The Great Scout & Cathouse Thursday (1976) - full transcript

Sam Longwood, a frontiersman who has seen better days, spies the gold-mine partner, Jack Colby, who ran off with all the gold from a mine they were prospecting fifteen years earlier. He tells his other partners from that time, Joe Knox and Billy, and they confront Colby demanding not only the thousand dollars he took but an addition fifty-nine thousand for their trouble. After being thwarted in this attempt, they, and a would-be whore named Thursday, hatch a plan to kidnap Colby's wife, Nancy Sue, who is coincidently Sam's old flame, but find that Nancy Sue is not the sweet girl that Sam remembers.



Well, I never!

Check your gun, cowboy.

- What'll be? Beer?

- Yeah.

- Hey, get that sack off the bar.

- Just a minute.

Just a minute. You don't

even know what's inside.

Get that snake out of here!

Aw! He ain't gonna hurt nobody in the jar.

I only brought him in here

for a sporting proposition.

I don't care. Get this

thing out of here.


You see,

I've got a dollar

that says there

ain't a man in here

who can put his hand

up against the glass

when the snake strikes.

Now that sounds like an

easy way to make a dollar.

Yeah, ain't it?

Careful now.

You got weak nerves.

Takes one chance just

to get used to it.

- Let me try again.

- No no no no, Sam. No, Sam. It's my turn.

You flinched. Look, I'm putting

down $5 for five more.

- We got a game here!

- I think I'm getting the hang of it.

- It's only a matter of concentration.

- Concentration.

Wait wait wait.

I've got four more chances.

- Hey, wait a minute. Oh, hi. Hi, Brandy.

- Hey.

Take 'em for the count, kid.

You fought meaner

snakes than that.

That away, Brandy. You did it.

Pick up the money.

No, we'll let the creep

keep the money.

COWBOY: He moved.

- Who said?

- You moved.

Everybody saw you.

Maybe you could

do it better, huh?

- For how much?

- Oh, I am sorry, Mr. Rockefeller.

I didn't know you was in town.

- Is 10 bucks rich enough for you?

- $50.

Yeah, let's go.

CONMAN: I'm betting all I got

right here on the cowboy.


Well well. Hey, what are you

supposed to be in that get-up?

- Some kind of Jesse James or something?

- Something.

Well, you are one

hell of a snake kisser.

I'll say that for you.

Hey, where'd you learn how to do that?

No, wait a minute.

Don't tell me.

I seen that

a couple of times before.

I got a snake

maybe you'd like to kiss.

Hey, he's a contender, cowboy.

You'd better not stick around.

How many times I gotta tell you, Brandy?

You're a pro,

that means you

never fight for free.

Look out! That damn thing.

Get out of the way!

Billy, the crutch, the crutch.

This thing's got no fangs.

We've been conned!

Mr. Colby.

- Mr. Colby.

BILLY: Sam, look at that.

We turned better

than $100 back there.

- I'm gonna...

- Come here, you.

- Took what?

- They took 50 bucks.

Billy, looky there.

The man in the tall hat,

don't you recognize him?

Are you kidding?

In a machine like that?

I heard tell that he's one of

your rich millionaires now.

Oh, Sam. You seen

him in every town

from here to Omaha,

excepting each time it

wasn't him at all.

I gotta find Joe Knox.

You got any idea

where he might be?

How in the hell do I

know where he is?

You know that he ain't

but half a white man.

Who in the hell do you think you are?

And it's cold,

and you're taking us out in the middle

of the night without any clothes on.

- It's really cold.

- Yeah!

Coming into a private house,

interrupting our business.

Let me go!

Let go of me!

- You're hurting my arm, you jackass.

- Let go of me!

Will you stop it?

- You let me go!

- Hey!

What's the matter with you?

WOMAN: That's my

foot you stepped on.

Oh, I can't believe it.


Move over!

Hey, you crazy Indian,

get out of there!

Giddy-up, yah yah yah!

Hyah hyah hyah hyah!

Hyah hyah!


Do not be afraid, ladies.

Do not be frightened, ladies.

After all,

I did rescue you, did I not?

Did I not grab you

from the very jailhouse doors?

Did I not, hmm?

Perhaps I should

introduce myself.

My name is "Knock down

soldiers with a stick."

In other words,

Joseph Prendergast Knox, esquire,

off the reservation and out

of Harvard university,

class of '84.

Now the way I see it,

I did save you ladies, didn't I?

But I'm not asking you

to thank me.

Well, leastways,

not all at once.

Now it has been a very long time

since I last scalped

a white lady.

I'm not even sure that

I recall how to do it,

but I do know one thing,


That it is messy!

Now this one was

Miss Gladys Ackerman,

my fourth grade teacher

at missionary school.

I loved her a little bit.

Now this one,

this one was a lady

who stomped on my toe

in an elevator

in Cincinnati. Huh?

Well, you ladies

get my meaning, don't you?

Now why don't you just

sit back quietly, ladies,

and enjoy the ride?


Gentlemen and...

Most welcome ladies,

we're staging this fight

at Serenity

because Serenity is a boom town.

A lot of money.

A lot of votes...

We need them both.

May I make the following


When anybody asks me

why I back William Howard Taft

for the presidency of the United States,

I don't give them political theory

or economic folderol.

I simply say, "I only back Taft"

because I only back winners.

A toast...

William Howard Taft,

next president of the United States.

ALL: Hear hear!

And another toast, gentlemen,

to another winner. The next

governor of the state,

Jack Colby.

Come on, move!

Hey, ladies.

Hey, what do you

got here, Joe Knox?

Whores, Billy, whores!

Whores? Well,

where'd you get 'em?

I found them lying around.

- Whose are they?

- They're mine, Billy.

