The Ringer (1952) - full transcript

A criminal master of disguise nicknamed The Ringer is out for deadly revenge against a treacherous London lawyer who is under police protection.

"It was in Cairo that I

first met Arthur Milton."

"I only knew him a couple of

days and we got married."

"It was all a bit of a rush. You see,

the police were after Arthur."

"So we spent our honeymoon on the run."

"Paris, Cape Town,

Singapore, Hong Kong."

"But it really wasn't much fun."

"It seemed the police

wanted Arthur everywhere."

"We hid quite successfully

in Australia for a while."

"Almost got to know the neighbours."

"Until one night Arthur

committed suicide."

"At least that's what the police thought

until they found out he was in London."

"My dear husband had quite

calmly walked out on me."

"He thought he could do a certain

job in London better on his own."

"Of all the stupid things to do."

"In London, Arthur was

wanted more than anywhere."

"The police picked up petty

crooks coming out of prison .."

"Who might be able to

help them find The Ringer."

"For that is what they called Arthur."

"The Ringer. I never quite knew why."

"Anyway, the police thought this fellow

Hackett here might know something."

"They soon whistled

him up to Scotland Yard."

Mr Hackett, sir.

- Alright. We won't keep you a moment.

No. The Assistant

Commissioner isn't here yet.

This is Mr Hackett who ..

- Listen ..

Five or six years ago I got him

18 months at London sessions.

A born liar.

What does Hackett know about the Ringer?

- Well, he says he'd recognise him.

He'd say anything to create a sensation.

What if Hackett doesn't know The Ringer,

who else is going to identify him?

You for one. That's why

you are on the case.

Me? Never set eyes on him.

He had his back turned to me

the day I tried to arrest him.

The Ringer is clever. I hand it to him.

- You don't seem very happy, Bliss.

I wish to god I was back in Washington.

I had a soft job there.

Checking scientists for the FBI, eh?

Now you're back to the

dull routine. Too bad.

If you'd been in America Wembury

they would have kept you there.

They wanted me back at The Yard.

I like your manners.

I hate your modesty.

Come in, Sam.

- Hello, Mr Wembury.

You are looking bright and

healthy. How is the family?

There isn't any family, Sam.

Policemen get about too, eh?

Good morning, sir.

You remember Mr Bliss?

Bliss? Bliss.

Yeah. You've changed a bit, haven't you.

Where did you get all the moss from?

But I wouldn't have recognised you.

Straight up, I wouldn't recognise him.

This is the man, sir.

Morning, Mr Hackett.

- Morning, sir.

A nice little pitch you

have got round here.

All made out of thieving and murder.

We had a letter from you when

you were in prison. Where is it?

Here it is, sir.

Ah yes. Thank you.

"Dear sir, this comes

hoping to find you well."

"An old, kind friend at Scotland Yard."

Yes. But I didn't know Bliss was back.

"There's a lot of talk about The Ringer

here. He that was drowned in Australia."

"Dear sir, I can tell you a lot about

him now that he has departed this life."


"As I once saw him though only for a

second and I knew where he lodged."

Is that true?

- Yes. We lodged in the same house.

You know what he looks like?

Well sir, what he did look like.

I don't reckon I'd know

now with his wings.


- Yes, sir.

Unfortunately, The Ringer is alive.

The Ringer alive?

Very much alive.

Well, I'll say thanks very much.

Good morning, all.

- Just a minute, Hackett.

What do you know about him?

- Nothing, sir.

Straight up and without any madam.

- Any what?

"Madam". Without telling a tale, sir.

In this letter you expressed your

willingness to act as an informer.

Maybe sir, on a dead man.

But not on a live Ringer.

Not much. Not me.

If you can help us we may

be able to help you one day.

Not if I was dead you couldn't.

You or anybody else, and that's what

I'd be if I went nosing on The Ringer.

He is yellow like the rest of his kind.

Always the same story when

their own skins are in danger.

Here. You have been

closer to him than I have.

He nearly done you once.

What's keeping you back?

Come on, Hackett. Tell us what

you know. What are you afraid of?

Well, the same as he is, sir.

No. I am sorry.

I've been brought up here on what

is termed a misapprehension.

I'll say good morning.

Don't trouble. Won't be long

before we see you again.

Yes. It's the thing that would

keep me straight, Bliss.

The thought |I'd see you again.

- Alright. That's enough.

Who is this man The Ringer

is supposed to be after?

Meister. Maurice Meister.

You better inform Meister

The Ringer is back.

Right sir.

- What?

The Ringer back?

And Meister doesn't know it?

That is half a laugh, isn't it, eh?

Hey, you.

What's up boy? Mr Meister in?

A friend of his?

We went to different schools together.

- Well, he is busy.

He won't be too busy to see me when

he hears what I have to tell him.

My dear Mr Bell.

How can I give you advice as a lawyer

on a matter which is outside the law?

Please be logical. Is there anything ..?

Hello, Hackett.

How do, Guv. Can I have a word?

Sit down, I shan't be a moment.

Anything else you want to talk about?

- No That's everything.

No trouble with this job. You'll

see how well organised we are.

Please don't tell me anything

about it. It's no concern of mine.

Pretty concerned with the

results though, aren't you.

My dear fellow, I give you the benefit

of my intelligence and that is all.

Alright, Santa Claus.

Have it your own way.

I didn't know you were out.

- Yes, I'm out. When are you going in?

People like Mr Bell don't, do they.

- Any jobs going?

Not in your class, chum.

- I see. Snob stuff, eh?

Not got the right accent.

By the way, there is one thing.

There is a night watchman.

In case of accidents we

are counting on you.

You will find it difficult to remove

the absurd prejudice of a jury ..

Against a defendant who killed

an elderly night watchman.

There is nothing amateur about the

work of our organisation, Meister.

Who should know that better than you?

- Goodbye, Mr Bell.

When did they turn you loose, Hackett?

- Today.

I came straight here.

- Nice of you. Why?

I've got a bit of information for you

worth a couple of fivers at least.

Don't tell me you've knocked

off the chief warder's wife?

No. I had a good butchers.

Not worth pinching.

But I tell you I've got something, a bit

of information that will paralyse you.

Yes, Lisa?

There are two gentlemen to see you.

- Who are they?

They say they are from the police.

Well show them in, my dear.

I tell you what, Guv. I'll let you

have that bit of info for a fiver.

Not interested in your

nonsense, Hackett.

A couple of quid then.

You will be sorry.

Blimey, don't you bogeys move

fast when there ain't no hurry.

Good morning.

- Morning.

Would you take Mr Hackett next door my

dear, while I speak to these gentlemen.

Bearers of bad news used to have their

heads cut off, Hackett. You are lucky.

Lucky? I haven't had a chance

to tell him anything yet.

I can't give you much time.

It's now ten past eleven.

I have to defend at

Greenwich Police Court.

Things might go badly with my

poor client if I am not there.

The course of justice

might go more smoothly.

That's a matter of opinion.

Would you care for a drink, gentlemen?

Thank you, no.

Have we met before?

- I am sorry.

Chief Inspector Bliss - Mr Meister.

Mr Meister is a very successful lawyer

with a large practice in Deptford.

A funny district to choose.

He is a kind of a squire. Mr Meister of

Flanders Lane, and behaves like one.

How so?

He looks after his people,

defends them if they're in trouble.

And if they go to prison

Mr Meister supports the relatives.

Do I have to be suspect because

I help these unfortunate people?

Suspect, my dear Meister?

Who would mention the word?

As far as the police are concerned ..

Mr Meister's actions are

motivated purely by kindness.

I have always had a very high regard for

the intelligence of the police but ..

