The Rickshaw Man (1958) - full transcript

In the turn of the Twentieth Century, the rickshaw driver Matsugoro "Matsu" is a happy man and a troublemaker well-known by everyone in his village. One day, Matsu sees an injured boy, Toshio, and brings him home. His mother Yoshiko Yoshioka asks Matsuo to take the boy to the doctor and then her husband Capt. Kotaro Yoshioka asks her to reward Matsu. However the rickshaw man refuses the money and becomes a friend of the family. When Kotaro unexpectedly dies, Matsuo helps Yoshiko to raise her son. Soon he falls in love with her, but he does not dare to open his heart to Yoshiko since they belong to different social classes.







based on the originaI noveI by


Photography KAZUO YAMADA

Artistic Director HIROSHI UEDA


Musician IKUMA DAN

Assistant Director TERUO MARU


















Sonny! Sonny!

Come home right now!

You haven't cIeaned the Iamps yet!

If you're not a good boy,

then the poIice wiII...

Look, here comes a poIiceman.

Come on.

Is OId Mama in?

Why, it's you, sir.


Bring a cushion for him.

Don't bother.

I hear that Matsugoro has returned.

Is that right?

I'm taIking about WiId Matsu!

Is that so?

This hot weather isn't going away.

It must be making your work difficuIt.

- Bring tea, boy.

- Don't change the subject.

Is Matsugoro staying with you or not?

Answer me.

You know very weII

what happened to Matsugoro.

After Iast year's incident,

he was banished from Kokura.

No need to teII me that.

I'm not asking

about what happened Iast year.

Matsugoro has been back in this area

since three days ago.

The news came from a reIiabIe source.

My head.

Don't pretend you haven't heard.

He got into a fight in Kurosaki

and came back here.

We've aIready foIIowed his traiI.

Matsugoro got into a fight?

Oh, my. With whom did he fight?

Damn! Damn it!



Boy! Come up here!


Oh, dear. It's no good pretending now.

I'm sorry, sir.

But what I teII you now is no Iie.

For three days,

that tough Matsugoro has Iain in bed

burning up with a high fever.

He was moaning and mumbIing

in his sIeep untiI a few minutes ago.

Where are you taking that?

To Matsugoro?

He asked for the tobacco tray?

Matsugoro wants it?

The tobacco tray?

Are you sure?

Take it to him.

He was moaning with fever.

Now he wants tobacco.

It seems my story

doesn't hoId water.

The circumstances don't Iook good.

But listen, sir.

Matsugoro is in his sickbed

with a grave injury.

That's reaIIy the truth.

If you don't beIieve me,

I'd rather die.

Boy! Where are you going?

What? He wants udon noodIes?

Matsugoro does?

Six? He wants six bowIs of udon?

Things don't Iook as you say,

OId Mama.

I'd better not say any more.

I don't understand what's going on.

WeII, now I know he's here.

I didn't come to arrest him.

Don't worry.

I'm reIieved to hear that.

But do you know

with whom Matsugoro fought?

It was the kendo master

of the Wakamatsu PoIice Department.

Oh, dear!

No wonder he got beat up.

And one, two...

WeII, this is quite a gathering.

One, two, three, four, five and six.

AII together, six bowIs of udon.

Look, Matsugoro.

You were in bed for three days.

Then suddenIy you woke up.

And the rumor in the neighborhood

is that you ate 16 bowIs of udon.

Mr. One-two,

Matsugoro wasjust teIIing us

the fuII detaiIs of the fight.

The full story?

WeII, I can't miss that.

AII right, then. Let's hear it.

We've got a nosy taIker, Matsugoro.

Don't mind him and continue.

WeII, I'II go ahead with the story.

That day, I Ieft Ashiya in the morning

and then stopped by many pIaces.

So it was aImost sundown

when I reached Kurosaki.

Hey, rickshaw man!

How much to Wakamatsu?

WeII, it's out of the way.

I'd have to charge you at Ieast 50 sen.

50 sen? That's too expensive.

I'II pay you 40 sen.

- I can't do it for 40 sen.

- 40 sen is enough.

Mister, I'm tired.

Why don't you take another rickshaw?

I don't see any other rickshaw.

Just do as I say.

What do you mean by

Iaying your hand on my rickshaw?

I need a ride.

Don't you get it?


I won't give a ride to an idiot Iike you.

Hands off!

- What? Stop!

- Out of my way.

Stop, you!

I did stop. Now what?

Why did you insuIt your customer?

Are you picking a fight with me?

I'm a bit of a Iegend in Kokura.

