The Ghost Beyond (2017) - full transcript - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
- No, Daddy!

I just wanted to
play with the dolls.

No, Daddy, no!

- Mommy!

- Did you have a nightmare?

- Saw a strange man.

Can you sleep with me?

- What did we say about
sleeping with mom and dad, hm?

- Only in thunderstorms.

- That's right, because
you're a big boy now.


- Hey, Mommy, will you check
under the bed for monsters?

- Yes.

- I think there's
somebody in my bed.

- Oh, hey.

You aren't the owner
by chance, are you?

- Oh, no, no, no.

My name's Johannes or Johann.

Friends call me Joe.

I fix things around here,
the whole neighborhood.

- Hello, Johann.

- Hi, Joe.

- Is the real estate
agent still inside?

- Yeah, yeah, yeah, go right
inside, take a look around.

This is a very special place.

But don't forget, you buy
the house, you buy me too.

Because I'll be around.

I'm always here.

- Okay.

See you around.


- I love this old, old look.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

- Hi.

You must be Carrie, right?

I hope it's okay, Johann
outside told us to come on in.

- Oh, Johann, he's a
fixture around here.

You guys must be the Burrows.

And you're late, I was
just about to lock up.

- Oh, yeah, sorry about
that, the plane was delayed.

- There's still some time.

I can show you around
the house if you'd like.

- Yes, we would love that.

What do you think?

Do you want to see the
rest of the house, Johnny?

- Uh huh.

- Okay, let's do it.

- Alright, come on up.

- Really,
really sorry we're late.

- That's okay,
happens all the time.

- No,
I feel terrible.

It was pretty hectic.

- And if you'll
follow me this way.

- Aha.

- This is our main parlor room.

This room, actually this house
was built in the late 1700s.

- Wow, pretty old.

- Yeah, it contains all of
its original wood flooring.

You can see there's
vaulted ceilings and...

- Beautiful.

- Yeah, and--

- Fireplace in here.

- Yeah, and this organ,
is it a functioning organ?

- It's actually, it
comes with the house.

It's a 200 year old organ.

It's actually been
featured in shows

of Phantom of the Opera, you
might actually remember that.

- We could learn to
play the piano together.

- That would be fun.

- Do any of you
guys play, you play at all?

- No.
- No.

We've been talking
about taking lessons.

- For a long, long time.

- Oh, well, now's
your opportunity.

What about your son?

Does your son have
any sports or--

- It would be the perfect
age for him to learn as well.

- Absolutely.

- Absolutely.

Now exactly how old is he again?

- Eight years old.

- Oh, he's eight years old.

Yeah, that's a really,
really good time

to start getting your
kids into the arts.

- Yeah, it'd be
the perfect timing,

he's like a little sponge.

- Yeah.

- Look at this room.

- Aha, here you are.

Where have you been?

- This would be
perfect for my work.

- Actually, this room was
used as a home office before.

What did you say
you do, Mr. Burrows?

- Oh, I'm a writer.

But my beautiful wife
here is a neurophysicist,

she's practically
a brain surgeon.

- No, no, he always
gives me too much credit.

I don't have a MD, just a PhD.

No brain surgeries for me.

- Oh, wow!

Wow, honey?

- Yeah?


- Jen, this is a sign.

- This, it's clearly a sign.

- Right, alright?

Wow, this is so cool.
- It's a sign.

- Johnny, buddy, look at this.

This is an old, old,
old typewriter, huh?

- So Stanley just got a
new writing assignment

and that's sort of the reason

we left the New
York City rat race

and opted for something a
little bit more traditional.

- Oh, well, this place is
perfect for your family.

Your son is gonna love it.

- I think we
are all gonna love it.

What's in here?

- That
cabinet was left here

by the original tenants.

It's a very old antique
with quite a history.

- It's creepy.

And creepy dolls, huh?



- Oh boy.

- Also left by the last tenant.

- Well, you know what, you can
go ahead and leave it here.

I could always use a little
inspiration for my work.

- Stanley
writes horror.

- Oh.

- Hi there, buddy.

- Well, guys, I guess this
is where I just say it.

The law requires
that I inform you

if the house is
psychologically impacted.

- I'm sorry, do
you mean haunted?

- Well, the legal term
is emotionally defect.

- Uh huh.

- So what happened here?

- A very long time ago,
a young girl died here.

The official story is that
her father went insane

and just left her to starve
to death inside of a toy box.

Her name was Alison Sullivan.

- Inside a toy box?

- Her father was a single
parent, an alcoholic.

I guess he just got
abusive and neglectful

and just left her
to starve to death.

The authorities found her
inside of the toy box,

having eaten her
dolls to stay alive.

- Oh my god.

- I don't mean to frighten you.

Well, it's getting late

and I really do have
to lock up here.

I am sorry about
the spooky story

but the law requires
that I inform you.

- I love it.

- We love it.

We love it.
- We love it.

- It is hard to sell
a place like this

with that kind of a story.

Second thoughts are common
with such a history.

- No second thoughts here

and I know there's none for Jen.

Most importantly,
after that story,

imagine we're getting
a pretty good deal.

- Right, right, absolutely.

- Mrs. Burrows, where
would you like this?

- That should go up
in the master bedroom.

Thank you.

Yes, I'm calling
about a, hi baby.

