The Exigency (2019) - full transcript

With a clueless King and failing military, the planet of Gallesha is on the brink of domination by a tyrant, Diederick, of the planet Anumbis. Gallesha's last hope for survival is to retrieve their retired legendary war hero.

(ominous music)

(engines blasting)

(ominous music)

(dramatic music)

(radio tuning)

- [Radio Host] .. Colorado.
- Nancy, if you can please

elaborate on what you saw to help us

get a clear picture.

- [Nancy] That's right, Joe!

10 minutes ago, an hour tops,

two saucer-shaped objects
flew right over my home

headed east.

I have known our government
has covered this up

for thousands of years.

- [Joe] Let me stop
you right there, Nancy.

First off, our country isn't
even close to being that old.

- [Nancy] Oh, you don't
know, Joe, you don't know!

Are you aware of the reptilians?

You don't know the history
of the reptilians, Joe.

I do.

I'm not crazy!
- Of course you're not, Nancy.

People mistake this stuff all the time.

- [Nancy] I know what
this is really about, Joe

I wouldn't go to the Prom
with you back in high school,

and you still hold it against me.

(gentle music)

(man gasps)

(gentle music)

(people chattering)

(woman laughing)

(elevator beeps)

(phone ringing)
(people chattering)

- Good morning, Kyle.

- Ms. Gloria, how are we this morning?

- Wonderful.

How about yourself?

- Fantastic.

Did you enjoy your weekend?

I guess not.

How do you like that?

- Hey.
- Hello, Stephen!

- The head honcho wants to speak with you.

- Who?

- Numero uno, Mr. Valentino.

He told me to tell you
to report to his office.

- Really?

Did he say why?

- My guess is they liked
what you had to say

to the board last week.

- Is that so?

Wish me luck, huh?
- Nope.

(elevator beeping)

- Hi.
- Hi.

- I was told a Mr.
Valentino wanted to see me.

- Oh, you're Kyle?
- Uh-huh.

- Yes?
- Mr. Valentino?

There's a Kyle Burton here to see you.

- Yeah, sure, send him in.

- Right through there.
- Thank you.

(ball thwacks)

- Mr. Burton, it's good to see you.

I haven't spoken with
you in quite some time.

- Yes, it's been a while, hasn't it?

- Go ahead, have a seat.
- Thank you.

- Can I offer you a drink?

- I don't know, can you?

- That's very good, Mr. Burton.

That was a test, and you passed.

How about may I offer you a drink?

- I like where this is heading.

- That's the spirit.


(dull thud)

Kyle, I'm going to get to the point.

I saw your presentation the other day,

and not only did you amaze me,

you impressed the entire board.

- Oh, good to hear.

(Valentino burping)

- This manager we have
now, James, he's slacking,

and he's out doing God knows what.

We need someone effective, and
we think that person is you.

(Kyle laughing)

To show my appreciation for
your hard work and dedication

to this company, please
take this and enjoy.

It's my last cigar.

They're very good.
- Well, thank you.

I appreciate that, but I don't smoke.

- Please, Mr. Burton.

This is the time for us to celebrate.

- All right, I guess one
won't kill you, right?

- And don't forget the lighter.

- Oh, oh, very nice.

I'm making out like a bandit.

- Do you have a family, Mr. Burton?

- Ah, yes, I do, a wife
and two kids, 9 and 11.

- Well, you should go
home tonight and tell them

the good news.

We wanna make you the new project manager.

- Yes!

I mean, thank you.

- You are perfect for this job.

Welcome aboard.
- Thank you very much.

I'm speechless right now.

I don't know what to say.

(Kyle laughing)

Ah, this is a huge surprise to me.

- I expect nothing less than your best.

(loud thudding)

(faint chattering)

- [Woman] What was that?

(loud beeping)

- You've gotta be kidding me.

(women screaming)

(glass shattering)

(dramatic music)

(laser blasting)

- [Man] Oh, my God, jeez!

(sirens wailing)
(lasers blasting)

- Eduardo, come take a look at this.

(sirens wailing)
(speaking Spanish)

- These are binoculars, you fool.

Now go for back up, and tell them

we have a terrorist attack in progress,

quite possibly North Korea or Los Angeles.

We need to raise the Terror
Alert Level to bright black.

(speaking in Spanish)

- No, Eduardo.

That's what they want us to think.


This is the chief of police.

Lower your aircraft and
we can discuss a truce.

(glass shattering)
(sirens wailing)

They failed to comply with my demand.

Take 'em down.

(guns firing)
(dramatic music)

(tires screech)

- [SWAT member] Let's go!

(dramatic music)

(guns firing)

(UFO beeping)

(loud blasting)

(lasers blasting)
(heavy gunfire)

Send in the chopper.

(lasers blasting)
(loud thudding)

(man yells)

(loud rumble)

(woman screaming)

(glass shattering)

(lasers blasting)

(dramatic music)

[Pilot] - Just shoot from here!

(gun firing)

(dramatic music)

(man shouting)

- Son of a bitch!

(gun blasts)

(dramatic music)

(UFO laser blasts)

(jet fly by)

(dramatic music)

(helicopter sputtering)

(explosion blasting)

(gun banging)

(loud banging)

(sirens wailing)
(dramatic music)

- I picked the wrong day
to skip my son's wedding.

(sirens wailing)
(loud blasting)

- You mind if I drive?

(woman screaming)

(dramatic music)

(phone ringing)

- She'll call you back.

(phone beeping)

(phone vibrating)

- Hello?

- Melissa, where are you?

- I'm at home, Kyle. What's wrong?

- Are the kids with you?

- No, the school bus just picked them up.

- Listen, Melissa.

You meet me outside the
house in one minute.

I can't explain right now.
- What's going on?

Why are you shouting?

- Melissa, just wait for me outside.

(explosion blasting)

(Kyle groaning)
- Kyle?

(phone beeping)

(distant sirens wailing)

(dramatic music)

(laser blasting)
(guns firing)

- Watch out!
(man screaming)

(distant explosion)

(dramatic music)
(lasers blasting)

(distant helicopter)

(dramatic music)
(helicopter whirring)

(bullets impacting)

(machine gun firing)

(loud thudding)
(man screaming)

(lasers blasting)
(dramatic music)

[Marine] - Incoming!

(artillery blasting)

(loud thudding)

(Kyle grunts)
(car honking)

(siren wailing)

- [Marine] Push up, push up!

(guns firing)

(loud blasting)
(man screaming)

(siren wailing)

(jet roaring)

- Get in, get in!

- Kyle, I'm not getting in until
you tell me what's going on

- Hun, you're just gonna have to trust me

and get in the car.

- Why are you bleeding?

(loud blasting)
(people screaming)

Oh my god.
- Melissa, now!

(tires squealing)

- What is that thing?
- Where is the bus?

- What?
- The school bus, where is it?

- I don't know, I don't know.

- Oh man!
- What?

- Mom gave me a peanut butter
and jelly sandwich again.

I specifically said
peanut butter and banana.

- Haven't you learned by now, Timmy,

that mom doesn't listen to you anymore?

- Really?
- Yep.

- Oh.

I'll trade you my apple
for your chocolate pudding.

- No!
- Fine!

- [Kyle] There!

- [Pedestrian] What are you doing?

- Hey, Binky, got anything
to trade for an apple?

- Let me see if I have
anything of equal value.

Oh, I guess I'm buying my lunch today.

Sorry, Tim.
- Dang it!

- [Melissa] Stop the bus, stop the bus!
- Hey, it's Mom and Dad!

- Hey Mom, you gave me a PB and J.

- Timmy, tell the driver
- I wanted a PB and B.

- To stop the bus.
- What?

- Tell the bus driver to--
- We can't stop, Melissa.

- Timmy, get your sister
and jump in the car.

- What?

Kyle, are you crazy?

