The Extraordinary Journey of the Fakir (2018) - full transcript

Ajatashatru Lavash Patel has lived all his life in a small Mumbai neighborhood tricking people with street magic and fakir stunts. He sets out on a journey to find his estranged father, but instead gets dragged on a never-ending adventure. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
~ The Extraordinary Journey of the Fakir (2018) ~

A long, long time ago,

Someone declared that
all men were born free and equal.

And that means all men.

And that means all women.

Everyone equal.

That would be one set of rules
for everyone.

A level playing field.

Life would be fair.

But even if that were true,

one micro-second after we are born,

chance steps in.

Who your parents are,

your neighborhood,

the family's net income,

your health,

your size,

your looks.

Once the tyranny of chance
starts laying down the law,

there is no more level playing field.

Chance is everything.


we play with the hand it deals us.

"The Extraordinary Journey of the Fakir"

This is the story of
Ajatashatru Lavash Patel.

And these are the cards

chance dealt him.

Judge Mowani is a bastard.

He's a scum!
A dirty thief!

You all are idiots!

Who the hell are you?
What do you want?

Dirty bag!
You bastard!

Garbage, scum!

Get out!

Are you here to
beat the shit out of us?


- That's what the other said that.
- And then, he beat all of us!

I'm here to tell a story.

A story?


What kind of a story?

A tragedy.

A tragedy?

I think I prefer the beating.

Judge Mowani just sentenced you to
four years in juvenile prison.

I think you have time for a story.

May I?

I was born in Bombay,

in the small, small area of Worli.

When I was young,

I knew nothing about
the rest of the world.


Siringh, why are the
San Continental sheets not ready?

You really need to be quicker on this!

I am the only son of a wonderful, loving,
very very hardworking woman,

named Siringh Lavash Patel.

Four more loads have arrived!

You have to stay late tonight!

Siringh, bring out the two loads...

Aja, you have to keep out of trouble.

You can't keep doing this!

You can't keep getting
into trouble like this.

They will take you away.

I am a single mother. Do you
understand what I'm saying?

They will take you away from me.

You can't keep getting into trouble
like this with your cousins.

You'll have to stop it.

If they send you to jail,

I will not go get you.

I will not!


You are too skinny.

You have to be strong

if you want me to take you
with me to Paris one day.



Come on, eat. You're too skinny.
Eat, Moohini.


When I was very young,

my mother also deny the fact that
I ever have a father.

She claimed I'm some kind of miracle,

some kind of magic.

Thank you very much,
and you have...


I didn't believe her.

Tomorrow mangoes for you.

I'll come and get it tomorrow.

Mama, is that him?



I need the Maharaja Hotel
and Grand Presidency sheets.

Now! Quick!

Why is it always so long?



is that him?


Is that him?


No, he is not!

Stop asking. You cannot ask me
this question again and again!

You do not have a father.

So handsome.

My little man.

Now, let's repeat the continents.

The continents are Europe...

Before school, my world was
very very small.

We had no TV and no Internet.

My whole world stretch

from my cousin Bhatuk's house to
my cousin Bheem's home.

Nothing else existed for me.

So as I learn about the
rest of the world,

one of the most mind blowing
thing I discovered was that...


I was poor.

Are we poor?

- No.
- We are!

How can you say we are not poor?

I went to school now.
I know things.

We are very very poor.

We are rich because
we have one another.

But that does not make us rich.

We're going to need to do
some more test. This is very serious.

I'm sorry...

I understand.

And one day,

at the doctor's office,

I made an extraordinary discovery.

That's a nothing.

But the color is different.

- This one is the best.
- Wow.

And all the furniture are very good name.

Just like Vinterdimma collection,

or the Rostig Lördag collection,

or the Bergman Bögart collection.

When I become very, very rich,

my bedroom will be the Borgshot collection.

Moohini, in the living room,
we could have Scötken coffee table.

My favorite collection is...

the Djup Sömn collection,

Trädtoppar's special edition.

The Khoobsurut collection,
designed by Ajatashatru.

The Sundaryat collection, designed
by the famous Ajatashatru.

