The Last Movie (1971) - full transcript

A film shoot in Peru goes badly wrong when an actor is killed in a stunt, and the unit wrangler, Kansas, decides to give up film-making and stay on in the village, shacking up with local prostitute Maria. But his dreams of an unspoiled existence are interrupted when the local priest asks him to help stop the villagers killing each other by re-enacting scenes from the film for real because they don't understand movie fakery... - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
by VaVooM

Now, we're going to start...

...the beauty contest...

...for my movie.


Stop! Stop! Stop!

Miss, come here.

Very pretty.

Very pretty.
I congratulate you.

You're going to do the part
in the movie.

Friends, music!

Here, very well.

Very nice.


Cut! Cut! Cut!




They didn't want to come
to my church anymore.

They got carried away
by that game.

So I just wanted to...

to show them that the same
moralities that exist

in the real church,

can exist here in the facade,

in the movie church.


So the only thing is that I hope
that after this game is over,

morality can be born again

and that is what we should
pray for Mr. Kansas.

Wiffledem time

If you wibble-de-wobble
my wee

If you fribble-de-fram
on the side of my flan

I will fribble-de-dibble
your flee

And you flipple-de-flam

And you flipple-de-side
of his flee

And she wambled it on
well his deed

And she dibble-de-dam
on the side of his flam

And he donk-donk-donkled
her free

I prefer your condemnation
to your suckin' sympathy.

Good for nothin'
is good enough for me.

OK, I'll call it.

Aces, full.

You lose.

Oh, Billy I'd like to see
your card.

I saw him.

He's right.
He's got you beat.

Alright, hold it boys.

Hold it yourself, Sheriff.

Billy, don't shoot!

Son, goddammit!
Come back here!

I want to go with you, Billy.

Well, there's plenty more
where that came from.

Terrible boy.
Move along.

Hey, Art.

Where is he?

Are you happy in there,
or do you want to come with us?

You boys better watch
yourselves out there.

Hey Elliot, give him a gun.

No, Pisco!

Hey, Art!

Hold it!

Martha, get on back here!

You wait here little brother.



Busted flat
in Baton Rouge and

Heading for the trains

Feelin' nearly faded
as my jeans

Bobby thumbed a diesel down

Just before it rained

Took us all the way
to New Orleans

I took my harpoon out of
my dirty red bandanna

And was blowing sad while
Bobby sang the blues

With them windshield wipers
slapping time and

Bobby clapping hands
we find and

Sang up every song
that driver knew

Freedom's just another word
for nothin' left to lose

Nothin' ain't worth nothing
but it's free

But it's free

Feelin' good was easy, Lord,

When Bobby sang the blues

Feelin' good
was good enough for me

Good enough
for me and Bobby McGee

Hey, do you remember
who directed that picture?

Yeah, Blake Edwards!

Yeah, an old buddy of mine,


Well, I was in Dodge City, Kansas.
You know I was raised down there.

Oh yeah.

I used to go in every
Saturday afternoon

to see movies and my grandmother,

she'd fill up her apron with eggs

and would go and sell them
in the poultry place

and she'd sell them in there.

And we'd go to movies.

You know, my grandfather's out there
working on a wheat farm.

Don't tell this old cowboy
that I was going to see him

when I was a little one too.

Not quite that little.

Listen, let me get these drinks
together here now.

- Yeah.
- Scotch, if you have it.

Yeah, right, okay.
We've got it here.

You'll see that lonely gutter

Just a careless step away

And that altar
that they're building

You don't even understand

'Cause you're dazzled by the flashing
of the daggers in their hands

You'll be dancing in the darkness
when their music disappears

And the jangle of your chains
will be the only sound you hear

'Til your broken body's bleeding
on an altar made of stone

'Cause you've sacrificed
your soul

To please a world
that's sick and wrong

And you never heard
a single word I said

Make it, gal,
before you wake up dead

You better make it

You better make it

You better make it

You better make it

You better make it

You better make it

- The man is dead. I want to help.
- Billy!


My heart is burning.

I can feel it.

Been around a long time,

More than I can say

Search for the truth,

I'm looking today

Rode aboard the warships,

Went down in '42

But my God and I,

We got through

Wasted in a dungeon


Inca! the nation

But you're just a man

Ah, you're just a man

Honey you're just a man

Here I stand in Levi's...

Are you alright?

Oh, yeah, sure, I'm fine, I'm just
out here getting a little air.

Well they are complaining
there is no liquor.

Oh, yeah,
it's in the cabinet there.

I'll be in a minute. Okay, honey?
I'll be right in there, okay?

I'll see you there, now.



My god and I,

We get through

So can you

If you'll just sing it
with me


From the coal mines
of Kentucky

To the California sun

Bobby shared the secrets
of my soul

Standing right beside me Lord

Through everything I done

Every night
she kept from the cold

But then somewhere near Salinas,

I let her slip away

Lookin' for the home
I hope she'll find

Hey, Kansas!
They're looking for you in there.

- Oh yeah, thank you.
- Yeah, down there.

But I'd trade
all my tomorrows,

For one single yesterday

Holdin' Bobby's body
next to mine

Freedom's just another word
for nothin' left to lose

Nothin' left
is all she left for me

Feelin' good was easy, Lord,
when Bobby...

