The Dallas Connection (1994) - full transcript

Assassins led by Black Widow are out to kill Antonio Morales to prevent him from handing a computer chip over to IWAR headquarters. It's up to secret agents Chris Cannon, Mark Austin, and Samantha Maxx to stop them. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
- I love your body.

- But I thought it was
my mind you were after.

- To be a world-renowned
scientist and have the

body of a Greek god?

You're too much, Jean Pierre.

On second thought,

you're just enough.

- Bonjour.

- How do you do?

I'm here to pick up a young
lady visiting Mr. Lesage.

- Mr. Lesage does not
wish to be disturbed.

- I have a present for you.

French chocolates.

They're so good
they're to die for.

- No!

- Oh, cool!

Right between the eyes!

- Give me a minute.

God you were good.

But hey,

so was I.

Platter Puss, it's you.

What a great disguise.

You had me fooled.

- Yeah, I love my
work, it's so creative.

- I don't mind leaving
my mark as a killer.

But these prints will never do.

Wake me when we
get to the plane.

- Absolutely.

- Black Widow here.

Business concluded, the
experiment was a success.

We are leaving Paris now.

We refuel in Newfoundland
and expect to arrive

in Dallas, Texas
tomorrow afternoon.


- That was some
scene back there.

Remind me never to
have sex with you.

- I do justice to my codename.

- Yeah you do.

- Well, my love, I should
only be gone about a week.

Tomorrow I'll be in Dallas,
the Scientific Symposium

will be in three days and
I'll be back in South Africa

before you know it.

- Be careful, my love.

- I will.

When I get back, we should
spend a week in Johannesburg

in one of those romantic hotels.

- I'd like that.
- Mmm.

- Have a nice trip,
Mr. Vandermeer.

- Thank you, Hans.

- Yes!

- This is Cobra,
business concluded.

He bought the farm.

I'll arrive in Dallas
tomorrow morning.

Come on, baby.

- The group behind
you is arriving.

- Hello, permit me
to introduce myself.

I'm Dr. Sun Hee Wang.

- Oh, the famous
scientist from Beijing.

- You are very kind.

And this is my
associate, Dr. Joe.

- Hello.
- Hi, how are you?

- Well would you two
like to play ahead of me?

- Oh no, watching you
will be an inspiration.

- Dr. Wang!

I believe you're
right over here.

Oh, and don't forget,

keep your eye on the ball.

Yeah, this is
Scorpion checking in.

Business concluded,

I guess you could say I

blasted myself out of the rough.

You could always count on me.

I'll be in Big D
by three, see ya.

- Tom, is Agent Samantha Maxx
still here in Washington?

- Yes sir, she should be.

- Get her on the agency's
security line for me.

- I'll get her now.
- Thanks.

- This is Samantha Maxx.

- Samantha, this is
Nicholas Lang here.

Pack a few things and meet
me at the agency airstrip

in one hour, we're
leaving for Dallas.

- Yes, sir.

What are we watching?

- It's all part of the
scenario, Agent Maxx.

The codename for this project
is The Dallas Connection.

Four of the world's most
accomplished scientists

had equal portions
of an equation.

That equation has
been divided into

four specialized computer chips.

Yesterday, these chips
were delivered to our main

computer center at
I/WAR in Dallas, Texas.

I/WAR is an anagram
for the International

World Arms Removal.

- This launch we're
watching on the monitor

will put a satellite
into permanent orbit

with new atomic-age technology.

It's call the Lacroix Satellite.

What's the connection?

- The Lacroix Satellite
utilizes a new technology

called synthetic aperture radar,

a system so sensitive
it can record hundreds

of detailed images every day,

through the densest cloud cover,

foliage or even
complete darkness.

It's so sensitive it can
even penetrate dirt or sand

to reveal features buried
beneath the Earth's surface

such as missile silo doors

or fortifications
containing tanks,

missile carriers and even
caches of arms and ammunition.

A powerful meteor shower
is due in three days.

