The Mad Miss Manton (1938) - full transcript

Madcap debutante Melsa Manton finds a body in a deserted house. Of course, the police don't believe her. Stung by Peter Ames's front page editorial decrying her "prank," Melsa enlists seven fellow debs to help her investigate. The wisecracking young ladies proceed to run circles around the police, the suspects, and the press.

Good night. Good night.

Ah, there you are, darlings.

Did you miss mommy?

3:00, Miss Manton. Right on time.

I went up right after you called.

I had to wake your maid.

Boy, was she fried-I mean, angry.

If I know Hilda, she was fried, not angry.

All right, gentlemen.

Remember, you're out here for exercise.

No loafing. Come on.

Oh, what's the matter, Tiger?

Oh, poor little fella.

There doesn't seem to be
any justice for dogs.

You suffered through the
building of a subway,

And when it's finished,
they won't even let you in.

Ronny? Ronny!

Hello, police?

Hey, what is this, a gag?

No, sir. I was to a costume party.

It was on 14th street off 2nd avenue, and-

Well, you see, it was an artists' ball.

I had to hit a man because
he tried to kiss me.

And-Oh, no. I mean, the door was open,

And I walked in, and he was lying there

In a pool of blood-His own!

Is that a reason to kill a man
- Because he tried to kiss you?

Oh, it isn't the same man,
and I didn't kill him.

Please, you've got to believe me.

It's just up the street there.

All right, get in, get in.

Wait a minute, inspector.

Lieutenant. Lieutenant Brent.

Shouldn't you send two men
around the rear of the house?

What for? The guy's dead, isn't he?

But the murderer might still be in there.

Look, lady. It's 10 minutes
since you called us,

And the murderer-That is,
if there is a murderer-

Could be in Brooklyn by now-

That is, if anybody wants
to be in Brooklyn.

Now let's take a look at the body.

Quit climbing up on me.

And listen, a few of you guys go
around the rear of the house.

You know whose house this is?

It's the Lane mansion.

Sheila Lane-You know, the one who
married the rich old banker.

They haven't lived here for a long time.

Uh-Huh. Where's the body?

In that room. Now if you don't
mind, I’ll just run along.

Sorry, lady. We'll have to
ask you to hang around.

Why, it's gone!

It was lying right there.

It's gone? It was lying right there?


Right over there?

But I saw it, I swear to you. He was dead.

He was dead?

I couldn't see his face
because he was lying on his-

Now, you mustn't be frightened.

And my cloak-It was hanging on the door-

Don't get excited. You're among friends.

We've got a nice quiet
place in the country-

She's not nuts.

I'm not crazy, I tell you.

Maybe we can find something
in one of the other rooms.

Yeah. We'll probably find a
mama ghost, a papa ghost,

And a baby ghost.

What kind of a game are you playing?
What's your name?

Manton. Melsa Manton.

Oh, Melsa Manton, eh?

Aren't you one of the bunch that
held that treasure hunt last week

And stole a traffic light?

Oh, yes, but it was a
treasure hunt for charity.

We run the T.B. Clinic.

And aren't you the dame who got
an ambulance from Bellevue

Because one of your dogs had distemper?

He was very sick, and the
veterinary was out of town.

And aren't you the dame - Yes.

Give me them stomach tablets.

Coming up, chief.

There's a murderer loose, I tell you,

don't worry. It won't fit him.

Miss Manton, I don't
know what your game is,

But I know this - Either your
education or your spanking

Has been neglected.

Now, I can't do anything about spanking you
- Or can I?

You wouldn't dare!

This time, I’ll let you get away with it.

But if you involve the police department

In one more of your merry escapades,

I'll lock you up so tight,

You'll need a major
earthquake to get you out.

Now, go on home before I
call a truant officer.

All right. If I ever see another murder,

Before I report it, I hope-

Well, I hope I’m the victim.

Chief, why can't I use
this, just this once?

Because it's against the law. Come on.

Another batch of telegrams commending
your article on the Manton girl.

That's fine. Take another one.

We should like to preface this editorial

With the statement that wall
street has hit a new low.

Unemployment has reached a new high peak.

An additional $4 billion has
been added to the budget.

But Miss Manton and her ilk

Continue merrily on their
million-dollar Ermine-Lined way.

Make a note-According to the police,

Miss Manton's costume was fetching.

It seems to me that this young lady was-

Are you Peter Ames?

No. But I am.

To complete the circle.

Why, you-

Oh! Oh!

I'm sorry, miss. Will
you please stop crying?

I'm not crying. I'm just mad.

Did you write this awful thing?


Oh, you're Melsa Manton. You
can afford your own laundry.

It's quite an item with me.

I'm sorry, Miss Manton.
I'm a very busy man.

How dare you print such tripe.

It's not a question of courage.

It's a question of conviction, of policy.

I see. And who decides that policy?

Well, newspapers are funny
institutions, Miss Manton.

You take an ordinary reporter
like me and make him an editor,

As long as he's willing to
work for the same salary.

I want you to meet a friend of mine.

Mr. Spengler. Mr. Ames, Mr. Spengler.

I'd be charmed if I wasn't so busy.

If you both will excuse me-

Here's the summons, Mr. Ames.

I hope you don't take this personal.

That will be all, Mr. Spengler.

All right. Thank you, Miss Manton.

A million dollars for libel.

With your present income, aren't you afraid

That's going to put your income tax
way up into the surtax brackets?

Don't worry about it. I'll
give it away to charity.

This is all very silly. You
haven't a leg to stand on.

That editorial just stated facts.

You did disrupt the police force.
There was no corpse.

There was a corpse, and I’ll prove it

If I have to find the body myself.

You talk as if you were
contemplating murder.

Don't encourage me.

That editorial really started something.

So did Mrs. O’Leary’s cow.

Call our attorneys right away.

We can't sit back complacently
and let them ridicule us.

They might occasionally mention

Some of the good we do.

That's not the point.

There's no truth in the stuff he printed,

And it's up to us as a group to prove it.

I've always wanted to pound a picket line.

Now, Melsa, you remember the
night you saw Queen Elizabeth-

In all her clothes, taking
a bath in your own tub.

Are you suggesting, by any chance,

That I had too many absinthe parfaits?

We must exhaust all possibilities

Before we devote our
lives to a corpse-Hunt.

After all, darling, you're the only one

Who says there was a murder.

I did see the body, and my cloak
certainly didn't run off by itself.

Maybe the body wasn't dead.

I would have told the police
that you saw Ronny Beldon

Coming out of the Lane house.

I didn't have a chance.

I think it's foolish to get any
more mixed up in this murder.

No, it isn't. Melsa's right.

If we don't do something quickly,
the whole town will believe

Everything Ames and that stupid
police inspector said about us.

I think it's silly, but I’m with you.

Me, too. Count me in. Same here.

That's swell, girls. I've called
Ronny Beldon's apartment,

And the switchboard operator says
he won't be in till late tonight.

Meanwhile, I have some flashlights.