- Oh, what the hell?
- Jesus.

Hey! Hold it!
Cut, cut, cut.

What the goddamn hell's
the matter with you, Tex?

- Where the hell have you been?
- My name's Kansas.

I'm sorry, I didn't...

- I don't care...
- I didn't realize.

I didn't realize, man.

Who hired him?

- Come on!
- He's supposed to be in the shot.

I don't give a goddamn.
Did you hire him?

Yeah, I hired him.

Alright, get your positions again
and on the double.

Come on!
We've been on this damn shot too long.

Hey! Hey, Kansas! Will you quit
spooking that Goddamn horse?

We're trying to get this shot here.


Alright, get your positions.

Get your camera ready!
Come on!

Move your camera over to where
it's supposed to be. Number one.

Let's go.

Move it!

Come on!

Come on, Dean.

Let's move.

Keep it moving, keep it moving.

Keep it moving.

Get your ass up there.



Look out.

Alright, forget it.
Forget it.

Wait a minute.

What's wrong with you?

You were not...
I didn't want you leaning against that.

Did you want me to go back in the...

Wait a minute.

Hold it, hold it.


Next time when he picks you up,
give me a little bit more exuberance.

- You know? This is your old...
- Okay.

...outlaw friend.

We're slack.
You know?

It looked like
you weren't thirsty.

He pushed the sheriff.

Alright, okay you just rode 500 miles.
You should have gone right in there.

Sam? Sam?


When this guy gets in my way man,
I'm gonna push him right out...


Sam, there were
a bunch of pigs coming in...

I know it. I know it,
but I can't help it.

That's alright.
That's alright.

This is the only open place here.

Let's move over here.


Alright, move around, and give me
a little activity when you go in.

Come on!
Tighten up there.

Oh come on.

Forget it, forget it!

Is that a cut, Sam?

That's a cut.
Forget it!

We'll have to go into the scene,
into the saloon...

and give me a four,
two, two, eight.

Do you want the other gang
to come in here?

- What's that?
- Do you want the other gang to come in?

- Four, two, two, eight?
- Well, let's see uh...

- Mike, you're in that...
- Say, Kansas!

Where's Kansas?

Do you want to let them or...

Sam, do you want the other gang
to come in on this shot?

No, I have to look at that script
for a minute.

I just want to make sure.

Mike, don't go away.
You're in that shot.

- You're in that shot.
- Alright.

See those horses
right over there?


Bring them in.
Would you do that?

- Yes, sir.
- Do you mind?

Do you see all that?

That's not a match.

That's not a match to the wardrobe.

- What do you want?
- Now when we finish

this Goddamn thing, so you can
take the Goddamn camera,

and make your own
Goddamn home movies.

Get those men over there
and get them out of the way.


- Johnny!
- Yes, Sam.

See if you can get a camera
up on that tower, will you?

If it won't hold,

give me a track for the entrance
of Billy coming in. Okay?

Hey, hey!

No, Pisco!

Don't shoot!

Hey, Art!

Hey, Art!

Alright, yeah,
let's cut the shirt now.

His body should hit
right about in here.

Alright, now listen.

Dean, this is the death
of Billy the Kid

and I want it legitimate
and different

and better
than it's ever been done.

When I squeeze off
a couple of shots at you,

you take it, hit it,
and hit it hard.

I want balls when you die.
Alright, let's roll them.

- Alright.
- Speed.


I want to thank the cast,
and the crew,

for a hell of a lot of
wonderful cooperation.

I enjoyed making this picture
and I know it was difficult.

In this damn rugged location.

God bless all of you.
I'll see you back in Hollywood.

Okay, cut.

I get up there,
by the time I get up there

it's gonna be,
it's gonna be golden.

Yeah, see?

It's more
than just the story

Of my life up to now

It's the daylight,

The night flights

Past the tombstones I
pretend not to see

It's more than some neurosis

I don't really believe

It's the hard sells

The bandshells,

And the callouses
no one can see

La-Di-da, the daydream

Is more than I can stand


My life and times
are one menagerie

I'm 23 years old
going on 400

I'm a man of desperation
in my prime, going blind

And I'll drink myself to death
if I'm not careful

And I'm not careful

What the hell was that?

I don't know.
He looks dead.

What the Hell
do you eating for?

I don't know him.

You're far out.
Far out.


They make fires, why?

Well, they make fire
from the Church door I guess.

I don't know.

It's weird.

Everybody come.

It's muy frio tonight, ain't it.

- You cold?
- My feet are cold.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

I know something that's hot there.
Yes, sir.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I didn't mean.

Padre? It's all right, Padre.
Come on in.

I'm sorry.

That's all right.
Come on in here.

Thank you.

Sir, I would like to talk
to you please.

Yes, sir.

I want you to come here a minute.


Yes, sir.

- Yeah?
- Would you look at the square?

Over there.

What in the hell
is going on down there?


And that's violence.

And people are killing themselves
in the streets,

and movies
have bring here violence.

And I don't like it,
and I want to talk to you in private.

If I can go out a moment
with you.

I would like you to follow me, please.

You know, Padre, I didn't.
I'm just a hired hand.

I know you are but please,
I need you to follow me.

Do me this favor.

Yes, sir.

Let's sit for a moment.

