The Devil at 4 O'Clock (1961) - full transcript

Three convicts enroute to Tahiti are put to work at a children's leper hospital when their plane makes an unexpected stop on another island. There, Father Perreau is to get off and replace Father Doonan, who's been relieved of his duties by the cardinal. Once on the island, things get out of control when the volcano decides to erupt, and the Governor orders an evacuation. The convicts, priests and leper children are all on top of the island and have no sure way to get down and off to safety. All must work together if any are to survive. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Throw your map away.

- There she is... Talua.
- Where?

- Dead ahead.
- That's it?

- Yep.
- No wonder I missed it.

Half a walnut on a plate of ocean.

You're learning.

Make the announcement
to our passengers.

We're coming in.

Gentlemen, nous sommes arrivés.

We are here. We're going down now.

- Tahiti already?
- Talua.

Talua? Why?

We're stopping overnight.

- Hey, Harry!
- Hey!

He says we go down now.

Yeah? Why wasn't I consulted?

We can go down now.

Hey, that ain't Tahiti!

I was dreaming of a nice,
fat native woman.

She was bending over me.

Hey, did I hear him say
we stay overnight?

- Overnight? For what?
- Good jail here, Harry.

Steaks, champagne.

Hey, flyboy!
What are we stopping all night for?

All right, wise guy,
you speak English.

Why don't you answer me when I
ask you a question? Where are we?

- Talua.
- Talua.

That's at least 500 miles from Tahiti.

- Yeah.
- Why are we stopping overnight?

I think I'm the reason.
I get off at Talua.

So that takes ten minutes.
What are they staying all night for?

- I believe we're going to...
- You are a passenger.

You are not the cruise director.
I'll answer the questions.

Then answer the questions.
What are we doing here?

Why are we staying overnight?

- You crud!
- It's my fault.

I'm sorry if I inconvenienced you.

It's all right, white-collar.

But the next time,
you'd better tell me about it.

All right, flyboy,
you can put her down now.

The plane! The plane!
She's coming in!

After you, monsieur.

I appreciate the argument.

What, no reception committee?

No champagne, huh?

I apologize, Charlie.
These people cannot be French.

There would be champagne
for everybody.

Hey, white-collar! What happened?
No reception committee?

You can register at the hotel.
They have rooms upstairs.

- Shall I register for you?
- No, thanks.

I have accommodations.

You have accommodations
on every island.

Courage, my boy. It takes time!

Oh, look!

Don't lock the door tonight, chérie!

I'm coming back
with a big surprise.

Come on!

Well, I leave you here.

Oh, don't look now...

...but we have an important spectator.

The governor, at his balcony.

He's not going to like the visitors
we brought to his island paradise.

I'll have some explaining to do.

Be thankful now you are the co-pilot.

- Goodbye for now.
- So long, white-collar.

Good luck with your flock.

Flock. Island pigs.

God go with you.

- God? Who's he?
- Search me. I never heard of the man.

It's a way of swearing, you know.

Oh, Jacques.

Thank you for everything,
getting me here safely.

Wait a few weeks before
you thank me, Father.

Goodbye and good luck.

- Hello, Father.
- Hello. Is Father Doonan here?

Yes. Come in, please.

- He's in there.
- Thank you.

Father Doonan.
Father Joseph Perreau.

Well, welcome to paradise.

Have a seat.

Perreau? French, huh?

My father was French-Canadian.
My mother's American.

I was born in North Dakota.

The name will help. That's probably
a reasons they sent you.

- They're getting smarter up on the hill.
- Father Superior did say...

Yes, I can guess what he said.

- How was your trip?
- All right, for the most part.

We had a bit of excitement.
Three convicts aboard.

Yes, yes. I saw them and I heard them.

We'll put them to work.
They looked able-bodied.

- They're only staying overnight.
- Learn this now.

Grab whatever you can for labour.
Grab it or you beg for it.

Most of the labour will be
convict labour. Don't be sensitive.

- I see.
- No, you don't see.

But you will soon enough.

There's a job to be done
up at the hospital, and they'll do it.

- How tired are you?
- Oh, I'm rested enough.

I've been sitting on planes
for 72 hours.

Good. We'll start breaking you in
right away then.

We'll leave for the hospital
this morning. The sooner the better.

Before I clear out of here tomorrow,
I'll introduce you to the governor.

You can form
your own opinion about him.

And I'll also bring you together
with some of the...

...noble Christians of the town.
The brethren.

You'll want to wash up first.
I'll show you.

You remember when France was called
the eldest daughter of the church?

- Yes, I do.
- She's slipped a little, with my help.

The john's in there.

It's a little messy in here now, but we'll
be sleeping up at the hospital tonight.

Have you had your breakfast?
I said, have you had your breakfast?

- Breakfast?
- Oh, no, not yet.

We'll grab some coffee
and a bun over at the bistro.

Oh, I'd prefer to say Mass first,
if it's all right with you, if there's time.

No, there isn't time. But it's all right.

After all, that's what
you came for, isn't it?

Yes, it is, Father. One of the things.

Well, then, you do it.
You just go ahead and do it.

They'll be off the island
and out of your hands...

...tomorrow afternoon.

And so will Father Doonan.

- He's leaving with us.
- Father Doonan does not concern me.

His bishop is removing him.
I had nothing to do with it.

- Of course, sir. I understand.
- Father Doonan!

Father Doonan! It is his fault
I have to tolerate this riffraff...

...on my island, even 24 hours.

Anybody else could get
business conducted and be gone.

But not Father Doonan.
No. He needs a whole day.

But he has to show everything to
the new priest, introduce him around.

These men are not too difficult, sir.

I'm certain there will be no problem.

You are certain?

Have you read this?

A guard was stabbed
when they broke out of Tahiti jail.

These men are desperadoes
Tahiti found necessary... keep under
all possible restraint.

Potential murderers.

If they escaped from Tahiti jail,
they can escape from here a lot easier.

They might break into the home
of some family at night.

No problem.

Go back!

They may not know any better,
but you do!

You lay that gun butt on me
one more time...

...l'm gonna strangle you with these
things till your eyes come out!

All right, my little friend,
we have a place for you.

Cool and comfortable. Let's go.