Let's all go over to the Lane house.

I'll prove I’m not crazy.

Can't we prove you're not
crazy some other night?

Sure. We'll ask the murderer
not to touch a thing.

Telephone for you, miss frost.

There's my date.

Sounds like a pipsqueak to me.

Hello, pipsqueak? I mean, hello, Paul.

No, I can't.

Well, just a minute.

Please, not tonight!

Oh! Hello?

Hello? Hello?

Are you there?

He was cut off.

Poor boy, and in the
prime of his life, too.

Hilda, the door.

I heard it. I ain't deaf.

Sometimes I wished I was.

Have you another piece of cake, Hilda?

Yes, I have, but the kitchen's
closed for the night.

Hilda, Miss Beverly is our guest.

I didn't ask her.

Comes the revolution,

And we'll stop being exploited by our help.

In my house, the revolution is here.

Look, I - I was told to give this

To Miss Manton personally.

You're Miss Manton? Yes. Thanks.

The sender requests an answer, please.

"May I come up and see you?

Just want half-hour of your time.
Peter Ames."

That's our publicity agent.

Have him up. We'll give him
something to write about.

The answer is no.

In that case, here's
another telegram for you.

Ok, child.

You'd think they'd send an older man

Up to this here apartment.

"I'm coming up anyway. Peter Ames."

Too bad we won't be here to greet him.

I'd better call the lanes at their hotel

So they won't surprise us at the old house.

What'll I say? Say hello.

Thanks, Dora. You're
sweet and very helpful.

Mr. Lane, please.

Well, then Mrs. Lane.

Did she? Did she take a bag?

Thank you very much.

George Lane is out of town.

Sheila left yesterday after dinner
and hasn't been back since.

Do you suppose she and
Ronny Beldon skipped?

You've heard about those two.

I don't know which is more pernicious
- You or anemia.

That'll be your editor.

Duck your flashlights.

Remember, girls, I want
the first stab at him.

Now don't be selfish, Melsa.

Oh! My cloak.

"the next time you'll be in it."

Oh! The murderer has been here!

Why didn't I keep that date?

What'll we do?

I don't know. Think for yourself.

Whoever committed the murder did this

And is afraid we may know something.

That knife ain't folding them letters.

We can't let this intimidate us.

That's what the murderer wants.

It's all the more reason-

He's come back!

And I’m leaving!

I'm going to open the door.

Get ready, girls. We'll rush him.


Very nice props, but
they don't convince me.

You fool! You ruined the fingerprints.

Did I? I can get you
plenty more fingerprints.

Miss Manton, I came up to see

If I couldn't talk you out
of this childishness.

You can't possibly win.

Besides, it'll just make a lot
of trouble for both of us.

Come on, girls.

Hi-ho, silver.

Nasty man.

I'll take mine in one-Dollar bills.

Rigor mortis is setting in.

He's cute.


Come on.

Oh, it's locked. Why don't the
police mind their own business?

You can't say we didn't try.

Wait a second. I'll try the window.

Let's go home.

Come on, Melsa.

This is the room.

Go over it with a fine-tooth comb.

I found the clip out in the foyer.

There might be some other
things lying around-

Bloodstains, maybe fingerprints,

Or things knocked over in the struggle.

I'm scared.

Melsa, where did you find the body?

Right where you're standing.


Melsa, let's get out of here.

Oh, please be quiet.

What on earth are you doing?

I'm calling Paul.

Silly, the thing has been
disconnected for a year.

Look. Blood.

I found a bloodstain.

Oh, how can that be blood? It's blue.

Maybe they shot Mrs. Astor.

No, it's ink. Somebody must
have spilled a bottle of ink.

Helen, you search the upstairs.

Oh, no. I was never much
of an individualist.

If the upstairs has to be searched,
we'll search it together.

Why, that's communism! Shh!

I don't know why we have to whisper.

There's nobody else in this old barn.

Turn off your flashlights.

I'll keep mine on. I'm scared.

Stand back against the wall.

When he comes in, we'll all pounce on him.

Aah! Ow!

Get him, girls!

See if he's got a gun first!

Hey! Hey!

Well, if it isn't dopey.

Don't be a pig, Myra. Move over.

Got a little worried, didn't you?

Thought there might be something
to my story after all.

Wait till you dressmaker's
dummies read my next editorial.

I still think he's cute.

Meaning no disloyalty to you, Melsa.

Come on, girls. We've still
got some unfinished business.

You don't expect us to go to
Ronny Beldon's looking this way?

Come on.

Help! Help! Help!

Bye, darling.

Hurry up!

Let me do the questioning. Mr. Beldon
has a lot of explaining to do.

He can't cut me dead in the street,

Even if he was running away from a murder.

He should have been back by now.


It's unlocked.

It doesn't seem right to
go into a man's apartment

Without a chaperon.


He doesn't seem to be here.

Let's see if we can find anything.

Look for anything that might
connect him with the murder.

And don't disturb a thing. We don't want
him to know we've searched the place.

Helen, come here a minute.

Notice anything?

It's a picture of Sheila Lane, isn't it?

Yes, but you see that clip?

The one I described to you-

The same one I found in the Lane house.

Which means Sheila must
have been there, too.


I just saw that clip or its twin sister

A minute ago in the bedroom.

I thought I told you girls
not to disturb anything.

Here it is.

It is the same.

I put this clip in my cloak last night.

When I went out to call the police,

Ronny must have gone back,

Taken the body and my cloak.

Do you suppose Ronny could
have been the murderer?

Why, I can't believe it.

Come on. Let's get out of here.

Where's pat?

She wouldn't by any chance be
in the kitchen, would she?

Pat? Oh, pat!

Come on, pat. We're leaving.

I'll be with you in a minute.

Let me see that knife.

I'm hungry. I want to make a sandwich.

Oh, pat, let me have that. Oh, stop.

What's going on in here?

If I’m not mistaken, this
is the mate to the knife

That was sticking in my door.

This cinches it. It's Ronny, all right.

And I had him up to tea.

Now we'd better get out of here. Come on.

Not until I’ve had my sandwich.

Oh, pat, come on.


It's Ronny!


My heavens!

Wait a minute, girls.

We can't leave pat in there.

I'm not going back in there.

Isn't she brave?

And we all thought Ronny did it.

I have a psychic feeling we're
all moths to slaughter.

There you are. Afraid of a dead man.

Why, I-Oh!

Break into the joint sharp on the hour.

Don't bother with the guests.
Just get the croupiers.

And remember, I don't want to find
any chips in your vest pockets.

Lieutenant, there's a dame who wants
to speak to you on the phone.

A dame, eh?


Manton? Sullivan, get a
bicarb tablet ready.

Coming up, chief.

Look here, Miss Manton. We
realize we're public servants,

But do you realize it?

Oh, you found another body?


I see.

Well, I’ll tell you what to do.

Keep it on ice, see?

It is on ice?

Look here, Miss Manton. Get
out of my life, do you hear?

Get out of my life!

All about the murder. Playboy murdered.