This is Monday

and Tuesday and Wednesday

and Thursday and Friday

and little Saturday here.

And who is this?

- Sunday?

- No. Holidays!

- Hot damn!

- Go on up.

Up up up!

Go on, up up up!

Up up, 90 on, get up!

There you are.

- Hey, you're gonna share 'em?

- Nope.

That ain't nice. Ain't I

always shared with you?

Grub, tobacco and all?

How about just one?

Maybe that little

skinny one right here?

No, Billy.

I need them for my job.

I have got a mission.

But they ain't

missionary ladies.

They're just plain old

nickel-a-ride mattress backs.

You're looking at a man, Billy,

who, armed with

nothing but his own

badly battered sword of justice,

is gonna drive the white man

from this land that he has

raped and he has pillaged!

I don't follow you, Joe Knox.

- Have you heard of typhoid Mary?

- Yeah.

Well, meet pox Knox.

I don't follow you, Joe.

Well, you see, I have caught

myself a dose of cupid's itch.

The white man's gift

to the red man, Billy.

I have got the clap!

Ahhh! You keep

your distance, Injun!

You go get the cure and quick.

Never never.

I am going to be

a one-man epidemic.


I have got a hard job

ahead of me.

A couple of weeks from now

I'm gonna release

this little lot

and capture myself another batch

and so on and so on.

Until one day

across the land of the free

and the home of the brave,

the white man is

gonna say to his wife,

"Honey, guess what?"

And even in the white house

itself president Teddy Roosevelt

is going to turn

to his cabinet and say...

Joe Knox, where the hell

have you been?

I've been looking

all over town for you.

Sam Longwood, you keep away from

these ladies 'cause they're mine.

Oh, just put that

dumb thing down.

- Guess what.

- What?

I seen Jack Colby.

- Colby? Where?

- Yeah. Here.

- Here?

- Yes, I did.

Get out of here! Go

on, get out of here.

Get out!

- Where's he staying?

- At the Denver house.

Joe Knox is no friend of mine.

He could have

left me at least one.


Glad you could come by.

Tomorrow's another day.

- Oh, Mr. Colby?

- Yes, my dear?

I do think that you are

the most handsome man

- in this room.

- Well, I certainly wouldn't say that,

but I appreciate

your honesty and candor.

And you must also be

the most eligible man.

Eligible for what?

Madam, I'll have you know

I am very happily married.

- But so am I.

- Well, in that case...



Two friends of mine. I haven't

seen them in 15 long years.

Will you excuse me just

for a moment, my dear?

Of course.


And Joe Knox. Must be

six, seven years anyway.


- 15... has it been that long?

- That long.

- Folks, ladies and gentlemen,

let me have your attention

just for a moment.

It gives me great pleasure

at this time to introduce

to you a man you've all read

about in the history books,

a genuine hero

of the western frontier,

one of the men who made this

country what it is today.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I give you the famous

scout and Indian fighter,

Mr. Sam Longwood.

This ain't a social call, Jack.

Either you pay us

the money you owe us now,

or I'm gonna tell these

good folks how you

got started

in the millionaire business.

Sounds like a threat. You wouldn't

threaten me, would you, Sam?

Folks, me and Jack Colby here

and Joe Knox go back

a long way together...

Way before he got

his first railroad train

or got into politics.

Yes, folks, Jack Colby here

was respectable once.

You see, him and me and Joe Knox

had this little gold claim up on

the west rim of death valley.

And we set aside a tidy sum.

And then one morning, Joe

Knox and me got up and found,

much to our surprise...

Hello, Jesse James.

Now why in the world do you

suppose Sam would wanna go

to making up stories

about an old friend?

Maybe he didn't trust you to

give us back our money, Jack.

Can you imagine that? You

trust me though, don't you?

Yes, I do.


It's funny.

You don't know.

I wished I'd have stayed with

you boys many's the time.

No, you don't.

Not unless you're completely stupid.

Thank you, Joe Knox.

Nice of you to put it just that away.

Enough of these compliments.

We spent seven months

mucking that gold

- and you took off with all of it.

- Yes, I did.

I certainly did. Would you like to know why?

- I don't care one cow plot why.

Because that money meant

absolutely nothing to you,

except another six-week drunk

in a San Francisco whorehouse

and then right back

to more of the same.

But you, you had god's own

visions burnt in a rock, huh?

Yes, it's called an empire...

Steel rails all the way

across this country,

link the Atlantic states

to the Pacific,

give jobs to the jobless

and homes to the homeless,

make this country

fine and wonderful,

the way it can be and should be.

How's that sound?

And for that mess of nothing,

you crooked your pals.

How'd you boys like to see

the fight Saturday night?

I'll go you one better. I'm on my way

out to Vishniac's training camp,

- you ever ride in an automobile?

- The money, Jack.

I would have got your damn money

to you if I could have found you.

- I tried years ago.

- You're lying.

- How do you know?

- Your lips are moving.

You ask Nancy Sue if I'm lying.

Her train is due from Chicago

tomorrow night.

You mention her name one more

time and I'll slit your throat.

What, and leave her a widow?

You were always hard cases, both of you.

You haven't gotten any better.

Sam, look at me.

I used to be able to have

some fun with my life.

Now I'm tied to a desk

25 hours a day.

Yeah, we have a railroad.

We also have thousands

of little investors

driving me crazy worrying

about their stake.

Yeah, that's good enough for you to

say, but we could have been rich.

We could have been somebody,

instead of dust eaters

and cow kickers.

We could have bought some

respectability with that money.

All right.

All right!

How do you want it?

Two checks for $2,000 each

or one for $4,000?

Jack, you see the way that

Sam and I had it figured,

- we figured you'd owed us $100,000.

- We'll settle for less.

- Say $60,000.

- Yeah, $60,000.

