The Demons of Ludlow (1983) - full transcript

A murderous demon lurks inside an antique piano in a picturesque coastal town.

(♪ Playing country music)

(Clapping and whooping)

For God's sake, Sybil,
lay off that stuff, will you?

The celebration...
everybody in town will be there.

I don't want any scenes.

Then I won't go, then.

Sybil, please?

God, I'm so sick of it!

"Be nice, Sybil."
"Why don't you be more sociable, Sybil?"

"Don't smoke, Sybil."
"Don't drink!"

Oh, God, I can't stand it anymore.

(Sighs heavily)

Don't worry, I'm gonna be sober
by the time we get there.

(Whooping and cheering)

Thank you, boys! Thank you, boys!

Sure is a nice turnout,
ain't it, folks?


We ain't big, but we are
a proud little community.

As old as the country itself.
Now that's something to be proud of!

Two hundred years old, now that's
something really worth celebrating.

And the man who founded this little
speck of earth should be congratulated.

We're proud of him, and we wanna
thank him with this celebration.

And remember him
because he's done good for all of us.

Here we are,
like a big, happy family.

Many of us have our roots here.
Most of us, come to think of it.

(Chuckles) Oh, I know
we've had our little fights,

disagreement now and then,
but as we all know,

time heals all wounds.

Now, I have a special surprise
for everyone!

All right, boys, roll it out!

Roll it right out there.

Yes, clear a way there,
let the boys roll it out.

(Crowd muttering)

That's fine, that's fine.

This is a gift to all of us
all the way from England,

from the estate of Ephraim Ludlow III,

the deceased great-grandson

of that same man who founded
our little community

exactly 200 years ago!

All right, boys, take it off!

(Crowd) Ooh!

I don't wanna get too close
to that thing.

It's quite beautiful, but I wonder
what they're gonna do with it.

I don't know, but I sure as hell
am gonna photograph it.

(Crowd muttering)

All right, folks, hold it down.
Hold it down!

Tonight, folks, during our closing services
and giving thanks,

we will listen to a demonstration
of this beautiful instrument.

It will be placed in our town hall
for everybody to enjoy.

I wonder how much this is worth.

Oh, plenty. Looks like real gold.

Come here.

- Let's disappear.
- Are you crazy? Someone will see us.

OK. Later, then?

- Promise?
- OK.

- Promise.
- Later.

(Debra) 'A lot of unexplained things
happened in Ludlow.

'It has a colorful history,
but it's cold and unfriendly,

'and, as you can see, decaying.

'A family by the name of Brubaker
lived here.

'They were plagued
by one strange accident after another.

'Mrs. Brubaker, the last one to survive,
committed suicide

'by thrusting a knife into her stomach.

'There's one heck of a story here.'

And grant us your blessing this day
as we observe the 200th birthday

of our community.

In so doing, we ask you to forgive us
all of our past transgressions,

and to renew our faith in you.

There are many things
we would like to forget.

But we must always remember

that your divine guidance has steered us
through the darkness of those bad times.

And we place ourselves
and our future... your hands.


And now, to highlight
this wonderful occasion,

Mrs. Ann Schultz is going to honor us
by playing this beautiful instrument.


(♪ Somber harpsichord)

Are you ready?

Ready as I'll ever be.

Let's go.

It's pitch black in here.

Hang on a minute. I'll take care of it.

(Lights match)

Here, hold this.

- You be careful.
- I will.

- Nice ass.
- Do it to me again! Ha-ha!

Do you know anything about that piano?

No, I'm sorry, I don't.

- Be careful.
- I will.

- (Laughing)
- Easy.

- It's a pretty night.
- Not bad, yeah.

- So, fella, do you come here often?
- Sometimes.

(♪ Somber harpsichord continues)

(Cockerel crows)


- What the hell was that?
- Just the door.

- Don't worry about it.
- But what was that?

It was the door.
Nobody's gonna come up here.

- You sure?
- Hm-mm.


(Door creaks and bangs)

Come on, why don't you go check that?

- It's all right.
- Well, it's not. It's not all right...

- Please, Andy?
- It's just the door!

Just the door? Go check it, OK?

- Please?
- All right.

OK, I'll be back in a minute.


Andy? Andy, are you all right?

Yeah, I'm fine.


I love you!

