The Deluge (1974) - full transcript

During the 1655 war between Protestant Sweden and Catholic Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth some Polish-Lithuanian nobles side with Swedish king Charles X Gustav while others side with the Polish king Jan Kazimierz. Polish colonels Andrzej Kmicic and Michal Wolodyjowski turn from foes to friends and together they fight against traitors, renegade Polish nobles and Swedish invaders. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Film Production Company
“Zespoiy Filmowe”

and National Film Archive present


Script based on the novel
by Henryk Sienkiewicz




Military equipment, costumes
Costume design

Interior design



Executive producer

Director of photography

Directed by


Hey, anybody in here?



Hey, peasant!

We're no peasants.
We're noblemen.

Forgive me, my brother.

Which way to Lubicz and Wodokty?

Turn left by the cross for Lubicz.

Go through Patsunela
and then straight on for Wodokty.

Thank you!

You'll go to Lubicz!

Let's go!

So long, Jedrus!

I shall go, I shall go

to the high forest

to see if my beloved one

is coming.

I shall go, I shall go

to the wooden gate

to see if his horse is waiting...

Hey, where's your mistress?

Here I am.

I'm Andrzej Kmicic.

I haven't been to Lubicz yet.
I've hastened to pay my respects.

The wind's brought me here
straight from the camp.

A lucky wind, I hope.

Did you know
of my grandfather's death?

I've already mourned
for my benefactor.

He bequeathed Lubicz
and your ladyship to me.

You've been turning away,
I haven't seen my inheritance yet.

How nice it is to get
such an inheritance.

I'll donate for a hundred masses
for my benefactor's soul!

When shall we be wed?

Not soon.
I'm not yours yet.

But you will be, even
if I had to burn down this house!

You're mine by the late grandfather's
will and by your heart.

I don't know about my heart.

If you don't want to be mine,
I'll stab myself with a knife.

You say that in jest, Sir!

Let me invite you
to the reception room.

My aunt will have supper served.

- Whose aunt?
- Mine.

Then she's my aunt, too!


I'd have come earlier but was
is not a soldier's mother.

It marries us off only with death.

You took your time. The regiments
came back some time ago.

After the lost battle,
I stayed to stalk the foe.

I nagged them for so long,
that there is a price for my head.

What a delicious goose!

Holy Mary- --

The enemy's taken refuge
in the towns

for the winter's so severe.

My men are ragged as
the brooms after long sweeping,

so the Great Crown Hetman
assigned winter quarters to us.

I've sent my officers to Lubicz.

They'll come here tomorrow,
to pay their respects to you.

Drink some wine, Sir, please.

I'd even drink poison,
if you gave it to me.

To your health, Your Ladyship!

Dear Lord!

The more I look at you,
the more I want to get married.

When shall we be wed?

It's untimely to speak of it,
while in mourning.

Then I'll wither
before the time comes.

Well, I'll be damned!

Grandpapa always said
you were a hothead.

You must get accustomed to it.

And you must change your habits,
it cannot be like this!

Oh, so you're going to
lead me by the nose.

You don't seem to be
a man who is easily led.

They broke a lot of rods
in the monastery

to make me memorize
some wise maxims.

Which one do you remember the best?

When in love,
throw yourself at her feet.

In this manner.

Let me go or I'll be angry.

My aunt is coming.

A regiment of aunts can't
stop me from being passionate.

Traitor! Judas!

That's not true.
My kiss is sincere.

Would you like to see
for yourself?

Don't you dare!

Where I come from, people say:
keep asking,

however if it is not given to you,
take it yourself.

I should leave.

It's late.

It's a long way to Lubicz
and wolves aplenty.

Tomorrow I'll pay you a visit
with my company.

- Goodnight.
- May God be with you.

Oh, auntie!

You sons of the bitches!


Drink with us dear host of ours...

Stay with us
until we lay in the grave...

Here's to my lady!

Bottoms up!
Bottoms up!

Well, what is she like?

Very pretty?

Damn it!
There's no other like her!

You're lucky to have
someone to snuggle up to.

When's the wedding?

After the mourning's over.

To hell with the mourning!
Children aren't born black but...


Got it?! White!

Little babies miss this world.

Don't keep them waiting!
We'll get drunk at the wedding!

You can't kick us,
poor orphans, out.

What belongs to me,
belongs to you!

Here's to grandfather Billewicz,
who left you Lubicz!

You fool! Drinking to
the health of the deceased?!


We'll sleep on straw,
just don't kick us out!

Stop it.

Whatever is mine, is yours!

He won't abandon us!

I knew it.

- Where will I go?
- To Jedrus's place!

Where will we go?

My beloved.

I will be back.

Look at your gate

See if there's my horse awaiting...

Kra! Kra!

I am my own master

when I'm sitting
over a pitch of mead.

I don't care for gold
I will gladly drink instead!

Let's drink up!
Gulp, gulp!

He slashed at me like this
and I slashed at him like that!

One, two, three!

You won't equal Kmicic anyway!

- Nobody will!
- That's right!

Slice them off, Jedrus!

No one can equal him.
You try!

You can't beat me
at shooting either!

One ducat a shot!

Two! Between the horns!

Three! Five! Pistols!

Is it loaded?

Straight into the skull!
Between the horns!

He missed!

I'll try.

Dead centre! Bravo!

Give it to me!

Between the horns!

Fight! Cut! Kill!

On the horses!



Jesus Christ!

Where are Rekuc and Kulwiec?

- Asleep.
- Wake them up then!

No one can know about this.
My reputation is at stake.

- Yours is as good as ours.
- Aren't you to blame?

But who was dragging Tumgrat
in the cold? With horses?!

Who's been breaking
the provincial diets?

How many have you
killed or hurt?

Tumgrat forgave me
before he died.

And a duel
can happen to everybody.

But that's not all!

Shut your mouth!
I shall lay the blame on you.

I've already warned the girls
and the servants not to tell anybody.

Look though, my girl,
look outside.

It's time for war!

Mother dear,
mother dear

I'm going to war
That's my destiny...

Do you love me?

As my own soul.

Colonel, Sir!


He's one of my soldiers.
Something must've happened.

What is it, Soroka?

The town is on fire,
they're fighting.

- Holy Mary!
- Don't be afraid, My Lady.

Who's fighting?

Townsmen didn't want to
give up the fodder.

Soldiers took it by force.
They began firing.

We set two houses on fire.
There's a terrible turmoil.

The bells are tolling.

We must go to their aid!

Burn the town down!

To arms!

Silence! I need a horse!

I don't need you!

I don't want your moaning!

Go back to Lubicz
and wait there for me.

But Sir...

Not a word.

So long, Olenka!

We can't finish our sleigh ride.

Be well and don't worry.

We wish to pay
our respects to Sir Kmicic.

But he's not come back
from the town yet.

I think he'll be right back.
He'll be very glad to see you.

Have you spoken
about marriage'?

Sir Kmicic wishes it
as soon as possible.

I should think so.
Why wouldn't he?

He'd have to be a fool.

Father Kasjan,
tell her what you have in mind.

Do not doze like a hare
at midday in the field.

I'm not dozing.
I'm just wondering, what to say.

Tell us, what you can see.

What can I see'?
Here's what.

Sir Kmicic is a famous soldier.

He opposed the enemy alone,
when all others quit.

Dear God, give us as many
such man as possible.

But his companions are worthless.

On their first day in Lubicz,
they were shooting. At what?

At the portraits of the late members
of Billewicz family.

Jesus Christ!

Kmicic shouldn't have
allowed that to happen!

- They were his benefactors.
- It cannot be!

- It cannot be!
- On the contrary.

Then they dragged the girls
into the room for debauchery.

That's an of fence to God.

That's never happened here before.

They've started
with shooting and debauchery.

- The very first day.
- That's a disgrace.

I thought they'd become
animals at war.

They bring shame also on him.

We're not blaming
Sir Kmicic, sweetheart.

They're the ones
who've been tempting him.

He's young and foolish.

Great, mighty lady...

We were astonished
not to be let into this house.

I'm astonished as well.

Today's Sunday
but I haven't seen you at the mass.

Great, mighty lady...

We've come here to throw ourselves
at the feet of our benefactress

and ask for help.

Tell your men to go with us.

We'll take the town by storm
and bleed some townsmen.

But Kmicic told you
to stay put in Lubicz.

I think it beseems him
to command and you to obey.

One would think that you
were talking to his servants.

It's been 4 days
since Jedrus is away.

He didn't go to fight in a battle
but to punish turbulent soldiers.

I have no men to spare.

You won't give your men to Kmicic?

You're begrudging us your men
for Jedrus's rescue?

Don't you wish him well?

Your company is the worst
that could've happen to him anyway.

You shall not enter this house.

Now get out of here!

If it was not for Kmicic,
you'd dance to our tune, My Lady.

Do you want to stand up to Kmicic?

I can stand up to you,
too, you pig!

Very well then.

Whoever draws his sabre first,
I'll smash his head. On your horses!

Let us drink. It's cold!

They're from Lubicz.

Yes, Kmicic's companions.

Is it them?

- Let's have another.
- It smells of mead.

We don't want spirit,
give us mead!

There are damsels
sitting by the fire.

You're right.

I wonder, what are they doing...

Maybe they've come here to dance?

Let's see.

What are you doing?

Warming our feet.

Warming their feet!!

Very nice feet.

I know a better way
of warming feet

than sitting by the fire.

Dance and the cold will go away!

We don't need violins,
I'll play on my battle hammer.

Let's dance.

Leave me alone.

Perhaps you'd like
to dance with me?

- Who are you?
- Are you looking for trouble?

No use talking, away with you!

Get out!

