The Perfect Day (2017) - full transcript - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Subtitles by explosiveskull

Hi, I'm retired Navy SEAL,
Jason Redman,

and I served in both Iraq
and Afghanistan.

I've seen the true face
of terrorism.

And in 2016,
when America experienced

multiple domestic
terrorist attacks,

my good friend and New York
firefighter, Tim Brown,

came to me with a movie concept.

Based around the idea,
what would happen

if simultaneous terrorist
attacks occurred

all across America,
all on one day.

What would that look like?

I didn't even like thinking
about the possibility of that

and the bigger question
that came to my mind was,

could we prevent it?

Like Jason said,

I sifted through the rubble
of the Oklahoma City bombing.

I was under the towers
when they came down in New York,

killing 93 of my friends.

I've seen terrorism
up close and personal.

So I thought what if
we banded together,

not just to raise awareness
of terrorism in America,

but to actually
help Americans understand

how to prevent it,

how to prevent this scourge
from visiting us, this evil

of... from doing
what it did to me.

And I didn't have to think twice

about being involved
in this project.

To raise awareness
for all Americans,

to understand that this
a very real threat.

And how they can prevent it.

And Tim went about
recruiting 9/11 survivors

to be involved in this film.

And I... I went about looking
for fellow veterans

and families of the fallen
from all wars,

so that we could show you
how we can prevent

a possible real story

from ever happening.

I hope when you watch this
you will spread the word

to all your friends
and fellow Americans

about this threat,

but more than anything,

I hope you'll walk away
from this

being steadfast and vigilant.



- MAN: Clear.

MAN 1: We're walking out
in the hallway!

MAN 1: We're walking out
in the hallway!

MAN 2: Move up. Regroup.


MAN 1: Hey, jackpot, jackpot,
we got jackpot.

- We got it.

- MAN 2: Right.
- MAN 1: Target secure!

- Aw, crap.

And that's.

Fatal mistake.

Failure to properly
clear the target

before calling target secure.

Jot down and let's head back
to the classroom.

Nobody dies like you do, Kamal.

You guys always pick
on the brown people.

All right guys...

training's been going good,
really good.

Maybe even too good

for you guys to let
your guard down like that.

Your time on target
has been great,

your room entries
have been flawless.

Right up until that last room.

We set this scenario up
on purpose

and you guys fell for it.

You got sucked in
to the primary target

in the center of the room

and you missed the threat
in the corner.

That fatal mistake
cost you the lives

of two officers...

and your hostages.

Your primary objective
in this training exercise

was the hostages.

And in your
excitement to kill me,

you neglected to get them
to safety.

Your enemy is not as
well trained as you are.

But do not ever
underestimate them.

Their strength is in
the passion to an evil

that they believe is not evil
but honorable.

You have to understand that.

And even though your training
is far superior than theirs...

their heart and their passion
is much stronger.

All right guys,
we train this way for a reason.

The more we sweat and bleed

in training scenarios
like this one,

the less we bleed and die
in real world missions.


All right guys,
let's head to the range.

Hi, where do we check
our boat in?

That's actually not necessary.
Welcome to the island.

- Thank you.
- Welcome. Welcome.

- Morning.
- MAN: Okay.


- Good morning.
- Morning.



What are you listening to?

Not sure, probably nothing.

A few months ago,
Anonymous attacked ISIS.

A hacker friend of mine
sent this to me,

they think it's from
a known ISIS leader.

Sounds like Baghdad Airport
in the background.

Why do you think
it's Baghdad Airport?

I don't, Anonymous does.


It's an airport,

but not Baghdad Airport.

More western modern airport...

a busier airport.

Maybe the Netherlands...

Amsterdam or Berlin.

Play it again.


It goes from inside to outside,

- ...he's on the street.

- Busy street with moving cars...

...not parked cars like
they're waiting for arrivals.

You barely hear him
over the traffic.

Sound of the jet
in the background taking off.

You know there's only
a few airports in the world

that are in the middle
of the city like that.

Keep working on it.


There's a diesel engine
in the background.

Can you isolate that and run it?

Who else knows about this?

No one, this is just a favor.

My paper?

SOUP: I'm gonna hang on
to this.


Gene says you got British
and Italian blood in you.

- Don't listen to that nitwit,

he don't know
what he's talking about.

Shh, can you turn
that up, please.

NEWSCASTER: Detention center
after being picked up

on suspicion
at Tampa International Airport

for wanting to join
the terrorist group

known as ISIS.

A spokesman from the police say

that two young females
were acting suspicious

when trying to pay cash
for one-way tickets to Lebanon.

During police questioning
it was revealed

that they were attempting
to join

the terrorist group, ISIS.

We have, live on the scene,

one of the fathers
of the young girls.

Sir, how do you feel about this?

My daughter didn't want
to be a terrorist.

Give me a break.

She's a naive kid
who got caught up

in some stupid internet prank.

Did you hear the father?

That happened here to his kids

and the father thinks
it was a dumb internet prank?

Internet prank?

- That's propaganda, baloney.
- Are you trying to tell me...

that two teenage girls...

can get 3,000 dollars
to buy last minute tickets

on a flight to Lebanon
to join some terrorist group?

There's way too much
organization to this,

there's a lot more to it

than what appears
on the surface.

What if they got boots
on the ground?

KEN: Think they're here already?

They're definitely here already.

- That's it.
- Where you going?

- I'm out of here.
- Where you going, sit down.

I'm going on a recon mission.

This has really been
an amazing experience,

- Lieutenant Campbell.
- Hey, just call me Soup.

that's a whole another life.

So tell me
about your department.

We have about 30 members
of the Pittsburgh SWAT.

I'm very proud of my team.

We mostly handle
crisis situations,

hostages, gun related crimes.

Well, I tell you
we really appreciate you guys

bringing your team down here
to train with us.

