The Breastford Wives (2007) - full transcript

Young married couple Rob and Laura move to the peaceful, friendly town of Breastford and right away are made to feel at home by the welcoming members of the Breastford Womens Association. Rob almost immediately has sex with these three lovelies (as does Laura), but they soon realize that something is amiss, and they discover the reason: Doc Brady, the town's mayor, has invented a device that, at the push of a button, turns women into insatiable, sex-crazed robots.

That's enough girls.


oh Honey, this is beautiful.

Right, that happy
we went left the city.

Without first too, but now,
when we left I'm a live .

Me too.

If you could sit a little longer
horible in that office,

to hang
the tree before the office.

Rob, stop.

Never could you not allowed
to hang.

Maybe on the bed
every ease ...

You should write comedy.

You Think?
-No. Not really.

What do you say,
to be a little stroll

to that hill and look at
our new backyard


I miss the city.
-Just 19 minutes from him we are.

If you have any desire to be
in dense traffic with angry people

you can still come back.

ok wiseguy,
well you know what I mean

Pae I am accustomed
in so much space

So, what if you could
use this space

What do you mean?

?Musc is playing?

This was perfect.

Come on boy,
let's go look at our new home.

Of course, honey.

This is beautiful.

What a pleasant
change from the city.

Come on, Honey,
Let go inside.

Excellent work you have done.
Thank you, honey. -No problem, sweetie.

Come Check out the kitchen and a new bar,
which I did.

Honey, this is perfect.

What do you say to izpakirala
in other things.

That I should do
are you done already too.

I'd rather go for a walk around the neighborhood,
whileI l clean up here.

Are you sure?
-I'm sure, go ahead. -Thank you, dear

I will be back in a few.
Can i get u anything?

No, I'm fine.
Have a nice walk.

Hello, Mr. Petrof.

I'm Millie.
Millie Hemlin.

I'm Rob Petrov.
I know.

I guess, you do.

How do you know my name?

My administrator knows who bought a new
house and you are the only new neighbor in town.

-Yes. Why not you come on down.

May I offer you some wine?
-Sure, why not. -Lovely.

I think I am not accustomed to
so friendly. -I understand.

So, what brings
in such remote spot?

I love coming here, relax
and write. -You a writer?

-so am I.

What are you doing?
-Nothing so special.

I refer to social ?lanke
local paper

That's interesting. -Not really.
Taht usual thing. You know.

Who is going to report,
who won a scholarship

who has just
bought a new house.

That we know about you.
-Thats funny

I never thought
I will in the social writer.

What are you writing?
I write sports-writer for LBM.

I know them. My last husband
has been Subscribe to the magazine.

You like?
Love it

My company gave me the opportunity
that I can write anywhere I want.

So, therefore we
moved here.

Togather of all.
You said it.

In the new neighbors.
-The new neighbors.

This is a really good wine.
I know.

Sami is produced.
-Do you have your vineyard?

In fact, it has the whole town.

Produce by themselves
and you pravi?no share.

That great. The whole city has
a vineyard. My kind of people.

we share everything.

Including each other.

?Musc is playing?

Girl Moaning

To new neighbors.
- new neighbors.

Hello dear,
I came back.

I am in the kitchen, dear.

Someone in the kitchen of Laura.

Someone in the kitchen I know.

Hello, darling.
-Hi, honey.

You had to have a pleasant walk.
-more than i ever.

I give you coffee?
-No, not yet, anyway ...

i could use cigarettes.
-What? I thought you quit.

Yes, I did.

I wonder
what the neighbors around here.

Very friendly.
-Really?, do you meet someone?

I matter a fact, i did. A lady
-A lady?

Ms Millie Hemlin.
She lives a few blocks away from here.

is she nice?
-Very nice.

What does she do?

She is a writer.
And work in the vineyard.

I should have her and her husband
invite people to dinner.

That would be great.
How about tonight?

Oo..I don't know tonight is good.
Tomorrow maybe?

Rob, we got a first visit.
Let me get it.

-Hello, Mrs. Petrof.

I'm Jackie Slake.
This is Hooper and Torrie Marla Miller.

And we members of
Breastford Society.

Oh yes, before you call.
Please come.

Hello, ladies.
I'm Rob.

