The Ring Two (2005) - full transcript
A high school student named Jake tries to make his girlfriend Emily watch a cursed tape. But then Jake finds out that Emily covered her eyes and didn't watch the tape, and then Jake is killed by Samara Morgan (from the first The Ring movie). Rachel Keller learns of Jake's death and finds his twisted body in the back of an ambulance. Rachel then realizes she once again has to save her son Aidan from Samara the evil ghost child.
23.976 English
Ever seen a shooting star?
Sure. You?
You know what you're
supposed to do, right?
What do you mean,
make a wish?
If you saw one right now,
what would you wish for?
Well, that's a secret.
What about you?
To know why it
took you so long.
All freshman year Biology, we sat next to
each other, you don't even remember.
No, I remember.
The next year we had two classes,
do you remember which?
- Never even noticed.
- Hey, that's not true.
So this is it. We're about to graduate
and now you ask me out.
- Now you want to start something?
- Hey, I'm sorry.
Okay? You've got to forgive me.
Sometimes, you just... you don't see
what's right in front of you.
Yeah, you don't see.
So you're going to leave?
You ditch me, we'll be even?
Look, I can't change the past, Emily.
All I know is about tonight.
And tonight
you are my wish.
Make yourself... know.
- It's nice, your place.
- Thanks.
Whoa. Is it that late already?
- I thought your parents were away.
- They are.
I just lost track of time.
Can I get you something to drink?
- Sure.
- Yeah? Okay.
- I'll be right back, okay?
- Okay.
I wanna show you something.
- Thank you.
- There you go.
To secrets.
- Secrets?
- And sharing them.
Have you ever seen
something so scary...
that you had to show
to someone else?
I mean, like, you know,
a movie or something.
Okay, I've got the scariest
freakir movie you'll ever see.
A buddy of mine
actually turned me on to it.
And he made me a copy.
So... I did one for you.
You brought me here
to watch a video?
Well, two minutes. Okay?
Two minutes and it'll all be over.
It's totally underground stuff.
- I thought we were gonna just...
- No, we will. We will.
You just gotta see this.
I'm telling you, it's...
- How about after we...?
- No, you need to watch it now.
Just put it in the VCR,
press play and as soon as it's over,
I'll be right back in.
- Wait, back?
- Yeah, I've seen it.
It's scarier by yourself.
Look, my buddy did this to me.
This would really
mean something to me.
You know, like... we're together.
What's so scary about it?
You'll see.
Play it. Just play the thing.
Come on,
I got two minutes here, please.
Emily, play the goddamn tape!
- Hello?
- Tick tock, time's up.
What went down, man?
Get someone to watch it?
Yeah. Some stupid chick
from my school.
Good thing. I was worried
you didn't believe me.
You don't show somebody else
a copy within a week,
I swear you're dead.
This is freaky stuff, man,
freaky stuff.
My cousin showed it to his friend,
his friend didn't believe him,
he was dead in a week.
Are you there?
Don't play around with me.
- Emily, what the hell did you do?
- I played it, I just didn't look.
Come on, Aidan,
let's go home.
It was the right choice.
No question.
Aidan, dinner's ready.
Okay, now, before you say anything,
I followed the recipe this time.
Just 'cause it doesn't look
like the one in the magazine,
doesn't mean to say
it won't taste good.
Those are great, honey.
Got a really good eye.
He'd be proud of you.
Thanks, Rachel.
You know, it wouldn't kill you
to call me "mom" now and again.
"Ma." "Mommy."
Something besides "Rachel."
Yeah, I like "Rachel."
Well, "mom" has its charms too,
you know.
- But "Rachel" is more your personality.
- Really?
Well, Rachel declares dinnertime.
It's working out great,
don't you think?
All of this space and fresh air.
We have a yard.
It's really great.
Listen, honey...
...we didn't do anything wrong.
We did what anyone would do.
We started over.
- Hey.
- Hey.
You know how they can tell you
used to work at a real newspaper?
You're the only one
who closes your door.
- I wanted to talk to you about my editorial.
- Those changes okay?
Well, I asked you to copy edit it
and you rewrote it.
- Just the part about the bond measure.
- That was the whole thing.
Well, it's the bridge that would get
the money, not the riverfront.