- Did he say he wants me
to take a dump in the car?

- It's our only chance.
We don't have time to stop

- They can't jump, Kyle.

Fine, I'll do it myself.

- What are they doing?
- They're racing us.

Go Dad.


(loud blasting)
(children screaming)

(tires squealing)
(children shouting)

- You kids keep it down back there

or I'm gonna come back
and rip your heads off!

(loud blasting)
- Hun?

You're gonna have to
take control of the car.

Leave it in cruise control.

- What are you doing?

- I'm going to get the kids.
- Oh no, no way.

- Just do as I say. It'll be fine

Have you lost your mind? Kyle!

(glass shattering)
(children screaming)

- Hey, we have a door
for entering in the bus

and it ain't hard to open.

- Keep this bus moving.

Do not stop for anything.

Do you understand me?

- Yes, yes, please don't hurt me, please

I've got a kid too, ya know.

- Dad, what's happening?

- Come on, come on, let's go!

- What?
- What happened?

- Becky, come on.

(gun firing)

Open the door.
(children chattering)

Tim, go.

Let's go.

(dramatic music)

(children shouting)

Becky, come on.
- What are we going to do?

- We gotta go, come on

(laser blasting)
(children screaming)

(Kyle grunting)

(loud banging)

(Melissa screaming)
(Kyle grunting)

(glass shattering)

(dramatic music)
(gun firing)

(laser blasting)

(Melissa gasping)

- Dad!
(Melissa sobbing)

- No!

(loud blasting)

(faint shouting)
(guns banging)

(dramatic music)

(loud blasting)

(guns banging)
(laser blasting)

(dramatic music)

(laser blasting)

(dramatic music)

(faint beeping)

- Ander?


(speaking in foreign language)


(speaking in foreign language)

That was a close call back
there, wouldn't you say?

You're a difficult one to track down.

- Sir, we'll still scanning
you for any harmful bacteria.

It's gonna be about another--

- Where's my family?

- They're fine.

And sir, I'd like to say it's an honor

to be in your presence.
- Stop talking.

- [Nyklus] Yes, sir, sorry, sir.

(machines beeping)

- What is your name?
- My name is Nyklus,

assistant general in the
Space Force Division,

and Officer Keon is piloting this craft.

- Nyklus, can you explain
to me what's going on here?

- Sir, I was given specific
orders from King Sargon himself

not to release any--

- I don't care what your
orders were, Nyklus.

I'm giving the orders now.

We gonna have a problem with that?

- No, sir.
- Good.

Now please explain to me, Nyklus,

why two Shawden warships
came all the way to Earth

and tried to destroy me.

- We are with war with Anumbis.

(liquid pouring)

- Now how is that possible?

I thought we'd made peace
with Anumbis many years ago?

- Well, apparently the
peace has expired, sir.

Diederick has been building
an army over the last decade.

- And why is Diederick building this army?

What is his plan?

- He is declaring war on our planet.

He wants to seize control of Gallesha,

and if he can take us over,

he can build an even greater army.

- And that's it?

- I don't know. I guess his
ultimate goal is to control

as many planets as possible.


- This is funny to you?

- Not anymore.

Would you like some grapes?

- What's this whole
mess have to do with me?

Why am I involved?
- We wanted to bring you in

as a final desperate attempt
in helping end the war,

because we know you're the best.

- Ah, save it.
- Diederick wanted you dead

before we could get to you.

He must have had a spy in
Gallesha and heard our plans

to make contact with you.

He wanted you dead
before that could happen.

It was just a matter of
who could get to you first.

By the time our defense team found out

he'd sent two ships in your direction,

they were already in the Milky Way.

Needless to say, they had
a considerable head start.

- Oh, typical Galleshan military.

Careless and inefficient.

It's unfortunate for
Gallesha, this situation,

but I'm retired, Nyklus.

I'm done with war.

I'm done with fighting.

I will be of no use to
Gallesha at this point.

- Sir, perhaps this
would be more appropriate

to tell King Sargon?

- Forget King Sargon!

This is not my war, Nyklus.

And tell the captain to
turn this shop around

and take me and my family home.

- I hate to do it to you, Ander, but--

- My name is not Ander anymore.

My name is Kyle.

Call me Kyle now.

- Kyle?
- Yes?

- Okay, Kyle, I can't
turn this ship around.

It's crucial we get you to Gallesha.

- I already explained this to you, Nyklus.

- Yes, you did, and I said
to save it for the king.

I'm just a messenger.

- Take us back now or I'll
consider you to be threatening

the safety of me and my family.

And do you know what I'll do to you

if you endanger my family?

- I can only imagine.
- I'll kill you!

I'll kill you, I'll kill the pilot,

and I'll take this ship back myself!

- Dad?
- Tim, Becky!

- [Tim] Dad, where are we?

Is this a hospital?
- No, Tim, we're on a ship.

- What the heck are we doing in a ship?

- Ah.

Come on, I'm gonna let
you in on a big secret.

(machines beeping)

- Kyle.
- Mm.

How are you feeling?

- What happened?
- It's okay.

- Kyle, what happened?
- It's all right.

You're fine.

- Hey, Mom!
- Hey, hun.

- How are you feeling?
- I'm fine.

I just.

Where are we?

- I have something I have to tell you.

It'll be difficult to explain,

but I'm sure it'll be even
more difficult to understand.

- Kyle, what are you talking about?

First there's a UFO trying
to kill us and our kids.

- Now I'm in this unfamiliar room

and you have something to tell me?

- I'm just gonna say it.

- Okay.

- I'm not who you think I am.

I'm not even from Earth.

My home planet is Gallesha.

I was the commanding general

of the military of Gallesha.

There, I fought many wars.

I retired 15 years ago, and
that's when I came to Earth.

That's where I met you.

- Military general.

- Yeah.

Well that explains a lot.
Does this mean I'm half alien?

- No, you're both 100% human, okay?

- That sucks.
- How about you, Becky?

Does this bother you?

- No, I actually think it's kinda cool.

- Cool?

I wasn't expecting that one.

I'm just relieved you're
not terrified by it.

- Not really.
- Well, good.

Well, the reason why we're
here is because my home planet,

Gallesha, is at war with
a tyrant named Diederick

on the planet Anumbis,
our neighboring planet.

And Diederick sent those
ships in to kill me

so I wouldn't pose any
threat to his plans.

And so to answer your
question where we are,

we're in a spaceship
headed toward Gallesha.

- Your home planet?
- Yes.


- Is she okay?

- Listen, you know I love
you both very much, right?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

- Okay, well, anything is
possible at this point.

If anything does happen to me,

you be sure to watch over
each other, all right?

- If anything happens to you,

then you didn't try hard enough.

- Tim, you are the man of
the house when I'm gone.

Remember that.

- Yeah, right.

So where are we going?

(dramatic music)

- What?

- Ah, welcome aboard the Neagle 77, Miss.

I am Nyklus.

It's a pleasure to meet you.

- Nice to meet you.
- Well, go ahead then.

Turn soggy, see if I care.

- That doesn't make sense.

You're making that up, you pansy.

(dramatic music)

- Are those--
- Stars?

Yes, they are, luminous balls of plasma.

(Nyklus laughing)

- I'll show you luminous balls.

- Oh my gosh.

- Oh no.
(Becky gasping)

- Sir, it wasn't me, I promise.

I was just standing here and--

- Relax, Nyklus.

She only fainted.
- Fainted?

Oh boy.
- What happened?

- Mommy's had a rough day, sweetie.

- Excuse me, Necklace?

- Nyklus, my name is Nyklus.

- Oh, okay, Nyklus.

Where is the bathroom?

- Through that door and make a right.

- Is it bad?
- I don't know how she's gonna react.

- Kyle?
- Melissa, you fainted.

Everything is okay.

- Oh, was I dreaming?

