The Mermaid: Lake of the Dead (2018) - full transcript

An evil Mermaid falls in love with Marina's fiancé Roman and aims to keep him away from Marina in her Kingdom of Death under water. The Mermaid is a young woman who drowned a few centuries ... - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
In Russia they said: Do not go by the night lake

there is a mermaid waiting

and as soon as you tell her the cherished "love",

stupefy, tickle and tighten to the bottom.

And if you resist her charms,
will not forgive

will separate from the one you love

will torment, come at night,
until she squeezes with the light.

Give the most precious to her -
Maybe you will be saved

but no one has yet been released to the drowned women

themselves because of the unhappy love died
so the other true love can not see.


Don't tell her, please.

I am begging you.

I ask...

Anya ...

Hurry up!


She is here.

Hand, give me your hand!

Give me your hand!

Legs together, pull socks,
that's good

Rum, and tell me more about it,
is it spacious?

When a little was
big, it seems, it seemed.

I have not been there for 20 years.

Okay, sell anyway.

We will repair it.

Why, what to do with it then?

Well, like that ...


- So, okay, everything.
- Hey!

Come on now, try it.

Neatly. We let go.

No no no.

Letting go ...

No no.

No, Rom, I will not work!

Come on, listen

you won't start trying
nothing will come of it.

Trust the water, the water will tell.

I do not want to trust her.

Trust me.



Hold on, hold on.

Swim away from here!

Listen, Marin, listen,

I will need your fiance today.

Why is that?

Arranging a cultural program
on the occasion of the end of his bachelor life.

Ah, and you know that usually

such cultural programs lead
to cancel the wedding, eh?

Come on, don't worry,
I will personally deliver him home.

It will be necessary, I will deliver myself.

We generally have a qualifying soon.

What are you merging?

Yes, I do not, just like that
that you do not swim.

I will not swim?

Yes, Chinas, this is a challenge.

In general, two pools.

Let's see which of us will not swim.

Well you lose.

Everything, finish talking, come here.

I'm fast back and forth.
Do not hold on to the side.

Train for now.

Just ... Just trust.

Trust the water.


Do not cry, next time it will.

Breathe, just breathe.

Look at me, all is well, breathe.


What's for dinner?

Crane broke, fix, please.

Well what are you
because of the pool that offended?

Still ok, I had time.

Rum, I can't swim
You promised to be near.

I left you at the side,
Well, where are you going?

And what, she offended?

Yes, there is.

Fuck you.

Well freaked out a bit.

SchA she will depart.

In vain we go.

Romych, why are you drizzling?

Let's go and go, and what?

We'll see the house, you will spread.

With air you breathe.

Do not worry!

Doubt before the wedding is normal.

You worry, he too.

And by the way, where is he?


Who, who, Roma!


Dacha went to watch, I guess.

In the sense of giving?

Your father gave some home,
old, like a wedding gift.

What? Father showed up?

Ol, do not turn, please. I do not know.

He sent a deed of gift, keys.

Says sell.

And I would have done repairs there, to be honest.


What is strange?

We had not communicated for twenty years.


I thought he sold it a long time ago.

And what happened to him?

With your father.

Lake behind the corner saw?


My mother sank there.

Father on this ground crazy.

I was really small
I do not remember a fig.


Olka and I left for grandma then.

I have not seen him anymore.

Yes, it does not sound very.

Did you try to talk to him?

- With whom? With Father?
- Well.


Yes, I hardly know him,
what will he say to me?

About mom, for example.

Keith, is there electricity at all?

Machines need to cut in.

Automatic ...


Rum, what are you doing here?

In the eyes do not shine.


The flood probably was.

It is necessary to clean the drainage.

Open up come on. Che for the hut.

Damn, Ilukh, what is it, huh?

What's wrong? He said, you need to unwind,
do not worry, everything is normal.

- Let's come in already.
- There is no mood at all.

Not in the mood?
I'll pick it up for you now.

By the way, as a child, my mom and I
so guessing in jest.

You put two mirrors in front and through
mirrored corridor can be seen.

Well, what did you see?

No, of course, nonsense.

And your hair does not burn stupidity?

Yes, not in which the condemned, I do not believe.

And the fact that there is power in the hair and it is impossible to
leave even with relatives, yes.


And in Romka do not hesitate
you are a great couple, and you don’t have to quarrel.

- Good?
- Bye Bye.


Toast to the groom.

Marinka, of course, a good girl,

not really good
but this is for life.


to carry your
bachelor life is beautiful,

from us to you

a small gift.
Let's get a barrel organ!


Thank you guys.

No offense.

Okay, you have fun,
I will go for a walk.

- Strange some.
- What happened then?

Do you love me?


- Keith!
- Keith!

- Rum!
- Rum!