It's kind of a tradition here
that I write the lead editorial.
- It is my paper.
- Of course.
- I own it and I hired you.
- Right.
I just wouldn't want us to
print an opinion that was...
What's the word?
You know,
a big news day in Astoria
is a school board meeting,
a car wreck and a cat in a tree.
That's big news.
Now, are you sure this is the job
you're looking for?
Well, I'm around
for my son more.
- In Seattle, I wasrt.
- Good a reason as any.
I'm glad to see you're settling in.
I like the...
Hey, Max, while you're here,
have you given any thought
to that piece for tomorrow?
You know what?
Don't you worry about it.
It's 442 Ridgecrest.
Repeat that. It's what?
Ridgecrest. Ridgecrest!
I've talked to the medical examiner.
They're on their way.
Squad 19 to respond.
Squad 19, can we keep
this channel clear, please?
- The police found a body.
- Possible homicide.
- Please, we should be so lucky.
- What are they saying?
"High school student, male, 17.
Address, 442 Ridgecrest.
Found the house partially flooded,
girlfriend hiding in the basement."
- Suspect or witness, they don't know.
- Guy was dead in front of the TV.
They keep on talking about his face.
What about his face?
All emergency units, area Astoria,
switch to Tack Five.
Detective, you have a minute?
Was it homicide or wasrt it?
You know how he died, don't you?
I just have a few last questions.
If you could walk me through it again.
It's just horrible. So young.
Please, not here.
I found you.
We only made one copy.
Oh, God.
- Excuse me, sir.
- Hold on. Yeah?
Hi. I'm Rachel Keller
from the Daily Astorian.
- We'll make a statement.
- I need to know about the girl.
- We'll make a statement.
- She hasn't said a word, has she?
You're welcome to wait.
Excuse me.
Watch your step.
Have a seat here, okay?
Have a seat.
I just want you to relax for me.
You can't keep her here.
- Focus on the walls and relax.
- She's scared. We wanna take her.
- She'll talk to us.
- I understand your concern.
I'm just gonna ask
a few questions. Please.
- Be right back, Emily.
- Thank you. Thank you.
All right.
Give me his number. Yeah.
All right.
Emily, listen to me.
I know what happened.
I know.
Now, you have to tell me.
The tape.
Did you watch it?
Do you know who else has watched it?
Has anyone else watched it?
- Then where is it?
- Hey, you. Get away from her.
- Ray.
- Emily, talk to me.
I want her out of here. Now.
You can tell me, Emily.
Not here, Samara. Not here.
Rache I!
Honey, what is it?
What's wrong?
Huh? What's wrong?
Look at me.
- Okay? What is it?
- I had a nightmare.
That's all right.
We all have them.
Oh, God, you're soaked.
And you're freezing.
Let's get you out of these clothes.
Come on.
What happened in your nightmare?
I woke up and you werert here.
You werert here.
I'm here now, honey.
I'm right here, okay?
All you have to do is call my name
and I'll follow your voice.
Even if I have to come right down
into that nightmare with you.
So tell me what happened.
I don't remember.
You don't remember?
I don't remember.
Honey. You heard me?
I've been calling your name.
I'm sorry.
- You ready to go?
- Yeah.
So we'll just swing by
and see what they have, okay?
And you can keep a watch on
the backyard stuff. How's that?
Look at all this stuff.
Who do you think buys this crap?
Rachel. Hi.
- Hi.
- You guys, come here.
Here's the new neighbor
I was telling you about.
She works for the Daily Astoria.
Meet Meg Lowry and Audrey Flint
- Hello.
- Hello.
So looking for stuff
to fill up that new house?
You should see what
she's doing with it, a kind of...
a country loft look, right?
Did they replace that orange linoleum
in the bathroom before you moved in?
You are so bad.
You really should get here early
because the good stuff is gone by noon.
I'm sorry, just a sec.
Whatever I say,
walk and keep walking, all right?
- I'm sorry. I forgot your names.
- Oh, Meg and Audrey.
Aidan, stay with me, honey.
Aidan, stay with me, honey.
Yeah, well there's a reason
God made them so cute.
So we don't kill them.
- I really should...
- Oh, we know.
Go ahead, we're around.
