The Monocle (1964) - full transcript

A French agent goes after a gang of Asian terrorists who plan to blow up an American nuclear aircraft carrier. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Oh, it?s you, Dromard.
- Yes, Sir. My assignment is over.

Very well. Here are
the elements of your next one.

Start the projection
as soon as you?re ready.

Got it.

Now, briefly, here are the facts.

On the 5th of May, in the area of Moscow,

professor Vorontsov
was killed in a car accident.

The brakes of the car
had been sabotaged.

The professor was a Soviet
nuclear rocket specialist.

Whether it?s an individual accident,

or a large-scale disaster such as this,
also sabotage,

we face a series of attacks occurring
in every country in the world,

and always targeting men
working in scientific research.

Here, 127 people died in the street.

Here, you can see a derailed train
in the USA, also the result of an attack.

Scientists, transports, prototypes,
electrical facilities, factories,

every single thing that could
help nuclear physics is targeted.

And last week, they tried to
bomb the factory in Marcoul.

What do you think of it?
- Bad series.

Yes. Well, Dromard, all those attacks
have a common element, atomic research.

We think the same person,
or group of persons,

is responsible for all of them.

We must know who they are,
and I?m relying on you for the task.

But what about the U.N.?

France decided to
go solo on this case.

To alert an international organization

would have prompted the creation
of a dozen committees and subcommittees

before any action could have been taken.

I know, Sir, that you prefer...

Not to lose any time in useless talk.

Do we face a group of fanatics?

Some sect or freemasonry reborn?
A conspiracy?

We must act, Dromard. Now.

What does your file include?

Two suspects.

This man?s name is Bergourian.

He participated in the aborted
sabotage of the Marcoul facilities.

His accomplices were shot.
We allowed him to escape.

In Marseille, he boarded the "Laos",
bound for Hong-Kong.

This young woman seems
to follow him like a shadow.

Her name is Valerie Castarelli.

She?s also en route to Hong-Kong.

Other than that,
she?s totally unknown to our services.

Bergourian is our only lead.

You must dog his steps
and find the head of his network.

I leave it to you.

As usual, your instructions...
- I know, Sir.

Dromard, you have full clearance,
during your mission,

to act in the best interest of France.

In less than twelve hours, sergeant Poussin
and I will be aboard the "Laos",

and we?ll escort M. Bergourian to China.
And farther if necessary.

This land is eternal China,
M. Poussin.

Can you smell the
perfume of the trade winds

bringing the sweet smells
of the Middle Kingdom?

Can you hear the tinkling of
Ming era china..

In verdant palaces where mandarins
while away the quiet hours

in the company of
lascivious concubines?

When I was a child,

the good friars collected the
silver wrappings of our chocolate bars

in order to buy pants
for Chinese kids.

That?s a lot of chocolate bars.

Yes. A whole generation
of French kids, including myself,

got liver trouble,
so that babies from Peking

wouldn?t get red buttocks
from exposure. How moving.

If Chinese hospitality is not a legend,
somebody must be waiting for our friend.

And not just anybody.

Welcome to Hong-kong.

Chinese hospitality...
How?s this for a start?

Go figure who shot him.
They all look alike.

That?s the end of our lead, I?m afraid.

I must admit, this is a
very aggravating incident.

It?s hard to believe that anybody
could regret the passing of M. Bergourian,

but I?ve already met
absurdly emotional creatures

and we can assume,
that this one knew him.

At last we?re having some luck.

Please allow me to pay you
my respects, major.

I?m Frederic de la Perouse,
a secretary at the French Consulate.

I?ve been asked to make
your mission easy and enjoyable.

I?m really sorry.
I couldn?t know.

And your chief
asked me to welcome you.

Oh, then it was the Colonel...

Yes, he?s an old friend of Father?s.

He knew me
when I was a newborn baby,

so, of course, he trusts me.

He can safely do that, he?s in Paris.

I have my instructions regarding you.

If I understand correctly,
we must take orders from you?

Your understanding is perfect, major.
- What was that again?

Please, Poussin, don?t get excited.
What are those instructions?

First, to have you stay
at a place downtown,

in order to avoid attention
by the British police.

Second, to make your task easier.
- Good start.

Anyway, I?ll try to provide you
with information on Bergourian.

Bergourian died on the pier,
and the trail is lost.

Yes, but I?ll visit the
British Police headquarters.

I?ll be less conspicuous
than you would be.