And the Taranchalah Collection,

designed by the
extraordinary Ajatashatru.

Aja, stop doing that.

- Was that my father?
- No.

That year, two
things became clear.

One: I was poor.

And two: I no longer wanted to be poor.

Excuse me.




Go, go, go, go,
go, go, go!

This is very heavy.

Come, come!

And see the famous Aja!

So, through the years,

we did all sorts of magic.

Magic show,
magic show!


Your chance to watch the incredible...

- Illusion
- ...incredible, extraordinary, Aja!

Psychic surgery.

Hello my friends,

is this your first
time in India?

- Yes.
- Alright.

Is this your first time in India?

- Yes.
- Nice.

- Is this your first time in India?
- Yeah.

More and more, the magic show was
just a minor part of our activities.

- Is this all we have made?
- Yes.

Next time, 40%.

Not 40%!

This is my neighborhood.


Sorry I'm late, I guess I was
stuck at work by a big dinosaur...

Mom, I want you to eat, the
doctor says you must eat.


Mom, you have to be strong for
me to take you to Paris.

We have no money to go to Paris.

I'm taking you to Paris.

Who will take care of Moohini?

Mom, Moohini is blessed, you're not
supposed to take care of her.

She's supposed to take care of you.

We're going to Paris, mom.

Tonight, you are eating.

Yes, Aja.

Then, before we could go to Paris,

the bad news came.

What's wrong, Moohini?

Her heart...


...just stopped beating.

she never got to go to Paris?


Chance did not help me out
with that promise.

My father's name was Pierre-André Martin.

He was French, from Paris.

He was a street performer,
like me.

My father wrote my mother
hundreds of beautiful love letters.

One of his letter said that

if my mother's parents
ever agree to let her to marry him,

she should come to Paris,
and go to the top of the Eiffel Tower.

Every Sunday,
he would wait for her.

If he wasn't there,

she was to fold the letter
into a airplane

and throw it towards the city.

It would magically take her to him.

I borrowed some rupees from Giri.

We were going to Paris.

Go, you are free now.
Find another family.

Watch over me, Moohini!


With nothing more than my mother's ashes,

a passport
and a fake 100 euro,

I flew hundreds of miles to Paris,

in search of my father.

Is this your first time in Paris?

Uh, yes.

That's perfect.

You want a taxi?

- That's why I...
- Please, follow me.

Where do you want to go first?

Some people want to see
the Eiffel Tower.

That's an obvious choice.

But some people dream of Montmartre,
others go to the Louvre.

Some want to see the Champs-Élysées.

is the most beautiful city in the world.

You will see it all
for the first time.

The Arc de Triomphe
for the first time.

The Jardin Du Luxembourg
for the first time.

This will be the
most beautiful day of your life.

You'll tell your children and your
grandchildren about this day.

You are lucky man.

I don't know if there is
Uber in your country,

but in Paris,
they are killing the taxi industry.

They're stealing our jobs.
It's not right.

Uber is hell.

Now I have to work a second job
on the weekend.

So, what do you do?


What is the government thinking?

And then I realize,

this man
was stealing from me.

Gustave was a thief.

He was terrific.

Polite, lively conversation.

A very endearing personality.

I should have been furious,
but I was not,

because I realize that
for the first time in my life,

I, was the rich tourist.

Aja, do you have my telephone number?

Yes, absolutely.

Here you go.

Thank you.
Thank you very much.

it's an honor

and a privilege
to have met you.

No, it's an honor is for me
to have met you.

- See you soon.
- See you soon.

Such a beautiful city.

And so many choices.

So, where did you want to go first?

My favorite furniture store.

Hedar och Skogar.

Best loveseat ever.

The extraordinary Vinterdimma collection.

Döva Tidvatten,
cushion collection.

The elegant Sharton collection.

The Brandchat collection.

- Have you ever been in love?
- No.


have you been in love?

I am 13 years old.

- He likes Naveena.
- No, I don't.

She is 16 years old
and he loves her.

Shut up!

He doesn't like her?

Yes, he loves her!

Don't say that
or I'll hit you.


It's OK.

It doesn't matter
if you're in love with Naveena.