I've a surprise for you
when you come up.


You coming, Andy?



(Manic laughter reverberates)


You haven't said a word
since we left the town hall.

That old harmonium?

It was here before in Ludlow.
It was just returned.

- Why didn't the mayor mention it?
- How do you know?

I was born and raised here.

Until we moved.

My grandfather was an avid storyteller.

You sure had me fooled.

You've got "city" written all over you.

So you must know
most everybody there, then.

Oh, I do.
But they don't know me.

I was only nine when we moved.

- You don't act much older now.
- Thanks.

Come on, throw a couple of bucks
on the table. We got a lot of work to do.


(Sybil) Chris? You coming up?

Yes, dear.

I'll be right up.

(Sighs deeply)

Oh, God, Chris.
You frightened me.

Yeah, er... look, er...
I'm going out for a minute.

- Where are you going?
- Just over to the hall.

I, er... I think I left my keys in the lock.

I'll just be a minute, all right?

I'll be in bed, dear.

Try not to kill that bottle
before I get back, all right?





(Footsteps creaking)


Chris, are you back?


What are you doing?

Chris, will you answer me?

What's going on?

Nothing, dear. I'm coming right up.

I swear, I thought
I heard you come in earlier.

I don't understand. What's going on?

(Debra) 'Ludlow, population: 47.

'Farming, industry, tourism,

'That's it.

'Yeah, but why now?
I mean, don't you find it...?

(Ann) 'Debbie, you've always been
a very curious young lady.'

And the fact of the matter is,
I don't have the answers.

(Ann, echo) 'I don't have the answers.'

I'm looking for some historical data.

Do you know where I can find
any information like that?

Sorry, Debra,
everything this town had

burned up
when we lost our town church.

'You must've heard about that fire
from your ma or your grandpa.'

Besides, we've had our share of trouble.
Why bring it up?

(Debra) 'Yeah, I remember stories
grandpa used to tell me.

'About the piano, er...
the one from the Ludlow estate?

'That was here before.'

(Mayor) 'I'm sorry, Debra.
I've gotta go.'

(Man whispers) Debra...

- Debra. Debra.
- (Overlapping voices murmuring)

(Overlapping voices)

Sam, I don't expect you to get
all bent out of shape about this,

but maybe we ought to get rid of it.

Bullshit! Don't you start giving me
that superstition garbage too!

I've got other problems.

Have you any idea why the Harpers left?
And Dan Willard was gonna move, too.

I don't know, and I don't care!

But you know damn well,
we've got no jobs no more.

Westchester's getting all the business.

Why do you think I'm working so hard
trying to keep this community alive?

We've got too damn many old people
and nothing to attract the young.

Speaking of the young, Eleanore Peterson
and Andy Koch ran away together.

Gone! Poof!

Can't say I blame them,
with parents like that.

- What are you gonna do about that?
- Nothing!

There's a law against that, you know?

Wrong! Andy's 18,
and tomorrow's Eleanore's birthday.

And do me a favor, Chris.

In your sermons,
watch what you say.

There's no need for reminders.

Remember, it's our 200th birthday.

Whatever happened
was a long time ago.

I'll give that some serious thought, Sam.

See you later.

(Child screams)

(Child cries out)

(Children's voices echoing)

(Voices echoing)

(Single note)


(Sighs) You frightened me.

Um, I'm sorry about the picture.

I didn't mean to, the door was ajar.

I was sure I'd locked it last night.

Which is strange too,
because I seldom lock our community hall.

Wait a minute. I know you.

Debra, isn't it?

What brings you back to Ludlow?

My job, I suppose.

But without it ,
I would've visited anyway.

Um, I really am sorry about the picture.

I didn't even touch it.
I was standing over there when...

It's all right.
I can fix that, no problem.

Um... you mentioned a job.
What do you do?

I'm a writer. Not infamous yet,
but maybe someday.

- Reverend...
- Yes, go on.

This piano...

It was here before in Ludlow, right?

I don't know what you mean,

(Debra) I think you do.

Please remember,
I was born and raised here,

and my parents are from here
and their parents...

I remember a lot of the stories
that grandpa used to tell,

so why won't anyone give me
an honest answer on this question?

Well... I wouldn't know about that.