I see that you have
met my wife.

I make some coffee.

What brings you
here, ladies?

Official welcome societies
Doc Brady sent us.

I see that all the new people
take on a dignified way.

Doc Brady? -Yes, the town doctor
and Mayor Breastforda.

A wonderful man.

He is also head of PTA,
rural society and the chief of police.

How talented man.
When it is time for something fun?

Take care of health, education
and only for the good of the city.

He's right. All of our children
well-trained and well educated.

Almost no crime and no one
never ill in our city.

Really? It sounds like idili?no
town of Stepford, right dear.

-I know this man.

You will, Mr. Petrof.
Here you go. -Thank you.

Call when you can.
-Sure, I give him a call.

Actually, we have come
for your wife.

We need to talk about
women's thing, if you do not mind.

It's okay, I'll let you ladies alone.

Rob, you just got back.

It's alright honey, I know,
you ladies wanna have a chat.

I go downstairs to the gim a little exercise.

Nice to meet you, ladies.

Coffee will be ready
in a couple a minutes.

Actually I prefer a glass of wine,
if you don't mine. -Me too.

Alright, the I'll get some.
Quite a few bottles here.

The previous owner has left here.
Is not that nice of him?

You will find kindness is
a common trade in Breastford.

The quality i admire.
I'll be back.

In fact, the
I'II back to.

Hi, Robby baby.

Welcome to my little gym.

You must be strong men.

Well..I do not know about that
but I like to keep fit.

Have you had a great day, huh?

Yeah, you could say that.
but it really unusual.

No, it is not over yet.
-I guess not.

Where is Jackie? -She has done
private phone call.


This is great. I can not believe
that we left it.

They were very generous people.
They come from our community.

If you run out you tell us,
We have it a lot.

It will not be necessary, in the basement by the
at least twenty bottles.

I am glad that you like.
-You is produced.

as winemakers.

This is us.
Cheers. -Cheers.

Laura, what if you could us a little
show you around the house? -Here we go.

?Musc is playing?

I think it should be back upstairs.

What ever you say, Robby?

And this is the main bathroom.
-Is wonderful.

Yes, indeed, look at this banjo.
-Very, very sexy.

It is true.

After my little ?aka?,
Rob, I get that.

Of course.
Then shampoo on him ...

Yeah, so if you like,
why not try?

We thought you never ask.
-Please join us. -Of course.

Report on the situation.
-Both were infected.

Both of them
willing to participate.

I'm not familiar para,
that would be so willing.

Good work, girls.
Very good work. -What next?

It seems that the second phase Skip to main
za?nemo and the last image of the process.

Girls, you know what to do.
-Already working on the master.

You know, I like the new
additions to our community.

But you three are my favorite.

To our very friendly neighbors.

There are friendly,
very friendly.

But I've never familiar
so unusual people.

How so?

Not that anything criticized
but something is ?udnega in these girls.

Honey, I'm sure that this is due to
fresh air and relaxed life.

I do not know if this may
she said calmly life.

What do you mean?

Anyway dear,
would not like to talk about that.

Rather spijva this wine and spend
some time together in our new house.

You got it, baby.

I would like to propose a toast.
-ok your honest.

to our new bigger house

and to your new bigger boobs.

Rob, what romantic?

These, baby.

Wow, Rob!

I tell you what,
Come with me into the bedroom, because ...

I got present for you.

?Musc is playing?

Honey, where are you going?
I heard noise.

I go check it out.
Go back to sleep.

Who are you?
What are you doing here?

My name is Taimie Coolie.

What do not you the one
from which we buy a house?

Yes. My parents were.

What are you doing here?
-Listen to me.

You must to leave from here.

We just moved in.
-The great danger is.

What do you mean?

If they stay here, will your
wife succumbed to the influence of dr. BRADY.

What? Dr. Brady?
What the hell are you talking about?

Used brain control
of the whole city.

All women do
for sex slaves. -What?

What do you mean
sexual slaves?

No woman is not his will.
Do everything they Checkout Brady.

This is ridiculous.
-You think?

From what you came to town,
this is every woman to win, right?

So, would rather not
talked about this, but ...

What about you?
You do not look like a slave.

I do not live here.

Look, I know only that
what are my parents told me.