Oh God, God, I'm scared,
I'm scared. I'm scared.

You're scared, Padre?
What do you, what do you...?

Scared about?

Listen to that.
Listen to that.

That man is teaching them
to make movies.

They are imitating the movies.

You know, if one of those
souls goes against my word,

that is the word of God.

It's not that just one soul,
but is the two, three, ten, hundred.

You know, you can give me
a hand in this situation.

I'll help you.
Let's just go take a peek.

I don't want you to get hurt.
I don't want myself to get hurt.

Let's just take a little look
and see what's going on.


Be careful with this.

- Let's just a look-see.
- Yeah.

Come on! I want movement!
I want movement!

Yes, but much faster.

Right through here.
Through here.

Faster. Faster.
Lady, move.

You must come in through here.

Come on.
Come here. Come here.

Fast, fast.
I want movement.

The reflectors to this side.
Over here.

Right over there.
Move with the torches.



To the left.

There! More!

Very good. That's enough.

It's alright now.

Yeah, that seemed
pretty weird, alright.

Those boys going at it.

They don't know
how to fake the fight.

Alright, I, well...
I can show them how to fake a fight.

You know, you guys are going to kill
yourselves doing that kind of thing.


- How's it going, Gringo?
- Hey, how you doin'?

Listen, you shouldn't
be doing this kind of thing.

You're going to hurt somebody
doing that.

We don't do that in the movies.

We fake everything.
It's all phony.

Let me show you something, look.
You see where your camera is here?

Now look, if I...

Stand here.

If I throw a punch like that,

see, if I throw a punch like that
I don't really hit the man.

Look, look.

You try it on me now.

You try it on me now.

You hit him.

Just, just, no no.
No, here.

Just like this.
Just throw it right through there.

Go ahead.

See what I mean?

But that didn't look right.
You got to try one more time.

Like this. Here.
No, like this.

Okay, that's good.
Okay, good.

See what I mean?

But that's not real!

That's not real.
Is that real?

No, that's not real!

We have to hit you!

Hit hard!


Go to your horses.

And you Priest...

...go to your church.

Go back home!

Don't listen to the evil one!


You father?

Go to your church.
Is this your church, here?

These streets are mine!

Mine and the people's.


Okay. Action!


You with the torches, move faster.


Joy! Joy!


Joy! Joy!

More movement!
More movement!

Give me movement and lights!

Movement and lights!

Spaces between spaces

And lines between lines

She stands in the doorway

Beyond space and time

And she picks the flowers

Out in the rain and

She says she loves me and
you know I can't complain

But only when it rains
does it rain

And only when it stops
it is no more

And only once does
the big ship come down

To let those good rats
run ashore

Boy, this is the life.
Isn't it?

This is the life.

Just nice and simple.

Just give me
a little adobe up there in that.

Right up there
in those rocks somewhere.

I'll be a very happy man.

Can we have a swimming pool,
like the one you have in town?

Why the hell do you want
a swimming pool for with all that?

Because I like a swimming pool.

I bet you can buy this land
around here dirt cheap.

Probably get for under
a dollar an acre.


I bet I could buy the whole top
of that mountain up there

for practically nothing.

For a nice simple adobe
you don't need a whole mountain.

You know,

the top of that mountain up there
is flat as a pancake.

I'll bet you that you can put
in a landing strip.

You put in a landing strip,

fly the people right in there,
you build a hotel.

I'll bet you could put in
a ski jump.

Ski slope around here.

There is no snow here.

Oh yeah.
That's right.

We're going to be so happy here.

Even without a swimming pool
and hotel?

Aren't we?

Well, I don't know about that.

You're damn right
we're going to be happy.

Only thing is, how are you
going to get people up there?

That's the thing.
Maybe put in a cable car.

Yeah, probably put in a cable car.
Just cable everybody right up there.

Hey, Maria!

I'm going into town.

I'm going to see if there's any mail
for me down there.

Oh wait for me.
I'll go with you.

I'm just going to be gone
a minute.

Well, I have beauty appointment.

What's the matter with your hair?
Your hair looks fine?

No, it's dirty.

Well, why don't you
wash it here then?

I have beauty appointment
and I must look beautiful.

Hey, you know what I want
let you buy me?

One General Electric

You know,
there's an awful lot going out.

There's nothing coming in

and we're going to have to
start economizing some way.

Well, you want I go back to work?
Okay. I support you.

That don't mean we don't like to
have nice things, Gringo.

Just because we don't have electricity
and running water,

it don't mean we don't like
to have nice things, Gringo.

Alright, get it together.
Let's go.

I just can't understand that.

I don't understand
how I can get letters like this

and I don't, I mean, I don't

how they can build
all those sets,

afford to build those sets
and not send movies down here.

What the hell are we doing here?
I got the horses down here.

I mean, maybe they got
more facilities in Mexico.

Okay, but I mean this here,

I mean they can't duplicate
this anywhere.

And this is just...

I'm not even going
to think about it.

I'm going to play some checkers.
That's what I'm going to do.


I've been looking all over this
damn place for you, boy.

- How they hanging?
- Two in a bunch.

What the hell is going on here?

What does it look like
is going on?

I'm standing on my hands.

Looks like you shot Daffy Duck
is what it looks like to me.

- You did this, right?
- Yeah, right.

