The Beast Within (1982) - full transcript

In the beginning of the movie you see a woman getting raped by a man-creature of some sort. The movie takes place years later when the child that was a result of that rape is on the rampage looking for a girl to rape to start the process all over again.

Thank you.


2 miles, he says.

The road to Jackson is just

before the Nioba sign, on the right.


Still love me?

What'll you offer?

Come here.

Oh, shit!

You said it was

before the sign, right.

Well, hang on.

You all right?

Want me to help?


I gotta go back to that

gas station for a tow.

Lock up anyway

I will.

I won't be long, now.


Stay close. Go on.

Go on out! Go on, now!






Oh, god, Thor.

Oh, god, Caroline.



Oh, my god.

Help me.

Get her over there.

Come on, hurry.

Your boy is sicker

than we know.

The IV's are the only thing

sustaining him as it is.

We're going to have

to supplement that

with a full complement

of life-support systems,

If we're going to have

any chance to sustain him.



I don't want

my son sustained.

And I don't want any chances.

I want him cured.


There's gotta be

something you can do.

A month ago, he was a healthy,

perfectly all right, happy kid.

There's a chemical


an occult malignancy

in his system.

What kind of medicine

are you practicing here, doctor?

What we have is

a pituitary gland.

That has gone crazy,

out of control.

It's causing much

too rapid rate of growth.

No matter what

nourishment we give him,

it just isn't enough.

Now, I thought it might

be genetic, inherited.

But metabolic tests

that we did on both of you.

Show that you're normal as pie.

So unless there's

something we don't know,

unless there's something

left out of the picture...



No. No.

Eli, please.

Atlanta or

maybe Houston...

First thing we gotta do

is get him the hell

out of here.

And someplace where they know

what they're talking about.

We can't just wish it away.

We can't just go on

pretending it never happened.

17 years ago,

I was attacked.

And nothing's ever

gonna change that fact.


He is my son.

He is my own son

and nobody else's.

Oh yes, he is your son.

You love him

and he loves you.

And whatever we find out

won't change that.

But Michael is dying.

We can't afford not to

find out who was responsible.

You heard what

Dr. Odom said:

"Something more to go on."

Well, that man, his background.

His medical records,

may be that something more.

No! No!







No... Aah!

You're leaving.

No, sweetheart.

Yes, you are.

You're leaving me.

I'm just going with daddy

for a little while.

Just where we think

we can do you best.

We'll be right

back, darling.

We'll be right here.

But I'm afraid.

I'm dying.

I don't want

to be left alone.



Dr. Odom or me,

is ever gonna let

that happen to you

I'll see you

real soon, now.

You okay?

I'm fine.

Well, the fog

is rolling in.


Looks peaceful enough.

There's the courthouse.


Well, hi there,


Um... I'd like to get

some information.

Honey, you've come

to the right place

I'm just a fount.

Yes, ma'am.

May I help you

I'd like to look through

your back issues, if I could.

Oh, why?

I'm from Jackson,

the extension school.

Is that a fact

I'm writing a book

on crime in rural America.

This isn't Jackson.

This isn't even Shreveport.

There's no crime

around here,

excepting an occasional

barn burning.

You know, strictly local

stuff to be exact.

That's exactly what

I'm looking for.

Something to give me

a feel of the area.

Well, the morgue's in the back

if you gotta feel out the area.

You only got a few minutes.

It's near lunchtime.

And I don't have anybody

to mind the office.

And I'm not putting

anybody on.

You help yourself,

you hear?

Judge, mayor,

and sometime that

pig-Headed son of a bitch.

What can I do for you?

The clerk outside,

Mrs. Gumfrey,

Said you might be able to

help me with an assault that

happened here about

17 years ago.

What kind of assault?

- Rape.

- Rape...


it wasn't described that way.

I'm interested in

any possible

act of violence,


memorable behavior.

I'm sorry,

I can't help you... mister?


Eli MacCleary.