The English? Beware, major!

I didn?t know that we?re
at war with the English!

Young man, it?s always a good thing
to be at war with the English.

The man that you?re going to visit
must be your only contact in Hong Kong.

You don?t move.

I?ll have your luggage delivered

and shall give you instructions
over the phone.

Does the owner speak French?

At least he?s holding a French passport.

OK, you?re in the Chinese town,

you take the stairs.

I can?t go with you
for fear of being spotted,

but the place is really easy to find

it?s in the first wide street that you?ll
encounter downstairs, with arches.

Just ask for Temple Street
and find number 11A.

It?s not exactly luxurious,
but it?s cosy... well, it?s habitable.

You?ll see a small staircase
which will lead you up to a flat.

On the door you?ll see an inscription,
Elie Services. That?s it.

Please excuse our
intruding in your home.

Welcome, major!
I?m Elie Mayerfitsky.

I can see we have no secrets for you.

Apparently, our young embassy attache
doesn?t believe in silence.

Mister Elie Mayerfitsky, you say?

Elie Services. A great cover, major.

I?m the main supplier for
crews and passengers alike.

Mandarin dresses, cameras,
radios, Chinese pyjamas

and... a few good addresses.

Quality and discretion.

Well, until I say otherwise,
to you and anybody, my name is Perceval.

And, please, Mister Mayerfitsky,
avoid mentioning my rank.

You can count on me, majo...
mister Perceval.

I know only too well how,
in our line of work,

speaking carelessly can be lethal.

Beware, beware, enemy ears are listening.

Didn?t know it was a Chinese saying.

Shut up, Poussin. If Mr. Mayerfitsky
is somewhat experienced,

you might very well get the chance
not to complain about it.

Oh, experienced...
I?ve had many experiences,

though, not all of them happy.

In order to survive,
I had to learn fast.

The war cross with palms.
The voluntary enlisted medal.

The... Far East medal.

Are these all of your achievements?

No. I started in Berlin, in 1918.

The year I was born.
A bad year.

A question of perspective.

Oh, you know, when you?ve been
a 15 year old boy in 1933, in Nazi Germany,

and your name is Elie Mayerfitsky...

your notions of homeland and history
are rather disrupted.

We knew ourselves a few
unpleasantnesses, soon afterwards.

I knew them too, major.

Belgium, the retreat toward the
bridges on the Loire River, the Debacle.

I crossed the Spanish frontier,
then it was North Africa,

the Italy campaign,

and at last: June 1944, the Great Day!

The Normandy landings.

And then, Elie?

Tonkin. Up to Dien Bien Phu.

After that, I found
that my springs were broken.

The times had changed.
When I was discharged,

I decided to stay in the Far East,
but I had to choose a side.

And you obtained a
French passport in exchange for...?

A small job. I?m the Secret Services
receiving clerk, here.

Is this an official title?

No. My pay is classified
in your files under,

"miscellaneous expenses".

You?ll have to prove that
it?s worth more than that.


Hello? Oh, it?s for you, maj...
mister Perceval.

You friend Bergourian was the bursar
of a banker named Pei Tong Sen,

who will be found tonight in Aberdeen,
in an illegal gambling circle.

Elie will take you there.
Tell him it?s "Yong?s".

Congratulations, young man.

Well, they always talk bad of clerks,

when in fact,
they're doing most of the job.

It?s here. In one of those junks.
- Which one?


We?ll have to ask for directions.

It?s always on the move.

Because of the police,
since it harbours illegal gambling.

Some even say, opium is smoked there.

An opium den? At last!
The air will smell of China!

This place seems full
of dubious characters.

Do you carry a gun, my dear Elie?
- Oh, no, I?m not, major.

I think you?re definitely careless.
- Oh, I?ve got my lucky charm, major.

Perfect. But call me Perceval, please.

Here it is! I recognize it.

Mister Pei Tong Sen?
- Yes.

Please allow me to introduce myself,
I?m professor Perceval.

From Dignes. I?m French.
- Charmed, I?m sure.

I?d like to talk to you about
Mr. Bergourian,

in the company of whom I travelled.

Please, do me the honour
to lie at my side.

Only a fool can believe he?s wise
when he hides his true soul.

What about telling me the truth?


I had spotted Bergourian,
and I know why he was killed.

His masters probably thought
it was convenient

to cut a line that could
lead me to them.

Only you can help me now.
Who are they?

