The Constant Factor (1980) - full transcript

A young man is facing death of his mother. A petty corruption at his job leads to him being framed and robbed of his only desire to climb mountains in Himalayas, as his father did and where he died. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food



Left eye.



See any numbers?





Take a deep breath.

It's 92 expanded.

Yeah. Exhale.

It's 88 normal.

Height: 174.

175 when I straighten up.


I do sports and check often.

Blood pressure: 125/80.

For Airborne with your height?

I'd like to.

Oh, you're a climbing instructor?


I've read about you.
The Himalayas, was it?

That was my father.
Fell to his death 10 years ago.

All right.

Sign here.

I'm OK!



Music by

Director of Photography

Written and Directed by

There's a handhold on the left.

I'm falling!

What's wrong?

Pay out the rope!

What is it?

I quit!

I want to live!

To hell with it!

Come on, you oaf!

Or I'll let go!

In a hurry?

Not really.

Some vitamins.

Go and pay.

84 zlotys.

Thank you.

Keep it. For the ticket.

I made it here, I'll make it back.

Take it. Just in case.


No way.

Take care.

-Was this your father's route?
-In 1960, you mean?

I'm not sure. He'd done it before.

Even my mother doesn't remember.

How old was he then?

24 when I was born,
36 when he died.

When do you get out?

In 2 months.

And then?

I'll look for a job.
Must save up for an apartment.

I might try to combine
work with studies.

You're like your father.

-He always shivered with cold.

I didn't know that.

Where will you work?

In Warsaw, I hope.

-You're an electrician, right?


Can you fix him up?

Come and see me when you're out
of the army.

I appreciate it.

Your ID, please.

You're the protégé?

I suppose so.

Could you come to Personnel?

Your man is here.

We're still finding our feet.
And there's that major competitor...

Your ex-employer, by any chance?


International Expo & Fairs.


Glad to meet you.

A trained electrician, right?

The young are most welcome on board.
Come along.

Let's get one thing straight.

I'm small fry. I barely know the man
who recommended me.

-What's your first name?

Look, Witold. I don't really
care who you are

as long as you're honest.


I'm so damn lucky!

The pay's not much.

But I'll travel a lot.
All over the world!

I'm to apply for a passport.

There's India to start with.

Yes, India! Mumbai.

I can save on expenses.

I've cut down anyway.


I might buy a camera though.

Or perhaps I'll borrow one.

University is very much on my mind.

I am taking care.

Jogging, working out...

Yes, lots of fruit!
I've run out of change!

What now?

Go get some other material.

Have any dollars?

-My own, yes.
-Then get going!

The lads can finish overnight.

What? Third night in a row?

Screw these foreign gigs!

Your passport, please.

-Anything to declare?

How many of these?

Four. But not for sale.
For my wife, mother-in-law...

I say, could you spare me one?

I'll pay you in dollars.

Zlotys are fine. Give me 1000.

-Better outside.

No slides, like your father
always took?

It's beautiful!

- I'll hang it on the wall.
- I mislaid my camera.

Next time, I promise.

You're to travel again?


-For long?
-It's to the States.

2 months or so.

Lots of work, but bags of money.

Enough to do up this place.

Just imagine, 14 dollars a day!

How will you change them?

At the bank, I suppose.

That's the legal way.

I won't do anything crooked.

The black market rates are a rip-off.

Need dollars for medicine?

They'll charge a fortune,

no mercy.

I know, I've tried.

How do you feel?

All right.

What about university?

I'm thinking about it.

You don't have the time?

Perhaps I'm not ready yet.

I need some more money saved up.

It's hot in India now?


Tell me some more.

There's not much more to tell.

You're as close as your father.

What do you make of his death?

He tripped over a stone
and that killed him?

I mean, if that stone...

You think it was fate?

Yes. I think so.

What about Grandfather?
Was that also fate?

He could have been on another
street or out of Warsaw.

Was it fate?

Why do you think he's taking me
to the States?

Who? The boss?

I deserve a black mark for India.

You've got him.

You saw him selling off
exhibition stuff.

He thinks you have pull,
so he won't touch you.

He was selling it on the side?

You said it – I didn't.

And dead souls on the payroll?
We work 3 shifts.

He writes in phony names,
collects in dollars

and for our pains junkets us
out of expenses.

In my book he's a prince.

I met him before coming here.

He used to visit an old lady
next door.

He brought her medicines
from abroad.

Which he paid for.

3... 2... 1...


10 seconds...

3 seconds lost...

You're over 30 already.

Very good. Inside a minute!

Working out a system?

Amusing myself.

I spin it, note the numbers

and calculate the dispersion mean.

Still going to study math?

I'm not sure yet.