- Heathrow.
- What?

Heathrow Airport, that's where
the phone call was made.

The ISIS call.

I pulled
all the engine noises out,

including the diesel motor.

Then, I could faintly
in the background

hear a lady giving directions,

"The second tube stop,"
she said.

It's faint
but 100 percent accurate.

And the diesel motor you heard,
matches engine types in the UK.

Can you email me that file?


You got it.


I think it's about time
we give old Tex a call.


Yeah, uh, he's a bull rider
turned security contractor.

We worked with him in Iraq.

ERIN: Gosh.

You do a lot of
contractor training here?

Yeah. Lot of military,

lot of law enforcement units,
like yourself.

Then I'm grateful the city
of Pittsburgh sent us here.

- Now what?
- Would you shut up?

This is a waste of time.

Here they come, here they come.

MICK: Ah, you're a pain
in the neck.

Oh, why don't you shut up?

- I mean...
- You just talk

- too much.
- You never stop.

You just go on and on and on.

Is that the church you go to?

Yeah, but it's been
a long time.

- I can tell that.
- What can you tell?

You're looking
at a devout Catholic over here,

I'll be Canaanite someday.

Devout Catholic?

When was the last time
you went to confession,

let alone church.

- Sixty-five years ago...
- Oh please, the same old thing

- with you.
- Let me answer,

- let me tell you.
- Stop it.

Before I punch you
in the mouth, dang it.

ERIN: Two pairs,
three and seven.

- SOUP: Gotta be kidding me.
- ERIN: Ah.

SOUP: I can't believe you bet
with that amount again.


You always win, beginner's luck.

ERIN: Yes, uh,
how long you gonna keep saying

- it's beginner's luck, Soup?

Soup here.

- TEX: Hey.
- Hey, can't complain, brother.

Making it to the big time.

Just completed our live
fire indoor kill house,

only one on the east coast.

Yeah man, you got
to get up here.

You need to see it,
it's been too long.

Hey listen,

a friend of mine sent us
a recording of,

what we believe is an
intercepted ISIS phone call.

What's odd about it
is they talk about

despite all they've

we're still looking
for The Perfect Day.

The call originated
from Heathrow.

Three days ago, about
3:30 eastern standard time.

What's The Perfect Day?

In 1857, the Hindus and Muslims
in an attempt to

overthrow the British government
in India,

organized small simultaneous
attacks against the government.

Thousands of small attacks, uh.

Nanny killed the baby of whom
they were hired to look after...

fires burned homes and shops of

British citizens,
leaders were assassinated...

all on one day, within several
hours of each other.

They crippled the country.

It was called...

The Perfect Day.

- Tex, you still there?
- TEX: I'm here.

Hey man, if I send you
that recording,

- can you run it for us?
- TEX: Yup.

All right, thanks brother.
Hey, keep me in the loop.

MAN: Thank you so much.


I thought Denver would be colder
this time of year.

Today is perfect,

The perfect day.

So I ran that registration
by the FBI.

It came up as,

Luis Marcel a software developer
from Lakeshore, Ontario.

This guy comes here
'bout every other week.

Stays for about three days
then leaves.

I never see him
anywhere on the island,

and he doesn't check
his boat in,

so I can't search for him
in any database.

He never checks his boat in?

Here, it is not required
to check your boat in.

And we don't have
the US Customs office

on the island to monitor it.

So you can...

Yes, you can come
from Canada to the US...

and never be stopped,
never show your passport,

never see a customs agent,

SOUP: You remember
that guy we met in Kosovo?

Jackson Trembley.

He was with Canadian Intel,
you should call him.

I will. Hey, thanks.

I'll stay in touch.

SOUP: Huh,
look what the cat drug in.

- How you doing, brother?
- It's good to see you, slacker.

THOMAS: Good to see you.

And when politics are involved,
no one wins.

- Ain't that the truth?
- THOMAS: Yeah.

Thomas, this is Erin.

SOUP: Erin's my lead
sniper instructor.

She's also the range safety
officer for today's training.

Erin, this is Thomas Dearing.

Thomas is the head of the Dallas
tactical SWAT team.

We also go way back.

Thomas and I went through
SEAL training together

and I carried him
through sniper school.

ERIN: Shooter ready
on the right?


ERIN: Shooter ready
on the left?

SOUP: Ready.

ERIN: Stand by!

Three, two, one!


The kitchen and shelter
don't open 'til five.

Oh, but I brought some food
I wanted to donate.



I brought chicken,
mashed potatoes

- and some green beans.
- Oh, that's nice.

Um, I'm sorry,
what was your name?

- John.
- John, I'm Allie.

That's a beautiful name.

- Thanks.
- So...

would you mind if I hang around
during dinner?

Maybe I can help.

Yeah, I think that'd be nice.

In here.




Is anybody there?

Carlene, it's Soup.

I've got something
I've got to show you.


JOHN: Seat taken?

Are you looking for a job?

Um, my hotel...

the internet is down and they...

they said that I could use
this facility, is that okay?

Yes, I'm sure it is.

What kind of work do you do?

Sales, um, I... I work,

I travel.

Do you like the job
you have now?

I'm always looking.

My name is John.

Are you busy tomorrow?

I have several job openings.


I'm Dean.

So how about I pick you up
tomorrow morning

at the corner?

I'm sure your hotel is close by,
and I...

don't really know my way
around the city, so.

On the corner, out front?

DEAN: Yes, I can, uh,

I could check out
and walk to the corner say...

7:00 a.m.?




Why did this report
get to the director's office

before mine?


because he needed
to know about it.

Maybe at the CIA,
you don't have protocol.

But here at the CTC,

we have protocol.

You report to me
and I report to the director.

You answer to me, Carlene.

You may be one of the best

intelligence analysts
in Washington...

and we're glad to have you...

but your speculations
are without substance.