This meteor shower will enhance
the energy in the system

to its most powerful potential.

If everything falls into place,

we'll be able to
pinpoint the weapons

controlled by terrorists,
drug lords and mercenaries,

you name it.

- I can see the importance
of the I/WAR timing.

If we miss this meteor shower,

there won't be another
one of this magnitude

for 130 years.

So what's the problem?

- Three of the four
scientists were murdered

within the last 12 hours.

The Frenchman was
shot in the head.

The South African was
blown up in his car

and the Chinese scientist
was exploded to bits

on a golf course in Hong Kong.

This leaves only one man, the
scientist from South America.

A man named Antonio Morales.

He left from Buenos Aires
on a commercial flight

five hours ago.

He should arrive in Dallas
shortly after we do.

Call your agents in Dallas,

Chris Cannon and Mark Austin,

have them meet us at
the arrival terminal.

We'll meet Mr. Morales' plane

and escort him to our office.

- Skyhawks Racing.

Yeah, yeah, he's out
testing the PanAm car.

I'll bring him in.

- This is Chris Cannon.

- Mark Austin here.

- Lucky break for you.

Samantha's comin' to town.

- Yeah, I haven't seen
her since last March.

How do I look?

- She's coming
with Nicholas Lang.

It ain't no social call.

- How were your trips?

They were a blast!

- You girls are looking good.

Nice work yesterday,
both of you.

There'll be a bonus
in it for you.

Cobra, I have a little
assignment for you

and Puss this afternoon.

- Cool.

You drive, I'll shoot.


Let's go.

Thanks, Tom.

Hey, Chris.

Hey, Mark.

- Mr. Antonio Morales?
- Yes.

- Nicholas Lang of the Bureau,

we have a serious
security problem,

I'm here to escort you
to the I/WAR office.

Federal Agents Samantha Maxx,

Chris Cannon and Mark Austin.

Shall we?

- Is everyone all right?

- Are you okay?

- Let's go.

you and Mark meet me

at the I/WAR office, I'll
clear things up here!

Sir, may I talk to
you for a minute?

- Yes.

- What we have here
is a federal case.

- Hi, Sherrie.
- Hi, Mark.

- How you doing?
- Fine.

You boys look a little stressed.

- It's been one of those days.

- Meeting's been set
up in the boardroom.

- Great.

- Thanks.

- Obviously, as we discussed,

we have a serious security leak.

You, Mr. Morales,
must be protected.

If you agree to cooperate,

the plan is to tread a fine line

between protecting your safety

and trying to lure the assassins
into revealing themselves.

- I am committed
to this project.

Please, find the assassins.

I am willing to do
anything it takes.

- Fortunately we have
the four computer chips

you and your colleagues
sent to us last week.

These chips will be entered
into the master I/WAR computer

in three days, however,
we'll need you,

Mr. Morales, to
supervise this procedure.

It is imperative
that we protect you.

You have your man,
Ron, I realize,

but I am assigning
Tom and Samantha

to alternate staying
close to you at all times.

They'll have their
special radios with them.

They can contact each
other or our office

if anything suspicious
should arise.

Just go about your business
as usual, Mr. Morales,

but please try to keep
a fairly low profile.

Now would you and Ron
wait outside for a minute?

I have a few things I want
to discuss with my agents.

Tom will join you shortly.

What I'm going to do

is unusual as hell.

I'm giving each of you a
chip to carry with you.

With these small gold chains,

you can hang them on your neck

so they're close to
you at all times.


yours is from South Africa.

Samantha, yours is from France.

Mark, yours is from China.

And Chris, yours
is from Argentina,

from our friend
Antonia out there.

Also, Tom and Samantha,

your radios have
both homing devices

and sensitive tape
recorders built in them.

Record your actions
wherever you go.

We'll need a record of all
of Mr. Morales' movements.

He's important, don't let
anything happen to him.

All of you stay in touch.

I'll be here in the I/WAR office

Until the Dallas
Connection is made.

