The Escape from Auschwitz (2020) - full transcript

After capturing Kazimierz Piechowski at the Hungarian border, he is sent to Auschwitz where he is forced to move corpses from the gas chambers to the crematorium.

For every action,

there is a reaction.

Escape does not set you free.


sets you free.

If you fail to
recognize this rule,

I will continue to remind you.

Show you, in fact.

As a consequence
of your actions,

this, of course,

is part of my day.

My recreation.

My ability to serve my
country with authority.

The fatherland

demands respect.

And respect

it shall have.



I can't keep doing this if
you're not able to cooperate.

Cooperation is not something

I'm willing to risk my life for.


Everything okay?

Pick it up.

Pick it up.

You choose to disobey me?

Look at me.



Back to work.


You think this is playtime?

You're here to obey us.

So you will obey us.

Load the wagon.

If they see you resting,
I'll be cleaning your blood.

Sorry I'm late.

What happened?

Another attempt.

You know how?

No real plan by
the sounds of it.

A man that skipped his duties

of pulling a cart
full of rubbish.


- On the south border.
- Suicide.

How many?


Death by starvation.


These walls see everything.

I shouldn't have to warn you.

This is a nightmare.

I'm going to escape.

And your punishment will be

the murder of hundreds of Jews.

If things continue
as they are,

it'll be thousands
before liberation.

What are you suggesting?

The world needs to know.

And you're assuming
they do not know already?

Extremism is humanity's
best kept secret.

You can

look at me.

You are doing a good job here.

Roll call is in 10 minutes.


Clean yourself up.


Is there a problem?

I won't ask again!

We must remember

that neither escape or suicide

are acts of bravery.

Instead, they both
demonstrate pure cowardice.

You may all be
wondering why I chose

not to shoot him in the head.

Because he wanted to die.

So that he could
not be punished.


This is not how it works.

But let's not dwell.

We are running behind,

and my breakfast will spoil.

Everybody back to the barracks!


I saw you.

I don't know what
you're referring to.

The Kapo.

Everyone, inside immediately!

I want to know the contents
of the paper he gave you.

And why didn't you
just take it from him?


I'm not willing
to risk my life,

and most importantly,
everybody else's.


What was he asking for?

He's part of a
small resistance group

in the male sector of the camp.

They claim they need someone
from this side to assist them.

And you
don't want to help?

I just want to survive.

What is the matter with you?

I've been taking notes.

What kind of notes?

Documenting the entries against
the murders in the camps.

Nationalities, age,
gender, date of death.

And what's the problem?

I think I must've
fallen asleep

before I hid them last night,

and somebody's taken them.

Is there a problem?

Back to work.

Why did you take my paperwork?

I think you're lucky I found
it rather than somebody else.

Why did you keep it a secret?

They're just statistics.

If I'd have known your
intentions of escaping

were for more than
your own personal gain,

I may have been less
reluctant in the first place.


It's nothing I
don't already know.

It's what needs to be told.

Oh and how are you
suggesting we spread the word?

I was hoping that's
where you might step in.

All this will be for nothing,

if you do not plan accordingly.

Think about how
many we could save.

And if we get caught,

think of how many will be
sacrificed for our stupidity.

Well, our sacrifice
could end this for good.

Well, I'm unsure how you
think we can save the world.

I do have something to offer.

I speak German.


No resting until
you've reached Kanada.

That's where the treasure is.



What could be
better than food?

Clean this.


Where did you say he
was taking that cart?

Once the carts are filled
with the possessions of the Jews

they're coming on the train.

They collect them and
take them for sorting.

How far is Kanada from here?

Do you know what the
living conditions are like?

Fewer guards.

And alcohol.

Don't forget I'm just a
regular Auschwitz man working.

Working on what?


Right again.


I know.

What do you mean?

I know.

What do you want?

To help.

I am privileged here.

I have more authority than most.

You want to help us?

I have a good reputation
with the guards.

I have more access
than most in Kanada.

Rosa doesn't want
to help, but I do.

You need to get back.





You understand Kanada
is not a retreat?

Less guards, less
chance of getting caught.

And how do you suppose
you would get there

without being caught?

Tonight, I escape
from the barracks,

and hide in the carts bound
for Kanada in the morning.

I'll disguise myself amongst
the contents of the cart,

and pretend that I'm
assigned to Kanada.

From there, I will
make my escape.