But it's... it's common knowledge
among the older folks

that this same instrument was here
with Ephraim Ludlow, our founding father.

Why do you ask?


From the few bits and pieces
I can remember

from the stories grandpa used to tell me,
they sounded interesting enough to...

No, I'd be the wrong person to ask.

I mean, I'm not that much older
than you are.

But I'm sure that some of our
old timers could help you out.

- I really don't know very much about it.
- Yeah, I guess you're right.

Again, I'm sorry about the accident.

- I'll see you again sometime.
- Yes, that'd be nice.


You've been spending entirely
too much time in your room again.


Emily, answer me, please.

You are purposely
making yourself disgusting.

How long can we go on like this?

At least answer me!

(Bangs table)



Stop it!

Stop it right now!

How many times have we been
through this before?

You got to try to help yourself.


Yes, Mother.

But my dolls...

(Laughs) Your dolls?

Your dolls will be just fine.

I'm going out for a while.

I won't be long.

See you.

Now, hold still.

I have tried to make you pretty.

And you repay me with bad behavior.

You were always like that.

That's why your name is Isabelle.

I wouldn't want to have to punish you.

(Manic laughter)

OK... who laughed?

I heard someone laughing at me.

I demand to know who it was.


Was it you?

Or you, Shannon?

Maybe it was Abigail.

It was, wasn't it, Abigail?

I have tried to make you
the prettiest one of them all.

(Echoing laughter)


Now you laugh at me.

(Echoing laughter)


We have company.

Mama's gonna take you to a party.

Maybe we can all go.

If you're good.

Except Abigail.

(♪ Harpsichord music continues)

(Distorted laughter and conversation)

A child With child.

Step closer. Come closer.

(Woman) 80 we can adore you.

What a lovely child.
Does she speak?

Does she walk?

Who's the father?


Yes, so very young.

She's mine.

She's mine.

Touch her and I'll kill you.



(Echoing screams)

- (Chris) Ann?
- Oh! '

I'm sorry.
I didn't expect to find you here.

Oh, I thought I'd get a little practice in
before Sunday.

You know I love the sound.

It doesn't bother you,
the fact that it's... you know...?

The original Ludlow?

No. I'm surprised at you.

After all, this is the 20th century
we're living in, huh?

- Night.
- Good night.

Be careful!


For a writer,
you sure don't do much writing.

First, you've gotta get the facts, Winnie.

- Don't call me Winnie.
- Sorry...

"The History of New England Towns."
Listen to this...

"Ludlow, population: 47.

"One of the earliest settlements.

"Tourism, unincorporated,
farming, industry."

That's it.

I can't believe this.

Believe what?


Every other town in this book
there's a wealth of information on,

but not Ludlow.

So what's the big deal?
Why's that so important?

I'm not so sure. At first, I thought
I was just in this for myself.

You know, kind of a "roots syndrome"?

But it's more than that now.

I don't know, I could tell you stories
from when I was a kid

that would raise the hackles
on your back.

And they're not just stories,
that's history,

so why isn't it recorded anywhere?

Maybe you haven't looked
in the right places.

Yeah, maybe. But I will.

Have you noticed that people are
moving away from Ludlow kind of sudden?

And that celebration sure had
a forced atmosphere.

Around here, nothing's much livelier.

- Sure is pretty.
- Hmm?

- The piano.
- (Telephone rings)

The piano that no one will talk about.

So, what's to talk about?

Well... I don't know, I'm telling you
that's the key to something, Winnie.

Founding father Ludlow,
from what I've heard, was not a giver.

He was exiled,
from what I can remember,

and not from England
like many of our forefathers were,

but from this country
back to the old country.

- And he swore to get even.
- Even? What did they do to him?

That's what I'm trying to find out,

- Win, I mean.
- OK, sister.

- Don't call me sister!
- And don't call me Winnie.

Look, as long as we're working
on developing things,

try and have a sense of humor.


(Radio) 'The Westchester city council
will meet tomorrow night

'with the Ludlow centennial
the top item on the agenda.

'City snow removal
will also be discussed,

'with the removal and transportation
of this winter's devastating accumulation.

'Also on the agenda are problems
with garbage removal in Westchester,

'with a landfill site here in Ludlow
opposed by many of the city's councilmen.

'More snow on the way.
Westchester and Ludlow weather is next.