Body found in Clarion lobby.

All about it! Extra!

Let's have it.

Oh, hello, Mr. Ames.

Say, what happened to you?

I've just been initiated
into the junior league.

What's this?

I wouldn't know, Mr. Ames.

I'm just on the distribution end.

Hey, extra! Read all about the big murder.

Hey, Pete, I never expected

A double-cross from you.

I don't know anything about it.

What's this all about?

I get into headquarters, and
this hits me in the face.

I don't know, Mike. I wasn't in the office.

I was tied up until now.

Will you stop crawling up on me?

What a scoop! We have 100,000
papers on the street already.

Why weren't the police notified?

We wanted to get our papers
out on the street first.

If any more bodies are found around
here, notify the police first.

If it ain't asking too much,
what did you do with the body?

He's in your office on the couch.

What are you trying to do, haunt my couch?!

I, uh... dropped in to the
Lane mansion tonight.

I ran into Manton and a
flock of her friends.

Ran into them? Looks like
you met them head-on.

I heard them say something about
going over to his apartment.

Round up that pack of dames
running around with Manton.

Bring them down to headquarters.

Drag them out of bed if you have to.

Ok, and I hope I have to.

Come on. We'll pick up Manton.

Wait a minute, Mike. Aren't
you being a little hasty?

Why don't you wait till morning?

Do you think I like to do this?

Do you think I like to take
people, men and women,

Human beings, and harass them,

Pound them, beat them, humiliate them?

No. But to these girls, I’m gonna love it!


I’d confess for a sandwich.

Confess what?

It depends on the sandwich.

Quiet, girls. That nice policeman
has thought up another question.

Why did you take the body
down to the Clarion?

I thought if you read it in the paper,

You'd believe it.

Miss Manton, we've been here all night.

You're tired. I'm tired.
The girls are tired.

All I’m asking is a simple question.

Which one of you girls
murdered Ronny Beldon?

And who's covering up for who?

Now, is that too much to ask?

I've told you before, inspector-


I told you that the only reason

We went to Ronny Beldon's apartment

Was because I saw Ronny Beldon

Come out of the Lane house.

Now will you let me call my lawyer?


Just a minute, sergeant.


Lieutenant, I have something to say.


I think he committed suicide.

Oh, you do, do you? Well, I
think you got something there.

He tiptoed into the
refrigerator, closed the door,

And stuck a knife into himself. Uhh!

Come on, chief.

Won't-Who asked you for it?

Won't somebody please
cooperate and confess?

I can't stand it any longer!
I'll confess! I did it!

You did? Why'd you do it?

Because you asked me to cooperate with you.

Now, look at me. I'm a sick man.

My stomach is on the blink.

It's easy for me to get sick,

But I want to get sick my own way!

Wait a minute, Mike. I'll take it.

Miss Manton, I don't happen to
agree with lieutenant Brent.

I don't think any of you girls did it.

But you are hiding something.

Now, Melsa, why don't you tell us?

Miss Manton is the name.

You made liars and social
parasites out of us.

Now we girls are going to collect
that million dollars from you.

And as for you, inspector Brent,

False arrest is a very serious charge,

And we'll have your badge
before we're through with you.

We're going to make you all
feel pretty small and silly.

Who's got a lipstick?

All right. Fingerprint them

And put them in the lineup.

And on what charges are
you going to hold us?

For spitting on the sidewalk.

Lieutenant, there's a lawyer out
here with a writ of habeas corpus

For the dames.

Well, it's about time.

All right, all right. And if
you dames find another body,

It'll probably be me.

Popsy! Oh, are we glad to see you.

Girls, you ought to have more
consideration for my age.

Who told you we were in jail?

A chap named Ames. Uh, Peter Ames.

A light begins to dawn.

What do you mean?

After all, when a man calls Melsa "Melsa"-

Oh, don't be silly.

You know, psychiatrists say hate's
just a step away from love.

Yeah, but it's the lull in
between that drives you crazy.

Come on, Popsy.


What for?

For calling my lawyer. Why did you do it?

Maybe I’m a social climber
or a fortune hunter.

Or maybe I’m beginning
to like you very much.


I realize I should let go of your hand,

But the fact is, I’m
finding I don't want to.

You've been very sweet. Thanks.

When can I see you again?

Meet me in Sheila Lane's apartment at 3:00.

There'll be a big story for you.

Sheila Lane?

Yes. I found her clip in the Lane mansion

When I discovered the body.

All right, Melsa. Come on.

Pat's hungry, and we're sleepy.

Good-bye, until 3:00.

Well, that's one way of
getting favorable publicity.

Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

Come on. Out. Out.

Now what's the matter?

You're under arrest.

This is where I came in.

Come on. Give me that clip.

You unspeakable Judas.

Now, Melsa-

Don't call me Melsa.

This isn't any pink tea.

That knife in your door was no joke,

Even if I thought it was.

Are you gonna give me-What knife?

I'll tell you later.

This is murder. Neither the
police department nor I

Want to wake up some morning

And find 8 lovely debutantes murdered.

You know, he makes sense to me.

Are you gonna give me that clip?


Withholding evidence, eh?

Covered Beldon's apartment.
Couldn't find a thing.

Anything new?

Yeah. Looks like Sheila
Lane done her boyfriend in.

We just got an alarm out for her.

Hey, Mike, what about old man Lane?

What about him?

If our paper knew his wife was
running around with Beldon,

He must have known.

Maybe he killed Beldon and
tossed his wife in the river.

Hey, maybe you got something there.
Get an alarm out for-

I hate to spoil a good story,

But Mr. Thomas, his partner, told me

That Lane has been out of town

For the past week on business.

Did he? Get that alarm out for Lane.

That's Beldon's car - It's been
standing outside his house

For two days.

Ok. You catch some sleep.

I'm taking these dames back
to Beldon's apartment.

I'll make them talk if I have
to keep them awake all summer.

Now he thinks he's general grant.

Shut up. Hey, you. Follow us.

We'll use the Beldon car. You come with me.

Let go of my arm.

Wait a minute. You girls
hop in the rumble seat.

Ames, you'll ride with me.

Aah! Aah!


Shut up!

That's the body! That's the
body I saw in the Lane house!

Old man Lane.

Right on my own doorstep.

It's contempt of court.

Oh, it's you. I told you on the
phone she won't go with you.

Now, Hilda, I just want to talk to her.

She don't want to talk to you.

She even made me stop buying your paper.

And besides, someone's coming to
take her to the charity ball.

I'll force my way in.

If you do, she told me to
throw a pitcher of water

Plumb in your face.

I'll risk it.

It was orders, but I used distilled water.

Do you and Melsa live
this way all the time?

Well, I done my best.
She's in the living room,

But I warn you, y'all
better not go in there.

She's in a nasty mood, and when I
says nasty, I ain't mincing words.

Hilda, I thought I told
you to keep him out.

Melsa, please. I've never
run after a woman before-

That is, I’ve never admitted it-

But I’m running after you.

