The Golden Idol (1954) - full transcript

The Lost Idol of Watusi, a valuable archaeological treasure, has come into the hands of Bomba. Murderous Arabian chieftain Ali Ben Mamoud hires the equally unscrupulous soldier of fortune Joe Hawkins to get the treasure. British museum scientist Karen Marsh, Commissioner Barnes, his number one boy Eli and Ezekiel are also seeking the Idol. Hawkins and his native henchman, Gomo, double-cross Mamoud and set out to get the treasure for themselves. Things go downhill for them after Bomba takes an active hand; he overpowers Hawkins in an underwater fight and Mamoud is drowned in the coils of a huge water snake. District policemen Reed and Graves place the surviving plotters under arrest, and Bomba and his chimp Kimbbo fade away in the jungle as Barnes, Karen and Eli disappear by boat over the waters of Pongola Basin (played by Monogram's back lot).

[instrumental music]

[music continues]

[music continues]

[instrumental music]

[birds chirping]

[dog barking]

[hen clucking]

[dog barking]

[music continues]

You are Hawkins, effendi?

- That's right.
- Good.

You are punctual.
His Excellency will be pleased.

This your entire safari?

No. The rest of it will be along
in a little while.

Oh, I see. Well, there's no need
to wait for them.

His Excellency is waiting.


If I'm not back in an hour,
you better bring your men

and come looking for me.

Yes, bwana.

[instrumental music]

Your pardon, effendi.

I must take your gun.

That's not an easy thing
to do, my friend

as long as it's loaded.

It is a rule. His Excellency
does not see armed strangers.

Well, in that case,
the interview is over.

But the emir is expecting you,

That's just the point.

If I ask for the meeting

I'd accept it on his terms

but I didn't.

I think His Excellency

will make an exception
in this case.

If I'm mistaken,
the responsibility will be mine.

[dramatic music]

[instrumental music]

The man Hawkins
Your Excellency sent for.

You came more promptly
than I expected, Mr. Hawkins.

This man is armed, Abdullah.

I do not receive armed strangers
in my house, effendi.

That's what your man said.

Then why are you carrying a gun?

Because no one ever sends for me

unless he has a job
he wants done.

For the kind of jobs I do,
this is my tool kit.

Apparently, you do not trust me?

Probably as much as
you trust me.

I see.

I think we should get along
very well together, my friend.

Everything is in readiness,
Your Excellency.

- Shall we proceed?
- Of course. Of course.

What is this proposition
of yours?

That can wait.

I've arranged some rather
special entertainment.


What's all that for?

Have patience, my friend.

You are about to see something
that you have never seen before.

[instrumental music]

[tiger growling]

A Bengal tiger in Africa?

I had it imported from Sumatra.

[dramatic music]

That's not an African boar.

I had it brought in
from Ceylon.

What for?


[dramatic music]

[tiger growling]

[boar squealing]

[tiger growling]

Stop it! Stop it!

We don't want
one of them killed.

[boar squealing]


[dramatic music]

As soon as their wounds heal

we will have a repeat

That was quite a show,
Your Excellency.

But was it worth the trouble
you went to to get it?

Nothing is too much trouble if
it'll get me the things I want.

That's why I sent for you,

[instrumental music]

I have heard that you are
the craftiest hunter in Africa.

Also, the most unscrupulous.

That takes in
a lotta territory.

I have a job for such a man

if you are available.

That depends on the job..

...and the pay.

The pay?

You have perhaps heard
of the Lost Idol of Watusi?

Who hasn't?

British authorities
are offering a fortune

to whoever finds it for them.

I have found the idol, effendi.

- You found the idol?
- In the hut of a witch doctor.

Named Ologa,
over near the Tanganyika border.

I see.

Then you want me to steal it
for you, is that it?

- I bought the idol from Ologa--
- You bought it?

And immediately sent a runner
to the British Commissioner

telling him to bring the reward
to me here and pick up the idol.

I don't see where I fit in
if you already got the thing.

It was stolen from me
on the way here.

- You mean, his tribe followed?
- Not a tribe, one man!

When I get my hands on him,
I'll feed him--

One man?

Didn't you have any guards
with you?

Of course. But this was
not an ordinary man.

It was..

I hope you will not laugh
at what I'm about to ask you

but...have you perhaps heard
the legend of a jungle man

named Bomba?