- Mommy, can I go play outside?

- Yes, you may, just stay
nearby, please, okay?

I'm calling about a new account.

I'd like to set
up a new account?

New resident, mm-hm.

- Johnny boy!

Hey buddy, I'm gonna go
for a little jog real quick

and when I get back, you
and I are going exploring.

Sound good?


I'll be right back.
- Bye.

- Bye.

- Yes, yes, I have had
a chance to look at it

and no, I actually don't think
he'd be a good candidate.

I would recommend elimination
of the nerve supply

to the pineal gland.

I think that would be curative

in this specific
schizophrenic incident.

- So you really
think he needs medication?

- No, no, no.

Stanley's not losing his mind.

I know he thinks
he's seeing things

but I can assure you he isn't.

Stanley is not schizophrenic,
Stanley is just stressed out.

Thanks for asking.

- I'll talk
to him, bye bye.

- Okay.

- Mrs. Burrows, I know
you have a lot of stress,

so iced tea with
some fresh mint.

- That is so nice,
thank you, thank you.

Hi there.

I'm back.


No, no, we're actually
already in the house.


- See that?

Got our own little pond.

Pretty cool, huh?

- Yeah.

- Let's go sit down.

- Dad?

- Yeah.

- What is that house?

- That house is what
they call a spring house.

So the water would come
run down off the hill.

- That hill?

- Yep, just right
down that little hill.

You can see where like the
stream would come down,

it'd run down into this
bottom part of this house,

it would also fill up this pond,

and when the water was in there,

it would keep all of their food,

vegetables and meat and
stuff, refrigerated.

So it was pretty much
the first refrigerator.

- So, how was
everyone's first day?

- Great.

- Yeah, we had a great
day, didn't we, buddy?

Hell of a thing being
out here now we're in it.

Fresh air, the
trees, the animals.

Killing bad guys and
taking over the world, huh?

- Pew, pew, pew, pew, pew!

- Say, I hate to be a
, but I feel different.

- You do.

- Yeah.

Must be all the freedom
and the open space.

- That's good.

- Yeah.

- Mm.

- Mm.

Honey, mm.

Oh my god.

- That good?

- Mm-hm, this is amazing.

Are you gonna eat that?


Are you sure?

You sure, I can have it?

Honey buns.

- I'm coming.

- Love of my life.

Hurry up.

Come to bed.

- I just
needed to brush my teeth.

- Okay.

- And put on
my sweatpants, you know?

- I know.

I got something for ya.

Oh my goodness.

- Hi.

- Hi.

- Hi.



- Like it?

- Do I like it?

Oh my god, I don't
think we can afford--

- Yeah, don't worry about it.

Don't worry about
it, don't worry,

I'm getting the
advance in a few weeks.

- I love it.

I love it, love it, love it.

I love it.

Can you put it on me?

- Of course I can.

- Okay.

- Like that.

- It looks beautiful.

- Boom, Huh?

- Uh huh.

- There we go.

- Mm-hm.

And thank you for today.

- What'd I do now?

- You were just
amazing with Johnny,

it really shows through.

And he needs you.

- Well, he's not the
only one with needs.

- Oh, who else has needs?

- Possibly this guy.

♪ One, two, three,
play with me ♪

♪ Four, five, six,
let's hide and seek ♪

♪ Seven, eight, nine,
your soul is mine ♪

♪ 10, 11, 12, I'll
break your spine ♪

- Hello?

- Hello, Johnny.

I'm coming for you.

- Oh, Johnny!


You feeling a little
better, honey?


How's your tummy?

Yeah, does it feel
better when I rub it?

Okay, good.

Let's try to remember
a really fun time

before we go to sleep.

How about that
vacation in Hawaii?

Did you like that one?

And the water was all
sparkly and light blue

and you stood up
on the surfboard?

- I fell about four times.

- Oh, I don't
remember four times.

I remember maybe two, tops.

And then what'd we do
when we got on the beach?

- Dad threw the
Frisbee at your eye.

- He did.

He did, he hit me
smack dab in the eye

and you were laughing
your little face off.

And I was not laughing.

Well, certain species of
crows top the avian IQ scales.

Avian means bird, we learned
that last week, right?

- Uh huh.

- So they can count, they
have really good memories,

and some of them even
partake in activities

that closely resemble sports.

- Wow.

- I know, wow is right.


Stan, would you come down?

- Perfect.

- Yes, I'll be paying with
credit card, thank you.

Oh, no, no,.

Just one second.


Baby, I need the card.

I need your card.

- Of course your do.

- Hand it over.

Uh huh.


Thank you.


It is eight nine zero zero--

- Whoa, whoa, whoa,
careful, careful, careful.

These are my prized possessions.

You a bourbon drinker?

It's the only
thing worth a damn.

- Language.

- This is the good shit.

- Babe, Stanley Victor.

- Sorry, mother.

- Okay, thank you so much.

4:00 p.m. is great.

Okay, I'm not sure how

but I think I just got
the gas turned on today.

- Honey, you are amazing.

One woman wonder.

- You know, it would
go a whole lot faster

if you would keep
out around here.

- Hey, I gotta get to work ASAP.

Gotta pay those bills, you know?

- Okay, well, we moved out here

to spend time together as a
family, try not to forget that.

- Yes, ma'am.

And to write.