You're on a treadmill, Mr. Ames.

You may keep on running, but
you'll remain in the same spot.

Hilda, for Pete’s sake,
will you get out of here?

I've got things to say. I can't say them
when you're standing there staring at me.

Hilda, you stay right where you are.

You don't know what's good for you.

Listen, before I knew you,
I disliked you intensely.

When I met you, I disliked you intensely.

Even now, I dislike you intensely-

That is, the sensible, sane portion of me.

But there's an insane side of
me that gets a little violent

Every time I think of you.

Getting rid of a million-dollar lawsuit

Wouldn't have anything to do

With your change in affection, would it?

You are a nasty creature, aren't you?

But in time, I’ll beat it out of you.

Reckon that's your date, honey child.

I know why you're going to the ball.

I also know that Sheila Lane is
chairwoman of the entertainment committee

And hasn't missed one of
these affairs in 5 years,

And she might show up.

So you see, I’m going for
the same reason you are.

I'm going because I’m charitably inclined.

If that's your mood, go with me.

I'll let you pay the cab fare.

Hello, Harold. I'll be ready in a moment.

Very glad to have met you, Harold.

Drop in again sometime. We'll
have another heart-to-heart talk.

I never thought I’d live to see the day

You'd turn your back on the middle classes.

How do you like it?

On the expense account,

They call it a disguise.

This is the last place in the world
I ever thought I’d run into a cop.

When I get the time, I’m
gonna resent that crack.

Why don't you quit leading this
double life? Go home to your wife.

You know why I’m here, and
I know why you're here.

There's no ulterior motives
in my charitable impulses.

Yeah? I'd like to grab Sheila Lane, too.

Hey, boss, I found out about that-

He's ok.

That was a tough job, but I dug it up.

Covered every insurance company.

George Lane left an insurance
policy of $250,000.

Hey, very clever fellow.

Why didn't you come to me?

I could have saved you the job.

We knew that all the time.

It's possible a wife would kill her
husband for that amount of money.

You might even call it
justifiable homicide.

But, Peter, the wife isn't the beneficiary.

It's his partner Thomas.

Thanks a lot, Jim. I'll
see you in the office.

It don't make sense to me.

Thomas has got $10 million in the bank.

Why would he kill his partner for 250,000?

What makes you so sure he's
got 10 million in the bank?

That guy's as solid as the bank of England.

He's got relatives all through
the banking business.

Why don't you subpoena
his books and find out?

Ain't I got enough trouble with
Manton trying to get my badge?

Do I have to get wall
street on my neck, too?

Any sign of Sheila Lane yet?

No. Gee, how I wish I could
get my hands on that dame.

And you a married man, lieutenant.

Tsk tsk tsk.

Did you kill George Lane?

What reason would I have to kill him?

250,000 reasons.

So you knew about that policy.


And you knew I was going broke.

Stop it, Fred. I know too
much to associate with you.

Let's call it quits.

You don't credit me with
much intelligence, do you?

What do you mean?

That I know you've been carrying
on with George Lane for months.

That's a lie.

And that you'll find it
very difficult to explain

Where you were the night
George Lane was murdered.


Come on. We've got work to do.

I've got a date.

Give me the crowbar.


Give me the tools.


If we get caught, how will we explain this?

We're only doing the same kind of work

They do here during the day.





Thanks, Helen.

What for?



I don't think we're alone.


Well, dopey. When did you get in here?

I was here when you gently stole in.

By the way, there's nothing in the drawer.

I, for one, am glad you're here.

Mrs. Benedict Arnold.

Come here, Joe.

I brought up an expert in safes.
I want you to meet-

Uh-Uh. No names, boss. No names.

Are you a real crook?

The last lawyer what defended me

Said I was antisocial.

I kind of like that better than crook.
Don't you?

Come on, Mr. X. Let's get to work.

No. Not before witnesses.

She's all right. That's the
girl I’m going to marry.

You know, a wife can't
testify against her husband.

Yeah, but she could testify against me.

I could marry you. As a matter
of fact, I’d prefer it.

Oh, it looked to me like
she was gonna marry you.

Oh, I was only fooling.

Of course I’m going to marry him.

Yeah, but how about this other dame?

I'm going to be his second wife.

I'm raising the ante 50 bucks.


There she is.

All right, Mr. X, get your
photostatic machine ready.

This may take a little time, girls.

That's all right. We'll start
planning Melsa's trousseau.

Lay off the salmon. I hate it.

Here's a certified profit
and loss statement.

My hunch was right. Thomas is in a bad way.

I just can't believe he did it.

You know, I like loyalty in a woman.

And hate deceit. Get me that envelope.

It's marked personal.

It's none of your business.

Anyhow, this is Lane's paper,

And you're investigating Thomas.

Give it to me. Go away.

Go away. You bother me.

Here's 1,000 withdrawn on the 8th.
1,000, the 15th.

On the 22nd. Looks like 1,000 every week.

Here's 20,000 withdrawn the
day Lane was murdered.

Mr. X, what does that smell like to you?


Mmm. Very interesting.

Maybe this is what cost him the 20 grand

And that thousand every week in blackmail.

Sheila was married to a convict named
Norris before she married Lane.

He's doing a 10-Year stretch right now.

Here are the clippings on him.


So Sheila was married to number 3572.

Am I being paged?

Hello, Eddie. Thought you were in jail.

Got out a week ago. They
knocked off a couple of years

Because I was a good boy.

Look here, Eddie. I had
nothing to do with this.

I'm just up here on a job.

I got 100 smackers for it.

Shut up, rat. Put those
papers back in the envelope.

You know, Norris, you've
just done a stretch.

If they nab you with that water pistol,

You're going to catch an awful spanking.

Toss it over.

Stand there and toss it over.

All right.


Cost you another 50 bucks.

She's dead. She's dead! He shot her!

Melsa, speak to me!

Get some water.

Melsa. Oh, Melsa, darling,
please, please don't be dead.

Here it is.

It's all right. It's distilled water.

What do you mean by calling me "darling"?

Are you sure there's no hole there?
It feels empty.

It don't only feel empty, it is empty.

If it weren't, you
wouldn't be messing around

In things like this.

Oh, Hilda, you're fired.

Please pack your bags and go and
leave me to die here alone.

Oh, my poor head.

Hilda? Hilda!

Oh, there's that mob again.

Melsa, darling, how are you?

Oh, girls, please, my head!

Why didn't you take us along last night?
We missed all the fun.

What's funny about a bump on my head?

I think it's beautiful.

Getting wounded in the line of duty.

Imagine, capturing a murderer.

Well, he claims an alibi.

"Edward Norris, held on suspicion

"Of the murders of George
Lane, Ronny Beldon,

"And Sheila Lane, whose body
has not yet been found,

"Claims an alibi-Declares he was

"With girlfriend Frances
Glesk at hockey match

"At time of George Lane's murder.

"So far, attempts of police
to locate miss Glesk

Have proved fruitless."

The police-All they know is to
blow a whistle and tie up traffic.

