The Avenging Fist (2001) - full transcript

A futuristic research compound develops a new police tool called the Power Glove. Supposedly, it gives the wearer incredible powers by letting him tap into the 'unused 80%' of his mental potential. It turns out that the glove also enables the wearer to take over the minds of others, and one unbalanced police volunteer tries to use this to stage a coup. In the end, one of the three test cops is killed, another survives to stay on the force, and the rogue cop makes his escape. 20 years later, the dead officer's son gives away his identity by using his father's personal martial arts technique in a fighting competition, thus drawing the attention of both the remaining good and evil supercops. The kids and the old guys must then start getting ready for a multi-generational final battle of good vs. evil. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
The mechanism of the human
brain is amazing and mysterious

Out of hundreds
of millions of brain cells

Human could only exercise
less than ten percent of them.

And the remaining 90%
that have always been dormant

Is known as the Forbidden Zone.

At last

Man could bear the temptation no more

They strove to seek access to the Zone.

3 years after the treaty
of global abolition of weapons

One hundred selected
policemen participated in developing.

The police defensive
device The Power Glove experiment,

Making use of biochemical technology,
the experiment was aimed at

Releasing energy from the Forbidden Zone.


The experiment was
aborted with unknown reasons ...

To ensure safety of
your personal life and property,

According to
the Federal Government Security Decree

And Anti-violence Code number 628,

Civilians are forbidden to carry

or possess any ammunition or weapon.

Once found,

police will treat
the owner as highly dangerous personnel.

Hi everybody,
today the air pollution index is black;

And the UV index is also black.

You are advised to take
all precautions to avoid sun-burnt.

Lastly, let us remind you that

The Observatory forecasts
that an unusually bright moon

Will appear next Friday night,
7th of July on the Lunar Calendar.

Once again, you can all expect to enjoy

An exceptionally beautiful
moonlit night on that evening.

Slow down? Wait for me!

Excuse me? Get out of my way!


Where are you? What took you so long?

It has already
started long time ago! Harder!

I'm coming!
I almost broke the cyber bike!

you guys have fun, I will be there soon

Nova, not so fast! There're cops ahead.

Warning: there is a grav-way.

Reduce speed now, or face prosecution!

Bit me!

Warning: Reduce speed now!

Digital color on lips.
You'll fall in love with it!

More?! Let's go, the cops are after us!

Let's go! I am not waiting for you!

Hey what took you two so long!

You are so very late.

Why are you so late?

It's all your fault!

You put my bike in such bad shape.

The long-haired guy
is bound to lose. Don't worry about it.

What do you know? He is the most favorite

Won seven matches,
now in for eight-time consecutive championship

I am betting on him to win.

Yes! Won!

Time to collect our money ...

Let's go!

Iron-surfer wants to be
nine-times consecutive champion

Who wants to take him out?

It seems no one dare to challenge him,

is he to be a champion again?

What's up with you?

Are you still scared?
Your hand is shaking.

My hand is itching for a good fight.
Get him!

Look at this Hippie,

To beat him up or
be beaten by him will be just as cool.

You want to fight?

No, I promised Aunt Wing I wouldn't do it

Tell you what ... I will defeat him

And I will win enough money
to buy the Power Glove.

You won't stop me, will you?

Even if you really want to fight,
don't get too serious.

Otherwise Aunt Wing will know it ...

I don't like hitting people on the head,
neither do I want to be hit.

Now where are the fists?

Give it your best shot!

Don't think you can
save energy for the next match.

This is so fast!
It's faster than cyber bike!

Nova, don't get too serious!

Not bad! You can take a couple of punches

Way to go, Nova!

Good shot! We won!

My treat.

Sorry, I don't take cold drinks.

Try if it cold?

It's hot!

Quit flirting, Belle!

Collect our money.

Mind your own business.

Hi, Aunt Wing.

How angry do you think Mom is?

Let's test it out.

What is that?

Mood boy.

The music changes
according to a person's mood.

There's no need to be afraid!

Don't fret.


What are you doing?
You want to beat me up?

No, Aunt Wing, I'd never dare.

You taught us our fighting skills.

How can we compete with you?

Please don't move your hands.
Just your lips.

Okay, let me say this one more time!

Do not use The Avenging Fists!

You are saying that

The Avenging Fists is meant
for exercise and not for practice

So it means even if I use it,
nobody can tell.

It will be too late
if somebody finds out about it!