Only $60,000?

I'll see you in hell first.

Yeah, well, that can

be arranged too.

Sorry, boys.

That's a little bit high.

When you're ready to settle

for the $4,000...

You better cut him once,

Joe Knox,

just to show him

we ain't dirt farming.

That won't be necessary.

Now if you boys'll excuse me,

I'll get back to my invited guests.

So you can stop payment

on this check, huh?

One thing we haven't got

in 15 years is dumber.

No, you couldn't have.

- Don't worry, friend. We're gonna stick together

like blood brothers until after

the banks open tomorrow morning.

And when you open this door,

have your friend

move on down the hall.

Over there.

Over there.

Sorry if we scared your horse.

Sorry and $2 could buy us

a pine box, ma'am.

You fellas heading for the

fight over in Serenity?

- SAM:That's right, ma'am.

- Mike...

My girl here says she saw you

last night with an injun.

Half-breed by the name of Joe Knox?

Kidnapped one of my friends.


WOMAN: One of my young ladies...

skinny little thing,

brown hair, about 17.

You sure you fellas ain't seen them?

SAM: No, ma'am. I

certainly haven't.

I heard they was

heading for the fight.

So if you see 'em,

look me up in Serenity.

My name's Mike.


Anyone bringing in that Knox fella

and the young girl, there's

50 bucks in it for them.

Or a dozen free visits

to my place.



$50 and a free visit?

Ma'am, we got him.

He's right here!

Billy, sit down.

What does she mean you

stole one of her girls?

Well, wouldn't you know we'd

get the runt of the litter.

Little Thursday,

would you like a bit

more stew?

Well, thank you,

but I'm still trying

to find the courage

to finish this.



I says she gets raped.

SAM: Raped?

What's that, an old Indian tradition?

It's an old army tradition.

I was conceived at Wolf Paw Massacre,


Well, the army teaches

its men to love the enemy.

Yes, in groups.


My father was a sergeant,

two corporals, a bugler

and a company cook.

Well, that makes you about

five, six white men after all.

I think the army

did you a favor.

And I have been trying

to repay that favor

ever since I learned

to use a hunting knife.

For Christ's sake, would you

put those moldy scalps away?

I happen to know that you

bought 'em off a drummer

in new haven, Connecticut,

for 50 apiece.

That is what he says.

I shall now teach him

how I really won them.

Wait wait! No no no, please

please please please.

I can't have you killing

yourself defending my honor.

I just couldn't live with that.

Now I don't like the idea

of getting raped either...

You got about as much chance of getting

raped around here as Joe Knox.

You're... you're not

gonna rape me?

No! ma'am.

Well, why not?

I mean, ain't I good enough?

Well, then who?

Nobody's business is who.

Jack Colby's wife is who.

We're gonna kidnap and rape her.

Wait a minute. If it's Jack

Colby you're both so mad at,

what do you wanna mess

around with his wife for?

'Cause she dumped

Sam Longwood is why.

They was engaged to be married,

but Nancy Sue dropped him

like a burnt match

when a certain Jack Colby

puffed out his feathers.

Why, you old jackass, why don't you give

your mouth the rest of the day off?


This here is Nancy Sue.

What a beautiful lady.

Who told you to show her that?

The person in this picture

is much too fine and pure

to be held in the hands

of a common prostitute.

Begging your pardon, ma'am.

Now put it away.

What happened to your pride,

Great Scout?

To your sense of tradition?

If we do not give Colby back

a wife that is soiled,

then the $60,000 will not

be worth spending.

But if you do not do

your duty as a man,

then I will have

to do it for you.

You try it and you won't

have one left to do it with.

Talk like that could

get a man's liver

dropped into the dust.

- Or his throat cut.

- That you will never do, white man.

SAM: I've killed more Indians

in my time than I have buffalo.

Now's our chance, sugar.

While them two peacocks is

kicking each other's heads in,

let's you and me slip off

to the bushes and do

a little fancy humping.

Dirty old goat!

I'm gonna teach you once and for all

to keep your filthy hands off of me!

Help me, help!

She's gonna kill me!

Hey, what's wrong with you?

You dirty old man!

Gosh darn you! Just leave

me alone from now on!

Truce, damn it, truce!

Billy sure is a strange guy.

Especially when he's kicked

in the hmm-mmms.

- Oh ho.

- Uh-huh.

- Mmm.

- Hmm.

Don't you touch me.

You just get away from me.

I really think you got

the wrong idea, miss.

About me anyway.

I never had to do with whores,

except when I could help it.

Nothing personal intended.

Sure. Promised your dear old mother?

I can do without that

smart talk from you.

Nobody invited you along

on this trip, remember?

I was kidnapped by that

drunken half-breed.

From the jailhouse, yes.

But to here, I did no such thing.

You're a bunch of kidnappers.

That's what you are.

If we were, why would

we kidnap you?

Skinny little thing like you wouldn't

bring better than a penny a pound

from any cathouse

from here to New Orleans.

Now the minute

we get to Serenity,

this piece of goods goes

back to its rightful owner.

- That's right.

- Oh no, you don't.

You stole me

and you're stuck with me.

I just may stay until

we get back into town.

And then if you'd be kind

enough to lend me the fare

- for a railroad ticket...

- Don't tell me.

So you can get back home and

visit your dear old mom and dad

on the poor little rundown farm

out of green branch, Ohio?

North... North Platte, Nebraska.

North Platte, Nebraska.

Why are you so tough

on her, Sam?

I'm not being tough on her.

It's just

I've heard that same story from a

thousand bang tails in my day.

Oh! Well,

I thought you never had

to do with whores.

I said when I could help it.

A lot of times

I couldn't help it.

Pay no attention to that

sanctimonious old hypocrite.

