The Departure (2020) - full transcript

Before leaving Los Angeles to start a new job in New York, Nate, with the help of his best friend John, devises a wicked plan to test his girlfriend's loyalty. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Like I said, this place isn't
the tiptop, but it come pretty close.

I mean, all the food's authentic,
the staff is super friendly

I've never had
a bad experience here,

so I hope you enjoy the spot.


Excuse me.
Are you ready to order?

- Um...
- A couple of minutes, please.

- Yeah, perfect. Take your time.
- Thank you.

It does seem like
it's kind of a hidden gem.

Oh, yeah, it certainly is.

Um, what were you gonna get?

Um... Well, I typically get
the carbonara pasta.

- It's got bits of bacon and the eggs.
- Mmm.

It's an Italian classic.
What about you?

What are you getting?

Oh, sorry. Sorry.

Um, that sounds good.

I'm vegan, though, so I was actually
thinking of the meatless lasagna.

That's right.

That must be difficult. Yeah.

I mean, like,
do you miss eating meat?

- Hmm, sorry.
- No, no. Um...

Not at all. I've been vegan
for like, nine years,

so I don't really think about it anymore.
I would never go back.

I do admit though,

- I still like the smell of meat.
- Mmm-hmm.

You know, especially bacon.

Oh, hey, let me tell you.
I hear you.

I can't imagine a world
without bacon.


You should try it sometime.

You know, even just being vegan
for like a month.

I haven't been sick
for like two years,

and I swear
it's because my diet.


Well, that's crazy.

You know, doesn't it seem like
every few years

- there's like a new food topic trending.
- Mmm.

We had GMOs and then
there was carbs and paleo

and now the thing is like
all meat is bad, even chicken.

You know what am I
supposed to eat?

Just like fruits and vegetables?

I don't know
what to believe anymore.

Sure. Fruits and
vegetables, though,

maybe vegan's the way to go.

You know, I'll think about it.

Anyway, uh, I haven't had
their meatless lasagna

but I have had the regular one
and it is bomb.

All right, lasagna it is then.

So, uh...

What did you do today?

Oh, sorry, sorry. Okay.

I will not respond
to any more texts.

- No worries.
- Um...

Well, today's my day off
so I mostly just slept all day.

Nice. You know, I love sleeping,

it's my favorite hobby.

Yes, mine too.


You know, maybe we should
collaborate again sometime.

Mmm. Very funny.

I think we've also
already done that.

It was a bad joke.

What did you do today?

Uh, let's see. Not much.

I went to the gym,
I did some laundry.

Oh, I, uh, I saw a horror film.

Oh, nice. Which one?


You know, I forget the name,
but, uh, it's about this couple

and they go out
into the middle of nowhere

- to take a break from their daily life.
- Mmm-hmm.

the husband handcuffs the wife

to a bed
to play some erotic games,

but all of sudden the husband
has a heart attack

so the wife is just left there
handcuffed to the bed frame

and no one's there to help her.

Oh, my God.
Oh, my God, that sounds intense.

- Oh, yeah.
- What happens?


Basically she starts to have all these hallucinations...

She starts to have all these hallucinations...

No, I'm not gonna reply.
It's fine.

I mean, no, please, it's fine.

Okay, okay. Just real quick.

I think I could
stay up here forever.

I don't wanna
go to work tomorrow.

Yeah, it spoils you up here.

It's too nice.

How long did you say
your aunt's gone?

Um, about another month.

So... Another month.

It's ours for the month
if you want.


- Oh, she's lucky, man.
- Yeah.

She gets to
travel the world for work

and then comes home to this?

Yeah, but that's...
She works super hard.

You work super hard.

You keep working hard,
you can have it too.

Hmm, one of these days, maybe.

Did you have
a good week at work?

I was good.

I don't wanna talk
about work though.

Let's just enjoy the pool

and the view
while we can, right?

- All right.
- All right.

Stop it. You know I hate that.

Having a heart attack over here.

Oh, you know what?

- Actually, there is something I can tell you about work.
- What's that?

Did I tell you about
the new guy, Lucas?


Super fun guy.
Everybody loves him.

Um, he has been, you know,

like joking around with everybody in
the office, making everybody laugh.

Um, and then Alfred,
that old curmudgeony guy

- that like never...
- The mean old dude?

Yes. Who never once
said hi to me.

- Yeah.
- Never smiles, nothing.


So, Lucas is like trying to, uh,

you know,
break your shell, whatever.

Trying to talk to him.

And he writes him
this little note,

like on this Post-it,
on this, like, sticky note.

And it's like a picture,
like Uncle Sam.

Like, "I want you"
and it says, like,

"I'm going to get you
to like smile at me, bud,

"I'm not going to give up on you,"
like, something like that.

And of course, you know like

Alfred wouldn't typically go
for something like that.

Lucas, I swear,
got the guy to smile.

- No way.
- Someone walked by his office

as Alfred's looking at it and he's smiling.

Stinkin' Lucas
just cheers everybody up

and makes the whole office better.

- You sound a little jealous.
- I'm a little jealous.

Alfred never says hi to me.

At the same time, I mean, like,
this guy he just

brightens up the whole office.

It's awesome. Makes it a lot
easier to go to work tomorrow.

- Sounds funny.
- Yeah.