Take a bow, Bliss.

Gentlemen, what can I

do for you? Excuse me.

Why have you called?

- We were just coming to that.

There was a girl whom you

took into your employment.

Her name was Brenda Milton.

The sister of The Ringer.

She was found drowned.

That is a tragedy I don't

care to be reminded of.

Neither should I if I

were in your shoes.

What does that mean?

I shouldn't care to have

The Ringer as an enemy.

The Ringer died in Australia.

- What makes you think that?

Common knowledge, my dear chap.

It was reported in the press months ago.

Perhaps it hasn't reached

the ears of the police.

He left his sister in your care.

Why did she end her life?

My dear fellow, why do women

end their lives? I don't know.

There is one reason as old as

the hills and you know it.

Melodrama, Wembury.

He had arranged for her to

go into a nursing home.

It didn't come out at the inquest.

Nobody knew about it but Scotland

Yard and Henry Arthur Milton.

Scotland Yard couldn't

do anything about it.

And mister .. Milton .. is dead.

I'm afraid we must

disillusion you about that.

Mr Milton is here.

Has it come over the grapevine

that The Ringer is back?

It hasn't.

And not a bird moves in

Deptford but I know it.

Somebody is fooling you, Inspector.

The Ringer is here and he's alive.

Get that into your head.

We come here to warn you.

Warn me? But why?

Look. Get out will you. Do it later.

Warn me? Why?

Don't strike attitudes.

You are not in the police court.

We think he may have an idea

he has an account to settle.

With me?

- Who else?

His sister was my secretary

and that was all.

We'll, you'd better explain that pretty

quickly to him when you meet him.

My dear fellow, why should I meet him?

I've never seen him my life.

I don't know the man.

If he is back here with a life sentence

hanging over him why don't you get him?

It is so easy to get The Ringer.

Well, get his wife, Cora Ann.

Wherever she is, he is.

He is crazy about her.

I mean, he was.

You mean you're serious about all this?

- Yes.

She is the crazy one and she

followed him to Australia.

Well whoever follows who ..

One is never very far from the other.

Get her and you get him.

We are not worried about her.

You are our immediate worry.

Yes. And Meister, you had better warn

some of your clients we are around.

The last person they want

to see is a police officer.

And don't admit anybody after dark.

Never go out without a police escort.

Have some shutters put on those windows.

Shutters, Guv? No good now you know.

Well, what do you advise?

Nothing short of steel bars.

And another thing, see that

the rivets are on the inside.

Straight up.

The day you take him I will give a

thousand pounds to the police orphanage.

We don't need money so badly as that.

Well give it to the Prisoner's

Aid Association, Guv.

I'll have a look round here for a bit,

Wembury. Cover the garden and grounds.

No objection I take it, Mr Meister?

It must flatter you to have the

police look after your interests.

I am tickled pink, my dear fellow.

Now Hackett here is supposed

to know The Ringer.

It might not be a bad idea to keep him

on the premises. He could tip you off.

What, me sit in the bullseye?

And the ringer a dead shot.

What do you mean, tip me off?

But surely it is the responsibility of

the police. The Ringer is a murderer.

We can't prove it.

- But you know it.

Knowledge is not proof. No-one should

know that better than you, Meister.

The Ringer got rid of a few people

the police were glad to be rid of.

Yes. You're dead right there. They was.

- So the police shut their eyes?

You are an offensive character, Meister.

Police never shut their eyes. Take my

advice. Keep this fellow Hackett around.

Do you want an honest job, Sam?

- No, sir. No qualifications.

Come on, take it.

It's easy money for a change.

Mr Meister would pay you well.

Wouldn't you, Meister?

This is all a very silly

game, I must say.

Maybe, but I'd take my

advice if I were you.

Still, if the police insist.

If he makes himself useful around here

I can pay him a few pounds and his keep.

What, me live here?

The house not comfortable

enough for you, Mr Hackett?

Ah no. Too unhealthy.

Come on, Sam. What do you say?

- Look here, Guvnor.

The Ringer might bump him off

before I get my pay-packet, see?

Here, I tell you what I'll do though.

Make it a daily rate and I'll chance it.

Look, Hackett, I'm a busy man.

Sam, the first thing you do is

make this house burglar-proof.

Yes. But you know that is

impossible, Mr Wembury.

Anyway, I'll do my best.

Good, get a move on. Get everything

done by tonight if you can.

Good morning, Mr Meister.


Bye, sir.

Now don't worry, Guv.

I don't want to see The Ringer

any more than you do.

The police.

They asked for me and my papers.


Yes dear, but ..

Don't worry. I dealt with them.

But you told them I wait for Johnny.

That wouldn't have been wise.

- Why not?

Why not? My dear Lisa.

Because Johnny is serving his sentence.

Whatever he is your eyes,

in theirs he is a criminal.

It wouldn't commend you to the police if

I said you were waiting to marry Johnny.

Oh well.

Johnny was foolish. That's all.

You don't get a 4-year

sentence just for foolishness.

He wanted money quickly to marry me.

I know, I know. And those

crooks promised him money.

Well, if you associate yourself

with crooks you have to be clever.

And Johnny wasn't clever.

He gets himself caught.

He leaves his girl at

the mercy of the world.

What sort of a man is that

to pin your faith to?

Faithfulness my dear,

can be carried too far.

It becomes ridiculous.

What did you tell the police?

Do they ..?

Do they want to send me out of England?

No. No, they won't.

Not as long as you are here

under my wing, as it were.

The police have a high

regard for me you know.

Yes, but .. but do they

know I am not a criminal?

You could explain to

them how it happened.

That I came in with

Johnny on a visitor's permit.

And we were going to get married.

But I have done nothing wrong to

stay in this country and wait for him.

Nothing wrong?

Remaining in a country after

the expiration of your visa?

Oh, my dear child.

But I have seen to that.

I give you protection here.

I give you sanctuary.

What is that?

- Sanctuary?

A roof over your head. Food. Clothes.

And I hope, a little friendship.

But of course.

And I'm very grateful to you

for letting me work here.

You are very good at it too, my dear.

I wish you weren't as good

at .. waiting for Johnny.

It's as if your only role in

life was to wait for Johnny.

I am afraid it is.

The role many women like, huh?

It gives them immunity.


It is also full of tricks.

I have no tricks.

That would be very boring, Lisa dear.

Are you sure you wouldn't rather

I took a job somewhere else?

But you couldn't get a job anywhere

else, Lisa. You have no papers.

But why argue.

You like it here don't you?

You can hardly call me a slave driver.

No, no. You are kind.

- Then what are we arguing about?


Run along now. Finish your work.

I am busy this afternoon

but I will see you at dinner.

Oh, Lisa.


I said smile. Smile a little.

Mr Meister.

I'm just going outside to

have a look round, Guv.


I've got a job of work for you.

I want bars .. bars everywhere.

Right? And I don't mean the kind of bars

where you get the old half-pint, see.

I want flipping great bars

on all them windows.

Here. Who are you?

The Ministry of Defence.

Strictly pro-tem.


Four men to guard a crook's house.

And The Metropolitan Police two

thousand under strength, sir.

Never enquire into the mysteries

of Scotland Yard, Carter.

Morning, Miss.

- Morning.

My name is Cora Ann Milton.

I am an American citizen.

This is my passport.

Attend to that right now, Carter.

I've come to register

my change of address.

I am moving down to this district.

- Right, Mrs.

I wish I didn't know so

much about criminology.

I find other books on this subject

remarkably unenlightening.

Consequently, I never read them.

But then that makes me wonder

whether anybody will ever read mine.

