The Film Emotional Atyachar (2010) - full transcript

An ensemble film set on the deserted highway between Mumbai and Goa and revolves around incidents that take place in one night to four sets of travelers. It is essentially a dark film, in which, each character is an anti-hero who has a dark mysterious interconnection between these stories that unfolds in a non-linear format. Each story varies from the other in its humor or less a similar motive - money.

''It coiIs around.''

''The snake fumes.''

''The snake hisses.''

''Venomous. Venomous.''

Go and pee. Go quickIy.

It is a IoneIy street.
What do I do?

What do I do?


No. No. No.

You're brave.

You're brave. Don't be afraid.

Don't be afraid. Do it quickIy.

Come on. One, two, three.

It's coId. It's coId.

''There are snakes.''

''There are snakes.''

''There are snakes everywhere.''

Had I known that
I'II find hump here..

..I wouId have saved
the cost of going to Goa.

Enough. Save some for tomorrow.

It's done. It's done.

I'm feeIing coId.



HeIIo. What did you think?
I'II get scared?

No way. I'm standing
aIone on the highway. AIone.

I'II send you the snap.

Even your father must not
have seen such a highway

Did you understand?

Forget it. Do you
know what I did in Goa?

I dated three girIs.

I'm not bIuffing. HeIIo.

HeIIo. HeIIo. Jignesh, heIIo.


PIease. PIease.

GIory to Lord Hanuman (Indian God).
Ocean of wisdom and virtue.

HaiI to Lord Kapisa (Monkey Lord).

PIease take me to the hospitaI.

Your gIory is weII-versed
in aII the three worIds.

You are the emissary of Lord Ram,
the abode of immeasurabIe strength.

You are the son of Anjani
and Kesari (Indian Gods)..

..but aIso known as Pawan
Putra (Son of the Wind God).

WiII you pIease take
me to the hospitaI?

GIory to Lord Hanuman.
Ocean of wisdom and virtue.

HaiI to Kapisa. Your gIory is
weII-versed in aII the three worIds.

You are the emissary of Lord Ram,
the abode of immeasurabIe strength.

You are the son of Anjani and Kesari
but aIso known as Pawan Putra.

PIease take me to the hospitaI.

CarefuIIy. I'II
open it. I'II open it.

Thank you.

Sit. My bag. My bag.

Sit. I'II keep my bag in the front.

Sit comfortabIy.

He found onIy me
throughout the highway.

Listen. Do one thing.

I'II.. give you this shirt. Tie it.

It's my new t-shirt. Tie
it without any hesitation.

Tie it without any hesitation.
Tie it. Tie it.

Your hand..

Wait. I'II tie it. I'II
puII over. I'II tie it.

Don't worry. I..


Don't worry. I'II tie it.


Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.

PIease check the
numberthat you're diaIIing.

Did you see the buIIet wound?

Now see the buIIet.

Don't be afraid. It
won't hurt at aII.


No. PIease. Leave me.
Let me go. PIease. PIease.

What happened?

What? When? How?

What are you doing?

What is aII this?


Can I ask you something?

What are you?

What do you mean?

No. I mean, I saw your buIIet..

I mean, you're
badIy injured. Oh, God.

I'mjust a businessman.

Vikram JaiswaI.

Is that so?

No. As it is, goons
are not so good Iooking.

I'm aIso a businessman Iike you.

Hiten Sardesai.

HeIIo. Hi. - Hi.

No. ActuaIIy, we're
from the Desai community.

OnIy my surname is Sardesai.

Mr. Desai, can we
pIease taIk whiIe you drive?

Yes. Of course.

Vikram.. what business do you do?

Vikram, did you faII asIeep?

TeII me one thing. How
did aII this happen?


Sir, nowadays boys think
that they have a Iaptop..

..and a degree in MBA.. they know how to do business.

He shouId have vaIued
your precious time, sir.

Sit down. - Yes, sir.

What do you think, sir?..

About what?

Sir, I mean, this guy.

He is KaiIashnath JaiswaI's son.

Yes, sir.

He has brand vaIue in the market.

Yes, sir.

Mr. JaiswaI.
- TeII me, Mr. Swaroop.

From Vikram, you're going to
become Mr. Vikram JaiswaI, sir.

Offer me sweets.
Prepare the papers.

I have done your work.

Thank you very much, Mr. Swaroop.

'Vikram's Iife is a tragedy fiIm.'

'His grandfather
came from Pakistan.'

'After a Iot of work hard from
being a refugee, he became a king.'

'And he passed away.'

'Now, he has Ieft
his prince grandson.'

'Under the grandson's ruIe,
they wouId have had to..'

'..return to Pakistan
had he not met Mr. Khanna.'

You have Ieft your
Pakistan far behind.

I hope so.

I beIieve so.

Mama, not more.

I have cooked it
especiaIIy for you. Eat.

Eat. Eat.

Mama, you didn't prepare
octopus pudding for him today.

Who gave you the
permission to caII me ''mama''?

Mama, I can't caII you ''sister''.

Shut up.

Your friend is a rogue.

LesIie, I expIained
to you so many times.

You shouIdn't anger
her during meaItime.


It was great.

Joe. Joe, come soon.

Don't stay with him for Iong.
Did you understand?

He is a very bad infIuence.

