The Blue Bird (1940) - full transcript

Mytyl and her brother Tyltyl, a woodchopper's children, are led by the Fairy Berylune on a magical trip through the past, present, and future to locate the Blue Bird of Happiness.

(triumphant music)

(lively music)

(singers humming)

(lively music)

- Look, Mytyl. There's one.

(bird chirping)

- Come on. Quick.

Give me the stick.

Get the crumbs.

(bird chirping)

(bird chirping)

(bird chirping)

(bird chirps)

We got him! We got him!

- [Tyltyl] Do you think it's a thrush?

- I hope so.

No use fluttering. I got you now.

- [Tyltyl] Let me see him, Mytyl.

Let me see.

- Be careful, Tyltyl.
You'll get him excited.

- [Forester] Hey, there! Who goes there?!

- [Tyltyl] Oh, a forester!

- Run! Quick!

(thrilling music)

(gentle music)

(goat bleating)

- What would that forester
have did if he had caught us?

- Have done, Tyltyl. Have done.

- What would he had done?

- Put us in a dungeon and
chopped off our heads.

- Just for one little bird?
He's got a whole forest of them.

- It's against the law.

- Mytyl.

Oh, Mytyl.

- Oh. Hello, Angela.

- What have you got there?
Something for Christmas?

It's a bird, a very rare bird.

- [Tyltyl] It's a thrush, we think.

- I trapped it in the Royal Forest.

- I don't suppose you wouldn't let

me trade you something for it, would you?

- I should say not.

Uh, what have you got?

- I'd let you have Katrina.
You always liked her.

- Hm, yes, when she was new.

- She's only been sewed up
in that one little place.

- I'm sorry.

Besides, I promised this bird

to another little girl for Christmas.

- [Angela] Oh, she wouldn't mind, Mytyl.

Please, Mytyl. Won't you trade?

- Angela, close the window.
You know better than that.

- It's Mytyl. She's got a bird.

- Oh, yes, yes, but aren't
you sick enough, dear,

without catching your death of cold?

Come now. Close the window.

- Oh, Mother, I've always
wanted a bird like that.

Please, ask her to give her to me.

- That one? She'd never
give anybody anything.

(scampering music)

- Who's the little girl you
promised a bird for Christmas?

- Who do you suppose? Me.

- Then why didn't you say so?

- The next time I go hunting,
I'll leave you at home.

(gentle music)

Tyltyl, did you ever see
such a Christmas tree?

- Look at all the children.

Everyone's having fun, aren't they?

- Everyone except those fiddlers.

(gentle fiddle music)

That must be hard work.

- [Tyltyl] Is that Santa
Claus with the white hair?

- [Mytyl] No, you goose.
That's the butler.

- Good evening.

- We're not doing anything. Just looking.

- But wouldn't you like some cake?

- Oh, thank you, sir.

- Come along. Help
yourselves, both of you.

- Don't take any, Tyltyl.

- [Tyltyl] Huh?

- We may not be rich, but
we're not beggars, thank you.

Come, Tyltyl.

- [Tyltyl] Hello, Mummy.

- A fine hour to be getting home.

- Look, Mummy. We caught
the most beautiful bird.

- Where have you been? What kept you?

- Don't you want to see it?

- I want to see your hands clean.

Now put that down, wash up, both of you.

Go along. Go along.

- Tylo, get away from there.
Keep away from this cage now.

(bird chirping)


Hello, Daddy.

I didn't know you were home.

- Your mummy had to set the table, Mytyl.

Did you forget the time?

- You know, Daddy, I think
the village clock is slow.

- Did you hear that, Mummy?
The village clock's slow.

- She has eyes, hasn't she?

- Yes. Didn't you see it was growing dark?

- Well, I did. But Angela
Berlingot stopped us.

I had to talk to her.
She's sick, you know?

- Hm.
- Then we looked in

at the rich children's house.

(fist taps)

And what do you think, Daddy?

They have a Christmas tree
as high as the ceiling.

- Well-
- Never mind all that now.

Come along. Get to your places.

Come along.

Your father's been working
in the forest all day

and he's hungry.

- For what we are about to receive,

and for all thy bounteous blessings,

O Lord, make us truly, thankful.

- Amen.
- Amen.

- Mytyl, Tylette's after your bird!

- Tylette! Get away from here!

(cat screeches)
Get away from this bird.

- How many times have I told you, Mytyl,

not to trap birds in the woods?

- But, Daddy, it's such fun.

- It's not much fun for the bird.

- But I need it.

- What for?

- To sing for us. What
do you think, Mommy?

Angela Berlingot wanted
me to give it to her.

- Well, why didn't you? It'd
be something to cheer her up.

Poor mite. Sick in bed all winter.

- It's not my fault she's sick.

- Well, it's your fault you're selfish.

- You have so much that she hasn't, Mytyl.

- What have I got?

- Health, for one thing,
to run free and play.

- Oh, that isn't anything.

- Oh, isn't it?

- I wouldn't like to stay in bed all day.

- I wouldn't mind.

- That will do, Mytyl. Stop
talking and eat your supper.

- Mommy.

- [Mummy Tyl] What is it, Mytyl?

- Why do we have to be
so poor all the time?

- Poor? Us?

- Well, we are. We can't even
have a party for Christmas.

- You have a roof over
your head, haven't you,

and warm clothes?

- These old things?

- And plenty to eat.

- Nothing I like, nothing good.

Not like those rich children have.

Cakes, candies, dolls to play with,

pretty dresses, everything.

I have nothing!

- That's not true, dear.
You have lots of things.

- What?

- You have a father who works for you.

- And a mother who cooks
and cleans and mends.

- What's that, when other
people have so much more?

Big houses, servants,
carriages that drive them.

And look at us, look at this old place.

- Stop it, Mytyl. Stop it at once.

You ought to be ashamed of yourself.

- I'm not ashamed. I hate it!

I hate it all!
- Be quiet!

- One more word from you, and
you'll go straight to bed.

You're an ungrateful child.

- I don't care.

- [Mummy Tyl] Thoughtless, thankless.

(Mytyl crying)

- I'm so unhappy.

- Well, of course you're unhappy.

If you don't mend your ways,
you'll never be happy. Never.

(gate opens)

(door banging)

- [Daddy Tyl] Oh, it's you, Wilhelm.

- [Mummy Tyl] Come in, Wilhelm.

Come in. Have some supper with us.

- Sorry, but I have no time.
I'm afraid I have bad news.

- Why, what's wrong?

- Orders from Andreas
Hofer to mobilize at once.

- Mobilize?

- [Mummy Tyl] Oh, no.

- Napoleon's soldiers
are on the march again.