- Well, I could meet him.
- Yeah, you'd love him.


- Yeah.
- Cool, one these days.

- One of these days.
- Hey.


- Thank you.
- Mmm-hmm.

It's chilly when the sun
goes down, huh?

- Hey.
- Hey

- You know what I was thinking?
- What were you thinking?

Well, I was thinking,

since I'm always
either at your place

or you're always
over at my place

That maybe we should
move in together.


Yeah, well, what do you think?

I mean, I have to tell my
landlord, like, a month in advance,

but that shouldn't be a problem,
we could do that.

Yeah. So like my place is closer
to work for both of us, anyway.


- Or we could find something else?
- No. I like your place.

We can move into your place.

- Yeah?
- Look at us.

Real adults.

Kind of.

- Yeah, let's do it.
- Do it?

- Yeah
- Okay.


I'm so excited.

Yeah, I see,
I completely understand.

We don't typically waive
that installation fee.

The reason being we don't make
any money on the installation.

That's actually the fee that

we're charged
from a third party, so...

Yeah, but you know what?
Let me, uh...

Let me go speak to my boss and

and see if there's anything
we could do to make

this process
a little bit easier for you.

How does that sound?

Okay, hang tight for it.

Hey, Nate.

- Hey, Bruce.
- How's it going?

Good. Just about to close
a deal with a client.

I got him on hold, 'cause he
wants me to talk to the boss

- about waving the installation fee.
- Hmm.

Oh, man. People always expect
things for free, huh?


Just tell him
we don't make anything of that.

Yeah, yeah, I already did.

I'm gonna offer him
the payment plan

that works 99% of the time.


Come see me at my desk
when you leave.


Josh, you still there?

- Hey.
- Sit down.

- How did it go?
- All good.

Closed the deal. Easy peasy.

I knew the second I walked into their
house, they would be interested.

Good job.
You've had a good month.

Made lot of sales.

I'm really proud
of how far you've come.

Thank you.
I've been working hard

and honestly
I love the idea that

contributing the environment,

selling these solar panels.

That's the right mindset, Nate.

That's exactly why I want to
talk to you about something,

- and see what you think about it?
- Yeah, sure.

You know the office we opened in
New York City a few months ago?

Yeah. How's that going?

Not so good, apparently.

I was there last week and the
place is a complete shit show.

- That sucks.
- The sales seem eager to learn,

but Ron, the guy I hired to
train them, is a complete mess.

He's never in the office.

I did some social media stalking
on him and found out

he's always going to these yacht
parties and getting trashed.

- Really?
- Yeah.

I talked to another guy
in the office who said,

on the rare occasion,
that he does make it in

he's usually hung over
and sleeping at his desk.

And while the sales team is
out there trying to make sales

and when they fuck up
and they need guidance,

the guy they're supposed to
go to is crashed at his desk.

- That's a bummer.
- Yeah.

That's where you come in.

I want you to go over there
and get that team going.

I can't think of
a better manager than yourself.

New York? Me a manager?

Wow, Bruce,
that's an amazing opportunity.

Well, you deserve it.

And it's only for six months
just to get the ball rolling.

After that, you'll come back
here, you'll still be a manager.

But we'll give you 50% increase
in your base salary.

Plus, you'll get a percentage of the
sales that your entire team makes.

Oh, wow.

That sounds awesome.

I've always wanted
to train a team of people.

I don't know what to say. Um...

Let me think about it, and, uh,
I'll give you an answer in the morning.

No, no, no, no.

This is not one of those times
when you think about it.

You say, "Thank you" and
"When do I leave?"

I just wanted
to talk to Jessica,

you know,
before I made any decisions.

Listen to me,
you're a smart guy,

you don't wanna be knocking on
doors for the rest of your life.

And Jessica, she'll be happy that
you're making a lot more money.

Maybe you can buy her
some nice gifts.

And six months
goes by in a flash.

Any chance it'll last longer
than six months?

No chance.
Big sales are still here,

so I'll need you to come
back here and head up this team.

Yeah, I guess six months
isn't that long.

I've been wanting a change
of air for a while now anyways.

That's the spirit. And as for
Jessica, let me tell you something.

I've been traveling back
and forth to the East Coast

since I've been married and my
wife and I... still together.

Still going strong for 22 years.

Twenty-two years. Wow.

Oh, hey.
You wanna see the apartment

we're gonna put you up in?
Come here.

Yeah. Let's see.

Okay, so this
overlooks Central Park.

- This is the view from the balcony.
- Wow.

Living room.
Twenty-four/seven security.

Check this out.
Parking in the basement.


- Oh, hey.
- Thanks for waiting.

- Yeah, no worries. Um...
- Mmm-Hmm.

Oh, yeah.

So, uh,
what have you been up to?

Um, pretty busy with work,
I guess.

I have to read these
contracts that my boss has draft

and make sure they look okay.

Uh, it's a little stressful. Just
because the deadline's are pretty tight.

Yeah, I'm sure
you'll be just fine.

I mean, you're very smart
and very dedicated.


Yeah, it's just
a lot of responsibility, um...

They know what they're doing, but if
something's wrong and I don't catch it

it's my fault
and we're pretty much screwed.

Oh, yeah. I mean, I hear you.