I am my own master

when I'm sitting
over a pitch of mead.

I don't care for gold
I will gladly drink instead.

- I was worried.
- My sweet love!

I was afraid there
might be a battle.

A few villagers silenced
by soldiers, that's all.

What do you mean 'silenced'?

One sword stroke
in the head is enough.

But that's murder!

The burghers sent for help.

A few soldiers and officers came.

I chased the soldiers off...

and had them chased naked
with whips through the snow.

You have neither
shame or conscience!

Are you sincere
or just pretending?

You'll be brought to trial.

Don't you worry about that.

Everybody is his own
master in this country.

If he has a sword
and a few men.

Who am I to fear?

I am afraid of God's anger
and people's tears.

You think I don't
know about Lubicz?

- Who told you about that?
- All the nobles speak of it.

I should repay them
for their kindness then.

We were drunk though.

I know that those bandits
made you do it.

These are no bandits.
They're my officers.

I told them to leave my house!

- You ordered them to go?
- Yes.

- And they did?
- Yes.

I swear, you have
a courage of a cavalryman!

They obey Kmicic!

They're as obedient
as a flock of sheep

because they're afraid of me!

You must choose
between me and them.

What for? I've got you
and them as well.

I won't marry a man with blood
and tears on his conscience.

Don't drive me mad!

What do you want from me?!

Just be decent.

- Be well.
- Farewell.

For God's sake!

Do you want me
to drop dead from my horse?


Don't cry!

For God's sake,
don't cry, my dearest!

I'll send them away,
I'll make up for everything.

I'm going to lead
a different life.


Anybody in here?!

Have they drunk
themselves unconcious?

Rekuc, it's me.


- Bring me a priest.
- Who slaughtered you?

Who did it?

The Butryms.


Olenka, wake up!

Wolmontowicze is on fire!

What a disaster!
Wolmontowicze is on fire!

Can you hear that?
Oh, God!

He did it.

- Holy John the Baptist...
- ...pray for him.

- Holy Joseph...
- ...pray for him.

- Holy Patriarchs and Prophets...
- ...pray for him.

- From evil death...
- him, oh Lord.

- From the torment of hell...
- him, oh Lord.

From all evil...

Open the door.

My horse's dropped dead
in the forest.

They're after me.

You've burnt Wolmontowicze.

Yes, yes, I did!

The devil's coming
for my soul, eh?

All right.

Close the gate and go
to the servants' hall.

You go in there.

Open the door!

What's going on?
What do you want?

- Kmicic burnt Wolmontowicze.
- Murdered men, women and children.

Kmicic did it!

We've already killed his people
and now we want his head!

Pursue him,
why are you standing here?

He's not here?
We found his horse in the forest.

No, the house was locked up.

Search the stables and barns.

He's escaped to the woods!
Follow him!


Don't hide him, young lady,
he's accursed.

I curse him just as you do.


Come out, Sir...

Take a horse and leave.


You've got blood
on your hands like Cain.

Go and stay away forever!

One seldom meets such
worthy people as you.

I couldn't feel better in Kiejdany.

We thank you, Sir, that you
decided to be recovering here.

Though you'd have had the best
doctors at the Hetman's court.

Don't mention it.

I'm glad my arm is fit
to wield the sword.

Soon enough.

I've heard you got the letter
from the Prince Hetman.

Spring is coming.
It's time to set off again.

That's what I wanted
to talk to you about.

Hetman's given new conscriptions
for me and Kmicic.

That man is accursed.

He will not come back here,
unless he seeks his own death.

Will you want to march
under my command?

You're the successor
of late Sir Billewicz.

If it wasn't for you,
no one would've survived the battle.

Prince Hetman is terribly
worried about your horses.

Our horses are good.

They can go three days,
before they get exhausted.

However they've got little looks.
And your people are quite tall.

It seems like
the squadron's mounted dogs!

Colonel, Sir!
Kmicic has abducted the young lady.

I wonder, why did
he dare to stay here.

He must be very sure of himself.

- How many roads lead to the house?
- Just this one.

Very well.

Follow me!

Hide behind the carts!

To the house!

Break down the door with axes!

Stop it, damn it!
Let's talk.


Who's that?

The Banneret of Orsha,
Andrzej Kmicic.

Who am I speaking with?

- Colonel Michal Jerzy Wolodyjowski.
- Ave!

No time for greetings.

You ruffian! These people
have a bone to pick with you.

You have to account for
the blood of innocent people

and the abduction
of the young lady!

You wouldn't call me a ruffian,
if the door was open.

Open it then!

Listen carefully.

I've got a barrel of powder here.

Leave me alone or I'll blow up
the house and everybody in it.

He's a madman
capable of doing it.

Come out and fight with me.

If you win, you'll go free.

- A nobleman's word?
- I swear.

No! Don't do it!

Silence, damn it!

If I don't do it,
he'll blow us all up.

Well, did the poor gentry agree?

They'll swear by their swords,
if you like.

Let them swear.

Come together, gentlemen!

I take all of you as witnesses

that I've challenged
Sir Kmicic to a duel,

and I've promised
he'll go free, if he wins.

Without any obstacles from you.

Take the oath!

I swear to God Almighty...

...and the Holy Cross...


Come out!


I've trusted your word.

- Which one is Colonel Wolodyjowski?
- I am.

Well, you're not a giant.

- Where do we fight?
- Here.

All right.

I feel sorry for you,
I've heard you're a great soldier.

Therefore I'm warning you
for the last time:

leave me alone.

- Stand your ground!
- You asked for it.

Shall we wait
until the drizzle stops?

It's all the same to me.

It's a pity to die
in such a heavy rain.

A Colonel is going to be buried,
so the sky is weeping.

Let's begin.

You swing your sword
like a flail.

Pick it up!

Pick it up.

Finish it, Sir,
spare me the shame.

Let me go!

He's alive,
he hasn't fallen on his back.

Now he's mine, not yours.

No butchering.
We're knights.

One doesn't slaughter
the wounded.

Dress his wound.

Young lady, you're free.

I'm Colonel Wolodyjowski,
at your feet.

Is he dead?

Do not fear, young lady.
Kmicic is unconscious.

No boasting but
I take the credit for it!

By the living God,
answer me! Is he dead?

He's just wounded.

Thank you, sir.

I've come to ask,
if you bear me a grudge.

Thank you for coming, sir.

I bear no grudge,
I was defeated by a fine man.

So you're the famous
Michal Wolodyjowski?

Strictly speaking,
I'm Jerzy Michal.

But Saint George
had only slain a dragon

and Saint Michael
is the officer in heaven.

Therefore I prefer to have
him as my patron saint.

George is certainly
no equal to Michael.

I presume you're astonished
I came out alive...

You can finish me off
whenever you like.

That's not my intention.

How's your health, sir?

It was a near thing.

Where did you learn your skills?

At wars.

I'm threatened
with lawsuits here.

I burnt down Wolmontowicze,
that's true.

I murdered many people as well.

But my companions
were slaughtered too,

like oxen.

And Why?

Just because they wanted
to dance with some damsels?

Poor souls.

As for abducting the girl...

It's true she saved my life,
but threw me out afterwards.

What was there left for me to do?

I'll tell you something, sir.

She loves you.

How do you know she loves me?

I'm not blind.

I saw the look on her face

when you were brought
in here wounded.

She loves you.

If you don't understand that,

it's because you had
your head split open.

I wish it was true!

I didn't say she'd marry you.

It is wartime now.

You can render great services
to your country.

Win fame for courage
and patch up your reputation.

You sound like a good friend.

I'm not your friend, sir,
but I feel for that lady.

If I convince you, that'll be
a tribute to my country, too.

You're a good soldier.
An experienced one.

Is there still time
for me to do it?

I have to go to court
straight from bed.

There's a remedy for that.

The Lord Hetman's writ.

You are to enlist soldiers
and form a regiment.

You'll serve our country
and be forgiven.

The Hetman left it up to me
to give you this letter...

...or not.

What are you going to do?

I am giving you this letter.

I'm happy to see you, sir!

I'd go through fire for you!

Don't mention it, please.

This is Andrzej Kmicic,
the Banneret of Orsza.

I greet you all.

Why have we been called here?

We'll probably take the field.
It's nothing certain though.

My Lord Hetman invites you
to come in, sirs!

My Lord Hetman invites you
to come in, sirs!

Forgive me
for keeping you waiting.

But there are so many things
to focus on right now.

I've got some unpleasant news.
To announce.

Apart from the old war,
We've got a new one.

The Swedes
have broken the truce.

A beautiful country
I can hear its people are valiant.

But the magnates are divided,
averse to the king.

What are the news
from the Polish camp?

The nobleman are slow
to assemble their troops.

Perhaps we should wait
until King Carl Gustav

arrives with the whole army?

That would be my advice,
if this country had a regular army.

I know this country well.
Regular army is small.

The King is weak
and lacks money.

Our forces are more than enough
against their nobleman.

So I may presume

that this is already our land.

You may, Your Grace.

At Kirkholm 3 thousand
Polish cavalryman

routed 14 thousand
of our soldiers.

But they were hussars.

This time we shall fight
against levy in mass.

This is Sweden now.
Poland is no more.

Our motherland is being murdered!


That was a treason!

There were just
a few of us in the camp.

God is my witness that there
was nothing we could've done.

I've come to Kiejdany
with my horse's last breath

to serve under the command
of a great warrior.

And since I've marched with
Sir Wolodyjowski many times,

it reminded me of the old days.

I'm very glad that
in this difficult time

God's sent me
such a famous knight.

Good he's come here.

No service to the country
will remain unrewarded.

Yours neither,
Colonel Wolodyjowski.