They're heading toward the frontier.

- As close as that?

- Well, we stood them
off before, didn't we?

- And we'll do it again.

We assemble in the village
square tomorrow at noon.

- I'll be there.
- Till tomorrow, then.

- War.

(somber music)

- [Tyltyl] Daddy!

- [Mytyl] Oh, Daddy, I
don't want you to go.

- [Daddy Tyl] I must go, dear.

- Why do they have to have
war? What makes war anyway?

- The same thing that
makes trouble everywhere,

greed, selfishness, those not
content with what they have.

- But you're not like that, Daddy.

Why should you have to go?

- That's what's wrong about it, Mytyl.

You can't be unhappy inside yourself

without making others unhappy too.

Remember that.

- Come, come. Finish
your suppers, all of you.

- Is there any more, Mummy?

Don't get stew like this in the army.

- [Mummy Tyl] Goodnight, dear.

- Mummy?
- Yes, dear?

- I'm sorry for the way
I behaved at supper.

- That's what you always say,
Mytyl, that you're sorry,

but the next day you do the
same thing right over again.

- I know I do.

I don't know why.

- Well, you must find out why.

Otherwise, you'll always be
unhappy and discontented.

You don't want that, do you?

- No.

- You want to be happy, don't you?

- Yes, Mummy, like you.

You're happy all the time, aren't you?

- Well, nearly all the time, dear.

- Don't worry, Mummy.
Daddy will come back.

(door rattling)

(door knocking)

(door rattling)

(door knocking)

(Mytyl yawns)

Tyltyl, are you asleep?

- [Tyltyl] No, I don't think so. Are you?

- How could I be asleep
when I'm talking to you?

Did you hear someone knocking?

- [Tyltyl] I heard something.

(door rattling)

(door knocking)

- I'd better get Daddy.

- [Tyltyl] Wait for me, Mytyl.

(scampering music)

(door rattling)

(lock clicking)

(door creaking)

- Didn't you hear me knocking?

- [Mytyl] Why, yes, but-

- Well, why didn't you let me in, then?

- [Mytyl] Who are you?

- Why, haven't your eyes?

Can't you see?

I'm Berylune.

- Berylune?

- Yes, the fairy, Berylune.

- Well, it's a little dark to see clearly.

- Dark?

Oh-ho! Well, it needn't be.

Light up there!

- It lighted, all by itself.

- How did you do that?

- Oh, don't ask foolish questions.

- But Daddy can't even do that.

- Hurry now, quick! Hop into
your clothes and be off.

You've got to find the blue bird.

- The blue bird?

- Of course. The bird that is blue.

The blue bird.

- But why? Why would we find it?

- Why? You want to be happy, don't you?

- Of course. But what do
I want with a blue bird?

- Oh, what a stupid girl you are.

Don't you know that the
blue bird means happiness?

- Oh, how could it?

- Well, didn't I say it did?
Now get dressed, both of you.

Or better still, I'll do it for you.

Quiet now.



Be clothed!

(gentle music)

- Look, Tyltyl, even
your boots are laced up.

Mummy wouldn't mind having
you around all the time.

(Fairy Berylune laughs)

- She wouldn't, eh?

Don't stand there staring. Come along.

We've no time to lose.

- But, ma'am, tell me where
to find the blue bird.

- Well, it isn't as easy as all that.

You must look for it yourself,

in the past, in the future, everywhere.

- Are you coming with us?

- Certainly not! I've other things to do.

- We're not allowed to
go places alone at night.

- Did I say you had to go alone?

You have friends, haven't you?

- Can we take Daddy?

- There's your dog Tylo. Take him.

He might be of some help to you.

And Tylette, your cat.
Take her, if you wish.

- Wake up, Tylo.

- Wake up! Wake up, you lazy, creature.

Stand up like a man.

(bumbling music)

- Mytyl, look!

- Tylo.

- Mytyl.

My little Mytyl.

And Tyltyl. Master Tyltyl.

I can talk. At last, I can talk.

Oh, if I only could have the
day you fell in the lake.

I tried so hard to tell you to keep away.

Who are you?

- Quiet. We've no time for your gabble.

- We're in a dreadful hurry, Tylo.

- Why?

- I don't know, but she said we were.

- Quiet!

Tylette! Wake up!

Wake up, I say!

(gentle music)

- Can she talk too?

- Well, naturally, if the dog can.

- [Mytyl] Oh, Tylette, I'm so glad.

We've got to find a blue bird.

- A blue bird?

- I'll come. I'll help you.

I love going places.

- You'll come too, won't you, Tylette?

- Why not?

Might be amusing.

- I don't like the way she said that.

- Why, Tylo.

- [Fairy Berylune] Come on.
Come on now, all of you.

Be on your way. Hurry!

- We shouldn't take Tylette
with us. She's treacherous.

- I heard what you said,
you old sniffle-snoot.

- I'll chew you to ribbons.

- Uncouth, isn't he?

- What are you waiting for?

Come along!

Don't stand there gabbling
all night. Come along.

Well, what are you waiting for? Be off!

- But which way shall we go?

- Oh, I told you.

You must look everywhere.

- But we'll get lost.

- It's so dark.

- Oh, don't cry before you're
hurt. I'll take care of that.

Light, appear.

(gentle music)

- [Mytyl] It's the queen.

- Oh, what little dunces you are

not to know this brilliant lady,

when you've seen her hundreds of times.

This is Light.

Light, may I present Mytyl and Tyltyl.

- How do you do, Light?

- How do you do?

- And my name's Tylette. How do you do?

- There's no need to be
formal. We're old friends.

Where would you like to
go? I shall be your guide.

- We're not quite sure where to go.

- Oh, why don't you use your head?

Hasn't it occurred to you

that the blue bird might
be hiding in the past?

- But where is the past?
Do you know the way?

- Why, of course.

The past is just behind us.

Come. I'll show you.

(gentle music)

- Now, remember, somewhere
there's a blue bird.

Find it.

Never give up till you do.

If you fail, nothing can save you.

Find the blue bird.

- [Mytyl] We'll find it. I promise.

(Fairy Berylune laughs)

(gentle music)

- Listen, you, I know
we've never been friends,

but now we've got to work together.

We can't allow the children to
go through with this search.

- Why not?

Why can't we?
- Don't you see?

We're free now.

If they succeed, if they
do find the blue bird,

we'll have to go back
to just what we were,

dumb slaves to man.

- That's the way I like
it. Man is the master.

We must obey him.

- Oh! I always knew you were a fool.

- If they want to look for
a blue bird or a pink owl,

I'm going to help them.
(Tylette chuckles)

(gentle music)

- [Light] The road to the
past lies through here.