Wembury, will you have a wee nip?


Never become too erudite, Wembury.

Never become an expert.

Life becomes too dull.

Do you know the older I get the

more I become convinced that ..

Cross-examination remains the

only art left the criminologist.

Will I ever convince you of that?

- No. Carter.

Do you know anything about

this report from "B" Division?

"B" Division, sir?

Keep that woman here. Find out

something wrong with her papers.

And send her in to me in a few minutes.

- Right, sir.

Who is she?

- Cora Ann Milton.

Cora Ann.

Cora Ann. Ha.

A pretty name. A pretty woman too.

Wife of The Ringer.

- The Ringer?

A very dangerous customer.

Yes, but why do you call him The Ringer?

- He rings the changes.

And his personal appearance.

But then don't they all?

I'd like this one. He is unique.

In Deptford they say he can

change the colour of his eyes.

So they turned him into a legend, eh?

What does he look like?

Descriptions? Several descriptions.

All poles apart. No photographs.

We've got this drawing here

made by a steward on a boat.

That's all.

And why this sudden

interest in The Ringer?

He is supposed to have died in Australia

but The Yard weren't convinced.

You see, people like The Ringer

don't just die in Australia.

The Yard had a report that he was here.

We weren't convinced of that either.

At least I wasn't. Not until now.

What complex process of deduction ..

Led you from the presence

of Cora Ann Milton here ..

To the suspicion that

her husband is alive?

That is just what I hope

to find out in a minute.

Wembury, why don't you

let me try my hand on it?

Heaven forbid.

The powers of cross-examination

scientifically applied ..

Should never be underrated.

What is it?

- Excuse me, sir.

There seems to be some

errors in this permit.

Alright. Ask Mrs Milton to come in.

I was coming in, in any case.

Where my passport goes, I go.

It's one thing I don't

like out of my sight.

Quite right. Won't you sit down?

This is Dr Lomond. He is quite harmless.

Hmm. That's too bad.

- How do you do?

This isn't your first visit to

London, is it Mrs Milton?

No. It is all in the book there.

- Ah yes. I see.

Now, did you arrive alone?

Except for a planeload

of other people, yes.

I mean essentially alone. You were

not accompanied by your husband?

No, sir. Nor my mother

or any of my aunts.

That was very careless of your husband.

You allow that kind of remark?

Dr Lomond is our police surgeon.

They're not strictly on the force but we

allow them some latitude, of course.

But not too much.

- Now, isn't that nice.

And I am just dying to talk to somebody.

What's the best show in London anyway?

The best show in London

Mrs Milton is Scotland |Yard.

Melodrama without music.

And you are the leading lady.

Oh? What am I leading?

Me, for the moment.


You know doctor that I haven't

seen my husband in years?

That I am not likely to see him again.

I thought everybody read

that in the newspapers.

Poor Arthur drowned in Sidney Harbour.

You didn't know, Inspector?

- Should I know?

There's nothing wrong with my passport.

You just had to talk to me.

Your husband left this country

two years ago, or was it three?


When did you see him last?

Two or was it three?

Let's be accurate, my dear girl.

You saw him in Australia?

You arrived in Sidney about three

months after he reached there.

While you were there you were ..

Well, shall we say, in

communication with him?

You seem to have it all there

so why bother to ask me?

I never saw him and that is the truth.

- You never saw him?

He was afraid that somebody

might be trailing you?

Afraid that you might

lead the police to him.

Afraid? You don't know

what you're talking about.

He wasn't afraid of anything or anyone.

And now you say he is dead, huh?

Come in.

Henry Arthur Milton.

Who recently left Australia.

With another woman.

Come in, please.

He is not there.

That's a dirty trick.

I'm sorry, but I don't like

the way he kids me along.

Don't let him worry you.

He has an unfortunate manner.

I don't know anything and

you have nothing on me.

I certainly don't have to answer

any of your fool questions.

It is Mrs Milton, isn't it?

What does that mean?

I just thought it might be one

of those happy natural liaisons.

It was happy, it was

natural and it was legal.

Well, well.

And you can get that bug out of

your head about another woman.

There was no other woman

ever in Arthur Milton life.

I would walk down Collins Street.

With the police tailing me.

Because he had rung me and asked me to.

All because he wanted

just to look at me.

He risked everything to see me.

I wouldn't recognise him

but he would be there.

Is that the kind of man who ..

Goes off with some other woman?

- No, no.

No. But he sounds to me very much like

a man who is alive and here in England.

If he is, why don't you catch him?

May I have my passport please?

- I'm sorry you have been detained.

Your papers are quite in order.

You met him and you

didn't recognise him?

Love is blind.

Do you think you would

know him if you saw him?

You want us to believe he

was so well disguised ..

That he could walk down Collins Street

in broad daylight and not be recognised?

I am sorry Cora, but it won't do.

On Collins Street.

He'd walk on Regent Street.

If he felt that way, he'd

come right to Scotland Yard.

You laugh. Go on, laugh. He would do it.

He would do what, Mrs Milton?

I am sorry.

What is it?

Sorry, but I am rather nervous today.

Anything makes me jump.

Well, I guess that lets me out.

You just try to get me back again.

What's the matter, Mrs Milton?

What are you frightened of?

You're in a police station.

Well, I tell you it was that drawing.

I just caught a glimpse of it and ..

It gave me a shock.

You see, I rather liked Arthur.

And don't be so darned sure there is

nothing to fear in a police station.

I say, you men.

See that you get them

rivets on the inside.

And you, keep your dirty

hands off the walls.

You ordered brandy, sir?

Put it there.

- Here?


How do you like my posh accent?

All got up to match the tray.

Have you called Miss Lisa?

It's a nice bit of stuff too.

Do you mean Miss Lisa or the brandy?

No, the tray.

I am under police protection, Hackett.

That includes my property.

Yeah. You know.

Taking it all in all, Guv.

It is a bit of a flipping

laugh isn't it, eh?

I feel like something out

of Madam Tussaud's.

I'm not cut out to be

a gent's gentleman.

Too flipping familiar.

That's what you are.

Draw the curtains, will you.


You've got them things

far too far apart.

I know plenty of gentlemen with rubber

guts that can squeeze through that gap.

Who is giving orders?

- Me, that's who. That's why I am here.

An expert, eh?

Dead right, mate.

On both sides of the fence.

You watch me and keep your eyes

and ears open and you will be alright.

Hackett, please.

Sorry, Guv.

It's all this blooming clobber.

The blokes won't take notice

of me in this fancy dress.

Tell them to get on with it

and attend to things indoors.

And fetch Miss Lisa's coffee.

- Okay. It's on the hob.

I like it very black.

- Oh, it's as black as silk, Miss.

Smells like it too.

Afraid I'm not very good at

this coffee-making lark though.

Now if it was char ..

- That's enough, Hackett.

That moron gets on my nerves.

- He makes me laugh.

He's no good in the house

and he talks too much.

I can hardly understand what he says.

A dialect?

Cockney, dear.

- Cockney?

Yes. A gay little

language all of its own.

Only slightly connected

with the King's English.

Have you typed those things I gave you?

Oh yes.

- Good. A clever girl.

I don't know what I

should do without you.

There are plenty of people who can type.

They don't look like you.

Or smile like you.

Or walk like you.

Why does it embarrass you?

It cuts across your

favourite act doesn't it.

What act\|?

Waiting for Johnny.

It is not an act.

No. Of course not, my dear.

I was joking. I am sorry.

No girl could have kept it

up for so long if it were.

No sensitive intelligent

girl like you I mean.

This house is going

to look like a prison.

I am sorry about all this, Lisa.

Thank you.