'Once again, the Westchester...'

(Echoing laughter)

(Wind howling)

(Laughter continues)


(Inaudible muttering)

Ann, you know how sorry we all are
this dreadful thing happened.

We know it's quite a shock to you.

We're here today
to pay respects to Emily and...

Sam, don't you think
we ought to call in the authorities?

We need help!

Now, wait just a minute.

We've been taking care
of our own business too long

to go running to outsiders for help.

This whole nightmare
doesn't concern anyone else.

- We've got to deal with it!
- For God's sake, Sam!

This isn't business as usual,
there's been somebody killed here!

What happened?
A crazy girl had an accident.

What was to be expected of her?

She should've been in an institution
a long time ago...

I'm sorry, Ann.

Dear God...


(Mayor) Sorry, Ann.

- (Woman) Well, how did she die?
- Hung herself, that's how.

Oh, that's a damn lie, Sam,
and you know it!

That so? I think the doc
here can confirm what I've said.

He examined her.

Death was due to strangulation.

All right, you do what you want.

But I'll tell you something,
you'd better look your doors.

You better not get caught alone,
because I swear to you,

what Ephraim Ludlow
has in store for this town

is gonna make what happened
in this house look like a church picnic!

Ah, you don't wanna listen to me.
Go on!

Bury your heads in the sand,
pretend it doesn't exist, fine!

But don't say I didn't warn you.

Because I don't want your blood
on my hands.

End of sermon.

(Telephone rings)

Call back tomorrow.

(Ringing continues)

Keep your shorts on.

All right, all right.

Photo News, Win speaking.

May I please speak with Debra Hall?

I'm sorry, she's out for the day.
Any messages?

Er... no. No message.
Thank you.





"Rest... Eternal rest..."

(Debra) What are you mumbling about?

Debra? Glad you're back.
Come here.

Well, I hope your afternoon
was better than mine. I'm nowhere.

Well, I've been doing some research
on my own.

- How do you like 'em?
- It's a nice word. What does it mean?

These, my dear, are blow-ups
of an inscription on your piano.


"Soul... cries..."

This is what I've got so far.

"Walls of sound...

"Soul cries... eternal rest..."

The inscription's marred with scratches.
Too much wear and tear.

What do you make of it, though?

Well... it doesn't mean anything yet.

But keep digging.

I wish I could get
a clean close-up of that thing.

That would help.

(Tuts) I went to the county seat
library today. Nothing.

But did you know that Ludlow
was older than Westchester?

Deb, if you want me to help,
you're gonna have to clue me in.

What are you getting at?

I'm not so sure I know.

All right, I'll tell you
what's bothering me.

Ephraim Ludlow was booted
out of this town

after he settled here
and built a community.

With him he took all his possessions,
including that piano.

A hundred and eighty-five years later,
he sends it back.

He's getting kind of old by now,
isn't he?

All right, so his family,
his deceased grandson sends it back.

- Why?
- Maybe they wanted to get it tuned.

All right, I don't know. Why?

Well, that's what's bothering me.

Judging from the stories I heard,
there were a lot of ill feelings

between Ludlow and the townsfolk.

There were brutal killings,
witch burnings, tales of vampires...

Oh, so why would even his family,
who must've heard of the goings-on,

send a gift to a town that
was nothing but trouble for them?

- They forgot and forgave.
- No, no, I don't buy that at all.

I think it was to get even.

But how?

Why won't anybody answer any questions
about the history of Ludlow?

And why are people leaving?

And why is there no historical data?

Oh, another thing, Ephraim Ludlow
had a daughter about 10 years old,

who became very ill and died here
before he left.

And he blamed her death
on the townspeople.

I remember my grandfather
telling me that story.

You're getting everybody uptight!

Next thing they're gonna do is panic.
And then what?

Keep your voice down.
Sybil's sleeping.

She's under sedation.

She almost became a victim
this morning.

A victim? Victim of what?

Come on, out the crap, Sam!
Not with me, please.

We all knew it was going to happen.
It was only a question of time.

Not all of us,
just all of you superstitious fools!

Curse, revenge... Shit!

God, you must be mad, Sam.
It's worse than I thought.

A girl gets torn limb from limb,
and you treat it like nothing's happened.

She was on the list of names!

- Shut up, Chris!
- No! No more!