- It does not seem fun.
- No.

So, what's up with you?


Honestly, I don't know,
I was kind of surprised

that you contacted me after two
weeks of not talking, you now.

Managed to resuscitate a ghost.

What do you mean?

Well, obviously you ghosted me
after a month of dating.

Honestly, I didn't feel
great about it.

- Ghosted?
- Yeah.

Like, when instead of
just telling someone

you don't want to
see them anymore,

you just
cut them off completely.

Okay. Well, I didn't ghost you.

We just stopped talking.

Yeah, what's the difference?

I mean you never texted me again after we
went out to that restaurant in Pasadena.

Okay, well you never
texted me either.

I mean, ghosting is when you actually
ignore someone's attempts to contact you.

Yeah, whatever.

Why didn't you contact me then?

I just thought that...

you know, maybe you weren't
interested anymore.

Oh. Why?

I don't know. Maybe the way
you were communicating with me.

I just got tired of the chase.

Always texting,
calling you first.

It seemed like someone else
was on your mind.

Oh. Why did you think?

Oh, that night
at the restaurant, mainly.

I mean, you were
in your phone all night,

and whenever you got
a text message,

this smile just
came across your face. So...

I don't know.


Well, there wasn't anyone else
I was seeing.

Oh, my God. No, no, no.
It was just my friend Rachel.

She was texting me.
All those photos of her,

like trying on old dresses
before she went out.

Some of them were ridiculous.
That was it.


So why didn't you contact me?

I guess I just didn't think
you wanted to see me.

I though you seemed
kind of distant.

And I don't know, maybe you were
looking for something fun.

Which honestly isn't really
what I'm looking for.

Well, I mean, hey,

I'm not looking for a no strings
situation either, so...

Okay. I guess I had
the wrong impression.

Yeah, I think we both did.

So, uh, now that
that's sorted out.

Can we start over?

I mean, I don't know, we could
catch a movie or something.

Okay, yeah. What kind of movie?

- Uh, do you like thrillers?
- Hmm.

Or we could see a rom-com,
it's fine.

Oh, no, no, no. I was just
trying to think of some thrillers

that have come out recently.
I love thrillers.

I would be
totally down for that.


Hey, what about the one
you were telling me about

the last time we went out?

Uh, which one?

The um, the creepy movie

with the woman that gets her
hands handcuffed to the bed

while her husband
has a heart attack.

- Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Yeah.

Yeah. No, that one's not in
theaters, I streamed it on Netflix


Well, I mean, we could just do
something else then.

I mean, if you want, you know,
we could do that.

Come on,
I mean Netflix and Chill.

Shut up.

I just wanna
go into a food coma.

I'm so stuffed.

Let's just go to bed dressed.

Oh, it's so pretty outside.


It is nice. It's really nice.

Pretty clear night.

Yeah, picked a good
restaurant tonight.

- Authentic Italian food.
- Hmm. good.

I'm glad your belly
is happy and full.

You know that is one of
De Niro's favorite restaurants.


- I'm sorry, I'm sorry. That was so rude.
- I'm serious.

I'm serious.

I believe you, I believe...
I just, I'm sorry.

It was, I just, as soon as
you said De Niro.

I just pictured Lucas' face
during his De Niro impression.

It's ridiculous, anyway,
I can't.

- His De Niro impression?
- Yeah, it's really good.

Oh, Lucas.

He's just a little too funny,
isn't he

- Are you jealous?
- Jealous?

- That face says it all right there.
- Jealous...

I'm just saying you talk about Lucas
more than you talk about anybody else.

Okay, I also talk about
my 70-year-old landlord. A lot.

Too much, probably.

You think I have a thing
for him, too?

- No.
- No.

- Oh, speaking of my landlord, I gave him my 30 days.
- Oh.

He was like super bummed
but, you know.

Um, I completely forgot
to tell you.

Um, talked to my boss today.

- You wanna come sit down?
- Yeah. Is everything...

- Yeah.
- ...okay?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Um...

- Good I think, um...
- Okay.

You know my boss called me
into his office.

He told me what a great job
I've been doing lately and...

you know, I've been closing
a lot of deals,

- and he's really proud of me and...
- Good.

Um, he kind of,

- well, he wants promote me.
- Babe.

- Oh, my God, that's awesome, that's...
- Yeah.

You had me so worried
for a minute.

I know, but, you know,

we're opening
the new branch in New York.

- Yeah.
- And so...

The manager they had
didn't really work out.

He wants to send me up there.

- To, uh...
- To New York.

- Yeah. To kind of train their sales team
- Mmm-hmm.

and get everything
off the ground and running.

- How long would you be there?
- It'd be for six months and...

you know, I've never been in
a management position before

and I'd have like six or eight
people under me,


But, you know,
it's really not that big a deal.

I'll just tell him
I'm not interested in it and...

- No, no, no, no. Shush.
- I'll find something else here.

Shut your
beautiful face.

I'm so excited for you.

I'm just really sad for me 'cause
I'm not gonna have you here.

It'd only be for six months.

Yeah, right.

Yeah, that's not that long.

- Right? I mean that's nothing.
- Right.

That's like what? Half a year.

- You sure it's okay?
- Yes.

Wow, that's weird. We've never
spent that much time apart before.

I know. We can talk everyday.