Y'all can't come in here.

Oh, yes, I can! Get out of my way!

It's all your fault.

If you hadn't been there, he
wouldn't have been nabbed.

And all he wanted was the papers.

Now they've tied him up with the killing.

Sheila Lane doesn't mean a thing to him.

Sure, he was married to
her, but he loves me!

He loves me!

Gee, how he must love her.

What did I do? Pass out?

You're Frances Glesk, aren't you?

Yes, and I’m risking
everything coming here to you,

But you got Eddie into this mess,

And you're responsible
for what happens to him.

You've got to help me clear him.

You're Eddie Norris' alibi.

If you were with him at the hockey game,

Why don't you go to the police?

I can't go to the police.
I'm a two-Time loser now.

In order to do Eddie any
good, I’d have to lie,

And if they catch me, it
means a life stretch.

You're an unselfish sort
of gal, aren't you?

What do you mean, you'd have to lie?

The only kind of an alibi
I could give Eddie

Would send him to the chair.

He left me during the
10-minute intermission

For a smoke.

The cops would jump on that, and they'd-

Wait a minute.

That intermission wouldn't give him time

To cross town and get back.

I know the police. They'd railroad
him on less evidence than that.

Isn't that the usual claim?

Look here, you. I'm telling the truth.

You've got to believe me. Eddie
didn't do it. He isn't that kind.

I suppose those two guns he
pointed at us in Lane's office

Were paper-Mache.

You didn't happen to know
George Lane, did you?

Only slightly.

What are you driving at?

Her alibi for Norris is also
a perfect alibi for herself.

Don't be silly. We all knew George Lane,

But none of us killed him.

I believe you, and we're going to help you.

Come on, girls. We've got work to do.

Hello, Hilda. Is Miss Manton in?

No, sir. She done left for South America.

Hello, girls. Came up to celebrate.

Got a $25 raise.

He offered me the money or
new furniture in the office.

I took the money.

A raise? For what?

Catching a murderer.

Wasn't that a little
premature of your employers?

Norris hasn't been indicted yet.

He's unquestionably guilty.

He goes before the grand
jury in the morning.

Why, you-

This is Dora’s cousin Ann
Spaulding from Chattanooga.

How do you do? Welcome to the game.

Where did you say you were from?


Get the exact address.

We'll send her an
invitation to our marriage.

What marriage?

Now, don't try to crawl out of it.

Helen witnessed your promise
last night, didn't you, Helen?

Congratulations, Peter. May I be the first?

If I want to marry a fortune hunter,

I can go to Europe and
marry a professional one.

I'm determined to make you happy

If I have to drag your name

Through the breach-of-promise
courts to do it.

You're from Chattanooga, where they
have a higher sense of values.

Don't you think I’m a good catch?

Well, um, uh, I wouldn't know.

You must know the Carlisles.

Very old family, mint julep and all that?

You know the Carlisles.

Oh, yes.

Yes. Ha ha!

I must develop a taste for this stuff.

Since we're being married

And you've got plenty of
money, we can afford it.

A drink, miss Spaulding?

No. She never touches the stuff.

Thanks awfully for dropping in.

Wait a minute.

I'll show you to the elevator.

Hello, everybody.

Where have you been? Melsa and
I have been getting engaged,

And you weren't here.


I liked your cousin, even if
she won't hoist a mug with us.

My cousin?

Yes, you know - From Chattanooga.
She just got in.

You are surprised to see
here, aren't you, darling?

Honey, how are you?

Good-Bye now.


Oh. Oh!

Could I use your phone? Thanks.

Oh, dear.


Lieutenant Brent.

If I were you, I’d use a
little more discrimination

In the choice of my relatives.

Hello, Mike? There's somebody up here
I think you're very anxious to meet.

Hello? Hello?

Get him, girls.

Hey, wait a minute, girls.

Take it easy, girls. Look. Hello? Help!

Stop! Don't! Aah!

Hello? Hello, operator. Operator. Operator.

Hello? Hello, operator. Operator.

You've got him.

All right, come on.

Oh, wait a minute.

There. That'll hold him.

Come on.

And the next time, we'll
give you a black eye.

This isn't play any longer.

We're dealing with a man's life.

The rest period in hockey
games is 10 minutes.

It's up to us to prove whether
Norris could or could not

Get up to the Lane house, kill a
man, and get back in that time.

I'm purposely making it
the same time of night

Because we'll be facing the
same traffic problems.

Helen, you take a cab; Myra, the bus;

Kit, the subway; and, pat,
walk as fast as you can,

But don't stop at restaurants.

All right, now start off.

"While, with their usual enthusiasm,

"The police were browbeating
an innocent man,

"Melsa Manton and her group
of public-Spirited friends

"Have unearthed a witness who substantiated

Ed Norris' alibi."

We're grateful for the chance
to hammer the police a bit.

You'll keep this off the
streets for 20 minutes,

As you promised?

We're old-Fashioned
enough to keep our word.

I'm going down to the
district attorney's office.

They're going to indict Norris.

Anytime you want a job as
a reporter, come to me.

I'd like to speak to the district attorney.

He's busy.

Mr. Ames and Mr. Brent don't
happen to be in there, do they?

I refuse to answer.

I must see the district
attorney immediately.

I'll not be intimidated!

Please sit over there and wait your turn.

Yes, sir.

Bring in that police report.

Yes, sir.

Norris, we're going before the
grand jury in a few minutes.

Why don't you write out a confession?

You threatened to kill anyone
that mistreated Sheila.

Now, look, Norris, I’m your pal.

Play ball with us, and I’ll get
you off with second degree.

Go away before I smack you
in your stomach trouble.

I must see the district attorney at once.

Indeed? Well, young lady,

The rule of this office is
that you wait your turn.


What's that?

Oh, I beg your pardon.

Bring in that file on Norris.

Yes, sir.

Why should I kill anyone?

I've got a good job now,
foreman on the new subway.

I said I was going straight, and I am.

Norris, you were known to have hated Lane.

You were willing to murder me
and several lovely young girls

To destroy evidence.

Whoa! Whoo!

What is this, anyway?

I didn't do anything.

Where did you get this?

Sir, I don't know, except
maybe that young lady-

Oh, it's you.

See here, young lady,

You can't do this sort
of thing in my office.

Here are the affidavits-The legal proof

That the law of physics is maintained.

One object cannot be in two
places at the same time.

Another paper prints it,

It might cost me my job.

That's all right, darling.

I'll use my influence and
get you on the W.P.A.

Miss Manton, all the police ask
is that you leave them alone.

I suppose I should have left you alone.

You had a very lovely suspect,

And you probably could have proven,

In your inimitable way, that he did it.

The fact that he was innocent
would never disturb your sleep.

A man would die for it, and the
real murderer would go free.

As long as inspector Brent kept his badge.

Isn't she wonderful?

That's the girl I’m gonna marry.

I'll take snow white.

My advice to you is to find Sheila Lane

And to keep that Manton
girl out of your affairs.

