The Beast (1986) - full transcript

Helgi is a young man that dreams about becoming a writer and returns to his childhood home with his girlfriend Lára. While he's there he becomes obsessed with shooting a reindeer for unclear reasons.

''Vanity of vanities'', said the preacher

''All is vanity''

Of the making of books

there is no end

and much study is

weariness of the flesh

That which befalleth the sons of men

befalleth beasts

Even one thing befalleth them.

As the one dieth

so dieth the other

Ye they have all one breath

So that a man hath no

pre-eminence of other beast.

For all is vanity.

For who knoweth the spirit of

man goeth upward

and the spirit of the beast goeth

downward to the earth

All go into one place.

All are of the dust

and return to dust again.

Yes, there's been a lot of changes in the

fjord since you were last here, Helgi

Yes, I was still very small

when we went away.

I think I was probably about

5 or 6

Long time ago that was.

It was the summer your

mother met Wolfgang.

Long time eh?

I was going to ask you...

I wonder in those days was the

fjord deserted then?

Yes, nobody else lived there then.

I can't see why you never

came back before.

He promised to come last year.

He was going to stay off

here for the whole summer.

He didn't keep his promise

though, did he?

By the way, I'd like you two to

do me a favour while you're up here.

I don't want any strangers

fishing in the river.

If anyone asks tell them

its not allowed.

What sort of strangers?

You know all sorts of people turn up here

in the fjord these days.

Just keep an eye on the place, will you?

Helgi has other things on his mind now

that he's a 'writer'

I think you'd rather be left to

finish your book, wouldn't you?

Oh yeah? That's what I

came here to do.

What about the reindeer?

Seen any yet?

He hasnt talked about anything else

since we got here.

Yep and we've got permission to

shoot one of them.

Only one, mind.

See that, they call it the elve's rock

or worry stone

Your mother was really fond of

that rock, Helgi

She used to sit by it whenever she

wanted to get away from us.

The reindeer come up here in

the winter too.

You can see them sheltering behind

the rock sometimes.

I'll never forget the time Wolfgang

first went up there

He was trying to creep up on your

mother and give her a shock

He climbed up the rock, then

fell down and broke his leg.

Your mother had to nurse him for weeks

and thats how it all started.

Its how you came to live in Germany, Helgi

Its all because of that rock

Of course your father

took it badly at the time

but its only nature isn't it?

Can't fight against nature, can you?

Even the reindeer know that.

Eh, take it easy!

What have you got in this thing?

We've gpt to get it up there.

Where'd you want me to

put this rifle?

Back there in the corner.

Okay, fine.

You don't want me to hang it

on the line here for you?

While you're staying here you will never

point guns at people.

What the hell's the

matter with you?

Don't get so heavy.

I was joking.


I was aiming the gun at an imaginary

herd of reindeer.

Makes no difference.

-But the thing wasn't loaded even.

That doesn't matter.

-Why don't you tell him about the house?

The house?

Yes, yes.

Place was practically falling down

when I got it.

Yes well, do you

think its haunted?



Its aright eh?

Yes it is but only with ghosts that

people bring with them.

But Half-tongue, your neighbour will come

and haunt you alright.


Thats what they call the fellow who

lives at the top of the fjord.

He's harmless enough.

Hardly ever see him except

in the summer.

Keeps to himself.

Bit of a loner.

Cracked if you ask me.

You might see him a couple of times

every summer.

Always keep to the other

side of the river.

He's got some sort of thing about the

fishing rights though.

He comes out and shoots at

our notice out there.

Theres no stopping him and he

neve actually does any fishing.

A bit touched that one.

Door's getting a bit stiff.

Here we are

This is the generator I was

telling you about.

Pretty reliable.

It shouldn't give you any trouble.

Up to you if you want to

use it or not.

Its how we get our power out in

the fjords anyway.

Thing takes a bit of

handling, mind you.

What was that noise?

What? Its not switched on yet.

You're hearing ghosts.

Nah I'm only messing about.

When you hear it slowing down get

down here as fast as you can.

What is it I'm supposed to do?

You have to move yourself!

Boarder would like a word

with you, I think

The bulet is spent as

it happens.

But it makes no difference, right?

I can't see the old fool.

Hope he's not around.

-Hey, listen Balder


You'll come vist us on the boat, won't you?

If you have time?

Oh yes, I'd like that.