The people who, in a few moments,

are going to kill me and to kill you.

A very ominous prospect.

But, is it unavoidable?

You fell into a trap that
wasn?t intended for you,

but for them.
I?m the bait, you see.

The British police is the hunter.

Now I understand how
that young nincompoop,

could find so easy a way,
to reach you.

The British are also interested
in my Pei Ping brothers.

If I understand correctly,

your brothers want to kill you? Why?

We differ on a subtle point
of text interpretation.

Our sect is divided in two factions.

Your sect?

Our chief, the Celestial King
or Ting Huam,

has got his own monastery in Macao.

In Macao?

Yes. The oldest temple is there.

There were enunciated the
sacred principles of our ancestors.

Like they did,
our master Ting Huam

must bring absolute peace
to the world.

And your brothers want to kill you
for peace?s sake?

We don?t agree about
the means to achieve peace.

Oh,I can guess who?s coming.

In your next life,

please do us the honour
of being born in our country.

Please, excuse me, major,

but the junk has been closed,
and men are coming aboard.

We know that.
They come to kill us.

But... shouldn?t we
do something about it?

Lower your voice, please.

If die we must, then die we shall.

We can?t stay like this.
We must do something.

Are we going to die
without doing anything?

It wouldn?t be fair, major.

What do you say, major?
Would it be fair?

To tell you the truth, Elie,

I don?t relish your
constant complaining.

They?re in the corridor, major.
We should put our arses in gear.

Well, gentlemen, if you?re all agreed,

I guess we have to fight.
Your lucky charm will be useful,

Elie. My dear Poussin,
you should open this door.

Twenty-one. Twenty-two.

Twenty-four. Twenty-five.

So you won?t give me an explanation?

Come on, let?s be serious, shall we?

You can imagine that Mr. Mayerfitsky
is well-known to our services.

I know I?m not talking to tourists.

And your passports...

Terrible fakes! Amateur work!

Alright, shall we talk like old friends?

Oh, excuse me.
So we were saying, mister...

mister... Perceval!
So be it, temporarily...

Mister Perceval, then, you haven?t been
arrested by the Anti-Narcotic Bureau,

as it could have been,
but by the Special Branch.

As senior officer,

I?m in charge of
political security in Hong-Kong

and the new territories.

Without me,
there?s no residence permit,

no travel permit, no permit at all.

But with me, anything is possible

even small commercial transactions

if your information is interesting.

Right. We, British,

won?t use violence...

but we sometimes hire
Chinese specialists.

The guard dies and does not surrender.

This is frivolous, major.

I?m glad Mrs. Castarelli was here
to introduce us properly.

Major Dromard, may I introduce

the senior officer of
the Special Branch,

Edward Sidney.

Mrs. Castarelli is great
at public relations,

she knows everybody.

She knows everybody but she
disappoints me a great deal.

Oh, treacherous Valerie.

You were mystery incarnate,
and now there is no more mystery.

You?re working for the English.
How mundane!

Everybody works for the English.

Except you, Dromard. Alas!

I love this alas.
- I do mean it.

Well, even if you
don?t work for us,

you might work with us.

Why are you in Hong-Kong, Dromard?

Do you really think this is a fit question
to ask a secret agent?

I think we are working
on the same case, Major.

You don?t know Asia, Major.

Here, everywhere,
this is China.

Which our government recognized,
fifteen years before yours did.

And here: Hong-Kong.
Big as the French department of Seine,

three and a half millions people,
including nine thousand Europeans,

including five hundred French.

Hong-Kong is a port
where the American war fleet,

seeks shelter with their
giant atomic aircraft carriers.

But it?s also the extension
of communist China.

It?s very hard to keep in harmony
all the forces whose paths cross here.

But it has to be done.

Whatever the cost,
order must reign here.

I understand perfectly and,
I?ll warn you immediately,

should I discover, anything dangerous.

Dangerous for England?

Your friend just told us that
there are 500 French people here.

On no account, are you allowed
to leave the island.

You can trust me entirely.

Yes, I know. You and my men,
who will keep an eye on you.

You?ll always be able to join me
in my hotel, major. Mandarin Hotel.

When the Chinese quarter?s novelty,

ceases to charm you.

Every charm is yours, madam,

and the whole of China,
couldn?t keep me from you.

At ease, gentlemen.

Amazing, that opium den of yours!

It reminded me of the
storming of Strasbourg...

with added Chinese.