She's probably the kind of a dame

That would come back to haunt me.

Otherwise I’d shoot to kill.

Hello, girls.

Myra, it's about time you got here.

I wasn't in when your message came.
What did you want?

We're looking for Sheila Lane.

I don't believe she's been murdered.

I think she's hiding from the police,

Afraid because she knows too much.

Now, of what was Sheila Lane the proudest?

Her marriage license.

She should have been, but she wasn't.

Her red hair, darling.

She was proudest of her flaming topper.

She used the same beauty shop I do.

I found out her hairdresser rinsed her hair

In an imported preparation
very few shops use.

If that peacock is still alive,

She's getting the stuff somewhere.

This time, it's find the hair preparation,

And you'll find the woman.

I'm getting so scared, I’m beginning
to see faces over my shoulder.

If any of you girls feel
like pulling out, go ahead.

Melsa, don't feel that way about it.

I hate the color yellow.

There's no disgrace in being frightened.

Oh, we'll stick.

All you children run along
now and get some sleep.

You go on and get your shower, honey child.

Myra, you take all the beauty
shops along 8th and 9th avenue,

From 42nd to 59th street.

The rest of you girls know your routes.

Melsa certainly wants her pound of flesh.

Are you sure she doesn't
want 150 pounds of it?

Quiet, you carrion.

Girls, girls. All they think
about nowadays is men.

And then again, why not?

They make awful good thinking.

Who there this time of night?

I want to talk to Melsa Manton.

You can't talk to her now.

Why not? Because she's all wet.

She's in the shower.

Tell her she'd better not
try to find Sheila Lane,

Or she'll wake up one morning

On the bottom of the east river.

Yes, sir. Yes, sir, I hear you.

No, sir, I ain't arguing with you.

Good-Bye, sir, please.

G- Get me the morning clarion.

"Number, please?" I don't know
no number except policy numbers.

You give me the morning clarion.

You're being paid to edit.

Your place is behind this desk.

You'll get your money's worth.

My place is behind this desk,
and behind this desk I stay.


Yes, Hilda.

What? What?

I'll be right over.

Get lieutenant Brent at headquarters.

Tell him to get over to Melsa
Manton's apartment right away.

I'll tell him why later.

Yes, but you just said-

Melsa. Melsa, my darling,
what have they done-

Hilda! Hilda!

Oh, it's you.

Darling, you're not dead.

Are you disappointed?

You gave me the fright of my life.

Do you always sleep this way?


Something will have to be done about it.

I can't stand a fright
like this every night.

I assume you had a very good
reason for bursting in this way,

Or is it spring?

That threat. That threat over the phone.

I'm spending the night right here.

In my lifetime, I’ve heard
of a variety of subterfuges,

But, Ames, you are superb.

No other man in the whole world

Could have thought of this.

You're up to your beautiful hips in murder.

You're fooling around with someone
who isn't afraid to kill.

Who is he? What are you girls up to?

Wouldn't you and Brent love to know?

Remember I once said I’d beat
that nastiness out of you?

You want me to start now?

I'd better go.

Hilda, you stay here.

I'm not moving till the police get here.

That man said not to bring in the police.

Oh, all right. You can
stay in the living room.

I'm not letting you out of my sight.

Oh, Hilda can sleep in here.

All right, Hilda. Can you handle a gun?

No, sir. I's a pacifist.

You see?

You want the lights on or off?

It doesn't make any difference to me.

Good night.

May I have a cigarette?

I've had dozens of cigarette
lighters, but they never work.

I use cheap gasoline.

Maybe that's why it works.

I guess so.

Funny thing about streetlights-

You never notice them.

They're so bright-Constant, too.

They were on last night and tonight.

Tomorrow they'll be there again.

Yes, I suppose the city is in a rut.

I once smashed a streetlight.

It was for a lady. She asked me to do it.

I was 5 then, very much in love.

Was she pretty?

The cutest thing you ever saw.

My parents thought we were too young

To be thinking of that sort of thing,

And they shipped her off to kindergarten.

Whatever became of her?

She's probably still in kindergarten.

I couldn't live in this apartment.

It's too high up for me.

I've got acrophobia, you
know - fear of high places.

Oh. You sort of...

You sort of get sick inside?

Yeah, like I’d suddenly gone empty.

Me, too. That's why I never
go out on the balcony.

I get that way riding in an elevator.

Up or down?


I feel like that both ways.

We have a lot in common.

Mmm. All except the elevator.

Melsa. Melsa.




I'm terribly worried about you.

Please tell me who this man
is who's threatening you.

Who is he?

Good night, Mr. Ames.

I swear, I’m only concerned about you.

Good night, Mr. Ames.

Oh, no. I'm not going, not until-


Melsa, I’ve found Sheila Lane.

A small beauty parlor on a side street.

The hairdresser didn't
want to talk at first,

But a $100 bill soon loosened her tongue.

She described Sheila and
said she was staying

At the Hotel Ashton on 23rd street

And that she called herself Sharon Lester.

Well, what's the matter?

Oh, is somebody there with you?

Oh, well, look.

Can you meet me down on the corner

In about 10 minutes?

Thanks, pat.

You can stay here if you want to.

I'm going to spend the night with pat.

She just invited me.

That was pat on the phone.

You can't do that. You can't
go out on the street,

Not until Brent gets here.

At least let me take you with me.


Mike, I’m glad you're here.

Peter! Peter!

Come on. Come on.

Let go of me, copper.

Bat Regan!

Well, who did you think
it was, Kris Kringle?

Why'd you do it?

I'm class-conscious, see?

I don't like society dames.

I sent for the ambulance, chief.

Ames is bleeding bad.

Hey, chief, look.

Here's what he threw away.

Throwing away dough, huh?

Sure. The depression's over.
Things are humming again.

You didn't happen to get this from Lane?

Now, before you start lying,

We got the numbers from the bank.

He lost it to me over one
of my roulette tables.

There's nothing lower

Than a dirty, murdering blackmailer.

With my arms being held,
you're pretty tough!

Let him go.


Try to escape, huh?

There you are. In a day or two,

You'll be as good as new.

Thanks a lot. Come on. Give.

I'm hungry. Oh, boy.

All we could get out of Regan

Was that he got the money
from Lane gambling.

I think it was blackmail

And when Lane threatened to go
to the police, he killed him.

Beldon saw it, so he killed Beldon.

Why should he take a shot at Melsa?

He says he was cleaning
the gun, and it went off.

Cleaning a gun in a car.

It's Regan’s gun,

And he insists it's his privilege

To clean it wherever he likes.

Now, I’m trying to hold on to Regan,

But they've set his bail at 50 grand.

Regan will have that up in 24 hours.

Fine thing.

Now, look, Pete.

That Manton girl knows
something we don't know.

Otherwise, Regan wouldn't
have tried to kill her.

If he don't tell us,

We'll have to get it out of Manton.

Get something out of Manton?

Don't make me laugh.

This tastes too good to choke on.


I told her you were dying.

