The Bourne Legacy (2012) - full transcript

The events in this movie take place around the same time as the events in The Bourne Ultimatum (2007). When a British reporter was writing an expose about Black Ops operations Treadstone and Black Briar, and the ones responsible for them are concerned. And when Jason Bourne, former Treadstone operative got the file on Treadstone and Black Briar and gave it to Pamela Landy who then passed it to the media. When the men behind Treadstone and Black Briar learn of this, they're concerned how this will affect other ops they have. They decide it's best to shut down all ops and make sure make everyone involved disappears. They try to take out Aaron Cross who is part of another op called Outcome, but he manages to survive. He then seeks out Dr. Marta Shearing who worked on him when he began. It seems part of the program is for all subjects to take medications but he has run out, which is why he seeks her. But someone tries to kill her. He saves her and she tells him, he should have stopped taking the medications long ago. They go to Manila so that she can help him. Later the men behind Outcome learn that Cross and Shearing are still alive. They try to get them.

KRAMER: There's a reporter
in London named Simon Ross.


We caught some phone
chatter we didn't like
and his name came up.

They put a team out there
to take a better Iook.

They've been sitting
on him pretty tight all day.

l just got a call
about an hour ago.
We got a real problem here.

TURSO: What kind
of problem?

This guy's a writer
for The Guardian.

He's preparing an exposé
on Jason Bourne,
Treadstone and BIackbriar.

Sourced how?


From Bourne?
Is it possibIe?


We had Bourne
six weeks ago in Moscow.

He was on foot, wounded,
with a full Cossack posse
up his ass.

he waIked out of there.

I've kind of
Iost my perspective
on what's possibIe.

You sound tired, Ezra.

I wouId make
more of an effort
if I were you.

You're the director of the
CentraI Intelligence Agency

of the United States
of America, for God's sake.
Act Iike it.

If I go down for this, Mark,
if this goes any more wrong. . .


you were given a Ferrari
and your peopIe treated it
Iike a Iawn mower.

You break it, you bought it.
It was ever thus.

maybe I shouId be speaking
directIy to Ric Byer.

No, no, no.
You're in enough
troubIe aIready.

I'll Iet him know.





DITA: JuIie,
is that the Iast of them?
Terrific, thank you.

BYER: So, the Iast audit
on Treadstone?

INGRAM: Third page.

DITA: Seven weeks ago.

This is from the CIA,
or this is ours?

Oh, no. It's theirs.

This whoIe piIe is theirs.

Is anybody reading
these ground cabIes?

INGRAM: Look, how wide
are we digging?

What do you mean, "how wide?"
Just get me everything.

Treadstone, BIackbriar,
Outcome, LARX.
All the beta programs.

And that means take
it all the way back
to EmeraId Lake.

I want all points
of convergence, I want
all research personneI,

I want to know
about anybody who taIked

to anybody about
anything at any time.

SeriousIy, has anybody Iooked
at this stuff on Bourne?

The fieId reports.
It's incredibIe.

Three years off-program,
non-med, first-gen,
still rolling.

If there's any
way we can score
some data off of this. . .

If they caught him aIive. . .

I mean, even as a base Iine.

Even forensically.

Maybe you're in
the wrong meeting.

Because the meeting
that we're having
is about an infection.

We're here taIking about
a serious infection

and all we're trying
to do is determine
how far it's spread

so that we know
how much we have to cut
to save the patient.

You have never
heard of Treadstone.

And Bourne. . . I don't care
if they bag him and drop
the body on the sidewaIk.

We're not going to touch it.

You're going to turn off
that side of your head now

and get with
the rest of us here.

And you're going to start
to consider the magnitude
of what we're facing

if this moves
sideways on us.

Because if we get
into this, we dig around,

and we find out
these CIA cIowns

have Iet this Treadstone
mess metastasize into
the rest of these programs?

Just pray that
that doesn't happen.




MALE ANCHOR: We'rejust
getting reports coming in
now from Waterloo Station

that there has
been a shooting.

Let's take you live down there
and speak to Jeremy Thompson.


There's still
an awful lot of confusion
here at Waterloo Station.

As you can see,
ambulances have
been called up.

The victim, Simon Ross,
was a veteran reporter

with The Guardian
newspaper in London.

He was pronounced
dead at the scene.

Police are now telling us
there was at Ieast one,

and possibly as many
as three, shots fired.

Simon Ross,
a reporter with
The Guardian newspaper...

Hey, James.

Oh, shit, sorry. I didn't
know I was coming back.

It's all right.


Can you tell Dr. Hillcott
I'm here?

You got it.


See you tomorrow.



I had no idea
he was coming in.

It's Number Six.
Number Six?

We haven't seen
him since JuIy.

Mmm-hmm. Okay.

"Need new base paneIs,
choIine profiIe,
nerve conduction."

I want a full
engraftment workup.

I'm gonna call NRAG
and see if we can't get
approvaI to put him under.

I want a marrow
and a full spinaI
whiIe we have him.




How is he?

He's prepped.

He drank a haIf-Iiter
of water whiIe
he was waiting.

He had some renaI
issues Iast year.

Or maybe he was thirsty.

I have a pending
task request.

I know, I read it.

I'm trying to compIete
my cortex study.

He'll get a more sustained
contrast off an IV.

I'm approved?


Yes! Thank you !

Sorry to keep you waiting.

We haven't
seen you in a whiIe

so we're going to be
doing a full spec workup.

I just had a full spec
three months ago.

Yeah, well, we had to change
the boundary scheduIes

and you're a week
over the new Iine.

Let me get this straight,
if I had come in

1 0 days ago, I wouId
have been in the cIear?

It never gets any
Ionger, does it?

You're gonna have
to take that off.

Today, l have the honor
of introducing the man

who is going to introduce
our guest of honor.

Bert? Doctor Albert Hirsch.


DR. HIRSCH: l first met
Dan Hillcott in 1 987

at what must have
been the most boring

neuropsych conference
ever held.

We managed to escape
that dreary ballroom

and find a dark corner
and a cold beverage.

And we've been finding
dark corners ever since.




Where did you find this?


I thought we had
everything firewalled.

BYER: Yeah, so did I.

But then again,
I thought the CIA wouId
handIe Treadstone,

so maybe I'm just
behind the curve.


Well, is that it?
Is that all of it?

No, no. They apparentIy
thought it was okay

to attend about
a haIf a dozen of
these things together.

Proving what?

We're Iooking at
the medicaI directors
of Treadstone and Outcome

pubIicIy ceIebrating
their top secret man-crush.

If this Bourne mess exposes
Treadstone, they will turn
Hirsch inside out.

They'll be taIking
to Hillcott before we
even know what happened.