Not afraid of missing the boat?


I am, just a bit.

This is a way of catching
fortune in the act.

Is it now? It's all on paper.

That way you can't win or lose.

I can. By taking on myself.

You've struck lucky as it is.

I'll never get that French grant.

While you jaunt off to America.

Will you buy a car?

No. An apartment is my priority.

I want my mother back in Warsaw.

Apart from that, there's our

You still believe in those Himalayas?


Mom! What's wrong?

I don't know.

Are you in pain?

My arm's going numb.

It's drafty here.

I see. You say there are drafts.

But how can I help that?
It's how they build these days.

You should know.

Everyone complains
but is just as bad.

-OK, but what can be done?

When someone vacates a bed
I'll move her.

You have to do that now.

No have-to's, OK?


it's on my desk.

Let me check...

Yes, that's correct.

Thank you.

-How much?
-Pardon me?

How much do you want?

If I were you, I'd get out of here.

Before I call the police.

She's a witness.

- Just name a sum...
- I'm on my way!

If you won't leave,
I'll have you thrown out.

That was stupid.

What's clever?

An envelope with dollars.

He knows you do jobs abroad.

Is there no other way?

If you know any VIP,
get them to intervene.

Good idea.

I'll do that.

Meanwhile can I ask you
to look after her?

I have no dollars, but...

Now you're asking for it!

How could I tell you're straight?

By appearances. Be observant!

I know a girl whose father
is very well-connected.

- Can you call her, please?
- You got it!

Leszek was to pull strings
in the Health Department, but...

-Leszek the club member?

Going to be away long?

I don't know. It looks serious.
She may need a surgery.

I've taken some unpaid leave.

Can you afford it?

I could lend you some money.

Thanks, I should be OK.

Leszek's the one leading
the Himalaya party?

You're on the short list.

I'm not sure I can go.
I had to write off the US job,

so the money may be a problem.
How did you know?

- I hope to go myself.
- Great!

But my chances are slimmer.

Perhaps as a photographer...

- You'll call that girl?
- I sure will.

Take me away from here.

I mean it. Hand me my coat.

-I'll just slip it on.

Go and get a taxi.
There's a stand nearby.

Help me, please.

Explain it's not contagious.

But why on earth?

Hand me my bag.

You're quite comfortable here.

Take me home.

The neighbors will look after me.

I'll be better off.

Here you have care and attention.

Never mind.

I don't need anything.

The doctor says there's not much
they can do.

Give me my shoes.

Please, or I'll do it on my own.

We ought to check with the doctor.

Say it's at my own request.

Go on, go on!


I have a problem.

My mother is determined to leave
the hospital at once.

I don't think that in her condition...

Can you give me some advice?

Do as your mother wishes.

Don't stand in her way.

You mean there's no hope left?

There's always hope,
but the chances are

very slim.


Come on!

Wait here.

I'll get a taxi.

Can you wait here? I'll be
right back with a patient.

What are you doing?!


I need to rest a little now.
Get my strength back.

Go back to Warsaw.
Return to work.

As you see, I'm in good hands.

Give them a hand.

- Need any help?
- Thank you, I can manage.

If you don't mind,
I'd like to be alone now.

Take a pill.

- No.
- You'll sleep better.

No, thanks.

I'm sure something can be done.

There must be some chance.
Some hope.

I could try to fix an appointment
with a guy who has a healing touch.

He often visits these parts.

You could take your mother
to see him.

Arrange it for me.

She's not alone, is she?

The neighbors take turns
at her bedside.

Then you can stay here
and get some sleep.

It's up to you.

How can he fit everybody in?

It only takes a second. One touch.

And that works?

If you have enough faith...
Bring your mother on the dot,

we don't want her waiting.

We keep a strict schedule.

He won't be coming again this year?

No. He was here in the fall.

Do you also take money from patients?

Cross-examining me?

No. But everyone seems to.

Not everyone. I don't. Nor does
that young doctor.

But the others do.

Why do they?

Because they need
money badly?

Because they're greedy.

But it's rather nice to find
it still makes you wonder.

I'll ask her to come
and give you a shot.

But I can see that you're in pain.

You'll feel better.

I promise you'll feel better.


No need.

Why? Why must you suffer?

As an offering for you.

You have a question to ask?


Father. Could you explain
to me...

Could you explain to me...

Could you explain to me...

I'm sorry.

Mother wants you to administer
Extreme Unction.

It's been renamed Anointing
of the Sick.

So even the Church is afraid
to evoke the image of death.

Can she understand what people say?

I would think so.

I don't know how fast the tumor
is growing

or what nerve centers it has

You'd best assume she can

and express yourself

Bear up.

I'm sorry!

There's no need.

But why like that?