We'll run into you.
- It's good to meet you.
- You, too.
Good luck with everything.
- Take care now.
- Goodbye.
- Thank you, I owe you one.
- Don't you want friends?
Those aren't friends, honey.
They're the secret police.
You still cold?
What's wrong, honey?
You all right?
- I'm gonna take a look around.
- All right.
Stay close.
Hello, young man. Have you received
your free lucky marble today?
I wouldn't, if I were you.
I heard they don't
make the machines anymore.
Fine with me.
I guess it's proof there's
not a lot to do around here.
Not much happens.
Although, the past three months we
had a couple of interesting events.
A couple? Something happened
before the murder?
Yeah, well, you came here.
That was interesting.
Is that a line, Max?
More of a question.
Why would you choose to live here?
No one would choose
to live in a place like this.
It's... quiet.
Well, I think it's too quiet.
I can't sleep, I miss noise.
I miss garbage trucks.
I lived in New York
for ten years.
Four years at Columbia,
then the Daily News, for me...
...that place is home.
- I thought you were born here.
- Yeah, I was.
I moved back.
- It's not that tragic.
- I'm just surprised, that's all.
Found out my parents werert well,
so I came back to help out for a while.
- I'm still here.
- Are they still...
No. I got the house,
I got the paper.
I got the 20 employees in the town
I swore I would never come back to.
- Home sick.
- Yeah.
- Terminal case.
- I recognize the symptoms.
- Hey, Max, how are you?
- Good, Dale.
Who's the little cutie?
New editor.
Co-worker, colleague.
Whatever you say.
This place will grow on you, Rachel.
Are you ready?
You guys all ready to go?
On your mark,
get set,
Love to meet him.
You should bring him by sometime.
- I will.
- Paper's the only family I have.
- Thought I'd try to treat it like one.
- I can see that.
Whenever you want to tell me,
feel free to.
- Tell you what?
- Why you're here.
Like I said, it's quiet.
You don't have kids,
do you, Max?
Everything I do is for my son.
- I should...
- Sure.
I really would like to meet him.
See if he's anything like you.
Man, that was genius.
Remember, you gotta wait
for the whistle.
Aidan? Aidan?
Are you in there?
Why didn't you answer me, honey?
What are you...
Jesus, you're freezing, honey.
What's going on? Are you sick?
Talk to me, honey.
Talk to me. What's going on?
- What is it?
- I'm cold.
It's okay. It's okay.
Honey, when did this start?
Was it last night,
or this morning?
I don't remember.
I know you don't like me prying,
but this is important.
Was it your nightmare?
- I really don't remember, Rachel.
- I need you to try.
You're sick, all right?
And we need to know what started it.
Was she in your nightmare?
Don't stop.
Don't stop.
- Go! Drive! Drive!
- What's the matter, honey?
Just don't stop the car!
Just don't stop the car!
Get down!
- Why did you say...
- Rachel!
"Don't stop."
You said, "Don't stop."
My God.
Don't stop.
Okay. Let's see.
That's impossible.
...what's happening?
Yeah, hi.
My son is very sick
and I'd like to talk to someone who...
Well, it's his temperature.
It's... it's five degrees low.
Get him warm.
Keep him warm.
Honey, this shouldn't be open.
Aidan, let's go.
Get out of bed.
Aidan, what are you doing over there?
Get back in bed right now.
I saw something.
Move! Get away.
Get away from there.
Honey, let's go. Come on.
I saw it.
- I saw it in my head.
- Let's go.
Ms. Keller...
- About my story. I...
- Not now.
Now, listen, sweetie.
Last night I found a tape.
It was one of hers.
And I made it so we'd never
have to see it again.
But if she knows that,
what I did might
make her wanna hurt us.
Am I right?
Do you know something, honey?
Look, if you know why she's here,
you have to tell me.
Aidan... she here to hurt you?
She can hear us.
She hears everything.
Except when we sleep.
She can't hear us when we sleep?
What does that mean?
We have to sleep.
Rachel, may I come in, please?
What happened to your car?
Your car.
Apparently it's wrecked.
- Are you guys okay?
- Yeah. We got hit.
And no one's hurt?
That's good.
Aidan, right?
Hi, I'm Max.