How I would have preferred
to be at your side, Major, but...

I didn?t know. I never thought
that the secret service...

...required courage.

The Second Bureau is like headquarters

they talk, they decide,
and then it?s up to us.

But let?s cut the silliness,
I?d like a drink.

You?re going to
have dinner, major.

Are we supposed to eat here?

The only thing I understand is,
no beefsteak, no fries.

I would have cooked
for you at my place,

but Mister de la Perouse...

Yes, I thought meeting here,
would be more discreet.

Whatever! I like the exotism.

But still: no beefsteak, no fries.
- Poussin!

With your permission,
I?m going to order.

No, we?ll leave that task
to our friend, here.

He proved tonight that he could
be very resourceful in hard times.

Aw, shucks, major.

You did, you did,
I like your movement. Boom.

Our friend gallantly sacrificed

an artefact that was
dear to his heart.

Here you are.
I ordered a Mongolian hotpot.

That?s North China cooking.

Alright, we?ll see.

By the way, Hiroshima, you?ll order
something to drink for me.

Will it be claret or burgundy, major?

Now, about wine...
- They don?t have any?

But this is no Christian country!
- Mister Poussin!

Actually, there is Chinese wine,

She was the one who mourned
our friend Bergourian, this morning.

May I? I?ve got a degree
in Oriental Languages.

Come and see me in Macao,

in the home of the fisherman,
Shai Wan Tai.

On the beach of Playa Grande.

How far from here is Macao?
- Four hours by boat.

They say all paths lead to Rome.

It seems that when in Hong-Kong,
they rather lead to Macao.

Yeah, to see Venice and die.
I know the drill. I?m not buying.

Young man,
you?re coming with me.

You?ll bring me a passport
and a visa.

Try to be efficient this time.

These two gentlemen will stay here,
they?re too well known already.

We just need to fool the English,
who are watching us.

Very well, Major.

Don?t forget to bring a gun.
- A gun?

We, executives, sometimes have
to resort to direct action,

in order to be convincing.

What?s with you?
- The radio.

Those Chinese are so funny.

Are you crazy? What are...?

What are you doing?

Major Dromard is not allowed
to leave Hong-Kong,

but he can cease to be Major Dromard.

I would not have recognized you.
- That?s the whole point.

That?s my hat you?re wearing.
- Irrelevant. See you later, gentlemen!

A brand new hat...

Mister Poussin, you could have
dispensed with this superfluous ness.

Put something on,
and escort me downstairs,

so you can obscure my trail.

Macao! A gambler?s hell!

A gambler?s hell? There?s just
one casino and three lousy clubs.

Too bad.

The Playa Grande is at
the other end of the island.

We?ll be there,
in fifteen minutes.

I tend to think that
you?ll find this job,

very unlike your usual office work,
Mister de la Perouse.

You may call me Frederic,
you know.

Alright, Frederic.
My given name is Theobald.

You may call me Major.

Here it is, this is his shack.

You?re going to cover me.
- What?

Don?t you think that your imagination
is leading you a bit too far?

I do not imagine. I know.

I know that here, in Macao,
in the temple of T?ien Wong,

we?ll find the key to the mystery.

Whether it is a trap or not,
this little Chinese girl led us here.

Afterwards we?ll go to the temple,

and I also know that a lot of people
want to prevent us from doing so.

Are you armed, by the way?

Yes, of course. Here.

That?s an entertaining model.

My father?s little cousin,
had the same one.

Do you know how to use it?
- Well, I practiced.

- In Dad?s cellar.

The charming thing about
the administration, is its candour.

Wasn?t she here?

No, but it seems that she had
other visitors, shortly before us.

Do you think she?s...

I was right,
she had visitors before us.

Is she dead?

No, she?s waiting for
a fish to take the bait.

Did I betray my identity?

My dear chap, I?m definitely not
a character actor.

I?d better be myself.

Haven?t you been taught anything?

Look. To aim accurately, you must
support the gun. Like this.

Maybe that was a bit too much.

A double!

Is this one yours or mine?

Oh, let?s not be petty-minded,
you can have him.

That?s ten for me, to your three.

Wait for me.

May I speak French to you?

I know seven languages of men,

but none of them,
harbours true wisdom.

You are T?ien Wong.

In the whole world,
people are killing in your name.

Who are you?
- Major Dromard,

a Frenchman sent here,
to try and put an end

to the present tide
of murders and bombings.