Everybody letting off
a little steam, eh?

Yeah. Must be contagious.

Let's go.

- Grellou!
- Yes, sir.

My call to Tahiti,
the volcanic observatory.

- What happened to it?
- They are trying, sir.

It should come through any minute.
I will check again.

It's coughing again,
the old devil.

But it's coughed before.

Get out. I have more important things
to think of than you...

...this scum you bring me.
- Yes, sir.

Thank you, sir.

Your call, sir. Tahiti is ready.

Hello? Speaking.

I am not unduly excited!

I reported once before this morning
that the mountain belched!

I'm reporting again!

Two minutes ago. Yes.

This time, darker cloud, smoke.

You stopped? Why?

Have a look.

The old dog teaching
the new dog tricks.


Why must they always do that?

They must be going up to the hospital.

Which is why they'll get nothing.

What did I tell you?

Tomorrow afternoon,
3:00. We take off.

You'll be ready?

Our island-hopping Casanova.

The lady with him,
is she a parishioner?

Name of Clarisse,
part French, part island.

I can remember
when she went to Mass.

- Well, he's a good pilot.
- He's a better salesman, I think.

He's better than I ever was.

You weren't exactly
selling the same wares.


- Can I ask a question?
- Why not?

Why, when they insult you that way,
do you go on begging?

I guess it's a kind of a game
we play between us... see which of us can be meaner
in the eyes of heaven.

This is my last day, but I'm not
going to let them off the hook.

Watch this performance.


Gaston, your new shepherd,
Father Perreau.

- Perreau?
- French and American.

Well, it's better than nothing.

It's... He means it's better
than being Irish.

New York Irish,
especially, eh, Gaston?

- Bonjour, mon père. Welcome to Talua.
- Thank you.

Oh, and in the doorway,
click, click, Madame Lafarge.

We dine with you.

Coffee and a couple of croissants.

And, I know that as God-fearing
Christian people... will want to contribute
a little something...

...anything at all,
to those less fortunate.

Why do you do this?

You'll see, the hospital gets
official provisions twice a month.

- Is not enough?
- No, it is not enough, and you know it.

Oh, I gave a whole package
of that sugar last time.

That was six months ago.
Now it is that time again.

And your wife I am sure will want
to contribute a little something...

...out of that very spacious wardrobe
that she prizes so much.

Nothing out of Dior,
you understand, madame.

A rag. Anything.

Oh, what's the good of dressing up
those little, uh, corpses?

That's what they'd be all right,
I guess, if you had your way.

All right, I'll look.

I have one more call to make.
Be right with you.

Good morning, Louis.

I must go to the hospital.
The usual magazines.

I wouldn't think of asking
for anything more.

No, no, no, no.

No, no. Oh, this is new.

Last month's only.

Okay, Louis.
Anything you can spare.

Though she's pregnant,
she's still popular.

A pity...

Is that it, Louis?

Thank you very much.

It's all right, Fouquette.

You can open your eyes
now and talk. I'm leaving.

Some priest...
Cognac and sex magazines.

The magazines?
They're for the hospital.

You think he read them?

If I know this one,
first he reads them.

- Tomorrow he goes. Good riddance.
- You bet.

Let's go.

Father Perreau, Aristide.

We are late getting started.

It's going to be hot.

How is she running?

Who knows?
I work on her all morning.

I hate the combustion engine.

She is just like the woman.

So I treat her like the woman.

Big stick, little affection.

Let her bump her way to hell.

All right. But first, to the compound.

All right, boys, in the truck.

You've got three more.
The new ones, where are they?

Come... Oh, now,
come on. Come on.

I've got things to fix at the hospital.
I need men who can swing a hammer.

Come on! We're late and it's hot!

Talk to the governor.

Have you got them in that pit
in this weather with no air?

- Why, they'll die in there.
- We have buried better.

- Get them out! Now!
- You don't order me, Father.

You or God.


- These men are killers.
- And this is murder!

Get that gate closed!

Close that trap.

Corporal! Let the prisoners up.

Come on, come on,
come on. Come on, up!

Come on! You're all right.
You'll make it.

Here. I got him.
All right, I'll get him.

I got him.

Open the gate.

- Cognac! Quick!
- There's some in my bag.

Lousy, stinking cruds.

Take it easy, take it easy.
You'll be all right.

I'm taking these men with me.

Still giving orders, huh?

You can't run your church,
but you continue to tell me... to run this island.

I'm entitled to free convict labour,
all you've got.

Father Doonan.

- These men are not my prisoners.
- They're on this island.

- In transit to Tahiti.
- In the meantime...

...stick them in the pit, huh?

Let them suffocate.
You gave that order, right?

They're potential murderers.
Loose, they are dangerous.

There isn't room enough
for one man in that pit.

You stuck three of them
in there to fry alive!

Control yourself.
Keep your voice down.

You haven't begun
to hear me yet.

Tomorrow, I'll be in Tahiti,
the governor-general's office.

They'll not only hear me there,
they'll hear me all the way to Paris!

- Have you ever been in that hole?
- You're being insolent.

- You're being inhuman and you know it!
- You belong down that hole.

You're crazy. You've been crazy
ever since you came to this island.

No wonder you're being replaced.
I haven't been replaced yet.

Those pigs!
You know, they could have killed us?

Shut up.

It'll take more than a little steam
to kill you, Butcher.

Look, done your figure good.

At least, we have
a cognac breakfast.

All right now, on your feet, boys.

- Turn the truck around, Aristide.
- Hey, Holy Joe.

We don't owe you nothing,
so don't start pushing.

Where are you from, tough guy?
I hear echoes.

I've been around.

- What's it to you?
- You spit your T's.

That'd be Jersey, I'd guess.
Maybe Jersey City, huh?

I come from just across
the river, Hell's Kitchen.

We used to eat punks like you.

Maybe. That's when you had your teeth.

Father Doonan!


I've decided to let you
take the prisoners.

But you will vouch for their conduct.
You will be responsible for them.

- I think I can handle it.
- lf they should escape...

If one of them escapes,
you'll answer to me.

Understood, my friend?

All right, on the truck.

You too.

Hop aboard.

Come on, come on.

That's it.

