The Last Victim (2021) - full transcript

The Last Victim is a Neo Western thriller set in the American southwest, following Sheriff Hickey trying to solve the worst case he has seen in his small town, likely caused by a violent local gang led by a fearsome criminal.




I've lived long enough

to see what happens

when progress

marches through town.

Rarely stops long enough

to let everyone catch up.

If you are not paying attention,

got caught up

in your own problems,

well sometimes,

it just rolls over you.

It don't wait for your concerns.

It don't stop

to count the bodies.

And now at night,

you can see the big cities

all lit up from space.

Glittering like a virus,

spreading across

this diseased planet.

Fueled by greed and corruption,

people playing us all like pawns

on a chessboard.

Well, what happens

if those pawns

don't do as they're told?

What if they move

to whatever space they want?

Would the kingdom crumble?

When you finally

learn to see

through all

of the frivolous distractions

and blatant falsehoods,

you realize that you're left

with only your principles,

the choices you make,

and how you respond

to the choices made by others.






Sit anywhere you like, hon.



how you been, Manny?

All right.

Well... that is good to hear.

You got a little...

Thank you.

Sorry about the wait there,

can I get you anything?

You know what,

it smells so damn good in here,

I'm just gonna have

what my friend here is having.

(LAUGHS) Sure thing, hon.

Would you like something

to drink with that?

Thank you, no. I'm all set.

Be out in a minute.



life's good?

(SCOFFS) Yeah.


I don't know

what it is you think I did--

I don't think you did anything.

I just don't-- I don't...

I don't know why...





What's wrong, Manny?

You know after all this time,

I thought

you could tell me anything.

You can't be smoking in here,


You gotta take it outside.

I'm sorry.

I really and-- I truly am.

Well, I gotta say

that is nice to hear.

It really don't make much

of a difference.


Are you listening to me, sir?

Jake... is this--

-this is about me and Donna?


Are you kidding, Manny?

I don't give a shit about that.


I ain't gonna ask you again.


Thank you.

Donna ain't my wife no more.

You're an adult.

She's an adult.

You all can make

your own decision.

In fact, that's what makes

this country great,

freedom of choice.

You can do whatever the hell

you want with your life.

Get rich, be a lawyer.

Be a hooker

and get rich fucking lawyers.

Whatever you want.

But now here's the other side

of that coin.

Jake, please...


When you go, and use

that miraculous

God-given freedom

to do something stupid,

I now have the freedom

to right that wrong.

I'm just saying

about me and Donna--

Don't you bring her

back into this, Manny.

This ain't about her.

This is about you.

Shooting off your goddamn mouth

all over the fucking town.

Jake... I had no idea

who those guys were.

And I swear to Christ, man.

I-- I didn't know

you were serious about that.

I thought you were just...

you know, running--

running your mouth,

talking at your ass,

grand plans, and all that shit.

I swear to fucking Jesus, man,

I had no idea

that you run that deal

until after I fucking left!

You see

that is a problem for me.

Is that there's truth to believe

in what do you say,

but that don't take the bullets

out of Theo's chest now,

-does it?

-No, Jake.

Jake, Jake, Jake!

Jake, Jake, Jake!
















Holy shit!

What the fuck happened?

Grab the body.

What the fuck you talking about,


Look at Monroe.

Look at my goddamn face.

I-- I gotta get to a hospital.

You'll be fine, man.

We're going to no hospital.

We'll do it ourselves.

Right, now you gotta grab a body

and pull, all right?

All right?




Oh, Christ on a fucking cracker.



What's wrong?

Nothing. Start the truck.










♪ I'm not really sure ♪

♪ We are we were before ♪

♪ I'm not sure we'll ever be ♪

♪ The way we were

When I was you ♪

♪ And you were me ♪

♪ Life has a funny way ♪

♪ Making me dream of you

For days ♪

♪ And I don't really know ♪

♪ Where you are ♪

♪ And where you're going ♪


My darling,

who's my good boy?

Well, it has to be you,

'cause there are no other

good boys here either.

No, there isn't,

no, there isn't, my love.

I heard that.

Well, I did say it out loud.

♪ If you would take me

Along for the ride ♪

Get up!

♪ Now the season's changing ♪


I promise, five stars.

And thanks for the suggestions.

Have a great day, lady.

♪ Redwood trees and lake

Ocean floors ♪

Okay, all checked out,

and good to go.

You're my boy.