- You were out there bang bang.
- Got my carbine, five in a row.

- Bam, bam, bam.
- They fell down just like a gook.

You love that damn war, man.

It's like a childhood sweetheart
to you, ain't it?

Hey listen, what the hell?
I want to play some checkers.

I want to take some money
from you.

Now look, think of me as a map.

I can taste it. I can smell it.
And I got it right up here.

A Goddamnest gold mine
you ever saw in your whole life.

And all I need is 500 bucks.
500 lousy bucks.

And you want to talk to me
about those Hollywood fruits

and all those guys
you working with.

I'm trying to make you
a rich man.

That's what we call Hollywood's...

That's a big old box office.
That's what that is.

Oh yes.

Flashing it up, boy.
They're flashing it up now.

Do your feet hurt, baby?

Yeah, they're swollen.
It's those shoes.

Hey, wait a minute. I know them.
I know her. I know them.

- You know them?
- Yeah.

Okay now.
I've seen them.

I've seen them on the movie set.
I think they're married, man.

- How do you like my new bath oil?
- I love it, I will have to try it.


I'm right there with you,
but let me cool it, okay?

Now you go ahead.
You turn around.


- Is it my move?
- Yes, it certainly is.


Hi, Mrs. Anderson, Miss Anderson.

Well, hello.
Do I know you?

Ah yes, I'm Neville Robey.

I met you once when I came
to your husband's factory,

broom factory,
and tried to get a job.

Oh yes.
How are you?


So am I.

Are you hot?

Oh yes.
I'm very hot.

You're hot too, huh?

I'm hot.

You're hot. You're hot. I'm hot.
Are you hot?

I'm the hottest.

This is Kansas.
He's hot too.

- I'm Kansas.
- Kansas.

We're all hot.

We've got some cool drinks
coming for you now.

We just ordered four, because
we got this mix and everything

and we better drink it up here.

We'll give you two of them.
We got this Julio de Penis.

How long have you boys
been drinking this afternoon?

What did you say?

I mean, after all that naughty talk
we shouldn't take those drinks.

But I guess we will anyway.

Really, it'll cool you off and make you
a lot hotter, I'll tell you that.

Well, even if you're terrible,
I guess we'll take them.

Did you know also that you
can tell the size of a man by,

size of a woman,
by the size of her mouth.

And the other lady looked at her
and says, "ooh, is that so?"

Did I ever tell you
the joke about the midget?

He was in love.
Real shy, you see.

And he was in love
with this real tall blonde,

but he couldn't find anybody
to put him up to it.

That's good.
That's real good.

Put him up to it.

Terrific, Harry.

That's the reason I went into
the broom business, you see?

It's because all these witches
in the whole world.

Riding around these old, dirty brooms
with these long sweeps on them.

You know?

So I said I'm going
into the broom business

if for nothing else is to get
all the riches in the world,

witches in the world,
into new brooms.

Oh come on,
there's got to be one laugh!

How many times
have you told that story now?

- Maybe 85,000 times.
- Yeah, about 85,000 times.

Yeah, along with
all the other stories.

Yeah. I believe you'd rather make
bad jokes than make money

and that's really
saying something.

Harry, are you by any chance
interested in gold?

Yeah, you outta see the map
all over his face?

He's got... tell them about the map
you've got all over your face.

Come on.

No. I have a gold mine, you see.

And I need $500,
which isn't very much.

I need $500 as a backing.

You've got a gold mine
and you need $500?

Is that right?

And it's right out there,
just for the taking.

All you need is to take it.

- Well, how about that?
- What did you do?

Put a garbage lid on it and walk away
to tell somebody about it?

So we can all walk over
and pick up that garbage lid

and make ourselves millionaires.

Come one, Neville.
Who do you think you're talking to?

I think it would be fun. Let's go get
a goldmine and we'll all get rich.

- Right.
- Then we'll go to Hollywood.

- Yeah, that's right.
- We'll all go to Hollywood.

- That's terrific.
- And I'm telling you something.

I'm willing to spend part of it
right now

if we can think of something to do
for some excitement.

You fellas must know
everything there is in town.

- I mean, what's good around town?
- What? What? What?

For entertainment.
You know, something lively.

With a little action in the game.

Oh. Well...

...the best show in town...

and if you pardon me ladies,
it's the whorehouse.

- Do they let ladies in?
- Of course they let ladies in.

- They do?
- Yeah, but they don't let them out!

You ready then?

Why, Harry.
I'm surprised at you.

Wait a second.
There are ladies here now.

Well, hell.
There's nothing wrong with an orgy.

That's not what's going on now.
Not orgies. Come on.

You mean, what do you call it?

I know what you mean.

A circ... a circus.

- That's it.
- That's it, listen.

- Yes sir.
- Could you arrange it?

Yes, sir.
We can arrange that.

- Money is no object.
- Like an expedition.

Right. That's it.
You can arrange it.

- A circus.
- Yeah.

That's great.

Do you ladies want
to see something like that?

I've always wanted to see
what it was like.

- There's a lot of romance to them.
- Oh, Christ.

There really is.

Boy, you Americans get out
of your own country and come down here,

you think you look at anything,

don't tell me you'd be
doing that in River City.

You come down
to a foreign country

you think you can look at
that kind of thing, don't you?

