The Origin of Evil (2022) - full transcript

Jealousy and bitterness breaks the Stephane's family who invents a whole other life for herself in order to impress the rich man and the women surrounded, who undermines her.

The Origin of Evil

Go ahead.

Hello, madame.

Things OK?

Yeah, fine.

Sorry, she won't come.

No, you're kidding!

Shit, what's wrong now?

What can I say?

Fuck, she's a pain!

It's me!

Why are you in the dark?

You can't see a thing.
Turn on the light.

I didn't notice.

Home already?
What about the prison?

Don't ask,
I'll just get upset.



Good girl.

I have to tell you.


Virginie was fired.

Damn, for real?

They're closing.

Why are they closing?

They're always crowded at lunch.

She wants to come back.

And move back into her room.

But you can't stand her.

She is my daughter.

She has no one else.




Speak up!

Yes, hello.

Hello, madame.

Sorry to disturb, I wanted to talk to Serge.

Serge Dumontet.

Who's speaking?

It's Stéphane.

I don't know if I have the right number.
- Serge!

For you!

Who is it?

I think it's your daughter.



I don't hear you.

Yes. Hello, Serge.

Sorry, this is...

This is Stéphane.

Are you Serge?


So you're Stéphane?


Sorry, but I'm so happy to meet you.


Are you OK?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Have you been
to Porquerolles before?

No, this is my first time.


The most beautiful spot on earth.

Do you like it?
- It's magnificent.

This was one of my first restaurants.

This is yours?
- Absolutely.

It used to be just a café.

And now in season we serve 300 meals a day.

This feels so strange.


How you look at me.

I'm overwhelmed.

I've dreamed of you so often.

Are you disappointed?


No, no, not at all.

You're very handsome.

Tell me, how did you do it?

How did you find me?

Christiane Pierrat.

She said you lived here.

Christiane? Don't know her.
- She was a friend of Mom's.

She said that

you went on holiday together once.

And two years ago she saw you
in a shoe store.

She was trying on red boots.

No idea.

She came to Mom's funeral.
That's when she told me.

Léonore died?


Last February.

I'm sorry. I thought that...

That you knew.

What happened?

She had lung cancer.

It was very quick.

Three months.

- Louise, it's Agnès.

I know. Where are you?
Is he still with her?

Louise, we're on speaker.
- OK.

Hold on...
We're on the way and...

Stéphane's coming for lunch.

It wasn't planned, no. I told them.

I'll improvise.


You OK?


I'll take your coat.

Oh yeah. Thanks.

I'll be back.

Shall I prepare lunch?
- Yes, do.

Can I help?

No. Absolutely not.

Wait in the living room.


Hello, Stéphane.


Agnès? Serve us a drink.

Don't just stand there.

Sit next to me.


Celadon green and leopard...

A better match.

So tell me,

are you happy to have found Serge?


You've wanted this for a long time, right?

Yes, that's true.

It's quite...

moving, for me.

Not much resemblance.

No, try as I might...

You must take after your mother.

No? Do you look like her?



A lot, even.

Serge was popular with women.

Some less attractive than others.


Where are you?

He springs you on us
and disappears.

He's got some nerve!



What are you doing?
Stéphane's thirsty!

No, I'm fine. Thanks.

I have to say, your house is...

really beautiful.

And you, too, are...

Don't overdo it.

I've nothing against you.
I feel for you.

It's all my husband's fault.

At any rate,

I don't blame him.

Anyone can make mistakes.

It's part of life.
It's how we...

Where's George?

I don't know.

At the new hotel?

There you are!

Have a seat, next to Stéphane!

Go on, sit down.

Stéphane, may I introduce

Jeanne, George's daughter.

She attends boarding school
and spends weekends here.

Hello, Jeanne.
- Hello.

Jeanne, take a picture of us.

Go on!
- It's not...

I insist!

Take lots,

so Stéphane can choose the best.

George is coming.
- Good.

Where are you going?

Getting dressed.

You may have already told my father,
but what do you do?

Well, actually, I work in a fish plant.

Well, I mean,

we package trays of anchovies,

fish soup, terrines...

Did you start the company?

In fact...