Problem is my brother and I

are going to be tied up

...Over the next two weeks.

-I understand.

We'll keep in touch anyway.

Oh, we'll keep in touch.

Oh yes, we will do.

Well, I'll come and collect

you anyway.

Thanks we'd appreciate that.

So that it then.

Right then, I'll be off.

Best of luck with the book

All the best.

Thanks for all the help, Bolder.

Look after yourself.

Okay then, be seeing ya.

Well then.

Now you just keep up on erm

your Beethoven.


Oh, Mozart!

Mozart, thats it.

And he can be difficult at times.

Don't let him put you off

your music.

Come on

Remember what I said.

Okay, I'll call and see if you

need anything.

Or you call me.

Sure you know how to

operate the radio?

Yeah I can work the radio

Well, it wouldn't hurt for Lara to

learn to use it as well.

See ya!

Hows it going?

Same as you

I'm a bit stuck at the moment.

Wanna come for a walk?

I need a break.

Its easy! Grip the rod like this

Then woosh, nothing to it.

Slowly Helgy!

I really like what you're writing.

At least I liked the

bit I read.

Why don't you try get it

published now?

Don't wait until you think

its ready.

Or you'll never get it finished.

You see, I'm still getting it

into its final form.

Too much self-criticism can

get you

into an extremely depressed state

No, it isn't ready.

Though some of its quite good

I suppose.

Didnt think I would but I

really like it here.

Only I wish I could see those

reindeer sometime.

Please. Give the reindeer

a break.

If you mention reindeer

one more time today...

I'll tickle you


Come here!

Okay, come right on over.

If you dare.


I'll count to ten.






Six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

Bloody bastard!



Come here!

Open up!

Open this door!

You bastard!


Take it away!

Only if you swear not to

tickle me ever again.

Throw that thing away.

-Not until you swear

Okay I swear.

-Cross your heart?

I swear cross my heart

I'll never tickle you.

I don't think that sort of

thing is very funny.

I don't think being tickled

is very funny.

You were still laughing,

weren't you?

Very funny.

Coming home now baby coming

right on home to you

You know I'm really

all washed up.

My feet are burnt out red, honey.

I'm really feeling blue

Look for someone to love.

All alone, its hurtin'

I've had enough of having

fun upstairs.

Alone, burnt out.

What am I gonna do with you?

This is Radio Reiker

the time is 10:50

And now: The Weather Report.

There is a depression moving past the

Faroes towards the Eastern fjords

and this region will experience unsettled

weather for the next 48 hours.

It gets harder every time.

That's a good sign.

I must be improving then

Meaning, I'm not.

That wasn't what I said.

But its what you meant.

Helge, whats got into you?

Relax, I'm only messing around.

Its your move.


And mate.

Helgy love?


Do me a favour.

Run outside and get my jeans off

the line before it rains.

Okay, I'll go in a minute.




Oh dear

You saying your prayers or what?

I found it upstairs.

Been down here long?

No, don't look at it yet.

I've got a few more things to

do to it first.


We going to have breakfast

together or what?

I had a really good sleep

My God, that coffee's hot.

I'm going to spend

all day practising.

You don't realise how tough

this exam's going to be.

Are you going to read that

Bible all day?

Are you thinking of

taking up theology?

I do so love you in the mornings

when you're slurping like that.

Louder please.

-Whats the matter with you now?

I said this coffee's too hot.

It doesn't mean I have to teach you

table manners, does it?

I suppose your mummy taught

you all that, didn't she?

In Germany

-She's got nothing to do with it!

I can't stand any more of you

going on like that!

I'm trying to concentrate!


Im not sure the kitchen table is

really the right place for you to work.

We've got to talk some time

haven't we?

Be reasonable,

you spend all day working at that

desk of yours anyway.

I mean, I haven't got anyone

else to talk to.

That might be someone looking

for a conversation.


We're with the coast offload

out here.

We planned on a bit of fishing in

the river over there.

Just thought we'd tell you.

Well, I really don't think the owner

would allow that.

Pfft, he's not gonig to know.

Well, I suppose not, but...

He did say I wasn't to

let anybody.

You better not, okay?

We'll only be an hour or two.

Come on, mate. Its no skin off

your nose, is it?

We'll be well away by nightfall.

Didn't you hear what he said?

Its not allowed!

Look at that.

He's got a bird in there.

Hello doll...