Look, the least you could do
is tell the others to leave.

Maybe they'd have a chance.
This town is cursed!

It always has been.

And just what would you like me to do?

You think the police would help?
The FBI? The army, maybe?

- Do you really think that would help?
- I don't know!

But something has to happen!

Sam, listen to me.

You and I are on that list!

You're getting too upset.

Control yourself!

Pray, why don't you?


Maybe that would help.

(Echoing laughter)

(Echoing voices and laughter)

(Echoing laughter)

(Hollow knocking)

(Door creaks open)




Chris, you promised not to leave!

(♪ Playing automatically)

(♪ Piano playing upstairs)



(Horse's footsteps)


Are you coming?

Er... no, why don't you go on in
and take your pictures?

I'm gonna go see a man of the cloth.

Maybe he's in a more
talkative mood now.

No luck, nobody home.

Well, I've got my shots.
Let's go.

- Unless you have something else in mind.
- No.

You notice something?

Yeah... the town's dead.

It's like a ghost town.

I don't have a weak stomach,
but I do have goosebumps.

- Might be because I'm cold.
- Yeah...

Tomorrow I'm gonna come back.

If I canvas door to door, I'm going
to find out what I wanna find out.

Watch out!

- What is that?
- A little girl.

What is she doing out in the road?

She's gone.

- Did you get it?
- I think so.

We saw it.

Damn right, we did. Let's get back
and get these pictures developed.



It's very kind of you, Mrs. Murphy,

taking time off to help me like this.

It's no trouble at all.

If you don't mind though,

I do have some chores to do
this afternoon for a little while.

So I asked Sarah Burns if she'd stop by
and tend to you for an hour or two.

- Is that all right?
- Fine.


I don't believe it.
Nothing! Not a thing!

I saw it, you saw it, right?

Look at this.

Nobody would believe us
if we told them.

What about the other photographs,
how did they turn out?

They're good, all right,
if you can decipher the scribbling.

"Contained within walls."
What walls?

"Walls of sound..."

The piano is the solution, I'm telling you.

Only to what?

"Play thy piece."


Something's gotta to be in here.

And being a reporter,
I'm ashamed to say this,

but I have a feeling that...

...I have a feeling that
something is so close,

it's about to hit us right in the face.

- There's something...
- Not so fast.

If we go too fast,
we're sure to miss something.

All right, all right.
Something is happening.

Or is going to happen.

And everybody's afraid to talk.

And it's something big.

That piano,
we've gotta examine that again,

and a little more closely this time.
Are you with me?

Not quite yet. May I remind you
of the county board meeting?

That's our first assignment,
like it or not.

Damn it, that's right.

(Echoing voices)


(Echoing screams)


Is that you?




Mrs. Murphy?

(Echoing screams)

Who's out there?

Answer me, please!



Oh, my God!



- Now?
- (Ann wailing)

- Can we do it to her now?
- Emily!

All right.




Don't worry, Mother.
It won't hurt.

I'm sorry, Chris.

God, I'm sorry.

You know that, don't you?

We've been friends, neighbors,
all our lives.

- Our parents, neighbors...
- Don't continue with that!

You know what you'll come up with
if you do.

It's only a matter of time now.

Days... maybe hours.

Why did you have to dig up
those old papers?

My God, they were dead and buried.
You should've let them burn.

Your father saved them from one fire
then you dig them up and save them again!

It may be the only way to stop it.

How do you figure that?

By getting their names and warning them,
so they can get out of here.

All right, Chris, maybe you're right.

Right after the burial,
we'll look at that list and destroy it.

And that piano.

What have you thought up
for her death certificate?

I don't know yet.
I'll think of something.

Won't we?

Somewhere there has to be a clue
to this entire nightmare.

And if you know more than I do, Sam,
you better tell me. Now!

He just doesn't want revenge,
that I know.

He's had plenty of that for many years.

He's after something more.


(♪ Playing automatically)




Mr. Zwenzler?
Hello, is anybody home?



- (Chris) Why, Debra...
- I'm sorry, I knocked.

The door was open, so I thought
maybe you or your wife would be...

Look, I'm glad you came.

I tried to call you yesterday,
but you weren't in.

No message?
You didn't leave a message?

Well, I...

I wasn't sure I wanted to talk just yet.