I mean, it's quite recent.

Only two years.

No trivial feat.

Where did you get the idea?

One doesn't wake up thinking,
I'm going to make a fortune packing fish.

No, one doesn't make a fortune.

Not yet, at least.

It was by chance.
A friend of mine, Leila,

was working
in a factory that went bankrupt.

So we thought,

why not take it over?


we got the bank loan immediately.

That was it.


I started my first business

at 21.

How many employees?

With the deliverymen, about 40.

We're starting out small, but...

we're happy.

It's going well.

Especially in the current climate.


And you, George?

I manage my father's businesses.

Who's also Stéphane's father.

Did I say otherwise?
- No.

But you've referred twice to Serge
as "father."

If you say so.

Anyway, I'd opened a business in Sydney,

where Jeanne and her dad were living.

Well, at first.

When Serge had his stroke,
Mom asked me to come back and help.

And George took advantage of my illness
to try to replace me.

She didn't take advantage!

You were completely helpless!

Look at him!

He can't even cut his meat.

And your deficits?

Profits are up 12% now.

Let's not start this again!

We won't go there.

Stéphane has found her father.

Your squabbles are of no interest.

Serge, can I help you?

No, I'm fine.

I'm not hungry.

I'll rest a bit.

Toulon Municipal Prison

Please, not now.

Can I do anything?

No, I'm fine. Thank you.

Have you worked here long?

Since 1998.


You must know them well.

It was hard on Louise when George left.

Alone here, with Serge.

I stood by her.

We've been very close.

With Serge, too?

Leave it! That's my job.

I just want to help.

No, really!

Don't move.

Your nose is bleeding.

Are you OK?
Do you want some cold water?


You told me you bought the restaurant...

But what did you do before that?

I still work now.
I have no intention of stopping.

I started out buying small bars,

then night clubs.

And then I opened hotels on the seaside,

golf courses...
- Really?

I was the mayor of Hyères.

Twice reelected.

It's true. People liked me.

Is that red cottage yours too?

We let Agnès stay there.

And we use it to store Louise's things...

Such as?

You must have noticed that

the house is somewhat...



Louise has always been a collector.

But now she buys everything.
It's an obsession.

The doctors call it syllogomania.

I've kept tabs.
On average she spends 1500 euros a day.

Everyone says it's...


But I know she does it to piss me off.

You know,

since my stroke, it's complicated here.

I can't do anything.

I know, I wasn't always perfect,

but I don't deserve this.


We all make mistakes.
- Sure.

Still, I have no regrets.

You know,


loved your mother a lot.

The other women, too,
each in their own way.

Did you have lots of women?

A few.

I was wondering...
- Shh!


Enjoy the view.

I was wondering...

George and I have men's names.
It's strange, isn't it?

Why? It's not strange.

I wanted sons.

Your Mom insisted on Stéphane.
- Really?

She said you did.

Well, she lied.

Come, we'll take you back.

No, my ferry's at 5:47.
I still have time, don't I?

You'll take our boat.

We're already at the stairs.

He's coming.

Did Serge tell you about me?

I imagine it wasn't easy for you,
if I put myself in your shoes.

But please don't come back.

Go ahead.



So today you're talking to me?

It takes me 45 minutes to come here.

So if you're going to sulk,
I'll stay home.


I'm sorry.

I get all paranoid.

I imagine things.

It oppresses me.


You're oppressed.
- You're a pain!

I miss you so much!

I miss you too.

What do you think?
- I don't think anything.

I visit as often as I can.


You're so beautiful.


So how'd your first day at work go?

It was fine.

Not inspiring, but OK.

It's good to get out.


If you watch your step and work well,

we'll get you out on parole.

And we can be together always.


And you?

Tell me things.

Me? There's not much to tell.

And Saturday?

I called, but no answer.

Honestly, I can't remember.



So precise.

You hung up after three rings.

- Who were you with?

Honestly, I don't remember.
- I'll bet.

Don't go there.

Please, stop it.
- Anyway, I can't check.


Why'd you come up?
- Virginie's here.

Really, now?

You have to leave. I'm sorry.


Hi, Leila.

It's you! You scared me!