♪ If you let me know

How you feeling inside ♪

♪ I promise ♪

♪ I would never judge you ♪

♪ For any old little thing ♪

♪ If you would take me

Along for the ride ♪




Why the hell is your car

always so damn dirty?


'Cause we live out

in the middle of nowhere.

Why's your so damn clean?

'Cause I give a shit.

Where the hell

is everybody Ga-boon?

Can you stop saying

my name like that?

It's the only way to say it.

Mindy Gaboon.

Sounds like a kid's party clown.

As opposed

to an adult's party clown?

Let me ask you again.

Where the hell is everybody?

Well, Chet and Kelly

are still in Fort Haven

at that conference.

Having themselves

a boys night out

with the mayor more like.


You got that right.

And it's Dale's day off today,

I've been trying to get

a hold of him all morning,

but he ain't picking up.

Sounds about right.

Remind me to fire that boy.

Why don't you just

fire him now?

'Cause you can't get

a hold of him.

Whose truck is that

parked out there?

I ran the plates earlier,

belongs to some fellow

named Manny Randowski.

I don't know

if he was a victim or a shooter.




Where the hell's all the bodies?

There ain't none.

But where did this come from?

What the hell is that?


Don't ever toss me

a finger again.

Can't make any promises.


I don't suppose

there's any security footage.


Nope. Surveillance

stuff has all been cleared.

Nothing back there

but some frayed wires

and LED TV.




I've know what the world

really was since I was 14.

I had it beaten into me

enough times by then.

Religion... patriotism...

work... family.

All spouting sweet nothings

into an ear aching for answers.

Not truth... just answers.





What'd I say?



Hey, one more round, please?

All right.

You set 'em up,

I'ma take a shit.

Whoa, I ain't your

maid, man. Fuck you, here.

The goddamn fence post,

shit for brains.

Now don't fucking hit me.

Don't be a goddamn moron.


Oye... what's up, bitch?

You ready to die motherfucker...




Huh, huh.

Fuck. Motherfucker.



So... where should we go today?





I'm not doing

another two-hour detour

to like the world's

biggest chair

or the world's

lamest ghost town.

Okay, now listen to me.

I think

I've got a good one this time.

Come on.

You know I'm already nervous

about showing up on time.

The university

isn't expecting you

for another three weeks.

Even if we stopped

and did nothing

but drugs for a week,

we'd still have

a week and a half to spare.

Plus... it says here

that at this Yag-- yajj--

Yeggy Oh-Lala place,

they once filmed an episode

of The Outer Limits.


No, I just made that up.

Why would you do that?

Why would you get

my hopes up, man?

Because it should be enough

that it's a beautiful, unique,

natural wonderland

that we'll probably never get

a chance to see again.

Hey listen,

when our hypothetical children

hear the story of our voyage

across this


what are we gonna hypothetically

tell them, huh?

That we followed our GPS

along the fastest route

and nothing that interesting


Or are we gonna blow

their little hypothetical minds

with amazing tales

of wild west adventure?

Were you really lying

about the Outer Limits thing?




Set 'em back up,

shit for brains?

Well, I thought

of a better game.

Oh yeah, what's that?

Well, it's more

of a magic trick, I guess.


What the fuck you doing,

you little piece of shit?

Don't worry,

I know where it is, man.

What the fuck!

Oh, hold on now,

you don't want me

to mess this up.

I'ma fucking kill you

Oh, famous last words, huh.


It's a fucking joke.

It was a fucking joke, man!


Don't fuck it.

You point a goddamn gun

at me again,

I'ma fucking kill you,

you hear me?

Fucking hear me?

It's a fucking dud, man.

There's a cold pack

in the ice box.

Put it on your face

before it gets swelled up.




What in kitten-killing curiosity

happened to you all?

Things got complicated

with Manny.

Hey, what do you mean


You got a first aid kit?

Where's Snake and Monroe?


Snake got called into work

last night.

Monroe's in the back

of the truck.



-Bull, what's going on?


Hey, get the fuck

out of my house!


Hey, you get back in that truck

full of dead bodies

and drive on away from my home.

Hey, I'm talking to you.


Hey, this is my fucking house,

my fucking property,

and now Monroe's dead.

And why?

You didn't have to kill

that boy,

you wanted to kill that boy.

I told you that before you left.

What you think

this is about revenge?

Don't you get it yet?

It's about

the fucking principle.

Like everything we do.