I never wanted this.

But it?s occurring,
and you're not opposing it.

Do you see those small lights?

They?re the souls of all the
dead people from Hiroshima.

I have devoted all my strength
to peace, for eighteen years.

I brought men together,
inside a faith that I, rekindled.

Man worships matter,
and has forgotten the spirit.

The spirit has to be victorious.

Wisdom must control science.

If men keep on trying to be like God,

everything will be destroyed,
even God.

So, in order to bring wisdom and peace
to men, you kill and massacre them.

I do not approve of the one,
who, in our name,

commits these acts of violence.

I see. You differ on a point of
interpretation of the texts.

This is the problem in a nutshell.
Who?s that man?

More than my son.

He wants to
force peace on the world.

In spite of our appeals,
scientists kept on researching,

so he destroys their work,
and he destroys them too.

Violence never brought any peace,
but the peace of death.

Your duty is to report this madman.

That man might be the Hand of God.

Many of our men believe so,
and help him. The others pray.

Might it not be right, to destroy
a factory where violence is made,

a man who creates violence,
a plane which carries violence,

a boat which carries the planes,
which carry violence?

An aircraft-carrier?

An American aircraft-carrier is
scheduled to dock soon in Hong-Kong.

He wants to destroy it?

There are three thousand
American sailors on board that ship.

And tomorrow, he might kill
ten thousand Russian workers.

You must report this man.

Russians. Americans. Chinese.

In the whole world,
people are praying with us.

They will die. Because of you.

If the scales in Heaven,

tip in their favour,

they will survive.

- Interesting but incomplete.

What about this?

My dear chap, the celestial king and I,
have spiritual affinities.

He?s bestowing his protection on me
and has me escorted back to Hong-Kong.

In his limitless generosity, he?s willing
to extend the favour to you.

And you trust him?

She says all those people
are immigrants,

illegally trying to reach Hong-Kong.

What if the English see the junk?

What did she say?
- They would sink it,

but only if it doesn?t stop.

If it does, all these people
will be sent back.


There are too many people
in Hong-Kong. Too many.

There are too many people,

He says he?s going to drop us in
a small port, North of Hong-Kong.

About twenty kilometres
from the city.

A twenty kilometres walk?
- Does it frighten you?

No, but being a cavalry officer,
I think this is ludicrous.

I arranged everything.

He asked for 50 dollars,
but he finally took seven.

This way, you won?t have to walk.
Are you happy?

No, I feel dirty.
- Yes, but alive.

Quite temporarily.

We now know, too much.
he whole sect must be after us.

He?ll try to get us.
- But I don?t know anything!

Would you like me to try and
convince them of this fact?

They?ll try to kill me anyway, you know,
so... Trust me, Major..

I?d rather know everything,
and take chances consciously.

As you wish.

The killers leader is a disciple
of T?ien Wong, almost like a son.

He?s about to bomb the Tarawa,

in the River of Pearls, just outside
of Chinese territorial waters.

He must be arrested!

Yes. Unfortunately,
I don?t know his name.

Look, Frederic, two chances
are better than one.

Run for the Consulate,
and stay there.

In the event of my disappearance,
contact senior officer Sidney.

Shall I tell him everything?

Information must be haggled over.
Especially in China.

This is all I could find.

Perfect. But how are you,
going to get home?

I?ll manage.
- Well, good luck, Frederic.

Good luck and thank you, Major.

From now on, why don?t
you call me, Theobald?

Bacon.. Onions..


Very good. And the wine is perfect.
Where is it from?

An Air France Boeing,
landed yesterday.

I told you,
you just have to ask.

My man! You see, people who like to eat
good food always manage to get along.

I remember once,
on the Fourth of July...

Sincerely yours, gentlemen.

What do I smell?

The Bastille!

I see you?re organizing our billet.

One has to survive.
It?s Coq au vin, Major.

I?ll put another plate on the table.

Delighted. I?ll join you
after taking a shower.

No water!
- What do I hear?

Rationing. We have running water
for only one hour a day.

I?ll bring you a jug.

It?s... it?s there...
it?s ready...


A somewhat special client.

Maybe we could have lunch.

One moment.
An urgent phone call to make.

Mandarin Hotel.
Miss Castarelli, please.

Valerie, Hello!

And since I run the risk
of being followed,

our date must seem to be
of the romantic kind,

therefore my demeanour
might be slightly effusive.

Yes, very French.

My pleasure too, my dear.

