is,

what are you going to do now?

What do you choose now?

Because you can either
keep focusing on that,

or you can focus on
what you want.

And when people start focusing
on what they want,

what they don't want falls away.

And that part expands,

and the other part disappears.

We are wanting you to
come to the place

where you are beginning to offer
your thought deliberately,

where you're guiding your
thoughts on purpose,

where you are the creator
of your own experience

because you are the manager
of your own thoughts.

The beautiful thing about
the law of attraction is

that you can begin
where you are,

and you can begin to think,

real thinking,

and you can begin to generate
within yourself

a feeling tone of harmony and happiness.

The law will begin to
respond to that.

So now you start to
have different beliefs,

like there is more than enough
in the Universe.

Or you have the belief that

everything goes right for me.

Or you have the belief that,

I'm not getting older,
I'm getting younger.

We can create it the
way we want it,

by using the law of attraction.

And you can break yourself free

from your hereditary patterns,

cultural codes,

social beliefs,

and prove once and for all

that the power within you

is greater than the power
that's in the world.

Some of you may be thinking,
"Well that's very nice,

but I can't do that," or

"She wont let me do that!" or

"He'll never let me do that," or

"I haven't got enough money
to do that!" or

"I'm not strong enough to do that," or

"I'm not rich enough to do that,"

or "I'm not, I'm not, I'm not,
I'm not, I'm not, I'm not!".

Every single "I'm not", is a creation.

Are there any limits to this?
Absolutely not.

We are unlimited beings.

We have no ceiling.

The capabilities and the talents
and the gifts and the power

that is within every single individual
that is on this planet,

is unlimited.

There is no blackboard
in the sky

on which God has
written your purpose;

your mission in life.

There's no blackboard in
the sky that says,

"Neale Donald Walsch...

a handsome guy...

who lived in the first part of the
twenty-first century who,


And then there' s a blank,
you know.

And all I have to do to really
understand what I'm doing here,

why I'm here,

is to find that blackboard

and find out what God really
has in mind for me.

But the blackboard doesn't exist.

So your purpose is
what you say it is,

your mission is the
mission you give yourself.

Your life will be
what you create it as,

and no-one will stand
in judgment of it, now or ever.

It took a lot of years
for me to get this,

because I grew up very much
with this idea that, you know,

there was something I was
supposed to do,

and if I wasn't doing it
I was like,

God wouldn't be happy
with me, you know.

And when I really got
that my primary aim

was to feel and experience joy,

then I began to do only those
things which brought me joy.

We have a saying, you know,

"If it 'aint fun, don't do it", you know.

Joy, love, freedom,

happiness, laughter.

That's what it is.

And if you just experience joy

sitting there and meditating for an hour,
by golly, do that.

If you experience joy eating
a salami sandwich,

then do that.

When I pet my cat
I'm in a state of joy,

when I walk in nature
I'm in a state of joy.

So I want to constantly
put myself in that state.

And when I do that,

then all I have to do is have
the intention of what I want,

and what I want manifests.

So inner happiness actually is
the fuel of success.

Anything that makes you feel good
is always going to be drawing in more.

You are listening to this
program right now.

It's you that drew
this into your life,

and it's your choice whether you
want to take it and utilise it.

If it feels good,

if it doesn't feel good,
then you know, let it go.

Find something that feels good,
that resonates with your heart.

Joseph Campbell said,
"Follow your bliss."

We think those are the best words we have
ever heard spoken from a human tongue...

and if one could
follow one' s bliss,

you would follow the trail

to abundance and well-being
on all subjects.

Enjoy life with us.

Because life is phenomenal.

It's a magnificent trip.

You will live in a different reality,

a different life.

And people will look at you and say,

"What do you do different from me?"

Well the only thing
that is different

is that you work
with the Secret.

And then you can do and
have and be things that

people once said that' s
impossible for you

for you to do and
have and be.

We're really now moving
into a new era.

It's the era where the last frontier
is not space,

as Star Trek would say,

but it's going to be mind.

I see a future of
unbounded potential.

Unbounded possibilities.

Remember we're using at most 5%
of the potential of the human mind.

100% human potential, is the
result of proper education,

so imagine a world where
people were using

their full mental and
emotional potential.

We could go anywhere.

We could do anything.

Achieve anything.

See yourself with the
good that you desire.

Every religious book
tells us that.

Every great book on Philosophy.

Every great leader.

All the avatars who
have ever lived.

Go back and study
the wise ones.

Many of them have been presented
to you in this program.

You know what?

They all understood one thing.

They understood the Secret.

Now you understand it.

And the more you use it,
the more you'll understand it.

You may be feeling that it would be
easier to be hearing these words

if they had come to you the first day
of your experience upon this earth.

And if we were talking to you

on your first day of
physical life experience,

we would say to you,

Welcome to planet Earth.

There is nothing that you cannot be
or do or have.

You are magnificent creator,

and you are here by your powerful
and deliberate wanting to be here.

Go forth,

giving thought to what
you are wanting,

attracting life experience
to help you decide what you want,

and once you have decided,
giving thought only unto that.

Most of your time will be
spent collecting data,

data that will help you decide
what it is you want.

But your real work

is to decide what you want
and then to focus upon it.

For it is through focusing
upon what you want

you will attract it.

That is the process of creating.

I believe that you're great.

That there's something magnificent about

Regardless of what has
happened to you in your life.

Regardless of how young or how old,

you think you might be.

The moment you began to think properly,

there's something that is within you,

there's power within you
that's greater than the world.

It will begin to emerge.

It will take over your life.

It will feed you,
it will clothe you.

It will guide you, protect you.

Direct you.

Sustain your very existence,

if you let it.

Now that is what I know for sure.

Be easy about this.

Have fun with it.

There is nothing you are supposed to do,

only that which you want to do.