The Avenging Fists was created by Dad.
What is there to be afraid of?

If you can convince me,
I will do as you say.

I am your mother.

Convinced or not convinced,
you still have to do as I say!

No way!

You wouldn't even tell me how Dad died.

You never tell me anything.


Jazz and I have no relationship

But we never hide things from each other.

If you do not treat me like your son,

I don't know how to
treat you like my mother.


Mom. Nova misses Daddy, that's all.

Wait till he gets Power
Glove from the underground market,

he will be at ease.

Power Glove?

Power Glove? Only cops are
authorized to use Power Glove.

What do you want them for?

You are ready to stir trouble again?

Dad has one.

I want one too.

You can stop me
from doing a lot of things.

But you can't
stop me from missing my Dad.

that's enough! You want some beating?

Just shut up, okay?

Please be quiet.

Even if you get Power Glove,
it will be useless to you!

Jazz, watch him for me.


Don't let him get into trouble again!


Aunt Wing must have good reason
for not telling you something.

Don't keep pressurizing her ...

Nova, your father is a cop.

I have my duties to do,
that's why I cannot always be with you.

I can't even be there at your birth.

So I am leaving you

the basic
techniques for The Avenging Fists.

So you can follow practise.
My son, watch this!

Practise well.

The Avenging Fists
might help me protect your mom

And you and your sister.

Goodbye, Nova.

How I wish I could hug you for a while.


Dad, don't go!


What a coincidence!

How about another match? Let me know when

You guys don't need to
fight every single time you hang out.

You can hang out for
entertainment like racing Cyber Bike.

Hey, don't fight!

What is that drink there?
Give us three glasses.

We only sell pure oxygen and alcohol

If you want Earthquake ...

Don't look!

You can tell those are no good guys

Staring for long will only
mess yourself up. Now look at me.

But what is there to see on you?

Hey, what is Earthquake?

First kiss?!

Let's go. Go ...

Why rush?
Sing and Kit aren't even here yet.

No, I have a feeling that this place ...

... is trouble-prone, I can smell it.

I promised Aunt Wing
I will take care of you.

Let's go ... Wait.

he wants to have a good talk with you.

can I borrow your phone for a while?

Mine just ran out of battery.

Is yours on vibration mode?
It is shaking bad!

I haven't.


Oh yes, I forgot to tell you.

You looked real cool in the rink.


Sing, you coming?

Stop messing with it. That can wait!

Come quick.

What are you doing?

Look at that smile
those dimples! Are you flirting?

Those guys are not coming.
You talk to them.

Not coming. Right, forget it!

What are you doing?

Sorry, I hung up on an impulse.

Does that hurt?

If you want to use a phone, use mine.

Some people don't care about hygiene;
they have dirty fingers.

What do you mean by dirty?
You think you are very hygienic?

The nails are black, look.

You danced quite well just now.

I'll bet you are thirsty.

I will treat you to a drink.

Who cares about your treat?
Do I know you?

We just danced together.

That's right. The dance is over.


That is so cool, I'm in!

What are you doing, you want a fight?

Somebody put Earthquake in her glass,
look at her.

Don't fight, don't fight.

Stop fighting!

You want to fight?

Do you really want to fight?

Fight with me!

Take them all!

Quick, split!
We can't let Aunt Wing know about this.

You are disgusting;
get your hands off me!


Don't utter a sound when we're there.

If wake my mom up,
we will both be in trouble.

Nova, is that you?


See, you have shaken out trouble

Left ... right ...

Still practicing at this hour?

I'm okay, mom.

This girl was walking on the street ...

At night ... and she is afraid ...

So she wants
to learn some defensive technique.

Tell her not to shake side to side.

Lift the fists, want me to show her?

No, no need.

Don't move the head!

That is some progress, one more time.

You want some beating

Don't be so hard on her.

You got to have patience, take it easy.

How about that?

Are you faking dead?

Look, you can't even stand a single punch

Take your time, make it easy on her.

Good night.

You really passed out?

Don't shake anymore.

Don't you shake any more.

Let me tell you ...

Ask her not to keep bouncing

Do you need my help?

No Mom, No.

You little brat!

Hey, get up! Get on your feet!

Even I haven't tried it yet,how dare you?

I am going to call the cops!

Get her!

Get her? You still won't leave her alone?

I am calling the cops!

Miss, I don't think it is necessary.

You can give him a good beating.

And let out your anger.