Oh, fuck your principles.

Sometimes the earth

needs to be tilled

before it can be sown, right?


But you are absolutely correct.

This is your place,

your property.

I should treat you

with the respect you deserve.

I apologize.

Now, what's done is done.

We are where we are.

You understand me?

All right.

What the fuck happened

last night?

You saw the back of the truck.

Who killed Monroe?

The old man lying on top of him.

Are you ready?



Oh, fuck.



Where's his gun?



Huh, where's his gun?

Give him the gun, man.


Like I said,

we ain't here for vengeance.

We just need some help

getting rid of the bodies.

Oh, is that all?

And the Bronco.

This is all getting

a little much for me.

I know.

Honestly, Bull, honestly I do.

I get where you're coming from.

You've gotta trust me on this...

otherwise we're all going down.

Your brother, too.

You understand me?

Now, when this is all over,

we have no truck,

no bodies, no conviction.

Clean and simple.

That's how our wonderful system


I guarantee it.


Goddamn, all right.

What do you need?

Just some supplies

and place the cops

won't ever go looking.

I ain't got much here.

I got a place...

used to dry out cactus buttons

out there.

Clear air,

no one around for miles.

Where is that?

Some Indian name,

I can't even pronounce.

Took to calling it,


The way the maps are laid out

doesn't really fall

in any po-po's jurisdictions,

so they just kind of ignore it.

Hell, we could burn the Bronco

out there

and nobody can find the chassis

for years.

It's on the map,

back in my room.








You gotta be kidding me.

Hold on, it's okay.

No, it's not okay.

I mean, we wasted three hours

driving out here.

It's not a big deal, seriously.

It's okay.

No, don't-- don't do that!




Please don't shut down on me,


I am sorry for dragging us

out here.

We don't have to do

any other stupid things

I come up with ever again.

I promise, okay?

I'm sorry.

I didn't know

it was gonna be closed. I...

I've been trying really hard

to just go with the flow.

You know,

and it's just the last few days

I mean I'm always anxious,

but ever since I took that job,

I just feel like.

I feel like I am not even

in control of myself anymore.

Like I'm like almost--

I'm just floating.

And I don't know which way

the current's gonna pull me.

Hey... look at me.

You are not floating aimlessly,

you know.

We're just pioneers,

pressing on towards new land.

Look, maybe sometimes

we can't control

where the current takes us,

but wherever it is,

I'm gonna be right there

beside you, okay.

I'm gonna take over for a while

and get us back on the road.





What is going on now, babe?

We're getting

our three hours back.


♪ I spent entire days ♪

♪ Just listening

To the pouring rain ♪

♪ Thoughts like raindrops

Pull in on my brain ♪

♪ It's got me

Missing you again ♪


♪ I know it hurts

I know it hurts ♪

♪ But things could be worse ♪


♪ Just like the waves crashing

Changing with the time ♪

♪ I know it hurts

I know it hurts ♪

♪ But it's gonna be just fine ♪


You stay.

Good boy.







All right.

You were right.

I'm so glad that we did this.





-Go get him.



Waldo, come here.



Waldo, come on, boy.



Waldo, come on.

Where are you, you little shit?









Go, go, go!







What's going on, Jake?

Someone else was here.

A woman.

Where'd she go?

I don't know.

She see anything?


Christ, man!

Quit your hollering,

and go grab my back.

She won't make it

more than 50 yards.

She's probably closer.

The fall might have killed her


Don't tell me

what might have happened.

Just go find the goddamn body.

Head out east to the flatlands,

see if she was dumb enough

to make a run for it,

I'll go west.

Look back around just in case.

Snoopy you stay here

in case she comes back.

Y'all spot anything,

yell out like supper's ready,

I'll come running.

All right... do you remember...

this was a long time ago,

like around Easter or something,

when those files

suddenly vanished?


Okay, well,

it seemed like a big deal to you

at the time.

Well, anyway, yeah, you--

you can't tell 'em this,

because I pinky promised

and all...

but that was Dale.


He was drunk as hell one night,

uh, and he was supposed

to be on call

and you rung him up

and told him to

go down to the station

and check on Lisa

or someone.

And so he does down there,

his cousin drove him in,

and he does his work,

then he starts feeling like

this good Samaritan,

and he helps the cleaning lady

take out the trash.



And then the next day,

he realizes the files are gone.


So, he figured

he probably threw them out

with the recycling or something.