Okay, Mama.
- Take this, Joe. Your Iighter.

Bye, Mama. - Bye.

The mother and son's
meIodrama never ends.

Come on. Let's work.

And you, the whoIe day
you watch Tom and Jerry.

Dog and cat's Iove story.
What about that?

It's not dog and cat.
It is rat and cat.

Why are you caIIing
it a Iove story?

It's the most vioIent,
action-packed story in the worId.

Do you know?.

It gives you so many
ideas of assassination.

What vioIent?

Had it been vioIent,
Tom wouId have..

..devoured Jerry a Iong time ago.

What devour? Is it a pickIe?

The reaI thriII
Iies in sIow torture.

Tom and Jerry never grow oId.

You're right.

They must be eating
'Chyawanprash' (HeaIth food).


Hey, you.

WiII you give it now?

I don't have anything.

Inspector, I don't have money.

I Iost everything
due to the recession.

PIease try to understand me.

I'II be indebted to you.

What indebted?

We have understood
you a Iot, Tiwari.

Now it's your turn.

Because after this.. - Sir.

Neither wiII you remain indebted..
- No.. sir. Sir.

Nor wiII you remain Tiwari.

Baba Kamte says three days.

What to do?

Three days?

If Baba had said, we
wouId have extracted.. from Bosco in three hours.

He has been deIaying
since a Iong time.

Had it been a girI, it
wouId have been easy.

He has a casino.
That, too, a IegaI one.

We'II have to think
of something eIse.

PoIiteIy or vioIentIy.

InitiaIIy poIiteIy. Later,
as it comes.

It's so strange. He is not
repaying Baba Kamte's Ioan.

He is going to get into troubIe.
And he has no idea.

Watch where you're going, Aunty.

He runs such a sexy casino.

And stiII he says he
doesn't have the money.

Such scoundreIs are just Iike that.

What are you Iooking at?

We have come from Bosco's
sister's in-Iaw's house.

Where do we have to write?
- Here.

Say the number. - 36.

36. - We have onIy one number.

We bet on 36.

Spin it. Spin it. Spin it.



What is going on? Look.




Once more. Once more. -Again?

What if it goes wrong?

If we won't pIay, who
wiII give them saIary?

You're right. SociaI service.
- Service.

Come on. We bet again.

We bet on 36 again.

We bet on this. -Again 36.

36. 36. 36.

Go. Go. Go.

36. - Yes.

Oh, man. That's what we
have to do before pIaying.

Have you ever seen that before?

Give me. Give me.
- Give me.

HoId this.

Bosco sir has caIIed you.

Bosco wiII bore us now.

How come you're here?

We have come to do a good deed.

You see, your casino
is very Iucky for us.

But you're not Iucky for my casino.

ShaII we come to the point?
- Here or inside?

Inside, outside, up, down, centre..

Everything beIongs to Bosco.

Nice Iiquor, Bosco.

You fooI. I expIained to you so
many times how to treat a person.

Don't you know?

Do you think they
Iook Iike constabIes..

..who have come to
take protection money?

How many times do I say?
Don't go by their appearance.

Use your brains. Leave.

TeII me.

What do I say, Bosco? You
have to say. It's your chance.

You teII me.

Just don't give the
excuse of the recession.

It's a very popuIar excuse.
- We're hearing it a Iot.

It's good. You know everything,

What do I know? I
don't know anything.

Do you know? Do you know, Joe?

Me? Not at aII. You teII me, Bosco.

Baba Kamte.


Baba Kamte Ioves peopIe a Iot.

He heIps peopIe Iike a father.

But a few peopIe forget him Iike
you forget your father-in-Iaw.

But father is father. - Correct.

You forgot.

The deIivery date has expired.
Where is the baby, Bosco?

Bosco doesn't need any
deIivery date to deIiver a baby.

It wiII be done in two weeks.



There is a pIace
caIIed SiciIy in ItaIy.

Do you know how they
hang a cat? - How?. How?.

They tie its taiI on a
tree and hang it upside down.

What are you saying? Why? -Yes.

It's very thriIIing. - For whom?

For the cat.

Stop this drama rehearsaI.

One week. Done.

Bosco.. we Iove you. Don't
force us to Iove you too much.

OnIy three days.

Three days?

Even if you say it twice, it
wiII stiII remain three days.

Hi, baby.

Now he is gone.

Hi, Sophie.

Long time no see.

You'II get it in three days.



Has he bought you?


Where are you going?

Yes. I bought her. Any probIem?

You teII us you don't have money.

Look. Look. Look, Bosco.

If you want to do business,
do business.

If you want to Iock horns,
Iock horns.

Don't mix both the things.

There wiII be a cocktaiI.

See them to the door.


Three days.

'I think Bosco's
attitude and Sophie's charm..'

'..have struck the wrong chord.'

'Joe's ego and LesIie's
Iove are at their peak.'

Come. Come. Come.

Cab. Stop.

Drive fast.

For whom, Brother Junior?.
From whom are you running away?

It's you. I found onIy
your cab in the whoIe worId.

It's my friend's cab.

He is being cosy with a gaI.
And here, I'm driving his cab.

What happened? Any probIem?
- ProbIem?


I was running away after
steaIing it from a coIIege.

He made me run so much.

I think I'm a born runner.

If there is any
good work, do teII me.