Sold the house
because the hotel site.

Have been able to timely.

I do not believe you.

You'll believe me.

The transfer is tonight.

?Musc is playing?

Baby, come back to bed.
What are you doing there?

Just have a midnight snack

What is this for a strange noise?

It just gabage depose honey

What are you doing down there?

Pipe shall be heard.
Go back to sleep.

?Musc is playing?

So what?
-Then he disappeared.

I guess it does not believe it?

At least I think so.

What do you think
we should do?

I'll get to that end.

Rob, please do not I wish to make
bad impression at the time when occupation.

I will not do bad impression

I just visited the doctor,
mayor or whatever it is and tell him

that is a hot thing to talk of a
?udne things about him. -Good idea.

Somewhere here I have a business card.

Doctor Brady.


Dr Brady is there?

Here is Rob Petrof.

Is it?

Of course. Just a few blocks
I site from there.

I'll come.

This is odd.
-What did he say?

Expects me.

Hello. -Hi.
You must be Mr. Petrof.

Call me Rob.
-All right, Rob.

Stand down. Doctor will come soon.
Can I get you something to drink?

Coffee, a glass of wine?

Nothing wine.
Water will be fine.

So water.
Stand down.

Here you go.
-Thank you.

Doctor would you be
After over a few minutes.

You comfortable?
Can I get you anything else?

-No thanks, I'm fine.

So, here will be stabilized?

Yes, we will.
-Interestingly, the move elsewhere.

I like change.
-Also we.

Thus, we are delighted
that have moved here.

Kind of you.
I heard several times already.

I love getting to know new people, so the
life more interesting, right?

I think so.

I wish I had a new person
in every day life. You, too?

It would be nice, but I think
to be as tired at the end.

Never naveli?am new people
particularly those which are fun.

Do like have a fun, Rob?

Yes, Yes I do.

Do you think you may able
to have a fun with me?

Love have fun with you
could be fun with you.

Then what we are waiting?

?Musc is playing?

Went to the next patient.

I guess the doctor
will see you now


finally meet you.

Also, nice to meet you.

Forgive me, because I let you wait,
because I was the morning meditation.

It's okay. -So, my
assistant to take care of you?

Yes, it is nice
take care of me.

Well. Nice to meet you. I see
that my patients are satisfied.

Are you OK, Rob?

I think yes.

OK. I've heard that you already know
welcome to our women's clubs.

Boy, I really am.
-They were friendly and welcoming?

I would not exactly say
friendly and hospitable,

but may re?eva
friendly and hospitable.

I assume that you and his wife love
our way of life here in Breastfordu.

Like us here. Doc, the last two
I experienced so many days here,

as early as I did not.

How so?

So, Doc, the last two days
I was no slut several times,

as throughout the school.
And I have a wife.

In our community we have a habit of
that are well know.

It is true only
always a little odd.

Odd? What's wrong?

so I came here today.

Tell me what's wrong?
-I think you thought it was crazy.

Yesterday evening was a woman
broke into our house, I woke up

and told me some stupid story
the fact that control the human-mind.

This is odd.

You said your name?

This is h?erka of people where they were
sell the house. -So, she said.

This explains everything. -To clarify?
-Yes. Come into my kitchen.

-No, thanks.

Rob, Taimiejevi parents sold their
fathers house because of bad investments.

I recall I tried, but
however, they lost a fortune.

And then they come to me to you
borrowed money, but I refused.

Taimie is mad at me
because I did not help.

And now the city
extends these funny stories.

This makes sense.
Boy, was prepri?ljiva.

She told me crazy stories,

that will change
my wife in sex slave.

Sex slave.
This is stupid, right?

I think so.

Given how the women here
ska?ejo by the people,

There is no need to even my wife
the sex slave.

Rob, here we have sufficient sreen wife,
osre?ijo to men for the next hundred years.

This is a fact.

I'm sorry that I disturb you.
-No problem.

It's nice to know if anyone causes
problems in this city.

I think so.
-We are a nice, quiet place.

We do not like difficult people.
They are not welcome.

There are not welcome.
-Yes. See

Rob, people can get here everything
what you wish, and experience.

And who cares about me and what if a
goflja talk about a slavery.

I think this is so neameri?ko.