You have chatter
about a trigger man

recruiting from who knows where

and a high ranking
terrorist making reference

to The Perfect Day.

This is called,
the Counterterrorism Center

- for a reason, Paul.
- It's not credible.

Listen to me, you have
no viable evidence

of anything on large scale

- to suggest...
- It's not large scale.

That's the point.

These are small attacks, Paul.
Small, but very real attacks.

You know the story
of the girl who cried wolf?

Is that a threat, Paul?


Here's your protocol...

don't ever touch me again.

Echofar Bank has transferred
over six million dollars

to multiple banks in Quebec
over the past several months.

US Embassies are on high
alert all across the globe.

Record number of Americans
are joining terrorist groups.

ERIN: Soup. Soup!

The money, I know
it's being laundered here.

Soup, what is going on?

SOUP: They're setting it up.

They're setting up
for The Perfect Day.

THOMAS: Unas Alibas.

Known terrorist.

SOUP: We know he left Iraq
to join ISIS in Syria.

We lost track of him
shortly after that

and don't know where he went.

All these guys...

former Al-Qaeda,
new allegiance to ISIS.

The problem is...

nobody knows where they are.

- THOMAS: Are they here?
- You should hope and pray not.

Something's going on
here guys...

- I know it.
- Let's get to work.

What can we do?


Can you help us
investigate these leads?

Yeah, yeah, we can do that.

Thomas, this isn't any part

of the Black Bear
Training Program.

If you'd rather,
we have other instructors

who can continue
your team's training.

Are you kidding me?
This is for real.

All right, then.

Let's do this. Hey, Erik!

You were let go, weren't you?

How did you know that?

You gave them ten years
of your life...

it was where you made
a living for you...

your wife, Sandra,
and your son, Connor.

All was great, wasn't it, Dean?

It was.

They did me wrong.

They did.

And you know what...

they've been doing
the same thing

to countless other people
just like you.

I lost my wife.

We lost our house, our car.

We lost everything.

I know.
I know all about it and...

I don't think it's right.

No, it's not.

Mr. Cochran, I represent
a large international network

that is in the business of...

reversing injustice.

Providing fairness
to those wronged.

How often do you wish
you could get back

what you lost?

Every day.



Your son, Connor?

I haven't seen him
for three months.

I have nothing.

I lost so much.

I know.

But today,
we can turn that all around.



Justifiable revenge.


I want them to pay.

Every last one of 'em.

Mr. Cochran we want
to hire you for a job.

Name it.

Provide a revenge...

to those in that building
that hurt you...

and are hurting
so many other people.

What do you want me to do?

All right, listen up!


we received reporting
that a top ISIS leader

placed a phone call
that originated

out of Heathrow Airport.

That said, we're preparing
for The Perfect Day.

Hundreds of small attacks...

terrorist attacks originating...

right here in the United States.

Triggered by one event
and one person.

Problem is we don't know
where, when, or how.

That's what we need to find out.

Dallas, I want you guys to focus
west of the Mississippi.

Pittsburgh, you guys
got the east coast.

We need data.

Not political hype
or racial vilification.

Work within your networks,
people that you know.

And beyond.

We need to know the pulse
of the law enforcement

community out there.
FBI, homeland security.

Do we need to call
anybody at the Bureau?

Or the CIA?
Shouldn't we take this higher.

We're way ahead of you.

Guys, we don't
want anyone to know

that we're investigating this.

Okay, any word of this
could speed up plans

to bring about The Perfect Day.

And don't just target mosques
and Muslims.

This is America's
biggest misconception.

An Islamic extremist
is different than a Muslim.

Okay, Dallas,
classroom 302 is open.

Pittsburgh, I believe
204 is available.

We're gonna keep
the conference room

as headquarters.
I want everybody back here

at the end of the day
with your reports.

Seventeen hundred hours.


- ERIN: Okay, got it right here.
- SOUP: That one.


I appreciate what you said
about not targeting all Muslims.

You Americans love
your stereotypes.

You know him?


And listen just take
those stairs over there,

they are going to love you

and you're going to have
a wonderful time.

- Nice to meet you.
- WOMAN: Thank you so much.

Hi there, gentlemen, uh...

Gene, Gene Whit.

Oh my goodness, I haven't
seen you in forever.

It's been a while.

What on earth brings you
back here

after all this time?

Well, I figured old Mick here
could use a bit of church.

Oh, hi Mick,
it's nice to meet you.

Uh, we're looking to volunteer
for the youth group.

That is fantastic.

- Exact same thing...
- GENE: Can you direct us...

Okay, so you're gonna
wanna take the elevator

to the second floor,
not the third floor,

'cause the third floor
is the nursery.

Got it, thank you.

But just take it
to the second floor...

We're good, thank you so much.

And when you get off
just hang a right.

- You'll see it. Hi, how are you?
- Fine,

- good morning, how are you?
- Good morning,

it's good to see you here.
What can I do for you...

♪ Thousand stories of what
They think you're like ♪

♪ And I hope to tell
The tender whisper ♪

MICK: You think she's here?

GENE: I don't know Mickey,
we'll find out.

♪ And tell me that your reason ♪

♪ To love wherever ♪

- Morning guys.
- Hey pastor.

- Hey.
- Hey, uh,

this is the youth department.

Might you be looking
for the sanctuary?

You calling me old?

We're just visiting.

Hey Andy, will you
come pray for us?

Uh, excuse me,
I'll be right back.

Can we sit here?

What's your name, kid?


You in a war or something?

I was.

- Where?
- Korea.

My dad was a soldier.

There's nothing more noble
than to fight for a cause.

Maybe we'll see
you later to... tonight.

SOUP: Lark, what's up man?

Last night,

you know the two guys
that travel with Luis Marcel?