Good heaven's, man, watch it!

Look out!

You fool! That could
have been us, that rock.

All the way down to hell, eh?

- Slow down!
- Why? We are in a hurry.

- I said, slow down!
- Please, let him watch the road.

Maybe somebody
afraid to die, eh?

Hey, how about that?

Do priests go to hell?

Maybe priests
who push people around...

...priests with the bad temper, eh?

- Shut up and drive.
- Okay by me.

I drive. You pray.

Matron, the truck is here,
and Father Doonan!

All right, men, on your feet. Move!
There's work to be done.

- Move?
- That's what the man said.

I don't move. Get the doctor.
I'm a hospital case.

Lousy driver. I got
blisters on my bones.

You'll live, both of you.
Come on now, move, move.

Get this stuff unloaded.

Pile them against
that building over there.

Hello, Marguerite.
How are you?

Sonia, how are you?
I got a present for you.

- Where's Camille?
- Off duty. She sleeps.

What's for me?
Nothing for you. Noth...

You come up here empty-handed?
Back in the truck.

Oh, excuse me.

Hey, Butcher, we're supposed
to move the junk, not her.

Eh? Oh.

Hey, what do we need this stuff for?

- We rebuilding the place?
- Only the chapel. Come on.

- We're repairing what?
- The chapel. The chapel.

- Come on, move.
- Did he say chapel?

I think I heard him, Harry.
Me, I don't like chapels.

Okay, buster,
just keep moving.

The name's Charlie, and like I said,
Mr. Priest, I don't dig chapels.

I didn't ask you to dig it.
You're gonna repair it.

- We're gonna repair it?
- You heard me.

You hear what the man said.
We're gonna repair it.

Hallelujah! It's the work of the Lord!

I don't want to shake you up, Pops,
but you got the wrong union.

Father Doonan! Welcome!

Dr. Wexler! How are you?

Now you take over here. After you get
all this piled against that building...

...all of it, then give them
a 10-minute rest.

I'll be back by then
to tell you where to start.

- Do you know how to use this?
- Yes, sir.

I wouldn't advise any of you
to get restless and make a break for it.

It's a 2,000-foot straight drop
to the ocean all around here.

That is, all except the road
and we'll be watching that.

Of course,
you can always try.

Father Perreau!

I'm sorry.

- This is Marguerite, our matron.
- How do you do?

- Doctor Wexler.
- How do you do?

- And nurse Sonia.
- Hello.

We'll put some meat
on your bones, mon père.

Where I come from we don't like
les maigrelets, the skinnies!

Give me that bag, if you would.
Thank you.

And for Sonia, from Madame Poiret,
I think.


An invention of the missionary,
huh? No chic!

Now, for Camille.

Tell her what it is, stupid.
Eh, men!

Well, it's a scarf, Camille,
or a kind of a shawl.

It has fringe
all around the edges...

...and I guess, you could wear it
over your head at noon... keep the sun off, or, I suppose
in the evening when it's cool... could throw it
around your shoulders.

- Why don't you put it on?
- Put it on, he says! Show her!

You show her.
It's beautiful!

Oh, it looks
beautiful on you.

A lady in the village
wanted you to have it.

Oh, how nice.

It's lovely on you, chérie.

Now, where is mine?
Where is my present?

- I didn't bring you anything.
- No magazine?

- No.
- You come up without my magazine?

I've brought you enough magazines.
You shouldn't read that stuff.

I will decide what I read!
I like my magazine.

- I need them.
- Yeah, they're no good. They're filth!

So? A little filth...

...a little imagination
goes a long way, huh?

It keeps me here doing your work.
I could be à Paris.

Yeah. Voilà! Brigitte!

And cigarettes? American?

None of that French duckweed, huh?

Thank you.

There. Now, now, now, now.

You like it, chérie?

I like it.

This ain't a bad dump.
Too good for a hospital.

Hey, look at that view
down there.

Ain't that pretty.

Hey Harry, what kind
of a hospital is it?

Hey, it's a kid's hospital.

Hey! What's got into them?

- Who?
- Them.


Oh, boy! What I could do with a nice
cold pitcher of beer.

Make it a barrel.

Beer! Beer is for peasants.

But, chilled wine
and a warm woman.

Get away!
Get away from me!

Go on, kid. Beat it!

Go on back
where you belong. Go on!

You heard what the man said.
Beat it! Scram!

Nappy! Napoleon!

You fools! There is no danger.

You'll not catch anything.

Men! Big, brave muscle-men!


What's all this?

What are you crying about?

Now, no one with the name
of Napoleon should ever cry.

That's better.

You can relax.

It's not contagious,
except in the early stages.

You don't think
I'd bring you up here, do you?

Now that happens
to be the truth.

There are medicines
now that... Look at me.

I've been handling
them for years.

You got a voodoo, Mr. Priest.
We got no voodoo.

- It's not contagious.
- He says.

We were sentenced
to jail, not leprosy.

Hey. Hey. Hey.



- Yes, Camille.
- Coming, Camille.

Doctor's ready
for your new dressings.

Oh, okay. Come on. Okay.

She's pretty,
but there's nothing to grab...

...not enough meat on the bone.

Still the butcher.

There's a difference.

As they say in Jersey,
vive la différence!

I tell you that's a chick, man.
My kind of chick.

What's she doing way up here, Harry?
Lost, up here in this dump?

- Search me.
- I admit, it's a waste.

You know,
maybe it ain't such a waste.

A day's wages for the workers
in the vineyard.

I'll bet you were
a sweet little altar boy.

Weren't we all?

Be careful, mon vieux. Non?

Number one.

In the bushes.

- Who is it?
- It's all right. Nothing to worry about.

- It's a great night, isn't it?
- Yes.

It smells very sweet.

I never heard
so many squawking birds.

They're singing.
They sing loudest for the moon.

People on the island
say the moon is their lost lover.

The birds are begging
for it to return.

They'll be singing a long time.

You're one of the workmen
fixing our chapel.

Is that what they told you?

Father Doonan also said
you're prisoners.

You're going to jail in Tahiti.

That's right.
I knew he wouldn't let that pass.

Yeah, I've been a bum most of my life,
in and out of jails.

- What's your name?
- Camille.