- But this is the graveyard.

- That's the only way to the past.

You must lead now.

- Aren't you coming?

- Oh, no. Light has no
business in a graveyard.

But I'll be waiting for you.

- Suppose we don't find the way?

- [Light] Are you afraid to try?

- Of course I'm not afraid.

- [Light] Then you'll find the way, dear.

- Who's afraid of what?

- We're going through the graveyard.

- Oh, is that so? The graveyard?

- One more thing, and this most important.

It is now nearly midnight.

- Ooh!

- You must be back within the hour.

Otherwise, you will remain
in the past, forever.

- Mytyl, I don't think we better go.

- Hush.

Well, follow me.

(anxious music)

(frog croaks)

- This place is bad enough in the daytime.

- Fraidy-cat!

- Fraidy-dog, please.

(Tylo growls)

(raven cawing)

- [Tyltyl] I'm scared, Mytyl.

- [Mytyl] There's nothing to be afraid of.

- Well, I often come here,
just to browse around.

- When you're not browsing up dark alleys.

(owl hoots)

- What's that?!

(owl hoots)

- A ghost.
- Oh, Mytyl!

- There's no such thing as a ghost.

- There is too. I saw one once.

- Oh, no, Tylo!

- I've met dozens of ghosts.

Most of them are perfectly charming.

(owl hoots) (Tylo whimpering)

- [Mytyl] Tylo, where are you going?

- I just remembered something I got to do.

- Oh, no, you can't leave us now.

- Well, then, I'll tell you what I'll do.

I'll go over the wall
and around the graveyard

and I'll see you...

What is this I'm in?

- It's an open grave.

(Tylo yelps)

(dramatic music)

(Tylette laughs)

There goes our brave protector.

Shall we continue?

- Let's turn back, Mytyl.

- Don't you be a coward too.

- Oh, it's only at midnight
you have to be careful.

- [Tyltyl] Why?

- What happens then?

- Midnight is the witching hour.

The graves open. The dead arise.

- The dead?!

- Tylette, you're just trying to scare us.

- You're not afraid. Not very.

- Well, I'm not. But I'd
rather not see any graves open.

- Why not? It's rather thrilling.


While we're waiting, I'll show you

some of my favorite tombstones.

- We've no time for that now.

We've got to go on, to the past.

- But this is the past, right here.

- Oh, no, it can't be.

Light said to go through the graveyard.

- But Light doesn't know, I do.

- [Mytyl] Tylette, don't go so fast.

(Tylo gasps)

(Tylo muttering)

Tylette! Where are you?

- [Tylette] Here I am.

- Where?!



(bell tolling)

The clock.



- Five.


- It's midnight, Tyltyl.

- [Tyltyl] I don't want
to see any dead people!

- [Mytyl] Neither do I.

- [Tyltyl] Oh, Mytyl, Mytyl!

(Tyltyl cries)

- Tyltyl, look!

- I'm afraid!

- But there aren't any dead people. Look.

(gentle music)

Do you suppose Mommy was right?

You know, she always told
us nobody ever really dies.

- Oh, let's go, Mytyl.
I don't like it here.

- Oh, look. It's Granny's
and Grandpa's graves.

I wish they were here with us.

- [Tyltyl] Me too. I
wouldn't be so afraid.

(gentle music)

(Grandpa Tyl yawns)

- Somebody must be thinking of us.

I'm beginning to feel quite strong.

- I have pins and
needles all down my legs.

- We're going to have visitors.

They seem to be quite near.

- Now I can get on with my carving.

I've been at this one
for nearly a whole year.

- That's because we're so seldom awake.

- [Mytyl] Granny!

- [Tyltyl] Grandpa!

- The children!

- [Mytyl] Granny!

- [Tyltyl] Grandpa!

- My dears!




Another hug, a big one this time.

- It's months and months
that you've forgotten us.

- Yes, the last time, let me
see, it was Easter morning.

The church bells were ringing.

- Easter?

Oh, we didn't go out that day.
We both had very bad colds.

- No, but you thought of us.

- Yes, we missed you.

- Well, every time you think of us,

we wake up and see you again.

- But we thought you were dead.

- No, dear.

Only when we're forgotten.

- Will they never learn back there?

- The garden, the house,
everything's just the same.

Oh, Granny, I'm so glad to be here.

(Granny Tyl chuckles)

- Come in, children.

Come in.

- [Mytyl] I'm afraid we can't, Granny.

We can't stay very long.

- What's that? What's that?

Can't stay very long?

- I'm afraid not.

- But I want to bake you an apple tart.

- I wish we could stay, Granny.

- [Tyltyl] Oh, look, Grandpa,

you haven't finished little Coco yet.

- What chance have I got
when I'm always asleep?

Would you like to see my workshop, Tyltyl?

- Oh, yes! (Grandpa Tyl laughs)

- [Grandpa Tyl] Come along, then.

- Don't be long, Tyltyl.

- Oh, you're in no hurry.

- Yes, but we are. We must
be back within the hour.

What time is it, Granny?

(clock ticking)

- See? As soon as you think
of it, it comes to life.

Now, come along. Sit down.

It's only 20 past 12.

- But the sun is shining.

- It's always shining
here when you think of us.

- Granny, the reason why we're here,

we've got to find a blue bird.

It's terribly important.

- A blue bird?

Oh, yes. I'm sure we've got one.

- Really, Granny? Where?

Show me!

- Oh, all right, child, if we must.

We'll look in the birdhouse.

Come along.

(birds chirping)

There you are, dear.

All sorts and colors.

You can have any one you like.

- Isn't there a blue one?

- Why, yes, there's a blue one.
That one up there, singing.

- Why, Granny, he isn't blue. He's black.

- Black?


He's always looked blue to me.

- There isn't one here,
not a single blue bird.

- Won't one of these do?

- Oh, no. Berylune said it must be blue.

She said to look everywhere.

This is the past, isn't it?

- Yes, dear.

But perhaps your blue
bird isn't in the past,

and you'll have to look somewhere else.

- I better go, then.

- [Granny Tyl] Oh, no, not yet, not yet.

- Will you show me how to
carve one too, Grandpa?

- Yes, if you'll come
more often to see us.

- Mytyl, what do you think?
These little people whistle.

- I know that. Come on, we've got to go.

- Aw, you can't go yet.

- Oh, can't you stay a few minutes longer?

- We shouldn't, Granny.

- But I wanted you to hear them.

I've taught them to whistle a tune.

Anything you like. You name it, Mytyl.

- Uh, how about "Farmer in the Dell"?

- Oh, yes.

- Ah, who wants that silly
thing? How about a "Lay-De-O"?