I'm not in love with her!



Due to a unique
geomagnetic field,

love in Paris

is ten times stronger than anywhere else.

For hundreds of hundreds of years,

love in Paris
has inspired many books,

films, songs, poems, paintings.

Have you heard of this?


What they teach you in school?

We don't go to school.

You don't go to school...

Honey, I'm so sorry,
I'm late from work.

It's just the traffic was crazy.

And I promised you dinner.
Please do not get mad at me.

I'll cook for you.
It'll be delicious.

Sorry, I really have to test the
living room before buying them.

You see, living rooms are not
just about the designs

but about...
how you feel

- when you enter them.
- Hm.


I can't find the keys to my car.

Have you found them?

Oh my God!

My boss is driving me nuts.

Is the pressure getting to you,

How could you do this to me?

With my own brother?

What? No, no!
I am not his brother.

Your brother and I are in love.

We are moving to Guatemala.


Not Guatemala.
Not Guatemala!

I'm pregnant.


Because of Paris's
unique geomagnetic field,

Marie and I
bonded instantaneously.

Why would a beautiful American girl
be interested in a fakir from India?

I don't know.

But chance
finally seem to run my side.

That day,

Marie listened to me when
I told her all about India.

About the colors and sounds.

Dresses, tastes.

Its hundreds of languages.

Religions and customs.

About the immensity of Bombay

and the charm
of my small neighborhood.

Only in the deepest part of India.

I have to...

Since I left Chicago,

I worked at a really,
really boring U.S. consulting company.

It's called Wilson & Williams.

Why did you leave Chicago?

Well, I left with my
best friend, Rose.

My parents hate her.
They think she's a bad influence.

- Is she?
- No.

My parents blame her for me leaving
my future husband at the altar.

- Wow.
- Yeah.

Okay. Um...

I want you to have
this newspaper clipping.


Because it's like a promise
that we see each other again.

Since it's... very,
very important to me.


I'll have your pen.

How did you...

I'll see you tomorrow?

I don't know...

At the Eiffel Tower?

Seven o'clock?

Okay, but this is not a date.

- You don't date?
- No.

I don't date, ever.


Here in Paris, we...
we usually do it on the cheeks.

I'm so sorry.

It's okay.


I always thinking that maybe
I could become a lesbian.


Why not?

I mean you don't like
sleeping with women and...

From what I heard that's a
pretty big part of being a lesbian.

Well, I could learn to like it.

You know, I hated
eating broccoli when I was a kid.

Now, I eat broccoli all the time.

And... It's such a cool lifestyle.

Rose, you're 27 years old.

I think you would known by now
if you were a lesbian.

Hm, hum...


- I may have... met someone.
- Oh my God!

- At last! Oh my God!
- Wait. Wait, wait, wait...

Is it a girl?

Since I had no money,

I chose to stay there for the night.

Exhausted by my travels,

I quickly fell asleep.


I was mistaken.

was still not on my side.

Not at all.

In the middle of the night,

out of the 2,000 pieces of furniture...

That one.

...and 15 different wardrobes,

mine was the one
they had to pick.

was definitely not on my side.

[Welcome to England]

Where are we?
Where are we going?

We're heading to
the land of milk and honey.

Milk and honey?

- London.
- London?

Yes, where everything
grows in abundance,

where there are cars,
houses and jobs.

Beer. Lots of beer.

We don't drink beer.

We hate beer.

You all, illegal immigrants?

And you are not?

No, I am a tourist.

A tourist?

Traveling in a wardrobe?


you are doing
the famous wardrobe tour.

Wardrobes have great leg room.


I traveled to Bora Bora
in a business class wardrobe.

No. Really,
I'm a tourist.

We're all tourists.

I have my passport.
I'm from India. See...




We have been traveling
for 18 months.

We've been walking for
weeks and weeks.

Actually, in the beginning,
there were many more of us.

In Libya,

we've been attacked by bandits.

The smugglers sank our ship

two miles from the Italian coast.

Only a few of us
made it to the Italian shore.

Then we crossed
the French border.

Now, it's only five of us left.

Why would you
go through all of this?