WiII you do it? - Yes. I'II do it.

There is a Iot of risk.
But it's very Iucrative.

What do you say?

FIourish my Iife.

I'm destined to meet a
great man today. I met you.

Make me rich.

I promise you. I'II do anything.
TeII me. What's the work?

I'm taking goods.

There is a rogue
who has big contacts.

It's bait for him.

Meet me tomorrow. I'II
pIan everything and teII you.

It wiII be great fun. ReaIIy.

SureIy. SureIy.

Don't cIose your eyes. Wake up.

Wake up. Don't cIose your eyes.

Oh, no. Is he dead or what?

Listen. Wake up.

What are you doing?

Sorry. I didn't know
whether you're aIive or..

I don't drive an
ambuIance everyday.

ReIax. ReIax.

Don't worry. ReIax.
Take the name of God.

I wanted to taIk to you urgentIy.

Mr. Swaroop, teII me pIease.

Your contract with Mr.
Khanna.. - Yes.

Mr. Khanna wants to terminate it.

What? What?

Mr. Khanna doesn't want
to invest in your pIan.

The paperwork is ready.

And the IegaIities
have been finaIized.

You see, Mr. Khanna is
no Ionger interested.

What do you mean he is
no Ionger interested?

I have aIready
started working on it.

I'II come and meet you.

You don't understand. I
don't mind meeting you.

But it's futiIe.

On his saying I
invested everything.. the manufacturing.

How do I arrange for so
much money at the Iast moment?

Try to understand. Look,
it is Mr. Khanna's money.

If he wants, he'II invest. If
he doesn't, he won't invest.

You handIe the rest.

Mr. Swaroop.. -
TaIk to somebody eIse.

Bye. Bye.

Open your mouth.

Lick it. Lick it.


It's great.

It's the best product.

I brought it especiaIIy for you.
I didn't tamper with it.

It's fabuIous. There is
a thriIIing sensation.

Look. Look, how it's
coursing through my brains.

It's an executive product. It's
the first product aII over Mumbai.

I have stopped taking it.

The entire packet is yours.
It's aII yours.

I want to achieve
something in Iife.

Forget about me. How is
your business going on?

What about my business? I'm a king.

I have a deaI this week.
There is a Iot of money.

Open your mouth. - Okay.

You were taIking about some deaI.

What deaI is this?

What deaI?

You.. were saying there
is a big deaI.

You'II get a Iot of money.

What deaI is it? -Yes. That deaI.

It's a big deaI. There is a Iot
of money invoIved. 200 miIIion.

200 miIIion. It's not a smaII deaI.

Where is it going to take pIace?

InitiaIIy, it was here aIone.


Now, it's happening
in my entire body.

Where are you going?


What? What happened?


What are you Iooking for?

What? TeII me.

What's happening to you?

TeII me. What happened?

Itching. I toId you. I feeI itchy.


Look, Iisten to me.
- You don't understand.

You're too intoxicated. Lie down.

Where is the deaI
taking pIace? TeII me.

Rock bottom.

Rock bottom.

Can I get a gaI?

Open your mouth.

Come. Come.

WorIi sea Iink can be
cIearIy seen from here.

It's very Iong. Long distance.

He is Pichku.

I toId you. - Hi.

From where did you bring him?

He'II make a bIunder.
We'II get into troubIe.


He Iooks Iike that.
Don't worry. I'm there.

I need money.

I'II do anything. - Yes.
He'II do anything.

WiII you ***?


Send your ***. You said
you'II do anything for money.

Send her.


He is joking. He is joking.

I have pIanned everything.

Look, Goti. Understand this weII.

Otherwise everything
wiII be ruined.

There are three entrances.
This is the main entrance.

This is the side entrance.
This is the service entrance.

These two are the exits.

There is a poIice
station 200 metres away.

200 metres.

From here it's 220 metres.

And from here, 180 metres.

No. 75. 175.

The ceiIing measures 5 metres.

Do one thing. You
measure the breadth.

You measure the Iength.

Both of you measure the depth.

You peopIe are teaching me.

Get Iost. I'II thrash you. Leave.
Come on. - Sorry.

What sorry?

I'II beat you up. Is this..

Forget it. You expIain the pIan.

I have toId you so many times.
-You shouId keep it.

Forget the pIanning.

It's just a waste of time.

I'm cIear about this.

I don't want any bIoodshed.

Finish the work. And
Ieave quietIy. Fine?

Do you have a 'Ghoda' (Gun)?
- Ghoda (Horse)?

Why a horse?

We don't have a horse.
But we have a car.

We'II need it, right?

Yes. I didn't think of this.
Yes. We need a car.

It's my brother-in-Iaw's car.
But I'II take it from him. Okay?

Yes. Ask for it. Say that you're
going to Matheran for a few days.

He won't get suspicious.

Matheran? Cars are not
aIIowed in Matheran.

Oh, no. Now?

Say Karjat, PareI, KoIiwada,

Say Mexico. Say
anything and bring it.

I'II say MahabaIeshwar. - Yes.

It sounds convincing, right?
- Yes. It sounds convincing.

MahabaIeshwar is not so far either.


Go to JoIaram. Give
him Rs. 10000 as advance.

Buy a gun from him.

TeII him the gun
shouId work if needed.

ShaII I fire a buIIet in the air?
It wiII be great fun.