There's got to be some advantage
in being here. Right?

Alright, money's no object.
You know that, right?

Yes, sir.

Let's drink to that.

To brooms and all the girls
that ride them. Right?

To all the whores in the world.

To all the small mouths.

That's right!

On her titties.

Excuse me.

Oh, let me help you on
with that.

It sure feels good.
Now it explains why.

I never understood before
why people liked all that.

You know?
You know why?

Because people got hair
all over their bodies.

Does that feel good?

What the hell
are you doing here, man?

You should have had your coat on
and be out of here by now.

Wait a second,
let me finish this.

- Kansas.
- Huh?

I want to go home now.

- What?
- I want to go home.

Now, look. You haven't been
with me all evening now.

You've been ignoring me
all evening now.

Now don't you start this
"I want to go home" stuff.

I don't want them
to know what I am.

What are you talking about?
Know what you are?

What the hell
do they care what you are?

You're with me.
I'm paying the bills, you know.

Now you just get your ass out
into that car now.

Come one.
You straighten up here.

I'd like to see two broads
out there!

Listen to me.
Goddammit listen to me.

- Two broads.
- Listen to me now.

- Listen to me. Goddamn.
- Alright, Kansas.

I'm not trying to
get much attention here.

- Alright, let's hear it.
- I was trying to talk, too.

I want to get the
Goddamn scene together.

Now I got to arrange this
business, right Harry?

- That's right. It's all paid for.
- Right now.

- I got to know what the hell...
- Serious business.

Okay, what do you want to
see, damn it?

- Two broads!
- Okay. Two girls.

- Miss Anderson and Mrs. Anderson.
- Is that okay?

Well, I think
it's a pretty good deal.

- Two girls.
- Why not?


Hey, Goddammit.
Now listen to me.

Now Maria,
we want two girls now.

Now I'm just talking, you know,

but I just think the ones we'd like
would be that girl that stars in that.

- That singer.
- You pointed her out to me.

Wait a second, she was there
with Rockwell man, at the party.

Now that girl, that'll be good.

- Alright.
- And okay.

- Alright.
- And whoever is with her.

Now is that right?
Is that a deal?

You're Goddamn right!

Oh yeah, baby!

Oh, shake it baby!

Shake it! Ohh!

No, no honey.
Go away.

- Fuzzy wuzzy was a bear.
- You like that?

- Oh, I like hair.
- Yeah?

I've figured it all out.

It's all hair.

Is that what it is?

You're awful cute, cowboy.

What if I wasn't a cowboy,
would you still like me?

I don't think so.

That's it. That's the one.

That's the one
I'm trying to get for us.

I'll sing her.

Oh, we got her, boy.
Money's no object, right, Harry?

That's what I said.
Didn't I?

- Money's no object.
- Right.

We're family now,
ain't we Harry?

- That's for sure.
- Family now boy.

Family, eh, Nev!

Hey, we're family now!

Goldmine and everything.
It's all in.

Now that's what I call family.

That's what I call family.

That's family, boy.

Thank you baby.

Thank you.

And the sun of hope

Rises from the dawn

The light shines bright
on last night's dreams

Maria's dreams

Through jungles,
suns and moons

Ricochet her reveries

Flying through hills
and mountains

Maria's dreams

They pierce closed hearts

Open closed minds

Reveal the truth
to lying men

They course through the land

Crying out for more life

In the years of Maria

The dreams of Maria

She sleeps like the stones

That pave winding roads

But like flowers through the
cracks sprout always

The dreams of Maria

Hurry! Hurry!

Good evening.

Be careful.

I've been waiting for you.

Start it now, Marietta.
Start that machine now.

Start that machine.

What are you doing?

- I am the Mistress.
- I am the Maid.

Now hurry up!

So that means the
Mistress and the Maid.

The Mistress and the Maid.

She's playing the Mistress,
and then she's playing the Maid.

How's the little lovebird doing?

Oh wow.

My brassiere.

This is damn pretty.

Oh boy.

Here, fasten it!


Now there it goes.

let's see a little more action here.

My friends here
are getting bored to hell here.

I want to see
a little breast sucking.

Move a little bit.

Oh! Come on...

Tell Maria I want to see
a little more...

Now! Gringo, shut up!

Well, Goddamn.
Get it on.

Which man?
Or woman?

What have you got
that I haven't got?

Is it what's in your pants,
or what is in your pocket?

I want you to know something, boy.

I got plenty in my pants
and I got plenty in my pocket.

And I buy this little lady here
everything she needs.

Nino, you underprivileged bastard.

You turned her into a whore.
That's what you did.

No, no, no.


Don't go out there.

Come on.
We're having a party, huh.

Come on.

We're having a party.

We don't need that, right?
Come on, everybody.

Let's have the party.
Get going.

No, I didn't do anything!
I didn't do anything!

I didn't do anything.
Oh God, no!

You gotta be kidding?

I mean, I'd have to
move out of this house.

We'd have to move out of this house
and move in with your parents.

I ain't going to do no
foolhardy thing like that.

No, ma'am.

Well, I don't care.
I want the fur coat of Mrs. Anderson.

You beat Maria up?

Why you bad boy, you.

- Yeah, well, I, you know...
- How'd you do it?

- I just slapped her.
- Did you hit her with your fist?