SOUP: Yeah.

Apparently, their job
is to take him

to and from the island
twice a month.

Get this, he doesn't
stay on the island.

SOUP: What do you mean?

LARK: As soon as he gets here,
he checks in

and heads straight to his hotel,

seemingly spends hours there,
only he doesn't.

They cover for him.

They even order room service
to make it...

to keep up the facade.

Instead, he takes
the public ferry to Ohio

and returns a few days later.

Have you called our friend
at Canadian Intel yet?


Hang on, buddy.


Is Mr. Marcel still
on the island?

LARK: That's a negative.

Can you monitor the ferry boats?

- LARK: Yes, sir.
- JACKSON: Hello.


Lieutenant Campbell,
how are you friend?

Aw man, we're doing great.

Hey, listen, we got something
we're working on here and...

You have my full support,
Soup, you know that.

But can you tell me who else
is on the call?

Yeah, absolutely.

You got Roy Williams,
Roy is the owner of Black Bear.

On the speaker you got retired
lieutenant, Larkin Drake.

Lieutenant Drake was the...

Guy who saved my butt in Kosovo.

Lark, how you doing?
You still go by Lark.

LARK: I do.

Do you know
the software developer

named Luis Marcel from Quebec?

Gentlemen, I'm gonna need
a bit more.

This guy has been
making multiple trips

under the radar into the US.

Let me guess, by boat?

- Lake Erie.
- LARK: Yes, sir.

We don't have a lot
of intel to go on, but...

something's going on here.
This may not be it.

Marcel is a carrier,

the whole software developer
is a front.

He was arrested on
money laundering charges

a few years back.
We couldn't make it stick.

A carrier?

We know he's getting money.

His accounts increase
with deposits

and he pulls the cash
and he disappears on his boat.

We figured it was a... a...
a business

or maybe even a real,
bad gambling problem, but

with recent events here
in Canada we...

well maybe we should be taking
a closer look.

- Can you?
- JACKSON: Yeah, I will.

Is there anything else
you can tell me?

- No, not yet.
- Okay,

I got it. Let me see if uh,

if we can track the money.
Give me a day or so.

Okay, thanks brother.

Thanks, Lark.


you know
we've always appreciated

your financial assistance.

Building this amazing facility.

Your patriotism
to our great country.

How much are you gonna need
this time?

- I don't know yet.
- Let me know.

Will do.

MICK: Hey Gabby.


Are you smoking?

No, I'm smoking.

- Oh, hey guys.
- GENE: Hi.

You know... you know,
we have handicapped parking.

Do I look handicapped to you?


Sorry we're getting here
a bit late.

Oh you guys aren't late,
no worries,

- the movie's about to start.
- Let's go on in.

Great, great, we'll be right
behind you.

I'm not gonna get you
in trouble.

What military were you in?

I was in the army rangers
second battalion.

What was it like?

What was it like?

Oh, do you want a story?
All right.

One time we came
to this village,

outside the peninsula.
The bad guys basically,

killed and burnt
the whole village down.

But they knew
we would stop to help.

They booby trapped everything.

There was a woman laying
on the ground bleeding real bad.

My friend O'Brian went to...

went to her, boom,
the mine went off.

I went to pick him up,
he was in pain, bad pain.

He begged me not to move him.


I looked in his eyes
and they were eyes of a man

that knew he was going to die.

- Did he?
- MICK: Yeah, he died in my arms.

I guess that's the price
you pay in war.

It's the price
I would pay over again

to defend what is right.

And... and the cost of freedom
is very high.

And if we don't do it,

thousands, even millions,
can die.

This... what do you say,
do you want to go to that movie?

Give me your hand.

There's a memorial
I'd like to show you.

To tell you about.

Walked a steel down
from New York from 9/11.

MICK: Hey, kid!

GABBY: Hey guys.

- Hi, Gabby, how are you?
- GABBY: Good.

I'd like to show you something.

What do you know about

9/11, what happened that day?

Not much, actually.

I just learned about it
in school a little bit.

GENE: Yeah.

Did they tell you
anything about why,

what happened, what caused it?



kind of interesting um,

my grandson
had the same reaction

when I asked him
that same situation, um.

You know about the two towers
that were hit?

But did you know
that there were four planes?

- GABBY: Mm-hmm.
- Yeah, tower one, tower two.

And then,
the Pentagon was struck,

and then another plane went down

in a town called Shanksville.


that was where the term came,
it's time to roll.

Do you recall hearing
that statement?



this is a dedication,
a tribute, to honor

those more than 3,000 people
that were killed that day.

Civilians, workers,
first responders,

uh and subsequently since then,

um, almost 7,000...

military men and women
have been killed,

in what is known

as the War on Terrorism
since September 11th.

I think I want to join
the military.

I want to be a hero too.

Why would you want to join
the US military?

Because the military offers

a tremendous amount
of opportunities for education.

Last week you were joining ISIS,

this week you joining
the US military?

that was an internet prank.

A prank?
That's no prank young lady.

I know it...

- it was...
- It what, come on.

It was just a game.

A game?

Bloody Warfare.

It's a game my friends
and I used to play.

A couple months ago...

this player came on.

And he just asked us
during the game...

if we wanted to play
in real life.

It's an online game
so you play with other people.

Go on.

He just asked us
during the game

if we wanted
to play in real life...

to become part of an army
in real life.

He said if we flew to Syria...

we could join the army
to help rescue

women and children.

We would fight
against the bad people there.

He said we would do good.

The player said he needed us.

Gabby, who was this man?

- I... I can't.
- Can't what?

I can't say anything else.

When we couldn't get overseas...

he asked us if...

if... if we...

he sent us money.

He wanted us to make bombs
to take to school but...

that's when I said no,
I got out.

He said he would kill us.

Nobody's gonna hurt you,
doll face, nobody.