Our families has been displaced
by war.

We must send money to them.

They are starving.

Isn't it the same for you?

I am a tourist.

There is African proverb,
it says:

"He who swallows coconut (whole)
has faith in his buttock."

I don't see the relevance.

No relevance.

I just love the proverb.

Why are we stopping?

- What's happening?
- Shh...

- Dog...
- What dog?

Let's run.

Border police.

I have my passport.

Never show your passport.

Go, go, go,
go, go.

- Freeze!
- Police!


Bloody hell!


Moohini, aren't you supposed to
watch over me?

Go left!
Go left!

I cannot go back.

Hey you, stop!

C'mon over here!

Okay, hold it right there!


I am Ajatashatru Lavash Patel,

a famous fakir, from India.

Well, good for fucking you.

I'm going to make my friend


and reappear far away.

This I must see.

Right, Copperfield,
where is he?

Oh, shit!

I'll get that one.
You look after the fakir.

Alright, sunshine.

No more funny business,

- I said "No more funny business."
- Okay, OK.

Let's go.

Just this one, last one.

Put these back on.

Kinda like this?

No, no, no, no, no.
We need the documents ready.


Sir, it's a mistake!

I am not part of
this group, sir!

I'm not in this group.

Sir, this man is right.

This man is telling the truth.

No one in this group
is part of this group.


Sir, please, I have to
go back to Paris.

come with me.


- This yours?
- Yes.

What are you doing?
That's my passport!

It was a fake.

No! It wasn't!

You have talent:
You make people disappear.

I make fake fake passports disappear.

But that's my passport!

Let's not dwell on the past, should we?
What about this?


Fake, real, fake, real...

- False.
- Fake, yep.

Here... is your pen,

your photos

and the...

You can even keep this
love letter from your father.

Very well written.


He kept that bullshit real.


is a map

of the world.


is England.

There is no map.

Yes, yes.
Usually we have a map here.

Bear with me.

You are not allowed

here. Yes?


not allowed


Do you understand English?

- We have been speaking English.
- Answer the question is part of our protocol.


Where do you...



do you
want to go?


- Paris!
- Ah, Pa--ri--s.

If we send you back to France,

you'll be right back here next week
with your little Hangö face

and a brand new name

on a brand new fake passport.

But I don't want to come to England.

Is it the weather?


You lost.

I'm going to ask you to
sign your statement.

But I've not made any statement yet.

I know, I know.


Oh, you are serious.
Rights, okay... Hm...

Yep, go on then.

I admit that I stayed back
in the Swedish furniture store.

I was afraid
they might think I'm a thief.

I hid in a wardrobe.
But that was my only crime.

My mother is still there,
in a vase.

She is dead.
Then I met Marie.

You are not taking any notes!

No, no.
I prefer my statement.

Let me let you in to a secret.

We have a charter plane...

booked for Spain,

but not a single illegal here
is actually from there.

Can... Can you please just
send me back to Paris?

Can I sing you the answer?

♪ I have a charter for Spain ♪

♪ And I need to fill that plane ♪

♪ You are a persona non grata ♪
["persona non grate": person not appreciated]

♪ You need to go to Barcelona ♪

♪ Once you're there ♪

♪ Please refrain ♪

♪ From coming back by bus or train ♪

No, no, no, no, no.
That's not possible!

I have to go back to Paris.

♪ I'm gonna need you to sing that ♪


Sing it. We're singing!

♪ Marie's waiting at the Eiffel Tower ♪

♪ It's not a date ♪

♪ But I will bring flowers ♪

♪ I'm begging you for your empathy ♪

♪ Help me go back to... ♪

♪ Pa--ri--s ♪

♪ Your protests ♪

♪ Are in vain ♪

♪ You can visit Andalusia ♪

♪ Malaga, Seville, Segovia ♪

♪ Eat tapas with your best pal ♪

♪ Even play tennis with Nadal ♪

I don't play tennis.

This old man shakes his fan.

Send him to his native land.

These kids love churros.

Off they go to Burgos.

This beauty looks like Shakira.

People just love Barcelona.

Shakira is from Colombia.