I have earned nothing yet.

Leave it to me.

He who makes his fate
dependent on Radziwill's will,

shall not perish.

Come in the evening
for the feast.

I shall not keep you longer.
I must get to work.


Yes, Your Highness?

- What do people say?
- Everyone is awaiting the command.

Only the colonels are wondering,

why they weren't told
to come with their regiments.

Have noblemen arrived in crowds?

All the important families
are already here.

Call Kmicic.

- Did you come with your regiment?
- As you said, My Highness.

Can they be trusted?

- They'd go through fire and hell.
- Very well.

I need such men.

And men like you.

Ready for anything.

The days that are about
to come may be so hard,

that even the most loyal men
could waver.

May he who deserts Your Grace
in the hour of danger perish!

Olenka Billewicz is here.

I sent for her,
to reconcile you two.

How can I repay
Your Grace for this?

How can I repay for this?

Have faith in me.

Trust me, and believe
that whatever I do,

is for the public good.

Don't desert me

when others will.

I swear.

Swear by this crucifix

that you'll not desert me
until you die.

Swear to Christ's Passion.

To Christ's Passion.

I swear.

Welcome, Sirs, my brothers!

It's good that you've come.

We need great strength
to save our country

and to assist me in
my endeavours to do so.

To your health!

Vivat, Colonels!

Suprema lex -
love of our homeland.

Long live the Lord Hetmam!

Defensor Patriae!

Lead us against the Swedes!

When I was lying abed,

close to death,

I told myself:

I won't take her by force,
by sword and fire,

but win her by good deeds.

I'll restore my good name at war,

and be reconciled with all.

Won't you say just
one kind word?

- Can I believe you?
- You must.

You should.

My Lord Hetman
and Mr Wolodyjowski did.

Why would you alone not believe?

I've seen tears
shed because of you.

The grass hasn't grown
on the graves yet.

But it Will!

And I'll wipe away
the tears myself.

Do that first.

Give me some hope at least.

Prince Hetman will speak.

Your gracious Sirs!

Many among you
will be surprised

or even horrified by this toast.

But whoever believes
and trusts me,

and has the good
of the country at heart,

whoever is a loyal friend
of the house of Radziwill,

will drink it willingly
and repeat after me:

Long live Carolus Gustavus,

King of Sweden!

From this day graciously
reigning over us!

Vivat, vivat!

My God!
What have I done?!

Your Grace,
in the name of the Lord!

Have mercy on yourself!

Have mercy on us!

Have mercy on Poland!

Don't do it!

Don't implore him,
he's a traitor!

May you die in despair!

May your family perish!

May the devil take your soul,
you traitor!


I say it thrice: you traitor!


Kmicic, come here!

I'll be accursed forever.

Shame on those
who follow the Hetman.

Oh, God Almighty!
Make your choice!



It's time to get some rest,
Your Highness.

The cocks have already crowed
for the second time.

I was sleeping
and I had a nightmare.

What is Kmicic doing?

He was banging his head
against the wall.

And crying about disgrace.

He wanted to run
but the guards would not let him.

He'd drown his sabre,
thus they had to tie him up.

He's lying peacefully now.

What about young Billewicz lady?

- There was no order to stop her.
- I forgot.

Open the window.

I can't breathe.

Asthma is choking me.

What is Kmicic doing?

As I've already said,
he's lying peacefully.

Oh, yes. I remember.

Send him in.

- Have his fetters taken off.
- Your Highness, he is a madman.

Have no fear, now go!

You swore by the cross
you wouldn't desert me.

I'll be damned...

if I keep this oath,
and damned if I don't.

What was I to do in the face
of a hundredfold stronger foe

against whom I could not
defend this country?


I should die...

If I started a war now

and died without
concluding a treaty,

this country would be ruined!

Let's suppose
I'm making you the Hetman.

You're not to die
but to save the country.

Rush upon thousands
but do not perish.

You must not die.
You have to save your country.

I am not the Hetman.

It's not for me to decide.

But if it's a matter of fighting
against thousands...

I would do it!

For Christ's sake!

Do you think that I've accepted
Carl Gustav as a king forever'?

That I want to unite
this land with Sweden?

I want to save our country.

And all means to
this end are good.

I need power.

But not out of pride.

Let he who is strong
enough take it.

But if there's no such man,
I'll take it.

What do you want, My Lord?

I want the crown!

Jesus Christ!

I've handed over
this country to Swedes

to vanquish other foes
with their arms.

But rocky Sweden
has not enough men,

not enough swords
to keep the whole of Poland.

So what will they do?

Whom will they give it to?

I'll take the crown.

After rebuilding
this crumbling edifice,

and making it stronger,

I'll trample our foes
with this foot.

So help me God
and he Holy Cross.

Your Grace!

My mind can't grasp it.

My head is bursting!

What's going on in there?

Perhaps the help is coming?

Help me up.

Give us back our colonels!

It's Oskierko's infantry!

My men!
I knew they'd claim us.

I wish our soldiers were here!

Sir Michal, for God's sake!

Tell them to send for
your regiment!

Be quiet!

Send for our regiment!
Slaughter the traitors!


What's going on out there?
Tell us!

The Scottish Regiment.

They're against us.

Our people are attacking.

God have mercy
and don't delay their punishment!

And we have to sit right here!

Kmicic with his riders...

- On whose side?
- I don't know.

- Did he drop his mace yesterday?
- I couldn't see.

To think I had this man
at my mercy.

And I let him live.

I hear Wolodyjowski
saved Your Grace's life.

It was his duty.

Now I'll have him shot
as a rebel.

You can't do it.

I beg of you, My Lord.

Spare him
and the other prisoners.

I'll go through fire
and water for you.

- Just don't refuse me this favour.
- What if I refuse?

Then have me shot as well!

Calm yourself down.
Remember who you're speaking to!

Don't drive me to despair,
Your Highness!

I could have listened to
your request.

But I won't listen to threats.

Let me serve you
with all my heart,

not because I'm forced to.
Otherwise I shall go mad.

I wrote their death sentence
in my mind yesterday.

What the Hetman has written,

the future Polish King
can cancel, in his kindness.

You're very persuasive.

I can't refuse you anything.

Until the end of the war,
I'll put them under Swedish guard.

Thank you, My Lord.
My father.

Go on and tell them
the good news.

No, My Lord.

It would look as if I was bragging
about my intercession.

As you wish.

If so, don't waste any more time
and fetch the girl.

Wolodyjowski's entire regiment
keeps guars over her.

They'll soften, when she's here.

Your regiment's
somewhere near, isn't it?

- What of it?
- We could try to escape.

How can we escape?

Who's that officer
commanding the convoy?

Roch Kowalski,
Count Kowalski.

You might as well
talk to his horse.

- He's just as stupid.
- And he's an officer?

The Prince admires his fists.

He breaks horseshoes
in his hands.

And he'll carry out any order,
no matter what.

He is to my liking then.

I always prefer to know,
who I'm dealing with.

Sir Kowalski!

Come closer, please.

What do you want?

- Have you got any spirit?
- I do.

Give us some.

Why should I?

If it was forbidden,
you'd have explicit orders.

But you haven't,
so give us some.

You can't force me to!

I'm not.
But you're allowed to do it.

It's decent to help
the old kinsman.

If I had married your mother,
I could have been your father.

Fine kind of kinsman you are!

My grandmother's maiden
name is Kowalska.

Korab coat of arms.

Good Lord!
Then you're really my kinsman!

Call me your uncle!

How is your father?

Good Lord!
I've forgotten his first name!

- It's Roch, too.
- That's right, Roch begot Roch.

As the commandment says.

Are you married?

I certainly am.

I'm Kowalski
and this is my wife.

I don't want any other.

A pity you won't have
young Rochs with her.

I see you're a clever young man.

- Well, let's drink some more.
- Alright.

Drain it dry.

Listen, my dear Roch...

Where were the troops
with Kmicic going?

To fight against rebels.

God knows,
who is a rebel - you or them.

I do what Hetman orders.

Just between us...

The Hetman has turned his back
on the King and the country.

Don't tell anyone
but that's how it is.

I will not listen to that.

Hetman's got his superiors...

...and I've got mine.
Hetman that is.

To be frank,

I was your uncle before
Radziwill became your hetman.

Do you know, Roch,
who an uncle is?

An uncle...

is an uncle!

Wisely said!

But the Holy Book says:

where there's no father,
you'll obey your uncle!

For he's of the same blood
as your mother.

I'm not your mother's
real brother

but my grandmother
and yours were sisters.

What right does the Hetman have
to tell you to harm your father,

your mother
or your blind grandmother?

Answer me!

Your blind grandmother...

I am Kowalski...
...and this is my wife.

Zagloba seems worn out
after talking to that fool.

Is he really his relative?

Like I'm yours.

We should get something to eat.

Where's your commander?

We don't know that either!

He's left before the dawn
and hasn't returned yet.

These are my men!

With Zagloba!

Sir Kowalski,
your uncle has arrived.

I am Kowalski
and this is my wife.

Where's my sword?

Jesus Christ!
The King of Nazareth!

No boasting
but I take the credit for it!

You've ruined me, uncle.

From now on,
who wants to say:

'a fool', can just say:
'Roch Kowalski'.

Quite true.
Not many would deny it.

You wanted to turn over
your kinsman to Swedes?!

- I had my orders.
- Now you have none.

That's true.

You have to obey Wolodyjowski,
no one else.

That's right.

- You have to listen to him.
- I do.

He'll tell you to renounce Radziwill
and serve your country.

- How can that be?
- That's an order!

Yes, Sir!

Very well.

By the way, you'll slaughter
Swedes and traitors.