She's out there in the corridor

Crying her head off for you.

She is?

That's worth dying for.

Well, almost worth dying for.

Listen. In the condition she's in,

She'd even tell you her
age if you asked her.

You could get anything out of her

Is she thinks you're dying.

I’m sorry. You can't come in, lady.

Oh, I must see him. I must see him!

Let her in, Sullivan.

Don't tax him too much.

He's sinking fast.


Oh, darling.

Who... who is it?

It's Melsa.

What have they done to you, darling?

They... killed me.

The rats.

Oh, no, they haven't. You'll live.

You've got to live.

You've got to get strong and well

For your career, your future.



Yes. Your future. Our future.

You promised before witnesses

That you'd marry me.

You've got to live!

Oh, I love you. I love you.

Oww! Ohh!


The first death rattle.


Who was it said,

"Joy always comes to a man

Too late."

Oh, no. No! Pete.

Oh! Pete, boy.

Don't you want us to avenge you?

No, Mike. I forgive everybody.

That's what I call a nice guy.

Even the rat who shot you?

Even him, Mike.

Wouldn't you...

Wouldn't you rest just a little bit easier

If you knew why he did it?

Just out of curiosity?

Oh, what good will it do?

It's all my fault. Now it's too late.

Mike, you know Melsa

Wouldn't hold anything back

From a dying man.

Mr. Ames,

Isn't there something I can do for you?

Yes, Sullivan.

Sing my favorite song for me...

Home On the Range.


¶ Oh, give me a home ¶

¶ Where the buffaloes roam ¶

¶ And the deer and the antelope play... ¶

Never to see the sun again.

¶ A discouraging word... ¶

I don't want to die.

I'm too young to die!

I want to feel the rain in my face,

The wind in my hair.

I want to smell the good earth.

Oh, Peter! Peter!

We could have made sweet music together.

"He rose like a meteor,
flashed across our sky,

And then was gone."

Good-bye, Mike.

I'm not gonna take this lying down.

You're my friend, my best friend,

And if it's no interest to Miss Manton,

It is to me.

I must have my revenge!


Why did Regan take a shot
at you, Miss Manton?


Oh, we were looking for Sheila Lane.

He threatened to kill me

If I didn't stop.

And did you find her, sweet?


She's registered as Sharon Lester

At the Ashton Hotel on 23rd street.

Well, I’ll be seeing you.

I mean...

When my number is called.

¶ Home on the-¶

That's enough, Sullivan.

Quite enough.

¶ Where the deer and-¶

Where's the phone?

Around the hall.

Down that way. Ehh!



Oh. Oh.

Are you still in pain, sweet?

Oh, it's nothing. Nothing.

Only when I move, but it's nothing.

Peter, perhaps I did wrong

In not telling inspector Brent everything.

You mean you held something back?

Yes, Peter.

Oh, sweet, you're so clever.

Remember when I went into
Ronny Beldon's apartment?

Yes, dear.

When I went into the bathroom,

I found something.

In the bathroom?


Floating around in a foot
of water in the bathtub.

Louder, dear.

I can hardly hear you.

I'll come closer.

Tell me, dear. What was it?

The Normandy, you black-hearted
faker, in full sail!


Why did you hide from
the police, Mrs. Lane?

I didn't hide from the police.

I was afraid whoever killed George
and Ronny would kill me, too.

So I went to bat Regan.

I used to work for him.

I knew he loved me and
would do anything for me,

And it was his hotel I was stopping at.

He hid me,

Gave me the money to live on.

Your husband's money. Blackmail money.

Why did Regan help you
blackmail your husband?

Oh, please. Please.

I told you I went to the old house

After my husband was dead.

Ronny and I had been meeting there.

That's why you found my clip.

Ronny saw my husband murdered,

But he couldn't go to the police

Without exposing our relationship,

So he made me leave.

He must have taken the body out

While the Manton girl
was calling the police,

And then before he could get rid of it, he-

He was... he was killed.

So that's it.

Beldon helped you murder your husband

Because he found out about you two, oh, no.

And Beldon loved you enough

To get rid of the body for you!


Then you murdered Beldon
because he knew too much!

Oh, lieutenant Brent,

There isn't very much left in my life.

I really don't care what you do with me.

Do as you please.

Take her back to her cell.

Hello, Miss Manton. Glad to see you.

Lieutenant Brent is waiting for you.

Go right in.

Come right in, Miss Manton.

Oh, Miss Manton. I've been waiting for you.

Won't you be seated?

Is the chair comfortable?

Very. Thank you.

How about a pillow?

Oh, no. Oh, go on. Go on.

Now, Miss Manton, as you know,

You've been a great help to us.

Oh, yes, you have.

We may have had our little disagreements,

But then, who doesn't?

Hello, Mike.

Good evening, inspector.

Now, Miss Manton,

Just because you don't like
Ames here, don't allow it

To undermine the good
work you've been doing.

I didn't know you were going to be here.

Brent sent for me.

Now, here's the idea, Miss Manton.

You saw Ronny Beldon come out
of the Lane house, didn't you?


Everybody knows you're mixed up in this.

Collected evidence.

Everybody suspects you holding out.
Even I do.

Oh, I’ll bet you say that to all the girls.


Now, what would happen
if we published the fact

That you had just uncovered
some new evidence

Which is certain to lead

To the discovery of the murderer

And that you have an appointment

With a district attorney tomorrow

To turn over that evidence to him?

I'd probably be found

In a refrigerator.

That's right.

Well, isn't it lucky

I didn't find any new evidence?

Now, all you have to do

Is appear in public with Pete here

Where the murderer can get at you.

First, I’ll surround you with police,

Then release the suspects.

Release the suspects?

I'm going to Europe pretty soon.

I'll be back in the fall, and
then we'll talk it over.

Now, Miss Manton.

Mike, she's right.

But there's a killer loose!

Let me ask you something, Mike.

If she was your wife, would you do this?

Inspector, that's an
implication that I’m his wife.

I'm not.

Yes, Pete. Because I think
lots of other wives

Have a right to live in
safety from murderers.

Now, how about it? Will you do it?

No, she won't. I won't let her be a decoy.

You won't let me?

You're scared because he's
asking you to be there, too.

This proves there's insanity in my family.
I'll do it.


But don't get the idea that we're friends.

If I can still take your badge
away from you, I’m going to do it.

Just catch that killer, and
you can have my badge.

Release Sheila Lane.

The rest of them are loose.

Regan got his bail this morning.

Now phone your paper to print the headline

About Miss Manton finding new evidence.

You scared?

Because I am.


No, I’m not scared.

Hello. Ames. Get me rewrite.

Extra! Extra!

Extra! Extra!

It's all right, boys.

It was just a car backfiring.

Rafferty from headquarters, miss.

Don't worry. We're all around.


How's the terrapin tonight?

I don't know. I'll ask
the guy in the kitchen.

Never mind. We'll take the dinner.

Ok, coming up.

Do you have Chablis 29?

What's Chablis 29?

What's the idea?