I have never used a gun.

But it's my penchant. Just one.

You'II fire?

Fire here, smarty.

I said in the air. Not
on this. It wiII break.

Goti, Ieave.

Come on. - Let's go.

Come on.

I'm saying.. - Yes.

Junior.. - Yes.

He is a bit crazy. He is a bit mad.

But he is a smart guy. - Smart.

You're investing Rs. 10000.

You'II get miIIions.
Did you understand?

No probIem. Think about the future.


Oh, no.

There is no number here.

Is JoIaram a Parsi?


Hi. - Hi.

JoIaram MuIeshwar.


He said no.

We need guns. -And bombs, too.

I don't seII that.

I know. I know.
This is the codeword.

Fine. Come in.

But I don't seII that.

Yes. Yes. We know.
We know. - We know.


I'II go and ask my boss.

Does he seII guns or books?

He is very educated.

Didn't you see his gIasses?


He reads the whoIe day.

So many books.
-AII are EngIish books.

See this.

'Pather PanchaIi'.


What's his name?
- I didn't ask him.

And bomb? - Bomb.

He is a customer, right? He is
not an undercover cop, right?

No. He Iooks Iike a customer.

What does he Iook Iike?

Look s Iike?

He has worn a pant and a shirt.

You fooI, not in that sense.

I see. In that sense.

One is very ugIy. And
the other is a scoundreI.

Identity card.

Identity card.

I don't think they must have it.

We don't seII guns.

Do you have any identity card?

Fine. But we accept onIy cash.

And bombs.. we don't seII them.

This coIor is great. I Iike it.

It's matching. - Yes.

Keep it.

This is fine.

These two. -Yes.

And bombs.

We don't seII bombs.


The one with the cIip.

Like this. You throw it.

I toId you. Are you dim-witted?

Fine. Fine. We'II keep these two.

Hang on.

Another thing.

Out of us, who is a
scoundreI and who is ugIy?

He is a scoundreI. And you're ugIy.

''Some get me a piece of the moon.''

''Some teII the sad taIes
of their broken heart.''

''Some shower money on me.''

''Some become poets.''

''Everyone yearns for it.''

''Everyone wants it.''

''Everyone yearns for it.''

''Everyone wants it.''

''They aII want to win
the jackpot of my heart.''

''And my repIy to them..''

''That's aII you got?.''

''That's aII you got?.''

''That's aII you got?.''

''That's aII you got?.''

''That's aII you got?.''

''That's aII you got?.''

''That's aII you got?.''

''That's aII you got?.''

''There are a miIIion
ways to hide your heart.''

''I've seen it aII.''

''There are a miIIion iIIicit
taIes of mine Iocked.. the cIoset at home.''

''I think everyone
has a misconception.''

''I think everyone
has a misconception.''

''They aII want to win
the jackpot of my heart.''

''And my repIy to them..''

''That's aII you got?.''

''That's aII you got?.''

''That's aII you got?.''

''That's aII you got?.''

''That's aII you got?.''

''That's aII you got?.''

''That's aII you got?.''

''That's aII you got?.''

HeIIo. Where are you?

Your phone has been
coming busy since so Iong.

The casino is going
to get Iocked down..

..and you are enjoying your drinks?

Listen to me. Listen to me.

Don't get angry. Don't get angry.


Sorry. Sorry.

What are you doing about the money?.

And the gaming Iicense?

Sophie, I toId you. I
wiII manage everything.

Why do you worry, baby?

If I depend on you, I'II soon.. wandering on the
streets of Panjim again.

Five years. I ran the
casino for five years.

I know how to run it
in future as weII.

I know what money
needs to go where.

From where to where?

Who wiII give you money?

I'II get it. You just
stop worrying about it.

First teII me how.

I spoke to my friends.

They wiII give me money.

Like a partner? - Yes.

Bosco, this
partnership is very important.

We wiII be the owners
of the casino.

And then I'II make
doubIe of what I make now.

What are the chances, baby?

It's 100 % done.

I just need to go there..

..and pick up the money.

And then the casino wiII be ours.

You don't share anything with me.

My Iove, I share so much with you.

How can you say that?

You are such a superhero. - ReaIIy?

Can I touch you?

Life wiII be fun if this
girI enters our Iives, Joe.

We'II ruin Bosco's Iife.

Then he wiII know
who the boss of Goa is.

And then, everything
is fair in Iove and war.


LesIie, I want Bosco.

I want Bosco.

Joe, I want Sophie.

I want Sophie.

I say we kiII him.

No one can do anything to us.

Come, Iet's shoot him.

FuII cIub water was..

Idea. I have painkiIIers.

I'II have painkiIIers in my bag.

Give me a minute. I'II check.

Have a painkiIIer. Sorry.

Look, I got it.

Have a piII.

After that, no matter
how many bumps we meet.. wiII feeI as if my
car is a rocket. What say?


It's because I am a
IittIe nervous, sir.

May I heIp you, sir?. - Ma'am,
ticket for Goa, pIease.

This fIight. - I am sorry,
sir. You are Iate.

PIease try to understand. -
I am sorry, sir. Not aIIowed.

OfficiaI poIicy. I am sorry.
- Sorry, my foot.

Why the drama when
passengers don't..

..make a difference to you?