Hips do not "mentira" (lie).

She should go back to "su casa" (her home).

How many times must I explain,
"You're all going to Spain!"


Step aside.

Come on.


No papers.

- Are you Spanish?
- No.

Anyone here from Spain?

Does anyone here actually have
any connection whatsoever to Spain?

What about you?

I am British.

I am Swiss.

"Maigaru, fina buda."

And we have arrived in Barcelona,

there was a huge,
huge war going on

between Captain Smith

and Inspector Fernandez.

- Respectfully, UK would not tolerate its loss flouted by your migrants.
- Respectfully, the Spanish kingdom will not have your migrants...

You mistake...

We will not suffer the consequences
of your lax approach to border control.

- Stupid cow!
- Tú boogers!

We ended up as hostages to this dispute.

We were prisoners.

Please tell me you are calling...

Because you feeling guilty
for having sex on your first date,

which you insisted is not an official date,
which remind you most definitely is.

Unfortunately, not,

given that it's impossible to have sex
with someone who never show up.

Technically, that's not true.

With apps like Snapchat,
you can send really hot pictures of your...


And then he warps it out
and takes a picture of his...


You messed up.


It's like your aborted marriage.

Don't go there.

Yes, yes, I'm...
I'm going there.

Don't go there.

Too late, I'm already there.

You over think things,
you complicate everything.

You're a stick-in-the-mud.

Ever since the marriage fiasco,

you've become the most boring
person in the world.

I mean, relax!

Live a little.
You're in Paris, for Christ's sake!


You should become a lesbian, like me.

You're not lesbian.

Yes, I am.

It's all about the life style, Marie.

I'll think about it.

Excuse me, I'm sorry.
Um... Can I ask you something?

My phone just die.

Is this the...
the way to the Trocadero metro station?

- Ah, yeah.
- Yeah?

Ah, thank you, that's great.

Yeah, just that way.

- Where are you from?
- America.

Look at them.

How's life fair?

How can it be that the same people
always get all the chances in life?

There is no such thing as chance.

Karma is everything.

Karma is the fate we deserve.

I must have been a real
asshole in another life.


The media didn't cover the story.

No one seem to care.

We were stuck.

So, what did you do, dude?

I worked on my karma...

So I could get back to Paris.

Your name.
Which one is your name?

There are 4 different names.

Thank you, everyone.

Aw, I need some new ideas
for our cosmetics market.

And, as of Monday,

Marie will be our
new V.P. Marketing.


Some more cheese.

That is... way too much.

- Yeah, but eh, we are celebrating.
- Yeah.

So, yes...

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

To your well-deserved promotion,


And, I decided to more to Paris
on a permanent bases.



That's great. That's so...
That's great.

Peter's moving to Paris.

That's great.

Yeah, it's great.

He is...
He's great.

Rose, my life is perfect.

It's absolutely perfect.

Did you know that

he carried me in his arms

for several blocks
because I hurt my foot?

And then,
he proceeded to massage my foot

with a god-like healing touch.

whenever we go to a restaurant,

He speaks to the waiter
in their native tongue.

Can we talk about this tomorrow?


I think I may not be a lesbian.


It works

every time.

In that confined space,

I felt the uncontrollable urge to write

the story of Master Deva.

A very wise and wonderful man

I met when I ended up in jail.

You've been to jail?

Yes, मेरे दोस्त। (my friend).

And I was even younger than you.

I was confined in a tiny cell,
with no bed and no window.


You'll go to hell!

Your mother must be stupid
to have you this garbage!

You're dirt!

You sewerage rat.

You swine!

You cockroach!

You jerk!
Get me out of here!

I want to go home.

After couple of weeks,

I was driven crazy by hunger,


and the fact I thought my mother
would never want to see me again.


Please help me, God!


For as long as I was in the jail,

I was wonder
what my cousins were doing.

How long are you in for?

I don't know.

I don't even have a window.

I have a window.
I could tell you what I see.

Children are playing
with a ball in the street.

That's market day.

Traders are setting up stalls.

A woman is sunbathing in the balcony.

A mother is taking water to
the children who are playing.