Hello, Pete. Excuse me.

Briscol from headquarters.

Don't worry. Everything's under control.

I'll get your chow.

Wait a minute. Before
you get those dinners,

Is the chef from headquarters, too?

Nah. Good.


No, thank you. All right.

Is it necessary for you
to hold me so tightly?

Of course, you make a
better target by yourself.

Why don't you draw red circles around me

And rent me out to a rifle range?

That wasn't the real reason

I was holding you so close.

It so happens,

Heaven help me, I love you.

You're taking an unfair advantage of me.

The only reason I’m here with you

Is because there's a gun in my back.

Well, sometimes, that kind of wedding

Turns out very successfully.

I'm going to become hysterical in a moment.

I've got the jitters.

Isn't it awful?

Get going!

Line them up and search them!

Get Pete! Where's Manton?

Miss Manton? What happened to Miss Manton?

Well, she was right - Hey, chief.

Whoever it was got in and out

Through a window in the hall.

I just found the latch broken.

He got Melsa. It's your fault, Mike.

I'm gonna break every bone in your head.

Did you get him?

Oh, no, Miss Manton. He got away.

Are you all right?

Of course. I need a drink.

I found this stuck on the windowpane.

What is it?

It's a hunk of tar paper.

Maybe he's a roofer.

Maybe you're a musician.

22 men, and all you bring me back

Is a hunk of tar paper.

Oh, uh, I’m an awful mess.

Would you excuse me a moment?

Will you quit crawling up on me?

Melsa, let me take you out of all this.

Wouldn't you rather wait
until I’ve made up?

Don't be afraid. I'm gonna stay right here.

Nobody's going to pass me.

Isn't that being a little selfish?

Hello, Helen? Melsa.

Round up all the girls and
meet me in my apartment.

Don't ask any questions. Just meet me.

All right.

This subway ain't open yet, miss.

Oh, I’m sorry.

The trains won't be
running for two years yet

The way we've been going.

Oh. Well, you see,

I- I own a lot of stock in the company.

I thought I’d just come down and
see how things were getting on.

Oh, you're a stockholder.

You got much stock?

Sure. Uh, by the way,

Do those things go very fast?

I mean, could you go from here

To, say, Madison Square Garden
and back in 10 minutes?

Do they go that fast?

They sure do, miss.

I got to walk, but once in a while,

I do a little cheating-

Steal a ride.

Press a button, and zip! I'm there.


Oh, uh, here.

Buy yourself another pipe-

One that looks less like a gun.

Good night.

Oh, Miss Manton.

Mr. Norris.

What are you doing here?

I've been waiting for you.

You know, I never did thank you properly

For providing that alibi.


Oh, that's all right. You're welcome.

I, uh, I can't see you tonight.

I won't keep you a moment.

I assure you.

Don't you think it's dangerous

To be running around
without police protection?

I have police protection.


I don't blame you for ditching them.


Never smoke.

Will you have a drink?

Never drink.

That's nice.

Sit down.

It's quiet.

Peaceful here, isn't it?

I'm tired and sleepy.

Won't you excuse me?

You look frightened.

Maybe you'd better have a cigarette.

Don't make believe you're not
scared, because you are.

Most people are scared of me.

I'm not.

As a matter of fact, I like you.

You do?

Well, I... I helped you.

I helped your girlfriend Frances Glesk.

Well, that was very nice of you,

But Frances is just a friend.

There's only one woman I ever really loved.

Sheila Lane?


I don't look like a lover, do I?

Oh, yes, you do. Very much.

I used to sit in my cell.

You got lots of time in prison.

Even if you work all day,
there are the nights.

Horrible nights.

All I could think of was Sheila...

Married to somebody else.

But I really didn't mind because...

I thought it was a great break
for her being married to Lane.

He was a rich guy, a banker.

But did you know he used to beat her?


No, I didn't.

I hated that guy.

All I wanted was to kill him.

But when he was dead...

There wasn't any thrill to
look forward to anymore.

Beldon saw me do it, so
I had to kill him, too.

But now when I think of it, it...

It doesn't seem to mean a thing.

I'm wondering how will it feel

To kill somebody I like.

You think that's strange?

Yes. Very.

I'm sorry to drag it out like this.

I would have done it down at the subway

When you found out how I got
downtown and back so quickly,

But there was that watchman.

I don't think you'd better answer it.

If you don't let me answer it,

My maid will be in here.

All right.


Oh, Peter. Um...

No. I'm all right.

Well, I - I just didn't
want any more policemen

Cluttering up my life.


Of course, there's nobody up here with me.

All right.

Good night, darling, and I...

I love you very much.

You better put your coat on.

It's chilly on the street.

But the police might be outside.

I don't know just where
Peter was calling from,

But they had a lot of men surrounding him.

I know that. They almost got me tonight

When I took that shot at you at the club,

But I was too smart for them.

Are you expecting anyone?

No. I'm not expecting anybody.

If it's the police,

Tell them you're going to bed.

Repeat what you said over the phone.

Oh, please go away. I didn't say anything.

What about that "I love you very much"?

What a-

A gentleman caller.

Melsa, are you two-Timing me?

I ought to give you the
beating of your life.

You're lucky, Ames.

She loves you very much...

Like Sheila used to love me.

Only you're lucky because you'll
never have to torture yourself

Thinking of her being
married to someone else.

What is all this?

Tell him, Miss Manton.

He killed Lane and Beldon.

He used an electric
handcar in the new subway

To get there and back.

Come on.

Look. She gave you a break
with the alibi, Norris.

I give you my word. We won't do
anything about this till tomorrow.

Take a head start and beat it.

If they do nab you,

I'll play you up
sympathetically in the papers.

Go on.

Don't speak to anyone.

I don't want to kill an innocent bystander.

You know, that's what I
like about crazy men-

That fine sense of distinction.

You think I’m insane?

Oh, he says that to everybody.

In case I forget or...

Maybe don't get another chance to tell you,

I'm very happy to have loved you.


Now, come on. Drop that gun.

Stay where you are, Brent.
You, too, coppers.

Put it down, or you'll never
get out of here alive.

Well, if I don't, she won't, either.

Now, Norris, use your head.

Now wait a minute, girls. He's got a gun!

Stand back, I tell you,

Or Manton gets it.

If you kill her, you
have to kill all of us!

Oh, you're always talking communism.


Drop that gun.

We're going through.

You're not gonna get out of here alive.

Go ahead.


Darling, it's all right.

Hilda listened in on my phone call.

She always listens in on my calls.

She told me Norris was there,

And we arranged everything.

Why didn't you tell me?

I didn't have a chance to tell you.

Oh, darling, let me take
you out of all this.

That offer still holds good.

Let's get married right away. Today?

We'll go to South America for 6 months.

Maybe we'll never come back.

Can you afford it?

No, but you can.

Isn't there a drop of red
blood in your veins?

I want to live on your income.

That's foolish. Who's gonna live on yours?


My bicarb tablets.

Will you quit crawling up on me?