- Skype or...
- Yeah.

- I'm gonna miss you.
- I'll miss you too.

I'm also really excited for you.

- Thank you.
- Congratulations.

- Thank you.
- Mmm.

It's actually
kind of perfect timing

because my aunt
is now going to Japan.

- I know, uh, but...
- Really?

Yeah, but this is gonna be...

wide open, so I can move out,
hang out here.

So you get to
stay here some more.

Don't look at me like that.

- Okay.
- It's such a rough life

- you got here.
- I know.

But I'm gonna be all alone.

Alone in your mansion.

- Yes.
- With the pool.

- I think you're gonna be all right.
- Just be like,

- just be sad for me for a second, okay?
- Okay.

- And then I can be like super excited for you.
- Okay. All right.


Hey, man.

- How's it going? Thank you.
- Yeah, how's it going?

Ah, it's going,
it's going, you know.

Same old, same old.
Still the same job.

Same apartment, same life.

Glad to hear you're doing well.

- How's everything with you?
- Good.

I actually, uh...

I actually just got a job offer
to move up to New York.

Be a manager for six months at
our company's office up there.

- New York. All right. That sounds exciting.
- Yeah.

- So, what did you say?
- I said yes, man.

It's a huge promotion.
Plus, it's only six months so why not?

That and my boss didn't really
give me much of an option.

Didn't let me think about it, so...

Well, it sounds like
a great opportunity.

Yeah, I think so.

What did Jessica say about it?

Uh, she was a little
upset at first.

We had... We had just agreed
to move in together.

Right before
I got this offer, so...

But she understands that
it's a big opportunity.

So, I think
she's happy about it.

Moving in together, you know,
that's a big step. Congrats.

Yeah, I guess
that won't be happening.

- Not for six months at least.
- No.

Oh, wait Did you know that, uh,
Erica recently moved to New York.

Yeah, yeah.
I follow her on Instagram.

I don't plan on seeing her,
I don't wanna start any issues with Jess.

Yeah, hey.
I get it, I get it.

So are you gonna tell
Jessica that Erica's there?

It's not worth it.

I don't want her to worry
for no reason.

Ah, well, I think
you should tell her.

I mean if she finds out that your
ex is in the same city as you,

she might not take it that well.

Hmm, well...

Its's not really what
I'm worried about right now.

Oh, yeah?
What are you worried about then?

There's this coworker
that Jess keeps talking about.

This Lucas guy.

She keeps talking about
how funny he is,

and how everyone
in the office loves him.

Even the old guy
who doesn't say hi to anybody,

- says hi to Lucas.
- Oh, come on.

You don't think
that she likes him like that.

I mean if she's comfortable enough
to bring him up in front of you

that probably means that you have
nothing to worry about, don't you think?

Look, I'm, I'm almost positive

that she wouldn't do
anything like that with him,

but we have never
spent this much time apart.

I don't wanna be thinking the
whole time that I'm in New York,

that she's spending all her
free time with this other dude.

Look, that's understandable,
but she's a nice girl

and I'm sure
she'd never betray you.

Besides, you need to be focused
on other things right now.

Like how you two
are gonna stay in touch.

Wish it were that easy,
but it's not.

Look, I need your help, man.

My help? Sure you got it.

Wait, I'm not following her man.

No, no. I don't want you
to follow her.


So what do you need from me?

It's a pretty big favor.
You might think I'm crazy.

Okay. Just say it.

Come on, what is it?

I want you to try
and seduce her.


What? No.

No, no. You're joking.

I'm dead serious.

She's your girlfriend, man.

You're about to
move in with her.

I don't wanna be remembered as
the guy who tried to seduce her.

- Imagine if you marry her then. Come on.
- Yes, exactly.

That's exactly it.
What if I marry her?

And then I find out later that

she slept with her coworker
or some other guy.

Don't you think it's a little
too late at that point?


This is very weird.
No one requests this.

Do you realize
how absurd this sounds?

We're not teenagers anymore,

I would do whatever I can
to help you, but...

You're like a brother to me,
but this is absolutely crazy.

Come on, dude.

Okay, imagine this scenario,
I try to seduce her,

she most likely will reject me,
and from then on,

I'm labeled as
your creepy friend

who has no sense of boundaries.

I'll be the unwanted guest at
all of your parties and events.

Imagine me being the best man at your
wedding after something like that.

I can't imagine it.

So why me, man? Why can't you
find someone else to do this?

Because out of all my friends,

out of everybody I could
possibly ask to do this,

you're the only one she trusts.

You're my best friend, man.

She trusts me. Oh, for what?

She trusts you enough to spend
some time alone with you.

Jesus, this is absolutely crazy.

Okay, um...

Say that I agreed to do this

and I'm not agreeing.

When? Just how would I
even approach her?

I mean, there's gotta be some
places that you all go in common.

Where do both you hang out?

I don't know.


Jessica. Jess.


- Hi.
- Hi. Sorry.

I was really...

Yeah, yeah, no,
you're killing it on there.

- Thank you.
- How you been?

Pretty good.

- Yeah.
- Yeah, yeah.

My work's been good, I...

How you been? I thought,
I thought you usually go

to the gym during the day,
I've never...

