The Beach Girls and the Monster (1965) - full transcript

A young girl is killed at the beach in Malibu. Professor Otto Lindsay suspects that it is some form of mutated fish. However, his son Richard, who was a good friend of the girl, thinks that it is a madman who has a grudge against Richard and his friends. Soon the list of victims grows to include one of Rich's surfing buddies, Rich's bitchy stepmother Vicky and his friend Mark who was crippled in an auto accident. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
("Dance Baby Dance" by Frank Sinatra Jr.)

♪ Dance baby dance,
come and dance with me ♪

♪ Hear the beat of the pounding sea ♪

♪ Ride, baby ride, come and ride with me ♪

♪ Let your feet go easy and free ♪

♪ Climb, baby climb right into my arms ♪

♪ Like the waves comin' to the shore ♪

♪ Sigh, baby sigh, let me hear you sigh ♪

♪ That's what I'm waitin' for ♪

♪ Come on, they're playin' our rhythm ♪

♪ Let's keep our bad beat rhythm ♪

♪ Yeah, raw beat rhythm ♪

♪ Headin' on down to surfer heaven ♪

♪ Kiss, baby kiss just one more time ♪

♪ Put your lips so close to mine ♪

♪ Dance, baby dance, do the surfer dance ♪

♪ Woo you're movin' just fine ♪

♪ Kiss baby, kiss just one more time ♪

♪ Put your lips so close to mine ♪

♪ Dance baby dance, do the surfer dance ♪

♪ Woo you're movin' just fine ♪

♪ Keep on pushin' that line ♪

♪ Surfin' baby of mine ♪

♪ Surfin' baby of mine ♪

♪ Surfin' baby of mine ♪

♪ Surfin' baby of mine ♪

♪ Surfin' baby of mine ♪

♪ Surfin' baby of mine ♪

(somber music)

(waves crashing)

- Hey Tom, what are you doing out there?

Making like a fish?
- Hey, do you want

to wait for him?

- Nah, I'm hungry.

We can starve before he gets in.

- I'm with you.

("Dance Baby Dance" by Frank Sinatra Jr.)

Hey, take it easy sport.

- Mayonnaise,


and some pickle relish,

and just a little bit of sand.

(both laughing)

(upbeat music)

(woman laughing)

(heavy breathing)

(heart beating)

(ominous music)

(woman screaming)

(woman struggling)

- Bunny?


(woman screaming)

(siren wailing)

(energetic music)

- Where's the body?
- It's right down there.

(woman crying)

- Where's the body?

- She's over there, Sheriff, follow me.

- All right, where were you
kids when this thing happened?

(all clamoring)

Wait a minute, wait a
minute, one at a time.

What's your full name?

- Richard Lindsay.

- Where do you live, Richard?

- Right up there in that house.

- Hey Scott, come here.

(suspenseful music)

What do you make of this?

- Footprints leading to that culvert.

Where does the other end go?

- It dumps into the ocean.

(bright music)

- Well Sheriff, it's not the claw print

of any fish in this area.

The men at the lab can't
tie it down, either.

They suggested that you,
being an authority on fish,

might know what it is.

- It's amazing, it looks exactly

like the South American fantigua fish.

That's a carnivorous maneater.

It could live in or out of
water, weighs about 100 pounds.

- Well that's a pretty good size,

but whatever made that print had to weigh

at least 250 pounds or more.

- Well I'm afraid that's
the best I can do for you.

It certainly looks like
the fantigua to me.

Could be a mutation, of course.

Some of the studies we've been doing here

at the lab on mutations are amazing.

- Mutating, could this fantigua fish

grow large enough to come out on land?

I mean, could it breathe out of water?

- Yes, it could breathe out of water

if it could retain fluid in its lungs.

And as a mutation,

our studies show it
could grow quite large.

I hope you can take one alive, Sheriff.

It would be a boon to science.