- Is he all right?
- He's sick.
How sick?
Max, I need your help.
I'll get some more blankets.
The house is yours if there's
anything you need at all.
Okay. Thanks.
- Here.
- Thank you.
- Shouldrt he be at a hospital?
- No, he's fine.
- The bath?
- Down the hall. I'll get it started.
I'm gonna go home
and get some of our things.
Then we'll leave here
and never come back, okay?
- Let's get you warmed up.
- It's not the best water pressure,
- but it works.
- It's good, thanks.
I don't know why we lost power.
The block seemed fine.
I have plenty of candles
in case the problem spreads.
Let's go ahead and get in.
Get you warmed up.
Max, I just need to go back to my house,
get a few things, some medicine.
Do you mind if you could...?
- I'll watch him. Of course.
- Okay, thanks.
Honey, go ahead and get in.
Let's go. Let's go.
We need to raise your temperature.
Now, let's get in.
Aidan, what's wrong?
It's just water.
- We need to raise your temperature.
- I don't want to, Rachel.
Do you want me to get in with you?
Let's go then.
Aidan. Come on, let's go.
That's it.
Come on, honey.
Let's go. Let's go.
That's it. That's it.
That's better, right?
See? It's nice and warm.
It's okay. Just relax.
Officer Ray.
How you doing?
Yeah, good, good.
All right, what do you got for me?
Right. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, well, that all
sounds like page 26.
You don't have any headlines?
Well, business is business.
Yeah. No, no, I'm good.
Real good.
Could you do me a little favor
while I've got you?
Could you look into
your accident reports
and see if there was an accident
with a woman and her son?
"K" for Keller.
No, no, I'm just trying
to get a story straight.
Ray, let me call you right back.
Everything okay in there?
Aidan, could you
unlock the door, please?
Aidan, can you hear me?
Aidan, please, unlock the door!
Aidan, open the door!
He's in the bath.
It was open a second ago.
Aidan, open the door!
- I'm gonna get something to break it.
- Open up the door. I'm right here.
Honey, can you hear me?
You need to open up the door.
Oh, my God.
Please, honey, open the...
Oh, my God.
Look at me. Aidan, look at me.
Look at me.
Rachel, no!
Oh, my God.
Baby, I'm sorry.
It wasrt him.
It wasrt him.
I was just trying to help.
Okay, Rachel,
let's just get him out of there.
Why is she doing this to me?
I'm here now, baby.
- Why is she doing this to me?
- It's okay, Aidan.
We're gonna get you better.
We're gonna get you to a hospital.
They can't do anything.
You asked for my help,
you're gonna get my help.
He gets to a hospital, Rachel.
We're back, continuing
with our outdoor theme.
I hope that you're
enjoying the show.
Summer finally seems to be here
and with Memorial approaching,
it's the official kick off of summer.
One thing we love to do
throughout the summer
is spend time outdoors
with our friends and family.
We've offered you what I think
is one of the most affordable sets... very pretty.
Sorry, I'm perspiring a little.
It's hot here already in Florida.
I wonder how long it's been going on.
What are those bruises doing there?
If you wanted to make those
drinks that require an umbrella,
you could make it in bulk, if you will.
Put it in the pitcher
and away you go.
This is a really great set because
you're getting them
with hibiscuses all over,
it's a hibiscus pitcher,
it's a 30 ounce pitcher, so...
It's his core temperature.
He was at 90 degrees
when he came in.
- He wasrt outside overnight?
- No. He was at home with me.
A body doesn't develop
severe hypothermia on its own.
Whatever the cause, he's fighting it.
Seems like he's stabilizing.
- And he's just sleeping now?
- Right.
And having some kind of dream.
What's the story, Rachel?
They stabilized his temperature.
I mean the story with you and Aidan.
You seem awfully hard on him.
Look, I know
it's a stressful time for you.
Moving. It's a whole new life.
Maybe if you tell me...
All I ever tried to do for him
was the right thing,
and it only ever made things worse.
Then it wasrt the right thing, was it?
What do you see?
Well, it's Aidan.
- Is that a girl there?
- Why is she in the picture?
- Why? How would I know?
- Why is she in all of them?
Her name's Samara.