- Black enough, Miss?

Oh yes.

Hackett, I'll not stand for much more

of this. Haven't they finished yet?

They are just putting the alarms in.

- Alarms?

Yes. Burglary alarms.

I hope you never hear none of them Miss,

if you're on the wrong side of the door.

Blimey, the scares I've had.

After that, I'd say a trumpet

sounded like a penny whistle.

I didn't hire you as

a raconteur, Hackett.

Get me two more brandies, will you.

If you haven't drunk it all.

- What, me drink brandy?

With all that bubbly

lying about? Hark at him.

You must be the best

audience he's ever had.

He knows it too.

- I think he is very funny.

Well, he is all yours, dear.

Drink your coffee before it gets cold.

Now what goes on?

Are you going to make much more noise?

I've got to connect up the

alarm bell with that switch.

Oh. Am I in your way?

No, Miss. You are alright.

Stay where you are.

Do you understand those things?

- I should do.

Should do?

Why isn't the electrician here himself?

- The place is lousy with silver trays.

Hackett, we don't want a running

commentary on your duties.

There you are, sir. Stiff ones.


- No thanks. Not for me.

Come, take it. Good for the nerves.

- No thanks.

Take it.

Let's have some light shall we.

[ Burglar alarm bell. Loud! ]

What have you done, you fools?

Give us Scotland Yard.

Hello, hello?

Stop those bells, will you.

Hello? Hello, hello.



Well, there you are, Mr Meister.

You will have a sore hand for a day or

maybe two. But it could have been worse.

And now I think we can

all do with a drink.

Hackett, a drink.


In future, if the alarm bells fuse

send for electricians, not the police.

How was I to know it wasn't The Ringer?

By the simple process

of looking, halfwit.

You know Mr Wembury, one of

these days I'll do him. Honest I will.

I'll do him.

- Sam, behave yourself.

Here, Guv.

That's a nice bit of stuff, eh.

It Would sell well, wouldn't it?

I wonder what I would get for it.

- About three years.

Is he alright, doctor?

Sure. Aye, he is alright.

What are you, the factotum?

No, sir. English.

What's your name?

Samuel Cuthbert Hackett.

That's a terrible name.

Would you like to earn

an honest five pounds?

I pay on results. I am from Aberdeen.

Can you tell me something

about The Ringer?

Something that I don't know already.

Well, do you mind if I give you

a bit of advice for nothing?

Don't go nosing in on The Ringer.

That's if you value your skin.

They tell me that you

are a friend of his.

Well, I am not saying yes

and I am not saying no.

But I will tell you this much.

He wouldn't half get a laugh if he

could see all this how-do-you-do.

Them bars.

Blimey, they wouldn't keep

me out, let alone The Ringer.

Perhaps you are The Ringer?

Please don't make jokes

like that, sir. Please.

It turned my stomach right over.

Wembury, they are awful dangerous

contraptions, these burglar alarms.

By the way, I was fascinated

by your friend Cora Ann.

Yes, so I noticed. I would put

that thing down if I were you.

Would you say I had a good approach?

- To women?

On the elephantine side, I'd say.

Oh, don't depress me, Wembury.

I thought I had made an impression.

Hardly the right one.

You were trying too hard.

Are you likely to see her again?

Not while you are around.

- Competition, eh?

Not where The Ringer's wife's concerned,

old boy. That would be curtains.

Doesn't the risk appeal to you?

The element of challenge, eh?

What's happening to men nowadays.

Look Dr Casanova,

lay off The Ringer's wife.

She is a very beautiful girl.

Yes. You might look beautiful too laying

on a marble slab, though I doubt it.

Would you send me lilies?

Good evening.

- Yes?

He wants to see Mr Meister. Is he in?

Mr Meister is busy.

- I won't keep him long.

I tell you he is busy.

He won't see anyone.

I must see him.

Well, give me a message.

Him or you?

Alright, constable.

I will deal with this.


- My boy is in trouble, see.

Been on a job and comes up

before the beak tomorrow and ..

I promised I'd get Meister

there to defend him.


You wait here.


Samuel Cuthbert Hackett.

That's a terrible name.

Have you seen this contraption?

Ah, it is natty, isn't it.

- It is very empty.

I get you. Refill?

- Aye.

Come into the dispensary.

Oh, is that where the fuse boxes are?

They are awfully elaborate.

I used to potter with electricity

when I was a wee lad.


He says phone him tomorrow.

Look, I don't want any nonsense.

And nor do we.

- He can't get away with this.

He has to see me. It's his duty.

- Now, now. What's the trouble?

Who are you?

No-one comes in here

without me knowing it.

He wants to see Meister

but Meister won't see him.

That's it isn't, mate.

Phone him tomorrow.

He'll talk to you then.

You've got too many police around here.

Do you know what I would do?

- You might be wasting your time, pal.

Someone has exactly the same idea.

Don't you worry. I will be back.

Excuse me, if you please.

- Just a moment, madam.

Now look here. My old man is in there.

They just told me down at the station.

So don't you try and gammon me.

- Got any hidden weapons on you, eh?

If I do they're my own private property.

- What's your business anyway?

I told you. I want to see

Mr Hackett and it's very urgent.

Hackett? What's he up to in there?

How should I know? That's

what I am here to find out.

Sam Hackett. So here you are.

Now, Bella.

- I found you at last, you snake.

Enjoying yourself while me

and the kids can starve.

Put a sock in it. You'll get me fired.

You call yourself a man,

hiding behind that dickey?

Why don't you come home

like you always does?

Don't shout. I am not deaf.

Give us a chance.

We can wait, we can. While you strut

around done up like a dog's dinner.

You are acting above yourself,

that's what you ware, Sam Hackett.

Well, what do you think I am

doing it for? You and the kids.

You haven't gone straight, have you?

- Don't talk daft.

I'm making contacts, see.

It might raise us up into

the mahogany class.

What about raising some

housekeeping money?

Because now you're out I'm

giving up my job at Woolworths.

Alright. Alright.

As soon as I touch.

- I know you, Sam Hackett.

As soon as you touch you're a big

noise in the pub until it's all blown.


Can't you conduct domestic arguments

somewhere else? The kitchen perhaps?

And who asked you to push

your big ugly mug in?

That's right, get me another six months.

He's the chief dick from Flanders Lane.

Oh! I am sorry, sir.

But it's his fault you know.

He is a lazy-good-for-nothing.

Why put up with him?

Why don't you leave him?

Leave him?

How can I leave him?

I'm not married to him.

Go on, hop it.

Come home, Sam.

Alright. As soon as the

Guvnor is bumped off.

Well, how long is that going to be?

- Any moment now.

But Sam ..

Don't worry Bella. I'll be home soon.

Look after yourself, darling.

- Don't forget what I told you.


Alright, Hackett.

Did you ever know this man?


- Alright, sir.

I didn't expect to see you here, Johnny.

What's up? What's all the fuss about?

What are you all dressed up for?

- I got a big bit of news for you.

You'll die when I tell you.

- You mean The Ringer being back?

Where is Lisa?

Here. How did you know?

When did you get out?

Gorblimey, you look well.

Dartmoor must be a blooming holiday.





But Jerry said ..

I must be all mixed up.


You're out too soon.

- But I'm out. I'm free.


Daring, you haven't escaped?

I helped a warder when some damn fool

attacked him. They remitted my sentence.

Oh Johnny, helping a screw.


Promise me one thing.

Don't make any more trouble.

No more trouble ever. No more police.

Do you swear it?

I swear it.

Why didn't you write?

- Didn't know myself until this morning.

Well, well. Look who is here.

Hello, Meister.