- Hold on, Doctor, I
still believe that a human

clawed that girl to death, not a fish,

no matter how big, and we'll get him, too.

Probably some madman.
- Or one of those surfers

of the hang around the beach all the time.

They're capable of anything, even murder.

- You think so?

Strange, I always found them
to be a nice bunch of kids

just trying to find themselves.

- They'll find themselves
in your jail one day.

I tell ya, Sheriff, something's
got to be done about them.

The boys are nothing
but a bunch of loafers

and their girls are little tramps.

They contribute absolutely
nothing to a decent society.

- Well, that's not my
department, Dr. Lindsay.

Right now, I've got to find a murderer.

Thank you for your help.

I'll tell them in at the lab about this

fantigua fish just to be on the safe side.

I'll let you know if we find one.

- Please do.

- Goodbye, Doctor.
- Goodbye.

(bright music)

(easygoing music)

- Funny, I was swimming
just where she was killed

just a few hours before,
it could have been me.

I should have stayed around,
I missed all the excitement.

- Psycho.

Bunny's dead, doesn't
that mean anything to you?

- What should it mean to me?

What's the matter, Richard?

Sorry it isn't me dead on that beach?

You know, we should really
try to get along together,

for your father's sake.

Just one big happy family.

- Save some of that jazz for Dad, Vicky.

He's the one that needs it.

- Why, I'm a very loving little wife.

- Don't give me that.

I know exactly what you've been doing.

- Oh, and what have I been doing?

- Just keep away from me.

Don't push me too far.

- Why, is that anyway to
talk to your stepmother?

- Stepmother, you're not
fit to be anybody's mother.

Don't ever do that again,
Vicky, I'm warning you.

- Warning me, now you sound like Otto

when he's in one of his crazy tantrums.

- Vicky, Richard, where are you?

- Remember what I said.

- In the bar, darling.

- Good evening, Vicky.

Hi, son.

I bumped into the Sheriff
as I was pulling in,

he told me about Bunny, I'm sorry son.

It's a tragic thing to have happen.

- Oh yes, poor Richard,
it's upset him terribly.

- I've got to get over to Janie's, Dad.

She's been taking this pretty hard.

- Oh, I was hoping we could
spend some time together,

some interesting things have
been happening over at the lab.

Remember that experiment
you were helping me with?

- Dad, not tonight,

Jane's been half out
of her mind over this.

- Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt.

Can I see you a minute, Richard?

Good evening, sir.
- Evening, Mark.

- See you in the morning, Dad.

Let's go to your room.

- He hasn't too much time
for your lately, has he?

- Nah, he hasn't been
in the lab for months.

Ever since the accident,
he's let his work slip,

just hangs around the
beach with those tramps.

Vicky, I just can't
understand his attitude.

- I think Mark is
playing on your sympathy.

That limp's pretty convenient,
it's gotten him a nice home.

- I thought you liked Mark.

- I was just being nice,
that was over a year ago.

How long is he going to stay?

- After all, Richard was driving
when they had the accident.

He still feels responsible
for the injury to Mark's leg.

- So his brakes went
out, it wasn't his fault.

Does he have to carry Mark
for the rest of his life?

Do we all?

- Vicky, he's my son and misses his home.

If he wants Mark here, if
he feels it's important,

we'll all have to make the best of it.

- Your son, everything for your son.

- What about me?

And Mark the sculptor,

he's got his pottery all over this house.

- I thought you liked posing for him,

you said he was doing your statue.

- Oh Otto, you're blind.

Can't you see he's using you?

He's taking advantage of you.

Why, that accident was the luckiest thing

that ever happened to him.

And to ensure his soft touch,

you lean more and more on Richard.

He'll take him away from you completely,

just as he's taking him from your lab.

- He can't do that, not after
all the plans I've made.

Richard and I are going into research,

I planned it for years.

- Lord am I sick of hearing about that.

Otto, you're hurting me.

- I'm sorry, dear.