Well, I hope

you won't hold

the peaceableness

of our little Nioba

against you,

just the same.

Thank you.

Thank you, sir.

It's lunchtime.


Hey, Missy, I said

it was lunch.



I know. I know.

But she ripped out

that whole front page,

All about

Lionel and...

Who's that

with her?

Well, if you was

to give me odds,

I'd say it was her husband.

You didn't tell

him anything?

All right.

Oh lord, I better get a hold

of Dexter and Horace.

We don't want them

forgetting themselves.

We're real

sorry, ma'am.

That's why

it's a small town.

Yeah, we'll

look into it.

Thank you for calling.

Excuse me, uh...

Sheriff Brand?

Pool, Bill Pool.

Sheriff Brand

retired in '65.

Well, could you tell us

where we can find him?

He passed on in '69.

You're just a tad late.

We were hoping that sheriff

Brand could tell us about

Lionel Curwin's murder.

I was deputy

when it happened.

We're researching

a book,

Crime in small

town America.

What you

wanna know?

- Everything.

- Everything.

First off, Lionel Curwin

was a son of a bitch,

If you'll pardon

my French, ma'am.

Everybody was praying

he'd give out.

But nobody was praying

for the way he finally did.

What do you mean?

I mean he was

ripped to pieces.

Parts of him was eaten,

what parts was recognizable.

What did it to him?

A wild animal?

A kind of animal that'll

tear a man to pieces.

And then try to

set fire to his house?

Then who?

We don't know.

Whoever it was

hasn't done it again.

It's been quiet as a graveyard

around here ever since.


Thanks anyway for

your help, sheriff.

You bet.

Where is he? The MacCleary

boy, where is he?


Yes, it is.



Who is it?

It's Dr. Odom.

Michael's missing.

Will you

let me sleep?

You have to

promise me first.

Will you

promise me?

All right.

You can

come out now.

I know

you're in here.

I know you are.

Missy, where is

that delivery boy?

What do you mean,

he's already delivered it?

I have turned this

kitchen upside down.

Missy, that boy ain't worth

the pottage you pay him.

I've turned the kitchen

upside down.

And I'll be damned

if I can find the

hide and the crumb

of his order! Shit.



Come on in here,


Well... it is about time.

Well, come on.

Bring it on in, please.

Don't be dropping it.

You boys always

dropping things.

I guess you play with

yourselves too much.

Missy said no more

than $5 for the meat.

And I expect her

to stand by it.

She said $5, and carry

the 2, that's 12...

All that's left

over is for you.

What kind of slave

wages is Missy paying you?

You're the hungriest,

drooling somebody

I ever did see.

Sit down.

There's enough here to

feed an army, anyhow.

'Course, if we could

extend it a little.

Maybe if I crushed up

some saltines in it.

No, that's too pretty

to do that to it. I know.

Put a little of this in it

and that makes it real good.

How do you

like yours?

I like mine rare.

Makes waiting easy.

Oh, Koko.


Where the hell

are you, darling?


What's that?

No, it can't be.

Not this time of year.

You hear it?

Do you hear it.




Tipper, it's dinner.




Tipper, you bad doggie.

Okay. Okay.

He's sleeping

peacefully now.

I think it best

we don't disturb him.

He'll be fine,

Mrs. MacCleary.

Don't worry.

Platt girl found him wandering

around over at their place.

Judging by

the scratches,

he must have come

through the woods.

He looks so good.

Lord, after Al

I he's been through,

He actually looks

so much better.

Anyway, the scratches

are minor.

I told you there was nothing

wrong with our son.

Nothing that

some simple,

decent medical care

couldn't cure.


Yes and no.

Right now, sleep's

the best medicine.

Well, we could all use

a little of that, doc.

There's nothing

you can do here.

I think you're right.

Morning, Dexter.

Newspaper isn't open yet.

It's past 10:00.

Such a thing hasn't happened

since the night Lionel's

house was torched.