Hello, Johnny.

Let's have a look at you.

How did you manage it?

He saved a warder's life.

One of your ex-clients

attacked him, Meister.

We must drink to our little hero.

Shall we, Lisa?

The boy who makes good.

What will you have, Johnny?

Not for me, Meister.

- Lisa?

No thank you.

- Lisa and I are going to be married.

I know, I know. Congratulations.

I'm taking her to my people

in Liverpool tonight.


I am sorry Johnny, but ..

You forget she is my secretary.

One can't let the secretary

go at a moment's notice.

She knows more about my affairs that I

do. I'd be completely lost without her.

Of course, in a few days I

can make arrangements.

That's too bad, but we are ..

Taking the first train.

I want her out of here.

But why?

She has been happy here.

Haven't you, Lisa?

Oh, yes. Yes, I like my work.

He asked you Lisa,

whether you had been happy.

Yes darling, but ..

I think it is reasonable that

we should wait for a few days.

Until I clear up my work.

A few days? You talk as if days were

nothing. I've been waiting two years.

Now don't be hysterical, Johnny.

I am trying to help you.

Keep your advice for

people who pay for it.

My dear boy, you are hysterical.

You'll have to try and adapt

yourself to civilised life again.

You should talk about civilised life.

How about Gwenda Milton?

I wonder why she committed suicide.

Shut your filthy mouth.

Who came out of the whole

thing as innocent as a lamb?

You can fool the law Meister because

you know every move of the game.

But there's someone around

you that you can't fool.

Who's just waiting for an opportunity

to take the law into his own hands.

And good luck to him.

- Johnny.

Why are you so frightened to

speak the truth around here?

He comes out of prison

and he talks about truth.

It's alright Johnny. I have ..

I quite understand.

Hello, doctor.

Are you sure I am not butting in?

No, no. Not at all.

- I was just away.

Excuse me, I'll egret my bag.

This is a friend of mine, Mr Lemley.

I have just been having a wee big chat

with our friend there in the pantry.

Lemley? Hmm.

You are just back from

the country, aren't you?

I'm just out of prison

if that's what you mean.



Yes, what is it?

There is a party outside

wants to see you.

Who is it?

They asked me not to divulge

the name This party said:

Just say: "I am from The Ringer".

A party from The Ringer?

Show him in.

Doctor, are you mad?

- I know what I am doing.

Show him in.

Hello, Meister.

Remember me?

I am very sorry but just for the

moment I am rather at a loss.

Think hard. I will give you a clue.

You knew my husband.

That is a terrible opening to a

conversation: "You knew my husband".

Would you mind keeping out of this.

My name is Cora Ann Milton.

Yes, of course. My dear

Mrs Milton, how do you do.

Prettier than ever.

- Oh, shut up.

And how is your husband?

Oh, he is fine.

Just fine.

You'll be pleased to hear that.

Yes, indeed.

I ..

I brought you a message from him.

- Oh?

Can we talk alone somewhere?

If you wish.

This way.

You will excuse us, won't you, Doctor?

- Certainly.

What is Mrs Milton doing here?

Blimey, where have you

two been, making the beds?

Isn't that like a couple of coppers, eh?

Never on the spot when you're wanted.

Now listen. There isn't much time.

Why don't you go away,

out of the county?

Arthur Milton is here in

London for one purpose only.

To get you, Meister.

It is a mania with him.

Whatever happened between you and

his sister, he pinned her death on you.

It's been burning up his

mind for two years.

He has one idea left

and that is to get you.

So he is in London?

You have been listening

to the police, Mrs Milton.

I told the police.

Trying to lead me to The Ringer?

Very ingenious, I must say.

I leave London where he'd never show

himself and go, say, to the Argentine.

And he would be waiting for

me there, tipped off by you.

What do you take me for, Mrs Milton?

- You can cut that out.

I wouldn't lift a finger

to save you from hell.

Get that into your head, Meister.

Run fast while you still

have breath to do it with.

And run to The Ringer?

- From The Ringer, you fool.

It's here in this house you will

meet him and not anywhere else.

You are looking very

beautiful today, Cora Ann.

That's more than I can

say for you, doctor.

The merry widow, eh?

You can cut out the widow stuff.

It is too near home.

The merry grass widow then?

- Not so merry as all that.

Still hankering after

that husband of yours?

Isn't it time you stopped worrying?

You are dead right it is, doctor.

You can't still be in love with him?


I don't know. What is love anyhow?

I've forgotten.

- Love? Well ..

They say in the books it

is where the heart is.

Mine is in my mouth most of the time.

- That is anatomically impossible.

It was love that took you all the way

to Australia after him wasn't it?

Was it? A honeymoon alone in a single

berth cabin. Not my idea of love.

Why don't you forget him, Cora Ann?

Do you think he wants me to forget him?

- I don't know.

He might.

Is any man worth what you are suffering?

Sooner or later he will be caught.

If he is alive.

- If he's alive. Aye.

The long arm of the law will

stretch out and seize him ..

And the long leg of the law

will boot him into prison.

Will you please stop

talking about my husband.


Anything you wish.

I am only trying to help you, Lassie.

Do you mind helping me at a distance.

But you attract me, Cora Ann.

What am I supposed to do

about that? Cheer?

My dear, if only I was

five years younger.

Twenty-five you mean.

Well, can I offer you

a wee bit of advice?

Medical advice?

- No, no. Just friendly.

It would be a good idea if

you were to go right away ..

Forget all about The Ringer.

Find another interest.

Cut him right out of your mind.

I am thinking of all the time you are

wasting waiting for something to happen.

With that heart of yours in your mouth.

Have you got some

reason behind all this?

Aye, I've got plenty of reasons.

It is your one chance, Cora Ann.

Who says so? Dr Lomond?

- Aye.

When Arthur Milton says: "I'm tired

of you. I am sick of you. You are out".

Then I will go.

My way. Not your way. Goodnight.


Excuse me, madam.

But would you mind doing me a favour?

The next time you see The Ringer,

would you put in a good word for me?

Samuel Hackett is the name.

- A word in for what?

I'm ambitious you see. I want to

better myself and get out of the rut.

There's no place like a rut, Sam.

Then you know where you are.

That's just it, madam.

You see, a rut is a rut.

I want to get out of it. A man with my

experience ought to get out of the rut.

Experience, did you say?

- Yes. Have you seen my press cuttings?


- Do you mind?

There you are, look.

That's me. With the bracelets on.

I think I had better start a book on

Cora Ann and forget about criminology.

Where is my pencil?

There is one on the desk.


Thank you, Mr Meister.

Tell me something.

What is she doing here?

You should know that. It was

you she came to see. Not me.

What reason have the police

to think that the Ringer is here?

I know they have a suspicion

that he is here but ..

Have they any real reason to think so?

Why? Couldn't you get

that out of Cora Ann?

If she is here, he is not very far away.

Is that what they have been telling you?

They didn't tell me she was here.

What kind of recommendations are those?

In each one of them you've been pinched.

Yes, I know. But why, why?

I'll tell you why. Because

I leave my trademark, see.


- No. That's the trouble.

No fingerprints,

no busted locks, no clues.

So that when they see the perfect job.

They know it is me. Sam Hackett.

The trouble with me is that I am

the victim of my own perfection.

Excuse me.

Alright, Samuel. I will put in

a word for you. Goodnight.

Tell em something, Wembury.

- What?

How the hell did you get landed

with this Scotch comedian of yours?

Dr Lomond?

He's a nice old boy really.

A bit irritating at time but ..

After all he has precious

little to do in Flanders Lane.

I don't like amateurs.

- He doesn't do anybody any harm.