- I don't think you're...
- What?

What you say, a bum.

The better part of me is, I guess.

Camille? That's French, huh?

Half French.
The other half belonging here.

Well, I'd say that
you got two nice halves.

I like the way they're put together.

Relax, relax. I just want to tell
you about the moon.

Oh, I'd like that.

And I like your hand there.


- What name do you have?
- Harry.


You know, you're too pretty
to be cooped-up in a joint like this...

...halfway to the top of the world.

How come?
How come you're here?

I've been here a long time,
many years.

Father Doonan first brought me
to the mountain when I was a little girl.

I was 8.

You've been here
since you were 8?

I wouldn't want
to be anywhere else.

I like being with the children.
And I'm useful.

Yeah, but, don't you
ever get down to the town?

I mean if you call it a town,
for kicks, you know?

Kicks? What is kicks?

Well, breaking out, baby.
You know, having a few drinks.

Maybe dance a little bit.
Bust up one of the joints for laughs.

Is that what it's like,
being in town?

- You mean you've never been?
- No. No, never.

You were going to tell me
about the moon, Harry.

Yeah, about the moon.
Well, that was...

...just conversation,
that was for openers.

Oh, please tell me.

I would like you to tell me,
everything that's out there.

But that'd be wasting a lot
of precious minutes...

...and I haven't got
those kind of minutes to waste.

Besides, you've seen it all,
eight million times.

No. I've never seen the moon.

Oh, that's silly.

I'm blind.

Didn't you know?

Didn't you?

No, I didn't know.

I'm sorry.

I'm going to kiss you, Camille.

Why, you!

- Harry?
- Are you all right?

It's Father Doonan.

- Yes, yes.
- You interfering crud.

What kind of an animal are you?

Don't you realize
she's blind? Blind!

I know she's blind, but I'm not!
I saw it and I liked it!

Harry! Harry!


Father Doonan! Harry!

Get back there.

Nice going, Mr. Priest.
You're brave. Real brave.

Harry's been in that
sweat box all morning!

He ain't been eating good,
worked the whole day for you.

And you try to choke him.
Nice going, man! Nice going!

Get back, I said!

Get her inside.

Yes, I drink too!
And none of your sermons.

- I didn't say anything.
- It's on your face.

Now, this is your job now!

Get those thugs up
at 5:00 in the morning.

- We'll be going down before dawn.
- Yes, sir.

We'll all be out
of your hair tomorrow.

We'll be on that plane at 3:00.

Let him go. He can take care
of himself.

Can he? He's half-mad.
He'll soon be drunk.

You didn't see what I just saw.

He almost killed a man
with his hands.

- One of the convicts?
- Harry.

Maybe Harry had it coming to him.
From a priest of God?

Your morality, not mine.

What did you expect to meet?
A saint? Damien of the lepers?

I'd like to help him, doctor.
I happen to know his problems.

There were reports
at the monastery...

...from everyone, the governor down.
- You don't know his problems.

- You do, I suppose?
- I know this much.

You're not going to help him with...

With your penny catechism lectures.

I'm sorry.
I'm obviously taking up your time.

Hold a minute, please.

I'm sometimes too old, too cynical.

Scratch a doctor
and you'll find an atheist.

We'll be working together.
We should be friends.

Tell me, will you? Somebody tell me,
why is he this way?

I don't mean just the alcoholism.
Why has he lost his faith?

Has he lost it, completely?

He's an angry man, yes...

...and bitter and frustrated, but...

I don't really know about
this thing you call faith.

I'm not religionist.

Religion, in my opinion,
is for busybodies.

That's good, coming from you.

You're here when you could be
in a plush office somewhere.

You're here with a handful
of leprous kids.

But religion's for busybodies?

What are you?

Touché. But its not called
leprosy anymore.

The official name now
is Hansen's disease. Remember that.

Yes, I should have. I'm sorry.

You know, you and I might have
some good talks together...

...just like Father Doonan
and I used to have.

Too often we stayed up
half the night arguing.

Arguing the only
worthwhile questions...

God, the soul, life, science.

Sit down, my friend.

I'll pour you some coffee.

Father Doonan came to this island
some 16, 17 years ago.

I wasn't here then. I was on the staff... Molokai in the Hawaiian Islands.

From what I'm told, his first years
on Talua were good years.

The church in the village was full every
Sunday, and he was a good priest.

He made converts among the natives,
many converts.

He built two chapels out in the country
for our island people.

For two, three years
all goes well...

...till the day Father Doonan
stumbles on our horrible secret...

...there's Hansen's disease
on these islands.

- Secret?
- Yes, secret. This...

This scare word leprosy
terrifies people.

Do they know
what they should know?

Do you know? Of all
the communicable diseases...

...leprosy is now
the least communicable... The least.

Since 1924, we have drugs.

The sulfone family:

Promine, diasone, promizole.

Hansen's disease is kaput.
Did you know that?

Well, I didn't until I did some reading
just before taking this assignment.

I was as guilty as anybody.
I always thought of leprosy... the horror of biblical times.

Yeah, unclean. Nonsense!

And Father Doonan knew
it was nonsense.

So, 15 years ago
he built this hospital.

Not only for our children,
the children of all the islands.

All you see here he built
with his own two hands...

...and what convict labour
he could scrounge.

He brought me here.
He needed a doctor.

He gave me no rest.

I came.

You met our matron, Marguerite?

In Paris, in the Montmartre...

...she was a prostitute,
a common streetwalker.

Some of your people, nuns,
got ahold of her and sent her here.

Father Doonan welcomed her.
For years she is here now...

...doing penance.

Noisy but a treasure.

Then with Sonia and Camille...

...Father Doonan got himself
a staff, such as it is.

Then what went wrong?

The Sermon on the Mount?

Let's be fair.

Human nature.

Our noble citizens of Talua
didn't want a leper hospital...

...not on their beautiful island.

It would kill the tourist business.

The natives too?
These are their own children.

Everybody turned against him.

They said get rid of your hospital.

When he wouldn't, when he didn't...

...they boycotted him and his church.

You're a priest,
have you any idea... it feels to be saying
Mass for yourself alone... congregation?

There was nothing of this in any
of his reports to the monastery.