- Uh huh.
- Uh huh.

- Uh huh.

Not in front of the workers.

- Yeah, sorry.

- Yeah.

- Mr. Burrows.

You like bourbon?

- I do.

- The workers and I
would like to present you

with this special local bourbon,

sort of as a housewarming gift.

- Oh, that's
lovely, Johann, thank you.

- Thank you, Johann.

- These local herbs enhance
the flavor of the bourbon.

I think you're really
going to like it.

I'm gonna need a check
to pay the workers.

- Alright, follow me.

- Yeah.

- Oh, oh, oh, this
is the green paint.

Yeah, make sure that only
goes in the living room.

We switched what we
want in the dining room.

- Jennifer!

- Benjamin.

- Oh my
god, look at you!

- Well, hello, what
a long journey.

- Did you get younger
and more beautiful?

What happened, what happened?

- You
really think flattery

will get you everywhere.

- Boy, do you feel
good in my arms.

- You brought champagne.

- The truth is I came to
see you and not the husband,

but I'll go see him
as long as he's here.

- He's upstairs in the
study, always working.

- And you're coming back?

- Yeah, I'm just going
to the grocery store,

I'll be back soon.

- We're gonna wait.

- Alright, see you soon.

- Stanley!


Stanley, it's Benny,
your favorite agent.

- Yeah, first door on the right.

- Did you forget about me?

- Oh, come on, never.

- Come here, I've missed you.

How long ago?

It's been too long.

It's beautiful, beautiful.

And look at your
beautiful place.

It's crazy.

- Thank you so much.

- This is a gorgeous,
gorgeous place.

- Thank you so much.

- But you're happy here,
you're feeling good?

- Oh, it is fantastic
out here, Ben.

I gotta say, I think it's
gonna be great for the wifey.

She's getting real sick
of that New York life.

- I think it's gonna be good
for you, for the writing,

I think for the two of you,

for the marriage,
for everything.

And Johnny, gonna be
great for everybody.

- Absolutely.

And you know, I wish
we had come out here

when it was done
up a little nicer.

It's not a lot to
look at right now.

- It's kind of
like a first draft.

Or second draft.

It's like a polish.

It's like a polish, I get it.

- Always the witty one, huh?

Come on, let's step outside.

- The humorous agent
from Hollywood.

They call me the humorous
agent from Hollywood.

- Brilliant.

- Oh my god, I love this view.

- It's beautiful, isn't it?

- Crazy.

Look at this thing.


- Yeah, do you hear that, huh?

No horns, no sirens.

- I'm not used to this.

Silence, you hear nothing?

Here, but how you doing,
how you settling in?

- Well, you know Jen.

It's a hurricane
but I gotta tell ya,

pretty excited about starting
this new writing assignment.

Speaking of which,
how'd the meeting go?

- So I got great news for you.

They love you.

It went great.

I'm telling ya, I think we're
gonna make a great deal.

- Yes!

Good, good, good.

So what are they putting up?

- What do you mean what
are they putting up?

- Advance?

What are they paying me, Ben?

- Stanley, you're talking
about the old days.

Nobody puts up advances anymore.

That's a different time period.

You actually have to
write the screenplay,

we have to show it to them.

- What are you talking about?

You got me a six figure
advance on my last screenplay.

- Six years ago.

- Then find a studio
that'll pay upfront.

I'm not gonna write this thing

with the hopes that
they're gonna buy it.

- See, how do I say
this nicely to you?

Your last movie was a disaster.

They don't want
slasher movies anymore.


- Ben, that was the
director, not me.

It wasn't supposed
to be a slasher film,

it was supposed to be a
psychological thriller.

You read the script,
you know that.

- Yeah, yeah, I know
it, you know it,

but they don't know it, the
executives don't know it.

That's what we
have to show them.

I'm telling you, you just
have to write a screenplay.

I'll hand deliver it myself.

- Ben, I moved
into this new house

based on a writing
assignment you said I had.

Now you're telling
me there's no money?

- No, no, no, I'm not
saying there's no money.

I'm saying there is money.

I'm saying you have to
write the screenplay,

I deliver it to them,
and I get them to buy it.

- Okay, in the meantime,
how am I supposed to pay

for this house and all
the crap that's going on?

- Well.

Stanley, I would lend you
the money myself if I could

but honestly, things
are a little tough.

You think you're the only
writer I'm having problems with?

I've got a stable of
writers like this.

They're not giving
advances anymore.

But I'm telling you, I
feel it in my kishkes.

Write the screenplay,
I'll make a deal,

the two of us'll
have so much money,

I'll buy a house
right next to you.

Let's make a toast.

We need a drink.

A toast to you, the family,
and the future project.

- Okay, Ben.

- Sit down.

- Hey, Johnny.

You can hear them too, right?

- Yes.

- They frighten you?

- No.

They're my friends.

I play with them.

- Can your mom and dad see them?

- No.

- Listen.

Don't play with things
only you can see.

It can be very dangerous.

- But they protect me.

- From what?

- Ali.

- Who's Ali?

- Ali's the doll eater.

- Is that Ali?

- This is Karen.

She's a friend.

Ali's the bad one.

She's behind you.

- Listen, don't fool around
with these things, okay?

They may be your friends now

but only until bad
things start to happen.


So stay away from it.