Thank you, Dexter.


The tests all seem

to show he's still fine.

What are you 3

going to do now?

Maybe we better

take you to Houston.

Have them really

check you out.

Just to be sure.



The astrodome,

8th wonder of the world?

No, I don't

want to go.


I want to stay.


I don't know, I, uh...

I like it here.

Mr. and Mrs. MacCleary?

Pardon me,

I'm deputy Herbert.

The sheriff would

like to see you.

You, too, doc.

What for?

Seeing's believing, doc.


You're better.

I wanted to thank you

for last night.

What's your name?

Amanda Platt.

You saved my life.

Oh no, Tipper

wouldn't have hurt you.

Oh no, I didn't mean that.

Can I come in?

Uh, no,

Pa won't allow strangers I

the house when he's not home.

I'm sorry.



What about outside?


I'll go get my coat.

Do you have

a boyfriend?

I don't.

No? You should.

You're beautiful.

Don't you know that?

I just,

Never had nobody

tell me that before.

What's that?

Down there.

That's black pine bog.

Nobody ever

goes there, though.

Not even to

pick blackberries.

It's all full of briars.

You don't want to

go there, Michael.

Come on.

Let's go.

Look at these bugs.

Aren't they horrible?

No, they're not.

How come you don't

have a boyfriend?

'Cause of pa,

I guess.

He's awfully strict.


Is, uh...

Is your father

Horace Platt,

Lionel Curwin's cousin?

Yeah, how'd you know?




what's wrong?

You want me to

go get the doctor?


It's all right.

You say that's where

the dog was digging?

It was just down

over there.


As if I didn't have

enough trouble already.

What you

doing here, girl?

We was just taking

us a little walk, pa.

I give you permission?

Look, she didn't want to

come. I talked her into it.

Get in the truck!

Damn you, boy.

You stay away

from my baby.

You stay away

from my little girl.

Goddamn you, girl!

Is he always

like that?

That was civil.

A couple of

years back,

caught his wife in bed

with another man.

He killed them both.

And he wasn't put away?

He's the judge's cousin.

He's going

to hurt her.

No, he isn't,


Horace Platt will.


You're tired, hon.

You're still not well.


take the boy

back with you.

I don't know

what made you think

you could go

out like that.

Now, I'm putting

you to bed.

And this time,

you are going to stay put.

Go on.

Well that explains Michael's

outburst this morning.



Our Michael has

got a crush.


You go on back. I'm gonna

stay here for a while.

You want to give us

a hand here?

Oh, sure.

Holy shit.



Look what I found!

Good god.

Did you find that here?

Yes, sir.

Right in here.

Oh, wait!


Have you got it?

Oh, shit.

I'm gonna get

some more men.

We gonna need

a lot of help.

If you find anything,

folks, sing out.

Hello, Bill.

Doc, I got something down

here I want to show you.

How many now?


Did you ID

any of them?

Not yet.

What do you think?

I don't know.

Could be an

abandoned graveyard,

an Indian burial ground,

civil war common grave,

or some murdering nut.

Sneaking in here

and burying his bodies.

Maybe so.

Take a look at this one.

But this one's

Emily Oldenburgh.

No, it can't be.

I know it.

We buried her in the

church graveyard.

We were both there,


But this one's still Emily.

I put this stainless steel

femur head in her

hip joint myself.

Something else strange.

Looks gnawed on.

You noticed, too.

I'd have a talk with

Dexter ward, if I was you.

There's a problem, Bill.

What's that, doc?

Dexter wasn't undertaker

when Emily died.

Dexter was his assistant.

Who was?

Lionel Curwin.

You gonna ask us in?

You hear what's going on

in black pine bog?

No, I got my own

hands full here,

As you can see.

You or

Lionel do the work

on Emily Oldenburgh?

Emily Oldenburgh?

Well, it's been so long

I don't remember.


Her skeleton's one

of them in the bog.

That's impossible.