What's the damage?

Outcome. We'd Iose Outcome.

Uh, meaning what?

Meaning we will
burn the program
to the ground.

And I mean
from top to bottom.

Because of this?

Because they're friends?

These two guys
buiIt our pIatform !

You want to wake up
and see this on CNN?

Jesus, Ric. Just Iike that?

Hirsch and Hillcott?

How many peopIe even
understand this work,

Iet aIone have the will
to pursue it?

Nothing has even
happened yet!

And we have to get ready.

Ready for what?

We don't Iose it all,
we've got the science.
We'll keep the data.

All of our JSOK Iiaisons
seem to be safe.

We've got the beta
programs tucked away.

We'll take a pause,
and we'll rebuiId it.

I wish there was
a better aIternative, but. . .




Are you going
to pretend you don't
know I'm here?

I was just trying
to be poIite.

I wasn't expecting you
so soon.

What did you do?
Did you come
over the mountain?

Don't they forward
my position?

You beat the record
by two days.

Oh, yeah?

You didn't know
there was a record?

No. It never came up.

It wasn't your
record, was it?

No one comes
over the mountain.

Yeah, well, I did.

I'm Aaron, by the way.

Why did you do that?

If you weren't on the cIock,
why take the risk?

Why take the mountain?

I Iost my chems.

I dropped my program kit,
that's why.

All right.

ProtocoI is for me to
call in your arrivaI.

They're going to
want a sampIe pick-up.
You got bIood work, right?

I owe today.

All right, pull it now.

The drone takes about
three hours to get up here

so I'll get some
food started.
You can dry your shit.

So, Iook. . .

I got a reaI
probIem, here.

I came over that mountain
because I Iost my chems.

What are you taking?

My daiIy?
Phys meds, 250 green.

Cognitive programs, 400 bIue.

Define "Iost."

Lost. Fell into the rocks
off a 20-meter cIiff.


How is that possibIe?

Look, I've had
a pack of woIves

on my ass since I
Ieft the drop, okay?

I thought I Iost them,
but they came at me
at the river,

so I took the Iedge
up to the ravine to try
to rally out the night.

I chose wrong.

I got caught out in the open,
I couIdn't cIimb.

I couIdn't make a fire,
my hands got stiff.

I dropped them.

You're going to have
to write that up.


So, is that yours?


The bIood work?

That's yours, isn't it?

You're not a contact,
are you?

Look, I'm sorry to
call you out Iike that.

It's just that. . .

I have never met anybody
in the program before.

Never, nobody.
You're the. . .

I know you have
some extra chems here.

I'm not supposed
to ration you out
untiI you Ieave tomorrow.


Did you chem today?

AARON: Green onIy.

I haven't had a bIue
in 32 hours.

PeopIe, Iisten up.

We have an imminent threat.

This is a nationaI
security emergency,
priority IeveI five.

It's Wills.

Ric Byer.

Hey. Uh, he's here.

Bourne is here, in New York.


Jason Bourne
is in Manhattan.


He's aIive and mobiIe.
That's all I have.
I gotta go.



Your friends are here.

I know.

Don't you think
that's strange?

The woIves?
They don't do that.

They don't track peopIe.


Maybe they don't
think you're human.

So, how many of us are there?

You ask too many questions.

Maybe you don't know, either.

So, what are you
doing up here anyway?

How do you know that
I'm not evaIuating you?

I don't know. Are you?

Maybe I don't care.

Do you ever not care?

Maybe you're evaIuating me.

I went off
the grid for four days,
that's why I'm here.

I skipped my check-in.

Now I'm on this
bullshit scavenger hunt.

They have their reasons.

Yeah, well. . .

I thought I was
having my wrist sIapped,
but now I'm not so sure.

I'm still trying to
figure out if you're

supposed to kill me
or give me a pep taIk.

SeriousIy, man,
you think too much.

Aren't we wired to
stick our nose in,
you and I?

There's not another person
for 300 miIes.

I know nobody's Iistening.
Come on, you've got
to give me something.

TaIk to me, come on !

Why did they
pull you off the fieId
and put you up here?

It's not physicaI, with
the way you've been moving,
so what did you do?

Turn down an assignment?
Start thinking for yourseIf?

Fall in Iove?

You fell in Iove.


It's better for woIves.

There's an ammo box
by the door, you take
as much as you need.

We're done taIking.

You ate,
you're pulling out earIy.
You shouId hit it.


Some other time, then.

Good Iuck.


What's this?

BYER: I think that
we need to cIarify
something here, Don.

PAULSEN: CIarify what?

You keep using the word

and I want to know
exactIy what you think
you mean by that.

means exactIy that.

I don't Iike what
you're telling me,

I don't Iike how
you're telling me.

We're in a criticaI phase
on four missions, Ric.

The intelligence Ioss,
if we stop now,
it couIdn't be quantified.

Yes, actually, it couId.

You'd be right back to
where you were before we
deIivered the program.

Don't tell me there's
a probIem with Outcome

because I'd be
hearing about it.

I didn't say there was.
You're not saying
much of anything.

One pill, once a week.

Every eight days.

So, no more bIues
and greens.

We're transitioning
everyone in the program.

Do you remember how to keep
an accurate diet Iog?


PAULSEN: Do you understand
their full utility?

We just set Iran's
missiIe program back

36 months with
one deep-cover agent.

The best action recon
out of North Korea

in the Iast two years
came from Outcome.

I'm fully aware of this.
Do you know how
Iong we've waited

to get a reaI,
Iong-term operative
inside Pakistani ISI?

You're asking me to
wipe the most vaIuabIe

inteI-gathering assets
we've ever put in the fieId.

We're shutting things
down immediateIy

and this contingency
was covered Ioud and cIear.

PAULSEN: Tell me this
isn't why we're having
this conversation.

Jason Bourne got away,
didn't he?

That's what this is
all about, isn't it?

I have visibiIity on every
action program in the system
except yours.

I'm sick of hearing
the reason I can't
do something or see something

is because it hasn't
cIeared the NationaI
Research Assay Group.

Where do you pull
this kind of weight?

Don, I'm a patriot,
the same as you are.

I bIeed over this
the same way you do.

But you and I have our jobs

because we've got
the strength to do
what's necessary

and I'm sorry,
but right now,
this is it.



It's really
coming down out there.
It's getting ugIy.

Oh, yeah?

Well, maybe I shouId try
to get ahead of it, huh?

No, it's too Iate for that.
Just stick around.

I need some heIp squaring
the pIace away, anyway.

Yeah, I don't know.

I aIready have to do that
medication write-up.

I don't know if I want
to have to expIain

my itinerary as well,
you know what I mean?

Don't worry about the chems,
I got that covered.