You have not
thought this through.

You do not have
to come with me.

But I may have more chance
of surviving if you do.

I will arrive at the
second cart from the right

of the male barracks
after nightfall.

I will not be suspected
until the morning.


How many tomorrow?

from Hungary.

And you are prepared?

I am.

Are you?

The team around
us is questionable.

How so?

Missing inmates.


Shh, shh, shh, shh.

Now we rest.

You're going to sleep?

And you're not?

Tomorrow's a big day.


We're early.

Maybe there's an early
arrival into the camp.

They might see the cart sooner.

The arrival pattern's
been the same for months.

Okay, we stick
to the same plan.

A couple of hours won't make
a difference to the escape.

We'll still be out
of the perimeter

before morning roll call.


But we just turned left.

This cart isn't going to Kanada.

We need to move.


What is your destination?


On this cart by the garage.

I'm normally based in Kanada.

The guards, they recommended
I was best for the job.

Move swiftly.

We don't have much time.

I'm glad I decided to intervene.

When we met the other day,
you asked too many questions,

but I'm glad you did.

I was surprised that
for a seasoned prisoner

you didn't know
more about Kanada.

Still, I made it
sound too appealing.

I have thought about
hiding in a cart

and disguising my way out
to that part of the camp.

But the truth is, nobody's
escaped from Kanada,

much as nobody's escaped
from the rest of the camp.

- It was suicide mission.
- You don't know that.

And you do?

I'm going to help you to escape.

I'm going to help us to escape.

I guess that you've
been thinking of Kanada

as your easiest way out of here.

So I suggested that
one of the carts

that would be sent for
sorting stop by here first,

for maintenance.

It was risky,

but even the SS can be fooled.

And they didn't
think to supervise you?

They know I'm capable.

But they don't know how
capable I really am.

And they like to drink
on a Friday night.

Saturday mornings are
hard, even for the SS.

So why are we sitting
here talking about it then?

That over there
is a coal bunker.

There's a hatch on the inside

that grants access to a
storeroom where the SS

keep some of their
uniforms and weapons.

If we can break into
that coal bunker,

before daily proceedings
begin, we can act as the SS,

using this car as our
ticket out of here.

Well, what're we
waiting for? Why not now?

Because morning roll call
occurs camp-wide in 20 minutes.

And they will
realize we are missing.

That siren you've
been hearing.

That's the alarm for the
camp and surrounding towns

warning them of fugitives
who must be caught.

Because if the world knew
what was happening here,

it would end everything.

At least, we can hope.

So what do we do now?

The sirens that have been
ringing for the last three days

are because of two
Hungarian escapees

who failed in leaving
the camp unnoticed,

caught before they left
the final perimeter.

Now, the two who
brought you here.

Adam is assigned to
forming the straw stacks,

500 yards away from here.

That's where you'll be hiding.


Gavriel is a Kapo based at
the Kanada sector of the camp.

They won't be escaping with us.

But they have my promise that
I will not die before telling

the world of the atrocities
happening in Auschwitz.

In three mornings
time, they'll meet you

with two Kapo armbands.

You will pretend to march
them to the coal bunker,

acting as their superiors.

Once you've broken
into the coal bunker,

the hatch will grant you
access to the storeroom

where we'll have
everything that we need.

Apart from the car, of course,

but that's for me
to worry about.

The rest will go like clockwork.

Once the alarm sounds
for your disappearance,

you cannot be seen by anyone.

After three days of sirens,
the search is called off.

And that's when
we make our move.

I need to know that
you're ready for this.

I am ready.

Gavriel and Adam have
orders to take the cart

back to its final
destination at Kanada

as soon as I'm done with it.

If you're seen entering
or leaving that cart,

you'll be killed on the spot,

along with other Jews and
punished for your disobedience.

As soon as they've
noticed the cart has left

the local vicinity, they
will come to check up.

But with the cart already
on its way back to Kanada,

they'll take my word.

Plus, one more guard
checking up on me

is one less guard for
you to worry about.

When the cart stops,

you'll have less than 50
yards to travel undetected.

Gavriel will escort
you to the straw stack,

when the coast is clear.

Adam will stay with the cart,

ensuring no guards
become suspicious.

If you are approached,

your last hope will be to explain
that your duties have been

changed because of increased
executions at the camp.

But once you reach your hiding
place, you should be safe.

You'll have one can of
gasoline between you.