I'm the famous WiId Matsu!

So what?


But here's the first move!

No! Stop!

After that I just cried in pain.

l see.

By the way, who do you think

that man was?

l don't know.

The man you fought

was the kendo master

of the Wakamatsu PoIice.

How do you know?

The poIiceman toId me.

You were just no match for him.

Fighting is hisjob!

No wonder it hurt so much!

Coming through!

The Sangoro Kawakami Troupe presents

a heroic taIe of the Sino-Japanese War:

Jukichi Harada's storming

of the Hyonmu Gate.

Step right up!


The pIay is about to start.

- I appreciate it.

- For what?

Let me take a peek.

Isn't it too earIy to crash the gate?

This isn't a tent-troupe pIay

Iike the ones you're used to seeing.

Come after 9:00.

Then I'II Iet you see an act or two.

Is that right?

This pIay isn't for the Iikes of me, eh?

WeII, sorry I bothered you.

Step right up!

Look, I'm a Kokura rickshaw man.

So what?

Nothing, reaIIy.

It'sjust that no theater in Kokura

ever turned away a Kokura rickshaw man.

- You go ahead.

- AII right.

step righ up!

First-cIass guest coming in.

First-cIass guest.

Step right up!

Candies, snacks, rice crackers.

Candies, snacks, rice crackers.

Programs for saIe.

Programs for saIe!

Sweet roIIs and rice crackers.

- Put them aII in!

- AII right.

Just dump 'em!


All right.

Oh! The smell!

It's garIic! This is unbearabIe!

ShouId I put in Chinese chives too?

Sure. Go ahead.

Wow! This is something!

It stinks! This is awfuI!

Stop this prank!

Shut up! You can watch the pIay

even if it stinks!

- Toast this!

- Okay.

This isn't a kitchen!

Do your cooking at home!


If you want to make a stink,

come down here!

Face up to WiId Matsu.

I paid for this box seat.

What I cook in here is my business!

Right you are!

I am right, aren't I?

You see my point.

Listen! If you want to make a fuss,

come over here!

Throw more in!

It's getting strong.

Here you go!

lt's then!

- There!

- Damn it!

What are you doing?

Can't you see?

We're making a dish to go with the sake!

You're making the other guest suffer.

We have to ask you to Ieave.

What's the probIem?

I'm just cooking what I Iike!

Nobody cooks food in box seats

these days!

Except in some tent theaters.

Throw them out!

What did you say?

You dare to throw WiId Matsu out?

Damn you!

You bastard!

Son of a bitch!

- No, pIease!

- Eat!

You bastard!

Son of a bitch! Take this!

Take this and this!

Come and get me!

Excuse me. Coming through.

Here's a mediator.

- That's Toyozo Yuki.

- Yuki?

He's famous

for construction in Dairi.

Thank you.

Thank you for stopping

the fight so quickIy.

Now, I beIieve you are Matsugoro.

What? You'II fight with me?

WeII, I wouId if it were necessary.

But I think we can settIe this

in a different way.

Let me introduce myseIf.

I'm caIIed Toyozo Yuki.

You may have grievances,

but wouId you Iet me handIe

the situation?

In theory,

it's wrong to get a free pass

to a theater because of who you are.

However, for ages, the happi coat

of a Kokura rickshaw man

has been treated Iike the business card

of a newspaper reporter.

So it is a tradition.

PeopIe have kept this tradition.

There must be some kind

of history behind it.

When the ticket-coIIector suddenIy

takes it upon himseIf to ignore it,

then it's naturaI

that it wiII cause troubIe.

However, Matsugoro,

to be honest, I'm not impressed

with the way you reacted, either.

I understand your frustration very weII.


you caused a great deaI of troubIe

to theater guests who had nothing to do

with your grievance.

How do you intend to make

amends to them?

You two parties can make peace here,

and that wiII settIe the matter

between you.

But the inconvenience

that the theater guests suffered

wiII not be erased by that.

What do you think about that,


I didn't think about that.

- WeII, Matsugoro?

- I wiII apoIogize.

I apoIogize.


I'm impressed.

I've never seen

such a straightforward man.

Your apoIogy just about erased

your sin against the theater guests.

Now, you'II aIIow me

to settIe the matter?

There is nothing to aIIow.

I'm just...

WeII, then it's settIed.

I'm gIad that my mediation

wasn't in vain.

Call for sake.



Hey! Can you cIimb up here?

I don't want to. I'm scared.

You're scared? What a chicken!

Sonny, there's nothing to be scared of.

You're a boy.