-My God, that boy.



I got hundreds of them

Dale stories.

If you're lucky, I'll tell you

another one tomorrow.





You know...

you're kind of an enigma

to me, Gaboon.

You know that?

How so?

Well... how'd you end up there?


I don't even know anymore.

Where'd you come from


I know that's probably

a low request

me being a military brat

and all.

Your daddy was in the military?

Oh yeah, 18 years

in the Air Force.

We never lived more than

two years any one place

till I got here.

How long you been here then?


I can't remember.

I want to say... '85.


This was a real town.

Back then, I wanna tell you,

had a real rhythm to it.

Why'd you stay all this time?

Just to watch this place

wither away.

I guess as a kid I just--

I don't know

going from place to place,

friend to friend,

school to school,

I didn't know what it was like

to be in one place.


So, once you plant your roots.

Yeah... something like that.

What about you?

What planet are you from?

-That one.


The one with the dirty hub caps,

like your car.







Please, please.




You find anything?

Does it look like

I found anything?

Give me those.


Everything you know,

they taught you.

Everything you believe,

they preached to you.

Everything you love,

they sold you.

To protect you.

To betray you.

To love you.

To make you love them.

Each and every one of them

is lying to you.

So, how do you even know

who you are?







What the hell is this?


What are you doing out here,


Oh... traffic.

You run the print

on that finger yet?

What finger?

What finger?

What finger?

The finger we--

What the hell you mean

what finger?

I don't know what

you're talking about, Sheriff.

You don't?


All right.

Head back to the station.

Clean out your desk.



Are you serious?

I guess we're best friends!


You got Gaboon.

What I tell you about answering

the phone like that, Gaboon.



I'm so sorry.

I thought you were Dale.

No, no, no, no, look.

Look, I don't wanna hear it

right now, all right?


Okay, I'm sorry, Sheriff.

Listen, I need for you to do

something for me.


Well, right now I'm bit swamped

filing those OVW--

Well, I don't care,

stop doing that.



You don't have to tell me twice.

What can I do for you, Sheriff?

I need you to run a print

on that finger

we found the other day.


Wasn't Dale supposed to do that?

He can't,

he's too busy being fired.



All I know is that

ignorance is bliss

right up until the moment

the knife slides into your back,

and in this country...

justice has a price that only

the wealthiest can afford.

For the rest of us...

a bullet is a hell

of a lot cheaper than a lawyer.







♪ I was battle-torn and worn ♪

♪ I was ravaged

By scores of arrows ♪


♪ Thought about it

For a little while ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

♪ Realized I could walk away

Someday ♪

♪ A rack of ties, a travel mug ♪

♪ Telephone

Briefcase filled with papers ♪

You motherfucker!


♪ I thought about it

For a little while ♪


♪ Oh, yeah ♪

♪ Realized I could leave

The way I came ♪


♪ Oh, my goodness ♪

♪ Oh, my, my ♪

♪ Could happen to me ♪


♪ At a border town I learned

To keep my hat brim down ♪

♪ Never talk to strangers ♪


♪ Thought about it

For a little while ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

♪ Realized I was only a drop

In rain ♪

♪ Always took that advice ♪

♪ I watched them lay down

On the altar ♪

♪ Just like human sacrifices ♪

♪ Oh, my goodness ♪

♪ Oh, my, my ♪

♪ It could've happened to me ♪


Snoop, the fuck's going on

up there, man?






Fuck me.




-Where's this coming?

-I don't know.




Oh well, that all sounds

delicious, honey,

but uh, look,

I'm actually calling you,

because looks like

I'ma be at the station

for a little while longer.


No, Gene's already

on his way up.

Yeah, yeah.

I know, I know, I'm sorry.


Something wrong?

No, no, I'm all right.


Are you sure?

Yeah, look, why don't--

why don't you and Gene

just eat without me tonight?





How long are you gonna be?

Phew, I don't know.

At least a few hours for sure.


Gene's not gonna be happy.

I know, I know, all right.


Okay, well, I love you.

I love you, too.

And look you tell--

you tell Gene I'ma make it up

to him next week

or I will break out that grill,

throw some steaks on that about,

-all right?

-GLENDA ON PHONE: All right.

All right.


Now, don't making a habit

of this.

All right, sure thing. Muah.






Hey there, little fella.

Where'd you come from?


How are you doin'?

How you doin? Come here.

Come here.


Good boy.