Gabby, who was this man?

I don't know,
he just messaged us

through the game,
but I don't play anymore,

I swear.

Gabby, let's go for a walk.


She's talking about bombing
a school.

What is she, crazy?

We need to call the FBI
and the police.

Hold on, this is serious,

we got to think about this,
this is bigger than Gabby.


Hey, Mickey.

Yeah, hello, doll face,
how are ya?

- I'm good.
- You know, I never asked you,

but I have an idea you work
for the government.

What's going on?

Did you get everything
loaded okay?

One hundred 25-pound bags
of ammonium nitrate fertilizer.

That will be 756 dollars.

I've got friends telling me

extremists are infiltrating
the armed forces.

The government's
never gonna fall

to political correctness.

Seasoned guys are never gonna
allow what happened

at Fort Hood to happen again.

What else?

You're right
about one thing, Soup.

[SIGHS] Um...

Usually between Interpol,

we get about 200 to 300 hits
on terrorism

- or extremist chatter a day.
- What kind of hits?

An email,
intercepted phone call,

um, maybe even
an encrypted recording.

In the past few weeks,

that number has risen
over a 1,000.

Before 9/11,

chatter concerning an attack
was all over the place.

Thousands of pieces
of information.

Everyone knew something
was gonna happen.

That was the problem,
everyone knew something,

but nobody worked collectively
to put it all together.

My brother is with the FBI
in South Carolina.

I called him just to check on
what he's been hearing.

He began to tell me
about a group

called the Underground Foocruft.

I've heard of 'em.

WOMAN: They've been around
for some 30 odd years.

Small communities,
mostly in rural places,

um, most Muslim.
They live together,

they have their own sets
of laws.

Years ago, they were connected
with acts of violence,

stockpiling weapons.

- How many are there?
- Twenty...

maybe 30, scattered
across the United States.

My brother said if there's an
infrastructure for terrorism

in the United States,
this group already has it.


That's a map
of where they're located.


In every tactical operation,
there's a start point.

How do they communicate
with each individual player

to say, "Hey...

attack, it's time".

There has to be a trigger.

We find the trigger,
we stop the attack.

How do we find a trigger
that no one wants us to find?

They would never trust
a strategy

to just messages alone...

it could get distorted.

It's an event.

It's an event that they control.

And if we're not careful
with our investigation,

we could speed it up.

RYAN: Okay guys, listen up.

That was a buddy of mine,
police officer.

He said a concerned citizen
called today

to report a guy buying
2,500 pounds of fertilizer.

- Ammonia nitrate?
- Yes.

They have a person
and vehicle description,

but haven't been able
to track him down.

Hey guys, let's take
a break for dinner

and meet back here in...

uh, say, an hour?

Okay, thanks.

Thomas, hang on a minute.

What's up, Soup?

Brother, you guys are here
for training.

No worries, we're good.

Terrorist camps,
ammonium nitrate,

questionable northern
border security.

What I'm about to ask you...

you got to be straight up
with me.

We need guys monitoring
this Underground Foocruft.

Luis Marcel at the resort,

where he's going...

I need your guy in Ohio
to get us more info.

There's a pattern here.

And we're not gonna solve it

by sitting
in this conference room.

What I'm asking you could cost
you your jobs...

maybe more.

But I can't sit by
and allow 9/11 to happen again.

We've got to do something to...

- Protect America.
- Exactly.

- You gonna ask him?
- No need to,

this is what we're trained
to do.

- I'll let Erik know.
- Thanks, brother.


- Carlene, I'm glad you...
- Soup, I'm gonna be blunt.

Officially I'm required
to tell you to cease and desist.

What, why?

Because the threat
isn't considered credible.

CARLENE: It wasn't my call.

Personally, I think
you're on to something but,

I'm glad at least someone
is remaining vigilant

during an era
of political correctness

and bruised egos.

I have to run.

But don't stop
what you're doing,

and as a favor to me,

be discreet.

Oh, don't worry,
I'm always discreet.

Erin, I'm gonna need you
to set up a deployment schedule.

Alex, I need secure comps
for both teams.

Have 'em go to dinner
and meet back in here

for the warning order.

Roy's deposited the funds
in the account

for the operation.

I want troops
in the field tonight.

Yes, sir.

Kamal, you're coming with me.

- Where are we going?
- To a party.

- Wear a suit.
- Seriously?

- JOE: Are you Mr. Whit?
- GENE: I am.

- Carlene sent me.
- You called Carlene?

- What do you want from me?
- And you must be Gabby.

Yes. Yes, sir.

I'm gonna need to speak
with Gabby alone.

No, the girl's gonna stay
with us.

- Yeah.
- Okay.

Gabby, I'm Wayne Schaffer,
I work with Mr. Whit's daughter.

I need you to tell me everything

that you discussed
with those gentlemen,

and in great detail.

And then I'm gonna ask you
to do something

that's gonna take
a lot of courage.


I need you to take
this flash drive

and put it in the USB port
in all your friend's computers.

But you got to do it
without them knowing.

You gonna be able to do this?


All right, good.

Well let's take it
from the top here.

I think it's...

very awesome

those guys would risk
their careers

maybe even their lives

to follow the threat
and try to stop it.

SOUP: It is.

You would know.

So are you gonna tell me
where we're going?

So you gonna tell me
what's going on?

The missing Al-Qaeda leaders
that disappeared...

they didn't disappear.

I know.

I know they didn't disappear.

They're not with other groups.

They're being held
by United States.


After Osama Bin Laden's death,
your CIA partnered

with the Iraqi government
to secretly capture

the last remaining commanders
of Al-Qaeda.

It was a trick.

The Iraqis promised
them protection, they didn't.

They turned them over
to the CIA.

- That makes no sense.
- Think about it.

The Americans had just killed

the most wanted man
in the world.