What's going on?

You see,

it's my landlady. She threw me out.

Her daughter moved back,
so I don't have a room.

You're not serious?

Shit, I'm really screwed.

Can I stay with you tonight?

Yeah, come in.

Thank you.

Thank you.

You have mail.

Let's see.

Little hearts!

It's a letter from Stéphane.

George will love this.

You don't have to tell her.

You didn't have to bring her here!

If George is unhappy, she can leave.

I can't stand her being here.

Just her breathing is unbearable.

If you don't want her to breathe,

it means you wish she were dead.

Stop buttering your toast!

Hello? Yes,

it's Mrs Louise Dumontet.


I'd like to order

the butcher knife.

It looks wonderful. Right.

Yes, I saw that. German steel.

For steel, Germans can't be beat,
don't you agree?


They're simply the best.

Yes, certainly.

In the Ruhr and everywhere.

In fact, send me several, because I think...


I'm happy you called.

I was thinking of you.

Yes, and you?

Sorry about the noise. I'm at the plant.

Come on!

Hang up. Your station!

And... Yeah.


Élodie, stop your machine.

Right now?

Terrific! Of course!

What's going on?

Call you back.

Unbelievable! Using your phone!

My dad had a stroke.

He's in hospital.

You can't leave your station.

Did you hear what I just said?
He's in the hospital, he may die!



Why are you looking at me?

Her dad's in hospital.

She can't leave!

Can't leave?
It's her dad!


I'll leave these.

Thanks, but I brought one.

All the same...

Can I see Serge?

Of course.

Where is he?
- In his office.

When you stare at me,
what are you thinking?


I'm allowed to look at you.


It's nice, like a minister's office.

Anyway, it's full of memories.

Who's that in the pictures?


My son.

You didn't tell me.

I have a brother?

Where is he?

He's dead.

Forgive me.

I'm very sorry.

What happened?
- He's dead. I don't want to talk about it.

I see.

He was handsome, too.

You're cold.


He was supposed to succeed me.

George wants to revolutionize everything
with her American methods.

She has the board literally
eating out of her hand.

She's not made for management.

I know what this business needs.

The human touch.


Your workers, too...

They must always be whining, right?
The unions and all?

Absolutely. There are...


But I agree with you.

The human touch is crucial.

You know,
all my life work was my priority.

Everything to ensure my family
would be well provided for.

And I had this villa built,

which is beautiful, isn't it?


Then there's...

all the expenses.

Sure, it's enormous.

No, I mean Louise.


I'm going to need your help.

To do what?

I'll tell you later.

Agnès always lurks behind the doors.

Come with me.

It smells of paint. Air the place out.

- Hello.

The chairs are arriving tomorrow?
- Yes.

What is it, Agnès?
I'm at the new place.

When did she arrive?

These are gifts from clients of our hotels.

These were given to me by Tiberi.

These are from my good friend Pasqua.

Is the fish smell you?

Yes, I'm so sorry.


what do you prefer, red or white?
You choose.

I've a slight preference for white, but...

Red will go better with dinner.

Château Lafite-Rothschild 2003.

It looks good.


Know how much a bottle costs?

1200 euros.



Are you OK?
- Yes.

I searched her room, her purse...

No ID, not even a wallet.
- And her jacket?

- What is it now?

Are we sure she's Stéphane?


What if she isn't?

Don't talk nonsense.


Yes, hello.

I've been expecting the delivery...

I've been expecting a Taurus treadmill.

I really need it.

It hasn't arrived.

Gran, you're a riot!


I don't understand. I'm a VIP customer.
It's unacceptable.

The order number is


capital B... Yes.

The price is 2,499 euros.

Stop it! Are you crazy?

You're hurting me!

Stop spending my money!

Serge, give me the telephone!

You old fool!

You do nothing.

Anything that pisses you off...

What is it?

A Château Lafite-Rothschild,


Stéphane chose it.

No, Serge did.

I'm not a wine expert.

But you chose the most expensive bottle.

I ran into Mrs Lenormand.

Going to the police.
Her bank account was hacked.

They'd spent 17,000 on the Internet.

What did they buy?

Mom, who cares?