I'm gonna have a Iook.


Are you hearing that?

Are you expecting

In this weather,
without a heads-up?

Well, it's definiteIy
getting cIoser.

What do you got?

Nothing, man,
I got nothing.

Is it working?
Yeah, it's working.

The gear is fine.
It's not the gear.

Well, maybe it's a resuppIy.

They were here yesterday,
and they can't Iand
in this, anyway.

Who the hell is it?

I don't know.

I don't know.
We shouId spread.

Yeah. Look,
I'll take the nest.

Let me know when you
get eyes on it, okay?




PILOT: Is she gonna
cIear us here?

I'd Iike to get above this
before it gets any sIoppier.

Now, hoId on.
Just, there's a. . .

Copy, SoIo, I saw it, too.
Give us a minute.

SOLO: Wilco.

PILOT: What's the issue?
Hang on, hang on.

Roger, SoIo. Sourcing now.

It Iooks Iike there's still
an active signaI back there.

Excuse me?

Is that on your end
or is that. . .
SOLO: My end.

We're having a hard time
getting a handshake.

Roger, SoIo.
HoIding on reIay.

I thought you had
them Iinked.

We did.

They were Iined up,
all the way to the structure.

Both targets were green,
all the way in.

SOLO: ls there a PlD?


OFFICER: It's not
a satellite echo, is it?

No, sir.

OFFICER: What's she doing?

She's pIaying it back.

I don't want to wait on her.
We're going to have
to come around.

How far are you
from bingo fueI?

Twenty minutes
on station.

Better get on it.

SPEC: Affirmative, SoIo,
but we're gonna
need another pass here.

She knows we can't
see shit, right?
Check it.

Roger that.
New profiIe engaged.

We're coming around now.

PILOT: Roger that, Solo.

Coming right
back up the valley.

Requesting fueI graph,
say your state.

PILOT: State
two-pIus-30 to spIash.

Copy, SoIo.
FueI to bingo is green.

Sourcing target
beacon now.


What just happened?

It's gone.
Where the hell did it go?

What do you mean,
"Where did it go?"

SoIo, we are negative
on that signaI here.

We just Iost
that second beacon.

Negative, negative, SoIo.
All sensors and
systems are green.

Diagnostics are green,
aircraft is green.

I got everything
but a target here.

It is not a system issue.
Sensors are good.

All right,
we're going to switch
to IR and take a Iook.

Switching to thermaI.


SoIo, can I get
your Iast confirmed. . .


What the hell was that?

SOLO: Red Crown,
we're getting some music.

SPEC: You hit something.

I don't think so.
Red Crown, you getting this?

There is nothing there.
There is nothing.

What the hell is
going on, here?

It didn't just go down,
it was shot down?
They're sure about that?

That's what I was toId.

By who? With what?

They don't know.

They were sourcing
a second signaI
when it happened.

DITA: No, no, no,
we didn't have time.
I'm calling for cIearance now.

There's got to be someone
meeting us at the gate.

They have a drone ready?

They're fueIing one now.

They parsed the signaI.

It's Aaron Cross.


You're all set, sir.

PILOT: Let's approach
off azimuth, 30 degrees
off our Iast pass.

SPEC: Good for me.

SOLO: Red Crown to contact.
Three-zero-zero for 30.

SPEC: There you are.
There's my signaI.

SignaI is hot, SoIo.

SignaI is up and Iive.
And here we go.

PILOT: Where's that been?

Doesn't matter now.
It's mine.

Copy, SoIo. Strong signaI.

What kind of weapon system
is this guy operating?

He's probabIy got a rifIe.

BYER: It's a high-powered

What's our time frame, here?

Fifteen minutes,
pIus or minus.

Just trying
to factor the storm.




SPEC: Roger, Solo.
Target is static.
Engaging laser now.



Get out of here!

Go on, get out of here!

Get out!



SPEC: Laser armed.

Sensor and thermaI confirmed.


Where are we?
SPEC: Thirty seconds.

You shouId have
Ieft me aIone.


SPEC: Arming missiIe.

MissiIe away.

There he goes,
he's moving now.

PILOT: Not for Iong.

SPEC: Target destroyed.

SOLO: Red Crown, splash one.

Copy, SoIo. Kill confirmed,
target destroyed.

PILOT: Looking good?

SPEC: Looks good.
Looks coId and cIear.

AARON: With all
due respect, sir,
now is not the best time.

In 20 minutes,
this place is going
to fall apart.

BYER: I'm aware of that,
I'll take the chance.
We need to taIk.

I need you to stop
what you're doing
and turn around.

That's an order.

We got screwed
on the inteI, okay?

Nobody knew those
peopIe were in there.

It wouId be perfectIy
normaI for a person
to have doubts

about the moraIity
of what we just
asked you to do.

Is that a question, sir?

No, it's not.
Tune in to what I'm
trying to say to you.

Do you know what
a sin-eater is?

That's what we are.
We are the sin-eaters.

It means that we take
the moraI excrement that
we find in this equation

and we bury it down
deep inside of us

so that the rest of
our cause can stay pure.

That is the job.

We are morally indefensibIe
and absoIuteIy necessary.

Do you understand?

Will that be all?

Stitch that up.

I'm gonna put you on a pIane
to Yemen in six hours.

I'll be ready.


TERRY: I toId you
she'd be coming at us.

Yeah, I need you to
stay caIm, Terry, okay?

They're giving her
a Senate hearing.

How can you not see
that as a probIem?

She knows Bourne,
she knows BIackbriar,
she knows Hirsch.

She's got a handIe
on the whoIe
goddamn operation.

I don't see how
the hell you couId be
so caIm about this!

Well, what can she say?

What can she say?

What if she gets
up there and she says,

"Treadstone, BIackbriar,
you think that was it?

"You think that Jason Bourne
was the whoIe story?

"Sorry, there's a Iot more
going on here."

What if she tells them that
Treadstone was just the tip
of the iceberg?

BYER: Look, you want
to sweat something?

Worry about Outcome,
because we're still
not out of the woods.

But as far as
our other programs,
she doesn't know that much.

How do you know that?

Because we're
tapped into everything
she says and does.


Phones, emaiI, cars,
house, Iawyer.

She was cooked the minute
she hitched her wagon
to Jason Bourne.

She aided and abetted
an internationaI fugitive.

She prevented the agency
from shutting down
a rogue operation.

She vioIated every oath
and code of conduct
that matters.

For Christ's sake,
she brought the son of
a bitch back to America.

Now, God knows
what her motives are,

but it's cIear that
protecting this country
is not one of them.

That used to be
called treason.


Even the soIution here.
Now, that shouId be
coming up as a constant.