- No, unfortunately not.
- No way, this is a dream.

This is a dream.
- No, this is not a dream.

- There's only one way to find out.

(loud thudding)
- Ow.

- Mom, why did you hit your head?

(Kyle groaning)

(toilet flushing)

- I know, I know.
- [Keon] Now that's something

worth watching, words
people can understand.

- [Woman] They say he's
the reason we won the war.

- Oh jeez, go figure, and
he said, "I know, I know."

He says I aim to hit it all.

At first, I thought he was perverted.

Then I thought about it and realized

I didn't know what that
meant, because at the time

I was eating a brownie
and couldn't follow up

on his answer because my mouth was full

and he was already walking away.

Do people actually enjoy being stupid?

It just baffles me.
- I know he exists.

I'm going to find him.

- Whoa!


- Greetings, little man.

What's your name?
- Tim.

- It's a pleasure to meet you, Tim.

I'm Keon.

You can call me Captain Keon for short.

- Nice to meet you too.

- Cool, huh?
- Yeah.

Where are we?

- Well, actually we're,
well, look right there.

- No way!

I bet you've never been
outside the Milky Way before

huh, Tim?

- My friend Trevor said he
drank a whole gallon of milk

in less than one hour.

- Wow, that was completely irrelevant

to what I was talking about, but okay.

Come on, come have a seat.

(gentle music)

- Here, take this.

- So is everything you said true?

- Yes, yes, it is.

I'm very sorry.

I didn't wanna lie to you,

but this was very, very classified.

You don't wanna know the consequences

of spilling this kind of
information to the public.

There's no way they're
going to be able to cover

this mess up.

- So what, you're like
an alien or something?

- No, I'm human like you,
just from a different planet.

But there are controversies
surrounding the origins

of where we came from.

- Wait, what?

- The first earthlings
were sent from Gallesha

millions of years ago.

They wanted to study how they evolved

and also, to see if the
planet was habitable long term

in case of over population of Gallesha.

Gallesha's government runs on a monarchy,

and the king of Gallesha,
King Sargon is a,

well, he's an idiot and the biggest reason

why we're in this mess.

- When you return to Earth, you can brag

to all your friends at school about how

you battled alien invaders
and the fled the Milky Way.

How many kids your age can say that?

- Not that much.

So where are we going?

- We're going to Planet Gallesha.

- How long will that take a week?

- No, that's why we have
these speed options.

See, miles per hour, standard light speed,

and sonic warp speed, which is calculated

around 50,000 light years per second.

- What?

No way.

- I kid you not, young comrade.

- But I thought nothing
was faster than light.

- Well, we call this learning.

Get used to it, young Tim.

We're going to be opening your eyes up

to a whole new world.

- What is that?

- Oh, that's a meteoroid.

You wanna see something really cool, Tim?

- Yeah.

- Press this button right here, Tim.

(laser blasting)

(Tim and Keon laughing)

- I wanna do it again.

(laser blasting)

- How are you holding up?

- Well, considering I
just found out my husband

is an alien from another
planet, I'm doing very well.

- Are you being serious right now?

- No, Kyle, this is
stressful and frightening.

This is the most unbelievable thing

I've ever experienced in my entire life.

- Well, I don't doubt that.

Just don't worry yourself
too much, though.

I'm gonna talk with the king

and tell him I'm not fighting in this war,

and then we're gonna head right back home.

I promise.

- I'm sorry.

I'm having a real hard time.

You're gonna have to bear with me.

- Melissa, I know it's difficult

right now to understand, but I--

(loud booming)

Nyklus, what are they firing at?

- Probably just meteoroids.

They're plentiful in this area.

(loud booming)

- Okay, okay, we get the point.

Let's not burn out the lasers.

(lasers blasting)

Are you gonna be stopping any time soon?

- Nope.
- Well, why not?

It's fun.

(laser blasting)

(chair blasting)

- Ah, oh, that's a horrible thing.

(laser blasting)

(computer stammering)

Woops, I think I burned out the lasers.

- Oh my, look at that.

Our ship is already charged for SWS,

sonic warp speed, perfect.

Do me a favor, young crewman.

Get in position for top speed.

We'll be arriving shortly.

- Aye, aye, Captain.


(electricity buzzing)

- Whoa, it's dark.

Why is it dark?

- Attention everyone, this
is your captain speaking.

We will be sonic warped
in about two minutes.

Countdown will commence shortly.

(loud blasting)
- 10 seconds till warp.

- Oh my gosh!

(dramatic music)

(Keon laughing)

- Keon is here, ladies and gentlemen.

We're ready to rumble.
- Warp speed launching now.

(loud rumbling)

(Tim laughing)

Chest tightening, pants falling off!

(loud blasting)

- That's it.


- That was insane!

Can we go back and do it again?

- See, that wasn't so bad, was it?

- What was that?

- [Keon] Welcome to Gallesha, everyone.

We are entering our destination.

Prepare for landing.

(dramatic music)

(machine beeps)

(gentle music)

- Sir, it's a pleasure to have you back.

- Thank you.

- Please, follow me.
- Kyle, where are we?

- This is called Area 57
like Area 51 in Nevada.

It's a testing ground for
new weapons technology

and it acts as a landing zone

for interplanetary travel.

- Huh.

(machine beeping)

- Oh, just a little.

- Yeah, well, it just
takes a little adjusting.

Besides, we'll be back
home before you know it.

(gentle music)

- What is your destination?

- Set destination to Odan Castle.

- Confirmed, Odan Castle.

(Tim humming)

(Becky and Tyler laughing)

- Ow, my head.
- Guys, knock it off.

- Yeah.
- Shut up.

- Well, hello there, everybody.

- Hey, Keon!
- Hey, guys!

What are you guys doing?

I didn't get a chance to welcome you back.

Welcome back!

- Well, I wish I could
say I was glad to be back.

- You must be Keon.

- Yes, you can call me Captain Keon.

- Mm, all right, very well then.

(train rumbling)

- So why hasn't Earth
discovered this planet yet?

- Well, they've known about
us for a long time now.

A select few know, like the Illuminati.

They go back and forth
from planet to planet

with their own agendas.

Who they are and what they
do exactly is unknown to me.

Just don't say anything
to anyone back home.

It's very top secret.

- Dad, look!

(epic music)

- We're almost there.

(gentle music)

- What do they got in there, King Kong?


(gentle music)

- It's beautiful.

(gentle music)

(creature calling)

- What is that?
- They're called Katalkers,

wild moon deer.

It's morbid, let me tell you.

(creature roaring)

- That's awesome.

We've got to get one of those those.

- The real scary thing is I've dated women

that look like that.

(gentle music)

(crowd cheering)
(fireworks exploding)

- What made you come to Earth anyway?

- I guess I just needed
some place to start over.

Plus, I needed to get away
from all the people here.

- The people?

What for?

- Everyone knows the great,
legendary war hero, Ander.

- I told you to stop calling me that.

- Is that what they call you?

- That used to be my name,
yes, but I changed it

when I went to Earth.

(gentle music)

(crowd cheering)

(epic music)

(crowd cheering)
(fireworks exploding)

(dramatic music)

(electronic beeping)

- We are here to see King Sargon.

- King Sargon has been expecting you.

Please enter.

(epic music)

- Ah! there he is, the hero.


(fingers snapping)

(excited gasp)

(dramatic music)

(Sargon groaning)


Ah, ah.

- I bet it's been 30 years
since he's seen his shaft.

(Becky laughing)

- Welcome, welcome, welcome!


(dramatic music)

Nyklus and Keon, Gallesha
appreciates your services.

You're dismissed.

My good friend, Ander!

It has been a long time!


- My name is Kyle now.

- Oh, Kyle, huh?

Well, you'll always be Ander to me, okay?



I can't express how happy I
am to see that you're here.

- Oh, really?