- That's the one.

- Yes, "Lay-De-O."

You used to sing that to
me in my cradle. Remember?

- Yes, dear.

- Look, Mytyl, this one plays music too.

(gentle music)

♪ Lay-De-O, bring a happy jingle ♪

♪ Lay-De-O, get a happy tingle ♪

♪ Lay-De-O, make me every single ♪

♪ Care will go, with a Lay-De-O ♪

♪ Yodel-ay-ee, yodel-ay-ee-oo ♪

(toy whistling)

♪ Yodel-ay-ee, yodel-ay-ee-oo ♪

(toy whistling)

♪ Yodel-ay-ee, yodel-ay-ee-oo ♪

(toy whistling)

♪ Yodel-ay-ee, yodel-ay-ee-oo ♪

(toy whistling)

♪ With a Lay-De ♪

♪ Yodel-ay-ee, yodel-ay-ee-oo ♪

(toy whistling)

- Oh, nice, dear.

Just like old times.

- We've really got to go
now, Granny. Come on, Tyltyl.

What time is it?

(clock ticking)

- Why, it's still just 20 past 12.

- Oh, my goodness! Something's wrong!

Tyltyl, we've got to run!

- Oh, no! Don't go.

Don't go.

If you stay, I'll bake
you the biggest apple tart

you've ever tasted.

- We haven't time, Granny, really.

- Goodbye, Grandpa.

- Goodbye, Tyltyl. Don't wait
too long to come to us again.

- I won't.

- Goodbye, darling.

Think of us often. You don't
know how much it means.

- We will, Granny.

- Goodbye, Tyltyl.

- [Tyltyl] Goodbye, Granny.

- Come on, Tyltyl.


- Goodbye!
- Goodbye.

Always in such a hurry.

- I'll never get this finished.

Couldn't something have made them stay?

- Not even my apple tarts.

Never mind, dear.

It was nice to have
them remember us at all.

- I suppose so.

- Perhaps it won't be so long

till the next time.

(gentle music)

- Well, they're lost,
that's all there is to it.

- They're lost, they're lost.

Their own fault for
straying into the graveyard.

- Why didn't you follow them,
see which way they went?

- Why didn't you? You're
so loyal and brave.

(Tylo growls)

- I think I see them coming.

- [Mytyl] There they are.

- I thought you were lost.

- Tylette. What happened to you?

- Well, what happened to you?

- We've been with Granny and Grandpa.

- In the Land of Memory.
Did you find the blue bird?

- No, there were no blue
birds there, not one.

- I could've told you
that in the first place.

- Well, why didn't you, then?

- Because no one took
the trouble to inquire.

- What do you think we ought to do now?

- You haven't found the blue
bird. You must keep on looking.

- All this fuss about a blue bird.

I could be happy with
a big juicy beefsteak.

(lips smacking)

- Well, why don't you go
to the Land of Luxury?

There's plenty to eat there.
Everything you can think of.

- Do you think we'd find
the blue bird there?

- No, dear, I don't.

- Why, not? Everyone has
everything they want there.

Where would be a better place
to look for the blue bird?

- If they've got beefsteaks,
it won't hurt to look.

- We might find the blue bird there.

- Very well. Go ahead, if you want to.

- How do we get to the Land of Luxury?

- It's very easy. We
take the first side road.

- Will you wait for us?

- Yes, dear.

Just beyond. But don't let
them keep you very long.

It isn't wise to spend too
much time with luxuries.

- We won't.
- I'll show you the way.

(elegant music)

(doorbell chimes)

- [Doorman] Yes, miss?

- Are the Luxurys at home?

- What name shall I say?

- Mytyl and friends.

- Won't you step in?

This way, please.

Wait here, please.

- There. What did I tell you?

Isn't it magnificent?

(Tylo sniffing)

- Mm, I smell dinner.

(Tylo sniffing)

- [Tyltyl] Hey, Mytyl, these banisters,

wouldn't you love to slide down them?

- Shh.

Rich people never slide down banisters.

- Mr. and Mrs. Luxury.

(dramatic music)

- How do you do? How do you do?

- How do you do? Are you Mrs. Luxury?

- Yes. Yes, indeed, I am.

And this is Mr. Luxury.

- How do you do? How do you do?

- [Mytyl] This is my brother, Tyltyl.

- Charmed.

- Oh, and Tylette.

- Charmed.

- What an enchanting place.
Such exquisite taste.

- It's simple, (chuckles) but we like it.

- We're looking for a blue bird,

and we thought you might have one.

- A blue bird?

- We're having pheasant with truffles.

Do you prefer blue birds?
How do you prepare one?

- Oh, we didn't want to eat it.

- Oh, how nice.

- I say, old fellow, do you like desserts?

- Oh, yes, sir.

- Then you shall have
them, dozens of them,

with maraschino cherries
and whipped cream.

You can have anything you like.

You can do anything you like.

- [Tyltyl] Can I even
slide down this banister?

- Oh, certainly.

I'd join you, but I've
had my slide for today.

- You like dolls, don't
you, and pretty dresses?

- Oh, yes, ma'am, I do.

- She's never had very many.

- Oh, I can see that.

In a party, dress with some jewels,

you'll really be quite presentable.

- Oh, thank you.

- Oh, you're too kind,

Mrs. Luxury.
- Oh, not at all.

She's such a darling. Come along upstairs.

Come along.

- [Mr. Luxury] Come along, old man.

- Oh. Come on, Tylo.

- [Mrs. Luxury] Tylo?

- [Mr. Luxury] Who's that fellow?

- [Mytyl] Oh, that's Tylo.

He's with us.

- I'm afraid we haven't
any more guest rooms.

- Perhaps your friend
wouldn't mind bunking

in the servants' quarters.

- Is that all right, Tylo?

- Well, if there's no room in the house.

- Beg pardon, sir. The
servants' quarters are all full.

However, there's a most
comfortable place in the kennels.

- Kennels?
- Splendid!

Splendid! Show him the way.

- [Man] Come, Fido.

- Tylo!

- [Man] Tylo.

- You'll be all right, Tylo.

- Now don't you worry,

he'll be taken care of, I promise you.

Come upstairs, darlings. All the way up.

- [Mr. Luxury] Let me
give you a piggyback.

(Mrs. Luxury laughs)
- Oh, yes!

- [Mr. Luxury] Oh! Oh!

Oh! Oh.

Oh! Oh!

(playful music)

(Tyltyl laughs)

- This way to the kennels.

- I might have known I'd
end up in the doghouse.

(lively music)

- [Tyltyl] Go away. I said, go away.

- But you are getting on
on the wrong side, sir.