Tell me, what do they

call you, little one?

Well, tell him.

We can't go on calling

you just Thursday, can we?

We have a job to do.

We cannot take you with us.

But you don't understand.


She doesn't even

hardly let me go

with the customers.

Well, what's she doing?

Saving you for herself?


That's the most disgusting

thing I ever heard.

SAM: ♪ We love you,

William Howard ♪

♪ You're free from taint

and graft ♪

♪ We'd like you

for our president ♪

♪ Mr. William Howard Taft! ♪

♪ The lion and the elephant ♪

♪ The monkey and giraffe ♪

♪ All the animals are voting ♪

♪ For William Howard Taft... ♪

William Howard Taft

sucks rotten eggs.

♪ We hate you,

William Jennings ♪

♪ Your head is up

your ass ♪

♪ We'd like to piss

on Bryan ♪

♪ And vote

for Howard Taft! ♪

Very nice words to sing

about the great commoner.

Where did you manage to find

them, on an outhouse wall?

What if I made them up?

If the Indian gets to vote,

then you can bet mine won't go

to that tub of bear grease.

Besides, Jack Colby

is supporting Taft.

How can you vote for somebody

with supporters like that?

Yeah, I know.

That's the trouble.

But you see, I've always

voted Republican.

It is said that everybody

has their faults,

but if you hate Colby

like you should,

then you should vote

for William Jennings Bryan.

- I'd vote for him if I could.

- Nobody asked you.

And I'll tell you why, because

he's gonna give women the vote.

Might as well give 'em the

right to pee standing up,

they wouldn't know

what to do with it.

I don't suppose you use

your moldy old equipment

for much anything else anyway.

Is that so?

After we turn you over

to that madam of yours,

she promised us free guest privileges

Sam's not turning me in.

Oh, yes, he is, little one.

For the $50 we get for you,

we'll be able to buy two

Colt six-shot repeaters.


Hey, what are you doing?

Hey, miss, you're gonna

get your tail whacked!

Hey hey!

What he means is

he's gonna kick your...

Hey, Sam!

The whiskey jug.

Right there

beside that little bush.

Hyah hyah!


Hyah hyah!

Pull back, little one,

pull back!

Come on, come on, giddyap!

Come on! Hyah!

Whoa, horse.

Wait a minute.


Stop that damn wagon!

What's the matter with you?

I said stop!

Hyah hyah!

You can't get away from

Joe Knox, little one.

Not Joe Knox... aggh!

Whoa whoa, easy, horse.

Whoa, horse, whoa!


Whoa there, horse!

Horse, stop!

Hold on, Sam.

Ooh, ow!

Oh my god!

- Jump!

- Jump!

- The horse?

- Oh, he's halfway to Wyoming by now.

We'd better get moving.

Serenity's bound to be a

walk and a half from here.

No, just a mile and a

half through that canyon.

Billy, you look around

and see if you can find

any more of our stuff

and set up camp down there.

And, Joe Knox,

you go unload

this mess of trouble!

Oh no, I'm not going anywhere with him.

He's got the clap.


What kind of a way is that

for a young lady to talk?

Well, it's true. Isn't it, Billy?

You heard him. Tell him.

He said he's got it

so I guess he's got it.

You whiskered windbag, you

sure can keep a secret, huh?

Secret, hell, you said yourself you

was gonna spread it all the way

across the nation,

clean to the white house.

It is but a temporary

condition, Sam.

I will get rid of it.

Like you did the first time.

You're damn right you'll get rid of it...

First thing we get to Serenity.

You know that we've all been

living out of the same duffel,

drinking out of the same cup.


You can't get it that way.

Unless of course you was

doing something else.

You know you could rot

your brain... what you've got.

You could go blind.

It could fall off.

Now you get that taken care of.

And I don't mean by

no moldy medicine man.

I mean by a white

American doctor.

That's right!

And what'll he do?

And he'll heat it

on his little stove

until it's real hot.

And then he'll...

Joe Knox no go to doctor.

I thought Indians could

take any amount of pain

without flinching.

Not this Indian.

Don't listen to the old man.

All the doctor's gonna do is

to give you a little pill.

That'll fix you.

You sure?

Of course I'm sure.

We're not living in the dark ages anymore.

Modern medicine has

taken great strides.

Great strides. Come on, miss.

I'm gonna unload you.

- Let go of me!

- Let's go.

No, let go!

BILLY: Joe Knox.

SAM: Look at them prices.

"Cash or gold accepted."

No wonder Jack Colby wants

to hold the fight here, huh?

Well, come on.

Come on, you little squirt.

Sam Longwood never spanked a

lady in his life, but for you,

- I'll make an exception.

- Are you really?

- Am I really what?

- Sam Longwood.

- I am.

- I mean the real... the real Sam Longwood.

As best as I can recollect,

that was my father's name too.

I knew it.

I knew it.

You fought howling coyote at the

battle of Chickasaw Wells, didn't you?

Why, that's so.

I've heard about you.

- You have? Where?

- In books and newspapers and things.

- You got reading?

- I do. I do.

And I've read all

about you in school.

You're a hero of our country.

I guess that's been

said a time or two.


You captured Geronimo.

You captured Geronimo practically single-handedly.

- ...Single-handedly.

Who'd ever dream I'd meet

the real Sam Longwood?

You're much younger

than I would have guessed.

I mean, you're not all

that old for a hero

of our country.

All right,

it's dumb and I know it.

But I'm gonna give you a break,

so why don't you just run along?

Run along where?

I don't know. Get a job someplace

washing dishes or something.

- I can't do that.

- Why not?

Because Mike would find me.

You know, doctor,

it is truly amazing the steps

modern medical science has made

over the last few years.

Truly amazing.

Just drop your trousers, please,

Mr. Knox.