If all goes well, the
computer chips will be entered

into the master
computer on Friday

and hopefully Mr. Morales
will be able to initiate

the procedure to activate
the Lacroix Satellite.

Tom, you go with Morales.

The rest of you, dismissed.


- How did it go?

- Not great.

- Not great?

You missed him by a mile.

- Yeah, but at least
I got his attention.

- It's okay for now, I have
other plans for Señor Morales.

- Hey, Mark?

Do you have those drinks?
- Here they are.

Just in the nick of time.

- Uh-uh.

We haven't seen each
other in months.

You can't expect me to
surrender just like that.

You need to seduce me,

with poetry and
music and romance.

You know, get me in the mood.

- I'd like to suck the
polish off your toes.

- Welcome to Cowboys,
ladies and gentlemen,

the hottest little
spot in Dallas!

The man in charge
tonight is none other

than the world
famous Platter Puss!

Gonna do a little
line dancing for you tonight.

We got some hot
chicks that'll blow

your boots off.
- Good evening, gentlemen.

Right this way.
- So sit back, relax,

and let the good times roll.

And remember, tip your
waiters and waitresses

and save a couple greenies
for me if you got.

We've got five women that
are gonna rock your world!

First up is Black Widow!

38D bust, standing at
6'1", believe me guys,

she's worth the climb!

All right.

Next we've got Cobra.

With a bite that'll
knock you out of sight!

Oh yeah!

Lookie there.

Next up, we have Scorpion,

with the tail sting of death.

All right.

And then we've got
the two local yokels,

these women will dance
you into ecstasy.

- Inside Cowboys.

The place is loud!

The girls are beautiful.

12:00 midnight, Mr. Morales
and Ron are entering the hotel

and going to their room.

I'm gonna get a cup of coffee

and stand guard in the
lobby for the night.


This is Tom, I'm
leaving Morales and Ron.

Will be at the I/WAR building
in a couple of minutes.

I'll meet you at the
parking garage in back.

- Hey.

- He's all yours,

I'm going to my place
to get some sleep,

then I'll be back to work
out in the agency gym.

See you here around
midnight, okay?

- Okay

- I have a great
day planned for us,

we're going to the races.

- Oh, which races?

Hotrod or sport of kings?

- For a princess like you?

Sport of kings, of course.

I know a beautiful track
just across the state line,

it's called Louisiana Downs.

- Your next assignment, ladies.

Instructions and a certain
item, all right here.

And they're off!

And bringing in
the lead is Brandy.

Con is in the middle
and Springtime delayed.

Around the outside of the
track we have Princess,

followed by Banana,
followed by Southern Son.

And then it's Lady
Arkansas then Proper Queen,

followed up there
by Shortly Real

and trailing just
a little while.

- Yeah!
- Yeah, yeah!


Come on, damn it!

We won!

- Yay!

- How are you?

- Great.

You know, if you back off two
turns on the rear coilover

you'll get more bite on the exit

and be able to run
lower on the groove.

Lady's got
a point there, Skeet.

Need a hand?

- Nah, I got a handle on it.

very knowledgeable.

Thanks for the advice.
- You're welcome.

- So,

what's your name?

- Cobra.
- Cobra?

Do you bite?

- Frequently.

- Sounds like it
could be the starter.

Don't worry about it,
I'll have Skeet fix it.

Need a lift home?

- Actually I'm kinda thirsty.

How 'bout we go back to
your place for a drink?

- Yeah, sure, sounds great.

Hop in the Vette,
I'll go change.

- Okay.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- Would you mind
watching my Jet Ski

while I move my trailer?

- Sure, no problem.

- Thanks.

My Jet Ski's not working!

- Do you need a tow?

- That'd be great.

- Good afternoon.
- Good afternoon.

- This way, please.

- Thanks.

- For a scientist, you
seem surprisingly normal,

even somewhat of a romantic.

- Thank you.

Yes, some of us have more
on our minds than microchips

and hard drives.

- You know, you're kinda sexy.