- I'll get on any side that I like!

- You're not big enough to
get on by yourself, sir.

- I am too!

- [Mytyl] Stop this thing. Stop it, I say.

- Yes, miss. Just a moment.

- Stop it at once. (bell rings)

I want to ride the pony.

- Oh! Careful, miss.

(tongue clicks)

- You get down, Tyltyl.
It's my turn to ride.

- It is not!

- It is too! You go ride
on the merry-go-round.

- Oh, I don't like the merry-go-round.

- Well, it's my pony.

- It is not!

- The Luxurys gave it to me!

- That's not true. They
gave it to both of us!

- Children. Children!

- It's my pony, isn't it, Groom?

- It is not!

- Let go of those reins!

- I won't!
- I'll make you!

Get off this pony!

- I won't!
- You will too.

- [Tyltyl] Let go of me!

- [Mytyl] You...

- [Groom] Oh, sir.

- Little beast!
- Oh, miss!

- Oh!
- Oh, sir!

Please! Oh!

- Gracious!
- Mytyl!

- Stop it, children!

Stop it now, I say!

- That'll do, Mytyl! Tyltyl!

What the devil's all this?

- It's not my fault, sir, I swear.

- He pulled my hair!

- And she kicked me!

- I'll kick you again!

- Children.

Why didn't you think to
get each of them a pony?

Then, they wouldn't have
anything to quarrel over.

- Why didn't you?!

Well, don't stand there gaping.
Go and get another pony!

- [Groom] Very good, sir.

- All right, you can have this old pony,

but they'll get me a better one!

- Oh, no. You keep this one.

I'll take the better one.

- You will not. I'll get there first.

- Oh, no, you won't.

- There just seems to
be no satisfying them.

- If you ask me, they're spoiled.

(somber music)

(Mytyl crying)

- Oh, Mr. Luxury?

May I come in?

- What is it? You ought to be in bed.

- I was, but I couldn't go to sleep.

Oh. What did you do to your foot?

- I didn't do anything
to it. It's the gout.

And don't you touch it!

- Oh, I wasn't going to touch it.

- Well, don't you even come near it.

- Does it hurt when I even come near it?

- It hurts when you even look at it.

Now go on. Off to bed you go.

Go on.

- Well, goodnight.

- Oh, goodnight, goodnight, goodnight.

- Mr. Luxury?

- Oh, are you still here?

- Yes, sir.

- [Mr. Luxury] Well, what do you want?

- I thought you might like to read to me.

- Why should I?

- My daddy does sometimes at home.

- Well, that's a silly idea,

and you can tell your daddy I said so.

- Yes, sir.


- Mm. Goodnight.

(Mr. Luxury spits)

- Mr. Luxury?

- Yes, what is it now?

- Don't you like to talk
things over with somebody

before you go to bed?

- Talk what things over?

- Oh, nothing.

Do you mind if I kiss you goodnight?

- Good heavens!

- I could shut my eyes
and pretend it's Daddy.

- A fine time of night
to start playing games.

Oh, all right.

Come here.

Be careful you don't touch my foot.

- Yes, sir.

(foot cracks)
- Look out,

you clumsy little wretch!

- Oh, I didn't mean it.

- Go on, get out! Get out!

(Mr. Luxury yelps)

(somber music)

- [Mytyl] Tylo!


- Oh, it's you.

- Oh, Tylo, I've missed you so.

- Missed me? You knew
I was here, didn't you?

- What have you been doing?

- Nothing. Even the dogs
here won't play with me.

- Why not, Tylo?

- I have no pedigree.

(Tylo whimpers)

- Oh, Tylo, I'm unhappy too.

- Oh, my little Mytyl.

- Nobody here is kind, not really kind,

not like Mummy and Daddy.

I wouldn't trade them

for all the Mr. and Mrs.
Luxurys in the world.

- Even if they are poor, huh?

- Mummy and Daddy are not poor.
They just haven't any money.

There's a difference.

- What do you say we get
out of here? Where's Tyltyl?

- I don't know. We're not speaking.

- What? Not speaking?

What's this place doing to us
all? We must get out of here.

- But we can't. We can't
get away from the Luxurys.

- Just let them try to stop us. Come on.

You better get dressed.

(Tylo barking)

(Tyltyl crying)

(door opens)

(Tyltyl crying)

- Oh, Tyltyl, I'm so sorry for everything.

- There's no use saying you're sorry now.

- Please make up, Tyltyl. I've
been so lonely without you.

- There. Now kiss and make up.


- We're going to leave, Tyltyl, right now.

- Good, good! I'm ready!

- Shh! Where are your clothes?

- [Tyltyl] In there.

- Put them on. Quick.

Hurry, Tyltyl.

- [Tyltyl] I will.

- What'll we do if they catch us?

- Don't you worry, I'll get you out.

- What is this? A conspiracy?

- We're leaving this place, Tylette.

- Leaving? Why?

- Because we don't like it, that's why.

- I think it's a great mistake.

It's so very enjoyable here.

- If you want to stay, stay.
We'd be better off without you.

- Oh, no! We can't leave Tylette.

- Have no fear, Mytyl, I'll
go along, for your sake.

(Tylo groans)

- [Tyltyl] I'm ready!

- [Tylo] Hey, come on.

- Come on, Tyltyl.
- Quiet now.

(urn crashes)

- Tylette!

- It just fell.

- [Man] What was that?!

(frenetic music)

- What is it?! What's happened?!

What in thunder was that noise?!

Well, what is it?! What's happened?!

Don't stand there gaping at me. Answer me!

Answer me!

- The urn at the top of the stairs, sir.

- Well, what about the urn at
the top of the stairs, sir?

- It's now at the bottom.

- Huh?!
- Oh, Mr. Luxury!

Mr. Luxury!
- What is it now?!

- The children are gone.

- Gone?!
- Yes, sir!

Their beds are empty.
- Where have they gone to?!

Don't all stand there looking
like fools! Look for them!

Look for them!
- Yes!

- [Mr. Luxury] Go on, look for them!

- Let's go.
- Don't be foolish.

- He'll catch us, Tylo.

- We'll outrun them. Go ahead.

(frenetic music)

- There they go! After them!

After them! Come back!

Hey, come back!

(Tylo yelps)

Come back! Hey!

(dishware crashes)

(tray clatters)

(vase crashes)

- Oh!

(Tylo yelps)

(Tylo growls)

(frenetic music)

(Tylo growling)

- [Mr. Luxury] Let them go!

- Well, of all the
ill-mannered exhibitions!

I'm glad they've gone.

- Well, maybe they know
what they're doing.

- Not at all. They're just too
young to appreciate luxury.