He's no legend, my friend.
I've seen him.

A dozen times
he's robbed my traps.

Then you understand.

He followed us into the jungle.

We found his footprints

but thought
they meant tribesmen.

So, I deployed my men
and we hurried on

hoping to outrun them.

Since you know this Bomba

you know that he's a devil
in human form.

A devil with a strength
of a gorilla

and the cunning of a snake.

While we watched
the jungle ahead

and on either side of the path
for native warriors

he was watching us from cover,
laying his plans.

[instrumental music]

I learned afterward
from my men just what happened.


First, he allowed two of them
to catch a glimpse of him

and thus lured them away
from the main body

into a place
that suited his purpose.

[music continues]

He let the first one pass
and attacked the second.

Thus he had only one
to fight at a time.

And no one man
can stand up to him alone.

That was the essence
of his strategy.

To follow us through the jungle
and attack us one by one.

Always choosing
the last man of the party

working silently
to avoid alarming the others

and employing tricks
that ordinary men

would not even think of.

For one, he laid a snare
made of a soft liana.

Using his own weight
as a lever

he hoisted his victim
high in the air

and left him dangling.

[music continues]


Then he again took
to the branches and vines

to follow us soundlessly
in our flight along the trail.

And as we hurried on our way

never even suspecting
his presence, he continued

to attack where and when
it best suited his plans.

And always choosing the rear
guard as his victim.

My men were the pick
of the palace guards.

But after all,
they were only men

and no match for a jungle devil
who swung like an ape

through the trees
and struck without warning.

[dramatic music]

I swung my rifle around
to kill him, but as I fired

he threw the guard
in front of him as a shield.


Then began a chase
in which the advantage

should have been mine,
for I was armed and he was not.

[music continues]

Again and again he offered
himself as an open target

and each time darted to cover
in time to avoid my fire.

In the end,
my ammunition was exhausted

and now the advantage was his.

I dropped my useless rifle
and tried to escape by flight.

But even as I ran, I knew
that my plight was hopeless.

[music continues]

He watched me
run down a winding path

then took a shortcut to a spot
I would have to pass.

There he lay in wait for me.

The end now
was all too obvious.

I am not a jungle animal and no
match for him in strength.

I made a desperate attempt
to escape

but he was too quick for me.

I defended myself
as best I could

but my best
was not good enough.

And in the end, I fell
unconscious to the ground.

[birds chirping]

And when I came to,
I was alone.

And the idol, of course,
was gone.

I want it back, effendi.

And I want the jungle boy,
so that I can see him suffer

for what he did to me.

That's a tall order.
It'll take time.

I must have it within a week.

The commissioner
is on his way here.

I'll give you
ten percent of the reward.

Better start raising
your sights, my friend.

I know this jungle boy.
He's no pushover.

Very well, 15,
and I will furnish

the riflemen
and the safari bearers.

Make it 20 percent
and I'll take my own boys.

It won't be so one-sided
in case we don't agree.

Very well.

We start at dawn tomorrow.

We start within the hour.

He lives somewhere among
the rocks on Mount Kaleri.

It's a long trek
and time is short.

[instrumental music]

[instrumental music]

You and your guards
take my safari boys

and head for Bomba's cave.

Make camp near there
and wait for me.

What do you intend to do?

Gomo's men and I'll
scout around this section

and join you later.

Pass the word to the men, Gomo.

[speaking in foreign language]

You're wasting your time,

Maybe, but it's my time
I'll be wasting.

[instrumental music]

[music continues]

Gomo, spread the men out.

We'll see if we can
pick up his tracks.

[speaking in foreign language]

[dramatic music]

[speaking in foreign language]

[elephant trumpeting]

Bwana, look, elephants.

[elephants trumpeting]

No, that's great.

They'll trample out
any tracks he might have left.

[elephant trumpeting]

Well, we might as well relax
and wait till they've gone by.

[instrumental music]

Wait, bwana, look.

[dramatic music]

[cocks gun]

No, wait a minute, Gomo.

He's no use to us dead.

Only wound him, bwana.

The shot would stampede that
herd and they'd trample him.

Maybe us.

Go get Ali.
Bring him here on the double.

We'll follow him
and leave a trail for you.

Yes, bwana.

[music continues]

[speaking in foreign language]

[crows cawing]

[instrumental music]

Prince Ali! Wait!

Bwana Hawkins say
come quick, have found Bomba.