Come on, cIimb up.

Rickshaw man!

What are you doing there?

It's not our fauIt!

It's not my fauIt!

Hey, boys...

It hurts! It hurts!


You're a boy.

Don't cry Iike a baby.

Come on. Can you stand up?

It hurts.

Where does it hurt?

- Does it hurt here?

- Yes.

Where does he Iive?

He Iives in the samurai district.

l see.

AII right, sonny.

What's your father's name?


- He Iives here.

- This is the house?


- HeIIo!

- Coming.

Don't cry.

Did something happen to Toshio?

Toshio, what's the matter?

It's nothing serious, ma'am.

But you shouId take him to a doctor.

PIease, wiII you take him

to Dr. Hachisuga?

I'II foIIow you right away.

It's off the track.

Toshio, you were injured honorabIy.

Do you feeI pain?

No? I heard that you cried a great deaI.

l didn't cry!

You didn't?

WeII, I wonder.

I heard crying that sounded Iike you

even from inside the barracks.

I cried a IittIe bit, actuaIIy.

See? Now you're owning up to it.

Dear, change your cIothes.

I'm sorry for Ietting him get hurt

whiIe you were away.

Don't be. It's naturaI for boys

to get minor injuries.

What was the name of the rickshaw man

who gave you heIp?

WeII, I don't know his name.

He wouIdn't teII me.

Then did you pay him for his troubIe?

WeII, actuaIIy...

What is it?


It isn't much, but pIease take it.

I can't take that, ma'am.

Why not?

It'sjust a token of my gratitude.

No, I can't. I didn't heIp you

so I couId charge for it.

I'II be scoIded by my husband

if you don't take it. So pIease.

Non, no, ma'am.

Though I'm a nobody, I'd Iike to be

of heIp to others once in a whiIe.

So Iet me simpIy Ieave today.

That's an unusuaI man for these days.

I'd Iike to know his name at Ieast.

The woman at the hardware store

knew his name.

His name is Matsugoro.

He works out of a nearby rickshaw depot.

He's caIIed Matsugoro?

You mean WiId Matsu?

You know him?

Yes. I do, indeed.

Oh, what a coincidence.

What's so funny?

He's quite a character.

You must remember that time

when GeneraI Oku returned to Kokura

to visit his famiIy grave Iast spring.

Yes, l do.

The generaI traveIed

from the station to Sakai Machi

on Matsugoro's rickshaw.

Is that right?

But there's more.

Let's have some sake first.

Let's eat.

TeII me the rest. What happened?


the generaI gave a Iecture

to the chiIdren at the eIementary schooI.

And he was about

to get on the rickshaw.

Banzai! Banzai!

- You know the next stop?

- Yes, yes, I do.

Rickshaw man,

do you know my next stop?

I said I do. How many times

do I have to teII you?

Don't worry.

I've been briefed on aII your stops.

Did he say anything rude, sir?

No, not at aII.

Nothing's the matter.

Let's go.

All right.

I was watching,

and found his bIuntness shocking.

GeneraI Oku was the commander

of the victorious second force.

But Matsugoro spoke casuaIIy

to the gIorious man:

''I know where you're going.''

He didn't even say ''sir.''

It was shocking.


The rickshaw man became

the taIk of the regiment.

I asked around and found out

that he's a weII-known man

caIIed WiId Matsu.

He seems to be a storied man.

I shouId invite him for sake

to thank him.

That's a good idea.

Matsugoro is out at the moment.

Perhaps I can heIp you.

Oh, he's back.

Hey, Matsugoro!

Ma'am, how is your son?

Thank you for everything yesterday.

He's much better today.

If you have time,

couId you take him to the doctor again?

Yes, ma'am.

I can go right away.

Yes, please.

I'II give you a ride to your home.

No, that's aII right.

It's onIy a short distance.

WaIking wouId be just as fast.

- ReaIIy? Come on, take a ride.

- No, thank you.

You are descendants

Of the nobles of the Taira Clan

We are descendants of hunting warriors

Of the Nasu army

Daihachiro Nasu


What's wrong, Matsugoro?


Let me pour you some sake first.

Don't try to evade.

Come on, continue.

Yes, yes. I wiII continue.

But I feeI awkward

in front of the madam.

My, do you disIike me so?

Then I shaII return to the back room.

Have some sake.

- Is Toshio in bed?

- Yes, he went to bed earIy.


Hey, Matsugoro!

Drink up.

No need to be reserved.

For some reason, I reaIIy Iike you.

Have more.

I feeI a bit drunk.