No, my hands.
I just slapped her real hard.



look listen to me for one minute.

You know,
I have fantasies like that.


...of being beat up.

You ever have a fantasy
about women hitting you?

Or do cowboys have fantasies?

I don't think I ever
got into any of that.

Yeah, No?

Well, we'll see about all that.
Won't we?

Yeah, listen.

I gotta buy your fur coat.

I mean it's crazy.
It's a long story.

My fur coat?

It's what she wants.
That's what she wants.

What she wants?

And I told her...

- I told her I'll get it.
- She wants my fur coat?

- Yeah.
- Why, that little whore.

And so, I thought that
we could help him out,

because I thought
we could sell him...

- ... Cress' old mink's fur.
- I really appreciate it.

It was a present.

Well, yes.
I know it is, baby,

but you haven't worn it
in about five years

and I didn't think you'd mind.

- You don't mind do you?
- I'm in trouble, I'll tell you that.

- There's a problem, huh?
- Oh, boy.

Cress, I already told Kansas
that he could have it.

- Okay?
- That's right.

Look, are you going
to answer me or not?

I've already told him we'd do it.

So that's that, and we'll
talk about it later.



Isn't that typical? And off she goes
with the little dolly.

I didn't want to cause
anybody any problems.

I just, I...

I'm sorry you have to see this,


Yeah, look.

Come on, let's,
we'll be back in a minute.

I'll take him upstairs
for the stole.

- I certainly appreciate it.
- Well, lots of luck.

- I'll see you later.
- I'll be right back.

- Hey, Kansas.
- Huh?

Take off,
I'll get you on the rise.

Thank you.

Boy, Harry's really into hunting,
isn't he?

Oh yeah.

This place is such a mess.

Harry kills everything.

And he never throws anything away.

I know I saw it up here somewhere.
I saw it about a couple months ago.

I think it was over
in this area somewhere.

Ah, here it is.

I sure hate to trouble you
like this, Mrs. Anderson.

- Oh that's alright, that's alright.
- Oh that's pretty. It's real pretty.

Is this what you have in mind?

- That'll be great.
- Yeah?

That'll be great.
She'll be very happy.

You really need this, huh?
You really want it?

Oh yes ma'am.

It's going to make her very happy.

So what would you do for it?

I'll do anything you ask me,
Mrs. Anderson.

Would you do anything?
Anything at all?

Nice and soft, isn't it?

It feels good.

What does that remind you of?

You sure make me hot.

Get you all nice and hot, cowboy.

You'll do anything for it?
Would you do anything I told you to?

- Yes, ma'am.
- You'd do anything I told you to?

I said I'll do anything.

then get down on your knees.

Aw, come on.

Get down on your knees, cowboy!
I said get down on your knees.

I want you to beg me for it.
Right now!

Well, that's sort of silly,
but I...

It's not silly.
You do exactly what I tell you to do.

You understand me?

Here I am, ma'am.

You've been a bad boy, cowboy.

You beat up your whore last night,
didn't you?

I lost my hat.

That's alright,
you leave your hat off.

You leave your hat off
when you're begging to a lady.

- You understand me?
- Yes, ma'am.

You do what I tell you to
from now on

and we'll get along just fine.

You beat up your whore last night,
but you're my whore now.

It's beautiful.

I want you to move
everything out of here.

Move everything back to your mother's.
All right?


Neville and I will go find gold.

Oh, I love, my darling.

There it is baby.
There it is.

All our lives we've got to take shit
and try to make gold out of it.

But by God, we're going for
gold this time, Neville.

There it is.
You put it in your pocket.

There it is.
We're going.

Well, Goddamn, my buddy.

Goddamn you buddy, Goddamn you!

We're going to find it too.

- You know that, don't you?
- You're damn right.

Let's get it in your pocket.

Let's get the hell out of here.
Let's get it.

It's not worth it.
It's not commercial.

They'll lose money,
as they need to build highways,

roads to be able to start this...

They're not going to get
their investment fast enough.

He says that you will lose money,
because it is not close to a road.

It's too expensive to develop
at 250 miles off the road.

You've got to get trucks
and equipment there.

If you go and do it,
it's going to cost you at least

500 bucks for a mile

for a road
and that's a $125,000, Neville.

Well, Hell.
You got a lot of money.

We'll do it together?
I'll make you my partner.

We'll all be partners.

Hell, there's enough
for everybody there.

That's speculation.

Now, wait. Just wait a minute.
Now wait a minute.

You're trying to tell me, that...

that dude knows some sons of bitches
that'll buy my mine,

but you sons of bitches
won't help me develop it?

The thing you can do
is to sell it over

to some big combine,
some big mining outfit

and make yourself a bundle.

It'll be a long time
to get what they invested.

What the hell's he saying?
What's he saying?

He says it is very difficult, because
it is very far away from a road.

Twenty years to recover
what it will cost you now.

Twenty years to get your money.

If you had to come up with this money,
you've got a paying mine.

What are you trying to say,
Harry Broomman?

What I'm trying to say
is there are a lot of big companies

you can sell it to
and make yourself a bundle.

What'd I tell you?

You sons of bitches! You want my mine.
Well, you're not going to get my mine.

Nobody's going to get my mine.

Goddamn, Harry.