What for? I mean, this is

not the dark ages, is it?

I thought you were gonna

give me a pill or something.

You got it the same old way.

We cure it the same old way.

Now that wasn't bad, was it?

Now you hold on, Joe Knox.

I only did that

for your own good.

Yeah, pill only good

for Joe Knox.

All right, you red-assed,

clap-ridden squaw-hopper.

I will cut you

to pieces, white man.

If you can get close enough.

Sam, Joe Knox, wait!

There's the little minx!

Sam, what about our $60,000?

If we don't get it this time,

it's gonna be a long slide back.

That ain't no reason

to send this child back

to a life of shame

and degradation.

You horny hypocrite.

You're worse than Billy.

You wouldn't know Christian charity if

it jumped up and bit you in the ass.

You know what? I'd sure as

hell recognize a Colt .45.

That's what we come to

this town for, isn't it?

We'll make do.

With that?

Not that way!


Molly, Becky, girls.

Now, girls, I'd be careful if I were you.

Mr. Longwood ain't partial to no whores.

That is too bad, isn't it?

Come on, boys.

Joe Knox, what are you doing?

Indian tradition...

Always take hostages.

You two wait out here

in the hall.

Who fired that...

Well, if it isn't my little

friend who was kidnapped.

Or did she run away?

Hey, Mike.

I told you to wait

out there in the hall.

What's this?

- Mike!

- Molly, be quiet.

Shut up!

Hey, wait for me!

Get out of my way!


They was supposed

to turn over the girl for $50

so they could buy

a couple of six-shooters

so we could get our money back

from Jack Colby.

Well, they come back,

they ain't got the money.

They've still got the damn girl.

Well, I'm telling you

right here and now,

she ain't cooking for me.

Not after her previous

line of employment.

And another thing,

what about my free visits

to the cathouse?

What about that, huh?

I never get to have no fun.

- Billy.

- Oh, Billy, Billy.

A lot you care about Billy

now that you've got

what you want.

That's no way to talk

to a hero of our country.

Oh, so that's how

she turned your

comb red, great scout,

with that old hero crap.

Sam, why don't you and me

take us a walk

down by the creek?

It just so happens

that this young lady

has a sense of history.

Uh-huh, and where

do you think she got

the sense of history from?


Me, that's who.

She didn't know Sam Longwood

from a hole in the ground

until I gave her your

scrapbook to read.

Captain Longwood,

you've been took.


That will be Nancy Sue's train

pulling into Serenity junction.

Sam, if we are going to do it,

now is the time.

She hasn't changed much, Sam.

You bet she hasn't.

As fine and pure example

of American womanhood

as you could hope

to find on the frontier.

She sure is

a beautiful woman, Sam.


I will give her that.

Remember those white dresses

she used to wear

that would button

up to the throat?

And the gloves.

Remember the white gloves,

Joe Knox?

Even when she came out

to visit me at the mine.

Damn, it takes me back.

That pure soft-spoken angel.

There in the middle

of the Panamint mountains,

a living, shining,

honest-to-god angel.

Easy, stud horse.

Now get your clothes on

and you go tell Jack Colby

that he ever wants

to see his wife alive again,

he better come up with

that $60,000 he owes us.

Now move.

Before I blow your brains off.

SAM: Nancy Sue, it's me,

Sam Longwood, and Joe Knox.

You dumb

cock-walloping shit.

What the hell is this?

Is this a kidnapping

or some kind of a goddamn

Sioux death march?

I am not one of your goddamn

raggedy-ass walking squaws.

What's the matter

with you two cow turds anyway?

Have you got scabs

on your tongue?

I tell you, Sam Longwood, you

better think of something to say,

because when Jack Colby

hears about this,

my god!

And I tell you,

when I think that I almost...


That tears it.

I am not taking one more

goddamn step.

You can take your goddamn kidnapping

and you can shove it up...

What's come over you, Nancy Sue?

We turn our backs for a few

years and here you are

cussing like a mule-Skinner,

cheating on your husband.

You know, that ain't ladylike.

I gotta tell you, Nancy Sue,

- I'm disappointed in you.

- If you think I give...

One more filthy word out of that sewer

pipe you call a mouth, just one,

and Jack Colby's $60,000 won't buy him

back nothing but your mortal remains.

Now I have warned you

and that's the end of it.

Now when we get

where we're going,

I want you to act

like a goddamn lady.

- She's even prettier than her picture.

- Mm-hmm.

Good evening, Billy.

How have you been?

Fine, miss... I mean, ma'am.

I've been just fine.

Sam, I made some dinner for you.


Billy, where'd Sam

get the chippy?

She ain't nobody's.

She just sort of

come along for the ride.

Thursday: Sam.


Are you awake?

It's me, Sam.

Oh, yeah.

I'm really sorry

that I lied to you about

knowing who you were and all.

It don't matter.

But it really was

only half a lie.

I did find out all about

you from the scrapbook,

but it was the most thrilling

and patriotic thing I've

ever read in my entire life.

Why'd you burn it, Sam?

Past is past.

When we go into town,

do you think...

Who says you're coming along?

I can't be going around

with no kid tagging after.

You didn't think I was

much of a kid last night.

It was cold last night.

In the dark,

you felt a lot older.

I felt a lot younger.

Then close your eyes.

I've been with a lot of men

and I ain't denying that.

It's just that last night

with you was the first time...

You don't suppose

that could mean

I love you or something.

I'm sorry.

♪ His truth is marching on ♪

♪ Glory glory, hallelujah. ♪


Hallelujah, Sam.

Glory, hallelujah!

Where are you going, Sam?

- I'm going into town to get my money from Jack Colby

and then get shed

of the bunch of you.