An order is an order!

I've sent the stupidest officer

so that they wouldn't
get him over to their side

but he betrayed me, too!

Your Grace
shouldn't have sent a Pole.

And make the Swedes think
there are no Poles at my side?

Where's Kmicic?

He went to fetch
young Billewicz lady.

Set the regiments ready!

I'll lead them myself!

I'm bringing an invitation
from the Prince.

I'm happy to see you
in good health.

When I arrived, I saw Olenka,

but she disappeared at once.

It's a great honour for us.

But we cannot go immediately.

You mustn't keep
the Prince waiting.

We have no choice then?

- We are supposed to go to Kiejdany.
- What for?

The Prince has asked us.

I told you we should flee.
They won't leave us alone.

Tie us up,
tell us to go by your horses.

We won't leave otherwise.

My Ladyship,
God is to judge who is right.

Me, serving the Hetman,
or you calling me a traitor.

- But you will go to Kiejdany.
- No, we won't.

Our servants will defend us.

Here are my men coming,
My Lady...

I'm waiting for you
in the carriage.

Let's go!

Where to, cavalierl?

- Wolodyjowski!
- At your service.

He's got a tiger by the tail!

I bring bad luck to you.

I'm standing in your way
for the second time.

You were just a ruffian then.

Now no honest man
would duel with you.

Why is that?

Because you're a traitor.

You slaughtered soldiers
who wanted to defend our country.

Your last hour has come.

You have no right to judge me.

Don't worry about the right,
say the prayer.

If you have something to say
for yourself, say it quick.

I'm not sure if this lady
will plead for your life.

I'm not asking her a favour.

You two!

Take him behind the barn
and shoot him!

Don't let them treat me
like a dog.

I'll go myself.

I'll see if he has
any Hetman's orders on him.

Remember what I found on Roch?

Hurry, or they'll be covered
in blood.

I ordered them to take him
that far on purpose.

I didn't want the shots
to scare the young lady.

You'll draw vengeance
on our heads.

You must escape, come with us.

We Will.

Dear God!

You could at least cross yourself.

None of your business,
you knave.

Get on with it!

You could have taken
the wretch with you,

to do away with him
somewhere else.

How can we go,
she's hardly breathing?

It's done.

We'll put her into the carriage,
you must flee!

Radziwill's vengeance
will spare nobody.

That's right...

I've stopped the execution!

You did?! Why?!

You're asking why?!
Let me have a breather.

If it wasn't for that
worthy man, Kmicic,

we'd all be hanging now
on trees in Kiejdany!

We wanted to kill our benefactor.

How can this be?

Read this
and you'll have the answer.

We, Prince Janusz Radziwill...

- And then'?
- ...the Great Crown Hetman...

I'll read it.

On the intercession of the Banneret
of Orsza, Andrzej Kmicic,

we pardon Colonel Wolodyjowski
and the vagabond with him...

He means me!

...and the other colonels
sentenced to death for mutiny.

I order them to be taken away
to the prison in Birze.

On the intercession of the Banneret
of Orsza, Andrzej Kmicic!

If you're going
to have him shot now,

then, I swear to God,
I'm parting company with you

and don't want to see you again!

A strange man, in whom there
is as much good as evil.

Are you really that desperate?
Why haven't you shown this letter?

You're free to go
wherever you want.

Think twice.

I say beforehand that I shall go
nowhere else but to Radziwill.

Join us,
you'll be our good companion.

The motherland will forgive you
the of fences against her.

I will not.

God is to judge,
who serves the country better!

You, by unleashing civil war,

or I - serving the only man
who can save this country.

Let's go our own ways.

To whom have you given oath to?!

To Radziwill or the King'?
To the Swedes or Poland?

You're out of your mind.

I knew I couldn't convert you.

It's of great importance.

Tell us once again.

Did Radziwill promise you
he'd spare us?

Yes, you were to be the captives
of Swedes until the war ends.

Then know your Radziwill,

who betrays not only his country
but his servants, too.

After dismissing the convoy,
shoot these men...

but do it so that the news
doesn't spread.

What's this?

The letter from Hetman
to the Swedes.

I found it on Roch Kowalski.

I wish I'd perished at your hands.

We should leave as soon as possible
for a sword's hanging over our heads.

With that man left alive,

the house can get burnt
and we slaughtered.

- Hurry!
- We'll be ready by the dawn.

God grant us to meet
in better times.


Please, remember the soldier
who always wishes you well.

My sweet flower, accept
the old man's farewell, too.

- Where's Kmicic?
- He's back, alone.

I know. Call him!

I came too late.
They'd escaped.

I wanted to follow them...

There's a rumour that all
the Polish regiments have mutinied.

The only profit is that
I've brought the girl here.

And you were saved by my letter!

Which letter, Your Grace?

The one written to me
or to the Swedes?

So you know?

I do.

Be gone.

How could you do
such a thing to me?

- Silence!
- I won't be silent!

In front of those men,
I felt embarrassed on your behalf.

I ordered the Swedes
to shoot them

to spare you pain.

Look what you've done!

They're at the head
of the rebellion.

Your sentiments
and my weakness for you

have harmed the country.

Perhaps. But each day
is a greater torture to me.

You're in despair
because of that girl.

I should get you two married.
There'll be some fuss...

If she cries the next morning,
it means she's just a woman.

She doesn't want me,
I don't want her.

I won't beg her.
I'd like to go away...

To forget.

It's up to you.

You want to leave?

Today if possible.

I'll send you to my brother,
Prince Boguslaw, to Podlasie.

I'm not strong enough
to attack the rebels by myself.

Then you'll carry my letters
to King Carl Gustav himself.

Ask him to send me
some cavalry and cannons.

I'll crush the rebels!

AW requests?

My Grace...

Don't hesitate.

I'm asking Your Grace
to protect her from any harm here.

You can be sure of that.

I'm going far away.

I don't know, if I see you again.

I wanted to leave without a word
but I couldn't.

Let us not part in anger,
bearing a grudge.

May God be with you.

I'm bearing no grudge against you.

An evil spirit
has come between us.

The whole sea divides us.

May God guide you.

And show you the right way.

May you leave the one
you've strayed to.

Don't speak of it,
or we'll quarrel again.

Give me your hand.


Shan't we see
each other anymore?


Leave the traitors
and all will be well.

I can't.

You better not say
a word anymore.

Good Lord,
do we deserve all this?

Farewell - for the last time.
Why are you crying?

Don't, or I'll go crazy!

Are you the courtier
of Lord Hetman?

My name is Kmicic

and I'm not a courtier,
only a Colonel.


Famous for the last war!

I've heard a lot about you.

You helped my brother
to defeat rebels.

I'll be glad to know you better.

What's new in Kiejdany?

I've been as bored in Podlasie
as a devil doing penance.

I killed all the bears
in the area.

And the women
stink of sheepskin,

which my nostrils can't bear.

This is a letter
from My Lord Hetman.

Have a sit.

Nothing new.

He advises me
to move to Taurogi.

Which, as you can see,
I'm doing.

Here I'd have to declare my support
to the Swedes or confederates.

And it's too early for that.

The war isn't over yet.

- The Lord Hetman...
- He's always late with his advice.

Think of the confederates
who mutinied against me.

They're about to plunder my estates
and the beer is strong there.

Put them to the sword,
when they're drunk.

Listen, Sir Kmicic.

My advice for you
is to go to Taurogi

and slaughter the confederates.

Pretend to be the follower
of the Polish King and a patriot

and murder those
who won't betray the King.

Does it sound reasonable?

Your Grace!

I serve the Radziwills
with my soul and possessions.

Your prosperity is mine as well.

But I can't grasp
and comprehend everything.

What do you want then?

To learn from you.

But I don't know, if Your Grace
will answer me frankly.

That depends on your question,
and on my mood.

My Lord Hetman says...

all his deeds are
for the good of the country.

Is he keeping up appearances
or telling the truth?

And if I told you
it's appearances,

would you refuse to serve us?

Radziwills' prosperity
is mine as well.

You'll go far.

You see...

If we, the Radziwills lived in Spain,
France or Sweden,

where sons succeed
to the throne,

we'd serve the King and Country
and settle for high offices.

But in this country?

Where the king
is elected by noblemen?

There's no guarantee that one day
they won't elect Sir Nobody!

And the Radziwills will still
have to kiss his royal hand!

It's time to put an end to it!

This country is like a red cloth.

Everybody who can,
takes a piece.

We've decided to keep enough
of this cloth in our hands,

to make a mantle.

This country is going to hell!

There's a Polish tradition

that relatives pull the pillow form
under the head of a dying man

to end his agony.

This is the service we've decided
to give to this country.

The crown must go
to Prince Hetman.

But it will be mine afterwards.

Don't you feel well, Sir Kmicic?

I'm tired after the journey
and my head is reeling.

I was recently wounded
in the duel.

Have some rest than.

Hetman's written you've got
his letter to the Swedish King.

Return before departure.
You can take mine, too.




- Saddle the horses!
- They're saddled.

- Strap the saddlebags!
- They're strapped.

- A ducat per head!
- Thank you Colonel, sir!

Soroka! You'll take two men
and the packhorses.

Take the road to the woods.
Out of town at gallop!

Yes, Sir!

The others load your guns.
Saddle two horses for me!


Are you ready to die?

If you're risking your head, sir,
why shouldn't we?

Here is the letter.

Tell the Swedish King
that I'm on his side.

However I must feign
for the time being.

Who's not pretending?

It's inevitable, if one wants to
achieve something important.

You're right.

If you work well,

I'll reward you
better than Lord Hetman.

May I ask for a reward in advance?