Yeah, yeah, yeah,
I normally do but, uh,

you know, new management
at the restaurant, so,

my schedule's
a little crazy right now.

Sure, yeah.

So, uh,
Nate's going to New York soon.

- Yeah, he is.
- How are you doing about that?

Yeah, I'm really excited
for him. So it's... it's great.

Um, it's only six months,

but it'll go by fast. plus we're
gonna Skype every day and

and keep in touch and everything.
I might go visit him.

- Awesome.
- Yeah.

Yeah, yeah, and while you're here,
don't think about it too much

- 'cause it'll be over before you know it.
- Exactly.

Plus then it gives me more
time to work out every day.

Work on my perfect body

so he sees what he's missing.

- Well, you look great.
- Thank you.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll let you get back to it.
- Thanks.

- Hit my stuff and I'll catch you in a little bit.
- Okay, cool.

Hey, Jess.

Totally forgot
o mention this earlier,

but there's this bar
that opened down the street

Doing a promo for
dollar drinks this weekend.

- Dollar drinks?
- Yeah.

- That's unheard of in LA.
- Yeah, I know.

That's great.
Yeah, we gotta go.

Uh, I think Nate has
like next Friday off.

Well, you see, it's a promo.

It's opening weekend
and today's the last day.

I'm going
right after I shower up.

- Um, you're welcome to come if you're free.
- Um...

- Yeah. No, I'm not doing anything. Yeah, let's, let's go.
- Cool.

- I just need to, I need to change and everything.
- Yeah, yeah, no. Shower up.

Give me like 20 minutes,
is that cool?

- Sounds good, sounds good.
- Yeah, I'll see you in a minute.

Will do.

Hey, so this is it.

Oh, I remember this.

I remember this used to be
the Blind Gypsy.

Oh, that was like
a billion years ago.

The place has changed management
like four times since then.

Okay, well, it's a really hard
business to keep going,

- especially in L.A.
- Oh, yeah.

- Hey, man.
- Hey, Nate.

How'd it go?

- How'd it go, what?
- Come on, dude.

Stop being funny.
Jess texted me last night.

She said she ran into you at the gym,
y'all were going to the bar afterwards.

- What happened?
- What did she tell you about it?

She texted me when I was at dinner
with my boss and some investors.

- I didn't reply 'cause I didn't wanna interrupt.
- So you ignored it.

Yeah, that was the whole plan.

To see what she would do
when she was alone with you.

So, what happened?

Okay, well, I went to the gym,

'cause you told me that she's
normally there after nine and she was.

So I told her about this new bar
that was opening up down the street.

So we went to the grand opening,
had a couple drinks.

Okay, so what happened
after the bar?

Well, first we got
a little drunk

because, you know,
we had a couple shots.

Go on.

Oh, my God.

- She was so rude.
- I know.

How do they expect to keep a business
going if that's their service.

Oh, dollar drinks maybe?

Yeah, yeah. As long as it lasts.

Hey, uh, let me
walk you to your car.

- Aw, thank you.
- Yeah.

This is my car.


Hey, uh, listen.

I hope you had fun tonight.

I did. I wish Nate
could've come though.

- Yeah, well. Next time.
- Yeah.

- Oh.
- Oh, I got it.

Sorry, I'm... I'm drunk.

Yeah, well, it's difficult to say no to dollar shots.

Yeah. I just don't know if tequila
was the best option for me.

But it was in a plastic bottle.

It's where they keep all the classy stuff.

You know that.

Anyways, are you sure that
you should drive?

- I don't want you getting a DUI or anything happening.
- Oh.

No, no, I'm just, I'm just gonna
sleep in the back,

for like an hour
until I feel like I can.

- Got you, got you.
- Yeah.

It's not a bad idea, but, um,

I'm actually like,
five blocks this way.

It you want a couch to crash on,
you have one.

It's up to you. You can go to
work in the morning.

- Play it safe tonight.
- Are you sure?

Yeah. Absolutely.

Hey, you coming or not?

Here we are.

- Make yourself at home.
- Thanks.

- Let me go get you some blankets so you don't freeze.
- Okay.

Here you are.

- Thank you.
- Anytime.

And this is for you.


So... I have a question for you.

- Mmm-hmm.
- Hey, relax.

Something I ask everybody.

How do you really measure
the strength of a relationship?

- Oh. That's a really deep question.
- Yeah.

Uh... I don't know. I guess
it would really depend on

the bond between
the people in it.

Yeah but I mean,
how can you test

what a relationship would
be able to really endure?

I mean it'd have to go through
something major. Right?

Like something that's out of the
ordinary, not, you know,

some drastic event
or something?

Okay... can you give me
any examples?


I don't know. Some
big difference in priorities

or some big... change.

- Or something...
- Yeah. No, okay.

You have
better ones but uh...

What about distance?

Yeah, I mean...

Yeah, I guess
it's a good example.

Why are you asking me all of this?

I'm just a curious person.

I like to ask
complicated questions. Sorry.

No worries. I mean,
you know obviously...

Nate and I are going to be going through
distance and that is going to be...

a test on our relationship.

So, yeah, I guess that's a good
example of what you're talking about.

Yeah. And you know, I think that
you guys are gonna just do fine.

I mean after all, I'll be here watching
you and so will Erica with Nate.


You mean his ex.
She's in New York?