There you are.
I don't understand
these vaIues. . .


My God, no!

Did you hear that?

WOMAN: What is that?

It's a gun.

No. I. . . No.
Yeah. No, it was gunfire.

No, pIease. No, no, no!



Open the door!
He's shooting us!
Open the door!


DR. TALWAR: Open the door!
He's got a gun !

Open the door!


Oh, my God.

We got to be abIe
to get a card !

We have to be abIe
to get in there!

happening? We gotta go
for the back door.

It's Iocked.
He Iocked the back door.


No, pIease.

He's gonna kill us all.


DR. CHANDRA: Don't do this.
Oh, my God.


He's shooting
everyone in there!

I need a red Iab access card !
Who's got a red
Iab access card?

They're bringing one
down from upstairs.

They're all in there.
Everyone who has
one is in there.

Billy, where are you, man?
I need a red card now!


Don. . .
What are you doing?



Shit, the handIe's off.


The handIe's off!


Drop it! Stop!
Drop the weapon !

Drop it! Drop the weapon !




MALE ANCHOR: lnvestigators
are still searching
for some explanation

behind the workplace

that left another
American community
grieving and shocked.

Police and federal authorities

DITA: The boys need
to see you right away.

Let's get that Foite story
out there right away.

I'll take care of it.

COP: And this area,
back here?

That's all been
converted to storage.

Because it says on
the bIueprint, and even
on the board, there,

that it's a medicaI
examination suite.

I mean, what kind
of examinations are
we taIking about?

MARTA: There we go.
May l see the hand, please?

Oh, that has heaIed well.

Any diminished sensation?


Are you trying to
put me down, doc?

I'm afraid there's
been a few gaps

in your sampIe
deIiveries, so. . .


. . .we need a full
work-up this visit.

Another one?

Why? Is it 'cause
I missed a bIood drop?

So, how do you think
it works, doc?

That we can just
call a timeout?

Everything stops whiIe
you pull your sampIes?

Why don't you
Iie down and reIax?


What do you think
that we do out there?

Okay, that's
enough information.

No, I. . .

Well, you're just a doctor.

You know we're
on camera.


Is that why you make such
an attractive appearance?

Okay, why don't you
count backward from 1 00,





Yeah, the gate
shouId be open.

Bear to the Ieft.
It's about haIf-a-miIe up.


Dr. Shearing?

Hi, I'm Dr. Connie Dowd.

Hi, how are you?
Well, thanks.

This is SpeciaI
Agent Larry Hooper.


PIease. Come in.

DR. DOWD: Thanks for
Ietting us come out.

It's a remarkabIe property.
What a project.

Yeah, I really don't want
to taIk about the house.

Not unIess
you want to buy it.

Sit, I guess. PIease.

MARTA: Just so you know, okay,

I didn't know anything
about this meeting
untiI an hour ago.

And nobody Iast night
said to make time

or pick a time,
or anything Iike that.

And then, this morning,
I buy a pIane ticket
to see my sister

and suddenIy it's Iike
DEFCON 4 around here.

And that is not
paranoia, okay?

That is pretty much
directIy in my face!

DR. DOWD: Understood.

ShouId we not be
paying attention?

Can you Ieave us
aIone, Larry?


You've just been
through an extremeIy
traumatic experience.

Yeah. Doctor of what?

What are you?

CIinicaI psychoIogy.

Oh. So, what do you do?

You give grief
counseIing to spies?

You have a very unusuaI
security cIearance, Marta.

You shouId expect
that buying a ticket

to MontreaI without
telling anyone wouId
set off some bells.

Yeah, I've got some bells
of my own going off, okay?

I mean, are you going to be
the person who tells me

what the hell
is going on here,

or are you just the next
mystery babysitter?

What do you think
is going on?

What I'm trying
to do is not think.

I just. . . I want
to stop thinking.

Have you discussed
those feeIings with
anyone eIse?

Your sister? Friends?

Are you for reaI?

What about Peter Boyd?



So, we're into
everything, is that it?
Is anything off-Iimits here?

Have you ever read
your empIoyment
security contract?

Have I read my. . .

If you're asking me
whether I understand
my discIosure restrictions,

yes, I have a PhD
in biochemistry

with postdoctoraI fellowships
in viroIogy and genetics.

I know how to read !

What I don't understand
is why my colleague

has a psychotic episode
and shot everyone in the Iab.

Are you aware of what
we do in there?

Are you?

I mean, how do I know
that you're even cIeared
for this conversation?

Have you discussed
anything to do
with the incident

with anyone other
than the investigators?

Peter Boyd moved
out eight months ago.

But I guess you
aIready know that.

And, no, I haven't
spoken to him.

You stated that you
and Dr. Foite had no
reIationship outside of work.


There was materiaI
in his apartment that
indicates he had

an unusuaI fixation
with you.

Photographs, journaI entries.
They found severaI
articIes of cIothing.


Did you ever rebuff him
in any way?


No, no, I. . .

I aIways thought
he was gay.

Look, no one is suggesting
that you're responsibIe
for what happened.

Oh. Thank you.

Survivors often experience
feeIings of guiIt.

Those feeIings
can be ampIified

by the reaIization
that he Iet you Iive.

That he Iet me Iive?

Have you seen the video?

Do you really think
that's what it shows?

You are asking all
the wrong questions!

What shouId I
be asking, Marta?

Has anyone Iooked at
Dr. Foite's bIood work?

Have they?

I mean, that is the onIy
thing that is going to make
any sense, here.

His behavior was. . .

Look, there are
projects at Sterisyn,

defense projects
that couId expIain
why he did what he did.

And peopIe
there are working on
behavioraI design.

It's programmabIe behavior,
neuraI design.

Do you understand
what I'm telling you?

I think he was exposed
to something at the Iab.

Found it.

What are you doing?

That's my gun.
What the hell is this?

You're a potentiaI
suicide risk.

No. Wait a minute.
How did you. . .

How did he find that?
Marta. . .

No, no. Okay.
This meeting is now over.

I want you both out
of here, right now!
Marta. . .

No! He has been
snooping around my house!

Marta, I want to
sign off here today!

I want to Iet you
get on that pIane,

but you have got
to heIp us out!

Look, we have got to do
our job here, okay?

We have got to go
through this.

I need to know that
you are caIm and safe
before I Ieave here

and I need to know that you
understand the ruIes before
you get on that pIane.

PIease, just. . .

PIease, sit down
and Iet us get through
our questions.



Jesus! What is this?

What the hell is this?

What are you doing?

Get off me!


Get the hell off me now!

Green !





A runner in the basement!


On your right.

One. GirI.




Find her.

Find her!


Gene! TaIk to me!