I have a thoroughbred horse
and I don't want to wear him out.

Would you mind to keep him
until I return?

Then you'd better sell him to me.

It'd be like selling a friend.

He's saved me from trouble
a hundred times.

Another one of his virtues is
that he bites the enemy in battle.

Where is this wonder?

In the paddock.

I presume that's the one.

Lead him around.
I'll do it.

Legs of a deer, step of a wolf,
nostrils of an elk.

- And breast of a woman.
- Well?

Well broken in.

When you're advancing in a row,
you can drop the reins,

he won't pull ahead one inch.

He holds the line
and the rider's hands are free.

I could hold a pistol in one hand
and a sabre in the other.

And if the soldiers
are turning back?

He'll turn back, too.

No horse can do that.

See for yourself, Your Grace.

Two men at your sides
with me behind.

I'll give him to you for free,
if he pulls ahead.

Very well!

Get ready.
Move ahead!

Drop the reins, Your Grace!

Hold him!

What's this?

You scoundrels!
Don't you know, who I am?!

Don't put up resistance
or you'll get a bullet.

You traitor!

Who are you then?!

How dare you
raise your hand on me?

You'll wrench my arms!

Let him go!

- Is it about ransom?
- No!

Where are you taking me?

To the confederates.
I have your letters!

All your of fences against
the country will be exposed.

You're a fool, Kmicic!

I am!
I trusted the Radziwills!

What's happened?

The horses are exhausted.

There's not much grass
for the horses to pasture on.

- We'll be given nothing here.
- We've got some food and vodka.

We must regain strength.

Your Grace shall kindly dismount.

What for?
I shall eat and drink in the saddle.

Get down on the ground.

And you - under it!

Holy Mary...
He's breathing.

It must be the devil.
I can smell smoke.

You fool!

If it was the devil,
you'd smell sulphur, not smoke.

Anyone in there?!

Be on your guard!
Bring in the colonel.

- Soroka...
- Yes, sir?

It was the Prince
who shot at me, wasn't it?

What happened to him?

He escaped.

That's bad...

That's very bad...

He killed three of our men
and had the best horse.

So he won.

But we'll meet again.

- Soroka!
- At your service...

You're already up, sir?
You were sleeping like oxen.

One could chop your heads off!

we're going to Wolodyjowski.

They'll kill us, Sir Colonel.

I'd rather die than
be considered a traitor by them.

Show yourself!

What do you want?

Come here!

Stop yelling
from behind the bushes.

Can two of us approach you?

You can!

That would be a miracle, sir,
but I really think they're our men.

Where's your second son,

I hope he didn't die in a battle!

Good Lord! Father!
It's Sir Kmicic!

Sweet Jesus!

It's Sir Kmicic!

Come over here!

Those sons of the bitches...

You're greeting me with guns?

Such a guest!
On your knees, scoundrels!

On your knees!

- Who was the first to shoot?
- You, father.

He's a lying dog, My Lord!

Such a guest!

I can't believe my own eyes.
Welcome, Sir!

What are you waiting for,
you idiots?

Bring some mead!

How did you
find yourself out here?

When the Butryms beat you
in Wolmontowicze,

we've gone to the woods.

The forest...

Misery and hunger.

We live on mushrooms
and blueberries.

The cellar is left uncovered.
Give us the key, father.

The key?
I know you too well.

You'll drink more
than you'll bring!

I'll fetch it myself.

- What are you doing now?
- We steal horses.

- From whom?
- From anybody.

- From Swedes, too?
- Why wouldn't we?

- And if they resist?
- We thrash them.

You do, huh?


You can take horses
from the enemy.

But if you take them
from your own people,

then you're rogues,
not noblemen.

- What do you do with the horses?
- Father sells them.

Go cover the cellar!

The mead isn't good
for the wound.

Shall I dress it?

That's right,
you were my barber surgeon.

Jesus Christ!

Somebody must have shot
you at close range.

- Kiemlicz!
- Yes, sir?

How far are the troops who have
mutinied against the Lord Hetman?

3 days, if you take the road.

if you go through the woods.


You and your sons
are back under my command.

It pays off better
than stealing horses.

Yes, yes...

It's just hunger
and misery out here.

Don't you betray me though.
you won't make it.


Do you have something
to write with?

I'll see.

I must send a letter but
the messenger's to be reliable.

We'll find one.

- Where is he to go?
- To Lord Hetman.

he doesn't need to see him.

It's enough, if he delivers it
to the first officer he meets.

I've got three sheets of paper.
But no ink and no pen.

The pen is here,
and ink can be found.

That'll do it.

It's easier to cut
the heads off than pens.

Go away now, Kiemlicz.

Good Lord! It's true!

He's got our letters!

The information in them...

But Kmicic can't make
these letters public.

If he did, he would
sentence that girl to death.

He knows
it's the only way to control us.

What girl do you mean?

Olenka Billewicz.

I'm not asking about her name,
only if she's comely.

You don't know her.

Personified virtue, almost a nun.

I've known nuns, too.

She's an ardent supporter
of the Polish King.

So we'll multiply his supporters.

Then Kmicic will
disclose our secret!

I must guard her like
the apple of my eye.

For the time being.

Then I'll give her to you,
or even to your dragoons.

I give you my word,
I won't take her by force.

I keep my words,
if I give them privately.

Politics is different.

Invite her to supper tonight.

I'll have a look
and decide if she's worthwhile.

But don't contradict me,
whatever I say.

Her Majesty, the Queen of France,
was so kind to marry me off.

- With the Duchess de Rohan...
- ...and de la Force.

They were beautiful but women
in our country are more beautiful.

In this room, too.

But none is of equal birth
or prosperity to you, Your Grace.

Allow me to deny it.

Polish lady
is no worse than French duchess.

It would be nothing new,
if Radziwill married a noblewomen.

Very kind man.

But sometimes
I'm ashamed of Polish noblemen,

when I compare them
to foreign ones.

A French gentleman
can commit an ignoble act.

But he won't raise
his hand against his king.

Dear God!

What conspiracy against
the former king do you have in mind?

Who's scheming?!

I met a certain gentleman
on my way here.

Unaware of my true sentiments
for our king,

he thought I was his enemy,
like the others.

For a substantial reward,

he promised to go to Silesia
to abduct John Casimir

and deliver him dead
or alive to the Swedes.

If he had made me such an offer,

I'd have had him shot
without judgment.

That's what I wanted to do.

But I had no witness. People would
gossip about Radziwill's willfulness.

You shouldn't have
let him go alive.

He deserves to be impaled.

Your Grace can punish him.

He's your colonel.

Good Lord! My colonel?!

Who is he? Tell me!

His name is Kmicic.

That's not true!

If he's your relative or fiance,

I'm sorry to have told you this.

But I advise you to forget him
for he's not worthy of you, My Lady.

Forgive me, Your Grace,
I was wrong to deny it.

That man is capable of anything.


...about ten horses.

Your Grace!

Have arms at the ready
but don't shoot.

- Who are you?
- And you?

- Answer the question!
- What's your right to ask?

It's a patrol
of confederated regiments.

We were sent to look
for Swedes and suspect people.

It seems there are some here,
if they don't want to answer.

I mean no of fence...

but today it's hard to tell
a friend from a foe.

We're going to the Confederates.

Is Colonel Wolodyjowski
already in the camp?

Perhaps he is.
Who's asking?

His friend.

Forgive me, Your Grace,
for not recognizing your rank.

We're Wol0dyjowski's soldiers,
we'll take you to him.

It's Kmicic! Shoot him!

- Shall we thrash them?
- Yes!




Tie them up!
Take the horses and purses!

- Take it all!
- Hands off!

You're a wise man,
you know it belongs to us!

Dress their wounds.

The Holy Cross is my witness
that I did not want this fight.

Take the wounded
and tell others the truth.

You attacked us
and we had to defend ourselves.

The blood of my brothers
on my hands again...

Oh, Christ!
Show me the way...

Otherwise I shall lose my mind!


Digital reconstruction co-financed by

Polish Film Institute and Ministry
of Culture and National Heritage

Film Production Company
"Zespdry filmowe"

and National Film Archive



Script based on the novel
by Henryk Sienkiewicz




Military equipment, costumes
Costume design

Interior design


Executive producer

Director of photography

Directed by

They're marching
against Radziwill...

There's a lot of them.

May God grant them victory.

All over the country
they've made me known...

as a savage and a traitor.

Nobody will trust Kmicic anymore.

That's why from now
on my name is not Kmicic.

It's Babinicz, understood?

Yes, Colonel, Sir.

Tell my men that even
if they're flayed,

they have to say I'm Babinicz.

Where are we going, sir?

To the King.

Holy Mary...

- But which king?
- Not the Swedish one.

But His Majesty's
taken refuge in Silesia.

We'll go to Silesia then.

I'd have to renounce everything.

Leave it all behind.

Destroy my own work
with my own hands!

And fall foul of
the mighty Carl Gustav.

And throw yourself at
John Casimir's feet...

- And yet...
- What?!

It's the only way
to save the country.

What about you?

Me? The Radziwills?

So be it.

- That's what's going to happen.
- What have you decided?

To attack the confederates
with Swedish help.

You're a true Radziwill!

The Swedes only
respect the strong.

Go to Taurogi and muster
as many men as you can.

Take the wench with you.
But remember!

If you force her,
we'll both be doomed.

I'd be glad
to see you happy in Taurogi.

Thank you, Your Grace.

Forgive me, my lady.

- What's happened, Sakowicz?
- Forgive us, my lady.

What happened there?

A spark fell on the powder.

- And who managed the fireworks?
- Braun did, My Grace.

- Have the guilty man shot.
- No!