Well, I'd like to know.

How'd they do it?

These days it's easy
to impersonate someone.

Like, Stéphane?

Why, Stéphane?

No reason.

George thinks that Stéphane
isn't your daughter.

Or that she claims to be her

for your inheritance.

Thanks, Mom.
- You're awful!

If we want to get along,
we have to speak openly.

Stéphane, don't you agree?

Yes. Totally.

All I said was that

we hadn't asked Stéphane for ID.

Stop it right there.

You should've asked her!




Help me!


Are you OK?
- Of course.

There, he's better.

He always gets better.

We won't risk our health
with the Château Lafite.

Stéphane, if you show us some ID,
we can move on.

Holy shit!

Those bitches!

Why don't you have any ID?

My purse was stolen.

That's why.

May I get by?

Thank you!

George, apologize!

You can't just show up and ask for money.

I didn't ask for money.
Or anything else, dammit!

All my life I've longed to know
who my father is.

That's all I want.

It's my fault.

I shouldn't have brought it up.

Stéphane, don't go!

Stéphane, please!

Don't go now!

It's too late!

For the ferry.

You took her to your office?
- We're not allowed in.

Stop, you're breaking my heart.

We can rip it out, too.

Stop, you don't understand.

If Stéphane returned after all this time,

perhaps Frédéric

will come back, too!

Stop it, you're sick!

Gran, are you OK?

Get out of here!

All of you!

This is my house!

Do that again,
you're dead.

It seems...

There's no ferry. It's too late.

That's what I tried to tell you.

Could you take me in your boat?

No, it's too late.

You'll stay here, we'll have dinner,

all of us.



Come, Stéphane.

What are you drawing?

I knew it! You're obsessed!

- Aren't you tired of drawing her?

No, I'm not.

I enjoy it.


Well, you nailed the eyes.

And you draw her from memory?


Stop it!

What about drawing me?

Just once?

You're in my bubble.
- I know.

Fuck off!


You scared me!

Are you OK?

What's wrong?

I need your help.

They're suing
to be my guardians.


They can't!

They'll hear.


as soon as George is named trustee

in charge of the estate,

I'll be helpless.

If she gets away with it,

I'm dead.


I go to court in three weeks

for the final hearing.

I want you to testify on my behalf.

I want you to say that I'm sound of mind,

that this is all a scheme of theirs.

I don't know, Serge.

I think you should ask someone
who knows about such things.

A lawyer?

My lawyer's not worried.
My latest medical tests show

I still have all my mental faculties.

It's just...

the last time I fainted, so those bitches
scored some points.

With you, I'll...

I'll crush them.

George will hate me.


What of it?

She already does.

Are you OK?


What's wrong?

It's my legs.

Do they hurt?


But it's alright.

Sit down.

Easy now.


I'll massage them.

I'm good at it.

I do it after my day at the plant.

I'm on my feet non-stop, I don't know
how many kilometers I walk.

It really helps.



How are you?

I'll feed the dogs.
- OK.


The next time I come,

I promise, I'll bring ID.

There won't be a next time,
I told you.

Serge asked me to come.

I don't want...


I'm off. Want a lift?


Why are you so mad at him?

He sacrificed a lot to provide for you,

to build this house.

He has you brainwashed.

Not really.

You're a sweet daddy's girl.


I'm leaving.

Stop shouting. Here I am.

Good morning, Stéphane.
Did you sleep well?

Yes, thank you.


Shall we give you a lift?

I'll go by my own.

On my own.


I'll go on my own,
not by my own.





What are you doing?

You're here?

I thought you'd left.

You need money?

This is all Louise's.


She doesn't know what she has.

Still, that's no excuse.

Come, we'll put all this back.

She's a sweet girl.

I like her a lot.

She's wholesome.

You'll see how wholesome she is
when he has her testify against us.

Even if she gets a share,
you'll still have plenty.


I want him to lose!
I've kept his businesses alive.

You, you! It's all about you!

What about me?

Who's going to look after me?

After you all leave, what'll I do?

At least, if I get along with her,

I won't be alone.

Hold on.

It's no good.

No, wait. Wait.

What's wrong?

What is it?