Until I met you, my only happiness

was planning for my son.

Vicky, I love you both very much,

nothing or no one will ever
take either of you from me.

- All right, let's forget
it, you get so emotional.

Ooh, I'll be bruised for weeks.

- I'm sorry, dear, I
didn't mean to hurt you.

- All right, Otto, let's go, it's late.

Had you forgotten the Board
of Directors dinner tonight?

- Good Lord, I did forget.

I don't suppose we could get out of it.

- Hardly, you know I do so look forward

to those cozy little dinners.

Let's talk about the murder tonight,

and really shake them up.

- Oh Vicky, stop it.

Come on, let's go.

- You're wrong about Vicky,
you just don't understand her.

You don't give her a chance.

- Mark, look, let's forget it.

What did you want to see me about?

- Oh, a couple of things.

One, Dale dropped by some
film he said you want to see.

- Oh, the film on Hawaii, where is it?

- It's on the projector,

and I wanted to show you something I did.

- Let's take a look at it.

I'll just have time to run
it before I go to Jane's.

- What is it with you
and this surfing, Jack?

All of a sudden, it's such a big thing.

- Listen Mark, I'm just
beginning to realize

there's more to life than
just test tubes and fish.

I'm gonna live a little
before I settle down again,

gonna grab my girl and get married,

then I'm gonna surf on
the beach of Waikiki

before I get too old to enjoy it.

- I've got a feeling that is not

what your father had in mind.

- I know, I haven't found
a way to tell him yet.

But I've got to live my own life, Mark,

not the one Dad's picked out for me.

Life's too short, today proved that.

Bunny's gone, just like that.

I just want to store up some happiness

for Jane and me before our time comes.

- Rich, if the accident
or my living in this house

had caused you to change your
plans to give up your career.

- Mark, the accident just opened my eyes

to what I've been doing,

rather what I haven't been doing.

I want you to stop
taking life so seriously.

Man, it goes by too
fast, too fast to waste.

Come on, get the lights.

Wait til you see these
films, the surf is great.

(projector whirring)

(upbeat music)

(projector whirring)

Why, I've got to show
these to Jane, she'll flip.

Hey, I've gotta get going.
- Hold it, hold it.

Now there's something
else I want to show you,

and it'll only take a minute.

- All right buddy, what is it?

- It's in my room, come on.

It's over here.

Rich, this is what I wanted you to see.

- [Rich] It looks like Bunny.

- I used her as a model
a couple of months ago.

I was wondering, do you think her folks

would like to have it now?

- I'm sure they would,

why don't you take it over to them?

- Well, it might be better
if you took it over,

I've never met her folks.

- Come on, Mark, why don't you get off it?

Stop being afraid of people.

You made it, you take it over.

- Yeah, I guess you're right.

All right, I'll take it over tomorrow.

- I've got to get going.

Say, why don't you come with me,

we'll stop by Bunny's
house on the way back.

- Oh, I can't tonight, I've
got to work on Vicky's statue.

- I'll see you.

(bright music)

- Vicky.

(door slamming)

- Are you sure you don't mind

if we don't go down on the beach today?

After Bunny, I--
- Of course not, I understand.

Besides, there's plenty
of sun around the pool.

You know, I still can't
realize she's gone,

such a horrible death.

The killer must be some kind of monster

to cut her up like that.

- Don't feel bad, honey.

Let's try and forget it.

I still love you, remember?

(throat clearing)

- My my, what a touching little scene.

- Hi Vicky.

- I see you brought one of
your little mermaids home.

How nice.

Well, I'm going down to the beach

before I play model for Mark,

so you'll have the house all to yourself.

Have fun, children.

- Don't, Richard.

(waves crashing)

(happy music)

You're right, it is beautiful by the pool.

- Let's go to the bar,
I want to talk to you.

- Okay.

- Want a Coke?
- No thanks.