I've been shot five times,

knifed twice,

bit in the ass by a pig, stomped on

by a horse and sat on by a mule.

Once in the winter of '81,

a grizzly chewed my big toe off.

And I survived two

avalanches, three blizzards,

five Indian uprisings and

seven presidential elections,

but I ain't never been

owned by no woman nor dog.

And I come too far down the road

to let it happen to me now.

JACK: So you have got my wife, have you?

SAM: Hog-tied. You can

have her back for $60,000.

- Still $60,000?

- Still $60,000.

I guess if I've had

the woman for 15 years...

On the other hand,

here you come along,

I know you always wanted

to make her happy.

I couldn't even make her

shut her mouth.

One thing I'll guarantee you, Sam,

she's honest-to-goodness

thoroughbred stock...

Blue blood, black tongue,

pedigree and all.

So you hop to it.

$60,000 is a little steep.

I wouldn't give you 60

to get her back.

You want her back

with her throat cut?

If you have to. I hope you do it quick

and painless, for old times' sake.

- I mean it.

- On the other hand,

it might bean improvement.

With her throat cut, she wouldn't

be able to complain quite so loud.

She had damn little

to complain about, compadre.

Furs and jewels from head to

foot and not a bruise on her,

not a Mark, still that mouth kept working.

Perhaps that's something you

know a little about already.

Huh, Sam? No,

she's yours by rights now.

I won't interfere. Maybe you

can do something with her.

I sure couldn't.

Adios, compadre.

I got a fight to put on here.

Give my best regards

to Nancy Sue.

You sure you can afford them?

No need to be bitter.

You get to save the girl.

I get to save the money...

So far.

Looks like it worked out

pretty good all around.

Excuse me.

Jack, I think you're

spitting in the wind.

Well, no more

than you, compadre.


Yeah, there was a time you could

have done it, Sam, but no more.

You're thinking about it, which

means you're not gonna do it.

And if you tried, your demise

wouldn't make the back page

of the police gazette.

It's too late, partner.

You're too slow.

So am I.

Better move along

before these boys

turn you into dog meat.

The lousy goddamn...

Can you imagine

that tight-fished

chicken hearted...

Selling his own

goddamn wife down the river

- for 60-goddamn thousand...

- Nancy Sue, I warned you.

You warned me to keep

my filthy mouth shut.

Well, what are you

gonna do now, kill me?

I'm not worth 10 goddamn cents

to you stomped,

strangled or raped.

That's the angel

of the Panamint mountains?

It used to be.

JOE KNOX: Let her go, Sam.

We just ride into town Saturday

and take what is ours.

Ride in on what?

We steal the horses,

great scout.

Sam Longwood never stole anything in his

entire life that didn't belong to him.

Well, he had better start now.

I know how we can

get some horses.

- We?

- We.

JOE KNOX: What do you mean we?

- I mean we, us.

- I'm coming with you.

- Oh no, you're not.

You've got to let me come, Sam.

I wanna get square with Jack Colby

as bad as you do.

Oh, Sam.

I know I've been a big

disappointment to you,

but men are just too romantic.

I enjoy it. I aim to

go on enjoying it.

Soto hell with your ideals

about young love.

Now you wanna nail Jack Colby,

I wanna cut his balls off.

Am I in?

Well, what about the horses?


There is one among us here

who is professionally

trained to ride into town

and raise the operating

capital that we need.

You mean you want me

to go in town...

All for the good

of the group, dearie.

The fight's not until Saturday,

that gives us three

working days.

And nights.

Here is a list of the things we

will need if you decide to go.

Of course, we will cut you in on a

percentage of everything we make.

Won't we, Sam?

Do you want me to go, Sam?

Thursday, we know that

you got your mind set

on changing your ways,

but surely it wouldn't hurt much

if you'd put off being virtuous

until after Saturday.


Is something the matter, Sam?

I mean, you're not in

love with the little girl

or anything like that, are you?

Because if you are,

- we wouldn't dream of...

- I never said that, did I?

Sam, one fast flop behind the

bushes don't exactly mean...

You watch that filthy mouth

of yours, Nancy Sue.

What if she should run

into that Mike lady in town?

You never thought

of that, did you?

I wouldn't worry none. Whores can be as

clever as jaybirds when they wanna be.

Let her go, Sam.

It's the only way.

The only way we can

get the $60,000, Sam.

Hello there.

Who's that?

Oh, sir, it's only me.

I'm lost.

Little girls are not supposed to

be wandering around the streets

in the middle of the night. Didn't

your daddy ever tell you that?

I never had no daddy.

That's a hard break, kid.

See, I got lost.

I got frightened, and I fell,

and I hurt my ankle.

All little girls are supposed to

have daddies to look after them.

I know that.

It's my ankle, sir.

Yes, of course it is.

You know, you're

an awfully lucky girl

to run across a grown man

like myself at this hour

instead of some of these hard

cases we got around here.

As a matter of fact, I've got a

bit of liniment up in my room.

It's just above here.

Fix this up in no time at all.

- I couldn't do that, sir.

- What?

I couldn't go to your room.

I hardly know you.

You're very sweet,

but you're absolutely

safe with me.

What could possibly happen?

Take my arm.

Simply think of me as the daddy

that you've never known.

And here's the key to my room.

The liniment is

on the dressing table.

I'll be along shortly to help

you with the medication.

Well, you're sure

it's all right?

I think it's going to be fine.


- Good evening.

- Good evening.

You found it.


Are you sure this is for people?

- It says "Horse" on it.

- Trust me, my dear.

Did you know that most daddies

give their little girls presents

when they're especially good?

I want candy.

Of course you do.

$20 worth.

$20 worth of candy?

What are you gonna do

with all that?

I have a very sweet tooth.

$20, that's more than they charge

in the best house in Seattle

for one or two or sometimes three.