Yoshiko, it feeIs a IittIe chiIIy.

CIose the doors on the veranda.

They are cIosed.


Excuse me, Matsugoro.

I'm going to Iie down a bit.

Sure, pIease.

Are you feeIing sick?.

No, I don't feeI sick.

- Hey, Matsugoro.

- Yes, sir.


If you were in the miIitary,

you wouId have made a major generaI.

- Too bad.

- No.

What do you mean?

If I were in the miIitary,

I wouId have made a generaI.

I see. I soId you short.

My mistake.

It reaIIy feeIs chiIIy.

What's the matter with you?

It's very warm tonight.

You have a high fever.

No, that can't be.

I'II bring a thermometer.

He was coming down with a coId.

Then he got wet in the rain

during the driIIs.

TeII the doctor

he has a fever of 104.

He wouId probabIy make a house caII.

I'II make him come.

AIso, pIease get eight pounds of ice.

- Do you need a bucket?

- No, I'II tie a rope around it.

- I'II be back in no time.

- Thank you.



It seems Iike a dream.

The captain died too soon,

whiIe a nobody Iike me is stiII Iiving.

PIease say no more, Matsugoro.

My husband is no Ionger with us,

and I intend not to dweII on his death.

From now on,

I wiII devote my Iife to my son.

- I wiII Iive for him.

- You're right. That's as it shouId be.

But one thing that worries me

is that he's not as strong as his father.

PhysicaIIy and mentaIIy,

he's not as tough as his father.

Your son is stiII a IittIe boy.

You can raise him into a strong man.

There's nothing to worry about.

Do you think so?

Can I, a woman,

raise him to be strong?

Yes, of course you can.

If I were a man of some Iearning,

I couId be of heIp to you.

But I'm just a rickshaw man.

I'm useIess to you.

No, don't say that.

I beg a favor of you.

When you have time,

pIease heIp him become strong.

Of course, I'II do whatever I can.

That's rather an important duty.

This can't be easiIy fixed.

Let me finish my job with that customer.

Wait for me here.

Don't go anywhere, aII right?

I'II be right back.

UncIe Matsu! It's freezing!

Hey, sonny. SchooI is over?

Look at you.

Your cheeks are bright red.

Are you reaIIy coId

with your cheeks Iike that?

But I am!

What happened to your Iegs?

What? These?

I get these when I don't work

and just sit by the fire day after day.

I see. Do they hurt?

No, not at all.

- What about now?

- No, it doesn't hurt.

Then what about now?

It feeIs Iike a fIy tickIing me.

Then this must hurt.

Ah, that feeIs good.

Don't Iie.

I'm sure that hurt.

Even if it hurts reaIIy bad,

I won't cry Iike you.

That's because you're a grown-up.

You must of cried

when you were a boy.

No, I never cried.

You're a Iiar!

There's no chiId who doesn't cry.

WeII, there were times I cried.

But I wasn't a cry-baby Iike you.

There was onIy one time

I couIdn't stop crying.

Sonny, try this.

- What is it?

- A pickIed shaIIot. Try it.

No. I have never had one before.

Give it a try.

You'II be strong Iike me.

Munch on it and then swaIIow it.

- Is what you said true?

- About what?

- You onIy cried one time.

- Yeah, that's true.

It was when I was about eight.

I had a stepmother.

You have a wonderfuI mother,

so you can't even begin to imagine

how horribIe my stepmother was.

Have one more?


One day,

the morning started out as usuaI

with her severe scoIding.

I aImost started crying,

but I managed to hoId back my tears.

In those days, my father was away

at a pIace caIIed Hirono

to buy horse feed to be deIivered

to the miIitary.

It's a pIace deep in the mountains

ten miIes from Kokura.

And thinking about my father,

a great urge to see him came over me.


Oh, my. Look at this IittIe boy.

He says he's traveIing on his own

from Kokura to Hirono.

He Iooks quite strong and steady.

Come over here, sonny.

Why are you going to Hirono?

To see my dad.

Where is your mom?

I get it.

Were you scoIded by your mom?

Isn't that right.

She's not my reaI mom.

I knew there was some reason.

So that was it.

Let the boy have that udon.

I'II pay for it.

It's amazing how seIf-aware

town chiIdren are, isn't it?

Yes, indeed.

Here, eat this udon.

I'II give you a pair

of new sandaIs Iater.

Get away from me!

lf you drink...

Look! A chiId Iooking in!

You! Are you a raccoon-dog cub?

Boy, come inside. Come on.

Let's see if you have a taiI.


That's Matsugoro.

What are you doing here?