His men needed protection.
One by one they came in secrecy

and one by one they were
turned over to the Americans.

- SOUP: Gitmo?
- No.


A separate prison inside
the United States.

No way, they could never keep
that a secret.

They did.

How do you know this?

One of the men,
Muhammad Jiran...

is my brother.

He was a double agent.
He was offered this deal.

My father told him not to go,

and like he feared,
Muhammad never came home.

Iraqi regime, of course,
denies turning

any of these men over
but it happened.

How'd your brother get arrested
if he was a double agent?

Because he's still
gathering intel

from the prisoners
being brought in.

These men talk in prison
and my brother listens.

If you want to find out
anything global terrorism,

The Perfect Day, trigger,
the infrastructure,

strategy of an attack,
I need to talk to him.

SOUP: Kamal, I'm gonna need you
to stay in the truck.

I got all dressed up
and rode here

for you to leave me in the car?

This isn't the right place
for you to be seen...

at least not yet.

Don't worry,
I'll bring you something.


What are you doing here?

What about this is discreet?

Don't worry,

you can trust me.

So you, um, come alone?

Kind of.

- Hello.
- Hi.

I'm sorry, son, I'm gonna have
to ask you to leave.


No one invited you, Soup,
it was a gesture of good will.

I didn't actually think
you would come.

Yet, here I am.

But you are late,
that's strike one.

- WAITER: Ladies.
- CARLENE: Thank you.

- JUDY: You should try one.
- I'm good.

My wife made those personally,

- That's strike two.
- Sir, can I have a moment?


What do you know
about The Perfect Day?

What do you know
about the secret prison

that's holding top level
Al-Qaeda operatives...

right here in the United States?

And that's strike three.

Good to see you again, Campbell.

Went that well, yeah?

Do you trust me, Kamal?

You're the only one I do trust.


Everyone's in the field, sir.

- Expecting someone?
- Yup.

Any minute now.

I need to talk to you.

Last night,

what were you talking about
with the admiral?

Have you lost your mind?

What are you doing?

You have a known
international terrorist

saying things like
The Perfect Day

on a phone call traced back
to Heathrow Airport.

You have increased
chatter of threats.

You have a secret prison
harboring terrorists illegally.

You have a suspected terrorist

making multiple trips
into the US

under the radar through Canada

carrying large amounts of cash.

Small operatives are preparing
for something big.

Just yesterday, an Arabic man
was spotted in eastern Ohio

buying 2,500 pounds
of ammonium nitrate.

We're running
our own investigation.

- [THUD]
- Listen Paul,

if they find out
we're on to them,

it's over.

You have any men on this?

- Possibly.
- Who, where?

I can't tell you that.

Something's going to happen

and I think it's going to happen
really soon.

We believe an event
is going to trigger

simultaneous attacks.

- What kind of event?
- Something big,

and I think I've got an idea
to find out.

We need to get someone
inside that secret prison.


First, nothing like that exists.

And second,
even if it did exist,

- how would you get someone...
- Kamal.

- Who?
- Adetra Jiran,

the man outside.

He was a paid interpreter
for the SEAL teams back in Iraq.

Turns out, he knew a lot.

His family had strong ties
back to Al-Qaeda.

He risked his life
and his family

to provide us
crucial information.

After the war,

US abandoned him.

Tied up his Visa application
in tons of red tape.

I got him here.

Got him a new name

and a new life.
He now works for us.


His family thinks he's dead.

His cover as an interpreter
was never compromised.

That man is his brother.

Paul, you know as well as I do,

if something big really
is going to happen,

those men would know about it.

Even from inside that prison...

they would know the strategy.

So what's your plan?


- Well, did he agree?
- He's checking on it.

Boss, boss you have to see this
to believe it.

These fliers
are popping up everywhere.

"Join the fight
against the west.

will leave you empty.

False prophets are
destroying America,

join us on Facebook."

- Are you kidding me?
- It was on a community

bulletin board at an airport
in Minneapolis.

One of operatives
snapped a picture of it.

I love this country but the fu...

We have fought
and are still fighting,

even dying,

so that other people out there
can express their rights

through garbage like that.

When is enough gonna be enough?

If you don't like our country,
if you don't like our culture,

if you don't like our freedoms,
there's the door, use it!

Not you Paul, come on in.

Chairman Burns is good
with your proposal.

Under two conditions.

I oversee the operation

and one of our guys
comes down here

to get familiar with whatever
it is you're doing here.

He'll report his findings
back to us...

and I will make the decisions
on how to proceed.

No offense Paul,
I'm good with all of it,

but if you're gonna
have someone down here

spying on us,
we get to pick the agent.

- Who?
- Agent Whit.

- No.
- No deal.

Okay, Campbell.

I will have Agent Whit
report here tomorrow,

but let me be clear,
I want to know everything.

Agent Whit's already
on my short list.

So if I don't get everything...

It's all good buddy,

we're all on the same team,

Have your guy...

drive his car...

to this address.

We'll take care of the rest.

Do I need to bring a bomb
or will one be provided?

Just show up.

She's the best intel operative
they have.

ALEX: Fine, all right.

At this point, I don't care.

How sure are we
of the Canadian IP address?

Go ahead
and do the instillation.


Basic service I guess for now.

Um, just set it up...

but make it soon.

Cable guy.

Don't make it too soon,

you have an assignment.



Carlene wants Gabby
to make contact with Luis.

Are you ready?

So you gonna wish me luck?

SOUP: Kamal.

I know.

No, you don't. You've done
more for this country

and it's national security

most people I know.

Be careful...

and come back safe.

JOHN: Get the engines ready.

We leave tomorrow.

We can't drive any further
than this without being seen.

THOMAS: Islamberg.

they have other camps

called Islamtown and Islamville.


- Let's follow him.
- All right.


