The Maze (2010) - full transcript

Five friends break into a closed corn maze in the middle of the night and decide to play a harmless game of tag. Little do they know that a psychopathic killer has decided to play along. As they wander aimlessly through the maze the murderer follows closely behind, taunting them and watching their every move. The game turns deadly when the kids decide to separate and weaken their chances of survival. When the mutilated body of the maze owner is found they realize that something is terribly wrong. As they race to find the entrance of the maze, the murderer cleverly forces them to follow the path that he wants. Manipulating everyone to his vicious will, the killer taunts his victims and leads them further into the depths of the maze. After succumbing to hours of torture will anyone make it out of the maze...alive?

(dramatic orchestral music)

(suspenseful orchestral music)

(light clicking)

(suspenseful orchestral music)


(eerie ambient music)

(water splashing)


(towel dispenser whirring)

(intense orchestral music)

- Come on.

- [Alison] So,
then what happened?

- So, the guy at the
morgue called the hospital,

told them they made a mistake.

They were that close
to embalming him.


- Dude, we buried my
grandpa last spring.

What if he was still alive?


- Well, he was 95 years old.

Of course he was dead.

- And if he wasn't,
sitting in a funeral home

for five hours with her
Mom, would do anyone in.

(all laughing)

- They suck out all your guts

before they even
put you in a casket.

Nobody gets buried
alive anymore.

- Hey, you did it.

- Yeah, I told you, it's
your key, your lock's fine.

It's a duplicate, right?

- [Alison] I don't know.

- Let's get to it.

Heads up.

- [Collin] All right, I got one.

- Does it have to do anything

with a terrible accident
or rotting corpses?

- No, but it is true.

- [Cole] Right.

- No, it is.

- [Alison] Well,
I want to hear it.

- All right.

It's early in the morning.

Really early.

And a couple walks
out of a store.

Or something like that.

Actually, it was
probably a restaurant.

One of those 24-hour
breakfast places.

(suspenseful orchestral music)

- [Cole] You suck
at telling stories.

- [Collin] Shh, yeah, it had
to have been a restaurant

for it to have been opened.

They had probably
stayed out all night

and decided to
just have breakfast

instead of going home,
you know how it is.

The point is, is it
was really early and

there weren't very
many people out.

So as they're walking to
the car, they pass this guy.

neither of them has
ever seen him before.

As they pass him, he
accidentally bumps into the guy.

So the stranger pushes
past and mumbles sorry,

and then before
anyone can react,

he pulls out a pair of
scissors from his coat

and starts stabbing him
in the face and neck.

- [Jordan) What did
the girlfriend do?

- [Collin) Screamed Probably,

she was watching her boyfriend

getting stabbed for no reason.

Anyway, there was an off
duty cop at the restaurant,

had just finished the
night shift or something.

He pulled out his gun
and shot the psycho.

- And that's a true story?

- Well, there are crazy
people like that out there.

Can you imagine walking
out of breakfast

and suddenly getting stabbed
by some random sociopath?

- Are we gonna make it on time?

What time do places
like these close?

- Well, you know what,

blame Will if we don't
get there on time.

He was the one that gave
us bogus directions.

- Whoa, not my fault.

No one told me we would have
no cell reception up here.

My GPS was useless.

- Why are we out
here in the boonies?

I mean, there has to be mazes
that are closer to home.

- Because this is the biggest
corn maze in the county.

Sometimes, it takes people
hours to get through.

I used to go to one like this
when I was a kid all the time.

- I don't think we have hours.

For all we know, they might be
kicking people out right now.

- We'll have to wait and see.

It's only seven o'clock.

We can always do something else.

- Around here?

Maybe if you're
into cow tipping.


- [Alison] Hey, I am not a hick.

- [Will] Nobody said
you were, darlin'


Wait, pumpkin pie.

Wait, wait, sugar plum.

(suspenseful orchestral music)

- Those things will kill you.

I'm serious.

(car engine revving)

(suspenseful orchestral music)

(car approaching)

(Alison screaming)


- I can't.

- [Alison] Jerk.

- Yeah?

- [Will] I was just coming
around to help you out.

- [Alison] No, you didn't.

- I swear I wasn't
trying to scare you.

Oh, it's closed, guys.

- Thank you, we know.

- What are we gonna do now?

- Kind of early,
don't you think?

- Well, days are
getting shorter.

Gets cold up here when
the sun goes down.

- Thank you, we know.