Your Grace, I beg of you.

Your right is only to order,
not to beg.

I'd burn Taurogi
just to see you smile.

Welcome, My Lady!

The Prince asks you
to deign to accept this gift.

Give him my regards.

Tell him I'm overjoyed
with his gift.

- Such a kind man.
- Kind? Yes...

- And who are you?
- My name is Braun.

I'm the officer
you saved from death.

I owe you my life.

I am at your command.

One more word!

Your every word
is a favour to me.

- Do you know Kmicic?
- I've only heard of him.

The Prince told me
that Kmicic offered

to abduct the Polish King.

- Is it true?
- I don't know, My Lady.

But our officers told me
that the Prince

met Kmicic on his way to Kiejdany
and bought a horse from him.

The Prince came back
very agitated.

It might have been then.

The peasants must've resisted.

Water the horses.


Must be some important Swede.

A general.

Fire first,
then slaughter the soldiers.

Take the important one alive.


I'm Wejhard, count Wrzesowicz.

I was sent to meet Your Excellency
by the Swedish King,

who was anxious
about the Imperial Envoy.

I'm glad to meet you, Sir.

You can see for yourself,
what's happened.

Do YOU play chess?

There's no time for it at war.

That's a pity.

That game has a lot
in common with politics.

Though it's easier
to handle kings on a chessboard.

As an Imperial Envoy,

I've guided
the actions of real kings.

Sit down, Sir.

A glass of wine?
It's from imperial cellars.

Is victory still following
Charles Gustav?

Some Polish troops
have been dispersed,

others have joined us.

The whole nation has recognized
the power of the King of Sweden.

I'm told Gdansk
did not let the Swedish army in.

A few cities and castles
are still faithful to John Casimir.

We also heard about groups
of noblemen and peasants.

What are they
compared to the army?!

History is full of such examples.

Your Excellency,
we are ready to go now.

I've heard...

the King of Sweden wants to
take the Czestochowa Monastery.

His Imperial Majesty
has a special sentiment

towards this place.

There are orders
to occupy all strongholds.

The gentry and peasants
are already astir.

The Polish King remains nearby,
in Silesia.

It'd be easy for them
to stir up new revolts.

Your Excellency,
the Monastery is a stronghold.

I am telling you what I heard.

The Swedes are planning
to attack the Monastery.

And soon!

God forbid that I suspect
this gentleman of lying.

However Swedes assured us
they wouldn't take the monastery.

Why are you trying to frighten
the clergy and us, the refugees?

I'm just warning you.

If you don't listen,
you'll bear responsibility.

Don't raise your voice.

We must verify your news.

- Ask then.
- I will.

You said you've come here

because you don't want
to serve Swedes or the traitor.

There are rebels in Lithuania.
Why didn't you join them?

That's my concern.

Your concern...

If you come from Lithuania,
you must know the traitors.

Tell me their names.

One is the most famous of all.

Haven't you heard
about the arch-villain?


It's not possible.

That man sheds the blood
of his brothers, like Cain.

Haven't you heard about Kmicic?

Reverend Fathers...

I'll bear anything,
if one of you interrogates me.

But do not let this man
torment me any longer!

One more question.

You'd like us
to believe your tidings.

God is my witness, I would.

What reward do you expect for it?

All this is my war booty.

I wanted to offer it
to Virgin Mary.

But only after confession,
with a clear conscience.

The truth shines
through your anger.

But how could we
throw out the faithful?

Keep the gates closed
day and night?

The forces of hell cannot prevail.

No heretic shall set his foot
in this sacred place.

His power shall be destroyed.

I'm not the one
speaking this words.

It's the Holy Ghost
speaking through me.

Reverend Father!
I'm telling you this as a soldier.

Make fast the walls,
lock the gates.

For Christ's sake,
keep the gates locked.


Colonel, we've come to ask you
to release us from service.

Don't you want to
defend the monastery?

YOU dogs!

Very well.

Take your pay
and away with you.

You scoundrel!

We're not worthy to admire
the splendour of Czestochowa.

Oh, Virgin Mary, our Morning Star.

We're not worthy...

But we'll not stop serving you
outside the walls.

We'll go, where you want us to.
You'll have servants, at the ready.

Away with you!

Your Grace!

I bring important tidings
from the Lord Hetman.

I'll receive him tomorrow.

The confederates
have defeated us twice.

The Swedes have abandoned us.
We're besieged.

You're our only hope, Your Grace.

Prince Hetman is ill.

You need a doctor then, not me.

The castle can hold out
for a long time.

Come back in a week or two.

If you don't come tomorrow...

I'm hunting bears tomorrow.

The day after that
there's a tournament.

You may take part in it.

The Prince...

He's lost his head.

I can feel the stone's
off my chest.

I feel better now.

No news from Prince Boguslaw?

No, Your Grace.

And from the Swedish King?

The confederates must have
intercepted the letters.

Defeated and besieged...

I'm not needed by anyone.

I can feel the cold.

I can't see Her
but I can feel Her.

- She's here.
- Who?


They're fighting.

As usual.

It's cold so they're fighting
to make themselves warm.



What do you want?

Take that crown...

Help me.



Where is the Prince?!

Why did you stay with the traitor,
you fool?

I loved him.
You can kill me.

We're hearing
many different news in Taurogi.

We can't tell a lie
from the truth.

Some say Hetman
died a natural death.

Others that he was slayed.

Why did he die?

You're the cause
of his downfall and death.

- Me?
- Yes.

Prince Boguslaw preferred
to stay here then rescue his uncle.

He's been lost to the world
at your elbow, My Lady.

Tell me,
what's going on around me.

The Prince is in love with you.

Can't you see?

All the balls, feasts,
hunts - it's all for you.

But his love is evil.
He wants to disgrace you.

Should you help me to escape?

If it wasn't for my oath...

Thank you.


I didn't expect the war
to be that terrible.

Not every bullet kills.

Otherwise mothers wouldn't
have children fast enough.


You could have been
blown to powder!

Do we have too much powder?

You'd load a cannon with me.
I'd kill Swedes after my death!

When will they bring
the culverin?

- It takes time.
- I've got none!

The rebels are prowling
the roads, General, Sir!

The monks will surrender.

They're defending
to get better conditions.

Let's send negotiators.

Would you go to the monastery?

I'll go.

I'm a Pole and a catholic. It'll be
easier for me to convince them.

I didn't expect the clerics
to have such officers.

May I ask your name?


And I am officer Kuklinowski,
You must have heard of me.

My name and sword
have won fame in many a war,

not only in this country
but also abroad.

Yes, I've heard of you.
Come on in.

Take no of fence but there are
only two real soldiers in Poland.

Kuklinowski in the Kingdom and
Kmicic in the Duchy of Lithuania.

I'd be glad, if you accompanied me
on my way back as well.

I'll wait for you here.

The whole country has surrendered,
the King has fled abroad.

Why are you exposing yourselves
and this sacred place

to the vengeance
of the invincible Swedish army?!

We, Poles,
have come here with Swedes

to prevent sacrilege,
when the monastery falls.

And it will fall.

They're waiting for heavy guns.

But how can we defend it,

if you're exasperating
the enemy with your resistance?!

It can only end in destruction
of this sacred church!

My brothers!

Reverend and beloved Fathers!

Don't have this
on your conscience.

You didn't build this sanctuary
and it is not only to serve you.

May it bring joy
to our sons and grandsons.

I await your answer,
Reverend Fathers.

You've failed, haven't you?
Our priests are stubborn.

Between you and me,
they're wrong.

We can't defend
ourselves forever.

You think they're wrong'?
You've got brains.

Show me through the gate,
I've something to tell you.

Me as well.

This monastery is on fire.
Only fools stay in a burning house.

Perhaps you're afraid
to be called a traitor?

Spit on them who call you that!
Join us!

Me, Kuklinowski,
is making you this offer.

Do you say that
as the Swedish envoy?

I'm not an envoy outside the gate.
I'm speaking for myself.

To hell with that nasty fortress!

- You're speaking for yourself?
- I am!

Then I can answer you in private?

Why certainly!

Then listen, Kuklinowski...
You're a scoundrel!

A rascal and a stinking brute!

- What?
- A stinking brute!

Is that enough?
Or shall I spit in your face?

That's for you, not the envoy!

Our God he is our stronghold,

Our refuge and protection,

When the foe of truth divine,

Threatens it with destruction.

Have no fear!

God's with us [...]

Mother of God, Holy Virgin,

Blessed by the Lord, Mary,

Mother of Thy Son,

Our Lord, Maria,

Pray for mercy for us,

Hand it over to us.

Kyrie Eleison ...

It's not about our lives,
our wives or children!

It's about this sacred place!

Father, you can't take
such a responsibility...

They'll knock down the walls!

We must surrender the fortress!

What do you want?


the walls won't last
more than one day.

the culverin must be blown up.

Who's going to do it?

I Will.

I'm begging you,
let me go with you.

It's harder for two men
to go unnoticed.

I'd go myself, sir.

Make the fuse shorter.

You won't have enough time
to stand clear.

Do it! Otherwise they'll
notice it and put it out.

Good Lord!

I want to draw my sabre
just looking at you!

I'm noticeable from afar!

I'll just put it in the cannon's
mouth and light the fuse!

The culverin will go to h...
It'll go to pieces.

But they put powder in it
every day and it doesn't.

Father, you have a heroic
and saintly heart.

- Stop it.
- I mean it!

But you know nothing
about the guns.

When the powder explodes in the rear,
it pushes the cannon ball out.

But if you put it in front,
the cannon is not going to last.

- Would you confirm that?
- Every soldier knows that.

Wouldn't it be better
to go there at night and...