WAITRESS: Hi, welcome
to O'Neil's. How many?

- Hi, um... Oh, I'm with him.
- WAITRESS: Okay, sure.

♪ Cast your stone
Throw all you got at me ♪

Hi, Dean.

What, you don't remember me
from the shelter?

♪ It's gonna be okay ♪

Yes, of course.

♪ Knock me down ♪

- Are you hungry?
- Always.

♪ That's what people do ♪

Wow, this is nice.

You, um...

- win the lottery?
- No, no I got a job.


With the man that brought
all the chicken?

Would you like to hear
our specials?

No, thank you.

♪ ...ashamed for what I left ♪

What's in the bag, Dean?

♪ ...hit me where I'm weak ♪


♪ Cast your storms
Though all you got in me ♪

Did I ever tell you about this?

♪ Everyone who loves ♪

It was my grandfather's.

And he... he got it for serving
in World War II.

♪ Everyone loves... ♪

My family gave it to me
after he passed.

Freedom from fear and want.

Freedom of speech and religion.

You know I served?

Operation Noble Eagle.

It was shortly after 9/11,

I was deployed with the 107th
maintenance company, mechanic.

Man, I loved being a soldier.

♪ Everything now... ♪

Then my feet got all screwed up

and I was no longer fit
for duty.

♪ There's my pain... ♪

No fancy war story or anything,
just a...

24-year-old with arthritis
and jacked up feet.

I really loved my job.

♪ All the storm
Everyone loves ♪

Now I'm just a disabled vet
running a homeless shelter.

Man, I miss it.

I had a much better life once.

♪ Everyone who loves ♪

Yeah, I reckon you did.

♪ Everyone love these
Everyone who loves ♪

But you know what Dean...

one day we're gonna dance
on streets of gold

and we're gonna sleep in a house
bigger than the White House.

- You know that?
- NEWSCASTER: Detonate a car bomb

outside a heavily,
populated area.

More information on
the explosives are slowly...

Hey, can you turn that up?

Adetra is the younger brother

of Al-Qaeda operative
Muhammad Jiran who is suspected

to have joined
the terrorist regime, ISIS.

They ought to kill that man.

Are you okay?


I'm not sure.

Do you know him?

No, no.

I just...

- Hey, hey, it's okay.
- It's not okay.

I'm supposed to do something.

Something when that happens.

What are you supposed to do?

- I can't.
- Give me the bag, Dean.

ALEX: He's being
taken there now.

SOUP: Keep an eye on him.

CARLENE: Campbell.

Have you lost
your tiny frog-sized mind?

Hi, Erin.

It's good to see you too,

Seriously, have you lost
your mind?

- Maybe.
- Hey Alex,

let's, uh, take this
to the conference room.

CARLENE: Oh, hi Alex.

Carlene, we're watching
Kamal's every move...

- as best we can.
- Soup, he's on his own.

I know.

Listen, we have to find
the trigger.

We've got to do something
to stop this national tragedy.

Let me show you what we got.

You kept this?

After all this time.




All that these old men know

that new generation
of rebel are at war.

Educate them.

Maybe, they came from Egypt...

to attend universities.

All the guys.




You really have
everyone worked up

over this perfect day theory.

I don't know, Carlene.

What if it all happened?

It's just too much coincidence.

An ISIS leader talks
about the perfect day.

A guy buys 2,500 pounds
of fertilizer.

Islamic extremist groups
are popping up all over the US.

Some guy from Canada
is bringing in thousands,

if not millions of dollars
across the border unknown.

- Wait, Canada?
- Yeah.

Some guy's made a dozen trips
into the US via Lake Erie.

There's a man from Canada
that we believe

is targeting kids
through video games

to perform acts of violence
in schools. We...

Soup, you'll never believe this.

At a local school
during a basketball game,

this man attempted
a mass shooting.

But the locals jumped him
before he had a chance.

Oh my.

The FBI field office
in Grand Rapids

just interviewed a man
who was hired

to take revenge
on his former employer.

It says, "The man paid him
20,000 dollars to buy firearms

to kill people from the place
of work

where he was
recently terminated.

The man turned himself in,

and told the FBI
that he was to conduct

the killing spree
on the same day

a bombing was to occur."

He said it was supposed
to happen this month,

and he thought when Kamal
was arrested

the mission was a failure.

Carlene, it's the same guy.


this guy is funneling in cash

and hiring terrorists to perform
these types of attacks?

I mean, this guy in Grand Rapid,
the school in Denver,

the kids in Florida.

How many more would there be?



You've got to get him
out of that prison.

Hi, I'm sorry.

Could I bum a cigarette?
It's been a rough week.

It'd just be one.

So where you from?


What brings you out this way?

My brother brought my here.

When our parents got killed
in a car accident, drunk driver.

He moved our family here
to get away

from the western culture,
you know.

Away from the crime, drugs...

the evil.

Now we live under, uh...

the ruling of our Holy Imam.

Yeah, he's a spiritual leader
who guides our lives.

- Like a commune?
- No.

Our community
is of like-minded people.

Though it's religious
in nature it's...

it's a bond
between brothers and sisters.

We're always looking
for new believers.

- Believers?
- Yeah.

I'm a follower of Islam.

And uh, as a Muslim woman,
I believe in Allah

and the teachings of Muhammad.

We would sacrifice our own lives
for our beliefs.

We're striving
for a perfect future world,

a global califate of...
of only believers.


And those who don't believe,

they should be converted...

or punished.

You know what I think?

I think you hide behind
the teachings of Islam

without really understanding
the religion at all.

I have Muslim friends,
they're doctors and teachers.

My nieces play with their kids.

My brother fought in Iraq
alongside Muslims

who believe in freedom,
real freedom,

and religious diversity.

Your view of Islam
is nothing more

than a twist of distortion
of your faith.