-Hey, Sveny,

We'll check her out later.

Why didn't you leave me

to deal with them?

Best to keep on the right side of

those sort of people.

You should have been more

firm with them.

You know Bolder told us not to...

-Alright I know all that!

I know what he told us.

But you saw what they were like.

You can't reason with

types like that.

Keeping a promise is always so difficult

for you, isn't it?

You're unbearable!

Its night.

And he rushes

through the streets

The flaps of his coat

spread out like wings.

One leg is soaking wet.

He's cold but born along a new

vision of life.

He's indifferent to everything.

Gloriously indifferent.

No love, no moments of

affection to hold him down.

He's alone in the world like

a frightened beast.

Trying to dig his claws into

everyone and everything.

He wanders through the town searching for

some spark of pure energy

in the wasteland of the city.

In a smoky dancehall he sidles up to a

girl he's never seen before.

He's about to regale her with some words

of clicheed flattery.

but the girl's eyes are cold and hard.

And instead he begins to mumble some

nonsense in his own language

Confusing everything together.

He throws some half-baked

insult at her.

She tells him to get lost

He thanks her

But they put up with eachother til the

dance is over all the same.

They hardly say anything.

They don't move.

How ingenius instinct is

How impersonal.

They go out into the cold windy night

pulling their hoods over their heads.

and without a word they go home

to sleep together.

In a small house in a small

forgotten backstreet

His clothes lie in heaps

all over the place.

Like his soul

A child sleeps in the next room.

And theres a grey moon outside.

He lies awake all night.

The girl's dark hair on the

pillow beside him.

And he tries to forget

the other girls hair.

Fairer, softer, more beautiful.

That once tumbled like gold

through his fingers.



Í'm sorry I'm late.

I had to do a bit of thinking.


I'm sorry.

Yes of course I miss Mama after she

left with Wolfgang.

But, I can hardly remember him.

I was so little.


Your father...

He told me...

He told me that...

You cried yourself to sleep

every night for two months.

He told you that, did he?

Then maybe he told you

of the time we caught Mama

and Wolfgang in the outhouse.

He told you that?


God, how I hate him.

Papa still wouldn't believe.

Wolfgang came over every

summer from Germany.

All the way from bloody Germany to do

research on the reindeer or something.

Only the bastard was researching

something else.

And Papa never

suspected anything.

He imagined that Wolfgang

was his best friend.

Bloody stupid.

Men amaze me

Unless it happens

right in front of them,

the fools never think that

anything's the matter

Men are so blind, arent they?

What do you mean?

I don't know how to talk about it.

I can't talk about it.

Look, what about your father?

He never really had any time for me

after they got divorced.

What about your mother?

We don't see eachother.

Hardly know eachother.

She thinks I'm frivolous

and irresponsible.

Think think, my mum and papa

its time I started earning some money.

Neither of them think I'm

doing the right thing.

I'll shoot!

I want to sleep a bit longer.

You've got a lot of energy

I just felt wide awake.

I certainly don't feel wide awake.

I want to.

I can tell that.

Shall we then?


Its not working.

Sit there and stare

at it a bit longer.

Maybe you'lll get some inspiration.

I'm sure the coffee will help you.

I can't do it.

See anything?



I wasn't looking

Isn't it going very well

at the moment?

Im getting really worried that I

won't finish it on time now.

Gettiing it finished on time

Why dont you stop worrying

and concentrate on the important thing?

The writing itself

Well, you know me when I've

promised to do something.

I always do it.

Come on.

I've never finished anything.

Not right to the end.

Why should it be any different

this time?

I'm beginning to get worried

about my exam.

I havent done enough since we've

been here either.

You'll do brilliantly.

You always do.

What the hell are they

doing down there?

Dont think about that now.

We should think about ourselves.

The two of us.

We've got another fortnight here.

Lets try and be happy together.

Yeah, lets be happy.

Alright then.

Lets play one more game of chess

before we go to bed.

Right, come on them.


Anyone there?


Helgy, I think the

old bloke's leaving.

Throw it down!




What the hell are you doing?

Helgy, don't you think we should get

in touch with Balder?

The bastard's leaving anyway.

Look, there he is over there.

But just in case he tries

anything else

He probably thinks he's

made his point.

What could be more ridiculous?

Than a teenager visiting

the place of his childhood?

The place wasn't much more than a couple

of rocks miles from anything.