I prepared her here

for burial myself.

I remember placing

her in the casket.

Her hips creaked.


Could anyone have

removed the body

between here

and the cemetery?

Well, of course not.

Who is he?

Uh, just answer our

questions, Dexter.

No, I won't.

It's insulting

I don't owe this man

any explanations.

I don't even know

who he is.

I'll talk to

you later, Dexter.

I like your new

paint job, Dexter.


Well, what?

Who's buried in Emily

Oldenburgh's coffin?


How are you, Tom?

Who are you?

Been a long time.

It has?

Who are you?

Oh, you're the

MacCleary boy.

I'd offer you a drink,

but your daddy may get mad.

You don't mind

if I have one.

Don't you

recognize me, Tom?

Billy? Billy Connors!

Look in my eyes.


Now, you stop that.

Hey, Billy, Billy.

Billy Connors.

I remember Billy and me

listening to my daddy.

We used to play games.

"Hey, Billy,."

"Can you do the magic"

"like the locusts

and the cicadas?"

"Can you get

through anything"

"by becoming

something else?"


being reborn?"

You believe that shit?

I came back for them.

All of them.

All the Curwins.

You ain't Billy.

Kept my peace

for 17 years, judge,

but it's getting too hot.

I want money,

a lot of it,

and I want out.

They're gonna be back

here in a minute.

I want you over here

tomorrow morning

with the money,


I want it here

for sure, you hear.

All right, it's you kids

again now, ain't it?

All right, you kids,

I'm gonna put you

in cousin Edwin's place.

I'm warning you.





I'm gonna get you.

I'm gonna get you.

I got you.


Those are

nothing but rocks.

Dexter Ward?

Dexter Ward.


Where are you?

Over here.

Oh, god!

Lord, save us.

He's been embalmed.



- Michael's gone.

- What?

- You mean he's not with you?

- No.

Maybe he's

at Amanda's.

Oh, shit.

Christ, Horace'll kill

him. Doc, go with Jeff.

What the hell?

What the hell you want?

Is our son here?

Jesus Christ! Get the

hell out of here!



What are you doing here?

There's a murderer

running loose.

I didn't want

to leave her alone.


He said he was only

protecting the girl, Horace.

Now settle down!

Next time I'll kill you,

you little bastard, you hear?

No! Don't...

Jeff, get him

out of here!

I'm gonna get

that bastard.

I'm gonna kill you.


I'm sorry, baby.

I'm sorry.


What were you doing in there?

In Amanda's room?


Caroline, not now.

Come on,

let's get out of here.

Come on, buddy.


What I thought.


This is what I've been

feeling beneath the skin.

What is it.

A subcutaneous layer

just beneath the epidermis

I've never seen anything

like it before,

But I knew

I felt something.

What does it mean?

I don't know.

Can he travel?


Well I think it's time we got

him back to Jackson.

And his doctors there,

don't you?

Yeah, or maybe Houston.

Okay, hotshot,

A big surprise.

You can stop faking it now.

We are going home.


Listen, the doc's

checked you out.

You can't argue

with doc.

And you can write to Amanda

when you get home.

Now, come on,

let's get going.

Hop to, my man.

Your mom insists.


I'm not going.

And you can't

make me.

Wanna see me try?

Get your hands off me!


Don't talk to your

father like that.

He ain't my father

Billy Connors

is my daddy.


What did you say?

Why did you say that?

I don't know, the words

just slipped out.

Just leave me alone.

Please just leave

me alone!

He's known.

Billy Connors.

I am looking

for Dexter.

I went down

to the mortuary,

It was locked up.

Now I wonder where

he would be.

He's dead, judge.

Who did it?

That's what we're

trying to find out.


Now Edwin and Dexter

were Curwins.

And that's who he's killing.


Now you call the state

police if you have to.

Hey, Bill?


Bill, I...

I know who it was.

Was what?

Who done the killings.

It was Billy.

Only it wasn't Billy,

it was the boy.