I may not see things
as much as you do

but I can sense them
and I can hear them.

Here, take this.

This will ward off evil spirits.

So whenever you're
frightened, okay?

And then stare at
what scares you

and focus with all your heart
at what's in front of you.

And then you count to 13.


- Okay.

- Let's go ahead and try it.

- One.



- Yes.

- Four.

- That's good.

- Five.

- Thank you.

Jennifer Burrows.

- Jen, it's Benny.

- Ben, I said try calling first.

- Well, I
want to see my son.

- He's not your son,
we've been over this.

Stanley is the father.

- I don't
believe it, I'm sorry.

I just don't believe it.

- Because you were
a mistake, Ben.

And I'm sorry to
have to say this,

but Stanley and I
have been picking up

the pieces ever since.

- Why do
you even say this?

Why am I a mistake?

- He's not your biological son.

Stanley is Johnny's father.

Let it go, Ben.

- We've
never done a DNA test.

We've never done it.

That's all I'm saying.

We've never done it.

- Well, that's all
really great to hear

but I don't have time to
get into this right now

so I'll give you a
call back when I do.

- But--

- Take care of yourself.

- No, hold on--

- Johnny.


Come play with us, Johnny,
before Ali comes back.

Don't you want to play with us?

Don't let Ali get you.

She will hurt you.

And take your soul.

And then she'll turn
you into a doll.

Like us.

- Who are you?

- Don't let Ali get you.

- One, two, three, four--

- She will hurt you.

- Five.

- Don't let Ali get you.

- Six, seven, eight.

- She will hurt you.

- Nine, 10.

- And she'll
take your soul, like us.

- 11, 12.


- And then she'll turn
you into a doll just like us.

- Johnny?

What are you doing in here?

- I, I...

- You know, Johnny, you shouldn't
be going in the cabinet.

Things are in there.

Wouldn't want you
to lose anything.

- I didn't.

- Been going
through my stuff?

- Yes.

- It's okay, Johnny.

I did tell you not to touch
anything without my permission.


- Yes.

- This is where I work.

This is how I make money.

You mess anything up,

we won't have any money to
pay for food, this house.

I just need you to
understand that.

- Yes sir.

- Okay, so you
won't do it again.


- Yes sir.

- Okay.


- Stanley.

- Hey, honey.

What's going on?

- Hi, Mom.

Dad said not to disturb
him, he's working.

- Oh, well, that's probably
because he's excited

about his new
writing assignment.

Want to help me put
away some groceries?

Put some bagels in the pantry.

Come on, up and at 'em.

- Mom, when we're finished,

can I go play with
the other children?

- What other children, Johnny?

What do you mean?

- Just the children
of the house, Mom.

They're mostly nice.

- Are you seeing these
children, Johnny?

- No ma'am, I'm
just hearing them.

- Uh huh, okay.

I have an idea.

Why don't we go take a
walk around this house

and see what's
behind these voices?

What do you say?

- Okay.

- Okay.

You lead the way.


Show me what these
voices are about.

I think I've got an answer.

- Alright.

Exterior, day.

A pleasant family walks towards
a house in the countryside.

This house is special.

Something about it
draws the man near it.

A man paints the doorway
just as they approach.

- Alright, so this
is an old home

and with old homes,
you get unusual sounds.

It's part of their charm.

And here we have the attic.

I don't know where
the light switch is.

- It's a little dark.

- I got a plan.


This should work.



See this?

Okay, so this right
here is a furnace.

It's also an air
conditioning unit.

And the air conditioning unit
pulls water out of the air

in the form of condensation.

And sometimes these things
have a gurgling sound.

Let's see if we can hear it.

Uh huh, do you hear that?

- Uh huh.

- Kinda sounds like when
Mom's gargling with mouthwash?

It gets louder
sometimes, like at night,

and downstairs that's gonna
sound like a human being.

But it's just the water swirling
around up in this thing.

- Okay.

- Okay?

See what else we can find.

Need to find a light,
that's for sure.

Okay, see what we
have over here.

Looks like another room.

- I'm so sorry.

- Johann, hi.

- Didn't mean to scare you, hi.

- No, no, it's okay.

- I was just fixing some
of these faulty wires.

I'm almost done,
give me one second.

- Can you see?

- Ah, there we go.

- There we go, that's beautiful.

So much better.

Thank you.

- You're welcome.

- We're just taking a
little tour of the house

to figure out where all
these sounds are coming from.

- You bet, go right ahead.

- Thank you.

- Oh, and if you need
anything, I'll be around.

- Okay.

Thank you.

- Thank you.

- Okay, Johnny,
you see this pipe?

This house is over
150 years old.

That's pretty old, right?

- That's older than you.

- Oh, alright, you're
a funny guy today, huh?

Well, 150 years ago, we
didn't have air conditioning

or indoor plumbing, so
these pipes and the ducts

are struggling to deal
with the air pressure

and it makes sort
of a whistle sound.

Or maybe sometimes
a whispering sound?

- Mom.

- Yes?

- It really sounds like it.

It really sounds like voices.

- I know, but they're not.

It's just.

That's all it is, I promise you.


- Okay.

- And look at here,
there's all this wood.

This house is made of wood,

which is a material that absorbs
and shrinks with moisture.

And when it expands and shrinks,

it makes these creaking
and groaning sounds.