- It's too bad the killer made a mistake,

he should have hit her
highness the evil queen.

- That's nothing to joke about.

- Who's joking?

Charming conversation she gave us just now

will show you what's on
her mind most of the time.

How a man like dad fell into that.

He's well-known in the
field of oceanography,

and her cute little title for
me in company is fish stock.

Real dignity on her.

- I know how you feel, Richard,
but she's still his wife

and there's no way you can change that.

- If he could only see her
for what she really is,

two-timing, cheating--
- Hey, are you gonna let her

ruin our whole day?

I thought we were going swimming.

- You're right, come on.

It's amazing, every time she sees me

she's just got to bug me.

- Of course, she knows
just how to get you mad.

and you haven't sense enough

to realize that she's doing it on purpose.

You're not terribly bright, are you?

You know, I really don't
know what I see in you.

- Oh, is that so?

- Yeah, it is.

(water splashing)

- Pretty fancy, but watch this.

- Hey Rich, hi Janie.
- Hi, Mark.

- Come on in, Mark, the water's great.

- Oh, I can't, Vicky's coming
over to pose this afternoon,

she'll be here any minute.

- Not this minute, she just left

for a swim down at the beach.

- Oh?
- She'll be gone

at least an hour, come
in for a swim, Mark.

It'll do your leg good.

- No no, I can't, maybe later.

- Come on, Mark it won't
hurt you to get wet.

- Oh come on, cut it out
Rich, that isn't funny.

- Hey Mark, he's only kidding.

- Oh, sorry.

Kind of edgy today, I guess.

I just left Bunny's folks',

I took over that statue I showed you.

- Well, how'd they like it?
- Oh fine,

but they're taking it pretty hard.

Police can't give 'em much information,

still no clue as to who killed her.

And Bunny's dad is really upset.

You wouldn't believe what
he thinks of the Sheriff.

- Well, you can't blame him,

the whole thing gives me the creeps.

I feel so horrible.

- What gets me is we were all so close,

he couldn't do anything.

If only she could have
screamed to let us know

she was in trouble, maybe we
could have reached her in time.

- Well, her parents
don't blame any of you.

They understand.

I guess we just have to
leave it up to the police

and see what they find out.

- Yeah, I guess so.

- Hey, you two are supposed
to be swimmers, so swim.

(water splashing)

- Hey, so it's alright for you

to throw me in the pool, huh?

- You're the water lover
around here, sport, not me.

- Okay now, Tarzan.

- That's right, you Tarzan, her Jane.

- Oh, you big.

- Hey, I better get out of
here before I get killed,

I'll see you later.

- You know, he's really a good
guy, but I worry about him.

He spends too much time by himself.

- You're gonna be by yourself
if you don't watch out.

You never pay any attention to me.

Oh, wow.

- Okay, Esther Williams,
you're pretty fancy,

but watch this.

Watch close now.

This is the kind of dive
you won't see every day.

- I can believe that.

(water splashing)

(Jane laughing)

(waves crashing)

(bright music)

(foreboding music)

(bright music)

- Hi, am I late?

- Only about an hour and
a half, where were you?

- I thought I'd take a swim.

- Well you're here now,
shall we get started?

- Don't be so grumpy darling, I'm ready.

- In the wrong position.

- You know, you artists fascinate me,

you're so different from other men.

- Ain't it always?

Men are men.

- Before I married Otto, I
had a lot of friends, all men,

of course, they're so much
easier to get along with.

- You keep moving.

- But now I don't have
any friends anymore.

I'll bet you know what
it's like to be lonely.

You do understand.

Ooh, you really are lonely, aren't you?

- Please, Vicky.
- Oh Mark,

don't you think we've run this
little game into the ground?

- But Vicky.
- But Vicky what?

Did you think I'd make love to a cripple?

Be grateful for a small favors, Mark.

(suspenseful music)

- I could kill her, I could kill her!

(bright music)

- Dad should be out of
the lab any minute now.