The MacCleary boy

come back as Billy.

Uh Tom, uh...

Why don't you get

some breakfast?

You look like the hind

end of a coon dog

just leaving

the swamp.



No, you promised!


If you don't mind,

I'd like to, uh...

What's that?

What's that bandage?

It's nothing.

Nothing, you don't see.

I told you it's

just a scratch.

You never know.

It might get infected.

Now, just relax.




You've got

to stop him.

Stop who?

The boy, your boy.

Only he ain't your boy

I mean not in his head anyways.

What are you talking about?

He's the one that's

been doing all the killing.

He told me

so himself.

Don't you see?

Billy hated the Curwins.


Billy Connors?

You're the one,

you're the one.

Who has been

talking to my son

and filling his head

with that Billy Connors!

You stay away from me

and you stay away from my son.


I think you remember

this voice.


Where we used to come

when we were kids, Tom!

Do you think I could

ever forget that?

It took me

17 years, Tom.

Like the cicadas,

but I came back.





let's check this out.



What was... Uh

Billy Connors like?


Strange boy.

Beautiful to

look at, though.

Tall, silent

when he moved.

He loved the woods.

And everything

in them.

He talked to the animals.

It was said

that even the bugs

would answer him.

You could be talking

about our son.

You believe it,

don't you?


What Tom Laws

was saying about

Michael and Billy Connors.

I wouldn't put

much stock in that

Indian palaver,

local Nioba nonsense.


Tom Laws is dead.

I want to talk to your boy.


Michael! What are

you doing here?

You gotta get out.

Pa's gonna be

home any second!

He said he'd kill you.

He do that to you?

Can you drive?



I want you to

get in the car.

Right now and leave.

And you keep going until

you're far away from here.


Whoever killed the others.

Is gonna come

for you, Amanda.

I know.

But why? I never did

anything to hurt anybody.

It doesn't make

any difference.

You're a Curwin.

Now, grab some things and...

and get out of here.

Will you come

with me?

Then I won't

go either.

Goddamn it!

You have to.

Is it that important

to you that I go?

Oh, yes.

Okay then, I promise.

Did I do that?

Oh, it's nothing.

I'm sorry. I-I...

- It's okay.

- I didn't mean to hurt you.


What's the matter?

Uh, the cicadas.

They're in the

trees now,

The branches.

Soon they'll be

shedding their skins.



Get in your car

and go!

Right now!


I'll be out

in a second.

I warned you.

I warned you to go.


I warned you.

I warned you to go.






what's wrong?

What are

you doing?


Michael, what's the matter?

- Michael!

- Get away from me!




Michael, why are

you hiding?



Oh, my god!



What is it?

I don't know.

Kill me.

Kill me.


Kill me.


An hour,

it'll be too late.


What are

you saying.

What are you

doing here, Amanda?

You promised

me you'd go.

You promised me.

You promised!


You tried to

kill yourself?


To save you.

To save all of you.

He killed Edwin.

And then Dexter.

They deserved it,

but not Tom.

They were friends,

best friends,

But he's

gone crazy.

Who, Michael?

He's gone crazy!

Who, Michael?

Kill me or you won't

be able to stop him.

Kill me!

Kill me! Kill me!

Let's strap

him down.

Kill me!

- Michael!

- No!

Kill me!


- Kill me!

- Michael!

- Kill me!

- Michael!

Kill me! Kill me!

Kill me!

Go to Lionel

Curwin's house,

in the root cellar.

And then you'll see.

It's not me

you'll be killing.

I'll be dead anyway.

B... But him!


Can't you do something?


We can check it out.

Dammit, judge,

I can't have that boy

messing with my Amanda.

Now how you gonna stop him?

Well, hell, I'll just kill him!

Blow him away.

You're liable

to get caught.

Unless, of course, uh.

He happened to be

another victim

of that maniac killer.

That's right.

Just be another

victim of the

maniac killer.