- Who called in the assayer?
- You did it, you bastard!

It was our agreement
that you pick him out.

You don't think I got gold?
I'll show you. Give me your hand.

Give me your hand!
Look at this.

You don't think I have gold?
I paid her off in gold.

- Look at that.
- I want my money.

Don't you think if he had gold,

that I wouldn't be the first guy
who would want to jump in here?

money's my stock and trade, man.

Ever since I got into
this broom thing.

Get out of here!

Alright, get out!

Come on everybody get...
Get out of here!

I've heard enough Goddamn lemonade.
Get out of here.

Get out of here!
Come on out!

Okay, okay now.
I think everybody better leave now.

Just leave me with my boy here.

- All right.
- You get out and

take this hooker with you.

I want my money, Gringo!
I want my money!

- You'll get your money, baby.
- Give me my money.

You'll get your money.
Get the hell out of here!

Please, everybody.

Get her out!

Get her out of here.

Just get out.

Tell him to forget it.

Better leave them alone.

Don't you forget
about my money, eh?

- All right, all right.
- Get your ass out of here!

Come on, alright.

We'll get it together now.

Break my ass, will he?

Well, we got it buddy.

Goddamn it.
We got it, we got it, we got it.

We got it, buddy, ain't we?

We found it didn't we?

- Yeah, we found it...
- Didn't we buddy, goddamn we found it.

If we found a hell of a lot more than that,
we're friends you know that?

Okay, that's all
that really matters.

We found gold that's more
than any of those

assholes ever did,
and we found it,

we ain't ever gonna be rich.
We ain't ever gonna be rich, Nev.

But we found it.


Shit man, we're gonna be rich.

We're already rich.

We don't need that stuff.

We found it.

You know...

Oh God.

When I was a little boy,

my old man was a...


he was a failure.

He was the Goddamndest failure
you ever saw in your life.

Bet he was a hell of a
nice guy though.

Here's to your father.

Yeah, here's to all...


Yeah, buddy.


Goddamn you

- Goddamn you!
- Gringo.

Quickly, quickly.

I want the camera here.

Careful with the camera.

Here, a little bit this way.

Sit here, please.

Put the mic on this side.

- Everything's ready Mr. Director.
- Everything's ready?

To the jail.
To the jail.

Now we're going to the jail.

Help him.
Take him over there.

Open the door.

People of the community!

What is your verdict?

Don't kill him!

Don't turn him loose!

This American...

Hey, Art!

I mean, he's a bad guy.

This crazy American...

Listen to me!

This man came to steal the sets
that belong to us.




Don't kill him!

Don't turn him loose!

I don't want any of this...

Where is she?

I don't have to tell you
where she is.

You don't, huh?

No, I don't.

You see this? See this?
See this? See this?

I don't have to tell you.

- He'll Kill me, he'll kill me!
- Let go of me!

He'll kill me!

You better let go.

I've never been jerked off
a horse before. You know?

I'm a stuntman!
I'm a stuntman!

Who nailed you up there

And strung you limb from limb?

Who failed to judge you fair

Were you betrayed by a friend?

Where was your father then

Why didn't he set you free?

Were you sacrificed
for my sins

And other children like me?

Sympathetic scarecrow

I'm dying.

I'm dying. I'm dying.
I'm dying. I'm dying.

And who are you?

Here you go.

One week you've been lying in that bed
pissing your pants like a baby.


That wound's almost
practically dried up.

- I'm going to la fiesta.
- What fiesta?

The fiesta for the movie.
The beauty contest.

Movie fiesta? What?

The fiesta.
Can you not hear the music?

You mean the movies
are coming back?

No, no. Look, I don't have time
to talk with you right now.

I can't explain.

I don't remember anything.
I, hey Marie!


People of the community...

Now I want to present you...

...the most precious part
of my movie.

The best part of the Last Movie.

The dead man!




Within a man of light,
there is only light.

Within a man of darkness,
there is only darkness.

Yes, Father.

Maria, Maria!


Why you are crying my darling?

Come home.

I really remember that kid.
I really do.

I still...

God, I still see him.

I can't...

That's your problem.
You dream.

You know what they want me
to do?

They want me to die in the movie,
like Dean did.

Just like Dean did.

You know, that's what's wrong,
cause we brought the movies, you know.

That's where we made
our mistake.


It's not true.
It's just for fun.

Oh, for fun, huh?

Yeah. You say it's for fun
and all of them,

they all say it's for fun, huh?

And you know what the priest says,
don't you?

The damn priest says it's a game!

I'll tell you something.

You know what?

I don't know.

No, listen.

They're gonna kill me.


they're gonna kill me.

Hey! Will you kill him
if he comes out?

See, they won't shoot you.

Hey. They, hey.

- They didn't say that they wouldn't.
- They didn't say they would.

No, they didn't say
they wouldn't, though.

You give me that fur, Maria.


You want me to die, don't you?


When you are not so drunk you will see
that this is only for fun!

Now, I am tired and
I've got to go home!

And if you don't come out now,
I don't care!

Would you...
Maria! Get me the priest!

Maria! Maria!
I want the priest!

I want the priest.

The Padre.
I want the priest.

Hey. You're the prince.

This is just for drama.
This is just to make symbolic.

It's the game.


For you.