Thanks for coming along.

Got a feeling he's gonna lecture
me, I'm not up to it today.

- Oh, here comes big daddy now.

- Thanks for picking me up.

Well, Mark, how'd it go
at the doctor's today?

- About the same, still
no feeling in the leg.

- I keep telling him he should
be giving it more exercise.

Why don't you come
swimming with us tonight?

Work it out a little.

- Swimming?

I thought you said you'd come back

to the lab with me after dinner.

- I'm sorry, Dad.

Janie and I are going to a big party

down on the beach tonight,

I should have checked with her sooner.

- Check with Jane, what about your work?

How much longer do you think

I can make excuses for you at the lab?

- I want to talk to you
about that, but not now.

- [Otto] Why not?

- Mark knows how I feel, we
can talk in front of him.

- It's got nothing to do with Mark.

I'm not so sure.

You weren't like this before the accident.

Look, I spent years and money building up

a reputation for you to follow it.

Now look, son, what are you thinking of?

- Dad, look out.

I've had enough accidents for a while.

- I'm sorry, but you're driving me crazy

with this I don't care attitude of yours.

Richard, what are you going to do?

- Rich, pull over here.

We're almost home, I can walk back,

then you and your dad can talk it out.

- Buddy, what kind of a friend are you?

- Mark's right, let him out.

We're going to talk this out right now.

- You said I needed
the exercise, remember?

So long.

- All right Dad, now hear me
out without interrupting, okay?

- Okay.

- While I was in the hospital,

I realized how close Mark
and I came to being killed.

You know, they say your whole
life flashes before you,

well mine did.

Dad, ever since high school and college,

all I've done is study and work.

We never did take those
vacations we talked about.

We spent them all in the lab.

- I thought you liked the work

we did together, enjoyed oceanography.

- I did, I do, but I
want a little vacation.

I want to find out about
the other things in life.

Dad, I want to play a little.

- Play, good lord Richard,
there's more to life than play.

It's a serious business.

Now, these past few months are lost,

you can never get them back again.

- I don't want them back,

I wouldn't give up what
I found for anything.

- And what have you found?

That you can swim in the ocean on a board?

Do you think those beach
friends will help your career?

Or do you expect me to
finance your playtime forever?

- I have the money mother left me,

if I'm too much of a burden for you.

(soft music)

- That's it, Richard,

I don't want to hear any more about it.

- Well, what's the fight about this time?

- Oh, my son prefers a
life of play to work.

- So, who doesn't?

- I won't allow it.

I will not stand by and see
him throw his life away.

It's for his own good,
I'll stop him somehow.

- Sure you will.

- Don't you care about
this, how it affects me?

- Frankly, Otto, I've had it up to here

with you and your precious son.

I don't care what you do with
him, just leave me alone.

- So that's what it's come to with us,

is there nothing left?

- We didn't have a heck of
a lot to start with, lover.

You got what you paid for,
there were no guarantees.

- Oh Vicky, can't we.

- We can't anything, can't you
get that through your head?

(dramatic music)

(glass shattering)

(waves crashing)

("Dance Baby Dance" by Frank Sinatra Jr.)

- Vicky?

Oh, Vicky?

(energetic music)

- What did you want?

- Don't you feel anything for me anymore?

(soft music)

- Otto, we've been married five years,

the honeymoon's over.

- Not for me, it isn't.

- Otto, stop it.

- Vicky, I love you very much.

- You love your son and a stupid fish.

- But you knew that five years ago.

- For months on end you've
left me alone in this house,

you and Richard tied to that lab of yours.

Well, if you really loved me,

you would have taken me out,

gone on trips, 100 things
married people do together,

not use me when it was convenient for you.

- How can you say that?

I have given you everything
you've ever asked for.

- There are some things
even money can't buy.

- Oh please, darling,
let's start all over again.

You've always wanted to go
to Europe, we can see Paris.