Why complain?
He probably blamed himself.

But I can tell you
up to a few years ago...

...he was still trusting,
praying they'd forgive him.

One day they would all come back
to the church and the sacraments.

They never came.

And now here you are, bright and new
taking over for him...

...taking his hospital, and asking
about faith, Father Doonan's faith.

Do you know that I never once
heard him blame God?

In the humble opinion
of a scientist...

...if there's anything
to that stuff you sell...

...he might have gotten a little...

...just a little help from up there!

Did it come?


I've had to watch a good man...

No saint, but a good man...

Crumble, crack open at the seams.

It's only the last two or three years
he started this drinking.

It's gotten worse.


I don't know now
what he believes if anything.

And who cares?

But this I do know:

Drunk, crazy, awful temper...

He's, for me, a great man.

My friend...

...and a great, great man.

Good morning.

It's not such a good morning, Father.
The three convicts have escaped.

- Where's the constable?
- He's looking for them.

He must've been sleeping.
We've all be searching.

Well, let them go. They're halfway
down the mountain by now.

They can't get off the island.
Forget them.

All right, Aristide. Let's go.

Well, Dr. Wexler,
keep the faith with bandages.

- Take care of yourself, mon ami.
- Yeah.


Now, be a good girl,
Marguerite, huh?

Be a good girl.


Where's Camille?


- Harry?
- Camille.

Camille, Harry had to leave
a little early and...

But I'll see him on the plane
and I'll say goodbye for you.

And you are going too?

That's right.

I will miss you, mon père.

Yes. Sure.

We're all gonna miss one another.

But you're gonna be a good girl,
aren't you?

Let's go.

Something's burning.
You smell it?

- The engine. Maybe it's overheated.
- This engine? My engine? Never!

- Better stop, Aristide. We'll check it.
- But I tell you...

I said stop, didn't I?

Not my engine.

But something stinks.

Sulphur. It's the mountain again.

It's awfully quiet, isn't it?

What happened to the birds?


I just felt the devil
pass under my feet.

We've got company.

Get on.

You missed our show.

- Sit down, my darling.
- Thank you.

Come on, Louis.
I need a shave before breakfast.

A shave, monsieur.

Yes, madame, finis. Through.

Even the wind has changed.

Look. You can see
the radio tower again.

Back to your warm bed,
ma chérie.

It was hiccups.
The old man hiccupped in the night.

Margot! Look at yourself!

Inside, please! Quick!

Come on, Louis.


Such brave citizens.

Once in 10 years, the old beast
up in the attic puffs a cigarette...

...and the whole island
moves into convulsions.

Born here,
and they act like tourists.

No. They're all women.
The whole island is full of women.

They drink too much wine.

They get too much sun.

They get too much sun.
They are all crazy with the heat.

Like the priest.

We know he's crazy.

Father Doonan?
What did he do?

Wanted me to drive him
up the mountain.

He has the hole in the head.
We just came down.

He's worrying
about his lepers now.

What about me, my truck?

Is there a road? It is gone.
With our own eyes we see.

The whole mountain
fell into the ocean.

Take him up, Aristide.
Road or no road.

Heaven will reward you.

Heaven? I've yet to see the check
from heaven the bank cashes.

No, on this island everybody
is either mad or they are sheep!

No, on this island everybody
is either mad or they are sheep!

Hello? Hello? Hospital!

Hello? Hospital!

- Hello?
- The line is probably down.

It can't be down.
I've got to get through!

- Hello! Hospital!
- Help! Help!


I said, no!

You are not flying out of here!
I've declared a state of emergency.

You're both under military orders!

Another cable from
the observatory at Papeete.

- They must have more information.
- Send the latest readings.

Tell them the findings of aerial
reconnaissance will follow.

Has the radio room
reached the freighter?

- Not yet, sir.
- I want that ship headed back here.

Yes, sir.

I may have to clear
the entire population off this island.

I can't with a schooner
and one foolish aeroplane.

You will fly over the crater,

The observatory at Papeete must
know if there is one vent or many...

...from which the lava is flowing.
- Fly over it?

As low in and as close
as you can get.

I'm a pilot, not a hero.
I fought my war.

My wife has no use in bed
for a cinder.

If you fail, I'll see that
you get posthumous awards.


The telephone line
to the hospital is down.

- What did you expect?
- Repair it. I've got to talk to them...

...find out what's happening.
- I've already had a crew out.

The damage is halfway up
the mountain.

- It can't be repaired.
- It's gotta be repaired!

I must talk to them some way
or get up there.

Then walk. I suggest that
you and your new curate...

Father Perreau has had an accident.
His leg is broken. I put it in a splint.

I am sorry to hear it. I have problems
more important than broken legs.

I do not require aerial photographs.
Your personal observations will do.

- You will fly...
- You flying over the mountain?

Take me with you.

Father Doonan, I have been tolerant
of these interruptions!

The hospital is finished! If they've
not already been blown into the sky...

...they were in the path
of the lava flow.

- No human could have survived.
- No! You don't know that for sure yet!

I'm going with you. You have to pass
the hospital to get to the crater.

Then I can see with my eyes
what I have to see.


You want miracles, mon père,
you should be in church.

Take him with you.

But your primary mission is
to bring back information on the crater.

And remember,
you are under military orders.

Yes. Thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you.

Where are you going?

Why, you're heading to sea!

You're clearing out!

For a priest, you certainly haven't
got much faith in your fellow man.

I'm heading out over the ocean
to gain altitude.

Okay. Here we go.
Keep your eyes open.

There's the lava flow.
Three streams.

We are getting out of here.

You mean you're going
toward the hospital.

You saw what it was like
on the other side.

There's no hope for them, Father.

You gave me your word!

All right. There'll be too much smoke
to see anything.

We'll probably choke to death,
but all right.

That peak is right next
to the lava flow.

The buildings could never
have stood the shock...

...let alone human beings.

I saw it! I saw it! It's there!

I saw the top of the main building.
It's there.

You wanted to see it, Father.

Did you see anything?

Believe me!
I tell you it's there! I saw it!

They're still alive!
Now, look, you've got a parachute.

Drop me. I've got to get to them.