It?s getting cold.

You must eat while
it?s warm, Major.

You?re like mother hens for me,
thank you. Thanks, Poussin.

They just blew up the henhouse.

Well, now it's a doghouse

- I mean a joke.

The Coq au vin!
My Coq au vin..


This unscheduled date?s
urgency, madam,

springs from highly
important information.

But senior officer Sidney
wasn?t ready to meet you.

You refused his initial offer,
after all.

It was a job offer,
not a political alliance.

If I understand correctly, Major,
you suggest the Entente Cordiale.

Yes, with a general in chief: me!

Come on! Always this
policy of greatness.

Well, the senior officer waits
for you at the steam bath,

Japanese Bath, B-3...
- B-3...

- Cameron...

- Road.

This guy is starting to annoy me.

What do you want?

I don?t like your attitude.

Say what you will, nothing tops
the good old methods.

Mister Poussin. You?re becoming
more and more undisciplined.

I?m ready to forget
this vulgar incident,

but I don?t like you acting
as if you were Lemmy Caution.

- Where are you, Major?


You would think this was London.

No, don?t rub it in, Dromard,
I?m already homesick.

Let?s talk about Macao, rather.

There?s something rotten,
in the city of Macao.

You see, Dromard, Macao is
like Hong-Kong gone bad.

The China of the past, dying.

England has its good points.

When the French ally
themselves to the English,

the situation has to be serious.
- Try dramatic.

Yes, but you didn?t tell us anything
that we didn?t know already.


You see, the charming person who
escorted you here, studied in Oxford.

She doesn?t speak English.

She?s been working with us
for almost four years.

So you?re not worried that
the aircraft-carrier Tarawa,

close to the territorial waters
of communist China,

should blow up in Hong-Kong bay?


They don?t learn everything in Oxford.
- Are you sure, Dromard?

Doesn?t it seem logical.

A nuclear disaster,
for which responsibility

would fall on your
troublesome neighbour.

Lots of peace conferences would be needed,
to mend something like that.

We know a lot of sect members.
I?ll have them all arrested.

And you?ll never know
who?s the real leader.

Do you have any idea?
- Better than that, a plan.

What do you propose?
- I?ll be the bait.

They?ll kill you.

f they wanted to kill,
they could have done so already.

It would have been easy.

No, they?ll try to abduct me,
in order to interrogate me.

Our man want to know what
the old monk told me.

Logical. They?ll try to kidnap you.

And you?ll be there. When is the
aircraft-carrier due to arrive?

Sometime tomorrow.

Then tonight they?ll try to
abduct me.

Therefore tonight,
we must lay a trap for them.

Why do you do all this, Dromard?

You see, Major, the more I see
those Chinese, the more I tell myself,

My God! How French they are!

Is this love?
- No, this is propaganda.

Thank you. But why are
you doing this?

Nobody is following us anymore.

I?ll have the pleasure
of taking you out, tonight.

Orders from the general staff.
We?ll have numerous followers.

I?d rather be alone with you.

Circumstances won?t exactly,
be favourable.

Since we last met, you didn?t
encourage privacy between us.

You can?t know how hard it was
to lie to you. But I couldn?t...

What about now?

So she sat there and let me love her;

and from the top of the couch,
she smiled, pleased by my love,

deep and soft as the sea,

drifting up toward her,
as if toward the cliff...

Do you talk this way to all women?

Never to all at the same time.
I love only one at a time.

One woman in every port,

In London, Paris, Hong-Kong,

it was only for you, Valerie,
that my heart could beat.

I?ve got a feeling,
we?re being followed again.

- Yes.

There is an age in life

when every dream must end.

An age when your quietly

praying soul needs to remember.

When my now cold muse

puts an end to her love songs,

I?ll go back to my Normandy,

the country where I was born.

Everything is quiet so far.

How can you say such a thing,

when you just disrupted
my whole heart, madam?

Theobald, please.

You can trust sergeant Poussin.

Even to my funeral, he would
bring those gentlemen to us.

Are they following us?
- They?re not far behind.

What is this?
- A Chinese girl.

I can see that. Care to elaborate?

A charming little subject.

She was lonely,
so we dared to bring her.

I know mister Poussin.

In spite of everything,
this is a holyday.

Put this in your pocket, Elie,
it?s unsightly.

What is it?

A transistorized transmitter.

Thanks to it, Frederic and the
English police can hear and follow us.