Where do you want to hit? I will help you

Good, you go ahead and call the cops.

If I hadn't held you down last night.

You could have killed yourself
banging your head on the floor.

I thought I liked you before,
now you look disgusting.

your clothes are not even messed up.

You don't think
it is just a misunderstanding?

That's right, Miss.

On the one hand, Nova never lies.

And on the other,
you clothes look really tidy.

You even have an extra top on.

Think about it.
It might be a misunderstanding

That's right, everybody
can see it is only a misunderstanding.

Why are you two so late?

She wanted to go
back to look for lron-surfer

After all he had help us.

But when we got back,
we saw the cops taking him away.

We didn't have
enough money to bail him out.

So we came back
o see if you can do something.

Me? What can I do?

So what can we do now?

Take me to the police station.

I thought we settled it already,

why the police again?

What do you want from us?

Don't you want to bail your friend out?

Is that your friend?

You guys are all set.

Are you alright?

You don't need to thank us.

She bailed you out with her money.

Don't thank me.
From now on we don't know each other.

What a coincidence.

Next Monday is our birthday,
mine and Nova's.

Come and join our party.

Give me the data of those kids.

Practise well.

May be this leg-work kung fu
can protect you for me.


How I wish I could
hug you with my own hands.

Are you done yet?

We will name this fighting art
The Avenging Fists, what do you think?

Feel this.

Thunder ...

I'm Dark.

I am just a little fatter.
Don't you recognize me?

I have met your kids.

If you dare say a word to them,

I will kill you!

Why do you let your
son practise The Avenging Fists?

I thought you lived
in hiding for the last 20 years

So that your kids
could lead a normal life.

The worst thing your husband had done

was to invent The Avenging Fists.

So that is why you killed him?

You killed your best friend.

Did you ever have
bad dreams in the last 20 years?

But at least,
I can see you have been eating well.

I just don't want the Avenging Fists
to end up in other people's hands.

Twenty years ago,
I had to make that punch.

I have kept this for 20 years.

Give this to Nova for me.

Then tell him his father's story.

The new millennium,
the new government of Combat 21

This is Republic Region.

I will inject in you
multi-beast genetic treatment.

By that time, you will all be like him.

The most powerful
warrior in the Red Dragon Army!

Did Dark send you here?

He is dying to know
what I am doing in here?

You want me to show you?

Dark, my friend.

I am back in the Republic region.

Only this much?

I have given you so much time,

and this is all you could retrieve?

What are you thinking?

Think harder for me.

I want every move,
every stroke of The Avenging Fists.

How come there is

nothing in your brains?

Who did that?

A girl.

I want this girl, take her to me.

Sing, Kit, please don't stop, okay?

Help me fix the floaties.

I had problems accelerating,
how can I use it again?

You have problems accelerating.

Who asked you to race every night?

Why would I need such
an expensive one if I don't race?

I don't want to deal with you.
That must be Nova.

Happy Birthday, Nova!


It's you?

Why would a man like
you have nothing better to do?

I was fired.

Well, since you were fired
and have nothing to do, come in.

Come in, go to the bar.


Happy Birthday! Thanks!

Mr. Dimple ... was fired.

Really? Go get some drinks, go.

Do you have a plan?

Why don't you stay to teach boxing?

No ... I can't.

The overhead
for our school is very tight.

How can we afford to hire someone?

I don't think
Aunt Wing will agree to this.

I will talk to mom myself.

Before you get another job,

you can stay here.

We can't afford much money,
but we can afford hot drinks every day.

You haven't forgotten?

Why are you afraid of getting cold drinks

I am not afraid of it,
I simply hate anything cold.

When I was a kid ...

One winter,
when I woke up, I found that ...

Mom was holding me very tight.

But in fact, she was chilled to death.

How absent-minded!
She should have fixed the heating device.

There was no heating device in the street

I am sorry, I mean ...

Anyway, I am sorry.

I got to go now,
tell Nova I wish him a happy birthday.

See if this is warm enough.

I don't know why,

I could do this since childhood.

But I can assure you

From now on,
whatever I give you will be warm.

Stay, okay?

Hi everybody, the observatory
forecasts in the coming week

The ozone layer will still be thin.

And the UV Warning will still Black.

So let us remind you that

Even though we can see

a bright moon tonight

You are advised not to stay
in an open area for too long

In case it might be dangerous.

Today I want someone

To wish me happy bisthday.

I want ...