Kit, where are you?


Rum, where are you?

Rum, Rum, what are you lying on the ground?

Rum, why are you lying, huh?

- Where is the girl?
- Guys. What a Girl?

Here the girl was, where is she?

All drove!

What a Girl?

Have you been sitting for a long time?

Already the flowers have grown already.

Chinas hands, hands!

Rodionov, speed up,
crests longer, longer.

Rodionov, how many times do I need to say,
what elbow need to keep under water?

What is going on guys, huh?
Tomorrow qualifying!


we have prepared so much, and you merge.

What happened, rum?
Got sick, fever? What?

Not just enough sleep.

Not just enough sleep.

Tomorrow everything will be fine,
Valery Nikolayevich.

Yep Go to the original

until you work, you will not leave.

Valery Nikolaitch,

we are with marinka today
wanted to have dinner together.

Good deal.


- How are you feeling?
- Fine.

And you look not so.

- Yes, everything is fine.
- Right?

Come on.

What is that?

Do you love me?

Marin, stop it.

Marin, I feel bad!

Enough already!

I'm on your Sazonicha sue.

You can not people up to this state
bring up

on, have a drink.

Get down. Lie down, lie down, lie down.

You burn all.

I do not love you!

I do not love you.

Well, how does he feel?

Yes, like normal.



I thought that, why do you
Does this repair work?

That is, you can find an agent and sell the house.
Somehow it will be easier for everyone, no?

Well ... It is probably better to decide with Roma.

What, again had a fight?

Well no.


it's kind of weird.

Maybe he had someone.

- Come on, come on.
“I've found something here.”

- Here.
- Junk some.

Show me closer.

Well, you asked where did it come from?

Here you go. You cheat yourself,
go rest, everything will be fine.


- Until.
- Until.


Quietly, why are you?

It was a dream, a dream dreamed, right? Shhhhh.

His speed is good, great.

Finished swim.

Preparing: Chinas, Rodionov.

Well, guys, turnovers are not slowing down,
remember about the technique.

Ilyush, elbows.

Rum, you start like yesterday.

Let's go with God.

- Pass some water.
- Now.

- Which one?
- This one.

Do you love me?

No no no.


What is there? Alive?

Yes, breathing.

Breathe, let's breathe.

Young girl ...

Very young.

All the time I feel that she is near.

Every time I close my eyes,

I see her look.

What look?

Predatory, like a beast.

Rum, the doctor says you are dehydrated.

You just need to sleep.

Are you tired.


That's not the point.

Tell me more,
where did you see her for the first time?

On the lake.

She was in my shirt.

I was drawn to her.

Yes, he raves,

there was nobody there.

I could not help myself.

Kissed and ...

I seemed to stop breathing.

- Rum ...
- Marina, forgive me, I could not.

I could not help it. Marin.

Roma, listen to me, what else do you remember?
How did she look?

Wait you


Marin. Marin!

He doesn't need you.




What are you doing?






- Keith, open up!
- Rum!

What are you guys?
He'll mess up now, can we get him back?

We must first see one person.

Hello, Dad!

You gave Roma a house.

What for?

I didn't have to come, I'm sick.

Roma saw a girl on the lake.

With long hair.

And now he feels bad.

It is impossible, she died long ago.

Do you know what it is?

I do not know, leave!


- What happened twenty years ago?
- Olya ...

- Speak now!
- Olya!

- How did mom die?
- Olya, that's enough!

- Your son may die.
- Leave!

- I beg you, that's enough!
- Say it!

Stop it. Get out!

“You can't hide all your life.”
- She drowned. Drowned!



- Don't tell her! Don't you dare talk to her!
- With whom?

She will take you away!

Do not dare! Do not dare!

I met her at the lake.

She asked: "Do you love me?"

I did not answer.

And she began to come to me again,

torment me all the time.

Your mother

somehow found a way
how to get rid of it.

But something did not work.
And she took mother. AND…

No more returned.

And from that day, everything has lost its meaning.
Everything except her.

I think about her every day.

Not about mom, about her.

I see her hair, eyes.

I can't forget it.

What exactly did mom do?

I do not know.

Under the old pier,

under water she found something.

Only it will not help you, son,

she will drive you crazy.

We'll see.
Let's go to this damn lake.

Sit down

Is everything okay

Twenty years have passed,
but nothing has changed here.

Marin, you're not mad at Kitayev?
Well, he really was insane.

None of your business, go dive!

Yes, everything will be fine.

Stay with Romka, please.
A swimmer with me on the lake.

So, what are you doing with it?

Come, let's go, without you in any way.

Do not hang!

Please forgive me.

We can handle, yes?

We will cope with everything together.

Can you bring water?

Here I found him
and comb with him was.

Undress, you have to dive.


There is!