I think you're doing just fine.

(Sargon laughing)

King Sargon, this is my family.

My wife Melissa, my two
kids, Timmy and Becky.

- A pleasure to meet you all.

Welcome to Gallesha.

You're one lucky woman!

This here's a great man.

- Yeah, I know.

I'm finding out more and
more about him every day.

(Sargon laughing)

- King, I don't wanna
waste anymore time here.

I know the situation.

I'm gonna give you my answer.

It is no, I will not
participate in this war.

(dramatic music)

- Ah, I see, hmm.

(speaking in foreign language)

(dramatic music)

- What did he say?

(Kyle groaning)

- We're just gonna talk for a bit.

Don't worry, I'm keeping my promise.

- Ralaba, please, we have guests!

Entertain them.

Show them around the castle.

(gentle music)

- I am Ralaba.

Welcome to Odan Castle.

(loud crunching)

- I know how you must
feel, Ander, but I would--

- Kyle.
- What?

- My name is Kyle.
- Oh, that's right.

Oh, sorry.


I know this whole ordeal is troubling.

It's hard on everyone, believe me.

And I'm running out of options here.

Our men are dying rapidly.

We are resorting to our
AI robotics artillery.

Even with that, it'll
only be a matter of hours

before the enemy breaks
through our barrier

and into our planet, turning
this into a total war.

And if Diederick takes us
over, well, we will either die

or become slaves to his army.

- Hm.

Why is he having this war?

- Revenge, more power, I don't know.

He's just a greedy, power-hungry bastard.

- Well then let me talk to him.

- Well, why do you wanna talk to him?

- Well, maybe I can
persuade him to end this.

- It won't work, Kyle.

He's mad, crazy mad.

- That's the most I'm gonna do for you,

so I advise you let me talk to him.

- Carsten?
- Yes, King?

- Go to Communications.

Get Diederick on the line.

- Right away.

- This is all I can do
for you and Gallesha,

but fighting is not an option for me.

- And why is that?

- Besides it not being my responsibility?

Things are different
now, but the problem here

has nothing to do with me.

The problem is the way
this planet is being run

and has been run for many years

with failing military operations

causing this planet to be
as vulnerable as it is.

But even if I lead this war and we win,

what's that going to teach you?

- What's that gonna teach me?

- Yes, you know what I'm talking about.

Everyone knows Gallesha's
military is weak and ineffective

in protecting the
wellbeing of this planet.

While other planets are
prepping their armies

for any future attacks,
you sit here languished

until the reality sets in.

- We're doing the best we can.

- Well, that's not saying much.

(dramatic music)

- Yeah!


(Sargon slurping)

Imagine what will happen
in the future, Kyle.

Say Diederick takes over Gallesha.

What planet is next, Clousome? Shadfair?

and then who knows, Earth?

So take that into consideration.

If we don't take care of this now,

it could come back to get you later on.

- How ironic.

You're sitting here
telling me to plan ahead.

(Sargon laughing)

- My king, Diederick is online.

- Thank you.

You're dismissed.

(Sargon slurping)

Mm, this is some of the best scorpion soup

I've had in a while.

- I'm gonna talk to Diederick,
and that will be that.

I'm requesting a ship.

Be ready to depart for
Earth as soon as possible.

- Kyle?

I arranged a banquet to be
held at Mendel Hall tonight

in honor of your return.

There you can tell people
your final decision.

I know it's difficult right
now, but take some time

to think things over.

Maybe you will change your mind.

(dramatic music)

And I will hope to see you there.

(dramatic music)

(machine beeps)

(dramatic music)

- The hero is back for one last hurrah.


- I never thought I'd have
to see you again, Diederick.

What's this war I keep hearing about?

I thought we'd made peace.

- Your king had the
opportunity to avoid war,

but he chose not to cooperate
with my fair proposal.

- What was the proposal?

- I proposed that our
two planets join armies,

creating a single powerful military force.

Other planets will have
no choice but to surrender

authority to us.

We will set up a new
government, a single order

where all planets are
governed by our ruling.

- So because you and
King Sargon don't agree

on joining armies gives you
the right to invade Gallesha?

- I see opportunity for improvement,

and your king is not acting on this.

He doesn't see the potential
of this army we could form.

We chooses separation
over unity, and for what?


He's stubborn, so I will take
matters into my own hands.

And we, Anumbis, will take over Gallesha.

- Hm, I see nothing's
changed over the years.

Once again, you're just
sending soldiers out to fight

and die for your own personal gain.

War is not the answer, Diederick.

Give us more time to work something out.

- The time for negotiating
has long passed.

The war has commenced.

Over the last decade while
Gallesha sat in oblivion,

we have been biologically
modifying our soldiers,

creating a super army of cyborgs,

machines, and mutations
unlike the universe

has ever seen.

(creature roaring)

Gallesha's feeble attempts
only postpone the inevitable.

Not even you and all your
fighters of your world

can do anything about it now.

- I'm not here to fight.

- No, has the hero gone soft?

- It's between you and Gallesha this time.

I will have no part in this war.

- No?

There is something you're hiding from me.

Something's different.

This is not the same man that
beat Anumbis 20 years ago.

I don't know what it is,
but if you will not fight,

then you will die with the rest of them.

- I wouldn't be so sure about that.

With how your fighters were
trying to kill me earlier,

it doesn't say a whole lot about

your biologically enhanced soldiers.

If I were you, I'd be ashamed.

(Diederick laughing)

- You have yet to see our full potential.

But in time, I know you will.

(dramatic music)

(Sargon snoring)

- Ah, what? who's there?

- It's just me.
- Ah, yeah, there he is.

How did it go?

- He said he wanted to
combine military forces

and you refused.

- I remember him mentioning
something about that.

Well he must be crazy if he thinks

we're gonna join up with his army

after all the trouble he's caused.

It's always his way or die, ya know?

- Yeah, I know how he is.

- By tomorrow, I have
no choice but to start

the conscription, unless, of course,

you've changed your mind?
- No.

Nyklus mentioned something
about a spy here,

someone working for
Diederick on the inside.

- Yeah, we're still investigating that,

and nothing so far.
- Hm.

And who's the military commander now?

- Well, in hopes of your
talent running in the family,

we gave that position to your brother.

- Nell?
- Yes, of course.

Maybe pay him a visit,
give him some advice.

He could use it!

- That's something I can do.

Where is he?

- Brenrone Hideout, I believe.

It's right near the--

- I know where it is, thanks.

I'll see you tonight.

(door closing)

- Will he help us, my king?

My king?
- What?

- Will he fight for us?
- Kyle?

I can't say, I can't say, Carsten.

Just go get me some more of
that scorpion soup, please.

- Certainly.

- This is the Gallery Room.

Various art pieces to
commemorate fallen leaders,

heroes, inventors, and kings.

- Hey guys, don't touch anything.

(crashing sound)
- This was our first king

and queen of Gallesha

- Thousands of years ago, King Furice

and Queen Hushamboan.
- Huh.

- You should recognize this one.

- I should?
- Yes.

He is one of our
history's finest warriors,

an expert in combat, war
tactics, and led a total

of 14 successful wars.

- Oh, is that--
- Yes, that's him.

- Oh my goodness.

How embarrassing, I
didn't even recognize it.

- I'm not surprised.

(Ralaba and Melissa laughing)

They should have torn that
thing down a long time ago.

- So what's the plan?

- King Sargon's hosting a banquet tonight

in honor of my return.

He wants me to present my
decision to everyone by then.

- A decision about what?
- This war.

- Kyle, I thought you
said you weren't gonna go

through with it and that we
were just gonna turn around

and go back home.
(Kyle sighing)

- Would you mind giving
us some privacy, please?

- Oh, not at all.
- Thank you.

- You changed your mind, didn't you?

- No, I've not changed my mind.