Nothing. Nothing.

If you're bored, you can go.

No, it's not that.

I can see you're bored.
- I'm just tired.

No, really. It's great.

I swear.

What about you, you haven't said...

How's work?

I fold leaflets all day
for 1.38 euros an hour, I'm great.

The sunshine's gone.

Hang in there.

Yeah, sure.

I have two more years and you're out.

I can feel it.

You're fed up.

Stop, you're a pain.

I've visited for three years,
so if I was fed up....

I know it'll make you angry...

So don't say it.
- I'm going to.

I'm going to contact my father.

Here we go again.

I feel ready.

And tell him what?

That bastard who treated your mom like shit,

who never sent money,

never looked after you,
never called or wrote.

What do we know?

What if she lied?
She was no saint.

Now it's your mom's fault.

You've always said he was a bastard

and now you're ready to kiss his ass.

Stop it!

Lay off!

Is there a problem?

No problem.

Then calm down.
- I'm calm.

Nathalie, tell her I'm calm.

We're good.


All my life Mother repeated

she'd dance on the scumbag's grave.

It's awful to say that.

I need to hear his side, right?

You're leaving?

And your side?

"Hi, I'm your daughter.
I killed my girlfriend."

I didn't kill her!

You're awful!

Then don't be stupid!

Finding him
won't make your life less shitty.


Fuck you!

Want a cuff?

Stop it.

Stop it!

Cut it out!
- You're trying to provoke me.

Stéphane, calm down!

It's over, enough!

- Nathalie!

I feel good with you. It's so relaxed.

I wanted to ask you...

You know...

That girl who was in your cell...

What was her name?


Are you in touch?

Yeah, sort of.

When I run into her. Why?

I need a new ID card.

You do?

But not for me.

For who?

There's a girl I know
who doesn't have her papers.

I'd like to help her.

Otherwise she's fucked.

It's not for you?

No, I told you.

Are you up to your old tricks?

Stop sucking that kiwi!
It's gross.

You're not going to lecture me, are you?

If I say it's not for me, it's not for me.

Do you believe me?


Sit next to me.


Where else?

You don't ask Stéphane
if she'd like anything?

Would you like anything?

No, thank you.

Last time I visited,

I saw her steal Louise's things.


I did.

Pairs of shoes that she put in an Ikea bag.

She did that with my wine, too.

No, really?

That's why they're under lock and key.

You know...

She's like all Jews,
she can't stop herself.

It's in their blood.


I told my lawyer

you'll be at the hearing.

We'll win.

For sure.


Hello, Louise!

I didn't know you were coming.

Here I am.

Having work done?

Yes, I had this crazy idea.

But Agnès can't help me.
She has vertigo.

I don't.

Then you can help me.

Of course, with pleasure!

Follow me!

All these tapes!

I have a lot, don't I?

You do!


What are they?

When there were six TV channels,

for six years

I recorded all the programs, every one,

24 hours a day.

But... what for?

You see, Serge always forbid me to work.

I had to occupy myself.

Oh yeah.

I see.

Why was he against it?

Women who work weren't his cup of tea.

Stretch it taut so they won't fall.

- Perfect.

You have it?
- Yes, it's stretched tight.

OK, I'll pull it.


I wanted to know.

How did you meet Serge?

Our families.
Our parents were friends.

You should've seen him.
He was handsome, with dark eyes.

Your father was very erotic.

After that, there was



your mother...

and all the others.

He started to fall into dark rages.

He became violent.

He did?

With you, too?

Why didn't you leave?

I don't know.

I was weak

or a coward or...

Or something.
Or both at once.

Without Agnès
I don't know what I would've done.

The loss of my son

was such a shock for us all.

If Agnès hadn't been here,

I can't imagine...

So, they're solid now.

For sure.


Only you could've thought of this!

It would be silly if I died
crushed by my collections.

It's so soft.

It's fox.


It's yours.

- I insist.

No, I'm embarrassed.

Has Serge shown you our secret passage?

Secret passage?
- Yes.


I'll take you.

Here we go!

It's incredible!

I love coming here.
Everyone searches for me.


I wanted to ask you a question.

Yes, go ahead.