Lisa Grigorieva her name is!

Take back your thing, return your loved one!

Take back your thing, return your loved one!

Take your thing

Bring back your loved one!

- Take your thing.
- Take it ...

Take back your thing, return your loved one!

Take your thing
Bring back your loved one!

Take your thing
Bring back your loved one!

Bring back your loved one!


Rum ...



I saw her.


Your mom.



Have a drink, it will be easier.

Comb, can all matter in it.

"LH" ... Lisa Grigorieva.



What makes you think that she is suicidal?

Suicides are not buried in cemeteries.

And what, her right in the lake buried?

On the shore.
The lake spilled when the dam was built.


What do we do?

Liza Grigorieva ...

It was not worth taking her comb.

Take your thing and give me back my love.

You once said that the power in the hair.

Could the comb be associated with this?
Your mom she

conducted the rite in the bath.

Maybe he will help?

Rite of passage?

But she did not work.
This is not an option.

Well, what to do?

- I propose to pass the buck.
- Not!

She will find him everywhere.

We must fight.


What is rum?

Rum, what happened?

You cold?

Can still bring a blanket?


There is someone under the covers.

We have to try.

I will hold a rite.

Stay here, please.

Are you sure?


Well, you, if anything, scream.

I'm near.

Liza Grigorieva.

Take your thing and bring back your loved one!

I had a dream in my childhood.

I am alone in the country.

Parents are gone.

And suddenly I hear someone is on the street.

And he orders me: "Open the door!"

But I do not open.

And then the door slowly opens itself.

The hinges creak.

The lock turns.

And I am going to close the door.

And on the threshold mom.

She looks at me and quietly like this:

"The one who stays at home
one I take back! "

And I am very scared.

Do you love me?


Do you hear



what are you doing?

Take me away

- Rum.
- I can't take it anymore!

- Rum!
- Take me away!

What are you doing? Enough

- I cant.
- Enough!

Liza Grigorieva,
take your thing and bring back your loved one!

In childhood, my mother and I wondered so jokingly.

You put two mirrors in front, and through
mirrored corridor can be seen.

Liza Grigorieva,

take your thing
and bring your lover back!

Do you love me?

I love more than life.

- Look who's coming.
- Yeah.

He does not love you more!

Lisa, sunshine, go, go!

He promised to love more than life!

He does not love you!

Go away, he does not love you,

he doesn't love you
he doesn't love you, go away ...



Shhhh ... Quiet.


Marina, Marina!



Do you love me?

What about me?

What about me?

Do you love

Do you love me?

Choose me.



I love you.

It seems to work out

she took the comb.

It will not rain today.

How are you?


Sit down, we'll go soon.

Are we going?

Your mother was beautiful.

Let's go from here.

I like…

Where is Ilyukha?

I went for you.

Hold on
Get in the car, I'm right now!



I will take everyone you love!


Roma, hold on!

Hold on!

Come on!

- What is with Ilya?
“She took him.”

What the…

What the…

- Rum.
- Yes now!

Roma, Roma, Roma!

Roma, Roma!


We gave her the comb.
We gave the comb.

It's not about the crest.
We were wrong, she needs something else.

She needs me.


Do not. Wait!



Do you love me?



Do you love her!

Liza Grigorieva!

Take the bride, return the brother.

Liza Grigorieva!
Take the bride, return the brother.

Liza Grigorieva!
Take the bride, return the brother.


Liza Grigorieva!
Take the bride, return the brother.

Ol, what are you doing?

You can't kill her, understand?

It is impossible!

Only life for life.

Mom gave her for father

It means your for Romina. Sorry.

Ol. Ol, please untie me.

- Ol, Ol, please, I beg you.
- Liza Grigorieva. Take the bride.

Return brother!


Ol, please untie me!

Ol, I beg you, do not! Ol!

Liza Grigorieva, take the bride!
Return brother!

Let me go, please!

Liza Grigorieva, take the bride!
Return brother!


It will not help.

Mom herself wanted to give life.

You can not force.

Do not come!

We feed her with our love.

She turns her into hate.

In agony.

She needs us to suffer!

I was weak

and you are strong.

You are stronger than all of us, daughter,

you have a mom's look.

That one.

I will not leave Romka, I will not leave Romka!

Stop it.

We will find a way out, daughter.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.




How many years we have not seen.

Take me, leave them!

Leave them!

No, dad.

I love you.




Dad! Dad!

Roma, Roma!

We were wrong! It's not about the crest.

Rum, in her hair her strength
do you hear, rum?

You just need to trim the hair!
Just trim the hair, do you hear?

Rum, Rum, Rum!

Rum, Rum, Rum!

Life for life
mother gave her father.

Do you love me?

Of course!


Wake up wake up



Please, I had time, please!

I did, yes!