Oh, doc.

Do something!


What the hell's

down there?


Hold it.

Oh, Jesus! Oh, god!

Billy Connors probably.

Can't be, it's too big.

Oh he's chained anyway.

Maybe once,

but damned sure

not always.

He's quieted down,

Mrs. MacCleary.

Let's hope the crisis

has passed.

"You gotta get out,

'cause you're a Curwin."

But I never

hurt anybody.


"Cicadas in

the trees now."

What's with those

cicadas anyway?


I really tried

to stop him.




Jesus Christ!


Oh, my god!

Shoot him!

What are you?

Shoot him!


For Christ's sake,

shoot him!

There's something terrible

happening in there.

Caroline? Caroline?

Jeff, let's go.

What is it, Jeff?

Looks like

right here.

He left the ground

for a while.

Don't worry, I'll find him.


It's Horace.

Oh, god!

What's wrong?

Tracks are gone again.

Just disappear

in thin air.

It's shed its skin

like a cicada.


We should

have kept looking.

Let me in!

In Jesus' name,

let me in!


Please let me in!

He's after me!

He's after me.

My god,

you gotta help me.

You gotta help me.



Why the Curwins?

Why does he have

to kill you all?

I don't know.

How would I know?

You don't know, huh?

N... No!

Get out of here.


Get out.


Stay out of this, sheriff.

I hold you responsible.

You and this whole

damn town, too.

But this man's got information

and I'm going to get it.

Or he's going out

on the street.

No, I don't know

anything... I...

You know everything.

You know what

happened that night,

what happened

to my son,

and you're gonna

tell us, by god.

Or I'm throwing you

out that door.

I swear to god, I...

If you know anything, judge

you better start talking.

I don't know anything.

Don't let him...

You son of a bitch,

you tell us.

It was Billy.

Billy Connors!

It was my

brother Lionel.

He's the one

who did it.

He's the one who turned him

into whatever he is.

None of us knew

what to do with Lionel.

Would you like

to hear something?

My brother Lionel,

He wouldn't even

touch Sarah,

His own wife.

Know why?

He thought it was sinful.

You think Sarah ran

off with Billy, don't you?

She didn't.

She never got

the chance.

When he caught Billy

and her together,

He like as went crazy.

He killed her

all right.


But that wasn't

good enough for him.

Oh, no.

He had to

take Billy.

And lock him up

in that cellar.

And he kept him there.

Until Billy couldn't

stand it anymore,

Until he was starving.

And Lionel,

he opened up

that cellar door.

And he says:


"You still want her?"

"Well, now you

can have her."

And he throws

her body down.

After that,

it was easy.


the town undertaker,

Robbing his own coffins

to feed Billy his flesh,

The human flesh

Billy needed to live.

Ha, it was easy.

And you all

covered for him.


not till

Dexter found...

found his body.

He found it all.

Jesus Christ, man, I didn't

even know about your wife!

But he got out.

And he attacked my wife,

you son of a bitch!

You son of a...

You son of a bitch!

It wasn't

our fault.

No, it's all right!

It's all right,

it's all right.

And you listen now,

I'll explain to you.

It wasn't

our fault.

It wasn't

our fault.

As soon as

we found out,

We went after him.

We did!

And you left

him to die.

And somehow he got back

to that cellar,

The only place

he ever knew.

We just found

his remains.

My god!

Get down!

Over there!

All right, everybody,

get back by the cells.

Get it!


Cover the back


Sheriff, lock me in here.

It's the only safe place.

Doc, shut him up!

A gun...

Give me a gun!

He's coming through. I know it!

For god's sake, give me a gun!

Give it to him.

What's that?

The cicadas.

They're coming

after me!

They're coming

after me.

Your gutless

hide is safe.

He'd have to

kill us first.

Got to come through

that door.

There's no other way.


Jeff, let's go.


Oh, my god!

She's still alive. Let's get

her to the hospital.

Oh, there's

so much blood.