- For daddy's little Missy?

Can't you afford $20?

Well, I might be able to afford it, yes.

I'm still curious though,

what in the world

do you do for it?

I'll do my best, daddy.

Sir, it's me,


Not now.

It's the champion's

manager, sir.

He's in the bar claiming

that you've bet against me.

It's not true, is it?

No, of course not. It

certainly is not true, no.

Then you better come down

to the bar right now, sir,

because some of the fight patrons

are getting a little steamed.


My dear, don't move

a muscle now.

Daddy will be right back.

"John Jack Colby."



I don't see why we're going

to all this trouble.

She ain't coming back.

Gone back to whoring

is what she done.

Would you take a look at that?

Must have been one hell

of a night.

Get everything, little one?

Yep, 50lbs of salt

and a pound of sugar.

What about the shotgun shells?

- Double "O" buck.

- Good girl.

You must have had a go

with a lot of men.

No, just one.

Cartridges for you.

Would you fetch that box for me?

The box.

For you.

- For me?

- Uh-huh.

Now you mean to tell me that

one man give you all this?

Not exactly.

You might just say

I sort of helped myself.

What are the bees for?

They ain't bees. They're wasps.

I caught 'em myself.

Yeah? Let me see.

What are they for?

You are too inquisitive,

little one.

But soon you will be told.


If one man give you all this,

he must have had a name.

Yes, he did.

And he was a nice fella too.

Nice fella by the name of...

- Colby.

- Jack Colby?!

- You went with Jack?

- I didn't say that.

That filthy old man.

Now he's two-timing me.

Not with me he didn't,

and that's the truth.

- Then why did he give you the money?

- He didn't, I borrowed it.

- What?

- I just bet you did.

I wouldn't bet if I were you.

'Cause you see, miss smart ass, the I.O.U.

I left had your name on it.

JOE KNOX: Beer, cold

beer, nice cold beer.

Anybody want a cold beer?

Drink it before it

gets warm. Cold beer.

Thank you very much, sir.

Nice cold beer here.

Cashing in.

Hand me one of those

empties, will you?

MIKE: Get in there and

fight, you sissies!

MIKE: That's not fair!

Come on!

Need a new cash box.

- Wasps!

- Ow! Ow! Ow!

What the hell?

Where did they come from?


MAN: Worst fight I've ever...

Hey, what the hell?

I want my money back!

- Hey!

- What in the hell are you waiting for?

It's Longwood!

Come on!

Turn her over.

What in the...

All right, $20 to any man

that'll ride with me.

20 bucks! You bet I'll

do it! Right away!

Hyah hyah hyah!

MIKE: Hold it!

All right, let's go.

Not that way!

There are no roads up

over that mountain.

SAM: Joe Knox!

Forget the pennies.

Well, they got it all.

Go now. Go!

Hyah hyah hyah!

Well, get out and push,

you dummies!

Push! Push!



How long we gonna

walk these horses?

Till they get their wind back.

But Jack's gonna be

right after us.

He's gonna come after that money, Sam.

You don't know him.

I guess I know him all right.

JOE KNOX: Sam, should we let 'em out?

Slow and easy.

Sam, look.

It's Mike.

Hadn't figured on her.

You ladies get down

and stay low.

You're not going down

there, you damn fool!

These horses gotta be watered.

Sam, what do these people

want from you anyway?

Her, they want her!

Well, for god's sakes,

give her to them.

She's right, Sam.

Colby's coming for sure.

We could be dead centered

of a crossfire if you don't.

Sam, she might be worth

the price of five horses,

but she's not worth dying for.

Hey, come back here.

Mike, Mike!

Here I am!

- Here I am, Mike.

- Go get her.

COLBY: What are you

doing up there?

Picking flowers.

- Like you picked my pocket?

- Mm-hmm.

What the hell are you doing?

You come back with my

machine, you damn car thief!

All right, we're gonna follow

'em if it takes a week.

So water 'em down good, boys.

I wouldn't do that

if were you, daddy.

COLBY: Boys, hold it. Hold it.

Why not?

'Cause they salted the water.


Yeah, she's right, Mr. Colby.

What kind of a dirty lowdown.

Indian trick is that?

I guess that's just

about what it is.

Yeah, I should have known.

I think you should

thank me, daddy.

We can dispense

with the daddy business.

You see, by detaining you

up there on that hill,

likely I saved you from

shooting your own wife.

My wife helped those

halfwits to rob me?

I'm afraid so, Mr. Colby.

Your wife has taken up with

the Sam Longwood Bunch.

The Sam what?

Gotta be better

than $60,000 here.

Hey, Sam!

Sam, we're rich.

Joe... Joe Knox!

- Stop.

- Rich rich.



Turn around.

Here, turn around.

Sam, where the hell do you think you're going?

- Back.

For the girl.

I thought you said she didn't

mean that much to you.

Sam, can't you leave it

a couple of weeks?

What's two weeks? Is that

gonna make a difference?

Sam, you could get dead

walking back in there alone.

I ain't asking nobody

to go with me.

Who the hell said

we were going to?

I mean, just because Billy and I spent

some time on the trail with you

doesn't mean to say we're gonna stick

our butts in the air for you, does it?


Let him go.


COLBY: Wet 'em down good,

boys, fore and aft.

We're gonna have

to walk 'em back to town.

Mr. Colby,

over there.

Boys, they're coming back.

No no, Mr. Colby. It's your wife.

Your wife.

Don't shoot anybody. Don't shoot.

Just hold your fire.

- They come back for me... Sam!

- Let's see how bad he wants you.

- Jack, I want the girl.

- I want my money.

You owe us the money.

Your wife for the girl.

Now that's fair.

Fair is what I say is fair, Sam.