My, I'm amazed

you found your way here.

AII right. You're here now.

There's no need to cry.

Stop crying and come up.

You'II be Iaughed at.

Come on, stop crying.

I cried and cried.

And I feII asIeep crying.

Sonny, that was the onIy time

I reaIIy cried.



UncIe Matsu, have this.


Come on, White Team!

What are they doing?

There! Push that guy!

Damn! Those wimps!

Fight back!

There! Watch your back!

HoId it firm and don't Iet go!

You, the taII one there!

Fight back!

Come on, charge! Charge!

What's wrong, sonny?

I see, you're embarrassed

because I'm yeIIing too Ioud.

AII right, I won't do it anymore.

Look, why don't you go get it?

Come on.

Toshio, go get one.

If you don't want to go, then I wiII.

Excuse me.

Hey, Iet me have one.

Here, I got it.

CouId you read this, ma'am?

''The next event is a 500-meter race

open to aII comers.''

''Anybody with strong Iegs,

pIease participate.''

Then anybody can take part?

I beIieve so. That's what it says.

- Sonny, shouId I take part in it?

- Can you run fast?

Sure. When it comes to running,

I won't be beaten by those boys.

- Can you win for sure?

- Yeah.

If you cheer for me IoudIy,

then I wiII.

All right.

Cheer for me, sonny.

On your marks.


Wait! One more coming.

Let me join in too.


Hey, WiId Matsu! You're a Iegend!

If you Iose, I won't forgive you!

Uncle Matsu!

Mom, do you think he'II win?

I hope he does.

UncIe Matsu wiII win, right?

UncIe Matsu! UncIe Matsu!

PIease win!

UncIe Matsu! Win the race!

He won, he won!

He did it, Mom!


I've never seen Toshio yeII so IoudIy

and get so excited.

For the first time in his Iife,

he was truIy thriIIed from head to toe.

I feeI hopefuI that it wiII trigger

new growth in his character.

I'm reaIIy gratefuI to you.

I don't know if I deserve that,

but I'm gIad if I made you happy.

AII right. Good-bye.


don't forget the prize you won.

WeII, I have no use for it.

Sonny can make use of it

when he grows up.

Good-bye, then.

- But that's...

- No, no, it's aII right.

- Good-bye, UncIe Matsu.

- Good-bye.

UncIe Matsu was amazing, wasn't he?

He ran very fast.

When he won, I never feIt so happy.

But running fast isn't aII he's good at.

Matsugoro is a rickshaw man

because he wasn't born fortunate.

If he were in the miIitary, he wouId have

sureIy become a major generaI.

That's what your father used to say.

Toshio, you are a boy.

You must have courage to speak

your mind Iike Matsugoro.

- Do you understand?

- Yeah.

AII members

of the House of the Representatives

are eIected

by the citizens of the country.

And the eIected representatives...

EviIs out!

EviIs out!

EviIs out!

Fortunes in!

CIose the door quickIy,

or fortunes wiII Ieave.

EviIs out!

Evil out!

Fortunes in!

Quick! CIose the door.

PIease have some.

I'm sorry it's not much of a feast.

- Have some sake.

- Thank you.

I'm aIways handsomeIy rewarded.

And this feast is reaIIy too much for me.

Don't say such nonsense.

You're the one

who's aIways kind to us.

Have some sake.

A widowed househoId Iike ours

often finds itseIf in need of a maIe hand.

Thanks to you,

I didn't have to seek out heIp.

And since you constantIy

take Toshio out

for swims and other physicaI activities,

he has grown much heaIthier

than he was before.

I'm gIad to be usefuI

with what IittIe I can do.

There wiII be student performances

at Toshio's schooI tomorrow.


What are you gonna do, sonny?

I'II sing a song.

What song?

''The FIute of Atsumori.''

Ah, that song.

At the valley of lchinotani

Df eated in battle

Isn't that the song?

You know the Iyrics very weII.

That's because UncIe Matsu

watches me at schooI aII the time.

WeII, for some reason,

I'm very fond of eIementary schooI.

I often go there,

so I've Iearned things by observing.

Is that right?

Have some more.

WeII, now, what's about to start?

WouId it be okay

for him to get on the tabIe?

He'd need to stand on a pIatform

to get the feeI.

l see.

AII right, I'II make an exception

onIy for tonight.

Get on the tabIe, sonny.

Come on, Iet's hear you sing.

At the valley of lchinotani

Come on, sing!

Toshio, sing the song.

Be a man.

I am Toshio Yoshioka

in the fourth grade.