But a child's first anger is

deeply ingrained.

And that anger takes root and beds intself

in the depths of the soul.

And that soul inhabit the young man.

He sets off into the world to live.

And when he least expects it that

anger wells up again.

And tears through the crude reality

he calls his existence.

And he will never be

free from this anger

which drains him and

leaves him helpless

Not until he rids himself of it

out in the street.

Like a beast shedding its skin.

Its an anger that returns

again and again

to the past in a series of

vivid pictures

which he can never exorcise.

Picture a young biologist,

an expert on reindeer.

who appears one day on the hill

above the farm.

and changes the little boy's

world forever.

Picture the scruffy little boy himself.

Running up the hillside

in futile anger.

Looking for a scapegoat,

someone to lay the blame on.

And the most vivid picture of all.

The boy standing on the mountain.

And watching the beasts

who somehow embody the fate of the

people at the farm.

While remaining all the time

unbareably innocent.

And so that day when he returned to

the place of his childhood,

What more natural that he should

look back toward the mountain.

Just as he always used to.

And what more natural than

that he should see

far away above the

craggy wide open spaces.

One of the beasts in the distance.


See something?

I'm not sure, Helgy.

Its our reindeer.


Where exactly?

Nah I think it must have been a

piece of wood.

You saw one, didn't you?

Let's go home.


Where's that?

Away from here.

What for?

You'd like to leave me wouldn't you?

Just like before.

Because you stopped

believing in us.

No, no its not that.

Oh no, oh no.

You miss all those phone calls

don't you? From that idiot!

Bjorg or whatever his name was!

That odious creep you took in

when I was in Germany.

Took pity on him, didn't you?

Oh yes

Trouble is, it wasn't

just once, was it?

Not even just ten times, was it?

You probably did it 100 times

with that creep!

When he started calling you again it really

got to you didn't it? You wanted him!

Whats the matter with you? You know

that's got nothing to do with it.

I thought we made a deal about that

didnt we?

Ah, the deal!

Oh, well you'd better

get your full value

You won't admit you're in love

with this half-wit

just as you won't admit that you...

You saw a reindeer!

Now you want to leave.

I don't care, do what you like!

What must I say?

Say you want to go home

to be with him!

Thats what you want

isnt it?

Say it, say it!

Come on!

Shoot yourself! Go on!

Go home if you want!

Me? Im not going anywhere!

I'm staying here!

Go on then!

Get out!

Get out! Get out! Get out!



Did you see the boat?


Did you see the boat?

Sorry, I can't hear you.

Out there in the fjord

A fishing boat.

In the fjord?

-Okay, it doesn't matter.

Forget it

Have you received any SOS from any

fishing boat in this area?

Yes, I'll do that

Bye now.



Fooled you there then.

I'm progressing.

No more to it than that

I'm afraid.

If it isn't the reindeer

then its some

mysterious boat.


Sathers Fjord?

Fjord base calling Sathers Fjord



Sathers Fjord?

Come in Sathers Fjord

Fjord base calling Sathers Fjord

Hello? Sathers Fjord

Fjord base here.

Sathers Fjord?

Sathers Fjord?

Come on!

What are you doing?

Fjord base here

Sather's Fjord?

Oh shit

Somebody's dead.

I know.

Too late now but we may

as well go on looking.

Men have split up.

Okay try up on the east side

We'll meet here later.

Fjord base, Fjord base.

Theidis Fjord calling.

Let me try.

Fjord base.

Fjord base.

Fjord base can you hear me?

Fjord base come in please.

Fjord base

Then one day he was standing in

a busy foreign station.

Hunched over, thin,

his mouth tightly closed.

A worn out version

of himself.

Finally read to make the

spiralling journey

to that warm point of origin.

The departure is announced.

The crowd rushes past

Gesturing, babbling

in a foreign tongue

...that fills his ears with noise but

remains incomprehensible.

Everything in this place

is so ordered.

So exact.

He smiles crookedly at

the nameless swarm.

The train leaves slowly.

Then its as if something is

holding him down.

As if there are chains

around his body

Preventing him from moving.

Across the platform

His familiar loneliness permeates

his whole being.

...and he has no hope left.

The train is moving slowly

past his eyes.

but he cannot see it.

Forgotten memories float up like

weeds on the seabed.

Weaving themselves into tangles

and numbing his brain with

the stench of decay.