- It's too late, Otto,
can't you understand?

It's too late.

- Vicky, we can't go on like this.

Can't you even try to make a new start?

- Yes, I'd like a new start away from you.

- I won't let you go, Vicky.

- Do you think you could stop me?

How, how Otto?

- You're mine, and I
keep what's mine always.

- Always is a long time.

I wouldn't count on it.

- Vicky, you're a, oh what's the use?

(mellow music)

(rotary spinning)

- Hello, Pa?

This is Vicky.

I can't wait to see you, either, darling.

It has been a long time.

Well, I'm ready now.

No, no trouble at all,

I'll just tell him I'm
going out with the girls.

Okay, Malibu Sheraton,
about a half an hour.

Okay, now don't be late.

Okay, bye.

- Oh Vicky, come here.

- What is it, darling?

- Where do you think you're going?

- I'm going out with the girls.

- You've got a date, haven't you?

- Why Otto, you do surprise me.

- Vicky, I don't want
you going out tonight.

There's a killer loose around the beach.

- A killer?

Oh really, Otto, that's
reaching, even for you.

Ta ta.

(energetic music)

(group cheering)

("Dance Baby Dance" by Frank Sinatra Jr.)

- Oh, Tommy.

- Oh, Richard.

- Hey Rich?
- Yeah?

- [Girl] Play that new song, will ya?

- Which one is that?

- More Than Wanting You.

- Sure.

("More Than Wanting You")

♪ It's much more than
my just wanting you ♪

♪ And it's more than my just having you ♪

♪ Can't you see we were meant to be ♪

♪ Lovers now and forevermore ♪

♪ When I look into your eyes, my love ♪

♪ I see all that I've been dreaming of ♪

♪ And I know the time has come ♪

♪ For us to be one ♪

♪ So won't you be mine ♪

♪ It is true that I have roamed the seas ♪

♪ Till I thought it was my destiny ♪

♪ To spend my life alone ♪

♪ Without a love of my own ♪

♪ It's much more than
my just wanting you ♪

♪ And it's more than my just having you ♪

♪ Can't you see that we were meant to be ♪

♪ Lovers now and forevermore ♪

♪ But now I no longer feel alone ♪

♪ For I found a love that lovers know ♪

♪ And I'll never let
you go out of my arms ♪

♪ Ever, my love ♪

♪ Now you are mine ♪

♪ Ever, my love ♪

(group applauding)

- Lola!

- Oh, like the man at Kingsley?

- I am leaving the
premises, I am cutting out.

- Why?

- There's creepy creatures going on,

there's monsters around.

- Oh, I scared.

- There's a monster in the surf.

- Oh yeah?

- Yeah.

You got a.

♪ Monster in the surf ♪

♪ Yeah yeah yeah ♪

♪ You got a monster in the surf ♪

♪ Yeah yeah yeah ♪

♪ You got a monster in the surf ♪

♪ Yeah yeah yeah ♪

♪ You got a monster in the surf ♪

♪ Yeah yeah yeah ♪

- Everybody's sleepin'.

♪ Monster come a'creepin' ♪

♪ Yeah yeah yeah ♪

♪ Yeah yeah yeah ♪

♪ You got a monster in the surf ♪

♪ Yeah yeah yeah ♪

♪ You got a monster in the surf ♪

♪ Yeah yeah yeah ♪

♪ He tries to drive a Woody ♪

♪ But he ain't no goodie ♪

♪ Yeah yeah yeah ♪

♪ Yeah yeah yeah ♪

♪ He's got one big flipper ♪

♪ Thought it was a claw ♪

♪ It ain't a Watusi ♪

♪ It's your mother-in-law ♪

♪ Yeah yeah yeah ♪

♪ Yeah yeah yeah ♪

♪ It's got one big eye ♪

♪ I thought it had two ♪

♪ It got enough eyes
that it gonna get you ♪

(Jane screaming)

♪ Yeah yeah yeah ♪

♪ Yeah yeah yeah ♪

♪ It may come now ♪

♪ And it may then ♪

♪ Look out, there, he's hangin' 10 ♪

♪ Yeah yeah yeah ♪

♪ Yeah yeah yeah ♪

♪ Yeah yeah yeah ♪

♪ Yeah yeah yeah ♪

(group cheering)

- Let's check the action down the beach.