- Then why aren't we on
our way home already, Kyle?

You promised.

- And I still keep that promise.

I'll give everyone my explanation tonight.

Then we'll go back home.

Plus, I was just told that one
of my two younger brothers,

Nell, was just given the
position as military commander

after I left.
- You have two brothers?

- Well, had two.

One died.

Anyway, maybe I can offer him some advice.

I don't know.

Either way, it would be
nice to see him again,

and a safe place to stay in the meantime.

- Fine.
- Okay?

- Yeah.
- All right.

(Tim laughing)
- Tim, Becky, let's go!

- Ow!
(Tim laughing)

(dramatic music)
(wind howling)

- I'm sure you've heard by
now that Ander has returned.

- I've heard.
- A minor inconvenience,

no doubt, although he seems
hesitant about fighting,

as if something is stopping him.

Any ideas what?
- Maybe he's scared.

That many years of retirement is bound

to have some sort of an effect on him.

I'm sure I can get the details by tonight.

- Good, I'll be waiting.

Petrod, what's the status?

- At this rate, we can't lose.

Within hours, Gallesha's
barriers will be destroyed

and we will have the planet
completely surrounded.

- Pull it up on radar.

(machine beeping)

The Haleal ships have gained
control of large areas

in the Red Zone, giving us a straight shot

right into Gallesha with
minimal confrontation.

- Mm, not good enough.

We need to double the fighters.

- Double?
- Yes, as an extra precaution.

We will not give Ander or
Gallesha any chance for victory.

We need to stay focused now more than ever

in this crucial stage.

- We're on top of it.
- Good.

(train rumbling)

- [Melissa] You must be pretty amazing

if they went through all of
this trouble to find you, huh?

- Maybe through their eyes I am.

But for me, it's a curse.

It seems I got so good

at something I became more of a product

and less than a person, it felt like.

- What happened?

- Well, when I was just a kid,

there was a surprise attack here

by a planet named Corisha.

My parents were watching
Nell and I playing

in front of our house.

(dramatic music)

Then I noticed Nell looking
at something behind me.

I turned around and looked,
and there they were,

Corishan ships flying
low and ready to attack.

(dramatic music)

(distant explosions)

My father tried to warn us.

- No!

(explosion blasting)

- [Kyle] But it was too late.

My father, mother, and baby
brother, Irmin, were gone.

Nell and I were given another chance.

I told him to start running.

Run, run, run!

(dramatic music)
(lasers blasting)

- That's horrible.

- We never slowed down.

All we could do was keep running.

(dramatic music)

(lasers blasting)

Gallesha was always there to fight back,

but it seemed we were always outnumbered.

(guns blasting)
(dramatic music)

We were trapped in the
middle of a war zone

with nowhere to hide.

(loud banging)

Thinking this was our last moment alive,

(weapons clashing)

luck found us again.

This man came out of nowhere and took down

this war machine like it was nothing.

We knew this man was our only chance

of getting through this alive.

(dramatic music)

He took down more without
even breaking a sweat.

(loud clattering)

(gun blasting)

He looked ruthless on the outside

but wasn't opposed to
showing a little hospitality

to a couple of helpless kids.

- I have a hideout, not far.

Follow me or fend for yourselves.

His name was Mangular.

We stayed in his hideout
until the war dwindled.

(dramatic music)

He was a retired Galleshan soldier

that mostly kept to himself.

I imagine he had a rough
past, no family, no friends.

He never talked about that stuff.

But I think he took a
liking to us pretty quickly.

(dramatic music)

After the war ended, Mangular
said it would be okay

for us to stay with him
as long as we helped out

around the property.

(water splashing)

Most days were spent doing
chores, but we didn't mind.

It taught us the importance
of staying productive.

Mangular was usually training nearby.

We thought it was bizarre at first,

but we grew more curious as time went on.

(dramatic music)

Eventually, he would invite us in

and begin our own training.

- Let's go, one, two, three, four.



(gentle music)
(weapons clashing)

Guard up! keep your guard up.

That's it, focus!

Remember, you are not intimidated, ever.



(guns firing)

- [Kyle] He taught us everything he could

about combat and warfare,
not only how to fight,

but the psychology of warfare.

- Embarrassing.

Try again.

- [Kyle] How to build alliances

and basic war strategy.

(gentle music)

We never stopped training
until we mastered

everything we were taught,

and then we kept training more.

- Day after day for many years

(dramatic music)

Time passed and an illness
got the best of Mangular.

He died peacefully in his sleep,

not on the battlefield
like I think he'd hoped.

We loved him like a father.

He filled a void in our life
with a sense of purpose.

I would often think of my
family and try to understand

why they had to die while
Nell and I were spared.

I was hurting inside.

I didn't feel enough was being done

to keep Gallesha safe.

So I decided at that moment to use

what Mangular had taught
me all these years

and be a protector of
Gallesha, not just to fight,

but to lead.

(dramatic music)

(guns blasting)

So I did.

We fought in many wars,
decimating other planets' armies

and taking down leaders.

I was proving to be unstoppable.

Gallesha became feared
by everyone to a point

where the wars became few and far between.

Then they handed me some special medal

and made me the military
commander of Gallesha.

I was on top of the world, but
it wasn't good enough for me.

I was overwhelmed with
power, and I only wanted more

because when you live
on war, what do you do

when there is no one else left?

When all the battles are
won and no more enemies

to take down? You create more.

You create the enemy, and that's exactly

what I set out to do.


I warned you of the consequences.

(guns blasting)

(dramatic music)

I never had the intention
to kill Diederick.

I was looking at the bigger picture,

something that could construct future wars

and uphold my reputation.

(buzzer blaring)

And we're here.

(gentle music)

(ominous music)

(machine beeping)
(dramatic music)

- Well, one day.

- Bumbo, how are you?

- Oh, man, you're back!

(laughing) Oh, this is amazing.

I can't believe it!

- Yeah, me neither.
- Come here.

- Bumbo, this is my wife, Melissa.

- Nice to meet you.
- It's nice to meet you, too.

- And these are my two
rugrats, Timmy and Becky.

- Oh, ho, look at that.

Oh, no, no way!

You're a father now?

- Yeah, can you believe it?

Guys, this is Bumbo.

He's in charge of this base.

- Well, it's a partnership now.

- Ah, well, I heard my brother was here.

I was hoping to speak with
him if he's available.

- Yeah, man, you guys go check it out,

but don't tell nobody.

(Bumbo and Kyle laughing)

Seems nowadays you can't
even enjoy retirement

for gracious sakes.

- It is crucial that
units Fueset 15 and 23

neutralize the Red Zone first
before Units 34 through 55

can pass through that area.

Once that is neutralized, the other units

and your team must be arrayed

for the fight on Anumbis,
which means adapting

your formations and not
giving any more opportunities

for them to hold us back anymore.

(dramatic music)

And here to boost our hope for victory,

you all know my brother, Ander.

(crowd applauding)
(soaring music)

I was honored to take your place

as military commander after you left.

Now I realize it's not
my area of expertise.

Not at your level, anyway.

- It's not you.

The king has lazed around all these years

while Diederick amassed an
army right under his nose.

- Yes, but in any case, I'd be glad

to hand this title back to you.

- As much as I appreciate the offer,

I'll have to decline.

- Decline?

What are you talking about?

- I'm not fighting in this war, Nell.

All I can offer you is my
help with your strategy,

and then I'm returning to
Earth tonight with my family.

- You aren't serious?

- I'm afraid I am.

- Ah, I hate to hear that, Ander.

I really do.

For a moment, I felt
some hope for our future,

but now what is there?

- What about our allies?

- They aren't interested,
but who could blame them?

Why would they invest their
resources in a dying planet?

It seems our only hope is you.

- I'm no guarantee for victory.

- Maybe not a guarantee,

but a fighting chance.
- Ah, Nell.

