The Battle of Sutjeska (1973) - full transcript

The Battle of Sutjeska known as ''Fifth offensive'' is the hardest, most tragic and the greatest battle that was led Yugoslav Partisans in World War II. Chaos, hell, fates, suffering, heroic deaths and all the tragedy of Sutjeska is a one poetic way and at the same time on one tragically way described in this phenomenal movie. This movie, was made for the 30th anniversary of the battle is also the most expensive movie in the history of Yugoslav cinema.

In 1943, the most dramatic
year of World War II,

big battles are constantly unrolling
on all the fronts.

The Red Army is quickly
advancing towards the west.

General Rommel is swiftly retreating
on the African front

before the allied forces.

The doors are opening wide open
for the invasion

into Hitler's European

On the Balkan battlefield,

after the fiasco of the forth
Fascist offensive,

the initiative is passing over to
Tito's partisans.

The national liberation army
of Yugoslavia

headed by the supreme command
and Tito

is creating a new, liberated

Convinced that the allies would
land right on the Balkans,

Hitler orders his two generals
von Löhr and Lüters

a new offensive against
the partisan forces.

Because of the critical conditions
on the fronts

and to prepare the forces for
future battles

in the Balkan and in Europe,
it is necessary at any cost

to deal a lethal blow to the
Yugoslav partisans

and once and for all eliminate the
dangerous Balkan battlefield.

Therefor we must immediately surround
and destroy the partisan

combat units and
their leader Tito.

The Party is Hitler
and Hitler is Germany.

And based on the number of people and military
equipment involved

the biggest operation called