- Collin.

What are you doing?

- I'm seeing the corn maze.

- Don't be stupid,
that's trespassing.

- It's a corn maze, Cole.

We're not gonna be
stealing anything.

Or did you want
to go cow tipping?

(suspenseful orchestral music)



Come on.


Guys, this is awesome.

Look at this.

(corn rustling)

- Did you hear that?

- Alison, stop,
you're being paranoid.

Come on.

- If we get arrested,
I'm telling the
police I was coerced.

- You know Bonnie got shot
alongside Clyde, right?

- Bonnie was an idiot.

Never let the man
plan the heist.

He'll overdo it every time.

Something about wearing a
mask and waving a gun around

makes him think he's invincible.

- You don't know what
you're talking about.

Guns are sexy.

- And that's why you
don't have a girlfriend.

(clearing throat)



(suspenseful orchestral music)

- Oh, ew.


- Wandering around the corn

only remains
entertaining for so long.

How much longer are
we gonna do this?

- Can I see your necklace?

- See?

- You're it.

- [Jordan] You're it.


- One, two, three, four, five.

(suspenseful orchestral music)

35, 36, 37, 38

(corn rustling)

48, 49.


- This is kind of fun.

- Yeah, yeah it is.

As long as Cole and Jordan

don't kill each other
before the night's over.

- Oh, come on, you know
Jordan didn't mean it.

She would never say anything
to hurt Cole intentionally.

- She broke up with him.

That seems fairly intentional.

- You're not being fair.

- Okay, so I'm
gonna go this way,

and you're gonna go that way.

- No, don't leave me.

- It'll be more
fun if we split up.

- Fine.

- Turn that off.

You're like a beacon.

(suspenseful orchestral music)

- Collin.



You are it.

Looks good on you.

Give me a couple of
seconds to make my getaway.

- One, two, three,

four, five.

13, 15, 19,

25, 29.

(corn rustling)


Ready or not...



- Who was that?

It wasn't funny.


That could have fallen on me.

(eerie ambient music)

- Ah, ow.

(eerie ambient music)




I can't, I dropped my glasses.

I can't see anything.

Collin, is that you?

Oh, sorry, sorry.

Collin, if you're it,

I'd really appreciate
it if you'd just help me

find my glasses first.

Come on, I can't see anything.

(footsteps approaching)

They're around here somewhere.

What are you doing?

Stop it.



- Cole?

Just get out here
so I can tag you.

(eerie ambient music)

Following me isn't funny.


Hey, you're not...

Who are you?

Hey, hey, wait.

Hey, we're not doing
anything out here.

(intense orchestral music)

- Will, I'm so glad I found you.

This maze is freaking me out.

Crap, you're it.

Well, I guess that
means I'm it now.

And by the way, have
you seen Collin?

He's being a total creep.

- Alison, there's
someone else in the maze.

- What do you mean?

Other than the five of us?

- Yes, I just saw him.

He was just here.

- Wait, I saw him, Will.

- What do you mean you just...

- I saw him.

My glasses fell
and I couldn't see,

and someone came down the path.

I thought it was Colin.

- Alison, Alison, what happened?

- He grabbed me, he like
threw his arms around me,

and I thought it was Collin.

- Come on, we're gonna find him

and we're gonna
take care of this.

- If there's someone in there,

I don't want to find him, Will.

Listen, I have the
key, why don't we just

get out of here
and go to the car?

- Whoa, you think we
should leave everyone here?

- No, I think that we would be
safer if we went to the car.

- No, it will be safer
if we stick together.

Let's go.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa.

I am not it.

I got Will.

- Let me see your neck.

What if you put
it somewhere else?

- Wouldn't that be cheating?

- I don't know.

The rules were not very
clearly established.

- If I were it, you'd
already be caught.

I'm definitely
faster than you are.

However, if I'm not it,

we'll walk together?

Then you'll always know
you're safe with me.


- Yeah, but then I'd
have to walk with you.

It's a double-edged sword.

- I suck at this game.

(eerie ambient music)

- Will, what is it?

- [Will] Nothing,
just looking around.

- Do you think this is real?

- I don't know.

- Will, I really think

that we should get
out of here and just...

(intense orchestral music)


- Punk, you can't go around
scaring people like that.

(scissors clattering)

(suspenseful orchestral music)

- Will?


(Alison screaming)

- Jeez, Alison.

(scissors stabbing)

(suspenseful orchestral music)

- Will must have gotten her.