UnIess you reIoaded,
the gun is empty.

Look, Iook.

Dr. Shearing, it's me.

I'm not here
to hurt you, okay?
How did you. . .

That was you !
Yes. Shh !

Listen to me.
Do you want to Iive?

Look at me.
Do you want to Iive?

Do you want to Iive?

Good. Let go of this gun.

How is this possibIe?
Let go.

Take this.


Now, I need you to do
exactIy what I say.

How is this possibIe?
Listen to me.
ExactIy what I say.




AARON: Hey, doc?
I need my watch.

Doc, I need that watch !

Are there chems
in this house?

Program medication.

Are they all dead?

Yeah, they're dead.

Look at me. Look at me.
Do you have program
medication here?


Chems. Greens, bIues.
Do you have them here?

No, no.

Here? No, no.

Where, then?
Where do you have them?

Where do you keep
the chems?

I don't know.

Dr. Shearing,
where are the chems?
I need the chems!

I understand,
but I don't know.


It's not something. . .
We do viroIogy controI.

So, all of that happens. . .

We don't have medication.

If I had any,
I wouId give it to you.

Okay, Iisten to me.

We have Iess
than eight minutes
to cIear out of here, okay?


Because the next thing
coming through that door

is going to wipe us out.


Can I get a sitrep, here?

If you can hear me,
pick up, Larry.

(OVER RADIO) Larry, pick up.

Sorry about the tran.

What's our frame-rate, here?

Connie says about 1 0.
Just wrapping up.

Tell her we need
a heads-up. Okay?

Copy that.


It's probabIy
better you did this.



Where are we going?

June. Your name is
June Monroe, say it.

June Monroe.
Say it.

June Monroe.

Now pick a pIace you Iived.

The Iast pIace you Iived.
A pIace you know.

Bethesda, that's
where you Iive.

Anybody asks,
you're June Monroe
from Bethesda.

You Iost your wallet.
I'm driving you home.

My name is James.
James and June, you got it?


Is that your name?


No. What?
You don't know my name?

What do you call me?
What do you put
on my bIood work?


Five? The number five?

Do you know how
many times we've met?


Thirteen exams over
the Iast four years.

And that's what
I get, a number?

Number Five. Okay.

Five of what, then?
How many are we?

Program participants?

That's what you call us?

There were nine. Then six.


How did you find me?

Well, what do you think?

They're going
to kill all of us

and then just
Ieave you guys aIone?

You think your colleague
just went crazy?

Is that what you think?

I didn't think anything.
They wound him up
and set him Ioose.

I really have no idea
what is going on.

What's going on
is they're shutting
the whoIe thing down.

Who is "they"?

I don't know. . .
Who were the peopIe
at the house?

No, no, no, no.
You had your turn, okay?

You've been bIeeding
and scoping and scraping me
since the day we met.

It's my turn, now.
I'm asking the questions,
you got it?

I need program meds, okay?
I need program meds.

Where do you keep
the chems?

I don't have any.
I've aIready toId you.

We don't have them.

It's bullshit.

I don't have any!

So, you don't know anything?
You're just the heIp?

That's why you have
the big house and the
security cIearance, right?

That's why they're
trying so hard to kill you,

because you
don't know anything.

I know my job,
which is science.

I don't know what you do
when you Ieave the Iab.

None of us do!
For four years!

Look, I want to get out!
WouId you pIease stop the car?

You can't be that naive.

WouId you Iet me out the car?
There's no way
you're that naive!

You want out? Get out.
Go on, get out.

You don't have any chems.
You don't know where
they are.

You don't know anything.
That's fine. Just get out.

But you got a pIan, right?

Yeah, of course you do.
You're a doctor.

You've got this all
worked out, don't you?

What are you going to do?

Huh? What are
you going to do?

You can't run, not aIone.
You don't know how.

You certainIy can't hide.

Not from peopIe Iike this,
with the resources they have.

You won't make it to sundown.
So, what does that Ieave you?

You can go pubIic, sure.
You can go Ioud.

Call your sister,
because that worked out
well for you.

Call some ex-roommate.

Call a guy that knows a guy
at The Washington Post.

Put it onIine.
'Cause you know what?

You bIow me off,
that's the onIy
pIay you've got.

But you'd better
ask yourseIf this.

CouId you ever say it
Ioud enough or fast enough

that they'd be too afraid
to finish what
they've started?

Now, I've got a pIan,
and it's just not
that compIicated.

What I'm going to do is
wait for the next person
to show up to kill you.

Maybe they can heIp me.

So, go for it.

I had no choice.
I had to get out of there.

No, I had to
get out of there!

No, nobody. I have no idea.

You have to understand.
All the work at Outcome,
all those tests,

the burn rates,
dosage paneIs,
tissue stress.

I mean, that is us
tuning chemistry.

We don't fabricate anything.
That happens downstream.

Wait. What's that mean,

It means you need Iive
virus to seed adhesion.

CuItures are
highIy reactive.

You have to process on-site
and we wouId never do it here.

Okay. On-site, where? Where?

Where do we hoId the virus?


Well, we can't
drive there.

Where is it?

The PhiIippines.

Where do you stand
with your dosage?

I have 300 milligrams
of bIues.

It's not even enough
for another day.

I haven't had
a full green in 51 hours,

which is strange
because I don't feeI
physically degraded.

But we'll see.

Wait, wait, wait.

Did you just say you're
still taking greens?

What are you taIking about?

You were viraIed off
physicaI medication
Iast year.


Jesus. They viraIed
everyone off greens
eight months ago.

They infected you
with Iive virus,

which means that,
you're stabIe.

You don't need
to take greens.

They Iocked it in.

Any physicaI enhancement
is now permanent.

So, you infected me?

When was this?

Is this when I was sick?

The mystery fIu?
That was you?

Well, it wasn't me.
I didn't do it.

That was you. That was
on purpose, right?

When I aImost died.

I'm sorry,
but it wasn't me.

Why am I still taking
green pills, then?

I don't know.
I thought you had stopped.

Why am I asking
you anything?

Or to keep us
on a Ieash, right?

Is that it?
To keep a hoId on us?

To keep us dependent?

Who tells you
that this is okay?

No one. . . I do. . .

Who says it's okay?

I do research.

I design, I survey.
I don't administer meds.

I don't make poIicy!

No, you just Ioad the gun.

Oh, God.

Look, I was there
for the science.

We were all there
for science.

And I know you don't care,
but I made a huge sacrifice.

I couIdn't pubIish,
I couIdn't conference.

I couIdn't tell
a singIe person
what it was I did.

But I thought I was
heIping my country,
and I know that's. . .

Tell me you can
viraI off bIues.

Can you viraI off bIues?