He stands without moving

on the empty platform.

Now, nothing.

Decisions are the privelege

of the elite.

The train is accelerating now.

Quicker and quicker.

As the wheels scream

in his ears.

Last call for you.

That was the last call.

He moves frantically

after it

...As he feels his life

disintegrating around him.

He cries out desperately

for help.

But he's missed his last call

and despair is engulfing his soul.

Then the final comet passes


A young man in a worn-out

leather jacket stands on the platform

Before vanishing into the dusty cloud

of faceless people.

And what about this life.

Always leaves on time.

And there's no calling it back!

And you can add that

if you want to.

Oh but I forgot.

It makes no difference.

It doesn't matter if

you miss him, does it?

Let the train go, it doesn't

matter where you are.

You're still coming home.

To the same meaningless existence.

Oh yes and nobody gives a

bloody shit about it.

Not the slightest bloody

shit about it.

Sayders Fjord calling Rescue Centre.

Come in please.

Sayders calling, come in please.

Good morning, lazybones.

Going to sleep all day?

All right then.

I'll drink your

hot chocolate myself.

Guess whether its sunny or raining.

How about just calling it quits?

Just tell me what you're doing here.

Are you writing or are you

shooting reindeer? Which is it?


And you know the other reason

I came here, do you? Huh?

I want to be alone with you.

-Stop it.

I'm being serious!

And so am I

I mean, whats all this about a

bloody reindeer?

Theres something wrong with you.

In your head!

Whats this novel about, Helgy?

Oh, you know what its

about, don't you?



Its about you, isnt it?

Yeah, well. You know. Its...

He goes back to where

he used to live okay?

But it doesn't feel

like home to him.

Because he's rootless.

His girlfriend's with him out there.

He goes hunting.

Looks for reindeer and it all goes

tragically wrong for him.

But what are you

trying to say?

What am I trying to say?

Cant you see its about us?

And to us?

-All of us!


Its all in this bit. Look...

All of us were searching for a sign

to something, you see?

But none of us

ever find anything

Because we don't know

what we're looking for!

Thats the reason I'm not

trying to say anything!

I'm not doing anything that makes

the slightest bit of difference!

And nobody!

Nobody else is either!

Thats no reason to

throw it away.

Let it go.

But that which before

the sons of men

Before the beasts.

Even one thing before them.

As the one dieth.

So dieth the other.

Fjord Base, Fjord Base

Fjord Base.

Calling Fjord Base.

Fjord Base, hello?

Helgy, darling...

I think you ought

to eat something.

We're all fighting our own demons!

There's this great chapter in it

where the reindeers hit

He kills the leader of the herd

Its going to be wonderful!

Helgy, please try and eat something.

Do you have to be so boring?!

Listen to me!

Theres another hunter after the deer

Someone else.

He's made a mistake!

He thinks he killed a stag but no

He didn't shoot it, really.

Another man shot it and

he doesn't know.

Helge, at least have a sandwich.

You haven't eaten anything!

-That doesn't matter!

Theres no point to

anything now.

Point that the sandwich

is there to help?

I'm saying

''Nothing matters''!

But don't you want to know

what he's really shot?

I know already.

Sit down! Shhh!

Theres something out there.

I'm quite sure there's something...

There can't be anything out there!


Helge, stop it, can't you?

You don't know what you're saying!

Lets go to bed.

-You can go by yourself!

I'm going outside


Let me go!

Just for once I'm going

to keep my word.


-And you're going to help me.

Shoot, yes. Now go upstairs

and fetch the rifle.


I won't do it!


The rifle?




Sather's Fjord?

Fjord base calling Sather's Fjord.


Sather's Fjord!

I'll come straight back

Sather's Fjord?




Its alright, lamb

Taking you home.


-Helgy's in good hands now.

We're getting him to

hospital now.

Doesnt seem like an accident to me.

I heard a shot and thats

how we found out about it

There is a bunk made up for you

if you'd like to rest.


They found some wreckage from

the Seagull, sir.


Yes, its the fishing boat

that got wrecked.

Air control to radio

We're on our way back.

Landing at Sathers Fjord in

aprox 10 mins, over.

Radio to air control:

Message received.

We're at the Eastern end

of South fjord.

Cruising east by northeast

by 15 degrees.

Changing course, north by northwest

9 degrees.

Do you have any news about

Helgy Olaf, sir?