Spike the gun?

They're on their guard.
We'd only lose people.

Who could recognize me
in this disguise?

When the fuse catches fire,
I'll stand clear.

The explosion will cause chaos
and I'll escape.

Oh God, so many dangers!

Only one man in a hundred
would come back from such a trip.

I've faced many dangers...

Not to brag about it
or gain fame...

Here's a sausage for you, doggy.

- Who's there?
- It's me, Hans.

I'm looking for the ramrod.



Hurry up, we're going
to start firing soon.

It'll take a second.

I know this rogue.

He's Babinicz
from the monastery garrison.

My name isn't Babinicz.

I am Kmicic.


It's a name famous
throughout Poland.

General, he's a soldier
second to none. Except me.

I don't want to hear you
praising him!

What will you do with him,
Your Grace'?

I'd have him hanged.

But I'm a soldier myself.
I value courage.

He'll be shot.

Then every Pole will abandon us
and take John Casimir's side.

Do you want me
to spare his life?

I want you to give him to me.

This is all I ask
for my services.

do you want to save him?

I'll skin him alive
and take the blame for it.

You dogcatcher!

We can talk, we've got time.

I told you there were only
two real soldiers in this country.

Me and you.

The famous commander, sir Kmicic,

and Kuklinowski's got him...

and he'll burn his sides.

You dogcatcher!

Oh yes,
that's what he's going to do.

Well, how do you like it?

You can scream.

A little more then.

Not too much right away.

Easy... We've got time.

Who, the hell, is it?

My Grace, General Miller
wants to see you now.

Oh, it's you, Kiemlicz.

Warm, wasn't it?

You can cool down a little now.

I'll be back soon, for a chat.

- Who's there?
- We've come to have a look.

Then look, you haven't seen
such a wonder before...

We've been looking
for a chance since morning.

Hurry UP!


Go on!
Cut the colonel's bonds.

The horses are awaiting.

- How are you feeling, sir?
- My legs are a little weak.

Some vodka will help.

Clothes for our colonel!

I feel better already.

He burnt my side a little,
but that's nothing.

- Quick!
- I'm all good already.

The horses are waiting.

No... I'll stay
and wait for that traitor.

What the hell?

Are you mad?

Miller's asleep,
his guards didn't let me in.

The officer's waiting for
Your Grace in the stable.

Well, Kuklinowski?!

You wanted to match Kmicic,
you bandit?

Be one of his company?

Meet Kmicic then!

I'll let you live.
So that you can... thinking of Kmicic.

- Mount the horses.
- Where to, sir?

To Silesia! To the King!

Many come here,
expecting a reward,

to bring false
and deceptive tidings.

There's no law in Poland allowing
you to call a nobleman a liar.

You're speaking
to the Great Chancellor!

Whoever says I'm lying,
will hear me saying

that it's easier to call me
a liar than to risk one's life.

It's easier to seal with wax
than with blood.

I'm not saying you're lying.

But if you spoke the truth,
your side should be burnt.

There's no need for it.

We believe you.

Your Majesty!

Let the doubting Thomases
touch my wounds.

I do believe you.

I never doubted
you were telling the truth.

Your merit and pain will
not pass for nothing.

God grant that we may soon
return to our beloved motherland.

But many spies are sent here.

Prince Boguslaw reported
that an attempt on us was planned.

An attempt on Your Majesty?

He said there was a man
who offered to abduct us.

And bring us
dead or alive to the Swedes.

Who was it?

A certain Kmicic.

That's a lie.

That's a lie!

Prince Boguslaw is a liar!

Don't believe that traitor,
Your Majesty!

He lied to disgrace his enemy!

Lift him up and call a doctor.

Either he's so honest
that repulsion overwhelmed him

or he's some relative of Kmicic.

Your Grace,

God forbid that
I say anything against him,

but he shouldn't be trusted
too readily.

Why shouldn't I trust a soldier
who's shed his blood for our country?

I haven't lost my throne yet
if I have such allies.

- He'll stay with me.
- But, Your Majesty...

Enough about this.

I've summoned you
to discuss certain matters.

We're going back to Poland.

I don't want to contradict
Your Majesty,

but I think we should wait.

Wait until the resistance
increases in Poland.

Your Majesty,

the reports say
that the time is ripe to return.

Only the presence of the King
may hasten the victory.

The Tartar Khan has
promised his help,

if the King returns
to the motherland.

Sir Czarniecki speaks as a soldier.
But King's security is at stake.

Whatever our fate may be,
we're leaving in a day or two.

Now we must consider
the safest way to do it.

We await your advice,
General Czarniecki.

We must divert Swedes' attention.

I'll take 300 dragoons
and a few carriages.

I'll be proclaiming,
I'm escorting the King himself.

Your Majesty will start later,
with a small troop.

The enemy is going to throw
his forces against me.

I heard one of Babinicz's men
calling him a colonel.

He silenced him
just with the look of his face.

I think he's hiding something, too.
It's none of our concern.

If he's a traitor,
Poland will be lost with you.

I'll ask him some questions


Sir Babinicz!

The King wants to talk to you.

You traitor!



For Christ's sake!
Save yourself, Your Majesty!

I'll stop them!

Kiemlicz, follow me!

Forgive me, my sons.

We forgive you.
And you forgive us, Father.

I do.

Good people!

Do you know who
you've just rescued?

This is your King!

You have saved his life.

Your merits won't be forgotten.

Look for Babinicz!
To think you called him a traitor!

- It is my fault, Your Majesty.
- Look for Babinicz!

I will not leave
until I look him in the eye.

He's still breathing!

Dear God, Babinicz,
how shall I repay you?

I'm not Babinicz.

I'm Kmicic.

You let the Polish King pass.
You let Czarniecki pass.

But Your Majesty...

Your Majesty always has to correct
his generals' mistakes.

Where is my beloved brother,
the Polish King, now?

Tell me!

Where are the Polish armies?

- Any news of the enemy?
- None, Your Majesty.

We only defeated some
peasants and nobles.

Even if I have to chase
my beloved royal brother

all over Poland, I'll catch him.

Here's to those who
were the first to raise their swords

against the traitor, late Hetman.

We had to disobey orders for
the first and the last time, I hope.

We couldn't do otherwise.

Allegiance must have its limits,

beyond which there
is only guilt and crime.

The motherland will not
forget your services.

We'll muster a new army here

and you'll take the field
with general Czarniecki.

We are happy to be here
with Your Majesty.

But we're eager
to fight Swedes as well.

Be patient.

Before you take the field,
you'll stay here to defend the King.

Speaking of Your Majesty's

I heard
that Prince Boguslaw said...

Was it about Kmicic?

- Yes, Your Majesty.
- That's right.

None of that was true,
Boguslaw was lying.

Call Babinicz.

But tell me
what you know about the man.

He was a great soldier
but terribly wild.

The he brought discredit
on himself in Kiejdany.

- He's done a lot of harm.
- But he saved our lives.

He begged Radziwill
not to shoot us.

And Radziwill released you?

Sir Zagloba rescued us
from captivity.

He made the officer believe
he was his kin and got him drunk.

Then he took his clothes
and brought my regiment.

No boasting
but I take the credit for it!

- How did you get so clever?
- It'll reveal my secret.

I always carry hemp seeds with me
and eat them little by little.

It sharpens the wit enormously.

But why?

There's oil in hemp
and that oils the brain.

But the oil goes to
your belly not to your brain!

I have a way with that, too.
One must drink a lot of wine.

The oil, being lighter,
floats on top.

The wine, going to one's head,
carries it up.

Can sunflower seeds
replace hemp seed?

Of course!

However sunflower oil is heavier
so one must drink stronger alcohol.

I've heard royal meads
are the best!

What a shrewd fellow!

You'll find a few bottles
in your rooms.

Jesus Christ!

Your Majesty!
This is Kmicic!

You've known him as
a brawler and Radziwill's ally.

But he's the hero of Czestochowa
and my loyal servant,

who stood up for me.

This is the new Kmicic.

Meet him and love him,
he's worth it.

It was not me
who he wanted to abduct

but Prince Boguslaw
to bring him to you.

Embrace him!

I've always liked you!

And I you!

What angel has converted you?

Did you find many people
with the Hetman?

Just a few foreign officers.

In God's name!
I'm not asking about soldiers!

Prince Boguslaw took
Lady Billewicz to Taurogi.


She's still in love with Kmicic.

That's certain.

All my efforts in vain.

It's never happened to me before!

That's because Your Grace
has scruples.

You fool!
It must be witchcraft!

My head is reeling...

To make love to her...
Embrace her...

- Have children with her?
- You're right!

How did you know?

What's happening to me?
Shall I marry her, damn it?!

You shan't even think of it.

But I do!

This is no joke.

Be thankful
that Sakowicz is your friend.

Devil's whispered in your ear?
Tell me.

I'll be your best man,
Your Majesty.

Don't fool around!

There's a man
who used to be a priest in here.

What do I care?

He'll tack you two together.

But he's a poor craftsman,
not a member of the guild.

It'll be easy to
unpick the stitches.

Do you understand, Your Grace?

Damn it,
I do understand very well!

But Charles Gustav
has called for me.

I must leave in a few days.

Haste will be the explanation

for some unimportant cleric
marrying you.

One day you'll be hanged,

It cannot be otherwise.

I don't know everything...

But their plans concern you.

The troops are ready
for departure.

If the Prince
is going to do something,

It'll be any day now.

Look how this candle is burning...

What was that?

I'm saying one virginity
will melt like wax tonight.

I wish it could be done today!
Even at midnight.

Put tongs into the fire in case
the priest refuses to comply.

It won't be necessary.
He's a black-hearted villain.