They are fighting
who gets to drink first.

The boys and girls are playing cricket
with sticks and...

I hear music in the distance...

...making a mess all around!

There is a young man with a light beard
with bright clever eyes.

He's in love.

Can you hear that bird singing?

What does it look like?

Blue, red and yellow feathers.

His eyes are like tiny olives.

You are getting out now.

Master Deva?

I'm getting out now.

For the longest of time,

I thought I would never
meet Master Deva again.



I was back on the streets,

with my cousins.


Master Deva?

Aja, is that you?

You're blind?

Yes, I am blind.
But it doesn't matter...

His eyes couldn't see,

but it didn't prevent him
from seeing with imaginations.

Out of the darkest moment of my life,

Master Deva created
the most beautiful lesson.

Did you tell Alfredo
I was upset?

Yes, I told him
you were very, very...

very upset.

Does he know I'm
waiting for him in Paris?


The re-shoot is only one day.

That's a lie.

Well, he promised,

just one day.

Yet, and Matthew calls

and sent you three emails and
twenty-two texts.

Well, may be next time he won't forget
to thank me at the Golden Globes.


Um, and then there is Mr. Burton he needs
to know if you read the fairy tale script

and if you would consider playing
the role... of the... witch.

A witch.

- Yes.
- Yes.

- The witch.
- The witch.

Everyone out!

I hate Rome.

You don't need a gun.

Why are you half naked
in my trunk?

I had only my shirt to write on.

I couldn't get it back on.

I'm sorry.

You're a writer?


I had no paper.

Papers for the bettor.

You're refugee?


I'm a refugee.

Aja, this is so touching.

Thank you.

I was...
I was overwhelmed by your story,

but it also helped me to
understand a great deal.

I sometimes feel blind,

just like your character.

Excuse me.

Good evening, Nelly.

My God, you are beautiful.

Beautiful, as always.

- Alfredo, the director is an idiot.
- No, no, no, no.

Nelly, Michael Zhudovski
is not an idiot, c'mon.

He is an idiot.

Yes, he's an idiot, but...

Nelly, we have to finish this movie.

If we don't finish this movie,
I'm ruined.

Please, help me.

The director is an idiot,

Come have dinner,
and we go out,

have a drink,
just you and me.

We are divorced, Alfredo.

You divorced me!

Nelly, please.
We just need five days of re-shoots.


I can't believe it.
He is too young for you.

He's a writer

and an artist.

He wrote his last work
on his shirt.

Like the essence of Sufi poets.

On his shirt?

He didn't have any paper.

Isn't that a grand artistic gesture?

He took his shirt off his back

to write a story.

Why would anyone do that?

It's art.


Yes, art.

that's not art.

Giancarlo wants to buy it.

Why are you talking to Giancarlo?
What is it with Giancarlo?

He calls me.

Why does he call you?

He calls.

- Giancarlo wants to buy that?
- Yes.

- How much?
- I can't say.

How much is he paying
for the damn shirt?


How much?


€50,000 for a shirt?


Let's get someone
to send you up some clothes.

Is your first time to Paris?

No, I lived here for 2 years.

Please, tell me anything, anything I might do
to make your trip more enjoyable.

Something you want to talk about,
something you want to know?

I have special gift.

I can read your future.

- While you're driving?
- Yeah.

Some people read the future
in tea leaves,

I read the future in traffic.

What do you see?

Right now,
I see a trouble past.

Two years ago,
I really messed up my life.

And now, I'm with a man
who's really nice.

I mean...

To be honest, I don't even think
it could get better.

He is creative,

and he is handsome,

and he is gentle...

He's planting flowers
all over Paris.

And now he is moving here for me.

I got a lot of traffic here.

And what does that mean?

There is someone else.

there's no one.

Traffic doesn't lie.

So, all you've done with this
young woman is share a kiss?

I agree doesn't sound like much,

I can't stop thinking about her.

You're in love.

I guess I'm in love.

Why did you divorce Alfredo?

The question should be
"Why did I ever marry him?"

Why did you ever marry him?

He was very handsome,


powerful, rich...

Suave and dangerous.