- This military was the
strongest it has ever been

when you were in command.

Was that coincidence?

I don't believe it was,
because after you left,

this military crumbled.

Your successors were
inexperienced and lazy.

They didn't know how to strategize.

They stopped producing
AI fighters and soldiers

weren't properly trained.
- I know, Nell.

It's unfortunate, but this whole thing

is out of my control.

These people can't put
the fate of this planet

in one person's hands.

It's insane, you understand?

- Oh, I understand, brother.

(Tim whistling)

- [Man] They had me work for one day.

- No, Tim.

- Wow.

[Becky] What's so great about this room?

- Wow.

Why is everything on this planet
so much better than Earth?

Earth sucks.
- You can say that again.

- Earth sucks.

- Looking for something?

(Becky gasping)

- Hey, what the?

(Vayana laughing)

- Don't worry, I won't tell anyone.

As long as I'm here, you
won't get into trouble.

I was a good friend of your
father's a long time ago.

You can trust me.

[Becky] Oh.

what are your names?

- Name is Becky.
- Timmy.

- How cute.

Here, I wanna show you guys something.

- Bow-chicka-bow-wow.

- What is it?
- Musical Bubbles.

- This was one of my
favorites when I was your age.

Let me show you.

It's all in the touch.

(bright music)
- Whoa!

- Wow!
- Yeah, I gotta try this.

- All you need to do is practice.

(bright music)
- Oh (laughing)!

This is the most awesomest
thing in the world!

- You can go ahead and keep
that if you like, Timmy.

I really don't have
any use for it anymore,

but don't lose it.

Those are very rare.

- Sweet!
- Let me see it!

- No, jeez.

- Well, I better be going.

It was nice meeting the both of you.

Stay out of trouble.

- All right.
- Let me try now!

- Hey shut the hell up!

- Nell, I'm sorry, there
are certain negative things

during that time in my life
that I had to walk away from.

I appreciate you and everyone holding me

in such high regard, but my
time of glory is in the past.

I'm just not the same person that I was.

- Now you're just being modest.

- (laughing) Hardly.

Plus, I have a family.

That's what I live for.

This is who I am now.

I can never go back to what I was.

- Commander Nell, we're ready.

(dramatic music)

- Excuse me.

(dramatic music)

- So, what do you plan to do
now about all of this mess?

If you ask me, Gallesha has to
learn to take care of itself.

If Gallesha is not
prepared for war and loses,

then so be it.
- Yeah.

It really shows the importance
of responsible leadership.

- Ha!
- I knew a long time ago

that Gallesha was on the
path to self destruction,

and I wanted nothing to do with it.

And now that past has
come back to haunt me.

- Well, you've always
been a good friend to me.

I know you'll do what's right.

- Thanks, Bumbo.

(dramatic music)

(dramatic music)

(wind howling)

- Believe me when I say that
we are on our way to victory.

You will be the first fleet
to break into Gallesha.

Nothing will stand in
our way, not even Ander.

I just got word Ander has family now.

That is why he won't fight.

Well, then we'll make him fight,

kill every one of their
soldiers and anyone

who stands in our way.

They will fight for us or they will die.

(soldiers chanting)

We promise them greatness
and they bow at our feet.

I feel like a god.

- Indeed.

- And you know what
we're going to use now?

- Romber?

- Yes, it's a perfect
time to put to our use

the greatest mutated cyborg experiment.

Let's wake him.

Romber, Romber?

- Should we turn on the lights?

- Do it.

That's it, yes!
(glass shattering)

Wake up!

(Romber roaring)

I have a job for you, Romber.

It requires a huge mass of vicious terror,

much like yourself (laughing).

(Romber roaring)

(rain pattering)
(thunder rumbling)

- [Sargon] Hello, and welcome
to Mendel Hall, everyone.

I'd like to thank you all for attending

this important meeting.

Of course, you all know that
these are desperate times

for Gallesha as we face war with Diederick

and his army again.

He wanted to combine our militaries

and I strongly refused.

I said, "No way, you must be crazy.

"I would never do business with a tyrant!"

Now in retaliation, he
seeks to take our military

by force with this brutal war

he has bestowed upon us.

And he was not kidding.

Our fighters are dying
at an alarming rate.

I completely underestimated
this army he's been building.

But hear this, not all
hope is lost, my people.

We have now our key to victory,

one man, a man above
all men I've ever known,

a hero, a leader of our time, Ander.

(crowd cheering)

(crowd applauding)

It was because of this
man that we can still

be a free planet today, and we hope

to maintain that freedom.

It's because of this man Diederick

surrendered many years ago.

We made peace.

But peace is no more!

(thunder rumbling)

For those of you that don't know,

I had made a top secret plan
with the Space Force Division

to retrieve our last hope for this planet.

He retired years ago to Earth,

but somehow, two ships
from Diederick's army

got to him first and nearly killed him

before we get to him.

This information was top secret

and only three people on
this planet knew about it,

which means one thing,
there's a spy in Gallesha,

and it better not be any of you!

(thunder rumbling)


I'm kidding.

But seriously, there's a
hefty reward for anyone

who can give any helpful information.

Now I believe Ander has something to say

to all of us.

People of Gallesha, I give you your hero.

(crowd cheering)

(crowd applauding)

- Thank you.

Thank you all for the warm welcome.

A lot has changed since I was last here.

first off, my name is no longer Ander.

My name is Kyle now, so
I would appreciate it

if everyone could address
me as Kyle from now on.

Another big change in
my life is that I now

have a family that I love very much.

(audience applauds)
(bright music)

Thank you.

They are certainly the best thing

that has ever happened to me.

I only wish they didn't have to be dragged

into this mess along
with me, but here we are.

We are facing off with this
relentless tyrant once again,

one whose only real motivation seems to be

to test new artillery
and control more land.

This is what happens when one
has too much power over many.

That power has to be
demonstrated periodically

so it is not forgotten.

(laser booming)

And what is one to do when the
retaliation is nonexistent?

Provocation, propaganda, and
declaration of an unjust war.

These dictators stretch the truth

to get their people on their side

so that what really goes on
behind the scenes is validated.

I know this because I used
to be in that position.

But who is to blame in
all this, Diederick?

Sure, that's a big part of the
equation, but not all of it.

What we've failed to do is
challenge the authority.

We entrust our leaders to do
what's right for the people,

not standing idly by,
only concerning themselves

with what's for dinner.

(Sargon laughing)

- That was pretty good.

- The performance of our
leaders greatly influences

our global development.

That is evident in the
chaos and desperation

we are seeing today.

(dramatic music)

I have been asked to lead this war,

and I've spoken with King
Sargon and other leaders

about this situation.

I have offered to give my advice in terms

of military strategy, but
that alone may be futile.

Beyond that, I can be of no assistance

to Gallesha's military,
and I sincerely appreciate

your understanding and
wish Gallesha the best.

Thank you.

- Thank you, Kyle, for
that heartbreaking speech.

Our lives are over.

Okay, food will be ready shortly.

Server bot will be with you momentarily.

Enjoy it!


(light piano music)

- Oh man, if happiness had a taste,

it would taste like two of
these cookies at the same time.

Oh yeah!

- King?


What is Vayana doing here?

- Oh, I had her as our
foreign relations secretary

ever since you've been gone.

I figured your former love would be

a great addition to our planet's future

Or as you earthlings call, ex-fiancée.


She's very strong willed.

- Yeah, I'm sure she's very qualified.

- (laughing) Yeah.

Ah, no, probably not.

(thunder rumbling)

(light piano music)

- Hun, don't even say it.

- Ex-fiancée?

- Hun, we don't have the
institution of marriage

like on Earth.

It was nothing more than a
love interest, that is all.

I hope that at least puts you at ease.

- It does, but I'm still mad at you.

- Yeah, I know.