- Hey, let's hit the surf.

- I got no surfboard, let's go home.

- Oh Tom, I left my
things up in the blanket,

could you get it for me?

- Oh, you'd forget your
head if it wasn't attached.

(waves crashing)

(Jane giggling)

(ominous music)

(suspenseful music)

- Richard, Rich help!

(Jane giggling)

Richard, help!

(girl screaming)

- You killed him, you monster.

Mark killed him, I saw it.

- Rich, it's not true,
why should I kill Tom?

It was some kind of a monster,

a crazy-looking thing with a big fish head

and some kind of a claw.

- Mark, wait a minute.

A monster here on the beach?

- Look, he's all clawed
up just like Bunny was.

- We'd better call the Sheriff.

- Richard, you can't
believe that I did it.

- I'll call the Sheriff.

Brad, watch things, will ya?

- You bet I will.

(girl sobbing)

(siren wailing)

- When did this happen?

- Just before I called
you, 20 or 30 minutes ago.

- Somebody's sure got it in
for you kids, this makes two.

- You think there's a connection

between Bunny's death and Tom's?

- Nobody else decided
a monster, did you say?

- I know it sounds crazy but
I swear that's what I saw.

You've got to believe me.

I was walking down the beach

when I saw Tom struggling
with this, this thing.

I called to you, but you didn't hear me.

By the time I reached Tom, he
was lying on the blanket dead.

- Well what happened to
this thing, this monster?

- It ran away.

I tried to follow, but it was too late.

- There's your monster.

I saw him killing Tom, killing Tom.

You did it, you, you, you!

- Easy now, take it easy.

- She's crazy, she's wrong, Sheriff.

- We'll go down to the station.

And you, young lady, can
make a written statement

of what you've seen.

- Are you arresting Mark, Sheriff?

- Not for the moment, I
just want his statement.

This young lady's made a serious charge,

I've got to look into it.

(bright music)

Scott, stay here with the body

till the ambulance comes, will ya?

I want pics of this whole area
for the boys down at the lab.

You kids get some clothes on

and move down to the station,

I might as well get all
these statements at once.

- Sue's pretty upset,
does she have to come now?

- She'll be all right,

the doctor at the station
will give her a sedative.

Scott, stop him.

(gun firing)

(girl screaming)

He's out of range, it's no use.

So your friend saw a monster, eh?

- Looks bad, Sheriff, but I
can't believe he'd kill anyone.

I know Mark.

- Well, somebody's out after you kids

and right now he gets my vote.

- Oh, thanks for the
wonderful evening, Paul.

Just like old times.

I'll call you soon, bye.

(door slamming)

(engine revving)

(romantic music)

(chimes jangling)



(ominous music)



It's Vicky.


Is that you, Mark?

(Vicky screaming)

(suspenseful music)

(crickets chirping)

(foreboding music)

- Hey, take it easy, it's my
car you're driving, remember?

- Don't worry.

You know, that's the first time

I was ever in a police station.

All those questions.
- I know what you mean,

they made me feel guilty.

I sure wish I knew where Mark was.

- Richard, do you think
the Sheriff was right?

That the same person that
killed Bunny killed Tom?

- What if Mark's right?

What if it isn't a person at all,

some kind of a sea monster?

- Oh, that's a scary thought.

I don't think I'll ever go
down on that beach again.

- Not till the killer is caught, anyway.

You know, Dad and I were
working on mutations

at the lab a few months ago

and Dr. Schiller in Switzerland

put out a paper on the same thing.