I don't understand.

You will. Come on in.


Oh, sit down, sit down.

I, er... I don't know what you know
or how much.

But this will tell you everything.

But we have to move fast,
if it's not too late already.

These are the original Ludlow documents.
The history of Ludlow.

Oh, I'm afraid I still don't understand.

- I assume you want to help.
- Of course.

All right...

You know about the Ludlow curse?

Curse? No.

Then... then why all the interest?

Curiosity, at first.
And then the stories that I heard.

And then I started piecing things
together myself.

- And the incident last night.
- Incident? Last night?

Yes, that's why I stopped by.

This little girl... she seemed
like somebody from the past,

ran out in front of our car
and we almost hit her.

And, er... and then she was gone.


"In 1860,

"Marcus Donaldson proceeded
to follow his wife

"and young Bill Seaton
to the train,

"and shortly after pulling
out of the depot,

"approached the couple
and fired at his wife point blank,

"with a 12-gauge shotgun."

You see, Marcus was
Sam's great-grandfather.

And Sybil was the great-granddaughter
of Mary Powell, the runaway wife.

- What about the others?
- How much more proof do you want?

The great-grandmother of Ann Schultz
was torn apart limb from limb,

shortly after Ephraim Ludlow's incident.

They cutoff his hands?

How generous of them
to spare his life.

Well, after that, they... they thought
his fantasy over the instrument,

which he played almost constantly,

was the cause for all their misfortune.

So, they took his hands.

But the evil stayed with the town.

And now it's reaping its final harvest.


"William Christopher Hall..."

My great-great-grandfather.

That means I'm on the list?

So am I.

We're all of us descendants
of those who were responsible

for this act of horror
more than 200 years ago.

And ever since then,
the evil visited upon this town has been...

...repeating itself.

You see... my great-grandfather
was the one

who cutoff Ludlow's hands.

Your ancestors were
some of the accusers.

And Sybil's were the ones
who fetched him and brought him to trial.

And Andy and Eleanore,
the two kids who disappeared,

their forefathers were on the jury.

And then, Doc, er... Doc Donaldson...

...he treated Ludlow's
10-year-old daughter, see?

And when she died,
he blamed the town.

That's when he swore revenge
and cast the curse.

And this is the final act.

He'll have all of us.

Well, there's gotta be
some way to stop it.

I mean, my God, it's 1983,
things like this just don't happen.


I Wish.

(Shouting and clashing of swords)


What the hell are you guys doing here?

Who are you?
What do you want?

Where did you get those things?

This is some kind of a joke, right?

Sit down.

Samuel Donaldson...

...descendent of Frederick
James Donaldson, are you?

What are you?
What do you want with me?

We've got a little surprise for you.

A very special surprise...


- Let me take him.
- No, no, no, let me.

Don't worry, this won't hurt a bit.


"Walls of sound...

"Walls of sound...

"Behold, take note.


"Play thy piece."

Look, this means something.

"Caged, eternal rest...

"Soul cries."


Winfred seemed to think that these
letters might represent musical notes.

- Notes?
- Yeah.



Oh, my God...

Oh, my God.

That's it.

Ephraim Ludlow's ghost... in that piano.

And I think I know what he wants.

His hands.

(Hinges squeak)

What now?

(Chris) I don't know what could happen.

We should try the notes.

But every instinct tells me
to destroy that thing right now.

D, E, E...


(Growling voice)

(Low growling)


(Manic laughter)

- (Debra) It's trying to destroy itself.
- (Chris) No...

(Growling voice)

(Chris) He's trying to get out.

(Echoing laughter)

(♪ Waltz playing)

(♪ Discordant music)


(Debra) No!

(Debra screams)

Oh, no!





You're just in time for your trial.

- Or... shall we dispense with that...
- (Laughing)

...and, er... just go on
to the execution?

- (Murmuring and laughing)
- Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you?

If it will end the evil, get on with it!

Execute him.


It was your superstition
that brought about this rancor.

It was your ancestors
that gave me these.

- Shall we?
- Get it over with.

Go ahead.

His head... take his head!

(Ludlow) Well, my pretties...


At last... revenge.


(Debra screams)

- (Screams)
- (Manic laughter)

(Screams) No!




Oh, Winnie, help!

(Crowd gasps)