She was murdered by her mother.
Left to die at the bottom of a well.
- Wait, she's... she's who?
- She didn't die.
At least, not her ghost.
I kept it alive for Aidan.
I let it out,
it spread and then we ran.
- What are you talking about?
- I know this sounds completely crazy,
but she's here now.
She's found us.
And I thought it was just to hurt Aidan,
but it's more than that.
She wants to be him.
And she wants
to live for real this time.
You tell me,
who can help me?
I'm sure there's a rational...
You take his picture
and tell me why she's in it.
- Rachel.
- You take his picture.
It's proof that he's what?
He's got a ghost inside him?
No. The proof is what will happen.
Aidan, you said Samara
couldn't hear us when we sleep.
Well, you're sleeping now.
Tell me how to stop her, honey.
Tell me how to help you.
Just tell me, I'll do anything, I swear.
Ms. Keller?
Hello, I'm Dr. Emma Temple.
I'm a consulting physician
at County Child Services.
Well, I was hoping to speak
with Aidan when he wakes up.
Is everything all right in here?
Yeah. It's fine.
Thank you.
I was hoping to speak with you as well.
It's Rachel, isn't it?
Yeah, about his situation.
I'm sorry, what kind of doctor
did you say you were again?
I'm a psychiatrist.
Yeah. I spoke with a Dr...
...Koji in Seattle.
Aidars doctor.
Look, if we could maybe talk later.
Right. Dr. Koji mentioned
that you dealt with some PPD
when Aidan was born.
Postpartum depression.
That was the first month.
That's all.
I understand.
It's very common.
I mean, a lot of women have trouble
adapting to the stresses of motherhood.
What does this have to do with
what's going on with my son right now?
Have you been under stress lately?
Have you ever found that you were...
...unable to experience love for Aidan?
- What?
- Have you hurt him,
however unintentionally?
Have you left him alone?
Abandoned him?
I'd like to be with my son,
please, if you don't mind.
Yeah, of course.
I'm sorry, Rachel.
Until we can talk further,
I cannot let you be alone with him.
I'm his mother.
There are bruises on his body.
He was hypothermic
and very near death.
That is not because of me.
He's gonna be all right, Rachel.
He will.
But you need to leave.
Now, please.
You can't have him, Samara.
You're going back
to where you came from.
We'll talk in here.
It really will help.
Sharing one's troubles
never hurt anybody.
- Now, are you a coffee drinker?
- Black.
Yeah, I imagined so.
Dr. Forrest, dial 118, please.
Dr. Forrest, please dial 118.
Let's call the doctor in Seattle.
I want to know just how bad
her postpartum got.
- Yes.
- Thank you.
The mother is missing.
I want a watch on this room.
She returns, she is not allowed in.
Okay, Dr. Temple.
All I wanna know is
her history before the Morgans.
I'm sorry,
but the privacy laws still apply.
Well, was she really adopted?
Can you at least tell me that much?
Was their story true?
- Samara Morgan was adopted, yes.
- But you won't tell me from who?
- I'd lose my job if I did.
- Look, ma'am,
my son has a medical condition
that his doctors don't even understand.
This little girl had the same condition.
Now, if I knew what caused that,
it could save his life.
All I can say is you should speak
to the Morgans.
They're dead.
They both killed themselves.
Whoa! Look out.
Early birds.
Marty Savide,
Stevens Northwest Realty.
- Hi.
- Come in.
I thought I put 12:30 on the ad.
For the open house.
- How'd you get around the gate?
- Well, I just...
Who cares? Come on.
Make me an offer
over asking and it's yours.
Okay, then, don't mind me.
My first try with these things,
took off flying.
There we go.
What do you think?
A little color will really
turn the place around.
It's got a wonderful history.
Working horse ranch.
How about that?
And there's even this cute little
tree house thing way up in the barn.
Is the place being sold
unfurnished or...?
The previous owners
didn't leave anything behind?
Well, there were some things
that were left, after they...
- We're storing that in the basement.
- There's a basement?
Well, you betcha.
No extra charge.
Right this way.
If you don't mind,
I'm the welcome wagon.
Gotta open up the gate
for everyone else.
So please,
make yourself at home.
Do you know what happened to them?
The previous owners?