I don't understand.

I'm talking about me. I'm not
talking about no Goddamn movie.




I've sinned, Father.

I'm going to confess.

How have you sinned?

The movies.

People of the community.

Attention, please.


Quiet now, and listen
to the Director.

One moment, gentlemen.

Now we are going to
get the cast from this angle.

Faster, let's go!


You get closer to him.

- No.
- Get closer to him.

Hello, hello.

You need to get closer to him.

- No!
- Get closer to him.


Look, look how straight he is.
C'mon get closer to him.

Nice and sober.
Please, miss.

Come here Gringo, please.

Come here.

Wait a minute,
now I'm very happy guy now.

Don't fool around with me.

Pay attention.


Here is the rock.
Do you see the camera here?

You put it here.
The head's here.



I want to talk to the Gringo.

I beg you, Father.
Just a minute, please.

Speak, speak.


You want picture?

No, I don't want your legs.

- No, no, no more.
- Come on.

Four six Charlie, take three.


Please, please.
Come on.

Father, father.
One moment.

Just leave this.

Just a moment.

Hey, now wait a second, fellas.
I don't even have my fucking scar on.

One moment.

One moment.


Moco yoco.

Mr. Kansas, everybody's looking.

You know what you should do?
To put real blood here.

- Real blood.
- This is dry.

Real blood?

Of course, it's dry.

Of course.

It's dry.


Father, listen to me.

I want to get this thing over with.
I got a lot of things I got to do.

Ish me.

Ish me.
In the scene...

Ish me? Sounds like ish me
yama hama hama.


In the scene...

Don't touch me.

Oh, Senor Mercado...

He's too much.

The way Americans say, he's too much.
I just um...

Joy! Joy!

Spaces between spaces

And lines between lines

She stands in the doorway

Beyond space and time

And she picks the flowers

Out in the rain and

She says she loves me

And you know
I can't complain

But only when it rains
does it rain

And only when it stops
it is no more

And only once does
the big ship come down

To let those good rats
run ashore

A picture of Jesus

Hangs on the wall

There's lines in his eyes now
and trash in the hall

But he'll put on a birthday

And smile at the moon and

And say that he's happy
because it's over so soon

And only when it rains
does it rain

And only when it stops
it is no more

And only once does
the big ship come down

To let those good rats
run ashore

All of them princes

All of them gone

All of them lovers

In search of their own

And you can look
to the mountains

And look to the seas but

Don't you come calling cause
you won't find me

Let me ask you one
serious question, man.

I mean,
you would know gold if you saw it.

Hell yes, I would.
Wouldn't you?

Hell no I wouldn't.
How the hell would I know it?

Did you see
"Treasure of the Sierra Madre"?

- Yeah.
- Okay.

Did you see "Lust for Gold"?

- Nuh uh.
- Okay.

You saw
"Treasure of the Sierra Madre".

- Right.
- Alright.

Well, Walter Huston found gold,
didn't he? I can find it.

Well, what the hell does that have to
do with knowing what it looks like?

I mean, have you ever seen any gold?
Have you ever really seen any gold?

You mean like
gold nuggets you mean?

I mean seeing gold,
like gold, gold, gold.

Yeah, here my ring.

No I mean that comes off
of the ground, damn it.

- It comes right off...
- No, no.

- I never have, but that's not...
- Well, what's your reference.

I mean now that...
what school did you go to?

I didn't go to school.
I only went to the 8th grade.

Well, I mean
you've read books about it.

- I mean you've...
- One book I told you I read about it.

- What book?
- I can't remember the title.

Oh, come on man! Now you got
to be putting me on now, damn it.

I mean I... I mean you got
mercury with you. Don't you?

Hell no.
What do I need mercury for?

Don't kid me any more now, Neville.
Seriously now.

- No.
- I mean you got mercury with you?

What do I have to have mercury for?

You pan gold with mercury.

That's what you use
when you're panning to separate it.

Walter Huston didn't have mercury,
did he?

Oh now, come on. Don't, don't give me
any of this movie thing now.

I mean, come on, you got to be...
you're teasing me about this.

I mean,
you know how to find gold?

Yeah, I know how to find gold.

- Well?
- What do you think I'm doing here?

You just walk out until you see a
mountain that has some valleys in it,

like little ridges in it
where maybe a river could come out.

Honest to God, I mean...

- You may...
- And you think it's yellow, right?

- Like your ring.
- Is the ring yellow?

I mean you find rings
laying all over the ground?

I didn't say you were
going to find rings,

but you're going to
find pieces of gold

and then you know it came
from up there in the mountains,

and you just go up and get it.

And that's it.

Now just reassure me.

I know you got to be putting me on
I know you're teasing me.

It's fun and games and all that.

Just tell me.

- You know how to find gold?
- I know how to find gold.

You know it?

I know just as much as I knew before,
maybe more

because you told me about the mercury,
which I didn't know before.

Next time I come out
I'll bring some mercury,

but I don't know what
the hell mercury's

- got to do with it.
- Okay, okay.

You got a sense of humor.
All right.

Which way are we going,

- Well...
- I mean, the sun comes up,

I know, and the moon goes down
and all that.

We'll keep heading that way.

- We keep heading that way.
- West.

Keep heading west.

God is everywhere.

by VaVooM