Come here,

let me check you out.

Hey Waldo... I'm Hickey.

You wanna be pals?

All right, all right,

I'm not as fast as you.

Not as young as you.

Come on, boy...

I'ma take you to my house.

Show you my family.

You gonna love it.

Come on, Waldo.

Atta boy. Let me in.


We are all, all of us,

in a constant peaceful panic.

Placid fear.

Forcing the muscles in our face

to appear relaxed

as they straining tight.

'Cause we're afraid

they'll figure it out.

We don't belong,

'we never did.

Maybe none of us do

'cause we were born

to work a machine

that wasn't build to help us.

Those who we desire to be.








It's pretty dry up there,

ain't it?

Bull says

it's the only clean water

for ten miles or so.

Don't let me stop you,

you drink up.

Let me ask you a question,

slightly off-topic.

Do you think that money

can truly buy happiness?

And I don't just mean hookers

or cars or anything like that.

I mean, true, honest to God,

joy in my heart kinda happiness.

What do you think?

You see,

here's the thing about money,

It only works if the other party

is willing to accept it.

For example,

right now you could offer me

a $1 million for letting you go.

And I wouldn't take it,

'cause what will make me happy

is well not going to jail.

Good and bad,

right and wrong,

ain't no such thing.

We spend our whole lives

searching for meaning

in a meaningless universe.

And we're disappointed

when we find it's not there.

The meaning

ain't something you find...

it's something you make.

I do apologize for this.






♪ Sun won't shine ♪

♪ Down here in this valley ♪

♪ The moon don't glow ♪

♪ Beneath these trees ♪

♪ Some lonesome baby ♪

♪ Won't you come save me ♪


Boyfriend calling again?

Yeah, but don't worry,

I won't tell him about us.

How far is this place?

Feels like

we're been driving for hours.

Okay, well, I'm sorry

I haven't been

entertaining enough

for you, Sheriff.

Want me to sing you a song?

Maybe recite some Shakespeare

for ya?

Yeah... you know Hamlet?

Oh shoot, no sorry,

I only know his plays

from his early period.


Yeah, sorry about that.


Sheriff's department.

I ain't gonna knock again.


Looking for a fellow

named Monroe.

Seems we got

one of his fingers here.

Was wondering whether

he'd want it back.

Monroe don't live here no more.

Oh, is that right?


Well, who lives here now?

Well, just me.

Huh, no roommates?

No, sir.

Well, you don't happen to know

where Monroe moved out to,

do you?

Oh hell, uh... no, I-- I--

No, no.

No forwarding address? Nothing?

-No, sir.


What happened?

You have a little falling out?


Well... I don't know

what to tell you, sir.

Well, you just--

you just tell me

what pops into that little

head of yours.

About how long ago

did he move out?

Oh well, uh, uh...

-You got a vehicle?

-Yes, sir.

Where is it at?

My brother has it.

Your brother?

Yes, sir.

Why's your brother have it?

-Does he live here, too?

-Yes, sir.

I thought you said

you didn't have no roommate.

Well, I mean apart from him--

You don't mind

if we look around inside,

-do you?

-Oh, um...


What's your brother up to today?

He's got a job in town?

Maybe I can catch up

with him there.

No, sir.

"No, he ain't got a job",

or "No, sir,

I can't catch up with him"?

He ain't in town.

Oh, where is he?

I don't know.

Well, how do you know

he ain't in town?

Well, I-- well...

Hey, before I get sidetracked...

what's your name, son?


It's uh, Tad.

Tad, that your full name?



-Ah, you just go by Tad?

-Yes, sir.



That's pretty nice.

A lot more space

than I'd thought there'd be.



You know my Aunt Maurine,

she got a place just like this,

not as big as this,

but then again,

she don't need it.

Now it's just her

and the iguanas.

God bless

their tiny little souls.


My God... just like your car

back here, Gaboon.



Well... all right,

I guess we'll be getting out

of your hair now.

Are you sure you got no idea

what happened to Monroe?

No, sir.

Well, I guess

he's got nine other fingers.


Hey, if you're ever looking

for a roommate,

I got a friend down.

Astrid, he's looking for a place

just like this.

Yeah, we ain't looking

for roommates.

Oh, right.

Yeah, you said that.

You already got one.

Yeah, my brother.

Who's out at the nature reserve


Yes, sir.


All right, well, I guess

we'll catch him out there.

Thanks for your help.