You two stay with the safari.
The others come with us.

[dramatic music]

[Kimbbo chattering]

[dramatic music]

Here's our jungle boy.

We'll spread out and close in
on him from all sides.

Wait. He's waiting for someone.

He's waving to them.

Who the devil is it?

It's probably the commissioner
on his way to my village

to get the Golden Idol.

It looks like Bomba.

It is Bomba.

Head for shore, Eli.

It is the commissioner.

The game's over
and we've lost.

Not yet, we haven't.

Just means we'll have to change
our plans a little, that's all.

What have you got in mind?

Gimme a minute to think,
I'm not a magician.

Take your boys back
with the safari out of sight.

Yes, bwana.

[speaking in foreign language]

Stay here and see what happens.

Strange sort of apparition
is that, Mr. Barnes?

It's no apparition, lass

but I doubt you'll believe it
even when you meet him.

Who is he?

He's a lad who was raised

among the animals,
and likes them

better than his own kind.


- Hello, Bomba!
- Hello, Mr. Barnes.

There's a better place
just ahead.


Bomba, it's good to see ya.

The more so
as I didn't expect ya.

Always good to see you,
Mr. Barnes. And you too, Eli.

Eli always glad to see friend.
Got another friend too.

[speaking in foreign language]

This is Ezekial. Maybe you call
him Zeke, same as me.

[speaking in foreign language]

I brought you here
some very special company

this time, Bomba.

Looks like they're gonna
make camp.

Have you seen anything
of the idol?

No, not yet.

Bomba, Ms. Marsh.

I fancy she'll let you
call her Karen.

She says she doesn't quite
believe you.

I do now.

I hope you will call me Karen.

Thank you.

[speaking in foreign language]

Eli, this calls
for a celebration.

- We'll make camp here tonight.
- Yes, bwana.

Get away from river.
Maybe lose mosquitoes.

Very good.

Well, that's a mighty
nice-lookin' gal

they've got with 'em.


You haven't told me what
you're doing so far from home.

Mr. Barnes is taking me
to Ali Ben Mamoud's village.

- Are you friend of Prince Ali?
- No. I'm just--

Karen is something
of an expert on archeology.

Ali has a relic
that the museum she works for

has been after
for 40 years.



It's a little figurine.

The last evidence
of a lost civilization.

I doubt you've heard of it,

It's called the Golden Idol
of Watusi.

Ali located it
and brought it from old Ologa.

- He lies.
- You're wrong, Bomba.

He sent a runner to the
commissioner describing it

and claiming the reward.

He didn't buy it from Ologa.

He tortured him with fire
to get it.


Men don't resort
to torture nowadays.

Chief Ologa was my friend.

I found him dying
where they left him

and carried him to his village.

Then Ali has no right
to the idol.

The government'll
take it from him--

He hasn't got it.
I have.

You have it?

I followed Ali and took it.

Chief Ologa asked me to get
the reward to help his people.

I knew
you would help me get it.

Of course, I would.

But why didn't you
bring it to me?

Ali has men
scattered in the jungle

hoping I'd try that.

Well, now that I'm here,
you can bring it.

He wouldn't hesitate
to attack you either

if he knew.

No one will find it
where I hid it.

But, suppose something
should happen to you

then, then the idol
would be lost forever.

Nothing will happen to me.

It's not likely,
but if it did

there'll be no money
for Ologa's people.

They are very poor..

...and there's sickness
among them.

I'll go for the idol after dark.

Good. We'll go and see
how camp's gettin' on.

If you don't mind,
I'd like to cool off first.

If the river's safe
for swimming.

I know where there's a place.

See you later at camp.

[Kimbbo hooting]

I'm not sure
he's got the idol with him

or he'd have produced it by now.

Then all we have to do
is capture him

and make him tell us
where it's hidden.

Sounds simple,
but Bomba's tough.

I'm not sure
you could break him.

I'd enjoy trying

even though
I don't get the idol.

You can do what you like
with him after we get the idol.

Until then, you lay off,
is that clear?

And I suppose you know
how to find it.


Wait till he brings it to him,
then move in.

What could be simpler?

Attacking British officials
in Africa

is not to be
recommended, effendi.

After we're through with 'em,
who's gonna know?

Even so, we'll be never be able
to sell the idol to the museum.

I know a dozen places
we can sell it

for more than the museum
will pay.