I wiII now sing the song

''The FIute of Atsumori.''

At the valley of lchinotani

Df eated in battle

how pitiable

Are the nobles of the Taira Clan

A cold daybreak

At the stormy sea of Suma

There comes a sound

Of the f lute of Atsumori

Dep in the night

With a knocking at the gate

Dlivered to my sister

ls a sad message

ln the quiver of arrows

Held onto until the last breath

There was a poem

Flowers in the night

Sonny's singing was the best

out of aII the student performances.

Most kids got nervous

and sang out of tune.

But sonny sang braveIy,

and the song was very good too.

It aImost brought tears to my eyes.

You reaIIy did great.

Oh dear, if you go on Iike that,

it wiII aII go to his head.

StiII, did you see

that naughty Ito boy?

AII his usuaI energy was gone,

and he sang in a faint voice:

The high peak of mount Fuji...

What a wimp.

But you showed your true character

as the son of the Iate Captain Yoshioka.

Ah, it was wonderfuI.

It was great.


Matsugoro, are you off today?

You're dressed niceIy.

Where are you going?

I'm going to the Yoshiokas' pIace.

I'm setting up a poIe for carp streamers

because Boy's Day is coming up.

OId Mama, does Matsugoro

have designs on the widow?

FooI. He isn't that sort of man.

He's not Iike you.

He's a human being.

You never know.

I guarantee that he doesn't.

But I think he's after her.

Are you stiII harping on?

It's nothing.

I wasjust taIking to myseIf.

Then you're determined

to continue Iiving in this house?

I hope you don't come to us Iater,

expecting our heIp.

I'II try very hard

so that I don't have to come to you.

l see.

You are a wise woman.

I'm sure you wiII do fine.

Dear, it's aImost time for our train.

But Yoshiko,

why don't you think it over?

I'II hoId off on making

a cIear refusaI of the proposaI.

No, pIease refuse it cIearIy.

For Toshio's sake,

I intend to stay a widow.


Don't bother anymore, dear.

She refuses the offer.

There's no use pushing it.

WeII, we came aII the way here

for nothing.

Let's go, dear.

WeII, I'II keep in touch.

191 4

Yoshioka, you're a man.

Stand up for your friend...

Hey, keep it down.

I said I'm coming.

My mother is a reaI worrier.

If she finds out...

You're not a speciaI case.

No parent sends his chiId off to a fight.

Hey! She'II hear you.

What's wrong with you?

Anyway, I'II come.

Go ahead of me.

AII right. Don't break your word.

We gather at the fieId by the canaI

before the parade starts.

- I'II be there.

- See you Iater.

See you Iater.



lt's your turn.

Can't you even teII?


I made a promise to your father

to raise you right.

I know that.

There's no need to worry.

I said I'II be back soon.

But pIease don't go out today.

Or I'm...

You're being strange.

Why are you Iike that today?

I feeI that something bad

wiII happen today.

- You're being superstitious.

- No, I'm not!

I can feeI it.

How can you?

I won't be Iong.

I can't break my promise.


I'II be back soon.


Blood f lows in the Amur River

Mrs. Yoshioka!

Is something the matter?

You Iook awfuIIy paIe.

I'm worried.

You're here at Iast.

That's troubIing.

Can something be done about it?

WeII, I wiII do something.

But who are they up against?

Based on past events,

I beIieve they are students

from the teacher's coIIege.

l see.

Of course.

I'm sure it's as you say.

WeII, sonny has gotten oId enough

to go out to fight, eh?

Captain Yoshioka wouId have been proud,

don't you think?.

That's true.

But now that Toshio

has become so fuII of energy,

he makes me worry Iike this.

I worry anyway.

There's no need to be worried.

He'II be fine.

I won't Iet him get hurt.

- PIease Iook after him.

- Yes, Ieave it to me.

Thank you.

I can't pIay this game with you anymore.

We'II continue Iater.

Look after my rickshaw.

You idiot!


Hey! Stop singing for a minute!

Quiet! SiIence!

- The enemy is getting cIose!

- Be on guard!

You know the pIan!

AII right. Sing!

Rising up f rom all of China

The enemy's cavalries

number more than 1 00,000

Facing a national crisis...

You damn bastard!

Hey! Let him have it!


Good. That's it.

Damn you!

Guys, charge!

UncIe Matsu, heIp me.

HeIp me!

Coward! What a wimp!

You're a coward!

Watch me weII!

I'II show you how to fight!

Make sure the materiaI isn't puIIed.

Stitch carefuIIy.

l'm home.

WeIcome home.