When exactly did he start this job?

- About six months ago.

Here to get the material for

research for that book of his.

He spent most of his life abroad.

Somebody must have recommended him.

It's a nice quiet job for an

old boy in semi-retirement.

Are you coming, doctor?

Aye, in a minute.

- Fine.

It is warmer in here than

out there in the garden.

Don't you think so, Mr Bliss?

I saw you out there.

Setting a trap for

The Ringer, weren't you.

It's certainly a more practical way to

catch criminals than writing books ..

And that anthropological muck

that you waste your time on.

Well, that is a matter of opinion.

By the way, Bliss.

Have you ever noticed your ears?

A typical criminal's ear.

And the prognathic process of the

jaw suggests a rabid homicide.

Tell me. Did you ever commit a murder?

Not yet.

But I may any moment.

How you must hate your ears.

They are the most pointed I ever saw.

I will be interested to see

what happens to you.

The last time I saw ears

like that was in India.

They belonged to a woman

who murdered her husband.

Mind, I'm not blaming her, poor soul.

He was in the native cavalry.

He used to go to bed in his spurs.

Keep the flippancy for

another time, Lomond.

We've got a lot on our hands.

The Ringer was a very clever criminal.

There is no such thing

as a clever criminal.

That doctrine was inculcated

into me when I was a bairn.

Och aye. Toot-toot.

- I resent that remark.

Take care of hat hand

of yours, Mr Meister.


- Goodnight.

There you are, Doc.

Is it full, Samuel?

- Is it full?

Blimey, it's the first time I've

ever measured it by the yard.

I'll see you later.

You will ..

You'll have to put up with a lot of

things, you know. People will ..

Whisper behind your back.

"Her husband was in prison."

How will you feel about it then?

Will you wish you'd never met me?

But darling.

If you had never met me you

wouldn't have gone to prison.

You wouldn't have needed that

money if it hadn't been for me.

All the things I planned to say.

I don't know, I just couldn't.

Tell me them now.

Firstly, I wanted to ask you to forgive

me for all the things I've promised.

Never let it be said that I am not

sympathetic with young love.

No, no. Don't get up.

I am sorry about my little outburst

a moment ago, Johnny.

But you see, when I expected thanks it

was a little disconcerting to get abuse.

I had been thinking too

much shut away there.

I understand. It's always a mistake.

Are you still thinking of

taking Lisa away tonight?


- That's a pity.

I shall miss you, Lisa dear.

When is your train?

Eleven o'clock.

Look, give me two hours of her time

to go over what is most urgent.


- What about your packing?

That's easy. I haven't got much to pack.

- Go and pack now, Lisa.

Then you'll have it all prepared and

we can go through the work quickly.

Oh, blast.

What's the matter?

There's a file in my office.

It's vital she checks it with me.

I'd get it myself but I

I can't leave the house.

I wonder if Lisa ..


Don't disturb her. Let her finish

her packing. I'll get your file.

That is very kind of you, Johnny.

I'll get you the keys.

It's on the top floor of 258 Piccadilly.

Take a taxi and you'll

be there in 20 minutes.

Here's some money.

- Don't worry.

It is a thick green file. You will find

it in the bottom drawer of my desk.


- 258 Piccadilly.

Who's there?

What's the matter?

What are you doing here, Bliss?

Looking after you like

a father, Mr Meister.

I thought your activities were

confined to the outside of my house.

I shan't trouble you again this evening.

All my men are on duty.

However, if you can't

sleep, do give me a ring.

I'll come and read you

some bedtime stories.


I see.




In about twenty minutes.

I see.

May I have your name, please?

No. No name.


Hello Meister?


"Meister? Is anybody there?"



Don't move.

What are you doing here anyway?

Stay where you are and don't move.

Right, Peters.

Acting on information sir,

I was at 258 Piccadilly.

And I found the caretaker hurt and

the office at the top entered into.

Major, we arrested this

man who resisted arrest.

What is the charge?

He is charged with being in enclosed

premises for an unlawful purpose.

What's your name?

John Lemley, sir.

Alright. Search him.

I've seen you before tonight

somewhere, haven't I?

Well? Anything to say?

Meister tipped you off, didn't he?

What has Meister to do with it?

He sent me to his office to get a file.

He gave me those keys. It was a trap.

If it is a trap as you say ..

Why not stay and explain to the police?

Because, can't you see, I realised

I was walking into a trap.

If you're innocent and the victim of a

trick, why should the police hold you?

Because I have got a record.

I see.

I ..

I came out of prison this morning.

Meister a friend of yours?

So friendly I landed a 4-year sentence

and look like landing with another one.

That's how friendly we are.

That's a pretty fantastic story, Lemley.

Whatever it is to you, it is

a real-life nightmare to me.

Alright. You will be detained.

Take him away.

Alight. Put him in number 9.

Can I call Lisa? I haven't done

anything. I'm not a criminal.

I want a chance to put

things right with her.

You're under arrest.

Don't let's have any nonsense.

Look, if anything happens to Lisa,

I'll kill him. I warn you I'll kill him.

Who is he going to kill?

- Meister.

It seems quite an epidemic.

I want a gun.

- I beg your pardon, sir?

I want a revolver.

- That's right, Sergeant.

Inspector Bliss of Scotland

Yard requires a revolver.

What do you want it for, Bliss?

Going wrecking?

- Yes.

But you don't have to worry, Wembury.

- Thanks.

What do you want the gun for?

- What is to you?

Quite a bit. This is my

division you know.

Any reason why I shouldn't have it?

- None.

I should sign for it though.

What is the matter, Bliss?

You seem to be forgetting the routine.

I've been a long time away from

this regulation-ridden country.

Good evening, Mr Bliss.

Evening, doctor. You seem to

live here. Found The Ringer yet?

Not yet.

You ought to write another book,

and perhaps you will.

You know, sometimes I

think it's folly to be wise.

I wish you would ask me why.

Why is it?

When ignorance is bliss.

Curious the Inspector doesn't

know station routine isn't it, sir?

Everything is curious

about Mr Bliss, Sergeant.

Bliss. I wonder where

he got that name from.

Perhaps it was his mother's.

- What is Meister's phone number?

2-1-4-0 I think, sir.

That's right, sir.

Yes. I am worried

about that boy's story.

It is Mr Wembury.

Tell him I am busy.

Tell him there's no need for him

to worry about me any longer.

I am leaving the country tonight.

He is leaving, He is pushing off.


For why?

Well, I'll tell you for why, Mr Wembury.

Cora Ann has seen him.

Yeah. And for all I know I

might have seen him too.

Tell him I'll be over right away.

I've got to see him before he goes.

Draw me a gun Carter, will you.

- Right, sir.

What's the matter?

Meister is moving out.

I've got find out more about

that boy Lemley before he goes.

That girlfriend of yours has

been up to her tricks again.

You had better come along.

You are the only friend

she has got around here.

She may need your help

if I lay my hands on her.

You are not going to shoot her?

- Oh, come on.

[ Doorbell ]

Good evening. Mr Meister?

He is packing. He is going away.

Are your going away too?

- Yes.

I am waiting for my fianc?e.

He is coming to fetch me any moment now.

Who, Lemley?

- Yes.

Too bad.

What's wrong?

I'm afraid you must

put that off for a bit.

He is under arrest.

What has he done?

He broke in to what is known as enclosed

premises, and he's charged with assault.



Is he in a prison?

For the time being he

is just being detained.

How serious is it?

Very serious unless his

story can be corroborated.

Wembury, Doctor. How nice

of you to come and see me off.

Lisa dear, what is the matter?

I'd like a word with you.