You didn't know?

No, I had no idea.

What is she doing in New York?

Well, she moved there to
pursue her dream.

Acting on Broadway.

She's been there for a couple
of months now, actually.

- Really?
- I follow her on Instagram. That's how I know about this.

Did Nate mention anything
about this to you?

Yeah, well, I mean...

He said that
he's gonna avoid her.

so that he doesn't create any
unnecessary issues between you and him.

All right. So then I guess the reason
he tell me just because he forgot.

Right? Because it's not a big deal
to move to the same city as your ex.

Why would that be relevant
information to tell me?

Yeah, no.
You do have a point. It kind of is.

I'm sure that he just didn't
want you to worry while he was...

Worry? Is there something
I should worry about?

I mean if... if he's so secure
in his intentions...

I mean why is he so...
Why hasn't he mentioned it?

I can't fucking believe
he didn't mention it to me.

- You think he will?
- I don't know.

I'm sorry.

Hey listen, I'm a big believer
in the theory that

if a relationship is strong enough
like, even if Nate and Erica hang out,

there's nothing
to worry about.

Like us right now, for example.

we can hang out.

Nothing to worry about
because if anything did happen,

that would mean that you don't love
Nate enough to be exclusive with him.

And that you guys aren't
even supposed to be together.

I mean, obviously the same
thing goes for Nate too...

I mean if he really did
anything with her and...

I think you'll be fine but
that would mean that...

he doesn't love you enough to resist
any temptation that might occur.

Yeah I guess that's true.

I mean if anything were to happen it would
just mean that we weren't meant to be.


Take us, for example,
no matter how close I get to you,

you've got nothing to worry about
because you really love him.



You don't even...

if I touched you, there's
nothing to worry about.

'cause you really
care about him.


And even...

if I kissed you.

I need to go.

Why are you running away?


You're afraid of
what you might do.

Why are you doing this?

Because I want you two
to be happy

and if you can't even endure stuff like
this, then why even be together at all?

I'm not doing anything,
I'm actually leaving.

You can't control how you feel
so you're avoiding it.

You know what? You can
believe whatever you want.

I will.

You know what?
I don't run away from shit.


I can stay here

because I know my intentions...
and you can go sleep in your room.


Good night.

Oh, my God. Dude, you scared
the shit out of me.

You're talking about how you kissed her
and then she was kissing you back...

Well... She... I didn't say
that she kissed me back.

I mean it was so quick that she
didn't realize what happened.

Whatever, man. It's just a kiss.
Big fucking deal.

When you started telling that story, I was
picturing in my head that y'all were...

Hooking up and you're...

I don't want to even
think about it.

The important thing is
that I was wrong about her.

Well, there is something else.

Sorry about...

Look man, I'm so sorry. I had no idea
that this is how it would've happened.

I asked you to do it.

Don't even think about it.

Although it wasn't just her,
I mean...

Alcohol was involved too,

What did she say after?

- She just made me promise not to tell you.
- Shit.

She felt pretty
guilty about it.

She should feel really
guilty about it.

What are you going to do?

I'm not going to do anything.

I'm gonna wait until
she confesses.

What if she doesn't confess?

She'll confess.

And if she doesn't, I'll find
one or another to make her.

And if she confesses,
what are you going to do at that point?

I'm gonna break up with her
and I'm never see her again.

God, man. Why don't you
just break up with her now?

I wanted to feel all of this.

I want her to feel all the
guilt and all the shame

for doing this to me.

And breaking up with her now,
would be way too easy on her

I want to see
how far she'll go.

- Hey.
- Oh, hey.

So... What's up?
What did you wanna talk about?


Amber, I wanna make this easy
as possible for both of us.

So, I'm just gonna go
to the point.


So, uh... I think
it's not gonna work out.

And we should stop
seeing each other.

I can't tell if you're being
serious right now

- or if you're just joking around or...
- Amber...


Wow. That's unexpected.

Sorry, I...

I think it's for the best.

Okay. Well, um...

thanks for coming here and
telling me in person, I guess.

Especially, since we're not
really in a relationship yet.

Well... yeah.

Honestly, I felt bad about the
way I handled things before.

- Hmm.
- And I thought that I owed you this.

I mean, coming here
and telling you in person.

No ghosting this time.

thanks for that, I guess.

Amber, you're a great girl.

You're gonna find someone
else just as great.

It's just that
I'm not that person.


Still, I... I don't know, I guess I thought
it was going pretty well between us.

I mean, even if you're just
getting to know each other.

Yeah, I mean,
things weren't going bad.

So, why don't you wanna
see me anymore?

Uh... is there someone else?

No, I...

I just need some time

to be by myself and...

I can't be in a relationship
right now.


Sure. Um... okay.
Goodbye, John.



No, I'm sorry.
That is bullshit.

Three weeks ago, we met up, and you told
me you were looking for a relationship.

And now, you're saying you
don't want anything serious?

Come on. At least have the dignity
to admit that you just don't like me.

That's not true. I liked you enough
to hang out with you several times.

Okay, then, what happened?

I mean, I get it, I understand,
you just don't wanna be with me

but what, you just woke up this morning
and thought, "What am I doing with her?"

Okay, uh...

- 100% honest?
- Yes. Please!

There's someone else.