Meganova, Happy Birthday!

Thank you, Erika!

Did you know, Erika?

I really like you

Did you know, Erika? I really like you.

And ... you ...

You know why?

No? I will tell you why.

Because last time when
I was watching your commercial

I kissed you. Do you still remember?

The feeling was good.

And since then,

every time I see you on TV

My heart pounds madly.

Now I know how much I like you.

But now ...

I am beginning to dislike you.

I found a very disgusting person in you.

You are pretty but unconscientious.

More appropriately speaking, you are ...

Narrow-minded, brainless

Arrogant, ungenerous.

And you still haven't
wished me a Happy Birthday.

Yes, in fact you should be ...

More gentle.

You know why? Because ...

Because all men want

their women to be more gentle.

That's more like it.

I admit that
there was a moment when you were cute

Do you know when?

That's now.

If you are always a virtual commercial

Smiling so sweetly at me like now

I am sure I will love you forever.

But why are you so
long-winded in real person?

You even took Earthquake

And I took care of you,
but you said I took advantage of you.

You are not gentle at all!

Wish me Happy Birthday.

Happy Birthday!

Yes, that's right.

Let me tell you

Today is my birthday

And I heard that
the moon is going to be out.

That's why I
wish I could take you up there.

To see it.

And then when we are up there

You will gently wish me ...

Meganova, Happy Birthday.


How come you are here?

I was planning on
going to your birthday party.

Who would have thought
you came here by yourself ... what?

Wait ... wait a minute.

Are you not coming to my birthday party?

Then let's go together.

Don't drive too fast,
I don't want to hold you too tightly.

Here comes the cake!

Hand in hand? So sweet!

She's my girl now.

Happy Birthday.

Wonderful ...

Is that it?

Light it up again.

No more.

Why don't you have a go? You wish.


Happy Birthday!

Thanks Mom!

Thanks Mom!

This thing, I have to give you.

This present is something
I never wanted you to receive.

Power Glove

It is something your father left you.

About your father's story

I think it is time let you know.

This is definitely
the best birthday present!

Let's not keep talking

You two make a wish.


Jazz ..

Jazz! Jazz!

You okay? Get up!

You have forgotten about me?


Mom! Mom!

Jazz, you okay?

Put this on, go and save Belle.

Stop fighting, Nova!

He's dead! Nova ...

Stop it ...

Stop it ... he's dead.


I killed someone.

I killed someone

I killed someone ...

It's okay ...

Put her down!

Don't fight, don't fight anymore.


Mom, you are going to be fine.

I'll take you to the hospital

Put me down ... Mom!



Enter your dad's pc number

into The Avenging Fists' data disc.

Then look for
a police inspector called Dark

He will tell you
all about your Dad's story.


Mom ... don't ...

Mom, listen to me.

Mom ... I promise you

I won't fight again, I mean it.

Mom ...

That's ...

My ...

Boy ...

Promise me

Forgive your father.

He ... didn't know ...

What he was doing.

Promise me.

Did you hear me?

Did you hear me!

I heard you ...

I heard you!

The genes insides you

is an art of perfection.

You don't even need the Power Glove

And still you can
start up the energy of God.

What is your name?

You don't want to say it, that's okay.

Your past is no longer important.

Now you belong to me, did you know?

This is the first time
I think so important of a woman.

What's up?

Where am l?

I can't be here.

I have to go back!

You passed out you passed out just now!

Take it easy!

Where is Aunt Wing?

Why don't you save Aunt Wing?

Let's wait till you get well.
Don't do this!

I don't know!

You go find her!

Stop it! Leave him alone ...

Hold him up ... you get out.

Let wait till you get better, Jazz!

I will find her!

Go outside. Let him rest.

Pulse rate 120.

There are brain malfunction symptoms.


Who are you?

I am Senior Commander of
the Region's Police Division, Dark.

You have been suspected of murder.
You are under arrest.

The sky here used to be blue.

But I don't think you will have the chance to see

Since Year 2000

When men completely

decoded the human genome

Development in the genetic
project has soared beyond imagination.

Some say because
men have surpassed God's zone

God has abandoned men.

So the sky began
to grow darker and darker.

Ever heard of the Forbidden Zone?

Normal men could only
use one tenth of our brain cells.

The rest are always in a dormant state.

Scientists believe
that if these cells wake up

The energy
they can release is unbelievable.

That's why
it is known as the Forbidden Zone.