Theoretically, yes.


Pills allow for
temporary adhesion.

To Iock it in,
you need Iive cuIture.
Live virus!

You know how to do that.

Do you know
how to do that?


Yes, but I toId you,
it's on the other
side of the pIanet.

Well, guess where
we're going?

WOMAN: Welcome to Washington.
Welcome to Candent
World Headquarters.

We want to make sure
that over the next few days

you have a chance to connect
with the people who have
made Sterisyn Morlanta

the crown jewel
in the Candent
group of companies.

FinaI Phase 3
testing approvaI is
expected this month

for both reQuieI
and SupressoIyn.

Confidence is high that
we're coming in on scheduIe,
and we want to be ready.

We know the market
is eager.

We know, gIobally,
the kind of. . .

What the hell don't
I know about this?

You're directing
that at me?

That was a D-Trac team
we sent in there.

I don't know what
that means.

It means they're
good at what they do.

I was toId that
they were missing.

They don't just
go missing.

What didn't you tell us
about this woman?

Nothing. She is who she is.
There's nothing to tell.

You vetted her up and down.

Then what the hell
are we Iooking at?

INGRAM: She has
a registered gun.

TURSO: They knew that
going in.

She's got buiIding permits.

Propane, weIding tanks.
A stray bullet?

You want to keep guessing?

We've got to get in there.

I've got a dozen peopIe
waiting on the perimeter.

We don't controI the site?

DITA: Not yet.

Getting the picture now?

Okay, stop!

I can't run this from here.

I need a crisis suite.
I need integrated
grids and comms.

I need all of it.

NSA, or Pentagon,
or Liberty Crossing.

I don't care, just
get me something now.

Pack up your codes
and your drives,

and whatever eIse
you're going to need.

We're going to move
and we're going to stay there.

Dita, how am I putting
a net over that house?
There's IocaIs all over it.

We go with germs.

She took sampIes from work.

Pathogens, viruses.
It's nationaI security.

Good, okay,
I Iike that, it pIays.

Now, get it out there,
get it out there.

Come on, Iet's go, Iet's go.
Everybody find
another gear, okay?

Because I want to
be out of here in 20.

MARTA: So, Iet's say
you want to change
the human body.

You want to fix a mistake.

You want to repair something,
improve something.

Well, if you're going
to reprogram human
genetic materiaI,

you need a deIivery
system, and nothing
works better than virus.

It's Iike a suitcase.

You pack in genetic mutation,

infect the body
and the vector unIoads
into the target cells.

But getting it
where you want it,
how you want it,

is the nightmare.

UnIess you have a map.

There was this
terribIe accident
at Fort Detrick in 1 985.

Five researchers dropped
dead in the Iab, and it
was such a catastrophe

that they brought in
Dan Hillcott

from Stanford
to assess the damage.

He got in there
and he reaIized that,
underneath it all,

was this
incredibIe breakthrough
in viraI-receptor mapping.

He had a map.

You've had some
very minor aIterations

made to two different

The green side,
the physicaI side,

is nothing more
than a 1 .5 percent rise

in your mitochondriaI
protein uptake.

But with 1 .5 percent,

you see this
immediate increase
in celluIar tempo,

muscIe efficiency,
oxygenation. . .

And the bIue side?

Intelligence, obviousIy,
but it's more than that.

It's neuraI regeneration
and eIasticity.

Sensory function.
Pain suppression.

It's the most
exciting deveIopment
in genomic targeting

in the history
of the science.

My God.

Hey, how do I get
monitor 71 up on
the big screen?

Coming up.

They found a body.

They're pretty sure
it's a woman, and it's
not Marta Shearing.

They found dog tags.

They think she was shot.


Marta, I. . .

You can't
call anyone.

There are peopIe
that care about you
that think you're dead.

And there's nothing
you can do about it.

Anyone you contact
becomes a target.

So, you need to put aside
any normaI emotionaI
response that you have.

The onIy edge we've
got right now is they
think we're both gone.

All right?

All right.


you're going to want
to go through this.

You know, just
be famiIiar with it.

June Monroe.

Who is June Monroe?

You are.

Do you know her?

Not anymore.

Why do you have
to stay enhanced?

Why is it so
important to you?

Come here.

What is this?

This was me.


My army recruiter

was Iooking
to make his quota.

He added 1 2 points
to my IQ.

TweIve points to make
the minimum.

You ever seen a cognitive
degrade, Marta?

Sensory withdrawaI?
You ever do that?

Pull someone's bIues
and watch them
drop off their meds?


Because they paint
a pretty graphic
picture in training.

Hell of a Iong way to fall.

If I can't
keep it together,
we won't make it.

They bit.

Washington Post.

We just fIagged
an emaiI.

They're going with
the story about
the possibIe theft

of the dangerous
materiaIs from the Iab.

Wow, they took it.
They aIready fIagged
a DWI conviction.

That's convenient.

They found another body.
One of ours.

They're picking
up shell casings
all over the pIace.

I don't think your
doctor's in there.



Boarding pass
and ID, pIease.

Thank you.
Thank you.

Boarding pass
and ID, pIease.


Where are you?

AARON: l'm right behind you.
Don't turn around.

You're going to
stay right here

untiI it's time
to board, okay?
You're doing great.

You see that corridor
on your right?

You're gonna want
to find somebody

who's walking that way
and just tag along.

Keep moving,
keep your head down,

and I'll see you
on the pIane.



The traiI is
definitive and fresh.

The canine team
tracked her from her house

through this wooded area,
ending here, at this
IittIe parking Iot.

Either she had
a car waiting for her,
or somebody picked her up.

There are security
cameras on the street,
but there's nothing back here.

There's got to be
satellite footage.

MaryIand's not exactIy
a high-vaIue U.S. target.

There'll be pIenty
of weather imaging,

but we're gonna have
to swing a IittIe wider

to find something reaI-time
that's enhanceabIe.

We're draining some
foreign pIatforms.
We need about an hour.

Come on,
she's not pulling
this off on her own.

Who the hell
is heIping her?

MALE ANCHOR: We'll find out
more in the next hour,

while we are
currently in court.

Now back to Jenn.

JENN: The FBl this morning
confirmed reports that
Dr. Albert Hirsch

died of heart failure
in a Washington, D.C. hotel.

Dr. Hirsch had been expected
to testify yesterday

before a Senate
lntelligence committee.

That select committee
is investigating links

between a troubled ClA program
known as Treadstone

and this man, Jason Bourne.

Police and federal officials
are searching for Bourne

in connection
with recent shootings
in New York and in London.

Dr. Hirsch had been
cooperating with
the Justice Department

and was in protective custody
at the time of the incident.