How did Frédéric die?


He's not dead!

He's not?


- No, he's...


One morning,

he packed his things, took his car and left.

Sorry, I thought he'd died!

Serge said that...

You haven't heard from him since?
- No.

It was his choice.

I'm sure he'll come back one day.

How can you leave your family like that?

At least he had the courage.

Serge wanted his son to succeed him,
to be like him.

But Frédéric had other plans.

Anyway, Serge never accepted
his homosexuality.

He was very hard on him.

And very violent.

It's good you're back.

Who're you waiting for? Nathalie?

She won't come.

Let's go.

Leave a message, thanks.

Hi, it's me.

Hey, I was expecting you today.

Why didn't you come?

I don't get it.

Are you paying me back for last time?

I'm sorry, y'know. I...

I overreacted, but...

I didn't get your reaction.

We have a date in court on Monday at 11.

We have to prepare your deposition.

There'll be my lawyer, Ms Ajello,
Louise and George's lawyer...

a caricature of the hysterical feminist.

So, you need to be convincing.

I'm not sure.

The judge won't believe me.

I'm convinced
she'll listen to you attentively

because we'll say the whole truth.

Oh yeah?

Which truth?

There's only one truth. Sit.

From childhood,

you and I were always very close.

I often came to visit you at your mom's.

Saturdays I'd take you to St-Maxime.

I'd buy you comic books,


I gave your mother money.
I looked after you.

If you want, you can say...

If you like...

that we get along well.

You have the same rights
in my company as George.

What does your little factory pay?

I can give you ten times as much.

No, no. I don't want anything.

I told you.



For a start.

Serge! I don't want it.

Take it!

No, I won't.

Yes. Buy me a present,
that's always nice.

I said no.

You're pissing me off!

Those two cunts
will steal all my money.

That's your role.

No, it isn't.

I said...
- Take it!

- Take it!


Take it!

Pick it up.

Pick it up!

Pick it up!

Go on!

Pick it up!


I can't talk.

Where are you?

I'll explain tomorrow.

Who are you with?

Stop it! I'm not with anyone!

More of your bullshit!

My landlady wants her room back.
I'm screwed.

She can't just kick you out!

What's going on?

What was that?

What was that?

Has she gone crazy?


Nathalie, fuck!

Feeling better?


I'm sorry about the vase.

That's of no importance. I'll buy others.

Would you like a drink?
- Yes?

No, thank you. Very kind.

Really, I'm so sorry.

I'll buy another.

One thing at least
that Agnès won't sell in secret.

But Serge...

Stéphane caught Agnès stealing shoes
from your little collection.

You should check.

No, Serge. Please...

Ridiculous! Nothing is missing!
- It's not true!

Agnès, Stéphane will be moving in with us.

I'll need the cottage.
- No!

She's not leaving!

I didn't ask, I swear!

- I swear!

You'll bring your things

No, Serge. It's out of the question!

This is my home.
You're in my house!

I want Agnès gone!

Why is it only shit
that comes out of your mouth?

Can't you shut up for once?

Agnès is staying with us.

Can I ask you a question?

Why do you stay?

I dunno.

I feel good here.


Everybody here's nuts.


As soon as I'm 18, I'm gone.


Where'll you go?

Back home to Sydney.
All my friends are there.

I'll take photography at university.

A gallery wants to show my work.

That's amazing!

Can I have a look?

I dunno.

Why not? If you want, I'll show you.
- Great.

Too bad we won't get to know each other.

You're my niece, I guess.

Strange, isn't it?

Are you glad?


That I'm part of the family.


For me, family's the worst.

It's poison in your blood.

A contamination

that makes you sick.

But still,

I mean, it's nice.

I'm cold, I'm going in.

Good night.


It's settled.

Agnès will leave at the end of the month.

Her cottage is...

very pleasant.

You'll be comfortable there.

Good night.

You've been convened
for Mr Dumontet's appeal

contesting the guardianship I ordered.

Ms Ajello, you support this appeal
and request we hear from

Stéphane Marson,
Mr Dumontet's daughter.

Counsel, have you seen this request?

Of course, your honor.

Good. Ms Ajello, what are the new elements
in this case?