Seems that by certain
radioactivity in KCl beams,

he grew a turtle to three
times its normal size.

- Do you really believe Mark's story?

- Mark's not a liar.

He had no earthly reason
to kill Tom or Bunny.

The only thing the Sheriff has
on him is Sue's accusation.

He wasn't even on the beach
when Bunny was killed.

- Well, we didn't see him anyway.

- No, it's not Mark.

I had a very funny feeling about all this.

Why hasn't anyone else seen the killer?

Why has it struck only one of our group?

What could it possibly have against us?

What if the killer's someone we know?

- Maybe it's something about the area.

Listen Janie, both killings
occurred in the same place

right on the beach below my house.

- [Jane] What's your
house got to do with it?

- Not the house but the area.

What if there's some place for the killer

to return to to hide in waiting?

That rock cave, for instance.

- Hey, where are you going?

- Taking you home and I'm going back

to the beach and look around.

- Oh no you don't, I'm going with you.

- You're not, it might be dangerous.

- Well, then I'm definitely not

gonna let you go down there alone.

I'm going with you and that's that.

(waves crashing)

(ominous music)

What are we looking for?

- I don't know, something that
shouldn't be here, I guess.

- Well, the Sheriff's men
have been all over the sand

and they haven't found anything.

- Wait here, Jenny.

I'll just be a minute.
- Okay, be careful.

(somber music)

(cat hissing)

- I guess I was wrong,
couldn't find a thing.

I was so sure there was
something about this place.

- Oh, let's get out of here,

this whole place gives me the creeps.

- We'll go to my house and
make you some hot coffee.

Guess I'm not a detective, after all.

I'll have to find
another way to help Mark.

(energetic music)

(frantic music)

(Jane screaming)

- Dad!


(suspenseful music)

(sirens wailing)

Come on.

- It's Richard's father,
he just killed Mark.

- You've gotta stop him,
Sheriff, I think he's gone mad.

- Take it easy, son, we'll stop him.

- Hurry, Sheriff, he's getting away!

- No he won't.

Car 127, Car 127,

this is Sheriff Michaels here, come in.

- Car 127 reporting, Scott here, over.

- All right, Scott, be
on the lookout for a, uh,

was he in that white
MG that just took out?

- He must have taken Janie's car.

- Scott, it's a white MG convertible.

He should be passing you on
the Hill Road just about now.

Apprehend immediately,
but use extreme caution.

It's our beach killer.

- I just picked him up,

he's turning into the Tri Canyon Road.

I'll continue the chase until
further instructions, over.

- Good, stay with him.

I'll get the other
canyons covered up, 10-4.

Boxed himself in.

Attention all units, attention all units

in a Tri Canyon Road area,
Sheriff Michaels here.

Be on the lookout for
a white MG convertible,

cover Malibu Canyon Road.

I'll cover the cliff mountain road myself.

Report immediately as soon
as vehicle is sighted, 10-4.

All right, kids, let's go.

(sirens wailing)

(dramatic music)

- Why did he do it, Sheriff?

I'm afraid he thought
he was doing it for you.

- For me?
- That's right.

- Sheriff Michaels,
calling Sheriff Michaels,

Car 127 reporting, come in please, over.

- Michaels here, go ahead Scott, over.

- Suspect now turning
into cliff mountain road.

You should sight him any minute now.

I got him, Scott, okay 10-4.

(tires squealing)

- Can't you go faster, Sheriff?

- Whoa kid, relax, he's not getting away.

(tires screeching)

- He must be insane.

(Otto screaming)

(car crashing)

(car exploding)

- Can't you catch him, Sheriff?

- Hold on!
(Jane screaming)

(tires squealing)

- I guess we lost him.

- Look back there, Sheriff,

he must have gone over the cliff.

- You're right, come on.

(upbeat music)

- I'm going down there.
- It's no use,

you couldn't get within
50 yards of that car.