I believe they bought
a condo in Phoenix.
Her mother.
Oh, my.
You're awake.
I'll take it from here.
Hello, Aidan, I'm Dr. Temple.
How are you feeling?
You know,
I'd really like to help you.
Can you tell me how you're feeling?
Where's my mommy?
Well, she'll be here soon.
She's on her way.
I want Mommy.
Yeah, I know you do.
Your mommy wants to be with you too.
So where is she?
She went home.
She didn't think that you
were gonna wake up so soon.
I wanna go home too.
Well, you will.
We just have to...
We just have to get you...
You're freezing.
I wanna go home to Mommy.
Well, we need to talk about her.
Can you tell me
about Mommy a little bit?
She loves me.
I know that she does.
She went looking for me.
She tried to find me.
It means she loves me.
I don't understand.
Can I go home now?
No, honey,
you're not well enough.
Can I go home?
I'm sorry.
Then I have to show you something.
It won't stop.
I'm gonna walk you
just around the corner here.
Hi, I'm Sister Diane.
How can we help you?
I need to know about a child
who was born here.
Is there anyone that can talk to me
who's been here more than 30 years?
- Please, come in.
- Thank you.
I remember this, yes.
A young girl made it.
She was shy, quiet...
- She stayed here?
- Yes.
- Did she have her baby here?
- Yes.
- And you arranged for the adoption?
- That's right.
- Who was she?
She was picked up wandering the streets
and brought to us.
She was from some little town
up in the mountains.
She said she'd been sent away
to live with relatives in the city.
But no relatives were ever found.
Her name was Evelyn.
She came to us
eight months pregnant.
- And the father?
- There was none.
Half the mothers
that come to us say that.
So, what did she think
got her pregnant?
She wasrt well. She had been having
problems during the pregnancy:
Hallucinations, visions.
She believed some thing
had come for her baby
from the waters of the world
beyond this one.
I'm sorry.
Did you say water?
Well, we all envision
the afterlife differently.
For Evelyn,
it's just what she believed.
As you might imagine, she suffered
severe postpartum depression.
She blamed her troubles on her child.
So she tried to kill it.
All babies are a challenge.
But Samara, she never cried.
Except when her mother
would try to bathe her.
Then she'd scream
like it was the end of the world.
It was the screaming that woke us.
Evelyn, don't!
Evelyn, stop!
She was trying to drown the baby.
The baby was taken from her, of course.
Evelyn was institutionalized.
And all those pictures she'd been
collecting, they finally made sense.
Did she say why she did it?
She felt she had
to kill her baby to save it.
I'm here to see a patient.
Her name's Evelyn.
- I don't know her last name.
- Evelyn?
That's right.
Evelyrs expecting you.
Every few years, one of you
comes to see Evelyn.
She's like a freakir patron saint
or something.
Got a problem with your kid,
don't you?
Something wrong?
That song. I know it.
Yeah. They all do.
Hey, Evelyn.
You were right as rain.
You got a visitor today.
Hope she's some help
to your troubles.
Ten minutes.
My name's Rachel.
But you know that.
Some days I sort of have a feeling.
A feeling?
This is about your child.
It's about yours.
They don't dream, you know.
The dead don't dream.
Look, something's happened to my son.
- You have to sleep to dream.
- It has to do with your daughter.
And the dead never sleep.
They wait...
...and watch for a way back.
But they never sleep.
- That's why dreams are safe.
- I'm sorry, I just...
I don't have a lot of time.
Please, I need your help.
I have to know.
Can you tell me?
Why did you try to kill your baby?
Because my baby told me to.
Just like yours will tell you.
And you have to do it.
- You have to send it back.
- What?
They stopped me.
- Don't let them stop you.
- What?
Listen to the voices.
- What are you talking about?
- Because it's our fault. We did it.
Yes. We did it. Yes.
It was you.
It was you! You did it!
What did I do?
Evelyn, that's enough.
I love my son.
Come on. It's all right.
I'm sorry, ma'am,
that's enough for today.
Let's go.
What did I do?
You let the dead get in.
Let's go.
What should I do?
Be a good mother.
Listen to your baby.
Listen to your baby.
Listen to your baby.
Listen to your baby.