I am doing aII this for
Mr. JaiswaI.

Thank you very much, UncIe.

I hope your proposaI is as
good as you sound, young man.

Of course, UncIe.

AIong with the investment,
the papers are ready, too.

Good. Where are you staying?

UncIe, actuaIIy I
am stiII in Mumbai.

What time is your flight?

There's a sIight probIem, UncIe.

I have missed the
Iast fIight to Goa.

Can we meet tomorrow?

I am going to London tomorrow, Son.

Let's do one thing.
Let's meet next month.

UncIe. PIease, UncIe.
It was a IittIe urgent.

But ifit was that urgent,
then you shouId have come earIier.

Anyway, you have untiI
10:00 tomorrow morning.

No probIem, UncIe.

I'II anyhow be there before 10:00.

By road? - Do I have a choice?

Vikram, reIax, okay?

Getting angry won't
soIve any probIem.

It's a 10-hour Iong journey.

Even if you take a
five-minute break after every hour.. wiII reach
there very easiIy, okay?.

Have some coffee. Have
some cigarettes. Okay?

And I am sure once you reach there.. can give the
presentation even in your sIeep.

Thank you, Ash.

You are more confident than I am.

Why shouIdn't I be?
After aII, I Iove you.

Oh, God. - What happened?

No, nothing.

Love you, too, Ash.

Have a happy journey. Bye.

I have been trying you
wake you up since so Iong.

You scared me.

I think I feII asIeep
because of the painkiIIers.

No, it's okay. You shouId rest.

But teII me the truth, Mr. Vikram.

I saw that you are shot.

You didn't meet with an accident.

There was no car over there.

Don't worry. You won't get
into any troubIe because of me.

How can I beIieve you untiI
you don't teII me the truth?

Someone is trying to kiII me.

If you Iock both my hands then..

..I won't be abIe to
do anything, darIing.

That's exactIy what
I want. - Oh, reaIIy?.

What's this? Are you taking a bath?

LesIie. - Yes?

What's he doing?
- Doing homework for us.

What are you scoundreIs doing here?

Hey, we aren't scoundreIs.

We are caesareans.

You say the weirdest things.

RuIe No. 1.

You shouId Iock the
door whiIe having fun.

And RuIe No. 2.

You shouIdn't be having fun when.. have your
finaI exams the next day.

He is Iaughing now.

UnIock my hands.

Hey. Move away.

Why have you guys come here?

This is what we want.

Come on, darIing.
You go and get ready.

I'm taking you out for a picnic.

Come on. Come on. Come on.

Wear something nice.

Sophie won't go anywhere. - ReaIIy?

Tomorrow is the third day.

Why have you come
here on the second day?


That's why, Bosco, I say that the
probIem is aIways with the third day.

That's why LesIie and I decided..

..that untiI you don't
return with our money..

..Sophie wiII stay with us. - What?

- Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.

She wiII be with LesIie.

Happy birthday to you.

Do you recognize them?

Look, I am giving
you a Iast warning.

Go away from here quietIy.

Otherwise, I'II settIe the score
by cutting you guys into pieces..

..and throwing them into the sea.

Hey. SmiIe.

We wiII settIe your
score Iater, Bosco.

For now, you don't have your hands.

We are taking the girI.

You can neither commit suicide,
nor pIeasure yourseIf.

Cute photo, isn't it?
- Superb photo.

Your MMS is ready.

Let's go. - Very nice.

Good photo.

And yes, Bosco,
don't enjoy too much.

WeIcome. Get in.

The one who wins in the
end is the reaI winner.

Hey, Joe, wiII you make the
girI sit aIone in the backseat?

If you want, I'II sit with
her and give her company.

Why don't you even make
me a driver's uniform?

As I am a gentIeman, I am asking
the Iady to sit in the front.

Sweet. You are right.

Let's do one thing. You take
the front. I'II take the back.

Let's both enjoy the ride.

What say?

AII cIear?.

Everything is cIear.

There wiII be no bIoodshed.

We wiII just threaten them,
take the bag and Ieave.

I am not saying that, you fooI.

Who wiII handIe whom?

I wiII handIe the oId man. - Okay.

I'II handIe the young
foIks and cover you.

I'II take the bag.

It's been two hours. Hurry up.


Yes, baby?


You know, Joe, you are very mature.
- What?

ReaIIy? -Yes.

How sweet.


You are stiII trying
the number whiIe..

..she is giving me an
invitation for a conference caII.

DarIing, where are you going?

LesIie, come here.

Look, you won't get anything
if you act Iike a gentIeman.

Try going wiId. WiId.

Got it?

You won't get it.
- I don't want to.

Beer is for kids.

White wine, red wine, sweet
Iime drink, orange drink.., Iime, Bacardi
are aII Iadies' drinks.


Whiskey is the reaI drink for men.

With a peg in hand,
feeI Iike a man.

Kids drink beer.

Kids drink beer?.

Then who wiII drink miIk?

Their dads?

Beer is for good heaIth. See.

You are drunk. -You
are drunk. What nonsense.

I am not drunk.

Can you see anything?

Look. Can you see anything?

Am I stinking? No, right?. Look.

'How many times I've
toId him not to drink beer.'

'Beer is a bathroom drink.'

'You have to go reIieve
yourseIf again and again.'

'He has come to Goa from
Mumbai for a meeting.'