And do you love her?


No, I'm not in love.

But you really like her?

I think so. Uh...
I don't know.

But she loves you?

I don't think she does.

But she at least
likes you, right?

I honestly don't know.

- It's very complicated.
- Jesus.

But she at least knows that
you like her, right?

I don't think.

So, what are you waiting for?
Why don't you tell her that?


How are you feeling?

Uh, I don't know, John.
What do you think?

I mean... how do you feel?

Like everything's fucked up.

Yeah. Well, not alone there.

Yeah. Sure.

I have some errands I have to run.
I can't really stay long.

Oh, yeah. No, right.
Totally. Um...

I really don't know how to
tell you this.

Why don't you just try?

Okay. Um...

Nate knows

- everything about us.
- What?

John, you promised that
you wouldn't say anything.

It was just a one time's...

He asked me to do this to you, Jess.
He asked me to seduce you.

What? That doesn't make any sense.
What would he do that?

'Cause he doesn't
trust you, okay?

He's moving out of state and he's
afraid that you're gonna go hookup

with that funny co-worker of yours that
you always rave about in front of him.

Lucas? Are you kidding right now?
Because this isn't fucking funny.

No, I'm serious.
He designed this sort of

"Trust-test" for you and
I wish I was joking, trust me.

God! This is completely crazy.

And you agreed to do this. You played
me into cheating on him with you,

so that
you could prove a point?

Why can't he just confront me?

Because that's not the type
of guy Nate is.

Look, Jess, unfortunately, Nate's not
the same guy I knew in middle school.

And he's not the same guy
that you fell in love, either.

Well, you agreed to do it.
So you're not that great either.

Yeah. I know.

For that, I apologize. Okay?

You know, you're not an angel
either. I mean...

I didn't exactly make you
sleep with me, did I?

No, but I felt like shit
about it since.

I mean, I slept with
his best friend.

And now you're telling me,
that you planned this! This is sick!

That is fucking sick!

You know what? I'm leaving.

- Don't.
- Why?

Because... Geez, this is so fucked up and
in one way, this is everybody's fault.

But... now we know,
you two weren't meant to be together.

Okay but why are you
telling me all this, John?

Does pointing out how shitty my relationship
relieve you of some of the guilt or something?

I am not trying to justify
what I did.

Okay then why am I here, John?

'Cause maybe I haven't been able to
stop thinking about you since then.

Oh, my God.

So, you called me today,
to tell me that you have feelings for me?

What do you expect me to say?

"Based upon how shitty my relationship
is, oh hey, since Nate's out of town,"

"Why don't we get
together instead?"

Yeah, well, not exactly.

Leave me alone.

Jess, wait.
One minute, please.

What? What! What do you want?

What are you gonna
do with Nate?

I don't know but since apparently he
already knows, I'm sure it'll come up.

What if it doesn't?

I mean it's got to, right?
If he cares... at all.



I forgot to tell you about the
craziest thing that happened at work.

- Lucas, you remember?
- Yeah.

- He got fired.
- Really?

Because, first of all,
he lied on his resume.

But he was planning on robbing the
bank that his girlfriend worked at.

They, like, found all
this plans and everything

and when they looked into it, they found
out that he had this whole criminal record

that like, somehow, they overlooked
during the interview process.

- Isn't that crazy?
- No kidding.

That is insane.

It's like... anyway, now they're
like investigating the whole thing.

It's a big nightmare but...

- He's a more interesting dude than I thought.
- Yeah. Right?

It is like a whole double life.

Oh, there is something else
I want to tell you.

Um, so I was at the gym,
the other day and I ran into John.

- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah, we were both there working out,

Um... did he tell you
that he saw me?

Anyway, he was telling me about this backyard...

across the street...

Is that your phone?

Hold on a sec.

Hello? No, it's ok.

Yeah, what's up?

By tomorrow?

Yeah. No, it's fine.
It's fine.

Yeah. All right.

All right, bye.

Sorry about that.

What were you saying?

Uh... I don't know...

All right. It's not that
important if you can't remember.

Don't forget I'm leaving
at 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday.

All right. I'll be over
Monday night then.

Okay. Cool.


He didn't mention it to me.

- He didn't?
- No.

Actually, he acted
completely normal.

You did tell him, right?

You didn't lie about that?

No, I didn't lie to you.
I told him everything about us.

Well then,
why didn't he say anything?

Does he even care?

I think that he's waiting
for you to confess.

What makes him so sure
that I would confess?

Does he know that
I know about the plan?

I can't tell him about that.

Then what is he waiting for?

What if I don't say anything?

Then, what, he's just going
to go to New York and...

break up with me
over the phone?

Or pretend like nothing
ever happened?

I think he's pretty sure that you're
gonna come clean about this soon.

He doesn't view you as the type of
person that can hold a secret and

I don't know.
He didn't really explain it to me.

I don't know.

What I do know is that,

when you do confess, that's when
he plans on breaking up with you.

So, he's just trying to punish
me by drawing it out and...

and ending it anyway.

God, what kind of person
does this?

- This is so fucked up.
- Hey.

He's gonna leave soon.

Whatever you two tell
each other, it's going down.

It's for the best that it does.

You think?

Look, I mean, do you really
wanna be with someone like that

after knowing all this?