It is an area
locked up by God's own hands.

The Power Glove
can open up the Forbidden Zone?

Only its first generation could.

But there are only three in the world.

What the police is
using now is the second generation.

It is only muscles
empowered by biochemical electric current

Releasing energy that is more powerful than human

So my father's Power Glove
belongs to the first generation?

How did he die?

20 years ago

The Federal Government selected
100 elite fighters from the police troop

To join in a Power Glove experiment.

My best friend ...

Your father Thunder

and your mother were both in it.

The experiment was quite successful.

The Power Glove could effective trigger

40% of the brain cells in the forbidden zone.

I can still remember
the first time when I put them on.

I felt like God, not human anymore.

Shortly afterwards,
the third Power Glove fell

into the hands of Combat 21.

Then Combat 21 and Thunder started a coup

They destroyed all
the research data of Power Glove

Stole one and escaped with it.

Left with no choice

I had to strike at my best friend.


Only one man can claim the throne,
you are redundant.

You killed my father?!

Thunder was a combat genius.

He created The Avenging
Fists from ancient Chinese martial arts.

The power of the
Forbidden Zone plus The Avenging Fists

Worked like bullet and gun

The power was frightening.

That is Combat 21 had to get your father.

Is that your reason for killing him?

That is only one of the reasons.

There are a lot of
side-effects from using the Power Glove.

One of it being
an insatiable urge for killing.

One will experience
an uncontrollable deviation in the mind

That's why I believe a coup was
never what your father's intention.

He simply couldn't control himself.

Not long after,

Combat 21 established an underground army

The aim of which was to
overtake the present Federal Government.

You are a liar.

If Power Glove has side effects,

How come nothing ever happened to you?

Says who?

I had been very thin.

I am not in a mood for your jokes.

Neither am l.

There is one more
thing you will not believe.

20 years ago.

another experiment
was carried out simultaneously

Scientists resolved to use genes

To create a new genre in men.

that can exercise the Zone liberally

So they picked

your father's
spermatozoon for genetic transformation.


your mother did not want
you to become an experimental product

So she took both of you plus

The Avenging
Fists' data disc and hid away.

But you still
haven't learned how to use your power.

Up until now,
you will still need the Power Glove.

And ...

Your father is not dead.

I am not waiting anymore!
How much do you want?

Miss, Meganova
is suspected of first degree murder.

Without the judge's permission,
nobody can bail him out.

Then arrest me too.

Don't chase him!

Put a warrant on Meganova!

Yes, Sir!

Civilians are asked
to watch out for a man

Named Meganova, twenty years old,
suspected of first degree murder.

His father Thunder used to be
Senior Combat Coach for the police force.

Meganova had
inherited his father's combat skills

and therefore is
a highly dangerous personnel.

If any civilian knows his whereabouts

Please contact the police.

Your son?

That means ...

The genetic experiment
held 20 years ago actually succeeded.

How about a family reunion?

Nova, the Avenging Fist was originated

from the essence of Chinese
combat skills over the last 3000 years.

The moves were computerized,

restuctured and consummated
into this highly competent martial art.

Every move will reflect
the ultimate power of the human body.

The first four strokes are the basics.

of both defend and attack moves

The latter four are dynamic attack
moves the ultimate killer storkes.

If they are realized with the Power Glove

The power
liberated is dynamic and devastating.

Remember this, the ultimate
power of ancient Chinese combat skills

Lies not in hatred or wrath

But in love.

Moreover, every time the fighter uses it

He does it to defend his beloved.

The move just now is the last move
in the Avenging Fist the Wrath of Heaven.

The key of which lies in its own name.

Use it together with the Power Glove

And you can wipe
out the deadliest of devils.

I really want to know

What is inside
you that is different from me?

I really want to know

One who can actually
exercise the Forbidden Zone

How does it feel like?

I see you still not realized

the power of the Forbidden Zone.

One day, you will understand

That the power of strength is
equivalent to the pleasure of authority

I am not crazy like you.

How did you know I am crazy?

Dark told you that?

Don't be afraid.

I don't intend to hide anything from you.

I am not your enemy.

If not for me

He could still be an experimental
dummy of the Federal Government.

That's right, I forgot to tell you

The strongest
fighter in the police force then

Has become my dog

Your father Thunder.

What did you say? You are the dog!

He is not my father.

Heart-breaking, isn't it?

Are you beginning
to feel that he is your father?