It'll be a black-hearted wedding.

Can't be otherwise,
when the best man is a procurer.

May I see Olenka?

Your Grace...

She says her grandfather's will
forbids her to decide her fate.

And that she wouldn't
marry you anyway.

Can you hear that, Sakowicz?

Your decisions and wills
mean nothing to me!

But they mean everything to us.

She must either take
the veil or marry Kmicic.

Who?! Kmicic?!

I'll show you Kmicic!

Shut up, you useless woman!

Shut up or I'll cut
your sweet throat!

Be quiet and stay here.

Your niece's wedding
is starting upstairs.

She had a dagger,
I made her drop it,

as I was taught in Italy.

Suddenly I felt a terrible pain
and saw nothing but darkness.

My head is still reeling!

The devil must be helping them.

Which one of them
practices witchcraft?

It can't be her, she's a virgin.

- It may be the aunt.
- I'd agree.

We should make a hole in the ice
and drown that hag in the river.

Spring's coming.

The stars will be different
and the nights shorter.

Devils will be losing their powers.

- I'm leaving tomorrow.
- You're not well.

I must go.

Carl Gustav keeps sending
letters full of anger.

The infantry and artillery
will go tonight.

We'll leave with cavalry at dawn.

I'll take the girl
with me and the aunt...

Under the ice with her!

The wagons are moving.
It's time!

Confederate patrols
are nearby.

May God be with you.

You're not coming with us?

The Prince may be a scoundrel
but I'm still his soldier.

- Aren't you in danger?
- No.

They couldn't have
flown up the chimney!

Who was visiting them?

Me, Patterson,
McGregory and Hagen...

And Braun
whose life she'd saved.

Kill me...

You must feel you're dying.

Let's go!


Close in!

I'm still weak.

We're taking the field today.

I envy you.

Your time will come.

But practice every day.

It won't be easy
to defeat Boguslaw.

One of us is destined to die.

You bend your wrist too much.

A brother wouldn't
do more for me.

I'll finally find them
and make them fight me.

It's not clear,
who's chasing who right now.

Poles can be found
everywhere and nowhere.

It's like fighting ghosts.

Your Majesty, Czarniecki's army
is stronger every day.

I've asked
Prince Boguslaw for help.

One battle will change everything.
The cannons will be decisive!

We'll have no cannons,
before the battle with Czarniecki.

When will you, oh Lord,
grant peace to this nation

and a fireplace
and mulled beer to me?

Why must I always have my belly
shaken up in the vanguard.

Anybody else would rest
and have a feast.

But our general Czarniecki
made up a new tradition.

He's rushing forward
and forward, damn it!

Do not blaspheme against him!

I'm not. It's my guts!

Hunger plays a tune
like they were a violin!

Then Swedes
will dance to that tune.

To hell with them!

If they give up the Livland
and pay the contribution,

I'll let them live then.

A Cossack caught a Tartar

and the Tartar
is holding him by the head!

Carl Gustav is still occupying Poznan,
Warsaw, Cracow and other cities.

And you'd like him to surrender?!

We'll have to
take pains to defeat him

and chase him out of our country!

I command retreat!

The foe has put fire and water
between us and is sneering at us.

He who loves God
and his country - follow me!

To His Gracious Majesty,
the illustrious John Casimir,

The King of Poland,
Grand Duke of Lithuania,

Prussia, Masovia,
Samogitia and Livland,

Heir of the Swedish Crown...

We, the mightiest
Mehmed Salamed Gerey,

the happiest ruler of our times,

Heir to the house
of Genghis Khan

and Commander
of the hordes of Crimea,

Nohai, Perekokski,
Czerkieski and Semenidi.

The envoy of Your Royal Grace
reached us safely

and trusted us with many secrets
worthy of our attention.

We shall not neglect anything
that could help establish peace

and which would bring happiness
to the sons of Allah.

We therefore send
our envoy, Aga,

whom Your Majesty
may keep with his men

as a proof of our friendship.

He will convey our secret thoughts
to Your Majesty.

He is our servant
and faithful dog

who will obey Your Majesty
until he dies.

It won't be easy to control them.

They'll start killing
our man and burning homes.

Your Majesty,

allow me to have these Tartars
under my command.

I'm not saying no.
But what if Aga refuses?

I'll have him tied
to my saddle with a rope.

If the King's sent you
as a guide,

you'll show me the way.

The King's sent me
as a commander,

not as a guide.

The Khan rules the Tartars,

not the King.

Then listen to me, Aga.

The Khan gave you
to the King like a dog.

Don't offend the King

or you'll be leashed like a dog.

Don't irritate me!

Listen, you son of a goat!

You wanted freedom to plunder,
burn and slaughter!

You wanted a guide?!

Here's your guide!

Look at that, you slave!

Give me another horse!

General, Sir,
they won't ford the river.

Then it's no use hiding.

Lead us to attack, Babinicz!

Officers to your regiments!

Approach the river!

Fire at the ford!

I'd try that ford again.

Take the light cavalry,
cross the river and attack.

My Lord,
Kmicic will get killed!

If he's clever,
he'll win, not die.

Now go!

Cease the fire!

That's what I wanted!


Don't kill me!
The girl...

Speak up!

She's going to die,
if you kill me.

- I gave my orders.
- What did you do to her?

Spare me, I'll give her back.
I swear to the Bible.

I'd give a hundred rascals
like you for one hair of hers.

But I don't believe you,
you perjurer!

I'll give you a safe conduct
and a written order.

I'd sooner have expected death.

The devil gave orders
to kill Olenka, if he dies.

You've released a traitor!

Punish me, Oh God,
for my sins.

Not by my guilt though
but by your mercy.

I'd never sentence her to death!

What do you intend to do?

I'm going to Taurogi.

Charles Gustav
is preparing a great army.

I'll be back in two weeks.


The motherland won't perish!
In two weeks!

Young lady Billewicz
will hand you over Wodokty,

together with the land she owns.

The monastery will get
everything you see here.

Are there many sheep?

Are you preparing
to shear them already'?

This sheep
will be enough for you.



Is he still alive or dead'?

Alive but death hovers around him.

He was wounded at war.
He asked to be taken to Lubicz.

That's where he wants to die.


Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,

now and at the hour
of our death. Amen.

Now and at the hour
of our death. Amen.

Lord, count in his favour

that his death's been inflicted
by the enemy.

Forgive him.

Have mercy on him.

- Is it over?
- He's still alive.


At your service, sir.

Who is at Wodokty?

The young lad)!-

Praise the Lord!

Have they been asking about me?

Every day,

until we told them
that you were going to live.

And then they stopped?

Then they stopped.

What do you think of Kmicic,
my daughter?

God knows that
I don't want to think about him.

You see...

I've been hearing
different opinions.

Don't you think your grandfather's
will should be fulfilled?


I can take the veil.


There's only blood
and ruin here.

He betrayed his motherland,
wanted to abduct the King...

I'd forgiven him before...

Because I loved him
with all my heart.

But now I can't.
Dear Lord, I can't!

But he risked his life

and shed his blood
for his country.

He did...
when the foe was losing.

When he could profit by it.

Does that make him honest?

That's true.

Can a wound efface that?

I'd give everything
for it not to be true.

But it's done
and can't be undone.

- Soroka?
- Yes, sir!

Wolodyjowski's regiment
hasn't returned yet, has it?

It's expected any day now.

You didn't say
anything about me?

I've got no such order.

- What day is it?
- A cold one, sir.

That's not what I'm asking about.

It's Saturday.

Shave me and we'll go
to church tomorrow.

Praised be Jesus Christ.

Now and forever.

In the name of the Father,
the Son and the Holy Ghost. Amen.

On the third Sunday
after the Epiphany in 1658,

the Gospel to be read
is Saint Matthew's, Chapter VIII.

And when he was come down
from the mountain,

great multitudes followed him:

And behold a leper came
and adored him, saying:

Lord, if thou wilt,
thou canst make me clean.

And Jesus put forth his hand,
touched him, saying:

be thou made clean.

And his leprosy was cleansed.

We, John Casimir, King of Poland,
Grand Duke of Lithuania,

Masovia, Prussia etc...

In the name of the Father
the Son and the Holy Ghost, Amen.

We announce hereby

that whatever guilt
and punishment

weighed upon Andrzej Kmicic,

considering his
subsequent merits,

shall be forgotten.

Andrzej Kmicic was misled
by Prince Radziwill.

Realising his mistake,

not only did he never promise
to lift his hand against us

but abducted Prince Boguslaw

to avenge us
and the ravaged Motherland.

God, have mercy on me!

He was wounded by the Prince.
As soon as he recovered,

he left to Czestochowa
to defend the monastery,

where he blew up
the biggest Swedish cannon.

After he was apprehended
by the cruel foe,

his flesh was burnt with fire.

Saved from this predicament
by the Holy Virgin's power,

he came to us, to Silesia,

and during our journey back
to the Motherland,

defending the King
at the battlefield,

was found almost dead.

Oh God, God!

And when he recovered
he fought on,

until the enemy was driven away
from our country.

Therefore We,
considering all his merits,

have decided to
proclaim them publicly,

so that he was no longer
persecuted by human hate,

and could live in glory
and be admired.

Well, Olenka...


I'm not worthy
to kiss your wounds!

I'm speaking to you now,
Sir Andrzej!

It's not enough to risk your life
and slaughter the enemy.

So many men were killed
in that war!

You must give new defenders

to our beloved country!

And I trust you won't lack
the courage or the desire to do so.


I wish you every
happiness, Colonel!


Digital reconstruction
of the film co-financed by

Polish Film Institute and Ministry
of Culture and National Heritage