- I'm easy too.

Not cheap, but I'm easy.

- Good.

- Mmm!

This is delicious.

- Excuse me?

- So you are an absent-minded
scientist after all.

- Guilty.

- So, who are you
and what do you do?

- Mark.

Mark Austin.

My partner and I operate
a jet charter service and

run a small racing
team on the side.

- Hmm, sounds exciting.

- What's your name?

- Scorpion.

- Really?


Maybe we should be
drinking Stingers.

♪ In the dark ♪

♪ Of the night ♪

♪ I touch you ♪

♪ You are warm and soft ♪

♪ And just right ♪

♪ My desire ♪

♪ For you ♪

♪ Is so strong ♪

♪ And I'll make sweet
love to you all night ♪

♪ Just one kiss ♪

♪ Lights my fire ♪

♪ Just one touch ♪

♪ Fans my flames ♪

♪ You are here ♪

♪ In my arms, dear ♪

♪ And I will never ♪

♪ No, never ♪

♪ Be the same ♪

- I told you I bite.

- You're a beautiful
man, Mark Austin.

- Are you talking to me?


this is great and all but

I'm kinda involved.

- How'd you feel about
getting involved with these?

- Charlie, can you come
in here for a second?

- Yes?

- Yes, Frau Kessler,
Cape Town, South Africa.

Get her on the phone
for me, please.

- Right away, sir.
- Thanks.

- Got it.

- Excuse me, Ma'am, this
is a security building.

Authorized personnel only.

I'm afraid I'm gonna
have to ask you to leave.

- I'm sorry, I guess
I must be lost.

I could use a little direction.

You know what to do.

Give me 15 minutes before
you make your move.

- This is Charlie, get
me the overseas operator.

- Charlie, did you
get her on the phone?


Frau Kessler, did you
get her on the phone?


- Oh what a way to go.

Beats drowning.

- Kiss




Why are you here?

Who sent you?

- Thanks, Antonio.

It was memorable.
- And so are you.

I'm glad you won at the races,

I won by just being with you.

- What a piece of work.

- A right cross is
something you're born with,

it's a natural thing,
you don't just learn it.

It's not like that Kung Fu crap.

- You got a point
there, Ms. Widow.

- You bet your sweet ass!

Now grab the bitch and let's go!

- Hey, Chris!

What the hell happened to you?

- I was with this
great-lookin' chick.

I think she drugged me.

She took the Vette.

- I was with a
great-lookin' chick too.

She showed me her hooters,

nailed me with a taser gun.

I was unconscious all night.

- I still have my chip.

- Yeah, mine's still here too.

What could they have wanted?

There must be a
reason behind this.

I just don't know what it is.

My mind is a blank.

- Wait a minute, let's go!

- Those gals were pros,

we're lucky we still
have our underwear.

- That's it for me,
no more casual sex.

- Yeah...


Chris, there are no signs
of bullet hits in this area.

- Mark!

These are blank casings.

There's Officer White,
why don't you see

if he knows anything, okay?

I'm gonna check in
with Nicholas' office.

- All right.

Officer White, could I speak
to you for a moment please?

- Of course.

Have you found any
of these shell casings around?

No, I sure haven't.

- Agent Cannon for
Nicholas, please.


I can't believe it.

All right, thanks.

Mark, let's go!

- Thank you, very much.
- Sure thing.

- Bad news.

While we were out
cold last night,

somebody killed
Nicholas and Tom.

- Damn.


- Small caliber
shot to the head.

- Restraints,

gunshot to the head.

- Same MO as Jean Pierre,
the scientist in Paris.

- The other body's
downstairs in the gym.

- Thanks a lot, I'll
take it from here.

- I'll go file my report.

- Captain.

- His necklace is gone.

- What can you
tell us about this?

- Well, he's been dead
about seven hours.

He was in a hell of a fight,
his neck's been broken.

- Know where his clothes are?

- Yeah, they're in the locker.

Forensics is checking 'em now.