[instrumental music]

Are you sure
there're no crocodiles?

I'm sure, I'll show you.

That was easy
anybody can do that.

[instrumental music]


Alright. I'll show you
why there's not so easy.


I want you to slip over
to their camp.

Get near enough, so you can see

everything that happens,

- Yes, bwana.
- No, wait.

When Bomba leaves
to get the idol..

Wait a minute.

There's a better way
to play this.

- Yes?
- Why don't I join their party?

- Are you out of your mind?
- I don't think so.

They don't know
we're working together

and I've got a hunter's permit.

Sure, it's bound to work.

You two go down to where
their boat is, tow it upstream.

Now, if you're seen,
don't stop to fight

just get that boat.

I don't understand all this.

You don't have to.

Do nothing
and stay out of sight.

I'll bring the idol to you
on a platter.

Gomo, call your boys.

[speaking in foreign language]

[dramatic music]

[instrumental music]



Look over there.

[instrumental music]

Let Zeke take care of this, Eli.

Better grab a gun and try
and catch some game for supper.

Yes, bwana.

[instrumental music]

[dramatic music]

[music continues]

'Easy, now.'

[birds chirping]

You stay here while I go
find my dressing room.


[crow cawing]


[lion roaring]

[dramatic music]


'There's a lion prowling..'

'Don't move.
If you run, he'll chase you.'

[dramatic music]

[lion roars]

Mr. Barnes! Mr. Barnes, lion!

'Mr. Barnes! Mr. Barnes, lion!'

'Mr. Barnes!'

'Mr. Barnes!'

'Mr. Barnes, lion!'

'Mr. Barnes!'


[intense music]




Thank you.
I'll be alright now.

- What happened?
- Look over there.

He was too strong for me.

These men got here
just in time.

I'm glad we could help.

We were trekking through
when we heard

the young lady call.

I wanna thank you for myself

as well as for Bomba.

Deputy Commissioner Barnes,
Harrison's Landing.

Andy Barnes?
Now this is a lucky break.

I'm Joe Hawkins,
ivory hunter.

I was on my way to your station
to check on the boundaries of--

We'll talk about that later.
We're taking care of Bomba.

Oh, yes, of course.

Gomo, get the safari.

We'll make camp with these
people tonight.

- Yes, bwana.
- We'll manage, Karen.

Better get some clothes on
before the gnats eat ya alive.

[birds chirping]

[monkey chattering]

The cuts aren't deep.

It's only infection
we have to guard against.

That oughta fix it.

Now, what about that
ivory-hunting permit, Hawkins?

Well, I just wanted to stay
within the law, sir.

- I understand--
- Eli come, bwana.

Boat gone, bwana!
Men stole it.

Ah, probably the current
carried if off.

- Nobody'd steal it.
- Two men, bwana.

I crossed track in brush, follow
to the river, men took boat.

- But it doesn't make sense.
- Maybe it does.

What kind of tracks, Eli?
Not natives?

Not native, not English boot.
Look more like Arab.

Ali Ben Mamoud.

But he'd be the last one
to take it.

He's waiting for us
at his village.

'You're mistaken, miss.'

- He isn't at his village.
- He must be.

He sent word for us
to meet him there.

Well, I'm sorry, sir,
but I meet him and his riflemen

on the trail at dawn.

Now that I think about it, he
wasn't too happy when he saw me.

Maybe hunting Bomba,
like he say, to get idol.

And they stole the boat
so you couldn't get away in it.

You know, it's probably
none of my business

but what's all this
about an idol?

Eli shouldn't
have mentioned it.

Ah, but I oughta guess there's
no harm in letting you know.

'You've heard of the Golden Idol
of Watusi, maybe?'

I certainly have, sir.

Bomba has it.
Ali wants it.

You don't mean you've actually
got it here in camp?

I have it hidden

but I was going after
it tonight.

That's pretty risky.
He's probably got spies out.

I can feel them peering
from behind every bush.

I am afraid we'll be open
for attack, Bomba.

You know, on second thought,
I believe

we're worrying about nothing.

What do you mean, nothing?

Ali hasn't got enough men

to attack a party
the size of ours.

But you're not going our way,
are you?

Friends don't run out on each
other in the jungle, Ms. Marsh.

Then we will be able
to get the idol out

in spite of Prince Ali.

I'll go for it tonight.