So in the morning
when the sun comes up,

all the water goes out of the
wood and the house shrinks.

And then at night time...

What do you got there?

- Look what I found.

- Oh.

Let's check it out.

At night time,
when it cools down,

that same wood brings
in the moisture

and it expands again.

- Mom.

- Yeah?

- The bad girl's here.

- Who?

- Ali, the doll eater.

- Oh.

Well, that doesn't make any
sense, because she's not real.

Do you remember what I
told you about ghosts

and spirits and
things like that?

- They're just figments
of my imagination.

- That's right, and you have
a pretty amazing imagination,

which is part of why I love you,

but it's all make believe.

Carrie just told us a scary
story but it's not real, okay?

- Okay.

- Promise you understand?

- Yes ma'am.

- Okay.

I think that's
probably the gas man.

Want to come with
me to let him in?

Come on.

- Johnny.

Don't play with my dolls.

Don't play with my dolls.

- Don't hurt my friends.

- The truth
is I'm here to see you,

not the husband.

You, not the husband.

Come here, you.

Stop running away from me.

Come here.

- Come on.

- I'll chase
you around the world.

♪ One, two, three,
come play with me ♪

- Just calm down.

♪ Four, five, six

- Ben, I
don't know what we did,

I don't know anything.

- Relax.

Stanley doesn't know
anything, relax.

- I gotta
pull it together.

I gotta pull it together.

- Keep it together.


Just know that I love you.

- I'm
telling you, calm down.

Just calm down.

Forget about him, alright?

- Johnny.


Over here.

Look in the box.


Look in the box.

Johnny, look in the box.

Look in the box, Johnny.

- Hey, Johnny.

Whatcha looking at?

Ah, it's this Ali stuff, huh?

You know that this happened a
really, really long time ago?


And this Ali girl, she had
a really, really bad father.

- Yes, Mom.


- Okay, good.

- Hello, Johnny.

- Hello.

- Johnny, who are
you talking to?

- It's just my friends.

- Baby, are you seeing things?

- I don't see them.

- Then why are you saying hello?

- I hear them, Mommy.

- What do you hear?

- The voices, they're
talking to me.

- Okay, baby.

I know you're probably so
lonely out here, right?

But you know what,
when school starts,

you're gonna have
so many new friends.

And I want you to
know something.

You are not hearing
voices, okay?

- Okay.

- Alright.

- Let's be
friends forever.

- It's okay, Mommy,
they won't do anything.

I don't like Dad's dolls.

- Yeah, they're
pretty creepy, huh?

- It's not that.

They hurt.

- They hurt?

- My friends.

They told me Ali
keeps them there,

imprisons them in those dolls.

All they do is want
to play but Ali--

- Ali, no more talk about
this Ali girl, alright?

Okay, this stuff that you hear.

I know you hear a lot of things,

you hear a lot of things
that adults talk about.

It is not real, okay?

- Okay.

- They're just dolls.

- Yes ma'am.

- Inanimate objects.

And here's the
other funny thing.

Sometimes when something
terrible happens,

if you talk about it too
much, you start to believe it.

You understand?

- Yes ma'am.

- Good.

Alright, let's just relax a
little bit and watch some TV.


- Look at that.

- Yeah.

Snug as a bug in a rug.

I think we're all set.

Good night, honey, bedtime.

Good night, honey.

- Mom?

- Yes?

- Before you leave, can you
check under my bed for monsters?

- Yes, I can check under
the bed for monsters.

Do you think I'm gonna find one?

Here we go.

Guess what?

Absolutely nothing,
you silly man.

There's nothing under there.

You need to go to sleep

and I'll be right down the hall
if you need anything, okay?

- Okay.

- Johnny.

Come play with me.

- Mom and Joe say we
shouldn't play together.

- Why, Johnny?

Come on, Johnny.

I thought we were friends.

- One, two, three, four.

- Johnny.

Play with me!

- Five, six, seven, eight.

- Johnny boy.

What'd we talk about?

I'd rather you didn't lie to me.

Okay if you did.

Not gonna be mad.

- But it's the truth.

- Tell me how this
got in your room.

Did your mom put it here?

- No.

- Then why is it in here?

- Stanley?


What's going on in here?

- Johnny and I are just having
a little father son talk.

- Okay, remember he's
only eight years old.

- Jennifer, darling,

I'm just trying to make
you both understand

that when I'm working, it
takes a lot of concentration.

Concentration that's
easily broken.

I don't decide when
my mind wants to work,

so when it does,

it's important that
I'm left alone.

- I love you.

- Love you too, Mom.

- Get some sleep.

- Okay.

- Hey, guys.

It's 10 in the morning,
what's going on?

- Mr. Burrows said no more work.

- No, what do you
mean no more work?

We still need this
house to be painted.

- He said you're on a very tight
budget so we're packing up.

- Our budget's fine.

I'll talk to him.

- To be honest, Mrs. Burrows,

the workers themselves
aren't too upset.

- Why aren't they upset?

- Something about the house.


- Ah, superstitions.

You mean old wives tales.

- No, something about
bad memories and demons.

I wouldn't give it
too much credit.

- I certainly don't,
Johann, and I'd be surprised

if a grown man like
you actually believes

in children's fairy tales.

- I don't,
but people ae funny.