- So Will is it?

- I told you that.

(Alison panting)

- What is wrong with her?

She couldn't be any
louder if she tried.

- You know, being scared
isn't always a bad quality.

Sometimes, it's more fun.

- If it could get us arrested,

it's a bad quality.

She needs to learn
to control herself.

(suspenseful orchestral music)

(breathing heavily)

- You think Will and
Alison are actually playing

or stopped somewhere
and making out?

- They're probably just chasing
each other back and forth

and not even looking
for any of us.

(suspenseful orchestral music)


(dramatic orchestral music)

- Hey Brian, it's Sarah.

Um, I just called
'cause I thought

we were supposed to
meet around nine.

and I never heard
from you, so I guess,

um, I'll call you back later.

I'm sorry, I haven't
heard from him either.

We were supposed to go out
a couple of hours ago and

I don't know, he
just never showed up.

Yeah, definitely.

I'll let you know
if I hear from him.

Okay, bye.

(keypad clacking)

(phone ringing)

- Sheriff's department.

This is Officer Larsen.

- Hey, Marcus,
it's Sarah Turnin.

- Hey, Sarah, how are
you doing this evening?

Everything okay?

- I think so.

I hope so.

I'm a little
worried about Brian.

- Brian Mckinley?

- Yeah, we were supposed to
meet up a couple of hours ago

and he never showed.

- We can't file a
missing person's report

if it's only been for
a couple of hours.

- I know, Marcus.

I'm just wondering
if you'd seen him.

- [Marcus] I can't
say that I have.

- Has Eric seen him?

- Eric's shifts over.

Have you tried Mim's?

- [Sarah] I already
called the bar.

He hasn't been there.

- That's odd of Brian.

When was the last time
you saw him, Sarah?

- Oh, it was a little
bit before seven,

at Sam Hunt's corn maze.

- I'll tell you what.

Why don't you give him
a call tomorrow morning?

If you still can't find him,

we'll make some phone calls.

Is that okay?

- Yeah, yeah, I'm
sure he'll be fine.

Um, sorry for
overreacting so much.

- [Marcus] That's okay.

You have a good night now.

We'll talk later.

- Okay.

Good night.


(eerie ambient music)

- Hello?

Is there someone in there?

Come on, you're making
me miss my show.

You come out now, I
won't call the police.

People, they're blind.

I'm gonna shoot somebody.

- Look, uh,

I'm sorry about earlier.

I wasn't thinking.

- No problem.

Um, guess you would be the one

who knows about my
date-ability, so...

- Don't be like that.

I'm trying to apologize.

- Yeah, well,

you suck at it.

- Nevermind.

Your dating life is
none of my business.

Die old and alone
for all I care.

(metal clinking)

(suspenseful orchestral music)

(ominous orchestral music)

- If it's you
Johnson kids again,

I'm gonna string you up

like the pig-faced
delinquents you are.

This isn't a game.

I am tired.

I am cold.

I am armed.

I don't trust anyone
on this earth.

(corn rustling)

(eerie ambient music)


- [Jordan] We need
to get out of here.

- [Cole] You always were smarter

than the other girls.

- [Jordan] Yeah,

let's, let's wait
a couple minutes

to just make sure he's gone.

(suspenseful orchestral music)

(footsteps approaching)

(suspenseful orchestral music)

(corn rustling)

- I hear you out there.

Don't make me use this.

(corn rustling)

(intense orchestral music)

(gun firing)

- What the hell was that?

- Was that a gun?

- No, it couldn't have been.

He wouldn't have
actually shot one of us.

Maybe we should be going.

We don't want him to get
to the car before us.

- Wait, doesn't
Alison have the keys?

- Yeah.

And if she's as scared
as I think she is,

do you really think
she's gonna wait for us

to get back before
she takes off?

- Right.

(suspenseful orchestral music)

(scissors stabbing)

- The keys.

The keys.

(dramatic orchestral music)

(suspenseful orchestral music)

- Alison had the flashlight.

Don't touch him.

- Who would have done this?

- [Cole] Jordan, we really
need to get out of here.

- Cole, my necklace.

- I don't know, okay?

I gave it to Will.

- Where's Will?

Will wouldn't have done this.

- Look here, we really have
to get out of here, right?

- Where is he, where is Alison?

Where is, where is Collin?

- They would have heard
the shot, all right?

We've got to get out
of the corn maze.

We have to get back
to the car, okay?