Listen to your baby.
Shouldrt you...
Shouldrt you be at the hospital?
No. I'm here waiting for my mommy.
Well, you can't really leave
till the hospital says it's okay.
You were very, very sick.
You're all right now?
The cable setup at my house,
the TV needs to be on channel three.
She loves me.
She loves me not.
Thank you, Max.
She loves me!
Look, Mandy!
I think I'm gonna puke.
Why don't you do something
productive with your life?
Say, Billy,
if you like fish so much...
Your mom loves you, you know.
She loves you a lot.
You'd tell someone
if you werert sure about that, right?
Like, if she'd been
hurting you somehow.
Did she ever treat you
like you're someone else?
- I'm not somebody else. I'm Aidan.
- No, I know.
- I know.
- We don't need anyone else.
That's right.
We don't need you,
that doctor or anyone else.
What are you doing?
I was just gonna
take a picture of you.
- It'll be for your mom.
- No.
Why not? What's wrong
with taking your picture?
I'll tell you what's wrong
if you promise not to take it.
But that's only if you promise.
Fine. I promise.
So, Aidan, what's the story?
We're happy when we're sad
We're always feeling sad
- How are you?
- Terrible.
That's why we're happy
when we're sad
Are you here?
- You're home!
- Oh, God.
What are you doing here?
I thought you were at the hospital.
No. I'm here, Mommy.
- What did you say?
- I said I'm here.
Is Max here?
But his coat...
He went away.
You wanna watch some TV with me?
I just have to get something
from the car. Okay?
I love you, Mommy.
Goldfish must have water
in order to exist.
But goldfish hate cats.
While on the other hand,
cats hate water.
Are you sleeping, Rachel?
I am. She makes me sleep
all the time now.
- Aidan.
- Just keep sleeping, Rachel.
So she can't hear us.
It's the only way.
You have to show her, Rachel.
Show her she can't stay.
In you.
How? How do I do that?
Take me to where she's afraid of.
You know where she's afraid of.
Take me there...
...and kill me.
- Aidan, no.
Rachel, keep sleeping.
She won't stay if she knows
you'll kill me.
It's the only way.
I can't do it. I can't.
Then she stays.
She's heard us.
I thought you were sleeping, Mommy.
I was, but I had a bad dream.
You must've had a nightmare.
It's all right.
We all have them.
Will you stay with me now?
- Stay?
- Stay for always.
Yeah. Yeah.
Let's watch some TV together.
It's kind of late, honey.
Don't you think you should sleep?
I never sleep.
Then let Mommy make you something.
Something wrong?
You seem sad.
No, honey, I'm not sad.
I'm just tired, that's all.
Well, now you have me to protect you.
You ain't the biggest catfish
in the deep blue sea
Take me to where she's afraid of.
You know where she's afraid of.
You have to show her, Rachel.
Show her she can't stay.
Listen to the voices.
You have to listen to the voices.
Be a good mother.
Be a good mother.
Listen to your baby.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
But you can't stay.
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
It's me.
- It's not her, Rachel.
- I know, baby.
It's me.
I love you.
Mommy, I love you.
I know, baby.
I love you too.
But you're not my son.
Breathe. Baby, breathe.
Please. I know it's you, honey.
Aidan, please.
I'm right here.
You're okay.
Everything's all right, honey.
You were sleeping.
You were just sleeping.
She wants me again.
Rachel, what are you doing?
All she wants is a mother.
That's all she wants.
And she'll keep coming
till she finds one.
Come on!
Come back!
Get away from her!
Get away from her!
You can't have my son.
So take me.
Rachel! No!
Here I am, Samara.
Just like you wanted.
But you leave him alone!
You hear me?
Help me.
It's always open.
Her only way out is always open.
- Mommy!
- I'm not your fucking mommy.
- Can you hear me?
- I can hear you.
I'm right here.
You're here.
- You're here, Rachel.
- Of course I'm here.
I followed your voice.
What happened?
It's over, honey.
She's not coming back.
How do you know, Rachel?
I know.
I promise.
I promise.
I love you, Mommy.
Promise me something?
Yeah. Anything, Mom.
Just call me Rachel.
At least for a while.
sync ? 25.12.2017
The Ring Two (2005)