- Thank you.

- Betty Joe, you better
bring some more tape,

this boy is huge!

- Agent Austin, Agent Cannon.

What you got there?

- Money clip, some change,

couple of cigars.

Small box of matches
and this radio thing.

- We're gonna need
to keep these.

Look, Tom was one of us.

I'll get it back to ya!

Mark, the matches are from
the Cowboys nightclub.

Reach Samantha on
the radio, let's go.

- That's good, girls,
you can take a break.

- Agents Chris
Cannon, Mark Austin.

- You guys lookin'
for some girls?

- Look lady, we're not
here to play games.

Just tell us about the
people that run this place.

- I'm only the choreographer

and the night hostess.

The new management
is tough and distant.

The owner goes by the
name of Black Widow.

She has a big house
out on Cross Lake

and I overheard them
talking last night

saying they were
going out there today

to meet some girl named
Samantha or something like that?

- Keep this visit
to yourself, lady!

- I never saw you guys.

- Oh look, Cobra,
the group's arrived.

- Okay, let me get the boat.

over behind that desk!

- Cobra and Scorpion have
given me their chips,

now for the other two, please.

This is the chip Scorpion
got from Agent Mark Austin.

His was from China.

This is chip two,

from poor Tom.

His was from South Africa.

This is chip three
from sweet Samantha.

Hers was from France.

And this, my dear friends,

is the final chip.

Our lovely Cobra obtained
this from Agent Chris Cannon,

my chip from Argentina.

Oh my, my.

My lovely Cobra,

your bite is so deadly.

We've suspected you
for a long time.

Please observe.

The Frenchman, Jean Pierre,

lies dead after he's
tasted the poison

of our beautiful Black Widow.

Ah, this tape shows the
sting of our Scorpion.

Sun Hee Wang joins
his ancestors.

This tape, my dear Cobra,

was taken from the
passenger side of the Jeep

you demolished in South Africa.


Mr. Vandermeer throws
himself to the ground

and crawls to the brush
nearby prior to the explosion.

Did you think Black
Widow's agents

would not monitor these
important assassinations?

And for the coup de grace,

my dear ladies,


A bug,

planted in your superior's room,

Nicholas Lang.

I designed it,
it's undetectable.

I knew Chris Cannon
had been given the chip

I sent to the I/WAR office.

That's why Black Widow
assigned you to him.

You exchanged it for a fake

and brought another fake to me.

Not to worry,

I cloned my chip in Argentina

before I sent the original

to the I/WAR office.

The Dallas Connection
is complete.

I will have the power to
control the output photos

from the satellite.

It will be worth billions to me.

- Damn it!

This was the gun Puss
used at the airport!

- That's right, sweetheart.

I detest violence.

- I don't.

- That's good because I'm
afraid there will be more.

- Here's the tracking device.

- Kim called from the nightclub.

Your two other agent
friends are on their way,

they too have a similar device.

No doubt they'll be able
to pinpoint the location

of our campsite.

Beautiful Samantha,

come with me to Argentina
and live the good life.

Or die here with the others.

- I'd rather die.

- Here they come!

They're about 300 yards out!

Let's rock and roll, man!

- Do your thing, Puss.

- All right!

- Mark, get down!

- Fu, Ron, take it from here.

- Follow me!

Boys, after you finish
with those guys,

rape these bitches and kill 'em.

I know I would.

Come on!

- Damn.

I'm sorry.

Stay put.

- Put it down or
I'll break her neck!

- Try doin' that to me.

- Cover me!

Antonio, that son of a bitch!

Let's go!

Let's get 'em!
- No, let's go to the water!

- Shit.

- Tough luck, boy scout!

- Saved the best for last.

Should've read your
fortune cookie.

- This is for Nicholas and Tom.



Is this luck or what?

- All I can say is, chips ahoy.

- You guys okay?
- Yeah, we're fine.

- You.

We've got a score to settle.

- Wait a minute,
Chris, she's one of us,

with the European Division.