I mean, what we did
was wrong.

But at the end of the day, it would've
never happened if Nate didn't set it up.

But part of the reason that it happened
was because of how close we were.

For what it's worth,
I didn't think you we're gonna do anything

with that coworker.

- I wasn't
- I know, you're smart.

You're caring.

You're absolutely beautiful.

He doesn't deserve someone
like you, so just, please,

give me a chance.

I'm not gonna hurt you
like he did.

Bruce, it's Nate.

Hey, what's going on?

Oh, really?

I think that's the last of it.
All ready to go.

I know...

Six months is a long time.

Yeah, it's far.

New York is like the other
side of the world basically


Like half-way maybe?
Quarter of a way?

Yeah, maybe a quarter.

- We'll be all right though.
- I know and...

- I'm excited for you.
- Yeah.

Got nothing to worry about.
We trust each other.


- It's a big opportunity.
- Yeah. I'm proud of you. I am.

- Just gonna miss you.
- I'll miss you too.

- Love you.
- Love you.

- Don't cry every day.
- I'll try not to.

- You're gonna be a big boy.
- Yeah, yeah.

Can we just stay here
for a minute?

For a minute.

You know
what's great about us?

You mean beside the fact that we're
both just devastatingly attractive?

Well, yeah. Besides that.

Well, what is so
great about us?

- We, unlike all these other chumps around here,
- Mmm-hmm.

still believe in commitment.

Relationships are changing.

People don't
believe in that anymore.


That's what makes
us so strong.

Makes us so good together,
you know.

We can always trust
each other, no matter what.

Even with all these crazy
dating apps and...

social media.

Always on us,
world where it's so easy to cheat now.

I know that I can trust
you, no matter what.

Because we tell
each other everything.

It's what a good relationship
is built on.

Built on that trust,
and that loyalty and honesty.

And no matter what, I don't
have to worry about anything.

It's the same for you.


Everything okay?

What's wrong?


I haven't been completely
honest with you

or completely loyal.

What are you talking about?


So, a couple of weeks ago,
I was working out,

I ran into John.

- Yeah, you told me that.
- Um...

Well, I didn't
mention that we...

uh, that bar across the street
had just opened up,

- it was 1600 or something.
- Yeah.

They were having this
promotion that week

because it was new...
uh, doesn't matter, anyway...

So, we went over to
check it out and...

we got really drunk and...



And we kissed, um...

Did you...

sleep with him?


It was just... I'm sorry.
It was... It was stupid.

I'm so sorry.

I don't know... It was just...
I was drunk. We were so drunk.

I felt guilty for weeks.

Weeks about going
on this trip.

- I was afraid of hurting you...
- I know...

- hurting us...
- I know. Please. Please.

Can we just talk
about it, please?

- Sorry.
- I almost didn't take this job.

I'm sorry.

I need you to go.

- Babe, please.
- Go! I said, go! Get out!

I don't wanna see you again.

Yeah, man. She just left.

Yeah, come on up.

- John.
- Hey, what's up?

Can I get you anything?
Soda or anything?

Uh... yeah, water's great.

So, how did it go?

Everything went perfect.
Exactly how we planned it.

- She admitted everything.
- Mm-hmm.

- Came right out and said it.
- Nice.

I'm scot-free.

I'm officially single again.

Finally. Finally.

That's good to hear.

Single, ready to take on New
York, look at you.

No. Uh... I thought
I told you.

Did I not?
Last week, my boss called.

It fell through and
I'm not going to New York.

My bags are empty,
there's nothing in 'em.

Oh, shit.

- You all right, man?
- Yeah. Yeah...

- I mean it's for the best, really.
- Cool, cool.

Now that I'm free and...

- So...
- Back in the game.

You're gonna tell Jess that you're
still living in L.A., right?

I don't know why I would.

I don't owe her anything.

- Okay...
- She cheated on me.


Look dude, I know you're still feeling
weird about it. But, don't. All right?

I asked you to do this and you stuck your
neck out there and you did it for me.

You have nothing
to feel guilty about, man.

- I know...
- I'm glad you did it.

- I know.
- It was going down, man.

If it was not for you,
she would've slept with somebody else.

And I never would've known.

You know what I'm saying,
it could've been a lot worse.

- Yeah.
- I could've...

proposed or something crazy.

- And found out later.
- Yeah, Nate, uh...

you know, I've actually,

you know, I've seen Jess
a couple of times.

She hit you up again?

- Yeah.
- She is freaking ruthless, man.

- I mean...
- Who are you texting?

"Hey, can't wait to see
you again - Jess."

She's seriously hitting you
up right now.

She didn't leave here
two minutes ago, man.

- I told you she's crazy.
- She was upset.

You saved my life, man.

Of course.

You're not gonna see her,
are you?

Nate, I've been seeing her,
I've been texting her.

This has been going on
ever since that night.

It's not gonna happen again,
right, John?

- Jesus.
- John.

What are you thinking, man?

Once a cheater
is always a cheater.

If she's willing to do it to me,
she's willing to do it to you.

I don't wanna...

Oh, my God.

I don't know what to say.

You know what? Fine.

But when she does
the same shit to you,

don't come crying to me
because I won't be around.

If you do this,
we're done, man.


Well, like I said. I'm sorry.