Italian men can be very strange.

Then he changed?

Not at all.

That's why I divorced him.


I love this place.

It moves me
how those coins represent

the wishes and dreams of
hundreds of people.

I love that.

A constellation of
hopes and dreams.

Okay, make a wish.

I wish for money.

Throwing away money seems
very counter-productive.


- Yes!
- Huh, huh.

OK, my turn.

I wish...
Thomas Grégoire could forgive me.

Who's that?

Thomas Grégoire.

He was the love of my life,

a long, long time ago.

Even now, not one day passes by
that I don't think of him.

What happened?

I became famous.

I had an affair.

He found out in the newspapers.

It was on the front page of

every single newspapers
on the planet.

And the reconciliation
has to be just as spectacular.

- What's your name?
- What?

What's your name?


Ajatashatru Lavash Patel.

Are you and Nelly together?

No. She's in love with
the finest man in the world,

Thomas Grégoire.

「I Love you,
Thomas Grégoire」

I want that shirt!

No, Alfredo.

You don't appreciate art.

How can you say
I don't appreciate art?

I appreciate art!

We promised Giancarlo.

Why Giancarlo?

Why always Giancarlo!?
Why Giancarlo?

So, how much are you offering?



Thomas Grégoire.

- Hi.
- Hi.

He called.

Thomas called.

How's everything?

Very good.

Very good.

I heard Nelly's in town.

"You heard"?

Huh, maybe,
we could all have a drink?

Of course, of course.

Please call me...

or Nelly.

You... you...

talked to her sometime?

I mean,
you called her?



I'm sorry for the shirt.

What shirt?

The shirt-story.

I bought the shirt.

What the hell
are you talking about?

I have to go.


Give me back the money.

I said,
"Give me back the money!"

Okay, okay.

where do I go?

- Hey, svelto (careful).
- Ciao, Francisco.

I flewed (flew) over Rome,

towards Paris.

I even had provisions.

I had time to dream

about the terrific life that I would have
with the money I had earned.

Life was good.

I traveled for hours and hours.

It was beautiful.

The winds seemed to be perfect.

I am a rich man!

I am a rich man...

and I am about to die.

Hello, this is the
Indian Secretary of Commerce.

I need to talk to Marie.

- She is not in today, sir.
- It's an emergency.



Marie's in a shower.

This is Ajatashatru.

You stood her up at the Eiffel Tower.


Yes, but...
Can I leave a message?

- Eh, yeah.
- Okay.

I'm very, very sorry for
missing our date for the Tower.

Extraordinary circumstances
made things difficult.

I think,
I may never be able to call her.


I know we met only once...

but our kiss was inspiring.

Please tell her...

Is she able to travel?

- Uh, no.
- Okay.

Please tell her if she
never hears again from me...


that I love him.


I will always, always,
always love her.

I love her!

She met someone else.

And yesterday, they decided
to move in together.

Can I change my message?


No message.

Aja, your life is a mess.

You need to sort yourself
and hurry back to Paris!

Listen to your mother, for once.

I know.

Just when my life seems
to be getting back on track,

just when I get some money

that might
help me live a decent life,

just when
love seems to be possible...

I am doomed to die an awful death.

What kind of karma is that?

Stop blaming your karma,
and take responsibility for your life!

What do you mean?

You are in control of your life,

not chance, or karma.

Now, tell me.

What is in the briefcase?

It's a long story.

I have all the time.

I'm just trying to get to Paris.


You won't be there anytime soon.

We are going to Libya.

- Libya!?
- Yes.

And, what so precious in that briefcase
that you won't let it go?

It's just some...

some of...

personal necessities.

Of course.

Open it.

Why? It's just some...

Open the briefcase.

What's with all the guns!


open the briefcase!


At that very moment,

I summoned
all my magical powers

to make the money

Open the briefcase!

Libya had become the place that
it seemed all refugees ended up

at one point or another.



What are you doing in Africa, man?

What are you doing here?

Unfortunately, they don't want me
in the land of the milk and honey.

But I want to thank you.

I need your help.

There were several
clandestine refugee camps.

All people in transit.

I knew where the money was.