- And we're too old to escape from it.

(gentle music)

- [Tylo] Look, the Moon's coming up.

- [Mytyl] That's not the moon.

That's Light coming to meet us.

- You're tired, aren't you?

- We shouldn't have gone there at all.

- You didn't find the blue bird, did you?

- We forgot to look.

- That always happens there.

You wouldn't have found it anyway.

- I'm afraid we've just wasted our time.

- You wouldn't want to go back, would you?

- Oh, no, never. Never.

- Then you haven't wasted your time.

- We almost didn't get away, at all.

- Thanks to Tylette.

- Oh, what did I do?

- Oh, nothing at all,

just crashed a statue and
roused the whole house

to help us sneak away, quietly.

- You've been seeing things, Tylo.

- You bet I have.

And someday, I'm going
to take you by the neck

and shake your head right off.

- Just try it, if you want to
get your eyes scratched out.

- Oh, stop it! Stop it, you two!

You do nothing but fight!

What do you think we ought to do now?

- I think you ought to rest.
Tyltyl's almost asleep.

Why don't you sleep a little while too?

- I am tired.

- Then sleep. I'll be back to wake you.

(Mytyl sighs)

(gentle music)

- [Tylette] Father Oak!

Father Oak!

- [Oak] Eh? Eh?

- [Tylette] Oh, there you are.

- [Oak] Oh, what's all the commotion?

- [Tylette] I've been
shouting my lungs out for you.

- What's that?

- Didn't you hear me calling you?!

- No.

- You get deafer and deafer!

- It's the din of the woodsman's ax

always ringing in my ears.

- Summon the others, will you?

- What others?
- Pine, Elm, Walnut, Maple,

summon them all!

- Now what's up?

From your tone, one would think

the world was coming to an end.

- If you don't do as I say,
our world will come to an end.

- Oh, as bad as all that, eh?

- Worse.

- Hello! Hello!

- Summon them all! Willow, Lime, Beech!

- [Oak] Hello! Come along there, Beech.

Come on, Elm, we're waiting.


- What's all the excitement? What's up?

Trees, what's the trouble?

- We don't know.

- Oh.
- Hello!

- Always something.

Nothing but trouble!

Getting me up in the middle of the night.

(Oak chuckles)

- The old Crab Apple.

(Willow crying)

Now what's the matter with her?

(Willow crying)

Stop that blubbering, Willow.

Save your weeping for the river.

- [Willow] I can't bear it.

I can't.

- [Tylette] Bear what?

- Things. Just things.

(Willow crying)

- You see what I'm up against?

- Come along. We don't need her.

I've got to get back.

(Willow crying)

- [Oak] Well, I guess there
are enough of us here.

- Then speak up!
- What's the matter?

- Why are we here?
(group chattering)

- Children of the woodcutter,
your mortal enemy,

are on their way here,
looking for the blue bird.

- [Group] The blue bird?

- I've put as many obstacles
in their way as I can.

Now it's up to you.

- [Group] What do you want us to do?

- Frighten them, terrify them,

put the fear of the devil into them

so that they'll forget what they came for

and go back where they belong.

Remember what it means.

Oak, I'll rely upon you.

- Yes.
- We'll fix them!

- That's right!
(group chattering)

- It's going to be jolly, huh?

- Jolly?! Are you all daft?

Didn't you hear what she said?

They're after the blue bird.

What good will it do to frighten them?

They'll only come back again and again.

No, we must destroy them.

- [Group] Destroy them?

- That's what man has
done to us for centuries!

- Yes, they've felled us by thousands.

- And shivered our timbers!
- Yeah.

- He's right!
- They must not escape.

Go tell Wind. Whip him into a frenzy.

Get even our enemies to help.

Fire, Lightning, let them all know!

Tell them, if need be, we'll
sacrifice even ourselves.

Anything! But there must be no mistake.

There must be no failure.
Those children must die!

- Oak's right!
- I'll beat them

with my branches!
- We'll do away with them!

- That's right!
- Go!

Go quickly, all of you!

- Wind, Wind! (group chattering)

(gentle music)

- Isn't it peaceful and quiet?

- But I don't see any blue birds.

I don't see any birds at all.

- Well, the trees are
full of them. You'll see.

- Ooh, Mytyl, look at this big old tree.

Wouldn't Daddy love to chop it down?

(wind blowing)

- Looks like a storm's blowing up.

(branch thuds) (Tylo muttering)

- [Mytyl] We'd better go
someplace till this blows over.

- Mytyl, wait!

Why, don't we hide in here?

(branch cracking)

(frenzied music)

- Whew!

First time a tree ever turned on me.

- Tylo, here, I'll help
you up. Are you hurt?

(wind blowing)

(thunder crackling)

- It is a storm. I knew it!

- Looks more like a tornado.

- Don't get excited. There's no danger.

(thunder crackling)

(tree cracking)

- [Mytyl] Come on! We'd
better get out of here!

Come on, Tyltyl.

- No, no! This way!

(Mytyl screams)

- [Tyltyl] Mytyl!

Mytyl, are you hurt?

- [Mytyl] I'm all right.
Let's keep on going.

- [Tylo] Come on. I'll take care of you.

- Follow me! I know the way out!

(wind blowing)

(dramatic music)

(thunder crackles)

(tree thuds)

- [Mytyl] Let's go back!

- The storm's worse back there. Come on!

(trees thudding)

(tree cracking)

(tree thuds)

(thunder crackles)

(fire crackling)

(fire roaring)

- [Tylette] This way!

Come on!

- Don't listen to her!
She's trying to trap us!

(tree thuds)

(thunder crackles)

- Help! Help!

Save me!

(Tylette screams)

- [Mytyl] Tylette!

- [Tylo] Come back here!

- [Mytyl] We've got to save her, Tylo!

- [Tylo] You can't go through that fire!

- [Mytyl] We've got to!

- It's too late! We'll
be burned up ourselves!

(dramatic music)

(fire roaring)

(thunder crackles)

(tree thuds)

(thunder crackles)

(thunder crackles)

(thunder crackles)

(tree thuds)

Quick, in the boat!

(thunder crackles)

(gentle music)

- Oh, Light, will you forgive us?

We shouldn't have gone without you.

- You're safe now.
That's all that matters.

- [Tyltyl] We've been rowing all night.

- Lightning struck. The whole
forest went up in flames.

- Yes, Lightning and
Fire are my stepbrothers.

They can be very wicked.

- We nearly got burned up.

- Tylette did get burned up.

- She got what she deserved.

(head thuds) (Tylo muttering)

- Oh, don't say that, Tylo. Poor Tylette.

- There, dear. Don't be unhappy.