All right?

- Okay.


(suspenseful orchestral music)

- Damn it.

(scissors slicing)


- I heard something.

- What is it?

- I think I heard someone.

- Come on, we're getting close.

We got to go.

- No, I think I heard something.

- Jordan, let's go.


(scissors stabbing)



Anything yet?

- No.

And we're not gonna
find anything while
we're in this maze.

There's nothing out here.

- Okay, here, try mine.

- Nothing.

- Do you even
recognize any of this?

- Of course, I don't.

It's corn.

- Yeah, I know but I feel like
we should be getting closer.

- Cole?

(suspenseful orchestral music)

(breathing heavily)

That was Will.

- I know.

If he got Will, that
means he's gotten Alison.

That was her flashlight
that the old man had.

- Where's Collin?

- I don't know.

He's smart, but that guy's fast.

Can you walk?

- I don't know.


- Now is not the time to
experiment, it's over.

I can, I can distract him.

- No, don't be stupid.

We don't know where
we are in the maze.

- All right, I'm gonna go.

When the coast is clear, I need
you to make a break for it.

I need you to head
to the farmhouse.

Use the telephone.

Call the police.

Get them here.

(dramatic orchestral music)

- Cole, wait.

I'm sorry.

(eerie ambient music)

(corn rustling)

(suspenseful orchestral music)

(gun clicking)


- Still having fun?

Where you going?

I'm not done with you yet.


(eerie ambient music)

Jordan, run!

(guillotine slicing)

(suspenseful orchestral music)

(Jordan sobbing)

(suspenseful orchestral music)

(eerie ambient music)

- Where the hell is this?

Damn it.

(intense orchestral music)


(dramatic orchestral music)

No, no.

(Jordan crying)

(Jordan vomiting)

(footsteps approaching)

(suspenseful orchestral music)

(Jordan screaming)

(suspenseful orchestral music)

(scissors stabbing)

(dramatic orchestral music)

- [Cop] What happened?

- I killed him, I killed him.

(siren wailing)

(sirens wailing)

- Yeah, okay.

I got it.

We'll be ready.

Sam's corn maze
burned down tonight.

- Anyone hurt?

- So far, just a young
woman came out screaming.

She's gonna come
in for questioning

after the paramedics
have a look at her.

- She a local?

- Well, Joe didn't
recognize her.

She's probably a townie.

- [Marcus] What do you think?

Arson or accident?

- Who knows?

Those corn mazes are
like tinder boxes.

They're a massacre
waiting to happen.

And arson might just be
the beginning of the night.

- What do you mean?

- The girl came out screaming

"I killed him."

She was covered in blood.

Paramedics said they
found cuts on her.

- So you mean we got
ourselves a homicide.

- I don't know,

but I'm gonna go call
our forensics team.

- You mean Joey?

- Yeah, he'll be excited
to get some work.

- Yeah, not me.

You want me to call anyone else?

- Mm-mm.

Let 'em sleep.

County's just gonna come in and
take over everything anyway.

Jurisdiction thing.

And we won't know anything about

anybody getting killed till
they comb over that field.

- What about Sam?

Has anyone talked to him?

I bet you he's pretty upset
his corn field burned down.

- Yeah, we sent an officer
over to knock on the door,

but he didn't show.

Lights were on in the house.

Well, get him on the phone.

See if you can't get
him to come down here,

he's gonna have to give a
statement eventually anyway.

(phone dialing)

(phone ringing)

(eerie ambient music)

(eerie piano music)

(woman chattering)

- [Woman] Oh, I'm sorry.

I thought I wrote it
down, but I don't have it.

(suspenseful orchestral music)

(lighter sizzling)

See you later.

Okay, bye.

(eerie piano music)

(lighter sizzling)

- Need a lift?

It's cold out there.

You gotta be crazy

to walk out in this weather.


With that coat.


That's a sweater.


It's a thing for like
covering your face.

Why, 'cause you know,

ah, they don't have a lot
of torque in this car.

Sorry, bear with me.

Where can I take you?

- [Eric] Police station.

- Yikes.

Did I say that out loud?


Just kidding.

One of those nights, huh?

Well, lay it on me.

Just kidding, don't tell me.

Better off.

You know, I don't want
to be an accomplice

to anything you may have done.


- How could she have gotten
so much blood on her?

Something happened out
there, more than just arson.

- County's gonna come,
pick up the evidence.