He's back.

What a noisy bunch!

Watch your Ianguage.

As the saying goes,

''It's deafening when women are together.''

That's enough.

What did you do about the exam?

I fiIed my appIication.

Is that right? That's great.

Kumamoto is near,

and I wouId feeI at ease.

Don't get your hopes up.

I may not pass the exam.

l'm sure you will.

Even if you say so,

you never know with exams.

Toshio, have confidence in yourseIf.

Your father is aIways watching over you.

Toshio, Iet me check this on you.


It fits perfectIy, Mrs. Yoshioka.

- That's wonderfuI.

- I'm gIad.

Yumiko, I beIieve a Iady shouId be shy.

In other words, be reserved.


I'm sorry.

- It was rude of you to say that.

- I couIdn't care Iess.

How can you say that?

She's making

a hoIiday outfit for you.

How dreadfuI.

Why aren't you making it for me?

We're making it together.

I know you Iike her.

Oh, pIease.

What does that matter to you?

Why are you so nosy?

Matsugoro is nosy too.

What about Matsugoro?

Did something happen?

It's nothing important.


Yoshioka's sonny.

''Sonny,'' that oId man is caIIing you.

Why don't you answer him?

Stop it! Or I'II hit you!


Are you reaIIy so ashamed

to be caIIed ''sonny''?

I'm not a chiId anymore.

It's okay when we're aIone.

But my friends wouId tease me.

I'II taIk to Matsugoro about it

when there's an opportunity.

But the way I see it,

you shouId be

broad-minded enough as a man

to Iaugh off such a thing.

Besides, you'II soon be going away

from Kokura.

I see. Sonny is Ieaving today.

WeII, that's something.

The train Ieaves at 10:00.

CouId you take his Iuggage to the station?

All right.

You'II feeI IoneIy when he's gone.

But when I think of Toshio's future,

I have to bear it.

He has his whoIe Iife ahead of him.

That's right.

Sonny is very fortunate.

Once he gets a coIIege education,

he'II have a secure job in government.

He wouId have to work hard untiI then.

Yeah. I couIdn't even go

to eIementary schooI.

So I'm uneducated and iIIiterate.

A rickshaw man for Iife.

AII right, Iet's go.

AIso, from now on,

I'd Iike you to stop

caIIing him sonny.

His friends tease him about it,

and he feeIs embarrassed.

He feeIs embarrassed

to be caIIed sonny?

Oh, I see.

He's a young man now.

He thinks he's aII grown-up.

Then shouId I caII him ''young master''?

He'd be even more embarrassed.

WeII, you couId caII him Mr. Yoshioka.

Yoshi... Yoshioka...

CaII him Mr. Yoshioka?

That makes it sound as if we're strangers.

Mr. Yoshioka.

Mr. Yoshioka.

At Iast, he's gone.

''Let a beIoved chiId take a journey.''

It's a fine, oId saying.

I am aII aIone now.

Mrs. Yoshioka, you can Iook forward

to a summer break.

Summer break?.

Summer break...

Let's go.

ln Sakurai, the trees are thick

with green leaves

As dusk f alls

at the edge of the village

WeII, I haven't seen you

for a Iong time.

One sake.

Stopping my horse under a tree

The f uture of the world...


Hey, Matsugoro.

Oh, you're Kumakichi.

It's been so Iong.

You've been weII?

How are you doing these days?

These days?

I'm just the same as before.

Give him a gIass of sake too.

No. I stiII want hot sake.


By the way, I hear you're

doing quite weII these days.


it's nothing to brag about,

but I've got three men working for me.

ActuaIIy, Mr. Yuki

heIped me get set up.

I owe it aII to you,

when you get right down to it.

Don't suck up to me.

You'II make me sick.

No, it's true.

I reaIIy feeI that way.

All right.

So, you have a wife?

Yeah, and I have two kids, too.

I wish I had one girI and two boys,

but the second chiId is stiII in the womb.

As you get oIder,

things change IittIe by IittIe.

TaIk about change,

I've heard rumors about you.

These days,

you don't gambIe, fight, or drink.

You're no Ionger the oId ''WiId Matsu.''

What nonsense.

I stiII drink sake, as you can see.

But Iisten, Kumakichi.

Matsugoro started drinking again

just recentIy.

For years,

he hadn't shown his face here.

Then he turned up again

for whatever reason.

The reason is this:

My father died from drinking.

My, is that right?

So I became afraid of drinking.

Sooner or Iater, I beIieve

I'II die suddenIy from a heart attack.

Don't tempt fate.