A committee spokesman
told reporters last night

that the hearings will
be postponed temporarily

as they evaluate
the loss of Doctor...


Just going to remind you
to keep the aisIes cIear

for any baggage
during takeoff and Ianding.

Excuse me.
Thank you.

Pardon me, sir.

Sir, do you need
heIp finding your seat?

No, I got it.

You see those two shadows?
One of them is her.
That's the parking Iot.

One of them stops.
Here comes the car.

Where is this from?
DITA: It's a Canadian
forestry satellite.

INGRAM: Here comes
the other one into the car,
and there they go.

DITA: We Iose them east.

Our window drops out
about two miIes up the road.

But we've got the siIhouette.

We've got
surveillance footage,
racked and ready to go.

We're going to spIit teams,
find this car and
Iink up a traiI.

With a 1 7-hour head start?

Where the hell can she go?

MAN 1 : We're Iooking for
a Buick LeSabre 2002.

I've got an
NIA/HomeIand warrant,
that's why.

MAN 2: Well, you give us
what you have. . .
MAN 3: Two passengers.

It's an '02 burgundy
LeSabre starting west
from Lisbon, MaryIand.

Tolls, exits,
service stations.

Give me every
camera you've got.

I'm seeing
an FBI camera bin
on my Iist here.

No, no. Traffic onIy.

West, Lisbon. L-I-S-B-O-N.

Yes, we want all of that
and the toll cams.
We want everything.

We'll take them all.
Whatever hits you have,
send them on.

We will work on
sorting them out.

DITA: Wilmington, Delaware.

This is our car, the LeSabre.
We see it coming
into the structure.

It goes under,
comes back around,
and it parks here.

But it doesn't come out.

This is inside.
It's four minutes
after arrivaI.

It's her.

Do we know
what she's doing?

She was having her
passport picture taken.

DITA: Logan, Hartford,
LaGuardia, Kennedy,
Philly, Newark,

Dulles, Reagan.

We start with
yesterday morning,
that is our wedge.

We cIear that,
and then we move
up the cIock.

She wants to know
if you want Hartford,
because she can get it.

BIue coat, second row.
She's got a red bag.

Which one? I have four.

All right, I have
TSA Authorization
1 , 6, 9 and 1 2.

Airports given,
all departures.

Yes, the internationaI
terminaI first.

We're aImost there.

DITA: So, check out
the newsstand.


BYER: I don't know.

Logan has a face
we need to Iook at,
but there's kids.

BYER: Hang on, hang on,
hang on. Hang on.


Where is this?


I've never
been here at night.
I don't know the ruIes.

There are no ruIes, okay?

We beIong here.
Come on.

Hey, how are you?

Good evening.

Dr. Shearing and I are here
to open up the Iab, pIease.

What's all this?

Hi, how are you?

Dr. Shearing !
Dr. Shearing.

Hey, it's me, Joseph.

Joseph !

Hello, how are you?

I'm good, I'm good.

WeIcome back.

I'm sorry.
I just don't have you
on my Iist arriving.

That's because we had
to change our scheduIe.

Yeah, we took
an earIier fIight.

I'm Dr. Brundage, by the way.
It's nice to meet you.

PIeased to meet you, too,
but Dr. PumaIoy is not here,
he went to Singapore.

He just Ieft yesterday.

The girIs have gone home.
No one toId me anything.

Right. Well, I understand.

Well, Iook, we're going
to be here all week,

and we have
a Iot of work to do,

so we need to get
in there tonight

and get things started, okay?

Yeah, of course,
it's just that. . .

You can call
Dr. PumaIoy if you want.

I just don't want to
put you on the spot.

No, we don't
have to do that.

Okay, great.

It's just the two of you?


Yes, correct.


Yes, I will hoId.

Get it up there.
Put that up on
the big screen.

Yes, I'm here.

Good. Where?

I need an immediate upIoad
on that passenger manifest.

I know. Here she is,
I'm putting her back on.

ManiIa. She took
American 1 67 to ManiIa.

She Ianded 45 minutes ago.


Are you okay?

BYER: There's 243 people
on that plane.

We're going to scope
every one of them right now.

So, pick a face that
you Iike, pull it down,

and deseIect it if
you've cIeared it.

If there is anything
that smells wrong to you,

if there's
a hair out of pIace
that you don't Iike,

you do not cIear it.

You fIag it and you
send it over to Dita
and we'll check it out.

We have to be
working off the same grid.
That's HomeIand 9.5.

If you don't
pull that access,
raise your hand,

CoIoneI Hardy's
going to come over
and sort you out.

So, this is it, huh?



What the hell
are we into, Terry?

I don't know.

It's your shop.
What is going on over there?

What did I say?
I don't know.

Well, how many trips
has she made over there?

Five, six, I don't know.
Why the PhiIippines?

Hey, hey, hey!

INGRAM: Seat 1 3-B.
KarI D. Brundage, 1 3-B.

I need support staff
to cIear the room.

Stand up and waIk, now.

Jack, Cathy, move!
Let's go.

TURSO: Who the hell is he?

BYER: He's an Outcome agent.

That's Outcome 5.

TERRY: They're not dead?
I thought they were dead !

BYER: Yeah, he's
supposed to be dead.

TURSO: Then what's
he doing there?
BYER: l don't know.

VENDEL: He's Iooking for meds.

TURSO: What?

That's where
the chems come from.
What eIse wouId he be doing?

INGRAM: She's got
to be helping him.

TURSO: But how?
How is that possible?

BYER: I don't know how.
I don't care.

He's aIive, they're there.

"How" doesn't
really matter, does it?

The onIy mission
we've got now is to
drop a bag over this.

Are the drugs
he's Iooking for
there, or not?

Jesus, I don't. . . Terry?

No. No, there's
nothing there.

We haven't made
a run in 1 6 weeks.

Besides, we wouIdn't
store the pills
there, anyway.

lt's basically a kitchen.

We tweak the recipe
and we bake up
a batch when we need it.

Then what the hell
are they doing?

The stems are there.

She's going to try
to viraI him out.

Thank you.


PIant office,
Mackie speaking.

TERRY: Mr. Mackie,
this is Terrance Ward.

l'm the Senior Vice-President
for Candent Precision Metrics.

l'm calling from Maryland.
Yes, sir.

We have a potentiaI
security incident.

I just posted
two photographs on
the company network.

I need to know if either
of these two peopIe
have tried to enter. . .

Yeah, we're on it.

Excuse me?

Yeah, we're on the case.
We're just here now trying
to figure out who to call.

Our gatehouse just
passed in two doctors.

I think one of them
might be that woman

from your
shoot-out over there.

Well, where are they now?

We keep all of our
cIient Iabs downstairs,

so we're assuming they've
gone into the basement.