We are not equipped to deal

with the amount of blood
that came off of her.

- Well, she wasn't
talking to me.

Did she say anything to
you about what happened,

who she killed?

- No.

I don't think we're gonna get
anything out of her either.


- Who are you calling?

- I'm gonna try Sam Hunt again.

I think we're gonna find out

that this is even
worse than we thought.

(phone dialing)

(telephone ringing)

- You got to remind me
where the station is because

the last time I was
there, I was about 15?

Hey, not passing
judgment, mister.

Not from me.

You hear that sound?

That's awkward silence.


You get me?

Just kidding.

- Okay.

Thank you, we'll be in touch.

- Well, they found two bodies.

- Sam and Brian?

- No, they're still looking
for the head of one.

The other body's in one piece,

just too badly
burnt to identify.

- I'll give you five minutes
to get me some answers.

- Ah, you know what they
do in those corn fields

during the summer?

I was just driving by
the other day and I saw

just hundreds of ears of corn,

all this corn just
sitting out there,

just rotting away.

You know the colorful corn, um,

you know from grade school,
what is that called?

What's that stuff?

(sirens wailing)

What the hell, what's,

oh, come on.

Damn it, I wasn't speeding.

I wasn't speeding.

Was I speeding?

You know what, this town
has always had it in for me,

my sister's gonna kill me.

- [Eric] Pull over to the side.

- Aw, that's not
even registered.

Aw, son of a bitch.

- [Eric] Shut up and pull over.

(siren wailing)

Indian corn.


- Yes, yes, Indian corn.



Ha, I was driving by
one just the other week.

You know what they do?

They go ahead and grind
it all up, everything.

Every last little bit of it.

They chop it all up, the
corn, the husk, everything,

and they serve it
as feed for cattle.

My nephew told me that.

They don't waste
anything in this town.

Learned that from the Indians.

Oh, sorry, Native Americans.

You know,

I hate this town.

- [Eric] Me too.

(chair creaking)


- William Taylor.

Did you know him?

There was another body.

Without a head.

Did you know that person?


Are we gonna find more bodies?


- Make sure you
catch a lift home.

(suspenseful orchestral music)


(telephone ringing)

- It's the on-site team.

Do you want me to answer it?

- No, I got it.


(clearing throat)

Okay, do we have
somebody that can

bring him in for examination?

Yeah, keep me posted.

Found three more bodies.

And the head.


- Ha, Eric.

It's good to see you.

Been hell of a night.

- Tell me about it.

- What?

- No, I just saw the fire

and figured you guys
could use some help.

- No, the fire's only
the beginning of it.

- Yeah, they found
five bodies out there.

- And our only survivor
is our only suspect.

- And she's not talking.

- Have you collected
evidence yet?

- [Marcus] Of course.

- Yeah, evidence and
screaming confession aside,

there's something in my gut
that just doesn't feel right.

- You don't think she did it?

- Well, her cigarettes
and her lighter

point to her as the arsonist.

Accidental or not, but

I just don't think she
can cut off a guy's head.

She knows what
happened in there,

she knows who
really did all this,

but she's not talking.

- What do you need me to do?

- I want you to
hold down the fort.

Marcus and I are gonna
go out to the field

to see what else we can dig up.

- Yeah, you think
you can handle it?


(suspenseful orchestral music)

(scissors stabbing)

(Alison screaming)



(breathing heavily)

- Jordan, run!

(dramatic orchestral music)

(breathing deeply)


(door clicking)

- I'm Officer Eric Schroeder.

I just need to collect
some more evidence.

Looks like you've been
through a lot tonight.

They're finding a lot
of bodies out there.

They were your
friends, weren't they?

- Yes.


They were.

- Except Sam Hunt, the
corn maze owner, he,

he wasn't your friend
and he's dead too.

Did you kill him?

- No.

- Of course not.


To tell you the truth,
I don't think you

actually killed anyone.

I think

you and your friends are guilty

only of being in the wrong
place at the wrong time.

But I'm just a new guy

in a small town.

No one here is gonna
care what I think.

I can't help you

unless you tell me exactly
what happened out there.

I know it's hard, I know.

But I need to know what you know

so that we can lay
this thing to rest.

Will you tell me what
happened out there?

- Yeah, I will.

- Good.


Let's start with
the first thing.

Who did you kill

or think that you killed?


- The man in the red hood.

- Does this man have a name?

- He never spoke.

- But did you get a good
look at him, could you

identify him if you were
to see him in a line up?