We'll be out of here soon.

- [Keon] Quite ironic.

He dies eating food!

(Nyklus and Keon laughing)

- Hey, Nyklus.
- How you doing, Becky?

- Hey, Keon!
- Hey, champ! How's it going?

Fly any ships lately?

- Nope, but watch this!

(bright music)

- Oh wow, how'd you do that?

- They're called Musical Bubbles.

Wanna try?
- I wish I could,

but we have to head out.

- Where are you going?
- To fight.

It seems we're on Alert Level Gray.

- Level Gray, really?
- Yep, the first time

this planet has ever seen Level Gray.

That's why I'm going.

It was an honor, sir.

I'll see you later, fellow crewmen.

Stay strong.
- My God, I will.

- It was nice meeting all of you.

Take care, Kyle.
- Good luck to you, Nyklus.

- What is Alert Level Gray?

- Things are a lot worse than expected.

- That doesn't change your mind, does it?

- No, it doesn't.

Now stop asking me.
- Shame.

- And just a reminder, I requested a ship

after we were done here.

When can I expect that to be ready?

- Stop asking!
- What?

- (laughing) I'll have
one ready in a half hour.

- Half hour, yes.

(light piano music)

- Can I get some more
mashed potatoes, please?

(light piano music)

(bubbles popping)

(Becky and Tim laughing)

- Tim, can you stop playing
with that for one second?

- But I'm getting better at it.

- [Kyle] You can play with it later.

This is not the place for it.

- That's just like him to crush my dreams.

(light piano music)

- Nell, Nell!

- There you are!

- Vayana, hey.

- Where has the man of my
dreams been hiding for so long?

- Listen, this is already
an awkward situation.

If you're here to torment
me about this war,

save your breath.
- Don't worry, darling.

I wouldn't bother you with that.

You're a big boy.

You make your own decisions.
- oh, good, thanks.

- I was here, however, to find out

what you were doing tonight.

I figured we could have a
drink or two at my place

just like old times.

- I don't think so.

Obviously I'm unavailable.

- Unavailable?
- Yeah.

Our time is over, Vayana.

I'm married now.

I have a family.
- Oh, you have a family now?

- Yeah, did you miss that
part of my speech or what?

- Oh, forget about your
family for one night.

Why don't you follow what
your heart really wants?

- That's quite enough, Vayana.

Have a nice night.

- Well, you know where to find
me when you change your mind.

(thunder rumbling)
(light piano music)

- Nice Tang.

Two of my top associates
are on their way here

to take you home.


- Great

(light piano music)
(people chattering)

Tim, who gave this to you!?

(woman screaming)
(explosion blasting)

(dramatic music)

- Mom?
(faint speaking)

- Kyle, come on, get up!

(laser blasting)
- No!

(loud thudding)
(people shouting)

- Mom!
- Oh my god.

Are you guys okay?
- I have diarrhea.

(dramatic music)
- [Sargon] Get out of the way!

(laser blasting)

(dramatic music)

(gun blasting)

(glass shattering)

(dramatic music)

(laser blasting)

(explosion blasting)

(dramatic music)

(thunder rumbling)
(dramatic music)

(gun firing)

(dramatic music)

(Kyle grunting)

(dramatic music)


(machine beeping)

(dramatic music)

(engine roaring)

(dramatic music)

(machine beeping)

(loud clattering)

(lightning cracking)

(electrical burst)

(dramatic music)

(people chattering)

(machine beeping)

(dramatic music)

(lasers blasting)

(deep explosion)

(people shouting)

(alarm beeping)

(loud banging)

(wind howling)

(dramatic music)

(thud sound)

(thunder rumbling)

(loud banging)
(laser blasting)

(dramatic music)

(explosion blasting)

(glass shattering)

(gun cocking)

(guns firing)

(explosion blasting)
(people screaming)

(dramatic music)

(electric blast)

(laser blast)

(laser firing)

(electrical burst)

(dramatic music)

(machine beeping)

(people screaming)
(dramatic music)

(Becky screaming)

(guns firing)
(lasers blasting)

(dramatic music)

(laser blast)

(dramatic music)

(aircraft falling)

(lasers blasting)

(machine beeping)
(dramatic music)

- [Kyle] My God.

(dramatic music)

(spacecraft crashing)

(explosion blasting)
(people screaming)

- Come on, guys, stay with me.

Come on.

(dramatic music)

(laser blast)

[Tim] - Is that dad?

(laser blasting)

(dramatic music)

- Kyle.
- [Tim] Watch that!

(laser blasting)

- No!


(thunder rumbling)

(lasers blasting)
(dramatic music)

- [Soldier] Sir?

- My family.
- Sir?

- My family, you have to save them.

- Where are you hit?
- They're on that ship.

Are you listening? damn you.

Don't save me, save them.

- Calm down.
- Oh!

(Kyle groaning)

(dramatic music)

(lasers blasting)

(dramatic music)

- Is that one of ours?

- I don't believe it is.

(loud banging)

Call the B-91s, tell
those guys to get back!

(dramatic music)

(loud banging)
(creature roaring)

(dramatic music)

(loud beeping)

(creature roaring)


(guns blasting)

(hammer thudding)

(dramatic music)

(hammer thudding)
(creature roaring)

(guns banging)
(loud blasting)

- Go!
- Activate the shield.

- Shields Activated.
(creature roaring)

(loud thudding)
(lasers blasting)

(loud thudding)

- Shoot it, shoot it!
(guns firing)

(machine beeping)

(guns firing)

(hammer thudding)
Hold on!

(dramatic music)

(loud thudding)

(glass shattering)

(loud thudding)

- This thing isn't dying!
- It's a cyborg.

- Cyborg?

- Did you see that metal shell?

(laser blasting)
(loud crashing)

- Just one of Diederick's new weapons,

some sort of biological
creature, artificially enhanced.

- Well, how do we stop it?

(glass shattering)

(dramatic music)

(man groaning)

(lasers blasting)

(gun firing)

- This is Kyle! Ship ID 175,
I need my location confirmed!

(gun banging)
(creature roaring)

- Get out of the way!
- Location confirmed.

What is your status, 175?

- We got some sort of
cyborg on us, mechanical.

- Where is he?
- Requesting backup.

(gun banging)
(creature roaring)

Hang on!

(dramatic music)

Come on!
- Look out!

Pull up!

(dramatic music)

(loud crashing)

(dramatic music)
(machine beeping)

(loud crashing)

- 175, are you still there?
- Yes.

- [Woman] This is the Argonaut.

We are three miles northwest
of your current location.

I have marked it on your system.

Lead the enemy to us.

- Come on, go!

(engine blasting)
(machine beeping)

(creature roaring)

(lasers blasting)
(dramatic music)

- He's gaining on us!

(dramatic music)
(lasers blasting)

(guns blasting)

(man yells)

(creature roaring)

(lasers blasting)
(creature roaring)

(loud thudding)
(lasers blasting)

(man groaning)

(dramatic music)
(creature roaring)

(lasers blasting)
(dramatic music)

- What about an EMP?

- It could be resilient
to a magnetic pulse.

This is a standard move that Diederick

would have already anticipated.

(dramatic music)
(thunder rumbling)

- 175 in our sights.
- Got it.

(machine beeping)

175, we have you in our sights.

Keep your distance.

(creature roaring)
(loud thudding)

- No!

(machine beeping)

- That's our target.

Take it down.

(machine roaring)
(loud thudding)

(man groaning)

(creature roaring)
(laser blasting)

(loud thudding)
(glass shattering)

(dramatic music)
(missile fire)

(loud crashing)
(people screaming)

(dramatic music)

(creature roaring)
(laser blasting)

(woman screaming)

- [Pilot] Oh God!

(machine gun fire)
(dramatic music)

175 stated cyborg, It's
some sort of robot!

We need to find EMP!