So I asked Wiraj if they could
help me get my briefcase back.

That was my money.

I had earned it.

There was no way
I would left the thief

steal my earnings.

I know exactly where my money is.

OK, but everyone,
no violence.


no violence.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

I want to go back to my wife.

How does someone
as ugly as you get a wife?

She doesn't care about the looks.

The hippo,
is as pretty as the gazelle,

in the eyes of his wife.

You can tell he's scared.
Raise it!

This moron thinks he can bluff me!

Shut up and put the money on the table!
The money!

Look at this!

What are you doing?

- Too violent?
- Yes.


Good evening, Aja.


tonight I'm in a very,
very bad mood.

Perfect. Let's go.


how much do I owe you,
and others?

How much is in the briefcase?

- €2,000.
- €2,000!?

Well, as you know,
we're all in transit.

Many are running from the war?


How much?

Whitman, lost his wife,
two years ago, in Mali.


How much?

This side, Aziz,

must get to Germany
to find his twin brother.


So, how...
How much?

Emel, there,

She was attacked by soldiers
during the war.

A friend of her is in Brussels
owns bakery.

So she has a job waiting for her
only if she can get there.

Everyone of them has a dream.

I understand.

Give... what feels right.

A few of my brothers and sisters
helped me last night.

Anyone with a hope or a dream,

please stand in line.

I may be able to help you.

What is your wish?

To have a boat...

so I can go fish

at the sea to...

to earn money
for my family.

That seems very reasonable.

Buy your boat.

Feed your family.


Tell me.

I need a plane ticket
to Brussels.

I want to learn
how to make chocolate.

There you go.

Thank you.

- Good luck.
- Thank you.

And then, it happened.

I couldn't stop.

I was overcome by
a feeling of well-being,

as if a lady in the clear vapor cloud

had appeared inside my chest

and was spreading
throughout my body.

In front of all these refugees,

I succeeded in creating
my greatest magic trick, ever.

How is that?

I transformed €2,000 into
a never ending flow of money.

People went back to their villages,

and everyone told the story of
Ajatashatru Lavash Patel.

Right then, I understood
what I really wanted.

I wanted to
come home to India.

I had just enough money
to buy my plane ticket

and a real fake passport.

But first, I had
one last important thing to do.

It's nice meeting you Aja.

Take care, man.

Safe trip.

Go, quick!

My money!

Honey, I'm sorry.

I'm late.
Traffic was terrible.

God damn-it,
I slaved away all day at work,

is it really too much
to ask for dinner to be ready?

It's lovely to see you.

It's lovely to see you too.


I found the deck chair.

Oh, great.

Pieter, this is Aja.
Aja, this is Pieter.



I'll see you soon.


€54, please.

This is a good deal
for a fabulous mother.

Thank you.

Only after this very difficult journey

that I realized
what I wanted in life.


You're still here.

How are you?

Welcome home, Aja.

Eventually, I succeeding in
reaching a deal with Giri

to pay back the money he believed
I still owed him.

Then I started teaching.

Each morning, these kids show up

and I tell them stories.

And I make sure
their world becomes a bit bigger

and they understand
they are not poor.

The great poet
Rabindranath Tagore writes,

"How can you cross the sea
by merely standing and staring at it?"



You boys, just think
what he means by that.

I'm sorry.

- I'm disturbing you.
- No, no.

I did promise.

Did you leave your fiancé
at the altar again?

Maybe I shouldn't have come.

Go back to your seats.


And that
is the end of the story.

Any questions?

What's a lesbian?

Someone who loves a woman.

So I can be a lesbian?



Why did you say at the beginning
that this story was a tragedy?

You're going to prison
for four years.

is a terrible tragedy.

You are going to lose
four of the best years of your life.


you seize this opportunity.

What opportunity?

If you come to my
school every day,

you don't have to go to prison.



- Yes!
- Yes?

- Yes.
- Yes?


Every day.

- Every day.
- Every day.

Every day.

Every day.

Thank you, Aja.


what about your mother?

Thank you so much for asking.

My mother is where
she always wanted to be.

Was that a true story?

Only the important parts.