- I don't know, it was dark.

- Why were you in the
corn maze so late?

- [Jordan] Because
we got there late and

we wanted to see it anyway.

- So you were trespassing.

- Yes.

- And did you see Sam Hunt,
the corn maze owner out there?

- The man with the shotgun.

- Did he find you
and your friends?


- We may have found him.

We were,

we were separated
playing a stupid game.

- What do you mean by,

what do you mean?

Stupid game?

- Collin, he has a
special version of

tag and whoever's it

wears something

(clearing throat)

like a scarf

or a head band...

- Piece of jewelry?

- Yeah.

Like a necklace.

Like tonight.

That's how we got separated.

And he found us all.

- Who won?

- Excuse me?

- The game.

Who won the game?

- I'm sorry, I don't understand.

(telephone ringing)

- Excuse me.

(telephone ringing)

(suspenseful orchestral music)

Yes, I understand, sir.

I'll make sure she feels
completely comfortable.

No, I don't,

I don't think she did it either.

The evidence won't lie.

Got it.

(suspenseful orchestral music)

(breathing heavily)

(door clicking)


You can clean yourself up now.

They found another body.

That's five.

But they still haven't
found a man in a red jacket.

I know you didn't kill anybody.

Help me figure out who did.

- It's all my fault.

They're all dead because of me.

I lit the corn on fire.

The farmer shot my boyfriend.

- Jordan, are you sure?

- It's all my fault.

I'll write it down.

I'll confess it to the judge.

I can't take it
anymore, I can't.

I can't take the guilt.

- Okay.

(suspenseful orchestral music)

It's okay.

You're doing the right thing.

They'll believe it.

Ah, you bitch.

- You monster.

You killed my friends.

- You stabbed me several times.

I'd say we're about
even, wouldn't you?

- I'm gonna kill you.

- Oh, but you've already done
so much more than that, see,

you killed everyone else.

Between the DNA
evidence that I planted

in the partially
signed confession,

I'd say, you've taken
care of everything.

See, I told you,

you didn't kill anyone.

(suspenseful orchestral music)

(suspenseful orchestral music)



(Eric laughing)

Oh, you thought I was

gonna give you the
gun with bullets?

No, no.

You have already shot that gun

all through the police station.

Luckily for me,

you are a bad aim and count,

so that,

when you grazed my leg

(gun firing)


(breathing deeply)

and went in for the kill,

I shot you.


At least,

that's what the police
report is going to say.

(Jordan screaming)

That's right, struggle.

It'll make it all
the more believable.

That gun does have bullets.

What are you gonna say

after you shoot me?

That I killed your friends?

Who would believe you?

You kill me, you die too.

- [Jordan] I don't care.

- But I think you do.

I think you're like me.

You're a survivor.

- [Jordan] I'm nothing like you.

- Okay.

What do you want?

- [Jordan] An apology.

- An apology.


- [Jordan] Put your hands up.


- Okay.

I'm sorry.

- [Jordan] For what?

- For killing your friends.

For killing Sam Hunt.

For killing Brian, oh wait.

You don't know about him, but

I'm sorry about it anyway.

(door slamming)


- [Jordan] You're a monster.

- You want to know what
I'm most sorry about?

That I didn't kill you.

(gun firing)

- What the hell is going on?

- The lights went out and
she got the drop on me.

I couldn't even see
when I shot her.

(dramatic orchestral music)

- [Sheriff] She's still
alive, call the paramedics.

(tape whirring)

(tape clicking)

- [Eric On Tape] What
are you gonna say

after you shoot me?

That I killed your friends?

Who will believe you?

You kill me, you die too.

- [Jordan On Tape] I don't care.

- [Eric On Tape]
But I think you do.

I think you're like me.

You're a survivor.

- [Sheriff] Eric,
put the gun down.

- What do you want?


- [Jordan] An apology.

- Put the weapon down.

- [Eric] Really?

- [Jordan] Put your hands up.

- [Eric On Tape] I'm sorry.

- [Jordan] For what?

- [Eric On Tape] For
killing your friends.

For killing Sam Hunt,

for killing Brian,

oh, wait, you don't
know about him, but

I'm sorry about it anyway.

- [Jordan On Tape]
You're a monster.

- [Eric] You know to know
what I'm most sorry about?

That I didn't kill you.

(suspenseful orchestral music)

(suspenseful orchestral music)

(dramatic orchestral music)