You've got to go back.
Those children, they're still alive!

You cowards!

You're taking me back!
You're going to drop me, I tell you.

You maniac!

There are three streams of lava.

Here, here and here:

As for the volcano,
we got in as close as we could.

We are lucky to be back alive.

The red-hot rocks
hit the fuselage like ack-ack.

All right.
Go on, go on, go on.

At first, it looked like
one fountain gushing.

Closer, we could see more vents.

Several more opening up
under the pressure.

There's not a sign
it's slackening off.

I'm no expert, but ask me,
the whole island could go up.

I haven't asked you.

- You see the hospital?
- I saw nothing.

Neither did Paul.

- But Father Doonan...
- Thinks he saw it, eh?

- Yes, sir.
- Maybe he did see something.

There was a lot of smoke.

He saw nothing.
The man is an idiot.

We almost had it with him.

He went mad when we refused
to parachute him into the mountain.

- Where is he now?
- In church, where he belongs.

Not in an aeroplane.

We're leaving.

We have to manage
with what we have.

The schooner, your plane.

- Haven't you reached the freighter?
- No.


It is no longer safe to stay.
Even they know.

I've got to get up there.

- You will.
- How? Crawl?

Or a miracle maybe?

We have to believe in miracles, Father,
before we dare ask for one.

That reminds me,
did you make our reservations?

The bridal suite, what else?

Hot- and cold-running brides.

Okay, general, sir.

Silence! Silence!

I commend your behaviour,
your lack of panic.

We will continue
with this same calm and order.

There is no immediate danger.

Our only problem is the lava flow
coming down the ravines.

But lava moves
at a predictable speed.

We, therefore, have time
in which to evacuate the island.

I must also tell you now, because our
radio-telephone tower has fallen...

...we have not been able to contact the
freighter which left yesterday morning.

But we have
Captain Olsen's schooner.

And we have a seaplane.

It is sufficient.

I would also remind you,
you are all under martial law!

- Martial law?
- For your information...

Man, give them a uniform,
they all turn into cops.

- Now and again authority is necessary.
- Yeah? Like when?

Women and children
will enplane first.

Grellou, my clerk here, will tell you
how much baggage you can take.

Do not argue with him.

Space is valuable.
Space is life!

The freighter!

- The freighter?
- The freighter!

The marines. Just in time.

The freighter is coming.
You won't need the plane.

Will you fly me to the hospital?
Will you parachute me down?

- Will you give up this insane idea?
- You must permit this! You must!

There are children there, alive,
waiting for someone.

- You said you saw nothing.
- That's right, nothing.

- That's not true. I tell you, I saw it.
- I'm sorry, Father.

Is there a possibility
that you are wrong?

- I admit visibility was bad. Very bad.
- There, you see? He's not sure.

Neither is he.
How can you possibly object to it?

All I'm asking you to do
is to parachute me down.

I must object.
I'm responsible for your life.

Yours as well as all these.

I'm a priest.
I absolve you of all responsibility.

If they are alive, these children, some
of them bedridden, what could you do?

How could you get them down?
It's impossible.

I could get help.
I'll get men to help me.

- You said yourself there was time.
- What men could you get?

- Those busy getting their families out?
- Yes. I'll get some of them.

This I believe. Look, look, if I get the
volunteers, will you give me the plane?

- Will you fly us?
- Father Doonan, listen to me.

We don't have time.

I don't know how many hours we have
before the island blows up.

I have said what I have to say
to keep everybody calm.

I don't believe those children are alive,
but you do.

I'm not a murderer. Therefore, you have
my permission to go up to the hospital.

And you can have the plane, if...
A big "if."

- if you can get volunteers
to go with you.

Now, listen.
Listen to me, everybody.

The hospital.
Those at the hospital need help.

There's room for everybody
on the freighter.

The governor
has given me permission... ask for volunteers
to the mountain with me.

Now, come on.

There are helpless children up there.

You with children will understand
they've got to be helped.

Man, that's bad.
I forgot about those kids.

He wastes his time
pleading with these peasants.

Could you turn your back on them?
You know you couldn't.

Please, I beg of you.

If you turn away, all your lives
you'll torture yourselves...

...with the awful memory
of what you've done.

How are you going to feel if you sail
away leaving helpless children behind?

Somebody, help me!
Anybody! Please!

I have a wife and two daughters, so
you have no business demanding this.

- Parachute.
- They are lepers.

Dead by now and better off dead.

A priest should think of the living.

How about us going?

Are you mad?


- Parachute?
- It's easy.

I could show you how.
I jumped in Korea.

You want to help that priest?
He's crazy!

- I'm not thinking about the priest.
- All right. A bunch of sick kids.

I'm not thinking about the priest
or the sick kids, Marcel.

I'm thinking about him.

No, pushing, please.
There is time.

Now, maybe, just maybe, we could get
time off of the jail sentence if we went.

No, no, no.
I'm not jumping off aeroplanes.

I would rather the Tahiti jail.
Rats, cockroaches, everything.

Look, Marcel, you really
wanna retire to a stone room...

...cooped up for eight years
with no women?

Please, don't talk like that.
We're not in prison yet.

We will be.

Listen to Harry, man, because crying
ain't gonna melt the bars away.

How about it, Marcel?

What do you say, Butcher?

No, you go. You two.
I could never jump. Never.

We all go together or none of us go.

Forget it. It was an idea.

- Come on. Nobody will miss us.
- Where we going?

- We're going.
- Where?

Where? There's loot
all over the place, Marcel.

What good to us?
We're going to jail.

You'd be surprised how cool jail can be
when you got loot for the jailer.

Attaboy, Charlie. Come on.


Goodbye, Talua!
Next stop, Tahiti!

Why you look at the church?

- The shops are there.
- Yeah, but in that church is a poor box.

Yeah. We can jimmy it open.

The Lord helps those
who help themselves.



We just dropped in
for a quick prayer.

No. No. You're going
up the mountain with me.

- You came to volunteer, didn't you?
- You're crazy.

Get your noble citizens to go.

No, they have problems.
They have responsibilities.

We got them too. We got an
appointment in Tahiti, eight long years.

I can help you.
I can talk to the governor.

I can talk to the governor-general
of all the islands.