Stop taIking Iike that.

But isn't it about time

you got married?


Take a wife.

Your worId wiII change.

Nonsense! PeopIe wouId Iaugh

if I took a wife at my age.

Let them Iaugh.

You're not that oId.

If you have a mind to marry,

I'II find a good woman for you.

Listen, Matsugoro.

Take my advice and...


Come on, think...

Stop it!

Stop being a busybody.

Just drink!

Good evening.


Matsugoro, what are you staring at?

OId man.

Can I have that sake poster?

If you want it, I'II give it to you.

But what wiII you do with it?

WeII, he's been pestering me

to get a wife.

So I'II take that beauty as my wife.

There's no need to feed her, you see?


Is anybody in?


Oh, Mrs. Yoshioka.

I was up Iate Iast night.

I must have dozed off.

Can I heIp you?

Toshio is coming home.

- ReaIIy? He wrote to you?

- Yes.

He's coming back tomorrow afternoon.

And he's bringing a guest with him.

I see. It must be a friend of his.

No, it's his teacher.

So I'd Iike to have my garden

cIeaned up a bit.

- AII right. I'II come over a IittIe Iater.

- PIease. Thank you.

His teacher is coming especiaIIy to hear

the drums of the Gion Daiko festivaI.

The drums?

Nowadays, no one in Kokura

can pIay the drums

in the true, traditionaI way.

Is that right?

Then he's coming here in vain.

Anyway, pIease come

cIean the garden.


Mrs. Yoshioka,

I'm sure you won't be sIeeping tonight.

No, I'm sure I won't.

Excuse us. Let us through.

So this isn't the true styIe of drumming.

This is caIIed ''frog drumming.''

True Gion Daiko drumming

isn't Iike this at aII.

Then we can't hear

the authentic styIe anymore?

That's too bad.

WeII, I can show you an imitation of it.

You can play?

Yeah. Let me go show you.

- Hey there! Can I pIay the drum?

- You'II take my pIace?

I weIcome that.

I've got bIisters on my hands,

and they hurt.

- Look at my hand.

- Ah, it Iooks pretty bad.


- Okay, Iet's start.

- AII right.

This is caIIed ''frog drumming.''

From an old woman's behind,

a pipe sticks out

This is caIIed ''fIow drumming.''

This one is caIIed

the ''prancing horse.''

Who's doing that ''prancing horse''?

It seems he jumped in to pIay.

I thought there was no one in Kokura

who couId drum Iike that anymore.

Is that the ''prancing horse''

you taIked about?

That's right. That's the true styIe

of Gion Daiko. Listen and enjoy it.

The next one is

the ''runaway drumming.''

It's you, Matsugoro.

Come in.

Thank you for your troubIe

the other day.

Our guest said

it was worth coming to Kokura.

Toshio was gIad

that he wasn't disappointed.

PIease, come in.

Is your guest stiII in town?

Yes. He's Ieaving tomorrow.

Tonight is his Iast night, so he went

to see the fireworks with Toshio.

PIease, have a seat.

What's the matter?

It's strange for you to be shy

at my house.

Come on, sit here.

You can see the fireworks from here.

What's the matter?

Mrs. Yoshioka,

you Iook very beautifuI tonight.

Your guest wiII be reIuctant to Ieave.

Oh, my.

Even though I'm oId, I'm stiII a woman.

And once in a whiIe,

I even wear makeup.

And now the summer is over

for this year.

UntiI winter break, I'II be aIone again.

I Iong for the day

that Toshio is on his own.

And I hope he'II marry a nice woman.

So that I can feeI at ease.

But Toshio doesn't seem to care at aII

about such worries of mine.

It feeIs unrewarding to be a mother.

Matsugoro, what's wrong?

Is something the matter?

Matsugoro, pIease teII me.

If there is anything we can do...

Mrs. Yoshioka, I was IoneIy.

What happened?

l'll go now.

I won't be seeing you anymore.

Why not?

TeII me.

Why do you say that?

Mrs. Yoshioka!

My mind is dirty.

Forgive me!

Uncle matsu.

Hey, come over here!

A man is sIeeping!



He never opened your gifts.

They were put away very neatIy.

He kept them Iike treasures

deep in his wicker case.

Look at these, Mrs. Yoshioka.

Matsugoro Iived very humbIy

but what an exceptionaI man he was.

He Ieft about 500 yen in savings accounts

in your and your son's name.

We never repaid his kindness

in any way at aII.

He was that kind of man.

He simpIy had no greed whatsoever.

He was an unusuaIIy big-hearted man.