If there is any danger,

you?ll just have to sing or whistle
your favourite tune,

"I?ll go back to my Normandy"
That?s tonight?s rallying signal.

You sing, the police appears.

I can imagine your amazement.
Mischievous, isn?t it?

Sitting here between the
East and the West, I drink to beauty!

You know, before,
I didn?t care about anything.

I wasn?t afraid of anything.
Now I?m afraid.

What is going to happen to us?

My dear,
Romeo and Juliet died together,

with a smile on their face.

I?d rather live.

Oh, shit! Shit, shit,
I?ll never be able to do this!

And while we?re here,
they?re feasting!

No, not like that.

I?ll go back to my Normandy,

the country where I was born.

A torpor is grabbing me.

Theobald,I feel very tired.

I?d lie down if there were a bed.

Gentlemen, we?ve been drugged.

Oh... complications are dawning.


We must do something.

No, we agreed to barge in only when
we hear the rallying signal.

I?ll go back to see my Normandy!
I got it!

This will help us
recover our strength.

What is it?
- It?s Chinese.

Only the cops can
get us out of here.

I wish this nincompoop
hadn?t lost the transmitter!

I knew we couldn?t rely on him.

Mister Poussin, please. This is a bad
time to pick a quarrel with him.

Wait! I?ve got an idea!
- Things can?t get worse anyway.

Allow me to congratulate you.


The liveliness of modern times, allied to
the melancholy of vintage local songs.

It?s very satisfying to meet a music lover
whose also a French-speaking linguist.

My wife is French
and I studied in Paris,

but I now live here.

Being the director of a bank, such as
the Kowloon Bank Company,

requires my continuous presence.

Would you to us the pleasure
of having a drink with us?

I won?t say no!

In a few minutes,
if you don?t mind.

Oh, no, let?s go. I?m so thirsty!
- Mister Poussin!

Your friend is right.
My car is waiting.

Come on, let?s go.

Do you know him?
- He?s Oscar Hui, the banker.

Up to now,
I did what I was supposed to do.

From now on,
I?ll do what?s necessary.

Were you carrying all of this?

That?s a lot. But useless.

What did my revered master
tell you in Macao?

If you?re not interested
in a friendly chat, Major,

I?ll know how to
make you talk later.

Afterwards, nothing
will be left to you, but dying.

You see, sir, the superiority of
intelligence over brute strength,

is that intelligence
kills, through logic,

while strength kills through anger.

Irony is fruitless.

I?ve got a precise,well-considered
and pure purpose.

Man must be man, not God.

He?s unable to control
the forces he created.

Knowledge must be killed.
Science must be killed.

Culture must be killed.

God gave me this mission.

After me, only faith, peace

and wisdom will remain.

And what about all the innocent
victims of your attacks?

Every just cause has its martyrs.

Of course. In France, we say that
you can?t cook an omelette,

without breaking some eggs.
- It?s never fun to be an egg.

Don?t bother. Did you see
the cop?s face?

Don?t worry just yet.

We?re just about to change cars.

There are too many
policemen on duty tonight.


I hope nobody was hurt.

They got me, Major.

Of course not, old chap.

You were hit by a bullet, that?s all.

You were in the Foreign Legion,
you know how it is.

I do. That?s the point.

Goodbye, little Norman.

We have strange fields of honour.

The name of the man
you?re looking for, is Oscar Hui.

He owns the
Kowloon Bank Company.

Oscar Hui. He owned
the Kowloon Bank Company.

What does this mean?
- Strange..

Gentlemen? I?m Mrs. Hui.

Please excuse me, madam,
to disturb you so early.

I?m senior officer Sidney,

and I would have like a private interview,
with your husband.

Unfortunately, sir,

your visit proves you?re ignorant
of the misfortune that is mine.

My husband died.

Yes. He passed away four days ago.
- Four days?

This is a great affliction for us all.

He was such a good man.

His funeral service
will take place later today.

He asked to be buried
on the small island

of Chong Choo, facing the sea,
as tradition dictates.

Near the small temple
where he liked to go and pray.

My husband was a very pious man.

We?re aware of his pious activities,

and I assure you, madam,
that we share your terrible grief.

How Oscar must be laughing now.

And the idea of searching the house
didn?t cross your mind?

He might be inside.

One hell of a house!
And well situated.

Must be worth quite a lot of bread.

How dumb can we be,

having our skin punctured
for peanuts.