And gives good Muslims,
like my friends, a bad name.

- Yeah.

This conversation's over.

You know what...

your justice is coming.


[SIGHS] I can't believe the gall
of these people.

Living in our country
and enjoying our freedoms,

yet, creating
their own communities

and talking about
how they want to punish us

for our beliefs.

- They're... they're just...
- Brainwashed?

Are they dangerous?


Would they blindly do whatever
some crazed religious leader

told them to do?

I think so.

And that's what scares me.

We have to stop
these radicalized ideologies

that disguise themselves
under religion.

We have to find these camps
and communities

that are hiding in plain sight
within our borders

and shut them down.

Got it, thanks.

That was the FBI.

They're partnering with the
ATF, DEA, and the state police

to conduct these raids.

We're just waiting on California
and Montana.

- When?
- Midnight tonight, sir.

SOUP: Okay.

Right now,
we have 14 attorney generals

agreeing to conduct
simultaneous raids on the camps.

The governor of Colorado says,
bring in the troops,

he doesn't want
this terrorist activity

conducted in his state,
his exact words.

That's great.

- CARLENE: Kamal's out.
- ERIN: What?

- SOUP: Yes.
- CARLENE: He's fine.

CARLENE: Alex, look up
an Egyptian student

at Ohio State.

Do you have him on the phone?

Not yet,
he's still being debriefed.

We have 34 students
that transferred to Ohio State,

and the last three
was from Egypt.

SOUP: Okay, cross reference
those with local police,

uh, religious affiliations.

ERIN: Maybe someone
studying engineering.

- SOUP: Yeah.
- CARLENE: Religion.

Finances. Find a kid
who's current on his bills

and probably off campus.

Azzi Hidal and Beiber Sethos.

Oh, this is our guy.

Azzi Hidal works
as a part time security guard

at Lakeside Storage Unit.

Yesterday at 1800,
he tweeted Quran 8:39,

"Fight them all
until all opposition ends

and all submit to Allah."

Erik, it's Soup.

Alex is gonna send
the information to Niki.

ERIK: Yeah, it's coming in now.

- NIKI: Got it.
- Now, if we can find this guy,

we may have a chance
to stop this whole thing.

It's a left here.

RYAN: Niki, what is it?

We're going to his dorm.

He won't be mixing
a bomb in a dorm.

The report says...

Azzi works at a storage unit.

Erik, this is only a few miles
away from here.

- ERIK: Is that a blue van?
- Looks like it.


ERIK: All right. Ryan,
you go around the back.

Niki, you take the front.

I'll circle around
and see what I can see.

- NIKI: Yes, sir.
- RYAN: Copy that.



Police, don't move!

ERIK: Get your hands up!
Get your hands up!


ERIK: Everybody good?

NIKI: Yeah, I'm good.

ERIK: He's gone.

ERIK: Call the local authorities
and get 'em out here.

RYAN: Roger that.


- ERIK: Soup.
- SOUP: Is everyone okay?

ERIK: Everyone is okay.

SOUP: We have to make sure
this stays off the news

- and the internet.
- ERIK: All right.

SOUP: Over 34 compounds
in the United States

were raided that night.

They didn't see it coming.

Over 100 national fugitives
were found in these camps.

Charges ranging from petty
larceny, to rape, even murder.

Suicide bomb vests were found
along with stockpiled

explosives and weapons.
They found assassination plots,

large amounts
of American currency,

and automatic
unregistered firearms.

Luis was found with
over 100,000 dollars in cash.

And they found
a flight reservation

in his name to Florida.

After high school, Gabby joined
the United States Marine Corp.

From what I've been told,
there was one heck

of a sendoff party.

As for Dean in Grand Rapids,

he had some issues to work out
but Allie remained close to him.

Roy ran for senate and won.
We all campaigned for him.

Kamal was a bit bummed
he couldn't work

the campaign trail.

Turns out you can't be
an international terrorist

and help support
a political campaign

in the United States.

Or maybe you can.

As for me. Well,

Carlene and I worked out
our differences.

We decided we were much better
together than apart.

So she finally made
an honest man of me.

Subtitles by explosiveskull

♪ When everything is broken ♪

♪ And nothing's going right ♪

♪ This wall's been
Building in your mind ♪

♪ But you'll find a way
To live these dreams ♪

♪ You hold inside ♪

♪ You can't just live
Within your grasp ♪

♪ 'Cause what's out of reach ♪

♪ Are all the things
That you were meant to be ♪

♪ I will lay you down ♪

♪ And I'll show you how ♪

♪ To close your eyes
And see beyond the doubt ♪

♪ When everything
You see is broken ♪

♪ And nothing seems
It's going right ♪

♪ Don't let your heart start
To bend ♪

♪ Don't give up the fight ♪

♪ You cannot live
By what you see ♪

♪ Only believe ♪

♪ When everything just seems
So hard ♪

♪ To bear and no one in this
World just seems to care ♪

♪ You've got to find
The reason why ♪

♪ You breathe and never
Let go of your destiny ♪

♪ I will lay you down ♪

♪ And I'll show you how ♪

♪ To close your eyes
And see beyond the doubt ♪

♪ When everything
You see is broken ♪

♪ And nothing seems
It's going right ♪

♪ Don't let your heart
Start to bend ♪

♪ Don't give up the fight ♪

♪ You cannot live
By what you see ♪

♪ Only believe ♪

♪ It's time to let it go ♪

♪ Step into the unknown ♪

♪ It takes your breath away ♪

♪ As it's life
That we can make ♪

♪ Just don't let it slip away ♪

♪ When everything you see
Is broken down ♪

♪ And nothing seems
It's going right ♪

♪ Don't let your heart
Start to bend ♪

♪ Don't give up the fight ♪

♪ You cannot live by
What you see ♪

♪ Only believe ♪