Hey... you uh,

you find anything back there?

Jar of pills,

smelled like peyote,

minor shit.

And we're not bringing him in?

Bigger fish, Gaboon.

Take a couple of hours

drive back to the station

then back out

to the nature preserve.

Right now, I give two shits

about some kid

trying to take a vision quest.

Okay, so you wanna drive

all the way out there

just to look for

this guy's brother?

You know that nature preserve

is huge, right?

Why don't we just wait for him

to come back?

'Cause whatever that boy

is doing out there,

I'd like to get there

while he's still doing it.

I guarantee

it's much more serious

than a job made of shitty drugs.

What about dumbo in there?

We're just gonna leave him?









Hey, princess.



Get inside.

Come on,

I was just flirting.

Hey, fuck you!

You fucking bitch!

Get inside the fucking trailer.

Fuck you,

you fucking cunt.



Open you fucking cunt!

Get me the fuck

out of here.

You fucking bitch!

Fuck you,

you fucking cunt.

When you finally

wake the fuck up

and you realize

the shit you're in,

you're gonna wish you opened

this goddamn fucking door!

Every minute I'm locked in here,

I'm gonna tally up, girl.

And when I get out,

that's how long I'm gonna

keep you alive

while I peel off

your goddamn skin

with a pair of fucking pliers.

That sound good to you?

At least your boyfriend

was quick, huh?

Or was he your husband?

Wanna come get me? Huh?



Come fucking get me, cunt.

Let me the fuck out,

you fucking bitch!

You hear me? Fuck!






You're all right now, darling.

There she is.

This your gun, ma'am?

All right, well,

we're gonna go ahead

and hold onto it then, okay?

Just gonna go to the car,

get some water

and the first aid kit.

Lucky we found you out here,


Sure you hope you got

a good story to tell us.



Hey, whoa, slow.


It's alright now.

It's okay.

It's okay, it's okay,

it's okay.

You can trust me.

These-- these will make you feel

a bit better

till we can get you

to the hospital, all right?

Okay, there you go.

Yeah. Save your strength.

We're gonna have a lot

of questions for you.




♪ There's a black bird

Perched up on a black dog ♪

♪ And they're plotting

Your demise ♪

♪ Lazing in the backyard ♪

♪ And there's an old man

Keeps his money in his old bed ♪

♪ And he ain't handing out

No prize ♪

♪ Just takes it

To his death bed ♪


How much longer we got?

About 20 minutes.

20 minutes?

That's a long time.

Where the hell are we?

I thought we were going

to Summerhill Clinic.

I told you Summerhill'll

take too long,

we'd have to circle all the way

around Eaton.

Man, this week has been an

ever-escalating shit show.


Reminds me of a case

I had back in '87.

Hadn't heard a peep in weeks

apart from speeding tickets

and whatnot.

And then, I get a phone call,

3:00 in the morning,

double homicide,

right down the street,

couldn't have been a mile--


Not while you're driving.

God forbid anything

ever happened to that thing,

you probably couldn't even

find your way home,

without it telling you

where to go huh, Gaboon?

You know what Gaboon means,



Can't say I do.

It's a snake.

-Is that right?

-That is right.

Oh yeah, it's that snake

famous for not cleaning its car.

Oh, nice one.

Well, funnily enough,

its actually known

for its camouflage.

Is that right?

That is right.


What happened?


What's wrong, darlin'?

You feeling okay?

What's... what did you...

Sweetie, I'm telling you,

you ain't making

a lick of sense.

What did you do to me?


Ain't no need to worry.

That's just the peyote

kicking in.

Just a little insurance policy,

'cause from everything

I heard about you,

you're one tough son of a bitch,


First time I took peyote,

I spent about an hour

trying to arrest

a goddamn cactus.

Boy howdy has Jake got something

planned for you.

What's going on?

Yeah, he's gonna make

a statement with you girl.

A real work of art,

I tell you what.

Where are you taking me?

We're finally ready

to tell the world we're here,

and you're gonna be

our calling card.


Come on.

I ain't gonna ask you again,



Come on.

Goddammit, girl.

Come on.

Come on.

Just like that.

Come on.

Come on.




Hey, fucker!








Gotta say,

you put up one hell of a fight.

Now, I can't even hate at you.

But this has to end

with one of us dying.




You forgot something.


I am truly sorry.






Now the trick is

when you see the world

for what it is,

you're no longer welcoming.