What has happened?

Where is Johnny?

Where do you think he is?

- He has been arrested.

Is that so?

- That is so.

Acting on information received

he was arrested this evening.

I'm terribly sorry

about this, Lisa dear.

He was arrested in your

office, oddly enough.

In my office? What on earth

was he doing in my office?

We haven't quite cleared that up.


Lisa, what stupidity

have you been up to?

Now of all times when ..

Don't cry.

I'll do everything humanly

possible for him. I promise.

What can you do? What can anybody do?

Well, if there is a way out, you

can rest assured that I will find it.

Let me talk to Wembury.

Look, you go up for a while, huh.


I've never let you

down and I never will.

If by any chance this matter

can't be straightened out.

You will come with me.

You can't stay here alone

and you know why.

Why not let her make up her own mind?

But, can't I go and see him?

Not possible.

Please go upstairs and wait.

I can settle this matter much better

on my own and time is short.

That is, if you want me to help.


Have you seen Hackett?

- No.

Are you here again, Cora Ann?

I might say the same to you.

I just came to bid a fond

farewell to Mr Meister but ..

What is the matter? There is a

queer vacant look in your eyes.

The vacancy isn't in my eyes.

I haven't eaten a thing since lunch.

If you like, you can take me to supper.

Och, I might miss some fun.

If The Ringer knows that

Meister is leaving.

You have got some strange ideas of fun.

Now, why don't you

take me out to supper?

Are there any restaurants around here?

- Aye. But who would pay?

I'll pay for it. You can come

along as my Scotch gigolo.

So you think I'm your type now?

You'll do. I'm not feeling

particular at the moment.

You are very tempting, Cora Ann.

It's such an economical proposition.

But you nearly make me

forget why I am here.

Why are you here?

In my professional capacity

in case of accidents.

Come on, I am hungry.

- Now, Cora Ann.

Don't lure a man away from his duty.

What duty?

The Ringer might feel he had something

to say to Mr Meister before he left.

With these police around? He wouldn't

be such a madman. Not even The Ringer.

I wonder how well you

know him, Cora Ann.

There is a look in your

eyes I don't like, doctor.

I'm not The Ringer's accomplice.

You want to see him hang.

Don't be hysterical.

Your husband wouldn't like that.

He might be somewhere around

and it would worry him.

I'll give you five minutes and no more.


- Yes?

If you must make love to The Ringer's

wife choose another moment and place.

It would be more convenient

if you went home.


Because I don't want two

tragedies on my hands.

Mr Meister.

- I'm in a hurry, doctor.

I think I know the reason

for your burnt hand.

Is that all?

- Aye.

There is an old transformer here. It

must have worked the lift at some time.

If the wires had been connected to that.

It might have proved fatal.

Now, are you listening to me?

How about that anonymous phone

call you made at the station tonight?

Wembury, I am much too vain a man

to impart information anonymously.

You should know me better.

You fixed Lemley, didn't you?

For some purpose of your own.

Don't let's argue, my dear fellow.

Let's part friends, shall we.

At least I am saving you the expense

and trouble of guarding me any longer.

Good evening. Mr Meister?

What do you want?

- I've got your tickets.

I'll give them to him.

- Sorry.

I must get his signature for them.

- Alright. Come this way.

Your tickets.

- Put them down, will you.


Can you sign this please, sir?

Why two?

Why two? Because Lisa is

coming to America with me.

Oh, so that's it.

I haven't time to sift your

obscure ideas, Wembury.

The fact is that Lisa will decide

to be realistic about this boy.

There must be an end even

to her patience. Thank you.

Thank you, sir.

So Lisa will decide, eh?

There are moments Meister when I

wish the police had wider powers.

To carry arms perhaps, you mean?

Nothing so dramatic.

One fist would be enough.

Give me the greater pleasure.

Schoolboy stuff, Wembury. You don't know

the world. Fetch Miss Lisa, will you.

I'm taking this girl away from

a petty small-time crook.

To lift her into the big-time stuff?

Strange snobberies you people have.

She'll have a new life in America.

- Not if she goes with you.

She is going with me.

Do you know something, Meister? I could

cheerfully do The Ringer out of a job.

It would make rather an

ass of the law wouldn't it.




Here, you.

It will only get me into trouble.

Good evening, Sergeant.

Look what they do to me.

Why don't you stop hounding me?


I saw this man by Deptford Broadway

and asked him what was in his bag.

That's exceeding your duty, Constable.

Go on Sergeant, tick him off.

He refused to open the bag ..

- Now that's a lie.

Don't perjure yourself

in front of witnesses.

All I said was: if you

want the bag, take it.

Shut up, Hackett.

- I then took him into custody.

Yes. That's the first true

words you have spoken.

Look here. He came up to me and

he gave me a lot of madam, see.

So I said to him ..

I don't want to be seen talking to

a bogey at this hour of the night.

And then he got the dead

needle and pinched me.

I ask you. I wouldn't take a liberty

in your manor, now would I?

What's in the bag?

Ah, it's funny you should mention that.

I was just going to speak about it.

Well, the truth of the matter is

I was walking down a dark street.

It was very dark. I could hardly

see, when all of a sudden ..

I trod on something soft, see?

I bent down to have a look.

And there was the bag, so I said:

"now what are you doing there"?

And what did the bag say?

If I am telling a lie may I be

struck down this very minute.

Go on. Nobody has heard you.

Well, then I got my second breath, see.

I thought I'd bring it up to the police

station, when up comes this bogey.

Alright. Let's have a look at it.

What's that?

A silver teapot.

Well, bless my soul.

If it ain't old Meister's teapot.

Well, what a coincidence, eh?

I was only rubbing it up this morning.

Well, it doesn't matter.

After all he doesn't drink tea.

And Meister's cashbox.

- Yeah.

And a wad of money.

Bad luck, Hackett.

Rank bad luck.

Here. It's good luck. That's what I'd

call it. I should get a reward for this.

Here, you count that lot will you.

I know what coppers are. They'll turn

up here next week in a brand-new suit.

Alright, Hackett.

You are charged with being in possession

of property reasonably suspected ..

Of being stolen or unlawfully obtained.

In contravention of section 66

of the metropolitan police act ..

1839. Old, isn't it?

Alright. It's a fair cop.


Samuel Cuthbert Hackett.





Buckingham Palace.

Buckingham ..

No fixed abode.

What was your last job?


Now let me pass. I know he is here and I

must see my husband. I know my rights.

Lord's truth. Here comes my biggest fan.

Sam Hackett, it is true then.

I could hardly believe my

ears when they told me.

Please, Mrs Hackett.

It's no good, Sergeant.

She never stops once she starts.

Call yourself an expert?

Being found with the goods son you.

Why didn't you bury the stuff in the

back garden and come back later for it?

You're slipping, that's what

you are, Sam Hackett.

I told you I was out of training.

- For a mouldy bit of silver like that.


Haven't I seen this before?

Didn't you thieve this the last time you

were out and flogged it to Mr Meister?

Well I like that. Flog it to Mr Meister

and then pinch it back off him again.

That is plain dishonest

you know, Sam Hackett.

Sorry Mrs Hackett. We have

got to take him down now.

Number 7. Quite a full house tonight.

Oh ..

Never mind, ducks.

Perhaps I'll be home for Christmas.

It will be a hard grind for me and the

kids until you get back on the job, Sam.

I mean, it's not as if we were married.

I get no family allowance or anything.

It's gone up three bob now you know.

Look ducks, I'll tell you what.

As soon as I get out of here,

and I have done my first job.

We'll make it legal, see.

Slip me a bob, I'll marry you.

Oh, Sam.