I just sent a coupIe of boys
down to check it out.

No, no. No, no,
withdraw your team.

Lock the Iab and
keep them down there.

Do not try to take him.


MARTA: Hello?

GUARD: Hey, how you doing?
Can I heIp you?

Are you aIone down here?


Hey, guys.

You can't be down here.
Do you have cIearance
for this IeveI?

Nobody's supposed
to be down here.

I'm supposed
to be down here.
I'm Dr. Shearing.

We're in the middIe
of a sampIing audit.

It is not safe for
you guys to be here.

Let's straighten
this out upstairs.

Don't touch that.
Pack it up, Iet's go.

Look, nobody touch anything.
Come on, just follow us.

I'm not going to sit
here and argue with you.
I'm going to call your boss

and we're gonna figure it out.
Watch her.

Hey, hoId on a second.


I'm going to get my bag.
We got to go.


Wait. This way.

I don't know where this goes.
Just open it.


Step back.

Lock it down.
Hey! You ! You ! With me!
Come on, come on, come on.

Is that Iocked?
Yes, sir.

No one in, no one out.
Do you understand?

Hey, what happened
to those three guys
you sent downstairs?


Come with me.
You stay there, okay?
Stay there.

We beIong here.

Coming through.





MACKIE: You, go and get
everyone eIse. Tell them
to go around the front.

Go through the eastern doors,
move around the front.

MACKIE: Move! Move, peopIe!

Who have you
got on this radio?
Why is no one responding?

Is that gate shut?

Excuse me.
Move, move, move!

Hey! I need that gate shut!

Hey, you ! Listen,
go down to the main gate.
Do you understand?

No one in, no one out.

Hey, what are you doing?

Just get down
to the main gate
with everyone eIse.


All right, get back!
Stay back!

Give him some room.

All right, give me some room.
Give me some room, pIease.

He's going to need a doctor.

Security. Security!

Over here, pIease.

Over here.

Sir, can you hear me? Sir!

He can't get far.

If he didn't viraI out,
he's going to run out
of brain.

And, if he did,
then he's going to be
too sick to move.

So, we just have
to find him fast

and kill him,
once and for all.

Can we taIk about LARX?


LARX-3 is in Bangkok.
It's a two-hour fIight.

Wait a minute.
Just hang on, here.

I thought that
was just a proposaI.

Get him out there.

a beta-2 stem program.

Amped mission fidelity,
minimized empathy.

VENDEL: lt's Treadstone
without the inconsistency,

Outcome without
the emotional noise.

TERRY: lt's looking
very strong for us.

We have never seen
evaIuations Iike this.

This went from something
I don't know about

to something on
the drawing board,

and now you're telling me
it's up and running?

It's up and running.
Consider yourseIf informed.



Are you comfortable?

AARON: Yes, sir.

You don't
look comfortable.

No, sir.

What's your name?

Kenneth James.

Full name, Kenneth.

Kenneth. . . James. . .

AARON: Kitsom.

They have a room.

Can you waIk?

Yeah. Yeah. I think so.

DR. HILLCOTT: Where are
you from, Kenneth?

AARON: When?

Before you enlisted.


ls that a town?

Berwin... lt's a state home.

What state?

ln Reno.

ls this a test?

Yes, it is.

lf l pass, can l stay here?

Do you want to stay?

Yes, sir.

That's good to know.


Okay. Okay.


Okay, just Iie still.

Aaron, you have. . . Aaron. . .


There's $40,000 in
the Iining of my jacket.

In this bag,
there are passports.

Two bIanks and three ghosts,
there's that guy's watch.

There are other things, okay?
You take it.

Look at me.

You can make it.

You're a warrior.

You can make it.

Okay? Stay small.

No airports.

Just bIend in
Iike you know, okay?


You've done enough for me.

No, I. . .

PIease go.

You've done enough for me.

Everything's in the car.



AARON: ls this a test?

DR. HILLCOTT: Yes, it is.

lf l pass, can l stay here?

Do you want to stay?

ParacetamoI, 500 milligrams.

Four times a day.


For free. This is free.

Okay, good.

I'll be right back.


Aaron, run !


"Where are you?"

"Was that the signaI?"

They're asking
for confirmation.

"You went too soon."
No. . . "We went too soon."

Come on.







It's okay.




PoIice! PoIice!


Get down !


Are you okay?


Good. Come on.



Get down, get down.

CIimb over.

Go. Get over,
get over, get over.

Get over. Hang on tight.

Go, go!

You ready? Let go!


Okay. Take this.

Just keep waIking,
don't Iook back. Go, go.



Hey, hey. Get on.

You ever ridden before?

Take this.

PoIice, poIice!

Hang on tight and
follow me, okay?

Stay with me.

He's got a gun !

Keep your head down.

It's not a cop.



Aaron !







You've been shot.
It's all right.

Pull over!

Pull over.

We just have to
get to the water.

DITA: Can you
check that for me?

VENDEL: How Iong is
that going to take?

Come on.

DITA: We'll get
back to you.



VENDEL: The cops are out.

They Iost the traiI.

Aaron !

Aaron ! Aaron ! Aaron ! Aaron !


Are you okay?


Can you heIp us?


ShouId be up there now.

He said it's the room
where they spent the night.

PAULSEN: Well, we had
a problem with Treadstone
six years ago.

The BIackbriar program,

detaiIed in
the operations report
you have before you,

was activated
soIeIy to capture

a Treadstone operative
gone rogue.


WOMAN: Pam, what are
you going to do?

We have nothing for you now.

I don't know
PameIa Landy's reasons

for criminally
assisting an enemy
of the United States.

But the fact is, she Iacked
the operationaI cIearance

to access,
much Iess interpret,
the information you have

in the cIassified
fiIe before you.

MAN: Pam, there's a rumor that
you're going to be indicted,
is it true?

Mike, can you comment?
WOMAN: Have you been

ATTORNEY: We're here
voIuntariIy. We came
for a meeting.

WOMAN: Have you had any
contact with Jason Bourne?

MAN: Did you receive
a target Ietter or not?

Are we going to
see you tomorrow?

VOSEN: l just thank God
that there were hands
steady enough

to make sure that
the documents she tried
to shop to the press

were contained
before they couId

do any more harm
than they aIready have.

WOMAN: Are you still scheduIed
to appear at the House
Intelligence Committee?

Yes, I am. Look, anything eIse
is going to have to come from
my attorneys, okay?

MAN: Do you regret your
earIier statement?

I regret a Iot of things.
I'm not sure that
one is on the Iist.

Thank you, guys.



Are we Iost?


Just Iooking at our options.

I was kind of hoping
we were Iost.