Tell your son

Are you one of my dogs? Combat 21's dog.

Hold it! Stop fighting!

Now what?
You are beginning to believe me now.

Are you
interested in following his footstep

And be another dog of mine?

Combat 21, I will kill you!

I will!

If you have the ability to do so,
I will let you kill me.

This is the world for the fittest.

Only the fittest survive,
t is the law of nature.

Whoever the fiercest,
whoever is the boss.

Whoever that goes against me,
whoever is my enemy.

If you can defeat me,

you can have my power.

Then whatever you do will be right.

Even using live human

beings in experiments.

That is where
your father's tragedy came in.

And how
crazy people like me came into being.

But at least I treat you all as equals

You are equally my dogs.

When the time comes,

there will be no special rights,
hatred or tears.

No more ruthless genetic experiments.

Am I really crazy?

Or is this world crazier?

I see ...

You can only utilize

50% of the power of the Forbidden Zone.

Want to know what 100% of it looks like?

There is no rush,
just be good and be my dog.

An informant claims that the Red
Dragon Army is ready for a terrorist move

Their target is Republic Region.

Combat 21 knows you are here.

He will come for you.

Because you will be his only true enemy.

Kill him whenever you have the chance.

And save your father.

I am afraid you still haven't realized

The key to exercise the Forbidden Zone.

If the Red Dragon Army brain-washes you

BT38 might be able to help you.

After you have been brain-washed

It will
help restore your brain activities.

And retrieve your memory.

it has never been formally tested out.

No one knows the consequences of it.

Who is my father? Who is he?

He might be
the one who killed your mother.

Welcome to the century's greatest

DNA union ceremony.

Nova, save your sister!


She has already found her true man.

She will never leave me.

Don't you touch her!

Meganova, freeze him up!

Nova, save your sister!

Save your sister!

Nova, save your sister!


Nova, wake up!

he is the one that killed your mother!

You saw it with your own eyes!

Get up! Wake up!

And Jazz,
he is waiting for you in the hospital!

Get up!

Nova, save your sister!

Belle ...

Belle ...

What is Combat 21's intention?


All that Combat 21 is doing now

Is to express
his wrath for the government.

The people have
always loved the Federal Government

There is nothing that deserves his wrath.

There is. At least 20 years ago,

you didn't treat him like a human being.

Only a laboratory specimen.

You mean the Power Glove experiment?

Although the Power Glove can open up

the Forbidden Zone,

It has different side
effects on different people.

Combat 21's side effect is this.

The Power Glove is basically useless.

You were part of the experiment then too.

Apart from getting a little fat,
nothing is wrong with you.

If I tell you now

The Power Glove
lets me know when I am going to die.

Will you believe it?


One hour
fifty-four minutes and twenty seconds.

19; B18; B17 ...

You cannot
question the government in everything.

Don't forget
you belong to the disciplinary forces.

And don't you forget ...

All one hundred
police elites were human beings.

All with flesh and blood and brains.

All you trash in the old government,
listen up!

From this moment onwards, here has become

Combat 21's
laboratory for genetic experiment.

First it's the center of the city

20 years ago,
the old government used me as a specimen.

Today all civilians in Region 3

have become white
mice for Combat 21's laboratory.

All I have to do is move a finger

And the toxic gas

in the Republic Region will explode

Your only way out is to

take an oath

and be my civilians.

Combat 21, what exactly do you want?

Well, then let us talk.

I want 50% of the World's reserves.

Otherwise, in one hour's time,
Region 3 will become ...

Half our reserve? That's impossible!

Don't be stingy, the money is not ours.

Call the bank.

The government requests
to utilize the World's reserves

Quick, call!

Dark, if you want to get me

You will have to come to me by yourself.

Meganova is not up to it yet.

Meganova, your eyes have betrayed you.

The people that have been brain-washed

have no hatred or misery in their eyes.

Only loyalty.

Thunder, give your son a good lesson.

Iron-surfer, wake up.

It's Belle, can you hear me?


You almost gave up your life to save me.

I cannot let you give it up for me again.

Iron-surfer ...

Don't sleep anymore.

My only way to save you

is to open up
the Forbidden Zone inside you.

And release the power hidden inside.

No, you will die if you do that.

I will not die.

I will live in your heart forever.


The Red Dragon Army only needs useful men

Civilians please leave the subway station

Joining the Red Dragon Army
is definitely not a solution.

Leave now!