I requested this hearing
as I have in my possession

a certain number of elements proving
that the request for guardianship

is absolutely abusive.

The request is based only on lies,
pretenses and slander.

As you can see, I am filing

first, Mr Dumontet's
complete medical file,

proving he is in perfect health.

And I'm calling on Ms Marson, his daughter,

so that she can finally tell
her story.

Your honor, forgive me.
They only met in January.

- I wanted to begin by saying

that Ms Marson sought to remain
outside of this dispute.

However, given the gravity of the accusations

facing her father,
she felt she had to speak out.

Counsel for the applicants?
- Yes, your honor.

My clients reject the entirety
of Ms Marson's allegations.

Which they deem completely self-serving.

It's all a lie.

She was never in his life. As my client said,
they've known each other two months.

We will ask the witness.

Ms Marson, do you confirm that you've been
close to your father for years?

In fact,

Serge and I always saw each other in secret.

You'll be sorry you meddled!
- Please!


He looked after me
when I had money problems, or...

when Mom died.

He was always very attentive
and I have to say even...

very tender with me.

The three of us,

with Mom, would spend
the weekend in St-Maxime.

He always bought me comic books,


Ms Marson...

I have a very important question.
Please think before answering.

Do you believe Mr Dumontet
is in full possession of his faculties?

He has always...

Even if he is reduced...


he's someone who has...

spirit and convictions.

And he has many worries.

I can't stay!

Yes, stay. Stay.


to be honest...
- Finally!

It's true that, since his stroke,

he's changed a lot.

Go on.

He has frequent

fainting spells,


He's increasingly incoherent.

And when he notices, you know,

he loses his cool.

What are you saying?

And these past weeks,

I spent a lot of time with him.

And I've seen Serge


I'm sorry.

Take your time.

I've seen Serge

fly into horrible rages.

He became violent.

Very violent with George,

very violent with Louise.

With Agnès, too.

I know this isn't what you expected,

but I just can't lie.

George and Louise have only...

your well-being in mind.

When they try to help,
you threaten them.

It can't go on.

It can't. And for them,

it's not fair.

Sometimes you don't remember things.

Remember what you did to George?

You strangled her.

And Saturday...

I was in the bath.

He came in...

You stripped naked,

got in the tub with me.

You touched me.


I can't rule on this basis.

So I'll order

an evaluation, both psychiatric

and social.

Mr Dumontet, do you understand
what I've just decreed?

A psychiatric and social evaluation?


Mr Dumontet?



Mr Dumontet?

Mr Dumontet?
- Serge?

One day we were eating,

with George and Louise.

They talked about me as if I couldn't hear,
when I was right in front of them.

As if I was already dead.

They were after my money.

Like you.

So I went down to the cellar

and took one of the hunting rifles.

But when I tried to aim at them,

my arms started to shake.
I didn't have the strength.

The gun was too heavy.


when I saw you arrive at the port,

I thought, someone who can do that...

pretend to be my daughter...

She's a gift from heaven.

My daughter...

I searched for her.

And then one day I found her.

I even attended her trial.

Five years in prison

for pushing to her death her lover

who wouldn't leave her husband.

That's when you met her.

In prison.

Wasn't it?

What do you take me for?

I know everything.

You're Nathalie Cordier, an orphan,

investigated numerous times

for identity theft.

How much did you make?

Did you see?
I copied George's haircut.

She's so beautiful.

And Louise...

I never met anyone like her.

Help me!
- And...

Louise told me.
Frédéric's not dead.

I'd like to meet him.
I always wanted a brother.

I'd love it.

And it would make Louise so happy.

You've no idea where he might be?

Are you serious when you say that?

Yes, of course.

It'd be fantastic.

Is that the reason?

You were looking for a family?

My fucking god!

I was such an idiot.

OK, I'm calling the cops.

No, don't move.
- Get off me!

You'll have another stroke!

You bitch!

Just like George!

Stop it.

Stop it.


Please, something's wrong!


Please, my father!

What's wrong?

It's... I don't know.

Leave a message, thanks.

The Dumontet family mourns the loss
of Serge Dumontet

What's wrong?