What about the blue bird?

- We didn't see one, not one.
We didn't have time to look.

- If you ask me, there ain't no such bird.

- Oh, there is, Tylo. There must be.

- Of course there is. You
haven't looked everywhere.

- There's still the Kingdom of the Future.

- The future?

- Why, yes. So many wonderful
things are in the future.

- Not me. I've seen
enough wonderful things.

- Oh, please, Tylo.

- You've got to come with us, Tylo.

- Sorry.

All I can see in the future
for me is aching bunions.

- Then will you wait for us?

- Gladly. And take your time.

- Come. We'd better get started.

- Is the future far?

- No, just over the hill.

(gentle music)

Keep climbing up and up
as far as you can go.

- Can't you come with us this time?

- You won't need me.

When you're ready to
leave, I'll come for you.

(gentle music)

♪ Oh ♪

(playful music)

- Did you ever see so many children?

- You don't suppose
they're all one family?

- Look. Live children!

- Look at the live children.

- Why do they call us "live children"?

- I don't know.

- Let's go talk to them.

You're live children, aren't you?

- Of course we're alive. Aren't you?

- [Group] Oh, no.

- Not yet. We're waiting to be born.

- How funny you're dressed.

- I was thinking the same about you.

- What are those things on your feet?

- [Mytyl] They're my shoes.

- Shoes? What are they for?

- They're to protect your feet

from thorns and stones and from the cold.

- It's all very confusing,

but I suppose we'll
understand it when we're born.

- Why don't you get born?

- Oh, we will, but we
have to wait our turn.

I'll be born in three years.

- I'm going to be born to a throne.

- Oh.
- Is it nice on Earth?

- Oh, yes. It's all right.

- It's beautiful.

- Mytyl! Oh, Mytyl!


- Hello.

- You're Mytyl and Tyltyl.

- How do you know our names?

- That's not very surprising.

I'm going to be your little sister.

- What?

- Our sister?

Oh, you're coming to live with us.

- Yes.

- When?
- Oh, I don't know just when.

In a year perhaps.

- That's wonderful.

- Yes, in a way.

- "In a way"? There'll be three of us.

We'll have lots of fun.

- Not for very long.

- [Mytyl] Why, not?

- I'll only be with you a little while.

- And then you're going away?

- [Little Sister] Yes.

- Oh.

- It's hardly worthwhile
you coming at all, is it?

- Shh.

- It would seem so, but
we can't pick and choose.

- [Tyltyl] What are they doing?

- They're working.
- Working at what?

- Oh, all kinds of things.
Go and see, if you like.

They won't mind.

- Oh, it's been wonderful seeing you.

Goodbye, little sister.

- Goodbye.

- I'll tell Mummy you're coming.

(lively music)

- Would you like to see my discovery?

- Oh, yes.
- What is it?

- It doesn't look like much, I know,

but it will save a lot of suffering.

- How?

- It will put people to
sleep when they're in pain.

Suppose you broke your arm.

This will put you to
sleep while they fix it.

- And I wouldn't feel anything? No pain?

- How could you? You'd be fast asleep.

It'll be very helpful, don't you think?

- Oh, yes. Do hurry and get yourself born.

- I will, soon.

(lively music)

(somber music)

- Hello.

- Hello.

- Why are you so sad?

- I was just thinking.

I'm going to Earth very soon now.

Almost any day.

- Don't you want to go?

- No, I'm afraid not.

- You'll like it once you get there.

- There's too much unhappiness.

Up here, we are all free.

But we aren't born free, are we?

- [Tyltyl] Aren't we?

- Some are, perhaps.

But so many are born into slavery

and greed and injustice and cruelty.

That's what I'm going to fight.

I must try to make them see
that people must be the same

on Earth as they are up here.

Free, equal, and united.

- Then I should think you'd want to go.

- No.

They won't listen.

- But they will. You
must make them listen.

- They'll destroy me.

(lively music)

- What's that?

(gentle music)

- That's Time.

This is the hour when the children

who are born today go down to Earth.

- How do they get down? Are there ladders?

- You'll see.

- A ship.

- With silver sails.

(gentle music)

- Aldrich.

- [Aldrich] Here!

- Allison.

- Come along, Allison.

- [Allison] Here.

- Arnheim.

- [Arnheim] Here.

- [Announcer] Armitage.



- [Baxter] Here.

- Bruning.

- [Boy] Bruning, that's you!

- Goodbye, everybody.
Don't give up your ideas.

Keep on working. You'll
be coming to Earth soon.

- Bye!
- Goodbye!

- [Announcer] Carter.


(girl crying)

- Why are you crying?

- Because I'm afraid.

- What of? What's the matter?

- I'm afraid they won't call my name.

- You mean you want to go?

- Oh, yes. I've wanted to go for so long.

- But Mama and Papa haven't time for me.

- Don't they want you?

- I'm sure they would

if they knew how happy we could all be.

- Danfield.


- That's me! They just called my name!

That's me! That's me!

- Oh, you see? They do want you.

Go on now. Go on.


- [Father Time] Go right along. Go along.

- My name is Deering.

- [Father Time] I know. Go right along.

- [Announcer] Eggert.

Evans and Evans.

Evans and Evans!

- Here!
- Here!

- [Announcer] Elam.



- All right, run right along, right along.

Here, here, here. You can't deceive me.

Go back. It's not your turn.

You too, young man. They
didn't call your name.

Go back. Go back!

- Faulkner.


- What? More salesmen?

There are too many already.
We're having complaints.

Well, run along, run along.

- Flanagan.
- Where are the engineers?

Oh, there you are.

- Frobisher.



- Here, here, here, here! No, you don't.

Come here, come here.

This is the third time you've tried

to be born before your time.

Don't you let me catch you at it again.

Now go along.

Go along!

Your name was called. Come along.

You heard me, come along.

What's the trouble here?
You're holding us up.

- Please, let me stay behind with her.

- Can't I go with him?

- [Father Time] Impossible.

- I'd rather not be born, then.

- [Father Time] You cannot choose.

- Please. We love each other,
and I shall be born too late.

- I will be gone before she comes down.

- I shall never see him again.

- That is no concern of mine.

- Don't you understand? We
shall be alone in the world.

- I unite and part as I'm told. Come.

- Oh, no!

- I won't be born. I won't.

- Oh, leave him with
me. Leave him, please.

- Come, come. He's not
going to die, but to live.

(somber music)

- I shall be the saddest thing on Earth.

- I shall love you always.

- [Father Time] Come.

- No! No!


(girl crying)

- Come along.

Your name was called. Come along.

Come along. Come along there!

Come along!

- Good luck.

- Wayne.