You can try to pretend,

but sooner or later,

they'll figure it out

and they'll turn on you.

So if you don't belong

in the world no more,

you'll end up with only

two choices,

escape it or change it.

And it seems I can't escape it.


Because the idea

of defining culture

can be viewed

as a double-edged sword.

It can bring people together

in a celebration

of their similarities.

Or it can tear them apart

out of the fear

of their differences.

And that brings us to what

we're gonna be discussing today.

So, today we're talking about

the methods of execution

used at various times

throughout history.

And more specifically,

why each particular group

chose the method that they did.

And what that says

about who we were

and who we will one day be.

♪ I used to love the summer ♪

♪ And since I fell in love

With you ♪

♪ Back then the days were long

Brighter ♪

♪ For wanting something

I could feel ♪

♪ But now you're gone... ♪

I think most people

tend to see history

as a straight line of evolution.

We were dumb,

now we're smart,

in a hundred years

we'll be smarter.

I tend to see it

as a never-ending spiral.

With each progression,

being the result

of a previous regression

and vice versa.

That's an over-simplification,

but we'll talk

more about that later.

♪ Now I've been sipping

Too much coffee ♪

♪ Out of an orange mug ♪

♪ Now everyday feels the same ♪

♪ When you're all

I'm thinking of ♪

♪ If loving you

Is so uneasy ♪

♪ Why is it so hard

To be truer ♪

♪ Is it strange to say ♪

♪ I guess heartache

Is always bad ♪

♪ My favorite mood ♪

♪ Well, I used to love

The summer ♪


♪ Till I fell in love with you ♪


Where's my good boy?

♪ Now I'm living

for the winter ♪

♪ And I got better things

To do ♪



Hey, there.

Would you mind just--

just taking a seat for me?


Take a seat.

Sit over here.

Over here!

I've been looking for you...

for a while now.

But I suppose

you probably figured I was.

And everyone who ever meant

anything to me is dead.

My brother, my best friend,

the closest thing

I ever had to a pa.

You killed them all, lady.

Do you hear me?

You killed them all.

I don't blame you for doing it.

But I didn't have much

to begin with.

And I sure as hell

ain't got nothing now.

And I am sick of it.

I'm sick as shit.

I'm sick of sleeping

in fucking parks.

I'm sick of begging

for my goddamn food.

I can't remember the last time

someone looked me

in the goddamn eye

and I am fucking sick of it!

I can't do this anymore.

Ooh, I can't do this anymore.

Shut up.

You know what I have to

live with, huh?

Do you?

Every time, I shut my eyes,

I see someone die.

I mean every moment of silence,

I hear screaming in my head.

And all I wanna do

is see my husband again.

-But I can't do that.


'Cause when I close my eyes,

I see him die again and again.

It's all the same,

fucking worse to me, just--

And you think that

I owe you something?


Do owe me!





Pull the trigger.

Just need this to end.

I need this to fucking end.

I don't want you to die.

You're just gonna have to live

with it.

We both are.

But this ends here.


Do you want a drink?


♪ They'll shoot the stars

And I'll see fire in the rise ♪

♪ Walking on broken glass

In bleeding paradise ♪

♪ I know I... ♪

♪ I know that

I'll see you again ♪

♪ This town is going down,

Demons on the rise ♪

♪ They chose the game

But they don't know ♪

♪ Who'll roll the dice ♪

♪ I know I... ♪

♪ I know that

They'll be dead men ♪

♪ Caught a hold on the road

Kept my word ♪

♪ You're the proof ♪

♪ Lost the way, I'm aloof ♪

♪ I'm alive ♪

♪ You're the pawn,

I'm the queen ♪

♪ I'm what you crave,

I'm nicotine ♪

♪ No one knows where I've been

But I tried ♪


♪ They're coming for me

You'll be taken for a ride ♪

♪ You think you won

But you don't know ♪

♪ What comes tonight ♪

♪ I know I... ♪

♪ I know that

I'll see you again ♪

♪ Longing for peace ♪

♪ While I'm in pieces

Here tonight ♪

♪ Cross my heart

Hope to die ♪

♪ I'll make them

Pay the price ♪

♪ I know I... ♪

♪ I know that

They'll be dead men ♪

♪ You're the pawn,

I'm the queen ♪

♪ I'm what you crave,

I'm nicotine ♪

♪ No one knows

Where I've been ♪

♪ But I tried ♪