When I think of poor Elie!

He must be mad,
and for a good reason.

You irritate me, sergeant Poussin.

Mister Oscar Hui is a
very prominent person.

We can?t search his home
without orders from high places.

Well, go and fetch your orders!

No time. The funeral procession
starts in two hours.

What about the aircraft-carrier?
- It should arrive in two hours.

Don?t you think this is
a strange coincidence?

I do.

There is a probable link between
the funeral and the bombing.

If Mr. Hui chose to disappear,
he must have an serious reason.

Let?s prevent the funeral,
we?ll prevent the bombing.

I can?t act officially.

I have all travellers watched and nobody
can arrive, without being searched,

but the body must
be taken to an island,

and I can?t prevent the
floating hearse, from sailing.

Mr. Hui had too much money
and influence.

Here and now, it might
create a diplomatic incident.

Diplomatic, you say?

For once, diplomacy might
come really handy.

In five minutes,
the coffin will be on board.

In one hour, we?re going to blow up
the aircraft-carrier.

A charming little procession.

The aircraft-carrier is
here, waiting.

Waiting for the funeral junk,

which will bring the
booby-trapped coffin to it.

I like the idea that my coffin
is used to carry explosives.

To Oscar Hui,
from a grateful France.

What is this?

We searched the junk from
top to bottom and didn?t find anything.

A tiny radio-controlled
atomic bomb is all it takes.

It might be inside the coffin.


If the widow?s an accomplice,
we?re screwed.

If the Consul ever
learns about this...

And if he detonates
his bomb in our faces...

Come on, gentlemen! Dignity!

Go on.

In the name of
her Majesty the Queen,

I salute the mortal remains,
of a good man.

Madam, the representatives
of the French government,

want to offer you their condolences

and share in your tribute
to your husband.

Madam, the representatives
of the French government,

want to offer you,
their condolences

and share in your tribute,
to your husband.

Madam. Mister General Consul
of France,

mister representative of
Her Majesty the Queen,

and the United Kingdom,

ladies and gentlemen,

my presence among you
might surprise you,

but you must consider that
wherever they may be,

France never forsakes its children,

Oscar Hui, was an Asian,

an Englishman by his birth,
but his heart was French,

he was raised in French culture,
and it was in France,

with a French woman, that he
was united in holy matrimony...

To think that the bastard,
must be watching us somewhere.

...coming from Paris to bestow
the Merit Order on him,

as an acknowledgement
of his good actions,

I was unfortunate enough
to arrive too late.

Illness deprived us of this man...

But a grateful France
wouldn?t stop for that.

Oh, Oscar Hui, you who
knew in just one lifetime

every extremity
of the human condition,

you who enjoyed,
after the darkest miseries,

the pleasures of one of the
greatest places in the universe,

Paris, you who knew
how to patiently

climb the social ladder,
one rung at a time,

you who never forgot
to bear the flag of France

in a strange land,
you were an example.

And I will say,
in the words of Bossuet,

Oh, disastrous night!

Oh, frightful night,

where suddenly
this amazing news

explodes like thunder.

Oscar Hui is dying,

Oscar Hui is dead.

Today, Oscar Hui,

France greets
you in its eternity.

My government asked me,

to bring the body of your husband,
back to France, Madam,

so he can lay in that soil,
that he loved so dearly.

An airplane is waiting
on the Kai Tak airfield,

to take you away, with the body,

of the man who was so dear to you.

No, Madam, you can?t
refuse a last joy,

to all those who profited
from his good deeds,

you can?t refuse this joy,
to the French government,

you can?t refuse it to France.

Please forgive my emotion.

You?re entirely forgiven.
Of course you accept.

No! The coffin has to be
taken on board the junk.

I?m all heart. I can?t bear
to see someone suffer.

Well... it?s over.

Tomorrow, back to the office.

The diplomatic pouch,
papers, records, perfumes,

Camembert for the next cocktail party.

I?ve got a feeling
we?re going to miss the Major.

Won?t we, Valerie?

What do you think, Frederic?

...flight from Tokyo,
Hong-Kong, Bangkok,

Delhi, Tehran, Tel Aviv and Rome,
has just arrived...

My dear Dromard,

the colonel asked me to convey
his congratulations to you.

A very good job indeed!
But tell me,

didn?t this stay in the Far East
leave too much of an impression on you?

Absolutely not.

Translation Goupil66

Timing, McDuck
April/may 2009