I know him, you know?
He's in Tahiti...

...and I could get him
to commute your sentence.

But it's madness.
You're all mad. They are fried up there!

No. We don't know that
for sure yet!

- You know this big man in Tahiti?
- Oh, yes, yes, yes.

- You know him well?
- Oh, I know him well.

And he's a good man.
He'll listen to me.

We gotta have us a conference.
Excuse us.

Oh, God, forgive me...

...for ever having doubted you.

Oh, please, let them come.

I have my volunteers.

- You're taking them? Them?
- Yes, sir.

- It's impossible. I cannot allow it.
- Why not?

I'd have to hold the freighter
in the harbour too long.

If you made it to the mountain,
and you can't...

I know I can, okay? Hold the freighter.
You gave me your word.

Wait a moment. I've seen some
stubborn jackasses in my day...

...but nothing like you.

I know one when I see one because
they've been calling me one for years.

If you and these characters are brave
enough to go after those children...

...l'm willing to wait for you
with my schooner.

I'll wait till 4:00 tomorrow afternoon.
No longer.

- Four o'clock. We'll be here.
- I cannot wait a minute longer.

We must sail.
At 4:00 the tide goes out.

Now remember it's nothing.
Just don't freeze.

When you jump out, count 10 and
pull that ring. You'll soar like a bird.

Harry, what if it doesn't open?

When you hit the ground,
tell me about it and I'll fix it for you.

You. Soon as you touch the ground,
start rolling toward your side.

Let your knees go limp, see?

Roll immediately. And relax.
Remember to relax.

- Relax, he says.
- And pray.

No, you stay relaxed,
let him pray.

I'm coming along
the face of the mountain.

Find me your hospital
if it's still there.

It's there all right.
I'll watch for it, then I'll yell.

Now, remember you got lines
on these things.

You can pull them
the way you wanna drift...

...spills the air out of the shrouds.

We have shrouds already.

There it is!
Now. Right below us.

I see it! Get ready!

I'll make another run in.

I knew it was there.

Be sure you come in
nice and high.

Give us plenty of sky
to open up in.

One. Two. Three. Four.

You jump when I call your number.

And don't stall.

Go, one!




- Are you all right?
- A little shaken up.

It's the first time I've done this
in a long time.

- Have you seen the others?
- No.

Well, let's find them.

Charlie! Marcel!

Hey! Over here!

- Keep yelling!
- This way, Harry!

Hey! Coming over!

- You did not bring my magazine.
- No.

No, not this time, Marguerite.
It slipped my mind.

- Attaboy, Charlie. You all right?
- Man, I liked it.

- What a ride.
- Is the Butcher with you?

He fainted Harry,
soon as I pushed him out.


Hey, Butcher!

All right. Down he goes.
Okay, drop.

All right. All right.

Come on. Okay, okay.
Cut it out!

Come on.
You didn't die, you're all right.

The devil's not ready for you yet.

I thought I was going
right into the volcano.

Grease on the griddle.

The old boy's waiting to cook
something special out of you.

Come on,
let's get to those kids.

Go on. Get going.

Marcel, hold the children
in the baskets.

You hold them.
I'll hold the donkey.

All right, let's go.

I don't catch anything
from them?


- How dare you.
- I was helping. You would have fallen.

No more of your help.
I can manage.

I'm a Frenchman, chérie.
No Frenchman can resist your charms.

There's lava here too!

- Up and over?
- It's our only chance.

- And fast.
- Charlie, grab a line.

Get up there, right away.
Come on, kids. Move!

Come on. Move it!

All right up here!
Start them climbing.

Here. Just hold onto me.

Come on, fast. That's it.

Hang on.

Come on, get up.

I'll get the kid.

Go ahead, Antoine.

No! Don't touch me!

All right.

Too late. I got it now.

All right, kids. Come on.

Mon père, it will be dark soon
and the children are tired.

- Can't we rest for the night?
- All right, Marguerite.

Am I getting heavy?

I'll tell you when,
then you can carry me.

We're a combination, eh?

We're going to win
the Gold Cup at Longchamps.

- Will that make us rich?
- Rich?

And famous! Just keep me on the rail
till you see the stretch...

...then we sprint and we win.

Hey, hey,
what about the branch there?

- I'm sorry.
- Yeah. Pay attention.

You want to be
a good jockey, no?

A fleur for Fleur.

Thank you, Harry.

Okay, everybody, let's break.

Take a little rest now.

I think something's wrong.


Hey, doc!

She's dead.

Well, what did I do?

She just wasn't strong enough.

Take the children on up ahead.
Wait for us.

Come on, children. Come on.

Yeah, but what did I do?

You didn't do anything.

You did all you could, Harry.

I just talked to her
a little while ago back there.

It wasn't just the disease.
She was always frail.

Her little heart
just wouldn't hold up any longer.

It was all too much for her.

Come on, Harry.
The kid's dead.

And you are alive.

I'm alive. So what?

May her soul...

...and all the souls
of the faithful departed rest in peace.

In the name of the Father
and of the Son...

...and of the Holy Ghost.


Hold it!

The wind's bringing it toward us.

We've got to find some shelter.

There should be some caves
up there to the right.

You want us to sit in caves
and wait?

But we cannot wait,
the schooner will be gone.

We've got three hours yet.
We'll make it.

I'm for going back a way,
and then up and over the gorge.

- We're going forward.
- Who says? You?

That's right.

I don't know what to do.
I sure don't wanna miss that schooner.

Listen, I'm a Frenchman, we made
democracy. I say put it to a vote.

I'll buy that. There are five of us.

All right.
Who says we go forward?

Three to two.
We find the caves.

While we sit in caves,
who puts out the fire?

Well, with luck we'll have rain.

Rain? How, you going to make it?

Sure. Him and Charlie gonna
make miracles on their knees.

All right, everybody,
let's get to the caves.

Where is Camille?

She is with him?

With Harry in that other cave,
isn't she?

Let them alone, will you?
Why don't you make us some rain?

It will rain.
Father Doonan says so.

Father Doonan, Father Doonan.
He's crazy, that one, in the head.

- Charlie. Charlie, I just thought...
- What?

The bridge! It's burning too,
it won't be there.