- Yes, fire the EMP!

Isolate it.
- Okay, okay, confirmed.

Firing EMP.

(electrical charging)

(creature roaring)

(electrical sound)

- It's down.

Let's move in.

175, what's your status?

(woman screaming)
175, do you read?

(electricity buzzing)
- Go on!

- Nope.
- Keep moving.

- Can't.

I'm impaled badly.

- No!

Damn it.

- Oh, it hurts like crazy.

It's bad.
- Here, we can make it.

- No, stop.
- I'm going to help you.

- Don't do it.

It's not worth it.
- Shut up.

I don't wanna hear it.

Now come on.

(man groaning)

Oh, oh!


(dramatic music)

- What goes around
comes around, eh friend?

- Yeah.

(man screaming)

(dramatic music)


(loud buzzing)
(faint shouting)

(man coughing)



- You're fine.

(man groaning)

- Oh.

(dramatic music)

(creature roaring)
(electrical charging)

(tank blast)

(creature growling)

(loud thudding)

(machine gun blasting)

(electronic buzzing)

(lasers blasting)

(machine beeping)

- Well that's it.

We're screwed.

(creature roaring)

(woman screaming)

(dramatic music)
(lasers blasting)

(loud crashing)

(dramatic music)
(lasers blasting)

(creature roaring)

- I told you, it's too late.

(man coughing)

(heavy wind)

(alarm beeping)

(loud explosions)

(dramatic music)

(loud crashing)
(dramatic music)

- Come on!

(men grunting)

(loud crashing)
(dramatic music)

(man coughing)

[Kyle] - If we can't
penetrate the outer shell,

we may have to destroy it from the inside.

- Here, take these!

(dramatic music)

No matter what, I must say it was an honor

fighting alongside the legend.

- Thank you.

(dramatic music)

- [Soldier] Hey dude get up, let's go!

Look out!

(guns blasting)
(loud thudding)

(dramatic music)

(Kyle grunting)

(dramatic music)

(laser buzzing)

(gun blasting)
(dramatic music)

(electrical charge)

(glass shattering)

(dramatic music)

(creature roaring)

(bomb beeping)

(electrical charge)

(dramatic music)

(laser blasting)

(dramatic music)

(gun firing)
(creature roaring)

(dramatic music)

(Kyle groaning)

(gun firing)

(electricity buzzing)
(creature roaring)

(creature screams)

(dramatic music)

(loud thudding)

(explosion blasting)

(dramatic music)

(thunder rumbling)

(electronic doors open)

(people chattering)
- That was insane!

- Now where are we going?
- I don't know.

(dramatic music)

(people screaming)

- [Woman] Oh no!

Oh my god, no!

- Everybody out.

Let's go.

(people shouting)

Form two lines

Face the wall.

Don't test us.

(dramatic music)

(people chattering)

- [Melissa] Come here.

Are you okay, honey?
- Yeah, just scared.

- Scaredy-cat.
- Shut up.

Don't act like you aren't scared.

- I'm not, I'm totally stoked.

Bring it on!

(people chattering)
(dramatic music)

(camera beeping)

(dramatic music)

- We just lost Romber.

Now our defense towers
are picking up images

of incoming ships from Gallesha.

- With Ander back, I want
our main focus on him.

That's why we lost to them before.

They were always a step ahead.

But here, this is us with
the upper hand for a change.

(Tim burping)

- Ah, dang it!
- Hey, don't you touch my son!

(mechanical whirring)

- Fall in line.

(dramatic music)

- Oh, damn it

(electronic beeping)

(loud beeping)

(alarm buzzing)

- Wait, show me the photo Vayana sent in.

- Certainly, my king.

(alarm buzzing)
(dramatic music)

- How fortunate.

Bring those three to the holding chamber.

(thunder rumbling)
(dramatic music)

(mechanical whirring)

(dramatic music)

(Sargon and woman laughing)

- Oh yeah, oh, that's good, oh.

(woman and Sargon laughing)

- Let's hear it!

(Sargon stammering)

Someone want to explain to me

why my family was just captured!?

why we were all nearly killed
without any kind of warning?


(door squeaking)

- Oh yes, of course, the war.

Righty-o, then.

Break time is over.

- Maybe you can give
me some answers, King!

Explain it to me.

- Kyle, we understand you're upset, but.

(Sargon shouting)

- I didn't ask if you think I sound upset.

I asked why my family was captured

and how we were not able
to see this attack coming.

- Ah.

- Th enemy knew exactly where we were.

We should have seen them
coming hours in advance.

Perhaps someone here knows something

and he isn't speaking up?

Inside job, maybe?

Somebody was mad I wasn't
going to take charge

of the military, so they
thought they'd force

my decision by concocting a plan

to get my family taken by the enemy!?

Whatever it is, I'll
get to the bottom of it.

I always do.

That I can promise!

Let's start getting some information.

- Ralaba!
- Yes, sir?

- Get me a list of all
calls made outside Gallesha,

public and private.

- Private data won't give a location, sir.

- That doesn't matter.

It'll give us time.

We need all the information we can get.

- Those bubbles.

Check the security footage

at the Brenrone Hideout, Section G-7.

This was maybe five hours ago.

My kids had these bubbles.

There was a tracking device on it.

- I'm on it.

- Where's Nell?
- Nell!

- Right here.
- What's the status?

- The first fleet from Anumbis broke in,

about 100 of them, most of
which have been destroyed.

Some have fled.

- Are we expecting more?

- Radar shows another fleet estimated

to arrive in the next couple of hours.

- Okay, well, no, no, it's not okay.

We can't afford to waste time here.

Ah, dang it!

My freaking foot.

- King, I need to speak
to Diederick right away!

- What are you going to do, beg for mercy?

- I wasn't talking to you, Nell!

Honestly, your lack of
sympathy for my loss

is a little concerning.

I can't imagine going as far to say

you had something to do
with this whole thing,

but I've been fooled before.

- Listen, Ander--
- Sargon!

I wish to speak with Diederick right now.

- It's done.

- Right here.

- See if you can get Diederick

on the line in communications.
- Right away.

- You have control from here.

You are calling the shots.

Nell, go ahead and sit this one out.

We'll handle it from here.

You can pick up a
congratulatory gift basket

in the main hall.

It's basically a bunch of soap

and some hair conditioner.

- I think you should come see this.

(dramatic music)

- No, this can't be happening!

(dramatic music)

- [Diederick] Safe and sound.

- It's Dad!

- You see?

I'm not completely ruthless.

- Diederick, what do you want?
- You know what I want.

Surrender Gallesha.

It's quite simple.

If you and your people will not surrender,

we will dominate Gallesha, and your family

will remain in my keeping
and become my slaves!

- Listen, they have
nothing to do with this.

I'll turn myself in.

Take me instead or I swear I'll--

- You'll what, kill me?

(laughing) You don't even have a chance.

The only way to save your
family now is to surrender.

Make your move, hero.
(machine beeping)

- Diederick?

- What happened to the feed?
- I don't know!

This isn't my department, okay?

I have had enough today.

It's been very stressful.

I gotta go!
- Let's assemble any available

soldiers in the Brimada Bunker in one hour

for an emergency war plan.

- There's the man I remember (laughing).

- Send the emergency
broadcast, arm the citizens!

We need everyone to fight.
- Consider it done.

Everyone, you heard the man.

You know what to do.

Move, move!

(dramatic music)

- I will lead this war with
the resources we have left.

To be honest, we don't
have a chance in hell

in winning this thing.

We're gonna need to call upon our allies,

if that's even an option.

But when this is all
over and if we survive,

I will see to it that
you will resign as king.

Do we have an understanding?

- Yes.

(dramatic music)

- Hey!

My husband will come for us.

- I know, I'm counting on it.

(dramatic music)

(engine blasting)

(dramatic music)