- I'll get the
Vette back to you.

- We're going back to the
house and secure things.

- Yeah, well, we'll
be there in a minute.

- All right.
- Let's go.

- So how did you manage
to explode the car

in South Africa and
not kill Vandermeer?

- I contacted Vandermeer
the day before,

gave him a two-way radio,

we had to make it look good.

We made sure he made
contact with Hans.

He suspected that
bastard all along.

- Have a nice trip,
Mr. Vandermeer.

- Thank you, Hans.

- I informed Vandermeer by radio

that the explosion would
happen at the gate.

Vandermeer, this is Cobra.

Let me know when you're
approaching the gate.

- I hear ya loud
and clear, Cobra,

I'll be at the gate
in about 10 seconds.

- Once he got to the gate,

I gave him time to make
the switch with the dummy,

before I set off the charge.

We set it up so that Hans
would see the explosion

from the driver's side

and not see Vandermeer escaping.

We figured he'd
report to Black Widow

that Vandermeer had been killed.

Later, Vandermeer would
have Hans arrested.

Who knew that damn Hans

was told to video
tape the explosion.

And just our luck, he taped
it from the passenger side.

Well, obviously he sent
the tape to Black Widow

without seeing it
or he would've known

of Vandermeer's escape.

- Exactly.

- Great, yeah, I'll pass it on.


All right, Vandermeer
and his wife

have just landed at
the Dallas Airport.

Now he'll be able to
insert those chips

into the I/WAR computer
tomorrow at the optimum time

and activate the
Lacroix Satellite.

- What happened to Hans and
Mr. Wang's golf partner?

- Now they've been detained
by the police in South Africa

and Hong Kong.

- So that means The
Dallas Connection

will be made after all?

- Yeah.

But at what cost?

- Right.

Nicholas and Tom are dead.

- The agency lost
two damn good men.

We'll miss them.

- When I get this
all straightened out,

I'm coming back for you 'cause
I like your style, cowboy.

- Check this style, bitch!

- Beautiful.


- Oh!
- I'm outta here.

- It's great the agency
gave us a week off.

- Yeah, we could
all use the R&R.

- Absolutely.
- That's for sure.

- Chris, what are you reading?

- Well according to this report,

Sun Hee Wang, the
scientist that was blown up

on the golf course in Hong Kong,

was just about to team
up with Antonio Morales.

Scorpion did the world a favor.

- At least she did
something right.

- While we're on
the subject, Mark,

exactly how far did you go
with that Scorpion bitch?

- I'm not sure, I
just remember that

one of us exposed their breasts.

- Really?

Which one of you?

- Hey Mark, can't
tell 'em everything,

gotta keep a little
mystery in the romance.

- Yeah.

You're right, I'll
drink to that.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

♪ Play it all out ♪

♪ Spread it around ♪

♪ You got to raise a little
hell before you take 'em down ♪

♪ If you're not really
sure what you want ♪

♪ You gotta try a little
harder to keep what you got ♪

♪ You want the babes ♪

♪ You want the power ♪

♪ You better get on top
before the fire gets hot ♪

♪ Don't let things
reach critical mass ♪

♪ Before we stop right here ♪

♪ And kick some ass ♪

♪ We're back in the action ♪

♪ With a lot of passion ♪

♪ We're back in the action ♪

♪ To make The Dallas
Connection, yeah ♪

♪ The women are tough
with a lot of guts ♪

♪ But as far as you know,
someone's gonna get drugged ♪

♪ Hang onto your judgment,
there's much to lose ♪

♪ 'Cause bikinis and
bullets is what they use ♪

♪ You want the babes ♪

♪ And you want the power ♪

♪ You better get on top
before the fire gets hot ♪

♪ Don't let things
reach critical mass ♪

♪ Before we stop right here
and kick some ass, yeah ♪

♪ We're back in the action ♪

♪ With a lot of passion ♪

♪ We're back in the action ♪

♪ To make The Dallas
Connection, yeah ♪