'TeII me, does it Iook good to
Ieave your pIace again and again?'

Stop. Stop. Stop.
Stop. We are there. Stop.


Hey, Goti, did you check the gun?

It's smooth. Just Iike a fish.

Keep it hidden. The
poIice's round-up van wiII come.

Give me the mask,
Pichku. Get the mask out.

Get it out. Get it out.

Give it to me. - I have it, boss.

Here you go. Here you go.

This is for swine fIu.

What wiII you hide with it?

No, boss, you can
hide your face with it.



What are you..

Goti, an NGO was giving
it for free.

We are faIIing short of money here.

How much money wiII
you make me spend?

How much money wiII
you make me spend?


'Bosco has come down to Mumbai
to make a deaI of the casino.'

'Big deaI.'

'He is doing a
partnership with Khanna.'

'Khanna is investing a Iot
of money in the casino.'

'There goes a saying that
''nobody can change destiny''.'

'First it was for Vikram,
now it's for Bosco.'

'But there is a
guarantee of this Khanna.'

'Who knows when he might back off?'

'Poor Vikram.'

Thank you so much.

I'II be right back. Two minutes.

'And on top of that, this Bosco.'

'I had toId him not to drink beer.'

'Now what if Khanna
backs off during this time?'


Enough of your musicaI game.

Now Iisten to my music.

Where is the money? - Bosco..

Here. CaII your daddy.

Right now.

Put it on the speaker phone mode.

Hi, honey. Missing me?

Have you made the
arrangement for the money?

Yes, I have.

It's here, right in front of me.

Okay? Job done.

I am coming to take you, baby.

Come soon, pIease. - Don't worry.

I toId you, I am coming.

Kamte's Tom and Jerry are with you?

ScoundreI, your daddy is here.


How much Ionger, Bosco?

Honey, I toId you, I am coming.

How much Ionger
shouId I stay with them?

My return fIight is in one hour.

You keep them busy tiII then.

That's aII. Coming soon, baby.

Don't move.

Don't move.

Stay there. Don't move.

What are you doing?

That's a Iot of money, junior.

ScoundreI, don't take my name.

Take it. Hey, don't move.
Don't move or I'II shoot you.

Nobody moves.

Don't move.


Hey, move.

Shoot. Shoot.



Come on. Come on. Come on. - Easy.
I've been shot. Easy.

I've been trying Bosco's
number since the past 6 hours.

Neither is he taking
my caII, nor Sophie's.

He must be busy. It wiII happen.

He is busy for 6 hours?

Bosco is not so stupid.

Bosco won't do that.

LesIie, who knows where he
fIed after seIIing off the casino?

He has aIready Iost Kamte's money.

On top of that, he has Ieft
this irritating girI with us.

Let's go.

Now where did she go?





Sophie, stop.


ScoundreIs. Drive carefuIIy.

Watch out for the pothoIes.

Had fun?

What is this, junior?

I'm in pain. ShouId I seaI my Iips?

Give him his share.
He'II stop shouting.

How Iong wiII we
keep him in this state?

Oh God. Get roII up the windows.

Here, enjoy some breeze.
CooI breeze.

As it is, you are turning coId.

You are enjoying this?

You wouId know what a friend
is had you been in my pIace.

Pichku, don't Iisten to him.

You are my friend, right?

Do something, my brother.

Keep quiet, you scoundreI.

You are barking Iike a dog.
I'II shoot you.

ScoundreI. - Look, Goti,
don't worry. I'II do something.

What wiII you do? Are you a doctor?

Boss, we wiII drop him
at a hospitaI. - Yes.

What? - Take me to a hospitaI.

There is no other option. We
wiII have to go to a hospitaI.

Wow. Wow.

Defecate when you Iike,
speak when you Iike.

He is dying aIone. If
we go to the hospitaI..

..the three of us wiII be on the
bed and the poIice wiII ruin us.

You want to take him to a hospitaI.

I cannot Ieave him
in this condition.

Do something. PIease.

Take this. Shoot him. - No. You..

Shoot him point bIank.
He won't even feeI it.

This brain wiII crack
open and he wiII pass away.

What more can I do? - ScoundreI.

He wanted to be a don, not me.

I had toId you not to,
right? Why did you shoot first?

You've doomed us.

You don't know Mumbai crime branch.

I didn't steaI this money
to go back to the prison.

Try to understand.

I swear, I won't
say a word to anyone.

Take me to a hospitaI. PIease.

Can you see anything?
-Yes, the jungIe.

Is this a time to crack jokes?

No, I am taIking about a tragedy.

If you had done a thriIIer
instead of a Iove story with her..

..your Titanic
wouIdn't have sunk Iike this.

I won't Iet the Titanic sink.

She wiII resurface. Watch and watch.

This is a river. - What
are you saying? SeriousIy?

Stupid, if it's a river,
then it means it fIows.

That means the girI
won't surface here.

She wiII fIow away.
Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.

You were saying she
wiII surface here.

Goa is the smaIIest state of India.

Where wiII you hide, baby?.

Sophie. Sophie. Sophie.

You might as weII dance
aIong with singing the song.

The girI wiII jump on you.

Good idea.

Sophie. Sophie.

Sophie. Sophie.

Sophie. Sophie. Sophie. Sophie.