Sarge. There is no-one in

number 9. The door is open.

Number 9?


Are you sure he got away?

Yes, sir. The door in the

station yard is open, sir.

Well, get the duty car to go

round and warn all the patrols.

You can describe the man.

When did this happen?

When they took them their meals, sir.

Get on to the night office of The

Yard and circulate the description.

Right, sir.

Get on to The Yard and circulate

Lemley's description right away.


He threatens to murder Meister and then

he escapes. What am I supposed to think?

Johnny doesn't think like you.

He's been in prison for a long time.

He thinks everybody is against him.

There is a reasonable chance I

might have been able to help him.

But not now?

- I don't know.

He may have to go back. He may not.

Please don't tell me one

thing and then another.

Please tell me. Where is he?

I don't know. Probably on his way here

to stop you going away with Meister.

On his way here?

But I'm not going away with Mr Meister.

- Yeah? Well he seems to think you are.

I am going to stay here even if I

have to break every law there is.

Ha. Like Johnny?

Dear oh dear.

I've never seen such a terrible mess as

they've made of these burglar alarms.

It is a mercy they have

never been needed.

Where is that electrician?

He's gone home I suppose.

I wish you'd gone home too.

I will when I have

tried to disconnect this ..

Heath Robinson contraption.

Well, ladies and gentlemen,

this is where we say goodbye.

I hope you have enjoyed my hospitality

and that a good time was had by all.

But now the silly game is

over and I'm locking up.

You'll be glad to be away.

Thank you. Goodbye, Mrs Milton.

Thanks for the timely warning.

It is a little secret you will have to

keep from your husband, I take it.

Goodbye, Bliss.

I shall watch the English papers

for further news of your success.

Goodbye, doctor.

What are you doing there?

- I'm just pottering.

Well, stop pottering. I am locking up.


I'm not coming with you.

Johnny is out. He is on his way here.

Out? Who said so?

- He's escaped.

It is a trick, Lisa. A police trick.

No-one ever escapes.

It's a very cruel thing Wembury to raise

hope if you know the situation as I do.

Better than you, shall we say?

- What does that mean?

You ..

You say things but I don't understand

what you mean. Where is Johnny?

It's the old cat and

mouse game, my dear.

If he has escaped he'll be back under

lock and key before the day is over.

If he's free why not produce him, Bliss?

Give us time.

- Time?

Not much to ask when we've a few minutes

only. Can't you see it's nonsense, Lisa?

Whom are you prepared to trust?

Me, whom you've know

for two years or the police?

Who locked Johnny up and then tried to

insinuate there may have been a mistake.

Insinuate nothing. We haven't

yet proved him guilty. That's all.

You will.

Get the luggage into the car.

Don't be side-tracked by this nonsense,

Lisa. Let's discuss it on the plane.

If you feel strongly, you

can always come back.

There's nothing final about

you coming with me.

I should have no peace of mind If I left

you here now, under the circumstances.

Don't you see?

Yes, of course you do. Now we

must hurry. Where are the tickets?

I think you left them on your desk.

Oh yes, of course.

I'm afraid there's nothing I can do.

He can't just be dead like

that, man. Do something quick.

But he is dead. Keep your hands

away from that, Bliss. Don't touch it.

That's what it is.

He has been electrocuted.

I will go and switch off at the mains.

Don't you touch that.

Oh, what a terrible thing.

Electrocuted, eh?

The wires must have been touching

the tray and acted as a conductor.

And the tickets were on the tray.


They took him further than he reckoned.

Distilled in Australia, eh?

Why the stethoscope?

It was foolish of the old boy to ..

Tamper with this thing, wasn't it.

Someone who knows

nothing about electricity.

Over someone who knows a

great deal about electricity.

Mrs Milton.

I would be grateful if you would

stand just where you are.

What a terrible thing.

Still, you never know.

Perhaps Meister was

lucky to die like this.

He might have met

The Ringer one day and ..

And then it probably wouldn't

have been so painless.

We think he has met The Ringer.

Now what makes you say that, Bliss?


- You can drop the accent.

Yes. It has been rather

getting on our nerves.


Harry Lauder made a fortune out of it.

- You won't.

I don't have to.

Get the police van, Wembury.

Stop this nonsense.

My dear chap, isn't that my whiskey?

Good heavens, yes.

Very special stuff.

You can't get it in this country.

Will you have one? You may

never have another chance.

I'll see to that, Doctor Lomond.

So should I, but don't call me "doctor"

please. It makes me feel such a fraud.

You see, there was a real Doctor

Lomond. A very nice old chap.

He died in Australia while he was

treating me for kangaroo bites.

Kangaroos do bite, you know.

He had very excellent credentials.

Quite wonderful.

Scotland Yard always insists

on excellent credentials.

So I borrowed them.

Impersonation .. and murder.


You mean this unfortunate

accident to Meister?

You will find it very hard

to prove anything else.

My dear Bliss, think again.


Oh my dear. I am so sorry. How are you?

You let Lemley out of

his cell tonight. Why?

My dear Wembury, he had no business to

be there. You know that as well as I do.

Well, you won't find a good Samaritan

ready to let you out once you are in.

And you'll stay there

for the rest of your life.

I don't think Arthur would

want to live as long as that.

I think you had better

look after the doctor.

Take the car. Get some

men down here quickly.

Very good, sir.

He is still in the house.

That's certain.

Did he go past here?

- No, sir.

Nobody passed me since I

heard the shot and came in.

We've a cordon round the house outside.

They're sending men from the station to

search inside. They arrive in minutes.


Do you realize where

you stand, Mrs Milton?

Obstructing the law.

Helping a prisoner to escape.

You are going to be out of

circulation for quite some time.

That will be a nice rest.

I've done too much travelling lately.

You'd better get her out of here.

Come on, we'll start upstairs.

Get a man to watch Mrs Milton.

I'll take one off the guard outside.

- No, don't do that.

Listen to me, Johnny.

I can come to you but

we won't have a chance.

Give me that.

Hello? Lemley?

This is Inspector Wembury speaking.

Now listen to me. The sooner you realise

you are in serious trouble the better.

No, no. I don't want any excuses.

Look. If I come round

will you promise me ..

And I am not making any promises.


Well, where are you?

Well come here immediately.



We are going to have trouble

with that young man.

Who are you?

- Terry, sir. "F" Division.

I'm looking for a man called

Lemley, here on these premises.

Never mind about that now.


Bring Mrs Milton out here will you.

I've seen you before

somewhere, haven't I?

Yes, sir. I used to be

in your division, sir.


Take Mrs Milton to Flanders Lane. You

need another man but I can't spare one.

Don't worry, sir. I can manage.

I am glad to hear somebody

has got so much confidence.

Mr Wembury, sir.

- What is it?

I'd like to get back to your division

if there should ever be a vacancy.

I liked working with you, sir.

- Did you?

Goodnight, sir.

- Goodnight.

Where is the driver?

- Searching the grounds I think, sir.

Shall I take Mrs Milton to Flanders

Lane and come straight back?


- Right.

Mr Wembury.

Come here.

What would happen if I kissed you?

- Arthur, shut up.

Tell me, what would happen?

I'd only give you away like I

nearly did at the police station.

When Bliss came in? Poor old Bliss.

They all thought it was him.

Arthur, please.

Where do you want to go to?

Anywhere, so long as you

can get us out of this.


Is it warm in Peru?

The sun shines all day and

the moon shines all night.

Let's go there then.


Go on, get into the house before

anything more happens to you.

Go and ask Lisa to keep

an eye on you. Go on.

Alright. On your way.

Do you love me .. Cora Ann?