It was her wish.

You need a shave.

We have to go to the office,

Yeah... Sure.

You have to take a few days off.

We're expected in Zakopane.

I've arranged skis and a ride.

Great, huh? Let's go.

Come on, what's with you?

Get up!

Gone mad? From lack of oxygen?

I'm sorry.

You know,

I seem to have come
unstuck somehow.

Come on, what's the matter?

Let's throw darts!
For the Himalayas.


What's happened?

I've had a call from the office.

I have to go back to Warsaw.

I may just catch the train.

I'm sorry.


Why be so embarrassed?

Does that mean bad news?

No. I'm being sent abroad.

- To the West?
- Yes.

Surely that's good news?

I no longer know what's good
and what's bad.

- Your projectors have arrived.
- I know. This morning.

One's not invoiced.
We could sell it.

And go halves.

Are you're out of your mind?!

Are you, more like?

There's no harm in pocketing
a lucky find.

You have enough to live on?
So do I, end of discussion.

Hey, what landed you this job?
Skill with a screwdriver?

Or contacts?

But you're up against lots
of competition.

True enough.

First you kick up a fuss

over that projector,
now over this.

We're given a fixed sum
for hotel expenses.

You pay less, claim more.
No one's the wiser.

You can do as you please.
I've had enough!

Hotel bills, taxi bills...
Cheating all the time.

Having to think when and how much.

Why must I?

Why? You don't have to.

What do you mean?
Everybody has to.


In that case, sign this.

Or the others won't gain either.

I won't sign.

Well, well!

Come on, open up!

It was open, wasn't it?

Hey, what are you up to?

Stop that...


Expecting a baby?

Are you crazy?

You got rid of it?

Go on! I'd never do that!

Then why are you here?

No special reason.
To see the airport.

I'm in training in Warsaw.

Your landlady said you were
flying in today,

so I came.

Let's go to my place then.

No, no. I'm taking the bus.

Be seeing you. Bye!


I'm sorry! the denominator

the sum over “ni”,

“W” from “ni”.

Our reasoning leads us to conclude

that the mean value of “ni”

is almost identical with
the most probable value.

In other words

the mean value of “ni”

does not depend on “i”.
The term for this is CONSTANS.

We'll now have a cigarette break,

during which I'd like you

to recapitulate the steps in our

That also applies to the non-smokers.

Excuse me...


I was wondering if you couldn't
get there

without using Lagrange

I mean, by eliminating

“ni” and placing it
in the probability formula.

Finding the conditional extreme
is then reduced

to finding the simple extreme.


Only why is this way better?

Not better. Simpler perhaps.

Simpler, yes.

But less elegant.

It will work

only with very simple conditions
for “ni”.

If the conditions contain

higher powers, you're up
the creek.

And I thought I'd been brilliant.

Why, it's an interesting idea.

Dumb, you mean.

Are you a student here?

No, I'm not.

I've seen you around.

I come to lectures
when I have the time.

Attend regularly
and you'll be credited.

That's not why I come, honestly.

Come and see me after the lecture.

I'd be late getting to work.
Some other time perhaps.

Why do you mess with everyone?

I don't mean to.

- I'm just incapable of playing along.
- Because you don't have to.

If you had a family to support,
you'd change your tune.

It's easy for you
to have clean hands.

But you'll dirty them someday.

You'll fall into line.

Maybe, maybe...

You say maybe?

We've been asked to do a job

in a private villa

in our working hours.

Why's that?

It's a favor. The owner can help
us along in return.

You'll do the electricity.

You'll install these plastic pipes.

Plastic? I wouldn't know how.

Don't play games with me.
It's an official order.

I'll botch it.

Shut up and do as you're told!

Make a list of the stuff you take.


You won't do it?

But why?

Big shots can't be allowed to
take advantage of their position.

It's anti-democratic. And unethical.

You're paid to work.
Leave thinking to the experts. Well?

No dice.

In that case,
no more foreign trips either.

Try scraping by on bare wages.

As for Canada, we'll do without
you just as we did in the States.

I have my rights.

I couldn't care less. Well?

No. And I won't be done
out of Canada that easily.


I love her!

I make no secret of it.

What about her?

Now you're asking!

I have no villa.

-Or father of rank.
-But you have prospects.

You're anti, huh?

Me? Far from it.

You've become such a fanatic.
What's happened?

Nothing, really.

-You justify yourself unasked.

Let her dad justify his income.

It's his problem.

Are you planning to live here?

For the moment.

You think they've bought me, huh?

You're dumb.

To get anywhere, you have to
make compromises.

You have to accept
the world as it is.

That's maturity.

Don't laugh.

You never know
how you'll end up.

Frightening me?
I'm afraid already.