- Respectfully, Johann,
I'm a neurophysicist

and as you can imagine,

these types of stories,
and they are stories,

they don't sit
very well with me.

I live here and I can assure
you there are no ghosts

in this house.

- Mrs. Burrows.

You have a really nice family.

So if you ever need
my help, please call.

- Hey, Joe, whatcha doing?

- I'm just packing up
like you told us to, sir.

- Well, looks like you're
all packed up, so thank you.

Bye, Joe.

- I'll see you soon, Johann.

- Yeah.

- Really?

- So you think he fancies you?

- I don't know, Stanley,

I'd like to think
I'm still attractive.


- Was he being inappropriate?

- No, of course he wasn't.

I love you.

Stop this.

What was all that
about, Stanley?

- You know how I feel about
guys getting too close to you.

- He wasn't doing anything.

- Alright, well, I've
heard that before.

I'm sorry, okay?

It's just, it's hard.

- I know.

It was a long time ago.

- You talk to him recently?


- Stanley, you have nothing
to worry about, okay?

I told you I'd stay with
you an entire lifetime

to work this out and I meant it.

I know how long something
like this can take to heal.

If it takes another 10 years,
it's fine because I love you.

I love you so much and only you.

Can you just please try to
remember it's not Johnny's fault?

- I know.

Look, I just, the
stress is getting to me

and just bringing up
old memories, alright?

- I know.

And I know how much writing
takes it out of you too.

I get it.

- We don't have the money.

- What do you mean we
don't have the money?

You mean the money's
coming in late?

- No, Jen, we're not
getting the advance.

The studio screwed us over.

- What?

- They want me to write it fist

and then maybe they'll buy it.

- No, no, you gotta talk
to Ben, you gotta get--

- Ben doesn't give a shit.

If I don't finish this script,

I don't know what the
hell I'm gonna do.

- It's okay, I've got quite a
bit of money saved up actually

so I can just float
us in the interim.

Cut a couple corners,
we'll be fine.

- Don't, don't.

- Stop stressing out.

- Don't want you
paying for everything.

- I don't mind.

We're not going back.

We're staying here
together as a family.

Gonna stick it out through
thick and through thin.

- I appreciate that, Jen.

The only way is for me
to finish this script.

- Look at
the car he drives.

Stanley, it's Benny.

Your favorite agent.

- He gets a
car, shit house.

- And look
at your beautiful place.

- Yes then.

What's that guy gonna do?

- They love it.

It went great.

I'm telling ya, I could
really do anything.

- A beautiful
thriller, slasher?

- This is a
very special customer.

- Don't forget,
if you buy the house,

you buy me too.

I'll be around.

I'm always here.

- Well, the legal
term is emotionally defect.

- Stanley, you're
talking about the old days.

Nobody puts up advances anymore.

It's a different time period.

You actually have to
write the screenplay.

We have to show it to them.

- What, so.

Jennifer's not lying to me.

He is my son.

Boy, do you feel
good in my hands.

- The truth
is I came to see you,

not the husband.

- The worst slasher,

best slasher thriller
they've ever seen.

I'm the best.

Want to get excited
about something?


How about that?

What's in here?

Creepy dolls, huh?

This is a sign.

- This
is clearly a sign.

- How much
money I deserve?

- Well,
looks like.

Hi, Joe.

- No, no, no,
Stanley's not losing his mind.

Stanley is not schizophrenic,
he's just stressed out.

- What's
he doing here anyway?

- Stanley?

- You know how I feel

about guys getting
too close to you.

- Stanley.


- Nope, okay.

Look at the stairs.

There we go.

Alright, now why
don't you run upstairs

and go take a shower?

I'll fix us some lunch

and when you finish, we'll
learn about some Roman numerals.

Oh, and Johnny?

Can you try to use your
own bathroom, please,

because your dad doesn't like it

when you leave your
stuff all over ours?

- Okay, Mommy.

- Don't take too long.

- Okay.
- Okay.

♪ One, two, three,
come play with me ♪

♪ Four, five, six,
let's hide and seek ♪

♪ Seven, eight, nine,
your soul is mine ♪

- I don't wanna play.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Have you not taken a
shower yet, young man?

- Mommy, they want
to play with me.

- Who?

- The children.

- Johnny, we've talked about
this before, come here.

There are no children in
the house except for you.

- I'm scared.

- This is not gonna get you
out of your shower, young man.

- Can you come with me?


- Okay.

Just because you're
so darn cute.

Come on.

We gotta hurry.

- Stanley.


What are you doing?

Listen to them.

They know.

- I know, I know.

- Jennifer, concentration,

concentration, concentration.

You know I don't like to be
bothered when I'm working.

Those are my things.

Where were they?

- Under your son's bed.

Stanley, I know you need
to focus on your work

but Johnny needs
his father as well.

I am tired of you being so goddamn
selfish and irresponsible

with our child.

- Jennifer.

I'm writing something
very, very special.

I don't have time to play
with an eight year old.

- Okay.

He's not just any eight
year old, he's our son.

Stanley, you're talking about
our son and he needs you.

- What I need is for
you to let me work

so I can finish
this goddamn script

to pay for this goddamn
house that you got us into.

You know, why don't
you go get on the phone

with your little scientist
friends and play doctor

so I can focus and
make some real money

to keep this family together?