Easy, man. Easy.

- The bridge will be there.
- No.

We're trapped!
We're all going to die.

Then die quiet, please.

Doctor. Monsieur Doctor.

I want to ask,
if we ever get out of this...

...will I end up
in a hospital for leprosy?

- Will I go to hospital?
- No. Stop worrying.

- You could be lying.
- I'm not.

It's one thing to get
our sentences reduced.

What good is it if we are
sent to a leper colony instead?

You fool.

None of these children
are contagious.

We have sent hundreds of them
back to their families...

...from our own
little hospital, cured.

- That right, lady?
- Ask the doctor. Ask Father Doonan.

All of these children,
one day will go home.

If they get out of this alive.

Do you think we'll get out of this alive,
any of us?


That's honest.

Now I believe what you say
about leprosy.

Where's your miracle?

- Where's the rain?
- I prayed.

Then pray some more,
you priest.

You're no good.
You're an incompetent.

I'm making a complaint
against you... God.

Yeah, man.
You could lose your license.

You have seen Camille?

She's all right now.
She's with Harry.

Alone with him?

They're married now.


To him?

- You did that?
- I did.

My little Camille,
married to that pig!

No, no, no, now.

He could be safe now
on a boat on his way to Tahiti...

...but he chose to be here with us...

...sitting on the edge of an oven.
That makes him a man.

And it makes him our friend.

More important
than Harry or Camille... that schooner.

Is it gonna wait for us?


Did you mean it?
What you said?

Of course I meant it.

I said it, didn't I?
In front of him even.

I never said that
before in my life.

I thee wed.

Say it again, Harry.

I thee wed.

You know, I was just thinking.
If we get out of this...

And I said "if."

I know a guy...

...he's a manager
of a plantation in Fiji.

I bet you he'd give me a job.

But you have to go
to prison first.

Well, Holy Joe said maybe.

Maybe he can do something for me.

Oh, Harry.

You hear that?

Sounds like rain.

Can you hear it?

It's pouring.

Chérie, what is your first name?

- Marguerite.
- Marguerite.

I like it.


- Help!
- Stop!

Help! Stop!

- Help!
- Take the child!

Here you go.
You all right?

I'm sinking!
I'm sinking!

In the name of God, somebody help me!
Harry! Harry!

- Hang on, Butcher!
- Harry!

- Harry, come on! Harry!
- Hang on, Butcher. Hang on.

Harry! Harry!

Harry! Harry!

For the love of God! Harry!

God! God, forgive me!

Harry, Marcel prayed.
Did you hear him?

- What good did it do him?
- I don't know, but he prayed.

Doonan got you believing
that God stuff too?

Not yet, but I think I believe in him,
Harry, in Father Doonan.

Yeah? Why?

Because he takes

He behaves the way
God ought to behave.

The bridge. It's still there.

Hold it! Hold it!

- I'll go with you.
- No, me first.

- Hey, Mr. Priest.
- Yeah?

You think we can brace it?

- Well, we can sure try, sonny.
- Like I said, the name's Charlie.

All right. It's as safe as a bank.
Come on.

Come on, now.

Hold on to the rope.
Keep moving down there!

That's right. Go on.

Don't be scared.
Just don't look down.

Just keep moving.
Don't look down.



Now, if this thing shakes,
don't be scared.

All right, you guys! Everybody's
across! Come on out of there!!

Out of my way, man.

- Charlie!
- Go on.

I said get going!

Charlie... long.

Go on.

All right, let's go.

And leave them?
Leave Father Doonan?

He cut the cards.
He knew what he was doing.

We got a boat to catch.
Come on. Come on, move.

Come on.

- Help her.
- Come on, get her out of there.



Harry made it.

They all made it.

They're all across.

They can't come back.

And you did it, fella.

You gave them time
to get across.

The name's Charlie.

Camille, the boat's here.

You'll be on it
in a couple of minutes.

I'm not going with you.

- Harry.
- I'm going back, baby.

I've got to, they're alone there.

Take care of her for me, will you?

Be good and be happy.

- Where are you going?
- Back.

Back there?
But there's not anything you can do.

- That isn't the point, is it?
- You fool.

What is the point?
What good can you do?

You will miss the boat.


...I missed the boat
a long time ago.

Stop him! Please!

No. Let him go.

Don't be afraid of God.

Call on him if you want to.

Don't you guys ever give up?

Sure we do.

Priests are human.

We fail just like anybody else.

I know I gave up.

I stopped speaking to God
for a long time.

That's when you and Marcel
and Harry came along.

I had lost my faith in God.

You fellas gave it back to me.

This heaven and hell stuff... mean there's something to it?

Well, there better be.
I've been selling it half my life.

I wasn't buying.

Well, you had company.

Lots of people can't buy it.

I was busy.

I was a pretty good thief
in my time.

I could believe that.

It's too late.

Can't chicken out now.

Never too late to change.

My old lady, my mother,
that's what she used to say.

Never too late.

She was right.

She kept after me...

...kept telling me
there was another thief once...

...dying on a cross...

...right next to Christ.

The good thief.

That's what she called him.

He didn't chicken out.

He just got smart.

And at the very last moment,
he stole heaven.

That's pretty good stealing, huh?

Pretty good stealing, son.

- Hey, Charlie!
- Harry?


- It's me, Charlie. Harry boy.
- What are you doing here?

Relax, Pops. They're on the boat
nice and safe, all of them.

Get out of here! Go on back!

- You still have the truck.
- Leave him be.

Harry, man...

...come back to keep us company.



O Lord...

...receive this,
the soul of thy servant...

...whose name was Charlie.

Rest in peace.

In the name of the Father
and of the Son...

...and of the Holy Ghost.


He was a good boy.

That he was.

Just you and me now, Pops.

- That's right.
- New Jersey and New York.

It's awful quiet.

Winding up for the big one.


See you around, Pops.

I'll see you.

In the name of the Father
and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.


Don't tell me you forgot
how to do that.

O my God...


We are most heartily sorry
for having offended thee.

And we detest all of our sins...

...because we dread the loss
of heaven and the pains of hell.

But most of all...

...because they offend thee,
my God, who art all good...

...and deserving of all our love.