No, I'm not trying to frighten you.

But you won't get far the way
you're going.

Not to the Himalayas, huh?

No, that's on. My father-in-law
has fixed a truck.

So you're going at last!

You too.

Good morning.

It's blank on the other side?

Let me have it a second.

-That is really too much!

I'm not going, but some
outsiders are!


It's not right.

Thought you could win with me?

- I'll complain to the union.
- I shit on them.

-They'll be glad to hear it.
-They won't hear.

Now you listen to me:

I have no time
for assholes like you.

Watch it!


You're so indiscreet anyway...

-You bastard, are you taping me?

Hand that over!

Come on!

You refuse?

Get out!

There was a girl to see you.

And that friend of yours
brought this.

Wow! Thank you.

Help me pick

some winners for the Lotto.

I no longer know
what numbers to back myself.

Why won't you back me up?

This man lines his pockets
at the taxpayer's expense

and friends upstairs
cover up for him.

Will you corroborate that?


Don't you trust me?


Why not? What makes
me different?

I read the same papers.

I even went to
the same school as you!

They'll come down hard on me.
Won't you rally round?


Because I'm not
“one of the boys”?

Or is it because they have
something on each of you?

You act holier than thou.

High and mighty.

Who have I ever snubbed?

The very fact that
you don't care about money...

I do care. I care like hell!

You mislay 200 dollars
and write them off.

I do not!

But since we don't yet steal from
each other, they'll turn up.

Please be seated.

You complain that you've been
passed over for Canada

which is, we gather,
a lucrative assignment.

You've got me wrong.

I'm complaining about
the whole atmosphere,

the poor team spirit,
the double-dealing,

the widespread theft.

Be specific.

We require evidence.

I wanted to call a staff meeting.

But no one's shown willing,
not even in your section.

That's why I've lost.

No, you simply made a mistake.
No harm done.

As to Canada,

we've reconsidered: you're going.

That wasn't the point at all.

However, I'd like
a month's leave.

I want to go on an expedition
to the Himalayas.

Very well.
Put in an application.

It went my way on account
of that tape?

You can relax.

I've destroyed it.

You don't believe me?

I do, honestly I do.
Cross my heart.

So we're quits, as they say.

The Himalayas... I envy you.

The other side, please.

Yours, ma'am?

These two are mine.

Your passport, please.

Follow me.

What about my bags?

Oh, they can remain there.

OK, we've been cleared.

Whose are these? Oh, Witold's.

The belt.

200 dollars....

You didn't
declare them.

- It wasn't me who hid them.
- Me neither.

You can get dressed.

Criminal proceedings
will be brought against you.

No chance of getting a better job?

Worse, if anything.

But I'll find something.

Can't anyone help you?
I mean, you're not a jailbird.

What about the apartment?

Theoretically, I'm still
on the waiting list.

It's all just castles in the air.


Surely you could get back at him.

Well, yes.

Dirty tricks are a game
at which two can play.

What do you say?

I'm on.

His kind have it coming
to them anyway.

What's stopping you?

- Don't you want to get even?
- Sure, and one day I will.

You just say that.

But in fact
you're not interested.

Nothing gets to you.

You don't give a damn.

I'm happy-go-lucky and
don't know I'm born, right?

If only you cared or worried
you'd be different.

You want me to worry?



Because I'd then feel
you need me desperately.

I think I'll spank you.

You're an absolute harpy.


Marry me.

And add to my troubles?


You seem to think
that the ideal objects

of which mathematics treats
have a singular beauty...

Don't they?

They do.

It's not only that.

I believe that through mathematics

I can attain the maximum freedom
in the most adverse circumstances.

Mathematics is a game
in which we ourselves make the rules.

For all its charm it
often disillusions

because it's remote
from the reality

from which you are fleeing.

You got me wrong.

I'm not escaping from reality.
Quite the opposite.

I took it that you had passed
and thrown in your hand.

No, I'm playing on.

You really believe
the world will get better

if it gains one righteous man more?


If it does gain one...

I can think of simpler arguments.

Honest people enjoy life more.

They have fewer ulcers and strokes.

But that's not so certain either.

Arguments don't come into it.

I've realized I can't live
any other way.

Why not?

That's still a mystery.

Try and fathom it.

Meanwhile come and take
one of our exams.

At the moment I don't have much
chance of going to university.


I'm frightened that something
might happen to you.

So am I.

But I'm even more frightened
that something might happen to you.

To me? What?

That you'll change.

Because anything else
that might happen

is no more than fate.

Is that what one should fear? Fate?


That kind of fate
is not worth fearing.

It can be computed.

It's a matter
of probability calculus,


What you can calculate
ceases to be a mystery.

Overhead Work