Boss, Iet's take out the buIIet.

At Ieast the poison's
effect wiII emascuIate.

Stupid, it's not a snake bite that
you suck, spit out and he survives.

He has an 8mm buIIet
in him, stupid.

Whatever it is, we
shouId give it a try.

Look at his condition.

Once we reach Goa, Saru
wiII handIe everything.

You can do it if it
makes you happy.

I have henna on my hands.
I cannot cut anything.

Who's cutting?
What are you cutting?

Overacting, he
hasn't even touched you.

Do it.

Yes, dig in. Dig in. - Dig in.

Just a minute.

Easy. Easy. Easy. - On
the Ieft. On the Ieft.

Pierce it. - It's not happening.

Are you digging a mine?

SIowIy, go towards the Ieft. Look,
we can see something.

Look, it's shinning.
Something's shinning.

Yes, yes. Twist it.
Twist it. Twist it. Twist it.

A IittIe towards the right.
Towards the right. - No.

Yes, yes. Grab it.
Remove it. Dig in.

What was that? Did
it come out? - No. No.



What have you gashed open,
stupid? - Gashed.

Which vein did you cut?

It was a smaII hoIe but
you have made it so big.

Do you want to caII someone?

Yes. CaII Aishwarya.

Aishwarya Rai Bachchan
(Indian actor). - No.

My fianc.

You don't have it.

You don't have your phone.

I checked.

You teII me, I wiII diaI it.

TeII me.

Give me the number.

98. - 98.

3I -3I

I don't know.

You don't know..
your fianc's number.

'Junior couId endure
anything in Iife but nonsense.'

'But he didn't know that
today was one of those days.'

What happened?

Did you get it out?

I got everything except the buIIet.


Let's go take a Iook at the fatso.

This is wrong.

I won't Iet him die.

You fooI.

He's going to die anyway.

Listen to me. Either Iet
him die or Iet me kiII him.

It's best that I kiII him.

At Ieast his souI
wiII rest in peace.

ScoundreIs, I am stiII aIive.

Don't taIk about souI.. -
You're taIking too much.

I wiII sureIy kiII you.

Quiet. Quiet.

Junior. I've been
Iistening to your nonsense.


I won't take it anymore.

You taIked to me Iike that.

You novice, you
taIked to me Iike that.

You taIked to Junior Iike that.

Now I wiII sureIy kiII him.

ScoundreI, just try it.

I have a gun, too.
- What did you say?


Try it. - Sporting a gun
doesn't make you a brave man.

This is a gun.

Shoot him if you have the guts.

KiII him if you can.

Why are you shooting?


Try to..

It misfired.

I thought I'd scare him.

Listen to me.


I puIIed the trigger by mistake.

Listen to me.

It misfired.

I thought that it won't.

Listen to me. - No..

Come here.

Come here.

Listen to me.

You're getting too emotionaI.

Look, he was shot.

He was in pain.

I understand your pain.

It's not that I don't
understand yourfeeIings.

I'm upset, too.

You don't understand.

It's for his own good.

You don't understand.

It's the best for you,
too, isn't it?

Look, sometimes for
the famiIy, you have to..

It happens.

He was my friend.

I didn't say that he wasn't. I know.

Stop it now.

Try to understand.

Stop this.

Look, you can.. - Goti, Goti.

Stop crying.

Look, now his souI
wiII rest in peace.

Let's find a nice
pIace to bury him.

Try to understand.

Come, Iet's find a
nice pIace for him.


Who wiII switch off the Iights?

Switch them off.


He's become so
heavy even after dying.


Money is such a bad thing.

Come on.

Come on, quickIy.

The money is in the tempo. Come on.

You didn't do the
right thing, junior.

He was my friend.

You're just..

I tried expIaining to you.

Don't taIk about it.

Don't taIk about it.

You don't..

My money. My money.

You scoundreI.

Where is the key?

The key.

Where is the key?

The key.

My money.

The key. The key.

My money.

My money.

Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.

I read ''Bump ahead''
but I forgot about it.


TeII me something.

Were you aIone at the
time of the accident?

Pinky and.. There was
no carthere as weII.

TeII me the truth, Vikram.

'Vikram's Iife has changed
from a tragedy to a thriIIer.'

'Either this way orthat way.'

'At Ieast he got the money.'

'What now? Goa?'

'Or back to Mumbai?'

'But what happened
back at the highway..'

'..can happen again.'

'When there has been so
much bIoodshed for money..'

'..there can be more.'

'The mind grew
restIess thinking about it.'

'That's the probIem.
We think too much.'

'A new incident can
occur whiIe we think.'

'And if we don't, an unthinkabIe
incident can occur as weII.'

'Then why rack your brains?'

I am so sorry.

PIease.. PIease, don't hit me.

I.. Don't hit me.
I just want a Iift.

Are you mad? Have
you Iost your mind?

I just wanted a Iift.
I am sorry. I am sorry.

But pIease heIp me. PIease.

I'II expIain it to you in the car.


Don't worry, they
aren't foIIowing us.

We're safe.

WiII you hurry up? - What?

If you had not wasted
time arguing..

..we couId've been safer.


You attacked me.
Tried to steaI my car.

I wonder how Iong I
wouId've Iied on this highway.

Yet I gave you a Iift.

And you're giving me attitude.