We've been through

all this before, damn it.

The answer's the same. I want my money.

What are you gonna do now, Sam?

Maybe this ain't

such a good idea.

We gonna hide

behind women, Jack?

Doesn't bother me none.

Not a bad place to be.

Why don't we punch it out? Just

you and me like the old days.

- Winner takes the pot.

- Just you and me?

Like the old days?

Sam, I'd love to.

- One condition, Jack.

- Yeah, what's that?

That win or lose, you get your

wife back and I get the girl.

- Otherwise I don't get my money back?

- Right.

- You got a deal.

- Oh no, you don't.

She's my property-

Maybe we can do

a little negotiating.

Maybe we can.

Sam, that's my money.

Not yet it isn't.

Cost me more than this

just chasing after you.

Damn it, that's enough.

Not quite.

Thanks for the ride, mister.

My pleasure.

If you ever decide to kidnap

anybody else permanent...

I'll bear it in mind.

How are you feeling, my love?

I see.

About the same.

Sam, looks like you're gonna have

to use more than your hands.


Sam, for once in your life, why

don't you do what Colby would do?

You got the money.

- You have got the girl.

SAM: I gave my word.


I want you to hold these for me

for good luck.

I expect there's no harm in

smoothing out the odds a bit.

I don't know. That son of a gun looks

to be in pretty good shape to me.

I got every confidence in you,

Mr. Colby.

I expect there's no harm in

smoothing out the odds a bit.

Mr. Vishniac, I want

this to be a fair fight.

And I want you to referee it.

- Do you understand what I'm saying?

- Yes, sir, Mr. Colby.

No, you don't.

All right, everybody.

Leave your horse up there,

come on down here

and form a ring.

We're gonna have a fight.

Come on, let's go.

Come on, ladies.

Get down out of the car.

All right, come on now. Move around here.

Get in a circle.

Gentlemen, I want

a good clean fight.

No butting, gouging,

hitting below the belt.

- What about kicking?

Like that?

- Mr. Colby, there is no kicking in this fight.

I wanna tell you

something, Jack.

Win or lose, now I mean this,

I ain't voting for William Howard Taft.

Sam, we've had our little

differences in the past,

but you've always voted the

straight Republican ticket.

Yeah, well,

I ain't voting for Taft.

Sam, we're both Republicans.

You're gonna vote the way

you always have, Sam,

which is Republican.

- He didn't hurt you none, did he?

- Huh-uh.

Sam, hit him, Sam, hit him!

Hit him... Sam, hit him.

Sam, hit... hit him now!

Hit him!

Hit him!

Hit him, Sam!

- Which foot did he stomp on?

- That one.

NANCY SUE: Hit him, Sam!

Hit him!

Hit him, Sam.

Hit him now!

Come on, Sam!

Get in there.

Jack, Jack, down!

Up up, down!

Get up there!

Sam, give it all...

Hit him! Move it, move

in and hit him, Sam.

Sam, he's soft.

He's just been sitting

on top of all that money.

- Sam, wait a minute.

- Hit him, Sam!

Sam, hit...

It was worth it.

What do you got

in your hand, Jack?


What do you got?

Your money.

MAN: That's the way to do it,

Mr. Colby.

Come on now!

MAN: Take him down!

Get him!

Great fight, Mr. Colby.

He never saw it coming.


VISHNIAC: Great fight, Mr. Colby.

Well, I did it.

I did it!

And I got it back.

And you've earned it,

Mr. Colby.

- Scalps!



You jackass!

Didn't you check it?

- Didn't you check it?

- I... I... I thought I checked...

I thought I checked it.

I thought I checked it,

but I didn't check it.

No no no no,

Joe Knox no got problem.

Joe Knox...

Oh, senor!

I love my injun!

Don't you worry about that Mike,

woman none.

We're gonna have our own house.

Just me and you.

And you.

And you.


♪ We love you, William Howard ♪

♪ But when we give our vote ♪

♪ It'll be for Jennings Bryan ♪

♪ And not for the mad old goat ♪

♪ We'll vote for William Jennings ♪

♪ The pride of the Bible belt ♪

♪ We'll put old Taft in retirement ♪

♪ And give the women the vote! ♪

♪ We love you, William Howard ♪

♪ But when we give our vote ♪

♪ It'll be for Jennings Bryan ♪

♪ And not for the mad old goat ♪

♪ We love you, William Jennings ♪

♪ Let's put old Taft

in retirement ♪

♪ We love you, William Howard ♪

♪ But when we give our vote ♪

♪ It'll be for Jennings Bryan... ♪

Oh, Sam.


♪ Nighthawks a-flying ♪

♪ Quick across Denver town ♪

♪ The old west is dying,

but I ain't lying down ♪

♪ There's still a mountain

left to climb ♪

♪ A river left to cross ♪

♪ 'Cause I ain't never

belonged to no woman ♪

♪ Dog nor cat nor horse ♪

♪ Was a time they called him Reno ♪

♪ Be a time they call her queen ♪

♪ But I guess right now

we're down to zero ♪

♪ With nothing but nothing

but nothing in between ♪

♪ Great suffering cathouses ♪

♪ What am I gonna do? ♪

♪ Great leaping liquor stores,

what have we got to lose? ♪

♪ Just like some prairie flower ♪

♪ Some things up and grow ♪

♪ All along that dirty

dusty good old Denver road ♪

♪ Denver road, Denver road ♪

♪ Where nothing but trouble

and cactus ever grow ♪

♪ Great suffering cathouses,

what a way to go ♪

♪ All along that dirty dusty ♪

♪ All along that dirty dusty ♪

♪ Dirty, dusty, dirty, dusty ♪

♪ All along that dirty dusty ♪

♪ You and me and that dirty

dusty good old Denver road. ♪