Whoever that kills a cop

will become an honorary citizen of

Combat 21's new government.

Hit him, hit him!

Stop! Stop it!

You okay?

Go to hell!

I killed a cop!

I want to join the Red Dragon Army!

Get on the bike!

You are very heavy!

Give this to Nova.

Where are you going?

Combat 21 wants to see me.

Or he will never show his headquarters.

But ... can you make it?

It won't take long.

Remember this, you have to find Nova.

Hit him back for me.

I can't, he is my father.

Who gave you this?

Dark gave me this, and this.

Sorry, your account has been frozen.

I have no money.

Transfer accepted,
virtual projection service commences

Nova, your father is a cop.

I have duties to fulfill,
that is why I cannot always be with you.

I cannot even be there at your birth.

Therefore I am leaving you

the basic
techniques of The Avenging Fists.

You should practise well.

Is he really your father?

He has been brain-washed.

He doesn't know who I am.

Dad! Dad!

Dad! Don't do this! Dad ...

Dad! Wake up! What are you doing?

Dad ... Please don't!

Listen to me, I am your son!

Dad! Don't do this!
You have already killed mom.

I won't let you keep doing wrong!

Dad ...

Nova, your mother's death ...

That's not important, you are my father

Don't leave me!


The biggest power of The Avenging Fists

Comes not from vengeance or wrath

But from love.


You have to ...

Protect the ones you love most.


Dad ...

Dad don't leave me.

It's been a long time.
You have grown fat.

I can't even recognize you now.

Not like you,
I don't think of evil deeds.

So naturally, I eat well and sleep well.

You think you can kill me?

Even if I can't,
I have no other alternative.

No matter what, I will have to try once.

15 tons of toxic
gas are hidden underground here.

They will explode by 12 midnight tonight.

If you kill me,
you will still stand a chance

Do you know who set you up?

It's the good civilians and government

that you have been protecting.

If you weren't wounded

May be you can still run.

Why are you still loyal to them?

It is not loyalty to any body.

But I regret for
not killing you twenty years ago.

Dark, everybody is afraid to die,
give it up.

I will turn you into any Thunder

No happiness, hatred or misery.

By that time, you will
understand the happiness of being.

I'm not afraid to die.

This is the fact.

Power Glove is no use to me anymore.

Why not be another dog of mine,

just like him?

Combat 21 !

Just in time

There is still time
for me to say my last words.

Are you okay?

The Power Glove
has been wasting my life energy.

Now at last, it has come to an end.

Iron-surfer, are you afraid to die?

Put the glove on.

If you don't die,
then you can help Nova kill Combat 21.

But over-using
the power of the Forbidden Zone

will kill you too.

Are you afraid of dying?

Iron-surfer, put this on.

Tell me, are you afraid of dying?

I am.

But still, I have to fight.

I get no satisfaction fighting with you

Is that all the power you have?

Come here

Kill me.

Let me know
there is still somebody able to kill me.

Let me know
I don't deserve to own this world.

Come, Meganova.

Until now, you can only use

70% of the energy of the Forbidden Zone.

I am very disappointed with you.

You don't deserve to kill me.

You don't deserve
to kill somebody that can use

100% of the power of the Forbidden Zone.

No, I am not human.

I am God, I am God!

Vanish, Meganova.

Combat 21

I can hear my sister's voice.

Nova, I have already
mingled with lron-surfer forever.

We will never be separated.


Nova, this is no time for tears.

Listen up, wrath is not the strongest
energy of The Avenging Fists.

Then what is it? What is it?

Daddy said

that the secret
of the move God-rage lies in its name.


God has to be angry.

Because men have to

destroy all his creations.

That's right.

Protect the ones you love.

Protect this
land that we have been raised upon.

This did not come from wrath

But from love.

Dark had once said

the Forbidden Zone will lead to death.

Are you afraid of death?


But still I have to fight!

Combat 21's Forbidden Zone

has been totally opened up.

There is not much time left.

You have
connected yourselves to each other.

Nova, as long as
you have God's wrath inside you.

Iron-surfer can also make the same move.

Power released by
the Glove is never like power released

from truly
triggering off the forbidden zone.




Remember this, Nova

The ultimate
power of ancient Chinese combat skills

Lies not in hatred or wrath, but in love.

In protecting one's true love ...

Fighting for my true love ...

Protect the ones you love.

Protect this land
that we have been raised upon.

This did not
come from wrath, but from love.