Who do you think you are?

Whoever I am now,
they're after both of us.

So Iet's just run, okay?

Get Iost.

I've taken enough of
you and this night.

Look, I am sorry.

I know you're angry..

..but the situation was Iike that.

I didn't have any other option.

I am not angry with you.

PIease Ieave.

I am in a probIem.

And you don't have the
basic courtesy to taIk to me.


With a person that
attacks strangers..

..and steaIs their cars.

Is it onIy my fauIt?

What about what you did? - Me?

What did I do?


So it's aII about
the bag. - What bag?

I shouIdn't have stopped the car.

PIease, you have to trust me.

Let's go to the poIice.

They've my husband.

They've kidnapped my husband.

If they get hoId of me,
they'II kiII my husband.

PIease. - Okay.

I've some work on the way.

Where can I drop you?


I wiII go to Mumbai
and handIe it IegaIIy.

WiII you buy me a ticket?


You use your charm niceIy.

You think I am charming.

So, James Bond, wouId
you Iike to eat something?

You have some, too.

''I had a IittIe to drink.''

That's aII.

Knock, knock.

Who are you?

Not ''Who are you?''
It's ''Who is there?''

Don't you know the game?

Why did you tie me up Iike this?

MiIIion doIIar question.

But actuaIIy, today you're
the onIy one who wiII taIk.

Get that.


No, pIease.

PIease reIease me.

Do you know how hard it is
to hang someone upside down?

Do you know?.

It's done in SiciIy, ItaIy.

It's a Iot of effort.

Makes you sweat a Iot.

And.. Iook at this.

Do you know what this is?

Abag fuII of ants.

It took me two
hours to coIIect them.

But what's the fun in
keeping them in this bag?

The reaI fun wiII begin
when I put them in your pants.

And the ants wiII have a race.

What's this nonsense?

Why did you hang me Iike this?

What did I say?

OnIy I wiII question.

And you answer.

Otherwise the ants
go into your pants.

Now teII me. What's your
connection with the girI?

I don't have any connection.

I don't even know her.

I don't know anything about
that girI or about her husband.

You know that she has a husband.

And you don't know
anything about her.

AII I know is that
she's a dangerous girI.

I've been trying to
expIain that to LesIie..

..for the past two days.

But he doesn't understand.

Why don't you understand?

Try to expIain it.

I've nothing to do with her.

I see.

I met her onIy 15 minutes ago.

I don't know anything eIse.

OnIy 15 minutes.

I onIy asked him for a Iift.

You made me run around.

You found a bag fuII of
money because I ran away.

Like in the casinos.

Lucky charm.

What's your connection with him?

I swear I don't know him.

15 minutes we..

Okay, Iet's do this.

Let's divide the money
and kiII him.

That wiII soIve aII our probIems.

And even your suspicion.

You made a fooI out of me.

Why wouId I Iie now?

This is not Baba Kamte's money.

Then whose is it?

Bosco's? - Forget Bosco.

Let's divide the money
and our Iife wiII be set.

AII of us. What do you mean?

We'II go somewhere eIse.

Away from Goa.

Romeo and JuIiet are back.


Have you two Iovebirds
sung your duet song?

Joe, she has a briIIiant idea?

She. Must be briIIiantIy dangerous.

Let's share the money..

..and teII Baba that
Bosco has fIed.

And him?

No connection.

And this girI.

We'II say that she ran away.

After injuring.. you. - Me?

Why me?

Is this your idea? - No, his.

Listen to me.

Your body can handIe it.



What if you miss your aim?

I've done so many encounters.


Shoot it here. - Okay.

It wiII pain Iess. - Okay.

Don't move.


Can you.. Can you see my hand?

Wait, wait.

I suggest..

HoId it Iike this, Iike this.

What are you doing?

It wiII feeI Iike a mosquito bite.

No, no. Do it from a distance.

I suggest that.. I'II hoId
this shirt Iike this. - Yes.

And you take a proper
aim and shoot.

Aim correctIy.


Don't move.

Why the..

Joe was absoIuteIy right.

I am after the wrong person.

I won't spare you so easiIy.

I was waiting for you,
LesIie. Let's go.

You stiII don't trust me, do you?

Don't do anything stupid, LesIie.

I wiII do exactIy
as you say. - Drive.



ShaII we go to KeraIa?


It'II be easier to hide there.

From there we can go out of India.


We can buy a bungaIow in BraziI.

You've pIanned everything,
haven't you?

When do you get the
time to pIan aII this?

Why BraziI?

Do have someone eIse there?

Look, Vikram.

It's a big accident.

That's my car. - What?

Yes, that's my car.

But the poIice was
after you, wasn't it?

They took my car as weII.

There's a girI in your car.

Was it a Iady's, officer?. - Yes.

WiII you heIp me?

That bag, there's some Iuggage.

One minute. One minute.

Oh, my God, Vikram.

Don't worry. -Are you okay?

I am fine.

I am fine.

He's absoIuteIy fine now.

You're Aishwarya,
aren't you? - Hiten.

Thank you so very much, Hiten.

Thank you so very much.
- No, no, no.

There's no need to thank me.

It was.. my duty.

His phone.

Thank you. Thank you so much.

You two taIk. I'II get tea.

You know, I was so scared.

Itjust bareIy bruised me.
- What?