- Don't you dare, Stanley.

- I put food on this table,

I put this roof over our heads,

and I gotta finish this script.

And every time you come in here

and throw your little
tantrums, it distracts me!

- Okay, Stanley.


You focus on your work.

You finish that script

and know your family's waiting
for you when you're done.

And we love you.


Put a page down.

Hey, honey.

You showered.

- Mom.

Why is Dad so mad all the time?

- Um...

He's under a lot,
a lot of stress

and he's not
handling it so well.

But I know deep down, he's doing
what he can for the family.

He's trying his best for us

so we just gotta
bear with him, okay?

- Okay.

- Did you hear
some of that fight?

It's gonna be okay.

How 'bout we go downstairs
and I make you some hot cocoa?


Okay, let's do that.

- I don't care
about the.

I did everything I
did for my decision.

Who creates my decision?

I do.

Put it on a page.

What I put on the page becomes
what I do in real life.

- Soul, soul she
can turn into a doll...

- Johnny.

- I'm the one who
wants to do everything, okay?

With my script.

- Johnny.


Wake up!

- Go away.

Please go away, go away.

Go, go away.

- Johnny.

- Go away.

- Come with me.

I'm gonna make you mine.

- No.

- I'm coming for you.

- Go away,
you're not real.

No, go away.

Go away.

You're not real.

- I'm
gonna make you mine.


I'm gonna make you mine.

- God, Stanley.

- She's here.

- Who's here?

Stanley, stop this.


Johnny, baby, what's wrong?

What's wrong, baby, you
have another nightmare?


Baby, what you looking at?

What are you looking at?

Did you have another nightmare?

There's nothing there.

It's okay.

Stanley, come here, Johnny's
had another nightmare.

- The boy needs toughening up.

- He's a child, Stanley, what
the hell has gotten into you?

- He always will be one if you
keep treating him like this.

- Go away.

It's okay, baby, it's okay.

Hey, look at me.

Look at me, give me those eyes.

Let's lie down.

I'm right here.

Not leaving you, okay?


Stanley, I am starting
to worry about you.


You need to sleep.

I think that's what's going on.

Working too hard, you'll
feel better in the morning.

- Better?

Things have never been better.

For once, I've hit on something
so powerful, so beautiful,

it'll last for eternity.

- Okay.

Honey, I'm excited
about your writing

but you're starting
to act not right.

Sleep deprivation alone can
cause hallucinations, okay,

and you've been drinking
so much on top of it.

I just really need you to rest.

- Honey, my script is perfect.

It's perfect.

We can all be together forever.

- Stanley.

- She's come.

She's come to take
us with all the rest.

- Okay, baby.

- The best part is, we'll
never have to worry ever again.

- Okay, baby.

Please just go get some rest.



Stanley, Stanley.


Where is Johnny?

- He's gone.

- What do you mean he's gone?


He's not in here.

Where is Johnny?

- He's here, in the house.


- Stanley.

I need you to snap
out of this right now.

We are talking about our son.

- He is not my son.

- Johnny is your son!



Oh my god, where's Johnny?

Where's Johnny?






Yes, I need to report
a missing child.

- No, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, please.

- Stanley, I do not
like this behavior.

- I told you, the house has
taken him, just like I wrote.

- This is the alcohol talking
or whatever you're taking.

This isn't you, Stanley.

- No, this is very real.

You can see it happening.

- Did you do
something to our son?

Did you do something to Johnny?

- I know what happened to him

and even the children in
the house couldn't save him.

Ali's got him.

- Ali is dead, Stanley.

- Ali, no, no, no, Ali
is very much alive.

Brought back to life
with these hands.

- You did not do that.

You did not bring
Ali back to life.

Johnny's very much alive too,

he's part of this house now.

Just like the rest of us.

- Look at me.

I need you to tell me
why you're doing this.

- Love.

You see, I realized
that I have the power

to keep us together
for eternity.

- Tell me where Johnny is.

- Quit worrying about that brat!

Do you realize what I've done
to keep this family together?

Johnny, Johnny is in
a better place now.

Alright, you, my love, are next.

- No.

Stanley, tell me
where my son is.

- So the
truth comes out, huh?

Your son.

- My son.

My son.

- Your son.

Your son.

- I got you now.

- I still have no
idea where Johnny is

and what happened to him.

- Do me a favor.

Put this on for me, please.


Jennifer, since I was last here,

the energies in this
house have grown stronger.

Where once there
was something amiss,

clearly there's a
big problem now.

- None of this makes
any sense to me.

- I know you've
been through a lot

but you have to try
and understand me now.

There are many spirits in here

and I strongly believe

that the bad spirit
I felt is a demon.

- A demon.

- I know it sounds silly but
I do know about these things.

Spirits are entities that
at one point were alive

and had a physical body.

Some can be good,
some can be bad.

Demons, on the other hand,
never had a physical body.

They come here
straight from hell.

- You're saying that
a demon took my son.

I don't believe that.

I think that Stanley
is delusional

and I think that Johnny
is somewhere in this house

and that we need to find him.

- I know this may sound
very strange to you

but some of us grew up being
taught these kind of things.

Religion and practices
gave us the means

to talk to the dead.

Trust me, I learned a lot
watching my grandmother work.

We can try and communicate
with them if you like.