- [Wayne] Here.

- [Announcer] Young.

- [Young] Here!

- Zimmerman.

- Come along, Zimmerman. Come along!

- That is all for today.

(gentle music)

- We're going!

- We're going!

- Goodbye!
- Bye!

♪ To the world so far away ♪

♪ Sail we now at break of day ♪

♪ Mothers waiting there below ♪

♪ Do they hear us ♪

♪ Do they know ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

- Who's that singing now?

- Those are the voices of their mothers

coming out to meet them.

♪ To the world so far away ♪

♪ Sail we now at break of day ♪

♪ Mothers waiting there below ♪

♪ Do they hear us ♪

♪ Do they know ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

(girl whimpers)

(gentle music)

- [Tyltyl] Hurry, Mytyl! I
want to see Mummy and Daddy!

I can't wait to tell them
all the places we've been.

- But the blue bird, what do we do?

What do we say to Fairy Berylune?

- Tell her the truth.

- We went everyplace she
said, looked everywhere.

- That's what you must tell
her. You've done your best.

- Maybe there isn't any blue bird.

- That's what I've been
saying ever since we started.

- [Light] You'd better go in now.

- Aren't you coming in too
so you can help us explain?

- No, dear. I have many places to go.

- [Mytyl] Won't we see you anymore?

- Of course you will.

I'll always be with you,
not as you see me now,

but you will know me.

I'll be in every moonbeam,
in every star that shines,

in every dawn that rises,

and every lamp that's lit,

in every good and bright
thought of your soul.

You understand, don't you?

- Yes, I think so.

- Goodbye, then.

Until we meet again.

- Goodbye.

- Goodbye.

(gentle music)

- [Mummy Tyl] Wake up, wake up,

Mytyl and Tyltyl, you sleepy heads.

Wake up!

I declare, you'd sleep the
clock around if I'd let you.

- Mummy?

Oh, Mummy!

It's Mummy, Tyltyl!

- [Tyltyl] Mummy!

We're home!

- [Mytyl] It is you!

- Well, of course it's me.
Who did you think it was?

- Oh, I'm so glad, Mummy.

- What's the matter with you children?

- [Mytyl] It's so good to see you again.

- [Tyltyl] It's been such a long time.

- What nonsense. You've been dreaming.

Come, get dressed.

- It wasn't a dream.

We saw Granny and Grandpa,
didn't we, Tyltyl?

- Yes, and Grandpa's still
carving those little whistlers.

- What are you children talking about?

- And Granny's just the same as she was.

- [Tyltyl] Exactly.

- What's this noise about?

- [Tyltyl] Daddy!

(Daddy Tyl groans)

- [Mytyl] Oh, Daddy,
it's so good to see you.

- There's something wrong
with these children.

They must have eaten something last night

that didn't agree with them.

- They look all right to me.

- Well, they're talking such nonsense

about seeing their grandparents.

- We did, Daddy. We really did.

- But we're home now.

- And we missed you so.

- You mean you're going to
miss me when I go to war.

- Oh, I forgot.

(door knocking)

- Who's that now?

- [Daddy Tyl] I'll go.

- Hop into your clothes
now, both of you. Hurry up.

- Wilhelm.

But you said we were to assemble at noon

at the village square.

- That's right, we were.

But now you can spend
your Christmas at home.

- What? What happened?

- A truce was declared last night.

- A truce?

- The treaty is being signed today.

- Oh, praise God!

- A stroke of the pen is better than

a stroke of the sword, no?

Last night, I felt like a
demon coming with such news.

- Ah, but this morning
you're like Santa Claus.

- With the gift of peace.

- And that's a gift worth having.

- They all say that when I tell them.

Well, goodbye.

Merry Christmas.
- Goodbye.

Merry Christmas!

- [Wilhelm] Merry Christmas!

(Mummy Tyl laughs)

- Oh, Daddy, is it true?
You don't have to go to war?

- [Daddy Tyl] Yes, dear, it's true.

- Isn't it wonderful news?

- Oh, I'm so glad, Daddy.

- We're all glad, dear.

- [Tyltyl] Me too, Daddy. Me too.

- [Daddy Tyl] Good old boy.

- Look, even Tylo's trying to tell you

how glad he is, Daddy.

- [Daddy Tyl] Good old Tylo.

- He was wonderful, as brave as anything.

He saved us from the fire.

- I tell you, there is
something wrong with them.

- What's that about a fire?

- The forest. The trees
were all burned up.

- So was Tylette.

- Oh, the poor thing.

Well, she seems to have a very
good appetite this morning.

- [Mytyl] But she lost
her life, in the fire.

- We couldn't save her.
- Is that so?

- Well, cats do have nine lives.

Maybe she has eight to go.

(Daddy Tyl chuckles)

- That explains it.

- She was awfully mean
to us, wasn't she, Tylo?

- [Tyltyl] Sic her, Tylo. Sic her!

(Tylo barking) (family laughs)

- Come along. Get to the table.

Your breakfast's all ready.

- Oh, Mummy, everything's
so wonderful, isn't it?

So bright and shiny and beautiful.

- [Mummy Tyl] Is it?

Why, it's just the same
as it's always been.

- Oh, no. It's different.

Quite different.

- Your Daddy got up at daybreak

to make a cage for your bird.

Do you like it?

(bird chirping)

- Tyltyl, look!

My bird! Look what's happened to it.

It was brown when we caught
it, and now it's changed.

It's blue! It's the blue bird!

- Blue bird?
- Blue bird?

- Yes. We looked everywhere for it.

Everywhere. And all the
time, it was right here.

- [Mummy Tyl] Where are you going?

- I'll be right back.

- Oh, what's come over the
child? I've never seen her so.

- [Daddy Tyl] Oh, she's
just happy, that's all.

- [Mytyl] It's hard to catch, isn't it?

- Angela!

You're up!

You're walking!

- Yes, Mother. Look, it's Mytyl's bird.

She's given it to me.

- It's a blue bird, Mrs. Berlingot.

- Oh, Angela, I can't believe it.

Mytyl, it's a miracle. I must
run and tell your father.

- Can I hold him now?

- Yes, in a minute.

Hold him gently now. Gently.

- Oh, he's so soft and warm.

Do you suppose...

(Angela gasps)

Oh, it's gone!

Oh, Mytyl!

I was so happy, and now it's gone!

- Don't worry, Angela.
We'll find it again.

- Oh, we can't! We can't ever.

- Oh, yes, we can. I know we can.

- But how do you know?

Are you sure, Mytyl?

- Yes, Angela, I'm sure,

because now we know where
to look for it, don't we?

(lively music)

(gentle music)

(triumphant music)