Look, I will not bother you more.
-Listen, no problem.

My door is always open.

As my assistant,
you, Robby.

Listen, if it ever occurs
girl, Call me immediately.

I will send the sheriff.

Thank you, Doc.
Or you could say Mr. Mayor.

You can call me kli?e? Doc.

I will find out.
-OK, go ahead.

Robby Bye, Honey.

I just went.
Start with the last phase.

Hello, Mr. Petrof.
-Hi, Marla.

I see you just left
Docove from office. -Yes, I did.

How was your meeting?

You were right,
a wonderful man.

So, Rob,
Where are you going now?

I have to go back to Laura,
that her message that it is all right.

Before going home,
to view my house?

I really should be returned.
-Rob, and this is not so friendly.

No, I do not want to be unkind, but ...
Come on-just for a moment.

I would like to show you my pictures.
-Painter are you? -Yes.

I love art.
OK, but only for a minute.

Do not worry,
I will not stayed long.

Hi, Rob, how are you?

Would you like to drink, eat?
-No, I'm fine.

Where are those pictures, which
you talking about? -Rob, fuck pictures.

Here we go again.

Hey, who's there?

Hi, Laura. -Hi.
Come in girls.

How are you?

You can get any coffee?
-No, thanks.

So, what's a little beyond
wonderful wine? -Thus says.

You know, I hate to admit
but I can not stop drinking.

Has some ...
?udnih qualities.

Really? What is it?

So ...

Do not make me so drunk
than necessary.

That's interesting
whereas on me such influence.

If you like,
We have some mo?nej?ega.

Did you bring with you?

No. You get it when the official
Women join the Association.

I can not wait. When the
can I join? -Tonight, if you like.


Listen lady,
Rob went to the dr. Bradyju.

Why do not we gone together
vro?o out in the bath.

Good idea. -Yes.
-Make sure you take your bag with you.

OK, girls,
this way.

-Wonderful. I know.

The rule is that in the bath
can not just clothes.

Thank you.


I guess they are not spinning, right?
I know it.

I think omoti?na.

Well. Then it
odpeljiva to the Doctor.

He will know what to do.





Laura, are you there?


Where the hell is it?





How do you scare me.
Did you seen Laura?

They took her.
-What do you mean her?

Dr. Brady and his slaves
removed by the transformation.

No, not again.
-You gotta believe me.

Once this happens,
you lose your wife forever.

Nora you, but you know that?
Doctor told me about you.

Tell me where is my wife,
or I'll call the police.

There is no police, Rob.
You gotta believe me.

Why should I?
-All right, listen to me.

Since you were here, what you do not always
someone offered something to drink?

Yeah, and?

And you loosen the resistance
their fascination, is not it?

So, yeah, it is.

Drinks and potion is made,
that you disjoined.

In order to receive only Lauro.

it will steal your soul
and it turned into a sex slave.

This can not be.
I do not believe.

All women, which are here,
Humans are not more.

Dr. Brady by
turned into robots.

This can be checked.
-What the hell is that?

This is a control switch.

This used to be
sends electrical impulses,

to manipulate
with brain functions.

Off current drug effects
Wine and encourages sex.

This is so as to have complete control.
-How do you know all this?

My father helped create
model by BRADY,

to help patients
with schizophrenia.

But then the finding that the Brady
izkori??a for control over women.

Brady killed him.

This is a duplicate switch.
Brady does not know of him.

What am I supposed
I do it?

When you get there, just click the button
I have configured the izklju?itev.

But you have to be approximated
the five steps of the robot.

What Dr. Brady? -Don 't worry
Robots will take care of him.

Come on, got a lot more time,
before it begins.

This is your moment.

Opportunity to become
States on women's clubs.

In its stre?nica
the new master.

Drink up and liberate
your old life.

Oh, my God.

Go now, go!

What the hell are you doing?

What's going on here?

What the fuck?

What did we do? -Bastard!
-Girls, no. Listen!

Honey, are you orait?
-Oh, Rob.

Let's go from this place.
-Shall we, my dear, we will.

Honey, let's go back to the city,
where crazy people normal.

Oh, Rob.

Translated and edited by:
Lu Fikirlah Sendiri

Repair and Synchronization by
Easy Subtitles Synchronizer