Still dreaming of Nathalie?


You still don't get it?

It's what she does, ask anyone.

She hits on prison chicks,
reels them in, and when she's bored,

she ghosts'em.


Leave me alone!

Normally you could attend
your father's funeral

accompanied by several officers, of course.

But what can I do?
Nothing proves he's your father.

Don't you have a letter?
Something showing you're his daughter?


There's nothing.

Mom refused to help me.
- Stéphane,

even if I believed you,
there's nothing I can do. Forget it.

Leave a message, thanks.

Why are you here?

You ran away?

Are you crazy?
They'll be searching for you everywhere!

Wait, you have to be back by 7.

You'll ruin all our plans...

Your early release.
- Answer me!

Were you in a fight?
- Don't touch me!

Excuse me...

Excuse me, madame.
Who invited you?

I wasn't invited.

I'm Stéphane.

Serge's daughter.

What do you mean?

I'm Serge's daughter!

She's completely crazy!



She's lying!

You don't understand.

You pretend you're me
while I'm in jail?

Is that it?
- I'll ask you to leave.

Excuse me?



I'll tell everyone the truth.

The truth is you broke in here.

My sister and I are in mourning.

I'm your sister!

I'm Serge's daughter!

He's my father!
- I understand.

But inside are all our local officials,
police chiefs, judges

and two former ministers.

If you go in, I'll say you attacked me.


You'll pay!



Where did Serge keep the keys
to the cellar?

They should be in his office.

Could you bring them to us?

What for?

For 30 years we couldn't go near his bottles.

We'll make up for lost time!

Can I have one?
- Sure.


Leave her. If she smokes in secret
or here, it's all the same.

Can I have one?
- Help yourself!

Thank you.

Can I squeeze in?

Agnès, you're wearing
the earrings I gave you.

I'm so glad.

Stéphane, come join us.

Where shall I sit?

What is it now?
Can't you be still one minute?

What the fuck?

You're crazy!

Stop it! Stop!


Gimme that!

Stop, shit!

Get off me!

Stop it!

Gimme that!

Stéphane, you're insane!
- Go away!

Leave me alone!


You don't understand.

I'm with my family.
My dad just died!


Put yourself in my shoes.

Ever since I was born Mom kept telling me
what a bastard Dad was.

And that she'd dance on his grave
the day he died.

So, you know, I...

I wanted to meet him...

that man, to hear...

his version. You know?

Why are you jealous?

It's you I love!

What are you playing at?

I need you!

What are you doing?

He's my father.

I love you!

You're all I have!

All I have.

You're hurting me.


You put on perfume?


I don't know what it is.

The wine...

It didn't agree with me. I was sick.

A shame! Perhaps the bottles are too old.

I'll close the shutters.

I'll turn in.

I'll turn in, too.

You, Jeanne?

The same.

Stéphane, could you clean up?

I don't like leaving a mess.


I'll let you in.

Who is it?

Who is it?

Hello, George.

- Hello.

How are you?

We buried my dad today.
- Of course.

I know it's late.
We're looking for someone.

What's... Oh, Flavien.
- Hello.

Hi, Youssef. How are you?
- Fine, thanks.

Our condolences.

Your husband did so much
for the town.

You're kind to have come all this way
to say that.

Actually, we're looking for
a missing convict.

How was my husband involved?

She claimed to be his daughter.

She'd applied for permission

to attend Mr Dumontet's funeral.

Do you know her?

No, I've never seen her.

I have. She was here this afternoon.


Are you sure?
- Absolutely! She was wearing...

a leather jacket and jeans.

Imagine, at a funeral!

I saw her too. She was weird.

Did she escape? Is she dangerous?

For now we don't know.

I see.
- And you, madame?

Could you come here?

- Hello.

Yes, well... I don't know her.

I'll show you the photo.

I've never seen her.

Stéphane Marson.

Ring a bell?

Her phone pings here, so if you don't mind
we'll look around.

To avoid any problems.

George, I'll leave my card.

Yes, thank you.

We'll keep you informed.

Take care.

Good night.
- Thank you.

I'll call her.
- Good idea.


Subtitles: Robert Gray, Kinograph