Well, then we have nothing more
to worry about.

[speaking in foreign language]

[speaking in foreign language]

Send a runner to Ali.

Tell him to keep his men

Bomba's going after
the idol tonight.

[speaking in foreign language]

If you're gonna get back
by daybreak

hadn't you better be starting?

Yes, soon.

If Ali's spies are watching,
how do you expect

to get away without being seen?

I'll send out a spy of my own
to see if the way is clear.

[speaking in foreign language]


[instrumental music]

You expect that chimp
to come back

and report to you,
do you, Bomba?

Don't act surprised
at what I'm saying, Karen.

- Bomba's gone.
- Gone?

The chimp was a red herring.

The spies, if any, were watching
it instead of Bomba.

[instrumental music]

I bet I don't sleep a wink
until he gets back.

You'd better. We've got a long
trip ahead of us tomorrow.

[instrumental music]


[music continues]

We could capture him,
Your Excellency.

You could keep all the reward.

It's just what I was thinking.


Wait until he passes us.

[intense music]




Sounds like Bomba didn't
make it past Ali's men.

Get the guns, Eli,
we'll find out.

No, you stay and guard
Ms. Marsh.

My men and I'll
take care of this.


[speaking in foreign language]

[intense music]

Get inside, Karen.

Keep to the shadows.

[speaking in foreign language]

Face the jungle.

He's alive.

Pick him up.

Tie the thongs
to his thumbs.


[intense music]




You're gonna save your life
by telling me

where you hid the idol
you stole from me.

I was hoping you'd refuse.

Toss the ends of those thongs
over that limb.

And build a small fire
under it.

'Hold it.'

Your Excellency
is a prize fool.

You're an even greater fool
if you try anything like that.

If you hadn't interfered, we'd
have had the idol by morning.

'Don't worry,
he'll tell us'

'where it's hidden
within an hour.'

'That I doubt.'

'You're not dealing
with a sick old native now.'

If he won't talk,
I'll match him

with that tiger
you saw in my palace.

You think that bothers him?

It may be easy for you
to kill me

but then you'll never know
where the idol is.

Well, from here on,
this deal is mine.

I'll give the orders and you get
the 20 percent you offered me.

You must be mad.
I hired you!

And tried to cross me.

Now, you play it on my terms
or not at all.

I'm in no position
to argue, effendi

but I won't forget this.

Your Excellency scares me
to death.

Tie his hands behind him.
Stick this in his mouth.

How can he tell us what we wanna
know if has a gag in his mouth?

We'll make him talk, alright.

But you'd never be able
to do it by torturing him.

Do as I said.

Men come, bwana. Maybe friends,
maybe Ali, not sure.

It's Hawkins.

- Ali's made Bomba a prisoner.
- Where is he?

He's bringing him in.

So you can drop your guns
and back away from 'em.

What sort of a stupid joke
is this, Hawkins?

This is no joke, commissioner.
Drop those guns.

[intense music]


Alright, Ali.

[speaking in foreign language]

[music continues]

Now, why don't you
give her the treatment

you started to give Bomba?

[intense music]



[music continues]


Now, do we get the idol?


Alright, where is it?

It's under Mount Kaleri.

An underground waterway
leads to it from Pongola Basin.

You swim down under and..

I could go right to it.

I could never tell you
how to find it.

He lies.

It's a trick to get away.

It's the truth!

Turn me loose
and I'll get it for you.

How long will it take you?

I'll be back my noon tomorrow.

Untie his hands.

You don't really believe
he'll come back, do you?

I'm sure he will.

If he's back by sundown,
Ms. Marsh will still be alive.

Just to play safe,
send two men with him.


You and Mustafa go with him.

But I can travel faster alone.

I'm sure you can.

And go straight
to the police for help.

Very well.

But it's a long run, my friends.

Tie them up for the night, Gomo.

You take the first watch,
I'll relieve you in an hour.

[speaking in foreign language]

Well, the rest of us
might as well turn in.

[instrumental music]

[dramatic music]



You'll have to go slower.
We can't keep up.

We can't get back
unless we run.

I know how fast we can go!


I say slower!

[instrumental music]

[intense music]


[instrumental music]

[music continues]

- Eli.
- 'Shh.'

Go untie Ms. Karen.

[music continues]

[intense music]

[music continues]

[music continues]

Bwana Hawkins.

Wake up!