- Let's try.

- Okay.

This is it.

This is the source.

- You mean where Ali died.

- That's her.

She's the demonic
spirit I sensed.

And she has your son.

- Where is he?

- Impossible to tell.

Too many energies in this house.

- Okay, so what do we do?

- We have to communicate
with the spirits.

But whatever we do, we
cannot engage the demon.

They're devious and insidious
master manipulators.

- I don't know how we do this.

- Think of something that
only you and your son know.

- We played a game.

We made up a spelling game
only him and I know about.

- Okay.

- Would that work?

- Sure.

Let's give it a try.

- This ball.

Okay, just help me clear
a little bit of space.

Just have to draw a diagram.

And then...

- It's an R.

- An R, okay.

- A U.

- R-U.


- Uh huh.

An N.

- R-U-N.

Oh my god, it's
telling us to run.

Oh my god.

- It wants us to be afraid.

- He's telling me to run?

- It cannot consume us until
we give into absolute fear.

- Okay.

Okay, what does Johnny have
to do with any of this?

Why do they want my son?

- Sometimes we're just victims
of the actions of others.

Sins of our fathers, perhaps.

- I just want my son back.

Please, please, please.

- So this is what you
do when I'm away, huh?

This piece of shit.

- No, Stanley,

you're just not understanding
things right now.

- All I ever wanted was
for us to be a family.

And yet you've gone
and done it again.

- What are you talking about?

- I guess once a cheater,
always a cheater, huh?

- Stanley.

It's not like that.

It is not like that right now.

- But you know what?

I guess we're here to
work things out, huh?

Oh, Jennifer.

Jennifer, Jennifer.

Don't you understand, huh?

You wanted to be with Johnny,
now you can be with him.

- Please let go of me, Stanley.

Stanley, let go of me.

- She's here in the house.

You know that, don't you?

- You can't take my
fear if I have none.

- She promised me eternal
life for all of us.

- No.

You will not do this to us.

- Stanley.

Bring her to me.

Stanley, bring her to me.

- Take my fear if I have none.

You can't take my fear.

- Jen.

- Stanley.

It's okay, it's okay.

It's okay.

It's okay.


What are you doing?



Let go!


Stanley, let me go.

Johnny, be together.

Please, Johnny.

Tell me where Johnny is.

- With all the other dolls.

- Oh my god.

Oh my god, Johnny.

I'm coming, oh my god.

It's okay, it's okay, come here.

Come here, sit up.

Give me your legs,
give me your legs.

You stand up.

Good boy.

Good job.

Give me these hands.

- Run from her, Mommy, run.

- Okay, baby, no.

Everything's fine.


- Run from her.

- Don't be scared.

That's how she gets
you, when you're scared.

I need you to be strong.

- I want you to be afraid
so we can be together.

- But we gotta get out
of here, baby, okay?

- She's already here, Mama,
waiting for us to be together.

- Johnny, no.


- She's already in here,
waiting for us to be together.

- No, goddamn it,
Johnny, stay behind me.

Come on.

Goddamn it, no!

- Are you gonna leave me here?

With our son?

- Stanley.

- I thought we were family.

We're all staying here forever!

- Johnny.

- Get out of here while we can.


Go ahead and open the
passenger door, okay?

- Yeah.

- We're lucky we escaped.

It's possessed.

There's no telling what
he would have done to us

in his demented state.

Just glad I got there when
I did to save you both.

Thank god I'm always there
to pick up the pieces.

People just don't understand
how important it is

to be there when it matters.

Sorry about the
chemicals, Jennifer,

but you as a physicist can
appreciate what they do

to the brain and the
central nervous system.

Lot of stress, so.

This special local bourbon.

Would you put this
on for me, please?

Add in your run of the
mill muscle relaxer

and you know.

Stanley should spend
more time with Johnny,

be more of a father figure.

Doesn't even matter

whether or not he's the
biological father or not.

- Mom.

- Alright, come on, let's go.

Come on, that's right.

Come on, Johnny.

Good boy, that's it.

Come, come, come, come.

Yeah, you got it.

Let's go.

Come, come, come.


We're all gonna live
happily ever after

together in this house
for all eternity.

- No, no, no, no.

No, we will not!

Johnny, Johnny, come on.

Baby, we have to run.

Johnny, come with me, baby.

Baby, come with me.

- Mommy, I want to stay here.

- I'm coming
back with the police!

- They're never gonna
believe you, Jennifer.

- Mom, I need you to
stay here forever,

with all my friends.

- Not your friends.

- Oh well, let's
go see your dad.

- They're
not real, Johnny!

I'm coming back.

- Go to your father.

- Hello, Daddy.

- Ma'am, where are they?

- Okay.

They're upstairs in the study.

- There.

- Johnny?


- Mommy.



Come with us, Mommy.

- God.

- Don't leave us.


Come with us.

- Hey there.

- Are you the owner?

- No, my name's Johannes.

Or Johann.

Friends call me Joe.

Go right in and
take a look around.

This is a special place.

But don't forget, you buy
the house, you buy me too.

Because I'll be here.

Always here.

♪ One, two, three,
come play with me ♪

♪ Four, five, six,
let's hide and seek ♪

♪ Seven, eight, nine,
your soul is mine ♪

♪ 10, 11, 12, I'll
break your spine ♪