That should cover up your scent.

The dogs will be on a hunt

and they won't stop
until they find you.

Adam will continue to replenish
the straw stacks every day

as part of his camp duties.

He'll be able to leave
you one piece of wet bread

per day for you to share.

This should be sufficient
to keep you hydrated

and fed enough for survival.

In three mornings time,

when you act as Kapo
to Gavriel and Adam,

you will be at your
highest danger.

But be bold.

Be brave.

Just don't get caught.

You understand...

This is the second
escape this week.

The prisoners will
start to become...


We're still superior.

Not in the eyes
of a populated army.

No matter how inferior
their race may be.

The siren went off not
more than one hour ago.

One hour too many.

Someone coming.

There's a note.

Outside entrance.

It's wet.

They said it would be.

You fell asleep.

Bad dream?

Apart from the nightmare,
you slept well.

I've slept better.

They're already
bringing the straw.

That's strange.

That means we
get fed sooner, no?

Yeah, we can hope.

Security has risen.

They're bringing more
guards from Auschwitz one.

And more dogs from
the other side too.

They're prioritizing
finding those escapees,

and they'll stop at
nothing until they do.

Are you sure these
aren't just rumors?

You should have
more faith in the SS.

It's not the SS
that concerns me.

What does it say?

"Things are bad out here.

Security has heightened.

And the search for you both
is beyond what I expected.

But fear not.

We will meet before dawn.

Hours earlier than
originally planned.

Continue to be alert."

You smell blood, don't you?

Over here!

What do we do now?

We wait.

What're you doing?

We are recapping.


Tomorrow morning at dawn,

Adam and Gavriel will meet
us here at the straw stacks.

We put on the Kapo bands
to disguise our identity

and to give us both
more authority.

Right but
we just have to walk

500 yards undetected.

And once Jonas has
arrived at the bunker,

we'll wait for him to
change and collect weapons.

We will then leave Gavriel and
Adam to clear any evidence,

while Jonas, you and
I get into the car.

There are two main barriers

that we need to pass
to exit Birkenau.

Now, it's not a long drive,
but we cannot predict

any of the obstacles that
may get into our way.

However, once we pass
this second barrier,

we drive.

Jonas is driving.

And you're in
the front with him.

Why me?

Because you are the only
one who speaks German.

So if we're stopped,
you do the talking.

How long are we driving for?

60 kilometers,
at least.

And once we've stopped?

We tell the world.

You were a spy before this?

No, a builder, and
a successful builder

never builds a house without
strong enough foundation.

And you?

A German translator,
working in education.

An intellectual.

I'm surprised they didn't
try and kill you sooner.

They did.

We must rest.

Wake up.

They're here.

How much further?

Jonas is ready?

Hey, keep it down.

- Why?
- It's too loud.

- Ammunition?
- Different store.

Come on.

Come on, come on!

A uniform and weapon.

It's all you need. Be quick.

Everybody keep still.

It's too early for
morning roll call.

- It could be unrelated.
- And if it isn't?

You both need to
leave immediately.

You're, you're coming with us?

We knew that
this might happen.

We're just hoping
everything is going to plan

on the other side of the camp.

What, what's this?

Your ticket out of here.

Now, go.

What has happened?

We need to move!

I am trying.

We knew this was
going to happen.

But the focus is not on us now.

We just need to make
it out of here alive.

The rest,

is out of our hands.

And if we're caught?

Let's not get
ahead of ourselves.

There's two main SS checkpoints
for us to pass through.

The first one should be fine,
the second, not so easy.

What's he doing?

Heil Hitler.


Where are you traveling?

We have been sent to search
for the escapees from Kanada.

What's taking so long?

Open the fucking gate!

Heil Hitler.

Another escape.

What do you suggest we do?

Alert the local villages.

The sirens will reach them.

I want all the local villages

warned about these fugitives,

within a 200 kilometer radius.

You think they'll
make it that far?

I don't think we
should take the risk.

We haven't eaten
in three days.

We cannot go on like
this for much longer.

I know.

We're lost.

Do you think the others
managed to make it out?


Do you dream, Levi?


Do you?

Every night.

Good or bad?

I used to ask
myself the same thing.

Until I realized that even
when you're lost in a forest,

no dream can be worse
than that nightmare.



Do you hear that?

Little girl?


- You dropped this.
- Thank you.

You're welcome.