- What's the matter, Gomo?
- Prisoners gone.


How did they get away?

Something hit me on head.

When come to, prisoners gone.

That jungle devil.
I told you he'd get away!

- How long have they been gone?
- Not know, bwana.

Maybe five minutes.
Maybe two hours. Not know.

There's something moving
in the shadows.


- Well, I got one of 'em.
- Are you hurt, Eli?

No, bwana.
Tripped over root.

Get out there
and run 'em down.

[speaking in foreign language]

[intense music]

[speaking in foreign language]


[music continues]


We can't outrun them.

[music continues]

- They go this way, Gomo?
- Can't tell, bwana. Too dark.

Spread your men out
and hunt them down.

We haven't a chance in the dark.

They may be a half a mile
from here

or hiding within a 100 feet.

Well, we're wasting time.
Where'd you hide the boat?

In the brush, in a little pool,
half a mile upstream.

They'll head for Pongola Basin.

Gomo, take your men
and get there ahead of them.

Yes, bwana.

We'll take the boat
and meet them there.

[intense music]

I know short way
to Pongola Basin, bwana.

Good. Take it on the double.

[dramatic music]

Slow down!

Simba. Lion.

[intense music]



[music continues]


[drum music]

Talk drums, bwana.
Talking drums.

- What do they say, Nadji?
- They say need help.

Bomba, big trouble.

Pongola Basin.
Say come quick.

Get the guns and canteens.

[boat engine revving]

[instrumental music]

[music continues]

[music continues]

[intense music]

I'm sorry, I..

- I just can't go any farther.
- You've got to, Karen.

Pongola Basin just ahead, miss.
Come on.

[instrumental music]

This Pongola Basin.

Not know where
underwater passage is.

Well, if he doesn't
show up soon

we'll have to head
to the station and get help.

Can't you get any more speed
out of that motor?

If I could, we'd have been there
an hour ago.

[intense music]

We can't wait any longer.

We have to get Ms. Karen
back to safety.

Yes, bwana.

[Kimbbo chattering]

Bwana, Kimbbo!

[Kimbbo chattering]

[Kimbbo hooting]


Kimbbo want me to go with her.
Maybe she know where Bomba is.

[Kimbbo hooting]

[dramatic music]

[Kimbbo hooting]

What is she doing?

[Kimbbo chattering]

Do you suppose she's showing us
the underground waterway?

She couldn't possibly know.

Must be, bwana.

[instrumental music]


We would've gone without you
if it hadn't been for Kimbbo.

How did you get away
from Hawkins?

Kimbbo knock out guard
with rock.

I've got the idol.
We've got to get out of here.

Their bound to have trailed you.

[instrumental music]

[boat engine revving]

Don't shoot. Start running.

Do as I say.
I'll take care of 'em.

And don't stop to fight.

[instrumental music]

[Karen coughs]

Look, Mr. Barnes!


This way.



[dramatic music]





It's no use.
We'll have to make a stand.






[music continues]


[dramatic music]

[music continues]

Ali, help!


Ah! Help!

[music continues]


More shells, bwana.

Take it easy.
There's only four left.




[music continues]

[speaking in foreign language]


Drop your guns, all of ya!

The drum said something
about Hawkins and Prince Ali.

- Where are they?
- They're at the stream.

Bomba's with them.

You and Graves cover these men.

Eli, come with me.

This one's alive.

Prince Ali drowned.

[Hawkins coughing]

[engine cranking]

So, that's the ugly little thing

that caused
all the trouble, is it?

It's not ugly,
it's beautiful.

And it's
a priceless treasure, Mr. Reed.

Why, I guess that's just
a matter of opinion.

But is it worth
all the trouble it caused?

It will bring much good
to Ologa's people.

Aye, there's that.

I've forgotten, lad.

'Boat ready, bwana.'

Then, we'll be out,
we'll have to travel

all night to reach the station.

That's not as bad
as the little trek

we have ahead of us.

[dramatic music]

Good luck to you, Ms. Marsh,
and to your idol.

You sit in the back, Mr. Barnes

Bomba will sit upfront
beside me.

Why, he's gone.


Without giving us a chance
to thank him.

No need to thank Bomba
with words, lass.

He has an odd way of knowing
what's in men's hearts.

Shove us off, will you, Reed?

[engine revving]

[instrumental music]

[instrumental music]

[instrumental music]